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Surfpirate comments on Feb 11, 2019:
Most of the mafia business went legitimate decades ago, it's just easier.
No one has written me a poem, so I can't say I would have this expression.
Surfpirate comments on Feb 10, 2019:
You're so sweet and super adorable, You make all the other girls look cheap and deplorable. The End
@lavergne @ SukieSue @ Proudmarrie I made it to hospital parking lot and I am sitting in car ...
Surfpirate comments on Feb 10, 2019:
A Claddagh ring is perfect.
I have been seeing a woman, I really like her.
Surfpirate comments on Feb 10, 2019:
Change your name and move with your dog to another country, it's not too late. :)
Preying Mantis.
Surfpirate comments on Feb 9, 2019:
If aliens land on Earth I really hope they don't look like that.
I think we have all known a Dylan, be afraid. :D
Surfpirate comments on Feb 9, 2019:
I've been Dylan and moved past it, Dylan is going to wind up employing a lot of those other kids and he will probably have to fire Catherine before she gets through her 3 month trial period of employment. I think Paul will be a real trooper if he doesn't get eaten alive by those werewolves. :D
We live near an interesting little town.
Surfpirate comments on Feb 9, 2019:
No tax on that service either. ;)
I know that some of you guys eat venison or deer meat.
Surfpirate comments on Feb 9, 2019:
I've been hearing about it but haven't seen any cases myself.
Never let be said that I'm unwilling to work for food! Yesterday, my friend whom I've mentioned ...
Surfpirate comments on Feb 9, 2019:
Locavore is becoming a real thing, people want to know what is in their food and the best way to do it is to grow it yourself. Tastes better too.
One for the American, British and European people read.
Surfpirate comments on Feb 9, 2019:
Whenever they start waving the flag and promoting democracy and freedom abroad then you know what it is really about is the oil.
22 degrees outside with a wind chill of 11.
Surfpirate comments on Feb 8, 2019:
It's on my list of countries to visit, it is supposed to be beautiful.
The truth about General Motors.
Surfpirate comments on Feb 8, 2019:
When I retired I stopped buy new trucks, no longer required for business image. Now I buy all my cars at the public auction. I bought a Jaguar X-type for $2k CAN, it ran faultlessly, a Nissan Pathfinder for $3k CAN that I have driven for 3 years and all it has cost me is new tires that I put on last month. Let the car companies gouge somebody else for a change, I'm sick of that game.
New era .
Surfpirate comments on Feb 8, 2019:
I have to say that I teared up a bit reading this, reminds me of people I have mentored over the years. A beautiful story, thank you for sharing this piece of your heart.
My own hand-painted mural decorating my hallway.
Surfpirate comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Isn't that Anubis weighing the souls of the dead?
Very true. They don't "provide" much.
Surfpirate comments on Feb 6, 2019:
As a Canadian I have to say I just don't understand the U.S. system of medicine for only those that can afford it.
Writing on the walls of your home is only acceptable if you are in a Stanley Kubrick movie.
Surfpirate comments on Feb 6, 2019:
I think there is a place for quotes on a wall, framed and hung in place.
Corporations by state
Surfpirate comments on Feb 6, 2019:
Ain't that the truth.
Okay, so this was a dumb idea... []
Surfpirate comments on Feb 5, 2019:
The same shit that was the Canadian political right under Harper continues to stink under the current leadership. People who are filled with fear and hate just don't seem to know any better.
The latest from the Walk of Fame:
Surfpirate comments on Feb 4, 2019:
I had the worst crush on her as a teen.
Hello friends.
Surfpirate comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Welcome to the group, I grew up in the Beaches area but live near Kingston now. The more Canucks on the site the better.
I was going to post something....what was it?
Surfpirate comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Damn, I'm living at Area 51 then - - - wait a minute, where am I again? - - - who am I?
But we need our cars don't we?
Surfpirate comments on Feb 3, 2019:
EV's will never replace ICE vehicles, I hear this all the time from people who are descended from people that said the horse would never be replaced by the horseless carriage.
Surfpirate comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Canadians are real, jesus is an imaginary friend but if he did exist he would watch hockey and be a Canadian. :)
I hadn’t seen to the garden in over a week and it was a mess.
Surfpirate comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Gardens are worse than cats, pay too much attention to them and they sulk but neglect them and they fade away. The tomatoes will probably take a little time to bounce back but don't give up on them.
I just bought myself a new foldable electric bike.
Surfpirate comments on Feb 2, 2019:
My wife and I used two Electric Bikes to do short trips when we were traveling around the US and Mexico, they were really handy and real conversation starters. I hope you have as much fun with your new one as we did with ours.
There really should be an Indigenous month as well.
Surfpirate comments on Feb 1, 2019:
We have Indigenous Day everyday on the CBC Radio but why not just accept Indigenous People every day?
Funny pick up lines. Share 'em! 😅😂😅
Surfpirate comments on Feb 1, 2019:
I've never picked anyone up but I have been picked up, that's what women do, they decide. I did have a hot blonde in a power suit say to me in a bar, 'You'll do' but I declined the offer. A friend in Uni, George the Greek often used the line 'You look good, want to come back to my room and fuck?' - George was a math major so it was all about percentages and even though he didn't look like much he said he managed about a third slaps in the face and about 10% success rate. Another friend Barry, the Queen of Queen Street would walk up to his lust interest in a gay bar and whisper in the guy's ear 'Pardon me but would you mind if I pushed in your stool' Barry rarely went home alone.
Interesting and makes me feel good about having no love of eating oysters.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 31, 2019:
I love raw oysters or BBQ'ed or in ceviche, I'll eat them just about any way you can imagine them prepared. I used to buy them by them from the oyster farm when I lived on Vancouver Island, $25 for a 10 lb bag, the small ones I shucked and ate raw and the big ones went on the grill. When we were traveling in Texas there was a raw bar across from the place where we were staying and they had oysters on special, so I told the guy next door to us that we were going and he should check it out. He asked me what a oyster tasted like as he had never tasted one and he was a senior citizen, so I asked him if he remembered what his girlfriend tasted like in high school when he went down on her for the first time. He did and I told him it tasted like that, fresh and sweet and a little bit salty, his eyes lit up and he decided that he was going to the raw bar and having the special that night. Something came up and my wife and I didn't get to go but he and his wife went and the next morning he approached me and said that I was wrong, the oysters tasted nothing like that, they were all shriveled up and tasted smoky and bitter, more like an old smoker's pussy than his high school sweethearts he suggested. I realized he had eaten the smoked oysters which are a bit of an acquired taste, explained the difference to him but he wasn't going to take a chance on any more oysters and we moved on the next day. lol
Who said Canadians are nice?
Surfpirate comments on Jan 31, 2019:
No third man in on the fight so no game misconduct. :)
So many people say that being an atheist is like being in a religion so they feel okay believing in ...
Surfpirate comments on Jan 31, 2019:
We all have some level of addictiveness in our personalities, it's a chemical reaction in our brains but we also have willpower that allows us to overcome those chemically driven cravings. No imaginary friend required.
All of the women I know are, simply, done.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 31, 2019:
While I often think that I cannot possibly have any more shits left to give, I do find that I get an occasional shit floating to the surface of my mind in spite of decades of being a jaded, old, white dude. Shit floats so I guess it is to be expected. When you no longer give a shit then what's the fucking point?
Canada, I will visit you soon, I promise, but maybe a little warmer?
Surfpirate comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Seen stuff like that a few times over the years, cool that it stayed together.
IT HAD TO HAPPEN SOONER OR LATER - We all knew it was coming.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Divine Right to rule is the basis of Monarchies.
One of these days I will go into one!
Surfpirate comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Be warned, you may never find your way out again, they are designed like a maze.
It's called fashion. Look it up.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 30, 2019:
I still have a couple of pairs of the Bermuda Shorts on the right of the advert. These are proper work wear for professionals and at formal events.
Now ain't that some shit?
Surfpirate comments on Jan 30, 2019:
I just assume that single ply is double ply once you double it up because there is no way you can wipe your ass with single ply without getting shit on your fingers unless you double it up first.
Feds unveil plan to tackle fake news, interference in 2019 election The federal government is ...
Surfpirate comments on Jan 30, 2019:
I had a group of Americans who own property on the island I live on get involved behind the scenes in our recent municipal elections. Among other things they floated a rumour that I was able to retire at an early age because I was a drug dealer in the past, a total lie but they got away with it and I lost by 9 votes. The authorities were not interested unless perhaps I could give them an airtight case that came gift wrapped with a bow on top. A direct breach of the Canada Elections Act and nobody gave a damn, including my federal MP.
How about sharing some love with me today? I want to hit Level 7. Yes, today I'm a points whore.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 30, 2019:
We got your back. :)
If you've ever driven "through" TX...on any understand....
Surfpirate comments on Jan 30, 2019:
True story, back in the 80's I was part of a group looking at a golf course project in Wilmington, NC that was seeking financing. The golf course syndicate took us out on the town and we wound up at a honky tonk near Myrtle Beach, full of Carolinians who are some of the nicest people in the US in my experience. Everyone is having a great time and we had just got into some Tequila when in walked 4 Texans in 10 gallon hats, boots and bull rider buckles. They push into the bar and in short order start running down their hosts because everything is bigger and better in Texas, blah, blah, blah. The Carolinians aren't pleased but being polite hosts they bite their tongues; plus these are really big Texans. It must have been the Tequila talking but for some reason the elder statesman of our group, a Torontonian of normally calm demeanor, stands up on his chair and at the top of his lungs yells 'TEXAS FUCK THAT! I'M FROM CANADA AND WE HAVE A LAKE BIGGER THAN YOUR WHOLE DAMN STATE!' and sits back down. There is some laughter from the Carolinians but the Texans are having none of it, they put down their beers and come over to our table. Jerry is no fighter and clearly drunk, the accountant is going to be no help and that just leaves Steve and myself against the 4 Texans. We try to smooth things over but the Texans see their advantage and insist that we take things outside to settle the matter of Texas/Canada relations. Steve and I look at each other like condemned men because there is no way in hell we are going to win but when we turn back to accept our fate, we notice a group of good ole boy Carolinians have formed up behind the Texans, about a dozen of them. 'These Canadians are our guests' states the biggest one, 'You need to go back to your own goddam state if you don't like it here - GET OUT!' The Texans no longer liked the odds and left their beers on the bar, headed for the doors to hoots of laughter and jeering from the rest of the bar. Jerry bought the house a round and I don't remember much more of what happened after that but I woke up with one hell of a hangover.
Fun winter game....
Surfpirate comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Always yield the right of way to the snowplow. He weighs 10 times as much as you do and has a huge metal blade that will cut you clean in half.
If you've ever driven "through" TX...on any understand....
Surfpirate comments on Jan 29, 2019:
I'm from Ontario, Texas would fit nicely into Hudson's Bay, or the Northern part of Ontario.
Blessing your hands .
Surfpirate comments on Jan 29, 2019:
It's a tough job and you do it well. I can understand why you would show kindness and compassion to a desperate person with their little bottle of magic water, you made her feel better, that's the kind of person you are. Sure it's immature to believe in magic water but sometimes you have to humour these people, good for you and good for them. Maybe don't make a habit of it. ;) Sorry that the patient didn't pull through and you lost the ring on top of a madhouse shift. :(
I was chatting with a buddy of mine in Florida and he felt that Fundies weren't concerned about ...
Surfpirate comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Oh the Rapture, it just makes me laugh and laugh! :D
Heed the advisory
Surfpirate comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Whiteouts are predictable and can be adjusted for but that idiot in the White House could nuke us by accident and not even realize it.
What the hell was in my yard last night? A wild dick?
Surfpirate comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Yep, the wild dicks come in at night and try to lure the tame pussy from the rest of the herd.
In 20 days will one year anniversity of me deciding to be an Atheist.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Being Free is always better than any of the alternatives. Congrats on being a Free Man.
I'm sick of these smug, self-righteous missionaries bothering and endangering people who do not want...
Surfpirate comments on Jan 28, 2019:
But people still say that it is a matter of faith and their right to go out and kill people. Fucktards!
Not so as to gloat or anything like that.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Meanwhile in Ontario, :D
As an Englishman I'm trying to decide which of the two of us is most screwed.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 28, 2019:
As the saying goes 'Follow the Money' because someone has to be making some serious money out of these two, slow motion trainwrecks.
Are Canadians just nicer people than Americans or is it just 10 times more likely that something bad...
Surfpirate comments on Jan 28, 2019:
This goodwill robot travelled the full length of Canada without so much as a scratch so we sent it on to the US and well, there you have it.
Beautiful workmanship []
Surfpirate comments on Jan 27, 2019:
What craftsmanship and the thousands of hours involved in conceiving then creating such a work of art.
In Cod we trust.Do you have your ''Newfoundland passport'' ..Is ye a screecher?
Surfpirate comments on Jan 27, 2019:
My ancestors hail from Battle Harbour, Labrador. They were able to sail on to the mainland instead of hauling up short in New Found Land but I have a deep affection for the Newfies, good, fun loving, hardworking people.
The ferry to my island home this morning. I make a point of bringing them coffee and donuts.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 27, 2019:
This is a view of the deck of the big ferry when I was bringing my backhoe onto the island in the summer.
Just rewatched "cool hand luke". What ever happened to george kennedy?
Surfpirate comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Great character actor.
What have you been in facebook jail for?
Surfpirate comments on Jan 27, 2019:
I've moderated discussion groups in the past on FB - surefire way to wind up in FB jail. Even had one crazy expat challenge me to a duel, mano a mano. People tend to freak out a bit on social media so these days I never allow my friends list to get larger than 50 ppl. If it gets to 50 I go through it and weed out a few.
What do you put on homemade pizza besides pepperoni?
Surfpirate comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Spicy Italian sausage, pan fried beforehand and diced up.
Ok, so last night I had a gastronomic first - Haggis! This is the Wiki link [en.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Robbie Burns dinners are being held this weekend, Friday January 25th, 2019 was Robbie Burns Day in honour of the Bard of Scotland. Traditionally opened with a piping in of the Haggis and the Selkirk Grace. Some hae meat and canna eat, And some wad eat that want it, But we hae meat and we can eat, Sae let the Lord be Thankit!
Passion Fruit and Mango Pavlova is what the hostess served for dessert at last night's dinner party.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Our friend Sharon said that getting all the seeds out of the passion fruit was the hardest part of this dessert. The meringue sounds hard but since it is winter and the humidity is low the meringue was the easy part. It looks like you are a culinary genius but it is actually really easy to make.
I made a creole dish a few years ago, a shrimp etouffee.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 27, 2019:
I can't tell from the pics but I would certainly dig into that and take my chances. The ingredients have me from the word go.
Its quite cold here now with a strong wind, so I spent an hour this morning hand weeding pots in the...
Surfpirate comments on Jan 27, 2019:
It likes the area around my pond in Ontario, Canada.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Just imagine what the landlord is going to say when he sees that! This is why I no longer own rental properties. :D
Hey guys.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 26, 2019:
This is similar to a soup I make in the winter, filling and it warms you up if you add a bit of heat to by adding a few shots of tabasco sauce, paprika also gives it some nice colour. it
Artificial intelligence applied to the genome identifies an unknown human ancestor.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Neanderthals and Denovans crossbreeding to make a third breed of hominid that is now extinct but part of the human genome. Further proof of my personal theory that given the opportunity to do so, a hominid will mate with anything.
What would you do if you saw someone wearing this thing? :)
Surfpirate comments on Jan 26, 2019:
I would be tempted to swat it away before it got in the person's ear. One way to start up a conversation. lol
My dream car!
Surfpirate comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Clear the track, here comes Hathcat! :)
I make up recipes as I go.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Why leave out the vegetable stock? Every other bouillon is in the mix.
I make up recipes as I go.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 25, 2019:
It looks good and I would imagine the flavours would work well together.
Dreams in Other Dimensions, Do You Have Them?
Surfpirate comments on Jan 25, 2019:
I didn't add the second stage of this dream. On the way back to base for debriefing, David decides to check in with a property he owns and we find the tenant has skipped on the rent. David asks us to help him take a few things out of the property as salvage because we are expecting a new dimensional monster even larger than the last one we banished to be coming shortly. The property will be destroyed if we don't deal with it now so we agree to help him but make it snappy because the brass will be impatient to tear us a new one. Everything is easy to move because the armour suits have assists that make us even stronger than normal but a wooden pillar that David wants gets crushed when we are crowded into the house. While we are discussing the damage there is a noise outside and a sense of electricity in the air so we pile out front of the house in the sea of grass and we can see something the size of a brontosauraus trying to push into our dimension. We go weapons up but it doesn't look very hopeful but I wake up before the move is finished or the battle with the huge monster ensues.
Trump: 'We have reached a deal' - CNNPolitics
Surfpirate comments on Jan 25, 2019:
It looks more like he had his ass handed to him.
Thank you to the Air Traffic Controllers in New York, New Jersey, and Philadelphia.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 25, 2019:
I heard the head of the air traffic controllers speaking on the radio last night and he said it was just a question of time before somebody made a mistake because of the added stress of the shutdown. When air traffic controllers make mistakes, planes crash.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Only a double tap? Unloading the full clip and then yelling "FBI! Stop Resisting!" is the new normal.
It’s good to be prepared...
Surfpirate comments on Jan 25, 2019:
With tequila you need to be prepared for anything and everything because they are both likely to happen before the night is through.
What Are 2 Movies You've Never Watched That Everyone Else Has?
Surfpirate comments on Jan 24, 2019:
The Exorcist and American Graffiti.
They don't mind sending kids with red hats out though, rallying to tell women that they don't own ...
Surfpirate comments on Jan 24, 2019:
Anyone who wears a MAGA hat is an asshat, regardless of age. btw Isn't that a pic of Joel Weaselface, the conman who locked people out of his church when they needed shelter during the last hurricane?
Church sex abuse scandal - YouTube
Surfpirate comments on Jan 24, 2019:
Why do people keep calling this a scandal, it's just business as usual in religion land.
Are Canadians really tolerant of the diversity or just way too polite to express discontent?
Surfpirate comments on Jan 24, 2019:
I would say that genuine politeness comes from a desire to be considerate of others and that would include all members, not just the people you most closely identify with. Certainly our history as Canadians indicates tolerance and acceptance others, no matter the diversity, be it racial, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, political leanings. Does that mean that Canada is 100% free of intolerant individuals? Absolutely not but at the same time those intolerant types get bad press more often in Canada than they would in most other countries in the world. I find that some Canadians have to really stretch to find the intolerance in others but that doesn't stop them from making the effort to be offended, sometimes over nothing at all.
The new canadian food guide, the quebecer version.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 24, 2019:
I would have thought that there was room in there for a couple of steamies from La Fleurs and a slice of tourtierre. :)
VERY successful dinner last night! I'm good friends with the chef at the Harvest Table (owned by ...
Surfpirate comments on Jan 24, 2019:
I think the best part about cooking is the sharing with people who really enjoy what you made from your imagination and the sweat of your brow and the care and consideration that you put into the preparation.
I’m not sure where this is, but I really like it
Surfpirate comments on Jan 24, 2019:
This is what ATCO trailers should look like. Very Nice (y) .
Canadian border patrol.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 24, 2019:
The RCMP (Mounties) used to relieve the Americans of their guns when they crossed into Canada from Alaska, often it would just be one Mountie on duty in these isolated camps but if you decided to kill him instead of giving up your gun, the rest of the Mounties would hunt you down to the ends of the earth. It's where the expression 'The Mounties always get there man' comes from. Seriously hardcore guys, even today, and I have known a few.
Trump is under a lot of pressure now that the Dems have taken Congress and are pushing for ...
Surfpirate comments on Jan 23, 2019:
I am suddenly hearing a lot of pro-invasion rhetoric on Canadian media and the Canadian government has given its support for the leader of the current coup in Venezuela. Canada hasn't openly supported the US in their invasion plans since the fiasco in Libya, so it would take a lot of diplomatic pressure to get us to go along and put a good face on things should the US invade.
The controversy about the Ohio doctor who allegedly killed at least 27 patients is really ...
Surfpirate comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Did the patient want the overdose and the doctor complied or did the doctor, nurse and pharmacist work together to bum people off based only upon their own medical opinions? Before doctor assisted suicide became legal in Canada there were cases like this that came to light when the patient wanted to end things and the doctor helped but the family came back with a legal suit, often for religious reasons. People should have the option to pull the plug when the case is hopeless and the pain is torture but many religions say it is a sin.
The worldwide crusade of people who choose for humanity to die out to save the planet | Daily Mail ...
Surfpirate comments on Jan 23, 2019:
7.6 Billion is right up there with population numbers for buffalo or passenger pigeons, shocking. The difference is that we killed those species and untold numbers of others but we are killing ourselves having started to run out of other targets I would suppose. ;)
Canada ranks No.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Yet this morning a bunch of miserable old codgers, you can always tell by the sneers that have become etched in their faces from a lifetime of scowling, were going on about how shitty our country is and it's all TRUDEAU's FAULT. lol They should try being a mindless and miserable old shit on the other side of the border.
Jesus and Mo are back again !
Surfpirate comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Ah yes, the bad old days, back when women weren't even people but just chattels.
They were Magnificent!
Surfpirate comments on Jan 23, 2019:
One is rags and the other is finery.
Well, the cat is out the bag, it is official, I have a new fabulous relationship going.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 22, 2019:
I hope you have wonderful times together, laughing loud and long.
Cold Ethel..
Surfpirate comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Neighbours went outside last night to watch the Wolf Blood Moon, this is what we found this morning. :)
This is about right.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 21, 2019:
It's warming up a bit tomorrow so I will fire up the backhoe and plow it then.
In Soviet Russia, bears pet you []
Surfpirate comments on Jan 20, 2019:
I thought it was just plain old Russia now, the USSR being defunct?
Tempertiure is dropping toward Zero degree F Lake effect snow has begun, and we will be hit by a ...
Surfpirate comments on Jan 20, 2019:
It's -32C outside right now and still snowing as it has been since last night but +2C by Wednesday so hang in there.
'Don't mess with Mac': International face-off over moose statues The Canadian city was long the ...
Surfpirate comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Better make that moose statue huge because a bull moose in rut will hump anything it can mount. Evidence of a bull moose mounting a life size statue of a bison.
Speaking of moose... Where in Canada are you allowed to eat roadkill? []
Surfpirate comments on Jan 20, 2019:
If I recall correctly, First Nations get first crack at any roadkill as it takes away from the pool of animals that they harvest for food. I think that is the case in Ontario, Alberta and BC but my info may be out of date.
Has anyone else ever thought (maybe I should quit thinking) how it is easier to find the perfect pet...
Surfpirate comments on Jan 20, 2019:
I think (no, I can't stop doing it either - lol) that we are more tolerant and forgiving of our pets than we tend to be of our significant others. If you find someone you love and care about then try to remember to be tolerant and forgiving, whenever possible. Easy to say but harder to remember to do. ;)
I test out at 24 for the suggested test.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Today's test has been cancelled due to inclement weather.
I test out at 24 for the suggested test.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 20, 2019:
I don't get even the slightest sense of a test here. ;)
Right is right.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 20, 2019:
We all need more people like this. :)
Most importantly
Surfpirate comments on Jan 20, 2019:
And how others reciprocated that love because it needs to be a two way street.
Dogs and cats living together..... mass hysteria Pour the damn coffee.
Surfpirate comments on Jan 20, 2019:
I like cats and dogs, especially when they belong to other people who walk them in inclement weather and pick up their shit.
Texas Republican Lawmaker Says Donald Trump is Confecting an Immigration Crisis 'Myth'
Surfpirate comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Well he certainly is candy coating the topic.


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