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Trumpers rally
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 14, 2019:
Two can play that game! Trump is a stupidhead! At least he didn't swear. I'm saving that for FB. :)
Outrageous just wrong
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 14, 2019:
Most modern wars are over money. Most wars overall is religion. Both be bullshit.
Just saw a great new nickname: Agolf Twitler. I wish I could be so clever.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 14, 2019:
I've been using that one for a while.
Russia bombing hospitals, Trump allowing atrocities against Kurds.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 13, 2019:
I don't even want to read the article. This guy is sick!
Neil Diamond - Brother Loves Travelling Salvation Show, 1969. []
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 13, 2019:
Good jam! Great that a young buck like you likes the old school shit. Back in the days, they didn't mash on a keyboard, and say yeah every few seconds!
Good morning all! If you aren't up yet you should be now! You're welcome 😊😘
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 13, 2019:
Pretty sure tucking a penis... Just saying.
Wishful thinking!!!
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 13, 2019:
Not classy or sexy IMHO. Pic was taken somewhere in the south and they are trying to seduce their cousin/brother?
Good Meme.....
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 13, 2019:
Eva used cyanide. Hitler used a pistol. Does it come with optional pistol?
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 13, 2019:
Very pretty redhead. Lovely green eyes!
See ya next week!
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 13, 2019:
Found you an extra part for one...
Trump's favorite game
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 13, 2019:
No, it's Monopoly...
Dressed in black... How do you like it?
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 13, 2019:
I love black hair and black leather. Very pretty gal.
Works for me
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 13, 2019:
That's because rather than hit them you have to run to the bathroom?
Here's a break from silicon valley...
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 13, 2019:
Pretty face. Nice body.
Still wouldn't entice me to join a church .
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 12, 2019:
That took me a second to get! Damn!
The title of this article, in a Right-wing rag, made me giggle.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 12, 2019:
More than likely not. But as I mentioned, rosa parks...
Interesting historical illustration of the danger of dogma over science.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 12, 2019:
Ironically some satanists sacrifice cats.
To show severe punishment towards Turkey, Trump has decided to cancel Thanksgiving.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 12, 2019:
You are kidding, right?
Facebook just changed its Terms of Service to allow the Trump campaign to post fake ads denigrating ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 12, 2019:
I read that earlier. They are a private company. They can ban anything they don't like. For any reason. They are one of the biggest trump supporters. BTW this site is linked in with FB.
Electricity off or house burned down?
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 12, 2019:
For some reason won't let me edit the OP. They can follow trumps instructions and rake the forest instead!
Gotta have some way to dry it off after cleaning out the head cheese.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 12, 2019:
I hope I'm not the one that made them put the warning on...
Trump wall we want
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 12, 2019:
He doesn't deserve a wall. A fence. Or a dog kennel will do...
Nice smile.. Great boobies, and I don't care if they're fake or real...
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 12, 2019:
Don't care either if they are fake. I'll never find out. :( Plus I hear fakes feel close to natural. Most naturals are not that rounded. Only saw one (yes one) that was natural like that. My guess is fake. Pretty gal tho.
Today's Mass Shooting Tracker 395 in 281 days There's a new type of shooting, happening Ebert ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 12, 2019:
Link won't load. EDIT: finally got it. Gave me a weird error message at first. Why is stuff like this not on national news? People wonder why I bought body armor. This is why...
Anatomy of the phone call now imperiling Trump’s presidency
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 12, 2019:
Yeah, he doesn't bother to go to a lot of his daily security breifings. Said this before, but if you are hired for a job, you better do it, or get fired! Funny thing is my dad does the same to me. I'm the one that has to make calls for him. Anything from calling tech support, billing, or customer service for a wrong package sent. He almost always right by me when I call whoever. They need his account number, billing info, etc. I don't know that shit! So I have to tell whoever let me check. Then I ask him. Then he finds whatever they need. They ask me a question, then I ask dad, then I tell them. Happens on probably over 50% of the questions I'm asked. Must piss off the person at the other end! If Ivanka really has to do the talking for him at a presidential level... HOLY SHIT!
Trump has now distanced himself from Rudy and describes him as "a good attorney" where he has ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 12, 2019:
Might be the other way around. Lots of his old buddies are running away from him like the plague...
You know gun laws in America are ridiculous when even the 2nd Amendment screamers are totally ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 12, 2019:
There are so many firearm loopholes it isn't funny. This is the ONLY part of an AR-15 that is considered a firearm. Everything else is just a part. Notice FFL is required.
My Dog Would Make a Better President!
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 12, 2019:
True. And I don't even have a dog!!! Friend of mine posted a pic of his shadow on FB. He said "this is a picture of my shadow. It'd still be a better president than trump". This was shortly after the election.
Anyone notice trumps increased use of profanity in the media since the start of the impeachment ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 12, 2019:
I curse like a sailor IRL. I'm like WTF is that? WTF are you doing. Et cetera. But when you blow up using strong words, it means something different. I've read an article from a university study that people that use swears have a higher IQ. This ain't the case with him. He wants to seem tough. I brought a soldier near tears screaming at him. BTW he deserved it.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 12, 2019:
You can sleep in your car, you can't race your bed!
Isis militants escape... []
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 11, 2019:
I have a plan to defeat ISIS in 30 days. Hey, you idiot, the Kurds were guarding some of them. Thanks trump!
Donald Trump Did Impression Of FBI Agent Peter Strzok Having An Orgasm At ‘Ugly’ Minneapolis ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 11, 2019:
Not worse than him mocking a disabled reporter. Or trying to start WWIII. Anyways, this is something a college frat guy would do at a party. Not the most powerful person in the world. The shames...
And now a message from Evangelicals in support of tRump
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 11, 2019:
I don't get the joke, but ironically seconds after this I hit play on storage wars. They mentioned the Kool Aid guy. There is a Kool Aid museum in Hastings, Nebr. That's where it was invented.
I would rather have the locusts
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 11, 2019:
No shit!
Safety first:
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 11, 2019:
Blast from the past 2016 seems like so long ago
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 11, 2019:
Are those real tweets?
It's like multilevel marketing
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 11, 2019:
Multilevel marketing is a funny thing to call a pyramid scheem.
Along came a spider..
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 11, 2019:
I had to get about a third of the way through it to see where that was going. lol
Trump loses again. []
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 11, 2019:
So now he has to release them. The copies are ironically in sharpie...
Master baker, master strategist, master spin doctor, master money maker, master president and Jack ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 11, 2019:
Master truth teller?
Those darn bone spurs!
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 11, 2019:
Didn't he blast Obama for not serving during that time. Wasn't he clinically pronounced as being 5 (or whatever).
I have long held the opinion that trumps empire is based on fraud.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 11, 2019:
Trump a conman?
Jwoww or Snookie? Tall or short? I didn't know Snookie was that little... I likey!
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 11, 2019:
Neither. Jwow is supposed to be a cunt, and Snookie is dumber than a bag of shit. Neither did anything for me.
Poor baby!!!
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 11, 2019:
That's no joke!
Trump's former Russia aide set give revealing testimony on Giuliani, Sondland []
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 11, 2019:
Get him!
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 11, 2019:
How bad is it when Fox even calls him out?! They even flat out called him a liar. Several times. Trump claims that 25% of Americans want him impeached. Fox had a new poll saying that 51% not only want him impeached, but kicked out! Fox is something like 17% accurate, and CNN is almost 90%. If Fox's poll is accurate, I don't see how he could possibly get a second term. If that is the percent that wants him kicked out, how many more will NOT vote for him!?
The obscenity of a president that allows genocide while he profits from the country and government ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 11, 2019:
Yeah, it's almost always the contractors that win in about any modern war.
They’re falling like dominoes..... []
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 11, 2019:
I just posted a similar article from the New York Times.
Watching Rachel and see that the senior advisor to Secretary of State Pompeo has resigned.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Another one of trumps puppetts either quiting or fired? Say it ain't so!
Hey, how was your day?
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 10, 2019:
One on the left has a very pretty face!
Something about this amuses me. A lot.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Are you stuck? No you idiot! The golf cart needed a drink...
Good lesson and very easy to understand.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 10, 2019:
She is having a nice conversation with herself. If she was that drunk, how did she know?
Jon Voight may be a great actor but not very bright. []
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Heard the name, but don't know of anything he was in. Didn't know Angelina is his daughter. Don't the people on the right think actors should not be involved in politics?
New low for orange turd
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 10, 2019:
He can get lower?
Identical face!
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Literally made me lol!
She's like a rainbow....
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Pretty gal. Rainbow In The Dark?
Two idiots
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Is the first one trump trucking?
LASCIVIOUS--of a person, manner, or gesture--feeling or revealing an overt & often offensive sexual ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 10, 2019:
There is a porn star that goes by that name. Didn't know what it meant till now.
INELUCTABLE--unable to be resisted or avoided, inescapable
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Sadly the sign speaks so much truth. But then again if you try to help some unconscious person out of a burning vehicle, they get paralized when you are trying to save their life.... they sue your ass off. :(
Just finished this picture of Munchie.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Pretty sure Munchie doesn't have a cap either. :)
Hairless kitten
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Thought it'd be a pic of an actual hairless kitteah! lol
The 1%ers and Corporations Don’t Care if Trump Hates America; He’s Making Them a Swamp.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 9, 2019:
When I hear 1%ers I think of the baddies in motorcycle gangs, not the upper 1%. Oh he needs to be thrown in the swamp...
A beautiful dream on Elm Street
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Freddy better not have a penis...
Does this shirt make my boobs look big?
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 9, 2019:
No, your boobs make your boobs look big!
Hey everyone.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Very nice!
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Scar Tissue []
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Been a long time since I heard anything by the Peppers. This is probably my fave from them. The vocalist isn't the best in the biz, but I read somewhere he was supposed to be one of the healthiest musicians. I raise you...
Mr T thinks he has the upper hand.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Does he pity the fool?
Vampires were onto something
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Because vampires are scared of Jewish zombies?
fatberg noun a very large mass of solid waste that is found in a sewer, consisting especially of ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Trump is a fatberg.
Goodnight Raccoon
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Shoot it!
Trump defends abandoning Kurds by saying they didn't help US in WWII
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 9, 2019:
That's about like defending hitler because Germany and us were allies during WW1...
Trump fan Joseph Schumacher accused of flashing loaded gun at Warren supporter - The Washington Post
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Won't let me read the article. No, not paying money to read...
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 9, 2019:
I'd call her anything she wants me to!
Maybe there is a coup taking place.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Would not let me read the full article. But WHAT THE FUCK?
Few words from a vet
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Friend of mine just got out in Jan. He has ZERO respect for trump.
Good Morning all
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Lindsay Lohan?
Shocking Pics Confirm Trump's Use of "Uppers" []
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Didn't know sudafed was an upper. Mr. Fox ripped on him about the taco bowl. I didn't know that he was promoting his own taco bowl. Learn something new every day.
Platinum blonde
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Please tell me I'm not the only one that noticed the hair before the boobs? Very pretty gal!
brians post []
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Testament = best native thrash band. I got dark roots of earth on vinyl. \m/ \m/
Gojira- Shooting Star []
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 9, 2019:
I thought this was a Bad Company cover. lol BTW you two get a room! haha
GOP Lawmakers Watch Silently As Trump Strangles Each Of Their Loved Ones In Turn ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 9, 2019:
For all of you that don't know ONN is a satire site.
2:30 am EST - ever just feel like your body and your mind could just use a good defrag?
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 9, 2019:
What does a hard drive have to do with a cat?
Lmao doesnt exist
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Stop creepin'n me Jesus! Plus I know you stole the hubcaps from my car. We need to talk about THAT!
Would you believe
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Guy that could not sell vodka to russians?
What a cute little killer =^_^= []
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Trained her. I'm doing the sniff and lift...
Also, a Rodney Carrington song. []
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Very nice pics of boobs...
"The Cure for Toxic Positivity -- ‘Hang in there!’ can do more harm than good" ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Have a good cup of shut the fuck up!!! A simple "hi" can save ones life.
I am family.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 8, 2019:
One does not "own" a kitty. They are furry family!
The pitchfork people and the torch people need to stick together!
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 7, 2019:
Thanks Obama! He took my pitchfork and my torch!
Interesting idea! But many people will be severely pissed off if he doesn't spend any time in ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 7, 2019:
Fucker should have been cuffed and stuffed a long time ago. Sadly if he does go to prison, he will get special treatment. :(
Crime is a lot of work!
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 7, 2019:
I hope we see him on a special episode of Americas Dumbest Criminals. One guy went to rob a bank. He left the letter there. It was on the back of an envelope. The front had his address. Oh, the letter was from his probation officer. Another tried to break into a store. He picked up a cinder block trying to break the glass. It wasn't glass. It was some sort of heavy duty plexi glass. Block bounced back smacking him in the head and knocking him out. I can't wait for the trump edition!
RECHERCHE--rare, exotic, obscure
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 7, 2019:
Virtual boy?
No kidding
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 7, 2019:
Fake news?
What are the things you want most out of life?
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 6, 2019:
A sense of purpose.
What is this?
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Rabbit food?
Two days ago, Trump was blaming big pharma for this Ukraine thing. Today?
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 6, 2019:
I've seen a friend drink 4 bottles of whiskey in a day. Still more corerant than that prick.
Evidence Doesn't Prove Anything! - WTF!!!!!
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 6, 2019:
The whiny crybaby can take his "pain" and shove it up his asshole!
Illegals crossing our borders are bringing us diseases, they say.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Stopped at they.
In one of my moods
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 5, 2019:
Just a little too far.
Today's Mass Shooting Tracker 382 in 276 days A LOT of domestic related gun deaths last month.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 5, 2019:
Why I bought another one today
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