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I just got back from reviewing the election results and pouring over lists, it checks out as far as ...
VAL3941 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Laugh and start on the next 4 years !
Surfpirate replies on Oct 25, 2018:
@ProudMary On islands you are typically referred to as 'from away' or 'foreigner' or on this island I live on now 'a walk on' because non-islanders who had cottages here would park their car on the mainland and walk onto the ferry because pedestrians are free to ride the ferry, only people in vehicles pay. So I'm a Walk On and I still almost won this election with only 4 years on this island, the next closest was 28 years, then 53 years 56 years, not a bad showing when you think about it. lol In 4 years there may be a lot fewer of the old guard left on the island, they are all in their 70's and 80's so if they aren't dead they may have moved off the island for health reasons, there are no health services on the island.
I just got back from reviewing the election results and pouring over lists, it checks out as far as ...
VAL3941 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Laugh and start on the next 4 years !
Surfpirate replies on Oct 25, 2018:
I cam within 18 votes of winning a council seat and I have only lived on this island for 4 years. One of the biggest factors in an island election is how long have you lived here, so I will take it as a minor victory.
Well he couldn't just admit that he was a fascist now could he?
Pralina1 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Surfpirate replies on Oct 25, 2018:
The Trump pedophiles would have just loved that performance as would their leader. Grab them by their underage pussies, just disgusting.
My anger level for the piece of crap that thinks he is the president only rises.
Surfpirate comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Canada has always taken in political refugees, just don't expect to jump the queue ahead of all the other refugees that are being created by Trump and your military industrial complex. Better hurry before Trump builds that wall he keeps yammering on about, although let's be honest, it keeps people ...
Surfpirate replies on Oct 25, 2018:
@Renickulous When was the last time the US had a free market economy? Eisenhower?
I stood in line for 45 mins at Albertsons on Desert Inn with a bunch of Red baseball caps on both ...
Surfpirate comments on Oct 24, 2018:
I hope you didn't do anything threatening, they are all packing pistols because you know how Libs love violence. There really needs to be an IQ test before someone can buy a gun, high functioning morons should not be given a dangerous weapon and be allowed to roam about.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 24, 2018:
@MrTallman some over medicated granny with a derringer in her purse and a MAGA hat could go off on you, smart thinking
Have you ever woken up in tears from a dream?
Surfpirate comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Hopefully you have purged that from your system, not a pleasant dream at all. :(
Surfpirate replies on Oct 24, 2018:
@Aivery probably so but it is never nice to wake up in tears.
Problems with online voting may have cost me the race.
escapetypist comments on Oct 24, 2018:
I hope things stay civil. Nothing like Lord of the Flies on your island.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 24, 2018:
The problem with island living is that some people feel they have more rights than others on the island and feel entitled to act out in ways that they wouldn't dream of on the mainland.
James Brown and Robin Williams, what a great combination. []
zorialoki comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Dude, you play some great shit. Thank you
Surfpirate replies on Oct 24, 2018:
@zorialoki That's a lot of vinyl, some of it will surely find a good home.
Problems with online voting may have cost me the race.
moonmaid comments on Oct 24, 2018:
I have similar concerns here in GA. When the person who oversees the voting is running for office and is GOP, one wonders and worries...
Surfpirate replies on Oct 24, 2018:
You should.
James Brown and Robin Williams, what a great combination. []
zorialoki comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Dude, you play some great shit. Thank you
Surfpirate replies on Oct 24, 2018:
@zorialoki Music lets a person rise above. :)
James Brown and Robin Williams, what a great combination. []
zorialoki comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Dude, you play some great shit. Thank you
Surfpirate replies on Oct 24, 2018:
I grew up in Toronto, the most multicultural city in the world so I got to listen to some really amazing tunes.
The incomparable Nina Simone. []
CaroleKay comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Beautiful, Nina is such a class act (L)
Surfpirate replies on Oct 24, 2018:
Super Cool.
The incomparable Nina Simone. []
zorialoki comments on Oct 23, 2018:
What song of hers did you post? The link has been disabled
Surfpirate replies on Oct 24, 2018:
@zorialoki Me too, great tunes and they were so hot.
The incomparable Nina Simone. []
zorialoki comments on Oct 23, 2018:
What song of hers did you post? The link has been disabled
Surfpirate replies on Oct 23, 2018:
The incomparable Nina Simone. []
zorialoki comments on Oct 23, 2018:
What song of hers did you post? The link has been disabled
Surfpirate replies on Oct 23, 2018:
I think I fixed it.
Why would the dems pay those in the central American caravan to try to cross the border , It's more ...
Charlene comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Drump ain't smart enough to organize a damn thing..
Surfpirate replies on Oct 23, 2018:
Trump isn't in charge, smarter and nastier people than him are the ones in charge and they could easily hold back the group until they wanted to put on a show. Just provide aid on the other side of the border and then cut it off when you want them to move, like herding cattle really.
The Old Guard won and the Progressives lost :( I got routed and so did the other progressive ...
VAL3941 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Why is life so unfair ?
Surfpirate replies on Oct 23, 2018:
@VAL3941 Let me put it this way, the same people spread a rumour that I was a bankrupt American builder who had stiffed a bunch of people on a subdivision in Florida, this was when they wanted to steal my driveway from in a right of way dispute. The guy had the same name as me on FB, as did 53 others on FB including almost half of them being black. I called them on it and they just laughed and said they knew but who would believe me over them.
The Old Guard won and the Progressives lost :( I got routed and so did the other progressive ...
dingmylabelle comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Democracy = Majority/Mob rule. What the Mob wants is what is best for us right?
Surfpirate replies on Oct 23, 2018:
Only if the mob votes and while the nasty and bitter members of the old guard won out it is because they voted en masse, they weren't the majority of voters, just the majority of voters who voted.
The Old Guard won and the Progressives lost :( I got routed and so did the other progressive ...
VAL3941 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Why is life so unfair ?
Surfpirate replies on Oct 23, 2018:
@VAL3941 I am curious to see if the Xstians in the old guard group decided to play the Atheist card. I am not in the closet about my lack of belief in the Holy Moly, it will be under the radar if they played it but there will be someone who will spill the beans, there always is.
The Old Guard won and the Progressives lost :( I got routed and so did the other progressive ...
mcgeo52 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
How many of them will die off in the next four years? Will you run again then?
Surfpirate replies on Oct 23, 2018:
Well the ambulance station is going to be moved further away and they will do nothing to stop it so there may be a lot less of them in 4 years. For the moment I will wait and see, plenty of other things to do in the interim.
The Old Guard won and the Progressives lost :( I got routed and so did the other progressive ...
VAL3941 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Why is life so unfair ?
Surfpirate replies on Oct 23, 2018:
I guess it is just the season for unfairness, my wife and I were discussing this in the aftermath of the election results. Support suddenly evaporated, no doubt I will slowly start to hear the why of it in the coming weeks. Still, an ugly democracy is better than no democracy at all.
The Old Guard won and the Progressives lost :( I got routed and so did the other progressive ...
ugly comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Sorry for the way things turnned out. Now get a few days rest.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 22, 2018:
Yep, off to the cottage tomorrow to close it down for the winter, blow out the plumbing lines and all that fun stuff.
The Old Guard won and the Progressives lost :( I got routed and so did the other progressive ...
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Sorry you lost. At least you gave it a shot.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 22, 2018:
@Bierbasstard that's democracy for you, respect the will of the people, even if they are a bunch of nasty old monkeys that want to throw their shit at you. :D
So All of my dreams are very vivid, and I can even remember some I had only one time each as a ...
Surfpirate comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Dreams are your subconscious mind talking to you when you sleep, so trying to stop these dreams is going to be pretty difficult but you can learn to take control of your dreams by moving from vivid dreams to lucid dreams, dreams where you become aware that you are dreaming while you are in dream ...
Surfpirate replies on Oct 22, 2018:
@stinkeye_a Personally I find that there is usually something in a dream that triggers me to slip from a vivid dream to a lucid dream but then I have been lucid dreaming for a very long time, since I was a young child. The other thing that can trigger it is a dream that I don't like, something that my mind rebels against and says NO to, that usually kicks me over into a lucid state and I will edit my dreams like a director reviewing dailies, I will back the dream up or jump over a scene I don't like or just cut it out completely. I wish I could be more helpful about how to do this but I have been doing it so long that it is just a normal thing to do in a dream so I am not even sure of how I do it. I can relate an experience that my younger brother had, a recurring dream where he would fall off a cliff and wake up just before he smashed into the rocks hundreds of feet below. It was really a problem and he was barely able to sleep at all so he asked my advice and I told him that the next time it happened he should just spread his arms out like a plane and fly. So he kept telling himself this each night before he went to bed and sure enough the dream came back and he remembered to spread his arms and fly. Since that point he has had a lot of flying dreams, he loves dreaming and flying in his dreams. Perhaps something similar will help you the next time you have a dream with your grandfather in it.
The Old Guard won and the Progressives lost :( I got routed and so did the other progressive ...
SukiSue comments on Oct 22, 2018:
I am so sorry. I just can't believe it. This is so disappointing.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 22, 2018:
I don't like it when the guys in the black hats win but it happens. I expect that I will find out a few particularly nasty and underhanded things that went down in the days and weeks that follow. No big deal and certainly not worth wrestling with a pig over. ;)
The Old Guard won and the Progressives lost :( I got routed and so did the other progressive ...
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Sorry you lost. At least you gave it a shot.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 22, 2018:
@Bierbasstard It's part of island life and that's okay if a bit disappointing. I ran on a fair play platform, not everyone wants that, they like having the table tilted in their favour. If they get screwed later for it then just don't whine to me about it, not my circus and not my monkeys. I'll do what I can in my own quiet way, it's probably better that way.
The Old Guard won and the Progressives lost :( I got routed and so did the other progressive ...
Pralina1 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
To me , u r a brave guy w brains that wants to help his community to do things better . That's not a loss in my book . I am proud of u .
Surfpirate replies on Oct 22, 2018:
Thanks Hon, I have a lot of supporters who are shocked but if you don't make the time to actually vote then your ballot doesn't get counted. ;)
The Old Guard won and the Progressives lost :( I got routed and so did the other progressive ...
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Sorry you lost. At least you gave it a shot.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 22, 2018:
The really odd thing about it was that I was there to sit in on the counting of the paper ballots and I had supporters of mine drive over and wait outside to find out the results because they wanted change, they were very disappointed that I lost and thanked me for running and shook my hand. By contrast, the incumbent who won with twice as many votes as I got, couldn't sit in on the counting and needed a scrutineer to do it for him, when he won he was alone with the scrutineer and the only one who congratulated him on his win was myself, no supporters at all, none of the people who rallied to make sure that he stayed in were there to congratulate him or thank him for running the race. I know the deal he was offered because I turned it down from the same people that got him in, the same people who were willing to cut him loose because he is getting too old and incompetent. I'm more than a little jaded and I've been around the block a lot of times but this is the only thing that really disappoints me about the outcome.
Seeker3CO comments on Oct 22, 2018:
At a larger size they'd make a great invading horde in a sci fi movie
Surfpirate replies on Oct 22, 2018:
Like in the movie 'Starship Troopers', not as good as the book but still fun.
Today's the day, Monday Oct 22nd is municipal election day in Ontario, Canada.
VAL3941 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
You don't seem worried, nor are we. You will make it, if not there will be a next time. Do what you have to do, can't ask for more !
Surfpirate replies on Oct 22, 2018:
Exactly, the worst thing that could happen is to get elected but have a huge group of malcontents that don't want the platform I ran on and then struggle with that for the next 4 years. Just back from the polling station and it seems like it is going to be a close one.
It's going to get a point where tRump pisses off so many of our allies that they will turn on the US...
Surfpirate comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Canada has already begun building a wall along our southern border.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 22, 2018:
@Freedompath Actually it's a snow wall, we're just using our snowplows to push up a wall of snow along the border, you can all come visit after it melts and by then Trump should be impeached and serving a life sentence in jail.
Whoever did the proofreading on this package has a twisted sense of humour. :D
MrLizard comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Very possibly photo-shopped.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 22, 2018:
Most likely even but for a Monday morning it is better than reading the news. ;)
Ted Cruz's Wife Complains Her Husband's $174K Salary Not Enough For a Vacation Home
Surfpirate comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Since all those fuckers are raking in million$ in kickbacks and bribes I can only imagine that Ted Cruz has a bit of trim on the side that his wife doesn't want to know about, maybe seconds with Stormy Daniels?
Surfpirate replies on Oct 21, 2018:
@Green_eyes If the price were right there are people who would stoop even that low. I still can't believe he is half Canadian by birth, what a black mark on my country.
The White House after dark.
silverotter11 comments on Oct 21, 2018:
I can almost believe it goes on.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 21, 2018:
Oh I would think that would just be the tame stuff.
A very Canadian solution to this problem. []
WalterWhite comments on Oct 21, 2018:
Very nice story. Thanks for sharing. Only takes one of these to balance 5 sickening ones about Trump every day.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 21, 2018:
So much better than the headline - 2 rednecks shoot coyote with head trapped in pipe. (y)
The Guess Who, Classic Canadian Rock. []
Cutiebeauty comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Sounds good... Never heard them before
Surfpirate replies on Oct 20, 2018:
@chalupacabre Which one? we have 4 western provinces if you count Lotusland which is basically it's own country and state of mind.
Got a good bit of the frame done for the greenhouse.
Surfpirate comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Regular poly or are you going with the green house quality?
Surfpirate replies on Oct 20, 2018:
@Donto101 Smart move, wait until you see how you like it before dropping the big bucks, you may want to make alterations after a season or two and you should get two seasons out of the Super 6 poly.
The Guess Who, Classic Canadian Rock. []
Cutiebeauty comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Sounds good... Never heard them before
Surfpirate replies on Oct 20, 2018:
@chalupacabre Wasn't he from Nebraska? ;)
Sorry to the Star Trek fans but this one was too good not to share, what a drone.
Looking4-Others comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Such a fuckwad his best parts ran down his mommas legs.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 20, 2018:
There are a couple of angry reactions to this post, Who knew there were Republican Trekkies? You would have thought all that Pinko Federation stuff would have turned them off. :D
Beauty in nature takes my breath away.
Surfpirate comments on Oct 20, 2018:
It's that time of year again, the threat of snow is in the forecast for this week.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 20, 2018:
@flower_nut I see you have a storm coming your way too, stay safe and batten down the hatches.
The Guess Who, Classic Canadian Rock. []
Cutiebeauty comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Sounds good... Never heard them before
Surfpirate replies on Oct 20, 2018:
@Cutiebeauty Well it's certainly a good pub question, 'Which American wrote and performed American Woman?' because even if they get the band by googling it they will miss the fact that the band is Canadian so a free round for you. :D
I want this to happen... Apologies to those who live in Jesusland.
Surfpirate comments on Oct 19, 2018:
While I can see that there are cultural similarities I don't know that Canada would want to take on some of the baggage, let alone the debt of the US. Here's a better idea, fix your own problems or apply for landed immigrant status just like everybody else.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 20, 2018:
@shockwaverider It's more of a French Canadian thing, like Poutine. If you haven't visited Montreal I highly recommend it but definitely practice your french before hand, the basics at the very least. The most beautiful women in Canada are found in Quebec, Newfoundland is a close second.
The Guess Who, Classic Canadian Rock. []
Cutiebeauty comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Sounds good... Never heard them before
Surfpirate replies on Oct 20, 2018:
@Cutiebeauty No doubt but I bet you thought it was an American song that was written and performed by Americans. ;)
I want this to happen... Apologies to those who live in Jesusland.
Surfpirate comments on Oct 19, 2018:
While I can see that there are cultural similarities I don't know that Canada would want to take on some of the baggage, let alone the debt of the US. Here's a better idea, fix your own problems or apply for landed immigrant status just like everybody else.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 20, 2018:
@Condor5 A neighbour of mine is a retired sniper with the Canadian Armed Forces and he can tell you some stories about the shit the top brass gives our snipers, two of them were written up for insubordination by some jerk officer after camping out for 3 days with no support on top of a mountain and providing cover fire and clearing a mountain pass in Afghanistan for US troops, pisses me right off but tip of the hat to the US military who stood up for our Canadian snipers. The fact of the matter remains that if Canada ever merged with the US it would only ruin Canada and it wouldn't improve the US much if at all, you're too programmed to change to thinking like Canadians. Just kill off the Jesus freaks and stay on your side of the border, try not to bomb us by mistake.
The Guess Who, Classic Canadian Rock. []
Cutiebeauty comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Sounds good... Never heard them before
Surfpirate replies on Oct 20, 2018:
You've probably heard some of their songs and just don't recognize them as belonging to the Guess Who, probably because it is older stuff but then what's really old? I like a lot of big band and swing music from the 30's and 40's as well as modern tunes and classical music from the 1700's is still as current as ever. Here's one I am sure you have heard and it's from this all Canadian band,|
Ain't it the truth
Diogenes comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Trudeau shoud be arrested fo getting all the kids on the gateway drug---- the SOB. NOT funny!
Surfpirate replies on Oct 20, 2018:
@Umbral Right on the money but many supposed freethinkers don't bother to check out the facts and more importantly the source of those facts. Portugal makes the most positive case imaginable for decriminalizing all drugs, even the opiates. Some people are just never going to get that but fortunately calmer heads have prevailed, I was calling for this back in the 70's and everybody thought it would a done deal by the end of the last century. I guess we were a little optimistic. PS I don't smoke pot and haven't for decades.
I want this to happen... Apologies to those who live in Jesusland.
TheDoubter comments on Oct 19, 2018:
ambitious plan
Surfpirate replies on Oct 20, 2018:
Very ambitious considering every single time you've tried this the US has lost. We could just let you walk in as an invading force in November and those who haven't frozen to death by April can limp back to Amerikkka. Canada is awesome but having a bunch of Americans move in would ruin it, that's the whole point, so thanks but please stay on your side of the border, the crazy side. :)
I want this to happen... Apologies to those who live in Jesusland.
Surfpirate comments on Oct 19, 2018:
While I can see that there are cultural similarities I don't know that Canada would want to take on some of the baggage, let alone the debt of the US. Here's a better idea, fix your own problems or apply for landed immigrant status just like everybody else.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 20, 2018:
@shockwaverider Well we'll take it under advisement but for the moment, we Canadians have no plans to invade the more northern US States and subjugate them to our system of government. Feel free to drop by and have some poutine and a steamy, just the same, we're real friendly like that. Just a thought but why don't you guys have a civil war with Jesusland and sort out your problems that way? You could just leave us Canadians out of it because we really don't want to get involved in your domestic disputes.
Look what was in my mailbox today!
Surfpirate comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Another full fledged member of the 8 ball club. (y)
Surfpirate replies on Oct 19, 2018:
@LiterateHiker The 8 ball must go in the pocket at the very end in order to win, if it goes in any sooner then you lose. You must always save the best til last.
Who takes those food photos in the food magazines?
Marionville comments on Oct 19, 2018:
I think I heard someone once describe the glossy food pictures in some cookbooks as “Food Porn”! It is certainly meant to get us salivating!!
Surfpirate replies on Oct 19, 2018:
Works for me. :D
This election only has 4 more days to run and I am so tired from over thinking it.
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Best of luck, be prepared either way.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 19, 2018:
Winning should be straight forward for a day or so, if I lose it will be more of a Meh for me. It's not like I have a lot of money invested in this, maybe $1,000 plus my time of course. If people don't choose a progressive path forward then I will be lucky if I am not elected because I am not one to stay the course and do nothing.
A bit of a strange one from last night, it involved taking a car trip to go to a party.
Condor5 comments on Oct 19, 2018:
That's a lot of detail. Any timeframe of how long it felt like?
Surfpirate replies on Oct 19, 2018:
The first part of the dream, up to the point that the car overshot the exit ramp wasn't too long, in dream time perhaps 15 minutes to half an hour but then I took control of the dream for a bit when I changed the driving position on the car, then there was a skip in the dream where we wound up at the mill and I met my wife there, then we shopped for what seemed like another half hour or so. Total it was probably an hour of dream time so maybe 5 or 10 minutes of real time in the waking world, time tends to be compressed when you are dreaming. It did wake me up however and I didn't really get back to sleep which is probably why I remembered it so well.
This election only has 4 more days to run and I am so tired from over thinking it.
SukiSue comments on Oct 19, 2018:
From me and @ugly:
Surfpirate replies on Oct 19, 2018:
I'm not a fan of Alice Cooper but a smoking chimp with a wheelbarrow of cash is always fun to see.
Sometimes faith is just not enough. LOL
Eldovis comments on Oct 19, 2018:
I cannot think about any situation when faith is the answer
Surfpirate replies on Oct 19, 2018:
I can, you see it all the time in horror movies where the person is hiding in the closet and is praying to their mumbo jumbo imaginary friend and the monster is on the other side of the closet door breathing hard. Then the monster goes away and the person breathes a sigh of relief, thanks their holy moly and opens the door to be promptly slaughtered by the monster. lol
This election only has 4 more days to run and I am so tired from over thinking it.
escapetypist comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Today you're running for mayor of a small island. Tomorrow you will run for POTUS. But only after you declare bankruptcy, sleep with a porn star, and grab women in the crotch.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 19, 2018:
Mayor would be just fine, there's only one pussy I want to grab and she let's me know when she would like that; I did see an old girlfriend on a porn video years ago so I guess that's a check mark and I got wiped out in the Crash of 89' but managed to build it all back through long hours and a lot of sweat. The nice thing is that I couldn't do worse than the current POTUS if I was dead and buried, that orange shit gibbon is a disgrace.
I have some lawn over my septic bed and mantle as it was required by the health dept.
HeathenFarmer comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Lawn is the largest crop by acres in the USA. It is also the largest consumer of chemical fertilizer and water of any crop.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 19, 2018:
And the best part is that most of them look like shit, no imagination involved at all.
This election only has 4 more days to run and I am so tired from over thinking it.
ugly comments on Oct 18, 2018:
Good luck.. Don't slow down. Work harder these last 4 days.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 18, 2018:
@ugly it's an island, there are no seniors centers, once people get that old they leave the island because there is no immediate ambulance service, the ambulance has to come on the island by ferry and if you are that old then you are probably dead by the time they arrive
This election only has 4 more days to run and I am so tired from over thinking it.
ugly comments on Oct 18, 2018:
Good luck.. Don't slow down. Work harder these last 4 days.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 18, 2018:
You're like my online campaign manager. :D
What a drag it is getting old.
morlll comments on Oct 18, 2018:
You mean 60's right.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 18, 2018:
Pick a decade that suits your musical tastes, it's all the same to me. :)
This election only has 4 more days to run and I am so tired from over thinking it.
SukiSue comments on Oct 18, 2018:
You're going to win I can feel it!
Surfpirate replies on Oct 18, 2018:
@Yogisan I've asked that question and their answer is that they want their cake and eat it too. People are crazy.
This election only has 4 more days to run and I am so tired from over thinking it.
ProudMary comments on Oct 18, 2018:
You'll do just fine.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 18, 2018:
@ProudMary I hear you sista, this is a 4 year gig and then I am getting out. That assumes of course that I get in. lol
This election only has 4 more days to run and I am so tired from over thinking it.
ProudMary comments on Oct 18, 2018:
You'll do just fine.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 18, 2018:
That's part of what is starting to worry me, I may win this thing. ;)
This election only has 4 more days to run and I am so tired from over thinking it.
SukiSue comments on Oct 18, 2018:
You're going to win I can feel it!
Surfpirate replies on Oct 18, 2018:
Sometimes I think so too and then other times I am not so sure. I can't believe that I am this concerned about whether or not I get this position which is largely a volunteer position, done properly it doesn't even pay minimum wage. I'm not in it for the money (obviously) but I do want to make things better and people really seem to want a change for the most part - but then there are the other people who don't want any change, who fondly remember when the island had gravel roads but at the same time they don't want that gravel chipping the windshield on their Mercedes. :)
Jesus Fucking Christ! Is there anyone in a position of authority that did not molest everyone in ...
Surfpirate comments on Oct 18, 2018:
Who teaches these people that sex is dirty, that it is okay to engage in sexual activity without consent, that the strong should dominate and abuse those who are weaker than them? Religion does this and it always has. You want to cut out a cancer then you have to cut it out to the root cause.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 18, 2018:
@GuyKeith Truth, but let's always remember to be fair and kind to them because that would be the xstian thing to do - except I am not a fucking xstian.
I'm going to talk in pretty general terms here so that all 204 members can be included in this ...
Surfpirate comments on Oct 18, 2018:
I love all 204 members of this group, if the few asshats who block me because they are small minded and petty little pricks. Here's wishing everyone here a Super Sparkly Day! <3
Surfpirate replies on Oct 18, 2018:
@SukiSue I have to agree with you there, definitely some really different people on this group but it's the 'normals' you have to watch out for. ;)
I'm going to talk in pretty general terms here so that all 204 members can be included in this ...
Xanadutoo comments on Oct 18, 2018:
I think I have some women's traits I never know when to stop talking I don't use a shovel mines more like an earth mover.Why not just ban cat lovers?lol
Surfpirate replies on Oct 18, 2018:
@SukiSue All cats would be offended by the notion that they were lower life forms like their bi-pedal slaves.
I'm going to talk in pretty general terms here so that all 204 members can be included in this ...
chalupacabre comments on Oct 18, 2018:
Maybe if there weren't so many bodies, you wouldn't need so many holes?
Surfpirate replies on Oct 18, 2018:
@SukiSue I own a backhoe, I'd let you borrow it. ;)
Just when you thought that nothing could be a sadder expression of the human condition that Brett ...
HeathenFarmer comments on Oct 18, 2018:
So much better than the natural ones and you can continue to sell all those charming bee killing agro chemicals for huge profits.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 18, 2018:
I've been deeply concerned since 'W' that the Republicans not only don't know sheep shit from wild ...
moonmaid comments on Oct 17, 2018:
We live in interesting times..
Surfpirate replies on Oct 17, 2018:
The ancient Chinese curse, I haven't heard that one for a while.
This is hilarious (and satire for anyone that wasn't sure) 100% of Canada’s Halloween candy ...
Surfpirate comments on Oct 17, 2018:
It's like a fog has descended over the country and absolutely everyone is smiling and very hungry. This could be the solution to all the hot spots in the world where people are intent on killing each other for really stupid reasons.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 17, 2018:
@nikkir NO need to travel, the Americans will be here directly, just like the Brits used to go to Amsterdam and still do.
There is nothing difficult to understand about this simple rule, think first and then open your ...
Anniemae comments on Oct 17, 2018:
Simple enough.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 17, 2018:
One would think and yet, No. :(
What's for Dinner? []
Oldman51 comments on Oct 17, 2018:
I loved the music from that show.Not much of a plot.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 17, 2018:
There was a plot? My friends saw it more than a dozen times when we were in our teens, a warm and fun place to party during the Canadian winters.
That's it in a nutshell.
chalupacabre comments on Oct 16, 2018:
A shame you can't offer up their own executions as something for them to buy into. Some sort of house cleaning initiative, maybe? ;-)
Surfpirate replies on Oct 17, 2018:
Oh look, it's the Rapture, you go first. :D
Let's not get on the hate train because this is it's final destination.
dingmylabelle comments on Oct 16, 2018:
This really does need to sink in on both sides but mostly the left. Normalizing violence as a response to ideas and words you do not like should not be acceptable.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 16, 2018:
Extremists seem to be the problem, regardless of political leanings, fanaticism has no party. I wouldn't put too much faith in Trump's rhetoric about the left wing mobs trying to take over the country by force, as the far right enjoys pointing out, they have most of the guns. Nobody has more guns than the US military, so the point is moot.
Really a bit of a coin toss because sometimes the architecture is quite beautiful but these ...
escapetypist comments on Oct 16, 2018:
Burning down churches and mosques won't stop religion. Liberal education will. That and PornHub.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 16, 2018:
I believe there is more hope for change in pornhub. :)
Really a bit of a coin toss because sometimes the architecture is quite beautiful but these ...
Nukdookum comments on Oct 15, 2018:
Some of the best architecture in the world. Destroying art is never a good thing in my book.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 16, 2018:
@Nukdookum Well I have to agree that I like the term 'pithy', you just don't hear enough these days.
Really a bit of a coin toss because sometimes the architecture is quite beautiful but these ...
Nukdookum comments on Oct 15, 2018:
Some of the best architecture in the world. Destroying art is never a good thing in my book.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 16, 2018:
@Nukdookum If you want to clean out the stable then you have to expect to get a bit of shit on you.
Hi - question about formulation of etiquette with respect to new technologies and practices.
Surfpirate comments on Oct 14, 2018:
I've been thinking about doing an EV conversion to an antique Series II Land Rover, EV's are the future and I think we should encourage everyone to make the switch regardless of BEV or PHEV. If we must pick fights then let's first address the people with ICE vehicles who park in EV charging bays.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 16, 2018:
@kmaz It is interesting that the topic of automobiles has an emotional aspect that is far greater than one would anticipate for a machine made of plastic, metal and rubber. I wonder if we will feel the same about autonomous drone flying vehicles that are shared communally in the future?
Really a bit of a coin toss because sometimes the architecture is quite beautiful but these ...
Nukdookum comments on Oct 15, 2018:
Some of the best architecture in the world. Destroying art is never a good thing in my book.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 16, 2018:
@Nukdookum Well we did segue a bit and I must admit that my mood towards religion is a bit more charitable this morning than it was yesterday. :D Although I have been involved with the controlled burn of a house on a property that was being redeveloped in Canada, it provided a great training exercise for the local fire department. The salvage value was minor so the develop felt the good will earned was more important than the salvage and offered it to the fire department. Many of the churches I saw in South America had building materials stolen from Inca temples, in fact many were built atop the foundations of the old Inca temples, so religions are no kinder when it comes to destroying works of art.
Really a bit of a coin toss because sometimes the architecture is quite beautiful but these ...
Nukdookum comments on Oct 15, 2018:
Some of the best architecture in the world. Destroying art is never a good thing in my book.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 16, 2018:
@Nukdookum Well I am certainly not advocating that we maintain buildings that celebrate evil, except for a few as reminders of the dangers of slipping into the ways of evil, places like Dachau Prison for example serve as a poignant reminder of the evils of genocide. I built large structures in my career, mostly luxury hotels and some of these were quite beautiful but they had an economic life expectancy for between 50 and 100 years, meaning that at the end of that time period the structures would no longer be considered the highest and best use of the land so would be subject to demolition and replacement. Churches and mosques are simply buildings and while some of them are quite beautiful, most are not exceptional enough to be maintained indefinitely so why not take them down, certainly they serve less and less purpose each year and they occupy valuable real estate while paying no taxes. Here's an example of one of my projects and it has an economic life projected to be 75 years.
Really a bit of a coin toss because sometimes the architecture is quite beautiful but these ...
Nukdookum comments on Oct 15, 2018:
Some of the best architecture in the world. Destroying art is never a good thing in my book.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 16, 2018:
@Nukdookum How about a controlled implosion using demolition experts? Not violent?
All teenagers need this experience
Surfpirate comments on Oct 16, 2018:
This makes for a great plot line for a porn movie. MILF does grocery store.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 16, 2018:
@moonmaid A sexy and mature woman with all the right curves, a conveyor belt and a line up of eager patrons. Sure sounds like a winner to me.
Really a bit of a coin toss because sometimes the architecture is quite beautiful but these ...
Nukdookum comments on Oct 15, 2018:
Some of the best architecture in the world. Destroying art is never a good thing in my book.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 16, 2018:
@Nukdookum Where's the violence? Are you suggesting we pack the cathedral with clergy before lighting it up? I wasn't but you certainly do have some interesting ideas. ;)
Hi - question about formulation of etiquette with respect to new technologies and practices.
Surfpirate comments on Oct 14, 2018:
I've been thinking about doing an EV conversion to an antique Series II Land Rover, EV's are the future and I think we should encourage everyone to make the switch regardless of BEV or PHEV. If we must pick fights then let's first address the people with ICE vehicles who park in EV charging bays.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 16, 2018:
@kmaz I've owned two Jags and one Landy so far and all I can tell you is that they make a very pretty vehicle but let's wait and see how the current owner of the brand does with it. Tata has come a long way from Tuctucs but they are shooting very high.
Really a bit of a coin toss because sometimes the architecture is quite beautiful but these ...
Nukdookum comments on Oct 15, 2018:
Some of the best architecture in the world. Destroying art is never a good thing in my book.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 15, 2018:
@Nukdookum So how do we stop this pervasive cancer that eats away at humanity? Fire purifies but maybe there is a vaccine?
Really a bit of a coin toss because sometimes the architecture is quite beautiful but these ...
Nukdookum comments on Oct 15, 2018:
Some of the best architecture in the world. Destroying art is never a good thing in my book.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 15, 2018:
Actually the architecture was designed to humble and oppress people, I've been into literally hundreds of churches and cathedrals but it is always the same, uplifting but crushing at the same time. They knew what they were designing when they built these places of oppression.
Hi - question about formulation of etiquette with respect to new technologies and practices.
Surfpirate comments on Oct 14, 2018:
I've been thinking about doing an EV conversion to an antique Series II Land Rover, EV's are the future and I think we should encourage everyone to make the switch regardless of BEV or PHEV. If we must pick fights then let's first address the people with ICE vehicles who park in EV charging bays.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 15, 2018:
@kmaz I can't imagine Tata producing anything like the old Landies, ever. There are certainly a few hobbyist conversion out there but there are also many companies doing great EV conversions on classic cars and the price is not cheap.
Value of body language is against my principles, change my mind with a good argument.
Surfpirate comments on Oct 15, 2018:
I'm reading this exchange and I am thinking 2 things, High IQ and a personality disorder that might go with it like possibly Asperger's. I click on your profile and what do I find? It's not about right and wrong it's about social norms and those of us who live outside those norms. Most people ...
Surfpirate replies on Oct 15, 2018:
@Secular_Squirrel Read the first line of the Aspergers definition, these days anything different is a disorder.
Value of body language is against my principles, change my mind with a good argument.
Surfpirate comments on Oct 15, 2018:
I'm reading this exchange and I am thinking 2 things, High IQ and a personality disorder that might go with it like possibly Asperger's. I click on your profile and what do I find? It's not about right and wrong it's about social norms and those of us who live outside those norms. Most people ...
Surfpirate replies on Oct 15, 2018:
@Secular_Squirrel Aspergers is a disorder be it developmental or personality, I am not about to split hairs but I do hope you realize that my statement was not a criticism, quite the contrary. Most people function at a much lower level, both intellectually and emotionally. I am not here to argue or change an opinion, just offer an alternative viewpoint. I've found that it helps if you try to dumb things down a bit and try not to expound too much on concepts that I might find interesting but which just either go over the heads of others or make their eyes roll back in their sockets. It's better for me and it is better for them if I KISS when discussing things with others for the most part, although you may have already noticed that this group tends to be an exception to that rule.
Building a Reflecting Pond on a Budget.
Cast1es comments on Oct 14, 2018:
Very modern house !
Surfpirate replies on Oct 14, 2018:
Thanks, I had planned on building a French provincial style farmhouse with a huge eat in kitchen but I asked my wife what she wanted and she said she wanted something like this which was similar to a house we stayed at in Santiago, Chile. So I designed and built this instead, still has a huge eat in kitchen but it is all stainless steel instead of the one I had planned, it works.
Let's not get on the hate train because this is it's final destination.
Lavergne comments on Oct 14, 2018:
My mother was a young adult - German - during this period of time. Over the years she told me many stories of what it was like - what they endured. One thing she said that really hits home right now is that in the beginning of Hitler's rise to power he only talked about how he "wanted to make ...
Surfpirate replies on Oct 14, 2018:
@Lavergne You're welcome, I believe that good has always been stronger than evil, it just doesn't get the same level of attention in the media.
Let's not get on the hate train because this is it's final destination.
SukiSue comments on Oct 14, 2018:
It's horrible, what's going on in America today and even Elsewhere in the world. Back then it was really just Germany. It's being repeated but on a larger scale. So many of us can see this but are we enough? The division is what gets to me.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 14, 2018:
I think the hate filled people who are the ones driving this are in the minority but they are very vocal so they sound a lot bigger than they really are. We need to overcome their noise by speaking sanity and decency to their insanity and evil.
Let's not get on the hate train because this is it's final destination.
Lavergne comments on Oct 14, 2018:
My mother was a young adult - German - during this period of time. Over the years she told me many stories of what it was like - what they endured. One thing she said that really hits home right now is that in the beginning of Hitler's rise to power he only talked about how he "wanted to make ...
Surfpirate replies on Oct 14, 2018:
Back in the mid 90's I had a neighbour Gerta who lived two doors down who was the sole survivor for her family from the camps, she said I reminded her of her little brother Alex who had died in Dachau a few months before the war ended. Several times she came to my door in the middle of the night, crying and calling out for Alex, she would be drunk and distraught so I would get up and put on some clothes, walk her back home and sit with her for a bit over a cup of tea until she calmed down enough to go to bed. A nice old woman who had managed to survive the horrors of those evil days, she told me that when she was training for the JDF it was an old SS officer who was now in the French Foreign Legion who trained her how to fight, she hated him but she said he taught her things that would keep her alive later in the fighting in Israel. She didn't like to talk about Israel as she had moved to Canada in the 80's because she saw Israel going the same way as Hitler's Germany had when she was just a girl. Gerta had a German saying that translated as 'As we think and as we do, so we see in others too', I'll never forget it and how we make our own world from the perspective we have on life.
Mayoral Race Update Well we had the big all candidates meeting the other night, put on by the old ...
SukiSue comments on Oct 13, 2018:
Good luck! You will persevere and win! And if you don't... Well fuck them!
Surfpirate replies on Oct 13, 2018:
If I don't win I am afraid we will have all fucked ourselves because the old guard candidates are dreadful, although there could always be a bi-election if one or both of them die of old age.
Mayoral Race Update Well we had the big all candidates meeting the other night, put on by the old ...
mcgeo52 comments on Oct 13, 2018:
It sounds like you have a real shot at this. It all comes down to registration and turn out. Do you have an organization in place to get out the vote?
Surfpirate replies on Oct 13, 2018:
The voter list totals about 660 people for my district, it's not that big of an island so getting out the vote is more about motivating people to punch in their PIN # and vote online. There are no party lines here just vote for the candidate you want to be your representative and there are only 4 of us running.
MAYDAY!! but what would you say?
Nukdookum comments on Oct 13, 2018:
Pansexual sentient being into deep existential conversations, seeing the beauty that the universe has to offer, sensual romanticism promoting a deep emotional connection, and a love of intense stimulation of the senses. Seeks like minded partner.
Surfpirate replies on Oct 13, 2018:
Humans do make great pets for advanced life forms capable of interstellar travel and if they pee on the floor you can always eat them, delicious but a bit bony. ;)
I am Dr.
Pralina1 comments on Oct 13, 2018:
Dr Z , I have a mountain of laundry to fold and a full tank of gas in my car . Should I stay home today and do house chores or hop in the car and go somewhere w dogs ? Debating for last 2 hrs !
Surfpirate replies on Oct 13, 2018:
@Pralina1 Think, think, think - that's all we do. :D
I am Dr.
Pralina1 comments on Oct 13, 2018:
Dr Z , I have a mountain of laundry to fold and a full tank of gas in my car . Should I stay home today and do house chores or hop in the car and go somewhere w dogs ? Debating for last 2 hrs !
Surfpirate replies on Oct 13, 2018:
@Pralina1 I forgot where you are, my bad. Fire the clothes in the washing machine and put them in the dryer in the early morning, after that have fun.
I am Dr.
Stacey48 comments on Oct 13, 2018:
It's about freaking time the Dr. was in. I'm out of Moscow Mule mixers, but I have white wine, Italian cream, and a variety of small tomatoes. What should I do?
Surfpirate replies on Oct 13, 2018:
@Stacey48 In a pinch you can use that lime juice in a plastic squeeze container but just use Triple Sec in that case.
I was notified by one of our mutual friends that my new site was denied status, and yet has almost ...
Surfpirate comments on Oct 12, 2018:
Probably all those old pin up girl pics is what did it. Posting hot pics on a dating site where many are cruising to hook up and fuck their brains out is just not the sort of image that this site is trying to project because ????? wtf????
Surfpirate replies on Oct 13, 2018:
@Stacey48 Idle hands - the devil's playground. Let the games begin. :)


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