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What is the silliest profile comment you've seen on a singles dating site?
racocn8 comments on Jul 4, 2022:
Going back into my archives: "One can always see precisely why these women are single: 1. The women are altogether full of themselves, and they’ve written a small book singing their own praises for a profile. Their book list is either 40 lines long, or double-spaced to impress(?). 2. They have ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 8, 2022:
@Gwendolyn2018 Not--------------- taking--------------------- bait. I would block you, but that would give you too much satisfaction..... I much prefer watching you stew...
What is the silliest profile comment you've seen on a singles dating site?
TheoryNumber3 comments on Jul 5, 2022:
The other thing I noticed about the scammers is that they tend to have one of the following occupations -Military personnel -Work for some large international organization -Petrochemical engineers -Orthopedic surgeons. Also..... -Generally cannot correctly spell the name...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 8, 2022:
@TheoryNumber3 It's readable for me, but you're right, it is in a strange sort of format and print style.
What is the silliest profile comment you've seen on a singles dating site?
racocn8 comments on Jul 4, 2022:
Going back into my archives: "One can always see precisely why these women are single: 1. The women are altogether full of themselves, and they’ve written a small book singing their own praises for a profile. Their book list is either 40 lines long, or double-spaced to impress(?). 2. They have ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 8, 2022:
@TheoryNumber3 I'm widowed and not at all looking for someone exactly like my late wife, who was not perfect, and neither am I. I just want someone compatible. But you wouldn't believe the number of divorced women who ignorantly assume that I AM looking for someone exactly like my late wife, and that I felt she was perfect, etc. It just shows that they are defensive and also that they would rather cynically assume the worst about all widowed men, instead of actually giving them a fair chance, a clean slate and getting to know them as individuals. But that would take too much humility and effort on their part, so they would rather make knee-jerk assumptions about all widowed men and just refuse to date widowed men, instead sticking with only men who are divorced, like them, preferring to just stick with the familiar, rather than take a risk. I also suspect that many of them are actually more interested in finding a man who understands and sympathizes with their emotional hurt from the divorce than in finding a compatible partner. If that is the case., maybe they should just get a therapist, instead of trying to meet that need solely thru a dating partner. What did Einstein say about continuing to do the same thing (sticking with only divorced men) and expecting different results? I agree with the rest of your comment. At least the divorced men seem to be trying something different than just dating the same kind of woman they divorced.....
What is the silliest profile comment you've seen on a singles dating site?
MichelleGar1 comments on Jul 4, 2022:
I found this meme! Lol
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 7, 2022:
@MichelleGar1 No doubt! So did one of my friends, a 71 yo widowed woman. She ran across a guy on Match that seemed very lonely and just wanted to talk her ear off about what he had on his mind. She never met him in person and ended up blocking him.
What is the silliest profile comment you've seen on a singles dating site?
racocn8 comments on Jul 4, 2022:
Going back into my archives: "One can always see precisely why these women are single: 1. The women are altogether full of themselves, and they’ve written a small book singing their own praises for a profile. Their book list is either 40 lines long, or double-spaced to impress(?). 2. They have ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 7, 2022:
@Gwendolyn2018 Chill out, Gwen. Not interested in rehashing past arguments with you. Don't you ever learn from them? Might want to up your sedative.
What is the silliest profile comment you've seen on a singles dating site?
racocn8 comments on Jul 4, 2022:
Going back into my archives: "One can always see precisely why these women are single: 1. The women are altogether full of themselves, and they’ve written a small book singing their own praises for a profile. Their book list is either 40 lines long, or double-spaced to impress(?). 2. They have ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 7, 2022:
@Gwendolyn2018 I saw it, still needed to be said.
Bojos obit []
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 7, 2022:
This Boris Johnson sounds an awful lot like Trump. Maybe our two countries could have traded leaders a while back, in some sort of international asshole exchange program, like we do with high school students..
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 7, 2022:
@273kelvin Sounds like a win-win for both countries...
For discriminating shoppers only :) []
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 7, 2022:
This is from an evangelical TV network, right? Because this woman sure reminds of the SNL Church Lady...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 7, 2022:
@glennlab Figures..
What is the silliest profile comment you've seen on a singles dating site?
Garban comments on Jul 4, 2022:
“I’m a people person.”🤔 “Honesty is important to me.”🥴 “Love is a journey, not a destination.”🧀⚽️
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 7, 2022:
I see those cliches all the time in profiles. In my experience, the ones that crow about honesty turn out to be anything but that themselves. Again, like I said above, projection much?
What is the silliest profile comment you've seen on a singles dating site?
FvckY0u comments on Jul 4, 2022:
I currently have a profile on a dating site. It's designed to irritate and offend; A few observations I've made regarding this site. To all the women that prominently display their breasts. I hope you find a man to suck on them. To all the women that want to find a man that makes you laugh. ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 7, 2022:
Pretty well tells it like it is. I have no doubt it succeeds in irritating and offending, but I love to do that too myself.
What is the silliest profile comment you've seen on a singles dating site?
MichelleGar1 comments on Jul 4, 2022:
I found this meme! Lol
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 7, 2022:
And she looks like an angry mud hen! As Jim Carrey would say, " Well, alrighty then!'...
What is the silliest profile comment you've seen on a singles dating site?
racocn8 comments on Jul 4, 2022:
Going back into my archives: "One can always see precisely why these women are single: 1. The women are altogether full of themselves, and they’ve written a small book singing their own praises for a profile. Their book list is either 40 lines long, or double-spaced to impress(?). 2. They have ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 7, 2022:
@TheoryNumber3, @Gwendolyn2018 So what else is new, ladies? Women do the same thing. If the guy is smoking hot, the woman throws out her whole shopping list of qualifications and traits for men that she has in her profile...
What is the silliest profile comment you've seen on a singles dating site?
racocn8 comments on Jul 4, 2022:
Going back into my archives: "One can always see precisely why these women are single: 1. The women are altogether full of themselves, and they’ve written a small book singing their own praises for a profile. Their book list is either 40 lines long, or double-spaced to impress(?). 2. They have ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 7, 2022:
@TheoryNumber3 I've recently seen a couple men in public wearing T-shirts making snark of that "Walks on the beach" crap, The shirt says, " I like to take long romantic walks thru the hardware store"!
What is the silliest profile comment you've seen on a singles dating site?
BitFlipper comments on Jul 5, 2022:
The dumbest ones I can think of are the ones who say "scammers swipe left" as if they would. That's an open invitation to get scammed!
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 7, 2022:
@Gwendolyn2018 I used to see women all the time on Match that said the same thing about game players. And in most cases, they turned out to be the biggest game players. Can you say projection? I thought you could....
What is the silliest profile comment you've seen on a singles dating site?
SeaGreenEyez comments on Jul 5, 2022:
It wasn't on a profile, but years ago I got a message that has stuck with me for decades, literally. It was: "I wood like to meat you." Yep, I'll beat he did wanna meat me. He did not meat me, just so we're clear. 😜😜😜😜
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 7, 2022:
Ok, so he obviously couldn't spell. At least he didn't say something serial killer, like " I want to wear your skin on my face"....
What is the silliest profile comment you've seen on a singles dating site?
TheoryNumber3 comments on Jul 5, 2022:
The other thing I noticed about the scammers is that they tend to have one of the following occupations -Military personnel -Work for some large international organization -Petrochemical engineers -Orthopedic surgeons. Also..... -Generally cannot correctly spell the name...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 7, 2022:
@TheoryNumber3 It's readable now.
Bojos obit []
Marionville comments on Jul 7, 2022:
When is a resignation not a resignation? ….when it’s Boris Johnson making a public resignation speech complaining he’s being ousted unfairly and never mentioning the word resign!
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 7, 2022:
This guy would be so at home in the American GOP, same masterful way they issue a non-apology whenever they get caught at something. Also the same as Trump issuing a non-concession speech or telling his supporters to go home on Jan. 6 while calling them lovely people and saying nothing about how wrongly they had acted on that day.
Bojos obit []
FvckY0u comments on Jul 7, 2022:
I would be very pleased to hear this gentleman's humorous report on politics in the USA. Well said from our friend across the pond.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 7, 2022:
@273kelvin I love the way this guy holds nothing back. He is better than any comedian we have over here on talking about politics.
Christian activist: I 'pray with' Supreme Court justices ruling on my cases
DenoPenno comments on Jul 7, 2022:
Not acceptable at all. This is almost on the level of giving someone a trial before you hang them when you knew in advance that you would hang them.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 7, 2022:
Yeah, it smacks of what Judge Roy Bean is reputed to have said, " We're going to give that man a first-class trial followed by a first-class hanging".....
The Nightly News | George Carlin | The Smothers Brothers Show (1975) - YouTube
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 6, 2022:
Does anybody know who was playing the rich woman in the sketch? Same with the beauty queen. Was that the same actress?
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 7, 2022:
@piphirho Thanks.
There have been, on average, 11 mass shootings per week so far this year in the USA.
noworry28 comments on Jul 6, 2022:
Yep nothing ever changes.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 7, 2022:
@jlynn37 You are right about that. There will be civil war, first initiated by our enemies on the right and then joined by people like me on the left, because by then, my side will no longer have a choice but to fight in the streets or be killed if not already put into camps. It will be Serbia/Kosovo, only over here.
They forgot teachers.
Garban comments on Jul 6, 2022:
Cheney has screwed up political positions but at least she deals in reality.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 7, 2022:
I still haven't figured out her motives, but I am just grateful that her and Kinzinger or whatever his name is, are willing to seek truth and deal in reality, instead of lies and dogma of the Trump cult...
Americans Have Lost Confidence in Government, Religion, but Not Unions
ClassicalRebel comments on Jul 6, 2022:
Unions have done nothing for me and my fellow workers, they are just as uncaring and untrustworthy as management.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 7, 2022:
It varies greatly from place to place, union local to union local, and industry to other industries. But one thing you can bet your ass on, without unions and a strong socialist movement in America's past, we would never have had a middle class, medical benefits for average workers, paid holidays, an 8 hour day, a 40 hour week, workplace safety regs and laws, etc. Those things didn't happen just because of the Great Depression and they sure as hell didn't happen out of the goodness of the hearts of big business or employers.... And most of the progress did not happen non-violently, most of them were paid for with the blood and even the lives of many people killed by strikebreakers and private cops hired by the employers.... But school history books rarely, if ever talk about those things, so most Americans, except for those who have been in unions, don't even know that history...
Professor Cox Richardson making a lot of sense as per usual. []
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 5, 2022:
Link says Page Not Available...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 6, 2022:
@silverotter11 Glad the problem was not me. I am too afraid to put it up too high, in case I get drawn away from the video and forget to lower the volume later if I stopped watching it for good. I could start watching another video and then blow out my eardrums...
Professor Cox Richardson making a lot of sense as per usual. []
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 5, 2022:
Link says Page Not Available...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 6, 2022:
@silverotter11 Maybe I will try it again tomorrow.
Americans Have Lost Confidence in Government, Religion, but Not Unions
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 6, 2022:
It all depends on the union, some of them are honest, some are corrupt. Some are actually on the side of the their rank and file members, some have leaders that are more on the side of Repubs and management than the workers. Nowadays most of the unions that are still left, are public employees ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 6, 2022:
@Barnie2years I was a member of ASFCME and began paying dues a week after they became my representative. I wish I could have stayed a member after I left that job and the Merit system it was in, but the job was killing my back and I couldn't stay in it. It was the only union job I ever had and it had by far the best benefits and pay I ever had, before or since. I too am retired, for the last four years.
Professor Cox Richardson making a lot of sense as per usual. []
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 5, 2022:
Link says Page Not Available...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 6, 2022:
@silverotter11 Either I am going deaf or this is recorded way too low on the volume. I am not going to watch it if I have to turn my laptop volume up to near maximum volume.
DeSantis signs Bill into Law making students and faculty profess their religious and political views
bookofmorons comments on Jul 6, 2022:
No one expects "The Florida Inquisition"
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 6, 2022:
I can see it now, just like the Monty Python sketch, " We have three.... four chief weapons: Surprise.... and a fanatical devotion to De Santis and Trump!"..... I want the comfy chair, when they come for me....
DeSantis signs Bill into Law making students and faculty profess their religious and political views
JonnaBononna comments on Jul 5, 2022:
Also, how terrifying is it that if Trump isn't the repugnantan candidate in '24, DeSantis will be?
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 5, 2022:
Either those two or Cruz...
DeSantis signs Bill into Law making students and faculty profess their religious and political views
Sticks48 comments on Jul 5, 2022:
No wonder Florida is shaped like a nutless, placid dick.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 5, 2022:
That one is priceless, Larry!
DeSantis signs Bill into Law making students and faculty profess their religious and political views
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Jul 5, 2022:
Geezus H.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 5, 2022:
Jeeezus H. Christ on a stick, or a cracker, as you prefer.....
DeSantis signs Bill into Law making students and faculty profess their religious and political views
Organist1 comments on Jul 5, 2022:
Well, this is bound to enrage a close friend of mine who is a retired university president living in Florida. They're going to end up with no professors or colleges, which is probably what he wants. A state with no education is one that will blindly follow him. Won't someone quickly challenge that ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 5, 2022:
@Organist1 I've been saying this for decades... This is not the 60s anymore. Asking nicely and appealing to conscience doesn't work anymore. Winning against the Repubs requires playing hardball and playing dirty sometimes, because winning really is everything now and people no longer respect someone who does not fight hard. They only respect warriors who get results, which is why Reagan was popular with the working class, even tho his policies weren't, because he was a warrior in how he did politics. Americans do not get nuance. They only get who appears to actually be fighting for them and who isn't. That is why Bernie Sanders and Trump were the most two popular pols in America in recent years. One was a total liar about fighting for the working class and the other wasn't. But what does that tell you about how people think when it comes to supporting pols? That what matters, even more than results, is who appears to be a fighter for their policies and who isn't.
DeSantis signs Bill into Law making students and faculty profess their religious and political views
Organist1 comments on Jul 5, 2022:
Well, this is bound to enrage a close friend of mine who is a retired university president living in Florida. They're going to end up with no professors or colleges, which is probably what he wants. A state with no education is one that will blindly follow him. Won't someone quickly challenge that ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 5, 2022:
Yup, he is wanting to join Alabama and Mississippi, to see which state can have the most ignorant, uninformed residents, the easier for corrupt, lying pols to control and manipulate them.
Fourth Of July Shooting Suspect Robert E. Crimo Attended Trump Rally in a Where's Waldo Costume
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 5, 2022:
Let's see: Mentally ill. Trump fan. Gun lover. Mass shooter. Why are none of us here surprised to see this combination of traits in the same person? Ever since I first saw the photo of this creep, he looked to me like the typical kind of smug, young punk that I would just as soon smack in the face ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 5, 2022:
@SeaGreenEyez Your description of the film sounds bad enough. I'll take your word on it and not watch any of it. I'm not surprised so many people still buy all this crazy shit and lies. There are many people in America that seem to have lost all touch with reality. We are undoubtedly having the same kind of mass insanity as Nazi Germany. The only ? is whether it will play out the same as that or something slightly different. Sounds like some of your co-workers are developing tears in their tin foil hats, and the invisible rays are getting into their brains....
MAGA Host and Rep.
Sticks48 comments on Jul 4, 2022:
The stupid vote Republican because they hate and fear the same people. The rich vote Republican because they don't want to pay their fair share of taxes, and their laws like punishing doctors and women for getting abortions never affect them. They have the money to get around those types of laws.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 5, 2022:
That is why the party is so much more unified than the Dems. It's a much smaller tent: the stupid, the rich, and the religious. Guess which of the three is using the other two?
[] Mick Wallace, Member of the European Parliament
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 4, 2022:
I like the way he doesn't dress like a member of the ruling class and instead more like one of us peasants, gives him extra credibility to me. I like this guy even more than Bernie. He tells the simple truth, but even more powerfully. I bet they are afraid of him over there. Instead of wearing the ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 4, 2022:
@rogerbenham That could well be it too.
[] Mick Wallace, Member of the European Parliament
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 4, 2022:
I like the way he doesn't dress like a member of the ruling class and instead more like one of us peasants, gives him extra credibility to me. I like this guy even more than Bernie. He tells the simple truth, but even more powerfully. I bet they are afraid of him over there. Instead of wearing the ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 4, 2022:
@rogerbenham I'm not surprised most of them are starting to dress the same. Why not? They have plenty of practice trading fashion notes with their regular meetings at the Davos summits, etc.
Bill Maher Has a Different Take on White Privilege | Howie Mandel Does Stuff 69
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 4, 2022:
I couldn't listen to all in one go...I'll come back to it later. But as far as pot goes, I'm like Bill: long time user but not addicted. It's just something I enjoy occasionally.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 4, 2022:
@rainmanjr Politically Incorrect was a great show, more in spite of Maher than because of him. The guests were what kept me tuning in to it. It was hilarious to watch lefties demolish conservatives without someone standing between them to moderate or defend the conservatives. So cool to see people say what they really feel without having to worry about keeping their commentator jobs with a cable news network, something you know really limits the range of what you can say nowadays on a cable news network show, where you have to stay within the talking points of both major parties or you will never be allowed to appear again on them.
Given that the United States is diving head first into the cesspool of theocracy, what can we ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 4, 2022:
I forgot to add: Discrimination against anyone for any reason becomes legal.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 4, 2022:
Yeah, it's pretty much like the series of The Purge movies, only instead of for 24 hours one day a year, if you are part of the group in power, you can do whatever you want, anytime you want, to oppress others who are not in your group. Nobody outside the top group has any rights and the government and law enforcement are only there to protect the group in power and persecute the rest. Welcome to hell on earth. No country worth even surviving in, for someone like me. The only reason left to live, in my mind, would be to kill as many of the fascists as possible on my way out of this life...
[] Mick Wallace, Member of the European Parliament
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 4, 2022:
I like the way he doesn't dress like a member of the ruling class and instead more like one of us peasants, gives him extra credibility to me. I like this guy even more than Bernie. He tells the simple truth, but even more powerfully. I bet they are afraid of him over there. Instead of wearing the ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 4, 2022:
@rogerbenham I agree that American pols, at least the men, all wear suits because it is the uniform of power. Glad this guy rejects it. I dress casual all the time and feel no need to dress fashionably upscale, because I do not identify with upper middle class people and want to make that clear in my clothing, rather than risk being lumped in with them on appearance. My one suit is for funerals and weddings, that's it. I'm not interested in impressing most people. Like you, I am probably to the left of Bernie, but in America, that doesn't really matter much, because we are never going to get anyone to the left of him as a leader, at least not in my lifetime.
Here is step by step instructions, including a template, on how to fight the overturning of Roe v ...
Barnie2years comments on Jul 4, 2022:
She highly over estimates the degree that most Republicans care about the majority of Americans. For one thing, the majority in many of their states that elected them are Right Wing Christian Nationalists. There is a reason the most populous states on the coasts are Blue and the mid country and ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 4, 2022:
Yup, when it comes to statewide elections in my red state of Iowa, as far as having any impact on the outcome, my vote has about as much effect as a fart in the wind, as someone else on Agnostic said recently. Same thing with writing to the Repub pols from here who serve in congress or the state government. I won't waste my time with the latter. As far as writing letters to the editor, that is also a waste of time, unless one is out for an ego trip, since almost nobody reads the Des Moines Register anymore and a letter to them would serve no purpose other than letting other people know they aren't alone in agreeing with your opinion, but it would have no effect on public policy. The days of letters like that having any effect are long gone, at least around where I live.
My latest rant.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 4, 2022:
I have always seen conservatives as basically selfish and progressives as being more generous towards others and more interested in the greater good than their own self interest.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 4, 2022:
@FvckY0u Well you are certainly right about all that. It really is more about up and down, rather than left and right, like the Occupy Movement said so well, the 1% against the 99%. Everything else is mostly just a distraction. It is all about those with all the money and power against those who don't. With all the bought pols in DC in the middle working to keep the lid on things and serve the 1% while pretending to care about the 99% just long enough to get their votes and then forget about them in between elections.
My latest rant.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 4, 2022:
I have always seen conservatives as basically selfish and progressives as being more generous towards others and more interested in the greater good than their own self interest.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 4, 2022:
@FvckY0u My attitude is that they can "feel" as compassionate as they want, in their own minds, or be as Christlike as they want in their individual acts, but as long as they support fascist Repubs, in my mind they are neither compassionate nor Christian. They have sold out their religion for political power and they are both hypocrites and their religion no longer has any moral legitimacy to me either.
It is very difficult for me to enjoy this Independence Day when 167.
mischl comments on Jul 4, 2022:
I'm feeling sad for my country. I didn't even put my flag out today.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 4, 2022:
These days I feel like what is the point of having an American flag out? Seems like at least half the time anyway the flag is being flown at half mast for some mass shooting or death of someone important. So frequent that most people have no idea what the reason is during that particular period for it not flying at full height..
My latest rant.
Theresa_N comments on Jul 4, 2022:
I would say liberalism is for the status quo while progressiveism is for moving forward..
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 4, 2022:
@FvckY0u Some less than others. I vote third party every chance I get, so my hands are cleaner... and in primaries, I always vote for the most progressive Dem, which means I almost always lose, but I can have a cleaner conscience than most liberals, for sure...
My latest rant.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 4, 2022:
I have always seen conservatives as basically selfish and progressives as being more generous towards others and more interested in the greater good than their own self interest.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 4, 2022:
@FvckY0u That may be true that many conservatives are church goers that are generous to strangers, etc., but at the same time, I bet those same conservatives vote for Repubs like Trump that are NOT generous or compassionate towards others, and to me that matters just as much or more than mission trips that conservatives go on or what they contribute to strangers. In other words, their individual acts of mercy and charity are more than undone by their political support of uncompassionate Repubs who want to dominate and oppress those who are different than them.
My latest rant.
Theresa_N comments on Jul 4, 2022:
I would say liberalism is for the status quo while progressiveism is for moving forward..
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 4, 2022:
Agreed, I don't see most liberals as much better than the conservatives these days. The liberals don't care about changing the status quo, as far as economic equality that would cost them or corporate America anything. Instead, they only seem to care about PC, identity politics, and preventing theocracy. Well it's their indifference to economic reform, and the working class, as well as their support for corporate Dems and the DNC, that have given us Trump and now the very real threat of theocracy coming here soon. They deserve as much blame for all that as the Repubs...
Doing the Numbers Tomorrow we celebrate our nation's birthday.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 3, 2022:
No offense, but people use paragraphs for a reason....
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 4, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir Thank you. I will attempt to read it again.
Doing the Numbers Tomorrow we celebrate our nation's birthday.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 3, 2022:
No offense, but people use paragraphs for a reason....
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 4, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir I haven't and I probably have a lot of company in that. And that may be be at least partly because of his style.
Just curious what most others think.
cyaegha comments on Jul 3, 2022:
I am happy with the block function available to me on this site, but also appreciate the idea of a site moderator to ban scammers, trolls etc. It just makes the site a bit more pleasant to navigate if I encounter fewer of those posts in the first place, or if someone who causes trouble in some ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 4, 2022:
@cyaegha Thanks.
Just curious what most others think.
cyaegha comments on Jul 3, 2022:
I am happy with the block function available to me on this site, but also appreciate the idea of a site moderator to ban scammers, trolls etc. It just makes the site a bit more pleasant to navigate if I encounter fewer of those posts in the first place, or if someone who causes trouble in some ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 3, 2022:
Right now that type of moderation appears to be mostly absent, as far as I can tell. While I agree with you about policing scammers, I don't agree with you regarding trolls and repeat troublemakers in groups. Because the vast majority of us are mature enough to deal with trolls and troublemakers on our own by either ignoring them or blocking them, We don't need Big Brother to defend us against them. And also because it is easy for moderators to play favorites and let those they like get by with being assholes and others get booted for lesser behavior. I am a socialist and I demand equality, something you rarely get from those with power. So I am rightfully distrustful of giving power to people with no accountability for practicing favoritism, something I have seen practiced over and over in my lifetime by people with undeserved power. I am not a Libertarian by any means, but on a site like this, I say let people protect themselves as much as possible rather than group mods or site modes refereeing things, since it seems like most mods can't be fair in handling conflicts between members.
So the guy I've been crushing on chose someone else.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 1, 2022:
Sounds like too much of an age difference to begin with. I lose out all the time in the online dating game, just have to roll with it. A woman gets interest from a whole bunch of men, then begins messaging with maybe ten of them, or more. Ends up meeting six of them in person, then chooses a couple ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 3, 2022:
@UrsiMajor Sounds impressive. Glad to hear he doesn't sing country like Willie, not that I don't like Nelson. I just hate the genre, esp. the newer country and the bro-country bullshit... To me the latter stuff is music for morons who just want to hear the same formulaic cliches repeated over and over in every song along with all the twang in the singer's voice and a steel guitar. Nothing intelligent people would enjoy..
A joke about second hand cars.
Julie808 comments on Jul 3, 2022:
Yes, I believe you are right about that. I spent a good 2-3 hours one Saturday, looking at cars with my father and bought my first car that afternoon. Lucky for me, my dad was fond of Mustangs, so I had a pretty cool car for my hard earned baby sitting money of $900. I spent at least 20 years ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 3, 2022:
@Julie808 I hope that is true and that more people are actually examining what they are told to think and how to live. Life should be a process in which we make conscious, well-thought out choices, at least concerning what we do with our lives, like having kids, going to college, where to live, what political views to have, what groups to join, what causes to support, who to partner with, etc., rather than just falling into our choices, like most Americans seem to do, either out of pressure to conform from peers, parents, or society. Most people seem to be very lazy intellectually and morally, they just go with whatever the majority of people around them are doing, because fitting in matters more to them than anything else. The people on this site are, or appear to be in my experience, way more non-conformist than most Americans, and along with that, they seem to be more intellectual, more politically left wing, and also more independent. And I think all of those are good and positive qualities. Too bad we are such a minority in our country.
So the guy I've been crushing on chose someone else.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 1, 2022:
Sounds like too much of an age difference to begin with. I lose out all the time in the online dating game, just have to roll with it. A woman gets interest from a whole bunch of men, then begins messaging with maybe ten of them, or more. Ends up meeting six of them in person, then chooses a couple ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 3, 2022:
@UrsiMajor I am with you on rejecting traditional lifestyle. Have to disagree with the rest of it. I hate country music and would never date someone who was the female equivalent of him, since there would always be too much competition for them, but I am average looking and you are not, I'm guessing, so you might be able to compete with the other women who are after him. I don't get the contradiction, you said he was a rocker, but that he sings like Willie Nelson?
A joke about second hand cars.
Redheadedgammy comments on Jul 3, 2022: When I first saw this movie and heard this song, I had my aha moment about religion!
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 3, 2022:
It applies to religion, prejudice, or any ideology, for that matter...
A joke about second hand cars.
Julie808 comments on Jul 3, 2022:
Yes, I believe you are right about that. I spent a good 2-3 hours one Saturday, looking at cars with my father and bought my first car that afternoon. Lucky for me, my dad was fond of Mustangs, so I had a pretty cool car for my hard earned baby sitting money of $900. I spent at least 20 years ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 3, 2022:
I would also add that most people end up having kids without ever really putting much thought into the decision. They simply become parents because it's what everyone else does and what they are expected to do. Conformity is so American, despite the myth of rugged individualism here.
So the guy I've been crushing on chose someone else.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 1, 2022:
Sounds like too much of an age difference to begin with. I lose out all the time in the online dating game, just have to roll with it. A woman gets interest from a whole bunch of men, then begins messaging with maybe ten of them, or more. Ends up meeting six of them in person, then chooses a couple ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 2, 2022:
@UrsiMajor So it's all about the physical chemistry or attraction. Great for a fling or casual relationship, not for the long haul. It all depends on what you want..
It must be silly season! I put this under dating for real people only because I didn't know what ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 1, 2022:
Maybe it's the same guy, but my 71 yo widowed friend on Match was recently contact by an 80 yo guy that had the same kind of behavior. She blocked him on Match and I told her to report him to the site, as he wouldn't stop bugging her.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 1, 2022:
@Organist1 Yeah, we are like that internet meme where we are a man or woman on a dating site that connects with a new person and inside we are saying, "Please be as weird as I am"..... And yes, some people are only interested in looks. I have run across a few women in my Match dating pool that are white professional women and they are only interested in dating black men who are well below them in education level. It's not hard to decipher their intent, they want a hot-looking stud that is not their social equal, that they can have casual sex with. That is their business, but now that Match has taken away our ability to view things like that in the member's traits checklist of their profile, we have no way of knowing who wants an outlier like us and who doesn't. We have to strike out blindly, as men, and message women with no idea whether they will reject us on some trait this is different from them on any traits, unless the women specifically mention it in their profile essay. And few people are going to do that, esp. in my local dating pool, because in Iowa conflict is greatly feared, and everybody is told that in online dating, you are never supposed to mention any negative things in a profile essay. Hence, we are almost always left in the dark about what traits they are looking for. Most people just write a bunch of cliche platitudes in their profile essays, which makes it really frustrating for men, since in my area, the man is usually expected to pursue the women and make the first message, not the other way around.
For many evangelical Christians, God and guns are inextricably linked
rainmanjr comments on Jun 29, 2022:
I think every lib should get armed, arm their children (at any age), and once the media takes note of all the money suddenly exchanged for firearms we should declare open season on Christians. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 1, 2022:
@rainmanjr No worries, high or not, we all make mistakes in attribution on the net, so no one should get excited about it.
For many evangelical Christians, God and guns are inextricably linked
rainmanjr comments on Jun 29, 2022:
I think every lib should get armed, arm their children (at any age), and once the media takes note of all the money suddenly exchanged for firearms we should declare open season on Christians. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 1, 2022:
@rainmanjr Actually, I think you are referring to the folk rock band The Byrds, who had a hit song based on the words of Ecclesiastes, not Psalms, called "Turn, Turn, Turn"... Showing my Boomer age here.
It must be silly season! I put this under dating for real people only because I didn't know what ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 1, 2022:
Maybe it's the same guy, but my 71 yo widowed friend on Match was recently contact by an 80 yo guy that had the same kind of behavior. She blocked him on Match and I told her to report him to the site, as he wouldn't stop bugging her.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 1, 2022:
@Organist1 True, it is the same with me. No doubt that, like most non-believers, we are outliers in our dating pools, and the people that are fellow outliers, few that they are rare that they come along in the online dating pool, will probably have few others to choose from besides us at any given time. My statements about competition are probably more true for people who are much more mainstream in culture and lifestyle than us.
For many evangelical Christians, God and guns are inextricably linked
rainmanjr comments on Jun 29, 2022:
I think every lib should get armed, arm their children (at any age), and once the media takes note of all the money suddenly exchanged for firearms we should declare open season on Christians. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 1, 2022:
@rainmanjr Bringing superior intellect, superior knowledge or morality and non-violence to a gun fight doesn't usually end well. Take a look at what happened to the pacifist White Rose Society in Hitler's Germany. They were all hanged...
It must be silly season! I put this under dating for real people only because I didn't know what ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 1, 2022:
Maybe it's the same guy, but my 71 yo widowed friend on Match was recently contact by an 80 yo guy that had the same kind of behavior. She blocked him on Match and I told her to report him to the site, as he wouldn't stop bugging her.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 1, 2022:
@Organist1 While it is true that some singles on dating sites are more selective than others, the reality is that whenever a new member joins a site, no matter what gender, if they are above average-looking or better, they get way more attention and interest than those who are average looking or worse. This is also basically true even after they have been on the site a while. So people can rationalize all they want about how online dating is not competitive, but if they are interested in dating someone who is better looking than most, there is always a lot of competition for them, assuming all other things are equal or compatible between the people, like interests, religion, kids situation, etc.. Even if you are so selective that you never are considering more than one man at a time for dating, if the man you are interested in is less selective and open to dating women are have some differences from you, then you are certainly in competition with those women.
For many evangelical Christians, God and guns are inextricably linked
rainmanjr comments on Jun 29, 2022:
I think every lib should get armed, arm their children (at any age), and once the media takes note of all the money suddenly exchanged for firearms we should declare open season on Christians. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 1, 2022:
@rainmanjr I agree with you that bullies and fascists only respond to strong aggression being mounted against them. They only understand power. This is not like some program to change school bullies by reasoning with them and helping them feel more secure or accepted. It's more like stopping power-mad, aggressive people who enjoy bullying others and dominating them. They are beyond any kind of national therapy or reconciliation program of teaching them to accept others who are different from them.
For many evangelical Christians, God and guns are inextricably linked
rainmanjr comments on Jun 29, 2022:
I think every lib should get armed, arm their children (at any age), and once the media takes note of all the money suddenly exchanged for firearms we should declare open season on Christians. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 1, 2022:
@rainmanjr I do agree with some of that. Non-violence is only a tactic, not a thing to be worshipped or treated as sacred. Since the Left gave up violence as a political tactic, beginning in the late 70s or early 80s, most on the left, esp. liberals who are comfortably middle or upper middle class, have thought or acted like non-violence is the only way to go. preferring to romanticize the non-violence of the civil rights movement and the anti-Vietnam war movement. But this is no longer the 60s. Our media, unlike then, are all owned by billionaires, and they do not provide any fair or balanced coverage of struggles on the left against corporate rule or the right. Also, people no longer have the capacity for outrage like they did in the 60s. Finally, our cops and fed government, are clearly against us as well, and instead sympathize way more with the right wing fascists and militia groups. We are in for a civil war and people on the left will need to arm and protect themselves, because the cops won't do it for them and they will be hunted down by the fascists on the right if those on the left are openly dissenters from the right wing program. That is, if they aren't already put in camps.
For many evangelical Christians, God and guns are inextricably linked
GrooshStar comments on Jun 29, 2022:
That's a warped way of thinking. How does Jesus have ANYTHING to do with guns. It's about the power to force other to do their bidding. I don't hate guns. I grew up around guns my whole life. But I don't get off in my pants about them either.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 1, 2022:
@OldMetalHead Both.
A liberal friend of mine posted this on her FB page today, and while I'm not religious, I thought it...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 1, 2022:
That is what liberals think regarding values and what matters. But Republican Jesus doesn't agree with any of that...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 1, 2022:
@DenoPenno You're so right. In that internet meme video, Republican Jesus said almost the same thing, that we should all give all our money away to a solid mutual fund, rather than to help feed and care for the poor...
It must be silly season! I put this under dating for real people only because I didn't know what ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 1, 2022:
Maybe it's the same guy, but my 71 yo widowed friend on Match was recently contact by an 80 yo guy that had the same kind of behavior. She blocked him on Match and I told her to report him to the site, as he wouldn't stop bugging her.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 1, 2022:
@Organist1 Yes, she got rid of him. She has met some nice men, but nobody so far that worked out for dating. She just met a guy that she says is the best one so far she's come across, but she has no idea where she stands with her competition on Match. The guy just rejoined and probably is sorting out at least several other women besides her that he has messaged with and met. So I told her, it's like a job hiring process, he may be the best man she's met so far on Match, but if she doesn't win the competition with the other women he's connected with on Match, it doesn't matter at all. Online dating is much more competitive than organic dating, because in the latter, all you need to do is meet the other person's standards, and they will start going out with you. In online dating, you not only have to meet their standards to date them, you have to win the competition against all the other people they are currently also considering.
Falling into the (non) religious trap?
KKGator comments on Jun 30, 2022:
I don't recognize "leaders", atheist, agnostic, or any other kind. I think for myself, and say what I please. Like-minded people may come together for community, but that doesn't mean we're anything like a religion. It annoys the fuck out of me when people say we are.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 30, 2022:
As the bard Bob Dylan himself said, " Don't follow leaders, watch the parking meters"...
It's speech that should be protected just as much as Christian prayers, right?
LucyLoohoo comments on Jun 28, 2022:
Good luck with that!
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 30, 2022:
@LucyLoohoo Of course, do they have any other kids, at least in their eyes? They would never admit that it was ill-gotten gains or stolen from gullible victims..
For many evangelical Christians, God and guns are inextricably linked
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 29, 2022:
They believe in Republican Jesus, not whoever the real Jesus may have been. They wouldn't know the real Jesus, as the saying goes, if he crawled up their pant leg and bit them on the pecker, or the ass!
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 30, 2022:
@snytiger6 Yup, it covers just about all the Repub gospel, with all the cruelty, heartlessness, and selfishness.
Boebert says she is ‘tired’ of separation between church and state: ‘The church is supposed to...
FvckY0u comments on Jun 29, 2022:
Lying to the American people is not unlawful and republicans know this very well and fully use it to their advantage feeding people full of bullshit and delusional thinking. Obviously she's wrong and immoral but sadly legally speaking she's doing nothing wrong.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 29, 2022:
@FvckY0u Good move. Showing more class than someone else is usually the better move, tho I am often guilty of doing otherwise.
Boebert says she is ‘tired’ of separation between church and state: ‘The church is supposed to...
FvckY0u comments on Jun 29, 2022:
Lying to the American people is not unlawful and republicans know this very well and fully use it to their advantage feeding people full of bullshit and delusional thinking. Obviously she's wrong and immoral but sadly legally speaking she's doing nothing wrong.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 29, 2022:
@FvckY0u As do I, don't we all?
Boebert says she is ‘tired’ of separation between church and state: ‘The church is supposed to...
FvckY0u comments on Jun 29, 2022:
Lying to the American people is not unlawful and republicans know this very well and fully use it to their advantage feeding people full of bullshit and delusional thinking. Obviously she's wrong and immoral but sadly legally speaking she's doing nothing wrong.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 29, 2022:
@FvckY0u She blocked me long ago and I considered it a gift!
For many evangelical Christians, God and guns are inextricably linked
GrooshStar comments on Jun 29, 2022:
That's a warped way of thinking. How does Jesus have ANYTHING to do with guns. It's about the power to force other to do their bidding. I don't hate guns. I grew up around guns my whole life. But I don't get off in my pants about them either.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 29, 2022:
@GrooshStar Overgrown boys with their toys..
Mr. Attorney General, ITMFA!
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 29, 2022:
Too funny! But I have no faith in Merrick Garland, or the Dems, having the balls to make it happen...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 29, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir Have to respectfully disagree with you on Obama, Med4All, and on Trump ever being indicted by Garland. I have already argued on these boards many times about Obama and how we got cheated out of single payer by Obama and the corporate Dems in congress, not by just the Repubs. I agree with you that what Trump did is far worse than Nixon, but those days are gone and now the Dems are pussies and the Repubs are the only party that plays hardball against the other major party to get what they want. Back then, most Repubs pols also had a conscience and would put country ahead of party, those days are gone too.
For many evangelical Christians, God and guns are inextricably linked
GrooshStar comments on Jun 29, 2022:
That's a warped way of thinking. How does Jesus have ANYTHING to do with guns. It's about the power to force other to do their bidding. I don't hate guns. I grew up around guns my whole life. But I don't get off in my pants about them either.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 29, 2022:
In reference to your last sentence, I often wonder with some of these gun fetish wackos, if they actually jerk off while cleaning their guns, lol....
Mr. Attorney General, ITMFA!
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 29, 2022:
Too funny! But I have no faith in Merrick Garland, or the Dems, having the balls to make it happen...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 29, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir I hope I'm wrong, but I've seen this movie too many times, like with Medicare 4 All that the Dems ended up trading for Obamacare. Lucy is always there to take away the football from poor Charlie Brown. I won't fall for it anymore. It's all an act, like pro wrestling, when it comes to the Dems and Repubs on anything that involves their corporate donors, powerful people or the rich...
For many evangelical Christians, God and guns are inextricably linked
OldMetalHead comments on Jun 29, 2022:
*"Anything politicians do to keep weapons off the streets in inherently seen by these zealots as anti-Christian."* Well, that's a win/win for me.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 29, 2022:
Keeping guns off the street and them and their pols out of office, sounds like all winning ideas for me.
For many evangelical Christians, God and guns are inextricably linked
FvckY0u comments on Jun 29, 2022:
Take gun rights, god and anti abortion and look at it this way. Anti abortion stance is all about telling others what to do. Religion is all about telling others what to believe and/or think. Guns are simply an extension of that. It allows a person the power to control others. It's all the same...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 29, 2022:
Yup, all three are about power, control and domination over others.
Half in new poll say Trump tried to stay in office through illegal means | The Hill
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 27, 2022:
The amount of denial and mindless loyalty to Trump among Repubs doesn't surprise me at all.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 29, 2022:
@snytiger6 The evangelicals don't care that he is immoral and not Christian in his morality or lifestyle. They support him because he is against Muslims, colored people, queer people, and feminists. More importantly, to them, he is determined to appoint conservative, anti-abortion judges. So they are willing to ignore his personal faults regarding morality or religion because he is on their side for the other stuff I mentioned. They are trading their integrity and religious beliefs in exchange for political power and in my mind, it makes them hypocrites and religious phonies.
Half in new poll say Trump tried to stay in office through illegal means | The Hill
Leetx comments on Jun 27, 2022:
I am speechless. Anyone who watched any of the hearings knows that trump tried to stay illegally. I don't know what, but, something is wrong with these people.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 29, 2022:
@snytiger6 Yup, they are deluded shitheads, at least to me. I will not waste my time trying to educate them. They need to be outvoted and if they refuse to accept election results, then they may need to be fought in the streets, collectively. I really don't care if some of them are killed should they want to fight out political conflicts in the street. They are, like the Nazis, a sick and dangerous group that our country would be better off if they were dead, at least the ones that are violent.
Biden is starting to display more and more signs of mental decline.
Garban comments on Jun 28, 2022:
Rationality is not sign of mental decline. He’s not as sharp or witty Obama, his humor is a little off, sometimes way off. But he’s got another 10 years easy in my opinion.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 29, 2022:
@Garban It's not about direct answers, he won't even subject himself to the ?s that are not already ones he is prepared for. When they ask him something he is not prepared for, he just walks away and ends the conference. The pols who are still mentally functioning normally, stay with it and come up with some spin or BS. He is too mentally off to be able to do that.
January 6 hearings: Trump urged armed supporters to storm Capitol - aide []
SeaGreenEyez comments on Jun 28, 2022:
Of course he did. He also knew play by play that some of those barbarians were only very away from Pence. He's a monster.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 29, 2022:
Yup, so what else is new? It's nice to know that I am never too cynical and that I have plenty of good company in that on this forum.
January 6 hearings: Trump urged armed supporters to storm Capitol - aide []
BitFlipper comments on Jun 28, 2022:
Everyone who watched it live that day knows this already.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 29, 2022:
NO fucking shit! I am the only one of my friends who did watch it live on Jan. 6, 2021, and none of this shit today surprised me, except the part about him grabbing the steering wheel from his SS agent so he could be there with the mob to either enter the capital with them or watch it up close. I expected he might be smart enough to want to avoid looking that involved in the coup and rioting, but I guess I was wrong about that...
Biden is starting to display more and more signs of mental decline.
Garban comments on Jun 28, 2022:
Rationality is not sign of mental decline. He’s not as sharp or witty Obama, his humor is a little off, sometimes way off. But he’s got another 10 years easy in my opinion.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 29, 2022:
Sorry, I cannot agree at all on his mental abilities. Haven't you noticed how he can't do live press conferences and answer any tough, unexpected ?s,,,,? The other commenter above said it brilliantly, he is just the figurehead for his corporate donors who he was speaking to when he said, "Nothing will fundamentally change" if he was elected prez. That is the one campaign promise he has kept. Too bad it was to his donors in private, rather than any of the ones he made publicly to the voters....
Mr. Attorney General, ITMFA!
Scott321 comments on Jun 29, 2022:
That chant against Hillary was pure projection on his part. She should visit him at his cell to smirk and admire his orange jumpsuit. Then she should leave after laughing at him saying how fun it is to have freedom to do what she wants.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 29, 2022:
I like your sentiment, but I am pretty sure Trump will never see prison. The system is too corrupt, and so is AG Garland and the Dems. I would just about bet the house on it that it will never happen. These pols take care of each other when it comes to being punished for political crimes.
I just kinda stay in a pissed off mood: U.
Barnie2years comments on Jun 28, 2022:
You can clock that up as dead and buried until at least three Justices are dead or too sick mentally to serve. By then, depending on how the 2022 and 2024 elections go, we will be in a contest with the Taliban and Iran to see who enforces Sharia law the best and how many beheadings and stoning take ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 28, 2022:
@Gwendolyn2018 Indeed..
It's speech that should be protected just as much as Christian prayers, right?
LucyLoohoo comments on Jun 28, 2022:
Good luck with that!
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 28, 2022:
@JonnaBononna The budget of the ACLU is a drop in the bucket compared to what the religious right and conservatives have on their side. The right has lots of rich donors with very deep pockets. The left does not.
It's speech that should be protected just as much as Christian prayers, right?
LucyLoohoo comments on Jun 28, 2022:
Good luck with that!
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 28, 2022:
@JonnaBononna I know, but unfortunately, plaintiffs on the left don't have nearly the same kind of funding and lawyers to litigate free speech cases.
It's speech that should be protected just as much as Christian prayers, right?
LucyLoohoo comments on Jun 28, 2022:
Good luck with that!
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 28, 2022:
@JonnaBononna Lawsuits take time and money that most ordinary working people don't have, and few lawyers are willing to take those cases, when there is little money to be won if they are successful. And with the way the courts are now packed, even at lower levels, with conservatives, the odds of winning are slim..
So apparently scotus has seen that the younger generation isn't into religion as much as the older ...
rainmanjr comments on Jun 28, 2022:
They were raised on killing games and war (a real life killing game). It's quite possible, and I hope too see it, that they will vomit up the Jesus meal in a violent way. I think it's time to use the guns Americans seem to love.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 28, 2022:
@rainmanjr Interesting perspective.
So apparently scotus has seen that the younger generation isn't into religion as much as the older ...
rainmanjr comments on Jun 28, 2022:
They were raised on killing games and war (a real life killing game). It's quite possible, and I hope too see it, that they will vomit up the Jesus meal in a violent way. I think it's time to use the guns Americans seem to love.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 28, 2022:
Unfortunately, way more of their side are armed with guns than our side, and I don't think that is going to change soon enough for us to win any civil war that may break out. And the cops and military are not going to side with us...
It's speech that should be protected just as much as Christian prayers, right?
LucyLoohoo comments on Jun 28, 2022:
Good luck with that!
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 28, 2022:
And with keeping your job.... In theocratic America, only Christians and Catholics have rights and freedom of expression, other viewpoints, including Muslims and non-believers, don't....
Excuse me while I sit here pointing and laughing at this pervert facing the consequences she ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 28, 2022:
I wonder if she too, like Epstein, will suffer a prompt and convenient death by suicide, like he did, once she is in prison. I'm disappointed that The Guardian simply repeats the official story that Epstein killed himself as if it were undisputed fact and doesn't even mention the suspiciousness of ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 28, 2022:
@DenoPenno, @p-nullifidian As I said above, that is why she is not likely to live long enough in prison to be able to inform on them.
Excuse me while I sit here pointing and laughing at this pervert facing the consequences she ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 28, 2022:
I wonder if she too, like Epstein, will suffer a prompt and convenient death by suicide, like he did, once she is in prison. I'm disappointed that The Guardian simply repeats the official story that Epstein killed himself as if it were undisputed fact and doesn't even mention the suspiciousness of ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 28, 2022:
@DenoPenno Yup, it's the same as when the mob, as in Mafia, takes out a witness to a crime and everybody else that knows something about the crime suddenly loses their memory or refuses to cooperate with law enforcement. Because in cases like Epstein, even those in politics and high places know that the people who are involved in the crimes have all the money, connections in law enforcement, organized crime, and the intelligence community to be able to kill you, no matter where you are, and nobody will ever be able to prove it or punish them for it. Even going into federal witness protection probably wouldn't work, since there are probably moles inside there that would give away someone's new identity and whereabouts.. As they used to say on the TV show The X-Files, " Trust No One"... If she were free and not in prison, this would be one of those cases where the best thing you could do, the same as a stalking victim or the spouse of an abuser who wants to kill you, is to simply disappear on your own and tell no one where you are going....
Interesting encounter at the local senior center during lunch.
FvckY0u comments on Jun 28, 2022:
I will add I just turned over to Foxnews again and they are talking about the border. Kind of says it all.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 28, 2022:
Of course. You were giving them too much credit...
Interesting encounter at the local senior center during lunch.
FvckY0u comments on Jun 28, 2022:
I flipped over to Fox news a couple of times just to see what the enablers had to say. They simply couldn't deny reality. It was great! With that said, hard line republicans just want it all to go away but guess what, it's not going to. If anyone thinks republicans are going to unite behind ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 28, 2022:
But you know they will blow it, they are masters at it. But the reason why becomes obvious, along with everything else about the Dems, once you realize that winning general elections is not their priority, and that instead their real priorities are getting the corporate campaign cash, serving their corporate donors, and defeating progressive candidates in primaries. They even knock themselves out every time in general elections to defeat progressives that somehow survive a Dem primary... And as far as Repubs uniting behind a prez candidate in two years, don't be so sure they won't. They have always had way more unity than the Dems, which is not hard when all they have to agree on is being racist, religious, pro-corporate, and wanting lower taxes. A pretty small tent to gather them under and plenty of people interested in going in for that.
I just kinda stay in a pissed off mood: U.
Barnie2years comments on Jun 28, 2022:
You can clock that up as dead and buried until at least three Justices are dead or too sick mentally to serve. By then, depending on how the 2022 and 2024 elections go, we will be in a contest with the Taliban and Iran to see who enforces Sharia law the best and how many beheadings and stoning take ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 28, 2022:
@Gwendolyn2018 I share your feelings of hopelessness. I think people our age are going to spend our remaining years as mostly helpless witnesses of a dystopian nightmare of which we are also victims in it.
I just kinda stay in a pissed off mood: U.
Barnie2years comments on Jun 28, 2022:
You can clock that up as dead and buried until at least three Justices are dead or too sick mentally to serve. By then, depending on how the 2022 and 2024 elections go, we will be in a contest with the Taliban and Iran to see who enforces Sharia law the best and how many beheadings and stoning take ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 28, 2022:
@Gwendolyn2018 It makes me even more relieved and glad that I never had kids..


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