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Feeling agnostic;
Storm1752 comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Quoting a line from the otherwise excellent Desiderata: "Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be." Now rephrase: Therefore, be at peace with god, whatever you conceive god to be. Since as a "deist" I can leave open to my imagination what "god" might conceivably be ...
Storm1752 replies on Sep 19, 2019:
@Robecology Not faith...I just have an open mind about an undefined idea of 'god,' not an entity, not a supreme being, something else. (Let's not go THERE right now!) I have no "faith" in that or anything else.
Hey gals (and guys), I'm a straight man, but a bit bi-curious, I guess, and I'm 51 years old and ...
Wildflower comments on May 3, 2019:
I'm probably the only woman that comes to this group and is up for some chat. Almost 300 members. Not sure what members want from this group.
Storm1752 replies on Sep 10, 2019:
@Annabelle95991 Well why didn't you add the next paragraph of the story, then?
When a woman leaves...
Nathalie_Quebec comments on Sep 9, 2019:
In my opinion we shouldn't go back, for any reason. It never works. The breakup leaves scars... Things are definitely not the same. One partner is more willing than the other, while the other just can't love again. When people separate it's because something's wrong, and most of the time it's the ...
Storm1752 replies on Sep 10, 2019:
You said, "MOST of the time..." Close enough for horseshoes, I guess." I was left once because I took up smoking again; she left me for a college professor. The second time I wasn't rich enough, and didn't want to get married and have children; she left me for an engineer. Both times I almost died (figuratively speaking)! The third time it was for another woman! That one didn't bother me. Much. No happy reunions. Life goes on.
Some of you are skeptical but this is what is at stake.
Monty35792 comments on Aug 19, 2019:
Another point I would like to add is that this whole conversation is a good example of how emotional and reactive people get when it comes to any political discussion. I only say that because I notice that I do the same thing. I understand it, but I also see how I could be jumping to the most ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 20, 2019:
You are blind, Monty.
Adulting sucks.
Storm1752 comments on Aug 8, 2019:
Explain, please.
Storm1752 replies on Aug 10, 2019:
@EyesThatSmile Thanks.
Why are the liberals blaming white supremacist’s for mass shootings?
Storm1752 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
I'm one liberal who doesn't follow mass shootings any more than I do the rest of the news. Mass shootings have become boringly routine anyway. Who cares if it's a terrorist, or a lone wolf, a white supremicist, a drug-crazed lunatic, whatever... Equally indifferent am I to the outcries for gun ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 10, 2019:
@Bobby9 Of course it's absurd. I note you're right of center with a total lack of surprise. I'M a neo-communist, which means I think Computers should run and do everything conceivably possible, thus freeing mankind. The population should be capped at 5.5 billion. Climate Change should be forcibly halted immediately. So many other things. This should be done by fiat, if necessay, which it is. Political Parties should be outlawed. I should be in charge of everything.
Why are the liberals blaming white supremacist’s for mass shootings?
Storm1752 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
I'm one liberal who doesn't follow mass shootings any more than I do the rest of the news. Mass shootings have become boringly routine anyway. Who cares if it's a terrorist, or a lone wolf, a white supremicist, a drug-crazed lunatic, whatever... Equally indifferent am I to the outcries for gun ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 8, 2019:
@Bobby9 iI stand corrected, with my apologies. The 5-4 decision, as irrational and ridiculous as it was, favored the right for ANYONE to bear arms, including (maybe ESPECIALLY) criminals. Huh? What's that? But the court said the mentally ill and criminals DIDN'T have that right! True, which is why it's divorced from reality. Given ANYONE can obtain a handgun if they wish, legally or not, any law refusing them to criminals is useless. If there was a blanket ban on handguns, on the other hand (to pick out one type of particularly dangerous firearm) their manufacture would be prohibited everywhere in the U.S. Yes, they could be made overseas and smuggled in, but that's a whole other level of difficulty in obtaining them. Nowhere in the amendment does it specify individual rights. But certainly self-defense, given present-day gun violence, makes sense, but only because most criminals have handguns. They are everywhere in the criminal underground. While homeowners mistakenly may have the right to own a handgun, relatively few do. The court, true enough, ludicrously said the obvious specification of a well-regulated militia also applied to individuals. That MIGHT have made sense in Revolutionary times, when soldiers were outrageously allowed to billet in people's homes, and state militias were themselves often toothless, but it has no bearing on 21st Century reality. Clearly, if a President or a political party DID actually try to stage a coup, there would be civil war. The idea that some self-appointed "militia" would rise up against even a state militia is absurd, but that the militia of one state might oppose one from another is not. What we are really talking about real-world is virtual anarchy in some urban areas. Police are understandably intimidated and steer clear of some enclaves of lawlessness. If these weapons were illegal and not manufactured, gradually they would become less and less prevalent. But as I said before, it aint gonna happen, because the wingnuts (sorry for the personal assignation if it doesn't apply; not sorry if it does) have taken over the Supreme Court--as well as other organs of government, to our shame--and refuse to face the truth: Individuals should not have the right to bear arms. Hunting? It should go the way of bullfights. But since we are now in the midst of a mass extinction and the wholesale destruction of our ecosystem, that's beside the point.
Good afternoon! Today's post comes by way of the meme below.
Storm1752 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
Some lies are bad, some are necessary evils, some are beneficial. You mean BAD lies, right? I lie sometimes, always good lies, I hope. Are you can handle everything else? Are you SURE you don't want to add a few other things to that list?
Storm1752 replies on Aug 8, 2019:
@GuyKeith Oh, you speak for everybody? Some lies are necessary, or do you always tell the unvarnished truth, Keith? Never a "white lie" escapes your lips, is that right? Why don't you limit and restrict yourself to what YOU'RE trying to say, and refrain from concerning yourself with the thoughts, ideas and comments of others? Doesn't that sound like a good idea?
For the history buffs: Interesting article about how Thomas Jefferson created his own "bible".
JackPedigo comments on Aug 6, 2019:
Many bibles have been written throughout history and T. Jefferson's was only one. What today's christians fail to realize is that many of the founders were Deists. They believed in a god but felt this god left it's creations to it's own devices. How can one be deserving of salvation when something ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 8, 2019:
Jefferson didn't "write" his bible---he severely redacted out much of the "New Testament" of the one he owned (King James), like the 'miracles,' epistles, and all of Paul's rantings, and kept only the words actually attributed to "Jesus" (who was himself a literary creation). So who is REALLY being quoted? Roman scribes, according to the popular theory, who are writing down the fictitious imaginings, borrowed mythology, and personal musings of the Roman aristocracy and/or their friends, allies, and colleagues. There WAS no Mark, Matthew, Luke and John, or anybody 'Christian,' for that matter, and no Jesus. This surely is not news to anybody reading this!
For the history buffs: Interesting article about how Thomas Jefferson created his own "bible".
Storm1752 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
Only problem is "Jesus" didn't say any of those things because he didn't exist. I like the hypothesis the "New Testament" was dreamed up and compiled by the Romans and, much to their probable surprise and glee, became an instant best-seller. That it's high-minded-sounding nonsense is beside the ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 8, 2019:
@benhmiller Please explain? What do you mean, "...they had wrote done things about Jesus?"
Why are the liberals blaming white supremacist’s for mass shootings?
Storm1752 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
I'm one liberal who doesn't follow mass shootings any more than I do the rest of the news. Mass shootings have become boringly routine anyway. Who cares if it's a terrorist, or a lone wolf, a white supremicist, a drug-crazed lunatic, whatever... Equally indifferent am I to the outcries for gun ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 7, 2019:
@Bobby9 Please brush up on your history, dear friend. The battle was between the Federalists (strong central government) and anti-Federalists (weak central government, most power to the individual states). The anti-Federalists feared a strong central government which, among other things, might become tyrannical, so they favored a right to bear arms, in the hands of state militias (which you are correct WERE--at the time--the military. But NOT if the central government gobbled up more power.) So this really had nothing or very little to do with INDIVIDUALS having unlimited access to guns. The Supreme Court has said so, in a way, more or less. The issue was protecting citizens from dictatorship, okay? States' rights were a related, corollary issue, the two issues were interlinked but were not identical. Now, what precisely am I "reading into it?" You wingnuts are an ornery crew, aintcha? I stand by my original take, and add only if tyranny comes to our shores in this day and age, it'll be slow, gradual, like a frog in boiling water. We won't even know it's gone. Guns won't matter.
Why are the liberals blaming white supremacist’s for mass shootings?
Storm1752 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
I'm one liberal who doesn't follow mass shootings any more than I do the rest of the news. Mass shootings have become boringly routine anyway. Who cares if it's a terrorist, or a lone wolf, a white supremicist, a drug-crazed lunatic, whatever... Equally indifferent am I to the outcries for gun ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 7, 2019:
@Bobby9 Ouch!😖
Ten things you must know about relationships. Number ten is most important. []
Storm1752 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
Um, a few thoughts: Honesty may doom you to a life of solitude, especially at the beginning. Time enough for that later. Heartbreak, if traumatic enough, may cause PTSD "baggage" and make future relationships very difficult. I suggest a pre-puberty class in elementary school about ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 7, 2019:
@1of5 i didn't say be DIShonest.
Why are the liberals blaming white supremacist’s for mass shootings?
Storm1752 comments on Aug 6, 2019:
I'm one liberal who doesn't follow mass shootings any more than I do the rest of the news. Mass shootings have become boringly routine anyway. Who cares if it's a terrorist, or a lone wolf, a white supremicist, a drug-crazed lunatic, whatever... Equally indifferent am I to the outcries for gun ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 7, 2019:
@Bobby9 I'll read whatever I feel like reading into it, thank you very much, and I'm "reading" that into it because that was precisely the debate back then. That's why the language was so convoluted. Being all things to all people can get pretty confusing. My POINT is, the Second Amendment is gobbygook, with no practical "meaning" in this day and age, except to fuel the paranoid fantasies of gun nuts who think the 'guv'mint' wants to take their pet rocks away so they can set up a New World Order Government to pave the way for Satan and the Antichrist, or for Hitler (who's been frozen in a block of ice in Antartica) or malevolent aliens who want to make us slaves so they can mine what's left of the planet's resources, or the Illuminati, or... My POINT is, guns are unfortunately an anachronism which won't go away, like a deadbeat uncle sleeping on your couch, used only (unless you live in Alaska and fear Grizzly Bears) to shoot other human beings. I forgot the only other way to get rid of them: form that World Government our brain-challenged friends are so worried about, and put AI robots in charge of us instead politicians so the super-wealthy power elite can't steal from us anymore. My POINT is, forget it. Gun control is here, and will get stricter, but it will do zero good unless and until the underlying Stone Age relics which are our "institutions" get a much-needed overhaul, complete with a shiny new World Religion based on Reality, not 'god' in any incarnation our feeble pea brains can imagine. Sigh. Guns are also good for suicide, especially shotguns placed strategically in one's oral cavity. 100% effective. Maybe I'll buy one! (Note to the mental health police: just kidding.).
Do you think that some things are unforgivable or do you think that some people should be given a ...
Logician comments on Aug 2, 2019:
Why Should We Forgive? Indeed, why should we forgive? What's in it for us to forgive others, or even ourselves for that matter? Are there any liabilities, losses or downsides if we practice forgiveness? If we forgive others, doesn't that then mean that they no longer owe us for that of ...
Storm1752 replies on Aug 3, 2019:
Why forgive? If they're "sorry?" What if they knew a Christian-dominant society would always "forgive" them if they repented their sins and begged for "forgiveness," claiming they've accepted Jesus into their lives? Is that all it takes? What's the UPSIDE of forgiving, is the question you maybe should be asking. If someone axe-murders a family and then says he's sorry, should he be forgiven, no matter what he says? Why?
The horrors of socialism. (yes, my tongue is in my cheek). []
callmedubious comments on Jul 27, 2019: sad that the american ppl are so gullible. many are convinced that socialism = venezeula, not even aware of the crippling US sanctions. there is a horrible price to be paid for ignorance & stupidity & i think the bill is coming due.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 31, 2019:
Not for the rich. They'll still be sailing the Mediterranean on their yachts. You and I are the ones who pay.
Not feeling well and no questions come to mind ... I guess that means I'm without question 😝
MissKathleen comments on Jul 30, 2019:
You may be without question, but I’m not! Feel better! So, everyone, if you fell in love with someone who lived far from where you live and being together meant you had to give up a lot...your friends, your home, your whole way of life...would you?
Storm1752 replies on Jul 30, 2019:
I just bought th his cabin and am still in the process of fixing it up! So that is One Tough Call. Probably, but I'd be hoping for a way to work it out. No way to work it out? Yes, but I'd hang on to it! Just in case.
What gives your life meaning? Why keep going? (just curious)
Storm1752 comments on Jul 28, 2019:
Why keep going? Besides suicide, there's a choice? One'd have to be depressed beyond my comprehension to end it all, and I'm actually quite cheerful. WHY cheerful? No idea. But okay, what gives my life meaning... Me. I like myself, my biggest fan, and want to learn from my mistakes and have ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 30, 2019:
@nyrdybyrd "You are a child of the Universe, No less than the trees and the stars, You have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you No doubt the universe is unfolding as it should"
Hey gals (and guys), I'm a straight man, but a bit bi-curious, I guess, and I'm 51 years old and ...
Annabelle95991 comments on May 6, 2019:
Then let’s liven it up a bit. Let’s talk saucy with each other. I’ll start. I’ll begin a saucy story then abruptly end. Someone else take over and add more saucy until you feel it’s time for someone else to take over. Just keep it going. Who knows how it will end or if it will ever end. ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 29, 2019:
@Annabelle95991 TY...what comes next?
What gives your life meaning? Why keep going? (just curious)
nyrdybyrd comments on Jul 28, 2019:
To me?. it's you.. more specifically my writings unto the greater-you. My work is both my honing & my beacon. — To you, my friends purporting no meaning, I offer my perspective on sapience/connaissance via this profound bit of tangled soup: — Tantamosity: Significance & Meaning's ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 29, 2019:
Wow. meaning?
What gives your life meaning? Why keep going? (just curious)
DavidNoel comments on Jul 28, 2019:
I am retired, and I motivate myself with both positive and negative information. On the positive side, I want to see progressives get control of this country and turn things around, and on the negative side, I want to cause Trump and all of the Jesus/Gun loving idiots as much pain as I can......We ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 28, 2019:
Good answer.
Good morning! If you walked a mile in my shoes, you'd feel my brace that keeps me from falling ...
thinktwice comments on Jul 25, 2019:
If you walked a mile in my shoes, you would see that I am juggling way too many things right now as I try to adjust to another stage of my life, retirement. Selling the house, leaving a career I love, moving to a strange place, dealing with a fractured marriage, missing a person I love, worrying...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 27, 2019:
You'll be fine...
If you figure it out, don't ruin it..
Storm1752 comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Don't get it.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 27, 2019:
@Wildflower Ah...
If you figure it out, don't ruin it..
Storm1752 comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Don't get it.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 24, 2019:
@Wildflower So?
What's your number?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 20, 2019:
Storm1752 replies on Jul 20, 2019:
@Mark013 So as a number it kind of sucks, is that what you're telling me? Well I don't care! It's MY number!
What's your number?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 20, 2019:
Storm1752 replies on Jul 20, 2019:
@MissKathleen Fascinating.
How do you get a link on here?
Buttercup comments on Jul 20, 2019:
Copy and paste in to the text on it's own line and it should show up when you submit.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 20, 2019:
How do you 'copy and paste?'
It’s interesting to me that saying anything remotely positive about religion brings accusations of...
Buttercup comments on Jul 20, 2019:
Spinoza's and by extension Einstein's definition of God is wholly incompatible with the big daddy in the sky of Islam and Christianity. He was equally critical of people who simplistically thought this premise was limit of spiritual belief whether they accepted or rejected his existence.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 20, 2019:
@Buttercup A "failed experiment?" Strange way of putting it.
Do you watch porn?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 19, 2019:
I like two (or more) women, but I agree it's HARD to find a lot which is inspired, decent scenario, good dialogue, etc. That's all-important because so much of the arousal depends on being able to involve yourself mentally and emotionally, and relatively little on the sex itself. Unfortunately ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 20, 2019:
@Wildflower You know, it's just the same as watching a movie or some other programming. You've got to care about the characters, get into their heads and get involved and care about what they're doing and why, or else it's just a bunch of pretty bodies wallowing around, and once you seen it once you've seen them all! There is SOME entertainment value to that, but limited. Wouldn't it be fun to write your own script, choose your own actresses, and shoot your own porn video? I'd love that. Maybe we can get some ethical sluts to star.
Do you watch porn?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 19, 2019:
I like two (or more) women, but I agree it's HARD to find a lot which is inspired, decent scenario, good dialogue, etc. That's all-important because so much of the arousal depends on being able to involve yourself mentally and emotionally, and relatively little on the sex itself. Unfortunately ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 20, 2019:
@Wildflower It's even worse.
I am not an atheist.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 17, 2019:
I'm agnostic and I've been saying the exact same thing to anyone who'll listen. Uh, hello all you atheists, I mean you. No more talk of pink dragons in the garage, please! No more sky faeries or unicorns, if you don't mind! Agnostics don't believe in old bearded men in the clouds either; no ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 19, 2019:
@David1955 Okay, I WILL remain as I am, thank you. I've been one my entire life. I didn't know my thoughts weren't original...that's disappointing, but that just goes to show I'm not the only one who has the impressions I happen to have. I'll just add, atheists DO always refute any possibility of the existence of 'god' by saying no PERSONAL god-entity---who answers prayers and even knows we exist, etc.---is possible, which is a sentiment I wholeheartedly share, as do ALL agnostics. But atheists insist on setting up this straw dog to shoot down CONSTANTLY. It's extremely annoying. But that's one of those unoriginal things I harp on...well it's true. One final thing: I WOULD envy the "clarity" of atheism if there was any chance said clarity was justified, but it is not. That "confidence" is the same confidence of any deluded true believer, including Christians. They are supremely confident in their lord and saviour, and like atheists they enjoy a totally bogus "clarity" which is obviously misplaced. That's ALL agnostics are saying. You have no evidence there is no god by any definition. You stick the "entity" label on the subject and insist that's the only one relevant, and it is not. So anyway, enjoy your inappropriate confidence in your clarity. I'll just stagger along with the burden of my insecure sense of the mystery of it all and try to get by.
I am not an atheist.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 17, 2019:
I'm agnostic and I've been saying the exact same thing to anyone who'll listen. Uh, hello all you atheists, I mean you. No more talk of pink dragons in the garage, please! No more sky faeries or unicorns, if you don't mind! Agnostics don't believe in old bearded men in the clouds either; no ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 19, 2019:
@David1955 I don't think I make false generalizations. If anything, a lot of self-proclaimed 'atheists' are really agnostic' and mislabel themselves. I think they regard "agnostics" as too wishy washy, not macho and shocking enough, not appealing enough to their sense of the dramatic...'Atheist' is more rebellious, in-your-face anti-establishment, more of a clean break with societal norms! Am I wrong? (Btw, I'm about as radically anti-establishment as they get.) But for the sake of discussion, what generalizations are you talking about? Look, the reason this subject comes up so frequently is because atheists won't stop making insulting false generalizations about agnostics, not the other way around. We're not going to let you get away with it. As far as there being far more 'atheists' on here, I agree, and like theists they're more stridently loud, sarcastic, and obnoxious. But like I said, some of it is branding. They think 'atheist' is sexier. Well, I guess that's why some people like the Raiders, not the Dolphins. I just like good football.
The Frozen Bird
Storm1752 comments on Jul 18, 2019:
When I'M in deep shit I sing like a canary. Whatever anybody wants to hear, that's what I say, as long as they help me, not eat me up.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 19, 2019:
@MissKathleen That's okay. Rather you didn't.
I haven’t posted a cat meme in quite a while and forget what the name of the cat group is.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 18, 2019:
Abbysnian? Egyptian?
Storm1752 replies on Jul 19, 2019:
@MissKathleen Hard to tell with a fish body.
How is everyone?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 18, 2019:
My 'hump' is finding out I may need a (very expensive) new sewage system. What a load of sh*t has been dumped on me! Hahaha.. get it?😂
Storm1752 replies on Jul 18, 2019:
@Wildflower I'll go off-the-grid if it's going to cost too much. I have options!
I am not an atheist.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 17, 2019:
I'm agnostic and I've been saying the exact same thing to anyone who'll listen. Uh, hello all you atheists, I mean you. No more talk of pink dragons in the garage, please! No more sky faeries or unicorns, if you don't mind! Agnostics don't believe in old bearded men in the clouds either; no ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 18, 2019:
@David1955 It's to the point: the two mindsets are completely different. The fact we're both "anti-religion" isn't the right way to look at it, in my opinion. Atheism is much closer to theism than to agnosticism. Both are "belief syatems" with absolutist viewpoints. Some people HAVE to KNOW, even about something as unknowable as "god." That need must box a person in and narrow his or her vision. I feel I see the world around me so much more clearly when I keep my mind open. Atheists are always talking about a prospective god as an entity, a being, with a separate consciousness, especially the Abrahamic ones but it applies to all religions; they all anthropomorphise. What do I think of? Nothing, really. Certainly not a PERSON! Anyway, I hate to compare atheists and theists, but I hate it even more when an atheist talks as if agnostics are somehow "atheist-lite," like we're going to wake up one day, snap our fingers and go, "Oh yeah! Now I get it!" Maybe some do, but I have a feeling more are moving in the opposite direction. And no, I doubt religion will ever "win" in the long run...but, you never know!
I am not an atheist.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 17, 2019:
I'm agnostic and I've been saying the exact same thing to anyone who'll listen. Uh, hello all you atheists, I mean you. No more talk of pink dragons in the garage, please! No more sky faeries or unicorns, if you don't mind! Agnostics don't believe in old bearded men in the clouds either; no ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 18, 2019:
@David1955 I'm sorry but you engaged ME. It's the old "evidence" thingie. You seem to think I need evidence there IS a god (I'm not at all convinced there IS), but YOU need no evidence there ISN'T one (or two, or five billion trillion). I have no desire to argue with you or anyone else, but you keep insisting we're practicaly cousins, and I wholeheartedly disagree. I'm not even in the same galaxy. The poster asked a question and I was trying to answer. The only way to do so is to mention you and yours. If you want to say something, by all means, but, I'm going to respond. I wish you were agnostic. Sorry I'm yet another reason you're not.
I am not an atheist.
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 17, 2019:
Q Is there a god? A I don't know, I'm and agnostic. Q Do you believe in a god? A No, I'm an atheist. There are atheist agnostics and there are theist agnostics. I'm an atheist agnostic.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 18, 2019:
No such thing. Calling yourself an atheistic theist would be about the same thing: it makes no sense. The words contradict each other. No such thing as atheistic agnostic. Or a theistic agnostic. Or a hot coldness. Or a wet dryness. Or a bright darkness. Get it? Q Is there a god? A I don't know. Q Do you believe in a god? A I neither believe nor disbelieve.
I am not an atheist.
GROG comments on Jul 17, 2019:
This really is silly, arguing over a word that was replaced by another so one of them seems to sound less offensive than the other. Do you think there is no god, or you believe there is no god? The question is not the right one either. The question should be, "Does the supernatural exist?" Is ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 18, 2019:
'Thinking' and 'believing' are very similar. Neither makes it so. Both are meaningless to me. It's all conjecture, speculation, guesswork, argumentation. As an agnostic, I simply don't know. Atheists HAVE to know. Uncertainty makes them crazy! Agnosticism isn't some "intermediate step" on the way to something else. It is a permanent, stable, unchanging state of mind.
I am not an atheist.
maturin1919 comments on Jul 17, 2019:
The two are not mutually exclusive. But if you don't know whether or not god(s) exist, I highly doubt you *believe* in any, and you would then be an atheist as well.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 18, 2019:
But they ARE mutually exclusive. That's the whole point of this "discussion." You cannot 'know' and 'not know' at the same time. The two words contradict each other.
I am not an atheist.
Sgt_Spanky comments on Jul 17, 2019:
I see agnosticism as the intermediate stage between theism and atheism. It's the baby step out of belief and into rationality. Most people will need it to make the leap from *"Praise His Holy name!" *to *"God is a fairytale."* It's like the near beer of religion.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 18, 2019:
Think what you want, no matter how wrong.
I am not an atheist.
St-Sinner comments on Jul 17, 2019:
I am an atheist because I believe there is no God.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 18, 2019:
@St-Sinner But agnostics don't HAVE beliefs about god.
I am not an atheist.
JackPedigo comments on Jul 17, 2019:
I am an anti-theist. Religion has always been the most destructive force that humankind has devised. It will be the death knell of our species. I also belong to a group called the Brights (noun). This groups touts a natural world (universe) view. Gods do not exist ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 18, 2019:
Maybe god IS the natural world, has no consciousness at all. Or a Collective Consciousness. Or Unconsciousness. And/or maybe ther are other dimensions our five senses and the most sensitive of our instruments cannot detect. Maybe a lot of things. Maybe not. Maybe what I'm saying is pure gibberish. Maybe its pure genius. How would you know?
I am not an atheist.
Trajan61 comments on Jul 17, 2019:
As there is no scientific evidence of higher powers I’m 99.9% certain there there are no higher powers. Does that .1% make me agnostic instead of atheist?
Storm1752 replies on Jul 18, 2019:
There's no "scientific evidence" either way.
I am not an atheist.
Stuttrboy comments on Jul 17, 2019:
Basicall atheism is disbelief. And agnosticism is unknown. So a/theist a~ being the direct negation from the Greek prefix is believer or not a believer. While a/gnostic is known or not known. One could be an agnostic atheist. And if someone asks if you believe in god and you say anything but ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 18, 2019:
Wrong. The two words are contradictory. You cannot 'not know' and 'know' at the same time. Sorry.
I am not an atheist.
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2019:
I am a non-theist, which is now the proper term for atheist. The Christians have misrepresented the definition of atheist to the point where the misrepresentation became the prevailing definition. Assholes. What really matters is what humans should supposedly do if a God exists. Currying favor to...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 18, 2019:
No. Agnostics are non-theists. You are a TYPE of theist. A theist and an atheist are basically THE SAME THING. True Believers.
I am not an atheist.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 17, 2019:
I'm agnostic and I've been saying the exact same thing to anyone who'll listen. Uh, hello all you atheists, I mean you. No more talk of pink dragons in the garage, please! No more sky faeries or unicorns, if you don't mind! Agnostics don't believe in old bearded men in the clouds either; no ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 18, 2019:
@David1955 Blah, blah. Blah. WE have no evidence? Neither do YOU. Come back and see us when you do. There is no evidence either way. Is that so hard to understand? The gnosis of unbelief Is exactly the same as belief So you and your enemies are one. We have no enemies. Or, maybe you BOTH are. I don't know. I DO know THAT.
Complete this: She came in still wet from the pool, her string bikini clinging to her like a second...
Cutiebeauty comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Why don't you post in my group anymore? 😞
Storm1752 replies on Jul 17, 2019:
Who me? I kept getting blocked and got tired of it. But I'll give it a shot.
Anybody have a take on Razor's Edge, the remake with Bill Murray.
tmonsta comments on Jul 1, 2019:
I'm a massive fan of the original with Tyrone Powers and Gene Tierney. It is one if my favorite movies of all time Never seen the Bill Murray version.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 17, 2019:
Sort of a vanity project, labor of love. He made it with his brother, who also co-stars in an early segment. He did it just before Ghostbusters. It's got a few glitches, but overall it is very underrated and highly recommended. Do yourself a favor and order it.
Is religion the same as government?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 15, 2019:
In what was is religion the same as government? I see no similarity whatsoever. A religion can BE a government...that's a theocracy. The U.S. is very close to having one. But that's only because many more religious people VOTE.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 17, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 Okay I'll give you that much. Every next generation is the one the waterwalker comes back. Junior sitting in the pew next to his dad is assured of that: "Yes, Virgil, there IS a Santa Christ, and he's on his way, any minute now!" I was making the point it's hungering and thirsting for The End which drives the whole bandwagon: "Forget all this nonnsense of making the world a better place! It's hopeless! Men are evil little demon-lovers! REPENT!" THAT'S the pernicious evil, the heart and 'soul' of the whole dirty business, and I would argue that goes a LONG way toward explaining why our society is so dysfunctional, so desperately unable to deal with reality. "Climate change? Who cares? Tomorrow it's all going to hell [literally] anyway! (Except for US, of course.)"
Is religion the same as government?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 15, 2019:
In what was is religion the same as government? I see no similarity whatsoever. A religion can BE a government...that's a theocracy. The U.S. is very close to having one. But that's only because many more religious people VOTE.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 16, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 Exact date? Lots of preachers in the past have, but none right now...why? What does an exact date have to do with it? It's enough their entire orientation is focused on how great it'll be when the world blows itself to bits! No environmentalists on that bandwagon! Nobody trying to get a world government together to end war! The only one THEY'RE interested in seeing is one headed by the satanic 'anti-christ,' who wouldn't be interested in peace treaties or amazing new technologies. People totally misread Christians, as if they're slightly goofy peaceniks with museums for Noah's Ark, and the Dinosaur-Human Mutual Admiration Society. They are doing everything possible to f*ck things up, have terminally bad attitudes, and are actively working (like Islam) to make things as miserable as possible for everyone who refuses to agree with them, and join their mega-cult. They're just very good at hiding their true agenda. Not that atheists' attitudes are much better. Just as pessimistic, but replace the end of the world with oblivion. Who knows? They could be right. Sure can't get much more wrong than the other guys! I just remember how happy I was to finally know with certainty: no hell! I don't want to ruin it for myself by substituting an almost-as-bad doctrine: no nothing!
{{{originally posted on}}} 6-6-06 (Seriously folks, if you love your faith, Don’t Read This!!!)...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 14, 2019:
In the words of the bard, Bob Dylan, in "Positively 4th St.." " You have no faith to lose, and you know it".
Storm1752 replies on Jul 15, 2019:
@TomMcGiverin Bob was my hero. I'll always treasure his memory. But let's face it---he's done.
Is religion the same as government?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 15, 2019:
In what was is religion the same as government? I see no similarity whatsoever. A religion can BE a government...that's a theocracy. The U.S. is very close to having one. But that's only because many more religious people VOTE.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 15, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 Sorry your grammar makes it hard to understand what you're saying. I just think the belief in "end times" and Armaggedon is much more dangerously "core" than even the proscriptions on abortion or homosexuality, and their overall world view should scare the sh*t out of people. THEY think this verdant world is ruled by demonic forces, non-Christians are ruled by demons, or ARE demonic themselves. It's a demented, delusional, self-fulfilling hallucination, but it IS their perception. Any government controlled by these people is dangerous, to other countries and their own citizens, and THIS is why people should VOTE. The oligarchy doesn't care. It thinks it is using these people, and maybe they are, but to me that's cold comfort: they HAVE their underground bunkers and will ride out this Christian-fueled "armaggedon" in style, while we (literally) fry.
Is religion the same as government?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 15, 2019:
In what was is religion the same as government? I see no similarity whatsoever. A religion can BE a government...that's a theocracy. The U.S. is very close to having one. But that's only because many more religious people VOTE.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 15, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 Yes, but Christians in general have certain troubling CORE beliefs upon which they in part vote. The one most troubling to me is their belief in "end times" and Armaggedon, which in my mind make them anti-solution for any problem you care name. After all, anything which delays Armaggedon delays the second coming. They'd rarely put it precisely that way. We should. I think a lot of enemies of Christianity forget this basic hostility to the natural, material world and everything in it. Except THEM, of course..
Why would, or wouldn't, you date a believer?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 15, 2019:
Depends on what they believe.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 15, 2019:
@irascible Depens on what the QUESTION means, then. Some atheists think agnosticism is belief. It isn't, it's the exact opposite. (ATHEISM IS a belief, in a strident, absolutist doctrine of absolute non-belief.) So if the lady believed in, say, supernatural "forces" or "energy," or the I Ching, or an afterlife, as an agnostic with an open mind I'd be tolerant, curious, and interested. To a point. Short of conclusive proof I wouldn't be able to "buy in," but if she was okay with my skepticism, I'd be okay with her ideas.
Today my brother was baptized.
Nevermind345 comments on Jul 15, 2019:
We Read and We Discuss. Go and listen to Rush or Hannity or youe Evangelical for guidance.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 15, 2019:
Oh yeah...great idea. Rush and Sean know everything. Not.
{{{originally posted on}}} 6-6-06 (Seriously folks, if you love your faith, Don’t Read This!!!)...
Storm1752 comments on Jul 14, 2019:
Don't quit your day job.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 15, 2019:
@DHellstorm Oh, so if I think your post was silly and dumb (though light-hearted and a valiant yet failed attempt at humour--in my opinion and my opinion only) I'm a TROLL? Paranoid much?
What do atheist/agnostic authors tell you that you don’t know already?
greyeyed123 comments on Jul 13, 2019:
Hitchens has pointed out where I was occasionally accepting religious premises without much thought or skepticism, simply because it was floated as true and accepted into the culture around me. I was astonished to discover just a couple years ago that Moses is widely considered legendary (and has ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 14, 2019:
I agree. ALL OF IT is fiction. Blows your mind when you realize that.
Anyone see Ultra Spiritual JP's recent video on how to be an atheist?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 13, 2019:
I don't get it. Why was that funny?
Storm1752 replies on Jul 14, 2019:
@PolyComrade No I don't think that's it. It just seems so...trite? Idk
What do you think are some of the root causes of apathy in our society?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 9, 2019:
Sheer laziness. There are so many interesting things and critical issues to occupy the mind, it is almost immoral not to care. Apathy causes the lazy to rationalize, for instance, not VOTING, by saying their vote doesn't matter. Bullsh*t. You're just a lazy, apathetic excuse for a human being. ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 12, 2019:
@callmedubious I disagree with you. The next tine you're tempted to comment on an elected person, stop. You didn't vote; you have no right. I voted, so I can say what I want. The reason this country is so horribly led is because people like you refuse to VOTE. For instance, you complain about Trump? Why do you think he's there? No difference between him and Hillary? Really? If you really believe that, check out the Supreme Court. Check out the border. Check out Obamacare. And I don't even watch the news. Stopped watching when Dufus gor elected. So congratulations for your small part in making this a worse place to live.
Atheism Is Inconsistent with the Scientific Method, Prizewinning Physicist Says - Scientific ...
WilliamFleming comments on Jul 11, 2019:
I have the utmost respect and admiration for Marcelo Gleiser, and that is based on his deep awareness and reverence for the dazzling, mysterious reality in which we find ourselves. I am on board with his views 100%. All this argument about belief vs. disbelief entirely misses the point. The ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 11, 2019:
"...belief and disbelief are inappropriate..." Wow. Your whole comment there put perfectly agnostics' problem with BOTH theism AND atheism: both are bogus belief systems. Neither is appropriate, even if men have failed, miserably, to capture the awe and mystery surrounding us. Of course, atheists fail to "get it" and consider any criticism a malicious attack and respond violently in response. Like any "true believer" would.
We've got a couple new members! So great to see you @SnakeMaiden and @Prashant! Please feel free to ...
Storm1752 comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Snakemaiden how about posting a photo on "Real-life sexy?"
Storm1752 replies on Jul 11, 2019:
@Charlene She shouldn't, if she doesn't want to.
Atheism Is Inconsistent with the Scientific Method, Prizewinning Physicist Says - Scientific ...
Storm1752 comments on Jul 10, 2019:
The New Atheists make a lot of good points and I've learned a lot listening to them. That said, the scientist and you are saying the exact same thing I've been saying since I came on here: atheism is bogus. I never thought of it precisely as "unscientific," but of course it is. It's also ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 11, 2019:
@TheMiddleWay Right. So am I.
To be Christian means to act like Christ did.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 10, 2019:
"Christ" didn't exist...a cardboard, made up character. Impossible to emulate, imitate, mimic, be like, etc. That's one reason Xtians are so conflicted. He's deliberately held up as an ,impossible-to-copy "role model." So it's a self-destructive fantasy to think you can "act like Christ." When you...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 11, 2019:
@Piratefish Gee, thanks...what do I win?
Atheism Is Inconsistent with the Scientific Method, Prizewinning Physicist Says - Scientific ...
Triphid comments on Jul 10, 2019:
Technically speaking here, it IS not the Atheists that are wrong since we only REFUTE the unfounded CLAIMS of the Religious since any claim made WITHOUT proven evidence is considered, logically,to be little more than a FALSE Claim at best, therefore it IS the onus of the Claimant, the Religious, to ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 10, 2019:
Not really. Agnostics "claim" nothing.
Where is the true location of Mecca (the Muslim holy site) 1- western saudia Arabia 2- Petra ...
moonmaid comments on Jul 10, 2019:
And this question is posed in this forum why? And secondly do we care?
Storm1752 replies on Jul 10, 2019:
@St-Sinner So, we're all in the 17% who DO know where Mecca and Nicaragua and lots of other places are!
Where is the true location of Mecca (the Muslim holy site) 1- western saudia Arabia 2- Petra ...
St-Sinner comments on Jul 10, 2019:
I heard Mecca is a beautiful place, especially at night to visit. I am interested in its history.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 10, 2019:
Great. Get back to us on that.
Women's sexual desire can alter our lives. Your thoughts?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 10, 2019:
What "thoughts" would you like? I'd search for your own personal ideal. As a very sexual woman, is one man enough? Are you exploring alternative lifestyles? Swinging? Polyamorous? Sounds like it, Otherwise your goal would be a monogamous LTR with one man. Any interest in other women? You're a ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 10, 2019:
@LiterateHiker Hahaha.
We've got a couple new members! So great to see you @SnakeMaiden and @Prashant! Please feel free to ...
Storm1752 comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Snakemaiden how about posting a photo on "Real-life sexy?"
Storm1752 replies on Jul 10, 2019:
@Charlene No. Why?
Ditch Mitch. Save Democracy.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 9, 2019:
Doesn't matter. They're all the same.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 10, 2019:
@vertrauen Ooooh, my bad, thinking of someone completely different. I'm on the bandwagon.
Women's sexual desire can alter our lives. Your thoughts?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 10, 2019:
What "thoughts" would you like? I'd search for your own personal ideal. As a very sexual woman, is one man enough? Are you exploring alternative lifestyles? Swinging? Polyamorous? Sounds like it, Otherwise your goal would be a monogamous LTR with one man. Any interest in other women? You're a ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 10, 2019:
@LiterateHiker Well, I'm available!
What do you think are some of the root causes of apathy in our society?
St-Sinner comments on Jul 9, 2019:
The lifestyle of "Hamster on a Wheel". We did not take it on. It is given to us by design. Sometime ago, a wise man told me this: 1. The struggling life style most people have is created by design. Employers could give more money but they do not give to most because they want you to come back to...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 10, 2019:
What are your odds of getting Obamacare if you don't VOTE? Zero. Because you didn't vote, Obamacare is dead. Thanks.
What do you think are some of the root causes of apathy in our society?
Dietl comments on Jul 9, 2019:
The lack of real political representation of the public. Public opinions differ quite drastically from what policies get implemented by the political parties. Why should you feel exited when you get the feeling that your voice doesn't get heard and only big businesses have the power to make any ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 10, 2019:
I'm guessing you don't vote...duh. You just sit around hours at a time doing absolutely nothing, am I right? Feeling sorry for yourself in this mean, cruel, heartless world. Poor baby. Yet the ONE time you have an opportunity to protest this inhumane treatment by those meanies, you pop open another one and keep staring at the tube.
What do you think are some of the root causes of apathy in our society?
Piece2YourPuzzle comments on Jul 9, 2019:
Well about 50% of the population doesn't vote because they think, and I don't blame them, that even if they do vote that nothing is going to change because there are all the same corrupt assholes vying for those votes that will ultimately be working for corporations and will fuck the citizens.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 10, 2019:
@TomMcGiverin Non-voters are MORE informed? How ridiculous. EVERYBODY who votes is informed. That's no excuse. Every two years, 730 days, you're asked to get off your fat a*s and stumble, stagger, walk, or drive down the block or a few streets over, and pull a couple levers or whatever. Oh, that's such an imposition for someone as INFORMED as you! Such a busy guy, too important and educated to bother. How P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C!
What do you think are some of the root causes of apathy in our society?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 9, 2019:
Sheer laziness. There are so many interesting things and critical issues to occupy the mind, it is almost immoral not to care. Apathy causes the lazy to rationalize, for instance, not VOTING, by saying their vote doesn't matter. Bullsh*t. You're just a lazy, apathetic excuse for a human being. ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 10, 2019:
@Cast1es Yes, that's true. The question becomes, WHO'S buying and paying them? Hmmm? Same people? No. Democrats get corporate money, of course, but WHICH corporations? Identical? More green. More donations from organizations like Greenpeace and other environmentalists, ACLU, solar energy, trial lawyers, unions, etc. More small donations. Look, unfortunately, because liberals apparently don't care as much as people who think their immortal souls are at risk if they don't vote a certain way, things like the new gerrymandering ruling keep happening. Judgeships are becoming more conservative. School boards, governorships, statehouses. Things are getting worse, not better. Society is more liberal than our representation, but for how long? But for anyone to say liberals and conservatives are the same is ridiculous and WRONG. It's usually just an excuse, I think, because they are: 1) lazy, 2) apathetic. What percentage of each? Who knows? But I think it's disgraceful Then again, I think True Beliefism is disgraceful, lazy thinking.
Okay, so probability.
IamNobody comments on Jul 8, 2019:
It's possible that gravity may vanish out of the blue and the coin stay floating, shall the probability be 25% then? Of course not, the possibility for gravity to vanish is null for practical purposes and the possibility for the coin to land vertical is very close to null.... therefore, 50 50 is the...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 9, 2019:
It IS null.
Okay, so probability.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 8, 2019:
The purpose of a coin toss is to have one of two outcomes, the third "possible" outcome is irrelevant to the purposes of a coin toss and so is generally disregarded, under such circumstances. As a purely mathematical or statistical experiment then yes it should be counted.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 9, 2019:
No, because it's IMPOSSIBLE, so can be statistically ignored.
Okay, so probability.
lerlo comments on Jul 8, 2019:
My research shows that your initial premise is faulty. Probability is the ratio of equally likely events. "The probability of an event is a ratio that compares the number of favorable outcomes to the number of possible outcomes, assuming each outcome is equally likely to occur.". Since we know the...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 9, 2019:
Isn't it actually IMPOSSIBLE?
Okay, so probability.
allmighty comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Edge is excluded from possible event as it is not wanted to accept. if anyone want to accept the edge as ppssible event then edge must prepared as like as head or tail.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 9, 2019:
If YOU want to do that, you go right ahead.
What do you think are some of the root causes of apathy in our society?
Piece2YourPuzzle comments on Jul 9, 2019:
Well about 50% of the population doesn't vote because they think, and I don't blame them, that even if they do vote that nothing is going to change because there are all the same corrupt assholes vying for those votes that will ultimately be working for corporations and will fuck the citizens.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 9, 2019:
If you're among that 50%, you might want to shake off your apathy long enough to realize how WRONG you are.
Ditch Mitch. Save Democracy.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 9, 2019:
Doesn't matter. They're all the same.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 9, 2019:
@Sticks48 I didn't mean that like, "all POLITICIANS are the same," but even if you're Olympia Snowe, or Susan Collins, you usually tow the line and vote red. I mean, c'mon, the real problem is, they are Republicans. The real solution, elect more Democrats.
More into Democrat 2020 Tom Steyer officially announces presidential bid []
rogueflyer comments on Jul 9, 2019:
Some people are more useful outside of politics. I think I've had enough of business people in the White house.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 9, 2019:
@Trajan61 The expansion started in 2008, right? How is he responsible for it? Isn't he about to cause another recession with his protectionist trade policies? Last economic disaster caused by 'W,' cleaned up by Obama; this one caused by Trump, to be cleaned up by Warren? Besides, everything I've heard, Trump was a very bad businessman; why can't we see his tax returns?
More into Democrat 2020 Tom Steyer officially announces presidential bid []
Trajan61 comments on Jul 9, 2019:
Trump will surely beat any of the idiotic democrats. If the economy continues to do well the democrats don’t stand a chance.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 9, 2019:
@St-Sinner Well I agree with you. I'm against illegal immigration just as much as you are. Most Democrats are. Obama was and is against it as well. Deported 400k a year. Net decrease in illegal immigration. There was hardly a problem at all. What happened? I really am curious. I don't follow the news. I'm not being sarcastic. You have to know I hate Trump, but did he have anything to do with it?
I'm anxious.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 8, 2019:
It can be boiled down to this: the richer people get, the more they want to keep what is theirs. They become prone to an ideology which casts poor people as parasites. They become vested in keeping the system "as is," since their wealth depends on it. A revolution of ANY kind is the last thing ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 8, 2019:
@callmedubious Especially if they've been drinking!
I'm anxious.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 8, 2019:
It can be boiled down to this: the richer people get, the more they want to keep what is theirs. They become prone to an ideology which casts poor people as parasites. They become vested in keeping the system "as is," since their wealth depends on it. A revolution of ANY kind is the last thing ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 8, 2019:
@Ms_McSteven Maybe. What I've gathered, it's ALWAYS about money if you dig deep enough. Maybe the brainwashers and propagandists (whose motives ARE pecuniary) USE guns, abortion, whatever's handy, to sway the dumb, ignorant, naive, and gullible to vote against their self-interest.
Hello my fellow oldies but goodies! I have been single for 5 years after a 25 year marriage.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 7, 2019:
How am I dealing with it? I hate the word. I hate DOING IT. IF I can even FIND A "DATE. " I'd rather just hang out. I'm too old to "date." Oh, and I'm so glad yoi can have sex whenever you want it. Congratulations.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 8, 2019:
@AliceT Sorry for the snarky comment. The fact is, I'm jealous! Btw, I'm TOTALLY into "the messy stuff of companionship and commitment!" Turning you on might be the tricky part!
Is Sport a Religion? | Psychology Today Australia
Matias comments on Jul 7, 2019:
I still think that - in order to avoid confusion - the word "religion" should be reserved to beliefs and practices where the *superhuman or supernatural* is involved. If you are fan of, say , Messi, and you think that he has supernatural powers, in this case soccer is a kind of religion to you....
Storm1752 replies on Jul 7, 2019:
Heard the name. Soccer is boring. No interest.
Good morning! Now I want to know what concerts you've seen live.
CarolinaGirl60 comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Let’s up the way back machine... Billy Joel, twice Tom Petty, twice Jackson Browne, twice Alison Krause, twice Jimmy Buffett, Eagles, Bob Seeger, Heart, Firefall, Counting Crows, Lilith Fair(Sarah MacLachlan, Pretenders, many smaller bands), Neil McCoy, Chris Knight, U2, REM, ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 7, 2019:
Petty twice. Best concerts ever.
Is it possible to come up with a truly original thought?
1of5 comments on Jul 6, 2019:
This question has been asked and answerd before.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 7, 2019:
Oh? And what WAS the answer?
I never thought that I was worthy of any of this... and then I found myself. And there was my worth.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Pretty face, big and beautiful. Say Wildflower, are we allowed to skirt the line between "real-life" and "fantasy?" I'm noticing some posts are pretty "fantastic!" How abour erotic? Just askin'...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 6, 2019:
@Wildflower Okay okay...
Disclaimer: the following is based on several years of personal experience with online dating and ...
Storm1752 comments on Jul 3, 2019:
Well I was in a conversation with you, I'm 66 and hardly a 30-year-old, and you ghosted me, just stopped writing back,, so I don't know what you're talking about! I happen to think you're nice-looking, your body type is a non-issue, I was being nice and polite, and you disappeared. But the way you ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 6, 2019:
@kodimerlyn My point was, thou protestest too much. Don't give me that 'public forum' b.s., if hou can blow somebody off so can someone else. Hey, happens all the time; I could care less, but FYI I hate "dating sites" and if I considered this one I wouldn't be here. I was just being conversational and inquisitive, not flirty. I like talking with women because they have a feminine point of to me are too predictable.
HEAVEN IN A NUTSHELL -- So to condense the myriad replies from Xians when I asked them what ...
Storm1752 comments on Jul 5, 2019:
My mother said in heaven you can do whatever you want, whenever you want. No limitations. It'd be like the holideck (sic?) in Next Generation...most of the time you're in heaven proper, having a great time hanging out with Jesus and the saints, angels, and other heaven-dwellers being your standard...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 6, 2019:
@Sgt_Spanky Those are my humorous, fanciful ideas, silly-willy. I don't BELIEVE it! My mother watches Catholic TV all day. I have to go visit her next week and it's going to drive me CRAZY! But I let her wallow in her choice.
10 facts about atheists | Pew Research Center
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 6, 2019:
It does not surprise me that Atheists tend to be liberal. What confuses me is how many who self-identify as liberal free-thinkers also accept the illiberal regressive leftist agenda.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 6, 2019:
@PontifexMarximus Makes no sense.
Any Christopher hitchens fans here ???
linxminx comments on Jul 3, 2019:
Me. Just watched a couple of Hitchen's You Tube videos last night. I read his book on Mother eye opener. I'm currently reading his book "god is not great." Thinking about getting the book he wrote about Clinton.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 5, 2019:
@OwlInASack Then there's Cheney and 'W;' don't forget them.
Any Christopher hitchens fans here ???
itsmedammit comments on Jul 3, 2019:
I enjoyed his literate and smart-assed style. I liked his quick wit and ability to always have a knowledgeable response in debates. Sometimes though I think he was unreasonably mean spirited and a bit of a misogynist.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 5, 2019:
Arrogant and mean-spirited considering who he was refuting and/or debating, most of them professional apologists of organized religion, was not only understandable, it was absolutely appropriate and necessary. It exposed them as transparently shallow thinkers and lacking a firm, intellectually defendable foundation. By reciting the same old lies, and having them shown to be flimsy nonsense, they deserved to have Hitchens tear them apart. THEY were the arrogant ones, insisting their majority position was beyond challenge, and so were imminently worthy of contempt and ridicule.
Any Christopher hitchens fans here ???
callmedubious comments on Jul 3, 2019:
hitchens supported the iraq war, in which 100s of thousands of innocent civilains were killed under false pretenses; which wasn't really a war just an attack by the most powerful country the world has ever known on a small country of 20,000,000 ppl. a war which left that population, which was once ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 5, 2019:
That's rather harsh...yes Hitchens was unaccountably WAY OFF on the Iraq war, but even geniuses like him can be occasionally wrong. It DOES boggle the mind HOW wrong he was.
A "perfect world" is theoretically possible, is it not?
Storm1752 comments on Jun 30, 2019:
The whole point is NOT to pooh-pooh the entire question by stating the obvious: a perfect world is probably not possible! This is theoretical! The QUESTION is twofold: 1) would political, economic, and social harmony on the MACRO level affect you, your friends and family, by making you happier? ...
Storm1752 replies on Jul 1, 2019:
@Geoffrey51 See? You still don't get the question! And I'm giving up! A THEORETICAL perfect world by your own understanding of what that might be! Most want to say "it isn't possible," it's neurotic! Okay, fine. Forget it.
My husband says, google is his god, because it knows everything and always has an answer for his ...
Storm1752 comments on Jun 28, 2019:
That's atheism. Agnosticism simply means an individual KNOWS he doesn't know if god exists, or not. Atheists are always saying there's no evidence there IS a god, but agnostics answer, there's no evidence there ISN'T.
Storm1752 replies on Jul 1, 2019:
@zblaze To me it's a non-issue, okay? I don't think there's any such thing as a "personal god." That's ridiculous. And the textbook take of a "deist" who thinks there's one who set everything in motion and went AWOL is too. I have no concept of god. None. It's silly to argue over something like this. But people do. They certainly do. But leave me out of it. Just don't try to tell me there IS no god. You have no evidence.
A "perfect world" is theoretically possible, is it not?
alon comments on Jun 29, 2019:
A Perfect World Is Impossible because every living thing would have to be Perfect and that's not going to happen.
Storm1752 replies on Jun 30, 2019:
When I postulated "perfect," I meant a more-or-less "perfect" SYSTEM.
A "perfect world" is theoretically possible, is it not?
Deiter comments on Jun 29, 2019:
The major difference between Conservatives and Liberals as I see it is that Liberals can imagine Utopia and Conservatives only want to prepare for Dystopia. This preparation includes not wanting to pay taxes or bear responsibility for the common good, to only see everything from public services to ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 30, 2019:
@Deiter You're referring to the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, the flawed Marxian idea Stalin used to impose TRUE dictatorship. Was he sincere, at first? Maybe. Don't know that much about it. But it strikes me it was unnecessary. Just break the power of royalty, the aristocracy, the Church, and the fuedal land system in general, and you're 90% there...but how do you DO that? The Dictarorship of the Proletariat, of course! But to do WHAT? Free, fair, and REPEATABLE elections, with no corruption or manipulation possible, EVER.


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