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Metallica canceles tours.
KKGator comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Hetfield attended the opening of an exhibition of his car collection in January of this year. He's out of rehab. I saw a picture of him, and he looks like just another middle-aged dad. He did look pretty healthy though. Hopefully, he's able to stay sober this time.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 29, 2020:
12?!?! Yeah, right!
Appleriver comments on Feb 29, 2020:
He has the IQ of a houseplant. Actually, I think a houseplant has a higher IQ.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 29, 2020:
Yeah, if his iq was 2 points lower Wedhave to keep him in the sun and water him twice a day!
Metallica canceles tours.
KKGator comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Hetfield attended the opening of an exhibition of his car collection in January of this year. He's out of rehab. I saw a picture of him, and he looks like just another middle-aged dad. He did look pretty healthy though. Hopefully, he's able to stay sober this time.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 29, 2020:
Heard this on the radio twice today...
Metallica canceles tours.
FearlessFly comments on Feb 29, 2020: ...
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 29, 2020:
Thanks for the links! On tablet and it don't like to copy and paste! Wonder if it was for booze or Coke...
Memo from the desk of Coronavirus Response Czar Mike Pence:
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Calling B's on this. He idolize es road troll. Not in sharpie. Tell tail sigh...
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 29, 2020:
@DharmaBum50 maybe he's talking about smoking pole? Cockdeath does happen! Lol
Anyone make their own CBD oil?
freeofgod comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Cbd will show up as cannabis on a urine sceen :(
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 29, 2020:
@freeofgod big 10! Think I'll just buy some seeds off eBay. Test hot? Here's the receipt! Friend of mine owned a trucking company. Got pulled over. The officer noticed 2 pill bottle s. They were rxd for his back. Searched his truck. Found pot. Lost his trucks, trailers, and his class a.
Probably my holiday this year
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Must be missing something. Loads of people take pictures with toilet seats...
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 29, 2020:
@Beowulfsfriend now I get it. Not funny if you have to explain it to me. Lol
Anyone make their own CBD oil?
Captnron59 comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Drug tests for employment vary on what level of thc is exceptable. You can ask, and let employer know that you are using CBD and it may show up on a drug test. Thanks for sharing
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 29, 2020:
I have a class a. I'm subject to random drug tests. Quess who will find out who will get the letter weeks before the test? Thanks for the reply.
Get em Bloomberg! I signed up.
Freedompath comments on Feb 29, 2020:
...Burn! Yes! To the ground!
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 29, 2020:
Hotter than a church in Norway!
Get em Bloomberg! I signed up.
Cutiebeauty comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Bloomers is wasting his money...
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 29, 2020:
It is his... Plus I love how he bashes dipshit!
Get em Bloomberg! I signed up.
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 29, 2020:
don't see shit, just a sign page
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 29, 2020:
Leave it to Trump and his sharpie. He can't even spell.
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Trump claims he doesn't drink. Can you imagine how he'd act if he drank Corona?? Scares the fuck outta me! Well just have to him snorting addarol and sharpies....
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 29, 2020:
@Diogenes had a feeling someone d say something like that. that's all I really want to hear. If he gets drunk, and is honest, the last thing I want to hear is the trump\pence\putin 3 way....
Got a new name for captian mickdildofuck.
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 29, 2020:
I will stick with the less obscure ones of always, since you don't even have to google an orange turd to know what it is. Sorry.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 29, 2020:
Can we call him 🥕 turd instead?
Anyone make their own CBD oil?
freeofgod comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Cbd will show up as cannabis on a urine sceen :(
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 28, 2020:
Thank you for the reply! I appreciate it! I might have to talk to a chemist friend of mine. I remember a while ago he said hemp could cause a false positive. I'm just looking for as much info as I can. I have 2 bottles of CBD. Says thc free. I don't believe that. I talked to a friend who is a retired pa. he said I need to take 7.5-15x what they recommend!
Ex-Trump counsel Don McGahn doesn't have to testify, court rules
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Fuck balls! I got a subpoena once. I had to go. The guy took a plea bargain, so I didn't have to go.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 28, 2020:
@SeaGreenEyez I'm just saying he got shit cause he published it. Manning is the traitor.
Ex-Trump counsel Don McGahn doesn't have to testify, court rules
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Fuck balls! I got a subpoena once. I had to go. The guy took a plea bargain, so I didn't have to go.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 28, 2020:
@SeaGreenEyez assange was the one that got the most beef outta that. How you reckon that one out?
DOJ Creates New Unit to Strip Citizenship from Terrorists, Criminals
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Are you or have you ever been a Communist? That turned up next to NOTHING! After 9-11 they checked who was renting books from liabraries bout cooking books. they also looked into who bought certian foods from grocery store s. Also came up with almost nothing! There are good people of all different ...
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 28, 2020:
@SeaGreenEyez ???
Trump Turns to Pence to Calm Fears Over Coronavirus President Trump addressed the nation from ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
I don't trust a source that has comedy in the URL. If true, the blind is leading the blind. Don't know which is dumber. Pence doesn't get a lot of attention like trump. How bout we do a coin toss to settle this?
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 28, 2020:
@BirdMan1 I did the coin toss. Used a penny because it is as useless as either of them! Be darned if it didn't end up vertical! We may never know...
Pinata pole Which candidate are you siding with ?
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Too early to tell. Let's face it. It will come down to two people. I need to figure out who is the least full of shit! They promise everything until they are in office! If they are honest I'd go for Sanders or Bloomberg. But that's all we need is another billionaire president. I wish buffet would ...
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 28, 2020:
@AnneWimsey I think buffet would be the exception rather than the rule. He said he would never run tho. He has given away more money to charity than trump would ever be worth! He's a class act. Ask hc. He lives south of Dodge on Happy hollow. Almost everyone in o-town knows where he lives.
Got a new name for captian mickdildofuck.
OnTheInside comments on Feb 28, 2020:
He wishes he was King Koopa, and Chuck Billy is the singer for Testament. :-)
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 28, 2020:
He's King nothing.
Got a new name for captian mickdildofuck.
OnTheInside comments on Feb 28, 2020:
He wishes he was King Koopa, and Chuck Billy is the singer for Testament. :-)
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 28, 2020:
@OnTheInside they are soooooo underrated! I think I saw them 4 or 5 times? Never disappointed.
It may take Scotland, for lack of Senate republican balls, to lock the turd up! []
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Can we make trump put on a kilt during the process?that I'd pay to see.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 28, 2020:
@StarvingArtist I don't even try! Lol
Got a new name for captian mickdildofuck.
OnTheInside comments on Feb 28, 2020:
He wishes he was King Koopa, and Chuck Billy is the singer for Testament. :-)
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 28, 2020:
Best native metal band ever! I love dark Roots of Earth. Got that shit on vinyl!
It may take Scotland, for lack of Senate republican balls, to lock the turd up! []
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Can we make trump put on a kilt during the process?that I'd pay to see.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 28, 2020:
@StarvingArtist sometimes we need to take one for the team! Imagine how embarrassed he'd be! Plus we can throw in a fag pipe. If this happens please make sure there is no strong wind, and he's wearing undies! That's a nightmare!
Trump Turns to Pence to Calm Fears Over Coronavirus President Trump addressed the nation from ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
I don't trust a source that has comedy in the URL. If true, the blind is leading the blind. Don't know which is dumber. Pence doesn't get a lot of attention like trump. How bout we do a coin toss to settle this?
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 28, 2020:
@johnnyrobish heads or tails? I need to get to the bottom of this!
The orange turd knows everything! For example, the sharp decline of the stock market is not due to ...
Redheadedgammy comments on Feb 28, 2020:
I tried to read this but the fucking pop up ads were to much! After dismissing them three times I gave up.😡
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 28, 2020:
Works fine on my end. Could be cause the site is from England. Try a different browser and try a private session. International copyright is tricky. Or it might be your isp. With the end of net neutrality, any ISP can block any site for any reason.
Detroit tried to plant trees in the hood.
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Doesn't have much to do with this post, but you ever been to East St Louis? Driven through there many times. Once I went there for a concert. That place is something like 90-95% black! Talk about feeling out of place! If I have to drive through there, I stop for nothing! No this post is not bashing ...
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 28, 2020:
@BitFlipper I went to a hs that was over 60 % Hispanic. I'm sure that's not counting the illegals. Most were surprised 13 wanna bes. Loads of pple I went to hs with have been on the most wanted list. Very few are white.
Got that right
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Bullshit! I have friends that are that age. He's making 4th graders look bad! And yes I know our education system sucks!
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 28, 2020:
I meant to say I have friends that have kids that age. Must have been half asleep when I posted that. Either that or the new pills they have me on. The way the first reply makes me look like Ed gein!
Detroit tried to plant trees in the hood.
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Doesn't have much to do with this post, but you ever been to East St Louis? Driven through there many times. Once I went there for a concert. That place is something like 90-95% black! Talk about feeling out of place! If I have to drive through there, I stop for nothing! No this post is not bashing ...
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 28, 2020:
@BitFlipper imagine a white guy(aka me) with a shaved head and long beard going to see a death metal concert! I've been accused of being a Nazi just because of my looks. PS fuck Nazis!
We're fucked!
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Run 'merica like a business he said. Well just like one of his....
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 28, 2020:
@BitFlipper or just bankrupt the fuck outta us!
My new profile pic ?
Athena comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Most men usually post the profile photo which makes them look the goofiest. Scientists agree that currently it's one of the greatest mysteries know to mankind.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 28, 2020:
@bobwjr don't take life too seriously! You'll never get out alive!
now trmp in normalizi crruption Sorr adio isn't working in FB on my end, still works fine on saved ...
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 20, 2020:
>now trmp in normalizi crruption It's now time for both us to buy a new keyboard.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 20, 2020:
If you would pay off the hundreds of thousands in mu medical bills, I'd gladly buy a top-of-the line one!
now trmp in normalizi crruption Sorr adio isn't working in FB on my end, still works fine on saved ...
EMC2 comments on Feb 20, 2020:
Did you have your fingers in the correct place when you began typing>> I hope this is not what we have evolved into using shortened words. It is not like typing is a work out worthy of short cuts.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 20, 2020:
My keyboard is over 10 fucking years old. How many times do you think it has been dropped on the floor, ha keys knocked out, has cat hair everywhere. The touch pad goes bonkers if there is a little residue on it. Spell check does not work wort a fuck, and I thought we could put 2 and 2 plus I need to get into a reply before someone says the same. Also m keboard only works on one batt rather than 2. Spring broke.
Hemp is now used to make cat litter! I know it's not pot but similar.[]
AncientNight comments on Feb 15, 2020:
$37.98 for 4 pounds? HA! Good luck with that!
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 15, 2020:
CBD oil in $70 an ounce!
What DOESN"T he know more than anyone about - EVERYTHING?
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 12, 2020:
He admits he doesn't know anything about rockets! I made several model rockets as a youngster. By his scale I'm a damn expert!
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 13, 2020:
@Freedompath almost anyone that is vertical and breathing is.
which baby yoda
KingofHarts comments on Feb 12, 2020:
10: "May Da Schwartz be with you"
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 12, 2020:
I bought Spaceballs the flame thrower instead. Loved playing with that as a kid.
Guess where the heat vent is.
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 12, 2020:
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 12, 2020:
@itsmedammit I was joking. The little furries do that all the time! But with as sporadic as they are, they might be robbing a bank.
Trump called someone a discrace.
silverotter11 comments on Feb 11, 2020:
Even just catching snippets of fox is scary. The level of cheering for trump, defending trump's every action and the out rights lies is stunning.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 12, 2020:
@lookinhard fox!
Trump called someone a discrace.
silverotter11 comments on Feb 11, 2020:
Even just catching snippets of fox is scary. The level of cheering for trump, defending trump's every action and the out rights lies is stunning.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 12, 2020:
@lookinhard hes mad cause they called him out!
Trump called someone a discrace.
silverotter11 comments on Feb 11, 2020:
Even just catching snippets of fox is scary. The level of cheering for trump, defending trump's every action and the out rights lies is stunning.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 12, 2020:
@lookinhard saw the video of him saying it.
Trump called someone a discrace.
silverotter11 comments on Feb 11, 2020:
Even just catching snippets of fox is scary. The level of cheering for trump, defending trump's every action and the out rights lies is stunning.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 12, 2020:
@lookinhard trump.
Trump called someone a discrace.
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 11, 2020:
Just happened to have fox? Hmmmm
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 11, 2020:
I was at my mom's house helping her out with some things. She had ot on.
Trump called someone a discrace.
silverotter11 comments on Feb 11, 2020:
Even just catching snippets of fox is scary. The level of cheering for trump, defending trump's every action and the out rights lies is stunning.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 11, 2020:
He said that CNN is more credible. They called him a liar many times.
Trump vowed to not cut Social Security and Medicare — hours before proposing just that ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 11, 2020:
My mom is almost 75. Her SS was $666/mo. Now under $500. Go take a trip to mar-a-lago, you fat cunt!
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 11, 2020:
@Mofo1953 Social Security, not disability. IIRC it comes from an average from from the last few years of pay. The last job she had she was only working part time. There was a OPD officer that did the reverse. He took the graveyard shift (more pay), took as many people to court (which he got paid), and over those 3 years it bumped his pension to over 6 figures a year. But speaking of disability, a former room mate got $600/mo. Why? Cause he's fucking stupid. He literally does not know where he was born. However, when he lived with me, he was driving semi full time @15.50/hr. I also know someone that got it because she sprained her wrist!
Trump vowed to not cut Social Security and Medicare — hours before proposing just that ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 11, 2020:
My mom is almost 75. Her SS was $666/mo. Now under $500. Go take a trip to mar-a-lago, you fat cunt!
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 11, 2020:
@Redheadedgammy I do a lot of work for her for free (she is my mom). She always offers to pay, but lots of times I put the monies back in her purse when she isn't looking! My dad makes good money, and she gets a lot from him. Her electric bill can be about half her SS check! But we gotta give "the trump" more golf trips. Sadly, she still supports him!
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 11, 2020:
I used Floyd Rose, but now Kahler.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 11, 2020:
@Marionville Dani has the most wide arrange of vocals. King diamond does as well! That's a tremelo I reckon.
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 11, 2020:
I used Floyd Rose, but now Kahler.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 11, 2020:
@Marionville Like this?
Springboro teacher charged with sexually abusing 28 first-grade girls The fuck is wrong with some...
Orly comments on Feb 11, 2020:
It is a disease, one that is pretty much incurable. I am a survivor and I still have pity for these poor sick fucks. I'm friends with a guy that abused his own daughter. He can't put into words why he did it. He served his time and I truly believe he's remorseful. That said, I'll never let him near...
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 11, 2020:
Sociology. I don't think most have an illness. It has mostly to do with upbringing. I study tyrants and serial killers.
Has fuzznuts been good today?
Freedompath comments on Feb 11, 2020:
NO! Could coronavirus be on his mind?
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 11, 2020:
The wall, windmill cancer, and fake news are the top answers. Jeebus...
Has fuzznuts been good today?
Appleriver comments on Feb 10, 2020:
The first image that flashed in my brain when I read this was trump having fuzzy nuts. The dry heaving will hopefully abate soon, After seeing his released budget cuts and his attacks on twitter to those that testified against him, I'd give a big no to learning his lesson.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 11, 2020:
@mcgeo52 He's only wearing his granny's undies. It can only cover his ass until he gets caught. Hopefully soon.
Has fuzznuts been good today?
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 10, 2020:
You wish.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 10, 2020:
trying to be optimistic.
Has fuzznuts been good today?
Appleriver comments on Feb 10, 2020:
The first image that flashed in my brain when I read this was trump having fuzzy nuts. The dry heaving will hopefully abate soon, After seeing his released budget cuts and his attacks on twitter to those that testified against him, I'd give a big no to learning his lesson.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 10, 2020:
I thought he was learning. You could lie. I'd sleep better. :(
Someone is to collect the bounty. []
Freedompath comments on Feb 9, 2020:
This is just sad! The mentally ill cannot save us from prez trump! We need a Goliath!
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 10, 2020:
@Freedompath There are nerds on here that can figure that out faster than I. I think we need to put Nothing To No One indtead. This is too mellow.
Someone is to collect the bounty. []
Freedompath comments on Feb 9, 2020:
This is just sad! The mentally ill cannot save us from prez trump! We need a Goliath!
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 10, 2020:
I'm a Goliath that disarms there davds...
As requested (by no one) another great recipe! []
EyesThatSmile comments on Feb 8, 2020:
Went to my page. You can always take a screen shot and post it instead of posting a link.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 8, 2020:
Tried. Tablet won't let me.
As requested (by no one) another great recipe! []
JazznBlues comments on Feb 8, 2020:
Hey Shadow this link isn't working?
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 8, 2020:
Works on this end. FB might not work in your area? It's a pic of a hot dog with fruity pebbles on it.
Not an uncommon word, but a very different meaning.
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 8, 2020:
Holy hannah, I haven't used a CB radio in more than 35 years.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 8, 2020:
They are a world of knowledge! You can get a big heads up about traffic. Some drivers are on crack or something.
The Iowa debacle.
DharmaBum50 comments on Feb 8, 2020:
I have to agree with your conclusion, and it's one of the reasons I'll eventually leave the Democratic Party and re-register as an independent (not until after this election, however, so I can vote for Bernie in the primaries). As usual, the DNC doing its corporate-shilling best to ensure no ...
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 8, 2020:
@RoboGraham I thought it was much more recent.
Tell it ain't so????
wolf041 comments on Feb 8, 2020:
Wouldn't be the first politician to be a profiteer....but he's made a fine art out of it.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 8, 2020:
Almost every if not all have. Some just do it in amoral manner.
All of this knowledge in the palm of our hands and.
Redheadedgammy comments on Feb 8, 2020:
I see dead people..... One has to be to follow the orange anus.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 8, 2020:
I don't see anything because my internet is taking forever to try and load it.
The Iowa debacle.
DharmaBum50 comments on Feb 8, 2020:
I have to agree with your conclusion, and it's one of the reasons I'll eventually leave the Democratic Party and re-register as an independent (not until after this election, however, so I can vote for Bernie in the primaries). As usual, the DNC doing its corporate-shilling best to ensure no ...
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 8, 2020:
@RoboGraham I for some reason thought he was Indy. He was, but not since 78! I tried replying to your comment about dnc. I hate using the net on a tablet or phone.
Happy friday
Heidi68 comments on Feb 8, 2020:
Shew glad it's Saturday 🤣🤣🤣
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 8, 2020:
I was gonna say something similar, but you beat me.
Happy friday
Cast1es comments on Feb 8, 2020:
What **IS** that ?
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 8, 2020:
Picture of my ex.
Anyone got a spare fck to give for poor Rush cause I'm all out
Redheadedgammy comments on Feb 8, 2020:
I feel no pity for this monster. His whole life was spent lying and hurting other people. The world will improve greatly upon his death.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 8, 2020:
The last time I listened to him by chance, not choice. I was in someone else's car, so it's not like I'll jump out. He was spouting out some insane shit. Hell I think if I would have to listen to him for one more second, I might have jumped!
Trump is sueing Burger King for likeness rights.
joantheloon comments on Feb 7, 2020:
donnie tRump has no morals, no shame, no sense of decency. This makes no sense to me whatsoever ! He belongs in a mental hospital, not the white house !!
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 7, 2020:
I was making a joke, but I would not be surprised if he did. Hell there are articles saying hell sue snl Because it's fake news.
Trump’s acquittal is invalid because he was not mentally competent to stand trial: psychiatrists ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 6, 2020:
Can we put that ‘sucker’ back in his straight-jacket, where he can be kept safe?
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 7, 2020:
@Freedompath make sure there is enough left for his mouth.
Trump is sueing Burger King for likeness rights.
Freedompath comments on Feb 7, 2020:
Yes, he is...King of the sewer rats!
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 7, 2020:
The King of Sewer Rats. He referse to him in 3rd person often.
Trump is sueing Burger King for likeness rights.
Surfpirate comments on Feb 7, 2020:
I think he is a closet, gay milk farmer in his current life. He had to have sucked a mile of dick to get where he is now because it sure wasn't because of his intellect.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 7, 2020:
Gay? Maybe. Farmer? He's busy tweeting when you milk cows!
Trump’s acquittal is invalid because he was not mentally competent to stand trial: psychiatrists ...
Freedompath comments on Feb 6, 2020:
Can we put that ‘sucker’ back in his straight-jacket, where he can be kept safe?
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 7, 2020:
Mentioned this several times, but you can buy them on eBay. They didn't have orange clown size tho...
Reminds me of a time when I was in HS.
camne comments on Feb 3, 2020:
Dr Richard Tapper, Urologist. ( real doctor) Cruel parents, having a kid with a great scene of humor.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 4, 2020:
A friend and I were bored. Went through the phone book.we found a Rich Dick...
I'd still like to know where the vid came from from this meme.
GreatNani comments on Feb 3, 2020:
OMG! Buttery males! Made me laugh out loud.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 4, 2020:
I try. Showed this to my mom who is on the extreme right. She laughed out loud.
This was posted by a right winger on FB.
rogerbenham comments on Feb 3, 2020:
I don't get it. Sorry.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 4, 2020:
@rogerbenham Trump invited people over to the WH for fast food burgers, and pizza. KC stands for Kansas City.
Pot calling the kettle black! Trump posts golf photo amid coronavirus crisis despite condemning ...
altschmerz comments on Feb 3, 2020:
No self-awareness. None at all. And does he pay attention when people point this out to him? DOES anyone point these things out to him?
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
I'd point out the difference between stupidity and ignorance, but...
Pot calling the kettle black! Trump posts golf photo amid coronavirus crisis despite condemning ...
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 3, 2020:
He's a douche. That's why.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
@Mofo1953 Sarcasm yo.
Pot calling the kettle black! Trump posts golf photo amid coronavirus crisis despite condemning ...
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 3, 2020:
He's a douche. That's why.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
He can do something as bad or worse than someone else. But he is right...
Trump Administration Quietly Goes After Disability Benefits Fuck this guy! He is disabled and ...
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 3, 2020:
Old news, about a month ago, was discussed in CNN, TYT, MSNBC, etc.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
This is from Jan 7. But yeah.
I'd still like to know where the vid came from from this meme.
Charlene comments on Feb 3, 2020:
That is so Mike "Peckerchecker" Pence..🤣🤣🤣🤣
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
Mike has a CPC. Certified Pecker Checker...
Homeless population rises for third year in a row This article is from last December.
silverotter11 comments on Feb 3, 2020:
So empty government buildings - paid for with American tax dollars go unused. Money budgeted for military families gets diverted to build a wall the wind can blow over, cut backs to lunch programs for kids and food stamps for the needy all get cut because tax cuts for the wealthy and big corporate ...
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
@camne They are being Christ-like. Good for them!
Since yesterday was the Super Bowl, here is a football fact.
KKGator comments on Feb 3, 2020:
There have been numerous "exposes" of what it's like to be involved with the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. It's like a freakin' cult. The women who turn out for auditions usually all have other jobs. Many do it just for the perceived "cache" they believe it would give them. Some do it hoping to...
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
@KKGator Most know what they are doing! Just like a gal that wears a short skirt that says "pink" on the rear doesn't expect for people to look?
I'm sure a lot of you watched the Super Bowl yesterday.
BirdMan1 comments on Feb 3, 2020:
My grope about the super Bowl, and football, in general, is that it's really all about the money.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
This was posted by a right winger on FB.
dan325 comments on Feb 3, 2020:
If I thought I could understand right wingers, I'd suspect my mind was going.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
And you would probably be right!
Homeless population rises for third year in a row This article is from last December.
Redheadedgammy comments on Feb 3, 2020:
Repubs say “not my problem”, they simply do not care for the poor and marginalized people of this Country.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
@Redheadedgammy A lot of the old school Republicans were the opposite of what they are today. Just saying.
Striking similarity.....
BirdMan1 comments on Feb 3, 2020:
Waning! Warning! POS on th left!
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
They both LIE!
Pot calling the kettle black! Trump posts golf photo amid coronavirus crisis despite condemning ...
silverotter11 comments on Feb 3, 2020:
Same shit different day with trump.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
Different shit, different day! We never know what he is up to!
I'm sure a lot of you watched the Super Bowl yesterday.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 3, 2020:
>I don't give a shit about sports. ## That's why I didn't want the Super Bowl. However, I'm waiting for You Tube to run all their commercials on a video the second I can find it.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
If you find it, please post! Maybe they can include the clips of the cheerleaders.
I'm sure a lot of you watched the Super Bowl yesterday.
Freedompath comments on Feb 3, 2020:
As if any of that really matters...when will people stop putting so much into ‘performances?’ People are dying and suffering...and thank heavens others were able to enjoy a very expensive experience at the ‘great Super Bowl!’
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
Mentioned this many times. Sports are just a distraction to avoid politics. This is a tactic that has been used since Ancient Roman times. However, trump tried to use this in his interest.
This was posted by a right winger on FB.
rogerbenham comments on Feb 3, 2020:
I don't get it. Sorry.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
Trump invited people to the WH for fast food hamburgers. KC was in the Super Bowl. He invited athletes to the WH for his gourmet drive-through burgers. Kapish?
Sorry, Nancy, but you know you had it coming.. 😄
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 2, 2020:
That the same Sharpie he used on the map?
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
@Captain_Feelgood The one where he used a Sharpie to modify the path of a hurricane?
Trump Administration Quietly Goes After Disability Benefits Fuck this guy! He is disabled and ...
RobertNappi2 comments on Feb 3, 2020:
Pretty soon I will be joining the HOMELESS if he keeps this shit up!!!! HE HAS GOT TO GO!!!!
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
@Charlene Sorry to hear that. :( We have the most amount of money, biggest Military, and we can't take care of people in need. They say you can judge a country by how it treats others. We fail.
Trump Administration Quietly Goes After Disability Benefits Fuck this guy! He is disabled and ...
Charlene comments on Feb 3, 2020:
They started with the LGBTQ community..Seniors and Disabled are next..
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
My mom's Social Security was already cut. She used to get $666/mo, now less than $500/mo.
Just try giving him a ticket!
Surfpirate comments on Feb 3, 2020:
60 mph and that's offroading it. lol
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
I've heard they can reach 70 MPH. I'd like to have a radar gun so I can see how fast the little one goes. Damn she is fast! She slows down in the kitchen because of linolioum. Her four wheel drive doesn't work well on there. lol
Since yesterday was the Super Bowl, here is a football fact.
Pedrohbds comments on Feb 3, 2020:
In some countries this high exposure females jobs can some times be a marketing for other jobs as model, prostitute, access to places to find a good marriage etc. Or just for fun, there are people that pay to see the games, they at least break even.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
@Pedrohbds Oh shit! I didn't realize you were from Norway! Dumb question. How often do you hear Black Metal on the radio? I heard it is very common. Anywho, I guess it is a regional thing? I just have not heard of someone getting a high paying job because they were a cheerleader. Not saying it has not happened, but I'm sure it has.
Trump Administration Quietly Goes After Disability Benefits Fuck this guy! He is disabled and ...
RobertNappi2 comments on Feb 3, 2020:
Pretty soon I will be joining the HOMELESS if he keeps this shit up!!!! HE HAS GOT TO GO!!!!
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
The day before yesterday would still be too late!
Give a person a gun and they will use it for any reason, any. []
TheGreatShadow comments on Dec 30, 2019:
Most firearm owners are a lot more responsible. I was only tempted to draw a firearm twice in my almost 36 years of life (I've been trained since I was 3 - no joke). First time someone assaulted me resulting in two broken eye sockets, and a fractured skull. The rifle was too close to him where he ...
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
@yvilletom Look at the UK. It is so hard to get a firearm there that most police officers don't have one! But per capita they have more violent crimes. A friend of mine lives in Canada. He got a 22 LR rifle. He said the tax alone was $800 USD. Here you can buy a cheap pistol new for $169.
No no no... Yes?
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 3, 2020:
Nice curvy girl! Love whale tails! I don't know if you saw the post I made where someone complained about a lady because she was too fat. Not fat at all, and similar to this pic. Not everyone is skin and bones. And that is very unattractive.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty I'll try and see if I can dig it up. The girl you posted looks fit AF. Very sexy.
This was posted by a right winger on FB.
BitFlipper comments on Feb 3, 2020:
They probably think "fast food buffet" is a badge of honor, just like losing their health care, or getting a MAGA hat.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
Yeah I remember that time I wore a tux to eat a fast food burger. LOTS of people did not show up. I would not have.
He could not sell vodka to Russians, but this would fly off the shelf! But we don't want to support ...
libraryman comments on Feb 3, 2020:
LOL! I had to take a pic and send it to my sister in Kansas City, Mo. along with the comments he made about the Chiefs from Kansas. She's a Trump supporter because she's a Catholic and believes in the right to life. I love her but my family is all over the place, particularly about politics & ...
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
I know we all try to provide facts, but lots of times, you should just save your breath. I'll be 36 in April, and friends my age won't listen. Sorry, but I think your sis is too far gone. :(
Very true.
BirdMan1 comments on Feb 2, 2020:
Trump had bone spurs, McConnell was in the Kentucky reserves, "...a coveted spot" with little chance for going to Nam!
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
Bone spurs don't disqualify you from service. Don't believe me? Call the recruiting office in Columbus, NE. Ask Sgt. Williams.
Homeless population rises for third year in a row This article is from last December.
silverotter11 comments on Feb 3, 2020:
So empty government buildings - paid for with American tax dollars go unused. Money budgeted for military families gets diverted to build a wall the wind can blow over, cut backs to lunch programs for kids and food stamps for the needy all get cut because tax cuts for the wealthy and big corporate ...
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
When he asks himself WWJD he thinks it means "what would Judas do".
Homeless population rises for third year in a row This article is from last December.
Redheadedgammy comments on Feb 3, 2020:
Repubs say “not my problem”, they simply do not care for the poor and marginalized people of this Country.
TheGreatShadow replies on Feb 3, 2020:
Yeah. They have more important things to do! Rather than help vets, homeless, or give medical coverage... Starting an unnecessary war, and lifting restrictions to save the planet are a priority! Also giving rich tax breaks. That is also important. Fuck this. He could have used money from his stupid wall to HELP people. He could have done a lot to help these people. But he lives in his ivory tower full of lies, and fuck everyone else!
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