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Tea bag balls
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 23, 2018:
The Deez jokes were never funny. Especially after the 1000th time.
Craziest religious thing you’ve ever done?
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 23, 2018:
Tried to become a priest.
God is not dead: He’s just recovering from a really bad hangover.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 23, 2018:
That's why he rested on the 7th day!!! A day for him is thousands of years...
I started talking to this guy a little bit ago from this site.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 23, 2018:
I see height in cm on us dls all the time! Lol also the expiration is written like British English. Seems legit...
Is religion the cause of all (or most) wars?
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 23, 2018:
More people have been killed in the name of a deity than for any other reason. Mostly wars.
I think your mind either expands or shrinks under either an alcoholic or drug induced state.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 23, 2018:
Look at almost any famous musician. Just saying...
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 23, 2018:
I think the meme is about 20 years too late...
Been there...
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 23, 2018:
It's mcgym...
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 23, 2018:
Dating sites are a joke imho. Better to just meet some one by happenstance. If you expect to meet the love of your life there, you're probably wrong. Yes, I'm sure it has happened in the past, but the commercials are the exception rather than the rule. For me, I meet women when I am not expecting anything, and is completely random.
David Bowie. Heroes []
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 23, 2018:
Starman or I'm afraid of Americans are my faves. This is a great jam tho.
I can relate....
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 23, 2018:
Not like you're in your teens. It's like "are we going to do this or what".
Good to know....
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 23, 2018:
Wouldn't surprise me if that was actually on fox...
Dumbass kid!
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 23, 2018:
I think you meant smartass boy. lol
MAGA indeed! ?
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 23, 2018:
Covering up evidence
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 23, 2018:
He rolled the SUV and ran to the next house to mow the lawn instead of getting in trouble? lol Hell, live in a village of 600 people. Everyone watches everyone, and can't mind their own fucking business!
Who would make the best US president
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 23, 2018:
Upper and lower case
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 23, 2018:
Commas would help...
To reuse or not to reuse, that is the question.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 23, 2018:
One mans trash is another mans treasure. If you can re-purpose something that someone else doesn't want, GREAT! There is a thing called planned obsolescence and perceived obsolescence. If we consume as much materials in the US as much as the rest of the world, it's estimated that you'd need 4-5 Earths. Most of the tings we buy don't last more than 6 months before they are thrown out. Apple is notorious for downgrading their iPhones to make people buy new ones...
David's secret weapon against Goliath.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2018:
This Goliath disarmed his David...
Saw this in my FB cat group (Posted with permission).
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2018:
You can make it for the kitty if you want... but it would probably sleep in an old box!
A collection of fuck memes
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2018:
The first pic is the best!
We don't have to ban certain kinds of guns, that is going to be a hard thing to do.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2018:
It's a nice thought, but unrealistic. Before (and even slightly after) the weapons import ban, you could buy an AK-47 for about $100 USD. Around that time it was the weapon of choice for mass shootings. Now it's the AR-15. Not trying to be a troll, just stating facts. Take Care, Mike
Does anyone else here need this T-Shirt?
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2018:
I do need the shirt. However, I find out far too late that a gal was hitting on me. My minor for my second degree would be sociology, but I can't see the forest because of all the trees...
Me: realizes that I’m bisexual and would rather date girls now All the guys who ignored me when ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2018:
I'd much rather date girls too!
Don't close your book.?
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 13, 2018:
Which volume of mine do you want to read?
Pets are good people
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Picture is wrong. Should be a kitty cat...
This will put Maury out of business...
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Reminds me of the meme where it said "when your baby showers cake is vanilla or chocolate".
I've been curious about the men in my area on this site who are interested in meeting women, and so ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 7, 2018:
I don't think it's you. Most online dating sites are this way. However, it seems like girls tend to be worse. Talked to a few women on here, after a few conversations... nothing. It's better to meet someone by happenstance IMHO.
I DO / DO NOT have tattoos?
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Zero. Only way I'll probably get one is if I have to defend myself. I'd get the spider web on my left elbow.
I am 100% against circumcision it's a form of religious child abuse no different to FGM.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 7, 2018:
The penis is designed the way it is to prevent infection in the urethra from feces. I'm not pro-choice, but the pro-life people say there is. But circumcision is usually done without anesthesia. Hmmmm.
When your stoned at the beach and you still wont share your towel.
TheGreatShadow comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Too early?
The ONLY time god exists.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 28, 2018:
Sorry, I'm good...
Slayer Farewell Tour 2018?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 28, 2018:
I want to, but don't have the money. Saw them 7 times. Wish I could have went to Jeff's memorial.
For those who have a BA/BS or higher, do you ever feel like you just don't deserve the degrees ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 25, 2018:
I have an A.A.S., so i cant comment...
Did anyone else go through the stages of Atheism?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 25, 2018:
Went straight from devout Catholic to Athiesm overnight. Now I am spiritual. But I believe in darkness.
Money is power? True or false?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 24, 2018:
One word: POUTS!
If Jesus was a real person, was he the first magician?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 24, 2018:
First con man/lunatic. Just saying.
So something has been bothering me the past couple of days.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 24, 2018:
Very well put! Friends first, romance second. I love your optimisim about how you at least made a new friend! More people need to think like that.
UK folks, the Met Office have issued a Level 3 Heat Alert for the rest of the week, possibly ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 24, 2018:
I don't live in the UK, I live in the Midwest US. This morning around 4 AM it was about 50F! This time of year is weird! BTW I thought you were on the metric system. lol
Anyone actually look forward to jehovah's witnesses knocking on their doors?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 24, 2018:
Not just them. Others. If I'm not busy. Last time I actually talked to one of those door-to-door belife-pushers came over there were two kids about 18-19ish. I talked to them for about an hour. Half the conversation was you'd have to ask the priest that as a responce. I did get a book of Mormon out of the deal. They offered, knew I wasn't going to take it serious, but still had them give me one! Trash time baby! Last time one of these guys came over was some dude saying "we're welcoming new people from the community to celebrate our lord and savior jesus christ". I pointed to the No Soliciting sign on my door, and slammed it in his face. I have 2 doors that go into my house. Best $1.98 I spent!
I added a chat room so enjoy yourselves and don't be dicks to each other.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 24, 2018:
That way we can all get together and talk with words that most of us don't know, and confuse the hell out of everyone? :D I'm down.
My concept of Nirvana.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 24, 2018:
Get a Kindle (assuming you have a toilet). Takes up less space. :D
What is your biggest pet peeve?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 23, 2018:
People with pet peeves.
The answer... coming soon.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Chickens are derivatives of dinosaurs. Dinosaurs had eggs. I win. lol
FUCK ME JESUS! GO TRUMP! Here in Nebraska. []
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Looks like the video is down. Here's the twitter link.
I know this is in bad taste
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
I've heard far worse. lol
This "stand your ground law" is the same law that was used to defend the shooting of Trayvon Martin.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Leave it to Florida. From what people have told me that have lived there, all you need to do is "feel threatened" in order to shoot.
What is your opinion on the refugee crisis??
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
We take in refugees because they want to get away from violent militias. Want to send them back? Sounds like a great way for ISIS to recrute new members. He doesn't even realize what he is doing. I remember Justin saying once that he would welcome Americans (non-felons) to Canada if trump was elected. Is there an adopt-an-american program? I love French-Canadian girls and like Montreal... I could learn French really fast!
Dating and being "particuar"
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
I have no clue, but it sounds like you would need to find someone with the same style that you do. IE dinner at same time, dishes in specific spots, clothes folded the same way and so forth. If she has OCD as well, and you always want the toilet seat up, and she always wants it down, that'll be WWIII!
Is it only me or has the arena of political discussion on Facebook turn brutally and verbally ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
It's not only you. I've had at least a half a dozen people unfriend me because of political beliefs. Some were life long friends. When I do an intelligent debate, it resorts (usually by the other side) to name calling. We all are adults (youngest on my FB is 20). It makes me especially mad when I make a point, they call bs, then I show a video of whoever actually saying what I said. Makes them mad. It's just too much drama, and you can't lead a horse to water. Why I mostly stopped going on there.
How do you guys deal with anger?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Get yourself and one of your buddies to play door-to-door athiest.
Do You Read History or could you care less because you were not there.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
I'm a huge WWII buff.
Don't be an amateur.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Have to post this now...
Favorite Horror Movie
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Anybody know the laws on teaching creationism in Australian schools?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
How the Earth revolves around the Sun is a theory. Gravity is a theory. Tell them that shit! If it's a PRIVATE school I'd guess it's illegal, but I know in Sweden it is illegal to teach religion as truth. When I was in Jr High (in the US) I remember they put a disclaimer in science books about evolution. I do from time to time for medical attention go to a hospital called Christian Health Institute. Unless I go to the ER, I will go 30 miles farther round-trip for another office!
Has anyone else noticed that now we have cell phones in our pockets all the time, you no longer need...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
I have about half a dozen numbers memorized. I don't have to worry about light getting to the bathroom because I have automatic lights. On a side note, I almost always find myself sitting on the toilet messing with my phone...
Trump’s new campaign hat... ?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
One reason why I got away from FB is because of all the political drama. Life-long friends unfriend me because of political beliefs (usually with an actual video of someone saying what I just posted). Regardless I'm sick of him "not taking a salary", yet CONSTANTLY tries to sell shirts and caps. I got sick of it one day and sent an email asking where the (cap this time) was made. I never got an answer. Scouts Honour.
Dating a Theist
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
I really loved this gal. She ended up dumping me for that reason. My jackass room mate spilled the beans before I had time to tell her. Only time a girl broke my heart. If very religious you can try, but don't expect for your heart to not be shattared into a million pieces. Voice of experience. My Mother is Catholic. She was married to two Muslims previous to my dad (who is also Catholic). Needless to say the first two marages didn't work. That's why I got away from athiesm. Not because she broke my heart, but because when we were together I'd get up for work and think to myself "there must be something out there". So I consider myself spiritual.
Yeah, about that...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Too bad the dinosaurs didn't get there in time to board....
Just curious, any of you heathens ever have someone pose as non-religious to date you?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Nope. I ignored religion in a previous relationship, but I'm pretty sure that's the main reason why we broke up (she broke up with me).
How accurate are the % to questions and the chance of meeting others close to your %?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
100% of 10% of 50% is accurate 99.9% of the time.
What if you are the GOD ?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Welcome! And the only true god is the god within yourself.
Does it drive anybody else crazy when there is a sink full of dishes that hasn’t been cleaned for ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
YES! You should come over and wash them for me! jk/kk I hate doing dishes.
Remember the good old days? We miss you President Obama!
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Yeah I miss the days when the biggest "scandal" was about Michelle's sleeveless dress. Sigh...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Even tho you aren't interested at all, look at it on the bright side. He finds you attractive! Sometimes you need to take a negative and turn it into a positive. :) Hope that helps.
I think almost any song by Nine Inch Nails would fit in this group.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Bought that album when it first came out in 1994!
They're pretty oblivious.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Maybe she's had that belley before she had sex...
I bet it smells like mango and tangerine
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
I wish people would put a work warning in front of these things! YUCK!
Ha ha ha ha ha?????
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Well ..........
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Thanks for making me throw up...
So, what are the other avenues of aggression?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Go to the firing range. Spendy, but helps me. Or ride a motorcycle. Both have calming effects.
I'm waiting for the AI version of Jessica.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Laura Croft. From the video game.
Blood sucker ?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Do I need to worry about Luna Ticks (AKA Moon Ticks) in the woods? If so do I need to take Dick Cheny hunting with me?
They need a new graphics designer.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Final work submitted before quitting. lol
Bob Marley's baby picture
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Wrong. That's Willie Nelson's baby picture. It's white! lol
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
This is racist! Where's the Native and Asian? lol
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
I drive a Prius... just saying ladies :)
Cops are not your friends.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 22, 2018:
I'm a creative speller. I don't make typos. That's art.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Like Sarah Palin?
Price of poverty
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Words of wisdom.
Type O Negative - Black No. 1 []
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Don't mistake lack of talent for genius.
Guilty as charged
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 21, 2018:
That is sooooooooo me! Either my friends tell me AFTER we leave whereever, or I realize it 15 minutes too late. A good example is one time a friend of mine was throwing a party so I went to the liquor store for beer. When walking out a cute gal in a car rolled her window down and just said "be good". I was thinking "that was weird"... Got to my friends house and realized "holy shit she was hitting on me". I'm very bad at picking up signals.
Me looking for my needle in the haystack. Referring to my new companion ??
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Wouldn't it be easier for some of us to just get a puppy?
Very important
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Important and meme should never belong in the same sentence!
Love Mr. Cohen... []
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 21, 2018:
I didn't see what group this was posted in until I clicked. I thought you meant Michael. lol
Before phones.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 21, 2018:
I'd need a big piece of paper!
Do you care what side of the bed you sleep on when you're sharing? What side are you taking?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 21, 2018:
I prefer the left side. That way I can hold my sweetie with my right arm under her and my left arm over her.
So recently I put effort into looking at profiles and discovered that there was someone close by ish...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Sadly, that is the way most online dating goes. You hit it off and talk for a while, then you are a ghost town. I wouldn't take it personally. IMHO it'd be better to meet someone IRL. Maybe try speed dating?
What happens after a human dies?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 21, 2018:
You end up decomposing, and your conciousness would be about the same as you were before you were born?
Hi everybody
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 21, 2018:
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Haha! Good one!
I live with my Father.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 21, 2018:
I know the feeling. My Mother can hardly get around. Lots of times I stay here (even tho I own my own house). It could be something as simple as getting something from the top shelf, or changing a light bulb. Maybe go to the grocery store to get something. One thing that does make me mad is she offers me money to do every little thing! I insist I don't want money, but she gets mad when I don't, and I finally accept because her BP is high, and gets mad. Don't tell her, but most ends up back in her purse when she isn't looking...
What's the one thing you misplace the most?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Some have beat me to saying sanity. But there's more! My short-term memory. I never had a great short term memory, but it's getting worse. Ask me 15 minutes later, and I couldn't tell you what I ate for breakfast. I set up my Mothers router several years ago. She wanted to know what the password was. I told her what it was (da41d65267). It is of no significant interest, it was the password that came with the router. How I remember that is beyond me. I often mis-speak, and have a hard time concentrating on one thing. Weird how the mind works... Other than that, it's pens, lighters, and tools! I get so mad when I can't find a wrench I knew I just had. I end up finding a tool in my pocket. One time I had a wrench in my hand!
How do I find chatrooms
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 21, 2018:
In the middle of the top of this site click on brows (in the middle). Scroll down to Groups or Chat. It might show up different on your browser. Some groups have chat. Others don't.
Egg Theory: by Andy Weir Thoughts?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Is there supposed to be a link?
Can I get extra toppings on that?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 21, 2018:
It'd be more believable if she ordered the pizza from a stranded car... in the middle of the woods. Okay the last part could be the beginning of a horror movie...
Pray to Chuy for the best videos
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Funny thing was when I saw some boards the last time I was in Vegas. Seemed like 1/10 of the boards were "trust jesus" (or whatever). It also seemed like 1/10 boards were something like "Call Dr. Reefer. Get medical now!" LMFAO
Gotta clean it out.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 21, 2018:
LOL made me laugh! I like the way Penn said it best; "the bible has equill amounts of fact, history, and pizza".
Keep singing your own song.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Can I tell Billy Ray to STFU if he sings Achey Breaky? Asking for friend.
Praying for Africa
TheGreatShadow comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Better thought... if we actually cared, we'd give condoms to AIDS-ridden Africa...
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