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Happy to have stumbled onto this group.
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2023:
We bash the conservatives and not each other, I look forward to your posts.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 14, 2023:
I never bashed her within the group, and even when I had the argument with her on a forum here outside the group, I wasn't bashing her personally, but she was too thin-skinned and petty to resist abusing her power as mod of her group, so she booted me from the group, despite most members of the group still wanting me to be in it. Talk about being overly-personal in how you run a group. I appreciate how you are interested in being fair and welcoming.
It hurts to even think like this, but I know I'll never see it.
MichelleGar1 comments on Mar 7, 2023:
I was born in the summer of 69 but I'm not going to see 2069 too!
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 9, 2023:
I was ten years old, and I'm sure I'll be long dead by the century anniversary of it.
The time just goes around in circles
NHjulie comments on Mar 6, 2023:
The circle of life...
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 9, 2023:
Or as Tony Soprano put, to his therapist, "More like the circle jerk of life"...
Insert Musical Interlude Here []
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 7, 2023:
I hate him just as much as you, tho probably for not all the same reasons. We should have had Bernie, instead of him, and Bernie would have beat Trump, tho the corporate media and Dem loyalists will never admit that. Thanks for sharing this, and I do agree with most of the criticisms in the song. I ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 7, 2023:
@BDair I caucused for him twice and volunteered for him the first time.
Insert Musical Interlude Here []
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 7, 2023:
I hate him just as much as you, tho probably for not all the same reasons. We should have had Bernie, instead of him, and Bernie would have beat Trump, tho the corporate media and Dem loyalists will never admit that. Thanks for sharing this, and I do agree with most of the criticisms in the song. I ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 7, 2023:
@BDair I have to agree with all that about Bernie. Too bad you, as a Libertarian, would probably never vote for a socialist, right?
Have you ever wondered why online dating sites have become so popular?
Wander2023 comments on Mar 4, 2023:
Well at least this one asks about religion and politics. I'd rather the algorithm weed out those that don't match then having to read through profiles (if they even mention it).
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 7, 2023:
@Wander2023 I encourage you to ask her about this and I bet that the other sites still match her and other women with men that have big diffs from them on religion and politics, even tho those diffs should be included in the matching process. I really don't think the dating sites really care about those things, except maybe for ones like E-Harmony, that are very expensive and base their reputation on being very good at matching people. I know from my own experiences on Match, POF, and Our Time, for example, that all of those sites would regularly match me with women who were politically conservative and also very religious, as in fundamentalist or evangelical Christians. Obviously, both of those diffs were big enough that the women would always reject me for dating and I too would reject them for dating, but the sites kept matching them with me. So, in summary, I think the matching algorithyms on dating sites are bogus, at least for most sites, as far as factoring in traits of the members. Of the five sites I tried, during my four years of online dating, the only two that seemed to have a good matching system, were Bumble and E-Harmony. The former one, because I was a man, cost me nothing, the latter was pretty expensive, but both gave me good matches. The diff was that Bumble gave me mostly local ones, while E-Harmony gave me almost all long distance ones. As far as your younger friend's chances, I can compare her to my niece, who also is very accomplished, about the same age, and very attractive looking. She is in med school in Michigan, a former model, but even she is having little luck with online dating. From what my younger sister, her mother, tells me, online dating is even more of a cesspool for younger folks than us older singles. I guess that is maybe some, tho small, comfort...
Have you ever wondered why online dating sites have become so popular?
Wander2023 comments on Mar 4, 2023:
Well at least this one asks about religion and politics. I'd rather the algorithm weed out those that don't match then having to read through profiles (if they even mention it).
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 7, 2023:
@Wander2023 So true. I see women's profiles all the time on dating sites, that say in the profile essay, that they don't think that men even bother to read their profile essays, and for most men, that's probably the case, because those men just look only at the woman's pics, and decide solely from that who to message and who they are interested in. Which explains why, as time goes on, why fewer and fewer women even bother with writing a profile essay or listing much info about themselves. I can't blame them at all. And the dating sites don't care about these trends at all. It's only a matter of time, I think, until most dating sites are like the binder books that cabbies used to carry in their taxis in the old days, for singles to meet other singles thru the cabbies by having their first name and photo in the book of interested singles that the cabby would show to other interested singles. Dating sites will eventually be almost all like that, just pics and first names, not even bothering with the compatibility ?s or listing other info. So glad I appear to be retired from the game now.
What does it mean to be on the left politically?
rainmanjr comments on Mar 2, 2023:
I also think the Prog Left has become too sidetracked by every possible identity issue instead of rallying under one flag of equal Rights for all humans. That seems a much simpler, less divisive, sell to me. It also increases the power of resources (read money) to arm ourselves with. I have said ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 6, 2023:
Right on the nail. The progressive left, who I see all the time at Unitarian churches and in most Dem loyalist voters, cares nothing about economic justice issues, and instead worships at the altar of PC and identity politics. They are just as neoliberal as the Repubs, and are a scourge on the label liberal. The DNC uses them as useful idiots in the culture war and ID politics crap with the Repubs, while all the while, the two corporate parties collude to reverse all of the New Deal and any economic progress that still remains from those eras. I went to a folk music concert last weekend at my Unitarian church and almost all the attendees were gray hairs like me, unlike most members of the church itself, because the performer's music was all about unions, economic justice, etc, and the younger members of the church have no interest in that. They hate Bernie and even Warren, with a passion, because they are all members of the Comfortable Class, and want to stay there at all costs. The progressive left despises the working class, esp. the white working class, just as much as the DNC, and since those two groups are so open about their hostility, it's little wonder that the white working class has flocked to the Repubs for some time now, since even tho they know the Repubs are not on their side economically, they at least kiss up to them rhetorically on their culture war issues and talk about their grievances against the system, while sharing and reinforcing their bigotry against non-whites and other minority groups.
I have quite a few relatives I haven't talked to in decades, I feel no loss.
Lauren comments on Mar 5, 2023:
I have a few as well, and any loss I may have felt occurred before I walked away, so I have no remorse or regrets. I suspect the rest of the family thinks I'm the asshole because I haven't extended an olive branch to people who "are family, after all," but I've always viewed family as quite ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 6, 2023:
All I have left of family is really just my siblings, and I am fine with having little to do with them. I do have a cousin who lives far away that I like and call once in a while, but have rarely visited her. Everybody else, in my parent's generation, are dead.
Have you ever wondered why online dating sites have become so popular?
Wander2023 comments on Mar 4, 2023:
Well at least this one asks about religion and politics. I'd rather the algorithm weed out those that don't match then having to read through profiles (if they even mention it).
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 6, 2023:
I am doubtful that most single men on dating sites care about compatibility with a woman on religion or politics, instead they mainly just care about her looks, from what women on dating sites have told me. But I can tell you, from my experience on dating sites in my area, most of the women care greatly about compatibility with the men on those two issues. In my experience, most of the dating sites do not seem to factor in those two issues in who they match you up with, so it still falls on the member to weed thru the incompatibles, which is why most women give up or drop out soon after trying dating sites.
Have you ever wondered why online dating sites have become so popular?
Petter comments on Mar 4, 2023:
Join a theatre group, or similar. Far better.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 6, 2023:
I agree with that somewhat, but not so much at older ages like mine. When I was young, in my 20s, and out of college in my first real job, I had a great time with a local theater group in a small city in my state. They adopted me like a family and had great parties, etc., but I never found anyone to date from that group. My guess is that at my current age, it would be even less likely to find someone single and compatible in such a group. As with any age of being single, it's all about the numbers, and a theater group or some other activity group, by itself, is a pretty small dating pool. I can't count the number of women my age I met on dating sites that were trying the dating sites, because they had already been into dance groups, like ballroom salsa, etc. and had already dated around or fished out those dating pools, with no luck, so they were now on dating sites, because it was a larger pool than those individual groups, and had some new people for them to meet.
Body cameras.
Sticks48 comments on Mar 4, 2023:
It makes me sad to have to say this, but if l were a person of color, l would certainly have to give it serious consideration.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 5, 2023:
@Secretguy Semantics. I don't bow to PC, but you know what I meant, POC or whatever. My point stands..
Body cameras.
Sticks48 comments on Mar 4, 2023:
It makes me sad to have to say this, but if l were a person of color, l would certainly have to give it serious consideration.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 4, 2023:
You're damned right, if I was colored, I would just expect shit every time from the cops, so I would want to have it on me and ready at all traffic stops to protect myself and have the evidence to nail the cops. My friend that I wrote about below was railroaded, because even tho he was white, tho half Cherokee, he had long hair and looked too much like a hippie and lowlife to the short, white, butch-haircut young Nazi cop that pulled him over, so he may as well have been colored, except that if he were, there probably would have been physical abuse added.
Hear me roar...
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2023:
I think he is upset with the wig.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 4, 2023:
Stupid hooman wants me to play Lion King dressup.
When will this website no longer be available?
antman comments on Mar 3, 2023:
It’s going to lose members this way and will die off because of that. I feel there’s only a handful of regulars on here anyway.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 3, 2023:
That is true. Judging by the amount of activity on these boards, I would say there are no more than a hundred or two members regularly visiting the site and less than a hundred who post or comment. But then again, my view is undoubtedly distorted, because I have been blocked by a lot of people and vice versa.
My life story, so to speak
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 2, 2023:
Acting immature, by itself, is harmless, but still, it's also important to not act like an asshole, at any adult age...
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 2, 2023:
@HankSherman Suit yourself, Hank. I take pride in trying to live with some honor and class the rest of my life, as I already have done. I may not be rich, great-looking, or extremely accomplished, but I take pride in the fact that I have been more honest, classy, and lived with great integrity my whole life, and thus, at least in my eyes, I can honestly say I am morally and ethically superior to most people and know that is the truth.
Republican Rep.
Petter comments on Feb 28, 2023:
This seems to be a Republican shortcoming.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 2, 2023:
@snytiger6 Of that, I have no doubt, to qualify, you must be a real prick or bitch, depending on your gender.
Wow, I think I just saw the new record for ego and conceit in a dating profile.
FvckY0u comments on Feb 28, 2023:
That's just fuel for a narcissist. Tell someone everything about you up front and that your an idiot and see what happens.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 1, 2023:
@FvckY0u I agree, and that sure as hell explains a lot of my experiences here. I have always rejected Iowa Nice and enforced Midwest politeness, as both of them are a bunch of bullshit and the Iowa Nice is just a fake front for people to hide their narrow-minded judgements and bigotry behind. You're right, there is no real, unconditional friendliness at all here in the Midwest, it's all fake and pretend, and very conditional and based on conformity. I live in the largest metro area in Iowa, but it still doesn't help me much, because the single men still way outnumber the single women my age, and also the vast majority of single women in my local dating pool still grew up in rural Iowa, before moving to the big city, and never lost their small town rural culture, values, and lifestyle traits, so they still reject me. As for transplants, there aren't that many of them single and my age, and the ones that are, well, I already covered that here regarding how important social status, and also money as well, are to them in what men they will accept for dating, and I've been out of luck on that as well, until I met my unicorn recently. One note about Omaha. For whatever reason, on both POF and E-Harmony, when I was still active on them, it seemed like there were lots of women on both sites from the Omaha area that were good looking, at least in their profile pics, seemed real, and were sincerely looking for a LTR, but I never met any of them in person, because I found my unicorn soon after joining both of them, tho I did connect with a few nice women from that area on E-Harmony and enjoyed messaging and talking with them by phone or video chat before I met my unicorn and went exclusive with her after meeting her in person. So there did appear to be quality single women who were attractive looking that had actual interest in me on that dating site, for what that's worth... BTW, my late wife was a transplant from Buffalo, NY, and man did I ever like and feel way more comfortable around her family and the people in her hometown whenever we went there each summer to visit her family. Unlike Midwesterners, those people were honest, real, and direct about how they felt about you, whether it was positive or negative, and I really respected and appreciated that, instead of all the fake, pretend games and bullshit that people here give you. She and I often said I should have grown up out there, instead of here in Iowa, because I would have fit in way better and felt way less alienated than I have always felt in Iowa.
I'm thinking that having hot, wild sex with that crazy, young woman was still a great thing but ...
ADKSparky comments on Mar 1, 2023:
Don’t get married at 21
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 1, 2023:
@SnowyOwl Jeez, sounds like your life with your ex was crazier than any episode of Jerry Springer. Congrats on surviving her. I hope the sex was worth it... I admire her restraint, lol....
What do you think of this quote?
Scott321 comments on Mar 1, 2023:
"Life is a sexually transmitted terminal disease." Sounds about right to me. I didn’t consent to it yet I’m forced to deal with it.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 1, 2023:
@RichCC Everybody wants to get to heaven, but nobody wants to die. How many times have we heard that one?
Wow, I think I just saw the new record for ego and conceit in a dating profile.
FvckY0u comments on Feb 28, 2023:
That's just fuel for a narcissist. Tell someone everything about you up front and that your an idiot and see what happens.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 1, 2023:
@FvckY0u Feel free to PM me. You have no idea how great it feels to validated and understood by a fellow man who is single and lives in the Midwest, as I have long felt so frustrated on these boards talking about my struggles with online dating, mainly to an audience of women, as well as men, who either lived on the coasts, or at the very least, in a much more urban area than me. Because they seemed to either not believe me at all or understand, how uphill the dating game is for someone like me in my local area, being not only so badly mismatched from my dating pool on culture and lifestyle traits, but also badly outnumbered compared to women in my local dating pool, and just unable to win against the overwhelming competition I faced here from other men my age in the dating pool. I got so fucking sick of all the people on here, esp. the women, who seemed to either think I was lying, exaggerating my plight, or else was simply completely to blame for my failure in the online dating game. If they only lived where I lived, as a single man, then they might have known how wrong they were about all of it, esp. about me. Because they would quickly find, that even tho the numbers here would favor them, as women, they would also find how mismatched, like me, they were from the local dating pool, esp. on culture and lifestyle issues like religion, politics, music tastes, and possibly drinking habits as well, altho they would also find that most men in the dating pool would gladly overlook or accept those differences between them and the man, as long as the woman's looks were attractive enough to him. That is the huge diff between men and women in my local dating pool, supply and demand, like you say. When the women hold all the cards and have the numbers in their favor like they do here, then they can be very choosy about men regarding all kinds of traits and issues, while the men on the other hand must be much more open-minded, tolerant, and accepting of differences, in order to ever find a match for dating. So the one thing the men hold the line on, is looks regarding the women, while they are inclined to let everything else slide, which is possibly a good strategy for finding a short term, casual dating partner, but, as you found out with your ex, a bad strategy for the long term or a LTR.
Wow, I think I just saw the new record for ego and conceit in a dating profile.
FvckY0u comments on Feb 28, 2023:
That's just fuel for a narcissist. Tell someone everything about you up front and that your an idiot and see what happens.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 1, 2023:
@FvckY0u For the reasons in my previous comment, I have always seen online dating as my best shot at meeting someone compatible, not only because of its bigger numbers and wider net, but because of how it plays to my writing skills on the profile and messaging. And before meeting my unicorn recently, I did meet two nice women I dated for six months each at different times, so even for outliers like me, there are some good women out there on dating sites, and I even met a few others that were very nice people, even tho I only went out a few times or several times with them. So I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss or throw out the idea of using dating sites, just because you crapped out in ending up with your ex from hell thru a dating site. You are older and wiser now, know what red flags to look for etc., and will not repeat your mistakes. So try Bumble for free, and then keep me posted or let me know, either on here or thru PMs, of how it plays out for you...
Wow, I think I just saw the new record for ego and conceit in a dating profile.
FvckY0u comments on Feb 28, 2023:
That's just fuel for a narcissist. Tell someone everything about you up front and that your an idiot and see what happens.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 1, 2023:
@FvckY0u Being able to approach women in public settings like grocery stores, gyms, parks, etc., involves having a lot of what the kids call game, and I just have never had that kind of confidence to do all the smooth talk, game, chatting up, etc. that you obviously have. And then there is also the experience of rejection, which I am much more sensitive to than you, and maybe most men, are. I got tired long ago of being shot down in public situations like the ones you mention meeting women in. I would rather have my rejection in the privacy and anonymity of dating sites, thank you very much. Another reason I favor dating sites over trying to meet women organically and casually offline in normal situations of real life in public, etc, is that where I live, at least, women my age are just not that comfortable or approachable for meeting them that way. Maybe it's different on the coasts and in more urban areas, as far as women being comfortable being approached that way by single men, but at least for me, with my average looks, it never seemed to work back when I tried it for a couple years at live music events at bars or outdoor concerts, and even handed out cards with my contact info on them, so women could call me later if they enjoyed the chat and wanted to meet again, etc. Probably I just wasn't comfortable enough playing the role of pursuer with them, or maybe I didn't have enough looks, or came off too desperate, etc., but none of them ever called me back or were willing to give me their number, and sometimes I would even run into them again later at a music event and ask them why they never called me. They would always say they liked talking to me, but that they were not comfortable getting to know a stranger they met in public, and preferred to either use dating sites or mutual friends to meet men. Damned if you do, damned if you don't... But either way, I like dating sites, because I am an excellent writer, unlike most of my competition, so it plays to my strengths that way, unlike meeting organically in person like you prefer, where I lack game and the salesmanship in person to win at that game. So dating sites or bust, is the way I chose to go for the last couple years.
Wow, I think I just saw the new record for ego and conceit in a dating profile.
FvckY0u comments on Feb 28, 2023:
That's just fuel for a narcissist. Tell someone everything about you up front and that your an idiot and see what happens.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 1, 2023:
@FvckY0u My advice is to keep trying dating sites, because, even at your age, meeting single women to date just doesn't happen much or work out, unless you meet them thru work, which is always risky if it doesn't work out, or causes issues with your job. And unless you are attending a church or some other sort of activity or social groups, such as Meetup groups or a dance group, etc, you aren't going to meet single women to date thru just being out doing stuff like going to hear live bands, at least not in my experience where I live, because I tried doing that and most women were too timid, cynical, or uncomfortable meeting men that way in public, and actually seemed to prefer the dating sites or meeting thru mutual friends. But we all know that at our age, the mutual friends route is pretty dead and that most of our friends these days are smugly married or partnered, so they aren't going to yield us any prospects, which is why dating sites are still pretty much it for most of us ever meeting anybody. Of course, there are always bars, but in my experience, they rarely offer any quality people to date and also, most of the quality people aren't willing to put themselves thru all the abuse, games and mystery that bars involve in the mating game. And the stereotype also holds true, that most singles that try to meet thru bars are not really interested in LTRs as the endgame goal in dating. I would suggest you try Bumble and don't even pay for a membership, as I didn't, and within a couple weeks on there, I found my unicorn, who even lives in my same town. On Bumble there is really no need to pay, as the women all do have to pay to use the site and the women have to do the first messaging and have all the control over who they connect with, unlike the other sites where men have to do the pursuing and the women have to deal with all the bullshit and wading thru all the scammers, assholes, and fakes along with the incompatibles, in order to find the minority of men who are compatible with them, real, and sincere. No wonder so many women just give up quickly and drop off of dating sites. But Bumble is different in those respects, and, I think, well worth it for a woman to use. I was only active on there for a few weeks, but it seemed like all the women they sent me matches of each day were quality people and about all of them were local, as well.
Wow, I think I just saw the new record for ego and conceit in a dating profile.
FvckY0u comments on Feb 28, 2023:
That's just fuel for a narcissist. Tell someone everything about you up front and that your an idiot and see what happens.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 1, 2023:
@FvckY0u And as far as what you said about lopsided gender ratios in a local dating pool greatly influencing how women treat single men in the dating game, you are so right. Believe me, when they know they have the pick of the litter and can be very choosy, women who are a 5 or 6 in looks, whether it is in a bar, on a dating site, or in some other public place where they might meet men, they will act like they are a 7 or 8 in looks, as far as how they will treat an average looking man, because they know they can get plenty of interest from men who are at least above average in looks, even tho it may also be true that the men who are 8s and 9s have no interest in them for a LTR, but at that early stage the women don't know that yet or may not even care at that point. And the other sad fact, is that after dating and having sex with men who are 8s and 9s, those women will never be happy or ok with settling for or dating a man who is average-looking again, as they have gotten spoiled with the great looking men, even tho they can't land them for a LTR, so they end up alone, unhappy, and not able to find the men and relationships they are actually wanting. Meanwhile, the average looking men like me sit waiting on the sidelines while rarely or never getting our chance to date these women.
Wow, I think I just saw the new record for ego and conceit in a dating profile.
FvckY0u comments on Feb 28, 2023:
That's just fuel for a narcissist. Tell someone everything about you up front and that your an idiot and see what happens.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 1, 2023:
@FvckY0u See, that is the diff between you and me, as I'm clear and realistic that my own looks are probably not as high on the looks scale as yours, and that I am average looking, at best, compared to my competition in the local dating pool online, mainly due to me being bald and having an average body, instead of athletic. So being a 6 at best, on the looks scale of ten, I know that few women in my local online dating pool, with all the male competition, who are above average themselves, like a woman who is a 7 or 8 in looks, is going to be interested in me or give me a chance. So in my online dating practices, I rarely messaged women who were above a 7, and usually stuck to 5s and 6s, to lessen my rejection and make the most of my efforts, unless the woman's traits and personality were really compatible on paper, so to speak, and she seemed as offbeat as me for the local dating pool. Also, like you, I found that foreign women seemed to be more open-minded about dating men who were average looking like me, even if the woman was above average-looking herself, and that they also were more likely than the home grown women to share my offbeat traits in culture and lifestyle. It's also no coincidence or accident that the unicorn I met and have been dating well recently, is a transplant to the Midwest, from a suburb of Boston originally, so she doesn't have all the traditional cultural and lifestyle mismatches with me like the home grown farmer's daughters here, and yet, she also grew up in a blue collar family there, so, unlike all the other transplanted women I met on dating sites before her, who would always reject me early on, for not having the necessary pedigree, of a successful white collar professional career before I retired, and all the social status that comes with it, she never cared about that shit, like social status in her man or how much money he has, etc. All those other transplanted women really did care about that, esp. the social status, so they could brag to their friends and family about what a catch he was, etc. And his money probably didn't matter nearly as much to them, even tho I probably had more money than these women or even the men they used to be with, but that never even ended up being discussed with them, since they always rejected me on status, before even finding out how much money I had. Seemed like the other transplanted women to the Midwest, who were all white collar, college educated professional women, just all really cared about social status in the men they wanted to date, and since the cost of living is so much higher on the coasts, they were used to being with guys who were docs, lawyers, and other high status big money guys. So while they weren't golddiggers by any means, social status in what men they ...
Wow, I think I just saw the new record for ego and conceit in a dating profile.
FvckY0u comments on Feb 28, 2023:
That's just fuel for a narcissist. Tell someone everything about you up front and that your an idiot and see what happens.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 1, 2023:
@FvckY0u I feel very lucky and grateful that, unlike you, I have never dated a narc, at least not to my knowledge or for very long, if at all. I think the reasons for that are that my mother was a very critical person and my father was a narc, so I came out of my family of origin with a pretty good idea of what not to look for in a partner, as well as what types to avoid.
Wow, I think I just saw the new record for ego and conceit in a dating profile.
FvckY0u comments on Feb 28, 2023:
That's just fuel for a narcissist. Tell someone everything about you up front and that your an idiot and see what happens.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 1, 2023:
@FvckY0u I fully agree that dating sites cater to and appeal to the narcissists among us. I am so fucking glad to be sensing my imminent retirement from them, for good if I'm lucky. It feels like I have gone to hell and come back, lol,. But I am here discussing and debating the dating game and online dating, because I do still find the subject fascinating as an area of psych and sociology, and hope that my experiences and perspectives can be helpful to those still in the game. I have often been told by my friends that I should write a book about the dating game, but this will have to serve as my substitute for it. I hadn't thought of how narcs would use dating profile info as a weapon against the naive and vulnerable, but I agree with you and it makes sense. I have instead been more aware of and informed of how too much info in a profile could be used by stalkers, and that has been the common focus, in my experience, of singles on dating sites and what the sites themselves would caution members about regarding personal info on dating profiles as well as what info they give people in the messaging process or in person after meeting them early on. And yes, here in Iowa, same as NE, the men, at least on dating sites, way outnumber the women, and the women are really choosy, because they can be. In fact, as I have shared before on here, I did a recent test on Match for my local dating pool, using a dummy female profile with the same age and traits as me, and found a ratio of four men for every woman in my Mutual Matches on And the reason I joined three other sites, soon before I met my unicorn on Bumble, was because my longtime site, Match, had pretty much dried up as far as having any local women my age that were interested in me, so I expanded my search area to 150 miles and then soonafter joined the other three sites, because my local Match dating pool seemed to be too competitive and already fished out, so to speak....
A whole lot of fluff!!!
Kynlei comments on Mar 1, 2023:
Ah, my antidepressants have arrived 😁
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 1, 2023:
True, cute kitties can cheer me up in the face of almost anything.
Republican Rep.
Petter comments on Feb 28, 2023:
This seems to be a Republican shortcoming.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 1, 2023:
@snytiger6 They are vetted only for having the necessary cruelty and hatred towards those the party despises and devalues, as well as willingness and ability to lie and be loyal to the donor class.
Wow, I think I just saw the new record for ego and conceit in a dating profile.
FvckY0u comments on Feb 28, 2023:
That's just fuel for a narcissist. Tell someone everything about you up front and that your an idiot and see what happens.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 1, 2023:
@FvckY0u And no, I'm not stupid enough to start talking LTR to a woman as soon as I meet her or connect with her, IRL offline or on a dating site. Nobody does that, but it is there, unspoken, in the minds of both men and women, and it does get discussed eventually, when the time is right and appropriate. Give me and the rest of us some credit, man. Yes, looks matter in dating just as much to women as men, I get, concede and agree with that, even tho many women claim otherwise, either because they want to seem or feel superior to men in that regard, or because they don't want to be judged as shallow, because other women are always claiming that men are more shallow about looks than women, etc., so they need to look good to the rest of their sisterhood, etc. As far as rejection and dating, we are all grownups and realize that rejection is part of the game and unavoidable, but it still hurts and I am not going to deny that and try to do what I can to try to limit and avoid as much rejection as possible. And the best way to do that, is to be fairly selective in who I message and approach on dating sites, by not messaging too many women that are possibly out of my league in looks, or even messaging at all any women who have red flags about them or have little compatibility with me or who have traits that are important differences from me that usually result in rejection of me by them, such as diffs on religion, them being family-oriented, being a country music fan, a conservative, etc. Doing that saves time and rejection since diffs on those obvious things almost always makes one or both of us incompatible for the other. And also, online dating is very different from meeting organically offline, because, for one thing, online dating is very competitive. Because in organic, offline ways of meeting people, all you need to do to qualify for someone beginning to date you, is to meet their basic standards of compatibility and interest in you. In online dating, you not only need to meet those, but you also have to win the competition against all the other candidates out there of your sex who they are presently messaging with or meeting in person, and win out against the field, before they will agree to choose you to date steadily or even exclusively. In organic dating, very few women will choose to do what is called parallel dating, and end up going out with multiple men at the same time for a period of time, at least not where I live and in my age group. Because most women here would see that as dishonest, immoral or sleazy, etc. Your mileage and practices may vary in your age group and local area, compared to mine. And I'm not claiming to be terribly different than you on the issue of looks in online dating. I am not going to bother messaging someone if ...
Wow, I think I just saw the new record for ego and conceit in a dating profile.
FvckY0u comments on Feb 28, 2023:
That's just fuel for a narcissist. Tell someone everything about you up front and that your an idiot and see what happens.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 1, 2023:
@FvckY0u Looks are important, and I think we all admit that regarding the dating game, including me. Otherwise, dating sites would not insist on or so strongly encourage their members to have photos, and almost every female profile I've ever seen has stated that they will not respond to men who don't have at least one photo in their profile, and that also includes them saying that at least one photo has to be without a hat or sunglasses. But having said that, I it seems that most singles on dating sites, including many, if not most, men, also want someone who has compatibility in other ways than just being physically attractive to them. I agree that both are equally important, unless one is simply looking for a physical, casual relationship. All the women on dating sites say they want to start out as friends, etc., to the point that it's all become a silly cliche, but like me, they are about all seeking something that will eventually become more than just a friendship, otherwise they wouldn't obviously care so much about the guy's looks and his having at least one photo that shows his hairline and eyes, etc.. And I do agree that too many women on dating sites have overly long checklists of traits they demand in a partner and think only inside their narrow box in who they will consider for dating. And men do the same thing, mostly, in having a very narrow box of physical traits they demand in who they will choose to date. I have to disagree about giving too much info in a public setting, esp. if the info is not about where they live as far an address, etc, or where they work, what their job is, their full name... As long as someone stays away from those obvious pieces of their identity, their safety is secure and they are very unlikely to be stalked, so to me holding back other important info about themselves, esp, about their personality, interests, and traits, is just so much BS that they use personal safety as an excuse to avoid being open and honest about who they are inside, because maybe they are insecure about those qualities or don't want to be judged or rejected by men because of them. Well, in my mind, if you choose to put yourself out there on a dating site and are asking, as they usually are, that men be open and honest about who they are, then it's only fair to do so yourself in your profile. Fair is fair. For me, it is an LTR or bust, at least that is the eventual goal with anyone that I want to bother getting to know from a dating site, because, unlike you, I don't have nearly as many years left on this rock. And, unlike you and most singles on dating sites, I have had one LTR, not several, nor any interest in just settling for a casual or short term relationship as the outcome with someone I meet thru a dating site. I had more than ...
Wow, I think I just saw the new record for ego and conceit in a dating profile.
FvckY0u comments on Feb 28, 2023:
That's just fuel for a narcissist. Tell someone everything about you up front and that your an idiot and see what happens.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 1, 2023:
@FvckY0u And as far as mystery, fuck that! One of my biggest pet peeves about Match is that a few years ago, when I first joined, we used to be able to view someone's profile and not only see the trait info they listed about themselves in the traits checklist, such as religion, race, kids situation, drinking habits, smoking habits, etc. but also see what traits they were looking for in a partner. But then, without any warning or explanation, they took that away from us being able to view it in a partner's profile. So for men like me, or anyone that chose to play the role of pursuer, which is the traditional role, esp. here in the MIdwest, on dating sites, we then had to fly blind as far as what traits the other person was looking for, unless they spelled it out in their profile essay, which by then were already becoming more rarely used and less detailed or lengthy. So you can screw your affection for mystery in a woman's profile. I prefer more efficiency, less wasted effort and less avoidable rejection, as well as more respect for people's preferences, both by the opposite sex members of a site and by the site itself. With the format change by Match where we lost our ability to view the other member's preferences, we couldn't even know if a white woman, for example, was even interested in dating other white men, instead of only black or Hispanic men, unless she said so openly in her profile essay. And in our modern era of PC, how many women do you think are going to be honest and brave enough to say so? Not many, I assure you. And that is only one example of how much important info is now left out from the viewer of dating site profiles these days.
Wow, I think I just saw the new record for ego and conceit in a dating profile.
FvckY0u comments on Feb 28, 2023:
That's just fuel for a narcissist. Tell someone everything about you up front and that your an idiot and see what happens.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 1, 2023:
@FvckY0u I know that you probably don't mean it to be so shallow-seeming, but your attitude about profiles is pretty much what so many women on dating sites hate, namely that most men never seem to read the profile info at all, much less the profile essays, and simply choose which women to message based solely on the photos. Not only do they see that as shallow, they also hate all the messages they get from men who are clearly incompatible and nobody they want to hear from in the first place, due to the lack of common interests, or other issues of traits or compatibility that the woman had already spelled out in her essay or listed in her traits. Things that would make any sincere, honest, selective person like me, notice while reading their profile, and thus, never bother messaging someone who seems so incompatible on paper, based on the profile. And your attitude being so common among men on dating sites, is also probably why nowadays so few women on them even bother even having a profile essay or listing much info about themselves in their profile. But I sure as hell appreciate a woman having a decent length essay, along with listing all the trait info about themselves that the site asks for, because I don't want to waste my time and effort sending first messages to women that I know will either reject me for being incompatible with them in their eyes, or who I know would likely not be compatible with me in my eyes. If all you are after is something temporary and casual, then sure, it makes sense to just go with choosing women based solely on the photos. But most women on dating sites in my age group seem to want more than that, and so do I, so the profile info does matter to them and men like me. That is why Bumble is such a superior site, at least in my eyes, because men are not allowed to send first messages to women, women make the first move and women have to pay to use the site. So unlike most dating sites, you don't have so many women who are on free memberships and not sincere or serious about finding a long term relationship, while, conversely, the men on there are better behaved and more serious about selection, because they are not sending the first messages, doing all the pursuing of women, etc. And the women are pushed to be decisive and not leave guys hanging after a man has chosen to give them a Like selection, instead of passing on them. The women get 24 hours to send a first message to the man, or the man's profile goes Poof, as it should. So the women are in control, and they only get to see a man's profile after there has been some decent compatibility matching based on traits and ?s about their personality and compatibility answers. And then the woman only sees the guy's profile after he has selected her from the matches sent...
Wow, I think I just saw the new record for ego and conceit in a dating profile.
FvckY0u comments on Feb 28, 2023:
That's just fuel for a narcissist. Tell someone everything about you up front and that your an idiot and see what happens.
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 28, 2023:
In all seriousness, I don't think that approach works very well in the online dating game either. My guess is that the best approach is to be mostly positive about yourself, while admitting you have some flaws and to highlight how sincere you are about seeking a long term relationship without sounding desperate or lonely. That last part is the really tricky balancing act.
Fox News and the Big Lie | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - YouTube
rainmanjr comments on Feb 28, 2023:
She was pathetic. Thankfully Ari was there, too.
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 28, 2023:
She looks like Sarah Palin's sister...
Ann Coulter Says Donald Trump and Fox News 'Lied' to Voters
Scott321 comments on Feb 26, 2023:
Well from the video on that site she’s throwing in with Desantis and even in your quote we have : *“I said we'll forgive him for anything unless you betray us on immigration. Guess what? He did."* So she’s not only ranting about immigration but alleging Trump betrayed the MAGAts on ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 26, 2023:
Exactly. And that is also why I feel the same about all the turncoat former Repubs that MSNBC keeps hiring and trotting out on its own programs of propaganda defending the Dem Party and bashing the Repubs. Because all of those former Repubs they have appear on their shows and promote the Dem Party over the Repubs, still have the same views as the Repubs on economic policy, war, and foreign policy, tho they never talk about those issues and admit how much they still agree with their former pals in the GOP on those issues. Nor do they have or express any remorse for having supported the Repubs in the past. But as long as they bash the Repubs on the identity politics and culture war stuff, they are serving their purpose for the network and the Dem Party, even if they are still just as conservative on the above issues I mentioned that actually affect most people's lives, that matter way more than the non-economic stuff, etc. Gee, I wonder if there's a reason why MSNBC never hires or puts on the air any true progressives or former Dem Party pols or operatives that are actually lefty on any issues that are economic or involving taxes, foreign policy or war? I think I already answered my own ?, as nobody openly critical of what Nader calls the duopoly, will ever be appearing on MSNBC, Fox News, or CNN.
In 2006, billionaire Warren Buffet said “There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, ...
rainmanjr comments on Feb 26, 2023:
Dems have been, by far, the better Party since LBJ got rid of the racists. Then we found out that we're all racists, and this can't be helped, so they were even the better Party before 1968. Ideal wise, of course, so they were our only hope. I went with them and have been POTUS Joe's most vocal ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 26, 2023:
Suit yourself, with all due respect, so far Biden has, in my mind, proven me totally right about him being a corporate, war-mongering sellout, who continues to betray the working class, side against unions, and drive most middle and lower class Americans into the arms of the Repubs. And by doing so, as well as running again for prez, he will most likely lead the party into defeat in two years, where he will be running against DeSantis or someone else just as evil and smart that is the Repub nominee, and that will result in total control in DC by the Repubs, if we don't have an insurrection before then that brings the same result in favor of the Repubs. And all the while, the DNC will sit by, behind the scenes, totally happy with either outcome, since for them, all that matters is keeping progressive candidates from ever becoming prez or having any real power in the Dem Party or in DC.
Republican Lawmaker Claims When Severe Child Abuse Victims Die - Govt Saves Money During a recent...
silverotter11 comments on Feb 26, 2023:
OH! *That* was an EXcellent report on the ideals of some Alaskans! 😏🤣😈
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 26, 2023:
Always comforting to know there are parts of America with worse politics than the South and the Midwest. Glad that Alaska is so far away from me. And yes, it does appear that in about all stories with a clear villain, they do identify with and cheer for the villain.
Let me see if I've got this straight.
Julie808 comments on Feb 22, 2023:
A child born to parents who do not want to be parents will get abused and if the child does get help by the abuse being reported to child services, the cost to tax payers is higher than paying for contraception or allowing a fetus to be aborted before it grows to be a baby and child with a hell of a...
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 22, 2023:
@FvckY0u I won't argue at all about him already knowing those things and possibly being evil. He is definitely a misogynist and enjoys the idea of controlling women.
Nothing stops the US Mail…
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Feb 21, 2023:
Good employee.
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 22, 2023:
Paid in tuna? Probably has nap times written into the work agreement by the union.
Red State Republicans Propose Using Children to Fill Labor Shortages Faced with low unemployment ...
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2023:
You know that if they let the children do the dangerous jobs, they won't survive to tax the social security system.
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 18, 2023:
Yup, it's a twofer for the greedy ruling class, that only wants to work us to death and then leave us nothing after we are no longer useful to them as slaves.
TX is so wicked that god is now actively throwing shit at them. []
KKGator comments on Feb 17, 2023:
I am bitterly disappointed. It should have been a MUCH bigger meteoroid.
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 17, 2023:
@K9JetLee999 Not surprising. They loves their guns in TX. Along with FL, they are states I would never live in, too much craziness combined with too many idiots with guns, not sane or safe enough for me.
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 17, 2023:
All of that is proof that we no longer have the rule of law and have also become a lawless country, where nobody who is rich and powerful is held accountable anymore, from either major party. Thus, we have become a clearly failed democracy, and I don't see it ever being reversed in my lifetime, if ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 17, 2023:
@rainmanjr I'm sure it would, but the major parties would never allow that to happen, since it would prevent them from getting votes by being the lesser evil, etc..
Kentucky bill raising abortion to homicide draws Republican pushback | PBS NewsHour
pamagain comments on Feb 16, 2023:
Of COURSE they want to subject women seeking abortions to murder charges! Is there any doubt????
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 16, 2023:
@Beowulfsfriend Welcome to the American version of Nazi Germany and Gilead of The Handmaid's Tale. Women get to be the new Jews in the concentration camps.
I apologize for the length of this post.
twill comments on Feb 15, 2023:
When it rains, it pours. There's something about not seeming desperate to women, when you have a woman " friend". 6 th sense of some kind that they have
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 15, 2023:
So true, as it seems the most important qualities in a man to single women in the dating game are, in no particular order: Not seeming desperate, having confidence in who he is and how he behaves around women, being honest and emotionally available, not being emotionally needy or clingy, and when a man has a few female friends who seem clearly to not be any kind of romantic competition for the woman, it makes the prospective woman feel he is someone safe as well as someone who is emotionally appealing to other women, and thus more appealing to her as probably being enjoyable to spend time with. In other words, the man, like a home for sale on the market, has that all important curb appeal going for him.
I wonder why that is?
racocn8 comments on Feb 13, 2023:
Utterly ridiculous and I'll bet his tax rate is below 20%
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 15, 2023:
@pamagain As Leona Helmsley said, quite candidly, " Taxes are only for the little people"....
'Last month, ICAN, through its attorneys, sent a letter to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)...
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 10, 2023:
Yet another example of how private industry has captured the govt. agency assigned to regulate them. Glad all commercial planes have two pilots, since we can no longer depend on the govt. to make sure the airlines provide us safe and healthy pilots, since that would get in the way of their max ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 10, 2023:
@BDair No shit, Sherlock. That would be openly admitting they really don't care if we die from a crash, unless, of course, our families sue them for wrongful death.
So for a while Whiskers would come and wake me up early leaving me short of sleep every day.
OldGoat43 comments on Feb 7, 2023:
We are all so happy that you paid attention to your master. He will reward you.
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 8, 2023:
Or not....
Not just your children, but the children of the world.
Garban comments on Jan 31, 2023:
Teach my children well, and hopefully they will change my diaper when I’m 90.😉
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 2, 2023:
You can hope, but only time will tell what they'll do when you're 90.
Careful y'all, the dates are getting litigious! Man sues woman for $2.
itsmeagain comments on Feb 1, 2023:
Personally I think she should sue him for all the time and energy she spent trying to appease him.
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 1, 2023:
He sounds rich enough to afford it.
Who can name him or what state he is from?
Garban comments on Jan 30, 2023:
Florida Republican senator and former governor Rick Scott aka Slenderman.
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 1, 2023:
He has also been called Skeletor...
It still amazes me how much more the typical agnostic/atheist knows more about the Bible than a ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 31, 2023:
It's the same thing as how so many foreigners who are well traveled and intelligent are actually much more informed and insightful about the US than all the native citizens here, who are instead ignorant and brainwashed about American exceptionalism and superiority. It is usually those outside a ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 1, 2023:
@rainmanjr Any kind of totalitarian society does that, including a supposedly communist one, like in Orwell's 1984, because the easiest way to control a population is by controlling history and information, rather than thru brute force all the time, thus, all totalitarian societies have their version of Orwell's memory hole in 1984.
55% of adults think Jesus will return to Earth (this includes 1% of atheists. []
Moravian comments on Jan 31, 2023:
You omitted "American" from your headline. We are not nearly so gullible in the UK
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 31, 2023:
Most Americans are more gullible, and it shows in our politics.
Where’s da bubbles? I needs bubbles!
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Jan 27, 2023:
Yes, you do!
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 28, 2023:
That is one spoiled cat!
MAGA Lawyer Brags about Coordinating 2021 ‘Supply Chain Crisis’ GOP Blamed on Biden While ...
glennlab comments on Jan 24, 2023:
How fucked up do you have to be to want to crash the whole of society so that your side can gain an advantage?
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 25, 2023:
I think you already have your answer, but I realize the ? was merely rhetorical anyway, but I'll give you an answer anyway. The same kind of fucked up that makes rich folks want to make the planet uninhabitable for anyone with climate change, just so they can become richer, and then escape the apocalypse into either outer space or their underground bunkers.
I had forgotten a jar of iced tea that I had put in the fridge around the end of summer I had ...
Lauren comments on Jan 24, 2023:
Eyew. No. Lots of disclaimers. That said, have you thought about growing a tray of bacteria and using the penicillin on that?
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 25, 2023:
@azzow2 Please do not start your own type of Covid virus there...
SARCASM WARNING: It’s Not a Gun Problem—Americans Are Just Super Extra Evil, Crazy, and Stupid ...
Fernapple comments on Jan 24, 2023:
And I thought Americans did not do irony.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 25, 2023:
I do, sarcasm and irony are second, and third, languages to me.
Monday morning cuteness
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Jan 16, 2023:
That's a lotta poofy.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 16, 2023:
Very poofy, fluffy kitty..
Never forgive, Never forget, this slime ball is waiting in the wings to run for POTUS one more time
Beowulfsfriend comments on Jan 15, 2023:
When living in Pennsylvania, I used to, on occasion, go to a coffee/tea shop (it also served as a cat rescue). One of the regulars had worked IT in Texas state capital, including the governor's office. He would talk about how truly stupid Perry was and how staffers lead him around and handed him ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 16, 2023:
From W. to Perry, it seems these days, those Texans really prefer governors that are witless good ole boys, rather than smart competent leaders. I guess they like feeling superior, or at least not threatened, by having a leader who is dimmer than them.
Alabama Attorney General Wants Women Who Use Abortion Pills Prosecuted Alabama Attorney General...
Betty comments on Jan 15, 2023:
Sure why not? Women who get pregnant should send the bills to this guy. He wants to force women to have babies then he can pay for that privilege along will every other politician that agrees with him.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 15, 2023:
But they will never agree to do that, plus these Repubs have no intention of ever adopting any of the unwanted babies either, nor will they ever support legislation to make life better or easier for single moms and their kids, like nutrition programs, day care, or welfare cash assistance, etc.. Such fucking hypocrites!
Anecdotal - 'This happened in Georgia in March of 2021.
KKGator comments on Jan 10, 2023:
Disingenuous, and incomplete. I've had the first two-shot dose, and three subsequent boosters. In addition to flu shots, pneumonia shots, and the shingles vaccine (also two shots). I've yet to contract covid. Haven't had the flu, pneumonia, or shingles. The covid vaccines work. I'm sick ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 11, 2023:
@BDair No one said it will prevent transmission or infection. The point is to prevent serious illness and death if you get it. I got it twice, once before vaccines were available and once after being vaxed and boosted, and am damn glad the shots were available. The first time with Covid, I was also damned glad the Regeneron treatment was available for me, due to my age and heart condition, instead of me possibly ending up in the hospital or dead. That treatment, no doubt, shortened my illness and kept me from getting worse. The second time was last summer, and I was grateful I didn't need to worry about serious illness or death the second time around, even without any treatment whatsover.
What is the most bizarre dream that you've ever had?
Davekp comments on Jan 7, 2023:
Went through a period of lucid dreaming in my 40’s. Could do a lot of Spiderman stuff.. climb building exteriors.. that kinda thing. Fun times. Don’t know why it started or stopped. I rarely have dreams I remember in the morning these days.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 7, 2023:
I remember when I was much younger, either as an adolescent or a young adult, I used to dream that I could even fly, on my own a fairly high distance above the ground, on my own, sort of gliding, like a bird or a bat, only without flapping anything, just floating. In those dreams, I could also jump really high too.
I want to get off my chest, it seems like a disproportionate amount of time I run into arguments ...
MacStriker comments on Jan 6, 2023:
Excellent survey! adding to each one based on experience with others: ... because that will make you happier... this i find usually comes from others who have high level of anxiety and or depression, or both. ... can't explain how you got here ... oh yea, this falls into the 'god-of-the-gaps' ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 6, 2023:
@MacStriker You got it, man. No fucking shit... Along the same line as the saying, "Going to church each week, makes you a good person or a good Christian, about as much as sleeping in a garage, makes you a car"....
I want to get off my chest, it seems like a disproportionate amount of time I run into arguments ...
Larimar comments on Jan 6, 2023:
Can't say the number of times I've been asked what would stopping me from killing someone......
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 6, 2023:
@anglophone Most of them are religious, just in a very twisted way, usually.
I want to get off my chest, it seems like a disproportionate amount of time I run into arguments ...
MacStriker comments on Jan 6, 2023:
Excellent survey! adding to each one based on experience with others: ... because that will make you happier... this i find usually comes from others who have high level of anxiety and or depression, or both. ... can't explain how you got here ... oh yea, this falls into the 'god-of-the-gaps' ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 6, 2023:
That last one is really stupid and not only shows their ignorance and bigotry towards non-believers, it also shows their arrogance that their religion is the only and superior way to be moral and ethical.
The sad truth!!!
Sticks48 comments on Jan 3, 2023:
I'm a veteran. My brother is a veteran, and our almost life long best friend is a veteran; and we feel exactly the same way. We remember separate bathrooms for "cololerd" people. In the three quarters of a century l have been here we have millions of people and a justice system which has advanced ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 3, 2023:
So true, Larry, but between the corporate media and our school system, the vast majority of Americans are brainwashed into buying all the fake patriotism surrounding our military and our endless wars of choice for the things you described. The ruling class has convinced almost all of the peasants, that the only way to be patriotic or show love of country, is to support the military, and our wars of choice, blindly, while serving in the military is seen as the only way to serve our country and be patriotic, etc., rather than by paying your fair share of taxes, standing up to unjust wars, standing up for the rights of oppressed people who are different from you, standing up against erosion of real civil liberties, or helping people who are in need, instead of petty things like wearing a mask to protect others from disease or for the right to discriminate or persecute people you hate or fear. Those last two sorts of "freedoms" and liberty, are the only ones the fascists care about...
It seems to me that fascists—whether they call themselves Blackshirts, Freikorps, Brownshirts, ...
puff comments on Jan 1, 2023:
What do you call what happened during covid then? Because to me there was a party pushing for all to be vaccinated and encouraged the demonisation and discrimination against those who did not comply. Any alternative narratives were actively suppressed, even those from very credible sources. From ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 2, 2023:
They were not encouraging violence or committing violence against those they were opposed to. I guess you didn't notice Jan. 6, did you? Those capital cops didn't just get injured or die on their own. Fuck off, get real, and start telling the truth, instead of your bogus false equivalencies..
Just think how much better the years 2017 -- 2020 could have been.
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 31, 2022:
I think more how much better the last six years would have been if we'd had Bernie as prez, but, suit yourself.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 31, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir Get bent.
Just think how much better the years 2017 -- 2020 could have been.
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 31, 2022:
I think more how much better the last six years would have been if we'd had Bernie as prez, but, suit yourself.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 31, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir Not related at all and certainly not comparable. Not going to debate you on it. You try and I block you, getting sick of your shit being an apologist for corporate Dems.. Gore was a terrible candidate, and a typical corporate Dem, same as Slick Willie. Running any kind of decent candidate against W., much less Nader, by the Dems, would have beaten W. easily...
Just think how much better the years 2017 -- 2020 could have been.
kmaz comments on Dec 30, 2022:
so who exactly is this? i see it's likely pete buttigieg going by some of the info
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 31, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir I can't stand Mayor Pete and look at how now his corruption is coming out in the open, as well as his screwing the railroad workers, along with Biden, over the recent contract dispute. I hate both him and Biden, for obvious reasons, and not because I am any kind of Rethug or conservative, because I am neither, so don't anybody try to smear me with that bullshit...
Continued Gains for Humanists and Atheists in the 2022 Election -
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 27, 2022:
I can tell you that the lone pol from Iowa is pissing in the wind at the state legislature, where she will serve, since Iowa is very much a one party state these days, and the Repub Party here is very controlled by the religious right. My state is very religious, and intolerant as well, of those who...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 27, 2022:
@OldMetalHead I live in one of the few urban areas of the state, where people mostly vote Dem. The other rare islands of that are uni towns and a large city on the eastern border of the state. So what happens in every statewide election, is the Dems run up the score with huge wins in those areas, but that is always wiped out by the rural voters, who make up the majority of the population here.
Wow, its great to be back. How's everyone been?
OldMetalHead comments on Dec 26, 2022:
I heard they stopped awarding t-shirts. Everything else is pretty much the same. Cheers!
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 26, 2022:
@OldMetalHead I've noticed very few members around here lately, and those that are appear to be mostly scammers, here to either sell or promote their products, or else people with fake profiles here to fleece lonely members out of money.
Wow, its great to be back. How's everyone been?
OldMetalHead comments on Dec 26, 2022:
I heard they stopped awarding t-shirts. Everything else is pretty much the same. Cheers!
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 26, 2022:
I wouldn't say that at all. Two things have changed big time. One is that the site no longer has an actively present admin., and not surprisingly, that has resulted in scammers running rampant on the site. Secondly, in the last couple years, most of the members of the community have left or become very inactive on the site. I would say it now appears that the site has maybe a couple hundred active members, at most, from the amount of activity in the groups and forums here.
Here's a chestnut that often comes up when a religious person finds out that I am an Atheist.
SnowyOwl comments on Dec 11, 2022:
I've found it to be a common theme amongst religious types that they feel that Atheists are more likely to be immoral, untrustworthy and even prone to criminal actions, this has been born out in numerous polls and studies. It's one of the reasons why so few politicians who are Atheists will ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 26, 2022:
@kmaz I think that Bernie knows that, here in America, identifying himself as an atheist would be an even greater kiss of death, to getting elected president, than even being labelled as a socialist. So he is keeping his non-belief to himself, tho he may change that sometime in the future, since he will never run again for president.
Conservatives are upset their kids don't want to spend Christmas with them
CuddyCruiser comments on Dec 25, 2022:
Like they’ll ever take responsibility for ANYTHING? In another life maybe.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 25, 2022:
They never do, along with never telling the truth or admitting hypocrisy...
As someone that spent too many years not doing this, I encourage everyone to begin as soon as ...
RusselHappy comments on Dec 24, 2022:
Many people’s lives are so empty they can only substitute work for it 😃
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 24, 2022:
I think the worst cases of that I have run into, are people at work who have such poor relationships with their spouses, that they refuse to retire, because they know it would blow up their already shaky marriage.
As someone that spent too many years not doing this, I encourage everyone to begin as soon as ...
RusselHappy comments on Dec 24, 2022:
Many people’s lives are so empty they can only substitute work for it 😃
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 24, 2022:
@RusselHappy I will be hard on the ones who reject me for not being enough of a "successful" white collar professional catch for them, because being that or not being that has absolutely nothing to do with whether I actually have as much money or more than the woman, as well as my relationship skills, relationship track record, what's in my heart, communication skills, common interests, etc. In other words, all the non-status things that actually make a relationship work. But these women seem to care way more about social status and having a catch they can brag about to friends and family. even tho that kind of thinking just ensures, most likely, that they will pick another guy that is incompatible for them, and rack up another failed relationship. In other words, these status seeking women care more about their bragging rights than about actually finding a good partner for them and having a successful relationship the next time. Status matters more to them than any other quality in a partner, and so I wish them all the unhappiness they deserve, for their fucked up choices based on that. There's a big diff between being a broke deadbeat guy, as you put it, and someone like me, who was steadily employed his whole life, worked hard, but had low status jobs the whole time, while still ending up widowed and seeking a partner again with enough money to retire early and live comfortably. In other words, I have all the qualities they are looking for, except the successful white collar career and the high social status, both of which are pretty shallow and foolish requirements, to be putting ahead of everything else in partner selection. Rich men look to marry trophy wives, these women look to marry success objects. To me, they are both sides of the same coin, and deserve equal scorn and criticism. Same mentality, opposite genders...
As someone that spent too many years not doing this, I encourage everyone to begin as soon as ...
RusselHappy comments on Dec 24, 2022:
Many people’s lives are so empty they can only substitute work for it 😃
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 24, 2022:
I know. I've met them. They fear retirement, because they have no idea what to do with it, and because they have made work their whole identity, as well. What they do for a living has always been one of the last things, rather than the first, that I ask someone when I meet them. And the same with online dating, it's about the last thing I ask them, because what I really care about is their interests and their values, which are what really matters to me, as far as compatibility, along with their personality type. Because, unlike most Americans, I don't choose a partner based on their work, but unfortunately, most well-educated, white collar professional women, at least in my local dating pool, still do...
Driving is a right a car is property , there's no reason for a license or registration nor taxes.
Druvius comments on Dec 22, 2022:
The Supreme Court settled this very issue some years back. No, driving a car isn't a right. No need to vote, you're simply wrong.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 23, 2022:
@laidback1 Fuck you asshole! I am grateful that our govt. didn't follow the delusions of assholes like you, who only care about yourself, and contribute to another couple million deaths by letting Covid run completely wild before the vaccines came out, vaccines that I'm sure you are too stupid and crazy to use.
How any woman can make herself instantly unattractive to any thinking man: wear a necklace with a ...
Betty comments on Dec 23, 2022:
Same goes for the men.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 23, 2022:
Sucks to be me, Betty, because in my local dating pool, the cross on a man is a great selling point, even if it's a phony gesture, because 80% of the single women are believers, so there are very few thinking women for me to pursue, and even then, there are three other guys, on average, for every one of me seeking them. It also seems that women like you, are also the least likely ones to ever use dating sites, at least in my area.
Driving is a right a car is property , there's no reason for a license or registration nor taxes.
Druvius comments on Dec 22, 2022:
The Supreme Court settled this very issue some years back. No, driving a car isn't a right. No need to vote, you're simply wrong.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 22, 2022:
He's not only wrong, he continually posts about his obsession with driver licenses..., which seems to border on paranoia....Read the room, give it a rest...
I'm tired of being single I needed a companion
Qwent-91 comments on Dec 21, 2022:
Yeah... Me too.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 22, 2022:
Who doesn't?
Marjorie Taylor Greene Angered Dildos Reportedly Sold by Kids' Toothbrushes
rainmanjr comments on Dec 18, 2022:
MTG plays to a specific crowd, which composes most of her District, and this is what they want from her. IDK what to do about it outside rolling my eyes.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 19, 2022:
She is just further proof of what has been that case since Slick Willie Clinton first came on the scene, with all of his bimbo eruptions, etc. That was the beginning of politics becoming entertainment for many Americans....
From our Stark Contrast Department:
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 17, 2022:
I wouldn't get too cheery about the Dem record. Food prices are still sky high, Assange is still getting shafted, DeJoy and Powell are still in their jobs, as Trump appointees, we traded Afghanistan for Ukraine, in the MIC making their profits, our manu jobs are still all overseas, corporations ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 18, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir I wouldn't hold my breath on that one, and even if he is, he will never serve time. By the time it might ever happen, he will be pardoned by the next Repub prez in two years.
I have been reading the dating profiles on Facebook.
glennlab comments on Dec 17, 2022:
You don't buy a car unless you've driven it, and marriage is a hell of a bigger investment than a car.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 18, 2022:
Another old saying is a man saying that before marrying a woman he would want to, like in buying a car, "Look under the hood", except, in those days, that meant having sex before marriage, which, in those days, was considered offensive and unacceptable to so-called respectable, Christian women. So the analogy between marriage and buying a car, at least in the old days, is a stretch... Since then, times have really changed, as nowadays, the young people seem to be interested in having sex first, the so-called "sex interview", to see if they enjoy each other enough sexually to even bother getting to know each other as people, then proceed to dating, then proceed to buying a house or at least living together, then having a kid, and then finally, and only lastly, getting married, if at all. So, everything appears to be mostly in reverse order, compared to the days when my parents met as single young people, except for maybe the sex part happening after marriage, but before living together and buying the house.
From our Stark Contrast Department:
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 17, 2022:
I wouldn't get too cheery about the Dem record. Food prices are still sky high, Assange is still getting shafted, DeJoy and Powell are still in their jobs, as Trump appointees, we traded Afghanistan for Ukraine, in the MIC making their profits, our manu jobs are still all overseas, corporations ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 17, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir None of that for the higher ups and leaders, so again, since it will be limited to the dupes and foot soldiers, I say it's mainly political theater. Believe what you like about it.
From our Stark Contrast Department:
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 17, 2022:
I wouldn't get too cheery about the Dem record. Food prices are still sky high, Assange is still getting shafted, DeJoy and Powell are still in their jobs, as Trump appointees, we traded Afghanistan for Ukraine, in the MIC making their profits, our manu jobs are still all overseas, corporations ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 17, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir The Trump tax cuts are still in place. The Dems and Biden are delivering on better Covid policy than Trump, as well as less hatred against the cultural groups the Repubs and their supporters hate, which is about all I expected from them. I hate being right so often. As far as getting votes from their followers, all the Repubs need to deliver to them is lower taxes for the rich and corporations, and continued hatred of the groups they all hate, that is it. And Jan. 6, is something the Repub followers are proud of, so the Dems never punishing the leaders behind that is also a big, hollow issue for them, motivating their supporters to vote Dem, but not anybody else, like me, who sees that it was all empty political theater. You can't consistently win elections based on "We suck less than them"...
A Republican Supermajority In Florida Is Ready To Shred Abortion Rights | HuffPost Latest News
Barnie2years comments on Dec 17, 2022:
Anyone of child baring age should leave the state. Let all those old Republicans fend for themselves.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 17, 2022:
I hear you, but that really smacks of privilege. See my comment below. The only solution I see, for those stuck there, is what the movie Call Jane is about, an underground abortion service run by women, but in FL they would be much more targeted than that group was, in the Chicago area in the late 60s and 70s. They had the mob and the cops looking out for them, because both groups were connected to women who needed their services, so they left them alone. I really doubt that would be as easy in FL these days.
A Republican Supermajority In Florida Is Ready To Shred Abortion Rights | HuffPost Latest News
rainmanjr comments on Dec 17, 2022:
State's rights to decide law. Don't like their laws? Don't go to FL or buy products from FL. If enough people do that they'll rethink those laws.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 17, 2022:
Boycotts like you propose can work, but they take a long time, sometimes decades. Look at South Africa. In the meantime, what are those women without resources or the ability to move away, supposed to do?
Do you have a hard to shop for Xstian on your holiday gift list?
DenoPenno comments on Dec 16, 2022:
Oh, why not? Sarah Palin talks to him on her cell phone. :)
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 16, 2022:
Something tells me that Sarah Palin hears, and talks to, other voices, that also aren't really there, besides Jesus....
Elon Musk Calls for the Prosecution of Anthony Fauci Over the weekend, Elon Musk took to his ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 13, 2022:
If anyone had doubt that Musk is a full-throated asshole. (Hate to break it to you, Johnny, but the Deep State/MIC is alive and well).
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 14, 2022:
So true. Epstein's convenient, mysterious :suicide" is all the proof you need about that, along with the treatment of Assange.
Looking for a new profile photo which one works the best?
FvckY0u comments on Dec 13, 2022:
Go with what picture best speaks to you or what you're trying to convey.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 13, 2022:
@azzow2 Some women want a comedian, some don't. I don't know how to advise you beyond that.
Said every cat at 3 am
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Dec 13, 2022:
It's warm dammit, what's the problem?
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 13, 2022:
Warmth is always the top priority with cats, in where they plant themselves. Like heat-seeking missiles, they will always land in the warmest spot in the house that they can get to..
Said every cat at 3 am
Garban comments on Dec 13, 2022:
“That new kibble gives me gas.”
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 13, 2022:
A woman I used to date had a cat that often farted either in her face or in her direction when near her, at times. I thought it was maybe a passive aggressive cat, lol! To my knowledge, she didn't get rid of the cat, tho probably a lot of people would have...
I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will...
ASTRALMAX comments on Dec 11, 2022:
True, until you do or say something that they find disagreeable and everything that you previously said that caused them to feel good is suddenly forgotten.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 12, 2022:
That is rather true, and I hate that, when people throw out all past credits you have with them, simply because in the moment, they are mad at you. It is very unfair, and I try to stay above that myself in how I deal with people.
Time of the year for mean comparisons
BDair comments on Dec 12, 2022:
That is not applicable to this particular 60 year old man.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 12, 2022:
@Betty Maybe that is the excuse tacky men use for sending dick pics to women on dating sites, to prove what they still have?
Has anyone seen the new friends feature on the Facebook dating?
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 12, 2022:
I am on FB, but know nothing about it. Does it cost you any $ if you are already on FB? I am wary of using it, as I could see the potential of scammers using it even more than normal dating sites. Scratch that. I looked it up on Google, there is no web version of it yet, probably never will be. You ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 12, 2022:
@azzow2 Not getting or learning how to use a smartphone just for that.
US leaders gather to discuss rights of nonreligious people across the world 'Discrimination against...
racocn8 comments on Dec 11, 2022:
Most people have an inkling of the cruelty and damage done by religious people. However, if people grasped more than this inkling... Even though people hear about the many atrocities, mass murders, and genocides, the sheer breadth and scope of evil-doing done in the name of Jesus is mind-boggling ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 12, 2022:
@CuddyCruiser In all honesty, the last US president I actually liked and respected, was Jimmy Carter, which figures, because he was a one-termer, that most people turned on as soon as the Iran hostage crisis happened, which was never his fault, just bad luck for him, that it happened on his watch, when he was not the one who set up the Shah there as a dictator.
US leaders gather to discuss rights of nonreligious people across the world 'Discrimination against...
racocn8 comments on Dec 11, 2022:
Most people have an inkling of the cruelty and damage done by religious people. However, if people grasped more than this inkling... Even though people hear about the many atrocities, mass murders, and genocides, the sheer breadth and scope of evil-doing done in the name of Jesus is mind-boggling ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 12, 2022:
@CuddyCruiser Totally with you, man. That is why I refuse to cave into the pressure to be bright-sided and optimistic about the future of America or the world, because the evidence for optimism, just isn't there, and hope really is another name, these days, for wishful or magical thinking..... And I am still disgusted at how Obama, used, and so many rubes bought into, and still do, his phony, manipulative advertising, for "Hope And Change", which I always knew was phony and bullshit, but most people still believe that shit about him and how wonderful things supposedly were during the Obama years and how great he was, etc.. It makes me want to puke when I hear the Dem loyalists spout that shit and treat me as if I am the delusional, crazy one, instead of them...


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Freethinker, Spiritual
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