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I've been widowed for six years following a 20-yr. marriage. My late wife had dementia for several years. Seek someone kind for dating, companionship, and hopefully leading to a long-term relationship. Am now retired. My politics are very left-wing, Bernie Sanders-type socialist. Partner would have be at least liberal. Dating range is women age 55-72. See my profile questions and answers to find my interests, but I'll list some of them at the end. But first, I'll save some time listing what seem to be the usual deal-breakers with most women

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The U.S.'s ridiculous obsession with "Why?
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 29, 2023:
This is true. The whys do matter, in the long run, but in the meantime, what's much more important is limiting the killing power of the mass shooters, by passing sane, effective gun control laws to limit their access to automatic weapons of military grade firearms, so that even if they do kill, they can't kill near as many in a single attack. But the mass shooters never target or kill members of the ruling class, who are so well-protected anyway, that they can't be killed by a single lone gunman, and thus the political class and their rich donors, feel no threat and are perfectly content to let the lower classes continue to kill each other thru mass shootings. If we suddenly saw any mass shootings targeted at and killing any members of the political class, their rich donors, or the children of those two groups, you'd be amazed how quickly we would see radical gun control laws passed.
North Carolina Church Raises Thousands to Pay Off Cafeteria Lunch Debt For Every County School ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 29, 2023:
Free lunches should be available to all school kids who need or want them, regardless of income level. It's the least we could do. And all that conservative bullshit about how "there is no free lunch" and that free lunches would harm the character development of kids, etc., is just that, bullshit and propaganda, since they also believe that tax cuts for the rich and corporate welfare are both good for the character of the rich and corporations, when we all know that they aren't.... I also wish that churches and religious orgs. would quit making hungry people listen to preaching before they could get free meals, but as long as it happens in their house, they will get to keep making their rules about it.
According to the rules of English, the first person singular is I.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 29, 2023:
I don't sweat pronouns. I leave that to the PC-obsessed phony liberals who only care about identity politics and culture war issues, playing right into the hands of the ruling class, who use those things to divide the lower classes against each other. And these phony liberals never care anyway, about the class war, because they are always members of the Comfortable Class, up there in the top 15% anyway, in terms of wealth and income.
The Covenant School tragedy shows how more prayers will never stop gun violence
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 28, 2023:
Thoughts and prayers are only for deluded suckers and insincere pols who offer them after each mass shooting. As Malcom X said, arming yourself, when you truly are an oppressed group in a society dominated by racists and Christian fascists, is simply intelligent and prudent. And the MAGA white Christian fascist nationalists, are not an oppressed, targeted group, despite all their whining and self-claimed victimhood, as they have all of the police, as well as most of the pols, on their side. Same with the military and the FBI.
The national TV news reporters kept pushing the miraculous miracles of the tornado survivors in ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 28, 2023:
Reminds me of the wisecrack by Hannibal Lecter in the movie The Silence Of The Lambs, where he mentions to Clairice Starling that God so loved his followers at a Texas church, that he sent a tornado there that wiped out the church and killed them all...
Fires & floods in california: school shootings even 5 more people dead as i write; train and ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 27, 2023:
Duplicate post much?
Alternative views will not be tolerated.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 26, 2023:
Much like the way I see it with liberals who are passionate worshipers of PC speech codes to the exclusion of any other policies. They are just as bad as Bible thumpers in worshiping their dogma over all else.
Eastern Florida State College Professor Cancels Civil Rights Lesson Because Student Objected
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 25, 2023:
This law undermines the First Amendment the same way the so-called Heckler's Veto undermines free speech. In the case of this law, it ought to be called The Whiner's Veto or the Snowflake's Veto....
GOP rep suggests replacing libraries with ‘church-owned’ alternatives: Wrong, GOP.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 25, 2023:
Education is the key to fighting the ignorance that drives most Repub voters, and good public schools and libraries are crucial to that.
After Utah lawmakers allowed book banning, one parent went after the Bible
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 24, 2023:
I love it when smart, feisty people stick the hypocrisy of the Repubs and conservatives right back into their faces. It doesn't ever change them, but it sure feels good and also makes an impression on those who are moderates or on the fence about whether to support the right or not...
Trump Escalates Violent Rhetoric, Says Indictment Will Result in 'Potential Death & Destruction'
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 24, 2023:
I say if indicting him causes that, then bring it on, time we got on with our delayed civil war, so we can all find out if living out the rest of our natural lives will be worth it, at least if we stay in the US.
Don’t say “period”: How Florida Republicans are taking aim at basic sex education - Vox
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 24, 2023:
Don't teach girls about sex, but also don't let them have abortions. Just treat them like the breeding livestock they are supposed to be, at least if they are poor...
Parkland Dad Manuel Oliver Arrested After Being Ejected From House Hearing -- The Daily Beast
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 24, 2023:
Typical selective definition of free speech by Repubs....
Pro-Gun Tucker Carlson Pumps Brakes on Armed Transgender People -- The Daily Beast
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 24, 2023:
Typical conservative hypocrisy. So what else is new? Same way the Repubs suddenly got interested in gun control laws back in the 60s after the Black Panthers started arming themselves and showing up in public armed. It's all about exactly what type of people are arming themselves, and if they are inside or outside of the conservative tribe... Racist whites have always been against black folks being armed...
POST/COMMENT DELETION Sometimes, when I click on a post I get the following “Sorry, this post ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 21, 2023:
Or it could be that you have been blocked by the poster of the post, and didn't know you had been blocked.
Just as a quick reminder: Between 1947 and 1979, productivity in the U.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 21, 2023:
Duh, it was all trickle up economics after Reagan...
Not sure where to put this: A recent photo appeared in the FFRF newsletter under the section, ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 18, 2023:
Typical MAGA asshole. I'm sure he's even more repulsive when viewed from the front. Glad we were spared that.
Republicans: Hey, we got a plan! Here's your plan missy! Now, go make me a sammich.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 17, 2023:
As former FL congressman Alan Grayson used to say, the Repubs also have a plan for Americans who get sick and have no health insurance. " The Repub plan is: You get sick, then you die"....
Cher pretty well nails this
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 16, 2023:
When and where did she say that? I would be interested in the source of where the quote occurred.
Bobo should have been paying more attention to the morals at home than everywhere else.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 16, 2023:
And yet, she will oppose legal abortion.
Laissez-faire Capitalism fails again.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 15, 2023:
So what else is new?
Wednesday morning cuteness
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 15, 2023:
Kitty looks extremely happy.
Jim Bakker Claims Satan Directing People to Mock Him for Selling Survival Food During a recent ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 13, 2023:
But mocking him is one of my small pleasures in life, esp. when I saw the movie The Eyes Of Tammy Faye. I actually felt some sympathy and compassion for Tammy Faye while watching the movie, but as for Jim, he was just a buffoon and a con man, so easy to mock and laugh at, along with how he also was such an obvious closet case... It is also sad and pathetic that he would also fit in so well with the modern Repub Party's collection of hucksters and nutcases in congress. I also agree that having the Rapture happen would almost be worth it if it did in fact remove so many of these religious right assholes from this world, but I am not optimistic that such as event would actually result in them being taken away from this world, and instead, there would just be a lot of actually decent people removed. All I know, is that we collectively appear to be figuratively headed to hell in a handbasket, and the only dispute is over the velocity with which we are heading there...
It's quaint.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 13, 2023:
And to think I spent all these years thinking that cattle drives over open land ended for good after John Wayne died at the end of the movie The Cowboys, lol...
Weakening child labor laws is the latest Republican target - Vox
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 13, 2023:
Our Repub guv in Iowa, Covid Kim Reynolds, is doing her part to solve Iowa's labor shortages by putting it on the backs of high school kids to work the jobs we can't fill. Because anyway, those kids don't need a good education for anything anyway, and she's making sure of that by defunding public schools and putting the money into school vouchers for private and Christian schools.
Monday morning cuteness
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 13, 2023:
Love the look of tuxedo cats.
Certainly up to something.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 8, 2023:
That kitty certainly looks to be up to something passionate and ornery.
Insert Musical Interlude Here []
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 7, 2023:
I hate him just as much as you, tho probably for not all the same reasons. We should have had Bernie, instead of him, and Bernie would have beat Trump, tho the corporate media and Dem loyalists will never admit that. Thanks for sharing this, and I do agree with most of the criticisms in the song. I assume you are not a fan of Bernie yourself. My guess is that your political viewpoints are Libertarian, which I despise, so you undoubtedly reject socialism, which I embrace. So our differences are clear.
Abby Martin & Immortal Technique: Civil War Legendary rapper Immortal Technique joins Abby to ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 7, 2023:
I like this guy's direct, blunt approach and also his healthy sense of anger.
Woke Imperialism Woke culture, devoid of class consciousness and a commitment to stand with the ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 7, 2023:
Yup, identity politics is all bullshit and window dressing, since in the end, the token minority group members that get appointed to positions of power never end up actually promoting any real progressive change or making any changes. Like Thurgood Marshall said, after he retired from the Supreme Court and saw that he would probably be replaced by a token black man, which he was, by Clarence Thomas, that he needed to not just be replaced by a black man, but that it needed to be "the right black man". Boy was he prophetic...
Good for Marianne.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 6, 2023:
I'm not into her New Age spirituality and such, but last time she did say some rather refreshingly candid and intelligent things, in the Dem primary debates. She has no chance at all, but I hope she stays in the race a while and ends up in the debates. Always glad to hear someone calling out the corporate Dems and the ruling class that funds them and pulls their strings.
The odds of being attacked by a...
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 5, 2023:
Such a cute uniform on the kitty...
Body cameras.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 4, 2023:
I loath the idea of getting a smartphone, but after what recently happened to a friend of mine, getting pulled over late at night by a cop who was out trolling for drunk drivers, and determined to arrest my friend on a DUI charge so he could put a notch in his belt, I would recommend everybody have something handy to record any traffic stops with the cops, to protect themselves from being railroaded like my friend was. He ended up being taken to jail, even tho he was not intoxicated, because he refused a breathalyzer tests, on principle, as well as to do a field sobriety test. He refused the breathalyzer because he didn't trust the cop to not tamper with it and also didn't want to blow into something that had been used with other people and risk getting Covid from it. He couldn't walk the field sobriety test, because he has a bad foot that has had several surgeries on it, and he had bloodshot eyes, according to the cop, because he had had three cataract surgeries within a month and a half before the stop. The cop was unwilling to listen to or accept any of his reasons for the bloodshot eyes and foot, and instead was clearly determined to send him to jail, claiming he was "swerving" before being pulled over, but refused to show my friend the dashcam evidence of him swerving before being stopped. My friend is planning to sue the cop and his department for false arrest, and I think he will win, if he can find a lawyer to take his case. He has already talked with one and thinks that lawyer will work with him. A local college kid recently did the same thing, sued for false arrest on a bogus DUI charge, and is asking for 1.2 Mil, so it might be a big payday if he can win.
Just logged on after awhile and got many responses to a comment I made on Trump piñata.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 3, 2023:
Join the club. I got booted from the group long ago, by HippieChick, the group's mod, after I had an argument outside of the group with her on another forum of this site. The bitch was petty enough to boot me from the group, even tho the argument was personal, outside of the group, and had nothing at all to do with the Trump Pinata group. So that is how much the mods here can get away with abusing their power these days, since nobody is watching over them and they have no accountability to anyone.
Who of you would self-identify as nihilist?
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 3, 2023:
No. If for no other reason than that I think morality is very important, esp. since we only go around once in life on this rock, so living morally is extremely important.
Cat helps rescuers find man who fell down waterfall -
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 2, 2023:
A true rescue cat.
Everybody does.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 2, 2023:
My new girlfriend sends me messages during the day while she is working, but I don't find them boring and she does it because she wants me to know she is thinking of me and that I am important to her.
My life story, so to speak
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 2, 2023:
Acting immature, by itself, is harmless, but still, it's also important to not act like an asshole, at any adult age...
Thursday morning fluff
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 2, 2023:
Nice assortment of color markings. I assume that's the mama cat by the cat bed.
I've always wanted to publicly post my groin for all to see.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 1, 2023:
As Jim Carey's movie character would say, "Well, alrighty then..."....
A whole lot of fluff!!!
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 1, 2023:
Very cute fluff.
Republican Rep.
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 28, 2023:
Another C student, like W., thinking he is smart enough to run other people's lives. Sounds like he is one of those " I is a college student" types... He may be dumb as a box of rocks, but I have to admire his persistence to keep at it for 17 years to finish his degree, lol. And, of course, he comes from a Southern state, where ignorance is revered, common, and valued by its voters, because those voters feel threatened by leaders who are smarter and more knowledgeable than them.
Church mice ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 28, 2023:
The rodent version of Jehovah's Witnesses. Cheeses, Jeezus, whatever....
Christians who went to the Asbury "revival" may have been exposed to measles
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 28, 2023:
I'm sure that prayer will solve any problems they get from being infected. (snark).
I wonder why that is?
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 26, 2023:
They also don't talk about how the rich quit paying Social Security taxes very early into each tax year, because it takes almost no time for them to reach the income earnings cap on SS taxes, and/or because most of their income is in stock options that are not even taxed at all. And I know the argument that will be used by the rich to justify the earnings cap on SS income, and that they and their supporters will say they shouldn't have to pay into it at all, etc., because they don't need SS themselves, but my counter-argument is that they benefit from all the workers they exploit to achieve their capitalist wealth, so they should be required to financially support the SS benefits their workers need, the same way that capitalists and their businesses should be taxed for SS when they replace workers with machines, because doing so drains the SS system of revenue, so let the capitalists replace workers with machines, but also make them pay SS taxes on those machines, the same way they would for human workers staying in those jobs. If that happened, maybe they would think twice about automating everything in the name of efficiency and greed.
Singaporean man sues woman for $3.
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 26, 2023:
It's always comforting, at least somewhat, I suppose, to hear of other countries, such as this, where the legal system is even more cock-eyed than here in America. I would like to think that in America, this kind of lawsuit would be laughed out of court, even with how patriarchal America is.
After school club banned
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 26, 2023:
Hail Satan, lol!
In 2006, billionaire Warren Buffet said “There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 26, 2023:
I am a proud socialist, and the professional managerial class are what socialists like me call the coordinator class, as they do the work of the 1% in managing the rabble, feeding them propaganda, shaping opinions, etc., and most importantly, distracting them and keeping them focused on issues irrelevant to the class war, like PC, culture war stuff, and identity politics, while all the while, these members of the coordinator class hide behind the political label of liberal. I know, I've seen many of them up close and personal at Unitarian churches. They talk a good game of being social justice warriors, etc, but when you scratch them deep enough, you find that they are just as materialistic, greedy, selfish, and classist as any conservative or Repub when it comes to issues of class and income inequality. They are fine with the status quo, as it serves them well, and they don't want to give an inch on their comfy spot in the top 10% class economically.
No questions, just pictures. This is Puff.
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 22, 2023:
Puff's cuteness deserves to be shared with the world.
New Rule: Parliament Fights | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - YouTube
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 18, 2023:
He has a point, but making a work of art and compromising and cooperating on governing, where getting elected and staying in power to do it, involves not only accomplishing things, but getting enough credit for it is key to winning elections, is a whole other thing than making movies or TV shows. Because actors and directors can still keep getting work and making big money, even if they don't get all the public credit, as long as they are regarded as being highly talented in the industry, and even more so, if they are popular with the public and can draw viewers.
There Are No Permanent Allies
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 18, 2023:
I despise identity politics too. It allows people who are just as callous, greedy, and selfish as the Repubs to identify themselves as liberal Dems and hide behind that, when in actuality, they are just as greedy, callous, and selfish as the Repubs they profess to hate, only because of culture war issues. That is what MLK realized near the end of his life, that the movement needed to go beyond racism and identity politics, and embrace socialism wholely, if it was ever going to defeat racism, because all of the above issues Hedges mentions are inseparably connected to matters of inequality in power and wealth.
"The works of the roots of the vines, of the trees, must be destroyed to keep up the price, and this...
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 17, 2023:
Still classic and still true, the insatiable thirst for profits over people, the evil root of capitalism.
Pastor charged for texting minor about smelling underwear | U.S. News
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 17, 2023:
File under " People With Issues", lol...
Happy Friday LMAO!!! 🤣🤣🤣 I can't read the subtitles, but this is SO funny without.
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 17, 2023:
They are such entertaining creatures.
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 17, 2023:
All of that is proof that we no longer have the rule of law and have also become a lawless country, where nobody who is rich and powerful is held accountable anymore, from either major party. Thus, we have become a clearly failed democracy, and I don't see it ever being reversed in my lifetime, if ever. Because that would involve the sheeple finally waking up and dumping both the major parties, voting in third parties in DC, and then eliminating the big money in politics. None of that is ever going to happen, with the power of the corporate media, and the ignorance and gullibility of most Americans.
[] Go nana go 🙌🙌🙌🙌♥️♥️♥️
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 17, 2023:
You have a delightfully twisted sense of humor, Pralina, same as me.
I'm sitting in company break room listening to conversations while eating lunch.
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 16, 2023:
It's baffling at times, isn't it, how these people never listen to themselves and have no clue how idiotic they sound. Sounds like you have a similar workplace to my last one before I retired.
I apologize for the length of this post.
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 15, 2023:
I have no idea of your age nor that of the women you are talking about. It is always nice to have too many options and prospects, rather than too few or none, which is how the dating game goes, at least for most men like me. It's always feast or famine. Glad I seem to be finally ready to retire from the game for good, as I seem to have met my unicorn a few weeks ago. So if it lasts, and she doesn't get ill or die prematurely, I should have a partner for the rest of my life. As to your situation, I think that with how horrible the dating game is these days for anyone middle aged or older. Because of that, I think that many or most women who are single or in your age group, as well as mine, like to protect themselves emotionally, as well as keep their expectations in check, by saying they are "only interested in a friendship", etc., early on after meeting a man, as well as on dating sites in their profiles. Their reasons for this are to not only fend off and discourage the men who are either wanting to drag them into bed as early as possible after connecting on a dating site, as well as men who are more sincere and interested in genuine and lasting relationships, from putting too much pressure or seriousness on them early in the dating process, etc. But make no mistake, I suspect that most of these women are actually looking for something deep and lasting with a man, despite their statements saying they are more interested in just friendships, etc., for the forseeable future. And they know that time is not on their side, nor that of men who are also single and in the dating market. So, no matter what they are saying, or even what you may be sincerely saying and wanting, these women do see the other female friends of yours as competition and potentially someone who will prevent them from being able to enjoy a lasting romantic relationship, whenever in the future they might feel ready and honest enough to admit that is what they want with you and are willing to take the risk of being rejected for that, or, if you accept their proposal of a romantic committed relationship, being disappointed in how you pan out for that. Best of luck, as the singles world these days, esp. the online dating part of it, are a real jungle, at best, or a cesspool, at worst, depending on your perspective. PS- I'm amused by your reference to Literate Hiker and her many stories about her experiences with men in the dating game, as I blocked her long ago after getting fed up with how she constantly was engaging in low key male-bashing by always putting the blame, fault or deficiencies leading to incompatibility on the men, and never owning up to any of her faults or her own unreasonable or unrealistic demands on the men for qualities they lacked. At least you seem to...
Nobody talk to me till I’ve had my coffee
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 15, 2023:
Uh oh, now that kitty might be awake for a whole hour or two!......
Schools become flashpoint for Republicans eyeing 2024 presidential race | PBS NewsHour
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 13, 2023:
My fav is the cigarette smoking, burned out teacher.
Red State Republicans Propose Using Children to Fill Labor Shortages Faced with low unemployment ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 13, 2023:
Yeah, why not go back 100 years in social conditions, instead of just to 1950? These assholes want as much regression as they can get.
Saturday morning cuteness
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 11, 2023:
Another black cat plotting world domination, between naps, of course.
'Last month, ICAN, through its attorneys, sent a letter to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)...
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 10, 2023:
Yet another example of how private industry has captured the govt. agency assigned to regulate them. Glad all commercial planes have two pilots, since we can no longer depend on the govt. to make sure the airlines provide us safe and healthy pilots, since that would get in the way of their max profits.
White evangelicals desperately want their kids to have the same faith
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 10, 2023:
I think it's not just that they want their kids to like-minded clones of them, but they are also very scared of their particular church declining in numbers, and eventually becoming irrelevant in America. To them, those things are an existential threat to their identity and their life having any meaning or purpose.
Thursday morning cuteness
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 9, 2023:
Preparing to scale the tree in the hunt for birdies.
Sunday morning cuteness
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 5, 2023:
Proud, but sad, Mama cat.
Re-branding Jesus?
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 5, 2023:
I have seen those commercials many times and found them to be creepy and manipulative. Now I know who is behind them, I find them even more so, tho the news here is not surprising. Trying to manipulate and control the masses by the rich is nothing new.
Oh, no more for me thanks...
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 3, 2023:
Most of them sleep 20 hours a day as it is...
Florida Demanding Girls Report Menstrual Info to the State in Order to Play School Sports Florida...
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 3, 2023:
This guy is giving other pricks a bad name... In other news, his continuing to be popular in FL, proves that the state has gone off the deep end mentally, at least the majority of voters, and is no longer a liveable place to be if you are intelligent and sane, kind of like my state, Iowa, better known to people like me as Mississippi North. Fortunately, I live in its largest city, which is a fairly diverse, liberal enclave, but I have to wonder how much longer the state's ruling Repub Party will allow us to be as we are, in our sort of free-zone part of the state.
Friday morning cuteness
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 3, 2023:
Biracial feline family..
It is a slow transition becoming a cyborg j/k.
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 2, 2023:
Before you know it, you can be Robocop....
How many remember these from school?
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 2, 2023:
My elementary school principal had one of those hanging on the wall in his office, only it didn't have the holes like that. But it did have the words Board Of Education on it. Guess it showed that he at least had a sense of humor. I never had it used on me, and only visited his office to be notified of something once, from my parents.
I have been making this argument for years, but people would rather fund wars in Central and South ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 1, 2023:
I always loved Chris Farley's character of the motivational speaker living in a van down by the river, lol. Too damned funny and true to life...
Careful y'all, the dates are getting litigious! Man sues woman for $2.
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 1, 2023:
Sounds like the legal system there has much different laws and standards about sexual harassment than here. And this guy clearly belongs in the category of "People With Issues"...
I have been making this argument for years, but people would rather fund wars in Central and South ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 1, 2023:
Most Americans are too dumb, ignorant, distracted, apathetic, or all of the above, to be capable of looking upstream at the root causes of our problems.
I’ll just keep your pizza warm for you…
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 1, 2023:
I don't doubt there are cats that will eat a pizza, if they can find a way to chew it, they will eat it. I already saw a cat eat lasagna on TV.
Governments don’t want an intelligent population because people who can think critically can’t ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 1, 2023:
The collarary to this is that they want people just smart or trained enough to run the machines and keep the profits of capitalism being made, but too dumb and scared, to ever think of rebelling and revolting against their ruling class masters.
I've moved to Vancouver, BC.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 31, 2023:
I think the accountability group for women to call out and identify the men on dating sites that are fakes, assholes, scammers, cheats, etc., is a great idea and hopefully a counterpart group is out there or will be formed for men to do the same for the women who act badly as well, on dating sites. Because the dating sites themselves, are reluctant to get involved in that, except for the ones who are obvious fakes and scammers, as well as those who are abusive, harassing or stalking someone. But I think those groups like the one you joined are a good thing, because they can also identify who is simply a bad actor, like those who play games, string people along for weeks with messaging, and then ghost them, or stand them up for the first in person meeting, etc. I can't count the number of lying, game-playing, ghosting with no legit reason women I encountered in my four years of online dating. The only thing the groups need to be concerned about is to avoid lawsuits for libel, slander, defamation, etc., from the people they call out, by not using anyone's full real name, and that way they should be in the clear from that, as long as they use the offender's screen name or dating site usernames, etc., instead of their real full name.
It still amazes me how much more the typical agnostic/atheist knows more about the Bible than a ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 31, 2023:
It's the same thing as how so many foreigners who are well traveled and intelligent are actually much more informed and insightful about the US than all the native citizens here, who are instead ignorant and brainwashed about American exceptionalism and superiority. It is usually those outside a culture and a group that are the most objective, informed, and astute when it comes to seeing what's going on and and what the object group is really about.
55% of adults think Jesus will return to Earth (this includes 1% of atheists. []
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 31, 2023:
I'm an Agnostic, not an Atheist, and I don't believe in Jesus, but do think if he did exist as a supernatural being and returned to earth, I have a feeling he would be very pissed off, esp. at his supposed followers...
Students at Sydney private school told sex before marriage makes you 'dirty and unusable': ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 30, 2023:
The same type that gives guns more rights than women.
I've moved to Vancouver, BC.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 30, 2023:
It's still worth the risk, you just have to be thick-skinned, determined, discerning about the profiles you encounter and the people you actually connect with thru messaging, then, along with all that, have the patience to weed thru and screen out all the liars, scammers, cheaters, and other people who are either too damaged or not serious or sincere enough to be interested in the type of relationship you want. I know of what I speak, I have been doing online dating actively for four out of the six years I have been widowed, been ready to give up a few times, never did. Dated two nice women for six months each, at different times, recently joined three additional sites, in addition to my longtime paid subscription to Match, one paid, to E-Harmony, and two free, Bumble and POF. And, lo and behold, I appear to have finally found my unicorn, on Bumble, where she and I connected about a week after NY, messaged for ten days, met a week ago, and have gone out on four real dates since then. So, it only took four years, but it looks like it can happen and did happen, even for someone as mismatched as me with my local dating pool. Why did she and I click so well and have such good and obvious compatibility? Because, as I alway knew my unicorn would probably need to be, she is a transplant to the Midwest, from MA, who came here in her early thirties, after already being culturally and socially formed in her lifestyle, from out there, instead of Iowa, raised in a blue collar family, so she wasn't into being very materialistic or concerned with social status, etc. In other words, not made incompatible for me with all the usual Midwest values that I hate so much and have rejected all my life, etc. So there is hope for outliers like me who don't fit their local dating pool, but it obviously involves a lot of time and luck waiting for the stars to align enough for the right person to end up on the same dating site as you, at the right time as well, which is something really rare, when most of our fellow outliers are rarely willing to use dating sites, and even when they do, like the woman I just started dating, they usually experience so much rejection, frustration, and disappointment, that they don't stay very long, and instead just quit trying, give up, and drop out, at least temporarily, and usually for good. That is why, for us outliers in our local dating pools, we have so few prospects that fit us at any given time in the online dating pool. So it is truly a waiting game and a numbers game. The rest of the dating pool is always full of the incompatible mainstream folks, as well as all the damaged, toxic, and dishonest. I wish you well and the best of luck.
When the heck is Trump going to be indicted in Georgia?
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 27, 2023:
My magic eight ball says "Never going to happen", the same way he will never see the inside of a prison.
I won't go into too much detail but, I've been sick for over 2 months now and mostly bedridden.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 27, 2023:
He knows his job and cares about his mommy...Glad you have him..
Relationships What are your views on remaining in contact with ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 25, 2023:
Depends on how things were at the end of the relatonship, friendly vs. bitter and resentful. I am still friends with a woman I met from Match and dated for six months, nothing serious, but we are clear with each other on where things stand, and were also, at the time we broke up. She is occasionally dating another guy she met on Match, after me, and I just recently met someone I am really attracted to and compatible with, so we are both good with continuing to be friends with occasional contact thru messaging. No issues or jealousy, even before I finally met someone else after her to date steadily.
I consider myself equal parts jock, hippie, business professional, and nerd.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 25, 2023:
Rotsa ruck, Bill. This site was never much good for finding dating partners, but in the last few years it has dried up completely as a dating pool, even for LD dating. My advice, based on recent experience with dating sites, would be to try Bumble, Zoosk, and E-Harmony. Best wishes...
Japanese Man Spends Rs 12 Lakh To "Become" A Dog
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 25, 2023:
Sometimes the truth is even more surreal and bizarre than a story in The Onion. At first I thought this was a fake story from The Onion..
Wednesday morning cuteness
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 25, 2023:
One of these is different..
Monday morning cuteness
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 23, 2023:
The ma and pa have different markings, interracial feline couple?
Jesus is the reason for the treason
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 22, 2023:
I really don't think religion was a motivation for most of the rioters on Jan. 6, unless you count Trump worship as a religion, which I suppose you could. Their motivation was their love of and loyalty to the Trump cult.
She still hides alot and doesn't want to be petted, but came out to watch the aquarium with me in ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 19, 2023:
They do love watching fish and birds, cat TV...
Games not to play
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 19, 2023:
They will, because most of them are way cuter than most of us hoomans..
I think a part of the appeal of religion is from nostalgia.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 19, 2023:
I don't listen to the same music over and over, and neither did my late wife, who was 15 years older than me. She loved listening to modern singers, like Bruno Mars and Adele, etc., just as much as oldies, and really liked alternative and indie bands of today, same as me. But what really irritates the hell out of me, as a music and karaoke snob, is all the singers I see at karaoke, of all ages, but most noticeably and more commonly, the older people, is how many of them sing the same damned boring, stupid songs all the time there, every week, which gets really boring when you go to the same shows every week, and can usually predict exactly which songs they will sing, within an array of the same five songs or less. You can't tell me that these people only know five songs that they could sing as well as any other. I can't understand how they can't get bored with themselves or their repetition, but they don't seem to care and they sure don't care about boring the audiences at the shows. I just refuse to condone and approve their selfish boorishness, so when they sing, I duly ignore them, and then give them the perfunctory pity clap when they finish, no matter how well they sing. Because, whether they recognize it or not, this ain't American Idol, and they aren't singing it perfect, nor do they get any better at the songs with the repetition...
Monday morning cuteness
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 16, 2023:
Halloween colors..
Alabama Attorney General Wants Women Who Use Abortion Pills Prosecuted Alabama Attorney General...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 15, 2023:
Until men can get pregnant, they all need to STFU about abortion, unless they want to support women and be pro choice.
My son's houseplant, in full bloom.....
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 10, 2023:
Apparently, no boxes were available at the time...
The ginger genes run strong in this family 🥰
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 10, 2023:
Gingers tend to be very loyal, loving, and affectionate.
You have to understand that most people are not ready to be unplugged.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 9, 2023:
Sad but true. To me, a lot of people seem to be so consumed by social media and the internet, that for them those things are like The Matrix, and they don't even realize how dependently plugged in they are to it. And that's also true for all the reality TV and celebrity-worshiping junk TV they are also hooked on.
Feed me NOW hooman!
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 8, 2023:
The cat is always right, rather than the hooman..
My ice cream cone! Mine! []
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 7, 2023:
The hooman has forgotten their place in the proper order of things... Kitties like milk, which ice cream is a form of, so why wouldn't they like it?


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