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Oh Jesus help the guy!!
Surfpirate comments on Aug 16, 2018:
Cheap wine at that.
Is there a current religion that women are treated as equals to men in every way?
Surfpirate comments on Aug 16, 2018:
Atheism - a nonbelief system but more organized every year
Which one's your favorite dick?
Surfpirate comments on Aug 16, 2018:
I'm kinda partial to my own, I find it the most useful of the 3 and it actually gives joy to others.
I updated my profile.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 16, 2018:
Lie and it's goodbye, who has time for that shit? I understand differences of opinion and perspective but if you outright lie to me then you can go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.
Rant to being a middle child! My siblings can sneeze and get a parade, I've always been the one ...
Surfpirate comments on Aug 16, 2018:
Being the middle kid is awesome, nobody is focused on messing with your shit, you can do whatever you want and nobody bothers you unless you are dumb enough to get caught doing something stupid. The bullshit the eldest kid goes through is something I wouldn't wish on my enemies nevermind my overbearing elder sibling and being the sucky little baby of the family, how shitty is that? Enjoy the ride, Hon. The world is your oyster and you got the pearl! ;)
This really should be posted by a man, but it's so damned funny I couldn't help myself.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 16, 2018:
Tell those redneck hillbillies to get back in their coveralls, they've had too many Cheetos and it's showing. :D
Here is another concern as I approach this.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 16, 2018:
I am reminded of an Accounting prof who told us that we wouldn't have to worry about government pensions because we would never collect them as they would be bust by the time we were eligible. All of the US pension funds were swapped for T-Bills years ago so consider yourself lucky if you ever collect a dime but don't count on having that money or it being able to buy you very much. A sustainable income stream is best but of course there are associated risks, life is a risk and always has been so best we all get used to that. Some physical gold and silver are a nice insurance policy and historically they have been an excellent hedge against inflation but you can't live on them, although it is good to have a little stashed away because 99% of people do not. Food is a better currency than guns and bullets, even in gun crazy America. You can't eat bullets but the man who can make food is more sure of his survival than the man who knows how to pull a trigger, any fool can pull a trigger and lots of them will do just that until it is realized that you can't eat bullets. Grow a garden and get good at it, it's fun and gives you peace of mind as well as delicious food on your plate. Most importantly, stay out of debt, if there is ever a monetary reset, those with debt will lose everything.
If Trump's IQ slips any lower, we'll have to water him twice a day.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 16, 2018:
Not really, plants apparently have feelings.
I love this tree house but wouldn't have a swing from that branch.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 16, 2018:
I think they call it the Swing of Death, let go of the ropes and you will have quite a while to contemplate your final dismount.
I love this tree house but wouldn't have a swing from that branch.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 16, 2018:
I know that place, it's in Banos, Ecuador. The Casa de Arbol is not far from the hot springs that make Banos famous (Banos is Bath in Spanish), the last time we were there the volcano was erupting, very cool.
What will they think of next?
Surfpirate comments on Aug 16, 2018:
Does it taste like sex? Does it come in male and female options or is it one size fits all?
I will have 20 years of state retirement in 2026.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 16, 2018:
We all need to eat but it is also important to remember that we work to live but should never aspire to living to work. You would be surprised how much money you spend each year just getting to and from work, paying extra for vacation time during high season because that's when you can get off work, eating out for lunch at work, medical costs associated with the stress of work, etc., etc. Cut your overhead and you can cut your income requirements, enjoy your life while you can because dead is for a very long time indeed.
Whether I ever get the opportunity to build a home with natural materials, I'd at least like to try ...
Surfpirate comments on Aug 16, 2018:
Best get cracking then, time is a wasting.
To start this discussion, my own story.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 16, 2018:
I retired at 48 in 2009 when my business partner retired due to ill health, he was 63 and had been in the background of the business for a while with myself handling the daily operations largely on my own, until we sold the business. My wife and I sold everything except for a few personal items and what we could put in a suitcase and a day pack for each of us, then we went travelling throughout the Americas with a side trip to Antarctica. The constant travel helped my transition to retirement because I have always been a workaholic, traveling is a lot of work so it kept me busy enough that I didn't feel guilty about not being constantly productive. I think all decisions are ultimately selfish decisions if we are truly honest with ourselves, even martyrdom is a selfish decision when you really think about it. I have often felt that I have one more big project in me that I want to get out of my system, I did construction management of large commercial construction projects, specializing in hotels and I would like to build one more if the right project came along that was interesting enough and challenging enough, time will tell but the longer I have been out of the game the less attractive it is and I till maintain that a major project takes a year off of my life expectancy because of the high stress levels. Money hasn't been an issue because we spend much less than when we both had careers. I described my career as Chief Cat Herder, I was barraged with problems and complaints from the moment I woke up until I went to bed and would even dream solutions to problems in my sleep, as twisted as that sounds I admit that I do miss it. During our travels I provided free advice and solutions to people with construction issues and when we returned to our home country of Canada I designed and built our custom home overlooking the St. Lawrence River, I provided 90% of the labour so technically I am retired but actually I have been building for several years of my retirement, just at my own pace and to my own whims. I do pretty much what I always did which is essentially pretty much what I want, although I have few persons to be concerned about when making those decisions because I no longer have to make a payroll and don't have the responsibility of other people livelihood on my shoulders. I am currently running for the elected position of deputy mayor in my little township so that will keep me occupied now that the house is almost completed. The position pays in a year what I used to make in a week so it barely qualifies as a job but I do believe in civic duty and have always volunteered some of my time to civic works. I'm married to my best friend and we do a great deal together, I am never bored and if I should become bored I would just find ...
Today I'm thinking a lot about value.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 16, 2018:
That was so eloquently passive aggressive that I am starting to think you have some Canadian in you after all.
Ah, the good old days!
Surfpirate comments on Aug 16, 2018:
I would hope this depicts a child molesting priest being drawn and quartered for his crimes against children but it would be more likely that this depicts a victim who accused the pedophile priest and is being silenced.
August 16:Dream Diary
Surfpirate comments on Aug 16, 2018:
A busy night of supervising the unloading of large concrete blocks at a construction site with a mobile crane, then a short journey up the road to my cottage. Nothing exciting about the whole dream except that I am quite tired this morning after 8 hours of sleep.
On my nightstand: HOLY HATRED, James A.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 15, 2018:
Gin Glorious Gin - How Mother's Ruin Became the Spirit of London American Fascists - The Christian Right and the War on America The City of Falling Angels Kill Anything That Moves - The Real American War in Vietnam
White trash hardly covers it.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 15, 2018:
Proving that just because you are rich doesn't mean you're smart. You just have to be greedy, unethical, corrupt and born into a bunch of money.
Love is many things....
Surfpirate comments on Aug 15, 2018:
I think if you have to force it they call it date rape.
Where’s the kale vodka?
Surfpirate comments on Aug 15, 2018:
No starch or sugars for the yeast to convert into alcohol, so no kale vodka but I suppose you could do an infused vodka using kale, you know for people who don't want to enjoy their alcoholic beverages.
Especially important for those that don't believe in the afterlife ...
Surfpirate comments on Aug 15, 2018:
It's never too soon to tell the Fuckers in your life to Go fuck themselves, don't miss an opportunity.
August 15: Dream Diary
Surfpirate comments on Aug 15, 2018:
I am driving out to see a house my wife and I are thinking of buying in tonight's dream. The road is very rough with lots of traffic, everything from horse drawn carts to heavy trucks and cars and pedestrians but it is also in terrible disrepair with broken shoulders and potholes, dust is in the air like a main road in Nicaragua outside of Grenada but I think it must be in Texas. We get to the house and pull over to the side of the road, the yard is very dry and dusty but stretches back a good ways, the for sale sign says there is 40 acres with an apple orchard out back, the house is a two storey and looks interesting, quite modern in design. We go in the front door and the owner is there with his two daughters who show us around the house, they are both quite pleasant and explain how their father designed and built the house which has a sort of modern 50's vibe about it, a bit like a cocktail lounge with recessed lighting and a stepped ceiling that follows the curved line of the private bar in the living room. Downstairs seems quite nice and the owner is very proud of his work but when I go upstairs I find that the stairwell isn't finished, roughsawn boards are exposed and the whole thing needs finishing as you can see the lathe and plaster of the upstairs walls. Upstairs is an above ground pool that looks like it is in bad repair but the daughters don't seem concerned about it at all. I decide that it is going to be too expensive a proposition so my wife and I leave the house and wave goodbye to the owner and his daughters. We are back at the busy road and talking about the apple orchard that comes with the property when I wake up.
That feeling you get when you realize you dreamt this "actual moment".
Surfpirate comments on Aug 15, 2018:
I used to think that those moments in time, that deja vu feeling was an important crossroads in my life but now I think they are often just random moments that mean no more or no less. It certainly is weird when you know what someone is going to say or do in the next moment because you have already seen it in you dream previously.
Just gonna leave this right here...
Surfpirate comments on Aug 14, 2018:
A Trumptard will use that as proof that Obama spent $96M but Trump only spent $3.6M it's all there in black and white if you can't read.
Thankful for the little things, literally?
Surfpirate comments on Aug 14, 2018:
This lifesized statue may have been taken from a body mold, who knows. :O
& they all got together in D.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 14, 2018:
This is how the commercial chicken industry disposes of unwanted chicks, perhaps a bigger machine could handle the racists? Now that's just fucking offensive!
Losing Faith: Why South Carolina is abandoning its churches: At least 97 Protestant churches ...
Surfpirate comments on Aug 14, 2018:
I'd call that a good start, let's hope they pick up the pace. I'm not sure what will replace religion, maybe humanism but anything has to be better than this, short of fascism.
I'm not that type of girl.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 14, 2018:
She's a very cheap date.
My answer would be, "You don't. How are you not stupid!?!"
Surfpirate comments on Aug 14, 2018:
Why read when you can just flip on the Tube?
Stole this from @RavenCT in "Memes...", made me giggle (& no, not like a school girl!)!
Surfpirate comments on Aug 14, 2018:
Some of the toughest looking drag queens I've seen in quite a while.
My answer would be, "You don't. How are you not stupid!?!"
Surfpirate comments on Aug 14, 2018:
Looks like we got us a Reader. What are you reading for? ;)
What inspires you to follow a member's posts on
Surfpirate comments on Aug 14, 2018:
It's never occurred to me to follow someone else's posts, I just hit the DISCUSS button and check to see if I see anything interesting, if it was posted by someone I have found to be interesting in the past I will definitely click on it.
Trump's biker gang.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 13, 2018:
There will be people who will be saying 'Don't Worry' right up to the time their door gets kicked in by some jack boot fascist.
Google Maps today requested that I answer some questions about a large, local church.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 13, 2018:
only one star? what a review lol They lured me in with the promise of a free wine and cheese but it was just a wafer and a sip of grape juice, then they tried to hit me up for cash.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 13, 2018:
No gods to be found in a church, it's too full of hypocrites. :D
I would most definitely keep it and fix it up.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 13, 2018:
I knew two brothers who were in excavation when I was a builder. There mom lived on the farm they grew up on and the log cabin her mother had grown up in was still on the farm where her great grandfather had built it back in the 1800's. Just a 100 acre parcel with a lot of rock and sand but enough bottom land to keep a few generations fed for a century but the cabin was falling apart in the 80's, the roof was mostly gone so she asked her boys (my excavators) to bring up the bulldozer and knock it down for her. They took the bulldozer up to the farm one weekend and spent several hours pushing that dovetailed log cabin around the back 40, it just would not come apart, the harder they pushed it the more it wedged together. Finally they pushed it all the way to the back of the farm where there was a rock outcropping and eventually they were able to smash it into kindling with the bulldozer but even that took another hour. Yeah, I'd live there, more solid than the stuff they have been building since after WWII.
I want some advice on the pizza dough! I tried making pizza twice and both the times fermentation ...
Surfpirate comments on Aug 13, 2018:
I learned to make my own pizza dough from my buddy Sal Vella's mom, she thought it was weird that a mungee cake would want to learn how to make the crust but it was so good I had to know. It was all a pinch of this and bit of that and don't knead it so soft or toss it too hard but I know how to make it by heart now. This comes as close as any directions I can find online, except I use regular active yeast and get it started in warm water with a bit of sugar in it, you don't want to ruin the dough with too much yeast.
So last evening, I tried a new recipe.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 13, 2018:
Those baby squid cook up fast, you were wise not to over cook them, most people do and then complain that the squid tastes like rubber. (y) Baby squid ceviche next?
Charlie Brown gets it.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 13, 2018:
Some of the Trumpettes must be feeling like Charlie Brown after Lucy has pulled the football away.
A man wakes up dazed and confused in a strange city.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 13, 2018:
I had at least 3 different scenarios in my head for the ending and then wtf??
My doctor said I'm healthy enough for sexual activity. I'm just not attractive enough.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 13, 2018:
He may have been trying to tell you that you are not rich enough. ;)
Last nights dinner.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 13, 2018:
You have chickens, that's cool.
One of the oldest, surviving houses in the new world was built in Lima by Capt.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 13, 2018:
BTW, that's my hot and tired wife standing beside the lamp post, ready to give up and call it a missed adventure. I had stepped back to the wall of the Presidential Palace and that's when I noticed the gates to the carriage entrance and the old windows above it, the stone guides that help to line up the carriage as it enters the casa were deeply worn by centuries of use, I knew it had to be the place.
Ollantaytambo, the Inca fortress that almost stopped Pizarro and his Conquistadors in their tracks.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 13, 2018:
You can catch the train to Machu Picchu from Ollantaytambo, it leaves about 8am but if you are on the tour to the Lost City you will probably leave from Cusco about 5:30 which makes for a very long day, plus you miss all the really cool stuff in the Valle Sagrado.
Living amongst folks of the Abrahamic Religions: Does anyone see this as an anthropological ...
Surfpirate comments on Aug 13, 2018:
Relative to what other ideology or concepts? Utopias exist but only in theory and then only as perfect examples of a set of ideals. Vikings or Spartans for example, would have very different concepts of perfection.
August 13: Dream Diary
Surfpirate comments on Aug 13, 2018:
I dreamt that I was at a hotel at a ski resort and Big Sugar was trying check into the hotel for a concert they were putting on but there were all these weird problems that I had to sort out so that they could get checked in and put on the show. I must have go it all sorted out because I woke up with this song in my head and I still can't get it out.
If you are thinking about taking your motorhome south of the border into Mexico then you really want...
Surfpirate comments on Aug 13, 2018:
There is a lot of misinformation in the media about the dangers of travelling in Mexico, personally we found it to be very safe. Don't go leaving a bunch of expensive stuff lying around or being obnoxious to people or you will find trouble but that is true anywhere you go in this world. There are plenty of websites and blogs that will give you up to the minute info from fellow travelers in Mexico, many of them are seasoned travelers who are happy to share advice.
Today is International Left-hander's day
Surfpirate comments on Aug 13, 2018:
Both my wife and I are Ambis, we feel your pain Lefties. Enjoy your day! :)
So, I wasn't sure, yet again, where this would be most appropriate.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 12, 2018:
Our whole family was on that diet for about a month when I was a kid, not sure if it was for our health or just that we were temporarily broke and couldn't afford anything but cabbage. Survived it but wouldn't choose to do it again.
These are Keith Richards daughters. When they pass away he will inherit everything.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 12, 2018:
Unkillable or Undead, hard to say which. :D
I'm not down with this new trend of age-exclusive groups.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 12, 2018:
People are funny about age, just a couple of years and they think that you must be somebody completely different. I've known 80 year olds that were like 20 somethings and 20 somethings who acted like 80 year olds. Mileage not years, attitude not age.
that is so true...
Surfpirate comments on Aug 12, 2018:
Somebody needs to put some LSD in their water supply, chill all that hatred out.
Dubu kimchi, Appalachian-style! I added lots of fresh vegetables from the FM-corn, mushrooms, some ...
Surfpirate comments on Aug 12, 2018:
That's a bowl of goodness right there. (y)
The Christian Right?
Surfpirate comments on Aug 12, 2018:
I don't think that any of that is part of the master plan.
I think this sums up our group.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 12, 2018:
That would be me, the last time we all sat down together to eat my Mom decided to say a prayer so later I brought up the topic of Evolution vs Creationism and my younger brother chimed in with his own theories about genetic manipulation by ancient aliens. HA! What a shit show! :D
God damn the new Pusher man.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 12, 2018:
What is that supposed to be, a mantra for the enslaved and oppressed?
Ok, this has got to offend somebody! []
Surfpirate comments on Aug 12, 2018:
I remember when Canada banned Capital Punishment in the 60's for all crimes except for killing a cop, I was just a little kid and then in the mid 70's they removed the final loophole. Canada was finally a civilized nation like all of the other Western First Nations, except for the US but I guess that's what they mean by American Exceptionalism.
Tiny home restrictions, very sad. ? []
Surfpirate comments on Aug 12, 2018:
This is happening in Ontario, Canada now.
Here is my method of making homemade Miracle Grow. []
Surfpirate comments on Aug 12, 2018:
If you eat vegetables from China then you are eating veggies grown using human waste or night soil as the fertilizer. This is a long standing farming method in Asia.
I hate being bi-polar. It's awesome.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 12, 2018:
I've worked with a few people with that disorder, high producing most of the time but when they crash they really crash and they can be counterproductive for other workers around them.
Dinner last night! Old fashion steel cut oats cooked with water and a bullion cube.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 12, 2018:
KInd of a Scottish take on Salad Nicoise?
Do you think Donald tRump and Melania have sex anymore?
Surfpirate comments on Aug 12, 2018:
Maybe it's like sex in the Handmaid's Tale with Melania lying between Ivanka's legs with Ivanka holding her arms while Trump tries to get it up?
Where is everybody this Sunday, gone to church or what ?
Surfpirate comments on Aug 12, 2018:
Up at the usual time but busy doing other things this morning, just got online.
If this doesn't offend you, I don't know what will.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 12, 2018:
Looks like they are in sync with their leader, he'd rather be a Russian too.
Prototype for Trump's new Submariner force.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 11, 2018:
Space Force but Underwater!! He's a Genius, a very stable genius. :)
Student loan debt is crushing our economy and our nation's youth. []
Surfpirate comments on Aug 11, 2018:
Even Canada has jumped on the higher education bandwagon and raised its tuition fees to high rates that lead to student debt. Not quite as bad as America but I was talking to my physiotherapist who just graduated from a 2 year college program and her student debt is twice as high as mine was for a 4 year university program back in the 80's. This is crippling debt for a young person.
August 11: Dream Diary
Surfpirate comments on Aug 11, 2018:
More tires for me again, last night. I dreamt I was in the Muskokas which is a vacation area in northern Ontario, Canada - huge granite outcroppings and beautiful pine trees with thousands of lakes. Some of my cousins still live there and they were in the dream too. My cousins were helping a friend of theirs load tires onto a horse trailer, their friend was of French Canadian descent and spoke English with a heavy French accent, he was a bit scruffy and I sensed right away that he was also a bit shady, not the sort of guy I would turn my back on. I pitched in and helped them load the rest of the tires onto his trailer and told them that we needed to secure the load so it didn't shift on the highway. The French guy said that was nonsense, he had driven like this many times and never a problem, so he hops in the truck with a couple of my cousins and off they go. I follow in my truck with a young girl riding in the passengers seat who I seem to know vaguely but can't place exactly. We get on the highway and the traffic is busy as we head south on Hwy #11, the French guy takes a corner too fast for the conditions (it has started to rain a little now) and the trailer starts to come around on him, then swings back too far the other way as he tries to correct; this sends the other drivers into a near accident. The French guy loses control at the last moment but he has managed to slow down before the trailer goes over on its side and comes loose from his truck, tires scatter into the road and one bounces into a roadside stand selling trinkets doing some damage to the wall of the place. The owner of the stand is upset but unharmed and wants to call the cops so the insurance can get involved to fix his stand but the French guy sweet talks him into not calling the cops and leaving the insurance out of it, he offers the stall owner $600 and the owner accepts. I just know that the French guy isn't going to make good on the deal he just struck but I realize it is none of my business so I say nothing. Then we all heave the trailer back up on it's wheels and reload the tires that have spilled but I part company with them as I want nothing more to do with their schenanigans. My young friend is still riding with me however and she tells me she needs to have a pee so I start looking for a place to get off the highway and take one of the exits ahead which leads to a beautiful lake with a rock cut that leads to a campground and beach. There is a welcome center at the beach that is run by Scouts Canada which I used to be a leader for back in the 90's, so I pull in and the two of us go in to use the washrooms. The private washrooms are closed but the public ones are open, they turn out to be crowded and a real mess, I'm disappointed in the Scouts for ...
I spent a couple of years in South America in 2011/12&13 and one of the places we visited was ...
Surfpirate comments on Aug 11, 2018:
The pottery in this part of South America was very advanced and the glazes were as good as anything the greeks or romans were producing, those glazes also survived quite well but not as well as the pottery from Peru which is very arid and this helped preserve these pieces, mostly collect by grave robbers and then sold to archaeologists. The sand dunes are hundreds of feet high along this section of coastal Peru and it is very dry indeed as evidenced by this mummified dwarf that was found in a burial site from Chan Chan.
Win, Place or Show, it's all good.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 11, 2018:
Every once in a while you get a photo finish that is so close it is hard to say who came first and who came second.
Would you be willing to risk arrest if you could piss on tRumps grave.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 10, 2018:
Why piss on his grave when you can shit on his headstone?
Trump train conductors driving America down the wrong tracks.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 10, 2018:
Damn Pinko! Lucky the GOP was able to save the day in the nick of time. :D
August 10: Dream Diary Totally forgot about this today. I'm a slacker. Sorry guys!
Surfpirate comments on Aug 10, 2018:
Maybe you dreamed about tires and were just too tired out to post. :D
Six years, and approximately 247 million rewrites later, I think I'm finally done with this story.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 10, 2018:
I smell an adventure right out of the dark alleys of Lanhkmar, something ala Swords against Sorcery with perhaps some other deviltry thrown in besides. Very nice.
Are women happier being single ? []
Surfpirate comments on Aug 10, 2018:
I think there is a real shortage of men that are perfectly suited for all women at any given time. The kind of men who are sensitive and financially well off, strong and independent but willing to drop everything to attend to a woman's every need, the sort of guy that you could bring home to your folks and they would love him but also the sort of man who would thrill you and make all your girlfriends envious at the same time. The sort of man who will romance you and fulfill your every sexual desire in bed but have the good sense to get the fuck out afterwards so you can enjoy your sleep without him hogging the covers and stinking up the sheets. I think it is a conspiracy and it is the fault of all those perfect women out there who snatched all those perfect guys up and are keeping them all to themselves. ;)
Hahaha! From @heather2367 in the memes group in case you missed it. Pretty appropriate for us!
Surfpirate comments on Aug 10, 2018:
Anyone who has to block you and run away like a coward wasn't worth arguing with in the first place.
Keep on fucking off....
Surfpirate comments on Aug 10, 2018:
And they all lived happily ever after in Fuckoff Foreverland. :)
This twit was, I am sorry to say, from my town.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Like all thoroughbreds she is fast and expensive.
August 9: Dream Diary
Surfpirate comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Just bits and bobs for me this morning, none of it very coherent or noteworthy. Not every night is going to provide an epic dream worth sharing. It would be nice if they were all flying dreams involving amazing dream sex but those don't happen very often. ;)
Somehow I don't think the issue is too much beer in this case!
Surfpirate comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Only in Canada you say? Pity.
I have totally fallen in love with container houses! Need to get better metal working skills to ...
Surfpirate comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Check with your local building authority before buying shipping containers, you may find the required engineering and retrofitting in order to meet building code standards make these shipping containers a poor choice. If you do decide to go the shipping container route for an abode you will want to pay a bit more for containers that were single shipment containers that did not contain hazardous materials. Older shipping containers have often absorbed chemicals and other hazardous materials over the course of their lifespan and these get absorbed in the floor of the container and in the wall insulation if it is a refrigerated unit. Never a good idea to build your home with contaminated materials. Also look at the HighCube units as they provide more headroom and are not much more.
Are Trump supporters:
Surfpirate comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Fear is the driving force for most of his supporters in my opinion, fear based upon ignorance is what Trump panders to.
Who knew that religion had so many loop holes to be exploited?
Surfpirate comments on Aug 8, 2018:
I have to admit that the only woman who ever asked me for that sort of sex was a Pentecostal.
He's probably available for this Saturday.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 8, 2018:
Aw, that's so sweet. He's all dressed up to see his priest for a bit of slap and tickle confession. Just adorable.
Who knew that religion had so many loop holes to be exploited?
Surfpirate comments on Aug 8, 2018:
It's an oldie but a goodie, however not everyone has the refined sense of humour required to appreciate it. I was banned from another Atheist group on FB by a very politically correct moderator who didn't see the humour or the message it conveys about religions effect on young women and their self image. Nothing wrong with people engaging in anal sex but the reason why the young girls would do it, regardless of whether or not they enjoyed it, that was the real message and she couldn't see it. She felt that I was a disgusting, sexist pig and a misogynist predator of the worst order, so the next time I logged on to FB I found my access was denied, no big deal.
Long ago I discovered that laughter is not always because we find something funny.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 8, 2018:
I've always felt that there is a darkness in all humour and a sense of hope as well. We are born to die so what else can we mortals do but laugh in the face of our own mortality?
No. Just fucking no.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 8, 2018:
Push that NO right off the table and onto the floor, then leave it there.
Happy fucking humpday
Surfpirate comments on Aug 8, 2018:
Well he was asking for it, what's a bull to do but get to bullin. :D
That's what happens when the football coach teaches sex-ed!
Surfpirate comments on Aug 8, 2018:
The Conservatives just gained a majority in my province with the help of the religious right (yeah we have crazy idiots in Canada too) and they are rolling back the sex ed programs to 1998 standards. 4 years of stupid shit coming our way until we can hopefully vote them out and repair the damage they will have done.
I am posting this in support of my last post.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 8, 2018:
While I am not into grand conspiracies I do think that much of the information that conflicts with accepted theories is buried or filed as anomalies but that has more to do with self interest than with grand schemes to hide the truth. Academics are willing to block out or dismiss a lot of information if it means their tenure is put at risk or your thesis paper is suddenly shown to be toilet paper. Many discoveries that show flaws in accepted academic thought are crushed this way, dogma isn't only found in religion.
In thinking about another post about being on a date that's going really well, "what do you do?
Surfpirate comments on Aug 7, 2018:
So what was your recovery strategy? I mean if you trip and fall flat on your face you don't just lie there on the ground until you get run over by a truck or something - you get up, dust yourself off and begin again.
Ok I am sitting down playing a video game then suddenly I hear a buzzing sound then something ...
Surfpirate comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Package from Amazon?
Sometimes, we write to heal. My Time You had so much time. Two years?
Surfpirate comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Gutsy as Fuck! (y) That which does not kill us, leaves us as survivors, sometimes even stronger.
I posted a meme which turned out to be more fact than fiction. []
Surfpirate comments on Aug 7, 2018:
I used to drive the 40' flatbed GMC delivery truck at the family business, no 2nd gear so you had to double clutch to 3rd from 1st with a full load on it could be pretty dodgy. My uncle's old D5 bulldozer was also a trip to drive, make a mistake and you could take out a tree or part of a house or a car. lol
Remember those two gray hair fat boys with a t-shirt saying: I rather be a Russian than a Democrat ...
Surfpirate comments on Aug 7, 2018:
I'd rather be a Canadian than anything else, except maybe for being a pirate.
Mueller's coming
Surfpirate comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Step back Mueller, just take a step back and it will all be well.
I used this as a comment to the Libertarian apologists on one of my posts, but I'll post it here, ...
Surfpirate comments on Aug 7, 2018:
I find American political terminology to be interesting although a bit confusing as a Canadian. What Americans call a socialist democrat ie Bernie Sanders, we in Canada would slot him in to the right of center, quite a bit right actually, as for the Republicans, we don't even have a spot for them on our Canadian political scale.
Now don't you wish you were a.
Surfpirate comments on Aug 7, 2018:
First wife was a redhead, tried to kill me on several occasions, too much excitement for my blood.
What sort of practical jokes who you pulled in your time?
Surfpirate comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Years ago when I was still on the tools as a custom home builder I was building a mansion on the ocean for a good client of mine and my roofing subcontractor had three young guys working on the roof installing the purlins to support the cement tile roof, the oldest was barely 20 years old. My guys were all older guys in their 30's and 40's as I had enough of the antics of young construction workers by that point in my career. I'm talking with my foreman Chris about a problem on the job when from up on the roof comes a squeaky voice 'Hey, Lifesaver - yeah you Lifesaver' so Chris and I both look up to see one of the roofers staring down at us from the rooftop. Since I'm the boss I assumed he meant me and yelled back 'What did you say?' so the kid says 'Not you, the other guy, Lifesaver'. So I ask the kid why he is calling my foreman 'Lifesaver' and he says because he has a haircut like a Lifesaver, hair around the outside but nothing in the middle. lol Chris did have hair a bit like a Franciscan monk because he had male pattern baldness but I could see the insult would not go unanswered, so I put one of my other carpenters on the task of finishing some backframing the young pup needed done. About half an hour later I hear the young roofers cursing up on the roof, they are using a circular saw to trim the purlins but there is blue smoke coming out of their saw and not much cutting getting done. The first roofer is getting frustrated because the 'piece of shit saw won't cut the wood' so the second steps up with a 'here give me the saw you idiot, I'll show you how it's done - sort of attitude' which results in even more blue smoke and more cursing which attracts the attention of the roofing foreman who called Chris 'Lifesaver'. The 20 year old foreman grabs the saw off the second kid and really leans into it and more smoke flies but I can see that Chris is watching them with a smile on his face from about 20 feet away. When it looks like fists are going to start flying between the young roofers, Chris steps up and says 'Let me look at the saw, I'm a Master Carpenter so maybe I can help you out'. They reluctantly hand the saw to the 'old man' and Chris pulls his saw wrench out of his pouch, takes the saw blade off the saw and reverses it so the teeth are now spinning in the right direction. As he passes it back he says 'Idiots, don't even know which way the saw blade goes in the saw' and he walks away smiling because of course he had reversed the saw blade when they weren't looking to get back for the Lifesaver comment. We have a good laugh at Chris's joke over lunch and when we come back to site after lunch we find Chris's tool pouch has somehow become gun nailed to the subfloor of the 2nd floor and the nail pockets are full of expanding foam....
The Libertarian creed!
Surfpirate comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Ayn Rand was a nasty cunt and a hypocrite, it offends me that Libertarianism would be associated with her name. Part of being a Libertarian is to acknowledge that there is a social contract that we must all contribute to in order for society to work, otherwise it would be pure anarchy and society would break down. Ayn Rand refused to acknowledge each member of society has an obligation and responsibility to contribute to the structure that allows a society to function, if all one does is take there is soon nothing left to take so we must also give as well.


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