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Do NOT shoot up cleaning products! This is safer...
d_day comments on Apr 25, 2020:
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 25, 2020:
Stealing that for FB. Wonder if they will block this one too...
Someone got a visit from home healthcare.
Killtheskyfairy comments on Apr 25, 2020:
We are living in interesting times with a Russian installed madman and his enablers on the news spouting dangerous ideas he picked out of his ass.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 25, 2020:
Then immediately picks his nose right after...
Someone got a visit from home healthcare.
bobwjr comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Trump university ?
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 25, 2020:
Fake medicine from a fake president. What else would you expect? Next he'll say mickey d's clears arteries...
Don't do drugs.
Redheadedgammy comments on Apr 25, 2020:
I want to see JUST ONE journalist stand up and say to his face, “what the hell is wrong with you”? Someone needs to step up and embarrass this idiot and perhaps the spell will be broken with his followers!
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 25, 2020:
@Redheadedgammy I really have a hard time believing any politician at this point. Too bad the DNC did Sanders like the last election...
Teenie Weenie Peenie! WW their is a pic of a junk.
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Nice video, but WTF did you say?
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 25, 2020:
There is a pic of a peepee in the vid. Just warning...
Don't do drugs.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Apr 25, 2020:
## Side show: when Trump says something amazing dumb like recommending drinking disinfectant and EVERYONE agrees it's amazingly dumb, later he claims he was being sarcastic.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 25, 2020:
Yeah right. On the video where he said this, you can see him looking off to someone several times where it looks like he is looking for approval from someone. Most people on here know when I am being sarcastic. If I was president I would not make a joke about this. Remember our future leaders eat tide pods!? When Obama jokes, it's not about something like this, and you know it.
Don't do drugs.
Redheadedgammy comments on Apr 25, 2020:
I want to see JUST ONE journalist stand up and say to his face, “what the hell is wrong with you”? Someone needs to step up and embarrass this idiot and perhaps the spell will be broken with his followers!
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 25, 2020:
@Redheadedgammy A friend and I were talking about Biden for hours last night, and politics in general. We have come to the conclusion that he is basically a Democrat version of trump. :(
Do NOT shoot up cleaning products! This is safer...
Cutiebeauty comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Not doing it...
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 25, 2020:
Yeah, but like most non-trumpsters, you have a brain. I don't need any formal medical training to know this is bad.
Don't do drugs.
Redheadedgammy comments on Apr 25, 2020:
I want to see JUST ONE journalist stand up and say to his face, “what the hell is wrong with you”? Someone needs to step up and embarrass this idiot and perhaps the spell will be broken with his followers!
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 25, 2020:
Yeah. There was meme on here or FB that said someone should get a prize if they ask him what the fuck he is doing. He has said some DUMB things. But this? I think we can all agree that this is the dumbest! Let's face it. If someone asked that point blank, he'd kick him/her out, cry FAKE NEWS, that's CNN. JUMP FOR TRUMP 2020! That's when all followers of him jump off a bridge! A tall one. That would take care of our voting problem. But I don't like Biden at all, and I hate to say what I am thinking...
Teenie Weenie Peenie! WW their is a pic of a junk.
LucyLoohoo comments on Apr 25, 2020:
I'm no expert but....there's GOT to have been something wrong with his parents/their approach to life! How else could anyone be so warped?
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 25, 2020:
The apple don't fall too far from the tree...
I hate when this happens! If only I had...
Kynlei comments on Apr 23, 2020:
What an idiot, there's a ladder right there! 😊😁😂
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 23, 2020:
@Kynlei I know. I mentioned scissor lift. One mechanic would drive it around the shop when it was slow just to mess around. One day he stopped by my bay and with said lift just to ask where another mechanic was. I said I don't know so he peeled out (floor was wet) and he said "I'm gonna find Alan". Another time two mechanics went MIA for a few hours. Later in the day I saw the lift with the extension all the way up. They were both sitting on it. I asked what the hell they were doing. One said "hangin' out". Good enough for me. Side note I got volunteered to put up an antenna on the 3rd floor via lift. The jackass lifted me all the way to the top on another lift (this was a forklift). I was standing on one of the forks 3 stories in the air. He thought it's be funny to back up really fast. When I got down I wanted to beat his ass so bad. I almost fell off. I never told my boss on him. One night some of us were at the shop late hanging out. He said "mike is scared of hights". Then I bitched at him in front of the boss. I thought he was gonna hit him. He should have been fired. Yeah Covid-19... I am super bored.
TRUMP GONE WILD! At least caught on tape lying.
Charlene comments on Apr 23, 2020:
He's slubbering, beef witted, canker bloom..
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 23, 2020:
Kudos for a new name for him. Thought we ran out a long time ago.
I hate when this happens! If only I had...
Kynlei comments on Apr 23, 2020:
What an idiot, there's a ladder right there! 😊😁😂
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 23, 2020:
Or electric up and down thingy (technical term). Whatever floats his boat. Wait a sec.. Is he an hourly union worker?
Good Afternoon Everyone! Happy Thursday! My stimulus check finally came - US mail to the wrong ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 23, 2020:
You can has please share with me? Jokes aside, I thought him signing them was, well, a joke. Better make sure where the encorcement doesn't have a stamp saying "by signing I agree that DJT is the Prez" or something. A place I quit working for had something similar saying "by signing you agree ...
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 23, 2020:
@sassygirl3869 Gotcha. I just had a Dr visit this morn. I was on a 20# restriction. Now 10#, and can't stand for more than 30 mins. The nurse told me "to just stay at home and be a couch potato". You have me on a worse restriction, and am telling me to do even less than what I could do? Can one literally die of boredom? I think I might.
TRUMP GONE WILD! At least caught on tape lying.
Freedompath comments on Apr 23, 2020:
I was able to access that piece! What a ‘baldfaced liar’ we have as president! Sometimes Facebook will allow you to view certain things?
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 23, 2020:
Not sure. Lots of times it wont. Surprisingly, these are the types of posts FB will block. We all know that this is just a tip of the ice berg lies. I love (and hate) when a trumpster posts some garbage about trump. Then I say "no that isn't true". Then I get the "fake news", "put your tin foil hat on", "so", "...but he speaks his mind", or "I don't care" replies. Or when I post a vid of him saying "oh you always have to go to youtube". Yeah, that's where lots of video clips are.
Good Afternoon Everyone! Happy Thursday! My stimulus check finally came - US mail to the wrong ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 23, 2020:
You can has please share with me? Jokes aside, I thought him signing them was, well, a joke. Better make sure where the encorcement doesn't have a stamp saying "by signing I agree that DJT is the Prez" or something. A place I quit working for had something similar saying "by signing you agree ...
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 23, 2020:
@mischl Yeah, but you can only call someone asshole and motherfucker soo many times before it loses it's meaning. :(
I hate when this happens! If only I had...
SiouxcitySue comments on Apr 23, 2020:
It always helps if you understand what ya' got to work with. Hopefully, the first thing is a brain.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 23, 2020:
Maybe sissor lift is broke? Hopefully he isn't too lazy to find the remote. Then again he is doing more work the way he is doing it. Dunno.
"Hey, it's Wednesday, let's fire someone!" []
TheDoubter comments on Apr 23, 2020:
let's fire Trump
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 23, 2020:
We tried that with the impeachment. What am I talking about. How do you fire someone that didn't win the popular vote. Should not be close to the white and far far away at mar a lagoon. I like the auto correct so I'm gonna keep it. He'd be there the same amount of time, but we wont be paying for it.
What is trump babbling about now?
NHjulie comments on Apr 20, 2020:
Yes, he is an idiot. It was his way of giving the testing responsibility back to the states and then making sure they fail in democrat states by telling people to ignore their governors. The second amendment part was just throwing in some red meat to the starving thugs. The Virginia governor is ...
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 20, 2020:
I figured that is what he was doing. I didn't want to assume anything (even though I was right about my funny gut feeling). He is beyond stupid.
What is trump babbling about now?
Bierbasstard comments on Apr 20, 2020:
This should help:
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 20, 2020:
If I could like this twice I would! I had a feeling he was babbling about Coronavirus. This guy is funny AF! "Thanks 'notmedicaldoctor Phil". "Yelling at 3CPO's balls". And "blowing out the fake media". I laughed out loud! I'm sharing this! :)
No, no, NOOOO! These people must be living in Flint Michigan because something is in the water.
SeaGreenEyez comments on Apr 19, 2020:
Sanders dropped out because right after Super Tuesday Obama made his move and did what corporate Democrats do ... There was no path forward after dirty deeds began. Same as 2016, just a different brand of rigging. And the plan has already backfired because Biden can't string a sentence ...
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 20, 2020:
When has biden done/said rasist things? I haven't been following him much until now.
Capitalism: A Love Story (free on YouTube w/commercials 2hrs long) Only about 15 min in and can ...
Redheadedgammy comments on Apr 20, 2020:
I’ve liked all of Mr. Moore’s documentaries. They give people a lot to think about.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 20, 2020:
For the most part he hits the head on the nail. But he just comes off as arrogant. Anyways I did watch the rest and *shocker *the last about quarter of it is Goldman Sachs. Hmmmm
Capitalism: A Love Story (free on YouTube w/commercials 2hrs long) Only about 15 min in and can ...
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 20, 2020:
Good thing you're not a film critic.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 20, 2020:
I am. I've voted on IMDB. Plus I'm stuck at home. This is being somewhat productive.
Capitalism: A Love Story (free on YouTube w/commercials 2hrs long) Only about 15 min in and can ...
Cutiebeauty comments on Apr 20, 2020:
I don't watch many videos here and I certainly won't watch one that's two hours long 😂😱😂😱
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 20, 2020:
Documentary. You can watch it on a TV. I'm watching it on a laptop.
If only Obama could have taught trump something.
Cutiebeauty comments on Apr 20, 2020:
He probably tried but a student needs to want to learn and trump is no student..
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 20, 2020:
Yeah, Obama tried. Remember when he spent a few days in the WH to help show him the ropes? Not like he didn't try. Trump already knew everything. Just like he thinks he judge, jury, and executioner.
If only Obama could have taught trump something.
Redheadedgammy comments on Apr 19, 2020:
trump can't learn. He believes he knows everything about anything, and nobody can teach him anything he doesn't already know. This is how narcissists operate, ONLY THEY know everything.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 19, 2020:
Just like he knew that that his ride was right in front of Air Force One when a Secret Security officer had to point him to the limo right in front of his face...
If only Obama could have taught trump something.
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 19, 2020:
I take it that it was the dad of a friend of yours. Smart man. Good stuff.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 19, 2020:
My friend was adopted by two gay guys. I never caught that. Should have said my friends dad. Im on like 5 rx drugs (well I only take 5) make me feel tired and slow all the time. Cant wait 'till next followup to see if they can put me on different meds. But the new meds could make me feel worse, or I could be told "not life threatening, deal with it". He does have 2 dads tho. Bio and step. Probably a grand or 2? thinking too much about one sentence. I'll just edit it. I dont like doing that after I get a like or reply tho. Unless is an English teacher, or grammar nazi, most speak in broken English or slang.
Having a conversation with Kate and we are trying to determine what trump is good for.
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 19, 2020:
Besides him helping his rich buddies and himself? Nothing. Spreading prejudice, and lies, but neither are good things. Hell, everything isn't good. Maybe that he might try to get medical cannabis legal in all states, or suppressors legal? The first is the best (but probably sign w/o reading), ...
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 19, 2020:
@dalefvictor Didn't know that. Then again I mention a lot of things many times in posts, and some know nothing about it. Which kinda makes me wish they had a little box at the bottom of replies saying something like a quote or just a little info (not the whole bio). Lots of online forums have this. But one site I was a member of had no char limits, and people went crazy with a signature. Then again most probably wouldn't put info about the love of their life in their sig. I know from now on tho.
On this day in history The Rolling Stones released the album "Black and Blue", Johnny Cash preformed...
altschmerz comments on Apr 19, 2020:
They cover the Oklahoma City bombing, which I posted about below. And the Waco Siege happened just two years before! I was in college ...
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 19, 2020:
I thought it was just that article, and it had links to similar articles (not necessarily on that date). Good catch.
Turd cartoon!
glennlab comments on Apr 18, 2020:
He should take Lincolns advice and go to a play.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 18, 2020:
And give him his body guards and the secret service the night off. So he can get rid of our debt/deficit.
Turd cartoon!
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 18, 2020:
Has he even come up with ANY evidence (or half of a constructed sentence to) back up the "fake" accusations? I mean ever. When he tries to say how whatever is fake, he sounds like a complete bafoon. I myself thought he was using the DICTIONARY definition of "fake". Which is... fake /fāk/...
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 18, 2020:
@Freedompath "Takes nothing from no one"? He hides behind twitter like a cyber bully. And he can't even flush a fucking toilet proper! Has he ever heard the term "hold down the handle"? In a trump voice I could hear him saying "A lot of people don't know this, but sometimes you have to hold the handle. I just found this out today".
"Pandemic firearm buying" is now a thing.
Besalbub comments on Apr 17, 2020:
Couldn't have said it better . Crazy times with crazy people .
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 17, 2020:
Sad thing is more crazies are getting more firearms. My nickle worth of free advice? Stay locked at home utill all this BS blows over. The best way to get out of a bad situation is to prevent it from happening in the first place. If someone want to loot me for TP, they'd have to go through a min of 3 doors or scale into a window undetected. By that time I'll have 911 called, and if they do get in, it won't be the welcome they expected. Lots of people think that lots of home invasions are just from some random meth head. Most home invasions are by someone you know and has been inside your house. If you had some rare panting I wanted to steal, I'll know when you work, when you sleep, hell probably when you take a shit. When I lived in Phoenix there was this big pandamonium because a gas line broke. People were standing in line for hours to get gas, and the fuel price jumped sky high. I just filled up, so I was like F it. People were starting fights over the pump to get fuel. The next day it turns out only 1 of 8 major pipe lines burst, and even if all 8 were down, Phoenix had enough fuel in the City to last like a month. These people are just creating an artifiial problem that could result in a real one.
Some stimulus checks are being sent to wrong accounts: 'The bank account number is not even close'...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Apr 16, 2020:
I just wait for the check. Anyone see the guy who got 800k deposited. It was taken back in less than 24 hrs.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 16, 2020:
If that'd happen to me I'd be screwed. Even if I caught it, I can only withdraw. $1500/day.
The Country Could Use a First Lady. But Melania Trump Has Gone AWOL. []
DharmaBum50 comments on Apr 16, 2020:
The country could also use a president.... Just sayin' ....
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 16, 2020:
Yep. Start with president THEN first lady! They're just a public figure (which is what the POTUS -any one- should be).
Good Morning Everyone! Happy Thursday! You know I woke up this morning a little blue.
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 16, 2020:
Doing great today! I woke up in a great mood! Best I've felt in a long time! Except my back is still killing me. I did ask the back about the check, and the teller said that about half the people that work there got it, and the other half not yet. She said to check the IRS site, and you are ...
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 16, 2020:
@Haemish1 I didn't submit my tax returns. Maybe I'm not going to get anything. I don't know if this is the case but the only state I know that doesn't release tax info to the IRS is Nevada. So if you live there it might be different.
The $1200 check.
bobwjr comments on Apr 16, 2020:
Good post buddy stay well
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 16, 2020:
Thanks, and thanks.
In the interest of trying to understand the world I live in, I sometimes force myself to view ...
JazznBlues comments on Apr 16, 2020:
Bloody Beer is what caught my eye. What's Bloody Beer?
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 16, 2020:
Tomato beer. Hair of the dog. Sometimes with tobasco.
The $1200 check.
Cutiebeauty comments on Apr 16, 2020:
Trump really had very little to do with these checks... They were unanimously passed by Congress persons...
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 16, 2020:
@SeaGreenEyez No it was froze because something was messed up. This had nothing to do with the stimulus. I'll find out at 1 (they are opening the bank for me).
The $1200 check.
SeaGreenEyez comments on Apr 16, 2020:
A little secret about who actually gets the most help from social safety nets: * Single white mothers between 16 and 32 years of age receive the most benefits * African American men receive the least benefits Given the demographics, I think it's safe to a say that Trump supporters receive...
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 16, 2020:
Yep. The #1 recepiant is single white mothers. It has been that way for years. When I bring up this STATISTIC (not a point of view) they all call BS on it. Regardless of how many times you can prove that fact. SMH
The $1200 check.
Redheadedgammy comments on Apr 16, 2020:
Glad you’re doing better.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 16, 2020:
🌙 Good morning all... Boxer jammies... Yay or nay?
Bobbyzen comments on Apr 16, 2020:
Yeah ❤️ Something about loose-fitting clothes is very sexy. And she wears them very well ❤️😍😘
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 16, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty That's why my house has never been robbed!
The $1200 check.
Cutiebeauty comments on Apr 16, 2020:
Trump really had very little to do with these checks... They were unanimously passed by Congress persons...
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 16, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty Yep. What's the difference between founding a bank and robbing one? Bank got me for 0ver $911 yesterday cause my account was fucked up. Friend of mine got his check. First $300 went only to groceries. He is a disabled vet without a job.
The $1200 check.
Cutiebeauty comments on Apr 16, 2020:
Trump really had very little to do with these checks... They were unanimously passed by Congress persons...
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 16, 2020:
ok this pandemic must be that god is really pissed at mankind.
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 15, 2020:
I thought he picked us as his fave?
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 16, 2020:
@Jk1960 But it says "God bless America" on our money! Have we been lied to? If so I'd like to know who is getting the good deal! Not us!
The $1200 check.
Cutiebeauty comments on Apr 16, 2020:
Trump really had very little to do with these checks... They were unanimously passed by Congress persons...
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 16, 2020:
Read seagreeneyez post. He's taking them anyways. And the trumpsters are still giving him cred. He don't give a flying fuck.
Velma was never my fave, but...
Cutiebeauty comments on Apr 15, 2020:
She's cute
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 15, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty Fine. I'll let you play with her first...
Velma was never my fave, but...
Cutiebeauty comments on Apr 15, 2020:
She's cute
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 15, 2020:
I'm first!
Velma was never my fave, but...
Bobbyzen comments on Apr 15, 2020:
I LOVE her tattooed leg and thigh. Just begs to be explored up close 🧐🤓😍😍😍
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 15, 2020:
I'll volunteer! Make sure there is no corona virus. :) You're welcome! I also love the leg tats!
Can any of you recommend a vap device for CannabisHemp/?
txtreehugger comments on Apr 15, 2020:
I use the APX Vape and like it a lot. Very simple. Relatively cheap.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 15, 2020:
Thanks for the link! I can swing $70. $400 is a little pricy. Has your supply lasted longer, or just less coughing?
Obama also endorsed Biden. []
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 14, 2020:
Methinks he just wants Joe to pick him as VP. Which would be awesome if they won!
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 15, 2020:
@Mofo1953 I know he's not stupid. Hell, if I was out of work I'd take the VP job. I'm not sure what he is doing lately. But I do remember him saying on video that his hair has turned white because of 8 years as president. Maybe he's just done with that high pressure job.
☀☀ Good morning all... Here's a blast from the past... Who is it? Pic in replies...
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 15, 2020:
It's too early! Go back to sleep! :)
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 15, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty If I go to sleep early, (like 8 ) I am wide awake by 11, and it is always a really rough sleep. Then I fall asleep right about now. :(
☀☀ Good morning all... Here's a blast from the past... Who is it? Pic in replies...
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 15, 2020:
It's too early! Go back to sleep! :)
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 15, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty Up by chance, not choice!
It's legit. I fact checked this one.
itsmedammit comments on Apr 14, 2020:
You gonna add something here?
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 14, 2020:
@Lilac-Jade Good. It's not just me. But I saw it in the preview. Odd.
It's legit. I fact checked this one.
itsmedammit comments on Apr 14, 2020:
You gonna add something here?
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 14, 2020:
Lost my meme! It was saying that you don't see faith healers at hospitals for the same reasons you don't see psychics win the lottery. *kicks can*
"Do we have to play this game every time I come home from a trip?"...
OldGoat43 comments on Apr 14, 2020:
Take off your shoes and walk barefoot through the rooms, you'll find it.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 14, 2020:
When you are half asleep trying to find the bathroom in the dark!
Obama also endorsed Biden. []
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 14, 2020:
Methinks he just wants Joe to pick him as VP. Which would be awesome if they won!
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 14, 2020:
@Mofo1953 That's be even better! At least she DOES have a VP look. Unlike the current first lady. She has far more class than any of the trumps ever will.
Trump uses coronavirus to cliam 'total' authority.
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 14, 2020:
Don't wirry, we believe you. It's been in every news station, newspaper, magazine, online, etc.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 14, 2020:
@Mofo1953 My l5 and S1 are twisted, thus pinching on my syatic (sp) nerve. I'm on a 10 lb weight restriction, and can't stand for more than 30 mins for at least 2 weeks. Thanks, for the get well.
How I really feel about trump!!!!
silverotter11 comments on Apr 14, 2020:
My feelings are much stronger after reading this.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 14, 2020:
The CDC said that you should only wear a mask if you have it, or think you might. That's saying something right there. I've been in and out of the doctors office quite a lot lately. Most wear masks. :(
How I really feel about trump!!!!
HumanistJohn comments on Apr 14, 2020:
We all know that trump doesn't give a shit. I still find it hard to believe that anyone would follow him, much less kiss his ass continually.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 14, 2020:
The ass kissing are strong with those type. :(
Trump uses coronavirus to cliam 'total' authority.
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 14, 2020:
Don't wirry, we believe you. It's been in every news station, newspaper, magazine, online, etc.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 14, 2020:
@Mofo1953 Micro-dissectomy. Second one. Joy. Fun.
Little bit of an uneasy feeling yesterday.
dare2dream comments on Apr 14, 2020:
You sound extremely paranoid.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 14, 2020:
Coming from a guy that has been attempted to be killed before, I say no.
Trump uses coronavirus to cliam 'total' authority.
DenoPenno comments on Apr 14, 2020:
The problem here is that Trump is "total" but he is not an authority. The buffoon thinks he is like a King or something.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 14, 2020:
I'm sure he honestly thinks that. And he is getting worse (as if anyone can't tell - except the trumpsters).
Trump uses coronavirus to cliam 'total' authority.
Charlene comments on Apr 14, 2020:
You spelled DicktaSter wrong..
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 14, 2020:
Nah, he's the dick and we're the taters...
Trump uses coronavirus to cliam 'total' authority.
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 14, 2020:
Don't wirry, we believe you. It's been in every news station, newspaper, magazine, online, etc.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 14, 2020:
I was in surgery when all this was on the news was on.
Trump uses coronavirus to cliam 'total' authority.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 14, 2020:
I think he's at his breaking point. He'll throw a tantrum soon.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 14, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty Didn't we already try that?
Trump uses coronavirus to cliam 'total' authority.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 14, 2020:
I think he's at his breaking point. He'll throw a tantrum soon.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 14, 2020:
Him and palin can have have a tantrum party. They can talk about "fake news" and "gotcha media" until they are blue in the face!
Trump uses coronavirus to cliam 'total' authority.
Cutiebeauty comments on Apr 14, 2020:
But he said it was just a flu and it'll go away and magically disappear...
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 14, 2020:
Sounds like my dad. It's almost over. That's cause it hardly hit Nebraska!
Can someone do me a huge favor and make a .torrent of boot-repair-disk and share the link?
FearlessFly comments on Apr 12, 2020:
I just uploaded this to TPB : -rw-r--r-- 1 daveb daveb 57165 Apr 8 17:36 boot-repair-disk-64bit.iso.torrent HTH
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 12, 2020:
I didn't see this fast enough. If it only had 24 hrs I missed it. TPB has been down for weeks. Didn't know it was up, but I did find another that was upped. Tried looking it up on 1337x, but showed as a windows program Didn't have any seeders anyways. Checked TPB and it was listed as UNIX. Thanks anyways!
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 11, 2020:
Also a nasty liquor that looks (and probably tastes) like octopus ink. Song about Kraken. Cuthulu is also a sea monster kinna similar.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 11, 2020:
@Marionville It's actually one of the songs they took serious. I think you'd rather listen to that song on repeat all day rather than try a sip of Kraken. I don't know where he finds it, but late in the night after some adult beverages, he finds a way to get most people to take a shot. Yuck!
Weird gun loophole I just found out about.
dare2dream comments on Apr 10, 2020:
Obviously these should be illegal as they skirt the intent of the law.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 11, 2020:
Yep. Just like when someone goes out of a tobacco shop and has a "water pipe" or a pipe with a big bowl in the middle. 99% of the time they aren't used for tobacco. As a matter of fact it is ILLEGAL to call a "water pipe" a "bong" in Nebraska. Also can't talk about lagalization. You'll get kicked out of the shop. Similar. Call something illegal in all other cases a different name and you're fine. If you are building your own firearm that can't be traced, you are probably not going to use it for something legal. Just watch In The Line Of Fire. Or look at how people are making firearms from 3d printers. They think they are getting away, but, modern forensics will catch up. Amazing about how a little mud, or a seed, or little fibers from clothes can trace you to the firearm. I could see a machinist doing one just for fun, but everyone else is probably up to something.
Vote at home.
Redheadedgammy comments on Apr 10, 2020:
I have always gotten a ballot at home and voted that way. I see no reason why all citizens can’t vote this way. Repubs of course don’t want this because they would lose bigly!!!
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 11, 2020:
Another part as to why I posted this is because it looks like they are trying to encourage red states to vote more. Which is why I didn't post this on FB. Fight fire with fire!
Vote at home.
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 10, 2020:
You know you can vote by mail, right?
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 11, 2020:
Yeah I know. But I didn't know you could request a ballot via internet. Something like 30+% of Nebraskians didn't vote in the last election, so they didn't know, or just didn't want to vote.
Vote at home.
silverotter11 comments on Apr 10, 2020:
What everyone in states that do not have all mail in balloting is call your representatives and demand they gear up for mail in balloting or increased absentee balloting. We all saw what happened in Wis. The states that refuse because they want to stifle voters hopefully will be in the minority ...
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 10, 2020:
Good point. Nebraska is a red state.
May we please get back the ability to see likes/ reactions to our posts?
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 10, 2020:
Works fine here too. Try using a different browser or upgrading your current one.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 10, 2020:
@Petter I'm using Firefox 74.0.1 64 bit on Win 10. Sometimes it has a little glitch where the "view more" won't load. Never worked on my phone or tablet tho. I tried firefox and it came stock with chrome. Not sure what version, but they are both droids.
Weird gun loophole I just found out about.
Robecology comments on Apr 10, 2020:
Why would you even want to "skirt the law" and make your own rapid-human-killing machine?
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 10, 2020:
It's still legal is my point. Hell, I know of people that hunt deer with an AR-15. But you need a min of a 62 grain projectile (most are 55), and you can't have more than 5 rds. Or maybe you want to be a competition speed shooter.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 10, 2020:
There have been a number of films from all over the world that have had to prove on screen deaths were special effects because they were so realistic, going back to the silent movie days. Snuff 1976 and Cannibal Holocaust 1980 are famous examples C'est arrivé près de chez vous, 1992 (a fake ...
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 10, 2020:
I've heard of Cannibal Holocaust. Not into these types of movies tho. Real life is horrifying enough as it is when I watch/listen/ read the news!
Where did it all go wrong . . . you decide
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 10, 2020:
Not even Fox could fuck up something this bad. I stared at it for like 30 seconds thinking "what the fuck".
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 10, 2020:
@bookofmorons Well, they did call out trump several times on lying (but said no one would care if he did). They also were talking about a robot that could think for itself. The guy that built it corrected them 2 or 3 times. No retractions...
A friend of mine was wondering what would happen if he (or she) swapped trumps adderall with Vallum?
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 9, 2020:
I guess you would have to see it to even smile, but hey, I woudn't mess with medications, they tend to mess you up when you are off them/ Which reminds me, did you miss yours? LOL
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 10, 2020:
@Mofo1953 If I post trump propaganda and start defending it, you know you need to get me off of whatever they are giving me. Probably hydrocodone.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 10, 2020:
As they used to say in old gangster movies "snuff out."
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 10, 2020:
Guess I never though of that. The most common way I've heard that word is probably to snuff out a fire.
A friend of mine was wondering what would happen if he (or she) swapped trumps adderall with Vallum?
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 9, 2020:
I guess you would have to see it to even smile, but hey, I woudn't mess with medications, they tend to mess you up when you are off them/ Which reminds me, did you miss yours? LOL
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 10, 2020:
@Mofo1953 Not at all. I'd post the same thing without meds, with meds, and probably the same if I took too much. Why do you think that? Cause I posted it late? I'm usually up at night... If you think that was a goofy post, wait and see on or around the 13th what I post. Who knows what they will give me after back surgery... Friend of mine had his wisdom teeth taken out. He said he doesn't remember it, but on the way back his wife stopped by mickey d's. He took some fries out of the sleeve(not sure what else to call it) licked the salt off the fries and threw the rest out the window. lol
Wide awake at 2:00 am one more time. I also have a busy day ahead of me.
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 10, 2020:
They put me on some new meds yesterday for insomnia on top of my trazodone. I slept for like 18 hours! So now I'm up! I'm scheduled for back surgery on the 13th. I need to call them tomorrow (they left me 3 voice mails, but my phone is stuck on vibrate, and I was sleeping. Well, actually today I ...
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 10, 2020:
@demifeministgal Quetiapine (new one) + Trazodone. Generic of the first was $311.99/mo. Luckily insurance took care of it!
Marionville comments on Apr 10, 2020:
Not something I ever intend watching...
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 10, 2020:
Yeah, not something most people want to watch. Kerry King wrote a song about it from a documentary he saw. Could be the one you linked the trailer to. Jeff was the true talent in the band. Handing that package over to the police is the right thing to do. They might catch the guy, and it could have been a pipe bomb. Without return address is a big warning right there. I watch too much Forensic Files...
Question: Is boob money really unsanitary?
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2020:
I don't know, but crotch money (moist) and sock money (smelly) would both be suspect.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 10, 2020:
Ass crack money is still fine tho. lol
JUNTA - Noun.
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 10, 2020:
Interesting. I was gonna ask if it was pronounced with a J or H sound. Clique I have only heard of as being a group of people. Like cliques in HS. These people hang out with these other people. This clique does not get along with this clique, etc.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 10, 2020:
@Marionville Yep. And lots of words are derived from Latin as well. Especially in biology.
JUNTA - Noun.
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 10, 2020:
Interesting. I was gonna ask if it was pronounced with a J or H sound. Clique I have only heard of as being a group of people. Like cliques in HS. These people hang out with these other people. This clique does not get along with this clique, etc.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 10, 2020:
@Marionville Never heard of coterie, or any of the other synonyms.
Here is a list stupid things that are illegal that turn legal just by calling them a different name.
Novelty comments on Apr 10, 2020:
Way to much about firearms, something that will have no relevance to me unless someone I know or I get shot by someone that would find your post fascinating due to all the dumb ass rules we have to make it so fantasy cowboys can keep holding on to their male enhancement hardware. We really should ...
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 10, 2020:
So I should still own mine.. IIRC there is still a bounty on coyotes. It used to be like $75 but now it's like 10. Wildlife management. If you had someone attempt to kill you, I think you'd think different about who should or should not own one. Also how else am I going to get venison (or any other game meat)? Never saw any game meat that was processed and didn't say "not for sale" on it. I Process my own anyways. You can give it to someone tho. Unless someone is 100% vegan,they really have no say. What am I gonna kill them with? A stick?
Not allowing reuseable bags in stores. Good or bad idea!?
itsmedammit comments on Apr 10, 2020:
The bag issue is an environmental one, not a contamination one. We could go to paper for all bags other than the cloth reusables. Places in Europe never even used bags. the idea was you just brought your own. I currently reuse the plastc bage for kitty litter too, but I'd be will to get smaller ...
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 10, 2020:
Or better yet we could make hemp bags so then that way we can use a crop that is renewable each year, and save what little forests we have left. Not cheap at first I assume, but like every "new" technology, it isn't cheap at first. If you plant 100 saplings for ever one big tree you cut down, it's not the same. There is a difference between new tree growth and old tree growth. :)
A friend of mine was wondering what would happen if he (or she) swapped trumps adderall with Vallum?
DenoPenno comments on Apr 9, 2020:
A doctor took a friend of mine off all medications and he killed himself. He had been on many of those meds for most of his life. True story.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 9, 2020:
Read my reply to mofo1953. If you are a heavy drinker, you can't stop immediately. You can get seizures, strokes, or death. That happened to a friend of a friend. Also happened to two of my friends dads. But the last two are still living.
A friend of mine was wondering what would happen if he (or she) swapped trumps adderall with Vallum?
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 9, 2020:
I guess you would have to see it to even smile, but hey, I woudn't mess with medications, they tend to mess you up when you are off them/ Which reminds me, did you miss yours? LOL
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 9, 2020:
Take them like clockworks. I was on riddylin (sp) to improve grades in 7th. My folks only gave it to days when I had school. On the weekends I would turn violent for no reason. I've been given about every otc and rx drug for insomnia. Stopped taking a few because they gave me suicidal thoughts, and had some nasty side effects. Into the toilet the next day...
Sanders dropped out? I thought Bloomberg was backing him?
rogerbenham comments on Apr 9, 2020:
I don't think that was ever true.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 9, 2020:
It's hard to keep track of this rat race! Which is why I really only pay attention to the last few weeks before the election. It only boils down to 2 people. A write in does nothing.
Sanders dropped out? I thought Bloomberg was backing him?
RoboGraham comments on Apr 9, 2020:
What gave you that idea?
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 9, 2020:
Overhearing fox while talking to my mom (she always has it on speaker).
Freedompath comments on Apr 9, 2020:
This is beyond logic...trump is now ‘playing god’..,because he can! Trump can’t even think straight, what the hell is he taking on this project! 👿
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 9, 2020:
@Freedompath Truer words have never been spoken. We need to destroy what destroys us. Now that Sanders is out, I'm scared. Really, honestly scared.
Freedompath comments on Apr 9, 2020:
This is beyond logic...trump is now ‘playing god’..,because he can! Trump can’t even think straight, what the hell is he taking on this project! 👿
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 9, 2020:
@Freedompath But he is willing to sign! I bet he doesn't bother to read them. Someone just tells them that it is good and he goes for it. We do have plenty of videos of him signing "(if you call that a signature) bills. Just incase future generations want to see video footage of him signing some of the most important documents of all time! You know like for gay rights, womens rights, civil rights in general... Oh, wait, I can't think of one good thing! Maybe if he legalizes cannabis on a Federal level that would help a lot of sick people!
Freedompath comments on Apr 9, 2020:
This is beyond logic...trump is now ‘playing god’..,because he can! Trump can’t even think straight, what the hell is he taking on this project! 👿
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 9, 2020:
Is he trying to make a diversion over Coronavirus? If you can find the vid the way he talks and body language shows he is not paying attention At ALL! Just like when he could not remember the name of the country he just bombed, but described the chocolate cake to a T. SMFH
So I was at a smoke shop getting hemp (because this shitass state does not allow cannibis) to get ...
Captnron59 comments on Apr 8, 2020:
Nobody respects constitutional rights anymore. Thanks for sharing
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 8, 2020:
Yeah, I understand "we have the right to refuse service to anyone", but law? I bet they would not have an issue with me saying that I just got a refill of loritab (similar to xanyx) filled. Which I actually just did. If pot was legal, I wouldn't need that shit! PS isn't controlling what going on in our own head one of the most basic rights? Granted you don't infringe on the rights of another.
I myself can't stand being in a hospital room! Remind me to NEVER go to prison! Some of the first ...
dalefvictor comments on Apr 7, 2020:
You are having way too much fun!
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 8, 2020:
@dalefvictor I can also have contact with another human if they kick me in the nuts...
Can someone do me a huge favor and make a .torrent of boot-repair-disk and share the link?
Cutiebeauty comments on Apr 8, 2020:
How do I do that?
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 8, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty Thanks anyways.
Can someone do me a huge favor and make a .torrent of boot-repair-disk and share the link?
rogerbenham comments on Apr 8, 2020:
Boot repair disk for what operating system? I use Linux Mint.
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 8, 2020:
It's the one in the link. It's supposed to fix all sorts of linuxes and some windows stuff too. The file is ~700 MB and is bootable. I've only made it to 350mb before it went to fail rather than retry. Or I need another option for some non-pay for software. Otherwise I will have to call up Canonical. This is beyond me. I dual boot Ubuntu and Mint.
So I was at a smoke shop getting hemp (because this shitass state does not allow cannibis) to get ...
txtreehugger comments on Apr 8, 2020:
Ridiculous! I know some people who work in smoke shops here in Dallas and THEY can't use that terminology but customers?!! C'mon!
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 8, 2020:
I guess if it's the store policy, but this is stupid. They are the only place that sells hemp for miles! I have talked about the legal limit and shit in there before. Yesterday I tried to see if their was a specific strain in. I guess it was the owner that was on the recording? Sounded like a jackass. It said "if you (phone cuts out at this point) you will loose my business" WTF? I'm the buyer right? The workers and customers there are all cook. When I walk in, they know what I am looking for. Oh, and if you buy a glass pipe with a bubble on it, I'm sure it's not for tobacco. You ain't follin noone! You're probably smoking crack or meth or somethig. Speaking of which, a former friend of mine (and I mean former) got a DUI at a BK or MD drivethrough. They searched his car and found a pipe like that. It had meth rezen in it, but he never got charged with that because he claimed it was someone else's. Weird laws.
In all seriousness I wish trump would have to go through a "30 Days" thing.
RobertNappi2 comments on Apr 8, 2020:
I just want him to shut the fuck up for 30 days!!!!
TheGreatShadow replies on Apr 8, 2020:
@RobertNappi2 Straight jacket. And one that was used on a mental patient by a Mexican or black person. Might get some of that "darkey stuff" on him! For him that would be absolute torture!
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