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Trajan61 comments on Jan 11, 2018:
I’m a conservative atheist and I fully support a woman’s right to an abortion but I think for the sake of human decency abortions should be banned after the first 20 weeks unless there’s something wrong with the baby like Down syndrome. I think it’s insane to try to force a woman to have a baby she doesn’t want as overpopulation is the worlds number one problem. I have a devoutly religious business associate who is so extreme he believes a woman should be forced to have the child of a rapist and that view disturbs me greatly.
Do you feel it is necessary to be anti religious groups of people to be agnostic or atheist?
Trajan61 comments on Jan 11, 2018:
Most of the religious I know are quite sensible probably more so than a lot of the left wing liberals on this website as they practice their religion more because of tradition rather because they are serious believers. Most of the ones I know are hard working businessmen who are more concerned with doing well and making money than they are with religion as they rarely talk about religion.
Talking about Oprah. Who would be her vice president.
Trajan61 comments on Jan 10, 2018:
Oprah could never beat Trump anyway. Trumps going to be here 8 years so you might as well move on.
How free did you feel when you finally broke free out of the shackles and chains of religion?
Trajan61 comments on Jan 10, 2018:
I feel just fine as I no longer worry about going to hell.
Christian women throwing a fit after atheist post a bible scripture on the back of his vehicle.
Trajan61 comments on Jan 10, 2018:
When I got married 42 years ago my wife who is somewhat religious made the minister change the wording in the marriage vows from love honour and obey to love honour and cherish. So obviously she doesn’t believe that part of the bible but she still goes to church with some people who do believe that.
Why does it anger you when a person tries to convert you to their belief?
Trajan61 comments on Jan 10, 2018:
It’s very hard to argue with the religious idiots as they just get mad. Probably best to just ignore them.
Do you think scientist will some day ever find the cure for cancer and AIDS patients?
Trajan61 comments on Jan 10, 2018:
If we spent as much money on medical research as we have on churches and religious monuments we would probably already have it licked!
Does religion interest you?
Trajan61 comments on Jan 10, 2018:
I’m sure if you were going to debate religion with the religious nuts it would be helpful to study religions. In reality common sense is enough to realize that religions are nonsense. Hell most of the evidence for what’s in the bible is the bible. What person in their right mind could believe that if you reject religion for lack of scientific evidence that your going to burn for all eternity in hell for something that doesn’t exist!
Will you help me settle this debate with my friend: can a Christian be a freethinker?
Trajan61 comments on Jan 10, 2018:
A lot of Christain’s practice religion mostly because of tradition and don’t take it that seriously so sure a Christain can be a freethinker.
I have seen three different polls on Trump on this web site.
Trajan61 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
I think your way high on the agnostic community being anywhere close to 25% of the US population. I’ve lived here in western Oklahoma all my life and only have 2 openly atheist friends. Here where I live people were so disgusted with the democrats Trump carried my hometown with 87% of the vote and all 77 counties in my home state with about 70% of the vote. Even though I am atheist and don’t like the religious influence in the Republican Party I fully support Trump as I think the country will do a lot better as he’s a businessman and knows how to stimulate the economy. The overwhelming majority of the religious people are just practicing religion because of tradition anyway so I have no problem with most of them.
The boarder wall???
Trajan61 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Considering that overpopulation is the number one problem in the world and the Hispanic population is growing the fastest I think security on the southern border in particular should be beefed up.
Interesting. []
Trajan61 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
I find the above link interesting but not surprising as Trump is a business man and knows way more about stimulating the economy than that ultra left wing idiot Obama. I think Trump is a far better leader so far than what we’ve had for the last 8 years. Unfortunately most of the people on this website seem to be raving left wing nuts but there are a few conservatives and you obviously are one of them.
How long will abortion continue to be a major influence in politics?
Trajan61 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Yes Roe Versus Wade will survive Trump. Hell Trump’s not even a Christain, he just uses the religious right to obtain power as he knows no conservative can win without it. It would be insane to force a woman to have a kid she doesn’t want as we already have to many people in the world.
Religius criminal
Trajan61 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
I have my doubts he even existed. He’s something that was invented by man so churches can scam us out of our money!
You have two glasses.
Trajan61 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
More whiskey to the water glass as it seems the water glass would contain some whiskey.
Where did I go wrong?
Trajan61 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
I’m sure you can get laid in a brothel with a wad of money. Hell money will buy all the sex you want. Just try a different hooker!
Law changes in affect 2018
Trajan61 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Also here in the US we have food stamps and they can only be used for food, not alcohol or tobacco. We also have medical marijuana in 29 states and recreational marijuana in 7 states with those numbers growing every year.
Law changes in affect 2018
Trajan61 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Here in the US disability payments are abused severely. There are so many people who would rather sit on their ass and draw a disability check than work and if they do work they demand cash because if they make to much they will lose their disability check. Welfare is abused badly also. Many people on welfare are drug or alcohol abusers. I If your banning plastic bags how do you bag up your trash and take it to the dump? Myself I live in the country a ways from town and put my trash in plastic bags, haul it to town and put it in the city dumpster, a right for which I pay for.
Have you divorced because you don't believe?
Trajan61 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
No I haven’t been divorced but my wife of 42 years and I have agreed not to discuss religion as she is somewhat religious and I am a strong atheist. I don’t go to church with her anymore and she doesn’t press me to go. We just recognize that people have their differences and religion is one of ours so everything is going great. However she is by no stretch a religious fanatic like some people I know who seem to put their religion above their family or it might not go so well.
I watch too much sports.
Trajan61 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Yes it bothers me a little when I see players crossing themselves and also when they bow their head on the field like they’re praying. It’s just unreal how people can put so much faith into something that doesn’t exist to start with. However those people don’t bother me as bad as those who take a knee during the national anthem as they are disrespecting the veterans who fought and died for this country and made it possible for them to make all that money to start with.
When you crunch the numbers, is democracy being done right in america?
Trajan61 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
The president is not elected by popular vote and I’m damn glad because we would have had Al Gore and Hillary Clinton as presidents and both were incompetent or corrupt. Without the electoral vote the NE and west coast would elect the presidents and they seem to be very liberal.
Since joining this site, I've seen an excessive amount of posts referencing choice in the held ...
Trajan61 comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Of course you can choose what you believe or don’t believe. Nobody is forcing you to believe or not believe in anything. Even the rabid religious nuts can’t force you to believe like they do.
To whom is consuming these delicious looking meals an abomination ?
Trajan61 comments on Jan 6, 2018:
Just as soon have a good beef steak but that would probably work.
What is your take on having a "higher power"?
Trajan61 comments on Jan 6, 2018:
I’m sure it’s a religious thing. Why else would they ask that question.
Trajan61 comments on Jan 5, 2018:
Considering most on this website are left wing liberals I doubt the world would be any better. Stalin and Mao Zedong were both atheist along with Pol Pot from Cambodia and a host of others and they killed millions.
After you became a non believer, did you also go back through all the other supernatural claims out...
Trajan61 comments on Jan 5, 2018:
And I didn’t any other supernatural claims.
After you became a non believer, did you also go back through all the other supernatural claims out...
Trajan61 comments on Jan 5, 2018:
I was never that big on religion to start with so when I came out of the closet as an open atheist the only problem I had was the family didn’t like it and didn’t want me to talk to my grandchildren about my lack of beliefs.
I want to change my name.
Trajan61 comments on Jan 5, 2018:
How about Hood after the Banshee character Lucas Hood.
I was asked if I’ve talked to Jesus today.
Trajan61 comments on Jan 5, 2018:
The religious nuts will think you are going to hell for eternal suffering for that!
You are given 5 choices of television stations with the luxury of no commercial breaks, but can only...
Trajan61 comments on Jan 4, 2018:
I’ve always been a history buff.
Did the Trump administration collude with Russia?
Trajan61 comments on Jan 4, 2018:
The Muelller investigation is nothing more than a Democrat witch hunt!
How long will it be before we have an open Agnostic/Atheist presidential candidate?
Trajan61 comments on Jan 4, 2018:
Bernie Sanders was probably a closet atheist but it would be very hard to elect an openly atheist person today!
George Carlin say's it the best!...
Trajan61 comments on Jan 4, 2018:
I agree!
President's Job Approval Rating
Trajan61 comments on Jan 4, 2018:
I wanted somebody to shake up Washington after 8 years of that idiot Obama and so far he’s doing a hell of a Job!
What if the world's worst person said the smartest thing ever said?
Trajan61 comments on Jan 4, 2018:
I don’t think thats to likely but having a reputation as the worst person would take away credibility from anything he said even if it was good.
What is your moral compass?
Trajan61 comments on Jan 4, 2018:
My moral compass is good. Always paid my bills and lived within my means. Can’t say the same for some of the religious!
I'm 100% atheist and that god is just a fictional character in a book of lies but every now and then...
Trajan61 comments on Jan 4, 2018:
I had lots of doubts about religion for a long time but since I became atheist I no longer have any doubts!
Do you think we should challenge North Korea?
Trajan61 comments on Jan 4, 2018:
We can’t do anything about North Korea unless they strike first. Then we can burn them off the map.
Here is another article that I found interesting.
Trajan61 comments on Jan 4, 2018:
You mean you don’t consider Trump to be a progressive? Seems to me he’s doing a pretty good job shaking it up so far.
Do Ghosts go along with religion?
Trajan61 comments on Jan 4, 2018:
I’d think if you don’t believe in god how can you believe in ghost. They are both imaginary things.
Am I the only one that isn’t saddened by my life coming to a complete end after death?
Trajan61 comments on Jan 4, 2018:
I’m not afraid of death just the pain that may come with it. If it wasn’t for the fear of death we wouldn’t have religions.
Getting a blizzard here on the east coast!!!!! Wooo hoooo so happy.
Trajan61 comments on Jan 4, 2018:
Blizzards often cause a lot of problems. Hope you don’t have to many of them.
A little religious humor....;-)
Trajan61 comments on Jan 4, 2018:
Can a society maintain complete intellectual freedom while doing away with religion?
Trajan61 comments on Jan 4, 2018:
We will never be able to get away from religion. Some people just can’t accept the fact that when your dead it’s over , therefore we have religions as that gives them hope.
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
Trajan61 comments on Jan 4, 2018:
I tell them I no longer believe in that religious nonsense!
Should religion be taught in schools?
Trajan61 comments on Jan 4, 2018:
Not in public school. If you want to indoctrinate your kid you should have to pay for it.
Do you support Trump?
Trajan61 comments on Jan 4, 2018:
Hell yes I support Trump! After 8 years of that idiot Obama we need a shakeup in Washington!


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