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I made this shirt! And about 10 others! I wear them all the time!


How do you deal with Door-knockers?
Stilltrying1964 comments on Aug 11, 2018:
I will talk your ear off. I will tell you my entire life history. I will give you every reason that I do not any longer believe in a god. I give everybody who is still a Believer every opportunity to try to convince me that there is a god but I have to have evidence and that's why I'm agnostic and not a true atheist. Usually they will just get tired of talking and leave. I really enjoy those conversations. I haven't had one for 6 months. Maybe I'm on a list of "Do not visit this guy's house anymore!"
Having a discussion on another social site about the bible.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Aug 10, 2018:
I have exactly the opposite stance. Science has been able to give possible explanations of the 10 scourges or however those events were labeled. The deaths of the eldest sons were likely because of rats contaminating stored grains. The eldest son got double portions so he died first. The parting of the red sea has been shown to be a naturally occurring event due to cross winds exposing shallowly inundated land. The only PROOF of a god will come in the form of "God" showing up to tell everyone he exists and stop killing each other.
For those of you with children, how do you address the issue of your belief system?
Stilltrying1964 comments on Aug 10, 2018:
It depends on how old the children are answer honestly he really existed but I couldn't swear to the fact that he's actually the son of a god and you know why. End of answer begin discussion. I have always been very honest with my daughter who was raised mostly by her Christian mother about my religious belief system and she actually is agnostic now too. Some of the things the Bible says are actually true. If you bring your children up in the ways of the Bible they will act like that if you bring them up in the ways of the Quran they will act like that if you just bring them up to question everything and be a good person and have good character then they'll act like that. I don't like things about the Bible that create homophobia, mistrust and Division. I always had a hard time believing my gay friends were condemned to go to hell because they were gay that is absurd that a God would create people only to condemn them and send them to hell. Then of course the Koran I suppose commands its followers to throw gays off of a high place so if you're gay over there they will throw you off of a 10-story building and let you splat on the ground. It's amazing that people don't understand their own religion, which are supposed to generate peace love and understanding. I find it much easier to live without religion. I don't understand why their religions would tell them to do such bad things in the first place like stoning people for adultery or you know throwing gays off of high places you know where is the love in that? What are they afraid of? I could go on and on.
Time Sensitive! I need some advice! I met a cute guy on Wednesday who seemed into me.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Aug 10, 2018:
You just met him. I would not ask another question until he responds to the current question. You may scare him away with too many questions and too much pressure when you just met him. If you want his attention stop trying so hard. Don't make yourself too available.
My dads entire life he was an Atheist.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Aug 9, 2018:
I wouldn't sweat it if they didn't hurt him during the baptism then they may as well have been having a birthday party or a Halloween party and you know bobbing for apples would have got him wet too. No harm no foul. You can think of it as being just for her, but religious people feel compelled to do these things for their salvation and the other person's salvation. I've never understood the idea of fearing a god who is supposed to love us but shows us very little love in actuality, based on the assumption of his existence. Enjoy the memories of your father as he was.


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My new motto!
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My new place in the country in Lakeland! I love it!
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This is the suit I wore to my interview that changed my life! I got the job and it doubles my salary!
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My new office! Love my job! Can't believe how awesome my life is now!
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Sunrise on the way to work! Nature is beautiful!
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My new bathtub! It's great to be me!
Agnostic, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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