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I experienced proof of prayer today.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 20, 2021:
I still go with Jim Morrison, "You cannot petition the Lord, with prayer!!".
I am very sadden by the shootings/murder in Boulder, CO.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 23, 2021:
Mass shootings are now as American as apple pie and baseball. Now we will again go thru our hollow ritual of public outrage in the mass media and our politicians while in the end nothing changes.
Worth a watch.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 23, 2021:
Tom Arnold was in my high school class (Ottumwa, Iowa 1977) and also played very briefly in a high school rock band with my brother. He was one of the biggest assholes in my class, just as unfunny then as he was later (at least to me and my classmates who walked out on him when he did some standup comedy at one of our class reunions), and also stole the money from the one gig he played in my brother's band. My one brush with fame...
Trump Campaign Nondisclosure Agreements Voided by Court Ruling
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 31, 2021:
I wouldn't get my hopes up. People that would sell their soul to Trump in the first place by working for him are not likely to suddenly grow a conscience. They are more likely to only rat on him if there is a book or movie deal for their story. Like Trump, they are opportunists and greedy, so they will only blab if there is something in it for them. Like Cohen did with his book.
I am growing weary of viewing posts of scantily clad females when I browse posts .
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 1, 2021:
I almost never see things like that on this site. I must be doing something wrong.
The untold story...
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 5, 2021:
Cats gotta do what they naturally do, knock shit off of surfaces.
Real cutie
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 8, 2021:
Very cute cat smile..
This Short Film About the Harm of Evangelical “Purity Culture” is Worth Watching | Hemant Mehta ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 8, 2021:
It's all about keeping them, esp. girls, cloistered, ignorant, and inexperienced, so they're easier to con, manipulate, and dominate. Methinks there is a lot of misogyny and also fear of women behind all that thinking, because it follows that if females are more knowledgeable and experienced about sex, they will demand better from men in marriage and relationships, and the men behind this find that threatening.
Congresswoman calling for Trump advisor to be jailed
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 9, 2021:
I really doubt Miller will ever even be prosecuted. Here in the US, we don't seem to ever prosecute for human rights violations committed within our borders.
Yes Norm, curiosity...
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 11, 2021:
More likely they OD'd on catnip...
It doesn't matter if you are real of a statue...
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 12, 2021:
Poor kitty needs some attention and rubs.
So hidden right meow.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 15, 2021:
I knew a neighbor cat that was smart enough to know how to hide behind a tree from people.
Far Left, Far right and Centrists
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 17, 2021:
Pretty right on, centrists are so out of touch, either because they are clueless or because they only care about issues that don't cost them anything or might affect their upper middle class comfort.
So, I joined Humanist.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 19, 2021:
I really have almost no friends that are believers, and even with them, religion is a non-issue. It also almost never comes up in my very limited small talk with neighbors. So I really don't care about believers in general or what they think. Only when it gets into the level of government and society where they try to impose their religion on us. Then it matters to me, but I couldn't care less what they believe or do in their private lives.
Private school in Miami won't hire teachers who are vaccinated
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 27, 2021:
Who ever thought supporting public health could get you blacklisted as a teacher? I always thought that to get that you had to either get caught molesting students or teaching socialism in a red state.
Update time.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 29, 2021:
22 hour drive? Is she too broke to fly? I would never put myself thru that long of a car trip, even when I was young.
Has your interest in religion increased or decreased after leaving your religion? Why?
TomMcGiverin comments on May 1, 2021:
Decreased. I rarely think about it anymore.
When your date shows up and ...
TomMcGiverin comments on May 1, 2021:
Poor kitty. Sorry to hear it happens even to them....
My first selfie...What ya think???
TomMcGiverin comments on May 3, 2021:
Wait, this is a fake... All the human selfies have a bathroom in the background, where's the kitty's litter box? Maybe this kitty is a scammer.....hmmm... Coming soon to
Docs Reveal How They Really Feel About Anti-Vaxxers In Scathing Kimmel Segment | HuffPost
TomMcGiverin comments on May 5, 2021:
Funny and truthful, but I doubt it will change the minds of the deluded.
Research Shows Cats Can Get COVID-19
TomMcGiverin comments on May 19, 2021:
Another reason for some cats to be aloof from humans....
This chonky little munchkin has completed my feline family, bringing me to 3 exotic shorthair ...
TomMcGiverin comments on May 21, 2021:
They are all so cute! I envy you..
If someone has already posted this, sorry for the repeated info.
TomMcGiverin comments on May 25, 2021:
No surprise here. Religious people tend to cover up or put on a front of being more nice, moral, etc. because they want to impress their religious peers and also to convince themselves they are getting to go to heaven.
Ah young love, and bad jokes
TomMcGiverin comments on May 25, 2021:
Sounds about right. At least she didn't murder him and claim provocation....Some people are tone deaf enough to make such jokes to a spouse. Most of us who've been married learned to do better than that.
At fucking last
TomMcGiverin comments on May 26, 2021:
So true! Last Sat. night I went to my first live music show since Covid. It felt like I was fully alive again for the first time in over 14 months.
Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson Had a Secret Daughter from an Affair in the 1970s | Hemant Mehta | ...
TomMcGiverin comments on May 29, 2021:
I couldn't care less about those ugly rednecks.
In case you wondered which was which
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 2, 2021:
The Repubs know the difference too, they just constantly lie about who the fascists and terrorists are and aren't. And the corporate media is glad to play along with them and never challenge their lying, since the corporate media hate and defame anyone from the left who challenges the status quo.
I’m here to find my soul mate
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 9, 2021:
Good luck on that one, Sparky. Esp. since you say "Only God can give you peace of mind" and this is a site for non-believers, lol. I predict a short stay here for you...
There is no christian persecution.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 13, 2021:
No shit.
Unfortunately not surprised
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 17, 2021:
Guess they must be feeling some embarrassment, not that that ever stops them from pursuing their agendas. Orwell would be proud of this latest example of Newspeak....
Structural engineer warned of problems before the collapse
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 27, 2021:
One reason I live in a three story building in a state where earthquakes are unknown.
CNN Brianna calls out Tucker Carlson, he is white rage
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 27, 2021:
He's also a rich, entitled asshole, who, like his hero Trump, gets enraged at anyone who doesn't kiss his ass. He so needs to have his ass kicked physically by someone, but it'll never happen.
Good, very good.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 28, 2021:
Cats are so easily amused..
You are not just a cat ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 29, 2021:
Aww, how sweet. This is true with some cats, others are totally indifferent, as long as they get their food, water, and litter box cleaned.
Disturbing Plea Agreement For Former Cop That Murdered Innocent Individual
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 3, 2021:
"Everybody knows, everybody knows. That's how it goes, and everybody knows".....- L. Cohen
War criminal Rumsfeld dies, but his militarist legacy lives on That Rumsfeld reached the age of ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 3, 2021:
Nice to know that if there were a hell, one of Cheney's buddies is already there waiting for him now.
Sometimes the presents cats bring are surprisingly not so appreciated...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 4, 2021:
It's the thought that counts...
In 1927 in Plains, Georgia, a three-year-old boy named Jimmy Carter lived next door to an auto ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 7, 2021:
He is by far the most decent man we have had as president in my lifetime.
Not feeling good today and my nurse is sleeping on the job. Go figure.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 7, 2021:
Most cats don't do much besides snoozing. 20 hours a day seems about right.
Jen Psaki had enough of Greene
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 7, 2021:
No brains, very pretty, and a complete psycho. Sounds like the dream girl of most male Trumpers.....
An excellent point
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 14, 2021:
I have a couple friends who are way different than me on politics, and the only way we can get along is if we leave that topic off limits. One of them is a Libertarian, the other is a very centrist Dem who keeps refusing to recognize the faults and corruption of the Dem Party. But both of them agree with me about morality and share my morality, so I am willing to keep them as friends because of that.
Now that's a prayer lol
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 15, 2021:
A big Amen from me!
The bullshit repubilcans
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 16, 2021:
No shit, that's exactly how it works for the left, whether it's voting rights, anti-war, or BLM, we get the bare knuckle treatment and they get the kid gloves. Same way BLM gets lots of cops, military, tear gas, rubber bullets and injuries, while conservative protesters get no arrests at the scene, no rough treatment, and the cops pulling back to let them do as they wish, or even taking selfies with them and giving them aid, like in Kenosha, WI. And of course, no national guard troops when they protest. It removes all doubt which side the government, the military, and the cops are allied with, and it sure ain't anyone on the left.
Arlene, my housekeeper of 12 years, passed away last month.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 18, 2021:
Maybe, like they do at most Unitarian memorial services, they should have allowed friends of the deceased to be able to get up and share some reflections on the person who died. But I know that is rarely done or allowed at Christian churches, which is too bad. Their house, their rules. I know that when I die, my closest friend will have all the say about my memorial service, unless I have another partner by then, and I have directed them to only allow the speakers that I have already designated to speak about me at the service. That is for two reasons. First, my siblings have had little contact with me during my adult life and frankly, they do not understand, appreciate, or respect me, so I don't want them to be able to comment on me at the service, when they are basically strangers to me for the last few decades. Secondly, I have seen way too many instances at memorial services where someone the dead person despised, got up there during the open sharing period for friends and family of the deceased and used the platform to spew out a lot of phony baloney admiration or complimentary stuff about the deceased. I am not trying to control the service from the grave, so to speak, but simply trying to preserve the values and attitude of trying to practice truth and integrity the same way I have in my life. I also know I can count on my friends who I designate to also mention some of my faults and character flaws, as well as my virtues and positive acts, so there will be balance, lol...
Great sign we need more
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 23, 2021:
Giving them the shoe that fits..
Iowa’s GOP Eliminated a Family Planning Program Only to See Abortions Skyrocket | Rebekah Kohlhepp...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 24, 2021:
It makes sense in their warped mental universe, because, according to them, all you need to do is live right, by getting married young, after being abstinent, then have your kids and then get your tubes tied. Anyone who doesn't practice abstinence before marriage, has sex outside of marriage, or has an unwanted pregnancy, just doesn't have the right values, and deserves to have to suffer thru an unwanted birth. In their minds, abortions only happen because people aren't living right or by the religious right's standards. It's not about really wanting to prevent abortions, it's more about controlling women and forcing them to be good Christians who only have sex within marriage and for making babies. In other words, values that could only be formulated by insecure patriarchal men and incels, which is who Repub men tend to be.
This is great real bipartIsan effort
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 26, 2021:
The thing is, lots of time and money will be wasted on this, same as with the two impeachments on Trump, because in the end, nobody will get jailed or kicked out of congress for helping the rioters. While I agree with the intent and goals of this investigation, I am tired of pointless exercises in DC by our congress instead of focusing just on action that will improve the lives of most Americans. I think lots of other people, both on the left and the middle, are getting just as tired as me of this stuff.
Tuesday morning cuteness
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 27, 2021:
Sandal warmers.
Munchie wasnt thrilled that I sneezed and woke him up. 😹
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 29, 2021:
Cats are never thrilled about being woke up. Munchie needs his beauty sleep and sleep is a cat's main activity anyway....
Received this latest post on my facebook timeline: People mocking the emotions of cops from January...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 30, 2021:
All of that just shows that all the crap from Trump's supporters about being for law and order, backing the blue, etc. is really just about racism and keeping colored people in their place, rather than any real respect or support of law and order, or any real support for cops.
Most of them wouldn't understand the irony
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 1, 2021:
No shit. And probably also, the person is trying to overcompensate for something, like feeling weak or powerless, or maybe having a small dick. Maybe it would be safer if they just got a huge pickup truck like most of these fools.
Most of them wouldn't understand the irony
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 1, 2021:
I have found that most right wingers have no sense of irony, nor of hypocrisy or inconsistency on their part or that of the leaders they support. They seem to subscribe to the attitude of "Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds". To them, great minds and great leaders do not have to be consistent in their beliefs and actions, or even tell the truth.
Letters From An American 08/01/2021
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 2, 2021:
The article is so right on many points. The few I would single out are how you cannot trust or really expect to bring change within the system. AOC, even Bernie, have sold us out already in the past and we cannot expect to bring change simply thru the one-party system we have already. You heard me right, we have a one-party system with two wings, where the wings distract us from their cooperation and collusion on serving the ruling class, corporations, and endless war, by using their culture war battles between them. We need to challenge the system in the streets and thru revolution, if possible, unless we can finally get most eligible voters to quit dropping out of voting or continuing to vote for the two major parties, and instead vote only for third party candidates in fed elections. And the article is so right about how quickly progress can be taken away thru our corrupt pols in both major parties, partly because the corporate media conveniently either ignores our progressive history or puts out disinformation about our true history.
I won't eat 3 items. How about you?
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 3, 2021:
Probably half the items on the list are things I won't eat.
The horrible state of affairs today
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 9, 2021:
Quite true. Our pols, esp. Repub pols, love to talk about how much they value kids, but the cold hard reality is that they don't, except maybe for their own brood...
Atheist Agenda How do they know us so well? PS – Not sure what time 8:80 a.m. is. 😄
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 9, 2021:
Doesn't fit me. I enjoy sleeping late and am too lazy to do all that stuff...
Some random Kittie memes
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 14, 2021:
The Alien one proves that the cat is the only one smart enough to stick with the smart woman....
Simple premise
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 16, 2021:
So true. While broad statements like the original one, about all being in the same boat, may be comforting to most, and also serve the purpose of the ruling class and politicians to trick Americans into ignoring class differences and inequality, specifics are much more helpful if the goal of communication is to be accurate and truthful. America is very much a class society, with one of the highest levels of wealth inequality in the world for developed countries, but because its class system is denied by the corporate media and not as openly displayed as, say, the British system, most people forget or deny it exists. That is why, for example, the Trickle Down economic policies of the Republicans since Reagan, would be more accurately described as, " A rising tide lifts all yachts, rather than all boats"..
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 17, 2021:
No, I think success is more about relationships than achievements or material wealth, but my perspective is influenced by having more "success" at the former than the latter. It appears, from my experiences with online dating, that most women in my local dating pool, at least among the ones who are college-educated and professional class, that success is more about the latter than the former, and that they will only date men who are "successful" in the latter sense. Which is ironic, since all of them are divorced, and one would think that their top priority in trying again with another relationship would be someone with a good record in relationships, both with friends and significant others, but apparently the impressive resume is more important to them in who they choose for their next potential partner. So, in my opinion, they get what they deserve, which, from what I hear, is usually another failed relationship.
Does your cat do this ?
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 18, 2021:
Not pleasant, but it probably beats what a former girlfriend said her cat did to her sometimes, which was to fart into her face...
Just a reminder about privilege
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Those kind of people never give a rat's ass about any members of minority groups being discriminated against. The meme about white privilege assumes the people who whine about masks have empathy for others. I have seen and known their type my whole damned life, and I assure you they are completely lacking in empathy for those different than them. That is why they are conservatives and racists in the first place. In fact, they have little empathy in general towards other human beings, including those of their own race, esp. if those people are poor and the person lacking empathy is well off. They only understand and empathize with those of their own kind.
It Took Divorce to Make My Marriage Equal | Glamour
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 23, 2021:
I first heard of this woman when I saw her giving a book reading on C-Span and was awed by her wit and wisdom, which led me to read her book God Land, which was so right on about Christianity and Midwestern culture and values here in Iowa, my state. This essay is just as insightful and on the money as all of her points in God Land. I strongly encourage anyone, believer or not, to read her books for an authentic and honest view of working class life and ordinary marriage in America, esp. in the Midwest, a part of the country-flyover land-that is always ignored in mass media, literature, or movies/TV, except for stories about meth and true crime, at least in my observation. In God Land, she writes about the decay and end of her marriage, as her hubby became a Trumper, and how her local church fell apart over conflicts over power and differences in beliefs, leading her to a search for a Christian church where she felt comfortable, wanted, and heard.
This guy has balls of steel! He goes right in the belly of the beast to expose the Trumplicans for ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 26, 2021:
This squares with what many others have told me, such that you can find Trumpers, rednecks, and right wing assholes anywhere in the US, even in Boston, California, and New York. Loved the video, idiots, nutjubs, and paranoids...
Found in my FB folder
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 29, 2021:
Cats planning world domination..
I don't drink however I found this amusing.
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 30, 2021:
I haven't drank alcohol since 1996. Originally, it was because my late wife was married to an alcoholic before she met me, and she asked me to stop drinking so she could feel more emotionally secure with me, but after 2010, I no longer had any choice in the matter, as I had developed atril fibrillation in my heart. After that, drinking would only cause me to have espisodes of atril fib and also work against my heart medication and the blood thinners I have to take to prevent a stroke if I go into atril fib..
Jim Jordan gets schooled while attacking Dr Fauci
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 31, 2021:
The First Amendment, liberties, and freedoms don't matter much if you are dead or seriously ill with Covid. This fuck refuses to admit how much more important public health is than those things for most of us, and he also won't admit that he really doesn't care about those who die or get seriously ill from Covid. To him, their deaths and suffering are way less important than his own political ambition and power.
Va. Supreme Court sides with teacher who refused to use transgender students' pronouns - Axios
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 1, 2021:
I know I will get flack for this, and I agree that gays rights and such matter, and I am a supporter of such, but personally this whole pronoun thing seems a bit overwrought. In fact, at times I think people carry it to such an extreme that it becomes PC run amok. I say just have the teachers call the kids by their first name, whatever it is on their student info, and leave it at that. I guess I never cared what teachers called me by as long as it wasn't some insult or made up name, but then again I am hetero and cis, as they say nowadays. I think it's way more important for schools to focus on dealing with the bullying that happens between kids, of which I experienced my share. I wish they had been trying to deal with that back in my day.
Human Connection is fundamentally difficult.
TomMcGiverin comments on Nov 12, 2018:
It's difficult to make it work even if you are compatible with someone and then, at least for me, there are these several ways in which I am so out of the mainstream for people in my local area that it will at least take a while to find someone right. I know that I am searching for a type of woman that makes up maybe a few percent of any available women at a given time in my local area. Not a needle in a haystack, but sometimes it seems like not a whole lot bigger probability than that. This site is both my support group and my focus group, as far as the women on it, for helping me find my way thru the online dating process. It took me 20 years of sporadic, unsuccessful dating to find my late wife, but it was worth it, much as I had given up hope at times or wanted to quit trying, so, yes, it's difficult but worth it.
In loving Memory of JFK! 55 years ago this day our history was forever overtly changed! How ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Nov 22, 2018:
I was only five years old and too young to get the whole picture, but not that many years later when I was in my late teens I realized that this event revealed the truth of how we no longer had a real democracy, if we ever had lived in one before.
Hope none of you women of child-bearing age live in Oklahoma! []
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 1, 2018:
I live in Iowa, where a fetal heartbeat bill was passed with the approval of both houses of the legislature under Repub control and signed by a female Repub governor. The bill is equally draconian as this in its attitude towards women. What keeps baffling me is how these Repubs keep getting women to vote for them in numbers that allow them to win in my state. Maybe one answer can be found in The Handmaid's Tale, where the society has the role of the Aunts available for those women who choose to sell out their gender sisters in order to score a better deal and more status in the society. Maybe that is what Repub women do in order to live with more money or status in the present system.
I want peace ✌✌✌
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 14, 2018:
As a obvious John Lennon type character once said on Monty Python, "I'd like to start a war for peace".
OK men.
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 14, 2018:
You're a man. Who are you asking for?
Are women less ethical than men?
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 16, 2018:
My guess is women are more ethical, but there are many areas of ethics and it would be hard to study and get broad enough data to be meaningful. I think most people vary in how ethically they conduct themselves, more ethically in some areas of their life, less in others.
I just feel people are getting emotionless currently.
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 21, 2018:
It is, but after seeing the reception you got with your last post of this type, you are a glutton for punishment. And, no I am not being sarcastic or feeling any pleasure in saying this. Some people on this site have empathy and are supportive of those suffering in the dating wars and some are not like that. Post at your own peril. And as for the dating scene, it really does feel like a war sometimes. I guess that's why many years ago I used to read a wonderful dating advice column in the Chicago Tribune. Guess what it was called? Tales From The Front. (As in front lines of the war). And that was even pre-internet when people actually had way more manners than now.
The decimation of the middle class continues on schedule Study By MIT Economist: U.
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Tell me something new. It's been a third world country for a while now with most of its citizens. Just have to look at things on the ground realistically and not with some dopey optimism or wannabee hope of getting rich someday. No wonder the vast majority of those who are living third world in the US don't vote. They know both parties have sold them out on economics. It's not that they are ignorant, it's that they are hopeless and also more realistic about things than the middle class who still votes.
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TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 23, 2018:
This song was in the movie Shallow Hal with Jack Black and Gwenyth Paltrow. Song was connected with Paltrow's character named Rosemary.
I really don't need say anything here.
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 24, 2018:
This sounds a lot like the concepts used in addiction treatment. You can't save someone else. They will change or stop practicing their addiction either when they are ready to do so or when they die, hopefully the former.
America needs this wall...
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
I don't think we need a wall so much as need the South to want to secede again and this time let them go. It would vastly improve our politics. Or maybe just a wall on the Mason-Dixon line would do the same thing. (some sarcasm involved, consult your owner's manual).
This comic is 80 years old. Nothing has changed.
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 29, 2018:
I believe the saying is "I'll support budget cuts for social programs and infrastructure the day the Pentagon has to hold a bake sale for its weapons programs".
I luv Stevie Nicks. Has anyone seen her or Fleetwood Mac in concert?
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Late 1970s with Fleetwood Mac.
I was a Cable Guy. I saw the worst of America.
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 31, 2018:
Very insightful article about how the elite and upper middle class treat the servant/service worker class as well as how corporate America treats its employees like machines or robots that are all expendable and replaceable. I have always, as a socialist, thought that workers in physically demanding jobs should have a lower retirement age, like they do in Europe, than those in desk or non-physical jobs. The reason being that death and disability often come earlier to people with a career in those jobs than the rest of us. So the fair thing would be to not penalize them for dying younger or having their bodies wear out sooner than other workers. Why should they have to spend all or most of their retirement years with already wrecked bodies? Unless of course, the intent of government is to save money on them by making them wait to retire later than they should and not having to be disabled first. I bet this woman's employer made it very hard to retire on disability for work related injuries or conditions. Electricians are another field that working in it as a career usually means your knees and back are shot by age 55.
Ahhhh, I joined yet another dating site.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 2, 2019:
I was on OT for six months. It was worse than Match because there were not only way more scammers, but the site didn't seem to even try to get rid of them or watch for them. I may have to switch tho from Match to OT in the next couple years tho because it's starting to look like I'm getting too old for Match. Even tho I am willing to date someone 8 years older than me, which would be 68, Match seems to be running out of women in my area that are in their mid to late 60s. And I've had no luck with women in my area that are younger than 60, my age. So, like in foster care, I appear to be aging out of the program, at least as long as most women in my area and age range refuse to date men who are more than a few years older than them.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 6, 2019:
I'm so sorry it's pouring on you at this time. Seems bad stuff does happen in batches. Wonder if the newbie at work is connected to the person who made the decision or is just a kiss ass that got it that way. I do know in my work experience it always seemed like loyalty, dedication, and performance never mattered much in who got what from the bosses. Sucks to get used by bosses.
Dixie, the country’s most divisive song
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 7, 2019:
I hate that song too, but luckily, I rarely hear it. The two songs I really hate, besides other country songs in general, are the two I always hear sung at karaoke shows around 9-11 and the 4th of July, namely God Bless The USA by Lee Greenwood, which I call the unofficial redneck national anthem, and the Toby Keith song, Courtesy Of The Red, White And Blue. What an asshole!
And - in other news.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 8, 2019:
I think I would pass on both of them by watching something else on TV, reading or taking a nap, but fortunately this evening is my weekly karaoke show, so I'll be joining a few of my karaoke peeps there and singing. Sadly, this is my main social event and highlight of each week until I meet someone to date. Not interested myself, but my guess is once Stormy's affair with Trump became public, most men in America have already seen her in less than her underwear somewhere online or off.........I assume she's getting some $$$ for her appearance online.
Hello, I’m new to the site.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 11, 2019:
She's so cute and sweet-looking.
What is your opinion on this?
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 11, 2019:
I think the Beats and Hippies were the same types as far as personality and the transition from one to the other being the main counterculture group occurred sometime around 1966 or 67. The biggest difference between the two is that the hippies tried to take communal living further than the Beats by establishing their own autonomous communities, tho many of the Beats would live together and even share sexual partners. The rest of the differences were more about fashion and which drugs were the most preferred as well as music choices. The Beats were into jazz and folk, while the Hippies were into rock and folk. Same people, just different generations....
Florida Woman Put Her Dad with Alzheimer’s on a One-Way Flight to Denver | The Hearty Soul
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 13, 2019:
This will become more and more common as the Boomers come down with dementia. I am lucky that my wife had plenty of income and money to pay for her care so I didn't have to do much for her at home in the early stages, then moving to assisted living with me in the late middle stage. The article didn't provide details about the old guy and his daughter's experience with him so I am reluctant to judge. I did know caregivers who were practically hostages in their own homes trying to care for relatives who needed to be in care facilities because of the level of their needs, but weren't due to lack of money or refusal to place them in one. The tragedy is that in these cases dementia destroys at least two or more lives most of the time. I never had kids and neither did my late wife, so unless I meet someone with kids, I will be on my own when I get old and sick. If my health fails years from now (more likely from something other than dementia), I will take my life rather than live in misery or as a burden to someone if my quality of life is poor. I fear that way more than death.
Mine was, Overgaard Arizona.?
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Hampton, Iowa. Pop. 2500. It was hell....
Cat thugs:
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 13, 2019:
No different than people swooping in like vultures to scoop up the cash from a crashed armored car.
Serial vs parallel dating.. have i posted this topic already?
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 14, 2019:
From what I've read here over time on these boards, it appears that for most people on dating sites, esp. average-looking people, that parallel dating rarely comes into play as a choice because of how rare those folks make it far enough in the process to actually meet anyone in person. Thus, the choice of serial vs. parallel dating is more a choice reserved for those above average looking or better in their appearance.
Already had one rude comment! I posted some pictures of when I was performing as a burlesque ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 14, 2019:
My late wife and I went to a burlesque show in Buffalo NY, where she was from. It was very entertaining and artistic. Your critic has probably never even been to one. Your costume is beautiful.
Empathy.... Can you have too much?
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 15, 2019:
I wanted to post this and get some feedback on whether others feel this way about visiting a Walmart. When I do visit a Walmart, because I am still not well off enough to always buy mundane stuff at a Target store instead, I always feel kind of depressed whenever I visit a Walmart. Because I look at the faces of both the shoppers and the employees and I see so much sadness and depression. Neither group looks like they really want to be there and I know way too much about how shitty Walmart treats its employees. So when I go there I feel like someone visiting someone in a prison, at least the way I've heard it makes people feel who've done that. The employees and the shoppers, for the most part, look defeated and that they know they are poorer than most and living on the bottom rungs of the society. This stuff is one reason I have always felt very angry at people who post stuff on FB and other online places showing pics of Walmart shoppers making fun of the poor people. Thoughts?
Speed Dating. What do you think?
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Wish they had it in my area. Would probably work way better for me than Match. I say this somewhat sarcastically because I already know how bad Match is and this couldn't be any worse. In either format, looks are going to still be the most important factor by far in who rejects you and who doesn't. My three?s would be: Are you very religious? Do you like country music? and what is your political viewpoint? Those three would tell me all I need to know about their personality compatibility. If I traded contact info with them, I could quickly tell in one phone call if we shared enough common interests.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 17, 2019:
Yup, America the great, with free speech and right to protest, as long as and until it butts up against corporate power.....
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 17, 2019:
At least she canceled and didn't stand you up. I think doing the latter is inexcuseable, not matter how scared you are. A couple months ago a woman from my local area on this site messaged me after having ghosted me several months before when she apparently left the site for about six months. When she came back, she messaged me, as I said, by replying to a PM I had sent her before she left. In the new PM, she said she hadn't meant to seem rejecting and gave me her e-mail address. I tried contacting her on that and she never replied. The games people play..
Rape Culture No Myth.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Reminds me of the swimmer from Stanford. This guy got away with it because he was rich and connected. The rich and connected have always gotten away with things, whether they are a Kennedy or a Repub.. It's not about their politics, it's about their class status.
This is so bad, but so funny. ????
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Kitty doesn't know any better....unless it was watching Anchorman..
Mean Kitty Song appropriate here... []
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Big and bad, large and in charge!
I thought it might be a good idea for us to look at some of the dating terms out there.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 30, 2019:
I've experienced most of these without knowing the terms. In the end, they all boil down to people who are selfish, immature, dishonest and love playing their games. Anyone with integrity, kindness, strength, and emotional health would not do this stuff to others.


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