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Trump supporter organizes rally against ‘all the hatred’ — of the president | Raw Story
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 19, 2019:
They are just as racist as him.
Newly Elected Missouri County Council Member Takes Oath on Dr.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 18, 2019:
Pretty sure this is fake. I've had to testify in court. Never had to swear on a book of any type.
I'm all in on this one!
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 18, 2019:
Reminds me of a black metal band (I think Emperor) making a post about the wall. They said something along the lines of "we are going to build a wall and make the sweeds pay for it. Were making metal great again!" We have become the laughingstock of the world. If him and pence got kicked out, I'd be happy to see gwb back in! This is how bad this is.
Sound familiar
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 18, 2019:
And asks for donations to lie.
An obvious question
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 18, 2019:
Damn good point.
But it sure as hell helps
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 18, 2019:
What does this have to do with trump? I got banned from here because a link was down. Wtf?
Can i sue tRump for mental anguish?
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 18, 2019:
Class action...
Hi! Im new here.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 17, 2019:
I usually just don't say anything , but sometimes I can't help it.
What trumps policy has done for farmers
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 16, 2019:
No shit.
I trust U all are sitting down.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 16, 2019:
Last I checked we are well over 1t in debt, and the deficit is close to 6.
C'mon honey, it's bedtime!! Woohoo!! Goodnight all. 😍😘
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 15, 2019:
Is he gay? Wouldn't have to drag me...
The modern woman.. strong, intelligent, and beautiful... Don't you agree?
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 15, 2019:
Don't know who she is.
Trump admin admits thst they think the poem in the Statue of Liberty only applies to white people.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 14, 2019:
Won't let me log into tweety, but please tell me this is fake. I am as white as you can get, and we have been here legally for about 5 generations. Fuck him.
The Dow is down by 800 points (at 12.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 14, 2019:
Is 800 pts a lot?
Your more likely to die from a lightning strike than you are from a mass shooting.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 14, 2019:
I read an FBI report that said you have a 38% more chance of dying from lighting. Withe the recent shootings, I will not take a chance. I'm buying body armor.
Indeed, I did.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 14, 2019:
Hi little furry farts!
Would be interesting
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 14, 2019:
Don't inform Hillary...
Jeffrey Epstein Death: 2 Guards Slept Through Checks and Falsified Records
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 14, 2019:
I posted something similar on Trump Pinata. I haven't heard about them sleeping on the job, but when I did security, the #1 cause of write-ups were for sleeping on the job! We were understaffed, and had to work long hours.
More gangster cats
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 14, 2019:
Give them food and run!
Reality of Assault Rifles and why they don't belong on Civilian Hands. []
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 14, 2019:
Assault weapons...
36 cases where Trump is cited as the reason for violence. []
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 14, 2019:
1. trump 2. trump 3. trump 4. trump 5. trump 6. trump 7. trump 8. trump 9. trump 10. trump 11. trump 12. trump 13. trump 14. trump 15. trump 16. trump 17. trump 18. trump 19. trump 20. trump 21. trump 22. trump 23. trump 24. trump 25. trump 26. trump 27. trump 28. trump 29. trump 30. trump 31. trump 32. trump 33. trump 34. trump 35. trump 36. trump
"He's your president."
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 14, 2019:
He missed. lol
Head, hands, and feet are warm... The rest is hot, hot!! Yes?
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 14, 2019:
Very sexy. She better not bitch is she is cold. She doesn't know how clothes work. lol
Walter Chandoha's purrfect cats – in pictures In 1949, Walter Chandoha adopted a stray kitten ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 14, 2019:
Hi kitty!
Waiting to be picked up... Hurry! She's getting cold...
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 14, 2019:
I'm driving 1000 MPH. Don't know how I will get across the pond to get to Norway, but I'll figure something out...
What we're up against
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 14, 2019:
Yeah and lots of farmers STILL support his orange ass!
A rhetorical question, I know.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 14, 2019:
Trump says he 'couldn't care less' that being president is 'costing me from $3 to $5 billion' ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 14, 2019:
His numbers are wrong. He isn't worth 5B. He can make that much in less than 4 years? Another lie.
Good morning all! 74 degrees in NYC.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 14, 2019:
74 is hot? Come to Nebraska in summer! Hell if you really want to see hot and muggy, go to Miami in the summer!
Does anyone here think Jeffrey Epstein wasn't murdered?
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 14, 2019:
I'm not sure what to say. They are reviewing the security cameras. We do know that some of the guards faked paperwork. There are many ways one can die. Many ways one can achieve death. Many ways one can achieve postmortem.
Funny uber joke
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 14, 2019:
No way in hell I'd be a goober driver. Friend of mine tried that for extra money. He said he lost 5K in a month! You need to supply people with water and phone chargers. Goober doesn't withold taxes on your behalf so you have to pay in. You pick up some drunkard, and they puke all over your car, and you have to clean it. Hell most calls are on the weekend at night. Drunks need rides. Fuck on a friday or saturday night I'm the one that would need an uber! lol
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Next he'll legalize killing bald eagles...
Poetic justice
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Wrong! He had a red hot pitch fork to shove up his ass...
The thing I wonder about the Jeffrey Epstein death is that, on suicide watch, the guards only needed...
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
They didn't check on him for hours...
For anyone interested in what old school Conservative "gunfighters' " psyches might contain, I'd ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Funny enjoy
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Supposidly you can't get shocked by peeing in it. The piss dropletts won't conduct. No, I won't test that out...
Trump’s trade war ‘is doing a lot of economy damage’ — and manufacturing industries are ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Wants me to pay for the article.
Trump official revises Statue of Liberty poem to defend migrant rule change - BBC News
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
When can we add "and never spend over 100M on golfing trips to your own courses"? Claimed he would never leave the WH. I could go on, but fuck!
Yeah, i get it now.... thanks Obama!
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
The Ventura County Star had an article called "Take My Job". Really no one took the offer. The article was about taking immigrants jobs.
I hate to make generalizations but doesn't it seem like Republicans tend to be selfish and self ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Do nazis like jews?
Cooling off some hot pockets...
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Very pretty lady!
If you had the opportunity to hop in bed with tRump, what would you do?
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Tell him I get turned on being a Dom. and call in Catlyn Jenner?
Today's most reliable birth control.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Sadly, it is the other way around.
Trump Has Been Sending Creepy Handwritten Notes to Justin Trudeau [vanityfair.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Put them in a ring one on one. No one else can interfear. Guess who would win?
What is your favorite curse word?
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
God bless you. I use that as a curse word. Most don't catch it.
Looks like this year, I have beaten the raccoons to my harvest.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
I think you need to worry about the two legged coons worse (no not a racist implication).
Hello everybody! I’m pretty new to the site but I’m enjoying it so far! I’m glad that I found ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
St. Libtard...
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
I'll scream at him if given enough money.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Nice little rear! She needed the water because she was dehydrated so bad after I got done with her. :)
Anyone have any yummy low fat, gluten free, sugar free, nut free, low acid recipes or meal ideas?
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Low sodium rice cakes?
Here are three "rescues" I made in the last couple of weeks, all from the FB marketplace.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Very cool!
Woohoo! Guess who? I've no idea but ain't she purty?
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Catlyn Jenner?
So being very under employed today, I thought that it would perhaps be a good idea to take a look at...
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
It's just a mirror site. Logged into it a couple times. User name and PW worked.
New additions to the family.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Hi kittys!
That's terrifying 😼
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Kitteah is getting vengance for doggy humping hoomans leg?
We haven't grown much.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
The video game thing is a trump tactic...
A two-fer.......
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
The one on the right looks like Nikki Delano.
Confidentiality very important
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
That's like getting a package in the mail in a plain brown box saying in big letters "NOT A SEX TOY".
I point this out and all will be looking.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
He probably forgot how to use a button?
Any volunteers? Not moi... I have bad knees...
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Start a gofund me for Stormy...
The Dyslexorcist.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
I had a feeling it would be something like "your mother cock sucks in hell".
Trump’s State-by-State Approval Ratings Should Scare the MAGA Out of Him [nymag.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Turn completely blue Nebraska!
Awesome story for ER
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 12, 2019:
Just like the guy that had something up their butt... Said they sat on it by accident. It was a one in a million shot Doc!
That dark green...
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 12, 2019:
Please stop posting pics of my GF...
Zoe did it again.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 12, 2019:
Tommi clawed me in the ass when I was dead asleep. Not a fun way to wake up!
Big investigation into how a billionaire dies in custody.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 12, 2019:
They aren't watched 24/7. I know several people that have done hard time. You can do things with stuff you'd never think.
Lean and mean... She's gorgeous..
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 12, 2019:
How does that tiny tummy hold up those mountians?
Kiss - Heaven's On Fire []
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 12, 2019:
One of my fave Kiss songs.
I bought my boys bulletproof backpacks.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 12, 2019:
Pretty useless. Most people are shot in the chest.
You should of bought the Premium package.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 12, 2019:
Other way around...
Let me slip into something more comfortable.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 12, 2019:
Whale tales are sexy.
OMFG!!! I just got an email from 45, thanking me for joining his "team"!!! I just sent back a ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 12, 2019:
I'm sure it wasn't directly from him.
I think arizonajerry69 was the one that sent me a message about swinging.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 12, 2019:
My bad for pasting the wrong thing. I had to help my folks load for a trip, and didn't double check the paste. Just noticed it.
"Observe son & grandson; everything the sun touches is our kingdom".
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 12, 2019:
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! The two smaller ones are stuffed toys tho.
Laughing so hard
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 12, 2019:
I literally laughed out loud!
Wondering what the next eruption will be about
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 12, 2019:
A lot of times I wake up and the first thing I think is "what stupid shit is he gonna say today". Not joking at all about that.
Simone Biles soars to 6th US gymnastics title after nailing historic triple-double flip
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 12, 2019:
Saw that on TV. Amazing! I think she is very pretty, and she is adopted, and supports people that are adopted (I think she has a foundation).
Got my T shirt and pen!
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 12, 2019:
I lost my pen about 2 seconds after I opened the package. lol
I have great room that I've wanted to use to foster kittens for ages.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 11, 2019:
Glad you are a foster. Ever hear of Kitten Lady?
Jeffrey Epstein's death is a perfect storm for conspiracy theories
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 11, 2019:
Trump is blaming it on Clinton.
This weeks WORST cops WARNING: Videos may be difficult to watch.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 11, 2019:
The lead investigator for this county recently got fired. I personally gave the guy some evidence, and the court house claimed they never got it. The guy he was investigating was a personal friend of his. I asked the county attorney what it was about, and gave me a vague answer. They basically implied he was dirty.
Funny but probably many grandmom are are doing it
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 11, 2019:
If you live in Jersey or NYC, probably not shocking. lol
" Canadians " 😂😂😂♥️♥️♥️ []
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 11, 2019:
Literally laughed! Why would a Canadian want to come here? I'm trying to move there!
Funny ever do it
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 11, 2019:
I always give them back! I just borrow!
Trump screwed up attacking the news media, calling them the "enemy of the people".
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 11, 2019:
I've said this before.Never type ANYTHING unless you are willing to share that with everyone in the world. Like the guy on FB that said he was getting his AR=15 back in 3 days and don't go to walmart. He was arrested. Or the young lady that threatened Obama. More people read shit on social media than you think.
Please share your reaction to this photo.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 11, 2019:
Call CPS...
'Don't go to Walmart next week': Florida man arrested for making threat, officials say - WSOC
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 11, 2019:
> Even if he didn't mean it, don't say shit like this "Clayton wrote on Facebook, "3 more days of probation left then I get my AR-15 back. Don't go to Walmart next week."
'Don't go to Walmart next week': Florida man arrested for making threat, officials say - WSOC
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 11, 2019:
Don't go to wal mart period.
Caption this.....
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Suicide or ?? 🤷‍♀️ []
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 10, 2019:
I need more evidence. But, I can tell you what I know. A friend of mine got sentenced to 6 years in prison. He had consensual sex with an underaged girl. She admitted she lied about her age. I have talked to his two brothers, and friends. All claim she did not look under age. Nebraska is a no fault state, and they went after him. Although her and the family dropped charges. If you are in prison, most don't care if you rape and kill a 40 year old gal. A pederass is the worst. When he was in a holding cell, one guy beat him within an inch of his life. There was a bloody bank robery in Norfolk several years ago. He was in the cell with one of them. I won't rule out murder.
Roasted Cauliflower Recipe - Excellent I use the recipe on Food Network's website ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Think I'll try this one! Maybe cut back on the garlic, and no salt tho...
Whatcha doing?
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Sadly not her. :(
I ve been in USA for 24 yrs guys ( this October ), and a citizen since 2005.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 10, 2019:
I don't think you are paranoid. I've had 3 attempts against my life. It's not uncommon for me to have 3 pistols on me. Welcome to America.
Bob Dylan - like a rolling stone 1965 []
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Saw Zimmerman a few years ago. The only song I recognised was this one. You could hardly hear what he was saying. Think he was hard to understand in the 60's?
He can still find more to ruin in America :( EPA dropped salmon protection after Trump met with ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Next is he gonna make a season for hunting bald eagles? I love salmon, and a good cut is spendy, but WTF?
As a young Airman during the late '80's at BMT, I chose "no preference" re: religion on my dog tags.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Not related to military, but here is my story. Several years ago I was throwing up blood. I was in the ER for about 10 days (GI bleed). They moved me to the ICU. A preist asked me if I wanted the last rights. I said no.
If anyone has the slightest inclination that all this BS will end on 01/20/21.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Enough with those negative waves! Capone was never proven to have committed murder, but they gave him a very harsh sentence for tax fraud! He thinks he can get away with anything, but the iron boot is going to come down from the sky, and kick him in the ass!
Amnesty International Issues U.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 9, 2019:
Are we winning?
mISHMASH OF trump!
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 9, 2019:
You decide who wore it better
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 9, 2019:
I'll pay you on Wed for a burger today...
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