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Most Trump Supporters portrayed as stupid and gullible.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
Oh, the Green New Deal---yes, I read something about that, by seems to me it makes good sense, IF you divorce it completely from reality, sort of like Communism makes perfectly good sense if you subtract human nature, and the law of supply and demand, from the equation.
Pelosi has lost control of the New Democrats and I hope it bites the democrat party on the ass.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
I don't follow the news anymore, so I don't know who you're talking about. I figured at some point, what I don't know can't drive me stark, raving mad. Since then, I've been reasonably content. From the outsiders' perspective, shielded by ignorance, things seem to be going pretty well.
Why should WE care what happens to the planet, either as a whole or to human beings in particular?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
Objectively speaking, TOTALLY meaningless. Subjectively speaking, meaningful only to oneself. I agree.
Pelosi has lost control of the New Democrats and I hope it bites the democrat party on the ass.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
What is meant by the New Democrats? To me, Democrats think people need rules, that individuals left completely their own devices will do only what's best them irregardless of what's best for society. Republicans believe government is by it's very nature oppressive, at most a necessary evil, and the less of it the better. Democrats fear too much disorder, Republicans too much order. Democrats the unruly mob, Republicans the absolute tyrant.
When Christians Were Atheists
Storm1752 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
What does that mean, modern atheists assume there is only one god to doubt? First of all, Agnostics do not "doubt" there is a God or two or any particular number, they simply question if there is any such thing as God or gods, and what the very word means, if in fact it HAS any all. If it does, what meaning? Hard if not impossible to say. As an agnostic myself, and a 'deist,' I think there is an Explanation for the world we live in, but speaking strictly for myself and not all agnostics or deists, I don't envision "God" as an entity, a person, a being, but as ALL of creation. Everything. It doesn't watch us or think about us, judge us, guide us, DO ANYTHING. So I personally don't "doubt" the existence of God, necessarily, but rather how religion, be it monotheistic or polytheistic, defines the concept. So, as I define God, God cannot be "doubted," unless you want to "doubt" your own existence and the existence of the universe itself. What is VERY much in doubt is an anthropomorphic God to whom you can assign gender, feelings, thoughts, opinions, attitudes, needs, actions, etc., etc. This is demonstrably NOT the case. Show me one iota of evidence to the contrary. Now, what does that mean? To me, that means the very IDEA of God is meaningless, as are the concepts of heaven, hell, sin, grace, the whole entire cosmology we were brought up to accept. The very word "doubt" assumes there is even a microscopic sliver of a chance the religions of our upbringing have validity. Our concepts of good and evil, right and wrong, are purely man-made. They came from the minds of men. Religious books were written by men. All the paintings, drawings, statues, works of fiction and "non-fiction," movies, utterances, any and all renditions of the "sacred" and "holy," are products of the physical world we inhabit. There IS nothing else. So if we are looking for God, that's where we will find god: all around us, everywhere we look, everything we see, hear, taste, feel, and are. To me, that simply means, the God of priests, rabbis, imams, and other "holy men," does indeed not exist. Does that make me an "atheist?" Far from it. I believe wholeheartedly in God. Just not THAT God.
Trump is a good president for the 2nd amendment.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
If the 2nd amendment didn't contradict itself, it'd be a lot easier to understand. How can the right to bear arms not be abridged if it's "well-regulated?"
why are there so many... songs about rainbows?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
I like the muppet one...
The more I travel on my personal journey, the more I find myself and who I really am.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
By the way, are these comments open for all on the site to see, or are they private???
The more I travel on my personal journey, the more I find myself and who I really am.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
I'd like to be able to go back and forth, oral with attractive men...hard to just seems so're either gay or straight...maybe it's just me.
Why should WE care what happens to the planet, either as a whole or to human beings in particular?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
By the way, nihilism is "the rejection of all religious and moral principles. The belief life is meaningless." Hey, I have moral principles! I don't equate them with RELIGIOUS principles, true, but I think they're MEANINGFUL, to ME. Your moral principles, I'm sure, are meaningful to you. Hitler had principles, too. So did Stalin. The Pope, Castro, Trump, Reagan, Kennedy, King George, Pol Pot, Che, Mother Theresa. all very principled. Not a Nihilist among them. In fact, every person who's ever lived has or had principles. All quite meaningful. All quite irrelevant. None mattered.
Why should WE care what happens to the planet, either as a whole or to human beings in particular?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
Fine. Have it your way. If I think it's a profound point, all you're saying is there have been many other people who have made the same (profound) point. Lots of people make all kinds of profound points, many of which contradict each other. My only "point" is, IT DOESN'T MATTER. Maybe it does. Maybe it doesn't. If you think it does, fine. I don't think it does. Equally fine.
Why should WE care what happens to the planet, either as a whole or to human beings in particular?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
Wait a minute. It's not whether we "should" do things or not. It not MATTERING doesn't mean we shouldn't DO it! We might as well! Anything to keep from getting bored! Steven Spielberg makes cool movies, other people go to them and are vastly entertained. Great! If he's going to make movies (and why shouldn't he?) they might as well be good ones. My POINT is, worrying about all the bad things (or good) things that are happening is a waste of time. Yes, by all means, try to make the world a better place, if that's what floats your boat, or be a mass murderer, if you enjoy being hunted down yourself and being killed or incarcerated for the rest of your miserable life, but don't make the mistake of thinking it has any lasting value or not, whether you should feel ashamed or proud, just do it because YOU gotta do SOMETHING, after all, even if it's just sit in a chair and breathe. Whatever you want. We MIGHT go to the stars and colonize other planets. Neat! We could discover how to extend our life spans to a thousand years or more. No telling. Invent time travel. There's a good one! I will say this: the person who discovers WHY we do these things will in all probability never be born. Why? Because THAT is impossible.
Why should WE care what happens to the planet, either as a whole or to human beings in particular?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
You say "conscious awareness" is the thing of value. Why is THAT important? To who? I admit I find my OWN conscious awareness valuable. I love contemplating the sheer mystery of it all. I read about it, puzzle over it, try to wrap my feeble mind around it...then try to make up my mind what to eat for dinner. But why is that more important to the "Universe" than whether the molten core of the Earth will suddenly become unstable and spawn a hundred volcanoes, or whether on some distant planet a blob of protoplasm grows legs? Please explain.
Why should WE care what happens to the planet, either as a whole or to human beings in particular?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
I did NOT mean to imply chipmunks weren't important! Ants? Try telling an ant colony one individual ant isn't important to the entire existence of ants on Earth. Similarly, one human being IS important to his or her society. I never said otherwise. What I AM suggesting is, chipmunks and ants and human beings (and llama and spiders and bears) just don't matter much, PERIOD. Too harsh? Maybe. But after Armaggedon, and/or an alien invasion, or a zombie Apocalypse, not much will have changed.
There's no doubt in my mind that the Three-Fifths Compromise is still alive and well in the U.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
To bring the 3/5 Compromise into it seems you think the white kid is a history buff? Are you? Why not blame the Civil War in general? The 3/5 Compromise was just another failed attempt to appease the southern states so they wouldn't secede, after all. Or blame the ignorant yahoos who display the Confederate battle flag and claim it was all about states' rights. Come to think about it, blame the Vikings; they captured and sold slaves too, as did countless other peoples going away back to the beginning of known history. No, I think you'd be better off blaming 'human nature.' Or even life itself, for that matter.
I am about to lose my most dear niece to the evils of Ewings Sarcoma.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
I'm sorry about your niece. Really. She of course doesn't DESERVE it, any more than I or you deserve to be healthy. We didn't DESERVE to be born, and when the time comes, we won't deserve to die. Nobody DESERVES anything. But I AM sorry. It's a very cruel, heartless world.
Why should WE care what happens to the planet, either as a whole or to human beings in particular?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
It follows it would be just as easy to take out the garbage as it would be to leave it in the kitchen, and tidier, and aesthetically more pleasing, so why NOT take it out?
Why should WE care what happens to the planet, either as a whole or to human beings in particular?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
A good and reasonable perspective.
Most Trump Supporters portrayed as stupid and gullible.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
No, because they don't believe him either. But he's a Republican and supports their overall agenda.
Speaking of Satan, a long time ago, and I do mean a long time ago, I came across this website called...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
I think you're wasting a lot of perfectly good brain cells making complicated what is essentially a no-brainer. If there ARE no such imaginary beings, why are you spending so much time talking about them? "God" is not pro-faith, and "Lucifer" is not pro-reason. MEN are either content to blindly believe in supernatural entities, OR in the primacy of common sense and the evidence of their own observations and experimentation. They either use invisible and almost certainly non-existent forces to coerce others to do and believe what they want them to (after all, if they'll believe that, sell them swamp land in Florida) OR they use the five senses to discover the finer points of reality. Your discourse on the amazing lengths some people will go to demonstrate their seemingly endless ingenuity to "prove" the Earth is flat does not mean other people have to believe them.
Good morning! I can't believe daylight savings time is upon us this weekend.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 5, 2019:
Yes. It"s artificial, disruptive to sleep patterns, just plain wrong.
Good morning waking up is hard to do today! I totally overslept, so I guess I needed it?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 4, 2019:
I would REQUIRE abortions of all stupid people, mandate stevia-laced candy for all, Nude King Dude and Queen Chick Competitions, prohibit commercials on TV and radio, reimpose the Fairness Doctrine, reform the FDA to develop recreational drugs which not only got you high but also improved your IQ, outlawed political parties, set up a blue-ribbon committee tasked with coming up with crazy dictator things to do.
Hate progressives?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 3, 2019:
Are most agnostics progressive? I would SUSPECT so, but it shouldn't NECESSARILY follow, should it? It wouldn't seem to have anything to do with politics or ideology. Except most Christians are conservative...but why aren't plenty of AGNOSTICS conservative? Maybe this is an emptily rhetorical question.
Hate progressives?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 2, 2019:
Why do you think anybody hates progressives? Some people think they're naive, but that's only because they also think they're weak and cowardly, when the opposite is true. Whoops, gotta go. Liberals are for Liberty!
The music was better.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 27, 2019:
Ain't that the truth.
Why can’t you...
Storm1752 comments on Feb 27, 2019:
Good. Christian's adherence to a book which contradicts itself every page. You cannot win an argument because they EMBRACE the fallacies, revel in them, find hidden meaning in the mysteries the contradictions reveal. Great art is like that. Sometimes the contradictions are in the same sentence. The greatest prose ever written, The Desiderata, is a study in opposites. The antithesis of great prose, ironically, the Bible, is simply false, replete in lies, half-truths, historical inaccuracies, blatant and shameless appropriations of earlier myths, and out-and-out fabrications. So, it is impossible to corner and expose a Christian because they are not negotiating in good faith...their counterfeit coin is only meant to win arguments by constantly changing the premises. The mistake non-religionists make is in assuming 'truth' is the subject, when it is really winning arguments and feeling superior doing so.
Tucson Botanical Gardens posted this photo of the snow they got. “Global Warming is a fallacy.”
Storm1752 comments on Feb 27, 2019:
Sorry. Don't get it. Anyway, they didn't get the's 'Climate Change' now. Global Warming is so 20th Century.
There’s a reason.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 27, 2019:
When men go wild they just say 'heck with it,' and stop caring.
I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 27, 2019:
Too complicated a brain twister for me.
There is no agnostic vs. atheist! The peeve I have...
Storm1752 comments on Feb 16, 2019:
I'm agnostic, not atheist. I know the difference. Atheists, on the other hand, are actually agnostic, but don't know it. Glad I could clear that up.
Today I found that I had 5 long emails from an older member who lives in "the rust belt".
Storm1752 comments on Feb 16, 2019:
Not all women on here are sane, either.
Good morning! I have some pretty big insecurities, which are getting a little better over time .
Storm1752 comments on Feb 10, 2019:
My recorded voice. That CAN'T be me.
I have made mistakes.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 10, 2019:
I would.
What's the one line that made red flags pop up and your brain say... "deal breaker"?
Storm1752 comments on Feb 9, 2019:
Um...I was KINDA trying to be humorous, (while being deadly serious at the same time, of course). It goes both ways, naturally. Since I hate EVERYBODY, I can swing both ways... it's sort of like being bi!
Good morning everyone! We have Monday behind us .
Storm1752 comments on Feb 9, 2019:
Pet rocks.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 8, 2019:
That is a REALLY good idea!
What's the one line that made red flags pop up and your brain say... "deal breaker"?
Storm1752 comments on Feb 8, 2019:
Being a guy, the one TOPIC of conversation I can't stand is guy-bashing. Even though I hate men myself, ESPECIALLY myself, I get totally turned off by the obvious relish with which some women launch into their complaints about the male gender. And that doesn't even TOUCH on the cruel, even vicious way they treat men who don't inspire their gentle favors. Don't get me wrong, men deserve it. If I was a woman I'd be severely depressed to be surrounded by such morons. But, still, it gets old.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 8, 2019:
Me too!
Storm1752 comments on Feb 8, 2019:
Helping someone ALWAYS provides the giver something in return: self-respect. The warm feeling you at least TRIED make the world a better place, even if in the end it doesn't matter one single bit.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 8, 2019:
Boy, how I wish that were true!
Perspective is everything.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 8, 2019:
Even upside down, it still looks like it's floating in the air. Or is it just me?
Kellyanne Conway looks like a heroin addict. That is all.
Storm1752 comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Who's Kellyanne Conway???
What is the truth?
Storm1752 comments on Jan 17, 2019:
I just wrote you speaking in part about the "truth," Thst it's "malleable." Not sure I really believe that! It seemed like a cute thing to say at that moment! It's why I read this particular post, as s matter of 'fact.: You sure are a prolific poster! I guess that makes you a 'poster child.' Hahaha. Sorry about that...
World Government is far preferable to the current state of affairs, which is leading straight to ...
Storm1752 comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Jack, yes, WWIII would qualify as the worldwide catastrophe of which I speak. I never said everybody would sit around singing campfire songs and say, "Okay, heck with this...let's all just get along and be nice." I said a (pick your favorite) CATASTROPHE. Surely we all agree it's a race to see which one happens first. And I'm NOT an alarmist. True, some technological miracle(s) might come along to save us from ourselves. That's a definite possibility(ties)--i.e., nuclear fusion, for instance. Aliens may intervene. Jesus might FINALLY come back (that was a joke). But by my way of thinking, a World Government, possibly preceded by a confederation, maybe totalitarian or fascist to begin with or devolving into that or EVOLVING into something truly advanced, whatever, but one way or another, it's coming. Agree? Disagree. It's inevitable.
We are all one
Storm1752 comments on Jan 14, 2019:
I give up.
We are all one
Storm1752 comments on Jan 13, 2019:
I haven't made up my mind at all. I'm agnostic, which to me means, I haven't made up my mind about ANYTHING. I was sincerely asking you, what YOU think the poster meant. It says, 'we are here to....' This implies we came here deliberately from somewhere else, or were sent here, to DO THESE POSITIVE THINGS! This is not a challenge, or an affront; I really would like you to explain to me what YOU think it means.
We are all one
Storm1752 comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Question: When you say "we are here to," it sounds like you are implying we are here ON A MISSION, as if someone or something SENT US. What about the other possibility we are "just here" for no particular reason, like any other animal? Is s Lion "here" for a reason? Now if we are a result of deliberate creation by inter-dimensional, highly-advanced brings, we can be said to have been "put here," in the same sense dogs are interbred to create new, improved breeds...but that's different, too. So, when the people who created the poster days we are here for ANYTHING, isn't that a stretch? The sentiments are nice, and it'd be great if everyone would just "be nice," instead of mean, but no one one can say we are here to be mean, can they?
Atheism is a myth.
Storm1752 comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Genessa, you say atheists come to a REALIZATION there are no god(s), as if that is an established fact. How do YOU know? Furthermore, I am an agnostic deist, which means I think the here is some Explanation for the existence of the universe. Notice I said THINK, not KNOW. I DON'T believe in a personal god(s) who answer prayers or for that matter even probably knows I exist. What IS that Explanation? Not a clue, Genessa. It IS fun speculating though. You know, I admire your OPINION, but to say you know FOR A FACT anything is hubris. For all we know, god may be a species of extra-dimensional alien who has mastered all 11 dimensions and are, for all intents and purposes, immortal. Do you know that not to be true? Perhaps you misunderstood me, or perhaps I didn't make myself clear: the meaning of god(s) is in how you define the term
A National Sales Tax, tied to the actual annual budget for any given fiscal year, is I believe the ...
Storm1752 comments on Jan 1, 2019:
I understand a sales tax might be theoretically regressive, and "unfair" to the less advataged. But is it progressive and "fair" for me to pay nothing? I make less than $15,000 a year. It's adequate. I don't have a house of my own, a nice car, or any of the "finer" things, but I get by. When I see the federal government waste hundreds of billions of dollars on you-name-it, I get mad, but I shrug. Not MY money. But if it WAS, would it make a differece? And, would it be as easy for the "rich" (including most politicians)to dismiss universal health care, for instance, if WE were paying for it, and not THEM? How about all the wonderful, socially good things Europeans enjoy? Would we be enjoying those things too if we, the underclass, put in our fair share? Most STATE governments get THEIR money from sales taxes...why not the federal government? And let's not forget the REALLY rich, the one-percenters, usually ship their money overseas, along with the jobs. Would they do that if they knew the burdens of good governance were spread throughout the entire population? Think about it.
A National Sales Tax, tied to the actual annual budget for any given fiscal year, is I believe the ...
Storm1752 comments on Jan 1, 2019:
It would replace income tax. Social Security is more accurately a retirement fund. State and local taxes are earmarked for state and local needs. Highway taxes are for the highways, and so on. The problem with income tax is, a huge % of the population doesn't pay any. I'VE paid in very little because I haven't earned enough. But the POINT is, I should have paid in. Everybody should. Just in easily-digestible increments, with no need for the IRS looking over our shoulders.
People should stop obsessing about every single major and minor outrage which comes down the pike ...
Storm1752 comments on Dec 24, 2018:
What you are saying about representation, states v. federal, is beside the POINT if the entire government is being overrun by fascist, ie, corporate oligarchs. First people MUST vote! The fascists are narrowing the vote to a non-representative few.
Your thoughts on pubic hair fashions?
Storm1752 comments on Dec 17, 2018:
Men's beards are also pubic hair. Many women prefer a clean-shaven man. Once that reality hit home with me, and I made my peace with it, I shaved mine off. I personally strongly prefer a shaved pussy. My best friend (intercourse-platonic) is bald as a baby's butt. Says oral is much better, and like many women that's her easiest, most favorite way to the big O, reciprocates with enthusiasm, and her lovers have no argument with that! Ergo, no hair for her, no hair for me, everybody's happy.
People should stop obsessing about every single major and minor outrage which comes down the pike ...
Storm1752 comments on Dec 16, 2018:
It is NOT a good thing most people don't vote. "Most people" have liberal, progressive beliefs, probably because "most people" are victimized by a government used by rich people to keep poor people poor. True, lots of poor people vote against their own best interests because they are brainwashed into believing lies. But the majority of poor and middle-class people have progressive ideas.
People should stop obsessing about every single major and minor outrage which comes down the pike ...
Storm1752 comments on Dec 16, 2018:
Can you FORCE someone to exercise a right? Sure. Why not? But it's also a duty and a responsibility. Furthermore, it would force the government to make it easier to vote, not harder. Besides, we force people to do all kinds of things: register with selective service, get driver's licenses and insurance, drive on the correct side of the road, etc., etc.
I'm BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Question 20: What does friendship mean to you?
Storm1752 comments on Nov 27, 2018:
One lady discovered how to put me at ease, no small task, by peering over the table at me during our first meeting and saying, "I just want somebody who gives a shit." All the tenseness didsolved from my body. Here was someone who wasn't going to put me on the spot, cross-examine me to determine if I was good enough for her, try to impress me with her awesomeness in a game of 'top-this'; no, she just wanted me to care about her and her life for exactly what it was. We've been best of friends ever since.
I almost forgot today's question.
Storm1752 comments on Nov 25, 2018:
The body. The mind stays quite young anyway, being mostly protected from the ravages suffered by the rest if the body. Besides, it's hell getting old; the body wrinkles and sags, especially the face, and all kinds if degenerative diseases take their toll...
Question 5: When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?
Storm1752 comments on Nov 25, 2018:
I don't remember. I've discovered through the years I can't sing, and that others don't enjoy listening, so I stopped.
Question 4: What would constitute a “perfect” day for you?
Storm1752 comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Just being with a girlfriend, planning and following through on one or more fun activities.
Question 3: Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?
Storm1752 comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Absolutely I rehearse. Everybody does, don't they. Texting has been a gift, because I am insecure about my voice and overall personality, so it's easier to communicate.
Question 2: Would you like to be famous? In what way?
Storm1752 comments on Nov 25, 2018:
No. I'd just like to be a bit more popular and well-liked by the people with whom I come into contact, day by day. Fame is so shallow and short-lived.
Question 1: 1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
Storm1752 comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Tom Brady, quarterback of the New England Patriots, mainly because I'm a sports fan, and he's a very friendly, unassuming person with a good attitude.
Rick Scott
Storm1752 comments on Nov 13, 2018:
If it wasn't abortion and guns it'd be something else. The corporate 1% won't stop until they have it ALL. Too bad the brainwashed yokels don't understand they are only pawns in their far more sinister game.
Why is it that the fraudulent Church of Scientology still exists?
Storm1752 comments on Oct 8, 2018:
Why does any religion exist? Christianity has been proven fraudulent (there wasn't a Nazareth in first century Palestine), Mormonism is an absolute joke, there was no Buddha, Muhammed was a bloodthirsty psycopath, etc. But instead of condemning old, obsolete religions, we SHOULD be inventing a new one more relevant to the modern world, based on reality. We could call it---Science.
I just left Christianity, and they talk a lot about this "darkness" that Jesus delivered them from.
Storm1752 comments on Oct 7, 2018:
Who cares? It was their rationalization for colonizing them and stealing their labor and natural resources.
Florida humour
Storm1752 comments on Sep 11, 2018:
Have you checked out Melbourne lately? The developers have big plans! And just north of us is Viera, which they say will eventually merge with Orlando!
Higher Power and AA
Storm1752 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
To me, there is NO QUESTION AA is a Christian cult. It is absolutely infused and soaking, marinating in Christian beliefs, tells people they have character flaws that lead them to drink, are told to do a "moral inventory" of everything they did wrong and everyone they hurt drinking and make amends to them, etc. It is the same guilt trip religion ITSELF puts on people. The fact is, alcoholism has NOTHING to do with morality or whether you're a good person, or not. People do strange, self-destructive things when they drink.Duh.You can be an atheist or a born-again Muslim, and the effect is the same. Praying about it does ZERO good. AA itself is no more effective than cold turkey. It is not scientific. The one constant which determines whether one quits or not is "ROCK BOTTOM." No one quits who has not experienced it in one form or another, has an epiphany, and simply decides he ot she cannot allow alcohol ruin their lives any more. Like AA says, it's baffling, cunning, and powerful, and so one day a person wakes up and the scales fall from his eyes, and at the crossroads makes a conscious decision and says, 'No more, ' and means it, and the addiction lifts. AA has nothing to do with it in the vast preponderance of the cases. A person either quits, or dies. End of story.
Are humans inherently good?
Storm1752 comments on Sep 1, 2018:
When what is good for the individual person also happens to be good for those surrounding her, she does "good;" when what she does selfishly is NOT "good" for her community, she does "bad."
Are humans inherently good?
Storm1752 comments on Sep 1, 2018:
When what is good for the individual person also happens to be good for those surrounding her, she does "good;" when what she does selfishly is NOT "good" for her community, she does "bad."
If I started an anti-Republican, non-Democratic group on here, would you join? ;)
Storm1752 comments on Aug 31, 2018:
Why non-Democratic? Why anti-Republican? Why not pro-reform, anti-corruption? Why not pro-Fairness Doctrine, anti-propagandistic brainwashing? There is a place in political discourse for the collective (Democrats) and the individual (Republicans), without our corporate overlords butting in and choosing sides, and everybody else lining up and learning and shouting simplistic slogans at the top of their lungs.
What is the most agreed upon truth that exists?
Storm1752 comments on Aug 31, 2018:
Bob Dylan is overrated.
Hello from orange city fl.
Storm1752 comments on Jul 31, 2018:
Helloooo Orange City! Been told by three people the site is epic, jam-packed with smart people, etc. WHAT?


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All Things Asia
82 members
Feminist Atheists
44 members
Illogical atheists guide for ending Christianity
38 members
Ask Males ANYthing
37 members
Origins of Heaven and Hell
33 members
Elon Musk
30 members
UAPs, UFOs, USOs and 1st Contact
29 members
Consortium of thoughts
20 members
Broken Hearts Club
18 members
Taboo Island Atlantis
15 members
Community Senate
380 members