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That is interesting indeed.
The-Krzyz comments on Dec 3, 2023:
What a great bit of history! I wonder if, like many peoples who have migrated to other lands, they brought something of their traditions with them — food, music, etc. The Welsh are know for their fine choral traditions, for instance. Too few US residents appreciate how diverse their American neighbors are, I think.
English-born American Founding Father, political activist, philosopher, political theorist, and ...
The-Krzyz comments on Dec 3, 2023:
A great and courageous thinker, I think. Sadly, after the revolution, many of his former friends and allies distanced themselves from him — even Jefferson — because he was so open and uncompromising about his atheism. They often agreed with him, but hid behind their “deism,’ which was more socially acceptable.
What happens when you sleep naked? ...
The-Krzyz comments on Mar 12, 2024:
Yay: Vindication!
I recall reading.
The-Krzyz comments on Dec 4, 2023:
First read Conrad when young, and have ever since been captivated by his style and his darkly nuanced vision of life and morally ambivalent take on humanity. Fans of another Joseph — Campbell — might recognize that most of the ”heroes” in Conrad’s tales are of the “wounded king” type: fatally flawed in the Greek Tragedy sense. Conrad’s family came from the same area, ethnic background and class as mine; we both had the same first language and learned English later in life; were both merchant mariners and later, journalists. I only wish that I was half as good a writer as he!
Gen Z and millennials are reviving public libraries, study reveals -- KPTV Fox 2
The-Krzyz comments on Dec 22, 2023:
I see this as very good news: As a bookish kid who fell in love with libraries when quite young; improved my English-language skills, educated myself on many topics not touched upon in school and went farther than my teachers could on others, and eventually worked my way through college as an employee of my county’s public library system, I can only be encouraged by the thought that libraries will continue to offer enlightenment, comfort and support to many others in the future!
Fight or Flight? I'm Fight Flight left
The-Krzyz comments on Jan 3, 2024:
You don’t have to choose, but can easily have both: join the Air Force …
Work really hard and this can be you ...
The-Krzyz comments on Jun 1, 2024:
I'm always proud to have this said of me: Hard work is exhilarating and liberating. But I work for myself and with, not for, others. The concepts of “retirement” and the label of “employee” do not apply. The toxic assumption behind this conversation seems to be less about work and more about the acceptance of servility.
This is the video release of the Spanish account about the slaughter of Hepatha of Alexandria .
The-Krzyz comments on Jun 8, 2024:
A fine film with some good performances and a serious attempt to portray the complexity of its characters and of a time of great change, capturing the politics behind the ideas of the day. Weisz really creates a sympathetic and believable Hypathia. I stumbled upon this gem late one night while channel surfing, and am so glad I did!
Can men and women be friends? []
The-Krzyz comments on Oct 9, 2018:
Definitely. I take friendship pretty seriously. My late father told me as a youth that one is lucky if one has a handful of real friends in life. That being said, I have, and have had, several close female friends, and they enrich my life in many ways, often our differences being a key factor in opening my eyes to new things and perspectives.
Look at this despicable antisemitic crap.
The-Krzyz comments on Oct 9, 2018:
It just amazes me that these ridiculous, stupid and hateful old ideas still have traction. People want answers, and will embrace "answers" about life's problems that make them feel special, or better than others. They want to lay blame. What they don't want, or aren't equipped to tackle, are the complexities of their world and their situations. In a way, isn't this the flip side of a desire to blame or credit some god for what goes on in the world?
I vote we replace Columbus day with Columbo day. Who's with me!?
The-Krzyz comments on Oct 10, 2018:
Love it!
Imagine you can only live in and travel one continent for the rest of your life.
The-Krzyz comments on Oct 10, 2018:
I had to choose Asia because of it’s size and all of the many different cultures and culture zones there (even though I could argue for Eurasia: That Europe and Asia are geographically one entity). Am especially interested in Central, South and West Asia, because that’s where my paternal roots are, and I have “genetic relatives” in the Hindu Kush mountains and on the steppes of Kazakhstan!
Happy birthday to Thelonious Monk.
The-Krzyz comments on Oct 10, 2018:
Thanks for this! I once lived in a garret in Oakland at the top of an old building that had been a speakeasy during Prohibition and, later, a jazz club. Word is, the Monk performed there!
Is anyone else grateful that the fashion for the word 'Bright' seems to be fading.
The-Krzyz comments on Oct 11, 2018:
Yes, I’m glad its fading. I would never use the term, which I see as a rather weak attempt at public relations in the name of the a community that really needs to speak clearly about who we are, what we believe - and don’t - in the face of continued marginalization and purposeful misinterpretation.
How do you feel about emojis and abbreviated words (like "u" instead of "you") in texts and emails?
The-Krzyz comments on Oct 11, 2018:
I try to be flexible. As a communicator, my concern is: Am I making my point in a way that is understood by my audience, in a way appropriate to the medium. Works for texts to teenagers, articles in newspapers, or a speech at a convention. And, it all adds up to a greater vocabulary for me to use, a better “bag of tricks.”
Is the solution to "hate speech" more speech or less speech?
The-Krzyz comments on Oct 12, 2018:
I think stupid, destructive and deceptive information thrives among audiences that have poor judgement. Poor judgement thrives in environments that limit experience and information. Access to more speech and information better equips people to be able to make up their own minds without a need to “protect” them. Once someone decides to protect me from dangerous ideas, its a short hike to censorship of unpopular ideas in general.
I got a text fundraising for republicans.
The-Krzyz comments on Oct 12, 2018:
“Fuck off, please. :) “
Everyone says their religion is the right one.
The-Krzyz comments on Oct 13, 2018:
OK: Beyond the obvious (that we tend not to learn much after death ... ), the attitude that "my gods are the only ones" is a feature of monotheism. Polytheistic faiths tended to believe that it was natural for different peoples to have their own gods, and if your neighbors had a particularly intriguing one, it was OK to borrow it and add it to your own. Folks fought plenty of wars back then, but they didn't have what we think of as "religious wars." Those came with the dawn of the "world faiths" we know today.
What is "Compartmentalization" with regard to religion?
The-Krzyz comments on Oct 13, 2018:
"Compartmentalization in religion?" Is that like when Jesus finally got his own room?
Here's a mystery I've been trying to solve for a long time.
The-Krzyz comments on Oct 15, 2018:
I think I’m in a similar place, philisophically. To my understanding, atheism is simply a rejection of the idea of a god or gods. For most folks, this is also a rejection of religion, as the religion(s) they know are based on belief in gods. Some religions, however, are Philosophically godless in some forms, such as Classical Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Many of us wrestle with the question of whether we reject supernaturalism in any form, including much of what’s called “spirituality.” I can’t say I positively “believe there are no gods,” rather that I am not in any way convinced that such beings exist either through any arguement or through what I observe in the world around me. My world doesn’t need gods, and works just fine without them!
Au contraire, flat earthers... you ARE idiots. []
The-Krzyz comments on Oct 15, 2018:
If the earth isn’t flat, then why aren’t the levels we buy at the hardware store slightly curved? Huh? The Conspiracy is yuge ...
Good morning from south Florida, where do you live?
The-Krzyz comments on Oct 16, 2018:
Well, we were beginning to feel like fall here in Los Angeles, California, then the wind changed and sent hot air blasting in from the desert, raising us into 80-degree plus territory again.
Halloweens coming!
The-Krzyz comments on Oct 17, 2018:
In combination with Dia de los Muertos, this is my favorite “mini-holiday season!”
Believe me when I say.
The-Krzyz comments on Oct 17, 2018:
Hey! I’m also an atheist and - as you can see - there’s a lot of us here. True, there are many other viewpoints expressed on this site, which makes for a lot of interesting conversations and occasional strife. The easily managed price of diversity, I figure. (A little diplomacy goes a long way!) I’ve checked out some specifically atheist sites, but have been disappointed so far ...
A man walked into a bar with a look of despondency on his face.
The-Krzyz comments on Oct 17, 2018:
Silly. Loved it!
If your pet could talk, what would it say to you?
The-Krzyz comments on Oct 18, 2018:
“Smash the state, before it’s too late.” Seriously. Anarcho-pets, I have ...
"When you're chewing on life's gristle don't grumble give a whistle.
The-Krzyz comments on Oct 21, 2018:
I love this film, and believe it is historically accurate ... Also, I plan to sing at my own crucifixion. Haven’t picked a song yet.
The Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens.
The-Krzyz comments on Oct 21, 2018:
I know exactly where these are! Love the Huntington. Great place for an early morning walk, especially before they open to the general public.
A thought crossed my mind and I'd like the input/opinions of others on it.
The-Krzyz comments on Oct 25, 2018:
I don't think so. They may talk about "free will," but it's like voting in a dictatorship: You can only choose an option they have given you. Our "option," our choice, is not on their ballot. A theist who takes our type of freedom seriously enough to be envious, is more than likely to join us!
John Lee Hooker & Lighting Hopkins - Rock with me []
The-Krzyz comments on Oct 30, 2018:
Man, that’s sweet! If I’m wrong, and there IS an afterlife, I want to go wherever they’ll be playing the blues ...
Any regrets?
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 1, 2018:
Hmm. I have both: regret for some things done and some undone. Some became obvious at the time or soon thereafter; others with the passage of time and a change of perspective. I don’t dwell on them much, however. I make the best calls I can depending on circumstances, available options/understanding, and state of mind, and then look forward again. I guess I have some regrets, but am not regretful.
The Wrath of Khan.
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 1, 2018:
Like any good villian, I can “boo” him while some little part of me thinks he’s really cool ...
Am I crazy?
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 2, 2018:
Oh, lord! Or, not-lord ...
Is the only way to lose one's citizenship if born on American soil is denouncing it? []
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 3, 2018:
I may be hazy on all the options, but I know renouncing US citizenship as part of the process of establishing citizenship in another country is one way, and serving in the armed forces of another country can lead to loss of citizenship. (Another involves being an active, professional pirate in international zones, but this is hard these days, believe me. Real hard.)
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 4, 2018:
As an editor, I don’t want to spend eternity searching for the missing “M.”
Some students and I played Celtic music for people at a hospital on Saturday.
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 4, 2018:
Wonderful! I am not of Celtic heritage, but certainly enjoy their musical traditions. Also, I know that when one is in a place like a hospital, your world can get quite small, so knowing people care enough to come in from “the outside” to share and spend time really means a lot. Good on you!
Important atheist question: When you die, would you let them bury your body or cremate it.
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 5, 2018:
Viking-style funeral.
I say NEVER again to Bible studies.
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 5, 2018:
What passes for “study” of the bible among most believers is pathetic, which is too bad. There is actually a lot of interesting stuff buried in there if one tackles it with a critical and informed perspective. Of course, doing this is not likely to leave you a “believer.” Most bible study is like bad science, because you start your inquiry with your mind already made up!
Do any politicians in any party really care about "making America great again" or do they only care ...
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 5, 2018:
Talking about past glories is an unmistakable hallmark of decline. What constitutes “greatness?” Cheating and slaughtering your way across a continent? Enfranchising and empowering your citizens to ease their lot during a Great Depression? Expanding the bounds of science and understanding on earth and in space? If we don’t define the term, many folks will just think it means what they want it to mean, and are open to manipulation.
How disgusting is this?
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 5, 2018:
Sounds like the sort of drivel Mother Theresa used to spout. Before she became an atheist ...
Two guys walk into a bar. ... You'd think the second guy would have ducked.
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 5, 2018:
Men: how comfortable are you with women?
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 5, 2018:
It really depends on the individual and the situation. I can't generalize based on such large categories.
[] the "GMO-Free Himalayan Salt," was LOL
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 6, 2018:
That stuff is full of gluten.
Christian Activist: By Voting, Democrats Are Violating the Will of the People | Hemant Mehta | ...
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 8, 2018:
As the US used to say in justifying political/military interventions in “third world” countries, “These people are not yet ready for democracy!”
Has mental health treatment stopped evolving?
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 8, 2018:
The mobilization of Peers and peer-support strategies is revolutionizing mental health practice across the globe. No one can understand what you are going through like someone who has experienced - and is in recovery from - a similar experience. With a good combination of supports and treatments, 80% of people facing mental health challenges recover.
Just saw an interview with a well-known actress who says she's now only taking on "passion ...
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 8, 2018:
I have a similar reaction when young people are advised to “find their passion” careerwise. Some may have that luxury, but most folks just need to find a way to learn something useful in order to survive. Depending on who and where you are, options can be limited.
Air Force removes baptism from basic training graduation requirements — Duffel Blog
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 8, 2018:
OMG: This is great! I always suspected that gravity was Satanic ... (Never heard of Duffelblog before, but I love this, as a lifeling fan of good satirical writing.)
Read me please
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 9, 2018:
Keller is definitely one of my heroes! I generally agree with this sentiment, but will quibble over the word “faith.” One never knows how things will work out. BUT, I think an optimistic ATTITUDE can be a helpful and positive thing in facing life. Doesn’t mean you turn your brain off, don’t plan, or take unintelligent risks. It can lead to trying new things, however, and give some perspective to even bad experiences.
Any Warren Zevon fans here? Warren Zevon - Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner []
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 9, 2018:
I’m still waiting for someone to send me my lawyers, guns and money.
The curious orgins of the War on Christmas.....
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 9, 2018:
I am a loyal foot soldier in the War on Christmas ... (That's me, by the tree.)
I Don't understand how in this day of age people are still able to believe in the fairy tales called...
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 9, 2018:
Not sure I can get behind the "in this day and age" part. In most ways, we are not that different from our ancestors, except that we are less clever and less adaptable. Just because we have all these gadgets and toys doesn't mean we have really evolved much. Science -- REAL science -- is a shining exception, but it is still under attack by lesser and more fearful minds.
Nothing like hot bread right out of the oven.
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 10, 2018:
Wonderful! As a kid, my mom baked a lot, but two breads stand out in my memory: banana bread with chopped walnuts; and challa, a type of braided egg bread that made it's appearance each year around the Spring Equinox. Best thing about the challa was ripping off pieces by hand while it was still hot, and melting butter on it before popping it into our mouths. She always had to bake two loaves, as the first one didn't last long!
Are you a nihilist?
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 10, 2018:
This is the most challenging A-Com poll question yet for me! As a nihilist, shouldn’t my answer be “no?” Agonizing ...
For all the writer's here, I have a question.
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 10, 2018:
I think being able to face such things, and then go on to articulate them, is what can give your work power and meaning to both yourself and your readers. Takes courage, clarity and skill. Good luck!
Whatever else my bipolar ass ever says on here the simple truth is my world don't turn without this ...
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 10, 2018:
Aww! Good on you both!
National Lampoon - Deteriorata 1972 Taking out some wall hangings and art I had packed away a ...
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 10, 2018:
This is The Code by which I have tried to live my life.
Changes and Reflections: Rights of Nonbelievers Publicly Acknowledged at UN -
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 10, 2018:
It's about bloody time!
I know many atheists who are more Christian.
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 10, 2018:
And "christian" is meant as a ... compliment?!? Them's fightin' words!
This site describes being 'spiritual' as belief in the supernatural, so I ask is it possible to be ...
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 10, 2018:
Lordy, yes! My first post on this site questioned the value/validity of "spirituality." I got a few nods in agreement, but was thoroughly whacked by many, many members who got offended, defensive, some even a bit nasty about it. Now, I live life as a fugitive, always looking over my shoulder, haunted, hunted by minions of the New Age, threatening me with "energy," "higher power," and improbable yoga postures. It's kinda fun.
[] Dana Rohrabacher, US Congressman Fond of Putin Loses His Seat -Yay!!!@
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Good riddance! I lived in his district for several years, hating that he was my “representative.”
Is it right to feel paternal over a pet?
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 11, 2018:
I wouldn’t call it “paternal,” but I’ve always felt a sense of kinship with many of the animals I encounter. Some have been pets; others “ fellow travelers,” like the three semi-feral cats I inherited from my late sister; or the several raccoons and possums that share my property; and even the varied critters I cross paths with in the wild. Not that I sentimentalize nature, but maybe respond to an “animal-to-animal magnetism!”
A query here that perhaps some 'closeted' Theist amongst us may be able to answer.
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Switzerland has a stunningly high rate of gun ownership — here's why it doesn't have mass ...
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 12, 2018:
I’ve come across similar info regarding Canada, mostly focusing on the cultural differences to the US.
I’m doing a thing.
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 13, 2018:
Yes! Sometimes, better to throw ourselves out there than waiting around for “perfect” circumstances!
I just noticed that I have 62 followers. WTF is wrong with you people?
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 14, 2018:
I think Jesus said the same thing, but it was edited out of his book ...
This is a Test.
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 14, 2018:
Whew! THAT explains it!
Early Warning Signs of Facism - Taken From a Poster From Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 14, 2018:
“Early warning” signs?!? In my book, any one of these alone is bad enough and needs to be challenged. I certainly wouldn’t wait and let them begin to pile up!
Have moved to Sacramento....looking forward to hearing from you...
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 15, 2018:
Hope you like it there! I don’t live there, but go to Sacramento a lot for work and politics, and have done so for years, and I find it an enjoyable place. Great city to walk and explore, with some cool restaurants. Good luck!
I am new here, and having a look around.
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 17, 2018:
We are a diverse community, with our share of frivolous nonsense, to be sure, but more than the average share of interesting people and independent thinkers. Welcome!
Depression Looks Different For Everyone
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Like a lot of mental health diagnoses, it's an umbrella term that covers a wide range of experiences. When I'm not well, I'm not necessarily even sad or "down on myself." But, I'm out of energy and lose interest in doing things, even things I love doing. So, I've learned not to fight it, but to give it room, and give myself time to recharge my batteries, confident that I'll eventually come out OK on the other side. I've also developed a sense of when an episode might be on the way, and try to take a step back from stress or overextending myself. This works pretty well for me.
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 18, 2018:
Aww: Condolences! I always feel that my “furry fellow travelers” enhance the quality of my life significantly.
Which of the "seven deadly sins" do you most enjoy partaking in or of?
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 18, 2018:
This was very hard, fond as I am of most of them. In the end, it was Lust and Wrath, neck-and-neck in the final stretch, with Wrath finishing first. I really like Wrath.
Who's your favorite Christian band?
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 18, 2018:
Faith + 1 -- Best christian music ever!
Name 5 cities in the world you would visit if you had the time and resources before 2018 ends.
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia - because my ancestors rode with the Mongols; Havana - always wanted to visit; Krakow - a classy city I just love; Athens - so much history; Veracruz, Mexico - history, seafood, and that wonderful music!
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 20, 2018:
The value of an independent judiciary!
Do you like music in languages you don't understand?
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Sure! The music itself has to hook me first, and then curiosity about any lyrics or libretto follows. I enjoy music from many places and cultures.
How does a employee deal with an incompetent manager?
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Does this person care? I mean, enough to listen to employees who could be supportive with good advice? If policies are being broken, there is HR. Shop steward if you have a Union. The manager’s manager if you think it’s safe. Finally, my personal fave: sabotage.
Saudi Arabia declares all atheists are terrorists in new law to crack down on political dissidents...
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 20, 2018:
They aren’t alone as far as countries that criminalize atheism or even expressions of religious doubt, have blasphemy laws, or allow violent crimes - including murder - against atheists to go unpunished.
I lay outside one night on my back.
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Love it! Been there ...
Write your eulogy and see how it makes you feel. It gives you the "why" of your life.
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 20, 2018:
I have forbidden any kind of service, including a eulogy, when people figure out that I am no more. Instead, I have this crazy idea: I am working on a podcast, about an hour long, with a little commentary, but mostly carefully selected music which will be my final meditation on life and death. That way, it’s portable in terms of both time and space. Having lots of fun putting it together!
That kinda day.
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 20, 2018:
I have been on some extended camping and backpacking trips and, towards the end, have had my carefully planned menu fall apart, leaving me with all sorts of bizarre combos. I pretty much remember all of them tasting good! Mother of invention, and all that!
Has anyone read "Illusions" by Richard Bach?
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 21, 2018:
Gosh: Many years ago! Enjoyed the story; enjoyed the engine oil smudged on the pages of the edition I had ... Have been fond of Bach since I read “Biplane” as a youth.
American 'killed in India by endangered Andamans tribe' - BBC News
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 21, 2018:
I guess he got their point(s). Sic semper missionaries!
Arlo Guthrie’s “Alice’s Restaurant”: the story behind the Thanksgiving staple - Vox
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 22, 2018:
I vacationed in the Berkshires in western Mass. a few years ago and, in addition to more popular tourist destinations (Norman Rockwell Museum, Tanglewood), I made the pilgrimage to all the sites associated with the song: The “scene of the crime (littering),” the courthouse where the hearing took place, and, of course, the actual restaurant, now with a new name. No more Alice ...
Someone didn't think this through.
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 23, 2018:
I find the combination with the motto “Virginia is for lovers” especially disturbing. What the hell goes on there?
So... Who else can eat leftover homemade cranberry sauce and sweet potatoes for breakfast?
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 24, 2018:
I’d certainly give it a try: Sweet potatoes rock!
After years of taking up too much space, Trump is finally small.
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Noticed this article, too. If an "incredible shrinking Trump" is the trend (which I'm hoping), can we continue from "small," skip "tiny" and go on to "microscopic," if not "non-existent?"
Anybody outhere watched or read Cool Hand Luke?
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 24, 2018:
A classic! Lots of great performances, plus great lines, from "what we have here is a failure to communicate," to "shaking the bush, boss!"
Honestly missionaries are evil.
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Missionary “work” is a form of aggression. Missionaries have been agents of empire and genocide for centuries.
Is it harder for non-believers to find love?
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 26, 2018:
The love part is just like for everyone else. Depending on where you are, however, sometimes just finding each other can be a challenge.
You may hold your desires...
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Hmm. Didn’t Lord Buddha teach that desire is a form of attachment, thus leading to suffering?
Would you raise your children religious just to fit in?
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Never! This is not a benevolent thing we are discussing. A child should learn about the world as it is, without delusional roadblocks to understanding, let alone destructive and viscious ideas like “hell” and eternal damnation.
Prove all things....1 Thessalonians 5:21 The thing about can't be proven..
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Ah, Saul of Tarsus, the ultimate con man!
When people tell you it's important to believe in "something", do they ever specify what that ...
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Ask them “why” and the answers can get interesting. Sometimes some nonsense about “meaning” and “purpose,” sometimes a glimpse into some scam ready and waiting to control or exploit believers of any stripe.
To get rid of unwanted junk during the holidays, put it in an Amazon box and leave it at your front ...
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Not in my neighborhood! More likely to meet some really pretty, explosive-sniffing dogs attached to the local bomb squad.
Why do the Satanists worship a God that went to Geogria and lot a fiddle playing contest to a ...
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 26, 2018:
At least he played fiddle. He has skills!
Here's a $5M question for each of you...
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Tempted to take the money and try to prove the Beatles wrong ...
What are your thoughts on the series Adam Ruins Everything?
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 27, 2018:
I enjoy Adam's work a lot! Although I identify with several of the labels we can choose on this site, it's primarily my skepticism that has lead to my atheism and the other ways in which I identify myself philosophically. Adam appeals to this in an entertaining and engaging manner while modeling what critical thinking can look like.
Feeling ambitious and inspired and tired of America! Would anybody be interested in starting a new ...
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 28, 2018:
No more countries, no more borders, no more flags. It's too late in the world ...
Are you happy enough?
The-Krzyz comments on Nov 28, 2018:
Yeah. I've learned through hard times what things I really need to both survive and be happy, and that's not really that much. Of those things, most of them are to be found the world around me, which I need access to, as opposed needing to possess. I'm lucky in that I have more than enough of such people, things and circumstances, and I've worked hard to learn about life and the world, make good choices and empower myself to not be too dependent on others for happiness. Without dependency, when I DO find happiness through others, it seems freer, purer and more abundant..


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