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I am watching trump giving a presentation t the white house and he is doing a great comedy routine.
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 4, 2020:
People that are proven wrong that need to be right all the time usually get easily offended when proven wrong. I'm not watching, so I understand. He's shit for brains.
Trump Falsely Claims He Inherited 'Empty' Stockpile -
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 4, 2020:
He lied bout something? No way! My last Dr. visit was to schedule a sleep apnea study. I've been in and out of hospitals several times over the past 2 months or so. First thing they do is get your temp (only place that didn't was UNMC - they made you go through security first - damn lots of security there!). Last visit I was 99.1F. They gave me a mask. According to the CDC, you should only wear masks if you think you have it, or do. But most of the people at the clinic had one on. I was only half a deIgree above normal. Next day I had a headache from hell ( I might get a headache once or twice a year). I went to dads to get some asprin (I don't use it - doesn't do shit for back pain). Last time I took asprin was probably in college! The first time I was in college. I graduated in 05! I also knew he had a thermometer there. This one is probably 30 years old, and the battery was so corroded (and dead) not worth fixing. I called 6 places that usually have tons, but none in stock. My mom has one, but that one didn't work either. I rarely ever get the flue/cold, so I don't have one. Once every few years maybe. I had to go all the fucking way to Lincoln to get some really important pills that I need. Bout 90 miles from my house each way. Omaha did not have the pills at ANY Wallgreens in town! When I got out of the ICU, they sent me to a Bakers to get them. Only place they could find them. This is the first time I ever saw this. It said refills .4. It's because they did not have enough. The Omaha Metro is a little over 4X the pop of the Lincoln Metro (last I checked). Was able to find one in Lincoln. The new thermometer was $1 more than the batt itself. I have also been trying like hell to find cleaning products. Specifically bleach. Tried several places, and nothing. Hell, I even tried Wal-Mart! Lots of places have signs saying we don't have disinfectant spray, bleach, hand sanatizer, etc. I stopped at Hy-Vee to see if they had any. Didn't see see any on the shelf, so I asked an employee. He went down the aisle and sure enough none. There were 3 boxes on the floor to be put on the shelf. BLEACH! Two of the boxes had only one jug in it. The other was full ( 8 ). Told him I'd take them all. Dad bitched at me for buying so much. I have 1 bathroom at my house. Mom has 2. He has 3. I am now left with 2 jugs, so I didn't go overboard. I'm surprised they let me buy that many. There is usually restriction as to how many of these types of things like this you can buy. Toilet paper is worth it's weight in gold. When I go to Costco, I make sure I have plenty of money to buy shit in bulk. One time I brought a trailer, and spent $1500. I bought a whole shopping cart full of TP with many other things. That toiled paper lasted over a year! Lots of TP! Here is...
Good poll
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 4, 2020:
Let him go wherever the fuck he wants! He'll just get it from, or spread it to everyone at Mar-A-Lago! I like my poll better. I had one I posted on who was more predictible, trump or Gary Busey. Busey won!
So far in the US the death rate is 2.
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 4, 2020:
2.5% of the people that have the virus, or 2.5% of the US population? If it's 2.5% of the population, that is staggering. He'll shut down the government cause he wants his fucking wall, but help us during an epidemic. Asshole! Anyways, link? Edit: Found this on accident.
Trump is 1
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 4, 2020:
Not #1 on flushing the toilet tho! If it takes 1 dozen times to flush... If the one has issues take that up with maintaince. I'm sure there is only ONE toilet in the WH! Then again, it'd be too much work to go to one that flushes proper (if he actually does flush correctly). Or he want's his own private trump. He is more than happy to get off his ass and golf on our dime!
URGENT! Tell Small Business Administration not to bail out churches
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 4, 2020:
They are like banks. What's the difference between founding one, and robbing one? Just like doctors and theives both wear masks. Lots of the big ups that got bailed out got huge bonuses. You are getting more to fuck up!? I know most gave the bonuses back, but still. And I bet it wasn't the tellers that got the extra monies as well. The churches aren't supposed to endorse political parties. This new thing called seperation of church and state thing. Just heard about it the other day. Some guys and I would sit in the break room for a while after work. One of the managers said during a surmon that "obama was the most evil person on the planet". He said he agreed with the statement, but also said that he should have not said that. Also I've read about some churches that have "vote for..." signs in front of them. If we taxed them like any other business (even the big ones that pay little to nothing in tax) we'd create a ton in revenue! They are selling an invisable product that has no guarantee... Speaking of taxes here is something I think is odd. When you buy cigarettes they have a state tax stamp on the bottom of the box on the box on the plastic wrapper (unless you buy them from the rez, then they have a native tax stamp). Wonder why hemp doesn't. Also wonder why they put an age restriction on hemp and kratom, but energy drinks are fine. I used ti drink those all the time. One day I drank 5 240z cans of Monster. At night it felt like my head was about to explode! I called my sister (who is a doctor) and she told me to have my BP checked. I was 190/120 or something. Damn near strokey time!
For your consideration...
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 3, 2020:
There was a clip of an old show depicting a Mr. Trump as being a con man. Don't think it was The Twilight Zone tho.
Trump Blames New York Coronavirus Crisis on Impeachment ‘Hoax []
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 2, 2020:
Surprised he's not blaming it on the imported Mexican beer... and his wall would have stopped it...
Louisiana Pastor Arrested for Holding Services with Over 1,100 Attendees Rev.
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 2, 2020:
What's this gotta do with trunp? Anyways sounds like a chicken pox party to me.
😞😞 Frankie, apparently, can't appreciate me, on a day to day basis! I was just so happy ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 2, 2020:
From what you have posted in the past, it seems like you jumped into this relationship a little too fast. No one will be in the honeymoon type of relationship all the time throughout a long relationship.
Excuse me, I have something to say
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 1, 2020:
I'm about at that point.
The great philosophers.
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 1, 2020:
Homer Simpson "Beer is the solution to, and cause of all life's problems".
I love this group! You can call the orange turd whatever you like with impunity, It's not as if we ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 1, 2020:
#1 group I go to on Agnostic.
I wonder if she was masturbating? []
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 1, 2020:
Have to subscribe...
Just in case someone can shoot the virus! 😳 Trump administration rules gun shops 'essential' ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 1, 2020:
My 4th back procedure is scheduled for the 13th. It will probably be pushed back because it is a non life-threatening operation. But on the the 13th when it probably will be pushed back at least I can buy a gun that day! And why do people need a gun or ammo all of a sudden. What type of hunting season is it? Must be missing something here.
Time for trump to put his money where his mouth is ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 1, 2020:
Him? Do something to help someone (besides his rich buddies to make him richer)? I'm gonna have to give you a drug test.
Facts dispute trumps accusations against healthcare professionals
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 31, 2020:
I do know of hospitals that have had to lock them up. But these numbers are coming from trump so who knows. Speaking about numbers jumping up, why doesn't he talk about the debt and deficit...
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 31, 2020:
In a roundabout sort of way he was driving on a roundabout like he was a stirabout.
Trump Accuses Hospital Workers of Stealing And Selling Face Masks During an absolutely bizarre ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Hate to say it but lots of hospitals are locking up face masks. If he did say this, it is one of the only near true things he has ever said.
Trump only concerned with tv ratings
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Such a shocker you gave me a McHeartattack. All this fuck cases about is his ego.
Column: Trump’s coronavirus stimulus checks should come with a nondisclosure agreement - Chicago ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 31, 2020:
I heard it was for $1200, and to be direct deposited. How does someone like me get the monies when your account is froze, and you can't go in to the bank to get it straightened out because they are closed due to the Coronavirus?
Trump-loving megachurch pastor faces charges for packing church with hundreds despite COVID-19 ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 30, 2020:
They will just pray it away... I had a friend that was a complete religious nut! He got diagnosed with some sort of cancer that could have been treated (can't remember which type) but he refused treatment and wanted to be prayed over. He died.
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 30, 2020:
Petitions are good in theory, but not one I have ever signed has done a damn thing! :(
No one to cut hair
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 27, 2020:
What an ugly little girl! A face a mother could not even like!
I got these on Amazon they are .
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 26, 2020:
Check your local laws if it is legal. Friend of mine got in trouble for shooting a bb gun in town.
It's a hell of a way to go
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 25, 2020:
I will as soon as trump is out of office and in prison! Okay I lied, I'd still bash the fuck outta him!
Need help with a puter build that is driving me nuts! Conversation between a friend and I below.
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 24, 2020:
Update. Took it back and it had a bad CPU. Fired up every time even with my own PSU hooked up. Got home and nothing! Calling again tomorrow.
Prehistoric girl had parents belonging to different human species | New Scientist
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 24, 2020:
Now we have two confirmed. Trump was born from a monkey and an ape!
'Disturbing': Study Shows DOJ Prosecutions of White-Collar Criminals Hit All-Time Low Under Trump | ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 10, 2020:
What crimes? Jaywalking or having a little funky leaf? Did not specifically say.
Trump Claims Coronavirus Like Common Flu and Market Drop Fake News After spending the weekend ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Let me know when he got his doctorate in medical science...
Didnt know they got high
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 9, 2020:
Also, dolphins have been known to be homosexual, and rape humans. Didn't know this, but we do give kittys drugs. About half of them get high on cat nip! Really. Some don't want a thing to do with that. Others it just wants to make them roll back and forth on the ground and purrr. Others... It's like cat speed!
Trump tweeted that corona virus is fake news
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 9, 2020:
A message to the POS POUTS. Coronavirus is not fake news. Prolly thinks you could get it if you drink too much Corona one night, and have a hangover the next day! News Flash: Mr. T, bone spurs are FAKE NEWS!
The Lion King 😂
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 9, 2020:
I am a guardian of two little furries. For the most part, they get along. Other times... just like the second pic.
Practice Safe Politics
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 9, 2020:
Just use a condom for him. Since he prolly claims his is soooooo uge, we need a big trash bag. On, and this is for his pecker. He's a peckerhead...
trump's favorite song.....
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 9, 2020:
Wrong. Fact checked. Here is his fave.
Here is the list. Let's get moving on this one. One by one.. out the door they go.
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 9, 2020:
Let's just abolish government. I really don't trust any politician.
The difference is glaring
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 9, 2020:
Trump does anything better than anyone. All the time. Every time. Hugely better...
Catholic Churches Are Removing Holy Water Out of Fear of Spreading Coronavirus | David Gee | ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 9, 2020:
Looks like their magic is working! I'm talking about Penn and Teller....
What a nasty POS
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 7, 2020:
I don't know where to start...
None to be found!!!!!
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 7, 2020:
The one on the left is pence?
Thats all folks
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 7, 2020:
Ha! I made a similar meme with "the Obama wrecking crew". :)
In a christian, racist nation this was sold as a toy... guess the Nation... clue: before nra.
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 6, 2020:
Gypsyofnewspain posted this. The fuck?
In a christian, racist nation this was sold as a toy... guess the Nation... clue: before nra.
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 6, 2020:
Also reminds me of the book Little Black Sambo. My dad had a copy that was basically a cartoon book. He denied having it. Bs. I've read it, and my mom has seen it too!
In a christian, racist nation this was sold as a toy... guess the Nation... clue: before nra.
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 6, 2020:
What the fuck? Mind if I share this on the oddities group. I'll give you cred.
I never realized how much abuse i was dealing with until i started explaining my relationship to ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 6, 2020:
There is far worse I've dealt with.
LILYOOO [agnostic.
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 5, 2020:
Not avail.
Prominent Republicans mock Trump’s legal claims in Supreme Court brief — and debunk ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 4, 2020:
He should have learned from Nixon! Tucker was prolly never told "no" in his life time. F him!
Feds: Mystery witness will implicate ‘Putin’s chef’ in election interference []
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Trump himself is a mystery. We know loads about his bs. What else is he hiding?
Can we please get him out now! []
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 3, 2020:
Yesterday would be better. Just saying. Get pence and Pelosi out to!
Yes, I can imagine. 😂 🤣
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Reminds me of the skit from family guy. You have missed so much, like when mentally challenged suicide bombers tried to take over. On phone so won't let me copy and paste. Funny af!
I haven't seen a better description of the Trump presidency.
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Might be the other way around? Ignorance means you haven't learned something. Stupidity is ignoring... what is the word? Oh FACTS!
Trump misidentifies first US coronavirus fatality
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Trump wrong? Unpossible! Oh the guy could not remember what country he bombed, but remembered the chocolate cake!
Texas of course! [theguardian.]
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 2, 2020:
I thought Nebraska was bad! Do these people realize that maybe 1/4 of the us (population wise) was part of Mexico? How bout we kick out the orangies before the brownies? Fair?
Someone should make a (blue) hat.
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 2, 2020:
MASA! Make America Sick Again!
Trump's god is abandoning him .... []
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Hes abandoning himself?
Supreme Court turns away challenge to 'bump stock' ban - JURIST - News - Legal News & Commentary
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Bumpstocks are clumsy af. My dad went to a gun show a couple mins ago. Claimed 2 booths had nothing but bumps! He also said there was a couple m1s for auction. Not to be confused with the m1 garand. The garands are semi auto similar to a 308. These are 76mm used to take down tanks!
Punch him in the face []
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Not a nice thing o say! I think kicking him in the road dick...
Is It Just Me?
TheGreatShadow comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Friend of mine was issued a m-240. He was also issued a m-134a. The last fired bout 8k a min. If he didn't have kids, I'd swear he'd kill him.
Tyrion caught a mouse near the tv stand a couple weeks ago and is now OBSESSED with the tv.
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 29, 2020:
At least kitteah got the mices!
Breaking news...pence approved!!!!
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Don't cut the eye holes next time! Then kick them in the pecker, and RUN!
Feeling the Bern in Brookline! Just home from Bernie's rally in Boston.
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 29, 2020:
I have mixed feelings bout him. But anyone but fuzznuts!
Trump directing his coronavirus task force to launch attacks on Democrats to avoid blame: report ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Is that an auxiliary of the space force?
Trump says corona virus is Democratic hoax
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Judas. Fucking. Preist!
Meet Gary, the Hiking Cat Who Goes on Pawsome Mountain Adventures
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Awwwwwww! Hi Gary!
Oasis - Wonderwall []
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 29, 2020:
My fave Oasis jam! They treat their fans like shit tho. :(
How the zombie apocalypse begins....
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 29, 2020:
If there is a zombie apocalypse, go to Costco. You need an I'd to get in, and they have years of food!
Memo from the desk of Coronavirus Response Czar Mike Pence:
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Calling B's on this. He idolize es road troll. Not in sharpie. Tell tail sigh...
😎Good morning all.. she's all bada, no bing!
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Whale tail!
Probably my holiday this year
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Must be missing something. Loads of people take pictures with toilet seats...
Any bikers here?...
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Wrong type of bike.... Just saying.
Trump defends huge cuts to the CDC's budget by saying the government can hire more doctors 'when we ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Keep America sick again! Fuck him!
Trump Pardons Booth - Alternative Facts
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
He can do anything he wants. Or thinks so...
Ex-Trump counsel Don McGahn doesn't have to testify, court rules
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Fuck balls! I got a subpoena once. I had to go. The guy took a plea bargain, so I didn't have to go.
Leave it to Trump and his sharpie. He can't even spell.
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Trump claims he doesn't drink. Can you imagine how he'd act if he drank Corona?? Scares the fuck outta me! Well just have to him snorting addarol and sharpies....
And that is still giving him too much credit.
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Tits on a bore I reckon.
Thank a Democrat!!!!!!
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Why? Cause most Dems have a heart?
🤥 Can't Pardon Stone -- 🤗 []
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
The dumb fuck thinks he can do anything! Makes Nixon look smart!
If anyone's looking for unique/odd gift ideas, this site works.
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Weird Al chea pet? You made my day! Didn't think they made those anymore.
Yup typical
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
I don't really bother to fact check anymore. If it's something completely dumb, there is a 99% chance it is true! When I try to make a joke, he says something dumber the next day. Steven King is a good author. Chris Carter iirc held the world record for highest paid author. Both are sci-fi writers. They can't make up the shit trump claims.
Mike Pence Touches NASA Equipment Marked 'Do Not Touch' | Time
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Give him a break! He's praying for it! Lol
DOJ Creates New Unit to Strip Citizenship from Terrorists, Criminals
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Are you or have you ever been a Communist? That turned up next to NOTHING! After 9-11 they checked who was renting books from liabraries bout cooking books. they also looked into who bought certian foods from grocery store s. Also came up with almost nothing! There are good people of all different colors. This is nothing more than racial profiling! Why don't white terrorists get much shit? Remember mcvay?
Thats true
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Not as bad as him trying to start ww111!
[] Pence trying to scare coronavirus away with crucufix
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Holy water, empty threat, the holy Cross has no effect, I piss on any object of virtue. - Kerry King
Funny giff about drug dog
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Now that shit is funny! Reminds me Of the part where Steve Martian got caught with hamburgers at an airport. Lol here is a true story. I was coming back from Mexico. I bought I think 4 Cubans (the things you smoke,not the people). They were illegal at the time, and I was shitting bricks. Why? Drug dog right by me! The dog went and sat by the person in front of me! The only thing he said was"oh fuck".
Trump Turns to Pence to Calm Fears Over Coronavirus President Trump addressed the nation from ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
I don't trust a source that has comedy in the URL. If true, the blind is leading the blind. Don't know which is dumber. Pence doesn't get a lot of attention like trump. How bout we do a coin toss to settle this?
The orange turd knows everything! For example, the sharp decline of the stock market is not due to ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
He'll make up any shit to shift attention from his fuck ups.:(
Move over pence...Let a REAL expert handle this!!!!
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
No! That's how you get coronaviris! She's doing it wrong!
Sanders Slams Trump, Mocks Pence: He Tried To ‘Pray Away’ HIV Epidemic []
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Did they feel the burn? :)
Detroit tried to plant trees in the hood.
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Doesn't have much to do with this post, but you ever been to East St Louis? Driven through there many times. Once I went there for a concert. That place is something like 90-95% black! Talk about feeling out of place! If I have to drive through there, I stop for nothing! No this post is not bashing black people. That place is a shithole!
Pinata pole Which candidate are you siding with ?
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Too early to tell. Let's face it. It will come down to two people. I need to figure out who is the least full of shit! They promise everything until they are in office! If they are honest I'd go for Sanders or Bloomberg. But that's all we need is another billionaire president. I wish buffet would run! He knows how to handle large amounts of money!
Why should we pay for Eric's business trip security to Uruguay?
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Why should we pay one red cent to any trump?
Got that right
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Bullshit! I have friends that are that age. He's making 4th graders look bad! And yes I know our education system sucks!
Bob has it right
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
For a sec I thought you pulled a trump and was speaking in 3rd person. Lol
Whats the difference between Trump and a Pumpkin?
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
What's the difference between trump and a cum dumpster? This ain't a joke. I'd like to know.
It may take Scotland, for lack of Senate republican balls, to lock the turd up! []
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Can we make trump put on a kilt during the process?that I'd pay to see.
We're fucked!
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Run 'merica like a business he said. Well just like one of his....
Notice the similarities????
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 27, 2020:
The one on the left is the most attractive.
Donald Trump Has Spent Nearly A Third of His Presidency Visiting His Business Properties At Taxpayer...
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 27, 2020:
But he doesn't get a salary!
This is 100% True
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 25, 2020:
Low self-esteem taught by daddy? Unearned privelae taught by daddy?
Im growing a cat.
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 25, 2020:
How many times you water a day?
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