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We like hyacinth vines as ornamentals, and pollenator/humming bird attractors.
Surfpirate comments on Jul 9, 2018:
I wonder if you could grind up those seeds and use them as a pesticide.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 9, 2018:
@Hebert54 If someone can conceive of it then it's probably already been done.
After making the comment to @surfpirate about pigs flying, I got to wondering, If pigs could fly ...
Surfpirate comments on Jul 9, 2018:
I think the prohibition would still apply because of the cloven hoof but not chewing their cud rule.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 9, 2018:
@Nukdookum They wouldn't need to land more than once, seeing a pig fly would be so unique that once would be enough.
I know this is not a treehouse but I think it's pretty cool.
Surfpirate comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Years ago I used to build 990 sq ft starter homes in Calgary that we called grain silos because they were 2 stories tall with a 445 sq ft foundation but that is a real grain silo house. Love it.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 9, 2018:
@gigihein Thank you, it's hard for most people to see it without it being completed.
Just fucking brilliant and it makes a great xmas gift too. [youtube.]
Stacey48 comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Oh. This is amazing...and it's available at Whole Foods!?!?!
Surfpirate replies on Jul 9, 2018:
Maybe not at all their stores so you should ask the clerk next time you are shopping at Whole Foods. ;)
Reading through these Posts and comments, I am thinking how on earth can we claim we are having ...
Surfpirate comments on Jul 8, 2018:
I thought we were having witty and fun conversations without most of the constraints that political correctness imposes on us in our normal lives. I hope you aren't offended because if you are then you're probably posting this on the wrong forum.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@BurtsTime Funny you say that because my wife hates it but then she's a Francophone and says I mangle her language - she's right of course. :D
A friend of mine built this Earth Bag house in Ecuador, right on the river and a 15 minute walk to ...
ProudMary comments on Jul 8, 2018:
What an incredible looking place!
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
I'm not sure why he had this built, a bit of a whimsy I suppose. He waffles back on forth about keeping it or renting it out or selling it. It's a very eclectic house but it would have to go to someone who like JRR Tolkien as the decor is based around his books.
A friend of mine built this Earth Bag house in Ecuador, right on the river and a 15 minute walk to ...
Alvinsmama comments on Jul 8, 2018:
It's really interesting looking. I'd love to see what the inside looks like. Odd houses fascinate me.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
The interior was designed in a Lord of the Rings theme with mosaics of Smaug the dragon and other characters from the book as well as a large carving of a bear.
Brits are ready to start taking the piss out of Trump.
PickledRick comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Where can I get one?
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
I know this is not a treehouse but I think it's pretty cool.
Surfpirate comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Years ago I used to build 990 sq ft starter homes in Calgary that we called grain silos because they were 2 stories tall with a 445 sq ft foundation but that is a real grain silo house. Love it.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@Sheannutt Thanks, it's not done yet but I had a lot of engineering challenges with this one and I wound up doing 90% of the work from design to hands on construction by myself. It's hard to get any help on an island, let alone qualified help that can work on a custom home designed to commercial specifications.
I know this is not a treehouse but I think it's pretty cool.
Surfpirate comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Years ago I used to build 990 sq ft starter homes in Calgary that we called grain silos because they were 2 stories tall with a 445 sq ft foundation but that is a real grain silo house. Love it.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@Sheannutt I looked into the feasibility of using shipping containers for the home I am building right now and it just wasn't cost effective because of the hoops I would have to jump through with the building department and the engineer. So I came up with a similar plan but utilizing engineered web joists to allow for the cantilevers that my wife wanted. I drew up the plans based on a recollection of some houses we say in Buenos Aires that my wife liked.
Kids are expensive!
Surfpirate comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Sell one or two of the least attractive ones and that should pay for the others and the alcohol with a small profit. (Hint: the Arabs seem to pay the most) ;)
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@Lookin4love Since your bio says you have 2 kids then I guess it a matter of choosing a favourite or doing Eeny Meeny Miney Moe. :)
Any wrecker drivers in here?
btroje comments on Jul 8, 2018:
what do you want wrecked :-) hope you dont need towed now :-(
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@NothinnXpreVails I once left my car in the drop off zone at the airport in Calgary, taking my kids back from a visitation over the summer. By the time I paid for the cab to the wreckers yard and paid the towing it only amounted to $12 more than if I had left it valet parking.
Any wrecker drivers in here?
Surfpirate comments on Jul 8, 2018:
I used to dive when I lived in Bermuda, next door to Teddy Tucker. I used a Fischer CZ-21 and an Excal 1000 to locate metallic objects underwater. On the down low as they are a bit fussy about wreck divers in Bermuda, my finds were mostly recent jewellery, silver and gold but I did find a lead ...
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@KateZilla I just got it - tow truck drivers. lol
Any wrecker drivers in here?
Surfpirate comments on Jul 8, 2018:
I used to dive when I lived in Bermuda, next door to Teddy Tucker. I used a Fischer CZ-21 and an Excal 1000 to locate metallic objects underwater. On the down low as they are a bit fussy about wreck divers in Bermuda, my finds were mostly recent jewellery, silver and gold but I did find a lead ...
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@KateZilla Bermuda is littered with wrecks so if you dive there then you will end up diving wrecks, the treasure diving part was just something my doctor ordered to help me destress after work.
A friend in Ecuador sent me this pic of his garden and I thought I would share it with you.
Mooolah comments on Jul 8, 2018:
La Llorona....the weeper. A beautiful song. My favorite rendition is sung by Tish Hinojosa Those cactus are very old & spectacular. I so enjoy cactus being a child of the mid west.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
The house goes back to the late 1800's and was a bit of a basket case before Mick restored it, I expect the cactus were there when he bought the place 20 years ago. La Llorona is supposed to bring bad luck to any who hear her wailing, some say she will drown you as she did her own children, it's complicated.
Brits are ready to start taking the piss out of Trump.
DarrelScott comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Next time we should let the Germans take over the UK and be done with it.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@DarrelScott Was that supposed to be clever or just Texas clever, Sad.
Brits are ready to start taking the piss out of Trump.
DarrelScott comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Next time we should let the Germans take over the UK and be done with it.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@DarrelScott This from an Atheist living in Jesusland. :D
A friend in Ecuador sent me this pic of his garden and I thought I would share it with you.
Sheannutt comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Very beautiful
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@Sheannutt LaLlorona is a Latin American monster legend like Chupacabra but I agree with you. I have seen too many weird things that my scientifically trained mind cannot explain to not keep an open mind about strange and unexplained things.
Brits are ready to start taking the piss out of Trump.
DarrelScott comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Next time we should let the Germans take over the UK and be done with it.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@DarrelScott Relevant although it would have been easier for you to just use irrelevant, if you could spell correctly or even just use the American spelling of words which is much easier. Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one and they are entitled to it. I normally don't give a damn what other countries leaders are doing but the US seems to insist on sticking their nose into everybody else's business so that allows for me to stick my nose into their business. Next time try to hire a decent human being for the job and not an orange orangutan, please?
A friend in Ecuador sent me this pic of his garden and I thought I would share it with you.
Sheannutt comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Very beautiful
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@Sheannutt We loved it there, stunning views and lots of fruit trees in the walled compound and a 10 minute walk to the Plaza Central. I think we got such a good deal because there is a little brook that runs beside the house that is said to have a La Llorona which is a the ghost of a woman who has lost her children and wails at night by the water looking for them. There was some wailing from time to time and a few nights coming home from playing in poker tournaments I had a chill run up my spine as I crossed the water but other than that it was wonderful.
Brits are ready to start taking the piss out of Trump.
DarrelScott comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Next time we should let the Germans take over the UK and be done with it.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@DarrelScott Trumpette not Trumpet, I am starting to notice a pattern here. ;)
Brits are ready to start taking the piss out of Trump.
sassygirl3869 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Posted it yesterday-agree
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
I couldn't find your post but you definitely post a lot. (y)
A friend in Ecuador sent me this pic of his garden and I thought I would share it with you.
Sheannutt comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Very beautiful
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@Sheannutt That's a little resort built by a two German brothers who went backpacking around South America for a couple of years and said to hell with it, let's not go back but instead build a hostel the way we always wanted to find them when we were backpacking but almost never did. We stayed there for a month or so until we found this house to rent for $700/mth all in.
Just fucking brilliant and it makes a great xmas gift too. [youtube.]
MissKathleen comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Link doesn’t work for me. Oops, there it went...LOL, good product.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
The twitter link has been killed, I guess some people were offended.
Just fucking brilliant and it makes a great xmas gift too. [youtube.]
GuyKeith comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Server not found
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
It may have been deleted, I can't reach it now either, will try to source another link.
The dry spell continues, the rain promised for today has been pushed back until the middle of next ...
OlinWest comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Lovely, inviting path created by your home made pavers. The electric pump went out on my well. I replaced it with a solar panel and pump. I have one sorce for water at the well head. When I get a storage tank set up, I can plum gravity feed into the existing irrigation system. There are expenses...
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@OlinWest I could make it work with a power wall and solar collectors but it is worth it to stay on the grid for now. I have passive solar collectors for heating but no photo voltaics as yet.
Brits are ready to start taking the piss out of Trump.
DarrelScott comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Next time we should let the Germans take over the UK and be done with it.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@DarrelScott Hillary not Hiliary, just saying, you don't want to appear to be unable to spell, like a Trumpette.
Good morning.
Surfpirate comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Welcome, I lived just north of Orillia in the late 90's, just a kilometer up the road from the old Sundial Inn on Lake Couchiching. A nicer bunch of atheists you will be hard pressed to find but then we are all Canadians (well we actually let a few Yankees in because of their roots or love of ...
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@snikkers I know the area well, had my wedding after party at a friends place in Cumberland Beach, that got a bit insane. lol I also used to be the Scout Leader for the Washago Troop.
A friend in Ecuador sent me this pic of his garden and I thought I would share it with you.
Sheannutt comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Very beautiful
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
It is, we lived there for more than a year as the climate was more tolerable than Cuenca or Quito, only around 4,500' ASL and warmer than the main cities. Living there was muy tranquillo y lindo.
Brits are ready to start taking the piss out of Trump.
DarrelScott comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Next time we should let the Germans take over the UK and be done with it.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
These days I would say that the Nazis not only won the Battle of Britain but they are winning the war on Amerika too.
A friend in Ecuador sent me this pic of his garden and I thought I would share it with you.
Ellatynemouth comments on Jul 8, 2018:
That's beautiful!!! Truly! How lovely to sit out there in the evening with wine..
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
Vilcabamba, Ecuador in the Valley of Longevity. Mick moved there to get off the smack and never left, been there about 20 years now.
A friend in Ecuador sent me this pic of his garden and I thought I would share it with you.
Cast1es comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Wish I could see a close up of his totum pole .
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
I used to have a better pic of it when he commissioned it a few years ago for Casa Lechuza, can't seem to find it at the moment.
Well it is Sunday so all the religitards are out and about feeling holy - holy about themselves and ...
MissKathleen comments on Jul 8, 2018:
It is actually quite interesting art.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
That's what my wife says and she owned an art gallery for several years, then she gives a little shudder. :D
Well it is Sunday so all the religitards are out and about feeling holy - holy about themselves and ...
SukiSue comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Oh my! How disturbing!
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
Well sure but in a twisted, religious way so it's all good. ;)
Well it is Sunday so all the religitards are out and about feeling holy - holy about themselves and ...
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Is that picture by Hieronymus Bosch ?
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
Nailed it, very strange and fascinating to look at but still a bit creepy in the end.
We've got to add some international members so we can insult in foreign languages.
Surfpirate comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Calice, Tabarnak! Monty Pyton est Blackdog Anglais, mon dieu.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@SukiSue A little known fact about Biggus Dickus, he got his name because 'he no toucha da bottom but he breaka da sides'.
Well it is Sunday so all the religitards are out and about feeling holy - holy about themselves and ...
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
"I hope I haven't missed the part where the three Chinese guys give perfume to the star baby. It's, it's like the diaries of a madman!"
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
Ergot may have played a role in the creative process, that and religious visions of hell.
Reading through these Posts and comments, I am thinking how on earth can we claim we are having ...
Surfpirate comments on Jul 8, 2018:
I thought we were having witty and fun conversations without most of the constraints that political correctness imposes on us in our normal lives. I hope you aren't offended because if you are then you're probably posting this on the wrong forum.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@BurtsTime Pigs used to fly in the good old days, you just need a trebuchet to give that little extra bit of lift for them to get off the ground, then they would soar through the air and into the enemy castle where they would spread filth and disease. Oh, the pigs were usually dead and putrid when they achieved lift off but still flying through the air with the greatest of ease.
If 'the end of the world' were nigh, as the saying goes, say seven days before a devastating meteor ...
Surfpirate comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Sounds a lot like my everyday except that I would have to deal with all the idiots running around like chickens with their heads cut off because their routine had been disrupted. Otherwise it would be same old, same old although I would take some precautions in the event of our survival because I'm...
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@Lauren As thick as two short planks, most of them anyways.
Well it is Sunday so all the religitards are out and about feeling holy - holy about themselves and ...
zorialoki comments on Jul 8, 2018:
I believe most people claim to be religious but use church as a social gathering place more than a place of worship
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
Like a club house but mostly for assholes. :)
Reading through these Posts and comments, I am thinking how on earth can we claim we are having ...
Surfpirate comments on Jul 8, 2018:
I thought we were having witty and fun conversations without most of the constraints that political correctness imposes on us in our normal lives. I hope you aren't offended because if you are then you're probably posting this on the wrong forum.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@VAL3941 Well that's a relief, I was worried you were going to stop being all dry and sarcastic, maybe give into social norms of correct behavior. Whew!
Why Indeed?
Surfpirate comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Because the Tories are a bunch of cunts, Mate.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@Coldo I would say it is a simple matter of playing to class structures. The poor and ignorant white trash doesn't care if they have almost nothing so long as they can feel good about themselves because the black guy down the road has even less than nothing. It works well in class conscious English society where everyone is happy so long as they have someone else to look down their noses it. We always got a good chuckle out of the down at the heels Brits that emigrated to Canada back in the 60's and 70's who wanted to look down their noses at the 'Colonials' in spite of the fact that socially and economically we shit bigger than they were ever going to be with their ridiculous notions of class in a country like Canada where you are what you achieve and nothing more or less.
Well it is Sunday so all the religitards are out and about feeling holy - holy about themselves and ...
Sticks48 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
I think most of them are looking at their watches wondering where to go for lunch after church.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
Usually someplace cheap with an all you can eat buffet, preferably with a no tipping policy.
If 'the end of the world' were nigh, as the saying goes, say seven days before a devastating meteor ...
Surfpirate comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Sounds a lot like my everyday except that I would have to deal with all the idiots running around like chickens with their heads cut off because their routine had been disrupted. Otherwise it would be same old, same old although I would take some precautions in the event of our survival because I'm...
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@Lauren You'd definitely have historic precedent on your side if it all turned out to be a hoax instead of the end of the world as we know it, I feel fine. :)
Volunteering This seems to be a western idea as once, during a vacation work week, a professor ...
Surfpirate comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Coming from a communist society like China which believes in collectivism it makes sense that the idea of volunteering as a separate activity would seem strange to the professor doing the research. Volunteering services and giving charity are the other side of the capitalism society, it is part of ...
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@JackPedigo Well it's free for now and that's great but the business model of offering a free service and then once it reaches a viable level of popularity, changing it to a pay site is not a new concept.
On this morning's run I decided to stay in my neighborhood.
Surfpirate comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Edibles and oils are the way to go for pain relief. CBD oil is what I found effective, no high but then I find reality strange enough without enhancements. :)
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@GuyKeith Sounds trippy and I don't take those kinds of trips anymore. I have used natural substances for my whole life because my father is a Swiss trained naturopath. I don't take psychoactive substances but I must admit that I was tempted to try Ayahuasca when I was living in Ecuador, although it is kind of shitty and pukey as a side effect so that was a bit of a deal killer.
Since becoming an atheist six years ago I have come to the conclusion religious people tend to be ...
Surfpirate comments on Jul 8, 2018:
There are many things that may have come up that prevented this couple from going ahead with an offer on your house, it doesn't make them dishonest. The realtor is definitely behaving in an unprofessional manner although technically not unethical as you are not their client. The professional thing...
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@DarrelScott Most of my career I was a general contractor and master builder so eventually I got tired of paying out the exorbitant commissions in order to sell my homes. I took the course and became a realtor, then I took the broker's exam because I still had to split with the broker who held my realtor's license. It's a very twisted business for the most part and it is true that 20% or the realtors make 80% of the commissions but still it is a twisted business and professionalism is the exception and not the norm. There are plenty of nonreligious realtors who are just as unscrupulous as the religious ones but I must say there are more of the religious type. I even knew one realtor who joined a huge fundamentalist church to gain new clients after he had burned all of his contacts on the police force where he used to work and farm for clients. I would pursue it just for the sense of satisfaction but if they haven't come back by now then they probably aren't coming with an offer and if they do it will probably have nothing but trouble attached to it.
In Venezuela, is socialism the problem or it's the greed, corruption and incompetency of leaders?
Sedalien comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Venezuela's economic problems are, largely, a regional issue. Those, who claim that socialism is the root of Venezuela's problems, seem to ignore the fact that China has the fastest growing economy, in the world. Furthermore, they also seem to ignore that the Scandinavian countries, of Europe, are ...
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
Canada is also a social democratic country and enjoys a higher standard of living than the US as well as a higher level of general happiness but these radical ideas would never work in the US of A. I know this to be true because Amerikans tell me so, all the time. :D
In Venezuela, is socialism the problem or it's the greed, corruption and incompetency of leaders?
Surfpirate comments on Jul 8, 2018:
How many Americans have actually visited Venezuela and by visiting I don't mean going to an all inclusive resort in Curacao but actually lived among these people and developed a sense of what their lives are like? The answer to the problems in Venezuela should be obvious if patriotic propaganda ...
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@0752532706 Happy to be of some assistance I hope. There are other opinions out there, just check to make sure they are based upon actual experience.
On this morning's run I decided to stay in my neighborhood.
Surfpirate comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Edibles and oils are the way to go for pain relief. CBD oil is what I found effective, no high but then I find reality strange enough without enhancements. :)
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@SukiSue I spent many years dealing with chronic pain from a back injury and the pain killers would rot my guts out while the anti inflammatories would have me pissing blood. Better results with CBD and no side effects. (y)
Since becoming an atheist six years ago I have come to the conclusion religious people tend to be ...
Surfpirate comments on Jul 8, 2018:
There are many things that may have come up that prevented this couple from going ahead with an offer on your house, it doesn't make them dishonest. The realtor is definitely behaving in an unprofessional manner although technically not unethical as you are not their client. The professional thing...
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@DarrelScott Easy enough to confirm or deny that opinion with a home inspection, they're pretty much standard procedure these days. Sometimes agents will move their clients towards buying a different property if they think they can make a higher commission. Are you offering the normal rate? Real estate agents often like to comment on things related to construction or building conditions that they have absolutely no credentials in, I guess it makes them feel like they are doing more than playing chauffeur to earn their commissions. Sometimes people just change their minds and sometimes their financing falls through. Sometimes they get cold feet. Whatever the case, the agent should have called your agent or your agent should follow up to find out what is up, those would be professional actions.
Since becoming an atheist six years ago I have come to the conclusion religious people tend to be ...
Surfpirate comments on Jul 8, 2018:
There are many things that may have come up that prevented this couple from going ahead with an offer on your house, it doesn't make them dishonest. The realtor is definitely behaving in an unprofessional manner although technically not unethical as you are not their client. The professional thing...
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@DarrelScott Sorry, but I am not seeing anything in this thread referencing a non existent problem, am I missing something?
Why Indeed?
OlderMusicGeek comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Sad to see Britain becoming now like America! I always hoped it's be there other way around!
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@Marionville The tinfoil hat types may have been right, there is a New World Order/Illuminati plot afoot but it isn't ideological it's just big business as usual.
Why Indeed?
Surfpirate comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Because the Tories are a bunch of cunts, Mate.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@Coldo Why do the dumb rednecks in the red states keep voting in Republicans who say they will cut taxes and make life better for the working poor? They never do anything but line their own pockets and take care of the interests of the interests of the rich who they actually work for. Instead they get sent off to die in wars for profit and if they survive they are kicked to the curb like trash.
Why Indeed?
OlderMusicGeek comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Sad to see Britain becoming now like America! I always hoped it's be there other way around!
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
You would almost think that both governments are bought and paid for by the same corporate cartels.
Why Indeed?
Marionville comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Because the Tories are ideologues who think the rich need to keep getting richer without having to pay a properly fair tax rate on their wealth. They also insist that we are still a nuclear state and squander an obscene amount of money on Trident.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
They could save a lot of money on fancy nuclear weapon delivery systems if they just replaced all those missiles and submarines with a few good catapults. They only have to hit Brussels, how hard could it be? ;)
A Trump supporter visiting Canad a told me that he thought we were all a bunch of passive/aggressive...
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Surfpirate replies on Jul 8, 2018:
I like that expression when their eyes start to bulge in their sockets and they think it's all over. Always a good idea to let them go before they shit themselves, I mean who wants to sit next to a guy with shit in his pants after you have bought them a beer? lol
Volunteering This seems to be a western idea as once, during a vacation work week, a professor ...
Surfpirate comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Coming from a communist society like China which believes in collectivism it makes sense that the idea of volunteering as a separate activity would seem strange to the professor doing the research. Volunteering services and giving charity are the other side of the capitalism society, it is part of ...
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
@JackPedigo Although there is nothing to stop the benefactor from selling advertising on this site or adding a charge for the service once it gains enough members or from selling this site to another for profit.
It sure is hot out there but at least it isn't snowing.
graceylou comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Shhhhh, don't jinx it.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
@btroje We had hail covering the golf course when I was building in Bermuda in July, very weird weather, even for the Bermuda Triangle. :D
Sex and alcohol beat out kids and religion on the happiness scale
LucyLoohoo comments on Jul 7, 2018:
I've heard of lots of Catholic priests who've managed to combine the three.....
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
Unfortunately that is very true, all 4 when you think about it.
Surfpirate comments on Jul 7, 2018:
So when your irresistible force collided with their immovable object, which one yielded the right of way on the path?
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
@SukiSue My physics is a little rusty but while they had twice the mass you had more than twice the acceleration, they should have yielded to you as the superior force.
Costa Rica Becomes the First Nation to Ban Fossil Fuels
Secretguy comments on Jul 7, 2018:
We keep kicking around relocating there. Unfortunately it's the worst kept secret around.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
I scouted out Costa Rica back in the 90's and it was already a known quantity and over priced, Nicaragua was a much better value but with the troubles they are having right now it is not the place to be at the moment.
Good thought
MARDUK comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Never forget, never obsess! No Regrets! Best way to live life! LOL!
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
@MARDUK I bet. :D
It sure is hot out there but at least it isn't snowing.
graceylou comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Shhhhh, don't jinx it.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
July in Edmonton? Good point. (y)
Good thought
MARDUK comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Never forget, never obsess! No Regrets! Best way to live life! LOL!
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
That's pretty intense, think, think, think, that's all we do.
I would love to see Warren run against Trump in the next Presidential election.
sassygirl3869 comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Like Elizabeth Warren but need Joe Biden to win.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
@CrazyQuilter You may be right, we have women with similar views in Canada, most of them seem to be dying out. We could use another female Prime Minister in Canada.
A Trump supporter visiting Canad a told me that he thought we were all a bunch of passive/aggressive...
Stacey48 comments on Jul 7, 2018:
That was very Canadian of you.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
@Stacey48 No better place to learn than in Canada itself, come in February and avoid the crowds, the Canadians are all down in Arizona. ;)
A Trump supporter visiting Canad a told me that he thought we were all a bunch of passive/aggressive...
Stacey48 comments on Jul 7, 2018:
That was very Canadian of you.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
@Stacey48 It's the Queen's good English with a few American slang words thrown in for good measure, not that hard to understand, even for a Yankee rebel. :)
I would love to see Warren run against Trump in the next Presidential election.
sassygirl3869 comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Like Elizabeth Warren but need Joe Biden to win.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
@CrazyQuilter You must admit that it is just crazy that women talk about gaining power when they already have it by the numbers but they just can't seem to see it. If it's just propaganda then those old white dudes are doing a really good job of pulling the wool over the eyes of the rightful majority. Not only are there more women in the US than men but they vote in far greater numbers.
A Trump supporter visiting Canad a told me that he thought we were all a bunch of passive/aggressive...
Stacey48 comments on Jul 7, 2018:
That was very Canadian of you.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
Thanks for saying so and have a great day, eh! :)
I would love to see Warren run against Trump in the next Presidential election.
clarkatticus comments on Jul 7, 2018:
There is a huge following for Warren in the Democratic apparatus. I love her too but there is a problem, she has a lot of negatives. Like Hillary, she has been the point of attack for some time, the messages are lies but that doesn't matter. The problem is we are not fighting for the Democrat base, ...
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
Sounds like a well calculated and surefire plan to lose the White House again. If the Dems can't adapt their platform and their candidate to win over the undecideds and the not going to vote for a corrupt asshole types then they will lose to the goofy, xstian vote for anybody who's Republican idiots.
A Trump supporter visiting Canad a told me that he thought we were all a bunch of passive/aggressive...
Sticks48 comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Wonderful! ?
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
Canadians aren't ones for for pulling out a pistol and shooting someone because they don't like what they said, that's a coward's game. We'll listen respectfully and if what a person says has merit then we'll take it into consideration but if it is horseshit or disrespectful then we don't have a problem with knocking some sense into a belligerent idiot with our fists. Canadians are civilized about it and after we think enough sense has been pounded into the idiot, we'll help them up, dust them off and buy them a beer.
I would love to see Warren run against Trump in the next Presidential election.
sassygirl3869 comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Like Elizabeth Warren but need Joe Biden to win.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
@CrazyQuilter I guess that's it then, just let the old fools keep driving the bus even though they don't know where they are going and definitely don't want to go where everybody else wants to go, nothing to do but wait until they put the bus in the ditch.
Look what I got in the mail today. My girlfriend got me a Truly Tiny Banana
Surfpirate comments on Jul 7, 2018:
From tiny things, great things may come.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
@MissKathleen What? Where?
I guess Obi Wan doesn't get out that much because I see these crazies all the time.
Surfpirate comments on Jul 7, 2018:
What are Atheist Higher-Ups? Taller Atheists?
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
@RavenCT You're a Raven, you can fly as high as your Atheist heart desires. :)
I would love to see Warren run against Trump in the next Presidential election.
sassygirl3869 comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Like Elizabeth Warren but need Joe Biden to win.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
@CrazyQuilter Last I checked, women were the majority of voters in the US, maybe the old white men need to learn to take their place at the back of the bus.
I guess Obi Wan doesn't get out that much because I see these crazies all the time.
Ellatynemouth comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Alex Jones is a stain on humanity.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
He is that but his stain continues to spread because idiots believe him when he says these sorts of things.
I guess Obi Wan doesn't get out that much because I see these crazies all the time.
Surfpirate comments on Jul 7, 2018:
What are Atheist Higher-Ups? Taller Atheists?
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
@VAL3941 I've never met any atheists that were higher, unless you count the ones higher than a kite.
A Trump supporter visiting Canad a told me that he thought we were all a bunch of passive/aggressive...
MissKathleen comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Oh, my!
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
Oh, Yes!
I guess Obi Wan doesn't get out that much because I see these crazies all the time.
Surfpirate comments on Jul 7, 2018:
What are Atheist Higher-Ups? Taller Atheists?
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
@VAL3941 Rasputin may have just been misunderstood, or not. Hell of a constitution if the legends of his death are to be believed.
I would love to see Warren run against Trump in the next Presidential election.
sassygirl3869 comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Like Elizabeth Warren but need Joe Biden to win.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
Why???? It's the 21st century and virtually every other western nation has had a female leader.
I guess Obi Wan doesn't get out that much because I see these crazies all the time.
Surfpirate comments on Jul 7, 2018:
What are Atheist Higher-Ups? Taller Atheists?
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
@VAL3941 There is method to your madness, Grasshopper. ;)
I see more posts on dating sites for hookups than for dating.
sweetcharlotte comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Would someone please define "Hook Up" for me? I was under the impression it was something like prostitution, meet a person somewhere only for sex, for free. Is that it? Are these dating sites promoting free sex? Sounds very dangerous and degrading.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
@StilInterested To each their own, not my thing and certainly not about to pay money for the thrill of it all. People practice safe sex all the time and there is an element of risk in everything we do. I do what I like and do my best to allow others to do the same.
Does the West actually face a migration crisis? - The Washington Post
ronodokk comments on Jun 28, 2018:
No, but American voters have a right to choose who we let in this country. China has a wall. If the native Americans built a wall 500 years ago, would wall building be viewed as wise and effective?
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
China built the Great Wall more than 2,000 years ago to keep out the barbarians (that would be Caucasians like us as well as the Mongols) it didn't work. Hadrian built a wall in the British Isles to keep out the Picts, it didn't work either. The Native Peoples thought they were safe because they were separated from White Europeans by a huge ocean, it didn't keep us out either. The world is a fish bowl, you can't piss in one corner and not expect to wind up drinking it eventually. Stop the reasons for migration and you will stop migration.
I see more posts on dating sites for hookups than for dating.
RavenCT comments on Jul 7, 2018:
If they admit to that before the first date - it's probably a good thing. Even if it's disheartening.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
I had a woman in a business suit put such a question to me in a bar when I was in my 20's, actually it was more of a statement. She looked me up and down and said "You'll do, let's go back to my place", it was direct, honest and impersonal. I told her thank you but no I was married and not interested. She cocked an eyebrow at me as if disappointed in me and her judgement of my character, said "Fine, your loss" and walked away. A very attractive woman, friends told me she was a high powered lawyer in a prestigious firm down town, apparently she was used to getting what she wanted, she left with some guy in a baseball jacket about an hour later.
I see more posts on dating sites for hookups than for dating.
Marionville comments on Jul 7, 2018:
I’m looking for extra marital sex because I”m a cheating SOB! .......Now how would that sound on a dating site? How gullible do they think women are? Well, we are not all the sharpest tool in the toolbox I suppose and then there are women who just want sex too, so it would be simpler to just ...
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
I've known two men who simply walked up to women randomly and asked them if they were interested in sleeping with them, they had a fairly high rate of success. Clearly for some people it isn't the issue that is for others.
I see more posts on dating sites for hookups than for dating.
sweetcharlotte comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Would someone please define "Hook Up" for me? I was under the impression it was something like prostitution, meet a person somewhere only for sex, for free. Is that it? Are these dating sites promoting free sex? Sounds very dangerous and degrading.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
Are you saying it's degrading because it is free or because it is only impersonal sex? I'm personally not a fan of impersonal sex because I think it is one of the most personal things you can do with another person but you did mention the price twice so I ask.
Well, I'm stretched out on my hammock, enjoying the habitat garden, a Dos Equis, or two.
egyptrican comments on Jul 7, 2018:
There wouldn’t be any hunger! ?
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
So long as there are people who don't believe they are sated unless there are other people who are hungry, there will be hunger. :(
I was inspired by SukiSue's Airport Facebook posts.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 7, 2018:
One of my favourite stories about air travel is the case of a baptist minister on a plane to San Francisco, who spying a newly married gay couple sitting across the aisle and a few seats down, took umbridge. After the third time that one or the other of the happy couple kissed their partner before ...
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
Logic is waste upon the illogical, still funny! :D
The deer are starting to graze closer to the garden again, probably because it has been so dry ...
Sheannutt comments on Jul 6, 2018:
Deer are so awesome but they can be so destructive. I hope the lavender and garlic works and keeps them away.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
@FrayedBear I actually tried that last year but to no positive effect, these deer are not hunted so they have little fear of humans. I can get within a stones throw of them before they even think about moving away, they would be easy targets with a compound bow.
The dry spell continues, the rain promised for today has been pushed back until the middle of next ...
OlinWest comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Lovely, inviting path created by your home made pavers. The electric pump went out on my well. I replaced it with a solar panel and pump. I have one sorce for water at the well head. When I get a storage tank set up, I can plum gravity feed into the existing irrigation system. There are expenses...
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
I am at the highest point on the island so I don't get inflow into my well until 181 feet so a solar powered shallow well pump won't work. I have experimented with an airlift pump but it was impractical.
I was born in 61', the first year for the X'ers but my daughter was born in 85' so a Millennial but ...
MichelleGar1 comments on Jul 7, 2018:
I think that my 2 children have some X'er traits and some millienial.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
@MichelleGar1 keep up the good work then (y)
The deer are starting to graze closer to the garden again, probably because it has been so dry ...
MissKathleen comments on Jul 6, 2018:
Is that fence high enough?
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
@MissKathleen I pulled the chicken wire cover off the beats yesterday and turned it into a climbing wall for the green beans, this morning I found hoof marks all through the patch of beats. They ate most of the beat greens but left most of the beats lying on the ground or part way out of the ground. I don't eat beat greens so not a total loss. I will rototill that area and replant in a day or so.
It's that time of year again - Wedding Season!
sassygirl3869 comments on Jul 7, 2018:
I'd rather live in sin.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
lucky for you there's no hell so you get all the tax breaks too. ;)
Leading Candidate For Supreme Court Claims Bible Precedes Constitution
Ellatynemouth comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Things are quite scary in America. The land of the free - unless you're an atheist.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
Or poor or hispanic or black or a visible minority or gay or trans or a debt slave or or or - anything but an elite.
I was born in 61', the first year for the X'ers but my daughter was born in 85' so a Millennial but ...
MichelleGar1 comments on Jul 7, 2018:
I think that my 2 children have some X'er traits and some millienial.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
When were the X'er trait children born? Could it be that they are following in Mom's footsteps and values?
What do you think of the work of the underground Nazi Hunters travelling the world post WW2 hunting ...
Surfpirate comments on Jul 6, 2018:
I think Orwell put it quite succinctly when he wrote "We are all equal but some of us are more equal than others.' It's very rare that the top brass take the fall for their crimes, that's what middle management is for, probably why there was so much outrage when the Jewish survivors started ...
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
@fishline79 I didn't discuss it too intensely for concern of triggering him but I think it was more about identifying victims for burial by any of the survivors by the time a person could get to a surgery the limbs would not be viable for reattachment. On the bright side he retired from the military and after a few years of working as a nurse in a federal prison he won the lottery $6M and retired to a nice home on the water just down the road from me.
Undeniable evidence of trolls inhabiting my yard. These ONLY grow in troll poop:
MissKathleen comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Wonder if it’s psychedelic.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
@bigpawbullets Safest thing to do if you aren't absolutely sure. (y)
Undeniable evidence of trolls inhabiting my yard. These ONLY grow in troll poop:
MissKathleen comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Wonder if it’s psychedelic.
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
It looks like a Bolete mushroom of some variety, if it is then it is edible but you would want to check it out first, blot the gills and see how they stain, etc. The large one is pretty far along in it's life cycle so probably full of bugs but the smaller ones would be fairly easy to identify. Psilocybe cyanescens is the magic mushroom you are thinking of which has psychedelic effects.
Have You Saved Someone's Life?
Surfpirate comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Been in that situation a few times, once when I was only 15 and I was waiting for a friend and I guy came out of the house across the street with a roll of paper towel between his arms soaked in blood. He had just bought the house and the previous owners had given it a coat of paint to spruce it up...
Surfpirate replies on Jul 7, 2018:
@LiterateHiker He's called a Progressive Conservative up here in Canada, although there is nothing progressive about him. I think of him as proof that you don't have to be smart to be rich, you just have to be greedy, cheap and mean - luckily for him my mother is religious or she would have left him long ago. Fiscally I am to the right of him but socially I am far to the left.


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