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A "perfect world" is theoretically possible, is it not?
nowhereman55 comments on Jun 29, 2019:
A perfect world would be human free.
Storm1752 replies on Jun 30, 2019:
@Stilltrying1964 Good answer: If an A.I. machine made all macro-decisions and overlaid a superstructure of 100% equality (not in outcomes, but opportunities), making manipulating the system very difficult if not impossible, wouldn't that FORCE people to interact more constructively to achieve their goals?
A "perfect world" is theoretically possible, is it not?
Jolanta comments on Jun 29, 2019:
A perfect world would be boring in the long run.
Storm1752 replies on Jun 30, 2019:
But wouldn't it force people to devise ways to NOT be bored? If we no longer used all our energies to vent our disdain and oppose "evil," and instead used them to create new paradigms, or if they spontaneously combusted to fill the vacuum thus created (by negative religions, for example), wouldn't that possibly transform "human nature?"
A "perfect world" is theoretically possible, is it not?
resserts comments on Jun 29, 2019:
The Taoist in me says perfection is achieved when we accept the world as it is without expectations — no "shoulds" and "oughts." The literalist in me says that's not the intent of the question and that perfection would be a world in which technology solves the problems of poverty, disease, and ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 30, 2019:
Have you considered the possibility IF there wasn't at the core of our culture a deeply pessimistic prophecy of certain doom (Armaggedon), but instead an optimistic prophecy of utopia, our outlooks and expectations, and indeed our whole attitude toward others, might be different?
A "perfect world" is theoretically possible, is it not?
Moravian comments on Jun 29, 2019:
The world is perfect. As perfect as evolution has made it. Over breeding and greed of homo sapiens have spoiled it.
Storm1752 replies on Jun 29, 2019:
Yry telling an zntelope being chased down by a hungry lion the world is perfect. lol
A "perfect world" is theoretically possible, is it not?
Deiter comments on Jun 29, 2019:
The major difference between Conservatives and Liberals as I see it is that Liberals can imagine Utopia and Conservatives only want to prepare for Dystopia. This preparation includes not wanting to pay taxes or bear responsibility for the common good, to only see everything from public services to ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 29, 2019:
That's an extremely insightful comment. Conservatives (Christians for the most part) are waiting for Armaggedon--about THE most negative expectation for the future conceivable--so why bother trying to make things better? To the contrary, the WORSE things get the better, as far as they're concerned, because the sooner the world goes up in flames, the sooner the waterwalker comes back. What a SCREWED UP way of looking at things!
My husband says, google is his god, because it knows everything and always has an answer for his ...
Storm1752 comments on Jun 28, 2019:
That's atheism. Agnosticism simply means an individual KNOWS he doesn't know if god exists, or not. Atheists are always saying there's no evidence there IS a god, but agnostics answer, there's no evidence there ISN'T.
Storm1752 replies on Jun 29, 2019:
@zblaze I didn't say it was evidence. But atheists think the absence of evidence in favor is evidence against. You can't have it both ways.
Good morning! This is a follow-up to yesterday's question: what are you doing to change the ...
Storm1752 comments on Jun 28, 2019:
I take medication to control my panic attacks. It works great! I take another for "high-functioning" autism (Asberger's) and it functions well. Then I take one for depression and ADHD, Does the trick. I also take nootropics, other supplements and a combination of caffeine and l-theanine for ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 29, 2019:
@Bierbasstard We were talking about how we were improving ourselves, not that. Different discussion.
Good morning! This is a follow-up to yesterday's question: what are you doing to change the ...
Storm1752 comments on Jun 28, 2019:
I take medication to control my panic attacks. It works great! I take another for "high-functioning" autism (Asberger's) and it functions well. Then I take one for depression and ADHD, Does the trick. I also take nootropics, other supplements and a combination of caffeine and l-theanine for ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 29, 2019:
@Bierbasstard Whatever.
Good morning! This is a follow-up to yesterday's question: what are you doing to change the ...
Storm1752 comments on Jun 28, 2019:
I take medication to control my panic attacks. It works great! I take another for "high-functioning" autism (Asberger's) and it functions well. Then I take one for depression and ADHD, Does the trick. I also take nootropics, other supplements and a combination of caffeine and l-theanine for ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 29, 2019:
@Bierbasstard What's the difference between an agnostic atheist, and an atheistic agnostic, and a paranoid schizophrenic?
According to The Atlantic, there's but a few of us.
Marionville comments on Jun 27, 2019:
I don’t think I would put too much credence in this data. Personally, I don’t believe there can be too many closet believers amongst atheists, some who profess to be agnostic will be more likely to still believe, as agnosticism is often a halfway house for those who want to believe but know ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 29, 2019:
I've heard that bull crap over and over, atheists trying to tell agnostics what they believe! Why don't you just stick to what you don't believe and leave me and people like me out of it! I'm so sick of it. I think a lot of atheists are cynical, depressed LOSERS who have nothing better to do than start and fan all these endless "debates" about god or lack thereof. Nobody knows, chump! Get it? Whine on and on about it til you're blue in the face and it won't make any difference. YOU don't have any evidence there ISN'T a god either, ever think of that?
Good morning! This is a follow-up to yesterday's question: what are you doing to change the ...
Storm1752 comments on Jun 28, 2019:
I take medication to control my panic attacks. It works great! I take another for "high-functioning" autism (Asberger's) and it functions well. Then I take one for depression and ADHD, Does the trick. I also take nootropics, other supplements and a combination of caffeine and l-theanine for ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 29, 2019:
@Bierbasstard (Not right venue 4 the ol' ag/ath deal.)
My husband says, google is his god, because it knows everything and always has an answer for his ...
Storm1752 comments on Jun 28, 2019:
That's atheism. Agnosticism simply means an individual KNOWS he doesn't know if god exists, or not. Atheists are always saying there's no evidence there IS a god, but agnostics answer, there's no evidence there ISN'T.
Storm1752 replies on Jun 29, 2019:
@zblaze How it that "easily refuted?" There IS no evidence there isn't a god. You can't refute it.
According to The Atlantic, there's but a few of us.
Storm1752 comments on Jun 27, 2019:
You sound disappointed. Why? I'm not. Open-mindedness about the existence of god is not the problem. The problem is organized religions. They are mostly death cults with strange and dangerous beliefs.
Storm1752 replies on Jun 28, 2019:
@Deiter We're the majority, as far as not being affiliated with churches.. Without churches of other gathering places for regular, mass meetings you can't usually have a CULT. Atheists and agnostics SHOULD be better organized, but since we have no god or hell to fear, we're not particularly motivated, which is too bad when it comes to political action, because we let the Christian cultists rule the day and use our government against us. WE SHOULD VOTE and put an end to this oppression, this oligarachial rule of the rich and powerful over us.
What do you think about Deism?
Storm1752 comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Labels again. I'm an agnostic pantheistic deist. OR AM I? If a deist believes IN any kind of supreme being, that's not me. I guess I believe IN the possibility of the existence of SOME kind of "prime cause," or if you will, an as yet undefinable, unknowable Something. Do I call this Something "god?"...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 27, 2019:
@AnneWimsey Never heard of it. What was the deal?
The reason I am agnostic is because there is no proof that a God told man to compose religious texts...
Storm1752 comments on Jun 23, 2019:
I came to my conclusion by simple logic. Atheists love to state the simplistic obvious, then make a totally unjustified leap to an absolutist verdict: there is no proof there is a god by any definition, therefore there is no such thing. Well there's no proof there ISN'T a god of sorts either, but I...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 26, 2019:
@David1955 i'm equally atheist about all man-made gods, whether it's Odin or Jesus or whomever...I'm agnostic about the possibility of the existence of a god beyond our comprehension and impossible about which to write books, start religions, or for that matter even TALK about intelligently... Okay? NOW do you get it?
What do you think about Deism?
Storm1752 comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Labels again. I'm an agnostic pantheistic deist. OR AM I? If a deist believes IN any kind of supreme being, that's not me. I guess I believe IN the possibility of the existence of SOME kind of "prime cause," or if you will, an as yet undefinable, unknowable Something. Do I call this Something "god?"...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 26, 2019:
@AnneWimsey Because Joseph Smith was an obvious phoney, from the get-go all the way through to the end, of course, like L. Ron Hubbard. How someone can start a new religion on such flimsy grounds and actually succeed in reeling people in is beyond me. It reminds me very much of the Flavian emperors making up Christianity, but at least they had a captive audience, total control of the "media," and were clever enough to splice it onto an existing religion AND older mystery religions. But it is still fascinating how they could just abandon their own "gods" for new ones so cynically. Think they believed in ANYTHING other than their own hold on power? I certainly don't. Anyway, I'm not naively saying him being male had NOTHING to do with it. It probably did. But it also had to do with his amazing readings, and I challenge you to point out anything remotely like them, AFTER YOU READ A FEW. Maybe you have. Okay. MY point was, there is much to ponder in his utterances, as well as from other sources, and I for one am not about to close my mind to the possibilities. I'm not about to embrace a belief system, because I doubt any human has or ever will "get it right" 100%, but I do believe there may glimpses here and there of something MORE than we will ever know. That's all I'm saying. I'm NOT saying there IS anything more, and nihilism may be the correct point of view. I'm just not there. Doubt I ever will be.
The reason I am agnostic is because there is no proof that a God told man to compose religious texts...
Storm1752 comments on Jun 23, 2019:
I came to my conclusion by simple logic. Atheists love to state the simplistic obvious, then make a totally unjustified leap to an absolutist verdict: there is no proof there is a god by any definition, therefore there is no such thing. Well there's no proof there ISN'T a god of sorts either, but I...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 26, 2019:
@David1955 I son't hate anybody (well maybe a few people but they don't count...they stole money from me). I dislike belief systems. But that darthfaja is right: we've all had this discussion many times.
The reason I am agnostic is because there is no proof that a God told man to compose religious texts...
Storm1752 comments on Jun 23, 2019:
I came to my conclusion by simple logic. Atheists love to state the simplistic obvious, then make a totally unjustified leap to an absolutist verdict: there is no proof there is a god by any definition, therefore there is no such thing. Well there's no proof there ISN'T a god of sorts either, but I...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 25, 2019:
@David1955 But I DO put all 3,000+ gods in the same category, not just Abrahamic goda. I DID say Buddha. I guess I slightly misspoke. I don't have more than a passing knoeledge of Thor (good in Avenger movies) or Loki, or Odin or Zeus, or...whoever. They're all basically the same. There MAY be some who don't fit the Supreme Being model. Some are probably quite interesting. Maybe I should look into that, just for fun...nah, probably not.
What do you think about Deism?
Storm1752 comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Labels again. I'm an agnostic pantheistic deist. OR AM I? If a deist believes IN any kind of supreme being, that's not me. I guess I believe IN the possibility of the existence of SOME kind of "prime cause," or if you will, an as yet undefinable, unknowable Something. Do I call this Something "god?"...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 25, 2019:
@AnneWimsey And I did I Ching quite successfully (?), but that's hardly the same thing. If you ever studied Cayce for a few days you'd realize the was the "real thing" and not like, say, Joseph Smith and his angel Moroni, or some lady reading cards or tea leaves, or me reading the I Ching. And it has ZERO to do with him being a man.
SEX FOR THE FIRST TIME: Who should I? Where should I? Why should I? []
Robecology comments on Jun 24, 2019:
Ah, yes....I remember it....well....sort of....
Storm1752 replies on Jun 25, 2019:
@mischl Yes Kathleen i watched it too. Good advice but in the "goes without saying" category, unless she's talking to pre-puberty virgins? Not being a smart-ass again, just wondering who else it might benefit.
What do you think about Deism?
Storm1752 comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Labels again. I'm an agnostic pantheistic deist. OR AM I? If a deist believes IN any kind of supreme being, that's not me. I guess I believe IN the possibility of the existence of SOME kind of "prime cause," or if you will, an as yet undefinable, unknowable Something. Do I call this Something "god?"...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 25, 2019:
@AnneWimsey Well I totally disagree. There's no way what came out in his "readings" was made up as he went along. A lot of it may be nonsense, but there was a source from which it came outside of himself. That source may have been fallible, imperfect, in some particulars "full of it," but he wasn"t a charlatan, and the very fact those readings exist cannot be explained away so easily. It may point to a "collective unconsciousness" which may not be "god-like" infallible, but nevertheless THERE. I know you don't believe that, but I do.
Whew! We can all relax!!
Storm1752 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
I certainly don't mind conversing, debating, arguing, reasoning with, and in general interfacing with wrong-minded people. They're entitled to their opinions. And if for some reason enough have been successfully brainwashed into a given fallacious way of thinking, and vote, then in a democracy ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 25, 2019:
@Bobby9 Nah, It's just becoming repititious. If you want to move on to some other topic, I'll keep talking...just some other subject matter...related is fine, but we're in a rut.
We can all live without God, but what is one thing you can't live without?
Storm1752 comments on Jun 23, 2019:
The sun.
Storm1752 replies on Jun 25, 2019:
@desertastronomer Really?!? I WIN????😀
The reason I am agnostic is because there is no proof that a God told man to compose religious texts...
darthfaja comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Flip back through old posts there are hundreds of these 🎃
Storm1752 replies on Jun 25, 2019:
I know. It's stupid.
The reason I am agnostic is because there is no proof that a God told man to compose religious texts...
Storm1752 comments on Jun 23, 2019:
I came to my conclusion by simple logic. Atheists love to state the simplistic obvious, then make a totally unjustified leap to an absolutist verdict: there is no proof there is a god by any definition, therefore there is no such thing. Well there's no proof there ISN'T a god of sorts either, but I...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 25, 2019:
@David1955, @Kenny82 WRONG again. I lack a belief IN god. I'm not atheist. I'm agnostic. I lack a belief IN the non-existence of god as well. That's the difference.
The reason I am agnostic is because there is no proof that a God told man to compose religious texts...
Storm1752 comments on Jun 23, 2019:
I came to my conclusion by simple logic. Atheists love to state the simplistic obvious, then make a totally unjustified leap to an absolutist verdict: there is no proof there is a god by any definition, therefore there is no such thing. Well there's no proof there ISN'T a god of sorts either, but I...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 25, 2019:
@David1955 Don't be ridiculous. Atheists like to talk about sky faeries and dragons in the garage and unicorns on the moon and act like that has anything to do with a discussion of the existence or non-existence of god. First of all, atheists are always talking about a "supreme being" Abrahamic god, whereas agnostics talk about a completely different thing. No self-respecting agnostic thinks the primitive, crude, clumsy idea of god as Yahweh or Jehovah or God the Father is a viable one. That model DOES resemble a giant leprechaun with a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. So give that a rest. Agnostics DO think it's possible some other definition is conceivably apt, but we have a hard time getting through the atheist smokecreen to what might be an Explanation for the natural world beyond the Big Bang. Why? Because such an explanation at its root is impossible. Human beings do not have the comprehension, the understanding, the scientific knowledge, to articulate it. But that doesn't mean there isn't some kind of non-personal, non-anthropomorphic "intelligence" at work. That doesn't mean there aren't patterns and "end game" resulting ultimately to some "conclusion." After all, life has evolved from microscopic unicellular organisms to human beings. Do we think it ends there? These extraterrestial aliens we postulate may be visiting us may be much farther along. Maybe they ARE the end product. Maybe there IS no end product. Maybe life continues to evolve into some kind of life-form we cannot even imagine. So we are not talking about purple cloud-creatures or floating pink people-eaters, and we're not talking about Allah or Buddha or the like. We ARE talking about the possibility there is a pattern or an "intelligence" if you will at work here, SOMETHING our five senses cannot detect or understand. And the existence of which means our lives are NOT finite or meaningless, which atheists are absolutely sure of without a doubt. What agnostics are saying is, you may be wrong, so stop acting like you're smarter or more logical or your OPINIONS are more fact-based. They're just opinions, people. Get over it.
Whew! We can all relax!!
Storm1752 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
I certainly don't mind conversing, debating, arguing, reasoning with, and in general interfacing with wrong-minded people. They're entitled to their opinions. And if for some reason enough have been successfully brainwashed into a given fallacious way of thinking, and vote, then in a democracy ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 23, 2019:
@Bobby9 It's been interesting, but we're spinning our wheels now. I hope your faith in this mythical "free market" is justified. I fear it is not. I'm sure we'll talk again.
What do you think about Deism?
Storm1752 comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Labels again. I'm an agnostic pantheistic deist. OR AM I? If a deist believes IN any kind of supreme being, that's not me. I guess I believe IN the possibility of the existence of SOME kind of "prime cause," or if you will, an as yet undefinable, unknowable Something. Do I call this Something "god?"...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 23, 2019:
@AnneWimsey EDGAR Cayce, and you have no idea who I'm talking about, do you? Or your knowledge of him and other psychics is so superficial it borders on non-existent. Lots of fakes, but some are quite convincing. But you laugh. I was asked for "proof." I consider him and other real psychics a form of proof. At the very least it gives you a reason to think twice. But you're not interested. Okay. Fine. Apparently you and other true believers in belief in cynical, baseless close-mindedness a "proof" of intelligence. I consider it boringly willful ignorance.
What do you think about Deism?
icolan comments on Jun 23, 2019:
"Deism is the belief in a supreme being, who remains unknowable and untouchable. Deists believe in a god of nature -- a noninterventionist creator -- who permits the universe to run itself according to natural laws." I see no point in belief in something that is fundamentally unprovable. What ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 23, 2019:
What's the point of NOT believing, either? I don't believe anything, but I have my opinions. That's all ANYBODY has, really. If your opinions make you happy, great. If not, maybe you should change your opinions. Then again, maybe not. Up to you.
What do you think about Deism?
Storm1752 comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Labels again. I'm an agnostic pantheistic deist. OR AM I? If a deist believes IN any kind of supreme being, that's not me. I guess I believe IN the possibility of the existence of SOME kind of "prime cause," or if you will, an as yet undefinable, unknowable Something. Do I call this Something "god?"...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 23, 2019:
@Allamanda I mean "provable" in the sense it can't be explained away. Ever hear of Edgar Cayce? Over 20,000 recorded case histories of "readings" he did for people while in a deep sleep-like trance. Some amazing, detailed stuff including many things he couldn't possibly have knowledge of. If you haven't read about it, do so before you dismiss it as fradulent or explainable. That's "paranormal," right? There other things maybe quite as spectacular but how many examples do you need to concede the point?
What do you think about Deism?
Storm1752 comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Labels again. I'm an agnostic pantheistic deist. OR AM I? If a deist believes IN any kind of supreme being, that's not me. I guess I believe IN the possibility of the existence of SOME kind of "prime cause," or if you will, an as yet undefinable, unknowable Something. Do I call this Something "god?"...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 23, 2019:
@Allamanda who's he?🤔
Alcoholics Anonymous... Is a religious cult?
Storm1752 comments on Jun 22, 2019:
It's for the birds...they insist on doing the same exact boring ritual--sort of like mass--every single time, and it's VERY god-centered. It ALL bothers me to no end, but particularly repugnant is the "moral inventory'" where you do a lengthy autobiographical history of your drinking career, ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 23, 2019:
@AnneWimsey I never said you need counseling. What are you talking about?
Alcoholics Anonymous... Is a religious cult?
Storm1752 comments on Jun 22, 2019:
It's for the birds...they insist on doing the same exact boring ritual--sort of like mass--every single time, and it's VERY god-centered. It ALL bothers me to no end, but particularly repugnant is the "moral inventory'" where you do a lengthy autobiographical history of your drinking career, ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 22, 2019:
@Aaaaaatheist I meant, the "god part" has nothing to do with if a person drinks or not. In fact, AA might be more effective if it didn't turn off so many non-religious people.
Hello beautimous ones! What makes you feel sexually confident?
Storm1752 comments on Jun 22, 2019:
Truthfully? After I abstain from sex (including masturbating) for a long time (a week or two at least), the sexual tension (among other things!) builds up, the "batteries" get recharged, and I get hornier and hornier until I can't stand it any more! The longest I've gone is a couple months. It ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 22, 2019:
@Bungaloebob I know what you mean. But I overdo it often, so I have to give it a break. Certain parts of my body are grateful, and respond nicely. About a week is realistic, but takes self-discipline, and the ability to divert the mind's attention elsewhere. Besides, though autoeroticism CAN be great fun and very pleasurable, a relationship requires the "real thing," in quantity as well as quality, so temperance is essential. The girlfriend does not like you spending too much time in the bathroom.
Alcoholics Anonymous... Is a religious cult?
Storm1752 comments on Jun 22, 2019:
It's for the birds...they insist on doing the same exact boring ritual--sort of like mass--every single time, and it's VERY god-centered. It ALL bothers me to no end, but particularly repugnant is the "moral inventory'" where you do a lengthy autobiographical history of your drinking career, ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 22, 2019:
@AnneWimsey There are NO good reasons to drink, in my opinion.
Whew! We can all relax!!
Storm1752 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
I certainly don't mind conversing, debating, arguing, reasoning with, and in general interfacing with wrong-minded people. They're entitled to their opinions. And if for some reason enough have been successfully brainwashed into a given fallacious way of thinking, and vote, then in a democracy ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 22, 2019:
@Bobby9 The government is supposed to be us, but it isn't. So we have little or no recourse unless there is a sea change in who we have representing us. So hope is dwindling. The rich are building their underground cities to which they will seek comfortable refuge when the rest of the world is rioting. (I'm tempted to say maybe there will be 144,000 of them, not counting support staff, but that'd be too cute.) Alarmist? Of course. How is the free market going to solve climate problems? By the time it kicks in in earnest and is irreversible (soon) won't it be a little late for that? How is the free market going to solve income inequality? (Yes, income will always be unequal, I'm talking about obscene, grossly unfair inequality.) How does it solve unfettered greed? I'm waiting. We're well past the tipping point when these and many other problems are solvable by the "free market." Objectivism is a hopelessly naive philosophy-ideology beloved by the right, a secular religion cooked up by a deranged, deluded lady, Ayn Rand, whose intelligence and talents were warped (as were those of many) by the horrors of Hitler and especially Stalin (who was worse than Hitler). It has no relevance today, unless you twist out of recognition current events to fit her world view; sort of like Christians do...but nothing is as bad as how Christians twist things! Government, the real kind, is absolutely necessary to allow a true "free market" to flourish. Laissez-faire capitalism IS economic darwinism. A few get rich and squash competition, thus eliminating the "free market." Very obvious to me, but not to you.
Whew! We can all relax!!
Storm1752 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
I certainly don't mind conversing, debating, arguing, reasoning with, and in general interfacing with wrong-minded people. They're entitled to their opinions. And if for some reason enough have been successfully brainwashed into a given fallacious way of thinking, and vote, then in a democracy ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 22, 2019:
@Bobby9 As an ultra-liberal with a fiscal conscience, I think the Republicans are dead wrong about just about everything. That's for starters. Laissez-faire capitalism IS darwinism. Totally. If you get that, how do you think it's regulated to make it less "survival of the fittest, law of the jungle," and more fair competition; less predatory cannibalism, more level playing field? The government!! (Except "the government" is now owned by the cannibals.) You agree economic inequality is a growing problem, if that's possible considering the top one-half of one percent (the oligarchy) ALREADY owns about half the world's assets (or something like that). How do you propose to change that when 1) the oligarchy owns the governments and hardly is interested in relinguishing their hold on power, 2)you've eliminated the remedy of wealth redistribution through the tax code and governmental agencies, 3) the oligarchy has siezed control of much of the informational media and has bended it into a pro-ownership, anti-worker arm of the multinational corporations? (I realize the "oligarchy" is (probably) not a monolithic shadow government, but in practice it might as well be.) I repeat, how exactly do you see the situation changing? I DO happen to think the day is fast approaching when machines will be doing most of the work anyway. Maybe technology will render obsolete all these issues, but the chances are just as good it'll make things worse. But that's another story. So is Climate Chamge, which I'm sure you're convinced is a left-wing plot to take away all our toys.
Whew! We can all relax!!
Storm1752 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
I certainly don't mind conversing, debating, arguing, reasoning with, and in general interfacing with wrong-minded people. They're entitled to their opinions. And if for some reason enough have been successfully brainwashed into a given fallacious way of thinking, and vote, then in a democracy ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 21, 2019:
@Bobby9 okay, interesting. If you're saying the U.S. is not a oligarchy-in-the-making, income inequality isn't a worsening problem, and a nearly unregulated free market is the ideal, we're on opposite ends of the rope. I'm not talking about bureaucratic inefficiencies, or how supply and demand spurs innovation, etc. And you know it. You're not stupid, after all, are you? Of course not. Republicans didn't invent free enterprise. I'm talking about anti-democratic ideologues (such as yourself?) Who are so convinced of the rightness of their positions (based on religion, or political or economic theory, ot their own IQ. or whatever) they feel justified in abandoning the marketplace of ideas in favor of a belief system they KNOW is true. Now, I know I'M right, but I wouldn't put obstacles in the way of voting like Republicans do. That's cheating. So, if you approve of the anti-democratic practices of your party, you are anti-democratic and anti-American. Which is fine. Pretending to be reasonable while plotting an enemy's demise is as old as free enterprise! If you believe in economic darwinism just say so.
The bottom line for me becoming an atheist is the feeling of freedom.
Storm1752 comments on Jun 20, 2019:
Just spiders and heights? What about poisonous snakes? Lions, tigers and bears?!? Alligators? Gila monsters? Poison Ivy? I can thinks of DOZENS of things! My (worthless) advice though: go the extra mile and be a full-blown agnostic! It won't TOTALLY take care of the fear of death--you'll still have...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 21, 2019:
@Katsarecool You LOVE pit vipers, boa constrictors, cobras, black mambas, corals, cottonmouths, water mocassins, rattlesnakes, and about 100 other species and subspecies of DEADLY snakes, all of whom you would not want to encounter in a forest, near a body of water, in a desert, and just about anywhere else you might wander, hike, or sojourn? No, you're not afraid of them from the safety of your comfy abode, but in the wild? Ever see Avatar? That planet was inhospitable. One might think unrealistically so. But venture outside your comfort zone and into the unspoiled, beauteous natural world, without a weapon, gear, any human equipment, AND YOU'RE IN MORTAL DANGER! Like you, I'm not afraid of the natural world because I'm insulated from it. I'm not prey or potential victim (most of the time) because I know the danger and avoid it; in other words because I'm AFRAID of it. Admit you are too. Why am I bothering to make this point? Because I'm stuck in limbo for a few days and have nothing better to do.
Whew! We can all relax!!
Storm1752 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
I certainly don't mind conversing, debating, arguing, reasoning with, and in general interfacing with wrong-minded people. They're entitled to their opinions. And if for some reason enough have been successfully brainwashed into a given fallacious way of thinking, and vote, then in a democracy ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 21, 2019:
@Bobby9 I guess, Bobby, you suffer from a common miscomprehension: you don't understand people do what's best for themselves, first and foremost. Take the game Monopoly, for example. You've played, right? Fun game. There are rules all four players agree on. The banker doesn't get to take more money for himself. It's agreed to move the number of spaces indicated by the roll of the dice. One can't move where desired so as to buy a coveted property. Rent is what it says on the deed. Not more, not less. Unless negotiated by renter and landlord. And so on. The rules are the rules and everybody starts out with a theoretically equal chance to win. Sometimes you get lucky. Skill is involved. Now imagine the banker is dishonest and sneaks money. Who's to stop him? If he's a good cheater, nobody, if he gets away with it. The "government" is the other players. Maybe there are onlookers. Another player may move five places instead of six, to buy Marvin Gardens. Same thing. If everybody's drunk, or distracted, or sinply don't care, or maybe even feel sorry for the cheater and lets him get away with it, he stands a much better chance of winning, obviously. Unfairly, but who really cares? It's just a game. Now imagine instead of Monopoly, it's a multinational corporation. Now the stakes are different, but the behavior is the same. The cheater embezzles huge sums of money. Or owns enough assets to artficially lower prices to force out competitors. Or owns the regulators and gets them to rewrite the rules, or gets insider information to underbid other companies. Plenty of ways to cheat. If in THIS case there IS no effective government, so no meaningful rules, the crime is successful, or maybe it's no longer even a crime, if the subtrefuge is particularly sly and clever. This is bad for: smaller, weaker competitors, innovation, the consumer the capitalist system. BUT it's GOOD for the cheater. He gets filthy rich. THAT'S why there's "bureaucrats." To keep things fair. You've heard the tired cliche, "Life isn't fair." No, it's not. Individuals will improve their own chances, the "collective" be dam*ed! It's usually only the screwed who complain, not the screwer So the screwed get together and form a government to keep everybody honest. That's what government, when it's not undermined and rendered impotent, is for. That's why redistribution of wealth is justified: it's another way to keep everybody honest.
Whilst having a slightly drunken conversation with my daughter, the subject of pedophile priests ...
Storm1752 comments on Jun 20, 2019:
That's a great question. Luckily, I have the answer: Pedophilia'd take a big hit! They MIGHT not be pedophiles at all because they could: 1) be with women, maybe marry, Imagine looking at all that hot stuff all day, not touch, and remain sane! 2) be with men, maybe marry, ditto. 3) be celibate ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 21, 2019:
@josh_is_exciting No. They're horny and lonely and saddled with ridiculous, unnatural rules.
Whew! We can all relax!!
Storm1752 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
I certainly don't mind conversing, debating, arguing, reasoning with, and in general interfacing with wrong-minded people. They're entitled to their opinions. And if for some reason enough have been successfully brainwashed into a given fallacious way of thinking, and vote, then in a democracy ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 21, 2019:
Your friendly boss has no right to make an obscene profit, while his employees (and others) go without the necessities of life. It's not fair. Your friendly boss came into his station in life because of an accident of birth and/or luck and/or unfair business practices, etc.... It's all the luck of the draw. Sounds like you've read too much Ayn Rand and her ilk. One way to keep things fair is education. The poor can no longer afford it. The government stopped subsidizing education. Another way is housing. The government doesn't subsidize THAT any more. It has no right to tell landlord, owners, etc., who to rent to. If they're homeless, too bad. Food? In the control of the food industry. The effects on health have been devastating. The government has no right to tell them what kind of food to produce. They don't, the regulators ARE the regulated. Health Care. The government has no right to tell them who to take care of. No money, no care. The environment? The government has no right to regulate emissions. No such thing as Climate Change anyway. And on and on. In fact, we have a BARELY functioning government. If the Republicans dictated policy, there'd be almost no government at all. If people are brainwashed, it's their fault. They have the government they deserve. I don't watch or listen to the news any more so I'm happy.
Does anyone else think the depth and breadth of discourse about religious detriment on this site has...
Storm1752 comments on Jun 17, 2019:
Most already know religion is a detriment because they've experienced it for themselves. It's used by the rich and powerful as a lever of control. It permeates every facet of our lives and there is no escaping it. We can understand it, however, if we "take it to the next level "and ask ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 21, 2019:
@Triphid Maybe they'll just come up with a new religion, like the Romans almost certainly did by destroying (they thought) Judaiism--and the mythological gods--with Christianity, an unblemished (at the time) and more Rome-friendly alternative. No clue what it would look like, maybe a comeback of the Golden Calf, with green dollar signs on each flank.
I’m proud to announce that our Skeptics/Atheist trivia team won last night.
Storm1752 comments on Jun 20, 2019:
How do you join? I know all kinds of "facts of useless information." (Mick Jagger--by the way, ever wonder if the Rolling Stones would've ever existed if his name had been, say, Jason Peabody?)
Storm1752 replies on Jun 20, 2019:
@ADKSparky oh
The bottom line for me becoming an atheist is the feeling of freedom.
Storm1752 comments on Jun 20, 2019:
Just spiders and heights? What about poisonous snakes? Lions, tigers and bears?!? Alligators? Gila monsters? Poison Ivy? I can thinks of DOZENS of things! My (worthless) advice though: go the extra mile and be a full-blown agnostic! It won't TOTALLY take care of the fear of death--you'll still have...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 20, 2019:
@Katsarecool No way. You're not scared of pythons? Poisonous mushrooms? Flying? That there might be a GIANT SOLAR FLARE which will TOTALLY UPEND SOCIETY?!? Volcanos, earthquakes, tornados? Cooked spinach? No? Amazing.
Whew! We can all relax!!
Storm1752 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
I certainly don't mind conversing, debating, arguing, reasoning with, and in general interfacing with wrong-minded people. They're entitled to their opinions. And if for some reason enough have been successfully brainwashed into a given fallacious way of thinking, and vote, then in a democracy ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 20, 2019:
@Bobby9 Sure of course with proper controls. We don't have those controls anymore.. You sound reasonable; do YOU think the "proper controls" are in place? I don't know who you worked for so I'll have to take your word for it he was a "good person," with all the tax advantages and "loopholes" to which he was entitled. Just guessing. I'm sure he wouldn't dream of doing anything illegal. He is simply the beneficiary of a system heavily tilted in favor of the rich. He must have done nothing to create or perpetuate that system. I believe that's wrong. He shouldn't be able to keep the obscene percentage of his earnings he does, while others not so fortunate practically starve, have no access to health care, cannot afford college, live paycheck to paycheck no matter HOW hard they work, with no 401k or any way to save and create a reserve for themselves, take no vacations, and in general are, figuratively speaking of course, SLAVES. Do you think that's right? The whole justification for this system seems reasonable. You've heard it all before. "Trickle-down" supply-side economics, and you must know it doesn't work. Your former employer MIGHT be generous to a fault. I'm positive most multi-billionaires ARE; it's the SYSTEM! Do us a favor and ask him to support higher taxes for himself and his friends, would you please? It should be earmarked for housing, public education, a MUCH higher minimum wage, etc. You heard this all before. Like other advanced countries, the workforce should be sharing in all this prosperity, right? If they make more money, they (unlike your former employer) will no doubt spend it all on desperately-needed goods and services, which will skyrocket the economy into the stratosphere! Yay!😀 I'm sure he agrees with all of this. Finally, why isn't democratic so ialism a good idea? It just means wealth is spread out more evenly. There's still rich and poor. Political parties' fortunes ebb and flow, depending on what adjustments and corrections are required to keep things humming along. The only difference between them and us is, the rich in the U.S. conspired to stage a coup and take over the levers of power. Did a great job of it too. My hat's off to them.
Whew! We can all relax!!
Storm1752 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
I certainly don't mind conversing, debating, arguing, reasoning with, and in general interfacing with wrong-minded people. They're entitled to their opinions. And if for some reason enough have been successfully brainwashed into a given fallacious way of thinking, and vote, then in a democracy ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 20, 2019:
@Bobby9 What specifically do you disagree with? We just welcomed our third "deca-billionaire" into the goodness, ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS!!! Must be nice. I wonder how much his rank-and-file employees are making?
Does anyone else think the depth and breadth of discourse about religious detriment on this site has...
Storm1752 comments on Jun 17, 2019:
Most already know religion is a detriment because they've experienced it for themselves. It's used by the rich and powerful as a lever of control. It permeates every facet of our lives and there is no escaping it. We can understand it, however, if we "take it to the next level "and ask ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 19, 2019:
@Triphid Religion should be outlawed. Wait, no that won't work. There's a new generation coming up almost completely secular. Religion is dying a slow, agonizing death. The power elite hate that and are fighting back with everything they have. The oligarchy/plutocracy now in place will subject the lower classes to the status of second-class citizens. The ruling class will eventually solidify and make permanent their power, using religion as their justification. In many places it's already happened.
Whew! We can all relax!!
kasmian comments on Jun 16, 2019:
Especially if you take everything with a logical approach and refuse to demonize others even if you dislike their opinions. People - even extremists - usually have their reasons for believing in something and you can't really have a civilized talks or change their minds unless you find what that ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 19, 2019:
When you subscribe to an ideology, it happens; people divide into warring camps. Make political parties illegal. Democrats believe in capitalism, Republicans believe in redistribution of wealth. At least to some degree. Parties exaggerate and radicalize the differences.
Whew! We can all relax!!
Storm1752 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
I certainly don't mind conversing, debating, arguing, reasoning with, and in general interfacing with wrong-minded people. They're entitled to their opinions. And if for some reason enough have been successfully brainwashed into a given fallacious way of thinking, and vote, then in a democracy ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 19, 2019:
@Bobby9 But anyway, we now have an oligarchy/plutocracy, not a democrcy or a republic. Capitalism makes concentration of wealth inevitable, sooner or later. A social democracy is better.
Whew! We can all relax!!
Storm1752 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
I certainly don't mind conversing, debating, arguing, reasoning with, and in general interfacing with wrong-minded people. They're entitled to their opinions. And if for some reason enough have been successfully brainwashed into a given fallacious way of thinking, and vote, then in a democracy ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 19, 2019:
@Bobby9 Yeah, sounds elitist. Popular vote's better...sounds like they wanted to keep separate confederately-affiliated COUNTRIES under a federal umbrella. Probably the reason for the Civil War. Time to get rid of it. Won't, of course.
How and when did you lose your religion?
Storm1752 comments on Jun 17, 2019:
It was lost at around 16. But the FINAL finishing end to end all ends with end-of-the-road finality was: Jesus didn't exist! At all. No such dude. Not even as a humble carpenter who went beserk. The final swing of the hammer? No Nazareth! Not a little tiny, eensy-weenzy hamlet, not even a single ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 19, 2019:
@helionoftroy Yeah, like they were so clueless or ARROGANT about it they didn't even bother to put him in a REAL VILLAGE! Come to think of it, it DID make it impossible to trace a real lineage, a family tree... or tie it to any actual real events surrounding a REAL town...pretty smart, actually...AND how were Roman scholars supposed to know anything for REAL about bumfu*k-Judea of all places anyway? But intriguing thought. They had to be smart to start up a new religion from scratch to begin with...probably DID make up a hometown on purpose!
After over a decade of mostly ignoring, shutting down, or being more than a little combative in the ...
Storm1752 comments on Jun 18, 2019:
I think it's total complete waste of time. Like with my devout Catholic mother--mind's made up. Nothing to talk about.
Storm1752 replies on Jun 19, 2019:
@DaveBA5150 Well okay then sure. Why not?
Whew! We can all relax!!
Trajan61 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
Try telling that to the liberal idiots.
Storm1752 replies on Jun 18, 2019:
You just hate liberals no matter WHAT they say. Not very open-minded if you ask me.
Whew! We can all relax!!
Storm1752 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
I certainly don't mind conversing, debating, arguing, reasoning with, and in general interfacing with wrong-minded people. They're entitled to their opinions. And if for some reason enough have been successfully brainwashed into a given fallacious way of thinking, and vote, then in a democracy ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 18, 2019:
@Bobby9 Pretty strange government, right?
Should we all become teetotalers because there are alcoholics?
Storm1752 comments on Jun 18, 2019:
Personally, I DO think alcohol should be banned permanently. Also cigarettes. Both are EXTREMELY bad for you. Today, we have the potential to design drugs which perfectly mimic the alcoholic "buzz" without the disadvantages of hangovers, drunk driving, the violence, horrible health consequences, ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 18, 2019:
@indirect76 Boo? I think that imminently reasonable. People subscribe to religions for basic animalistic reason--let's be open-minded for a second--like the "warm fuzzies" engendered when they feel loved, supported, doing what they think is the "right thing," goin' to heaven, etc--and my Golden Rule pill will do that for them. Religion is a drug. How many times have you heard that? I'm just proposing a better drug.
Conservative Christian Activist Warns Masturbation Is Gay Sex | Michael Stone
Sandman07 comments on Jun 18, 2019:
…unless you are thinking about Jesus when you masturbate. Then everything is cool.
Storm1752 replies on Jun 18, 2019:
Since he's made up to begin with, next time I'll imagine him a VERY well-endowed trans. Hmmm...excuse me I have to go to the bathroom.
God and I reached an understanding.
Storm1752 comments on Jun 17, 2019: you think the candle flame going out really meant something? Or was it just a symbolic thing? A sign from the lesbian goddess on high? Or had you made the point with your daughter and that was enough for all of you? Lots of mixed metaphors and such. Not making fun. Was it a 'real' ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 18, 2019:
@Bigwavedave Right. Good for you.
Whew! We can all relax!!
Storm1752 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
I certainly don't mind conversing, debating, arguing, reasoning with, and in general interfacing with wrong-minded people. They're entitled to their opinions. And if for some reason enough have been successfully brainwashed into a given fallacious way of thinking, and vote, then in a democracy ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 18, 2019:
@Bobby9 Not remembering the difference between the two. Just saying it should be representational of the positions of those represented. If it serves the interest of the elite ONLY, that's not even a republic, is it? I DO seem to remember a Republic is more elitist. My only point is, there are either mechanisms to correct bad decisions, or you have a ideologically-driven fascist state like the old Soviet Union, or North Korea. Or Iran. Lots of examples.
God and I reached an understanding.
Storm1752 comments on Jun 17, 2019: you think the candle flame going out really meant something? Or was it just a symbolic thing? A sign from the lesbian goddess on high? Or had you made the point with your daughter and that was enough for all of you? Lots of mixed metaphors and such. Not making fun. Was it a 'real' ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 18, 2019:
@Bigwavedave Right, but how can a baptist church REALLY be liberal? Don't get me wrong, it's nice of them to confer human status to homosexuals, but obviously you left and never went back because it was self-contradictory at it's core, right? And the candle just a funny aside?. Obviously.
Does anyone else think the depth and breadth of discourse about religious detriment on this site has...
Storm1752 comments on Jun 17, 2019:
Most already know religion is a detriment because they've experienced it for themselves. It's used by the rich and powerful as a lever of control. It permeates every facet of our lives and there is no escaping it. We can understand it, however, if we "take it to the next level "and ask ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 18, 2019:
@seekingtruth All learn to read, write, and do math,. What else depends on curriculum. It must be SECULAR and HUMANIST! Stop home schooling, used to perpetuate ignorance, and private education, the way the rich segregate themselves and create a ruling class.
God and I reached an understanding.
WilliamFleming comments on Jun 17, 2019:
I provided no religious training to my children other than my persistent philosophical rumblings, but now I’m trying to atone for my earlier neglect. Here’s a great religious song that skado recently posted, and I have forwarded it to my adult children for their edification: ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 17, 2019:
Does anyone else think the depth and breadth of discourse about religious detriment on this site has...
BestWithoutGods comments on Jun 17, 2019:
I've mentioned my in-depth research debunking religion, and nobody seems interested in seeing my reports, or getting into the details. In that sense, the interaction here seems to me a bit superficial. But, then, I suppose everyone has good reasons for becoming agnostic or atheist, so maybe they ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 17, 2019:
@BestWithoutGods Well, there's your problem: VERY few on here want to see direct references to the bible. It has been so thoroughly discredited by most of us any such citations cause an allergic reaction. Deuteronony? No thank you! Ezekiel? Isn't that sprouted bread?
Does anyone else think the depth and breadth of discourse about religious detriment on this site has...
Jk1960 comments on Jun 17, 2019:
No - we are all here because we each came to the same conclusion, but maybe through different paths. So why would we in-depth discussion on what we know is true. If your looking for that join a religious site and tell them they are wrong
Storm1752 replies on Jun 17, 2019:
@powder Wrong. That's NOT what agnosticism means. It means "not knowing" is the only logical, rational point of view. In other words, a conclusion is not possible without a leap of faith, a belief system such as theism or atheism. Agnostics refuse to believe IN anything. Got it?
We Have Five Years To Save Ourselves From Climate Change, Harvard Scientist Says
Storm1752 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
I bought land in north Florida. Looking more and more like a good investment. Except it'll probably be swampland if it's not underwater too.
Storm1752 replies on Jun 17, 2019:
@Trajan61 Good to know. Thanks.
We Have Five Years To Save Ourselves From Climate Change, Harvard Scientist Says
Piratefish comments on Jun 16, 2019:
I have some very bad news for everyone buying into all the hype: climate change is going to happen regardless of what we do. Has been for millions of years, and will continue to do so. And regardless of what you hear in the news, no one has any idea just how much of an impact man is having on this...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 16, 2019:
Yeah, right.
Watched Avenger Endgame twice.
motrubl4u comments on Jun 15, 2019:
Technically Thor isn't a secular god he's just a Norse God lol He's also chubby 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Storm1752 replies on Jun 16, 2019:
True. And Wonder Woman is a demi-god. At least they're in the real world doing actual things.
Happy Friday! What do and don't you like about the state in which you live?
Robecology comments on Jun 14, 2019:
Florida; land of Ho-hum (hot and humid) weather. No-see-ums, (I had to install speciaI, finer mesh, more expensive screens) 'skeeters" and the mate-while-flying love bugs (actually not bugs, but flies; see image) that cover your car with a hard to remove's a mixed advantage to ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 16, 2019:
You must live down near the Everglades
Happy Friday! What do and don't you like about the state in which you live?
MissKathleen comments on Jun 14, 2019:
When you don’t have to work anymore, you can move with the seasons.
Storm1752 replies on Jun 16, 2019:
Right. I planned to be mobile THIS summer, but circumstances stopped me. Next year.
Happy Friday! What do and don't you like about the state in which you live?
Paracosm comments on Jun 14, 2019:
I live in Oregon. I love the weather, the environment, the activities (hiking, kayaking, etc). I dislike a lot of the schools and the extremely conservative views many people here have.
Storm1752 replies on Jun 16, 2019:
I thought Oregon was fairly liberal.
Happy Friday! What do and don't you like about the state in which you live?
Storm1752 comments on Jun 15, 2019:
I like Florida, especially north Florida, and I'm ultra-liberal. I just avoid politics and religion. I don't go there! Think of it this way: if it wasn't for the heat, humidity, and bugs, Florida would have about 50 million more people living here., and I'd be somewhere else.
Storm1752 replies on Jun 16, 2019:
@germangirl90439 Very true. Lived in Gainesville 20+ years.
Watched Avenger Endgame twice.
icolan comments on Jun 15, 2019:
You are dreaming, eugenics does not work that way. Breed out undesirable traits and you are quite likely to breed out desirable ones too, and it is very implausible that you would create "super" capabilities. Also, Wonder Woman is the daughter of Zeus, and Thor, who is also in those movies, is a...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 15, 2019:
Oh okay on the god front. More work to be done on knowledge of the genome...just a flight of fancy, I grant, but the day may be coming...
Watched Avenger Endgame twice.
ElusiveMoby comments on Jun 15, 2019:
I really enjoyed your post despite the fact I don't enjoy superhero movies--except Wonder Woman, but that's because of Gal Gadot.
Storm1752 replies on Jun 15, 2019:
Wonder Woman was much better than I expected. Gal Gadot was fine. All the Amazons were. Wonder Woman was a demi-god, right? Btw, while looking it up, I came across "demisexual." There's a new one! "A person who does not experience sexual attraction without first establishing a strong emotional bond."
Watched Avenger Endgame twice.
Geoffrey51 comments on Jun 15, 2019:
‘Manipulate the genome to weed out undesirable agression without sacrificing desirable intelligence, drive and ambition; in fact enhance it and the rest of our capabilities!’ That’s Eugenics!
Storm1752 replies on Jun 15, 2019:
Yes, eugenics... It's just Hitler and other schmos gave it a bad name. Not happening but it's POSSIBLE.
Famed film actress Lillian Gish’s name removed from Bowling Green State University theater: The ...
Storm1752 comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Was she a racist? Have slaves? How about servants? Gardener? I'm racist, in the sense most people are to one degree or another. If you say you're not, you're in the minority, or full of sh*t. Only you know for sure. Everybody has biases about lots of things. If I was born into that culture at ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 15, 2019:
@altschmerz That's my opinion, yes. She was just an actress looking for a job, right? Was this a cause celebre for her? I don't know. Was it? If so, then remove it, but as I said, it was how it was back then. I have totally different attitudes now than I probably would have had back in those bad old days.
A hypothetical moral dilemma: Dan melody are dating, Dan ask Melody" are you on birth control?
Storm1752 comments on Jun 14, 2019:
Yes, of course. Why hide it? Seems ludicrous anyway because it'd obviously come up in the course of things. If Melody didn't like it and wanted a virile man with whom to have children, she could leave. And Melody should have told Dan she wasn't using contraceptives. She's the bigger a-hole, if ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 15, 2019:
@m16566 But that's just it. I don't see a gray area. Why should Dan tell her he had a vascetomy? He already made it clear to her he didn't want to get married and have kids. That's me. I'm 66, never married, no kids. Never regretted it. The only thing "contrived" is her not knowing about it. But okay, I can think of an outlandish reason or two that might explain it. Let's just say for the sake if argument that's the case. Melody was absolutely WRONG, Dan is in the clear. Period. I just don't see any ambiguity.
Still waiting.
Storm1752 comments on Jun 11, 2019:
I understand you.
Storm1752 replies on Jun 12, 2019:
@MissKathleen You mean I took you too literally. Yes, a joke. I thought a clever one. So then, seriously, I'M too changeable to be understood, except by the few people who understand THAT. I think everybody is that way, and if that's true, the only people who understand anything about other people are those who understand the changeable nature of human beings in general. It so follows, if most people change their minds, moods,, opinions, outlook, even in some cases philosophy, worldview, religion or lack thereof, how is someone ELSE supposed to discern who they "really" are? Especially if they themselves are often in a sense different people? How can they understand ANYBODY? I'm not saying basic values change, but surface details often do. No? Get "real." So it would be rare for anyone to understand anybody else.
Well, yeah!
Storm1752 comments on Jun 11, 2019:
Aliens and crop circles, the Sumerians, human subspecies which have died out and the missing link (aliens), fusion and new practical technology, etc. I'm way more interesting than most people.
Storm1752 replies on Jun 12, 2019:
@MissKathleen lol
Still waiting.
Storm1752 comments on Jun 11, 2019:
I understand you.
Storm1752 replies on Jun 12, 2019:
@MissKathleen You SAID you were eaiting for someone to SAY, "I understand you," so I did. It's like, when someone says, "I'll do it, when I get around to it." So I got a sticker with a cicle, inside of which in large letters it says, "TUIT." NOW I have a round tuit! No more excuses, (I know one has nothing to do with the other, it just made me think of it for some weird reason.)
Well, yeah!
Storm1752 comments on Jun 11, 2019:
Aliens and crop circles, the Sumerians, human subspecies which have died out and the missing link (aliens), fusion and new practical technology, etc. I'm way more interesting than most people.
Storm1752 replies on Jun 12, 2019:
@MissKathleen Shrooms are the answer to every question. Afterwards you see your life with absolute clarity; total resolution of every issue; complete harmony with the universe; the jewel-encrusted road before you is wide, endless, and beckons invitingly...this lasts until someone says something annoying.
Stop being an...
MissKathleen comments on Jun 11, 2019:
Storm1752 replies on Jun 11, 2019:
You're not allowed to LOL your own meme, are you?
Hi everyone! What a busy morning! Please fill in the blank here: Never have I ever __________...
MrLizard comments on Jun 11, 2019:
Been to bed with a m.... oh wait.. I've done that. Never ever have I sky-dived. Never ever do I expect to. (But then, I HAVE done other things I never expected to, so, ya never know)
Storm1752 replies on Jun 11, 2019:
@germangirl90439 Um, no sh*t. If you'd done it INvoluntarily you wouldn't be here, would you?
Well, yeah!
Storm1752 comments on Jun 11, 2019:
Aliens and crop circles, the Sumerians, human subspecies which have died out and the missing link (aliens), fusion and new practical technology, etc. I'm way more interesting than most people.
Storm1752 replies on Jun 11, 2019:
@MissKathleen Many, many times (can't you tell?)! Mescaline.(10+...more, more!) Peyote (3...killed my dog) LSD ( to do it again some time) Cocaine (12...too pricey and addictive) Meth ( but unfortunately deadly) Heroin (1...threw up all day) Etc. In Gainesville lived next to a cow pasture for a year...I was very popular at parties, always had a bagful of 'shrooms. For years went out mornings after rain to my favorite fields. Best stuff ever if you remember not to mix with alcohol. Since I don't drink anymore, not a problem. It's been years since I've done any kind of drug. Shrooms and LSD only things I miss even a little!
‘Straight Pride’ organisers revealed to have links to far-right and white nationalist groups
Sandman07 comments on Jun 10, 2019:
At the expense of looking like I'm raining on the gay parade, which I have absolutely no intention of doing, why not have a heterosexual parade? Life is a celebration. Let's not limit ourselves. Also, obviously some of these organizers (I'm hoping not all) have an agenda and their goal is to piss ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 11, 2019:
You are SO naive! The POINT is to HATE gays, not celebrate straights! Or are you joking?
‘Straight Pride’ organisers revealed to have links to far-right and white nationalist groups
Sticks48 comments on Jun 10, 2019:
Those cocksuckers!
Storm1752 replies on Jun 11, 2019:
@TomMcGiverin Hey I've sucked a few cocks! It can be fun!
"We must resist the impoverishment of public discourse on matters of religion which has come about ...
Storm1752 comments on Jun 9, 2019:
I'll not condemn it. MAY THEY ROT IN HELL for all I care. MAY RELIGION SINK INTO A FIERY PIT AND BEGONE! But people can believe what they want to believe, as long as they allow me the same privlege. MAY A THOUSAND DEMONS DESCEND ON RELIGION IN ALL ITS FORMS AND TEAR THEM ALL ASUNDER! But live and ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 11, 2019:
@Matias Noted.😎
Just curious. Who would not have joined this forum if it was called
kodimerlyn comments on Jun 10, 2019:
As I am an atheist, I would have. Although I do like the word agnostic for those trying to flee their faith in fairytales
Storm1752 replies on Jun 10, 2019:
@Kojaksmom I'm an agnostic and I'm pretty sure/positive the bible is a bunch of hooey, okay? And why do you capitalize it? I don't. Usually. You're agnostic with atheist tendencies, sort of like a straight woman with bisexual tendencies. Or are you an atheist with agnostic proclivities? Hmmm...better refer again to that handy, helpful bubble graph again ..
Just curious. Who would not have joined this forum if it was called
Robecology comments on Jun 10, 2019:
It's sometimes let me share an image that I keep on my desktop...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 10, 2019:
Hey! No "deist" in your handy, helpful graph (or whatever it is)? What's the deal? Thomas Freakin' Jefferson was a deist! Lots of famous people were and are! What, they didn't/don't exist? Some people think bisexuals don't exist. I'm a bisexual agnostic deist. .I don't exist? (I think there MAY be some sort of "god" whatschmacallit, for those of you keeping score.)
Asking if there is no god, what is the purpose of life is like...
josh_is_exciting comments on Jun 9, 2019:
False equivalency. Master's don't make their slaves from nothing, they don't create their slaves, they steal them. You can't steal something that you made from nothing. "God", if he were really there, would have made us, with a purpose, just like we make things and expect them to do what we want ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 10, 2019:
You don't have to STEAL slaves. Sometimes you inherit them. Or chase them around a jungle and throw a net over them, or lasso them. Or you can pay them VERY low wages and order them around; if they obey, they're a slave! But you're right: this god character creates you a slave. If YOU don't obey, you go to hell! You don't want to go to hell, do you? I didn't think so. So you obey because you HAVE to; no choice. There's nothing admirable in that. So why do godly people congratulate themselves for doing the right thing? They HAVE to! They are really evil people (like god) who would cut their neighbors throats if they thought they could get away with it! Sometimes they do anyway, go to confession (if they know what's good for them) and say they're sorry, are forgiven, and it's all good! See? Not complicated at all. Be a slave to an evil god who owns slaves who he wants to be good, and be happy. When (if) you get to heaven, maybe you get your own slaves. Probably not, because it's wrong to own slaves (right?) but that's complicated, so don't think about it. It's a mystery. Like everything else.
Asking if there is no god, what is the purpose of life is like...
Vintenar comments on Jun 9, 2019:
There is a master, well more than one master actually, called corporations who pay of politicians that pass legislation which benefit the rich which in turn beats down the rest of the pions at the bottom.
Storm1752 replies on Jun 10, 2019:
You mean they are not slaves too? I'll bet they all go to church.
Asking if there is no god, what is the purpose of life is like...
TimeOutForMe comments on Jun 10, 2019:
I was in a church service at age 15 and heard someone praying, "I don't own my life, you own it, you knew me before I was even born, do with my life what you wish to, make me your slave on this earth, and when your work is done my reward will be your princess in heaven".
Storm1752 replies on Jun 10, 2019:
You mean, " reward will be TO BE your princess in heaven?" That doesn't even follow. Is JC a prince? I thought he was king. Guess not. That would mean God (the father) is king, but it doesn't say that anywhere, does it? I thought they were equal. Where's the Holy Ghost in all this? Is HG a prince? Or a princess? Or even have a sex? And anyway I thought there were no such thing as ghosts. Nope. This makes no sense. I'm confused.
Asking if there is no god, what is the purpose of life is like...
Pralina1 comments on Jun 10, 2019:
Today I slept until 0900. I fed the boys and we went for a nice walk . I did laundry and attended to my flowers at patio , I talked w two good friends and I was able to comfort another one . I pulled from my behind some funny words and poof !, she felt better . I did arrangements for another one to ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 10, 2019:
That's nice. I hope you have a good day too. You sound like a nice lady. You DESERVE to have a VERY good day! One of the best! I personally don't think you're going to die tonight, though you never know! Let's hope not, because that would mean you DIDN'T have a good day! So don't die. Slaves very rarely have good days...though I don't actually KNOW any slaves, so I wouldn't really know. Are you a slave? Doesn't sound like it! Good for you! You are free, to have a good day if you wish, or not! You choose 'good,' and I don't blame you! Who in their right mind would want to have a BAD day? Not me! So you see, we BOTH want have a good day! And we both will.😀 Just say to yourself, "I am NOT a slave, and you'll instantly feel good each and every time, and your good day is assured.
"We must resist the impoverishment of public discourse on matters of religion which has come about ...
Storm1752 comments on Jun 9, 2019:
I'll not condemn it. MAY THEY ROT IN HELL for all I care. MAY RELIGION SINK INTO A FIERY PIT AND BEGONE! But people can believe what they want to believe, as long as they allow me the same privlege. MAY A THOUSAND DEMONS DESCEND ON RELIGION IN ALL ITS FORMS AND TEAR THEM ALL ASUNDER! But live and ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 10, 2019:
@Matias i was being HUMOROUS, d*mbf**k! Get it? I was making a funny!😁 Joking!🤣 Hahaha!😉
As an atheist and raising my sons as such I found the philosophy Stoicism a fantastic alternative to...
Storm1752 comments on Jun 9, 2019:
The main things about it are to not be afraid of misfortune; the fear is almost always worse than the actual event (but not always!). When it DOES happen--and it sometimes does--one simply deals with it. Also, mortality and how small and insignificant we really are...religion tries to blow us up ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 9, 2019:
@MsDemeanour Epistemology, which seperates justified belief from opinion, of course has its place, but a Stoic is concerned with real-world applications, not theory.
As an atheist and raising my sons as such I found the philosophy Stoicism a fantastic alternative to...
Storm1752 comments on Jun 9, 2019:
The main things about it are to not be afraid of misfortune; the fear is almost always worse than the actual event (but not always!). When it DOES happen--and it sometimes does--one simply deals with it. Also, mortality and how small and insignificant we really are...religion tries to blow us up ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 9, 2019:
@MsDemeanour I've started reading a little about it. So far I like controlling what is in your own power to control, being responsible only for your OWN conduct. It's based on ACTIONS and BEHAVIOR, not on epistemology.
Been a long day workin the garden..
Storm1752 comments on Jun 9, 2019:
Um...cute, maybe...but not sexy.
Storm1752 replies on Jun 9, 2019:
@Charlene Most definitely. Besides, it's only one picture. Fun is sexy. She may be the 'hottest' woman in the universe for all we know.
Good afternoon, everyone! It's a super rainy day here .
KKGator comments on Jun 9, 2019:
Storming here, too. My two favorite colors are green and purple. (Bet you thought I was gonna say Orange and Blue! ;) )
Storm1752 replies on Jun 9, 2019:
Go Gators! But they should be scaley-green.
I've posted this before but every time I do I get berated for doing so.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Jun 2, 2019:
For the love of god [sic], why are you beating a dead horse? I explained this to you in linguistic terms in your last post. A word "means" whatever a person or culture wants it to mean. Because YOU have no concept does not mean that others do not. The concept of definition of god does not have to ...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 8, 2019:
@Gwendolyn2018 Look you're being pointlessly argumentative, if you ask me. And OUR points are obvious. If you HAVE a point, was is it? In BRIEF? I've made my point. Given you my opinion. If you disagree, so be it. But so what? Why does it matter so much to you? We are victims of conditioning we have rejected. In my opinion thought-images are part of it. For instance, there was no Jesus Christ. But we still see "him" in our minds. Right? Indelible. It's an annoying but indisputable fact. The "Sermon on the Mount" never happened. But I still know the words, some of them quite profound, I think. It's part of our conditioning. It goes without saying, in my opinion. So what?
I've posted this before but every time I do I get berated for doing so.
Storm1752 comments on Jun 2, 2019:
I'm not going to "berate" you. Speaking strictly for myself, those words DO have meaning. I was brought up Catholic and though I've ceased to believe in the thought-images of god I formed growing up, those images remain. They'll always be there. As an agnostic "deist," I do THINK (without evidence)...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 8, 2019:
@EdwinMcCravy Btw, yes I DO believe Jews think of a guy with a beard and robe when they think of Yahweh. Christians think of all those portraits of "Christ." Muslims? Yeah, I think some image comes to mind. Ask THEM what or who it looks like! I guess Muhammed.
I've posted this before but every time I do I get berated for doing so.
Storm1752 comments on Jun 2, 2019:
I'm not going to "berate" you. Speaking strictly for myself, those words DO have meaning. I was brought up Catholic and though I've ceased to believe in the thought-images of god I formed growing up, those images remain. They'll always be there. As an agnostic "deist," I do THINK (without evidence)...
Storm1752 replies on Jun 8, 2019:
@EdwinMcCravy Because though they are ridiculous images that's what comes to mind. Never really thought much of what 'Allah' might "look like" but I always have had some vague idea Muslims imagine "Allah" looks like Muhammed, or at least THINK of Muhammed when they think of "Allah!" After all, some image has to come to mind. I don't think if "god" DID exist "god" would look like ANYTHING. I'll now have to go back and read the whole discussion to figure out what your point is. Mine is very simple: our education, upbringing, and conditioning and/or whatever else you want to call it remains with us even after we have consciously rejected the substance of what we were trained to believe. One of the things so useful about a site like this is the counter-programming it affords.


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