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WARNING! WARNING! DANGER WILL ROBINSON DANGER! So I had a desperate thought today.
Surfpirate comments on Jun 30, 2019:
I know plenty of people who have joined churches for the business connections, realtors in particular tend to do well with church communities, even after they pay the tithe to the church. Personally, I find the gullible and the dimwitted everywhere so no need to go to where they like to congregate. Too much dogma for this free thinker.
My greenhouse in Wasilla, Alaska... 12 Tomatoes, 3 Bell Peppers, and 3 Eggplant
Surfpirate comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Very nice, Home Depot also sells the white, food grade containers. Are you going hydroponic or aquaponic?
Truly a pair of dicks
Surfpirate comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Some mothers do have'em. Definitely not the sharpest tools in the shed.
Standing up for atheists, I reported a Christian zealot x-ray tech.
Surfpirate comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Good on You!! We must stand up to these mental cases. Who knows what their imaginary friend tells them when they are at work? I don't care what they do at home on their own time but there is no place for imaginary friends in the workplace.
Surfpirate comments on Jun 23, 2019:
On paper this is a step forward but in practice it will be Catholic majority persecution of all the other religious minorities. I would be quite happy to see all religions banned and all religious fanatics receive government supplied health care for their mental illness, a great savings to the economy and social fabric of the country but this is not really that sort of thing at all. Watch how it is implemented and you will quickly see that this is a far right attack on minorities.
The moths got his fur, but what a delightful automaton! []
Surfpirate comments on Jun 19, 2019:
There's just something about a mechanical bear that has been flayed of its fur that is very strange indeed.
Pence wins lifetime supply of dildos for a lifetime in the closet []
Surfpirate comments on Jun 16, 2019:
I would have guessed that they would be much smaller and mushroom shaped.
We had a little mini picnic today, indoors.
Surfpirate comments on Jun 16, 2019:
I am a fan of beans and weiners but never tried them together in a hot dog bun, at least not yet. ;)
How do you feel about this my fellow Canadians? []
Surfpirate comments on Jun 16, 2019:
Canadians talking trash, it happens in a democracy.
We woooon! We beat those bloody Americans in their international tournament.
Surfpirate comments on Jun 14, 2019:
My cousin sent me this today, though that I should share it.
I didn't start playing Scrabble until I was in my early 60,s and suddenly I had the urge to do so.
Surfpirate comments on Jun 14, 2019:
I was trained by scrabble nazis as a child, nobody will play me anymore. lol
First there was the Soup Nazi and now there is the Grilled Cheese Nazi.
Surfpirate comments on Jun 14, 2019:
Easy transaction, just walk up to the window and put a dollar on the counter, get a grilled cheese sandwich.
It is a fine tool, until I need to mark 12 3/8.
Surfpirate comments on Jun 14, 2019:
Oops! going to have to use the outer measurements now. ;)
We woooon! We beat those bloody Americans in their international tournament.
Surfpirate comments on Jun 14, 2019:
The game was invented by a Canadian so it's about time we won the title. ;)
This applies to a few people on here.
Surfpirate comments on Jun 11, 2019:
The fall can be rather exhilarating but the sudden stop is rather jarring.
Am I being unreasonable?
Surfpirate comments on Jun 9, 2019:
Thanks but pls keep your evil imaginary friend to yourself, if they want to be nice then say have a nice day.
Andrew Scheer will win in the next federal election... Trudeau has messed Canada up to bad.
Surfpirate comments on Jun 8, 2019:
I find it interesting that so many people are buying into the smear campaign targeting the PM. I have never voted Liberal in my life but I think that when you compare Trudeau the Younger to other PM's going back to his father, he has a done a pretty good job, especially when you consider how much of a change he has attempted to make to the Canadian political system. That Trudeau has accomplished as much as he has in so short of time and on the heals of a Harper government that trashed so much of our democracy is something he should be praised for but instead there are vague suggestions of how he might have done better. Better than who? Harper? Chretien? What I see is a concerted attempt to bring Canada more in line with the US and this is by outside interests to the south of our border. I usually vote Green but I may actually vote Liberal for the first time in my life in this fall election.
Should atheists have to do jury duty?
Surfpirate comments on Jun 3, 2019:
Should atheists be allowed to shirk their civic duty as members of a reasonably free and democratic society? I think you will have to test this for yourself. ;)
My father died today.
Surfpirate comments on Jun 3, 2019:
90 years of age is in the top percentile of human life, the old man did well. Maybe he was a bit of a screw up in his early years and yet was still an improvement over the grandfather, change takes time and I'm glad you got to spend some time with him. You have the rest of your life ahead of you, enjoy it while you can because that dirt nap at the end lasts forever. :)
[] I snorted my coffee over this one.
Surfpirate comments on Jun 3, 2019:
That Hollywood lifestyle is hard on a star.
What is your response to evil and suffering?
Surfpirate comments on Jun 2, 2019:
Suffering: God did it! Read the stupid book where he made innocents and then left alone to run around with scissors but when they fell and cut themselves did he heal them? Not on a bet, instead he threw them out into a world of suffering and anguish - what a total asshole. The truly evil part of this saga is not that there is such a horrible god who has caused this evil but that he was created in the minds of men and deemed worthy of worship.
Hey guys, before I came on this site I am a hundred % believer, as the time goes by and read most of...
Surfpirate comments on Jun 1, 2019:
But what if you're wrong? What if there is an angry old man in the sky who wants women to be subjected to the status of property that men can own and who will burn you in liquid fire for eternity? Well that's just crazy but there are a lot of crazy people who believe that horrible idea. Just remember to put things to the test of logic and if it doesn't pass that test after several attempts then it is probably just a crazy idea and should be avoided.
I really need to talk to fellow liberal Muslims or Ex-Muslims about some of their coping mechanisms.
Surfpirate comments on Jun 1, 2019:
I believe that it comes down to a fairly simple choice on how do you want to live your life. Do you want to be yourself and be uncompromising in respecting yourself and your personal freedom or are you willing to compromise? Most people compromise because it is easier and there is nothing wrong with that but I am for the 'To thine own self be true' approach. I accept that I can't change how others act except by setting my own personal example of living the best life I can; that means I will not compromise very much at all in my personal actions but I will live and let live until others try to force me to compromise. You have to growl sometimes for these 'delusional types' to understand that you aren't kidding around and actually have the courage of your convictions and on occasion you may have to bite back when the zealots try to 'save you' but that's okay, just try not to leave too many teeth marks. Eventually, even the religitarded get the message and stop annoying you, perhaps even give you some grudging respect as they nurse their wounds. lol
I think California is taking this whole environmental awareness, anti-packagin campaign just a bit ...
Surfpirate comments on Jun 1, 2019:
We can probably guess where the TSA employees will be shopping in the future.
Peace of mind produces right values, right values produce right thoughts.
Surfpirate comments on May 30, 2019:
It means try not to be an asshole, life is better that way.
CHINA PRODUCES WORLD'S 80% RARE EARTH MATERIALS The 17 rare-earth elements are cerium (Ce), ...
Surfpirate comments on May 29, 2019:
There is a large supply of Rare Earth Metals in Greenland, if the US is prepared to invade Venezuela to get oil then Greenland would be a no brainer for the no brainers in the Pentagon.
Pro-birthers, Not pro-lifers!
Surfpirate comments on May 29, 2019:
Why the patriarchal authority that all men hold over women as decreed in the holy books that were written by men, for men and in the interest of weak men who are threatened by a woman as a person instead of a chattel, Stupid religious freaks, I can't stand them.
That's Mr.Rhino to you.
Surfpirate comments on May 28, 2019:
Sadly, the last male Sumatran Rhino was reported dead this week so the species will soon be extinct.
The only thing that is better than being bisexual for improving you chances of scoring is being in ...
Surfpirate comments on May 27, 2019:
And yet the guys I have known who are bisexual would disagree. They say they exist in a netherworld of sexuality where they don't belong to the straights or the gays completely so both sides tend to reject them because they're not able to accept something a little bit different from their own identities. :(
I do not know what American customs are, when you are starting to meet someone who is on the other ...
Surfpirate comments on May 27, 2019:
But Brazilian man are far more duplicitous than Norte Americanos. You should be an expert at detecting married men who are looking for a beautiful mistress and discerning who the real men who are interested in a long term relationship are.
Such a sweet little tiny home, I would live there how about you?
Surfpirate comments on May 27, 2019:
I stayed in a place similar to this in the butterfly forest of Mindo, Ecuador. It was delightful.
Does anybody else cook with beer?
Surfpirate comments on May 27, 2019:
The more hops the better when choosing beer for the BBQ, otherwise just use water. :)
1938 Dymaxion
Surfpirate comments on May 26, 2019:
Flash Gordon, where are you?
The second installment from Machu Picchu.
Surfpirate comments on May 26, 2019:
Acclimation from sea level to 12k ASL is a mother, been there and done that. Get some coca leaves and start chewing.
Why do i believe in science?
Surfpirate comments on May 23, 2019:
True science is not a belief system, it is an evidence based system of repeatable and observable results that are consistently verifiable, there is no belief at all. Belief is for the unknowable (presently) and the unexplainable (presently), that's not science at all. I accept science, I trust science and I question science because science is supposed to make us ask questions and find verifiable answers, that's what the scientific method is all about - this is Science 101.
I think I’m “almost” Canadian.
Surfpirate comments on May 23, 2019:
Come visit any time but if you want to stay there is some paperwork that needs to be filled out. ;) (No we will not take Justin Beiber back in trade)
I passionately believe that religious organizations that encourage any sort of political preference ...
Surfpirate comments on May 23, 2019:
Religions should pay business taxes, the same as any other business for profit enterprise, they make a huge profit.
This is a short post to announce that I am suspending my account here in a couple of days and then ...
Surfpirate comments on May 22, 2019:
Adieu, Lukian. I will miss your humour and keen wit.
I was recently asked by a friend who knew me as a devoted Christian, “What happened?
Surfpirate comments on May 22, 2019:
I can see the attraction in creating an imaginary character that will be supportive of you without question but in the end is only imaginary, people do this a lot. Better to find that person inside oneself.
sigh It never ends.
Surfpirate comments on May 22, 2019:
And Stay Down.
Braised lamb shanks.
Surfpirate comments on May 22, 2019:
Now if that doesn't get you mouth salivating I don't know what will.
Richard lll humor.
Surfpirate comments on May 21, 2019:
Hide and Seek Champion of All Time.
EDITORIAL Canadian politicians who flirt with populism are playing with fire PUBLISHED 17 HOURS ...
Surfpirate comments on May 20, 2019:
As the pig in the python slowly greys it becomes more conservative and fearful in its approach to politics but as the next wave enters the political scene in greater numbers there will be a new broom to sweep these bums out the door. Whether we get something better or worse may well depend up on how shabbily the next generation feels they were treated by the old one.
Wildfires in Alberta out of control? []
Surfpirate comments on May 20, 2019:
At first I thought you meant the new Tory government that is trying to burn down the whole country with their threats of turning off the oil.
I've survived 7 consecutive nights in my tiny house.
Surfpirate comments on May 20, 2019:
Either that or an extra blanket and someone to share body heat with you. ;)
Ontario - open for business?
Surfpirate comments on May 19, 2019:
I feel like Ontarians are like those two gazelles that have been so busy squabbling with each other that they never saw the lion of big business and special religious interests had set them up for a fall. We are taking that fall in a big way and they are now setting their sights on Parliament Hill.
I have been thinking about getting married again after so many years of being a widower.
Surfpirate comments on May 18, 2019:
How long were you single before you got married the first time? What are your plans for the rest of your life and is this the person you want to share those plans with, until death do you part?
Some people think that science has all the answers that matter, and that things that cannot be ...
Surfpirate comments on May 16, 2019:
My older brother was a religious man, an elder in his church but he bought a huge telescope to seach the heavens in the hope of finding a glimpse of his imaginary friend. He never saw the irony in what he was doing.
I've shared before that my ex and I broke up because after 14 years of marriage I decided that I ...
Surfpirate comments on May 16, 2019:
It sounds to me like he has been cheating on you with an imaginary friend for a very long time. You didn't sacrifice anything, he was the cheater. Glad you got free of that insanity.
Some people think that science has all the answers that matter, and that things that cannot be ...
Surfpirate comments on May 16, 2019:
Science does not have all the answers but its main purpose is to find answers and not just make up shit so we feel better about ourselves. Science helps to dispel antiquated notions like the Earth being shaped like a plate that rides on the backs of elephants that are standing on the back of a giant cosmic turtle that swims through the ether of space. It also helps to dispel imaginary friends like Zeus, Baal and Allah and Jehovah.
islam: the religion of perpetual suppression::: Let's be extra clear: In 610 AD a psychopathic, ...
Surfpirate comments on May 15, 2019:
Aren't all those crazy religious fanatics just variations on a theme?
How much was spent, do you think? Asking for a friend....
Surfpirate comments on May 14, 2019:
Super Cool Steampunk Pirate. (y)
Here in Italy, or at least in this part of Italy, the church bells play a little ditty at 8 a.
Surfpirate comments on May 14, 2019:
When I lived in Cuenca Ecuador the house we were renting was a block down the hill from a small cathedral and they not only rang the bells at sunrise but they also set off a barrage of fireworks on Saints Days, also at the crack of dawn or around midnight. It turns out that the Catholics have a lot of saints that are worthy of fireworks. :D
So pretty!
Surfpirate comments on May 13, 2019:
If you ain't Dutch, you ain't much. lol
The worse thing about getting old is listening to your children's advice.
Surfpirate comments on May 13, 2019:
Get a hair cut and get a real job.
how many here like scotch bonnet peppers?
Surfpirate comments on May 13, 2019:
I like them in spicy dishes, usually in the form of a sauce so I can adjust the heat, they can go from just right to too much in a hurry.
Oh the horror, imagine all those people enjoying themselves, it's enough to give a religious fundie ...
Surfpirate comments on May 12, 2019:
There are places that are very much like this, just not in the USA.
What is the word DIET but DIE with a T added on the end?
Surfpirate comments on May 11, 2019:
I should have added my own personal Margarita recipe as well, warning this may lead to inappropriate behavior and sudden bouts of falling into the bushes. (based on previous results I have noticed personally) 2.5 oz. of a decent gold, reposado tequila the juice of one freshly squeezed lime 1 oz. of Cointreau or Grand Marnier (Triple Sec if you must) a sprinkling of Himalayan Sea Salt (in the mix not as a rimmer) pour over an old fashioned glass filled with ice (consume in moderation as these have a nasty habit of going down very easily before suddenly sneaking up on you and biting you in the ass - pics to be posted of you later on instagram)
Here’s part two
Surfpirate comments on May 11, 2019:
What a fascinating grasp of US History, you know if you pay a lot of money to a university they will give you an A+ for answers like that. :D
This writer explains why millennials ‘refuse to grow up’ in viral thread. | GOOD
Surfpirate comments on May 10, 2019:
I'm an early Gen X with 3 Millennial kids and in many ways I think the way they think. The social contract is broken and you are a sap if you buy into the game but you can still work it to your advantage if you wish. The Boomers take no responsibility for any of the shit they did to the planet and our chances of survival as a species on it, time will tell how that all plays out in the end, although I suspect that a brief respite will be gained when much of the wealth that was amassed gets transferred to the next generation as the current masters of the universe take their dirt naps. Either that or the whole currency system does a reset and only a tiny percentage have any sort of civilized lifestyle. Either that or we wind up eating our dead as Soylent Green, Red, White and Blue. Either that or we all move to communes and sing Koombai Yah each night before sleeping together in a communal bunny nest. Who knows for sure but one thing is certain, things will change.
Baked, Stuffed Capsicum.
Surfpirate comments on May 10, 2019:
I'm guessing these are the sweet variety and not the fiery hot version. Looks good and you really can't go wrong with peppers and lamb. :) Yum
I was forced into retirement at age 55 due to serious injuries from a car accident, which was not my...
Surfpirate comments on May 10, 2019:
I share your pain Katsarecool, my wife and I early retired and spent some time traveling but eventually returned to our native Canada. I fell down a full flight of stairs while carrying a microwave and crushed my spinal column at the base of my spine and have been suffering from chronic pain and reduced mobility ever since. Getting a proper diagnosis has been very difficult and I was contemplating going under the knife last year with a 50/50 chance of winding up in a wheelchair. Fortunately, a neighbour who is a retired Canadian Armed Forces Combat Nurse put me onto a wonder drug called Baclofen and I have had exceptional relief of my chronic pain for the past 6 months. It is not for everyone and some people have side effects and some people have none, I have been one of the lucky ones. Food for thought, I hope it helps and you check it out with your health care professional to see if it might work for you too.
Seeing that we are all atheists agnostics what makes a person choose good over evil?
Surfpirate comments on May 10, 2019:
Self interest, the most reliable of motivators for personal actions.
Something to give you sweet pause for thought: []
Surfpirate comments on May 10, 2019:
It has long been claimed by the Irish that a pint of Guinness is Good for the Gout.
Divine and the honest opinion
Surfpirate comments on May 10, 2019:
Divine was great in Pink Flamingos, called it like it is.
Scientific evidence is great and all but I think its also important for everone to back up and ...
Surfpirate comments on May 10, 2019:
Science starts from the premise that it doesn't know everything and then seeks to learn more, religion assumes that an omniscient creator being has everything well in hand and there is nothing to learn except faith in that all powerful being. Granted it does seem to be human nature to make assumptions about what we know and scientists are only human so they do sometimes succumb to that hubris.
Those folks were a wild bunch!
Surfpirate comments on May 9, 2019:
I thought gooey ducks came from the ocean, not from bushes.
Surfpirate comments on May 9, 2019:
Master and apprentice. :)
Your inspirational quotes for the day 😂
Surfpirate comments on May 9, 2019:
Nuf Said
How Not to Install Tile I'm taking up this 6x6 from a bathroom floor.
Surfpirate comments on May 9, 2019:
As a retired master builder I can assure you that as bad as that work is, you are underestimating the idiots of the world. The watch home improvement shows and assume they can build the Taj Mahal by themselves. :)
I ve just got home from easy " next door aweful Italian my eye " place to eat .
Surfpirate comments on May 7, 2019:
Perspective - Use it or lose it. (y)
Seen at Lowe's Home Improvement (2501 Elysian Fields Avenue, New Orleans).
Surfpirate comments on May 7, 2019:
There appears to be a backlash against this PC backlash that is Trump and his followers, normally staid and reasonable are fed up with this hateful pig and his hateful piggy followers.
Radical Islam and Violence? What about Christian Crusades and Inquisitions?
Surfpirate comments on May 7, 2019:
Humans are very adept and finding a difference that can be used to justify all manner of tyranny and exploitation, whatever the label the behavior is inherent in our species.
Don't forget me!
Surfpirate comments on May 6, 2019:
The Coup is Dead but don't worry, there will be many more coup attempts until the powers that be in the US get their hands on that Venezuelan Oil.
How does your country handle unemployment and the control of labour according to supply and demand?
Surfpirate comments on May 6, 2019:
Tories love this sort of economic climate, they use it to play divide and conquer.
Heart pounding.
Surfpirate comments on May 6, 2019:
These are the electric bikes that my wife and I are renting to tourists this season. We rode them around the island yesterday afternoon and they were a blast, covered 12 km and had a nice work out with no damaging stress to our knees or back (I sustained some injuries falling down a flight of stairs and am in physio for it) You ride it like a regular bike but when you face those hills you have a genie that you can access with a flick of a switch and you go right up those hills like they were flat ground.
I have just read something about Trump might not leave the White House if he loses in 2020.
Surfpirate comments on May 5, 2019:
The Ecuadorean president invited the UK secret service into the embassy in order to gain favour with the US government, so not really the same thing.
Utah woman tried to put boyfriend into 'eternal sleep' by giving him drain cleaner, police say
Surfpirate comments on May 5, 2019:
I think there are better alternatives to drain cleaner.
Ignorance is not bliss, it's being afraid of the dark and things that go bump in the night because ...
Surfpirate comments on May 5, 2019:
I recall a case when I was living in Bermuda of a Portuguese farmhand who was brought before a judge for 'having relations' with a sheep. The farmhand spoke no English so the translator was brought into the courtroom and the judge asked the question 'Why did you have sex with that sheep?' The translator relayed the judges question and the farmhand responded but she refused to tell the judge what the man's response was to the question, so the judge asked again and demanded that the translator do her job. 'Why did he have sex with that sheep?' to which the translator replied 'He says because she's his favourite'
I've been attending AA meetings for some 8 months now.
Surfpirate comments on May 4, 2019:
Boy Scouts are the same, I was a leader and an atheist. The whole higher power facade is just a mask they put over their religious belief to make the pill easier to swallow.
I have lost my virginity, but I still have the box it came in.
Surfpirate comments on May 4, 2019:
The gift that keeps on giving, so long as you keep it fresh.
I was lucky enough to be born in a the bible belt in a family that didn't participate in a religion.
Surfpirate comments on May 4, 2019:
I don't believe that I have ever heard an atheist say that they were lucky enough to be born in the bible belt.
How would you reduce the numbers of unwanted pregnancies?
Surfpirate comments on May 2, 2019:
I think you have to address the root problem and that's religion. Religion made a bargain with the ruling class to control the masses by subjugating women in order to gain support from men, produce cannon fodder and labour for the ruling class and secure their own power base. If you want to educate people on birth control then you have to eliminate the misinformation campaign that religion produces as part of its core program so that means you have to get rid of religion.
I bet that feels good!
Surfpirate comments on May 2, 2019:
When your people are right you back them up regardless of what the customer says because good people are hard to find and customers are everywhere. When your people are wrong you smooth the waters and re-educate your people later in private because that makes your people even better.
I live in Ontario where Climate disaster is denied. What about you?
Surfpirate comments on May 2, 2019:
I think it has a lot to do with die off. The sooner the dinosaurs in power die off, the sooner we will stop being so reliant on fossil fuels. I live towards the border between Ontario and Quebec and I am off to the Montreal EV Show tomorrow, part of my research on my electric bicycle business.
Oh Yes! and I don't even like Hillary. :)
Surfpirate comments on May 2, 2019:
And Furthermore. :)
Surfpirate comments on May 2, 2019:
B.Y.O.V, and B.
My take on McDonalds chicken Mcnuggets and French fries.
Surfpirate comments on May 1, 2019:
So Chicken McNuggets but with real chicken and not just chicken byproducts, Awesome.
What specifically happened that made you turn into an atheist/ nonbeliever?
Surfpirate comments on May 1, 2019:
I was suddenly dumbfounded by reality and logic, I never looked back.
The old Cincinnati Library 1955
Surfpirate comments on Apr 29, 2019:
36" safety rails, definitely not code compliant but other than that I love it.
Does feeding wild birds prevent them from doing their job of eating insects?
Surfpirate comments on Apr 29, 2019:
If the birds are well fed they won't be hanging around the feeder when there are fresher menu items on offer. Considering the year after year reduction in bird populations in many areas I would say this is something I wouldn't worry about.
South African Wines! One of our really good friends, "John", is a sommelier, wine reviewer, and ...
Surfpirate comments on Apr 28, 2019:
Excellent Value, generally speaking. Between the trade bans around the old apartheid system and then the issues with antifreeze in the wine that has long since passed, these wines are very reasonably priced and usually are excellent quality.
Food is one of my joys.
Surfpirate comments on Apr 28, 2019:
My wife is on a strict Keto diet and although I don't know what your restrictions are this diet has been a boon for her.
And now, all it gets is lint...
Surfpirate comments on Apr 28, 2019:
A friend just shared a video of a football fan opening a twist off top bottle of beer using his navel so perhaps it has more uses than just collecting lint.
This would make my skin crawl😱
Surfpirate comments on Apr 28, 2019:
Damn Raccoons, they are so persistent.
I wanted to make pancakes.
Surfpirate comments on Apr 28, 2019:
Brilliant, it all comes down to the chemistry. :)
I finally programmed myself to say salud instead of god bless. So pleased with myself.
Surfpirate comments on Apr 27, 2019:
How about 'Cover your damn mouth' ?? :)
this is the defininate sign of spring in Québec. []
Surfpirate comments on Apr 26, 2019:
The St. Lawrence River starts at my island and it has been a very soft break up this spring, the ferries were only shut down for half a day.
I feel I may be in a minority group, as I was never religious, I have often thought about how I ...
Surfpirate comments on Apr 24, 2019:
Possibly not as hard to imagine as you think. Although I grew up in the JW cult and was often persecuted as a child because of it, I had a neighbour who was an atheist in a family of atheists and he was equally persecuted for his lack of belief by the kids who were from homes which adopted the majority religions. I have often wondered what it must have been like to grow up as a Catholic with all the ritual bull shit that goes along with most of the major religions.
Love to have a greenhouse in my house.
Surfpirate comments on Apr 24, 2019:
I designed our new home with passive solar in mind and part of that design process incorporated a south facing solarium sitting on top of a 5,000 gallon cistern with 3 passive solar panels keeping the water heated for the cost of running a 12V circulating pump. Between the solarium and the staircase to the upper level is my next project - a water feature that will provide a curtain of water to separate the two areas while providing humidity during the drier months. This season's tomato seedlings are growing in trays on the heated floor of the atrium and the palms in the atrium are looking a bit rough having just made it through a hard Canadian winter without any back up heat.


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