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He gave us all "the business"
TomMcGiverin comments on Nov 29, 2021:
Covid played a part of that, but he also bungled the response to it and even before Covid, the economy was shit for most Americans who were below the top 10% in income or wealth, so yes, he did screw over most Americans economically, but with his tax cuts for the rich and corporations, he did wonders for them.
My ice cream cone! Mine! []
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 7, 2023:
The hooman has forgotten their place in the proper order of things... Kitties like milk, which ice cream is a form of, so why wouldn't they like it?
I’m here to find my soul mate
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 9, 2021:
Good luck on that one, Sparky. Esp. since you say "Only God can give you peace of mind" and this is a site for non-believers, lol. I predict a short stay here for you...
This guy has balls of steel! He goes right in the belly of the beast to expose the Trumplicans for ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 26, 2021:
This squares with what many others have told me, such that you can find Trumpers, rednecks, and right wing assholes anywhere in the US, even in Boston, California, and New York. Loved the video, idiots, nutjubs, and paranoids...
A man can't survive on beer alone....
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 16, 2019:
I'm surviving without either one, but a girlfriend would be nice.....
I don’t ever copy and paste other people’s statuses.
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 24, 2020:
Some people are socially conscious and some aren't. Too bad those who aren't don't all die if they get Covid. It would improve our society. Instead the younger ones just hurt other people.
Not kidding
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 19, 2021:
As long as there are plenty of other people eagerly willing to breed so the species continues, fine with me. Content to contribute to the society in other ways.
I luv Stevie Nicks. Has anyone seen her or Fleetwood Mac in concert?
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Late 1970s with Fleetwood Mac.
Missed opportunity.....
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 22, 2019:
Sounds like my luck, but I won't lose sleep over it. JWs are too batshit crazy to be compatible with me.....
Cult and religion defined...
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 28, 2023:
Kind of like the definition of who is a war criminal, as in, members of the winning side, are never prosecuted for war crimes..
Zoe has not said that she is sorry for scratching my arms .
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 16, 2019:
The hooman is supposed to wear protective padding....
A really good book that most of you would enjoy reading.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 19, 2020:
Read it and saw the stage play based on it. The sad fact is that there are many rich people, as well as others in the top 10%, who arrogantly believe that they are entitled to exploit people who live their whole lives slaving away as members of the working poor. In my view, tho it would not exactly be equal justice, it might be more fair if those exploiters ended up facing the guillotine or imprisoned on an island for their cruel selfishness.
Gotcha!!! []
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 23, 2022:
Cats can make chasing their own tail so damn cute!
And this is why teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases are highest in the states that ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 20, 2022:
They also appear to have the same attitude about Covid..
Choking hazard 😃
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 13, 2022:
Repubs are incapable of feeling shame, unless it's about getting caught at something criminal, and also immune to admitting hypocrisy, no matter how clear and obvious it is..
Sorry no trivia tonight -went out to breakfast with 15 of Kathleeen's Sunday group.
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 29, 2019:
I can't stand to watch MSNBC these days. All of the coverage is about impeachment and Russiagate, nothing about Bernie or the domestic problems of the country. We all know it's just a distraction by the corporate media to focus away from the real problems here.
Damn right they've got you, assholes!
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 17, 2022:
Those women are making the naive or innocent assumption, of mistakenly thinking that Repub pols are capable of feeling shame or giving a damn about their own obvious hypocrisy. Experienced observers of Repub pols, already know those pols are immune to feeling shame about, or ever admitting, their clear hypocrisy... To me, it is incredibly ironic that the same party that crucified Bill Clinton (not that I ever really liked him or that I haven't hated him for years) for being a bimbo-chasing manwhore and committing sexual perjury, is the party that now promotes and protects Hershel Walker, along with other sexual hypocrites. Their capacity for arrogance and double standards is beyond belief.
Name Something Christians say when they know they are losing an argument with an atheist.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 25, 2019:
My favorite insult to fling at arrogant, self-righteous fundies who try to bully me is to reply to their whole superiority trip by saying, " You may think that Jesus loves you, but personally, I think you're garbage wrapped in skin".
Who is really behind this off-the-wall conspiracy cult?
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 27, 2021:
All three.
Disturbing Plea Agreement For Former Cop That Murdered Innocent Individual
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 3, 2021:
"Everybody knows, everybody knows. That's how it goes, and everybody knows".....- L. Cohen
Man kills 3 children, 1 other and himself at California church : NPR
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 1, 2022:
I'm guessing the church, like most churches, doesn't allow weapons in the church, but they didn't search him when he came in. The church was probably a neutral site for the supervised visit with his kids and he lost it mentally before he came there. I bet the church will think twice in the future before allowing itself to be used as a parental visiting site for estranged parents. At least he had enough class to kill himself and save the taxpayers the cost of a trial and his imprisonment, too bad he was selfish enough to take everybody else with him.
Watch These Non-Religious Lawmakers Talk About Being Atheists in Public Office | Hemant Mehta | ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 23, 2020:
It's pathetic that so few pols can afford to come out of the closet and publicly admit they are non-religious. I know in my bones that there are probably many more out there that remain in the closet, including Bernie Sanders, who clearly seems atheist or agnostic, but is a secular Jew. Too many bigoted voters out there in most states, like mine, so it won't change anytime soon.
The hard life of cats in an alcoholic family.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 4, 2019:
This is great! The cat as disgusted spouse...
I've always wanted to publicly post my groin for all to see.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 1, 2023:
As Jim Carey's movie character would say, "Well, alrighty then..."....
Are you happy?
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 15, 2019:
No, I'm not. I'm actually worse than when I was watching my late wife suffer and die because back then I at least had some hope that I would meet someone else later and had more support in my life than now from friends. Now that I've been widowed two years and been alone for that long, my friends are now seeming burnt out on supporting me. Also, when my wife was suffering and dying, I knew that an end would eventually come to that process of her disease, but as far as this being alone for the rest of my life, there's no end in sight. So it's worse than being the caretaker spouse of someone with a terminal illness.
Tuesday morning cuteness
TomMcGiverin comments on Nov 14, 2023:
Kitten gets the last laugh on somebody!
WTF Podcast - Jane Fonda
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 2, 2021:
How is it you are for human rights and equality and are also not a feminist? Seems to be a contradiction.
I'm watching the Amy Coney Barrett hearings and getting sick.
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 12, 2020:
It's not about the lawyer class getting too much power, it's about the white evangelicals getting so much clout with the Repubs on judicial appointments and abortion policy. The Repubs are glad to at least give them rhetoric and judicial appointments in exchange for their votes and money because it doesn't cost their corporate and fat cat donors anything at all to do so. Those donors don't give a damn about abortion policy or having judges that are religious nuts because their women and daughters will always be able to get abortions.
I've got to remember this.
TomMcGiverin comments on May 18, 2019:
Yeah, I'll try to remember that with all of my luck on Match of never meeting any new women since Feb. along with not even one message returned since then either and now getting only about two profile views a week. Yeah, I'm swimming in luck, I need to buy a fucking lottery ticket......
Raising Children Without Religion May Be A Better Alternative, Suggests New Research -- Bustle
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 31, 2023:
Usually true. I have seen a lot of kids grow up in Unitarian families, who are almost all non-believers of one sort or another, and a minority of those kids turn out sort of screwed up, but most of them turn out to be happy, well adjusted, high achieving kids, so I would agree with the study.
Just a heads up!
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 26, 2019:
May as well be in the 20's again. We have the same level of inequality and corruption as that last Gilded Age.
Got my first Moderna vaccination today, so I’m taking it easy.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 18, 2021:
I got it too today, just by luck. I happened to be home when the pharmacy called because I was on the appt. waiting list and they had some extra shots for people who could get out there in two hours or less. I had just had lunch, but I am drinking the water now because I just exercised. Hopefully we'll both be fully protected in about two months or less.
I dont like kissing. It feels and looks stupid. Anyone else feel this way?
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 24, 2019:
I love kissing as much as sex, at least with the right woman I do....
Interesting that most "thinkers" were/are in tune with cats:
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 4, 2019:
This one appears to be plotting world domination...
"No more traveling! Unless you take us! This is now OUR duffle!!:
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 9, 2019:
Squatter cats...
An excellent point
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 14, 2021:
I have a couple friends who are way different than me on politics, and the only way we can get along is if we leave that topic off limits. One of them is a Libertarian, the other is a very centrist Dem who keeps refusing to recognize the faults and corruption of the Dem Party. But both of them agree with me about morality and share my morality, so I am willing to keep them as friends because of that.
Received this latest post on my facebook timeline: People mocking the emotions of cops from January...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 30, 2021:
All of that just shows that all the crap from Trump's supporters about being for law and order, backing the blue, etc. is really just about racism and keeping colored people in their place, rather than any real respect or support of law and order, or any real support for cops.
Feed me NOW hooman!
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 8, 2023:
The cat is always right, rather than the hooman..
Maybe I’m passing up a great guy, but his Match pseudonym is “CreamDelight.” Just...nooooo.
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 12, 2019:
That does seem like a fairly inappropriate handle for a dating profile, but who am I to say, with my limited success?
Just calling them balls and strikes.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 16, 2024:
I want to see real consequences for them too, but it'll never happen, because the Dems are both too corrupt and cowardly to punish them, as they fear riots and civil war if they do. Well, if they make that choice, then instead of those, which are worth risking in my mind, instead we will get a dictatorship, which is worse, but I guess they care less about that, and assume they will be spared, as members of the political elite. Not so great for us peasants, tho, who are not Trumpers..
Iz my burffday, I iz thurrteen...
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 1, 2022:
She looks very regal and proud. Good for her!
Thought some of you might enjoy this exchange I had today with a new user
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 6, 2019:
Now Gwen, or should I call you Jenny, lol? Please don't be mean. I spied your pics and you are a gorgeous woman, so at least he had that part right, even if a bit inappropriate. What can I say, some guys are too clueless to know not to lead with that. Maybe he might have turned out to be ok, just a little inept. Aren't we all sometimes, I know I am?
Americans Prefer Lip Service to Action Well, America - we're now finally "once again" down to ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Sad that only comedians, like Carlin and Lenny Bruce, can tell the truth about America, because the media censors anyone from telling the truth in our news and info.
I am very sadden by the shootings/murder in Boulder, CO.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 23, 2021:
Mass shootings are now as American as apple pie and baseball. Now we will again go thru our hollow ritual of public outrage in the mass media and our politicians while in the end nothing changes.
Biden's Win Was MUCH Tighter Than Originally Thought - YouTube
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 14, 2021:
I have no doubt whatsoever, and didn't before the election, that if it weren't for Covid and it's effect on the real economy, not the stock market, that Trump would have won. We won't be so lucky in four years.
This is so bad, but so funny. ????
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Kitty doesn't know any better....unless it was watching Anchorman..
If you try this, could you let me know?
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 10, 2019:
Puzzled, frustrated kitty. She looks so cute.
Holy Babymaking, Batman!
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 13, 2022:
Didn't I see some kind of cult fertility ritual of this sort many years ago in the horror film Harvest Home with Bette Davis?
"A verbal encounter with police at a Black Lives Matter protest led pregnant activist to 4-year ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 11, 2022:
It's bullshit that her lawyer is even having to make the appeal for a reduced sentence solely on grounds of mercy for her medical condition and pregnancy, rather than just on the obvious unfairness of the original sentence and the original charge against her. She was no threat to anyone, unlike the insurrectionists. Typical American justice, one standard for colored defendants and left wing protesters, and another one for whites who are right wing protesters or terrorists, unless the latter group actually kill or shoot somebody that is law enforcement, then they get the book thrown at them... Unless they kill or shoot law enforcement, they always get the kid gloves treatment, since the cops and prosecutors are usually politically allied or at least sympathetic to them.... The story give no details about the sentencing judge, but I have little doubt that he was likely a conservative white man, probably racist, who wanted to put this black woman in her place...
I'm sitting in a restaurant waiting for my food.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 2, 2019:
I hear you. I can be ok with eating alone if I have to, but I get really tired of eating alone almost all the time. Does that make sense? I don't feel weird eating alone at a rest., but I really enjoy it when I do get together with a friend to eat out. It breaks up the monotony and loneliness. It's been longer than I can remember since I felt weird eating alone at a rest., because I've been doing it without my late wife for over 5 years now.
Anti-gay WI GOP candidate had 'many sexual encounters' with male colleague
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 5, 2022:
The right wing male Repubs that are anti gay almost always turn out to be closet cases. Both hypocrites and self-hating gay men... Sounds like this guy also has some anger management issues.....
... and I do them very well! 😼
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 18, 2019:
I love seeing evil cats online.
Monday morning cuteness
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 20, 2021:
Always nice to see parent cats still in love...
Alabama Attorney General Wants Women Who Use Abortion Pills Prosecuted Alabama Attorney General...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 15, 2023:
Until men can get pregnant, they all need to STFU about abortion, unless they want to support women and be pro choice.
Here is an interesting question (probably asked by an American person) and a few Brits responded.
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 11, 2022:
I wish the US was much more like the UK in these ways. It sounds so much more sensible and civilized.
Koskan pleads guilty to two charges of incest, sentenced to 10 years in prison
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 14, 2023:
What a monster, No wonder he fit in so well with the Repubs in his state..
This person really is out of touch on the Athiest website she sends me this message.
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 23, 2023:
I got the same message, lol...
I'm definitely at this point in my life:
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 16, 2019:
Poor fat kitty whining, " How did I get this way, hooman?"
Wow ! He literally died to own the libs.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 10, 2021:
Darwin award winner. As far as I'm concerned, the world is better off with one less Trumptard. I wonder which redneck state this happened in.
I'm curious what people here think about online dating in general and more specifically what the ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 5, 2020:
I hear you. I was stood up a few times in the last year by women I had made plans with to meet the first time in person for coffee. Two of them even each stood me up within a four month period, so I was getting really anxious about trying to meet anyone in person for the first time. I have no idea why people do that kind of thing, but I have never stood anyone up or ghosted anyone in my whole dating career. Probably because I am a very honest person who always keeps my word and takes great pride in those things.
To use the bible as a Christian's worst enemy.
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 27, 2021:
If only most conservative Christians had this guy's humility and intellectual honesty, but wait, if they did, then they probably wouldn't be fundies....
friends are important...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 24, 2019:
Yes and no. While making platonic friends thru a paid dating site like Match happens all the time and there is nothing wrong with that, I recently had an experience with Match what makes me beg to differ on all the happy talk of collateral friendship from dating sites. I met a woman for coffee after trading a bunch of long messages with her and much sharing of personal info. On paper we looked to be very compatible, which she even admitted later after rejecting me by a message the day after we met in person.She also admitted that, unlike me, she had never felt any physical attraction for me based on my pics but still decided to meet me in person because even tho she said that she felt it was pretty unlikely or completely unlikely that she would feel attraction for me after meeting me, she thought I seemed compatible enough to possibly be good friendzone material, so she wanted to meet me for that reason. As I told her in my reply to her rejection message, her attitude about meeting with a man from a dating site after giving him reason to think she was open to and likely interested in seeing if there might be more than friendship, with all the long, friendly, enthusiastic messages, is very patronizing, at least in my book. To have this secret agenda of interviewing and auditioning a guy for solely a friendzone relationship while giving him reason to think that a romantic relationship is actually on the table if very selfish, arrogant and patronizing to the guy. And I told her so. I said guys and women too, for the most part, do not join paid dating sites for the main purpose of making platonic friends and her private agenda was insulting and hurtful, at least to me. This is why, as I told her I do in my online dating, that if I see a woman's pics and don't feel any attraction, I don't message them. If they message me, I reply and simply say I'm not interested. I don't think it's right to play games like she did and lead people onto thinking they have a chance to be more than friendzone when it's already been decided in advance by the other person. Doing that is cruel and selfish. I told her to shove her strategy for finding male friends and maybe join a Meetup group that is not centered around dating to meet platonic men, that way nobody is mislead.
Trump Campaign Nondisclosure Agreements Voided by Court Ruling
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 31, 2021:
I wouldn't get my hopes up. People that would sell their soul to Trump in the first place by working for him are not likely to suddenly grow a conscience. They are more likely to only rat on him if there is a book or movie deal for their story. Like Trump, they are opportunists and greedy, so they will only blab if there is something in it for them. Like Cohen did with his book.
Boston Children's Hospital Staff Under Death Threats Over Child Transgender Rumors NBC News is ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 17, 2022:
Like you say, you can't outlaw hate or ignorance, just like the old saying that you can't legislate morality, tho the modern Repubs sure seem bent on doing that. But, like you say at the end of your post, you can outlaw behavior, and fortunately, for now at least, those behaviors are illegal.
New Rule: The Cojones Awards | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - YouTube
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 22, 2023:
I'm about as far left as you can get for an American, but I totally agree with the point of this sketch. People on both the right and the left are running amok with this culture war shit, trying to cancel out anyone or any idea that offends them in the least way. And all the while, the class war against the 99% continues to go on, year after year, with only one side fighting it. Time for people on both the right and left to grow up enough to start uniting on the class war, and prioritize it over the culture wars and identity politics. And there's nothing that frustrates me more than liberals who only care about ID politics and culture war issues, while they care nothing about the class war going on against all of us but the 1%.
So, I joined Humanist.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 19, 2021:
I really have almost no friends that are believers, and even with them, religion is a non-issue. It also almost never comes up in my very limited small talk with neighbors. So I really don't care about believers in general or what they think. Only when it gets into the level of government and society where they try to impose their religion on us. Then it matters to me, but I couldn't care less what they believe or do in their private lives.
Jim Jordan gets schooled while attacking Dr Fauci
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 31, 2021:
The First Amendment, liberties, and freedoms don't matter much if you are dead or seriously ill with Covid. This fuck refuses to admit how much more important public health is than those things for most of us, and he also won't admit that he really doesn't care about those who die or get seriously ill from Covid. To him, their deaths and suffering are way less important than his own political ambition and power.
Docs Reveal How They Really Feel About Anti-Vaxxers In Scathing Kimmel Segment | HuffPost
TomMcGiverin comments on May 5, 2021:
Funny and truthful, but I doubt it will change the minds of the deluded.
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 1, 2020:
Great speech! It really lays out how what really matters is class and economic inequality, not bullshit identity politics that are used to divide us by centrist Dems and Repubs...
Today would have been our 15th wedding anniversary.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 5, 2019:
He looks like a cute man with a good sense of humor.
[] Horniness and social distancing. Comments?
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 7, 2020:
No surprise here. Porn sites are booming, dating sites are tanking. Who'd have thought?
Gurgaon Escorts | Genuine Escort Service In Gurgaon 5,590 INR Only
TomMcGiverin comments on May 30, 2023:
I doubt many male members of this site, Agnostic, are likely to be visiting Delhi anytime soon... I'm guessing these gals are all imports to Delhi, not native-born..
Fetterman mocks Speaker Johnson over Biden impeachment inquiry push: ‘Oh no!’ -- The Hill
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 5, 2023:
Biden will prove to be guilty of even less than Slick Willie's consensual blow job, which to me, is still the most absurd example of a political witch hunt, that I have seen in my lifetime. That whole episode showed me that the Repubs had jumped the shark, and since then, they have never looked back and only went further downhill in absurdity..
Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson Had a Secret Daughter from an Affair in the 1970s | Hemant Mehta | ...
TomMcGiverin comments on May 29, 2021:
I couldn't care less about those ugly rednecks.
Don't forget your little ones this Xmas
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 12, 2022:
Hard to tell if the kitty is excited or scared, lol..
“There is really only one question you ever need to direct at someone to work out whether or not ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 22, 2020:
I think the video has a point about the need for humility in order to be a good person, but I think it's still a bit exaggerated and overly extreme. I think I can still be a good person and also rightly judge some people as evil and garbage wrapped in skin.
Remember when students put flowers on the end of rifles?
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 14, 2019:
Would have but I was just a bit too young then.
Serial vs parallel dating.. have i posted this topic already?
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 14, 2019:
From what I've read here over time on these boards, it appears that for most people on dating sites, esp. average-looking people, that parallel dating rarely comes into play as a choice because of how rare those folks make it far enough in the process to actually meet anyone in person. Thus, the choice of serial vs. parallel dating is more a choice reserved for those above average looking or better in their appearance.
My terms are simple....
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 15, 2019:
This reminds me of a photo on the annual Bad Cats calender where two cats were dressed up, one as the devil. The caption was "Once you sell your soul to the devil, there's no getting it back!"
Biden economic team: Straight from Wall Street President-elect Joe Biden announced the second ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 1, 2020:
Same old identity politics bullshit. When will people quit falling for it?
If budgets are moral documents, what does the US budget say about ours?
TomMcGiverin comments on May 14, 2022:
Because the MIC is the biggest lobbying group in our federal political system and war is very profitable, at least for an elite number of people in America. Providing for the basic needs of kids, or any other age group of Americans, is not profitable, in fact it would require the rich to pay more in taxes, which they have no interest in doing. Only a socialist type of government would put the needs of its citizens ahead of the military budget, and that ain't the American way...
When your date shows up and ...
TomMcGiverin comments on May 1, 2021:
Poor kitty. Sorry to hear it happens even to them....
Hello 👋 heathens (my favourite people in the world 🥂 😆) what is your fave time of day?
TomMcGiverin comments on May 14, 2022:
Night time.
Election season has started
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 9, 2024:
Except that Biden would never have the balls to go medieval on Trump and MAGA if the SC ruled in favor of Trump on immunity..
My summation of Impeachment verdict
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 14, 2021:
Jimmy Carter himself said several years ago that we are no longer a functioning democracy. It was true then because corporations had taken over the government and we had a plutocracy and kleptocracy. The insurrection and impeachment have simply ripped off the veil so the rot is easier to see.
For those of us that are the black sheep of the family, how true does this ring for you?
TomMcGiverin comments on Nov 30, 2022:
It sure as hell fits me, and my role in my dysfunctional family. It was probably no accident that I was named Thomas, like the apostle, truth-teller in the New Testament gospels.
Why cat racing is so boring
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 2, 2019:
Cats would rather stay in the's more fun.
Somehow I missed this.
TomMcGiverin comments on Nov 12, 2022:
I used to love it when radical groups used to smash pies in the faces of asshole leaders or celebs that were corrupt or right wingers, but that was in more innocent days when they wouldn't be fatally shot on the spot for daring to assault their betters... Nowadays, it would be a death sentence to get that close to a member of the ruling class and try it..
How (and Why) Americans Were Taught to Hate Atheists
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 12, 2019:
I would be interested in polling data that said what % of Americans identified themselves as non-believers, Atheist or Agnostic. I'm guessing the total would still be about 5% or less. I know that in my area most people would still be distrustful or at least uncomfortable with you after finding out you were a non-believer. Only about 25% -30% of the women's profiles I see on Batch indicate that they would be willing to date someone who is non-religious. Most people have always felt threatened or uncomfortable with anyone who is non-conforming to the mainstream norms of society, whether it be people who are childless by choice, a different race or non-believers. Most people find the unfamiliar or different in other people scary and we, as non-believers, are still in a place of cultural non-acceptance and non- familiarity that gay and lesbian people were decades ago. Partly because we are, like them, a fairly small % of the society, but also because we are still way less visible or known by most than queer folk.
"They couldn’t kill us all" "In the 1920s, after discovery of the massive oil field on the ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 14, 2023:
This is a must see movie, and it is going to be a masterpiece. Thanks for plugging it here. My younger sister lives in OK, where it was filmed, and has been telling me about it for a few years now.. And it doesn't surprise me at all that Charles Koch's fortune was made from this heinous crime. Just another example of how true the old saying is, that behind each great fortune is a great crime against innocents..
Donald Trump Already Fundraising Off Ivana Trump's Death As New York City police investigate ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 15, 2022:
Shameless grifter will use anything to scam money off his gullible followers. You have to wonder, exactly what is this money going towards that might involve "saving America"?
I believe most people on this site are liberal and probably democrats, not that it matters.
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 22, 2019:
I voted liberal-Democrat, but that party really doesn't represent my views very well as they are so corrupt and concerned only with the rich and corporations. I am more of a socialist in my political views and the only political party that really represents my views is the Green Party.
Texas Gov.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 10, 2023:
Makes me glad that Abbott is a cripple...
Mister is so much my reason.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 19, 2023:
Sprawling like he is carefree and comfortable...
About Three-in-Ten U.S. Adults Are Now Religiously Unaffiliated | Pew Research Center
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 15, 2021:
It doesn't give breakdowns by age groups, but I assume that religiosity goes down lower with each younger age group.
Sweet photos of elderly couples in love []
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Further proof that even in old age you can still look beautiful and still be loveable, at least to your devoted partner.
Hello grouphugs🤗 how are you and happy Sunday all 😗 just wanna know what are the things you ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 16, 2020:
Being retired and in the typical lockdown for people my age, weekends are no diiferent than a weekday.
The horrible state of affairs today
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 9, 2021:
Quite true. Our pols, esp. Repub pols, love to talk about how much they value kids, but the cold hard reality is that they don't, except maybe for their own brood...
Taxpayers Will Pay for $12 Billion in Aid to Farmers to Cover Losses Caused by Trump's Tariffs
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 22, 2020:
Hypocrites who say they hate socialism, at least when it goes to help someone else who is not their kind...
Private school in Miami won't hire teachers who are vaccinated
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 27, 2021:
Who ever thought supporting public health could get you blacklisted as a teacher? I always thought that to get that you had to either get caught molesting students or teaching socialism in a red state.


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