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I wanted to add to @MojoDave's post, bumper/window stickers.
Storm1752 comments on May 3, 2019:
I like the TRAMP one. Perfect.
So, I'm thinking of changing my name from Wildflower to Cupcake. What do you think?
Storm1752 comments on May 3, 2019:
Wildflower. Cupcakes are sugary: bad for your teeth and cause havoc with your blood sugar levels. How about Wildcake? Or Cupflower? Or Snowflake!
Welcome ladies! @thinktwice and @zesty! It's great to see you.
Storm1752 comments on May 3, 2019:
Evangelicals Breaking Up with Jesus []
Storm1752 comments on May 1, 2019:
Boy, nothing any of what you said makes any sense to me. I think the next president will be Sanders, Warren or Biden. A "modicum of support?" Wow. Amazing.
What specifically happened that made you turn into an atheist/ nonbeliever?
Storm1752 comments on May 1, 2019:
I found out there was no Santa Claus.
When my ex and I were still together and fighting about religion, he said according to my atheism ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 29, 2019:
My rule is: "thou shalt not go to jail." So I don't do anything which might land me there.
We're on a road to destruction if we don't make changes.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 29, 2019:
I'm sorry if our conservative members are feeling bad. I don't remember any ad hominem attacks, but if that's happening it should stop. On the other hand, I fail to see what a "conservative" would be doing here, if by that you mean religious. If you mean politically rightist, again, it's hard to reconcile that with a group of agnostics and atheists, because Republicans are the antithsis of godlessness. But okay, if some members think these people are trolls, they can't be blamed, but neither does it give anyone the right to disrespect them. I admit I'm confused. As far as getting believers to think agnostics and atheists are "good people," good luck. Speaking personally for myself only, I could care less what they think. Nor do I engage them in debates or call attention to myself in any way. I just go about my business and mind my own. In fact, people without a religious affiliation are now the majority in this country. Why should I feel defensive and want to convince anybody of my goodness? So I suppose overall I don't understand your concern, but I DO ask all fellow members to express disagreements based on issues and refrain from personal attacks.
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 29, 2019:
The question answers itself.
How many members on here are openly atheists in the bible belt? And are you treated differently?
Storm1752 comments on Apr 29, 2019:
Why would anybody be openly atheist in the bible belt? And what kind of question is that, my good man? Are you TRYING to provoke a response? If so, well done!
Trump will defeat biden, it will take more than just an anti trump message to win
Storm1752 comments on Apr 29, 2019:
I really like Joe...a good man, a seasoned professional, right on most if not all the issues. I think it'll be between him and Elizabeth Warren, another winner.
Despite being atheist, im pretty sure I 100% believe in Tarot cards.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 28, 2019:
Like newspaper astrology?
I'm really new here.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 27, 2019:
Why tell them about your beliefs? That's pretty masochistic, isn't it? That's like a vegetarian being invited to a barbeque, and not only going, but then announcing to those gathered eating meat is cannibalistic and destroying the planet. You sound like a troll, but assuming you're legit, take my advice and shut up about it. Unless it's one-on-one, you're practically inviting the herd to attack you. Even if it's a private conversation, a Christian will figure you're either misguided or Satanic. It's a Christian's god-appointed task to not only correct you, but then proceed to evangelize you and bring you back onto the ordained Path, etc. Agnostics and atheists know there's no upside to "converting" the brainwashed. One or two simple questions will clue you in, then go your merry way. Lie if you have to. Anything to spare you the grief. They aren't listening.
Does anyone else who's de-converted from religion struggle with logically knowing / accepting ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 27, 2019:
I have no idea what you're talking about. Doesn't feel right? Have YOU been brainwashed! Forget abut evolution and stick to the 8000 year part: it's OBVIOUS the planet is older than that, since dinosaurs lived at least 65,000 years ago. Did the entire universe appear out of nothing 8000 years ago, or just the Earth? The wonder is ANYBODY really believes that. To me it not only feels right, everything about the world around me practically screams it in my ears and makes my eyes hurt from the glare. The majesty of creation is something awe-inspiring and fills one with wonder. The true mystery of it all takes one's breath away, and is far more powerful than any "religious" experience could ever be, if one just lets it sink in for a moment. To minimize it is to mock it, because no "god" is capable of simply blinking it into existence. Try feeling that.
If I was to make a sculpture of a half naked, bleeding woman, nailed to a cross and distributing a ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 27, 2019:
It reinforces the whole Christian mentality. By attacking their religion you give it power. Besides, there are enough actual, real women out there bleeding from domestic violence, rape, murder, and other brutal acts, that it's almost a crime in and of itself to be making light of it as a symbol of extreme sex play.
I just wanted to get some other opinions on this.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 27, 2019:
I avoid arguments, by finding something in what she says to agree with. Sometimes it takes a few questions to " tease out' what that something is. Then I steer the conversation in that direction. Or, I google it!
Good day my friends! Thanks @FlippantLlama for the suggestion to start over! So here it goes: ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 25, 2019:
Jesus Christ. Hahaha. Just kidding; I know you mean someone who actually live or lived in the first place. Paul Giamatti (Sideways, Cold Souls, etc.). I COULD have said Dylan or Bill Clinton, or...but that would be too easy. He just seems like a very likable and unassuming guy. Otherwise, I'd go with Obama, so I could rake him over the coals for blowing a golden opportunity in 2008 and thereafter.
I was going to post this article about Game Of Throne's Arya having sex at a young age in the GoT ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 25, 2019:
I think it's because many men are interested in women ONLY for sex, especially if they instigate contact. Women are thus forced into a passive, defensive role. Maybe the only way for a woman to even strike up a conversation, is to join groups wherein peer pressure discourages overtly agressive, predatory behavior. Again, it's not that women do not WANT sex, and would take the lead much more often if they thought the men were actually interested in what they had to say. Hookups, one-night stands, short-term trysts, would all be on the table if many men were mature, sophisticated, and respectful enough to handle it. Like most things in life the a**holes ruin it for the rest of us.
Chomsky: By focusing on Russia Democrats handed Trump a ‘huge gift’ and possibly the 2020 ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 25, 2019:
When Tr**p got elected, I finally had had enough. I don't watch TV anyway, but no news, period, whether radio, print, you name it, especially if it has anything about "him" or ANY Republican. I've seen enough to know exactly what they're going to say, on any subject. I consider our state of politics a national and global disgrace, but for anyone to say the two parties are the same or similar simply has no idea what they're talking about. Except, of course, Democrats are ALSO bought and sold by corporate and oligarchic interests. Whenever they HAVE had an opportunity to change things (Fairness Doctrine, tax code, financing of elections, etc.) they have blown it. The Democratic Party mystifies, saddens, and disappoints me. Then again, how many (except you) liberals care enough to VOTE, anyway? Our democracy is being destroyed, and they sit on their hands. Pathetic.
I received several compliments today in this simple tshirt dress.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 25, 2019:
Did you lose some weight?
Hey beauties! I think I slept through Monday... probably a good thing. I like this one.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 25, 2019:
Marilyn was special. I just watched "Some Like It Hot " a really stupid movie, but she lit up the screen anyway. Then there was Lana Turner, Jayne Mansfield, even Sophia Loren, Veronica Lake....the list gies on. I think the word is "voluptuous" and I love it.
Hi to anyone in Central Fl.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 25, 2019:
What about?
Good morning, my friends! A little over a year ago I kept seeing an ad on my Facebook feed for ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 25, 2019:
I think I found it as a dating site because I tried POF and I hardly EVER got any response and it was one-sided in favor of the girls, who normally chose rich guys. So I figured on VeggieDate, etc., there'd be a much better chance to find like-minded people. When I came across Agnostics, I investigated because I always thought of myself as agnostic without really thinking what that really meant. Well, STILL no dates but I could care less. It is MUCH MORE than that. I spend a lot of time agreeing and debating, reading and learning, joined groups of special interest, some dealing with sex and others not, I don't hesitate to give my point of view regardess if it violates some Orthodoxy. (Lots of thin-skinned self-appointed 'saints' on here.) It's a great and unique place full of amazing (and semi-amazing) people and if I ever do "slut it out" or monogamize it with someone on here someday somehow I'll just consider it a bonus.
IMO, religion has served to unite communities and explain our existence.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 24, 2019:
It seems, extropolating on Elaine's words of wisdom, judaism, christianity and islam were a step back for humanity, in that created were an eternal hell, a rift between the spiritual soul (good) and the carnal body (bad), between evil nature and pristine, perfect heaven. That the "devil" represented the loathsome natural world, with all its animalistic instincts, and "god" stood for a state of being unreachable by men, pure, holy, celestial. Thus, "sin" was the normal state of men, due to "original sin." Christians tell us "we're all sinners," destined for hell. Tbey say men are corruption itself, because of what the first humans did. And what was their sin? Thirsting for knowledge! And who was to blame for such a degraded state if affairs? Why, women, of course! How different were the ancient religions! Women were ascendant, the embodiment of the exalted natural law. People were neither bad nor good, just people. WHY, then, the radical transformation? Why did male humans sieze power and create bizarre societies wherein all people were percieved as wicked, evil, bad, and cursed? SO bad, in fact, they had only themselves to blame for their inevitable fate of eternal damnation? Putting aside for the moment the sheer ridiculousness of such a "reality," and looking just below the surface, one can arrive at a perfectly rational explanation for WHY men did this,, instead of ascribing all kinds of complex dynamics. It seems to me the most obvious reason is the correct one: Men were jealous of women, and the power they held over them. Women were more intelligent, beautiful, and more in touch with themselves and the world around them. The source of their power? Their sexuality, sensuousness, and ability to thereby control their environment. So men literally demonized these strengths, and the natural world over which they presided. In a way, it was rape on a massive scale. WHY, you insist? Because they could.
Information is always good.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 24, 2019:
That would be fantastic! The girls would have to be bi, to take some of the pressure off me! But I could handle it! I would sacrifice my body for the sake of love.
Guess who had her first threesome last night! 🙋🏼‍♀️
Storm1752 comments on Apr 24, 2019:
I had lots of FMF in my day...sigh...those were the days, of wine and roses! I'd even be tempted by a MFM these days...might not be bad...shows how far the mighty have fallen!
I cannot see your hand if you raise it so if you would give me a yes or no. 😊👍
Storm1752 comments on Apr 16, 2019:
Exactly what I'm about to do. Okay, right now it's a pole barn, but it WILL be a cabin when I'm finished with it.
It has been said that to look the other way and remain silent when someone is perpetuating actions ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 15, 2019:
Oh and my main point: yes, the people who voted for and continue to support this CREEP are fully implicated as fellow travellers, and should be considered unindicted co-conspirators. However, LIBERALS who didn't vote should also hang their heads in shame. Or maybe the non-voters are liberals in name only, if they lack the requisite conviction and sense of urgency and fervor to get off their butts and trudge all the way to the polling station! If these "liberals" can't see what's happening and be alarmed enough to at least do their small part to correct matters, they should shut up, hide their tails between their legs, and stop whimpering like the mangy, do-nothing mutts they are. VOTE, PEOPLE!!!
It has been said that to look the other way and remain silent when someone is perpetuating actions ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 15, 2019:
Agreed, on the possible downside of bordellos. Never been to one myself. Never will. Philosophically, I have no problem with "sex workers.' If men want to blow their money in such a self-degrading way hey, it's a free country. Then I suppose there are some men who have a perfectly good reason to avail themselves of such services. Who am I to say? I just hope the women themselves are treated respectfully, as I'm sure you do, too. The main reservation I have against Obama and Hillary were their naive bungling of the "Arab Spring" in general, and Libya in particular. Not Benghazi; that was a "trumped-up" dog and pony show.
It has been said that to look the other way and remain silent when someone is perpetuating actions ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 15, 2019:
I might add, the protestations of the myopic right-wingers aside , your indictment of Trump and the Republicans is perfectly outlined.
It has been said that to look the other way and remain silent when someone is perpetuating actions ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 15, 2019:
Please, don't compare the Clintons to Trump (or W., for that matter). They may not be perfect, but they're by no means the sleazeballs he and W. were and are! Also, what's wrong with bordellos (unless the women are there against their will, they're making a more honest living than he ever dreamed of!)?
This seems to describe many of the current batch of immigrants.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 13, 2019:
Hey I'M getting benefits, and I LOVE my country for it!
Hello everyone. I hope you're enjoying your weekend so far! Welcome @Sweeteej.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 13, 2019:
I AM, but it'd be even better if I was with an ethical slut right now...(and not just for sex)
Justice Dept. Declines to Defend Law Against Female Circumcision, Citing Flaws
Storm1752 comments on Apr 13, 2019:
What a disgrace.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 13, 2019:
No, God has been here all as long, creating wars and all kinds of other mischief.
Anomie: ".
Storm1752 comments on Apr 12, 2019:
If people would just VOTE it'd be a completely different situation
So, I'm cruising on into level 8! Less than 800 to go.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Anybody who gives two hoots about this "rating system" needs to get a life.
What helps you manage impulses?
Storm1752 comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Vanilla ice cream sprinkled with chocolate chips and smothered with peanuts or walnuts...I've tried to stop myself...but it's hopeless.
Hi all.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 11, 2019:
I can see the death penalty in some cases. LikeJeffrey Daumer, people like that. There are crimes, or series of crimes, that are so heinous and despicable, the perps deserve to die. The problem then becomes, though, where do you draw the line? Probably better to just throw away the key.
Coffee not essential for life, Swiss government says - BBC News
Storm1752 comments on Apr 11, 2019:
I take caffeine stains my teeth.
Hey guys. What's your preference when it comes to dirty talk?
Storm1752 comments on Apr 11, 2019:
I don't think I've ever talked dirty...well once with a girlfriend....I tried it here one night and it went over like a lead balloon, so I guess I'm not very good at it!
The closed mind of Richard Dawkins
Storm1752 comments on Apr 11, 2019:
You mean they think Moses didn't exist? Wow. I had no idea.
. “I’m Rich” comics
Storm1752 comments on Apr 11, 2019:
So what? They'll just back someone worse.
The campground I'm at is in the middle of nowhere.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Ive been asking myself lately how I could have been so ignorant to have followed the myth of ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 11, 2019:
The doctrine of hell is what drove me AWAY! It took a while to work through the gobblygook Christians throw at you on the subject, to get to the central point: for hell to exist, god would've had to create it, period. So god must be made up because there is NO WAY a real god would create such an evil place. There were many, many other things, but that was the first dealbreaker for me.
A global warming forum read up from one of the smartest posters on the site.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 11, 2019:
I'm glad I'm 66 and'll probably be gone before it really starts to sizzle. It'll most likely have to come to that before anything really significant is done. Another huge problem: the people of world's biggest polluter--us--don't vote, so the polluters get a free pass.
Connie is running late - so asked me to come up with a question for the day.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Steven Seagal movies.
This is Ashley Graham a "plus-sized" model. I think she is gorgeous and I love her face too.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 11, 2019:
I didn't SAY she was fat.
You may be cool ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 10, 2019:
Steve playing the Gibson was cool, but Steve doing ANYTHING was way cool...
G:830 Ok guys it's a group-come join! What was "The Best" you've ever experienced?
Storm1752 comments on Apr 10, 2019:
The BEST thing I've ever experienced? Wow. So many things! (I'm being sarcastic.) It's made me think, though. Probably maybe, discovering cab-driving and a whole new circle of friends, after I abandoned my business, land, friends, and way of life, and moved from Florida to California (way back when), because a girlfriend dumped me for someone else. I thought I had screwed myself, but good. I kinda DID anyway, but it could have been a LOT worse!
Israel loves Trump, so he thinks.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 10, 2019:
The Republicans in general think the Jews love them, when all they're really doing is humoring them. They don't seem to understand Judaism is a completely, 100% distinct religion which, at most, leaves open the possibility, but doubts, "Jesus" existed at all, and hold even if he did, he certainly wasn't the "Messiah." Of course, Judaism itself is nonsense, but it's a whole other kettle of the stuff. In some ways, despite its utter absurdity, Judaism is saner than Christianity. For one thing, they don't believe in hell, the most offensive of all Christian "doctrines."
We’ve seen this gate before...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 10, 2019:
Fun pic.
This is Ashley Graham a "plus-sized" model. I think she is gorgeous and I love her face too.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 10, 2019:
She's not 'fat' in all the ways that count.
We’ve seen this gate before...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 10, 2019:
Really? Not me.
Can men and women just be friends?
Storm1752 comments on Apr 10, 2019:
Hang out with couples. Hang out with gay men. If you're attractive and unattached, unattached men will assume you're available and begin to court you. Most will lose interest if and when they discover you're unavailable.
I feel like I run into this type of "nice guy" depicted in the cartoon a lot in online forums, and ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 9, 2019:
Did someone say it WAS "owed?" Not me. No one owes ME anything. There were those who STOLE things from me, so technically they "owe" me those things back, but good luck THAT happening! I wish some girls DID owe me ❤...that would be great!?But they don't...On the other hand, if someday they wanted to GIVE me ? anyway, I'd take it!
I thought this was appropriate to post here.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 9, 2019:
Yes any generalization is fraught with exceptions. You sound like a paragon of reasonableness and I apologize, but I can't account for every special circumstance, qualifier, and "yes, but..." Having said that, I DO believe the main problem, notwithstanding typical colonial mistreatment, is the 1) presence of the state of Israel and, almost as a corollary, 2) tenets of the Koran itself. Even though Jadaiism and Christianity predate Islam, and are considered "related," Islam will never accept either as equal. So, Israel, because Muslims occupied Palestinian territory for so long, and will always consider it Islamic, they will NEVER accept Israel's right to exist. Ever. Christians will always be considered Crusaders. Even though both religions came before them. Now, I personally consider all three religions bullshit, but I'm talking about the geo-religious-political realities here. So, forget ever changing that. It's enshrined in their holy book. Aint giing to change. Israel will always be in a de facto war with its neighbors. In fact, ALL the world's other religions are. Just especially Judaism/Israel. Yes, there are MANY wonderful, upstanding, outstanding exceptions to the general rule Islam at its core is anti-science and anti-arts and anti-anything non-Koranic. I forget the name of the influential Muslim (around 1500?) Who declared it so and brought to a screeching halt all things non-koranic in the Islamic world. You probably know who I'm talking about...anyway, it's a shame, because just below the upper-income, more worldly class if Muslims exists a vast underclass of people who know ONLY the Koran. Virtually nothing else, except of course their chosen trade. Much of this is deliberate. They are thus brainwashed int a world view which excludes almost ANYTHING else. So, when I say WORTHLESS, I mean insofar as any understanding of the world other than what is hammered into their extremely narrow, myopic perspective which is exactly what their extremist "holy men" want them to have. They are therefore a pernicious, corrosive influence, not assimilable and not tolerant of other cultures. PERIOD. I think that's a fair, impartial viewpoint. I feel sorry for Europe with the mass influx of recent times. Very, very sorry. Anyway, that's my opinion. I'm tired of typing and it's getting late. One final thing I'm particularly unhappy about is their "attitude" toward people "like me," agnostics and, especially, atheists. I'm sure you know what many Muslims would do to me, and perhaps you, if they could ever get their hands on us! Sure, not Abdul down the street, of course not! But many of them. They'd tear us limb from limb, gouge our eyes out, chop our heads off, and so forth. No not friendly Muhammed with whom you exchange pleasantries on the ...
I thought this was appropriate to post here.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 8, 2019:
Yes any generalization is fraught with exceptions. You sound like a paragon of reasonableness and I apologize, but I can't account for every special circumstance, qualifier, and "yes, but..." Having said that, I DO believe the main problem, notwithstanding typical colonial mistreatment, is the 1) presence of the state of Israel and, almost as a corollary, 2) tenets of the Koran itself. Even though Jadaiism and Christianity predate Islam, and are considered "related," Islam will never accept either as equal. So, Israel--because Muslims occupied Palestinian territory for so long, and will always consider it Islamic--will NEVER be accepted. Israel's right to exist does not exist! Ever. Christians will always be considered Crusaders. Even though both religions came before Islam. Now, I personally consider all three religions bullshit, but I'm talking about the geo-religious-political realities here. So, forget ever changing that. It's enshrined in their holy book. Not going to change. Israel will always be in a de facto war with its neighbors. In fact, ALL the world's other religions are in a perpetual war with Islam, with no end in sight. Just especially Judaism/Israel. Yes, there are MANY wonderful, upstanding, outstanding exceptions to the general rule that: Islam is at its core anti-science and anti-arts and anti-anything non-Koranic. I forget the name of the influential Muslim (around 1500?) Who declared it so, and brought to a screeching halt all things non-koranic in the Islamic world. You probably know who I'm talking about...anyway, it's a shame, because just below the upper-income, more worldly class of Muslims, exists a vast underclass of people who know ONLY the Koran. Virtually nothing else, except of course their chosen trade, local news, everyday matters. Much of this is deliberate. They are thus brainwashed into a world view which excludes almost ANYTHING else. So, when I say WORTHLESS, I mean insofar as any understanding of the world, other than what is hammered into their extremely narrow, myopic heads, which fosters a perspective which is exactly what their extremist "holy men" want them to have. This is because, among other things, they ferverently believe these esteemed gentlemen hold the very keys to salvation, in their sacred hands. They are, therefore, a pernicious, corrosive influence, not in the least assimilable and not at all tolerant of other cultures. Period. I think that's a fair, impartial viewpoint. I feel sorry for Europe what with the mass influx of recent times. Very, very sorry. Anyway, that's my opinion. I'm tired of typing and it's getting late. One final thing I'm particularly unhappy about: their absolutist "attitude" toward people "like me," agnostics and, especially, atheists. I'm sure ...
Good morning! I'm coming right to today's question: What bridges do you not regret burning?
Storm1752 comments on Apr 8, 2019:
My entire family. Lately that's included my younger brother, who betrayed me a few year's ago. I'll probably never talk to any of them again, and that'll be too soon.
God, Irony and non-believers As I wander through this site and read here and there a connecting ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 8, 2019:
Good day everybody! I hope life is being kind to you at this moment :) 99 is a great number! ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 7, 2019:
I'm in chat room! For a few...
You look across a crowded room and you spot an attractive woman; your clairvoyant spider sense sends...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 7, 2019:
Well, I read all the comments again...turns out MY definition of an Ethical Slut was NOT the operative one! I LIKE it; but it's actually the definition of a La Femme Boheme, or a Bohemian Lady. Some thought I styled myself an "expert" on the subject, or sex-starved, or defensive, or naive, or SOMETHING... Maybe. But I thought I'd offer my personal, fanciful, ideas of who is an Ethical Slut, male or female, as seen through the prism of this site. That is, an Agnostic/Atheist Ethical Slut, who I avow has a special world view which makes their attitudes essentially different than those of many other people. These particular people, I think, see themselves as responsible for their own actions, and are not answerable to some unseen and undetectable higher authority. Religious people can petition this higher authority for forgiveness and absolution; they cannot. So, as free agents who rely on and refer only to their own conscience for what is right and wrong, it is they who must forgive THEMSELVES for transgressions of their own moral code. Violating said moral code, therefore, results in a deeply-personal pain, which cannot be washed away by 'confession,' or a dismissal of all charges by a court of law. An Agnostic or Atheist Ethical Slut is free of strictures placed on himself or herself by a deity, or people claiming to speak in this deity's name, BUT is bound by personal standards of conduct entirely their own. THIS Ethical Slut cannot protest these rules as irrelevant, forced upon him or her by an external source, because they are set up and enforced by THEIR OWN certifications of right and wrong. Why is this an important distinction? Because contrary to what the religious claim is a 'looser' set of morals, ours are actually stricter. The crucial difference is, sexual activity is not right or wrong in and of itself (married = right, unmarried = wrong) but is wholly dependent on that activity's effect on themselves AND THOSE WITH WHOM THEY INTERACT. This is true of ALL actions, not just sexual ones, of course, but there are few other actions a human being can take, which have such an intimate, immediate, and far-and-deep-reaching impact. All that said as a necessary prelude, an Ethical Slut is, in this context, a deeply moral person. True, no consensual act is off limits. Marital status is irrelevant, to be sure. Number of partners, in what order, is a personal choice, and it's okay to covet your neighbor's wife or is free to covet away. You only "sin" in your heart if YOU think that's what you're doing. (I personally covet with practically every breath, and I think it's fine.) BUT is it right to act, in word or in deed? Is it, in short, ethical? Only the people involved get to say. God, as usual, is silent. Not a ...
Is it just me or do you find the vast bulk of this community openly hostile to polyamory?
Storm1752 comments on Apr 6, 2019:
No idea where you get that idea. Not for me but hey, that's only me.
Not considered personal growtth.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 6, 2019:
So, we're anti-erection now? lol
No pic today.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 5, 2019:
Am I invited??
Sexy?.. I think so. Classy?.. possibly. Classic? Absolutely!! :)
Storm1752 comments on Apr 5, 2019:
Cool photo? Absolutely! Sexy? Um...okay...
Is anyone else bored to death with the entire atheist theist debate?
Storm1752 comments on Apr 5, 2019:
There's nothing to add. An agnostic knows there never will be. No new knowledge. So drop it and just live your life.
Good afternoon! This morning, time ran away from me and it hasn't gotten much better yet! I'm ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 4, 2019:
Waiting for my mechanic to finish inspecting, and do any preventative maintenance necessary on, the RV I just bought, so I can take it up the Eastern Seaboard, to eventually Nova Scotia! Plus took part in interesting discussions on Ethical Sluts, and on Islam. So far so good!
Mayor Pete Buttigieg's Christian grace, humility message is necessary
Storm1752 comments on Apr 4, 2019:
Well, I don't know about you, and a nod of apology to all politically correct people everywhere, but I DO think how you vote has a lot to say about whether you're an intelligent, rational, "good" person, or not. Not to start a fruitless political debate, but I venture to guess a person who votes fir, say, Berniie, is a VERY different type of human being than one who votes for, say, the Donsld.
? He looka like a man..
Storm1752 comments on Apr 4, 2019:
Yes...your point?
I need examples of what you have in mind.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 4, 2019:
Big and Beautiful
Another brickhouse?
Storm1752 comments on Apr 4, 2019:
Well, that's SORT OF like porn...
is this kosher enough?
Storm1752 comments on Apr 4, 2019:
In keeping with the new morality
Thanks for starting, I left the other group for sexy pics.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 4, 2019:
I think it's safe to return now. You'll find it very different!
Thanks for starting, I left the other group for sexy pics.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 4, 2019:
I thought it was permitted. I was told it was okay. I asked administration for guidelines and never heard from them. I'm sorry it offended some people. Now I know.
How do you use the word 'belief'?
Storm1752 comments on Apr 3, 2019:
If you were do turned off by it why are you still talking about it???
Just some venting after being a christian for 30 years and experiencing enlightenment It kinda ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 3, 2019:
I prefer to not even bring up or talk about god or religion at all. Plus I"d rather interact with non-religious types in general. If anybody DOES bring it up, I deflect if possible, lie if necessary! Anything to avoid a debate.
Is it just my imagination or are 99.99% of all pics posted on here of naked women ??
Storm1752 comments on Apr 3, 2019:
Yep. In fact, I posted lots of lesbian pictures, which eventually led to trouble! In fact, I think I'm blackballed! As a straight guy, I'm personally interested in only pictures of naked and semi-naked women. But like said elsewhere, feel free to post what you will.
? She's ready and waiting.... Hurry, she won't wait long...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 3, 2019:
I'm afraid.
Good morning! Thanks for your input yesterday (and every day)! @MrLizard and I are in the ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 3, 2019:
Good luck.
There is no agnostic vs. atheist! The peeve I have...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 3, 2019:
I didn't read it. Too long. Ancient argument. I stuck my neck out too, only to take my lumps. Atheist--knows there's no god. Agnostic-- doesn't know if there's a god. The ONLY thing I ffel I know FOR SURE is, there is no hell. No "god" could be that evil.
A pastor told me today that he is sorry that I have not felt the love of god.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 3, 2019:
Great one.
You win some, you lose some.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 2, 2019:
Hi Ms. Llama.
?? This pic needs no caption! She's gorgeous! I wish I knew her... I might search for her ?
Storm1752 comments on Apr 2, 2019:
I see the attraction and think she'd LOVE to hear from you.
Which came first: society or a fear of god? | PBS NewsHour
Storm1752 comments on Apr 2, 2019:
In the end, I think it's fair to say, it's all bullshit snyway.
You can be a good person and not believe in god or a horrible person a believe in god
Storm1752 comments on Apr 2, 2019:
Sure. Of course. Goes without saying,!
What do you fear about old age? For me it's memory and not being able get around on my own.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 2, 2019:
More than anything being alone in a world of younger people who don't know or care about me. Not that many do now!
[] Great news! But not really? but still.. why do men do this?!
Storm1752 comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Whenever I see something like this, simplistically and inaccurately the first thing which pops into my head is. "jealousy."
It's been a long day getting back to real life after some time off.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 1, 2019:
If you were elected, what would be the top priority of your administration, and why?
Time for your captions!!
Storm1752 comments on Apr 1, 2019:
"No! You can't MAKE me!"
Anyone favour a mirror site to this one, but just for atheists and agnostics?
Storm1752 comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Agnostics are non-believers. They don't believe. They don't NOT believe, either. YOU want a site for atheists, not agnostics. Then, you'd be out all the fun of eternally debating us agnostics. That argument will never end, sort if like the universe itself.
The local Baptist minister just rang my doorbell offering me a pamplet for the upcoming celebration ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Say, 'No thanks, it's not for me.'
Find a value for “y” for each of n points on a function.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Yeah I'll get right on it.
MAYBE WE'RE WRONG -- Recently I've found myself wrestling with the question of God.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Today i celebrate with you a Happy One-year Agnostic Membership Anniversary, on our still resisting ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Whatever floata your boat, sail
Chat room is open... 2 to 5 EST. 3/31 Anyone care to discuss swinging?
Storm1752 comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Okay...I'll just say, I've thought of swinging but no actual experience. Came to see what others have to say... Guess I'll mosey along...
Chat room is open... 2 to 5 EST. 3/31 Anyone care to discuss swinging?
Storm1752 comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Is this chat???
? Having a few drinks on girls night...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 1, 2019:
They look WASTED!
Storm1752 comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Your actual girlfriend, or someone you adore from a distance?
What qualities do you look for in a sex partner?
Storm1752 comments on Apr 1, 2019:
I want a bi girl 'cause that's what I'm used to. Experienced, loving, Ready but relaxed, demanding but flexible, knows what she wants and expects nothing less.
?. It's a see through bikini!! Why bother wearing it at all? Am I right?
Storm1752 comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Because you CAN'T walk around naked. Just not done. THIS way, she satisfies both her exhibitionist narcissism AND legal formalities. PLUS, all the suit really does, is MAGNIFY her lascivious lewdness, call attention to her flouting of "decency" and modesty!!! What a statement!


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Agnostic, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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