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I wrote this six months ago on The Daily Mail Online.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 23, 2020:
You're right. A vote for ANY Republican is a vote for climate change.
Hey, there's a new church in town! Way of the Future. AI will be our god?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 23, 2020:
It'd be a big improvement over the reigning one.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 23, 2020:
You're sick.
How many sincere atheists are on this site? Click on 'like' fer yes & 'wha' for wha!
Storm1752 comments on Mar 23, 2020:
Agnostic. Take a poll.
Good morning! I'm doing well. How are you doing? Anxious?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 21, 2020:
These days I'm living reclusively so I have minimal human contact anyway, so I have no worries. Plus I very rarely watch the news, so there's nothing to stoke the flames of paranoid fear. I HAVE checked occasionally lately, though, one respected doctor said the media is blowing things WAY out of proportion! Who to believe?
Anyone else find pantheism (sexed up atheism) interesting?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 21, 2020:
In a way, as an 'agnostic Neo-Deist, I AM a pantheist, which is a far cry from being an atheist, "sexed up" or not. Are you serious with such an ignorant remark? Pantheism, or neo-deism, allows for 'natural law,' an afterlife, and many other things atheists scoff at. 'Everything,' "anyways," is the 'collective unconsciousness,' or universal consciousness, and postulates 'everything' is connected and interrelated. It's not a deity, a divine entity, but rather all of the material world, both matter and energy (which are the same thing in different form).
The first "Spider Man" movie I saw when I was 11 sparked my interest in Ethics; the ending scene ...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 21, 2020:
The RIGHT, MORAL, choice is the school bus full of children, of course, but that doesn't mean I'd make that choice. I'd have to see when the time came.
A few rambling observations on feel-good faith… I gave up my religious beliefs years ago, and ...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 16, 2020:
Yes there's some good prose in the bible. There's also good prose outside the bible. This proves nothing. I think the Desiderata tops anything else ever written, for example. It's normal to not have the answers to the Great Mysteries of life. Once one accepts the fact at present there's no way of knowing certain things, you're most of the way there to being a true agnostic.
I am watching a very interesting and thought provoking program, "Alien Gods", available free on ...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 16, 2020:
Ancient Aliens on the History Channel makes the same basic arguments. Sometimes it gets loopy, but in general it is very convincing. It certainly seems like we have been visited in the past and probably are right now, as we speak.
I am 54 years ole qne will be an agnostic until I die.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 16, 2020:
Some people just can't accept Atheism and Theism are two sides of the same coin. Both demand we 'take a stand" and 'get off the fence.' We are constantly being scoffed at for not believing either way. I'd say I'm Ignostic but I do enjoy speculating because my brand of no-belief trends toward the 'spiritual.' So I speculate, and these stridently non-believing (a form of belief) atheists say I BELIEVE the things I'm speculating about! You can't win, so I don't try. I just put my two cents in and join in on the debate. It can be fun and intellectually stimulating when something new is injected, though usually it's the same old tired Atheist versus Agnostic stuff. That's okay. I'll live.
I'm sure a lot of people are going to disagree with me but if someone asked you a question about the...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 15, 2020:
Atheists insist on defining 'god' as a personal entity, which is a total straw dog. It's so easy to poke holes in that obvious fiction, ignoring all the other possible ways one might define the word. Then they turn around a ridicule ANYTHING; for instance, the paranormal, panpsychism, reincarnation, extraterrestials, you name it. None of these topics require belief in a 'god,' yet they miss no opportunity to pooh-pooh them too, and what's the fun in that? Why is that intelligent, or interesting, or...anything but ignorant no-ism??? This kind of atheist is a lazy thinker who wants everything cut-and-dry in it's starkest, most dogmatic simple-mindedness. These people are very SIMILAR, if not identical, to theists in this way, and very unlike Agnostics, who remain open-minded and curious about the world around them. So I'm an agnostic neo-deist, or maybe a new word I learned, Ignostic.
Am I the only one?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 15, 2020:
I wish there was less ranting on and on about Trump, for one thing, and more in depth discussion about what's going behind the curtain. He's the least of our problems, just a distracting clown, while the real dismantling of our democracy by the "vast right-wing conspiracy" is happening out of sight, out of mind. Also, too much negativity in general, monotonous droning on about the obvious flaws in religion, and not enough of the freedom agnosticism gives a person to explore all the possibilities life has to offer. The materialistic, reactionary atheists, who appear to just want to tear EVERYTHING down in a very close-minded, dogmatic way, seem to be hysterically vocal and dominate conversations, regardless of their actual numbers. Not ALL atheists, mind you, just the loudmouth know-it-alls. Other than that, I really enjoy this community and look forward to it every day, being a rather reclusive, retired sort!
Peter Wehner: The Trump Presidency Is Over - The Atlantic
Storm1752 comments on Mar 14, 2020:
He's a Republican. Who cares what HE thinks?
An Atlantic Magazine article (sorry for the length-entire article): The Trump Presidency Is Over...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 14, 2020:
So you agree with most of his policy positions and are a Republican, and only challenge his character and fitness for the office? Then why should I care what you think?
All 16 of the Museum of the Bible’s “Dead Sea Scrolls” Fragments Are Forgeries.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 14, 2020:
Sometimes it seems some people on the site are so obsessed with all things biblical they can't break free.
Why do the nonreligious let that go unchallenged?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 14, 2020:
We don't let it go unchallenged. We challenge it all the time. What good does it do? In fact, there's a direct correlation between degree of religiousness and all crime markers, not just homicide. I think the crimes themselves may be acts of defiance and rebellion against their KIND of religiousness-- a sort of 'god rewards the virtuousness and penalizes the nonbelieving, so why should we help the wicked?' It's the opposite of true Christianity and what a very religious country should look like. Many people in the USA are very unhappy and desperate for love--what they get instead is selfishness and greed and self-serving hypocrisy. No wonder homicide rates are high!
If Trump were smart, he would announce that he is bowing out of he race for the presidency to devote...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 13, 2020:
Even worse than W ? Wow. That's really bad.
I'm tired of the assumption that I just want to sin and not be accountable to a god.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 12, 2020:
You ARE accountable, but not to 'god,' in my opinion, but to 'natural law.'
Breaking news : Harvey Weinstein is sentenced to 23 years! Woohoo! Is it enough?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 11, 2020:
He's a scapegoat for every man who's done something like that and those men are legion. I can't help but think we're missing something here. If it's such a common occurrence, why? Why are so many men behaving this way? Can anything be done to stop it, or is this just the way things are?
An adequate response?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Exactly what wisdom is in "that book" you couldn't make up yourself? Hell? If hell did exist, it would be 'god,' the source of that supposed wisdom, which created it. It is said 'god is good.' The same god which created hell? How could a good 'god' create something so evil, if descriptions of hell we hear about are to be believed? There are several ways to resolve this conundrum: 1) hell is not a place of eternal torment; rather one of correction, suffering and, yes, rehabilitation. Indeed, the Greek word 'aion' means 'an indeterminate amount of time,' not ' everlasting.' That's a mistranslation in the King James Bible. So it could be a place much like the Catholic purgatory. You enter, stay as long as necessary, then go to heaven. 2) god is not good, but evil. 3) god, and hell, does not exist. 4) god exists, but not hell. I personally think god exists, but as a 'universal consciousness' which includes everything in the universe. It is not a personal, separate entity, and it created nothing, especially not hell.
Darwin's doubt, is evolution a theory in crises? []
Storm1752 comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Evolution does not try to explain the origins of life, but simply how that life develops and evolves over time. So his first premise is fallacious right out of the gate. 'Materislistic world view?' What does THAT really mean? Everybody dislikes materialism, right? The Cambrian explosion does not disprove evolution in any way. It just indicates there's no fossil record of the soft-bodied organisms which came before, coupled with a quantum shift in global climate patterns. How or why would a 'god' care about any of this anyway?
Good morning and happy hump day!
Storm1752 comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Wednesday is a nondescript nothing of a day, if you ask me. Nothing interesting happens on a Wednesday.
How Many Nones Are There? Maybe More than We Thought.. []
Storm1752 comments on Mar 11, 2020:
I meet few people who go to church. They've absorbed lessons from childhood, carry them around with them as baseline assumptions, but give them little thought. Their religious beliefs are 'important,' but never come up in general conversation unless asked a direct question. Their political leanings originate as much from their social circles as their preachers or pastors and are quite superficial, only activated by the 'red meat' thrown to them by talk show hosts or Fox News. So religion and politics are like comfortable old shoes, enjoyed around the house but hardly ever thought much of, unless irritated by a stray burr or a challenging remark. No, please do not disturb them with anything resembling change or dissent. Better to let them dream on peacefully as they sleepwalk through their lives.
Okay, I was talking with a friend yesterday.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Ancient Aliens on the History Channel is good. It sometimes gets wildly speculative, but for the most part it is factual and very convincing. Some people ignorantly mislabel the entire subject as "fake," but they obviously have never delved into it personally, and have no idea what they're talking about. P.S. I've just read the rest of the replies, and it just reaffirms my opinion many 'atheists' on this site are simply reactionary non-believers (and/or non-open-minded) about ANYTHING not apparent to their own feeble five senses. There is plenty of circumstantial (and other) evidence which strongly suggests, if nothing else, our knowledge of our ancient past is woefully incomplete.
This video of Nancy MacLean may have particular appeal to west Coasters since it features Seattle ...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 11, 2020:
I just bought McLean's book and I've read a lot of others like it. It explains why white supremacists and fundamentalist Christians, among others, are virulently anti-democratic: because the Koch brothers and other activists in the "vast right-wing conspiracy" are dedicated to manipulating their deep-seated prejudices in that direction. It's very sad, and alarming, because it looks almost unstoppable.
Republican mailers I get shit like this all the time asking for money for trump and the RNC ...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Shameless liars and cheaters.
The bible god/Yahweh/Jesus is the greatest abortionist.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 8, 2020:
I just wonder why you and so many more like you keeping preaching to the choir here. I get it; you must be new and you're making what must seem like a bold statement. But many others say, 'duh' and move on. How about making your case more succinctly, you know, to establish your bona fides, then transition to a constructive idea or two? Just a thought. Not ragging on you.
“There are few substantial differences between the two ruling political parties in the United ...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 8, 2020:
As an earlier replier said, it's utter nonsense to say there's no difference between the Dems and Pubs. C'mon! Name some issues--let alone a whole page worth of them--they have positions in common. Oh sure, if you say 'balancing the budget,' they're both for it, of course, but HOW they'd do it couldn't be more different. Wall Street regulations? Sure they both employ Stock Market insiders, but one wants to TIGHTEN regulations, the other would do away with them altogether. Environment? One wants to sign on to international agreements to combat climate change, the other denies it's even happening. So it goes on every issue on down the list. How anybody can claim there's no difference is beyond me.
Biden announces to the world that "We cannot win this re-election, excuse me, we can only re-elect ...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 8, 2020:
You might actually be right. It's like fans who insist Tom Brady is still a great--or at least above-average--quarterback! I've always really liked Joe Biden and I hate to see it, but he does seem to be suffering from early-stage dementia. Still plenty of primaries, still plenty of choices...
This scene in "outbreak" has stayed with me for decades; it's the main reason I don't like going to ...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 8, 2020:
I never go to movies with a lot of rock climbing or walking in ledges 10 stories up! I can't watch.
Who can honestly say god rules the universe anymore?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Thinking positive is the only way to go. As a stoic, I don't emotionally or psychologically worry myself over thing about which I have no personal control. Much better for my mental health that way. I stopped watching the education about those things is complete. No need to frustrate myself. I DO vote, but if my candidate isn't elected, so be it. Not my problem and I did what I can do. My suggestion: substitute extraterrestials for 'god.' The chances THEY 'created' us through genetic engineering are much better than imagining some personal disembodied entity. And THEY might actually come back some day, or finally make their presence known, and help us out and set us straight in many ways, or maybe even finish the job and make us superhuman. That'd be cool. Watch Ancient Aliens on the History Channel; it'll blow your mind. In short, my advice is to look for plausible--if 'farfetched'--reasons for the way things are and deal with THAT. And stop worrying.
PART TWO >> There has been a lot of good garnered through faith, yet religion has also caused a ...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 8, 2020:
So...what is your point? Is this supposed to be some kind of an insightful rending of the shroud? We've all had these thoughts, as disorganized and meandering as they are... I DO think there is a unifying force to it all, but I fear your search for meaning must inevitably come up short, unless you want to delude yourself. With or without religion, men and women would do the same terrific and terrible things, don't you agree? You blame the faith, but it's they who do the deeds--IN THE NAME OF god. If not that, they'd have to take personal responsibility, and that they're not willing to do. They do it IN THE NAME OF country, the stars and bars, not in their own name. Sometimes those acts are justified, so god or the USA has done a good thing; sometimes not--so either god works in mysterious ways, OR a leader misleads...but it's not you PERSONALLY at risk. Isn't that how it often works? But if you disenable god, or disempower political authorities, well, you're on your own, right? No one to tell you it's okay and tuck you in at night... So you have to make a choice. As far as the afterlife, I happen to think it's entirely possible, even probable. That's just me. I also happen to think there ARE rewards and punishments, in this life and the next. Not meted out by some god, but according to natural laws. What do I mean by that? I think of it like a bank account, if you will. This bank allows you to go into the red, but you must repay, either now or in the future; sooner or later you have to settle accounts. We think and do as we will, therefore, and either own up to it or not, our choice. But the law is the law and there's no getting around it. One of my favorite Dylan lines, as nonsensical as it seems to be despite it's essential 'truthfulness,' is, "To live outside the law you must be honest...I know you always say that you agree..." I know what he means, and even though it's fractured, it makes sense: yes, you can bend the rules, even 'live outside' them sometimes if necessary, as long as you stay true to their purpose and meaning. But you better know what you're doing and do it for the right reason! But that's neither here nor there there; just a way of looking at it. I may be 'wrong,' but so what? Who in the final analysis is right?
Could be interesting. []
Storm1752 comments on Mar 7, 2020:
I don't see why.
Why are Republicans Evangelicals?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 7, 2020:
Supply-side economics tells them lower taxes is magically good for the economy and budget, Ayn Rand tells them poor people are lazy, so it's okay to be greedy and selfish, and Their churches tell them abortion is infanticide and homosexuality is Satanic. Quite a witch's brew of self-serving delusion.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 7, 2020:
Who cares if you're Muslim, and why are you proud of the fact? I was raised Catholic, but I'm not now and haven't been for 50 years. I don't hang out with Catholics, avoid the topic whenever possible, and have many and varied interests unrelated to religion and culture at all. Why do you care if others accept your ignorant religion and culture?
Question for other non religious. who loves working out?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 7, 2020:
Why do you make a point of saying you don't care "if a man thinks I'm attractive or not anymore?" It seems to me most people care if other people think they're "attractive." I know I do. I recently ballooned up to about 220 from my normal weight of 190, and I was appalled...too much (any) chocolate, ice cream and candy! So I cut it out and am exercising. I don't want to look like that. I look around at fat people and wonder how they can stand to look at themselves!
Marine Mom Claimed Son Told Her Fox News Plays On Every TV On Base, Soldiers Not Allowed To Change ...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 7, 2020:
Most places I go--like the bank, Tires Plus, the hospital, hotel lobby--you have your choice of Fox News or several Christian stations ..oh, and the Cowboys and Indians channel.
Someone recently argued that greater educational attainment in first nations is the driver behind a ...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 6, 2020:
No, you had it right the first time. Education leads to a decline in religiosity in most cases. There is no "instinctual attribution of the unknown to supernatural forces," as you so laboriously put it. What learned, erudite nonsense! You seem to revel in using incendiary language..."indoctrination into the public educational system" which amounts to an "enforcer of acceptable norms?" So all these "enforcers" have to do is "shun" religious instruction and presto! People abandon religion! Wow! That was easy! So who exactly ARE these "enforcers," pray tell? Some sort of evil Satanic cabal of secular humanists kidnapping impressionable young minds? So to cut through the pseudo-intellectual gobblygook, we have two competing "villages," right? And it just depends on which side your on?, I think you are confusing yourself with all your vocabulary-infested mental gymnastics: Clearly, learning the world is billions of years old is not "indoctrination." Finding out facts counter to superstition is a good thing, despite your insinuation it's an atheistic conspiracy. Or did you just write yourself into a corner?
How do you level up?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 5, 2020:
I never worried or even thought about points. I don't see the point. Just make your points and you'll be fine.
As I respect the level 'Agnostic' sits on, I wonder, whom could challenge or logically deny that ...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 5, 2020:
I'd go along with that word, except I've made up my OWN definition of god as being some sort of 'universal consciousness,' or, more precisely, 'something in the Neo-Deist vein.' I consider MY definition superior to all others so, in my own opinion, I myself am possessed of superior judgment and intellect. In any event, I'm absolutely POSITIVE the aliens will clear this all up for us, when they decide the time is right.
I have to be honest.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 5, 2020:
Let me clear this up for you once and for all: The King James version misinterprets the Greek word 'aion' as meaning 'everlasting.' The REAL interpretation is, 'an indeterminate period of time.' Okay? So if hell existed and you were so unfortunate as to go there, it'd be until god decided you'd suffered enough and let you out, presumably free to enter the pearly gates. Feel better now? Good.
Is Reich correct about the Dem establishment? []
Storm1752 comments on Mar 5, 2020:
No idea. The bottom line is: whoever gets the most votes wins. If money settled it, Bloomberg would've won already.. No excuses about the 'establishment" or a "conspiracy," please. Biden is well-known and liked, and more voters think he can win than any other candidate. He's run so many times I've lost count. It's apparently his turn this time. So be it. Similarly, if Bernie can mount a comeback, good for him. I'LL be voting for him.
Do you think it is possible for a professing Christian to be agnostic?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 4, 2020:
I think you can think anything you want. You already DO. I have very serious doubts whether a man called 'Jesus Christ's existed. I guess it's possible but I don't believe it. A 'Christ Consciousness' is different, and I DO believe it is very possible. But that's my particular opinion, based on what I've read and my experience. That doesn't make it positively so. Same with you.
Why do hunters mount taxidermied deer heads on their walls?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Eating meat daily is bad for your health, and bad for the planet. If YOU want to go out and shoot animal dead and eat it, by all means. The real problem is with factory farms/ mass production and consumption. You know this, right?
Completely DISGUSTED last night watching reporters going maniacal with glee over Bidens wins.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Now c'mon! They would've gushed over a Bernie landslide, too Surprised Bloomberg didn't do better; same with Warren...those two are reeling.
Well isn't this nice.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Bloomberg is the most electable candidate; too bad if some people don't like it.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 1, 2020:
Can't get past the first page. Sorry.
A note to our community's feminists
Storm1752 comments on Mar 1, 2020:
Jeff You are a MAN. There is no way to overcome that basic fact. Give up. All the rapists, criminals, wife beaters, serial killers, Alpha male Machiavellians, narcissistic users, female-haters, patriarchal bible-thumpers, Republican science-denying righties, terrorists, lone-wolf gunmen, friend-buying capitalists, etc., etc., in general 98% of ALL OF US, have made sure you are under a cloak of suspicion from the age of puberty onward. These men have ruined it for all of us 'good guys," who just want to be friends and get along with everyone. WE are ashamed of these men, but are down deep nervous we may be one of them in denial. So we become self-loathing recluses who watch sports and Ancient Aliens compulsively, play marathon solitaire and count our days as if under a nonpardonable death sentence. And occasionally write into Or is that just me?
Pence Was Responsible For The Largest Outbreak Of HIV In American History! He Murdered Hundreds! He ...
Storm1752 comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Pence is the only reason I'm glad our Genius-in-Chief was acquitted. He's the real Heritage Foundation- Federalist Society- Christian Warrior- type we should REALLY be afraid of, not the Clown Train buffoon sideshow.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Do I detect a hint of sarcasm? You should be in CHAINS, sir, for daring to question the benevolent genius of this gift to humanity!
A question: There is a bill circulating in the Utah legislator to legalize polygamy.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 28, 2020:
As many wives as you can attract and afford, in an ultra-patriarchal way. No one wife, many husbands! Of course not! That'd make too much sense! Besides, the men would probably end up beating each other to a pulp...
Is forgiveness required? Is it hypocritical to judge others? I see hypocrisy all the time.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 28, 2020:
No, judging others is a common, everyday occurrence. Similarly, forgiveness and rehabilitation of one's image must be earned, not given freely. The bible claims otherwise,; yet another example of how it warps prople's minds, by causing them to think they're not 'spiritual' enough and will be punished for simply being normal human beings.
Just curious
Storm1752 comments on Feb 28, 2020:
I'm agnostic...reading up on the phony-baloney 'life and times of Jesus H. Christ,' the fake, non-existent Messiah. That 'universal consciousness' could maybe be an authentic 'thing' on some completely other level doesn't excuse perpetuating this destructive and pernicious myth.
WHY does the AHA questionnaire keep asking "do you believe---" As a Scientist one doesn't BELIEVE ...
Storm1752 comments on Feb 27, 2020:
What is the "AHA?"
the Nature of - Eternal Life - and humanities irrational fear of - death - the Joy of dying – ...
Storm1752 comments on Feb 26, 2020:
Very nice. As an agnostic I'm able to say you might very well be right about what you are pronouncing. It certainly cannot be disproven. Hopefully someday it can be YOU have concrete proof of any kind?
Let us briefly reflect on the fact that atheism is the only thing we have in common on this site.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 26, 2020:
I'm not atheist, and neither are a lot of others here. I have an open mind, and am always investigating interesting topics related to the unsolved (unsolvable?) Mysteries of life and death. My agnosticism is a liberating, not restrictive, window through which I see and enjoy all the possibilities my amazing human brain can imagine. The internet is an equally amazing tool one can use to expand one's conscious awareness of the absolutely priceless opportunity we all have to experience existence. So I'm not concerning myself with the limitations we all endure, and place on ourselves. To an extent, that's unavoidable. But we can push our own boundaries outward from time to time, whenever we can get outside ourselves and those subjective walls. That's why I've never been and never will be an atheist. I consider it as much of an obstacle as theism to at least SOME discovery of myself and the world around me. But that's my own thing.
Where do you fall on the Dawkins scale.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 26, 2020:
That makes you an agnostic neo-deist.
Buttigieg is a not only a Proxy for the Demo old guard leadership, he is now a front for the ...
Storm1752 comments on Feb 26, 2020:
Quit putting down Dems, troll.
You know the more i am on here, the more i treasure the intelligence shown, and even the silliness ...
Storm1752 comments on Feb 26, 2020:
StSinner and RoboGraham et al. are a real pain. So phony.
Ignorance often breeds paranoia.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 25, 2020:
I think he believes it in the sense he and his handlers want to dismantle the federal civil service, for that matter government in general, down to a skeletonized ghost of itself. To enact New Deal legislation, Congress set up the bureaucracy to protect clean air and water, workers' rights, public health and safety, and so on. These are the programs we spend money on (aside from the monstrous military) and which Republicans are doing their best to pressure out of existence by cutting taxes every chance they get. Trump is one of the gaudy sideshows--guns, abortion and communism being three others--the ultra-right's super rich are using to distract people from what is REALLY going on. The DARK STATE is what we should actually be focusing on. It's the "vast right-wing conspiracy" Hillary so aptly referred to: The network of "officials, private firms, media outlets (Fox, Limbaugh, etc.), think tanks, foundations (Heritage, Federalist Society, etc.), NGOs, and interest groups (NRA, etc.), which attend to the needs of capital rather than the lives of ordinary people." Yes, the Democrats have a pale shadow of the same thing, but it is so fragmented, disorganized and comparatively underfunded it hardly stands a chance against this political propaganda machine.
What presidential canidate would be the best for ensuring freedom of and FROM religion, womens ...
Storm1752 comments on Feb 24, 2020:
All Democratic candidates would do s good job.
Borrowed this from a friend on Facebook.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 24, 2020:
That about sums it up.
What dissappoints me most when reading posts by many atheists/agnostics is the tendency to blame the...
Storm1752 comments on Feb 24, 2020:
And you're talking about whom?
Who will win the next election . Trump or Sanders ?
Storm1752 comments on Feb 23, 2020:
Maybe neither one. Why the rush?
Another week is behind us.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 23, 2020:
I want to understand what a REAL woman is all about!
It is telling that 5 out 6 of the presidential candidates of the organization which calls itself the...
Storm1752 comments on Feb 23, 2020:
Nah we're a bunch of neo-Stalinists who believe in fascist authoritarian dictatorships.
Perhaps someone can explain something to us "Lefties".
Storm1752 comments on Feb 23, 2020:
What's in it for them? Money, power, and the satisfaction they are doing the Lord's work. AND giving the red guy with the pitchfork a beat down. What do you think?
I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 23, 2020:
But do you feel guilty when you eat a Twinkie?
My mom's concern for me and my husband's atheism.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 23, 2020:
Tell her not to worry: if JC died for your sins, you're covered! According to her, atheism is a great and terrible sin. (I'm agnostic and I'm sure that's basically just as bad.) So he died for that sin too, obviously. Tell her you can't help what you believe (just like a sugar junkie can't help eating chocolate and Twinkies, for example), so if she wants to pray for your immortal soul, tell her to go ahead, you appreciate her concern. I NEVER talk back when my mother brings the subject up. I just play along. I have the advantage of being able to say I think god exists, always making sure the 'think' is barely audible. It may not be strictly true, so I just chalk it up as a 'white lie' and go merrily along my way. In other words, have a sense of humor about it It ain't nothin' but a thing.
The false choice of Mike Bloomberg’s 2020 presidential campaign - Vox
Storm1752 comments on Feb 22, 2020:
I happen to totally disagree with the basic premise. The Donald already set the precedent. Get used to billionaires running for president; already a huge percentage of Congressmen are millionaires. The Republicans have removed all barriers to campaign contributions. Modern American politics is awash in dark money, and the Koch brothers were only the tip of the iceberg. The only way to fight fire is with fire, in this case. Identify a like-minded billionaire, with a mind of his own and genuinely progressive, whose right on the issues and sincere about it, and back him. He won't be taking bribes and won't have contributors banging on the Oval Office door in the middle of the night demanding their pound of flesh. Democrats have to admit they're losing every battle at this stage in the war; they must make a strategic retreat, regroup, and take back power by all means available. That's what 'they' are doing. Time to get off their principled perch and get down in the trenches for some hand-to-hand combat. (Sorry for all the military lingo but this IS war after all.)
I wish people would get it.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 22, 2020:
Get what?
Just a thought I had from one that I dearly call 'friend'.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 22, 2020:
Well said. About the Agnostic 'versus' Atheist squabble, it's all good. I love my atheist friends, AND my Christian friends. Just because they're wrong doesn't make them bad people. In person-to-person interactions, we don't sit around debating about it; there is so much more to friendships than that. Being a sports fan, that's always a good topic. Right now, I'm much more interested in talking to my Christian handyman friend about how to construct my new pond with a fountain in the middle. I gave him a copy of the Desiderata...he liked it. So I'm not going to ruin good friendships by pouring salt in wounds and punching sore shoulders. It's just on a site like this we have the liberty to discuss the fine points of all these disagreements at arm's length. In depth. Ad nauseum. Without permanently hurting most people's feelings. There's value in that.
Religion is human self alienation
Storm1752 comments on Feb 22, 2020:
Searching for answers to life's great mysteries is not self-alienation. BUT believing in--and attempting to follow and obey--religious tenets calling on adherents to deny their basic human natures, calling them Satanic, IS very self-alienating. No doubt about it.
Here's a kicker! In the bible when there is a reference to homosexual behaviour the word is more ...
Storm1752 comments on Feb 22, 2020:
Sex between a man and a boy? (No sex between women and girls? Why this sexist discrimination?) Aren't we splitting hairs here? By "boy" do we mean pubescent, from early childhood to puberty? Or are you still a 'boy' after puberty? Pedophilia is to be discouraged under all circumstances, so if the former ancient Jews may have had something there! If the latter, the elders might've been trying to ramp back on rampant man-boy gayness, so as to prioritize increasing their numbers to slay the idolaters! What nonsense to use ancient Jewish tribal sex policies to govern present-day sexual mores, attitudes, and practices.
So, how many of youse out there in 'agnosticland' have actually considered whether your position is ...
Storm1752 comments on Feb 22, 2020:
Probable? Do you mean 'tenable?' If so, yes, I've considered it and having done so, decided it is the only rational position. However, I also consider myself an agnostic Neo-Deist, so I'm an atheist when it comes to divine entities, but agnostic when it comes to a possible, but as-yet undetected, 'universal consciousness,' whatever that may be. Thanks for asking.
Between Rush Limbaugh, Paula White and all these other Fake Dump Loving “Christians” I’m going...
Storm1752 comments on Feb 22, 2020:
My advice: stop listening to them! One day, while I was on a roof listening to Limbaugh because it was the only station I could get in that rural area, he told anybody who was being driven crazy by his 'humor' to turn him off. I thought about it, and then did exactly that and haven't listened to him since. That goes for Hannity and all the rest of them. Today I'm much happier. It aggrieves me to think so many people actually believe these propagandists. When Obama had the chance, he should have reinstituted the Fairness Doctrine, a Reagan-era casualty, and brought some balance back into the talk radio world. But he didn't, obviously, so we continue to be tortured by these unchallenged lies. It's only a matter of time before the "vast right-wing conspiracy" uses the demise of net neutrality to do the same thing to the internet. It'll happen so gradually most people won't even realize it's happening.
The claim the President Trump has been harder on Russia than any of his predecessors is a myth and a...
Storm1752 comments on Feb 22, 2020:
To me, this has less to do with government-to-government collusion, but oligarch-to-oligarch collusion. Governments seem to be increasingly more in the business of coordinating activities between and among mega-transnational super corporations (using any convenient excuse--see Iraq War) than bettering the lives of common citizens.
(PDF) The Dawkins Delusion | Fred Perez -
Storm1752 comments on Feb 22, 2020:
Would you like to summarize, outline, or otherwise distill some of these absurdities for us?
So first there were Russian trolls/bots tweeting/posting crap to hurt Hillary's campaign.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 22, 2020:
"Cause divide and mistrust within our country?" Does anybody need Russia's help to do that? I trust the Republicans zero percent already. I guess it's theoretically possible using quantum mechanics, and 'butterfy effects,' to go into negative territory. This might cause me to trust them -100%, if we can work out the equations.
Last night's debate was the closest I've seen to a political version of a WWE Smackdown.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 21, 2020:
Bloomberg will get better as time goes on. He'll have a team of experts prep him for the next debate. I can see a lot of us are already getting out the tar and feather for ol' Mike, but stop and ask yourself why. He USED to be Republican. So what? He made some sexist jokes. Yeah? You haven't? He's a 'racist' because he advocated frisking suspicious-looking (black) people? What's really wrong with profiling? You and I do it all the time. Admit it. It seems to me your real problem he's not a socialist. Hey, I'm s socialist but I know it's unrealistic to believe the general public will vote for Sanders. Or, he's a billionaire. So? Warren Buffet's a Democratic icon and he's almost as rich as Bill Gates. ANY Democratic candidate is better than any Republican. Can we at least agree on that? So the real question is, which candidate is more ELECTABLE? Biden? I love Joe, but isn't he a bit of a retread? AND getting old... Warren? A good choice, but how can I say this...never mind, I think you know what I mean. Bernie? A dream come true, but, as St Sinner (I know, a troll) points out, has lots of quasi-'communist' baggage. Hey, I'm a neo-communist myself! Some day, maybe, we can have a communist system based on computers and automation, but NOW? I just can't see him getting elected. It would take a true revolution of the mind for that to happen, and no amount of revulsion toward Trump'll be enough. Bloomberg? I hate to say it, but I like his policies, his lack of actionable baggage (compared to Trump), and his New York power base. I just think he's the best choice.
For those who watched the debate last night, talk about a smackdown 🤣🤣🤣
Storm1752 comments on Feb 21, 2020:
Bloomberg is hardly 'Trump-lite!' Look at his policies! Couldn't be more diametrically opposed to Trump in every imaginable way.
My dad is constantly playing Dennis Prager radio.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 21, 2020:
Boy do I feel sorry for YOU!
Okay folks, time to weigh in, your opinion is needed and appreciated.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 21, 2020:
If all St Sinner says is more or less true--or true enough for campaign propaganda purposes--it IS cause to pause thoughtfully. It wouldn't stop ME from voting for him, but we're not talking about me, we're talking about the general electorate. I think someone like Bloomberg is a lot more electable.
The Supreme Court ruled that "buying the election" is legal via Citizens United.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 20, 2020:
It's legal to be a billionaire, and Bloomberg came by his money honorably. Unlike some people. The stark contrast will be inescapable to most people, some of whom think Trump is 'smart' because he is rich. In that case, Mike must be a genius. Plus he actually has experience governing a city more populous than some states. Did a d*mn good job, too. One look at his policies tells you he's on the right side of the issues.
"No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office .
Storm1752 comments on Feb 20, 2020:
Clearly unconstitutional.
Has rump just thrown the election in November2020???
Storm1752 comments on Feb 20, 2020:
This is ridiculous. The REAL problem is, Republicans' continued war on the lower classes, and refusal to fully fund government programs. There should be a balanced budget amendment, with a 4/5 majority to overspend by 10%! A unanimous vote beyond that. Their supposed allegiance to "supply-side economics" is a thinly-veiled ruse to dismantle FDR's New Deal socialist policies embraced by the rest of the civilized world. Besides cutting programs sensibly where warranted, they should be RAISING TAXES on the super rich, in addition to downsizing the insanely bloated military.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 19, 2020:
I agree They must Like Mike.
[] Is Pete Buttigieg a Wall Street Democrat beholden to corporate interests?
Storm1752 comments on Feb 18, 2020:
You tell me. Is he the gay one?
I've been thinking about the higher age group of this site and I think I got it figured out a bit.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 18, 2020:
Maybe. Or else they don't think about their beliefs much. They're irrelevant, go without saying. Just like we don't go around asserting vehemently there is no Santa Claus; we figured that out by second grade.
Christian Lawmakers Group Blames Satan After Twitter Poll Goes Badly Awry []
Storm1752 comments on Feb 18, 2020:
Hilarious. Even Christians are sick of Christians. I would venture to guess, furthermore, a lot of Christians are not really Christians, particularly on the Democratic side. They have to SAY they are to get elected. On the negative side, look at the Donald: about as Christian as Sadaam Hussein was Muslim! Maybe it's really code for, 'I'm a moral, upstanding person who will try to follow the Golden Rule,' or something like that. Anyway, all it tells me is, religion itself is becoming more and more of an issue the louder Christians squeal and complain about Satan. Who is anybody who disagrees with them.
I have been a member on this site now for nearly two years and I have come to an interesting ...
Storm1752 comments on Feb 18, 2020:
I know what you're talking about and I'm afraid I have 'out' myself as a frustrated agnostic who has all but given up trying to convince atheists they cannot by definition also be agnostic. But now and again, depending on my mood, I'll gird my loins and once again join battle. I try to do it with a light heart, but contrary to your take, atheists will betray a mean-spirited darkness of attitude which makes easy-going banter problematic. It's true atheists, like conservatives, display a perspective of 'true belief' in their point of view. They seem enraged by what they think is a milquetoast agnostic diffidence, a lack of sufficient fanaticism, seem intent on placing us on Dawkins' scale of belief, mock our insistence we HAVE no belief and belief itself is irrelevant... But, as I like to say, 'it is what it is.' I would only urge atheists to admit their deeply-held, strident beliefs are based on exactly the 'lack of evidence' they point out in Theists. To the 'atheists' who dislike high-volume shouting, I would ask them to admit their 'unbelief' is based on fantasy. You see, I as an agnostic think a KIND of god other than that of the personal, anthropomorphic, Abrahamic variety is possible, maybe even probable; since there DOES seem to be the unifying forces of gravity and electromagnetism, energy DOES equal mass times the speed of light squared (whatever that really means), mathematics reveals an incredible elegance underpinning the physical world, reincarnation seems to be a circumstantially defensible possibility, extraterrestrial visitors appear commonplace, quantum physics belies much of what we think we see with our eyes and think with our brains, etc. So SOMETHING is going on here which cannot at present be 'proven' but neither be disproven, either. I have this weird idea we are actually exact opposites, literally black and white. Black allows out no color, white allows IN no color. Black denies everything, as it were. White allows for everything. Not a perfect analogy, but I'm just blowing gray smoke anyway. Maybe we all are. So angry atheistic close-mindedness seems to me inappropriate and unsupportable. I can only hope they develop more of a sense of humor about it.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 18, 2020:
I have to agree. Sanders is too old, but more importantly too Jewish. I love his "socialist" (left-of-center) ideology...I share it. If anything it doesn't go far enough. BUT since liberals don't vote in high enough numbers to support a truly liberal candidate, a more *moderate" (conservative) candidate stands a much better chance...a Warren, or Bloomberg. It's too bad, but that's probably the truth.
Is Faith Delusional? []
Storm1752 comments on Feb 18, 2020:
A BELIEF is inherently of questionable validity; not necessarily untrue, but not definitely true, either. If found to be untrue, one's mind can be changed If something is indisputably true, it is a FACT, not a belief. DELUSION is an unshakable belief based on FALSITY, not fact. FAITH is a belief if it can be amended if warranted; a DELUSION if it is unshakable. But, belief in, faith in, God cannot be proven or disproven, as either true or false, so it cannot be a DELUSION.
About a country named ameriKKKa.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 18, 2020:
What is true of the U.S. is also true of just about every country/empire since the beginning of history. The only difference is one of scale. The real shame is Americans buy the lie we are uniquely 'blessed' and gifted, and so authorized by god to commit our atrocities.
It is an established fact that believers are deluded and liars.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 18, 2020:
Your Hoffer quotes are interesting. Much of this is true but trite, so mildly insulting, as if you think we don't already take it as a given. Your point is lacking--what, religious true believers are wrong to claim infallibility? Yes, of course. Deluded? Check. And liars may use naive true belief to con the gullible and to artificially inflate their own weak egos...sure, but so what? It sounds like you're trying to convince yourself, not us. People believe for all kinds of reasons, but if they're lying they're not deluded, are they? If deluded, they're not lying. More like the blind leading the blind! All in all, you need focus, in my opinion, and whatever your conclusions, they are obscure. If it's that it's a shame religion is often an excuse for all kinds of trajedy and abuse, gee, no sh*t! Some believe simply because they mistakenly (?) personalize a deep-seated conviction god exists. Well, maybe A universal 'truth' DOES exist; just not a quantifiable, verifiable, actionable one. Tell THEM that; we already know.
Love Your Neighbor!!!! No Exceptions!!!!! Agree/Disagree?
Storm1752 comments on Feb 17, 2020:
Disagree. I can tolerate anybody, well almost anybody, but love? No. That's just not realistic.
In my way of thinking of the three Abrahamic religions Christianity is the worse.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 17, 2020:
Islam is just as bad as fundamentalist Christianity.
Does anyone here prefer a communist government over a capitalist one?
Storm1752 comments on Feb 17, 2020:
A MODERN communist system based on democracy, egalitarianism, and technology: *automation to end employment, *computerized allocation of resources.
For every American liberal on this website, I’m curious about your opinion on this.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 17, 2020:
Not sure what you're asking. Rephrase, please?
I don't yet know about you, but I'm finally getting enthused about the election. Why?
Storm1752 comments on Feb 17, 2020:
Bloomberg is exactly what we need to finish the Bully off.


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