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Breaking News.....
Theresa_N comments on Apr 24, 2020:
Actually nicotine vape may partially protect from corona according to The Guardian.
This fuckwit needs to be ousted RIGHT NOW! []
Theresa_N comments on Apr 24, 2020:
He's more and more demented.
I had coronavirus! I was shocked when I heard it! But I had lung cancer before and shocked I ...
Theresa_N comments on Apr 24, 2020:
The vitamins had no effect. You are relatively young and appear to be in ok shape, that's why you didn't get sicker.
Bottoms up
Theresa_N comments on Apr 24, 2020:
I always wondered who would be so stupid, now I know tRump.
What is more damaging in Western societies religion or conspiratorial thinking?
Theresa_N comments on Apr 24, 2020:
I cannot say which is more harmful but they go hand in hand. Look at anti-semitism, without the catholic and lutheran church, it would never have taken hold. Anti-semetism is also based in conspiracy theory.
Love to see this
Theresa_N comments on Apr 24, 2020:
Is "normalcy" all you want? Not justice?
Theresa_N comments on Apr 23, 2020:
Well, he could become a progressive and he'd get my vote.
My religious (cousin’s) wife and my anal sister are pressing me to quote “the” bible where ...
Theresa_N comments on Apr 23, 2020:
Jesus made no references to being gay. Tell them to read the gospels themselves, if they're xtian that shouldn't be too hard for them.
My apologies.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 23, 2020:
Shit happens. I was wondering where the link had gone. There are people on here that would agree with the post at face value but I didn't think that was the motivation for the post.
“Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than...
Theresa_N comments on Apr 23, 2020:
Sounds like to religion to me. Unlike some I dedicated myself to religion for many years. I came out of it an atheist so I was wiser but religion played no part in it.
For those of us in Red states
Theresa_N comments on Apr 23, 2020:
There are tRumpsters in every state. There are already more people out and about even in MN. I had to do business with a real estate facilitator to sell my condo. So I've had several people in my condo during the past week. Luckily I'm partially protected by vaping nicotine.
MORE HUMOR - ANOTHER ONION RING The Onion made fun of the history of marijuana, saying that 6.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 23, 2020:
I know "good" xtians and an atheist who uses cannabis. I don't know where fundies get all their prohibitions. They just seem to generate them at random. If it makes you feel good it's bad.
Ive always hated being an introvert. Can anyone relate?
Theresa_N comments on Apr 22, 2020:
My introversion is such a major part of who I am, how can I hate it?
How many of you feel religion negatively impacted your formative years?
Theresa_N comments on Apr 22, 2020:
Very much so. And it was mixed up with racism, homophobia, and transphobia.
People who watch Fox hosts Sean Hannity and Tucker CarlIson are 30% more likely to Die of COVIN19 ...
Theresa_N comments on Apr 22, 2020:
That's because a large proportion of tRumpsters are over 60. I thought my generation were hippies back in the day but I guess we've not aged well.
Today's "Bad Speller" gem...How many errors can you see? I found two...
Theresa_N comments on Apr 22, 2020:
More evidence that tRumpsters are of lower intelligence than non-tRumpsters.
It is amazing how touchy some folks are around here (SOME, not by any means ALL).
Theresa_N comments on Apr 22, 2020:
I've given up on correcting people about roman catholicism. People assume they know everything about it but they don't know anything.
“I am an atheist, out and out.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 22, 2020:
I'm an atheist too. I spent some time as an agnostic. For the same reason I know the easter bunny doesn't exist, I know god(s) doesn't exist.
Second try to post this. []
Theresa_N comments on Apr 22, 2020:
I guess it can be said of the american people, a sucker is born every minute.
I see nothing wrong with this...
Theresa_N comments on Apr 21, 2020:
The current media driven beauty standards are not realistic and not at all universal. I prefer plump people to plastic porn stars any day.
I saw on the news today; one of the protestors had a sign that read,,” Jesus is my Vaccine.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 21, 2020:
Except they're out there spreading it to non-believers. If it were not for this than it would just be natural selection.
meow back, why doncha?
Theresa_N comments on Apr 21, 2020:
I don't like cats (I'm horribly allergic) but this is the most interesting expression I've seen of one.
Old World War 1.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 21, 2020:
The mistake that eventually led to WWII.
2nd grade is hard... 🙄
Theresa_N comments on Apr 21, 2020:
Our education system has failed rednecks.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 20, 2020:
You're kidding, it's worse than I remember. I don't use f book anymore. It's a dirty word to me.
Good times lol
Theresa_N comments on Apr 17, 2020:
I miss LSD and psylocybin (sp?).
Jane Fonda taken into custody at climate crisis protest in Washington, DC - CNN
Theresa_N comments on Apr 17, 2020:
Grace and Frankie is comfort tv for me.
BERNIE SANDERS to his Supporters: Refusing to back Biden is "Irresponsible". []
Theresa_N comments on Apr 17, 2020:
Biden would have to become at least as progressive as Warren for me to vote for him.
Poland set to vote on criminalising sex education -
Theresa_N comments on Apr 16, 2020:
Poland's leader is a fascist. He has the backing of the Catholic church.
Who else is going through this completely alone?
Theresa_N comments on Apr 16, 2020:
I'm an introvert and have my dog Lily, who is better than any human being at being loving and attentive.
A buddy sent me this and it made me laugh and at the same time it made me sad.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 16, 2020:
Evangelical christianity happened is what. Most of tRumps supporters are white christian evangelicals. Everywhere evangelical christianity dominates, whether the US or Brazil, liberty and democracy are sacrificed to tyranny. They're not the only force, there's conservative catholics and the 1% but evangelical christians dominate.
Trump is copying Hitler's early rhetoric... []
Theresa_N comments on Apr 15, 2020:
Yes, he's been doing so since he was first campaigning. He follows the fascist playbook and fascists are his best friends. He's never met a tyrant he didn't like.
What a maroon! 😡 Trump is melting down as his incoherent theory of government comes back to bite...
Theresa_N comments on Apr 15, 2020:
I believe he's headed for a further breakdown. He's really at the end of his rope.
Ain't it the truth?
Theresa_N comments on Apr 15, 2020:
My high school class were the lowest form of vermin with very few exceptions so I guess this could be true.
One small advantage to trump, he's a litmus test.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 15, 2020:
Yes, anyone who likes tRump is a racist, misogynistic, transphobic, homophobic, and islamophobic. It is convenient and true.
Trump uses coronavirus to cliam 'total' authority.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 14, 2020:
I think he's at his breaking point. He'll throw a tantrum soon.
The Kinks.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 14, 2020:
One of my favorites.
A pastor in the USA who held a church service in contradiction of lockdown instructions has ...
Theresa_N comments on Apr 14, 2020:
Natural selection.
I was talking to my cousin on the phone yesterday, and I expressed some consternation at our ...
Theresa_N comments on Apr 13, 2020:
There are many reasons for not voting for Stein. She's a homeopath and she's anti-vaccine. But I see no reason not to write in Bernie. There are only one or two major issues I disagree with him about. There is no major politician I've ever agreed with more. Biden on the other hand is wrong about almost all major issues.
50 years ago: Apollo 13 space shuttle avoids disaster The week of April 13, 1970 millions of ...
Theresa_N comments on Apr 13, 2020:
Apollo XIII was not a space shuttle. It was an Apollo capsule that was boosted into space by a Saturn V. Sorry, I'm a bit of a space fan.
Know your frogs!
Theresa_N comments on Apr 13, 2020:
Kermit has taste better than that. Lipton tea? Garbage.
The President and the Plague How Donald Trump failed at the single most important task of the Oval ...
Theresa_N comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Looks like it came from the Guardian. Same style as their cartoons.
Saint Misbehavin' “We’re all bozos on the bus.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Wise words.
“It is the preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that prevents us from living ...
Theresa_N comments on Apr 12, 2020:
It's pain, depression, and anxiety that keeps me from living freely and nobly.
Absolutely would
Theresa_N comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Biden could shoot the entire tRump family, which he wouldn't do because they're so much alike, and then shoot himself.
Maintain your distance, die laughing or revulsed?
Theresa_N comments on Apr 11, 2020:
Do you not have an ounce of compassion in you?
‘You can’t even get Christianity right’: Trump mocked for offensive ‘Happy Good Friday’ ...
Theresa_N comments on Apr 10, 2020:
tRump and biden are pretty well matched in the dementia contest.
Panama Red. []
Theresa_N comments on Apr 10, 2020:
Prefer the version on "Old & In The Way." But this reminded me of it and that's very good.
2nd try. Have you ever made a pipe like this? []
Theresa_N comments on Apr 10, 2020:
Too bad he's a devout Catholic. He had a bunch of kids even though he knew he had a 50% chance of having ALS. He did not get genetically tested before having children.
Managed to shoot these through the house windows, yesterday, the rat must have been really agile to ...
Theresa_N comments on Apr 10, 2020:
One of the smartest non-human animals according to a dubious list of smartest on
Theresa_N comments on Apr 10, 2020:
As they used to say in old gangster movies "snuff out."
A NEW WITCH IN THE WHITE HOUSE New White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany has a long ...
Theresa_N comments on Apr 9, 2020:
I wouldn't use the word "witch" as there are many fine but delusional people that are wiccan. Worthless traitor to her gender, that's what I'd call her.
AND ANOTHER post deleted::::: Both about trans-mania... Is agnostic now controlled by the loonytics?
Theresa_N comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Why would an atheist or agnostic be so fanatically transphobic? Deep seated psychological conflicts I would guess. Become a fundamentalist and have plenty of company.
Another missed opportunity...
Theresa_N comments on Apr 9, 2020:
The only two talented ones (at politics) were Bernie and Warren.
Hi, I just joined this group.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 9, 2020:
At least Canadians drink their beer cold.
Lmao true
Theresa_N comments on Apr 8, 2020:
And it isn't very effective.
Bernie's dropping out.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 8, 2020:
I really am amazed at how badly biden is coming across during this pandemic. I guess it's his dementia. I do hope that Bernie stays in the race.
Who avoids discussing religion and spirituality?
Theresa_N comments on Apr 8, 2020:
I still get riled up once in a while. If you saw the groups I belong to most would be seen to be non-religious.
Hulk Hogan Thinks Coronavirus Is A Punishment From God And Jesus Is The Only Vaccine Needed ...
Theresa_N comments on Apr 7, 2020:
A professional wrestler isn't a source for wisdom.
The blurb said, " Now I am sure the photographer will be famous!" then put no name.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 7, 2020:
To me it says "These are people, they deserve all the respect that the latest models from Hollywood and on media." People these days expect everyone to look the same and those that don't are ugly.
I guess I'll vote for the old white guy???
Theresa_N comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Bernie is neither a democrat nor a do nothing. I'm voting for him by write in if necessary.
Hey all, new to this group, but not to skepticism.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Just look at the Hippie forum. I used to be a hippy but had forgotten how much woo went along with it. Now I'm just a non-woo believing pot head.
What is the craziest church experience that you've been in?
Theresa_N comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Attended messianic jewish congregation for a while on my long pilgramage to atheism. Jewish services mixed with pentecostal. The speaking in tongues turned me off.
Or maybe he's providing some words of encouragement.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 7, 2020:
"Touchy" sun, must be related to joe biden.
Why is this app called “Agnostic”?
Theresa_N comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Do you know there is no easter bunny?
Need a little lift? []
Theresa_N comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Who says dogs aren't superior to people?
When are you gonna make up some pamphlets or something for people to use once they get past their ...
Theresa_N comments on Apr 6, 2020:
I'm not angry at god. When I became an atheist I stopped believing in god(s) so there's nothing to be angry at.
CNN Host To Pastor: How Is It 'Pro-Life' To Pack People Into Church Amid Pandemic?
Theresa_N comments on Apr 6, 2020:
It is natural selection, no joke. They are "pro-life" in name only. Jesus said nothing about embryos. He did talk about helping the poor yet they ignore that. That is if jesus even existed which is highly doubtful.
What a great role model!
Theresa_N comments on Apr 6, 2020:
My kind of Dude.
Progress in GA.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Interesting. Brave individual, living in the deep south.
I had lost faith and confidence on the unpresident of united states.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 5, 2020:
Yes, but the Senate will never permit it. He clearly suffer's from dementia and an array of psychiatric conditions, yet his own people don't see this as a disadvantage.
In case you didn't know
Theresa_N comments on Apr 5, 2020:
I forgot all about it. I vape enough that pretty much every month is 420.
On The Road Again, Canned Heat []
Theresa_N comments on Apr 5, 2020:
Have loved Canned Heat since my teens.
“Ignorance and prejudice are the handmaidens of propaganda”...............Kofi Annan.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 5, 2020:
Why can't we have a man like Kofi Annan as president?
No need for bags nowadays.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 4, 2020:
You've proven you aren't a humanist.
Why all the hate?
Theresa_N comments on Apr 4, 2020:
I do spend a lot of time on here but don't think that much about religion otherwise. I can hardly take offense at people being angry at religion since their anger is justified. Religion is really that bad. I do take offense at the few islamaphobes who make it the sole object of their hatred. Islam is just a bit more primitive, it will evolve and there will still be islamists who are just like christian evangelicals. No religion is to blame more than any other, they're all horrendous.
Has China basically stopped the virus or not?
Theresa_N comments on Apr 4, 2020:
We don't know. China is a very secretive society. Only what benefits the party gets out for the most part.
A raging example of why I've had quite enough of all this religious BS.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 4, 2020:
I have a sister and brother that are religious. We don't speak anymore.
For some reason my religious friends don't find this funny . .
Theresa_N comments on Apr 4, 2020:
Some religious people have a poor sense of humor.
Baaaad hair day
Theresa_N comments on Apr 4, 2020:
Great employment aid.
This is what happens to conformists. ;)
Theresa_N comments on Apr 4, 2020:
Made me LOL.
Nuns on a bike ride...
Theresa_N comments on Apr 4, 2020:
Funny, but that's gravel not cobblestones.
“Silence is one of the great arts of conversation”................Cicero.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 4, 2020:
If it's only silence than little conversation takes place. I know, I'm an introvert and often retreat into silence.
Satan would like to remind you
Theresa_N comments on Apr 3, 2020:
This is the third group I've seen this in.
Woo alert!!! [agnostic.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 3, 2020:
There's never a shortage of woo believers.
Trump’s gay press aide says it’s wrong to link President to rise in anti-LGBTQ hate / Queerty
Theresa_N comments on Apr 3, 2020:
What's the slang word for someone like this? He is a traitor, but there must be something cruder.
Creepy Creeps, the lot of them.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Made me smile. An accomplishment given how depressed I am.
The People elect politicians because of their business experience and then they are surprised when ...
Theresa_N comments on Apr 3, 2020:
This is wise.
I am asking for suggestions.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Hitler liked to be peed on. I don't know if tRump does or not.
It's a great thing for your peace of mind and mental health if you love where you live.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 3, 2020:
My health insurance provider was Health Partners and they had no one in AZ.
I have heard boredom referred to as a great driver of innovation.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Haven't innovated anything yet, how about you? The depths of the president's depravity is becoming more evident by the day though.
It's a great thing for your peace of mind and mental health if you love where you live.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 3, 2020:
I loved Phoenix and AZ. But I couldn't stay their because of health insurance.
[] How I'm Living Now -Jane Fonda at 82.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 2, 2020:
Grace and Frankie is my favorite comfort show. I see myself as I used to be in Frankie. I'm still a pothead but quit believing in woo.
Both sides now ... Andrew Cuomo Is Trash []
Theresa_N comments on Apr 2, 2020:
Terrible. Another neo-liberal Democrat. And people are taken in every time, whether it's Hillary or Biden.
Something you don't know
Theresa_N comments on Apr 1, 2020:
The Tiger King. Netflix.
I am at a loss with these damn daily trump cheerleader rallies
Theresa_N comments on Apr 1, 2020:
At least Morgan Freeman would sound authoritative.
I'm curious what you all think about this position.
Theresa_N comments on Mar 31, 2020:
You "doth protest to much." What are your underlying issues that drove you to write this diatribe? Typically m2f athletes are required to be on hormone treatment that includes testosterone blockers for at least a year. They have no more muscle mass than their cisgender teammates and competitors.
Acting Secretary of the Navy Forrest Modly said " Although he had never been on a real shrimp boat ...
Theresa_N comments on Mar 31, 2020:
A real hot dog.
Health department revoked diagnosis of teen who reportedly died of COVID-19 - Business Insider
Theresa_N comments on Mar 30, 2020:
How can you say they're good people with thinking like that? They're fascists like their spoiled brat president.
2:30 still awake.
Theresa_N comments on Mar 30, 2020:
I live in fear of falls. I keep the door unlocked when I'm awake so that they won't have to break down the door to get to me like they did one time. I wear an alert pendent that calls for me if I fall.
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