If you like tRump, just go away now. Atheist, Autistic self-advocate, crazy cat lady. I work with children and love them, but with my autoimmune and genetic history, having biological children would be irresponsible (I am open to helping you raise children). I have Celiac Disease and multiple food allergies, so I can be fussy about where we go out. I use my bicycle and public transportation due to Epilepsy. I am in tolerably good physical condition at the moment, but that could change if my autoimmune disorders reactivate.
I try to be open to new experiences, but I hate loud noise and bright or flashing lights. Think of me as being as sensitive as a cat, and you won't be far off. I like nature, bicycling, quiet nights, star gazing, reading, and quieter music, like an acoustic live performance.
I will admit to being greatly dedicated to my work, since I work with children with developmental disabilities. It's only too easy for me to identify and empathize with many of them.
I also have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (Primary Flexibility type), which turned into early arthritis, and Primary Immunodeficiency (inborn, you can't catch it). I am active in the Disability Rights Community.
Very much to the political Left in the USA, Progressive politics. Healthcare for all, against Citizens United, was active in the Occupy Movement.
Tied to Arizona by professional license. I believe in being open about my faults. My personality profile was INTJ when I was younger, now ISTJ. I have Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder. I know Cognitive Behavioral Therapy better than many professionals. Quite frankly, my life has been hell, and I admit it.
I am not, and never have been, a Capitalist. My mother, school, and surrounds tried to force me into a mold, and it never worked. I'm somewhere in that messy grey area where Socialism and Communism conspire with Anarchy when it comes to economics and politics. I'm firmly for destroying BOTH major parties currently running the USA and giving people an illusion of choice while both are controlled by Wall Street and the 1%.