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Today I decided to explore Ft McHenry in Baltimore, MD.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 9, 2018:
I hope Justin calls him out on this. He did it before when trump blamed Muslims for a shooting in Canada. Maybe if he's told he is an idiot by enough head leaders, he'll realize it. I first heard about it last night. I immediately sent a message to a friend that lives in Canada saying "thanks for burning down the White house". He lol'd.
David Bowie - Let’s Dance []
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 9, 2018:
Wish I would have been able to see him live. He was awesome!
How many pets does everyone have...and what kind?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 8, 2018:
I have two kitty cats. Three if you count the one that lives with my mom. Other Tommi (I had to orange cats named Tommi). I thought Tommi got outside when it was cold, so I call her Other Tommi (regular Tommi passed away a couple weeks ago :( ) Other cat is named squiwwwrrlllll. She is a complete nightmare! The previous guardian was going to uthanize her because of her behaviour. It took her several months before she would even let me get close enough to give her food. She's gotten better, but still is agressive. I've watched every episode of My Cat From Hell. Jackson galaxy himself couldn't help her! I've tried EVERYTHING! I warned the vet she was violent. When I went to pick her up, the first thing he said is I wasn't kidding, and never saw a cat like that. Gave me some kitty drugs, and those don't even work! She will attack her own tail so bad that it bleeds, and has left a lot of "decorative spatters" in walls. Never saw a car that literally wants to kill itself. At least I think... or she hates her tail. Third that lives with mom is named Simba. He's awesome, doesn't jump on the counter, and mom won't give him back. :(
Years ago I had someone tell me that in socialism, everyone can work really hard and even if I ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 8, 2018:
Good read! At first i thought you were pointing something else out, but after reading it all, i see what you are saying. Good anologies. BUT people tend to confuse socialism with communism. In socialism, you are not required to help the D student get a C or B. You do it because you know it's the RIGHT thing to do. Communism is forcing you to give an A. That's how I look at it. Then I hear a lot of "hitler was a socialist". He was also Roman Catholic for most of his life, and still catholic when he died. So there. On the topic of slavery... I know I will get a lot of opposing comments, but hear me out. Blacks DO need to get over it. Name one living person that WAS a slave. Didn't think so. You mentioned that one in 10 is usually the lazy one. But one rotten apple spoiles the bunch. It's that 10% that demand reperations make the 90% look bad. A claim is that "my great great grandfather was a slave... I'm entitled to money". How do you know that your family was the victem of slavery? I've also heard things like "they took away my heritage, and I don't know where I came from in Africa" to justify their point. I am white and of European decent (100%,Czech but I need to get a DNA test). Point is the earliest I could trace my family on either side was my Great Grand father (dads grandpa) was born in 1881 in Howells, Nebraska. My dad didn't even know that, and the reason I do is because I found his life insurance policy written in 1907. We were poor as hell back then, and I'm willing to bet we didn't have anything to do with slavery. Point is I don't even know my heritage previous to that, only told that before moving to Nebraska they lived in Iowa. I do agree with you that there is a thing called white privelage or unearned privelage. I also know there are a lot of white racists out there. Go to the south, and you hear about this battle was fought on this day is.... They aren't history buffs, just spread hate. Just like morons that fly the confederate flag. I saw a meme with robin saying "But it's part of my..." Batman smacks him and says "YOU'RE FROM NEBRASKA". I have also seen too many people play the brown card. I went to HS in a small town that's about 60% hispanic/latino. Several people pulled it to try and get off detention, and the ones I'm talking about ended up becoming felons. I'm sorry, but in that town, whites are the minority. Sorry for ranting for so long about one sentence.
"There is no robust evidence to support homeopathy which is at best a placebo and a misuse of scarce...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 8, 2018:
So you're saying if I put one drop of beer in a glass of water I can't get drunk? Sadly my sister and mom believe in this BS. what's worse is my sister is a chiropractor, owns her own practice, and has a degree in chemestry from Creighton. Do you want to know what they call "homeopathic medicine" that works? Well. Medicine!
Just read NASA's announcement on finding organic material on Mars.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 8, 2018:
GOD ONLY PUT LIFE ON EARTH! (mimics some christer yelling that on a bullhorn)
Just Saying hello
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 8, 2018:
No hablo ingles. Perro, BUENO!
Hey Heathens, 😄. I'm new here what's happening?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 8, 2018:
What's up? trump is being a complete idiot. Oh, you meant here? Just talking to some fellow intellectuals, and engage in blasphamy. Oh, and WELCOME!!!
Do you believe in luck?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 8, 2018:
Yes I do. but I have the opposite. It could be raining tits, and I'd get hit on the head with a dick!
TGIF! It's Friday, let's play a game.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 8, 2018:
I'm not an athiest, so I can't play. :(
I am special.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 8, 2018:
My mother tells me the same!
Vinyl, CD, or MP3? (Vinyl guy here even though my turntable is terrible.)
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 8, 2018:
VINYL! Unless you're in a car...
"It us easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 8, 2018:
Abraham Lincoln once said "Everything on the internet is true".
Rob Zombie - Dragula []
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 8, 2018:
Here's a goodie, although Rob just did some vocals live.
Rob Zombie - Dragula []
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 8, 2018:
White Zombie > Rob Zombie. JMO.
How is everyone? Lonly guy here wanting a friend to talk to! Having a scary night.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 8, 2018:
I'm always down to talk.
After being informed that it was not Canada that burned down the White House in 1812:
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 8, 2018:
He actually said that!? He's spent tons of money on his golf trips! Can't get a fact checker? Take is Twitter away!
Black Dragon by Dissection ://[]
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 7, 2018:
I just listened to that song last night! I have reinchaios on vinyl. Best song on the album!
On the subject of self gun control
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 7, 2018:
In close quarters, a flash of the blade can do as much, or more damage. No, I don't support the NRA!
I'm so angry.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 7, 2018:
Sorry for your loss. I've seen people go bankrupt because of medical bills. I've also seen people die because they couldn't afford treatment. You can judge a country by how it treats their sick. I'd guess this is a hard time for you, so I won't elaborate. Take Care~ Mike
Do you patronize religious businesses or do you avoid?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 7, 2018:
When given the opportunity, I'll buy an In-In-Out Burger...
Mike Pence is such a suckass
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 7, 2018:
The real reason why they did this is because they were just informed the water came from Flint, Michigan!
What about weird people?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 7, 2018:
Yeah, they are the bane of society. I just made a post of how idiots breed more than intellectuals. I don't want to be around them. It's that simple.
Have you ever learned some basics about christianity just to blend in somewhere out of necessity ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Have you ever felt like researching pedophilia so you can fit in with pedophiles? No, this doesn't have anything to do with Catholic preists.
I've read several posts by our Agnostic Ladies about the horrors of cyber-dating.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Drinking on the first date probably isn't a good idea (which I've done). But I'd almost bet the ladies were drinking as well. Who is to blame?
Why do some men think women as "prudish" if they don't want to hookup?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 6, 2018:
I'm not an expert on relationships, or sex, but here are my thoughts. Some guys just look at women as a notch on their belt, and brag about it in the locker room. We all have physical needs as well. Maybe they just got through a bad devorce, break-up, or widowed, and need that, but arent ready for a relationship. I have friends that are womanizers that will lie like hell just to get in a girls pants. I have never been that way, and at 34, I'm looking for a long-term relationship. Maybe relationships are too much for them, and they can't deal with rejection. The last two girlfriends I had I slept with, but never had sex with either. Nothing more than kissing. I was waiting for them to make the first move, and I'm glad it never happened. Neither of them are what I really wanted in life. If a gal came up to me, and said she only wanted a one night stand, I might take the offer. But that needs to be clear. I think I'm a lone wolf, and always will be. I'm just can't find someone that fits what I am looking for. So don't feel down. You aren't the only one.
This fellow was standing on a street corner shouting "I am Jesus Christ" over and over again.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 6, 2018:
LMFAO! Never heard that one.
As an atheist, I still use terms like "god damnit" and "thank God".
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 6, 2018:
I'm not an athiest, but I still use those terms as well. You are just so used to using them. When a religious person pisses me off I say "god bless you", but it's not a complement. It's designed to be blasphemic.
99% of school shootings were done by males . How do we get them to stop ?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Unless if the person legally purchaced the firearm, it probably came from the parents house. Parents, get a damn gun safe! I've heard a lot of times that a firearm was taken without their parents permission. We should hold THEM resposible as well! EDIT: and probably 99% of the 99% were white and religous.
Hail Satan
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 6, 2018:
LOL. Most Metal bands are NOT Luciferians! Dissection, Satanic Warmaster, and Tormentor are the only 3 I can think of that are. Ghost says they are, but I met one, and they aren't. Hell look at my profile pic. The two to my right say they are, but they are really just athiests.
Do u think it's possible to recover from a neglected childhood????
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Yes you can! My father served from 1965 to 1971. He was a extreme alcoholic that was abusive. I was sexaully mollested when young many times by 2 baby sitters. I was constantly picked on in school. I take it the 89 was the year you were born. I was born in 84, and it takes years to get over. Now I talk to my dad all the time. The other two bitches can go sodomize themselves. lol You can get over it! Takes time, and maybe a therapist will help.
Should I just give up?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 6, 2018:
I can't fathom taking an online course, especially with programming. I never did finish my software engineering degree. But, lots of us would get together after school for a study session. It's not an easy profession. We would reguarly send emails and call each other on the phone as well. I took two C++ classes and 2 Java Classes, plus Logic class, and a bunch of gen eds. I gave up mostly because I had to pay for it out of pocket, and I needed to pass some calculus classes. Most people will NEVER use that in life. Don't feel stupid. It's not easy. The first C++ I killed it. Second class I barely passed.
Could you stay isolated for five days in total isolation as an asocial experiment?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Most people would probably get cabin fever. I might need the internet, but otherwise I do this all the time. Give me a bunch of DVD's and a TV, all the supplies I need, and I probably could.
Favorite podcasts?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Chariots of Iron is good. Haven't heard them in a long time tho. Todd and Tyler aren't entirely about religion (some parts are), but they are entertaining.
Can you do the " Cup of olive oil" challenge? Just chug one cup of olive oil!
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 6, 2018:
An entire cup? No. I mix mine 50/50 with bleach. Use it to wash down the Tide pod. We're thinning out the fucking heard! Who comes up with this shit!? Unfortunatelly I have a friend that that would do this. Dumb people are breeding at a faster rate than intelligent people. That reminds me to make a post...
311 - You Wouldn't Believe []
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Omaha Stylee yo! I think Grassroots and Music are their two best albums.
Gadgets and Such I got home from worked, pushed a button and Sam is now vacuuming the whole house...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 5, 2018:
I have a Roomba 770. Doesn't want to dock, runs out of battery, then you have to look all over the house for it.
I guess that this is what "be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 5, 2018:
I was going to say Octomom, but, yeah... let's pollute on a catostrophic level...
Hi I haven’t been here in a few months looks like there are more users?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 5, 2018:
I don't do drugs, but welcome back!
If you don't like a show on TV or songs on the radio, then change the channel.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Ask the PMRC...
The claim that racist, sexist, or xenophobic speech is protected free speech is a manifestation of ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Unfortunatelly it is protected. Look at some of the comments the president made! I guess unless you directly threaten someone, it's okay? Richard Stallman (not stallan) had proposed that you can't make a false post from medical. I agree with that. But the president's son was offended by strong words said against him. If you are a friend of someone that is of a different race/religion/orientation, or whatever, I give them crap. But, I expect it right back. As long as you are both willing to make fun of each other, that's fine. But, if it is hate speech, that is another thing. My hate is blind.
Guys, please reconsider using plastic bags while shopping.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Reminds me of the song Canvas Bags by Tim Minchin. I get plastic bags because I use them to dispose of cat waste. Don't think a canvas bag would do too well for that...
I see London I see France I see a poem that doesn't rhyme
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 5, 2018:
I see down your underpants. Pants and France rhyme.
I thought I had finally found a happy medium. Turns out, she was just drunk.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Your fortune teller was drunk?
Jesus died for your cakes
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Can we still sell them urinal cakes? Or just the edible ones? Then again with the tide pod challange, some people would eat either...
When The Wild Wind Blows
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Have you heard what they said on the news today? Have you heard what is coming to us all? That the world as we know it will be coming to an end Have you heard, have you heard? He sees them in the distance where the darkened clouds roll He could feel tension in the atmosphere He would look in the mirror, see an old man now Does it matter they survive somehow? They said there's nothing can be done about the situation They said there's nothing you can do at all To sit and wait around for something to occur Did you know, did you know? As he stares across the garden looking at the meadows And wonders if they'll ever grow again The desperation of the situation getting graver Getting ready when the wild wind blows Have you seen what they said on the news today? Have you heard what they said about us all? Do you know what is happening to just every one of us Have you heard, have you heard? There will be a catastrophe the like we've never seen There will be something that will light the sky That the world as we know it, it will never be the same Did you know, did you know? He carries everything into the shelter not a fuss Getting ready when the moment comes He has enough supplies to last them for a year or two Good to have because you never know They tell us nothing that we don't already know about They tell us nothing that is real at all They only fill us with the stuff that they want Did you know, did you know? He's nearly finished with the preparations for the day He's getting tired that'll do for now They are preparing for the very worst to come to them Getting ready when the wild wind blows He sees the picture on the wall, it's falling down upside down He sees a teardrop from his wife roll down her face, saying grace Remember times they had, they flash right through his mind left behind Of a lifetime spent together long ago will be gone They've been preparing for some weeks now For when the crucial moment comes To take their refuge in the shelter Let them prepare for what will come They make a tea and sit there waiting They're in the shelter feeling snug Not long to wait for absolution Don't make a fuss; just sit and wait Can't believe all the lying, All the screams are denying That the moments of truth have begun Can't you see it on the TV? Don't believe them in the least bit Now the days of our ending have begun Say a prayer when it's all over Survivors unite all as one Got to try and help each other Got the will to overcome I can't believe all the lying, All the screens are denying That the moments of truth have begun Can't you see it on the TV? Don't believe them in the least bit Now the days of our ending have begun When they found them, had their arms ...
People that play loud stuff on their phones in restaurants and public places are just rude.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 5, 2018:
I hear you there! Back in my days, you needed to be quiet at a library. Last time I went to one, I had to print off some things (printer went out). There were kids using the library computers to play video games, and talking loudly (what level are you at or whatever). They were stitting right by each other. I have done many jobs in my life. One was hauling grain. The ethanol plant was slow (hours). Someone turned on their CB, and put whatever he was listening to over it. Another driver said "thanks, but my radio works just fine". Same principle.
Just need to reach out for some sanity today.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Glad your stepson is getting treatment! It can make a trip lead to a fall (no pun). As far as AA goes, yes it is faith-based. A friend of mine (who died five years ago a couple days ago) was an athiest. He claimed that it wasn't. I got a DUI a little over 10 years ago. When on probation, you are forced to see a probation officer, and go to meetings. One was a a church. We were given the option to watch another boring movie or go to AA. The overwhelming majority wanted to go to the meeting. So I just went with. Look at the 10 steps. Faith-based. It directly says "God". Penn and Teller did a "BULLSHIT!" episode on it. They went to their headquarters, and they claimed "God" could be a rock or a tree, or a higher power. They didn't see any of that at their headquarters. Also, at the end of the meeting, they wanted us all to hold hands, and say the "Lords Prayer". A handfull of us refused. And believe it or not, AA has about the same quitting rate as people that go cold turkey. Guess what a lot of us did after the AA meeting?
Why do you think it is that we only see middle to upper middle class in church and never see lower ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Social status. If you're not in the front row first thing on Sunday (especially in a small town or village), people think you are a bad person, and judge you.
[] Guiliani: Trump Couldn't be Indicted if he Shot Mueller Above The Law?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 5, 2018:
In some ways he already pardoned himself. He has fired almost everyone that was investigating him...
This man was brilliant in so many ways.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Funniest man who ever lived!
Is social media ruining peoples ability to connect?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Yes, yes, yes! Lets get together for a bonfire and grill! But everyone is staring at fb half the night. I that when I'm bored at home!
I've been in the slumps ever since Slayer announced they're retirement.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 5, 2018:
The band was never the same since Jeff died. And let's face it. They have been talking about breaking up for about a decade. Saw them 7 times. I saw the last time Jeff preformed live with them. That was at the big 4 in Indio. He only was on stage for South of heaven and angle of death. Gary did lead for all the other songs. I probably won't have money to see them one more time.
All this news about Trump trying to pardon himself reminded me of this song.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 5, 2018:
I remember reading or hearing this song is about being stuck in traffic.
Ethereal by Nightrage ://[]
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Glow of the setting sun is my fave by them. BTW I've met Thomas.
Semtex Revolution by Coroner []
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Saw them live a few years ago. Tried to find Grin on vinyl. Only found a CD on eBay for $70! Serpent moves is my favorite by them.
Autumn Twilight by Cathedral ://[]
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 5, 2018:
I love Tower of Silence!
It's SLAYER Friday, a tradition I've carried on for several Fridays now, many of them in a row.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Slayerrrrrrrrrr! Saw them 7 times. Working on 8.
Nirvana: The Man Who Sold The World []
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 4, 2018:
He butchered Bowie's song.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Yeah. Saw that close to 10 years ago in a sociology class. She fact checked it
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Yeah. Saw that close to 10 years ago in a sociology class. She fact checked it
Love songs. What are your favourites?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 4, 2018:
None. lol Jeff Hanneman once said something it's more fun to write about, war religion, and the occoult rather that the love of your life, or a picnic in the park. But two songs I do like are Got My Mind Set On You by George Harrison, and Only Women Bleed by Alice Cooper.
I've been watching some shows about WWII lately.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 4, 2018:
I am a WWII history nut. I don't know everything tho. I've read books, watched documentaries, listen to music about it, and watch historically accurate movies about it. If it isn't historically accurate, I watch something else. But year WWII was a bad deal. Depending on source, 1.1-1.5 million people died at Auschwitz alone! Hitler had around 5-6 million people murdered (depending on source). He did fight during during WWI, but his only confirmed kill was himself. He should have done that long before April 30th 1945. Hate to say it... But back on track, and I hate comparing him to anyone, does this sound like our president, and how he is trying to blame Muslims for terrorism (no white Catholic ever did...), and how illegal Mexicans are taking our jobs? Just replace Muslim with anyone of non- aryan traits (even tho he didn't fit the exact definition himself), and replace Mexican with Jew. Hitler took people with people that had disabilities to concentration camps. The president mocks them. I know he said he wasn't talking about the reporter, but he's full of shit. If you read the book, you'll learn to save your life, and humanity. How can you find the knowledge if you don't? All of history is there for you, but most people don't care, or bother. They'd rather listen to top of the pops, or care about what celebrities broke up. We have much bigger priorities. I was recommended a series of books by Winston Churchill. I think it's a 7 series collection about how how WWII started, and what happened after. It's supposed to be very good, but longgggggg.
Temple Of The Dog - Hunger Strike - YouTube
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 4, 2018:
I'm still shocked that Chris killed himself. On his Euphoria Morning album, he had one song that he said "I'm 24 and I have everything to live for". Dude had an awesome voice. One of the only bands I didn't see was Audioslave or Soundgarden. Temple of the Dog I'm not a huge fan of.
Whoever Controls The Narrative Controls The World []
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Yeah, countries that loose wars rarely ever talk about them. I graduated from hs in 2003. I never remember hearing about Vietnam in class. Same principle.
Why don't atheists like showing respect and kindness toward God believers?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 2, 2018:
Its Saturday night, whats everybody up to?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 2, 2018:
No good. Did. It last night, and going to do it again!
Get this maniac out of the White House! []
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 1, 2018:
We've already gotten him out of the white house many times! Look up his golfing trips... All jokes aside, I'm surprised he didn't pick Palin as vice-president. She could stand by him and say "drill baby drill". Trump can yell "fake news" all he wants, and she would say "gotcha media". That'd be a winning team. I have, in my 34 years of life, EVER heard a President whine so much! You are the most powerful person in the world! Don't you think that you are going to get some critisism? Especially when you are a corrupt, immoral, lying, hasn't-kept-one-promise, ecotistical, mysoginist duche? That's just the start. I can go on.
How many people from Victoria, BC Canada are on
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 1, 2018:
My friend Murray might. But he livesin nanamo. Say hi to bob and ted kinsky! Sorry have to make that joke. I always call him a hoser. Lol
Don't start complaining....
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 1, 2018:
Mother Nature owes me another Spring!
As a non-believer, how do you respond when someone says, "I'll pray for you"?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 1, 2018:
A friend of mine had the best answer. He said "Pray not for me, for I am no lamb, nor do I need a shepard".
Anybody else enjoying this little Iowa heat wave?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 1, 2018:
F no! I live in Eastern Nebraska. Mother Nature owes me another Spring!
I am just finding out now, at 61, that some of my friends are racist.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 1, 2018:
I understand completely! Both of my parents are 72. My father rerers to Obama as a "nigger mutt". His words, not mine. For people in and around your age, I think it was ingrained into their minds. Around here, if you are white, Chatholic, and of European decent, you are superior to any one else! My mother was married to two Mulsims before she married my dad. Neither can stand them. Going back to point, my father has a book (probably from the late 1940's) called "Little Black Sambo". I've read the "childrens" book, but it breeds hate. My ultimate point is that I don't think you made bad friends 40+ years ago. People were just raised that way. If you ask them about racism, they will probably say something like "I'm just old-fashoned",or some crap like that. They learned it. They can unlearn it too! My hate is blind!
Why Protect Child Molesters?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 1, 2018:
I have no idea if that site is legit. Never heard of them. I can make a site for about $20, and make it seem legit.
Watching ID’s “Your Worst Nightmare “ would make me swear off dating for good! It’s about ...
TheGreatShadow comments on May 31, 2018:
I've met some girls that I dumped for minor reasons. IRL I have met worse! My second to last ex relapsed on meth shortly after we were dating. I would get strange calls in the middle of the night. I don't think that online dating is worse than meeting someone at a bar. What channel is that on? I shuld check it out.
Are there any hunters or fishermen or fisher women in the group?
TheGreatShadow comments on May 31, 2018:
I hunt, but have only killed varments. Farming laws allow you to kill a coyote that is trying to kill your cattle, or a coon tearing up your corn. I love game meat, but I give permission to people that hunt on my land. They give me it for free. Legally you can't sell it. Fishing... I tried it many times when I was young. I snagged a dead carp once. I don't like to poop outdoors in the heat, wipe my butt on accident with poison ivy, and get bit by misquitos all day! Not fun.
Will planet earth end by nuclear war or pollution?
TheGreatShadow comments on May 31, 2018:
The world won't end. It's humanity that is in danger. Pollution will come into effect on a dangerous level in 100 years. I am more concerned with nuclear winter. The way the president is handling things...
Do you think Science will ever discover how consciousness began?
TheGreatShadow comments on May 31, 2018:
Does intelligence lead to atheism?
TheGreatShadow comments on May 31, 2018:
Most scientists are atheist or agnostic. People with higher level of education tend to be liberal. Just sayin...
I've been a band mom for 6 years and with 2 kids have gone to a LOT of concerts and I will never ...
TheGreatShadow comments on May 31, 2018:
Go to a Slayer concert! Things will change. lol
What do yall think about what happens after death?
TheGreatShadow comments on May 31, 2018:
The same as before you were born...
The meaning of life????
TheGreatShadow comments on May 31, 2018:
Mucic helps me, and you need to realize the only true god is the god within yourself.
Are most Canadians Atheists?
TheGreatShadow comments on May 31, 2018:
I have one fiend in canada who is But i call him a hoser lol
Religious indoctrination is child abuse. Yes or no?
TheGreatShadow comments on May 30, 2018:
Religion can be a good thing, but, it also advocates rape, murder, incest, and prejudice. For most people it doesn't harm them as adults. But it probably affects many of us raised that way. More people have been killed in the name of "God" than for any other reason. Hither for example was Roman Catholic for most of his life. Ignoring facts, and embracing false beliefs, based from books of lies is child abuse. Then teaching their kids it is fact is wrong. Most Catholics that are devout have never read the entire bible. I have. Richard Dawkins had mentioned in either the book The God Delusion or The Virus of Faith about how religious indoctrination as well as political is wrong. Look at how many serial killers were religious. I know you could say Stalin... but he did bad things because he was a bad person. In Islam, "kill the infidel". In Christianity, "fight the good fight", and "Onward Christian Soldiers". Junior said that his war was a "mission from god".
How is that someone thinks he/she is madly in love with someone the first time they chat online long...
TheGreatShadow comments on May 30, 2018:
The grass is always greener on the other side, or it's puppy love? Maybe loneliness, and just talking to someone makes you feel that way? From my Sociology classes that's what I'd guess. But ANYONE can be ANYONE on the internet. Just like the prince from some unknown country will give you 100 mil, but you have to give him 5K for fees. Kind of on topic, I don't see why women who are beaten keep on breaking up with a guy, then keep on returning. I know this is a different senario, but kind of similar. They promise you the world, but don't end up being good people.
Also, although I've had drinks, eaten a couple good meals and dealt with a moderate amount of ...
TheGreatShadow comments on May 30, 2018:
First and foremost I commend you!!! Tobacco is one of the most addictive chemicles known to the human brain. I've tried to quit. Can I ask how you did it?
Summer time is here, brothers and sisters.... Let's cultivate a community of kindness.....
TheGreatShadow comments on May 30, 2018:
In Nebraska we went straight from arctic tundra hell to the pits of fire hell. Mother Nature owes me a Spring!
After 17 years in therapy my psychiatrist finally said something that made me break down in tears: ...
TheGreatShadow comments on May 30, 2018:
I had to see a psychiatrist for disability (back surgery in 2013, and relapsed last November). He looked like an Einstine/Frankenstine hybrid. He dropped a F bomb, and that (especially combined) made me laugh!
Why doesn't anyone answer messages here? I hope I'm not that ugly lol
TheGreatShadow comments on May 30, 2018:
It's not just you. I sent a few messages the other day (I just joined). Not one reply. Hold your head high! :)
Is belief a choice?
TheGreatShadow comments on May 29, 2018:
When you are young, it really isn't a choice. It's religious indocrumentation. Same goes with politics. For good Darwinian reason, you believe your parents. As Dawkins once said (not verbatim) "don't go near the water because there are crocodiles. You believe your parents. However, when you get older, you can make up your own mind. Read books. Study history. See what doesn't add up.
How do you deal with Door-knockers?
TheGreatShadow comments on May 29, 2018:
A friend of mine who lives in the South had the best answer. He said some Johovas Witnesses came bashing on his door. He said "good thing you came. we are ready for sacrifice, and all out of virgins". They ran! I point to the "NO SOLICITING" sign on my door, and slam it in their face. Look up Joe Safran door-to-door Atheist. I'm new here, and I assume swearing is frowned upon, or I'd post the link. It's true.
Republican? Democrat? Libertarian? :)
TheGreatShadow comments on May 29, 2018:
I am a registered Democrat, however I consider myself a Libertarian. I don't agree with a politician just because they have a D or R stamped on their head! Just like some people are product-loyal to only one car company...
Church Burnings: Moral or Immoral?
TheGreatShadow comments on May 29, 2018:
Church burnings were rampant in Norway in the early 90's. Lots of people burned them because they either hated Christianity, or wanted to take back their Viking heritage. When you are born in Norway, you are automatically in the State Lutheran Church (State as in body of government). Does "eye for an eye" pertain here? Is it any worse than the Dark Age or the Inquisition? I'm really curious as to what people have to say about this.
Why would Christians join this site?
TheGreatShadow comments on May 29, 2018:
To troll/save/annoy us. You don't see me going to a church on sunday with a bull horn or with protest signs.
What's the one most negative/detrimental effect religious teachings had on your life?
TheGreatShadow comments on May 29, 2018:
Telling you that there is an afterlife (which I can't prove or disprove). The thought that Santa was real. Onward Christian Soldiers, fight the good fight, etc.
When was it, or what made you not believe in a personal god?
TheGreatShadow comments on May 29, 2018:
Sorry for not replying to my own post. This is the first one I made one here, and thought it would let me ask a question, then let me write more details. This site is very different than other forums, and I am new. Thanks everyone for the replies! I read every one, and gave all of you a thumbs up. For me it happened in 2003. I don't remember either of my grandfathers. One died a year before I was born. The other a year after I was born. My grandmother died in 1993. I was left with only one grandparent. I loved my grandma to death. Later in High School, we were able to leave for lunch. I'd go to grandmas. She always had a hot meal for me. Most was hand made, and from scratch. Sometimes she would start cooking at 3-4 AM to make fresh horn rolls. When I graduated High School, I moved from Nebraska to Phoenix. I lived about 10 minutes from ASU East. Lots of partying, but I'd always call my grandma once or more a week. I'd usually fly from Phoenix to Omaha. Other than whoever picked me up, the first person I went to see was Grandma. I've never been a fan of really any sport. At all. But, when the Huskers football game was on, we would watch it together. A lot of times when she called, we'd talk for a while, and she'd talk so much that I wanted to just get off the phone and do stupid college things. The last time I talked to her it was the opposite. She died later that day. I flew back to Nebraska for the funeral. I was at my moms house obviously in mourn, and I prayed to "God" laying in bed. I was asking for a sign, one more time to talk to Grandma, or maybe to do a resurrection. I was a devout Catholic at that time. Went to church every Sunday, and went to CCD, and bible camp as a youngster. Ii found out that night that I was reduced to the failure of prayer, and I was staring at the wall talking to myself.
Where or when are you the most happy?
TheGreatShadow comments on May 29, 2018:
When I lived in Phoenix, actually. Now I'm SIN (Stuck In Nebraska).
I was out shopping and signed up for a promotion with my phone number which ends in 666.
TheGreatShadow comments on May 29, 2018:
LOL. I have a rifle that has a serrial # that ends in 666. Serious.
are you afraid of death?
TheGreatShadow comments on May 29, 2018:
No. Just that I'm not in pain when I die. My late friend Chris died 3 times. The last time was final. His pace maker kicked in the first 2 times. He said he didn't remember anything except it felt like he got kicked in the chest by a mule. No perly gates. No pits of hell. I am scared of dying at a young age, and leaving my friends and family behind to suffer the loss.
What do agnostics say instead of "Thoughts and Prayers"?
TheGreatShadow comments on May 29, 2018:
" I am sorry for your loss". Specifically for your example.
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