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Rights or privileges?
Trajan61 comments on Jan 21, 2018:
Here in America we have the 2nd amendment which gives us the right to bear arms. It disturbs me that the liberals have made every attempt to strip us of those rights with their appointment of liberal judges on the US Supreme Court. They have been unsuccessful thought especially with Trump appointing...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 24, 2018:
@Wrytyr If the liberals are not looking for a total ban on guns why do we have 4 liberals judges on the US Supreme Court that believe its ok for a city to ban you from having a gun in your own home. If that’s not a total ban I don’t know what is!
Damn this group is up to 11 members and growing fast.
NFAguy53 comments on Feb 24, 2018:
According to the "free thinkers" (as they anoint themselves) if you are a atheist/agnostic you will think MY way. I am seeing that a lot. Mean ole President Trump is a big doody head. I want him impeached. I keep seeing liberal terms thrown around like all over Facistbook. Racist, bigot, misogynist,...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 24, 2018:
I agree with you 100% on that and I’ve said that for a long time. The only practical solution to the schools shootings is to arm a few well qualified teachers. I have a shooting range in my backyard and I shoot with some of the teachers and I’m sure those teachers would be more than a match for some kid with a AR15 rifle or whatever gun they brought. Not to mention most mass shooter are cowards and probably wouldn’t even show up to shoot the place up to start with if they thought someone would be shooting back!
I'd like to thank our members for joining our group! I would also like to thank our visitors for ...
Trajan61 comments on Feb 22, 2018:
Hopefully there’s more conservative atheist on this website than I think. That would be great if there were.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 24, 2018:
NFAguy53 Yes there are. There seem to be an awfully lot of left wing liberals here.
Do you think my position is too extreme? (Warning: graphic descriptions inside)
Trajan61 comments on Feb 22, 2018:
If Trump were anything like Hitler you’d already be dead. Hitler was never called out for any war crimes as he committed suicide before he could be brought to justice. Poor comparison on that part as I don’t see that happening here in the US. I agree with you on the part about the Nazi guard and...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 24, 2018:
@Lewellyn3 I had a Mexican man that work for me for 28 years her on the cattle ranch and he was a great employee with the cattle. I still have another one who’s been here over 15 years.
I’ve been shot in combat.
Trajan61 comments on Feb 23, 2018:
How many kids have to be killed before the liberal idiots realize that a gun free zone is an invitation for someone to come in and shoot up the place.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 23, 2018:
@Crimson67 I was all gung-ho to join the army and go kill some communist in Vietnam when I was a young man but unfortunately I’m deaf and the army wanted nothing to do with me. I get along just fine now with the help of 2 cochlear implants and I have a shooting range in my backyard here on the ranch. I’m pretty proficient with a gun and I have friends who often come over and shoot with me. One of them is a teacher in the local school and is very proficient with a gun and I’m sure he would be more than a match to any kid with a AR15 rifle if one decided to attack the School. And there are plenty of other teachers like him who would also be up to the job as well.
So I'm a liberal, but I'm trying to genuinely understand the conservative perspective.
Mkonnick comments on Feb 22, 2018:
Ok, I don't want to descend into tech specs on guns, because I won't understand what they mean in real life. Let me clarify. I don't especially care about the jargon, but why would anyone need a quick-firing, high capacity (as opposed to like a revolver) weapon just for hunting or personal ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 23, 2018:
@cmadler It always pissed me off when the liberal gun control nuts would include suicides in their gun control statistics. Hell anyone who is terminally ill with no prospect of an enjoyable life should have the right to end their life and the gun is often the best tool to do it with. My wife used to work for a pharmacist who owned several drug stores and when his cancer came back for the 3rd time he went out in the country, put the barrel of a shotgun in his mouth and pulled the trigger and it’s “game over. I’ve often wondered why he choose this method of ending his life with his access to drugs.
I thought this was a great article, and wanted to share it here.
Trajan61 comments on Feb 23, 2018:
A lot of those laws are already on the books.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 23, 2018:
Oops sorry about that, my mistake.
I’ve been shot in combat.
Rickyy comments on Feb 23, 2018:
School teachers signed up for a teaching job not a security job!
Trajan61 replies on Feb 23, 2018:
I know several teachers who are well qualified and would likely be more than a match for a kid with an AR15. Hell most mass shooters are cowards and wouldn’t even contemplate shooting up a place if they thought someone would be shooting back.
I’ve been shot in combat.
Trajan61 comments on Feb 23, 2018:
How many kids have to be killed before the liberal idiots realize that a gun free zone is an invitation for someone to come in and shoot up the place.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 23, 2018:
@ Crimson67 I’m sure a well qualified teacher with a good handgun would be more than a match for some kid with a AR15 rifle. Hell most of them are cowards anyway and probably wouldn’t even contemplate shooting up the school if they thought someone might be shooting back.
I’ve been shot in combat.
jonds56 comments on Feb 23, 2018:
I have many family members that are teachers and I cannot imagine any of them with a gun in the classroom, that is a ridiculous idea. I have doubt as to how more guns cures this problem. I spent four years in the Air Force and touched a gun once in basic training but yet I can get a concealed ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 23, 2018:
I know teachers who are very well qualified to carry a gun.
I’ve been shot in combat.
jayneonacobb comments on Feb 23, 2018:
I don't think mandating that teachers be armed is a viable or legal option. I see no reason why a teacher shouldn't be able to conceal carry at work if they so choose. I've been shot and stabbed.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 23, 2018:
Teachers are already armed in some schools. That is the only practical solution if anything at all is done. Actually the risk of being shot by a mass shooter is extremely low, less than your chance of being struck by lightning.
I don’t agree with Christain’s about their Christain doctrine but I do agree with them on their ...
Yakoi comments on Feb 23, 2018:
This is 30 minutes south of me. Most of the school districts around here allow teachers to CC. I know I feel safer, and a lot of other parents do too, about having their kids in schools where they are protected by more than a badge, and a door.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 23, 2018:
That is the only sensible solution to a mass shooter. A no gun zone is nothing but an invitation for someone to shoot up the place.
Sagging pants.
Jim222bo comments on Feb 22, 2018:
There are 132 thousand schools in America, both private and public. Since Columbine there have been 25 shootings totalling 438 people shot. Of the 438, 138 died. There are also 5,300 colleges and universities in the USA. There are around 50 million students enrolled in these schools. The average ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 23, 2018:
I couldn’t have said it better myself. I agree with you 100%
CDC Scientists Plea to Congress: Let Us Research Gun Violence
Lewellyn3 comments on Feb 19, 2018:
@ Jack Pedigo....Yes, I've read about what you're talking about. Google "politicians getting money from NRA." That's what make me FURIOUS. Our representatives were elected to work for what WE want, not what some corporation or private organization wants. Bribing our representatives should be ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 23, 2018:
I myself am a life member of the NRA and also a concealed weapon permit holder. If it wasn’t for the NRA we’d wouldn’t have the right to have a gun in our house or be able to carry a concealed gun on your person for self defense. Four liberal judges on the US Supreme Court already believe it’s ok for a city to pass a law prohibiting you from having a gun in your own home. If that’s not a total ban I don’t know what is.
Do you think my position is too extreme? (Warning: graphic descriptions inside)
Trajan61 comments on Feb 22, 2018:
If Trump were anything like Hitler you’d already be dead. Hitler was never called out for any war crimes as he committed suicide before he could be brought to justice. Poor comparison on that part as I don’t see that happening here in the US. I agree with you on the part about the Nazi guard and...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 23, 2018:
@MarqG Your the one who is spouting mindless stuff from the left!
Welcome to the the conservative atheists group! This group was created for people who don't follow ...
SamMcGlone comments on Feb 19, 2018:
Personally, I am not for sure what a conservative is anymore...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 22, 2018:
You obviously are not a conservative.
Welcome to the the conservative atheists group! This group was created for people who don't follow ...
cmadler comments on Feb 20, 2018:
Here in the US, the "conservative" Republican Party has been so tied to religious conservatives for my entire life that for a long time I thought I was liberal. I've only recently come fully to terms with the notion that I'm actually pretty conservative. Among other things, even though I think a lot...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 22, 2018:
I consider anyone who supports Trump, is pro gun, favors less taxes and regulations and supports a strong military a conservative.
I don’t agree with Christain’s about their Christain doctrine but I do agree with them on their ...
Lancer comments on Feb 22, 2018:
It'll be a cold day in hell before the liberals realise that turning everyone into a victim doesn't make society safer form psychopaths. Who would've thought? I mean whenever we have places that are fortified and le defended. People are less likely to attack it. I mean humans have only been ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 22, 2018:
Well said!
I still see more liberal gun grabbers making poor arguments for gun control.
LimeySteve comments on Feb 17, 2018:
It's outdated and the NRA has perverted it with the sole purpose of selling the most guns they can.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 22, 2018:
@Uncorrugated Every country has crime, but it’s just in a few like the US and the Czech Republic that you have a right to defend yourself with a gun. In the rest your just at the mercy of the criminal! If you think other countries are so much better why don’t you move there.
The gun 'debate' as I see it. Gun Control Supporter: Did you hear?
ChrisR comments on Feb 21, 2018:
The argument that more people need to be armed just doesn't hold water - mainly because a lot of the very people that would need to be armed for it to work (i.e. teachers) absolutely don't want to be armed. They wouldn't have the training to defend themselves, let alone the children under their ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 22, 2018:
We spend millions protecting our sporting events, airports and government officials. Why shouldn’t we spend a little protecting our kids.
NRA Chief Wayne LaPierre: FBI, Elitism To Blame For School Shootings | HuffPost
Trajan61 comments on Feb 22, 2018:
Wayne LaPierre makes a hell of a lot more sense than the idiotic liberals. He wants to train teachers to respond to a dearanged shooter trying to shoot up the place. How many kids have to die before the liberal realize that a gun free zone is nothing more than an invitation for some lunatic to shoot...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 22, 2018:
@Ktcyan If they had metal detectors at schools and guards behind it to enforce entry just like at a lot of sporting events it would make a lot of sense as it’s basically the only thing that’s going to stop a maniac shooter short of seizing all the guns.
I still see more liberal gun grabbers making poor arguments for gun control.
LimeySteve comments on Feb 17, 2018:
It's outdated and the NRA has perverted it with the sole purpose of selling the most guns they can.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 22, 2018:
@Uncorrugated In most countries you do not have a right to have a gun in your home or carry one on your person for self defense. In most places in the US you do. I’ll take the US any day over most countries.
Do you think my position is too extreme? (Warning: graphic descriptions inside)
Trajan61 comments on Feb 22, 2018:
If Trump were anything like Hitler you’d already be dead. Hitler was never called out for any war crimes as he committed suicide before he could be brought to justice. Poor comparison on that part as I don’t see that happening here in the US. I agree with you on the part about the Nazi guard and...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 22, 2018:
@Ktcyan Obama was a lot more of a tyrant than Trump as he imposed many regulations without congressional authority which cost this country billions of dollars for little or no gain. Trump on the other hand has tried to go through Congress on most everything he’s done and has did away with most of Obama’s stupid illegal regulations. Comparing Trump with Hitler is idiotic!
Do you think my position is too extreme? (Warning: graphic descriptions inside)
Lewellyn3 comments on Feb 22, 2018:
@MarqG......If it were TRUE, I would be just as angry. I've heard so many JEWS tell me that someone has told them that the Jews will burn in hell because they didn't accept Christ, and this is simply NOT TRUE!!!! This is why one must not pull one scripture out and interpreted it alone. When ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 22, 2018:
All of the devout Christians I know say the Jews are going to hell as they don’t accept Jesus as they’re savior. I’ve always had major problems with that as I’m very pro Israel and that one was of the major contributing factors in my turning away from Christianity. I also have a lot of problems with religion as there’s very little or no scientific proof for the existence of what’s in the Bible or Koran except the Bible or Koran themselves.
The gun 'debate' as I see it. Gun Control Supporter: Did you hear?
ChrisR comments on Feb 21, 2018:
The argument that more people need to be armed just doesn't hold water - mainly because a lot of the very people that would need to be armed for it to work (i.e. teachers) absolutely don't want to be armed. They wouldn't have the training to defend themselves, let alone the children under their ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 21, 2018:
I know quite a few teachers who can handle a gun very well. How many people are going to get killed before we realize gun free zones are a joke and a disaster waiting to happen.
The gun 'debate' as I see it. Gun Control Supporter: Did you hear?
Captain_Feelgood comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Definitely one of the toughest conundrums we're facing today. Some of the hardest things to work out, to me anyway, are the questions of what disqualifies a person from being fit (mentally/emotionally), who gets to decide if they are or not, what test do you need to pass, and how often should ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 21, 2018:
Yours is one of the few sensible answers and also one of the few that will work.
Almost all the boys/men who were involved in the mass shootings in America’s schools were brought ...
HeathenFarmer comments on Feb 20, 2018:
Honestly Fox News, really? How is this even considered to be a creditable source? A brief search traces this story back to a right wing fake news site called Bull A further search finds that there is very little correlation for the factor between even school shooters. The highest ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 21, 2018:
Almost all the higher educated successful businessmen I know are strong Trump supporters so what are you talking about. Most of the Obama supporters I know are the ones looking for a government handout.
I want to thank Gypsyofnewspain for all the useful information on gun buybacks, buyups.
Trajan61 comments on Feb 19, 2018:
Hell Gipseyofnewspain wants to confiscate all guns. Is that what you want? I get upset with the liberal gun control folks who always want to go after the guns of law abiding citizens every time some idiot goes on a shooting spree.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 20, 2018:
@MikeFlora Do you really think the liberals are going to be satisfied with an assault weapons ban and background checks? Hell 4 liberal judges on the US Supreme Court don’t even recognize the 2nd amendment as giving private citizens the right to have firearms and believe it’s ok for a city to pass laws forbidding you from having a gun in your own home. If that’s not a total ban I don’t know what is.
Massive study of Australia's gun laws shows one thing: they work
Trajan61 comments on Feb 18, 2018:
There’s one big difference. In Australia you don’t have a right to defend yourself with a gun. In the US you do.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 20, 2018:
@David1955 Your comments show you are definitely out of touch with US politics. Hell in my hometown after 8 years of that idiot Obama people were so disgusted with the democrats Trump carried 87% of the vote. In my home state he carried all 77 counties with over 70% of the vote.
Chris Rock - Black People VS. Niggaz (Bring the Pain 1996) - YouTube
Trajan61 comments on Feb 19, 2018:
Hell the liberals are a lot more racist. If you suggest Black Lives Matters is a racist and radical group responsible for the death of law enforcement people they just get mad.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 20, 2018:
@jayneonacobb Good reply!
Almost all the boys/men who were involved in the mass shootings in America’s schools were brought ...
HeathenFarmer comments on Feb 20, 2018:
Honestly Fox News, really? How is this even considered to be a creditable source? A brief search traces this story back to a right wing fake news site called Bull A further search finds that there is very little correlation for the factor between even school shooters. The highest ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 20, 2018:
I supposed your one of those who thinks CNN and MSNBC are reliable sources. Fox News is the number one news channel in America!
Atheist & Christain Marriage
Lancer comments on Feb 19, 2018:
Possibly because marriage is expected as the next level for a Christian couple whereas an atheist couple could live out their entire relationship as just partners. So some people who get married young at 20-25 don't know everything about their partner and realise later in life that they dislike ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 20, 2018:
@Lancer Nothing wrong with going to a brothel occaisionally if that’s what you want to do. Just take precaustions.
Almost all the boys/men who were involved in the mass shootings in America’s schools were brought ...
Jnei comments on Feb 20, 2018:
I'm not convinced lack of a father figure is the issue (and certainly not the only issue, or even the one most likely to be a main cause in this instance), more the lack of positive male role models in general - for boys who do have fathers and those who don't alike.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 20, 2018:
It’s a disturbing fact that almost all the mass shooters were all brought up without a father.
Massive study of Australia's gun laws shows one thing: they work
DeplorableMe59 comments on Feb 18, 2018:
Australia doesnt have a Bill of Rights. We do. There are millions of law abiding gun owners and concealed carry permit holders and we didnt shoot anyone today.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 20, 2018:
In Australia you don’t have the right to carry a handgun for self defense. In the US you do. I’ll take the US over Australia any day.
Massive study of Australia's gun laws shows one thing: they work
Trajan61 comments on Feb 18, 2018:
There’s one big difference. In Australia you don’t have a right to defend yourself with a gun. In the US you do.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 19, 2018:
@David1955 Looks to me like your the troll. Arguing with Americans who are sure to know more than you about American politics!
Atheist & Christain Marriage
jayneonacobb comments on Feb 19, 2018:
Christians, especially in the bible belt have a higher divorce rate than atheists per capita last time I checked.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 19, 2018:
Yes they do.
A Muslim told me today at my place of work that I'm going to hell.
Trajan61 comments on Feb 19, 2018:
Islam is an extremely radical religion. Hell those idiots often want to kill you for not believing like they do and they also believe if they kill the infidels which is us they will go to heaven and have 72 virgins. Many of them are very dangerous so be careful.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 19, 2018:
@JayJackson How much trouble have we had with the KKK in recent years? Radical Islamic’s have killed thousands and continue to do so. Black Lives Matters has been responsible for the deaths of a lot of law officers.
Atheist & Christain Marriage
Lancer comments on Feb 19, 2018:
Possibly because marriage is expected as the next level for a Christian couple whereas an atheist couple could live out their entire relationship as just partners. So some people who get married young at 20-25 don't know everything about their partner and realise later in life that they dislike ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 19, 2018:
The Christain’s often get married young for sex and later realize they are incompatable. People would be better off if they lived together for awhile to make sure they could get along but the religious idiots frown on that.
What is an internet troll?
Trajan61 comments on Feb 19, 2018:
If the liberals don’t agree with us onservatives they just condemn us as trolls, censor our remarks and block us as they don’t want to hear anything but they’re side.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 19, 2018:
@Poetdi56 Yes I agree there should not be name calling but the liberals just keep doing it.
Just how precious is human life?
Trajan61 comments on Feb 19, 2018:
No one should be force to have or keep a Down syndrome kid or any other badly defective kid as they will continue to be a drain on society their whole life.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 19, 2018:
@TheIrishTexan That would be a rare exception as I’ve known several and none of them could even take care of themselves.
Atheist & Christain Marriage
KingofHarts comments on Feb 19, 2018:
Because a christian can wake up one day and realize their partner is batshit. :)
Trajan61 replies on Feb 19, 2018:
The Christain’s as a whole seem to be a somewhat quarrelsome bunch. I don’t know how many times I’ve saw church people get made and go to another church over the hiring or firing of a preacher or something.
Atheist groups
mordant comments on Feb 19, 2018:
I tend to think of the FFRF as sort of an atheist ACLU, and American Atheists as a more general purpose activism / advocacy group that focuses more on public policy rather than policing illegal theist overreach per se.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 19, 2018:
Are contributions to both groups tax deductible like the donations to churches.
‘Prayer Matters’: Atheist Group’s Complaint Over Prayer at Basketball Game Sparks a Bold ...
xamountofstars comments on Feb 18, 2018:
Funny how Prayer Matters, but Black Lives Matters is a black terrorist group. I hate people who act like this and refuse to acknowledge the hypocrisy in their behaviors.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 19, 2018:
You used the Black Lives Matters term first not me.
Almost all the boys/men who were involved in the mass shootings in America’s schools were brought ...
Lancer comments on Feb 19, 2018:
I thought about this a few years ago. The main reason I can see for this is a lack of a good male role model. I agree that women can be good role models too however the difference is that boys aspire to be men and girls aspire to be women. It's the same reason why boys like watching male super ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 19, 2018:
Great reply!
Bring it on!! Show me your less than flattering side of the current occupant of the US White House.
Trajan61 comments on Feb 11, 2018:
I think Trumps a great president so far. Obama along with his racist sidekick Al Sharpton on the other hand were assholes.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 19, 2018:
@shockwaverider I think Your the one with the cloudy judgement.
Almost all the boys/men who were involved in the mass shootings in America’s schools were brought ...
Paul628 comments on Feb 18, 2018:
"...Indeed, there is a **direct correlation** between boys who grow up with absent fathers and boys who drop out of school, who drink, who do drugs, who become delinquent and who wind up in prison. And who kill their classmates." (Bolding Mine) As you know, correlation does not necessarily ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 19, 2018:
You and I will have to respectfully disagree on that one.
Trump Budget Sends $1 Billion To Private Religious Schools
Redcupcoffee comments on Feb 17, 2018:
This reeks of Mike Pence.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
Yes it does.
Massive study of Australia's gun laws shows one thing: they work
Dwight comments on Feb 18, 2018:
The NRA cannot buy politicians in Australia. We don't need to even go as far as Australia did to achieve a higher degree of safety. Just dealing with the assault weapons would have saved the lives of several church goers and school children. Lets go after our NRA bought politicians and expose them ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
He was going to do it with his liberal judicial appointments to the Supreme Court. Hell 4 liberal judges on the court already do not recognize the 2nd amendment as giving private citizens the right to have firearms even in they’re own home. I’m not concerned about the current administration as Trump respects the 2nd amendment and showed it with the appointment of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
‘Prayer Matters’: Atheist Group’s Complaint Over Prayer at Basketball Game Sparks a Bold ...
xamountofstars comments on Feb 18, 2018:
Funny how Prayer Matters, but Black Lives Matters is a black terrorist group. I hate people who act like this and refuse to acknowledge the hypocrisy in their behaviors.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
Black lives matters has been responsible for numerous law enforcement deaths.
At what point will the mass shooting become, too horrific?
jayneonacobb comments on Feb 17, 2018:
As a Canadian you don't have a legitament voice in this debate as you are not an American citizen. That being said the first mass shooting was too much. You can't change gun laws in the US because the most basic one is the second amendment. That amendment expresses my right as an American citizen to...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
I couldn’t have said it better myself. Your one of the few in this group who has any sense when it comes to guns.
Massive study of Australia's gun laws shows one thing: they work
Trajan61 comments on Feb 18, 2018:
There’s one big difference. In Australia you don’t have a right to defend yourself with a gun. In the US you do.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
@David1955 Seeing as how your from Australia why are you so concerned about Trump. Hell so far he’s a lot better leader than that idiot Obama!
The obsession with weapons...
Trajan61 comments on Feb 17, 2018:
We may need our weapons someday to fend off tyrants like Obama. Hell the liberals are obcessed with gun control. Even if they couldn’t get our guns through legislation they were going to do it with judicial appointments as 4 judges on the bench already didn’t even recognize the 2nd amendment as ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
@Desertwriger I’m not worried about the artillary round as they are controled by the government and the governments on our side since Trump took office.
How would you respond to someone who is arguing against global warming, giving “last winter was ...
Reignmond comments on Feb 14, 2018:
Cite the global temperature increase.There is also the fact that local climates are changing. Here in Georgia if you average the rainfall increase since 1958 it comes to about a .70" per year increase. Also, our drought and rainy seasons are becoming more accentuated. Remember: Global Warming and ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
I’m a rancher myself but I don’t think anyone has figured out what impact humans have on climate. If we’re so concerned about climate change why not address the number one problem, to many people.
Gun control? Yes or no and why?
MollyBell comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Yes, because assault rifles like the AR15 were designed for the modern military. So, same reason why we have controls on rocket launchers, flamethrowers, and nuclear weapons. The "right to and keep and bear arms" was written in days of muskets, and never did mean "the right to keep and bear all arms...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
There's a lot of difference between an AR15 and the weapons you mentioned. Since Trump took office those weapons are on our side so no worry there.
Second Amendment myths everyone should stop believing | TheHill
Trajan61 comments on Feb 17, 2018:
The Hill is a liberal publication and it publishes a lot of liberal propaganda. The link above is liberal left wing propaganda. The Supreme Court has no right to negate the 2nd amendment but 4 of them do.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
@Piece2YourPuzzle There used to be quite a few conservative Democrats but most of those have ceased to exist since the election of Obama and the turn to the left by the party. Democrats used to outnumber Republicans here in my Home county but since Obama was elected Republicans have surpassed them by quite a lot. Hell in my home county people were so disgusted with the democrats after 8 years of Obama Trump carried 75% of the vote and in my home town 87% of the vote.
I still see more liberal gun grabbers making poor arguments for gun control.
mordant comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Gun control <> gun grabbing. There's not one law-abiding, sane gun enthusiast who would be negatively impacted by common sense gun control that can / will (and HAS) prevented mass murders in the past. No one has a legitimate need for automatic weapons; they should be prohibited as they cause ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
So you favor the confiscation of all semiautomatic weapons just because some idiot abused the weapon. I was just using lightning to get across the point that getting shot by a mass shooter was extremely small. People often abuse automobiles. Maybe we ought to confiscate them as well.
Massive study of Australia's gun laws shows one thing: they work
Trajan61 comments on Feb 18, 2018:
There’s one big difference. In Australia you don’t have a right to defend yourself with a gun. In the US you do.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
@Crimson67 So you believe we should be stripped of our rights to own and carry a gun for self defense here in the US like in Australia?
I still see more liberal gun grabbers making poor arguments for gun control.
wordywalt comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Tat is an outright lie. The 2nd Amendment does NOT give private individuals the right to own all available weapons. Many military weapons are not available for private ownership, nor should they be.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
The AR15 rifle is not a military weapon. It is a semiautomatic civilian version.
I still see more liberal gun grabbers making poor arguments for gun control.
RationalHuman comments on Feb 17, 2018:
I think you got lost on your way to "Don't like it? Move." \ is not the way rational people discuss controversial issues, so I dont expect your approach will get much traction here. You seem to lack an understanding of how our government works, and that people who difffer in opinion are...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
@jayneonacobb The liberal administration of this website allow all kinds of derogatory comments against guns and Trump but when you try to reply in the same tone they often delete your remarks. Shows where they stand on the issues.
Massive study of Australia's gun laws shows one thing: they work
Dwight comments on Feb 18, 2018:
The NRA cannot buy politicians in Australia. We don't need to even go as far as Australia did to achieve a higher degree of safety. Just dealing with the assault weapons would have saved the lives of several church goers and school children. Lets go after our NRA bought politicians and expose them ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
If it weren’t for the NRA gun control idiots like Obama would seize all of our guns here in spite of the 2nd amendment. In Australia you don’t have a right to have a gun on your person for self defense. I’ll take the NRA any day over what you have in Australia. I’m a life member of the NRA as is my son and 2 grandsons.
Massive study of Australia's gun laws shows one thing: they work
Forkbeard comments on Feb 18, 2018:
You don't have to gpo as far as Australia. Twenety years ago following a mass shooting in a school in Scotland the UK banned all hand guns ( semi automatic weapomns were alreay illegal) and rifles and shot guns are strictly controlled. Since then there has been no school shootings in the UK. ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
In England you do not have the right to have a gun in your home or on your person for self defense so you are a lot more likely to be a victim of a crinimal.
How would you respond to someone who is arguing against global warming, giving “last winter was ...
birdingnut comments on Feb 15, 2018:
Someone who talks like that has been listening to Fox News and has already surrendered his brain. I don't even try to argue. Wouldn't matter, since he prefers "alternate facts."
Trajan61 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
So CNN and MSNBC are more reliable sources? Fox News and Breitbart are one of the few who don’t heavily favor the liberals. Also Fox News is the number one news channel in America. Seems you think they’re are a lot of idiots in the US. Mself I consider the liberals to be the idiots!
How would you respond to someone who is arguing against global warming, giving “last winter was ...
Reignmond comments on Feb 14, 2018:
Cite the global temperature increase.There is also the fact that local climates are changing. Here in Georgia if you average the rainfall increase since 1958 it comes to about a .70" per year increase. Also, our drought and rainy seasons are becoming more accentuated. Remember: Global Warming and ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
What’s wrong with more rainfall? Weather is always changing. They can’t even predict the weather 5 days out all the time. I don’t have much confidence in anyone’s ability to predict what the climate will be like 50 years from now.
Massive study of Australia's gun laws shows one thing: they work
David1955 comments on Feb 18, 2018:
The big difference between the US and the Australia on this are, firstly, we never had the saturation and proliferation of firearms that they have in the US. There are so many guns in the US one wonders how they could ever deal with it, but even then starting with those hideous assault weapons would...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
@worsthat That radical left wing nut Obama scared a lot of people with his radical gun grabbing rhetoric and gun sales soared. Under a more reasonable president Trump gun sales have declined significantly.
Massive study of Australia's gun laws shows one thing: they work
Trajan61 comments on Feb 18, 2018:
There’s one big difference. In Australia you don’t have a right to defend yourself with a gun. In the US you do.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
@Druvius There’s millions of semiautomatic weapons already out there in civilians hands. What do you perpose to do about them? The only practical solution for School shootings is more security. Why don’t we arm some qualified teachers. We have security at sporting events and our celeberties and politicians have armed security. Why don’t we have security at our schools? A no guns sign on the door is an invitation for a shooter as they know no one is likely to be shooting back.
Massive study of Australia's gun laws shows one thing: they work
Trajan61 comments on Feb 18, 2018:
There’s one big difference. In Australia you don’t have a right to defend yourself with a gun. In the US you do.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
@VictoriaNotes In America we have the right to have a gun for self defense in most states. Do you think we should be striped of that right also?
Massive study of Australia's gun laws shows one thing: they work
Trajan61 comments on Feb 18, 2018:
There’s one big difference. In Australia you don’t have a right to defend yourself with a gun. In the US you do.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
@VictoriaNotes That could definitely happen especially if we continue to elect arrogant left wing idiots like Obama.
What do you think about Germany's proposal to make public transport free?
Trajan61 comments on Feb 18, 2018:
Sounds like socialism to me. It won’t work as socialism has never worked well.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
@Kimba Only with capitalism and free enterprise can we have a prosperous economy. Some social program are ok but when the government starts running all of the economy things will quickly fall apart.
What do you think about Germany's proposal to make public transport free?
Trajan61 comments on Feb 18, 2018:
Sounds like socialism to me. It won’t work as socialism has never worked well.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 18, 2018:
@Druvius Name one country where socialism has worked well. When the government starts running the economy that’s usually the beginning of the end for that country. Read your history.
I still see more liberal gun grabbers making poor arguments for gun control.
mordant comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Gun control <> gun grabbing. There's not one law-abiding, sane gun enthusiast who would be negatively impacted by common sense gun control that can / will (and HAS) prevented mass murders in the past. No one has a legitimate need for automatic weapons; they should be prohibited as they cause ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 17, 2018:
What does the weather have to do with the liberals on the Supreme Court?
I still see more liberal gun grabbers making poor arguments for gun control.
mordant comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Gun control <> gun grabbing. There's not one law-abiding, sane gun enthusiast who would be negatively impacted by common sense gun control that can / will (and HAS) prevented mass murders in the past. No one has a legitimate need for automatic weapons; they should be prohibited as they cause ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 17, 2018:
I’ll never relinquish control of my guns to the government and I’d be joined by millions of others so what in the hell are you talking about.
Atheists and Trump
gater comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Trump was by far the best choice for President. Hillary is Bill's puppet - don't you get that? And Bill remains an accused rapist, a proven liar, with no ethics. Trump is not perfect, but he is doing a great job!
Trajan61 replies on Feb 17, 2018:
I agree with you 100% on that. After 8 years of that idiot Obama we needed somebody like Trump bad!
Second Amendment myths everyone should stop believing | TheHill
Trajan61 comments on Feb 17, 2018:
The Hill is a liberal publication and it publishes a lot of liberal propaganda. The link above is liberal left wing propaganda. The Supreme Court has no right to negate the 2nd amendment but 4 of them do.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@Piece2YourPuzzle It’s owned by a democrat so it’s liberal. Anybody that would publish something like the link above is definitely liberal.
I still see more liberal gun grabbers making poor arguments for gun control.
mordant comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Gun control <> gun grabbing. There's not one law-abiding, sane gun enthusiast who would be negatively impacted by common sense gun control that can / will (and HAS) prevented mass murders in the past. No one has a legitimate need for automatic weapons; they should be prohibited as they cause ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 17, 2018:
Are you not alarmed by the fact that 4 judges on the US Supreme Court think it’s ok for a city to pass laws making it illegal for their residents to have a gun in their own home. If that’s not a total ban I don’t know what is. If Obama could have done so it would have appointed a fifth liberal judge to the Supreme Court and the 2nd amendment would have been toast.
I still see more liberal gun grabbers making poor arguments for gun control.
LimeySteve comments on Feb 17, 2018:
It's outdated and the NRA has perverted it with the sole purpose of selling the most guns they can.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 17, 2018:
Without the NRA we’d be run over roughshod by gun control nuts like Obama and Clinton who was determine to get rid of them any way he could even if it meant going around the people with liberal judicial appointments.
Gun control? Yes or no and why?
MollyBell comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Yes, because assault rifles like the AR15 were designed for the modern military. So, same reason why we have controls on rocket launchers, flamethrowers, and nuclear weapons. The "right to and keep and bear arms" was written in days of muskets, and never did mean "the right to keep and bear all arms...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@Varn Anyone who supported Obama would have to be liberal as he was very liberal and a gun control nut. Hell he never saw a gun control bill he didn’t like. If he could have he would have seized every gun in the country or at least made them illegal and subject to seizure. Doesn’t it bother you that 4 of the Supreme Court judges don’t recognize the 2nd amendment as giving private citizens the right to bear arms. It seems it should if you are for keeping any guns as 4 of the judges believe it’s ok for a city to have laws prohibiting their residents from having a gun in their own home. If that’s not a total ban I don’t know what is.
I still see more liberal gun grabbers making poor arguments for gun control.
mordant comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Gun control <> gun grabbing. There's not one law-abiding, sane gun enthusiast who would be negatively impacted by common sense gun control that can / will (and HAS) prevented mass murders in the past. No one has a legitimate need for automatic weapons; they should be prohibited as they cause ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 17, 2018:
Since your chances of being struck by lightning are higher than being shot by a mass shooter maybe we should pass laws making it manditory everyone stay indoors during storms.
Gun control? Yes or no and why?
MollyBell comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Yes, because assault rifles like the AR15 were designed for the modern military. So, same reason why we have controls on rocket launchers, flamethrowers, and nuclear weapons. The "right to and keep and bear arms" was written in days of muskets, and never did mean "the right to keep and bear all arms...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@Varn My guns have never been used in anger against anyone so what in the hell are you talking about? If you can’t see Obama for the arrogant gun control nut he was your obviously only seeing things from the liberal side.
I still see more liberal gun grabbers making poor arguments for gun control.
noworry28 comments on Feb 17, 2018:
The U.S. populous is not a well regulated militia. That was the original intent of that amendment because of the tyranny of the British royalty. A way to keep the government in check, so that their power does not corrupt absolutely. The state national guard has fulfilled the criteria for that ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 17, 2018:
I don’t think there’s enough tanks and jet fighters to chase down all the gun people. The government would have to be crazy to use nukes on their own people. Besides with Trump in command the tanks and jet fighters are on our side so what are you talking about.
I still see more liberal gun grabbers making poor arguments for gun control.
mordant comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Gun control <> gun grabbing. There's not one law-abiding, sane gun enthusiast who would be negatively impacted by common sense gun control that can / will (and HAS) prevented mass murders in the past. No one has a legitimate need for automatic weapons; they should be prohibited as they cause ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 17, 2018:
Automatic weapons are already prohibited. Civilians can only buy semiautomatic weapons unless you have a class lll and those are very rare. Most crimes are committed with handguns. Your not going to solve much by outlawing AR15’s.
How many republican atheists/agnostics are members of this website?
kiramea comments on Feb 17, 2018:
If I was a Republican I certainly wouldn't admit it on this site. There's too many people who equate Republican/conservatism with Trump. Though usually they go hand-in-hand, there are numerous people who are Republican and abhor Trump.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 17, 2018:
We need to get rid of those republicans who won’t support Trump along with a bunch of liberal democrats.
How many republican atheists/agnostics are members of this website?
jacpod comments on Feb 17, 2018:
sorry whats a republican? is it Conservative?
Trajan61 replies on Feb 17, 2018:
Yes it is a conservative.
Gun control? Yes or no and why?
MollyBell comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Yes, because assault rifles like the AR15 were designed for the modern military. So, same reason why we have controls on rocket launchers, flamethrowers, and nuclear weapons. The "right to and keep and bear arms" was written in days of muskets, and never did mean "the right to keep and bear all arms...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 17, 2018:
The AR15 rifle is a semiautomatic version of the US Armies M16 which is a full auto.There are a lot of more powerful and longer range guns that it. It is also the largest selling rifle in America or has been at times. I’m sure there’s millions of them out there. We may need those AR15 rifles someday to fend off a tyrant like Obama. According to Thomas Jefferson that was one of the main reasons for having the 2nd amendment.
Gun control?
Anonbene comments on Feb 17, 2018:
I believe a very few people own most of the guns. It would be very easy to confiscate them. One locked gun per house is plenty.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 17, 2018:
That would result in a civil war as most of the people I know own guns and they’re not about to give them up without a fight!
Guns for/against?
jayneonacobb comments on Feb 16, 2018:
We've had this debate, no one has supplied a single coherent argument for gun control yet. Most that I have debated on the subject either bowed out or made false acuisations or assertions to prolong their embarassment.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@MikeFlora Have you ever considered the fact that the gun control nuts will never be satisfied until they get rid of all the guns and completely strip us of our 2nd amendment rights. Hell 4 liberal judges on the Supreme Court think it’s ok for a city to have laws against you even having a gun in your own home. If that’s not in flagrant violation of the 2nd amendment I don’t know what is!
Guns for/against?
jayneonacobb comments on Feb 16, 2018:
We've had this debate, no one has supplied a single coherent argument for gun control yet. Most that I have debated on the subject either bowed out or made false acuisations or assertions to prolong their embarassment.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 17, 2018:
@MikeFlora The shooting in Florida was unfortunate but why should we strip everyone of their right to own guns because of a few idiots. Mass shooting are well publicized especially by the liberal media but no one ever mentions the fact that your chances of being struck by lightning are higher than being shot by a mass shooter.
Guns for/against?
TerriCity comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Most people in the US do not own guns (75%) and support regulations such as background checks (90%) , waiting periods and banning the most dangerous weapons such as semi-automatic weapons. The question of gun ownership and sensible regulation of firearms in the US has become extremely ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 17, 2018:
Where I live everyone has at least one gun and most have several. That arrogant left wing liberal gun control nut Obama scared the hell out of a lot of people and during the 8 years he was in office gun sales and NRA membership soared.
Thoughts and Prayers and NRA Funding
Trajan61 comments on Feb 15, 2018:
If it wasn’t for the NRA gun owners would have already had our Guns seized especially with gun control nuts like Obama being elected. The gun is just a tool. What if we outlawed cars just because some idiot misused them and killed a bunch of people. Have you ever noticed that most of the mass ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@vnufall Like most liberals you seem to be obcessed with gun control.
Gun control? Yes or no and why?
HeathenFarmer comments on Feb 16, 2018:
No, if enough Americans shot each other then people from other parts of the world can move to the US and create a real just, free and caring society with sane laws.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 16, 2018:
Seeing as your from Canada why are you so concerned about US gun laws. You should be more concerned about getting rid of that idiot Trudeau!
Gun control? Yes or no and why?
LeighShelton comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Yes because of all the deaths compared to say the UK where I live.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 16, 2018:
Why are you so concerned about guns in the US when you live in England. Hell if it weren’t for the US you’d probably be speaking German today if you were still alive. In England your at the mercy of the crinimals. You can keep your system but I plan on keeping ours.
How many of you Lost a Relative or a Loved One to Gun Violence on U.S.A
GipsyOfNewSpain comments on Feb 16, 2018:
I lost a nephew, former basketball player, martial arts black belt pro bodyguard, shot to death in the back. I will melt every single gun not in the hands of military or police. Hunters and collectors included.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 16, 2018:
My guns have never been a problem for anyone, what are you talking about?
Gun control? Yes or no and why?
LeighShelton comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Yes because of all the deaths compared to say the UK where I live.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 16, 2018:
. In America if someone breaks into your home you can just shoot them, no questions asked. In England you don’t have that right.
How many of you Lost a Relative or a Loved One to Gun Violence on U.S.A
GipsyOfNewSpain comments on Feb 16, 2018:
I lost a nephew, former basketball player, martial arts black belt pro bodyguard, shot to death in the back. I will melt every single gun not in the hands of military or police. Hunters and collectors included.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 16, 2018:
Unfortunately guns will always be misused by some people, the same as cars and a lot of other things. Often a gun is your only means of defense. I have serious problems with people trying to take my guns and will fight to keep them. If you want to give yours up be my guest as I’m keeping mine.
School Shootings: What are the answers?
Humanlove comments on Feb 15, 2018:
The United States is not at war with itself,therefore no need for citizens to be with guns. The Federal government should repeal.all law guns and reclaim them. The security of the people should be in the hands of the federal Government.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@diabhal It would take a civil war for the government to seize all the guns in America. In America you have a lot more rights when it comes to defending yourself than you do in Australia.
School Shootings: What are the answers?
Akfishlady comments on Feb 14, 2018:
I believe that some of these events happen because the person with some mental issues gets to go down in history, some kind of sick notoriety. If they didn't get the coverage, they would not be interested in going after places where people are gathered. This is just a little bit of the story, I ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@Varn If the gun is concealed as it should be the shooters not going to know who to take out. A pistol stands a good chance against a shooter armed with an assault rifle in an indoor environment as its more manuverable in an indoor environment and has lethal fire power at close range. You obviously don’t know much about guns.
Thoughts and Prayers and NRA Funding
Trajan61 comments on Feb 15, 2018:
If it wasn’t for the NRA gun owners would have already had our Guns seized especially with gun control nuts like Obama being elected. The gun is just a tool. What if we outlawed cars just because some idiot misused them and killed a bunch of people. Have you ever noticed that most of the mass ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@vnufall How’s a teacher going to tell if a teachers got a gun if it’s concealed as it should be. Also a pistol stands a good chance against an AK47 or a AR-15 in an indoor environment as pistols are a lot more manuverable in confined spaces. You obviously don’t know much about guns.
School Shootings: What are the answers?
diabhal comments on Feb 16, 2018:
I know on this side of the Atlantic you feel we don't appreciate fully your situation but it staggers me when the strongest option on this is slightly more gun conrol. You need to scrap your 2 nd amendment and start again. 1. Nobody should able to buy an assault rife. Period. 2. You need have to...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 16, 2018:
It would take a civil war in the US for the government to seize all the guns. A situation where the government has all the guns would be extremely dangerous.
Gun control? Yes or no and why?
RobCampbell comments on Feb 16, 2018:
We have gun control, it's just the criminals and insane are ignoring the rules. I don't think taking away the right to keep and bear arms is going to make any real difference in this country. Better to have a fully armed citizenry to protect ourselves from the nutjobs running around.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 16, 2018:
Your one of the few on this website who has any sense about guns!
Gun control? Yes or no and why?
LeighShelton comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Yes because of all the deaths compared to say the UK where I live.
Trajan61 replies on Feb 16, 2018:
In the UK you don’t even have the right to defend yourself against someone who is bigger and stronger than you. If a crinimal chooses to beat the crap out of you your screwed. The gun is just a tool, just like an automobile.
Thoughts and Prayers and NRA Funding
Trajan61 comments on Feb 15, 2018:
If it wasn’t for the NRA gun owners would have already had our Guns seized especially with gun control nuts like Obama being elected. The gun is just a tool. What if we outlawed cars just because some idiot misused them and killed a bunch of people. Have you ever noticed that most of the mass ...
Trajan61 replies on Feb 16, 2018:
@Lysistrata Obama never found a gun control bill he didn’t like. If he could have he would have seized all of our guns. He was a gun control nut and received a 4F Rating from the NRA and rightly so as he was a grave threat to the second amendment especially with his liberal judicial appointments. Hell 4 liberal appointed judges on the Supreme Court didn’t even recognize the second amendment as giving private citizens the right to have a firearm!!!


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