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Reading so much on this site, I have become interested in why a culture of fear and hate seems to be...
Trajan61 comments on May 29, 2022:
The Washington establishment people like Joe Biden and the Clinton’s are stoking fear. They hated Trump because they were afraid he was going to mess up their party.
Trajan61 replies on May 29, 2022:
@KKGator I put the blame where it belongs just like a lot of other people will in 2022 and 2024. The Democraps are likely to take a bad beating. And Trump will be back in 24.
Reading so much on this site, I have become interested in why a culture of fear and hate seems to be...
BD66 comments on May 29, 2022:
It's the US Media. They generate their profits by stoking anger and hatred.
Trajan61 replies on May 29, 2022:
Yes they definitely generate a lot of hatred.
Reading so much on this site, I have become interested in why a culture of fear and hate seems to be...
Trajan61 comments on May 29, 2022:
The Washington establishment people like Joe Biden and the Clinton’s are stoking fear. They hated Trump because they were afraid he was going to mess up their party.
Trajan61 replies on May 29, 2022:
@KKGator If you don’t think democrap policies are causing inflation you are badly informed. Hell Biden declared war on oil and gas when he first got in office! And that damn sure caused oil and gas to go up! Higher energy causes a lot of other things to go up like fertilizer which is made from natural gas. It went from 450 per ton to 1,400 per ton in Biden’s first year in office!
Gotta love it when some far-left anti-gun rights fanatic states that all gun owners are domestic ...
p-nullifidian comments on May 11, 2022:
"The Gun Lobby’s interpretation of the Second Amendment is one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American People by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime. The real purpose of the Second Amendment was to ensure that state armies – the militia ...
Trajan61 replies on May 29, 2022:
Why in the hell would you need an amendment for the militia and army to have arms. The 2nd amendment was intended for private citizens alone. If you don’t believe in the second amendment why are you in the pro gun rights group?
Reading so much on this site, I have become interested in why a culture of fear and hate seems to be...
Trajan61 comments on May 29, 2022:
The Washington establishment people like Joe Biden and the Clinton’s are stoking fear. They hated Trump because they were afraid he was going to mess up their party.
Trajan61 replies on May 29, 2022:
@TedGresham997 With the runaway inflation and highest fuel prices on record you have to be a raving idiot to continue to support that senile corrupt piece of shit Biden.
Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States (Bill of Rights) It has long been argued ...
Trajan61 comments on May 29, 2022:
You are British and have no right to own a gun to defend yourself so you are at the mercy of the criminals. The meaning of the the 2nd amendment is clear but the Democraps here in the US seek to undermine the 2nd amendment by appointing judges to the bench who don’t recognize it. Thankfully ...
Trajan61 replies on May 29, 2022:
@Sofabeast That would never happen in America. Here you have a right to shoot an intruder who has broken into your home. I have no plans to give up my guns or register them as registration is the first step to confiscation.
Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States (Bill of Rights) It has long been argued ...
Trajan61 comments on May 29, 2022:
You are British and have no right to own a gun to defend yourself so you are at the mercy of the criminals. The meaning of the the 2nd amendment is clear but the Democraps here in the US seek to undermine the 2nd amendment by appointing judges to the bench who don’t recognize it. Thankfully ...
Trajan61 replies on May 29, 2022:
@Garban I’m not afraid just prepared.
Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States (Bill of Rights) It has long been argued ...
linxminx comments on May 29, 2022:
America's love affair with guns is two-fold. Psychological and economical. The Cold War did a number on the American psyche and mentality. History with communism shows that the people fall to communism when they are restricted from owning weapons, specifically guns. I think our fear of ...
Trajan61 replies on May 29, 2022:
@Garban Biden supports BLM which has demanded the police be defunded so what he said in his state of the union speech has no credibility. I don’t watch Tucker Carlson and didn’t quote him as a source.
Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States (Bill of Rights) It has long been argued ...
linxminx comments on May 29, 2022:
America's love affair with guns is two-fold. Psychological and economical. The Cold War did a number on the American psyche and mentality. History with communism shows that the people fall to communism when they are restricted from owning weapons, specifically guns. I think our fear of ...
Trajan61 replies on May 29, 2022:
@Garban Another one.
Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States (Bill of Rights) It has long been argued ...
linxminx comments on May 29, 2022:
America's love affair with guns is two-fold. Psychological and economical. The Cold War did a number on the American psyche and mentality. History with communism shows that the people fall to communism when they are restricted from owning weapons, specifically guns. I think our fear of ...
Trajan61 replies on May 29, 2022:
@Garban Here’s one source.
Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States (Bill of Rights) It has long been argued ...
linxminx comments on May 29, 2022:
America's love affair with guns is two-fold. Psychological and economical. The Cold War did a number on the American psyche and mentality. History with communism shows that the people fall to communism when they are restricted from owning weapons, specifically guns. I think our fear of ...
Trajan61 replies on May 29, 2022:
@Garban Numerous democrap controlled cities have defunded the police. If you can’t figure that one out perhaps you have been brainwashed by watching to much CNN and MSNBC!
Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States (Bill of Rights) It has long been argued ...
Trajan61 comments on May 29, 2022:
You are British and have no right to own a gun to defend yourself so you are at the mercy of the criminals. The meaning of the the 2nd amendment is clear but the Democraps here in the US seek to undermine the 2nd amendment by appointing judges to the bench who don’t recognize it. Thankfully ...
Trajan61 replies on May 29, 2022:
@Marionville So you have no problem being at the mercy of a bigger stronger criminal? Apparently you’ve never been beaten up by someone. I appreciate having the right to carry a gun to use as a tool to enable me to be able to defend myself against a criminal thug who is bigger and stronger than me a right you don’t have in England. Hell you don’t even have the right to have a gun in your own home for self defense!!
Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States (Bill of Rights) It has long been argued ...
linxminx comments on May 29, 2022:
America's love affair with guns is two-fold. Psychological and economical. The Cold War did a number on the American psyche and mentality. History with communism shows that the people fall to communism when they are restricted from owning weapons, specifically guns. I think our fear of ...
Trajan61 replies on May 29, 2022:
@linxminx I think it more of a realization that the crooked senile SOB Joe Biden was becoming president. Radical democrap presidents like Obama and Biden tend to drive sales!
Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States (Bill of Rights) It has long been argued ...
Trajan61 comments on May 29, 2022:
You are British and have no right to own a gun to defend yourself so you are at the mercy of the criminals. The meaning of the the 2nd amendment is clear but the Democraps here in the US seek to undermine the 2nd amendment by appointing judges to the bench who don’t recognize it. Thankfully ...
Trajan61 replies on May 29, 2022:
@Marionville Without guns your at the mercy of some criminal who is bigger and stronger than you. Hell I read about a British home owner who shot a criminal who broke into his house and was in more trouble than the criminal. That would be very unlikely to happen here in the US.
Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States (Bill of Rights) It has long been argued ...
linxminx comments on May 29, 2022:
America's love affair with guns is two-fold. Psychological and economical. The Cold War did a number on the American psyche and mentality. History with communism shows that the people fall to communism when they are restricted from owning weapons, specifically guns. I think our fear of ...
Trajan61 replies on May 29, 2022:
People are more afraid of the radical socialist Democraps and their idiotic defund they police, soft on crime agenda and that tends to drive gun sales.
Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States (Bill of Rights) It has long been argued ...
Trajan61 comments on May 29, 2022:
You are British and have no right to own a gun to defend yourself so you are at the mercy of the criminals. The meaning of the the 2nd amendment is clear but the Democraps here in the US seek to undermine the 2nd amendment by appointing judges to the bench who don’t recognize it. Thankfully ...
Trajan61 replies on May 29, 2022:
@Garban The chances of your kids being massacred here are very slim. I’ll take US gun laws over British any day.
Posts like this are grossly misleading as they get the viewer to focus only on one part of the topic...
azzow2 comments on May 28, 2022:
How much of this goes on in China that is unknown because of their censorship policies?
Trajan61 replies on May 29, 2022:
They don’t even have the right to own guns in China.
Secrets tapes of NRA leadership reveal debate over post-Columbine strategy : Planet Money : NPR
Trajan61 comments on May 26, 2022:
The only answer to school shootings is more security protect the kids from the crazies.
Trajan61 replies on May 28, 2022:
@snytiger6 If it was a regulation coming from that nut job Obama there had to be something bad about it.
If we don't grapple with our bloody past, our future will look just like our bloody present.
HippieChick58 comments on May 25, 2022:
With cultural literacy what it is in the US, we are going to be reinventing the wheel very soon.
Trajan61 replies on May 27, 2022:
I’m sure it will get better when the republicans take over from the looney idiotic democraps.
If we don't grapple with our bloody past, our future will look just like our bloody present.
Trajan61 comments on May 26, 2022:
I’m sure it will get better after the republicans take over in 2022 and 2024.
Trajan61 replies on May 27, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir There are a lot of people who feel just like I do. I think the Democraps are fixing to get beat bad in the midterms and in 2024. People are sick and tired of their idiotic policies.
Secrets tapes of NRA leadership reveal debate over post-Columbine strategy : Planet Money : NPR
Trajan61 comments on May 26, 2022:
The only answer to school shootings is more security protect the kids from the crazies.
Trajan61 replies on May 27, 2022:
@marksam8484, @snytiger6 He did no such thing.
Secrets tapes of NRA leadership reveal debate over post-Columbine strategy : Planet Money : NPR
Trajan61 comments on May 26, 2022:
The only answer to school shootings is more security protect the kids from the crazies.
Trajan61 replies on May 27, 2022:
@marksam8484 And you appear to be a hopelessly indoctrinated democrap nut job!
If we don't grapple with our bloody past, our future will look just like our bloody present.
Trajan61 comments on May 26, 2022:
I’m sure it will get better after the republicans take over in 2022 and 2024.
Trajan61 replies on May 27, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir Democrap policies have caused runaway inflation just like they did when Carter was president. And Carter was the only democrap presidential candidate I ever voted for. Didn’t take me long to learn my lesson.
If we don't grapple with our bloody past, our future will look just like our bloody present.
Trajan61 comments on May 26, 2022:
I’m sure it will get better after the republicans take over in 2022 and 2024.
Trajan61 replies on May 27, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir Just common sense. The economy was definitely doing better under Trump than it is under Biden.
If we don't grapple with our bloody past, our future will look just like our bloody present.
HippieChick58 comments on May 25, 2022:
With cultural literacy what it is in the US, we are going to be reinventing the wheel very soon.
Trajan61 replies on May 27, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir Why not pick the best person for the job irregardless of race? Making it a requirement that they be black was definitely racist.
If we don't grapple with our bloody past, our future will look just like our bloody present.
HippieChick58 comments on May 25, 2022:
With cultural literacy what it is in the US, we are going to be reinventing the wheel very soon.
Trajan61 replies on May 26, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir It was also racist to demand that they be black. What if someone had demanded that they be white?
If we don't grapple with our bloody past, our future will look just like our bloody present.
HippieChick58 comments on May 25, 2022:
With cultural literacy what it is in the US, we are going to be reinventing the wheel very soon.
Trajan61 replies on May 26, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir We need to teach more history. Maybe if we did that people wouldn’t vote for looney idiots like Biden and his democrap cronies.
If we don't grapple with our bloody past, our future will look just like our bloody present.
HippieChick58 comments on May 25, 2022:
With cultural literacy what it is in the US, we are going to be reinventing the wheel very soon.
Trajan61 replies on May 26, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir I’ve never encountered a gun dealer who offered financing. Most gun deals I’ve done were cash.
Secrets tapes of NRA leadership reveal debate over post-Columbine strategy : Planet Money : NPR
Trajan61 comments on May 26, 2022:
The only answer to school shootings is more security protect the kids from the crazies.
Trajan61 replies on May 26, 2022:
@marksam8484 With a radical tyrant like Biden in control I sure as hell will never give up or register any of my guns!
If we don't grapple with our bloody past, our future will look just like our bloody present.
Trajan61 comments on May 26, 2022:
I’m sure it will get better after the republicans take over in 2022 and 2024.
Trajan61 replies on May 26, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir Because the economy will do better and people will be happier as they won’t be spending a fortune for everything.
If we don't grapple with our bloody past, our future will look just like our bloody present.
HippieChick58 comments on May 25, 2022:
With cultural literacy what it is in the US, we are going to be reinventing the wheel very soon.
Trajan61 replies on May 26, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir The Democraps alway try to play the race card. The blacks demanded he pick a black VP and he did. They also demanded he pick a black Judge for the Supreme Court and he did. They keep saying if you don’t support the radical racist group BLM that you are racist. Racism was pretty much non existent until Obama backed criminals like George Floyd, the Saint Louis thug and Travon Martin. I’ve never been racist and have 2 Mexican employees who have worked for me for years but I’m sick of the BLM group and the unionized democrap supporting teachers who often try to teach radical crap like teaching elementary school kids about gender identity and transgenders. The kid who did the shooting in Texas came from a broken home and apparently had a lot of problems. To bad they didn’t prevent him from buying those guns and the body armor. I’ve often wondered where he got the money to buy they stuff as it’s not cheap.
Trajan61 comments on May 26, 2022:
It’s unfortunate but without the religious right I doubt we republicans could win many elections. Most of my conservative Republican friends are somewhat religious and when they do their prayers thing I just bow my head and go along with them even though I disagree with them about the religious ...
Trajan61 replies on May 26, 2022:
@richiegtt So would I.
Secrets tapes of NRA leadership reveal debate over post-Columbine strategy : Planet Money : NPR
Trajan61 comments on May 26, 2022:
The only answer to school shootings is more security protect the kids from the crazies.
Trajan61 replies on May 26, 2022:
@marksam8484 You should know that an AR15 is not a military type weapon but rather a semiautomatic version of the army M16. There are already millions of AR15 rifles owned by civilians. Are you purposing those guns should be seized?
If we don't grapple with our bloody past, our future will look just like our bloody present.
HippieChick58 comments on May 25, 2022:
With cultural literacy what it is in the US, we are going to be reinventing the wheel very soon.
Trajan61 replies on May 26, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir Some books need to be banned in elementary school. Kids don’t need to be taught CRT or about transgenders at least till they’re 10-12.
SpikeTalon comments on May 25, 2022:
Both thoughts and prayers along with the gun control laws currently on the books have pretty much been useless so far.
Trajan61 replies on May 26, 2022:
That they have.
Home intruders no match for well armed women.
NostraDumbass comments on May 24, 2022:
What are the odds of survival for elementary school children when confronted with a well-armed teenage psychopath in Uvalde, Texas?
Trajan61 replies on May 26, 2022:
@NostraDumbass Why in the hell are you in this pro-gun rights group? You are definitely not pro-gun rights.
Home intruders no match for well armed women.
NostraDumbass comments on May 24, 2022:
What are the odds of survival for elementary school children when confronted with a well-armed teenage psychopath in Uvalde, Texas?
Trajan61 replies on May 25, 2022:
@NostraDumbass Plenty of shootings have been stopped by good guys with guns so what in the hell are you talking about?
The example of Salvador Ramos killing 19 children as a member of "A well regulated Militia" (see ...
bobwjr comments on May 25, 2022:
No shit it's Texas
Trajan61 replies on May 25, 2022:
I’ll take Texas over Delaware any day.
The example of Salvador Ramos killing 19 children as a member of "A well regulated Militia" (see ...
Trajan61 comments on May 25, 2022:
We have a very radical president and a radical democrap party. Surely your not suggesting I give up my guns in the face of this are you? If we have armed teachers in schools maybe we would have less school shootings. There needs to be somebody capable of shooting back.
Trajan61 replies on May 25, 2022:
@Matias There’s plenty of shootings that were stopped
The example of Salvador Ramos killing 19 children as a member of "A well regulated Militia" (see ...
Trajan61 comments on May 25, 2022:
We have a very radical president and a radical democrap party. Surely your not suggesting I give up my guns in the face of this are you? If we have armed teachers in schools maybe we would have less school shootings. There needs to be somebody capable of shooting back.
Trajan61 replies on May 25, 2022:
@Matias An armed citizen is the only way to stop mass shootings. More gun regulation would be quite pointless and would accomplish nothing. I never said the kids should be armed but you gun control nuts always use well publicized mass shootings to push your radical gun control agenda on lawful gun owners.
Can't keep track of how many times over the years I've been called a fascist by far-left radicals, ...
Alienbeing comments on May 25, 2022:
My in-laws are a perfect example of ignorant labeling. More times than I can remember I have stumped them by just asking them to define fascism, and/or capitalism. They also didn't know we are a Federal Republic, not a Federal Democracy. My in-laws are well educated people, my father-in-law (now...
Trajan61 replies on May 25, 2022:
You are indeed fortunate that your wife didn’t take after her family.
Now I really understand why Biden was Obama's chosen successor.
Trajan61 comments on May 24, 2022:
I wish they’d recognize Taiwan as an independent country and form a defense alliance like NATO to defend it.
Trajan61 replies on May 24, 2022:
@Druvius Taiwan has for all practical purposes been independent since 1949 and have no desire to be reunited with China. But I understand your stance considering you are obviously a communist.
WTF is wrong with these scum bags!! these self-entitled, arrogant assholes that think this shit up.
Druvius comments on May 24, 2022:
Sadly the GOP has completely lost touch with reality. They no longer even have a political platform outside of trolling and fearmongering. Generally bad things happen when a powerful political movement embraces paranoid nonsense, I don't see this ending well.
Trajan61 replies on May 24, 2022:
The Democraps and their radical open borders, green new deal and idiotic spending policy which has resulted in record high fuel prices and runaway inflation are the ones who have lost touch with reality and they will likely pay the price in the 2022 midterms and the 2024 election!
By "cable news" we mean 🦊
HippieChick58 comments on May 22, 2022:
No shortage of hate either.
Trajan61 replies on May 24, 2022:
@HippieChick58 Surely not. 😜🤣
By "cable news" we mean 🦊
HippieChick58 comments on May 22, 2022:
No shortage of hate either.
Trajan61 replies on May 23, 2022:
@HippieChick58 That’s a matter of opinion. I see a lot more from the left.
By "cable news" we mean 🦊
HippieChick58 comments on May 22, 2022:
No shortage of hate either.
Trajan61 replies on May 22, 2022:
Particularly among the democraps.
Ohio GOP House candidate J.
Trajan61 comments on May 21, 2022:
If the Democraps continue to steal elections I favour succession myself.
Trajan61 replies on May 22, 2022:
@snytiger6 Let’s see what happens in 2022 and 2024. I’m thinking the Democraps are going to take a shellacking and Trump will likely win in 24.
Elon Musk states he will now vote Republican .
duchessa1 comments on May 19, 2022:
**Why did it take so long for Musk -an extremely intelligent dude- to understand what the Democrats are? **
Trajan61 replies on May 22, 2022:
@duchessa1 The unions likely only care about higher salaries.
Fiona Hill says Putin got 'frustrated many times' with Trump because the Russian leader 'had to keep...
Mooolah comments on May 21, 2022:
@Trajan61 I have no idea whereby a fetus may be aborted up to the time of birth legally in the USA. All states prohibit this sans life of the mother. I take umbrage that you would believe this as it is abjectively false. I could agree to 15 weeks if someone would help the junkie to pay for it, ...
Trajan61 replies on May 22, 2022:
@Mooolah Good choice! 🤪🥂
Fiona Hill says Putin got 'frustrated many times' with Trump because the Russian leader 'had to keep...
Mooolah comments on May 21, 2022:
@Trajan61 I have no idea whereby a fetus may be aborted up to the time of birth legally in the USA. All states prohibit this sans life of the mother. I take umbrage that you would believe this as it is abjectively false. I could agree to 15 weeks if someone would help the junkie to pay for it, ...
Trajan61 replies on May 21, 2022:
I think the government should pay for abortions for poor women. And I fully support the rights of women to have an abortion up to 15 weeks with exceptions for rape the life of the woman and problems with the fetus. As for fascism being a threat here I strongly disagree but socialism is definitely a threat. At your age your still drinking beer? I hope I’m still drinking beer if I live that long. 🤪🥂
Fiona Hill says Putin got 'frustrated many times' with Trump because the Russian leader 'had to keep...
Trajan61 comments on May 19, 2022:
I think Putin was afraid of what Trump might do if he invaded the Ukraine. I see that as a plus. Hell Biden signed off on the Baltic gas pipeline to Germany, something Putin wanted before he invaded Ukraine.
Trajan61 replies on May 21, 2022:
@Mooolah You and I will have to disagree on this one as well. Keep in mind that the democrats are becoming very unpopular because of their idiotic policies and are likely to take a bad beating in the 2022 midterms and I think it’s likely Trump will be re-elected in 2024.
Fiona Hill says Putin got 'frustrated many times' with Trump because the Russian leader 'had to keep...
Trajan61 comments on May 19, 2022:
Putin did not invade Ukraine while Trump was president. He saw Biden as weak and took advantage of it by invading Ukraine. I wish Trump was still president.
Trajan61 replies on May 21, 2022:
@Mooolah I disagree with you. Only 5 countries in the world allow abortions right up to the moment of birth and the US is one of them. Just for the sake of human decency we need limits on abortions with exceptions of course. Perhaps a 15 week limit on abortions would be reasonable. I believe the democrats have damaged the country with their radical green new deal, idiotic foreign policy and unwavering support for defunding law enforcement and supporting the radical Marxist racist group BLM.
Elon Musk states he will now vote Republican .
duchessa1 comments on May 19, 2022:
**Why did it take so long for Musk -an extremely intelligent dude- to understand what the Democrats are? **
Trajan61 replies on May 21, 2022:
@BD66 The Democraps wanted to give a rebate to US union made electric cars and Tesla is non-union. Tesla did receive a rebate for the first 200,000 electric cars but the Democraps now favour US union made cars over Tesla’s.
Apparently he also has control over gas prices, inflation rates, crime rates, immigration, crop ...
Trajan61 comments on May 19, 2022:
Hell Biden declared war on oil and gas his first day in office. For that reason you can sure blame higher fuel prices on Biden. And excessive government spending has contributed greatly to high inflation, the worse we’ve seen since Jimmy Carter was president.
Trajan61 replies on May 20, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir We are already required to pass a background check to purchase a gun. That background check did not stop the Buffalo shooter. He should have been flagged as he had problems to prevent him from passing his background check to purchase a gun.
Apparently he also has control over gas prices, inflation rates, crime rates, immigration, crop ...
Trajan61 comments on May 19, 2022:
Hell Biden declared war on oil and gas his first day in office. For that reason you can sure blame higher fuel prices on Biden. And excessive government spending has contributed greatly to high inflation, the worse we’ve seen since Jimmy Carter was president.
Trajan61 replies on May 20, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir Wild hogs are very destructive and damage crops. I plan on keeping all of my AR15 and AR10 rifles and high capacity magazines. You can give yours up or refuse to buy one. I don’t care. Just leave us law abiding gun owners alone.
Homework Compares Obama To Monkeys At Pricey Private School - YouTube
Trajan61 comments on May 19, 2022:
I think that’s a good comparison for that idiot.
Trajan61 replies on May 19, 2022:
@redbai Obama was very racist with his support for the radical racist Marxist group BLM which has caused a lot of damage to race relations in this country.
Apparently he also has control over gas prices, inflation rates, crime rates, immigration, crop ...
Trajan61 comments on May 19, 2022:
Hell Biden declared war on oil and gas his first day in office. For that reason you can sure blame higher fuel prices on Biden. And excessive government spending has contributed greatly to high inflation, the worse we’ve seen since Jimmy Carter was president.
Trajan61 replies on May 19, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir Besides I don’t eat wild hogs.
Apparently he also has control over gas prices, inflation rates, crime rates, immigration, crop ...
Trajan61 comments on May 19, 2022:
Hell Biden declared war on oil and gas his first day in office. For that reason you can sure blame higher fuel prices on Biden. And excessive government spending has contributed greatly to high inflation, the worse we’ve seen since Jimmy Carter was president.
Trajan61 replies on May 19, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir That’s just a myth about the smaller caliber 5.56 round doing more damage than larger calibers.
Elon Musk states he will now vote Republican .
BD66 comments on May 19, 2022:
Elon's a pretty smart guy.
Trajan61 replies on May 19, 2022:
That he is.
Apparently he also has control over gas prices, inflation rates, crime rates, immigration, crop ...
Trajan61 comments on May 19, 2022:
Hell Biden declared war on oil and gas his first day in office. For that reason you can sure blame higher fuel prices on Biden. And excessive government spending has contributed greatly to high inflation, the worse we’ve seen since Jimmy Carter was president.
Trajan61 replies on May 19, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir Your chances of being shot by a mass shooter are less than your chances of being struck by lightning. Mass shooting are actually very rare but you’d never know that listening to the MSM hysteria.
Apparently he also has control over gas prices, inflation rates, crime rates, immigration, crop ...
Trajan61 comments on May 19, 2022:
Hell Biden declared war on oil and gas his first day in office. For that reason you can sure blame higher fuel prices on Biden. And excessive government spending has contributed greatly to high inflation, the worse we’ve seen since Jimmy Carter was president.
Trajan61 replies on May 19, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir Just because you have one misguided idiot who misuses an AR15 is no reason to penalize AR15 owners nationwide.
'Buffalo shooting' reached the UK across the pond.
anglophone comments on May 16, 2022:
As far as I am concerned, mass shootings in the USA are the norm. They are no longer newsworthy. What would constitute banner headline news is the complete absence of mass shootings for 12 months. They would show that the USA has abandoned its collective madness about firearms. I am grateful that...
Trajan61 replies on May 16, 2022:
In Australia you don’t even have the right to carry a concealed weapon for self defense. In the US you do. I’ll take the US any day!!
He looked at the data and discovered the BLM narrative about cops was a lie.
Alienbeing comments on May 15, 2022:
The left only wants "news" that supports their conceptions. I'm sure you have tried to debate with a liberal and found that person only wanted to hear a certain philosophy; irrespective of fact. I know I have. The above is the reason I am very concerned about the Dept of Homeland Security ...
Trajan61 replies on May 15, 2022:
That disinformation unit is bullshit and it could result in civil war.
Is bruce Jenner the father of his 6 children?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Apr 19, 2022:
Bruce? Her name is Caitlyn. She WAS the father of her children. 🤣 As for what the appropriate term is now, why not ask the Jenner family?
Trajan61 replies on May 15, 2022:
No matter how the Jenner family interpret it he will always be the father. Nothing can change that.
Good for Finland (and hopefully soon Sweden), who are rightfully worried about self-preservation.
Garban comments on May 12, 2022:
The Finns are wise, and tough. They’ve been friendly, now they will be partners.
Trajan61 replies on May 13, 2022:
They gave the Russians hell during the winter war and we’re only beaten because of overwhelming Russian numbers in men and equipment.
Firearms were the leading cause of death in children in 2020, researchers say : NPR
glennlab comments on Apr 26, 2022:
The logic to get to the statistics is complicated. Some assumptions. Due to Covid children were subjected to fewer vehicle miles. Children were near guns more than normal. Parents and children were under more stress than normal. Dickheads did not secure their firearms.
Trajan61 replies on May 13, 2022:
@glennlab 5 seconds is a long time when you have someone coming threw your door.
MyPillow Guy Mike Lindell Suggests SCOTUS Roe v Wade Leak Was Done to Sabotage Him Specifically
richiegtt comments on May 8, 2022:
He is full of crap just like the overpriced pillows
Trajan61 replies on May 11, 2022:
@richiegtt I understand.
MyPillow Guy Mike Lindell Suggests SCOTUS Roe v Wade Leak Was Done to Sabotage Him Specifically
richiegtt comments on May 8, 2022:
He is full of crap just like the overpriced pillows
Trajan61 replies on May 10, 2022:
He is a strong Trump supporter though.
Who knew there was so much money to be made selling fear? Rupert Murdoch, that's who.
DenoPenno comments on May 5, 2022:
Murdoch has been so successful at this that many others now pick up on scary monsters and try to get you to believe all they say. In fact, "inconvenient facts" has been introduced to replace "alternate facts." In my areas of learning this is still called lying.
Trajan61 replies on May 8, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir Hopefully it will remain legal in most states but I’m not to optimistic about it remaining legal in Oklahoma.
Who knew there was so much money to be made selling fear? Rupert Murdoch, that's who.
Trajan61 comments on May 5, 2022:
The number one cause of global warming in the world is overpopulation. It doesn’t make any sense to have a drastic green new deal program to cut co2 emissions while we have an open border.
Trajan61 replies on May 8, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir Kind of hard to control the birth rate in other countries but we can damn well limit who we let in. Some immigration is fine but what we are experiencing now Is ridiculous.
Apparently the Democraps aren’t interested in free speech! []
Mooolah comments on May 1, 2022:
@Trajan61 If The Zuck wasn't a natural born citizen , I would include him in the deportation. See! We can agree on some things.
Trajan61 replies on May 7, 2022:
@Mooolah Biden would be responsible because Powell is only trying to rein in runaway inflation brought on by Biden’s policies of reckless spending.
Who knew there was so much money to be made selling fear? Rupert Murdoch, that's who.
Trajan61 comments on May 5, 2022:
The number one cause of global warming in the world is overpopulation. It doesn’t make any sense to have a drastic green new deal program to cut co2 emissions while we have an open border.
Trajan61 replies on May 7, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir We could start by slowing immigration. And if we want to be green we need to start building nuclear power plants for reliable 24-7 power. Windmills and solar are to unreliable to depend on for continuous power.
Who knew there was so much money to be made selling fear? Rupert Murdoch, that's who.
Trajan61 comments on May 5, 2022:
The number one cause of global warming in the world is overpopulation. It doesn’t make any sense to have a drastic green new deal program to cut co2 emissions while we have an open border.
Trajan61 replies on May 6, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir Hungary and Israel both have walls and they work quite well.
Who knew there was so much money to be made selling fear? Rupert Murdoch, that's who.
Trajan61 comments on May 5, 2022:
The number one cause of global warming in the world is overpopulation. It doesn’t make any sense to have a drastic green new deal program to cut co2 emissions while we have an open border.
Trajan61 replies on May 6, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir I don’t think the world can substain continuous population growth. If the population continues to expand its going to cause lots of problrms
Who knew there was so much money to be made selling fear? Rupert Murdoch, that's who.
DenoPenno comments on May 5, 2022:
Murdoch has been so successful at this that many others now pick up on scary monsters and try to get you to believe all they say. In fact, "inconvenient facts" has been introduced to replace "alternate facts." In my areas of learning this is still called lying.
Trajan61 replies on May 6, 2022:
The Democraps are master at lying.
Who knew there was so much money to be made selling fear? Rupert Murdoch, that's who.
Trajan61 comments on May 5, 2022:
The number one cause of global warming in the world is overpopulation. It doesn’t make any sense to have a drastic green new deal program to cut co2 emissions while we have an open border.
Trajan61 replies on May 5, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir Hell Biden sent out an invitation to illegal immigrants when he said he would stop construction of the border wall immediately and evidently they got the message!
Who knew there was so much money to be made selling fear? Rupert Murdoch, that's who.
Trajan61 comments on May 5, 2022:
The number one cause of global warming in the world is overpopulation. It doesn’t make any sense to have a drastic green new deal program to cut co2 emissions while we have an open border.
Trajan61 replies on May 5, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir People who don’t think more immigration doesn’t contribute to increased overpopulation are quite delusional. If we don’t have an open border why is illegal immigration at all time highs??
Apparently the Democraps aren’t interested in free speech! []
Mooolah comments on May 1, 2022:
@Trajan61 If The Zuck wasn't a natural born citizen , I would include him in the deportation. See! We can agree on some things.
Trajan61 replies on May 5, 2022:
@Mooolah Biden’s war on oil and gas has definitely had an influence on high fuel prices and inflation. Hell he shut down the Keystone XL and stopped leasing on federal land which accounted for about 20% of US production on day one. We don’t need to become dependent on hostile countries like Iran and Venezuela for our oil and gas or we will be in the same bind as Europe in depending on Russian oil and gas.
Apparently the Democraps aren’t interested in free speech! []
Mooolah comments on May 1, 2022:
@Trajan61 If The Zuck wasn't a natural born citizen , I would include him in the deportation. See! We can agree on some things.
Trajan61 replies on May 5, 2022:
@Mooolah Oil and gas is going to be around for some time yet if want to keep a good standard of living. Nitrogen fertilizer is made from natural gas and plastics are made from petroleum along with a lot of other products. Farm tractors I’m sure will continue to be run by diesel for many years yet as it not practical to have charging stations at farm fields. Farmers are already trying to reduce fuel use by going to minimum till or no-till but the chemical prices used in these practices have skyrocket too.
Republican leaders know what a danger he is to the country. Yet...
CourtJester comments on Apr 23, 2022:
He’s only dangerous to their world order dreams and their bank accounts.
Trajan61 replies on May 4, 2022:
@Archeus_Lore There was definitely good justification for US intervention in the first Iraq war. It would have been disastrous to not have done so.
Republican leaders know what a danger he is to the country. Yet...
CourtJester comments on Apr 23, 2022:
He’s only dangerous to their world order dreams and their bank accounts.
Trajan61 replies on May 4, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir Fox is the highest rated news channel in the US, with a lot higher ratings than MSNBC or CNN.
Republican leaders know what a danger he is to the country. Yet...
CourtJester comments on Apr 23, 2022:
He’s only dangerous to their world order dreams and their bank accounts.
Trajan61 replies on May 4, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir, @Archeus_Lore If Russia had a democratic government like you say Putin would no longer be in power. Yes I agree that the US is to meddlesome in the affairs of other countries around the world. We should have never went into Iraq the 2nd time as that was totally unwarranted or for that matter Lybia or Vietnam. However I think we should fully support the Ukraine as Russia is definitely the aggressor.
Republican leaders know what a danger he is to the country. Yet...
CourtJester comments on Apr 23, 2022:
He’s only dangerous to their world order dreams and their bank accounts.
Trajan61 replies on May 4, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir I don’t believe everything I hear in the media either especially from CNN and MSNBC!
It looking like Roe V Wade will likely be overturned.
duchessa1 comments on May 3, 2022:
**I believe overturning R v W won't make any difference since it would need to be ratified by each state...and I doubt this will ever be accomplished. **
Trajan61 replies on May 4, 2022:
@duchessa1 There will likely be quite a few with more restrictions. I hope this abortion issue doesn’t bite the republicans on the ass in the midterms.
It looking like Roe V Wade will likely be overturned.
duchessa1 comments on May 3, 2022:
**I believe overturning R v W won't make any difference since it would need to be ratified by each state...and I doubt this will ever be accomplished. **
Trajan61 replies on May 4, 2022:
@duchessa1 You will still have the right to an abortion in New York. Here in Oklahoma probably not.
It looking like Roe V Wade will likely be overturned.
duchessa1 comments on May 3, 2022:
**I believe overturning R v W won't make any difference since it would need to be ratified by each state...and I doubt this will ever be accomplished. **
Trajan61 replies on May 3, 2022:
If it’s overturned each state will have the right to restrict abortion if they choose to do so.
Republican leaders know what a danger he is to the country. Yet...
CourtJester comments on Apr 23, 2022:
He’s only dangerous to their world order dreams and their bank accounts.
Trajan61 replies on May 3, 2022:
@Archeus_Lore, @Flyingsaucesir I agree with you on that one.
Republican leaders know what a danger he is to the country. Yet...
CourtJester comments on Apr 23, 2022:
He’s only dangerous to their world order dreams and their bank accounts.
Trajan61 replies on May 3, 2022:
@Archeus_Lore Evidently you must believe everything you hear from Russian controlled media.
Republican leaders know what a danger he is to the country. Yet...
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 23, 2022:
Putin calls Trump his champion, because Trump is Putin's favorite kind of peon.
Trajan61 replies on May 2, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir This country is more likely to become a dictatorship under the Democraps than the republicans. Hell the Democraps are even wanting to censor social media for false information when they are worse than anyone about passing false information. With a tyrant like Biden in charge I may need my AR rifles to defend myself against a tyrannical government.
Republican leaders know what a danger he is to the country. Yet...
CourtJester comments on Apr 23, 2022:
He’s only dangerous to their world order dreams and their bank accounts.
Trajan61 replies on May 2, 2022:
@Archeus_Lore If Putin is elected by popular vote why does he kill his opponents? Adolf Hitler got over 90% of the vote but if you were against him you were killed.
Republican leaders know what a danger he is to the country. Yet...
CourtJester comments on Apr 23, 2022:
He’s only dangerous to their world order dreams and their bank accounts.
Trajan61 replies on May 2, 2022:
@Archeus_Lore Putin is a dictator so what are you talking about?
Republican leaders know what a danger he is to the country. Yet...
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 23, 2022:
Putin calls Trump his champion, because Trump is Putin's favorite kind of peon.
Trajan61 replies on May 2, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir We use our AR15-AR10 rifles to shoot coyotes and wild hogs here on the ranch which are a nuisance and the coyotes will take any opportunity to take a baby calf if given the chance. I see no reason to regulate the rifles any more than they already are as they are not used very much in crimes as handguns are the preferred guns for criminals. Why should millions of AR owners be penalized because of a few idiots who engage in mass shootings? The chances of being shot by a mass shooter are less than the chances of being struck by lightning but those rare incidences are publicized massively in attempts to crack down on legal law abiding gun owners which is total bullshit. Also there were a lot of irregularities in the 2020 presidential election, more than enough to sway the election toward that crooked senile idiot Biden and his democrap cohorts. The Washington establishment along with their friends in Silicon Valley had a vendetta against Trump from the day he took office and were unfortunately able to influence the 2020 election with millions in dark money. Hell Zuckerburg contributed over 100 million himself. It’s total bullshit that Trump was banned from Twitter and Facebook while MSM outlets like the Washington Post and the New York Times wouldn’t even adknowledge the existence of the crooked Hunter Biden laptop until over a year after the election. Now 1.5 years after the Democraps have taken over we have record high inflation which threatens to derail the economy and people like you are still defending them. I think this high inflation is going to sink the Democraps and I’ll be glad when it happens so we can get back to being a prosperous country.
TEXAS CAUTION: In regards to all the people wanting to move here from New York and California as ...
Tejas comments on May 1, 2022:
And if you're coming from California to Texas please get a job, or the locals will never like you.
Trajan61 replies on May 1, 2022:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Texas doesn’t even have a income tax so what in the hell are you talking about!
TEXAS CAUTION: In regards to all the people wanting to move here from New York and California as ...
Tejas comments on May 1, 2022:
And if you're coming from California to Texas please get a job, or the locals will never like you.
Trajan61 replies on May 1, 2022:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz And the cost of living is 3 times higher. Only a moron would want to start in California.
TEXAS CAUTION: In regards to all the people wanting to move here from New York and California as ...
Sierra4 comments on May 1, 2022:
I read that people moving from California to Texas raises the IQ level in both states. 😱
Trajan61 replies on May 1, 2022:
People in California don’t seem to have any IQ as they keep voting for the idiotic democraps even though they are ruining the state.
Religion and education: Let's be perfectly clear
DenoPenno comments on May 1, 2022:
The more I studied the bible the more I saw and realized that it had no factual evidence to back it up. The bible as we know it today came into being some 300 plus years after the time of Jesus and is a book set up with a beginning and an end. Nothing happened in that order. They just assembled the ...
Trajan61 replies on May 1, 2022:
@HippieChick58 Kind of hard to be a bloodthirsty sick fellow when they don’t exist except in the imagination of some people.
Apparently the Democraps aren’t interested in free speech! []
Mooolah comments on May 1, 2022:
@Trajan61 If The Zuck wasn't a natural born citizen , I would include him in the deportation. See! We can agree on some things.
Trajan61 replies on May 1, 2022:
@Mooolah I agree with you on the abortion issue but that’s not enough for me to vote for a democrap. At your age I doubt you’ll have to worry about getting an abortion.
Apparently the Democraps aren’t interested in free speech! []
Mooolah comments on May 1, 2022:
@Trajan61 If The Zuck wasn't a natural born citizen , I would include him in the deportation. See! We can agree on some things.
Trajan61 replies on May 1, 2022:
@Mooolah Bad times are here right now because of record high inflation caused by the idiotic democrap policies.I’m worried about my business because what I’m selling is staying pretty much the same while my major expenses cost like fuel, fertilizer and chemicals are skyrocketing.
Apparently the Democraps aren’t interested in free speech! []
Mooolah comments on May 1, 2022:
@Trajan61 If The Zuck wasn't a natural born citizen , I would include him in the deportation. See! We can agree on some things.
Trajan61 replies on May 1, 2022:
Yes we can. To bad we can’t agree that Biden is a terrible president and we would be better off with Trump. It’s looking like the Democraps are going to get a drubbing in November and that’s a good thing.
Who would prevail in a snap election? Ron DeSantis, or Mickey Mouse?
Trajan61 comments on Apr 28, 2022:
Hell woke Disney needs to be boycotted. They need to concentrate on providing children's programming and stay out of politics!
Trajan61 replies on May 1, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir I have no problem with people choosing their own gender. It’s teaching 8 year olds and younger about it I have a problem with.


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