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nicknotes comments on Aug 4, 2020:
Dear Veronika Ann, Aren't you pleased when people admire your physical attributes?
Storm1752 replies on Aug 4, 2020:
@Gwendolyn2018 The difference between European women and American women is startling. In general, compliment a beautiful European, and she beams. It gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling. Makes me feel like a 'man.' I immediately loosen up. They are also very forthcoming with compliments. I suggest it is our Puritan 'heritage' which accounts for the difference. Relations between the sexes in the U.S. more closely resemble a war zone.
Storm1752 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Beautiful women are ogled. It doesn't matter what you're wearing. If you make yourself sexually attractive, however, you will be treated in a sexual manner, which is fine if you're out on the town, if your intent is to attract that kind of attention, but in a workplace environment the best thing to ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 4, 2020:
@Gwendolyn2018 I didn't say that about the tongue. You have me mistaken for yvilletom.
Storm1752 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Beautiful women are ogled. It doesn't matter what you're wearing. If you make yourself sexually attractive, however, you will be treated in a sexual manner, which is fine if you're out on the town, if your intent is to attract that kind of attention, but in a workplace environment the best thing to ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 4, 2020:
@Gwendolyn2018 You said women don't want to talk to me. How do you know? I was just reacting childishly to your unfriendly comment. "Ask older women what?" Am I an older woman? Do I know the majority of older women on the planet? Well, I'm an 'older man' so I know some older women. The majority? No. I've nothing specific to ask those 'older women' I know. I also don't know why you think you know I'm some kind of creep. Could you explain? I'm just pecking away on my phone, tablet, or laptop. I'm just throwing my half-baked opinions out there, like everybody else. Excuse me if I've offended you in some way.
Storm1752 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Beautiful women are ogled. It doesn't matter what you're wearing. If you make yourself sexually attractive, however, you will be treated in a sexual manner, which is fine if you're out on the town, if your intent is to attract that kind of attention, but in a workplace environment the best thing to ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 4, 2020:
@yvilletom I mentioned two factors.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Aug 4, 2020:
When a man ogles a woman for any reason--whether it is because she is attractive overall or because of her attire--he is "saying" to her: "I perceive you as a piece of meat here for my sexual gratification." A confident woman with high self-esteem will reject said man. If a woman succumbs to such ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 4, 2020:
I sorry but I disagree, even if I'm only talking for myself. MOST men realize the 'urge to ogle' is a physical response, which can be overridden/tamed but not eliminated. Of COURSE it's understood it's poor form to just stare with your tongue hanging out, but most men would like to if undetected. This is because of the obvious: he's genetically programmed to do not only that, but many other equally obvious things. But a 'gentleman' of good upbringing and instruction also knows we don't live in caves anymore. He can't just run up to her (as he would like to do) and fight off competitors and ravish her!!! These are impulses men must subordinate to the higher functions of his brain. 'Ogling' is as I said poor form, an involuntary urge which should be, but regrettably is not always, squelched in the name of manners, if nothing else. BUT (mature) men also know there is much more to a successful long-term relationship than looks. At some point they realize sex is not the most important thing at all.
Storm1752 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Beautiful women are ogled. It doesn't matter what you're wearing. If you make yourself sexually attractive, however, you will be treated in a sexual manner, which is fine if you're out on the town, if your intent is to attract that kind of attention, but in a workplace environment the best thing to ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 4, 2020:
@Marcie1974 No I don't. If it sounded like a generalization, I was only speaking of certain members of both sexes based on some of my experiences. It DOES seem like a stereotype, so let me assure you though stereotypes serve a purpose, and are such for a reason, they don't include EVERYBODY. Just like the stereotype all men seek out the most beautiful woman available given his socio-economic status, and 'trade up' as his circumstances improve, or down as they deteriorate, as the case may be. I know you've had experience with the horrific nightmare known as 'dating sites,' as have I, where this process is laid bare in it's most bald and unappealing form. So it's not to insult women I bring this up. I've had several long-term, very meaningful relationships, and hold a special place in my heart for them. I bring it up to point out it's a two-way street. Yes, many men prefer beautiful women. Yes, many women prefer rich men. Men ogle beautiful women. Women 'ogle' rich men. It's a stereotype. Not the WHOLE story, of course, but it does work both ways in the complaint department.
Storm1752 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Beautiful women are ogled. It doesn't matter what you're wearing. If you make yourself sexually attractive, however, you will be treated in a sexual manner, which is fine if you're out on the town, if your intent is to attract that kind of attention, but in a workplace environment the best thing to ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 4, 2020:
@jorj I asked you. Hey, checked it out. 'Involuntarily Celibate.' Clever. Yeah, I've been 'incel' at times in my life, this being one such time. Actually I DO have an 84-year-old female friend who would LIKE to have sex with me, but 1) she's too old, 2) I'm impotent with her. So I guess she doesn't count. But I noted some of the more unsavory traits of SOME Incels, definitely not me. No, I just speak my mind on subjects that interest me without considering the negative blowback some of them may inspire. This is because I respect the people on this site for being sophisticated and open-minded, and because I believe lies--even if well-intentioned--inevitably and invariably lead to dead ends. Thanks for the new word.
Storm1752 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Beautiful women are ogled. It doesn't matter what you're wearing. If you make yourself sexually attractive, however, you will be treated in a sexual manner, which is fine if you're out on the town, if your intent is to attract that kind of attention, but in a workplace environment the best thing to ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 4, 2020:
@jorj What's Incel?
Storm1752 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Beautiful women are ogled. It doesn't matter what you're wearing. If you make yourself sexually attractive, however, you will be treated in a sexual manner, which is fine if you're out on the town, if your intent is to attract that kind of attention, but in a workplace environment the best thing to ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 4, 2020:
@Gwendolyn2018, @yvilletom, @Marionville I'm just trying to point out certain factors, from my point of view. Of COURSE women are free to present themselves as they see fit.
Storm1752 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Beautiful women are ogled. It doesn't matter what you're wearing. If you make yourself sexually attractive, however, you will be treated in a sexual manner, which is fine if you're out on the town, if your intent is to attract that kind of attention, but in a workplace environment the best thing to ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 4, 2020:
@Gwendolyn2018, @yvilletom Oh thank you Romeo.
Storm1752 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Beautiful women are ogled. It doesn't matter what you're wearing. If you make yourself sexually attractive, however, you will be treated in a sexual manner, which is fine if you're out on the town, if your intent is to attract that kind of attention, but in a workplace environment the best thing to ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 4, 2020:
@Gwendolyn2018 How do YOU know?
It is sad and ironic how so many who claim to be rational free-thinkers also support censorship of ...
Storm1752 comments on Aug 2, 2020:
Like who? I have access to anything I want. So do you. But like I enjoy going back and forth from MSNBC to CNN to Fox News, I gravitate towards msnbc because I'm a democrat, you too have the option to watch your choice. Just because I regard your platforms as paranoid delusion doesn't mean I don't...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 4, 2020:
@SCal I think I get your point. And yes, of course I was being sarcastic. Those are the views of the new and deeply insidious 'Q' movement, which feeds on that particular internet movement.
Storm1752 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Beautiful women are ogled. It doesn't matter what you're wearing. If you make yourself sexually attractive, however, you will be treated in a sexual manner, which is fine if you're out on the town, if your intent is to attract that kind of attention, but in a workplace environment the best thing to ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 4, 2020:
@Marcie1974 That's ridiculous. I was SAYING women with makeup and other enhancements (clothes, jewelry, shaved smooth as butter), every blemish magically removed (thanks to our multi-million dollar beauty industry), are deliberately INTIMIDATING, and many men if they're honest will agree. They make themselves unnaturally , unapproachably perfect. They do this, and then complain when they're 'ogled.' No wonder men are confused! And they're rebuffed if they ever DO make a move. Some men think, perhaps understandably, women do this to catch the right (big) fish; that is, the one with the most money, power, 'alpha status,' and so on. All others need not apply. And the weird thing is, it's not just 'alpha women' who potentially feel that way. No matter where one woman falls in the food chain, she always seems to want more than what she can get, and a lot of men feel they are perpetually on trial, having to prove themselves based on some invisible yardstick. And if someone better comes along, a lot of women do not hesitate to 'trade up' for a sleeker, fancier model. I should know, it happened to me more than once (engineer, doctor, college professor). What I'm SAYING is, men have lots of room to complain, too. And btw, thank you for suggesting therapy. I HAVE taken advantage of 'professional listeners' in the past, and derived some benefit.
Storm1752 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Beautiful women are ogled. It doesn't matter what you're wearing. If you make yourself sexually attractive, however, you will be treated in a sexual manner, which is fine if you're out on the town, if your intent is to attract that kind of attention, but in a workplace environment the best thing to ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 4, 2020:
@Willow_Wisp I've never "sexually harassed" anyone, anywhere. Are you kidding? I hardly ever even talk to women, about anything, at any time.
BitFlipper comments on Aug 3, 2020:
It's difficult for men to relate to the experience of women being ogled or objectified because we never experience anything like that. I think many of us secretly wish we could be noticed. And I think it's unreasonable to expect women to dress less sexy. Anyone who has the capability being sexy ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 4, 2020:
@LovinLarge No it is not objectification, but we'll just have to disagree.
Did Jesus, the man, exist?
waitingforgodo comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Thanks to everyone who contributed their insight to the discussion. Almost all modern scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus existed historically.
Storm1752 replies on Aug 4, 2020:
So what? Most "modern scholars" are wrong.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 3, 2020:
There are women that wear burkas that get raped. Regardless of your shape gender or attire there’s some guy that will get sexually excited, it’s disgusting. Judging from the responses below I have no choice but to be judgmental.
Storm1752 replies on Aug 4, 2020:
Why do you say it's "disgusting?" In that case, every birth is disgusting because the husband at some point ogled the wife.
Cast1es comments on Aug 3, 2020:
In reality , this is a combined responsibility . Bearing in mind , men are filled with testosterone , so think sex a LOT , and that is encouraged by what they see , just as they need to learn to control themselves , we should also bear in mind that we ,"talk," to them by the way we dress . How we ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 4, 2020:
Common sense. Conversely, if you DO want to be ogled (which can be a pleasurable ego trip) that's also your right.
BitFlipper comments on Aug 3, 2020:
It's difficult for men to relate to the experience of women being ogled or objectified because we never experience anything like that. I think many of us secretly wish we could be noticed. And I think it's unreasonable to expect women to dress less sexy. Anyone who has the capability being sexy ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 4, 2020:
They're not being consciously 'objectified;' it's a physical response to stimuli. It is not a learned behaviour it's INSTINCT.
Storm1752 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Beautiful women are ogled. It doesn't matter what you're wearing. If you make yourself sexually attractive, however, you will be treated in a sexual manner, which is fine if you're out on the town, if your intent is to attract that kind of attention, but in a workplace environment the best thing to ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 4, 2020:
@Willow_Wisp I knew I'd get some kind of negative response. Why do you think there are 'sexual harassment' headlines every single day?
Did Jesus, the man, exist?
Matias comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Did "Jesus Christ" *really* exist in flesh and blood, or is he just a fictional character? Some are convinced that he existed and was just a human being; Some are convinced that he existed and was a human being and an important prophet; Some are convinced that he existed and was a human being...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 4, 2020:
That made absolutely no sense.
Did Jesus, the man, exist?
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
It is impossible to determine if the Jesus of the Christian Scriptures existed or not. There were many men named "Jesus" and one might have been a cult leader. Since many myths are based on real events and real people but are, ahem, made into fantasy, I vote for there being a "real" Jesus, but not...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 4, 2020:
No you're wrong. There,
Did Jesus, the man, exist?
IAJO163 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
"Almost Black Lives Matter!" Or do they? Why is his existence important if his principles are what validates belief in him? Did he die for our sins? If so why do people keep committing them? I think he died for his own sins. Would belief change my life in any way? No. There's plenty of ire ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 4, 2020:
Exactly why I'm agnostic
Did Jesus, the man, exist?
dinoid comments on Aug 3, 2020:
I believe he did exist the same as Billy the Kid, Jesse James and Davy Crockett; it's just the stories about him that I don't believe. But who cares really? If we believed everything from a book written in a world of superstition it would be even more unbelievable and show our vulnerability to the ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 3, 2020:
Why no record?
Did Jesus, the man, exist?
abyers1970 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
I think Jesus did exist and he was an ancient hypnotist or into metaphysics. He performed mind tricks which in those days seemed like miracles. Much like the Legend of Big foot and Loch Ness monster his fame grew over time. I think the Romans hijacked his story and created the Bible and Christianity...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 3, 2020:
Why no record?
Did Jesus, the man, exist?
Storm1752 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
No. Saying there isn't evidence either way isn't good enough. LACK of evidence, in this case, is evidence Outside of the Bible itself, no record whatsoever, with Israel awash in scribes, historians, and authors carefully chronicalling every occurrence of note? This man attracting crowds everywhere...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 3, 2020:
@prometheus It was written not by illiterate fishermen but highly educated Greek and Roman scholars
I wonder how far they'll get with it.[]
Storm1752 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
He's been so transparently guilty of so many things for so long, he's already convicted in the hearts and minds of millions, maybe billions, of people. But he operates within a bubble of people paid by him to tell him what he wants to hear. All Republicans are that way
Storm1752 replies on Aug 3, 2020:
@yvilletom Maybe they just don't like's not like they're liberals.
Watched the 'The Firm" again with girlfriend.
NHjulie comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Was your interest in The Firm because of Wilford Brimley? I am not a fan of Tom Cruise but I did like The Firm, A Few Good Men, Born on the Fourth of July and Rainman.
Storm1752 replies on Aug 3, 2020:
Wilford was great, but so was the entire cast. What do you think about my list in general? Did I leave one out or elevate one you disagree with? Edge of Tomorrow was good too.
Did Jesus, the man, exist?
Storm1752 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
No. Saying there isn't evidence either way isn't good enough. LACK of evidence, in this case, is evidence Outside of the Bible itself, no record whatsoever, with Israel awash in scribes, historians, and authors carefully chronicalling every occurrence of note? This man attracting crowds everywhere...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 3, 2020:
@SCal Thank you for that. To me it's an open-and-shut case. We still have an entire industry of 'experts' claiming without a SHRED of evidence, 'Well OF COURSE he existed, the real debate is about, 'Was he god?' Sorry. It's not evident at all there was such a personage. Instead, the more you think about it, and read, and comb through the historical record, the more you are convinced BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT 'Jesus' is a rather artfully-concocted fiction
Did Jesus, the man, exist?
Storm1752 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
No. Saying there isn't evidence either way isn't good enough. LACK of evidence, in this case, is evidence Outside of the Bible itself, no record whatsoever, with Israel awash in scribes, historians, and authors carefully chronicalling every occurrence of note? This man attracting crowds everywhere...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 3, 2020:
@prometheus No, Jewish and Roman scribes and/or historians (and other learned men from many other places) were very literate and very present in Palestine at the time. If there had been a 'Jesus' of any import, he would have not escaped notice
The Prosperity Gospel VS The Actual Gospels Everybody knows the gospels of the bible are Matthew,...
Storm1752 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Why can't you talk about the CONCEPTS without citing 'Jesus?' 'Jesus' was a creation of the Flavian emperors. Probably written by Justinian. Although they wanted the Jews to accept their dominion by embracing poverty as a virtue, they in no way accepted it for themselves. As prescriptions for ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 3, 2020:
@prometheus The prosperity doctrine was created for the already rich, it seems to me, to make it 'okay' to hoard their wealth. Like supply-side economics makes it 'okay' to push for ever-lower taxes because the revenues generated by the resultant economic activity will more than make up for what on the surface looks like pure selfishness and greed. Prosperity thought similarly implies true Christians are well off, to put it bluntly. If you are poor, it's your fault for living an ungodly life. Turn to Jesus, and reap the earthly rewards. In both examples, Prosperity Doctrine and Supply-side Economics, there's ample and obvious evidence this is nonsense. BUT it provides moral underpinnings to those all too willing to believe it, for the simple reason they get to keep more of their money rather than contribute a reasonable amount to a healthy and vibrant society-at-large, the Commonweal. If as I think the Romans wrote the gospels and substituted Christianity for the mythological gods discredited by the Caesars, it could be regarded as the perpetuation of a cleverly-conceived and implemented hoax, I postulate one carried out by a very small cadre of insiders: the Flavian emperors and their scribes, and a few others. It might sound preposterous to some, but the Roman aristocracy was actually a tiny group numbering less than 100, sort if like Saudi royalty. They COULD have decimated the Jews, dispersed them, and in the wreckage substituted a replacement religion, a Rome friendly Jew-Lite, borrowing liberally from mystery religions so common at the time. I think that's what happened. Prosperity Doctrine is not in that class. I doubt ANYTHING is. If I and Carrier and others are right, it was truly the Greatest Hoax Ever. They must have been very proud of themselves
Did Jesus, the man, exist?
Storm1752 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
No. Saying there isn't evidence either way isn't good enough. LACK of evidence, in this case, is evidence Outside of the Bible itself, no record whatsoever, with Israel awash in scribes, historians, and authors carefully chronicalling every occurrence of note? This man attracting crowds everywhere...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 3, 2020:
@prometheus You say, "provable bullshit." Okay, what part of that bullshit is provable? Name a single thing for which there is any archeological, or recorded, proof.
Did Jesus, the man, exist?
Storm1752 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
No. Saying there isn't evidence either way isn't good enough. LACK of evidence, in this case, is evidence Outside of the Bible itself, no record whatsoever, with Israel awash in scribes, historians, and authors carefully chronicalling every occurrence of note? This man attracting crowds everywhere...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 3, 2020:
@prometheus And what part of him stilling the waters of the Red Sea is convincing. Raising the dead? Look, even second-rate would-be messiahs had BIRTH RECORDS! Where is the proof ANY of these so-called people existed? Mary and Joseph? Nope. Peter? Nothing. If you examine the historical record, nobody supposedly connected to ANYTHING in the gospels merited any mention AT ALL.
Did Jesus, the man, exist?
bigjac comments on Aug 3, 2020:
I was a Christian for about 30 years. I became an atheist about 21 years ago, in 1999. I have very strong opinions on this very topic, that is, which persons in the Bible, which Bible stories, are clearly fictional persons in fairy tales, and which persons are real, with their stories are based on...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 3, 2020:
There is not a SHRED of evidence for what you are saying. Jesus was made up, and never existed at all. Feed 5000 people via sleight-of-hand, sneak a concentrate into water and fake out a wedding party? C'mon.
Did Jesus, the man, exist?
Storm1752 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
No. Saying there isn't evidence either way isn't good enough. LACK of evidence, in this case, is evidence Outside of the Bible itself, no record whatsoever, with Israel awash in scribes, historians, and authors carefully chronicalling every occurrence of note? This man attracting crowds everywhere...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 3, 2020:
@waitingforgodo I'll ask you, what IS the case? Why do the gospel accounts disagree with each other? Why is it so wrong about basic facts (no Roman census, no Egyptian Captivity, Nazareth a graveyard, etc ), how did this small and insignificant 'movement' suddenly take over and entire empire (spread by the Romans themselves), why were there such similarities to preceeding mystery religions, not to mention the inconvenient fact this savior didn't save anything including Israel, never returned, and is responsible for more death and destruction than any tyrant including Genghis Khan? How many ways do you need to prove Christianity is only a fiction? Oh, there are many reasons to be convinced...give me ONE argument on the other side, to NOT be convinced. It's late and I'm not disposed to go into further detail. The internet is at your fingertips. Look, investigate the facts. You'll be amazed
"Not only do I not believe in God, but..."
Allamanda comments on Aug 2, 2020:
Translation: "Not only do I not believe in God, but I am convinced that the monotheistic god is one of the worst inventions in the history of humanity. It has brought nothing but division, wars, violence, intolerance, discrimination and misogyny. "
Storm1752 replies on Aug 3, 2020:
@Allamanda This may sound (is) silly, but the best book on the subject, which I urge everyone reading this to take up, is a work of fiction by Marion Zimmer Bradley, The Mists of Avalon. She wrote mostly mediocre fantasy, but this one book, about the Arthurian legend from the point of view of Morgaine, a priestess of the ancient wisdom who failed to preserve it, is a masterpiece and by far the best book I ever read. Okay, from an atheists' point of view it still dabbles in fantastical nonsense, but it illustrates the corrosive affects of Christianity on society-at-large, and is itself a 'magical' read, much more so, and much more 'sacred,' than the crudely written and deservedly despised Bible could ever hope to be.
"Not only do I not believe in God, but..."
Allamanda comments on Aug 2, 2020:
Translation: "Not only do I not believe in God, but I am convinced that the monotheistic god is one of the worst inventions in the history of humanity. It has brought nothing but division, wars, violence, intolerance, discrimination and misogyny. "
Storm1752 replies on Aug 3, 2020:
@Allamanda Yes, a goddess was the penultimate god of much of Europe, coequal or superior to her male counterpart.
The Prosperity Gospel VS The Actual Gospels Everybody knows the gospels of the bible are Matthew,...
Storm1752 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Why can't you talk about the CONCEPTS without citing 'Jesus?' 'Jesus' was a creation of the Flavian emperors. Probably written by Justinian. Although they wanted the Jews to accept their dominion by embracing poverty as a virtue, they in no way accepted it for themselves. As prescriptions for ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 3, 2020:
@Sgt_Spanky I'm saying why not talk about the concepts without always referencing the 'Christian' context? I'm hardly mad. And the chances of me starting a group are remote.
This was written by a friend of mine on Facebook.
Lorajay comments on Aug 2, 2020:
I feel we won't be able to show them anything. Like trump they will double down and scream and yell until they die. When this is over we need to do exactly as they have done.We need to consolidate our power and do everything we can to make sure the deplorables do not get control again. Then instead ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 3, 2020:
The Prosperity Gospel VS The Actual Gospels Everybody knows the gospels of the bible are Matthew,...
Mofo1953 comments on Aug 2, 2020:
The gospels are not fake, they are real (see the Dead Sea scrolls) but Constantine the empetor did hide the apocriphals, the gnostic and even the judas iscariot gospel or the wife of jesus gospel of Mary Magdalene among others.
Storm1752 replies on Aug 3, 2020:
Spell much?
It is sad and ironic how so many who claim to be rational free-thinkers also support censorship of ...
Storm1752 comments on Aug 2, 2020:
Like who? I have access to anything I want. So do you. But like I enjoy going back and forth from MSNBC to CNN to Fox News, I gravitate towards msnbc because I'm a democrat, you too have the option to watch your choice. Just because I regard your platforms as paranoid delusion doesn't mean I don't...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 2, 2020:
@SCal State of the art. He's sparing no expense! See, he wants to reduce the world's population and make a lot of money from the Pharmas he owns, so he's developing a vaccine which not only kills the virus but renders some blood groups impotent. Oh yeah! You haven't heard? What kind of insider ARE you?!?
"Not only do I not believe in God, but..."
Allamanda comments on Aug 2, 2020:
Translation: "Not only do I not believe in God, but I am convinced that the monotheistic god is one of the worst inventions in the history of humanity. It has brought nothing but division, wars, violence, intolerance, discrimination and misogyny. "
Storm1752 replies on Aug 2, 2020:
Do you think without that invention (god), his-her-tory would be different? What if a different 'god' was devised? Would a more benign god shape people in a more gentle guise? I think so. The Abrahamic god was suitably vicious enough to suit the needs of the Romans, so they adopted it as their own.
Religion bans a lot of things that apparently offend the Almighty One but why?
Storm1752 comments on Aug 2, 2020:
Why does adultery and divorce bother you? The solution is an end to marriage and thus adultery.
Storm1752 replies on Aug 2, 2020:
@Sgt_Spanky Thank you. To me, every day is Day One. Alternative Realities are useful in that It didn't have to be this way, it being a result of random events, The present and future do not necessarily follow from the past, History is replete with sudden changes of course (revolutions, unexpected discoveries and revelations, etc.). Hence, it's not IMPOSSIBLE marriage and adultery may either slowly be replaced with a new paradigm, or suddenly, if conditions warrant. Marriage and adultery go together like peas in a pod; you can't have one without the other, they have always been linked. Why? Because asking two people to remain faithful to each other from one arbitrary date til death is in today's world the exception. Adultery has always been with us, but in modern times almost to be expected. Is it too much to say the institution of marriage no longer fits most situations most of the time? Should there be alternatives? Yes and those alternatives are available to anyone who wants them. At some point they will be the norm, I postulate, and marriage the exception.
Religion bans a lot of things that apparently offend the Almighty One but why?
Storm1752 comments on Aug 2, 2020:
Why does adultery and divorce bother you? The solution is an end to marriage and thus adultery.
Storm1752 replies on Aug 2, 2020:
@Sgt_Spanky I'm anti- marriage and anti-fidelity. I'm for a fantasy world of enlightenment.
Everybody has someone or some group that they react and/or discrimenate against.
Storm1752 comments on Aug 2, 2020:
Whites hang out with whites, blacks with blacks, etc. Since I'm white, I have 'white privilege.' if whites were poor, I'd STILL hang out with them. I'm for a World Government and for TOTAL intermingling of the races, but I'll be d---- if I'm going to apologize for being white
Storm1752 replies on Aug 2, 2020:
@JeffMurray And speaking personally I think about it as little as possible. Don't worry, man, Joe's going to get it all back on track.
Everybody has someone or some group that they react and/or discrimenate against.
Krish55 comments on Aug 1, 2020:
You are mixing up everyday cultural prejudice with the institutional racism associated with power. The latter is much larger and dangerous. In doing so, you are minimizing he effects of racism. Every ethnic/national group has prejudice against other groups. This ordinary prejudice doesn't become ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 2, 2020:
Racism is common to every human being. Who are you to tell me who anyone discriminates against? Lived in Japan lately? THAT'S discrimination! This is like the fictitious Jesus exhorting us mere mortals to "turn the other cheek" or cut off an offending arm or to sell everything, give it to the poor, and go preach the good news. We're human! It's okay! Jews are racist. Palestinians are racist. Chinese are racist. Russians are racist. Europeans. Anyone who is different from anybody else is racist. This is not complicated: WE ARE ALL RACIST. If you say otherwise, you're wrong. The important thing is to admit it and make laws accordingly, just like we (used to) make anti-greed laws, for instance....left to total license, a man will "earn" $150 million dollars a day while other people starve. Happening right now. Government is for stepping in and redistributing the wealth. That doesn't mean the greed has gone away, just a knowledged and dealt with. Same with racism.
Does Joe Biden have a plausible chance to transform the current leaden morass into pure, ...
St-Sinner comments on Aug 2, 2020:
Sleepy Joe is a return to status quo of doing nothing important. 1. Budget pork will return 2. Illegal immigration will return 3. Congress members will not retire for 30, 40, 50 years 4. Insfrastructure bill will not pass 5. More tea party will return 6. Democrats will lose big again in ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 2, 2020:
Sounds like an improvement, if even one of your predictions come to naught. As for the rest: When did pork go away? Net immigration DECREASE under Obama. When have politicians ever given up seats? What infrastructure bill? You mean the one they haven't passed in almost four years? The Tea Party went away? Maybe the KKK will go away. Supermajority Democrats will ride into midterms at all-time high? After skillful handling of Coronavirus and five additional trillion dollars later, get that printing press oiled up! Corporate funding can GROW? Is that even possible! Deficit? Trump balanced the budget? The stock market has nothing to do with much STOCK do you own? Ethusiasm is high? Could it possibly sink lower? Oh that's right you watch Fox News all day. ANY change is good change at this point!
Does Joe Biden have a plausible chance to transform the current leaden morass into pure, ...
dermot235 comments on Aug 2, 2020:
Super majority is Crucial. The Federal Budget and various laws and the repeal of various laws need more than a 51% vote. And the Republicans will just oppose EVERYTHING the democrats want to do. They need a super majority to get things done. It's also important that the republican members of ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 2, 2020:
Maybe a SUPER-supermajority. If the dogs are to be truly put back in the kennel, they must be beaten senseless. (An analogy; I'm not into animal cruelty).
Wanting me does not flatter me.
twill comments on Jul 28, 2020:
I want you Miss Kathleen. So--oo-oh bad. The Guilty Undertaker sighs, the lonesome organ grinder cries the silver saxophones say I should refuse you. I want you I want you I want you, So-oo-oh bad All my fathers they've gone down True love they've been without it But all their ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 2, 2020:
@MissKathleen Dylan was known, in the better instances, for lyrical dexterity over substance. That was the trajedy of his career. But it WAS playful and sometimes actually insightful. To wit: Well your railroad gates, you know I just can't jump them, Sometimes it gets so hard, you see. I'm just sitting here, beating on my trumpet, With all these promises you left for me... But where are you tonight, Sweet Marie? Enough said.
Religion bans a lot of things that apparently offend the Almighty One but why?
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 2, 2020:
I am everything they hate in one person. Funny part is I’m asexual for going on two decades but being trans they seem to think it’s about sodomy 24/7 with anyone and anything anywhere anytime. Basically the same people that would condemn me commit the sin they accuse me off, while I don’t....
Storm1752 replies on Aug 2, 2020:
Too hot to be asexual, hon. Besides, I thought you said you were TRANS-sexual. Just kiddin' around, don't take offense. (I agree about the 'sodomy' thing, btw. As a bi-man I think that's gross. But that's just me.)
Curious to know what ideas/thoughts others have on ... ULTIMATE REALITY.
EarnestEccentric comments on Aug 2, 2020:
The ultimate reality for this current universe will be when all the supermassive black holes (SBHs) have swallowed all the stars, planets, and smaller black holes in and between the galaxies and then the last two SBHs finally come together and swallow each other to form the ultimate "big crunch". In...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 2, 2020:
You nailed it.
Noam Chomsky says Trump is the most dangerous man in human history, rivalled only by (you guessed ...
dermot235 comments on Aug 1, 2020:
Trump is bad. But not on the level of Hitler. I disagree with Noam Chomsky Maybe Trump is on the same level as Franco or Mussolini
Storm1752 replies on Aug 1, 2020:
@TheInterlooper Right.
I was wondering, with the alien DNA and demon semen "doctor" hand picked by the president and ...
Storm1752 comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Putting aside your excellent point, there IS some archeological evidence. giant extraterrestials may have mated with human females in the distant past. AND that humans may have taken refuge in caves to ride out the Ice Age. This is not to endorse the views of "crazy woman," as Biden calls her, ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 31, 2020:
@AnneWimsey Okay "Ancient Aliens" goes off the deep end sometimes, but convincing when it adhers to it's scientific underpinnings. I.e., giant aliens may have mated with human females. Did giant female aliens mate with human males? You'd have to think so. Did THAT cause the aliens to create a worldwide cataclysm to rid Earth of this malfeasance? Agnosticism was INVENTED for quandries such as this.
I was wondering, with the alien DNA and demon semen "doctor" hand picked by the president and ...
Storm1752 comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Putting aside your excellent point, there IS some archeological evidence. giant extraterrestials may have mated with human females in the distant past. AND that humans may have taken refuge in caves to ride out the Ice Age. This is not to endorse the views of "crazy woman," as Biden calls her, ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 31, 2020:
@AnneWimsey Ouch. Okay I'll take a wild guess: it's books of the "Old Testament" dealing with end times, like Daniel and Enoch? No wait, Enoch wasn't IN the Old (very old) Testament. Anyway, it's a category of books dealing with the end times, right? It must have something to do with Enoch.
Should Facebook get broken-up ? why/not ?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Not into Facebook; could care less.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 31, 2020:
@FearlessFly No! I won't read it! I already have! No Agnostic-Atheist debate, please! Examine your premises! May I add Joe Biden is a swell guy...I base my conclusion on the unchallengable premise he took the train to Washington every day so he could be with his family every night. Case closed.
Should Facebook get broken-up ? why/not ?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Not into Facebook; could care less.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 31, 2020:
@FearlessFly Actually maybe we AREN'T biased, except to the extent our premises are biased. I sometimes find my premises faulty. For instance, my one-time insistence "agnostic atheist" was a self-contradictory term, that you had to be one or the other, but couldn't be both. I've since softened my stance even though I still think I'm technically right...I now "get" what they're saying. I myself was REALLY saying Atheism itself is an illegitimate label I still think so. No one can say they are sure there is no god, I think. Everybody is really agnostic, whether they admit it or not. They're just sure there's no god of a particular TYPE (Abrahamic), as am I. Anyway...enough of THAT!
Should Facebook get broken-up ? why/not ?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Not into Facebook; could care less.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 31, 2020:
@FearlessFly Sure. I'm biased. I go to my already incontrovertible basic premises and from there follow the logic. Everybody's biased. Except you.
I was wondering, with the alien DNA and demon semen "doctor" hand picked by the president and ...
Storm1752 comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Putting aside your excellent point, there IS some archeological evidence. giant extraterrestials may have mated with human females in the distant past. AND that humans may have taken refuge in caves to ride out the Ice Age. This is not to endorse the views of "crazy woman," as Biden calls her, ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 31, 2020:
@AnneWimsey The Apocrypha? What's that? No I watch "Ancient Aliens" on the History Channel; I find the mix of solid evidence and wild conjecture fascinating, at least when there at least SOME plausibility grounding it to reality. "Crazy woman" fails that test.
Should Facebook get broken-up ? why/not ?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Not into Facebook; could care less.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 31, 2020:
@FearlessFly It MIGHT if I knew anything about it. I just go with if I already agree with the main point, or not. Also, I consider the source. Trump/Fox News/Rush, etc., at one end of the Truth Spectrum, Nader/Chomsky/Sanders, etc., at the other. Facebook is irrelevant, smacks me as some kind of gimmick.
How to Convert a Christian to Atheism with Nicholi on Science - YouTube
Storm1752 comments on Jul 29, 2020:
Who wants to convert anybody to anything? You're just as bad as Christians if you care at ALL
Storm1752 replies on Jul 29, 2020:
@Rossy92 No comment on the latter, and in my dotage I'm a Stoic. It's apparently up to people like you to save the world.
It seems like there is a law or regulation for nearly every aspect of our lives.
Fred_Snerd comments on Jul 28, 2020:
Many laws corral us and take our money. They are tools of an authoritarian regime. The population has been controlled by the elite since the beginning of the US. You're not paranoid if you think business and government meet secretly to plot against the people. It happens all the time. "1. Do not ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 29, 2020:
Baloney. The laws are not being enforced because Big Business has corrupted the entire system through years of Republican misrule. The left has been blinded by a doctrine of 'false equivalency' which has mistakenly yielded the battleground without a fight. Many on the left have become so lazy and defeatist they don't even vote!
The DNC Shows How Out Of touch THEY Are! []
barjoe comments on Jul 28, 2020:
The left is a small minority in this country. If we lived in a parliamentary democracy you could vote for the party of your choice. We have a two party system. The best you can possibly hope for is the lesser of two evils and a majority in both houses of Congress. Otherwise you get four more years ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 29, 2020:
I get the distinct impression this site (and every other left-leaning site) is awash with dis-informational trolls whose mission is to divide liberal/progressives and dilute their message. I doubt there is anything comparable on right-leaning sites.
I am seeing some comments suggesting that Joe Biden is beginning to suffer from dementia and should ...
Fred_Snerd comments on Jul 29, 2020:
Biden does have his marathon moments. He's always had trouble keeping up with his lies. "Trump is also frozen at the level of a pre-adolescent in his cognitive development." I was talking about this with GF earlier.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 29, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd Nah, Joe's more honest than Abe and George Washington rolled up into one! He's GOTTA be more honest than the Donald...has Trump EVER told the truth about ANYTHING?!? I doubt it. Plus, he doesn't have any intimate family members writing tell-all books denouncing him as a pathological narcissist, has he? No, Joe's the obvious choice. Every politician lies, it comes with the territory. In fact, EVERYBODY lies, period. Except maybe you.
I just watched Soylent Green on TV last night.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Should be TWO billion, tops.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 29, 2020:
@Bobbie63 Nope. "Be fruitful and multiply," remember? Might as well tear up the Bible. Plus, no birth control, no abortion. As you know, Catholics practically invented huge nuclear families. We must keep up with Muslims, after all, who crank 'em out faster than rabbits.
I am seeing some comments suggesting that Joe Biden is beginning to suffer from dementia and should ...
Fred_Snerd comments on Jul 29, 2020:
Biden does have his marathon moments. He's always had trouble keeping up with his lies. "Trump is also frozen at the level of a pre-adolescent in his cognitive development." I was talking about this with GF earlier.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 29, 2020:
It's true: Biden has trouble keeping up with all of Trump's lies, and who can blame him? Everything which comes out of Trump's mouth is a lie.
I just watched Soylent Green on TV last night.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Should be TWO billion, tops.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 25, 2020:
@nyrdybyrd Or ONE billion?
“Closet” Agnostic/Atheist.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 23, 2020:
I never bring it up. What's the point? Never bring up politics either. The fact I stopped drinking years ago certainly helps!
Storm1752 replies on Jul 23, 2020:
@itsmedammit Same dead end. Talking about the weather usually works. Or sports.
[] I haven't followed this guy but he had some interesting things to say.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 22, 2020:
His premise is Trump is not stupid and/or incompetent. Do we know this for a fact?
Storm1752 replies on Jul 23, 2020:
@RoboGraham Agreed he'll probably walk, undeservingly so, but that remains to be seen in New York. Who knows? Election-wise, don't underestimate the right-wing echo chamber. It's about to get REALLY nasty!
Defund and dismantle the police! []
Storm1752 comments on Jul 23, 2020:
Defunding the police is a total libertarian nightmare. Biden wants to more intelligently fund the police. That's more like it. And yes, that'll cost a lot of money, another reason to redistribute wealth from the super rich to the lower socioeconomic classes.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 23, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd Very funny. I think he's pretty smart. Experienced. Not perfect but who is? We could do worse. We ARE doing worse, MUCH worse.
“Closet” Agnostic/Atheist.
Fernapple comments on Jul 23, 2020:
You are under no moral obligation to share your unbelief with anyone. It need be no more than your own private mater, and there is no need to feel you are being dishonest in any way by not telling people about it. Most of the people in most of the churches, probably do not believe, but they are ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 23, 2020:
@JeffMurray I'll chime in: most people are agnostic, for the simple reason there is no evidence to support either a theist or an atheistic belief system, and that includes most people who go to church.
Biden considering four black women for his VP pick.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 21, 2020:
Which one is white? Susan Rice would be great. Elizabeth Warren better..
Storm1752 replies on Jul 23, 2020:
@St-Sinner A black woman WOULD seem logical, hopefully not a about Hillary, Warren, or my favorite, Megan Fox? What's wrong with Obama? He's rested, and ready.
I have a question for this little community.
TheDoubter comments on Jul 23, 2020:
i can't conceive of no difference between feelings for a wife and a close friend. is this a FWB situation? i'm not the one to give advice in this case.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 23, 2020:
I gather your wife is bisexual; if not that can be encouraged. If so, maybe you've got other things to potentially worry about... In general sounds like a dream situation.
[] I haven't followed this guy but he had some interesting things to say.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 22, 2020:
His premise is Trump is not stupid and/or incompetent. Do we know this for a fact?
Storm1752 replies on Jul 23, 2020:
@RoboGraham Just saying he WANTS to provoke a violent reaction from the protesters so he can escalate the federal presence, which would provoke a greater reaction from the protesters, all along counting on reliable support from his syncophants on Fox News, AM Radio, the "vast right-wing conspiracy" in general, and in Congress. Thus he will further politicize it, polarize it, justify it as "law and order," hope for a boost in poll numbers, and perhaps even militarize it and declare martial law. He knows he's going to lose the elections if they occur in a normal environment, so the more chaos he can sow the better. He might even suspend the elections, at the very least supress turnout in the cities, at the very most declare them unholdable and postphone them indefinitely. Not sure how it would all play out, but he is such a psychpathic narcissist he will not willingly and peacefully surrender power, especially since what awaits him as an ex-president is probably years of legal prosecutions for his abuse of power and overall criminal activity.
[] I haven't followed this guy but he had some interesting things to say.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 22, 2020:
His premise is Trump is not stupid and/or incompetent. Do we know this for a fact?
Storm1752 replies on Jul 22, 2020:
@RoboGraham NOW I just disagree with him--he's NOT incompetent and stupid because he's doing it to boost his re-election chances and DOESN'T CARE about any other considerations. Whether he's right or not, we'll see.
My favorite writers from first reading library books on my own were Antoine De St Exupery (The ...
Storm1752 comments on Jul 22, 2020:
'Dream Within A Dream' is Poe at his best: I stand amidst the roar Of a surf-tormented shore And I hold within my hands Grains of golden sand. Oh god can I not grasp Them with a tighter clasp? Cannot I not save ONE from the pitiless wave? Is everything we see or seem But a dream within a ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 22, 2020:
@K9Kohle789 The best prose ever is the Desiderata. I always have a copy taped, stapled, or pinned nearby somewhere.
Well it seems that Life does throw up a few welcome surprises from time to time.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 22, 2020:
I could use one of them, but since I am a recluse she'd have to track me down using some kind of 'skip tracer.' Not impossible, but I won't be holding my breath. Nice little story though.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 22, 2020:
@Lorajay Yes, but women are harder to track because they change their last name!
By what mechanisms does a nation that is sliding into fascism recover its democratic footing, other ...
Allamanda comments on Jul 21, 2020:
If we do get a chance, which I'm not sure we deserve, in the election... then we have to retrain ourselves. Citizenship is not a vote every four years, it's a constant battle to give everyone what they need, and rein in the forces of greed and ignorance.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 21, 2020:
@skado Ummm, try VOTING??? So few liberals vote it's allowed conservatives to run the show for so long they're rigging the whole electoral system in their favor. Election reform should be a top issue, and if Trump drives enough Democrats to the polls it'll get plenty of attention. I wonder how many calling for violent revolution actually VOTE. Instead they use the EXCUSE the two parties are identical--which is crap--and claim it'd therefore do no good Obama tried but blew it, but given a sizable enough majority (it'd take a plurality maybe) genuine Sanders-esque reform could take place. I wish all these arm chair revolutionaries would get off their butts and actually vote. The Evangelicals do. The gun nuts do. So do the survivalists, home-schoolers, anti-abortionists, patriarchists, Objectivists, White supremacists, you name it The fact liberals don't vote is exactly why they've all cone out of the woodwork. There are many more progressives in the U.S. than all the right-wing crazies combined. WE should be in power, and maybe Trump will be the catalalyst to spur permanent change.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 21, 2020:
Biden favors MORE money for police, not less. Sorry. Biden is a shoo-in, btw. But I'll vote anyway.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 21, 2020:
@Captain_Feelgood Yes and I'm still shocked. THIS time he's got a track record and blacks will be showing up.
I saw this "unashamed" to say the real pledge of allegiance with "under God" post on Facebook and I ...
Storm1752 comments on Jul 21, 2020:
Why have a pledge at all?
Storm1752 replies on Jul 21, 2020:
@davknight I'm a neo-communist Patriot, which includes my First Amendment right to denounce it regularly.
RoboGraham comments on Jul 20, 2020:
And you reveal that you don't understand what defund the police means.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 21, 2020:
@RoboGraham Biden is a perfect choice and will be a great president because unlike Sanders (whom I love) he is electable.
DEMOCRATIC PARTY DONATIONS I gave in and donated to a text that I got a few weeks ago now I'm ...
St-Sinner comments on Jul 20, 2020:
Correct. Do not ever donate to political parties. Once to sign on to their mailing lists, you can never sign off. People donated to predictably wrong horses in 2020 like Buttigieg, Harris, Gabbard, Bernie, Klobuchar, Yang, Delaney, Bennett. Each of them was a not predicted to win from early on. ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 21, 2020:
Trump has already lost. But I'm voting anyway.
This makes so much sense.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 18, 2020:
What are we looking at here?
Storm1752 replies on Jul 19, 2020:
@MyTVC15 I'm a liberal socialist. I guess you'd shoot me if you could. I see some of them are wearing their Q badges.
A new moral guide?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 17, 2020:
MY 10 Commandments: 1. Commit no violence against another, physical or otherwise (except in self defense) 2. TRY to be a good, honorable person. 3. Respect the opinions of others (unless that opinion is of an immediately dangerous nature). 4. Help others who are (in your honest opinion) in ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 19, 2020:
@Grecio No! I hate Islam and all religions. What gave you THAT idea?!?
This makes so much sense.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 18, 2020:
What are we looking at here?
Storm1752 replies on Jul 19, 2020:
@MyTVC15 Sorry you're not my type.
A new moral guide?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 17, 2020:
MY 10 Commandments: 1. Commit no violence against another, physical or otherwise (except in self defense) 2. TRY to be a good, honorable person. 3. Respect the opinions of others (unless that opinion is of an immediately dangerous nature). 4. Help others who are (in your honest opinion) in ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 17, 2020:
@AmyTheBruce It means what you want it to mean I guess If you have extremely rigid opinions about things it could pose a problem! As an agnostic with few if any 'beliefs,' who sees all opinions as essentially equal, I've no problem with it. Hey I'm not Moses. I just thought I'd give it a shot.
BLM - No - All Lives Matter?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 17, 2020:
Whites are no more 'racist' than any other racial grouping.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 17, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd You didn't answer the question(s).
BLM - No - All Lives Matter?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 17, 2020:
Whites are no more 'racist' than any other racial grouping.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 17, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd Maybe that:s just you. Or, ARE white people superior in some ways? THAT'S always a possibility. The only OTHER option is, there's something uniquely screwed up about white that it? That a lot of us are delusional? If so, why?
Who's your fave person on the site?
Surfpirate comments on Jul 17, 2020:
I like myself as my favourite person on this forum but that's a requirement before you can like anybody else. After myself I tend to like the intelligent people, the witty people and the sarcastic/irreverent people. They know who they are, I don't need to point them out.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 17, 2020:
@maturin1919 No, it just means you are sane. Only insane people like themselves.
Epidemic of police racist violence. Fact or Fiction?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 4, 2020:
Before I watch the clip, I'll automatically, reflexively, say it's fiction. One truth is, I think, because of dislocations and imperfections in society as a whole, there are pockets of extreme violence and crime, usually or always in inner cities which are predominately black and Latino. This is ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 17, 2020:
@MsDemeanour Is it possible blacks are the recipients of police 'brutality' proportionately more often because they are correspondently more often engaged in criminal behavior, because a white-dominated society freezes them out of opportunities for lucrative employment? In other words, are some people blaming the police on the front lines, while those really responsible continue to pull the levers? Could it even be "RACISM" is actually deeply embedded in our DNA (regardless of skin color) and thus can be removed from public life only by legal and judicial fiat? In other words, are whites no more "racist" than any other racial group, but just only happen to be (in our society) in economic and political power? That if BLACKS were in power it would be WHITES being discriminated against?
Anyone watching the Peacock Network?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 16, 2020:
The Peacock netwrk? You mean CBS? When's it on?
Storm1752 replies on Jul 16, 2020:
@MissKathleen Okay I will
Joe Biden's America? Count me out. []
Storm1752 comments on Jul 16, 2020:
I really like Joe, always have. He'll be a great president.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 16, 2020:
@RoboGraham Better than Trump!
Joe Biden's America? Count me out. []
Storm1752 comments on Jul 16, 2020:
I really like Joe, always have. He'll be a great president.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 16, 2020:
@RoboGraham I hope GOOD things! Blaming Biden for that man going to jail for medical marijuana is an extreme stretch. Some people don't understand the old adage, campaign from the center, govern from the (choose 'right' or 'left.'). No matter how goulish Trump is, Sanders would've scared the hell out of people. Joe is reliably liberal, that's what matters. Not good enough for you? Sorry.
An esthetician is a person who specializes in the beautification of the skin.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 16, 2020:
And why is this important?
Storm1752 replies on Jul 16, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty Oh okay. Just thought you'd throw it out there FYI...great! Thanks.
Tuesday, ‎July ‎07, ‎2020 GOD - as - ENERGY - being One Self - thru U - an – animal ...
Storm1752 comments on Jul 14, 2020:
Storm1752 replies on Jul 16, 2020:
@KWAPELL7 To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge--Confucius To learn to live contentedly in a state of necessary and inevitable uncertainty and thus in a state of perpetual wonder, is not a satisfactory homeostatis for some, they being desirous of answers not attainable by finite minds lost in the maze of Maya. The journey must therefore be the destination, the destination the journey, in these lifetimes of illusion. The PURSUIT of happiness IS the happiness available to the seeker, always beyond reach but tantalizingly close, being warmed by the fire but never the fire, loving love but never being love, possessing A truth but never THE truth, while on the road to nowhere and everywhere. Utopia is thus not for us to inhabit, not now, not here, for all we know anywhere, ever, though there is HOPE. Hope is the key and springs eternal from a place inviolate, protected by a sheath of invincible and inextinguishable energy. Energy is 'god' without beginning or end; it cannot be created or destroyed, has always been and always will be. The universe is 'god' ever before and after, of which we are children. We have a right be here, whether or not it is clear to us---NO DOUBT the universe is unfolding as it should! Therefore, in the noisy confusion of life, be at peace with 'god,' whatever and however you conceive it to be. Be careful; strive to be happy. Rest, then pick up your walking stick, and continue down the path.
Tuesday, ‎July ‎07, ‎2020 GOD - as - ENERGY - being One Self - thru U - an – animal ...
Storm1752 comments on Jul 14, 2020:
Storm1752 replies on Jul 15, 2020:
@KWAPELL7 IF you are applying the appelation 'god' to a existential existence without form, or perhaps even to a meaning other than thought projections, serving to give shape to an unshapeable and indescribable attempt to know the unknowable, then of course I can sense your words. That some find such attempts pointless and futile or, worse, an injection of 'god' into what is for them a godless void, they only betray their tendency to misunderstand the meaning of the word 'agnosticism,' which to them MUST belong somewhere on a scale of belief/unbelief, even though it rather and instead gives license to those endowed with objectivity the ability to speak of 'god' in experimental terms, employing words to approach the very subject in new, novel, hypothetical, conjectural, and creatively artistic ways, while at the same time maintaining an abstractly dispassionate and intellectually neutral distance from what is to some an inherently emotionally-charged and incendiary subject of substance. Free of such limitations, we may thus come closer to a non-intellectial, unemotional feel for what a true discussion of 'god' might entail. Yours is a noble foray into such unmined depths. Since the very idea of 'god' is impossible to define and/or discuss with ordinary, conventional arrangements of words, fractured abstractions can be useful.
I understand protesting is part of democracy.
Storm1752 comments on Jun 30, 2020:
Blocking highways: no. Tearing down statues of Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and other racist traitors: yes.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 15, 2020:
@Grecio We don't live 150 years ago.
History will record Donald Trump as being responsible for tens of thousands of additional deaths ...
Storm1752 comments on Jul 12, 2020:
I didn't vote for him. I take no personal responsibility.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 13, 2020:
@mischl I know what you're saying, sort of; no need to beat a dead horse, except to say it HAS alienated me from a large percentage of my 'fellow citizens.' Hate is not too strong a word, though we could quibble about that. 'Am disgusted by' might be slightly more accurate. Suffice to say, may the Coronavirus come and take them away, as far as I'm concerned!
I understand protesting is part of democracy.
Storm1752 comments on Jun 30, 2020:
Blocking highways: no. Tearing down statues of Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and other racist traitors: yes.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 13, 2020:
@Grecio I just think slavery was and is wrong; if you don't think so, fine. The Civil War WAS about slavery. Of course there were ancillary issues, but they could have and probably would have been settled peacefully. The "heritage" of slavery is a disgrace, in my opinion. The fact many men died to uphold it means nothing to me. They died for an unjust cause. This is my opinion. Now please take it as such. Read the 'Cornerstone Speech' by Confederate Vice President Stephens delivered in 1861 in Savannah, Georgia if you don't believe slavery was based on the mistaken notion blacks are subhuman, inferior, and therefore are deserving of subjugation. ARE they inferior? Even if you think so (do you?) they are STILL human being and not cattle. Anyway, lots of Germans died believing in and fighting for the Nazi's weird you brought that up, since it hardly bolsters your point. I'm sure you don't believe they died heroic deaths in defense of a noble cause! I can't believe I'm feeling forced to state such obvious truths, to someone who should know better.
Epidemic of police racist violence. Fact or Fiction?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 4, 2020:
Before I watch the clip, I'll automatically, reflexively, say it's fiction. One truth is, I think, because of dislocations and imperfections in society as a whole, there are pockets of extreme violence and crime, usually or always in inner cities which are predominately black and Latino. This is ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 13, 2020:
@SeaGreenEyez Okay, maybe I AM wrong. You seem to know what you're talking about. I'll think about it. Thanks for taking the time.
History will record Donald Trump as being responsible for tens of thousands of additional deaths ...
Storm1752 comments on Jul 12, 2020:
I didn't vote for him. I take no personal responsibility.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 13, 2020:
@mischl You said, "In a way, it's our fault." No, it's not OUR fault...I personally did nothing to deserve this, so it's a not MY fault. It's the fault of everyone who voted for these sociopaths and/or fools. Carter, Mondale, Gore and Clinton would've been incomparably better leaders, and Democrats in Congress likewise. I know that and you know that, and we knew it at the time. If YOU want to take responsibility, go ahead I don't.


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