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I'll be posting songs that have outstanding elements: lyrics or instrumental parts.
Theresa_N comments on Nov 4, 2020:
I recently watched a documentary about CSN&Y and was amazed at the inflated ego's of Young and Stills.
Witches Outnumber Presbyterians in the US; Wicca, Paganism Growing 'Astronomically' - The Christian ...
Theresa_N comments on Nov 3, 2020:
My experiences with wiccans and calvinists leads me to believe the former are mostly harmless the second not so much. So a net improvement.
Turkey and stuffing potato chips make Thanksgiving easy. []
Theresa_N comments on Nov 1, 2020:
I like turkey and stuffing but I don't think I'd like this.
My Favorite Rock song of all times and it has a Feakin' Flute ?!?!?! []
Theresa_N comments on Oct 31, 2020:
Thanks, just what I needed, some good feelin' music.
A Drug to Treat Sleep Disorder caused by PTSD A drug I had not heard of before Prazosin - it's a ...
Theresa_N comments on Oct 30, 2020:
I'm on prazosin. It has limited the disturbing dreams. No downside to it as far as I'm concerned.
What do you feel about the news that Jeremy Corbyn has been suspended from the Labour Party, ...
Theresa_N comments on Oct 30, 2020:
There is anti-semitism in the labor party. How much of that is attributable to Corbyn I don't know. It could be the neo-libs in the labour party are just trying to get rid of the socialists.
Memories of Catholic upbringing: we went to a small parochial school, adjacent to the rectory, ...
Theresa_N comments on Oct 29, 2020:
"Secular priests" do not take a vow of poverty. Members of certain religious orders take the vow of poverty. There is no limit on the wealth of "secular priests."
Looks like rigortortoise is setting in.
Theresa_N comments on Oct 24, 2020:
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
I wasn’t sure if I should post this. It’s a fence sieve...
Theresa_N comments on Oct 24, 2020:
I remember this one from long ago. One of the better ones :)
I just found out why I have never known of an atheist eating dijon mustard.
Theresa_N comments on Oct 24, 2020:
Well, this atheist has decided she likes Dijon mustard and other mustards after many years of agnosticism about mustards. For some reason until recently I never cared much for mustard, now I crave it.
Arlo Guthrie is retiring due to health reasons.
Theresa_N comments on Oct 24, 2020:
I saw him live just once. It was a rather large venue designed as a hall for classical music. I wonder if he's still a devout papist. It seems so contrary to much of his philosophy.
It's 2003 and an Aid Worker id driving through the wilds of Afghanistan when he sees an Afghani ...
Theresa_N comments on Oct 24, 2020:
I just found out an anachronism in Stranger Things.
Theresa_N comments on Oct 24, 2020:
Wow, great trivia 👍
Experts Say Trump’s Massive Debts Make Him a Serious Security Risk If reelected, analysts say...
Theresa_N comments on Oct 24, 2020:
Very funny and not.
I would have made it worse but this is in the ballpark.
Theresa_N comments on Oct 23, 2020:
Somebody else familiar with lutefisk.
I am a death-row executioner
Theresa_N comments on Oct 23, 2020:
I feel for the executioner but I have little sympathy for the US policy of killing people. I went to jail in the '70s protesting the execution of Gary Gillmore.
Editorial: Barrett's moral relativism is cause for rejection from the bench | National Catholic ...
Theresa_N comments on Oct 22, 2020:
Back in the '70s I worshiped with the editor of the NCR. They are very left of center, which is a good thing in my opinion, but they don't represent the broader church.
White House air con...
Theresa_N comments on Oct 22, 2020:
I hate it when mother teresa is made out to be a virtuous person, she wasn't.
October is down syndrome awareness month so PLEASE stop using the words "retard" or "retarded" - or ...
Theresa_N comments on Oct 21, 2020:
This group needs some education regarding this issue. When I've tried to correct the use of "retard," and "retarded" I was basically laughed off. Let's be sensitive to all disadvantaged populations.
Televangelist Claims Sex with Cows Will Be Legal If Biden Wins Televangelist Frank Amedia, is ...
Theresa_N comments on Oct 21, 2020:
Evangelicals have a "thing" about having sex with farm animals. Must be part of their theology.
i say fuck trump and the other losers he pals around with []
Theresa_N comments on Oct 20, 2020:
Yes, fuck tRump and his petty tyrant friends.
“Charity is commendable; everyone should be charitable.
Theresa_N comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Bill Moyer's is right. I used to believe the opposite, that given the right conditions charity could handle all inequities, but the organization I belonged to remained tiny and could only help a few. Now I believe charity shouldn't be required at all, government should take care of such things.
Let's go flying! [youtube.
Theresa_N comments on Oct 11, 2020:
You're right, altitude does not equal height. I'm dreadfully afraid of heights but could go up with my father in a Cessna 150 and not be afraid at all, except for fear of my father having a t.i.a. midflight which became increasingly likely with age.
MN elections will be monitored by third party sources! Now let's just hope agents are fluent in the ...
Theresa_N comments on Oct 10, 2020:
All I can say is "Uff Da."
If that fly lays eggs, you have to carry them til term.
Theresa_N comments on Oct 10, 2020:
Favorite costume so far this year 😍
Catholicism Just Fell Apart Because the Vatican Said Some Baptisms Were Fake | Val Wilde | Friendly ...
Theresa_N comments on Oct 9, 2020:
Arguments about what is proper baptism have been going on for centuries if not millenia. Mennonites argue over whether the water has to be free flowing or not.
Today a piece of music - a long favourite composer Shostakovich & his Waltz 2.
Theresa_N comments on Oct 7, 2020:
I'm ashamed to say I watched the whole thing.
Does it take a math nerd to think this is funny?
Theresa_N comments on Oct 7, 2020:
I'm not a math nerd and I think it's funny.
TW My cousin just posted that it’s been 10 years since we lost her brother to suicide.
Theresa_N comments on Oct 7, 2020:
The church's teaching on suicide is one of it's most detestable. Suicide should be considered an act of courage and celebrated. Yes it is an end to life but it's almost always an escape from unendurable pain.
I would like to submit the idea that religion IS politics.
Theresa_N comments on Oct 7, 2020:
Agree that politics is intrinsic to people, disagree that religion is politics. Religion has little to do with my politics, lack of religion does.
I have recently come upon the situation of trying to explain my position on "religion" to a ...
Theresa_N comments on Oct 7, 2020:
In my experience, I had to not want to go to heaven. Heaven became unpalatable to me.
Theresa_N comments on Oct 5, 2020:
It certainly would be good if the DEA loses this one.
This man has the judgment of a four year old
Theresa_N comments on Oct 5, 2020:
I agree with Dr. Wen. I think, from what I've seen here that those are body doubles.
It Is Neil deGrasse Tyson's Birthday: []
Theresa_N comments on Oct 5, 2020:
Happy birthday Neil 🎁
Having heard some speculation, and noticing something strange about the picture from Walter Reed, I ...
Theresa_N comments on Oct 5, 2020:
Not a very good body double at all.
I knew about William Tyndale, but King James was news to me! EDIT: This website erased my link! ...
Theresa_N comments on Oct 3, 2020:
What did you know about Tyndale and what's the news about King James?
Trump labels Black Lives Matter a terrorist group.
Theresa_N comments on Oct 3, 2020:
I've never understood the religiousity of the majority of black people. It's a white man's jesus after all.
i FEEL like obligated to death by beoing part of relegion
Theresa_N comments on Oct 3, 2020:
Then don't be a "part of" religion.
Well... kinda hard to argue with that logic.. 😁 []
Theresa_N comments on Oct 3, 2020:
I find it hard to identify with anyone who becomes more conservative in this day and age. The democratic party is not for the most part progressive but the repuglican party is down right fascist.
What is social intelligence really?
Theresa_N comments on Oct 3, 2020:
I believe I have Asperger's too. I've never been good in social situations or with social cues. I think that someone on the spectrum would usually test pretty low in social intelligence so your case doesn't surprise me.
Chock full....💩
Theresa_N comments on Oct 3, 2020:
I can believe this.
“Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving us wordy evidence of the ...
Theresa_N comments on Oct 3, 2020:
The introvert's motto.
Now they’ve No Platformed Richard Dawkins
Theresa_N comments on Oct 3, 2020:
If he lived in the US he would think evangelical far right militias were "the greatest threat," even the FBI has acknowledged this. Islam was a "great threat" for many years, now the right has taken their place. Dawkins and others from his school of thought still have these outdated ideas. Ilhan Omar is no more a threat than I am.
The Truth About Modern day Atheism: They Hate Christianity! - YouTube
Theresa_N comments on Oct 2, 2020:
I am an anti-theist and don't hate xtians. I do hate xtianity, islam, judaism (the religion not the ethnic group), hinduism, and all the others including wicca. Some are worse than others as are some denominations of xtianity.
Does anyone else wonder if Trump having Covid could delay his SCOTUS nomination?
Theresa_N comments on Oct 2, 2020:
About the only difference this will bring is in tRump's campaigning. He won't be able to attend rallies or other events for a couple of weeks. That is if it doesn't kill him which is what I'm hoping for.
Theresa_N comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Never heard of them, not bad. As you say, a lot of British imagery.
I am so torn.
Theresa_N comments on Oct 2, 2020:
I hope he dies. Getting seriously ill is a secondary option. He's in very poor health both cognitively and otherwise. He's definitely a candidate for the Darwin Award.
Daddy Fascist and Momma Vapid test Positive for Covid -19.
Theresa_N comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Where did you read this?
First I have ever heard about Antarctica. []
Theresa_N comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Pure conjecture. No evidence, what more need be said?
Well another catholic diocese files for bancruptcy.
Theresa_N comments on Oct 1, 2020:
I wish all churches were truly bankrupted. In my extensive experience with catholic clergy, a minority were pedophiles, most were either gay or involved with women. It's just that one pedophile out of ten will cause a lot of damage to a lot of children. The vow of celibacy is a joke.
Easy to spot!...
Theresa_N comments on Oct 1, 2020:
I don't think silicone has been used for quite a while.
The more things change...
Theresa_N comments on Oct 1, 2020:
There was also an "underground" comic strip by R. Crumb that featured tRump.
Window shortcut to add emojis Do you ever use Agnostic on your laptop/desktop instead of your ...
Theresa_N comments on Oct 1, 2020:
From biography of Anthony Trollope- a "pervert " was someone who converted from Anglican to Catholic
Theresa_N comments on Oct 1, 2020:
There is much prejudice in the world. I see catholics as no better or worse than anglicans. All religions are very similar to me and should be equally rejected.
CNN dubs the debate a "shitshow"
Theresa_N comments on Sep 30, 2020:
Well, I was right about there never being a debate, I just didn't think it would be this way.
Coke with coffee is a thing. []
Theresa_N comments on Sep 30, 2020:
I had coffee Coke a number of years ago, maybe this will be a broader unveiling.
Cream. - Crossroads, live 1968. []
Theresa_N comments on Sep 30, 2020:
Now thats classic rock!
Trump Secretly Mocks His Christian Supporters - The Atlantic
Theresa_N comments on Sep 29, 2020:
I always thought he was an atheist and just using the religious.
“I have always thought that all men should be free; but if any should be slaves, it should be ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 29, 2020:
Hard to believe he belonged to the same political party as tRump.
Who's minding the farm while daddy's away at slumber camp?
Theresa_N comments on Sep 29, 2020:
I called them "white trash" in another post and got a lot of disapprovals. I guess "white trash" is racist, I really don't know. They are trash anyway.
DECRIMINALIZE NATURE FIGHTS BACK The psychedelics reform group Decriminalize Nature released a ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 29, 2020:
Good for them, I really want to take a hallucinogen before I die.
How did it get this crazy?
Theresa_N comments on Sep 29, 2020:
Because there is no party with dominance that speaks out about it. The democRats are no better than the repuglican's at doing something about this.
So where do you get your morality from if you’re an atheist?
Theresa_N comments on Sep 29, 2020:
And you could answer back "Where do you get your morals as a believer, surely not the bible?" I get my morals from my conscience and intellect.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 28, 2020:
The democRats are doing their best to be as repuglican as possible.
Tequila is not just a drink. It's a way to summon the police without a phone.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 28, 2020:
I at one time drank quite a bit of tequila and never once did the police come, but I'm the restrained sort.
The UK government has ordered schools in England not to use resources from organisations which have ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 28, 2020:
`Little tRump is in charge over there.
5 Women Who Will Make You Proud to Be an Introvert
Theresa_N comments on Sep 28, 2020:
I wouldn't put myself in any category including J. K. Rowling.
Some Schadenfreude? []
Theresa_N comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Yes, I take pleasure from some people's pain.
I came in here because I thought I'd get to interact with people who are similar in age and ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Everyone is different here and perhaps the only common thing they share is being 50s +. It was in my early fifties that my arthritis and other problems started becoming worse. So give it a few years, maybe you'll continue to be fortunate.
The Kinks.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 28, 2020:
I look forward to your Kink posts. Great music!
NY Times Report Claims Trump Paid No Taxes 10 of last 15 Years According to a Sunday The New ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 28, 2020:
"October" surprise for tRump?
Whillikers interjection Informal.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 27, 2020:
I only remember it being used in tv shows 60 or so years ago.
Bullshit is bullshit.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 27, 2020:
You're back. I wish you'd go away again.
Playing for Change Ripple []
Theresa_N comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Brilliantly done! Thank you.
I despise this family (and he looks stoned again). []
Theresa_N comments on Sep 27, 2020:
White trash with millions of dollars and millions of followers. The world is in pretty sad shape.
This Q-bit is obviously a nutter group, BUT a point to be made- the hidden news IS the news.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Yes, tRump most likely has several serious mental health issues along with dementia. That's old news. Qanon is also a crazy group, their conspiracy theories are divorced from reality regardless of biden's sexual proclivities.
QAnon . . . once you write it all down, it starts to make sense
Theresa_N comments on Sep 27, 2020:
ROFL! :)
MN Priest Who Said COVID Death Toll Was a “Lie” Remains “Firm in His Opinions” | Hemant ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 27, 2020:
He's spent too much time at the local bar discussing what's been on talk radio. Catholic clerics have a fondness for drink.
Bomb squad activated.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 26, 2020:
What are they made of? They could have value as scrap.
Well I'll darned, just got a a very earnest and most unexpected APOLOGY of all things from ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Take them when you can get them. Who knows he might turn over a whole new leaf.
INTERNATIONAL UK officials rejected the European Commission's preliminary finding that CBD ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 25, 2020:
It's almost enough for me to lose all faith in government.
Have you ever been irritated at someone for popping your “bubble?
Theresa_N comments on Sep 25, 2020:
I have a Minnesota accent and grew up in a region with a particularly distinct one. When I lived out of state it was pointed out to me, but it never bothered me much.
Im new here and this is my first post.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 25, 2020:
It's absurd, drinking is so bad for you and cannabis is so good for you, yet laws allow unlimited consumption of alcohol and no consumption of cannabis. It makes me want to tear my hair out. And biden wants to require treatment for those caught ingesting it.
CULTURE Lenny Kravitz wrote in his new memoir about how he discovered marijuana and Led Zeppelin...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 24, 2020:
Good article. Thanks for posting it.
I don’t ever copy and paste other people’s statuses.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 24, 2020:
What gets me is all the celebrities in Great Britain who are coming out against masks and social distancing.
Hello, I'm an ex-Catholic.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 24, 2020:
I was raised catholic and although it was in a very german rural community, I was not raised to be a traditional catholic. Bad enough as it was.
The truth be told.....
Theresa_N comments on Sep 24, 2020:
Spock would be left with PTSD.
Lindsey Graham's Words Used Against Him [] At his invitation
Theresa_N comments on Sep 23, 2020:
I'm repeatedly surprised how low they can sink.
Meow meow! 😻
Theresa_N comments on Sep 22, 2020:
The worst kind of cat is your own from an allergy perspective.
Evidence-Based Religion Me: What is God, Dictionary?
Theresa_N comments on Sep 22, 2020:
Not in the sense of the personal god, there are no such gods. There are alternate universes too, does that mean there are an infinite number of gods?
WELCOME TO INTROVERTS UNITE! new members @Honir @antireligious @Just52 @Rathminesgirl Nice to ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 21, 2020:
Welcome all of you.
We grew in in a very weird time - and just when you think you saw it all... ???
Theresa_N comments on Sep 21, 2020:
I bet that chewed through records.
Well, like Hitler, he obviously crawled out of the shallow end of the gene pool.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 21, 2020:
Well, I liked to think we had good genes in MN, not that I thought about it, but from the vocabulary of tRump supporters I'd guess most are below 90.
I made 3 appts to euthanize Kohle.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 21, 2020:
Leela was a good dog.
I have not been watching ANY science fiction movies that inspired me to ask this question: "When ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 21, 2020:
I think self-recognition will occur as quantum computers develop.
“So that, in effect, religion, which should most distinguish us from beasts, and ought most ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 21, 2020:
Very true, but wasn't Locke outspokenly racist?
Dodo update. []
Theresa_N comments on Sep 20, 2020:
"This article is strictly for National Graphic subscribers."
Foster tosses his bowl into the ring.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 20, 2020:
He's got my vote.
September 20, 78 The election of Robert of Geneva as anti-pope by discontented cardinals creates a ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 20, 2020:
Interesting, we weren't taught about the history of popes in catholic school, for good reason.
I think this is a really well observed video, so much can be got out of a simple subject.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 20, 2020:
Fascinating. Thanks for posting this.
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