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Canadians know that most Americans are the sorts of people that we are happy to call friends and ...
coralisthree comments on Sep 21, 2018:
i hope canada invades us. minnesota will be one of the first states it will claim
Surfpirate replies on Sep 21, 2018:
@coralisthree LOL, Trump still thinks he isn't a traitor to his country. :D
Canadians know that most Americans are the sorts of people that we are happy to call friends and ...
coralisthree comments on Sep 21, 2018:
i hope canada invades us. minnesota will be one of the first states it will claim
Surfpirate replies on Sep 21, 2018:
Canada never invades anybody first, even when we were Brits and helped to burn down the White House we didn't even think of doing such a thing until a bunch of damn yankees came up and burned down our governor's residence.
Most of our Southern Cousins are good people, here's a letter from one of them.
Captain_Feelgood comments on Sep 21, 2018:
Damn those pesky numbers..
Surfpirate replies on Sep 21, 2018:
Well if you want to drag out skewed numbers then we're going to have to bring all of our comedians home and take away the few laughs that the USofA has left, except for the clown they have for a president, the whole world laughs at that village idiot. :D
Ugh, everyone who wants to hang out is religious. Why do I live in such a back woods area?
Surfpirate comments on Sep 21, 2018:
For the godless there are bastions of sanity to be found, even in the USofA.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 21, 2018:
@MissKathleen Apparently it is a lot warmer in Christian Hell than it is in Canada too. :) Name your poison. :D
The cost of a date varies a lot by which state you live in, here's a list of the average cost of a ...
SukiSue comments on Sep 20, 2018:
$271.51 in my state? Well no wonder why folks go only for coffee!
Surfpirate replies on Sep 20, 2018:
@SukiSue It is an average however, some dates would be less than $271 and some would be more.
The cost of a date varies a lot by which state you live in, here's a list of the average cost of a ...
SukiSue comments on Sep 20, 2018:
$271.51 in my state? Well no wonder why folks go only for coffee!
Surfpirate replies on Sep 20, 2018:
Perhaps just coffee on the first date but if you were serious about someone then I could see a quality date costing all of that $271 for dinner for two and tickets to a show. You can't see a play or the opera or a concert for less than $50 a seat so that leaves just $171 for dinner for two with a decent bottle of wine. Better than a couple of cheeseburgers I guess but not over the top either.
Most of our Southern Cousins are good people, here's a letter from one of them.
AlasBabylon comments on Sep 20, 2018:
It seems obviously stupid to antagonize Canada like Trump has. He just keeps on making things worse.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 20, 2018:
It's what he does best, make things worse. Here, have a paper towel.
Canadians know that most Americans are the sorts of people that we are happy to call friends and ...
Charlene comments on Sep 20, 2018:
I'd live there in heart beat if it wasn't winter damn near all year..
Surfpirate replies on Sep 20, 2018:
@Freedompath Our treatment of Japanese Canadians during WWII and German Canadians in both World Wars was far from exemplary, not to mention our treatment of Native Peoples who we are finally make some reparations to. I'm just trying to dispel the notion that some Americans have that they can just show up in Canada as though they were moving to another state, it's surprising how often I hear this although not as often as declarations that if the US runs out of water or oil they will just come and take our resources by force if necessary. The Americans may have the military might but they may be surprised just how patriotic Canadian blood can be.
Is there anything more stressful than leaving one kid to sort out another kid to get ready for ...
Surfpirate comments on Sep 20, 2018:
I'm sure your parents didn't call you on your mobile or text you when you had to sort or be sorted by a sibling, they would just patiently wait until you got home after school to determine if further sorting was required. Trust a little and realize that you can sort it later if you need to.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 20, 2018:
@Josephine Did the cops call you? Are you required at the morgue to identify a body? Some how I doubt that scenario is only something that runs in the back of your mind, try not to be a hover parent, let them be their own people, maybe that's why you didn't get a call right away. You can be caring and loving without being smothering.
Canadians know that most Americans are the sorts of people that we are happy to call friends and ...
Charlene comments on Sep 20, 2018:
I'd live there in heart beat if it wasn't winter damn near all year..
Surfpirate replies on Sep 20, 2018:
You do realize that while we like Americans in general we don't accept just everyone who comes knocking on the border.
Most of our Southern Cousins are good people, here's a letter from one of them.
ugly comments on Sep 20, 2018:
We won't be able to afford beaver pelts if this keeps up.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 20, 2018:
@ugly Cool, what are you going to replace it with?
Most of our Southern Cousins are good people, here's a letter from one of them.
ugly comments on Sep 20, 2018:
We won't be able to afford beaver pelts if this keeps up.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 20, 2018:
Or automobiles for that matter because the most productive auto plants are in Canada so a 25% increase in autos thanks to the steel and auto tariffs will be driving up the price of used vehicles in America.
Canadians know that most Americans are the sorts of people that we are happy to call friends and ...
Lukian comments on Sep 20, 2018:
Canada (we) did not participate in the Iraq war either but it wasn't a complete pass as Vietnam.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 20, 2018:
Technically our role in Iraq was peace keeping and training, still is for that matter. Our official position was perhaps a little different than our unofficial role. Our leadership was also the friendly face of the US invasion of Libya and the assassination of Khadafi, but yes we have fought alongside the Americans many times, often we are in the fight before them like in the World Wars.
Canadians know that most Americans are the sorts of people that we are happy to call friends and ...
OpposingOpposum comments on Sep 20, 2018:
Wholeheartedly agreed. Canada has been an amazing neighbor and we owe them an apology for letting our worst side show to them.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 20, 2018:
We'd happily accept an impeachment as a sign of good faith. ;)
Most of our Southern Cousins are good people, here's a letter from one of them.
escapetypist comments on Sep 20, 2018:
Canada is like Ned Flanders. :)
Surfpirate replies on Sep 20, 2018:
@minhmeister True and it is a bit worrisome as the neighbour who knows you shouldn't be taking your work home with you when you work in a nuclear plant.
Most of our Southern Cousins are good people, here's a letter from one of them.
escapetypist comments on Sep 20, 2018:
Canada is like Ned Flanders. :)
Surfpirate replies on Sep 20, 2018:
Since the US is our neighbour that makes them Homer Simpson. :D
Canadians know that most Americans are the sorts of people that we are happy to call friends and ...
KKGator comments on Sep 20, 2018:
Thank you for posting this!!! Our neighbors to the North put up with an awful lot from us. We should all appreciate them more than we do.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 20, 2018:
@KKGator We wait out 6 months of winter each year, we are a patient people so we understand but please impeach this son of a bitch sooner than later.
Canadians know that most Americans are the sorts of people that we are happy to call friends and ...
patchoullijulie comments on Sep 20, 2018:
The fact that the judge is from Florida is encouraging. Nice article.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 20, 2018:
Canadians know that Florida is largely bat shit crazy, we make up a big chunk of the Florida population each winter and we own a big chunk of your real estate, so we go there a lot when we aren't going to Mexico or Cuba. It is encouraging to see that a Floridian can see through the bull shit that has come to roost in the White House and the cost to Americans that are resulting from his insane actions.
Canadians know that most Americans are the sorts of people that we are happy to call friends and ...
KKGator comments on Sep 20, 2018:
Thank you for posting this!!! Our neighbors to the North put up with an awful lot from us. We should all appreciate them more than we do.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 20, 2018:
Thank you, we are trying but Mr. T is not making it easy for us. That said, we have never lost a war and we won't lose this one either if we are pushed into a corner and are forced to retaliate, we would much rather remain best of friends. Canada has lots of friends, we're one of the friendliest countries on the planet, so we could afford to lose one friend if we had to but we really don't want that to happen, stick with us and we will stick with you.
Ultimately, isn't all welfare just corporate welfare?
MissKathleen comments on Sep 19, 2018:
So, how do WE change it? Turning the Senate or House won’t change it. They are all members of the same old boys club. When do WE start demanding change? How do WE educate people? When do WE solve the problem?
Surfpirate replies on Sep 20, 2018:
You have to identify the problem in order to fix it. You can't change a government until the majority of the people are prepared to acknowledge the problem and be prepared to do something to fix it. That's what happened in 1776.
Enjoy yourselves ! Today is that fateful, horrid day.
ugly comments on Sep 19, 2018:
I hate pirates.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 19, 2018:
Avast ye, pirates hate the haters.
“As I’ve always said, a new day has dawned in Ontario.” drugged ford []
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Reality bites.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 18, 2018:
@Lilac-Jade I met Harper when he was just starting out in Calgary with the Reform Party, he was cold then but he got a lot colder as a person.
Those rednecks done outfoxed themselves. :D
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Surfpirate replies on Sep 18, 2018:
@mcgeo52 It pains me that Cruz grew up in Canada and still turned out to be such a total turd of a person.
“As I’ve always said, a new day has dawned in Ontario.” drugged ford []
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Reality bites.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
It sure does, this is the worst I have seen in Canadian politics, like a lobotomized Stephen Harper.
“As I’ve always said, a new day has dawned in Ontario.” drugged ford []
Captain747ex comments on Sep 17, 2018:
How the heck did he get elected? Did the people really forget how he was in Toronto? I don't get it. How are people like him and trump actually taken seriously enough to be elected? What the hell is going on with the world these days?
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
Blow back against a corrupt Liberal government that was seen to have been in power for too long and a very unpopular leader who was not only a woman but a lesbian had the conservative types just foaming at the mouth. Fear played a role too, the threat of a pinko NDP government with shades of Bob Rae's government had stupid people flocking to the populist without a platform or a budget, anyone who wasn't a lefty or a woman. I am ashamed of the people in my province and particularly in my home town of Toronto that backed Ford when they really must have known better. If I get elected in next month's municipal election I will have a long fight ahead of me defending my neighbours and fellow taxpayers on this little island in the middle of the St. Lawrence River.
And Drumpf doesn't care about normal people
Surfpirate comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Throughout human history every time that the majority of the wealth has become focused in the hands of the few where it lay idle and the majority of people therefore suffered economic hardship, there have been uprisings and revolutions. The super rich are always the ones who lose their heads ...
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
@Freedompath That's it, insecurity and emptiness but they still do a lot of damage.
Those rednecks done outfoxed themselves. :D
mcgeo52 comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
Say it ain't so!
I have a hard time controlling my reply fingers as well. Ah well, they'll get past it.
Surfpirate comments on Sep 17, 2018:
The first two always seem to lead to the last one. :D People decide to lob a verbal hand grenade at me and before I even think about it I have completed a drone strike on them with hell fire missiles, out of the smoking ruins comes some butt hurt remark about how mean I am. OOPS! (don't lob hand...
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
@ugly LOL I never joined the army, the thought of spending all that time in the brig was enough to deter me.
IamNobody comments on Sep 17, 2018:
What's the big deal??... Woman keep asking if I can kill a spider...
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
@IamNobody Don't worry, you can just rebuild it, even better than the original. :D
I spotted a post on FB about Poke Pizza and it reminded me of a Sashimi Bowl I used to make, so ...
MrLizard comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Tell me more about poke pizza please.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
We haven't had one of these for a while now, we are way overdue.
silverotter11 comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Good post. Someone having kindness issues?? hahahahaha don't come here for warma and fuzzy.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
@kenriley My bad, wrong group, I was thinking about that other bunch of cunts over at the Group Hug and Koumbaya Singers. :)
IamNobody comments on Sep 17, 2018:
What's the big deal??... Woman keep asking if I can kill a spider...
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
@IamNobody like a house on fire, invite me over and we'll see what's left of your house after the flambe'. :D
We haven't had one of these for a while now, we are way overdue.
Stacey48 comments on Sep 17, 2018:
I'm just now catching up. I love this meme!!!
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
@Stacey48 That's good, I prefer that to those mealy mouthed types that couldn't say Shit if they had a mouthful.
We haven't had one of these for a while now, we are way overdue.
Stacey48 comments on Sep 17, 2018:
I'm just now catching up. I love this meme!!!
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
@Stacey48 I don't think I even have more than 500 memes, where would I find them, how would I have the time to download them all?
And Drumpf doesn't care about normal people
Surfpirate comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Throughout human history every time that the majority of the wealth has become focused in the hands of the few where it lay idle and the majority of people therefore suffered economic hardship, there have been uprisings and revolutions. The super rich are always the ones who lose their heads ...
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
@Freedompath I have a stepfather who is more than rich and approaching wealthy, loves to count his money and manipulate his two useless kids by playing games over who is going to get the most of his fortune when he finally goes Snuffsville, a more miserable SOB you are unlikely to find and he takes cheap to a new level. He doesn't try that crap with me because I have no need for his money, happy with what I've got and live within my means, drives him crazy when his stupid games don't work on me. lol I realized a long time ago that rich people aren't smarter than the rest of us, they are just more greedy. Greed is the keep to amassing a lot of money, just realize you have to give up your happiness to focus on the greed.
We haven't had one of these for a while now, we are way overdue.
silverotter11 comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Good post. Someone having kindness issues?? hahahahaha don't come here for warma and fuzzy.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
@silverotter11 I have no doubt that it will be a much better party than the ones thrown around my place, lots of retired military that want to swap old war stories about peacekeeping duties. ;) One fellow was pushed from behind by a little old woman who didn't want him in her country, he fell into the concertina wire and ripped his jacket. :O Oh No!
We haven't had one of these for a while now, we are way overdue.
Stacey48 comments on Sep 17, 2018:
I'm just now catching up. I love this meme!!!
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
Yeah, I thought we weren't supposed to post those damned things on this group, fire that person's ass off this group. Damn Rulebreakers. :)
And Drumpf doesn't care about normal people
Surfpirate comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Throughout human history every time that the majority of the wealth has become focused in the hands of the few where it lay idle and the majority of people therefore suffered economic hardship, there have been uprisings and revolutions. The super rich are always the ones who lose their heads ...
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
@Freedompath The studies that have been done comparing the correlation between wealth and happiness have consistently found $70k to be the point at which further increases in income no longer yield significant increases in happiness, greater wealth has actually been found to be isolating and the source of unhappiness as it is hard to decide if someone is liked for themselves or for their money.
IamNobody comments on Sep 17, 2018:
What's the big deal??... Woman keep asking if I can kill a spider...
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
Can you? ;)
We haven't had one of these for a while now, we are way overdue.
silverotter11 comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Good post. Someone having kindness issues?? hahahahaha don't come here for warma and fuzzy.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
Although you have to admit that once you get past the abuse and derision, these are some of the nicest people you would ever hope to meet.
Seems about right
chalupacabre comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Suppose Chris Christie's keeping an eye out for people who might need hats.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
Or a roll of Bounty.
Surfpirate comments on Sep 16, 2018:
Dinner tonight was a spicy, yellow fin tuna poke bowl over a bed of sushi rice, the house is almost finished from design to construction, except for the plumbing because I really hate plumbing.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
@MissKathleen This Thursday would be a safer bet, I have no idea where I'll be on any given Thursday beyond this one.
We haven't had one of these for a while now, we are way overdue.
ugly comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Good morning.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
@SukiSue True that, it's after 9 am and nobody has really bothered to try fucking with me yet, I feel strangely blessed or blissed or whatever they call it when the sun is shining out of your ass on a Monday morning.
We haven't had one of these for a while now, we are way overdue.
MarlaRochelle comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Bye bye
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
@SukiSue That's the difference between like and love.
We haven't had one of these for a while now, we are way overdue.
MarlaRochelle comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Bye bye
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
@MarlaRochelle Well that's a relief, standing on my head makes me feel dizzy.
Every so often I find myself feeling this way, anybody else experience this?
moonmaid comments on Sep 16, 2018:
Very often. But the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
@moonmaid No worries, just lie really flat between the rails and let roll right on bye. Quite the rush if you survive. :D
We haven't had one of these for a while now, we are way overdue.
ugly comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Good morning.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
Good morning, have a super sparkly day. :)
We haven't had one of these for a while now, we are way overdue.
MarlaRochelle comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Bye bye
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
No don't go, please, please. We'll stand on our head and spit nickels if it will keep you from leaving. ;)
Eldovis comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Sometimes it's a way to learn what are her favorite dishes... Since I do most of the cooking i am curious to know.. You can also swap recipes
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
Good point although I have heard more than a few women relate how many men on dating sites are really just looking for a nurse/maid/cook and not a life partner.
I have a hard time controlling my reply fingers as well. Ah well, they'll get past it.
escapetypist comments on Sep 17, 2018:
My tuping is atrociuys. It happewns whenm i try to respoibd fast
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
No worries, got it.
Surfpirate comments on Sep 16, 2018:
Dinner tonight was a spicy, yellow fin tuna poke bowl over a bed of sushi rice, the house is almost finished from design to construction, except for the plumbing because I really hate plumbing.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
@MissKathleen It would be a bit of a trip but you're welcome to drop by my cottage on Thursday for lunch if you like, it will take you that long to drive here if you leave right now.
MissKathleen comments on Sep 17, 2018:
That is not an offensive question to me. It’s about division of labor. I would rather cook than do dishes. There’s a job for everyone!
Surfpirate replies on Sep 17, 2018:
The cook doesn't wash up, that's the deal in my kitchen.
Every so often I find myself feeling this way, anybody else experience this?
Hitchens comments on Sep 16, 2018:
I'm guessing that galloping in the direction of Canada...good luck to him I say!
Surfpirate replies on Sep 16, 2018:
@josephr Probably just as well, one false ignition and we might have blown up half the deck it was mounted on. ;)
btroje comments on Sep 16, 2018:
I can do both
Surfpirate replies on Sep 16, 2018:
I believe it. (y)
ProudMary comments on Sep 16, 2018:
Hey, my hubby did most of the cooking AND built the house.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 16, 2018:
Sounds like a good man and a smart woman. (y)
nikkir comments on Sep 16, 2018:
I can cook and build stuff. But am sarcastic and speak my mind. Maybe that's why I am still single ?
Surfpirate replies on Sep 16, 2018:
Maybe you haven't found the man yet that is worthy of you.
Every so often I find myself feeling this way, anybody else experience this?
Hitchens comments on Sep 16, 2018:
I'm guessing that galloping in the direction of Canada...good luck to him I say!
Surfpirate replies on Sep 16, 2018:
@josephr We used to fire potatoes out of a potato cannon from a buddy's place right by the dock for the Powell River Ferry, the barrel on the potato cannon kept getting bigger and the shots further until one day we put one across the bow and shortly after that the RC's showed up and confiscated the cannon. lol
I spotted a post on FB about Poke Pizza and it reminded me of a Sashimi Bowl I used to make, so ...
Paracosm comments on Sep 16, 2018:
That looks delicious!
Surfpirate replies on Sep 16, 2018:
It really was, I was talking to my nephew who is a chef with his own restaurant just the other night about poke pizza and how I thought it was just like the sashimi bowl I used to make when I lived on the ocean. The jalapenos are from my garden and it really kicked it up a notch above the wasabi.
Where's my fing coffee?
Surfpirate comments on Sep 16, 2018:
Stop, take a couple of deep breathes and then close your eyes and visualize the can of coffee and where you put it when you got home that day a week ago, probably some place different than the usual. You should be making coffee in no time, like I am right now, kettle is boiling and the french press...
Surfpirate replies on Sep 16, 2018:
@SukiSue I've only tried that Keurig stuff a couple of times when I was travelling and couldn't get a decent cup on the highway, what is in those little plastic containers? I know it's supposed to be coffee but I don't think they've got that figured out yet.
Every so often I find myself feeling this way, anybody else experience this?
Hitchens comments on Sep 16, 2018:
I'm guessing that galloping in the direction of Canada...good luck to him I say!
Surfpirate replies on Sep 16, 2018:
@josephr Victoria only has wet and not so wet as seasons. ;) I used to live in the Comox Valley, that was a lot of rain.
Every so often I find myself feeling this way, anybody else experience this?
moonmaid comments on Sep 16, 2018:
Very often. But the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 16, 2018:
Careful, I thought that once and it turned out it really was a train. :O
Every so often I find myself feeling this way, anybody else experience this?
Hitchens comments on Sep 16, 2018:
I'm guessing that galloping in the direction of Canada...good luck to him I say!
Surfpirate replies on Sep 16, 2018:
Actually the horse would be in Canada and probably thinking about where he should run to as winter approaches, Cuba sounds good.
Every so often I find myself feeling this way, anybody else experience this?
kenriley comments on Sep 16, 2018:
Yes, Almost every day, Break away from the crowd, I never was much for one that just followed along with what everyone else was doing.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 16, 2018:
I can see that from here. :)
Where's my fing coffee?
Surfpirate comments on Sep 16, 2018:
Stop, take a couple of deep breathes and then close your eyes and visualize the can of coffee and where you put it when you got home that day a week ago, probably some place different than the usual. You should be making coffee in no time, like I am right now, kettle is boiling and the french press...
Surfpirate replies on Sep 16, 2018:
@ProudMary Funny because we always keep our coffee in the freezer because it is whole beans in a bag, stays fresher that way.
Where's my fing coffee?
Surfpirate comments on Sep 16, 2018:
Stop, take a couple of deep breathes and then close your eyes and visualize the can of coffee and where you put it when you got home that day a week ago, probably some place different than the usual. You should be making coffee in no time, like I am right now, kettle is boiling and the french press...
Surfpirate replies on Sep 16, 2018:
@ProudMary Do let us know if that can of coffee that went astray ever turns up.
We need to stop making excuses for religion, stop enabling this disease and start treating it like ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Sep 13, 2018:
There are 4 ways to treat cancer: surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or immunotherapy? Should we forcibly lobotomize anyone that has belief? Should we irradiate the believers with non-belief so as to burn out their belief? Should we chemically alter believers to vaccinate or eradicate their ...
Surfpirate replies on Sep 16, 2018:
@TheMiddleWay I hereby yield the field and declare you the winner/whiner in this debate. Have a Blessed Day. ;)
This involves guns and many of you may be against anything I say after guns, that is fine.
Surfpirate comments on Sep 16, 2018:
You could take the .22 into the police station and ask them to destroy it, guns that have been seized or used in a felony are often destroyed after they are no longer required as evidence and you would get a certificate proving that it had been destroyed. If she wants the remains of the gun she can...
Surfpirate replies on Sep 16, 2018:
@zorialoki If your crazy Ex unloads a full clip into then she will be dealing with those boys in blue, you'll be in the morgue. Best of luck sorting this out, I know my Ex would love to unload a clip into my guts, maybe yours isn't quite that crazy.
Sept. 16: Dream Diary
Surfpirate comments on Sep 16, 2018:
A construction dream last night, something I haven't had in a while. I was back in Toronto in the neighbourhood I grew up in on Lake Ontario and I had a large job on the go which was bogged down in the usual day to day issues that are part of a large construction project probably a couple million ...
Surfpirate replies on Sep 16, 2018:
@JustLynnie I'm running for the deputy mayor's seat
Going back a ways for this one. []
chalupacabre comments on Sep 15, 2018:
Going back a ways is where I find most of my music - and then it's a bunch of Canadian stuff I heard while growing up close to the border. And we're not even talking about the big exports, but acts like Harlequin, Headpins, Doucette, and Toronto. Probably gonna catch shit for this, but Streetheart's...
Surfpirate replies on Sep 16, 2018:
Don't forget Trooper, the Canadian Party Band that is still going strong touring from coast to coast.
We need to stop making excuses for religion, stop enabling this disease and start treating it like ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Sep 13, 2018:
There are 4 ways to treat cancer: surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or immunotherapy? Should we forcibly lobotomize anyone that has belief? Should we irradiate the believers with non-belief so as to burn out their belief? Should we chemically alter believers to vaccinate or eradicate their ...
Surfpirate replies on Sep 16, 2018:
@TheMiddleWay To be honest, after the first couple of responses I stopped taking you seriously and have really just been taking the piss out of this exchange. Let's call it a day shall we? ;)
Okay! I have to stop walking away from my cooking as I get bored waiting for something to heat up.
Surfpirate comments on Sep 15, 2018:
I see you went to the same cooking school that my wife went to, she walks away from the stove all the time, sets the timer because that's what the fucking recipe says it will take to cook. I keep telling her that recipes are bullshit and cooking is an art as much as a science, she just keeps ...
Surfpirate replies on Sep 16, 2018:
@SukiSue A slight similarity in looks and cooking abilities and my wife does have great legs.
Going back a ways for this one. []
Surfpirate comments on Sep 15, 2018:
Let me try this again, for the American viewers.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 15, 2018:
@zorialoki Those are the types of Americans that I count among my friends.
Please don't accidentally mispost in the Memes edited - Offenders group as they might report you ...
Surfpirate comments on Sep 15, 2018:
Silver or Gold Tequila? Cointreau or Triple Sec?
Surfpirate replies on Sep 15, 2018:
@zorialoki I certainly wouldn't waste a good sipping tequila on margaritas but Hornitos or 1800 or Cazadores are all good for making margaritas with.
Going back a ways for this one. []
Stacey48 comments on Sep 15, 2018:
It seems to blocked in my country. Damn censorship.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 15, 2018:
Happens to me all the time in Canada, usually around American sites, apparently the Europeans don't feel the need to block me.
Going back a ways for this one. []
Surfpirate comments on Sep 15, 2018:
Let me try this again, for the American viewers.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 15, 2018:
@zorialoki I do get what you mean about the Americas, having lived in Canada, the US, Mexico, Nicaragua and Ecuador. It's just weird to hear it from an American, they are usually so egocentric about the USofA that they generally can't get their head around that concept. An American acquaintance in EC practically had a meltdown when I tried to explain this to him, he just didn't understand how there could possibly be an America outside of the US. lol
Please don't accidentally mispost in the Memes edited - Offenders group as they might report you ...
Surfpirate comments on Sep 15, 2018:
Silver or Gold Tequila? Cointreau or Triple Sec?
Surfpirate replies on Sep 15, 2018:
@zorialoki It's much like Sauza, cheap, mass produced tequila that is barely aged enough to qualify as reposado let alone anejo.
Hahaha! Check out our new member @ledgersquad 's profile picture! It's great!!!
SukiSue comments on Sep 15, 2018:
Anybody got kicked slapped or bit yet? No? Okay @ledgersquad is official.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 15, 2018:
Welcome you tea swilling Limey. :)
We need to stop making excuses for religion, stop enabling this disease and start treating it like ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Sep 13, 2018:
There are 4 ways to treat cancer: surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or immunotherapy? Should we forcibly lobotomize anyone that has belief? Should we irradiate the believers with non-belief so as to burn out their belief? Should we chemically alter believers to vaccinate or eradicate their ...
Surfpirate replies on Sep 15, 2018:
@TheMiddleWay You make it sound like I want to eat babies because I'm an Atheist. ;)
Please don't accidentally mispost in the Memes edited - Offenders group as they might report you ...
Surfpirate comments on Sep 15, 2018:
Silver or Gold Tequila? Cointreau or Triple Sec?
Surfpirate replies on Sep 15, 2018:
@zorialoki People are surprised to learn that they like it when they have my Margaritas, they are used to doing Tequila Shots and holding their noses because it is something in a Jose Cuervo bottle that comes in a coke bottle with no name before the bar dumps it into a Jose Cuervo bottle because people think that's the good stuff. lol
Going back a ways for this one. []
Surfpirate comments on Sep 15, 2018:
Let me try this again, for the American viewers.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 15, 2018:
@zorialoki Considering that my people have been Canadian since 1753 and one of them may have been involved in burning down the White House back in the summer of 1814, ahh that would be a big Canadian NO! Eh?
Please don't accidentally mispost in the Memes edited - Offenders group as they might report you ...
Surfpirate comments on Sep 15, 2018:
Silver or Gold Tequila? Cointreau or Triple Sec?
Surfpirate replies on Sep 15, 2018:
@zorialoki I tend to go easy on the contreau just because it masks the flavour of the tequila, although my margaritas do have a reputation for paralyzing people, a bit of a tightrope to walk when your guests are beer or wine drinkers for the most part. They go down so easy but getting them up off the floor can be a bit of a pickle.
Please don't accidentally mispost in the Memes edited - Offenders group as they might report you ...
Surfpirate comments on Sep 15, 2018:
Silver or Gold Tequila? Cointreau or Triple Sec?
Surfpirate replies on Sep 15, 2018:
@zorialoki Is there any other way to make a real Margarita? If I see a margarita from a mix in a Mexican restaurant I walk out without ordering, if they can't get that right then what chance is there for the flautas and the ceviche to be edible?
Please don't accidentally mispost in the Memes edited - Offenders group as they might report you ...
Surfpirate comments on Sep 15, 2018:
Silver or Gold Tequila? Cointreau or Triple Sec?
Surfpirate replies on Sep 15, 2018:
@zorialoki Marginally better but not really worth the jump in price, I find if you add a little extra, good quality, gold tequila it doesn't matter, especially if the limes are fresh and the salt is pink. As for the people who think that Margaritas come in a mix from a bottle, well we just won't talk about that. ;)
A Master Builder dies and goes to hell.
kenriley comments on Sep 15, 2018:
Good one
Surfpirate replies on Sep 15, 2018:
Give me a big enough budget and I'll build a Heaven and a Hell, if I build it they will come. ;)
Hahaha! Check out our new member @ledgersquad 's profile picture! It's great!!!
kenriley comments on Sep 15, 2018:
As far as I know he's not even in this group and we are already giving him hell, What a nice looking guy.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 15, 2018:
@SukiSue You shameless hussy, you. :D
Hahaha! Check out our new member @ledgersquad 's profile picture! It's great!!!
Mooolah comments on Sep 15, 2018:
He is worth following so I am. I love the limeys or is that term too offensive? Quite a movie collection.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 15, 2018:
So long as you don't call him a Pommey Git or a Merchant Banker I suspect he will be fine with it, just realize he may be calling you a Yank in return.
I'm drinking. What do we want to talk or argue about this evening?
Surfpirate comments on Sep 14, 2018:
Drinking is not drunk but I accept that some people can't control their impulses and use alcohol for its intended purpose, mellowing the body and the mind. Some people need to take it too extremes but not any of us here. :)
Surfpirate replies on Sep 14, 2018:
@ProudMary some things really shouldn't be multi-tasked.
I'm drinking. What do we want to talk or argue about this evening?
Surfpirate comments on Sep 14, 2018:
Drinking is not drunk but I accept that some people can't control their impulses and use alcohol for its intended purpose, mellowing the body and the mind. Some people need to take it too extremes but not any of us here. :)
Surfpirate replies on Sep 14, 2018:
@ProudMary Start slurring your sentences and I'll change my opinion. :D
I'm drinking. What do we want to talk or argue about this evening?
Surfpirate comments on Sep 14, 2018:
Drinking is not drunk but I accept that some people can't control their impulses and use alcohol for its intended purpose, mellowing the body and the mind. Some people need to take it too extremes but not any of us here. :)
Surfpirate replies on Sep 14, 2018:
@ProudMary Your grammar and spelling are fine, so you are not drunk.
I'm drinking. What do we want to talk or argue about this evening?
Surfpirate comments on Sep 14, 2018:
Drinking is not drunk but I accept that some people can't control their impulses and use alcohol for its intended purpose, mellowing the body and the mind. Some people need to take it too extremes but not any of us here. :)
Surfpirate replies on Sep 14, 2018:
@ProudMary I enjoy a drink but I abhor a drunk, probably because I usually wind up having to take care of them when they can no longer walk, drive or hold down the contents of their stomach - so annoying.
We need to stop making excuses for religion, stop enabling this disease and start treating it like ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Sep 13, 2018:
There are 4 ways to treat cancer: surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or immunotherapy? Should we forcibly lobotomize anyone that has belief? Should we irradiate the believers with non-belief so as to burn out their belief? Should we chemically alter believers to vaccinate or eradicate their ...
Surfpirate replies on Sep 14, 2018:
@TheMiddleWay If your perception deems me to be extremist but I haven't actually harmed myself or others then by your own criteria I am not an extremist but perhaps you just don't like strong terms, feeling more comfortable with the wiggle room that vague and political correct wording gives a person who lacks real conviction. Organized religion has a long history of institutionalized pedophilia, genocide, racism and sexism - where is the good in institutions that promote such ideals? As my father told me years ago 'If you don't stand for something, you are liable to fall for anything'. Step up or step down and get out of the way.
A Master Builder dies and goes to hell.
ugly comments on Sep 14, 2018:
Surfpirate replies on Sep 14, 2018:
@ugly I really wish you weren't but we do concur.
We need to stop making excuses for religion, stop enabling this disease and start treating it like ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Sep 13, 2018:
There are 4 ways to treat cancer: surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or immunotherapy? Should we forcibly lobotomize anyone that has belief? Should we irradiate the believers with non-belief so as to burn out their belief? Should we chemically alter believers to vaccinate or eradicate their ...
Surfpirate replies on Sep 14, 2018:
@TheMiddleWay I'm against delusional and dangerous thinking that endangers the public and puts others at risk, including the delusional people. The tricky bit is to determine when people have crossed the line from harmlessly mumbling at the ceiling (Xstians) or the floor (Muslims) or a wall (Jews) to radicalized fundamentalist extremism. The harmless ones are bad enough but until there is something dangerous presenting itself there isn't much to be done but to educate people against the harms of delusional, religious thinking. What good comes from religion that wouldn't come from people normally? Nothing comes to mind.
We need to stop making excuses for religion, stop enabling this disease and start treating it like ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Sep 13, 2018:
There are 4 ways to treat cancer: surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or immunotherapy? Should we forcibly lobotomize anyone that has belief? Should we irradiate the believers with non-belief so as to burn out their belief? Should we chemically alter believers to vaccinate or eradicate their ...
Surfpirate replies on Sep 14, 2018:
@TheMiddleWay I'm against delusional and dangerous thinking that endangers the public and puts others at risk, including the delusional people. This is the requirement for hospitalizing mentally ill people for their own safety and the public at large. Think about that for more than a second.
We need to stop making excuses for religion, stop enabling this disease and start treating it like ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Sep 13, 2018:
There are 4 ways to treat cancer: surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or immunotherapy? Should we forcibly lobotomize anyone that has belief? Should we irradiate the believers with non-belief so as to burn out their belief? Should we chemically alter believers to vaccinate or eradicate their ...
Surfpirate replies on Sep 14, 2018:
@TheMiddleWay So you're down with the idea of imaginary friends, oppression of women and oppression of non-believers, not to mention anyone who isn't heterosexual? You think this is normal and acceptable? Clearly your PHD stands for piled higher and deeper.
Hopefully we can now get back to our regularly scheduled FUN.
Surfpirate comments on Sep 14, 2018:
I didn't realize you were elected, I thought you were appointed.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 14, 2018:
@SukiSue Thanks but even if I knocked the soot off my wings people would soon realize that I'm not on the side of the angels. ;)
Hopefully we can now get back to our regularly scheduled FUN.
Surfpirate comments on Sep 14, 2018:
I didn't realize you were elected, I thought you were appointed.
Surfpirate replies on Sep 14, 2018:
@GuyKeith Was this a divine proclamation? ie did SukiSue do it? ;)
Chinese Colinisation []
Surfpirate comments on Sep 14, 2018:
I worked for several years with a Chinese firm around the time of the repatriation of Hong Kong to the PRC and I can tell you that their perspective is general speaking a very different one from the West. They still see themselves as the only civilized culture on the planet, the Caucasians are ...
Surfpirate replies on Sep 14, 2018:
@VAL3941 Building the naval base on those atolls? Yes that is just one in a long list of steps that will be taken. Western corporations think in quarterly terms but when I did work with the Chinese they would gloss over the quarterly reports except to discuss them relative to the 50 year plan which was the stepping stone to the 300 year plan. They take long term planning to a whole new level and when they decide to collapse the US dollar it will be catastrophic to the global economy, the difference is that they will be prepared for it.
We need to stop making excuses for religion, stop enabling this disease and start treating it like ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Sep 13, 2018:
There are 4 ways to treat cancer: surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or immunotherapy? Should we forcibly lobotomize anyone that has belief? Should we irradiate the believers with non-belief so as to burn out their belief? Should we chemically alter believers to vaccinate or eradicate their ...
Surfpirate replies on Sep 14, 2018:
@TheMiddleWay So you meet a person on the street and they tell you all about their imaginary friend and all the rules that this imaginary friend has laid down and how the imaginary friend really doesn't like women very much and if you don't do everything this imaginary friend demands then you're gonna die; this guy might even have to act as a proxy for his imaginary friend. Do you think this person is sane? Will you comply with his insane demands because you lack the intestinal fortitude to stand up for reason and your own integrity? Maybe you can find the middle ground on that, people who are wishy washy tend to be able to find the middle ground on practically everything, even on god, I call them agnostics. I will grant you that there is a possibility of a divine being, a sentient life force so far advanced beyond anything we can comprehend as naked apes that just crawled out of the cave a minute ago in terms of the solar system we live in but I doubt it cares if we jerk off or eat pork or shrimp. Religion is a plague on humanity and as such it needs to be treated as the disease that it is, a disease of the mind. So if you can't choose the side of reason and want to fudge about in your middle ground, that's just fine but don't expect sane people to think of your position as anything but a weak compromise.
A Master Builder dies and goes to hell.
GuyKeith comments on Sep 14, 2018:
I really thought the joke was going to go in another direction
Surfpirate replies on Sep 14, 2018:
@GuyKeith I'm not sure, I don't fish although I like the smell.


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