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JoeChick comments on Oct 5, 2018:
There are religions that do not follow this narrative. There are atheistic religions with no supernatural beliefs.
Triphid replies on Oct 6, 2018:
@Geoffrey51 Well Emperor Constantine ' introduced' the early Messianic Cult to Rome as a recognized belief system but my memory can't quite find exactly who the Messianic Leader was at the time. If you can give me a bit of time I think I can find who it was that was leading for you.
astrnelis comments on Oct 6, 2018:
The short answer is no, it shouldn't have a place, however even though some may advance their knowledge exponentially as you say there is lack of education in many places around the world and willful ignorance toward education in places such the US where knowledge surrounds everyone but the majority...
Triphid replies on Oct 6, 2018:
A bloody good regimen of dosing with something like Glyphosate might get rid those pesky roots though....LOL.
Which would you choose?
Triphid comments on Oct 6, 2018:
The groceries of course.
Triphid replies on Oct 6, 2018:
@Sheannutt Well we ALL need to eat to survive but we don't need to have a car or travel to survive in reality, do we?
Atheist political party
Nardi comments on Oct 5, 2018:
An open atheist as president of America would be quickly called the anti-christ and get assassinated.
Triphid replies on Oct 6, 2018:
@Kimberclimbs I assume you are referring to Tronald Dump, sorry Donald Trump.
Atheist political party
Kimberclimbs comments on Oct 5, 2018:
Never trust a pastor who tells you how to vote or a senator who tells you how to pray
Triphid replies on Oct 6, 2018:
NEVER trust a priest, pastor, minister of religion, etc, etc, at ALL.
Do you think that perhaps Religion/Religious Beliefs and Doctrines have and still are ONE of the ...
MLinoge comments on Oct 4, 2018:
Divisiveness, absolutely. Armed conflicts usually have more components, but for social division, nothing comes close to religion. Most religions even divide men and women. Men and women are not even allowed to talk to each other unless they are married in some theocracies.
Triphid replies on Oct 6, 2018:
@propagandazoo1 YES but by the removal of religion/s it would also be the removal of one of, if not as a present times with religion based suicide bombings, etc, the root causes thus opening up the road eventually bringing a lasting peace to humanity and the whole planet. Every journey, no matter how long or short, HAS TO begin with first step, does it not?
PaulWinquist1945 comments on Oct 5, 2018:
It will take hundreds of years to educate the earth.....
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
Ah, but that began about 200+ years ago and it has been gaining pace ever since.
JoeChick comments on Oct 5, 2018:
There are religions that do not follow this narrative. There are atheistic religions with no supernatural beliefs.
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@Geoffrey51 Just as there is NO empirical evidence that the Goat Herders Guide to the Galaxy ( Bible) is the Word of God either, but it ASSUMED that Xtianity arrived in Rome after Constantine and his Legions wrested Rome from grip of his Co-Emperor. Constantine, so Roman records tell, was heavily out-numbered in the final battle and needed the ' Messianic Forces to boost his Legions otherwise defeat was inevitable. Hence Constantine made a pact with the Messianics ( later to become known as Christians btw) that " Should their forces stand and fight beside his Legions then he would have their Cult made a ' recognised' religion throughout the Roman Empire thus giving them the freedom to practice their beliefs and rituals as and wherever they wished. The rest, as they say, is now history.
WilliamFleming comments on Oct 5, 2018:
Humans will be humans, and the religious impulse is an integral part of humanity. Religions will spring up again and again. They’ll be new and different, and reflect the sensitivity and awareness levels of their eras. In many places around the world attempts have been made to stamp out ...
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@WilliamFleming Firstly, to your question/ comment re-dogs: I have quite a number of dogs throughout my years, from cross-bred ' mongrels' to Pedigreed Dogs whom I've taught and trained myself and have had the pleasure of watching learn for themselves right from young puppies right through to old adults. Like us they never stop learning UNLESS external ' forces' are imposed to stop them. They are only, as we are, ' limited' by circumstances imposed, either directly or indirectly, upon them. Humans and human brains are vastly unexploited in their capacity for absorbing and comprehending knowledge, we use only a small amount of the power our brains are capable of in comparison to its actual ability and capacity and we still know far less about our brain than we do of the world around us. Ergo, given the opportunity and will to do so we have NO limits on what we can learn, understand and comprehend IF left to our own resources and without external restraints, limitations and impositions. Religion, Xtianity in particular under the Auspices of the Catholic Church has and still does to some smaller extent these days, thankfully, imposed and restricted the gaining of knowledge and understanding and in times past has done so with a iron fist to say the very least. Religions, Xtianity especially, will continue to strive to fight against ANYTHING that seems as a threat to its dominance over people, it will cite scripture after scripture, religious ethic after religious ethic, etc, etc, for example, Stem Cell research has proven that it can and does help in innumerable treatments of debilitating injuries and illnesses BUT the Churches scream loudly against it, We can give a family pet a good, noble and pain-free death by Euthanasia and that is fine by any Church BUT a human with a Terminal Disease must suffer intolerably the pain, the indignity and ignobility of a long, and often, linger death simply because some religion armed with the Goatherders Guide to the Galaxy, a.k.a. the Bible, states that Euthanasia for humans goes against the Will of this Imaginary, Invisible God of theirs. Of course religion/s stand in the way of innumerable things, they always have and they will continue doings until WE, the HUMAN Race, stand up and say NO MORE we want our right to chose for ourselves, to think for ourselves.
Matias comments on Oct 5, 2018:
Facts, Knowledge, understanding and comprehension of the Universe is the preserve of science, and religion has no say in it. But just as the human body needs fat, proteins, vitamins and so on, the human mind does not live on "facts" and "knowledge" alone. Unfortunately science cannot cater to the...
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
I do NOT see your analogy between human minds needing religion/s to equate emotions. Animals, which despite so many 'protests' we really are just Animals, exhibit emotional states akin to those exhibited by humans and Animals have no need nor desire for religion/s or Gods, do they? I, for one, have lived my 64 years without having a God but have still had every emotion/emotional response known to man and understood them as they have arisen, e.g. the emotional rollercoaster of Grief and Grieving at the death of my beloved 16 year old Daughter from Cancer, the death of Father, the loss of some of very cherished independence due to arthritis and Chronic Recurrent Depression and a type of Agorophobia ( where it's not the Open Spaces that are the problem BUT crowded places are) for example, But still I have not needed nor sought religion/s to reconcile my emotions, I have just handled myself as do every so many other rationally thinking people.
JoeChick comments on Oct 5, 2018:
There are religions that do not follow this narrative. There are atheistic religions with no supernatural beliefs.
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@Geoffrey51 A wee bit difficult since any references to ANY of the 'Disciples' only ever appear in the bible and the subsequent commentaries of so-called ' religious scholars." Scholars, who in my opinion, are extremely biased to say the very least.
ThisGuyYouKnow comments on Oct 5, 2018:
Kinda sorta. I mean, we live in a world where so many people believe in their religions that we have to make a place for it. Ideally, that wouldn't stretch to making it so people can have a "sincerely held religious belief" about things that are plainly wrong by a basic understanding of what's ...
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
Perhaps, but the vice grip of religions is slowly and steadily weakening as the human species becomes more aware of itself and the Universe around. It may not come with a thunderous crash, but more as weak, simpering crumble something like the bank of a river/creek that has been undercut by years and years erosion from fast flowing waters passing through.
Amisja comments on Oct 5, 2018:
Not at all. Oh and please remember there are hundreds if not thousands of organised religions
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
Just as there have been hundreds, if not thousands of ' Empires' throughout human history, and eventually those empires have also fallen as well.
JoeChick comments on Oct 5, 2018:
There are religions that do not follow this narrative. There are atheistic religions with no supernatural beliefs.
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@Geoffrey51 Sir, IF you are referring to Saul ( Paul) of Tarsus as per the bible then I'd say that you were about 78% incorrect there in your statement/comment, since Saul, according to the mythology ( bible) was originally a most vehement Antagonist of the Messianic Cult from the beginning, he was, presumably and IF the mythology has any bounds in reality and historical fact/truth, a student and Acolyte of Nicodemus ( a member of the Hebrew Sanhedrin) and being ' groomed' to take a seat on the Sanhedrin as well. Saul ( Paul) later claimed to have had an EPITHANY and became a most ardent but also very outspoken Disciple according to the myth ( bible).
linxminx comments on Oct 5, 2018:
Logically, no I really don't think it has a place in society. However, as long as fear exists, organized religion will as it feeds off of anxiety and fear of the unknown.
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
When humans eventually learn that " there is nothing to Fear except Fear itself" then and only then will they advance beyond the grasp of the Predators called religion.
WilliamFleming comments on Oct 5, 2018:
Humans will be humans, and the religious impulse is an integral part of humanity. Religions will spring up again and again. They’ll be new and different, and reflect the sensitivity and awareness levels of their eras. In many places around the world attempts have been made to stamp out ...
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@WilliamFleming The only limit/s that can be placed upon knowledge are those imposed either, a) by the person pursuing such knowledge or, b) the EXTERNAL influences of State or religions, etc.
JoeChick comments on Oct 5, 2018:
There are religions that do not follow this narrative. There are atheistic religions with no supernatural beliefs.
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@Geoffrey51 Errr, it would seem that your comprehension of the aspects of Xtianity is somewhat lacking.; Christian/Christianity - derived from the Ancient Greek Kristos meaning the Saviour, the Redeemer, i.e. the CHRIST in English, This mythological Jesus, Iesus ( in Latin), Yeyoshua ( in Hebrew/Aramaic) etc, etc, of Nazareth was entitled by his ' followers' as being the Messiah, the Saviour, the Redeemer and given the title of Jesus Kristos ( Jesus the Christ/ Jesus Christ in later times btw) by the Greeks when the bible was written by the 40+ Scribes in much separated countries under the expressed ORDERS of Emperor Constantine and the Council of Nicaea in 325C.E. The Council of Nicaea consisted of the Emperor Constantine of Rome and 40 self-proclaimed and self-elected ' Bishops' of the " Messianic Cult" which, after the meeting of the Council became known as the Christian Church/Movement by DECLARATION and ORDER of the Council of Nicaea. I do most sincerely hope that this wee snippet of HISTORICAL FACT has enlightened you and furthered your knowledge and understanding of the word and origins of Christianity and the Christian Church.
JoeChick comments on Oct 5, 2018:
There are religions that do not follow this narrative. There are atheistic religions with no supernatural beliefs.
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@Omen6Actual Satanists have a God/Theos/Deity, i.e. Satan ergo they ARE NOT Atheists by ANY definition since they HAVE a Divinity/Deity/Theos/God to worship. Please avail yourself of your suggestion and research the FULL meaning of Atheism/Agnosticism before you make a further fool of yourself, something btw, I do NOT like seeing anyone do to themselves if it can be avoided in any way.
Do you think that perhaps Religion/Religious Beliefs and Doctrines have and still are ONE of the ...
mordant comments on Oct 4, 2018:
Yes, but only as a specific and common manifestation of tribalism and lack of critical thinking. I think it's a mistake to seek to eradicate religion as if it were some sort of root cause. The real need is to teach critical thinking skills.
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@mordant I do NOT see all that many ' ignorant Atheists' posting in this group and since Atheists are more likely than not to have read the Bible thoroughly and in its entirety than most believers would have the Atheists would have a far greater knowledge of the Bible, etc, than the majority of Xtians anyway. After all, as a Tutor of mine during Theology Classes once said, " The road to Reason is littered by uncountable, well read and well worn bibles, etc, discarded by those who once owned and trusted in them." Sir, read through and dissected the Bible alone is filled to overflowing with inconsistencies, errors both factual and internal, etc, etc, but what else can one expect from a tome written by over 40+ ancient Scribes living separately in 40 + DIFFERENT Countries, separated by hundreds, if not, thousands of miles in an age where there was NO direct person to communication other than messengers on horse-back or on foot?
JoeChick comments on Oct 5, 2018:
There are religions that do not follow this narrative. There are atheistic religions with no supernatural beliefs.
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@Omen6Actual Is NOT Satan worshipped, adored and venerated as the God/Deity/Supreme/Supernatural Being of the Satanists? Can you define, please, what is a GOD? Can you also explain/define when a God is a God and when a God is NOT a God? What, precisely constitutes a God/Deity? I'm sorry to see that you have such recurrent ' cough' btw, perhaps a little Cough mixture or a throat lozenge may assist you with it somehow.
wordywalt comments on Oct 5, 2018:
Let us hope that humans and their society advance enough that they have faith in their own knowledge, intelligence, and morality to the extent that they do not need religion. Let us also hope that they can accept and live with their mortality
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
Hear, Hear and kudos to you my friend.
Do you think that perhaps Religion/Religious Beliefs and Doctrines have and still are ONE of the ...
mordant comments on Oct 4, 2018:
Yes, but only as a specific and common manifestation of tribalism and lack of critical thinking. I think it's a mistake to seek to eradicate religion as if it were some sort of root cause. The real need is to teach critical thinking skills.
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@mordant Religion/religious belief is neither a Science nor a subject of Sociology, it is merely a Philosophy and instead of proclaim the knowledge of it as being Theology, in my opinion, it should classified as being THEOSOPHY. Schools are form students to learn about the World, Universe, Life and everything that they will/may encounter/need in the adult lives, Religious Philosophy is most DEFINITELY NOT a necessity for adult life.
WilliamFleming comments on Oct 5, 2018:
Humans will be humans, and the religious impulse is an integral part of humanity. Religions will spring up again and again. They’ll be new and different, and reflect the sensitivity and awareness levels of their eras. In many places around the world attempts have been made to stamp out ...
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
Knowledge and Understanding, when ALLOWED and NOT restricted by external influences, dispels ignorance, opens up the mind and, more often than not, creates within the brain a fervent desire to gain even more knowledge, etc. I am very pleased and proud to see that via his parents, my 4 year old nephew, Henry, has a very fervent desire and drive to learn about everything and anything. Yes, his parents are Atheists, yes they are both very well educated and whenever Henry asks a question they give a correct answer to it in the terms/language he can comprehend easily and clearly and they do NOT restrict in any way what kind of questions he asks, that is allowing Knowledge to be accumulated as freely as possible and unrestricted.
Do you think that perhaps Religion/Religious Beliefs and Doctrines have and still are ONE of the ...
mattersauce comments on Oct 4, 2018:
Yes, but those in positions of power and authority create new categories to divide us all the time such as race, sex, borders, financial groupings, political stances, and religions. Religion is not a root cause of humanities segregation, it's a tool in the pursuit..
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@mattersauce Precisely.
JoeChick comments on Oct 5, 2018:
There are religions that do not follow this narrative. There are atheistic religions with no supernatural beliefs.
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@Geoffrey51 Because I have seen and studied Theology, Theological Ideologies thoroughly and in great depth, ALL of this I did as a Life Long Declared Atheist btw, and have realized the truths, facts and falsehoods, fallacies that go into creating a religion/religious belief system. There are very few, IF any at all, facts and truths in religion only folklore myths, fairytales, stories designed to scare the living shit out of people who are gullible enough to believe them to be true and threats and promises that have substantial basis/foundation, e.g. the Life after Death promise, be good and you will live in a Paradise, be bad and you will suffer an eternity in a place called Hell. Neither Paradise nor Hell actually exist, there is NOT Life After Death for the deceased person/animal, it just gets recycled and used by the environment as nutrients for other living things such a trees, plants, insects, etc. That is how the Universe has always worked and it will continue to do so long, long after the human race is less than a memory.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 5, 2018:
I would not say that society is advancing exponentially. More like haltingly, painfully slowly, with many reversals and course corrections. And whether it should have a place or not is academic; religion is here to plague us for the foreseeable future. Unfortunately.
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
I would posit that society and its collective knowledge/understanding has grown exponentially in the last 200+ years when compared to how limited it was under the repressive/suppressive reign of Xtian Beliefs, etc. counting back from the Industrial Revolution to the inception of the Holy Roman Empire, a.k.a. the Catholic Church.
JoeChick comments on Oct 5, 2018:
There are religions that do not follow this narrative. There are atheistic religions with no supernatural beliefs.
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@Geoffrey51 You are discussing this topic with one who is both a Humanist, a Doctor of Theology and Comparative Modern Religions, i.e. Comparative meaning " having arisen in the last 2,000+ years and can be COMPARED to each other and their doctrines, etc,, a person with a more than keen interest in the history of human kind and the world both as historically recorded and that prehistorical as well.
Do you think that perhaps Religion/Religious Beliefs and Doctrines have and still are ONE of the ...
Stephanie99 comments on Oct 5, 2018:
I think that at the bottom of it all is the human tendency to think of people in terms of "us" and "them". It can be religion, race, nationality, hair color, gender, politics, career choice, or whatever.
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
Yes, sadly that seems to be the collective ideology of the masses, thankfully though there are those of us out there who see us as just members of the species Homo Sapiens, a subgroup of the Anthropoid Primates, virtually hairless, walking erect, having the ability to invent language, to converse with one another using language and, though it seems some do NOT, think laterally, logically and creatively, etc, etc. None-the-less we ALL live on one very small planet with very finite resources, we are all subject to death/dying ( which is the one, the only TRUE certainty in life) and should you cut us we ALL bleed the same colour blood, we all breathe the same atmosphere, WE are no different in actual FACT.
JoeChick comments on Oct 5, 2018:
There are religions that do not follow this narrative. There are atheistic religions with no supernatural beliefs.
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@JoeChick Yes, I'm fully aware that there over, well over actually, 4200 different religions/belief systems in the world. In fact that number is more like 23,489 + as known at present and yes not all have a Theistic basis, BUT, almost ALL have a Central/Figure/s, i.e. a kind of Deity or Group of Deity-like figures at their core, e.g. Hinduism has approx. 3,000 Deities ranging from Shiva through the list to Ganesh, Kali, Krishna, etc, etc. Definition of RELIGION ; A Noun, the belief in and worship of a Superhuman controlling power/entity, especially a personal God or Gods, -commitment or devotion/ adoration of/to religious faith or observances. Since TRUE Atheists have nor perform/conform to ANY of these at all ergo Atheists are NON-religious and pay homage to NO God/Gods or Deities in any shape or form. Buddhism, in its true and original form was NOT a religious belief or system it was simply the Philosophy/Philosophies of a Asiatic Prince who turned his back upon the life of wealth and luxury to seek out knowledge, etc, and gain enlightenment. Successive followers of those philosophies eventually turned them into a form of religious belief as we perceive it today.
Do you think that perhaps Religion/Religious Beliefs and Doctrines have and still are ONE of the ...
PBuck0145 comments on Oct 4, 2018:
In current times, Islam, Marxism and crony Capitalism are proving that conjecture.
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@OwlInASack The Philosophies of Karl Marx are Required Reading for anyone studying Philosophy and aiming to get a Degree in it, just as are reading the works of other authors such Jung and Nitschke, etc, etc.
Do you think that perhaps Religion/Religious Beliefs and Doctrines have and still are ONE of the ...
PBuck0145 comments on Oct 4, 2018:
In current times, Islam, Marxism and crony Capitalism are proving that conjecture.
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
@OwlInASack Exactly. And whilst war-mongers and Arms Dealers/Manufacturers are given Free-Rein it will continue on sadly.
JoeChick comments on Oct 5, 2018:
There are religions that do not follow this narrative. There are atheistic religions with no supernatural beliefs.
Triphid replies on Oct 5, 2018:
Atheists do NOT have any beliefs akin to being religious in any way, shape or form since Atheists trust in Reasoning, Logic, Knowledge, Understanding and Sciences Also Atheists do NOT worship, genuflect and pray which is what the religious believers do with such regularity. Ergo, to put the words Atheist/ Atheistic and Religion/s together in the same sentence is, in my opinion, simply showing ones lack of knowledge and understanding of the meaning of the word ATHEIST. For your edification, Sir, Atheism?Atheist simply means; A- Without/ not believing in, Theist/Theism - God, therefore literally and grammatically, Atheist is a person who is without or does not believe in God.
Where do you come down on taxation of the churches?
davyjones comments on Oct 1, 2018:
If they make a profit, tax them as a for profit entity. If they're truly a nonprofit & can prove it, give them the same benefits as any other 501c. Simple as that.
Triphid replies on Oct 4, 2018:
Of course they make a profit, they sell, aka TITHE hope and superstitions, etc, they run/operate so-called " Thrift Shops", etc, in which they SELL goods that they have mostly received as free donations. After all, does NOT their ' Holy' book state clearly that " One should render unto Caesar that which is Caesars' and render unto God that which is Gods'." Well something supposedly as Omnipotent as God does NOT need nor require MONEY only the people running the religions WANT the money and , I ask, WHY should that be so since their 'Holy' book also states that " God WILL provide" ergo, they only need to ask God for whatever they want and God will grant their request won't he?
Do you think that perhaps Religion/Religious Beliefs and Doctrines have and still are ONE of the ...
propagandazoo1 comments on Oct 4, 2018:
Looking back in history, and considering actions of 'civilised' nations since the enlightenment I reckon as long as humans exist, they will in groups act and believe crazy stuff and do crazy and harmful things - despite however advanced science is, or tame religion becomes. If groups can gain ...
Triphid replies on Oct 4, 2018:
Yes I tend to agree with you, sadly though. However, I also think that the desire for a massive change in World Thinking, etc, is growing stronger as time passes and through that Humans may just actually wake up for the first real time, see what has been done before, be sickened by it all and the change will come at last.
Do you think that perhaps Religion/Religious Beliefs and Doctrines have and still are ONE of the ...
mordant comments on Oct 4, 2018:
Yes, but only as a specific and common manifestation of tribalism and lack of critical thinking. I think it's a mistake to seek to eradicate religion as if it were some sort of root cause. The real need is to teach critical thinking skills.
Triphid replies on Oct 4, 2018:
@mordant Luckily here in Australia we have both Public and Private, some run by religions of course, Schools, the Public are Government run, though lately it is more like ' run down by the Governments,' and for decades the Public Schools have not had a great deal of religious teaching to the children. Sadly, of late, with the Liberal National Party and its religious majority of membership and backing, there has been a push to re-introduce ' Scripture Classes' into Primary Schools in particular as well s School Chaplains, this has met with quite a lot of out-cry from the vast majority of parents as well as teachers, etc, and religious instruction in those Public Schools found itself up against a somewhat powerful and immovable ' log-jam.' Australia, on the whole, it seems is most determined to retain and maintain its proud Secularism ideologies no matter what. Such a pitiful shame that America on the whole seems so determined to remain under the thumb/s of religion though.
Do you think that perhaps Religion/Religious Beliefs and Doctrines have and still are ONE of the ...
Matias comments on Oct 4, 2018:
Many are firmly convinced that religions are the greatest obstacle to peaceful and prosperous coexistence among people. I do not think the religions as such are the problem. In my opinion, the greatest obstacle are the "Coalitional intuitions" or "tribal instincts", i.e. the mental ...
Triphid replies on Oct 4, 2018:
But most religions, Xtianity, Judaism and Islam in particular, appear to strive to promote their own version/s of Tribalism/Sectarianism and, most sadly they do ever so well, e.g. Xtianity, Islam, Judaism to mention just a few.
Do you think that perhaps Religion/Religious Beliefs and Doctrines have and still are ONE of the ...
mordant comments on Oct 4, 2018:
Yes, but only as a specific and common manifestation of tribalism and lack of critical thinking. I think it's a mistake to seek to eradicate religion as if it were some sort of root cause. The real need is to teach critical thinking skills.
Triphid replies on Oct 4, 2018:
Teaching " Critical Thinking skills" to the majority of Religious Believers would be, in my opinion, somewhat like the old adage of " You can lead a horse to water, BUT you cannot make it drink," sadly. Some time ago I sort of coined a new version of the adage directed at the same subject and the " Theists" of this world, " You lead a Theist/Believer to reason, BUT you cannot get them to think."
Do you think that perhaps Religion/Religious Beliefs and Doctrines have and still are ONE of the ...
jeshuey comments on Oct 4, 2018:
"Tribalism" of all kinds builds divisiveness, but I suspect religion is Paramount in that regard.
Triphid replies on Oct 4, 2018:
Could it NOT be said simply that " Religion is little more than an EXPANDED version of Tribalism and taken to a newer and far less palatable level?"
Do you think that perhaps Religion/Religious Beliefs and Doctrines have and still are ONE of the ...
PBuck0145 comments on Oct 4, 2018:
In current times, Islam, Marxism and crony Capitalism are proving that conjecture.
Triphid replies on Oct 4, 2018:
" Marxism," Karl Marx was so AGAINST religion that he stated clearly in his writings that " Religion is the Opiate of the Masses," i.e. it IS the TOOL of those in power used to dull the minds and wills of the people thus making them more docile and amenable to the Will and Desires of those in power. There a very FEW religious belief systems/dogmas out there that do NOT purport themselves to be the " Only True Religion/Belief" and act accordingly with their scriptures, etc, e.g. Buddhism, once the most peaceful of the peaceful belief systems has, in the 5-10 years, become involved in acts of violence towards other humans in S.E. Asia on a number of occasions. Yes, there is a tendency towards violence amongst the more Fundamentalist and Radical followers of Islam brought about, in my honest opinion, by Mullahs, Imams, Ayatollahs, etc, who are simply using their religious rank to further their own ends by urging their ' flocks' to violence against anyone who is not a follower BUT, and definitely NOT in defense of Islam btw, DID NOT the Popes do exactly the same thing to start the Crusades against the Muslims in earlier times? Sadly, in my opinion, most humans are adherents to the " Monkey see-Monkey do" philosophy in life and they will simply strive to emulate what has been done before by others who have been allowed to get away with such actions.
Do you think that perhaps Religion/Religious Beliefs and Doctrines have and still are ONE of the ...
MLinoge comments on Oct 4, 2018:
Divisiveness, absolutely. Armed conflicts usually have more components, but for social division, nothing comes close to religion. Most religions even divide men and women. Men and women are not even allowed to talk to each other unless they are married in some theocracies.
Triphid replies on Oct 4, 2018:
However, are NOT one of the main cries uttered in most armed conflicts, the 'Holy' Crusades for example, " God is with us," even the Nazi Uniform Belt Buckles were emblazoned with " Gott mitt Uns" - English translation = God is with Us.
Are we all basically selfish apes?
Triphid comments on Oct 4, 2018:
Apes, for the most part, are NOT selfish beings, YES they do have a Social Status/Pecking Order system BUT they are nowhere near as selfish as ever so many humans are and can be. Having said that, I'd also posit that in all my years of dealing people I have found that, in my opinion and WITHOUT ...
Triphid replies on Oct 4, 2018:
@Matias I'd hazard to say that my 50+ years of being involved in numerous aspects of working, observing and assisting the communities at large, studying Theology and Psychology, ( for which I have attained Degrees btw) plus reading literally mountains of statistics, etc, etc, using my own UNBIASED mind plus the numerous recent ( held over the last 2 Decades) studies done by completely Independent Organizations should, most possibly, give me a better than the average understanding and insight into the subject at hand. Add to that personal experiences aplenty then I'd say my second paragraph was NOT biased but as close to factual as it can be.
Do you think that perhaps Religion/Religious Beliefs and Doctrines have and still are ONE of the ...
palex comments on Oct 4, 2018:
My sister's extreme Christiantiy, her brainwashing of my neice, and my parents' support of it has made me suicidal. I am not in a good place at all.
Triphid replies on Oct 4, 2018:
I'm ever so sorry to hear of your situation my friend. Hopefully the child/young person in question will one day waken and begin to question what she has been brainwashed with.
Do you think that perhaps Religion/Religious Beliefs and Doctrines have and still are ONE of the ...
mattersauce comments on Oct 4, 2018:
Yes, but those in positions of power and authority create new categories to divide us all the time such as race, sex, borders, financial groupings, political stances, and religions. Religion is not a root cause of humanities segregation, it's a tool in the pursuit..
Triphid replies on Oct 4, 2018:
IF religion is simply just a ' tool' then can you, perhaps, explain why it is so clearly expounded in the Bible, particularly in the O.T. and even in the N.T. For example, God telling the Hebrews to INVADE and DESTROY all the other Nations such as the peoples of Moab, the Canaanites, etc, etc.? Plus telling the Disciples that the Gentiles are different to the Hebrews thus unworthy of being allowed to worship him amongst the Hebrews and must worship completely separate from them?
Do you believe that a cure for cancer exists, but it's not available to the public because medical ...
Minotaur80 comments on Oct 3, 2018:
I vote no, because cancer is really, really, hard to cure. Cancer, and other diseases have been in our DNA for 1000's, and 1000's, and 1000's of years.
Triphid replies on Oct 4, 2018:
Correct there, because as the Oncologist told my 16 year old ( his patient) and myself, " Everyone has the seeds of cancer of one kind or another within them, but some can escape from it via a stronger, more virulent NATURAL Immune System and others succumb to it relatively easily. In other words, it's just a roll of the dice as to who gets it and who doesn't. Btw, to any of those poor ill-informed people out there reading this, YOU CANNOT catch Cancers from a Cancer Patient, it is NOT Contagious, BUT your rank ignorance CAN and DOES do great harm to those who are enduring the affects of the treatments such as hair loss, weight loss, pale skin, etc, etc,.? AS a line from a poem written by my daughter, Lorrae, whilst undergoing Chemotherapy goes; "Am I so different." Am I so different that you feel you must stare, simply because my Cancer treatments have made me lose my hair...………..
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
Ktruin comments on Sep 16, 2018:
Moral and immoral seem to be judgements handed down by the church. Sex between 2 consenting adults is no one elses business.
Triphid replies on Oct 4, 2018:
@Ktruin Well, unless precautions such as a Vasectomy for the males and a total Hysterectomy for the female are undertaken prior to any sexual relations taking place, somewhere sometime and somehow Nature will have its own way and suddenly procreation has become a reality.
Whilst successive Australian governments make a shambles of our disability and pension schemes ...
Triphid comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Our present (mis) government seems to be hell-bent upon depriving the working classes, the poor, the disabled, the Pensioners and the Unemployed of anything and everything that even closely resembles what could be termed as a ' decent living standard' to curry favour with the " Big End of Town." ...
Triphid replies on Oct 4, 2018:
@FrayedBear Yes it is and Australia is one the signatory nations to the International Bill of Human Rights, it would seem that our ' beloved(?????) Government has, for some mysterious and unknown reason, forgotten all about that Bill just, as it seems, has America.
Does anyone truly "believe"?
Triphid comments on Sep 30, 2018:
A very GOOD question there. As a wise man, can't actually remember who it was atm, once said, " Religious belief/faith is akin to a Blind Person stumbling around in a darkened room seeking the light switch in the vain hope that he/she will be able to see." Or, as put forward by Karl Marx, " ...
Triphid replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@Slava3 Think about the metaphor/analogy I was attempting to put across. By blind, I meant fully blind and sightless.
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
Triphid comments on Oct 1, 2018:
Medically speaking I first ask; How actually safe is "safe sex" considering that almost EVERY form of contraception is, at the very best, only about 80-90% effective, except, of course, for total abstinence or surgical techniques such as; 1) a irreversible Vasectomy for males and a total ...
Triphid replies on Oct 3, 2018:
@xylophonix Yes, I agree that humans have been selectively breeding dogs, in particular, for over 10,000 years however it has been since the arrival of the Pedigreed " Show" Dogs and breeding of such in the last hundred+ years that the genetic damage has become far more obvious, e.g. the British Bulldog which now has such a shortened nose that it finds it almost impossible to breathe and thus cannot cool its blood and lower its body temperature normally as do other dog breeds, it cannot mate without human intervention now since its hind quarters are far to weakened by specific breeding that the male cannot mount the female and the female cannot support the weight of the male anyway during mating. That is just 2 example of the damage wrought by humans on the various ' breeds' of dogs, there are innumerable more examples that I could list but I'll leave those examples for others who may be concerned enough to research them for themselves. If this is what we have done and are still doing to ' man's best friend,' then what are doing to man himself with, for example, the massive upward rise of things such as Invitro -fertilization using virtually anonymous Sperm Donors and laws supposedly protecting their identities from the children they produce? How, I ask, can for example male child A ( born by such intervention or adoption know that female child A is NOT a blood and genetic close relative when they decide to wed and start a family? The American idea of ' blood tests' before marriage appears to be a ' good' one BUT that only goes just so far and, in my opinion, smacks a bit of the Eugenics Ideology as well. Are we not simply 'paving the road' to the eventual 'dumbing down' of our own species by so rapidly embracing things such as Invitro-fertilization without pausing to consider the future outcomes?
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
Triphid comments on Oct 1, 2018:
Medically speaking I first ask; How actually safe is "safe sex" considering that almost EVERY form of contraception is, at the very best, only about 80-90% effective, except, of course, for total abstinence or surgical techniques such as; 1) a irreversible Vasectomy for males and a total ...
Triphid replies on Oct 2, 2018:
@xylophonix Are you talking about Eugenics by any chance? Mankind has tried that over 100 years with canines in particular and now the sickening results, sickening when viewed in the various forms of defects, etc, that are common-place in various dog breeds btw,. It is not religion that first said NO to in-breeding, it was nature itself, religion only, as it has done with everything else, grabbed the idea and ran with it for its own ' benefit.'
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
Hellno comments on Aug 31, 2018:
God populated the world through incest, ok with him. Makes me feel nauseated, inner moral code says no to incest.
Triphid replies on Oct 2, 2018:
@genessa Earlier mankind literally INVENTED Gods/Goddesses, etc, in attempts to explain how things happened etc, and then these " supreme beings" developed the traits, both good and bad, of the purveyors of those beliefs. As a Philosopher once said, " When creating a Deity, first one MUST it Invisible, Intangible, Unimpeachable then add the best and worst traits of those who both invent it and will worship it." Hence, the Abrahamic God was invented as per the Old Testament one filled with Ire, Dictatorial behaviour and actions, Blood-lust, etc, etc, then altered somewhat to suit the times as the New Testament was created and written, i.e. a few new P.R. writers and voila, we have the deity that is worshipped these days, same deity, slightly mellowed down to suit the tastes, etc, of the more enlightened worshippers, nothing more, nothing less, just the same wolf, the same sheep's clothing just a small change of overall colour.
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
Ktruin comments on Sep 16, 2018:
Moral and immoral seem to be judgements handed down by the church. Sex between 2 consenting adults is no one elses business.
Triphid replies on Oct 2, 2018:
If that be your opinion then I feel sorry for both you and any future generations that hold to your principles for most surely there will be some possibly horrific malformations/deformities occurring in your genetic lines of the future.
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
genessa comments on Sep 17, 2018:
i don't see it as a moral issue. it was presented (eons ago) as a moral issue because god was obviously punishing people who slept with close relations (genetically punishing them, right?) but safe sex, and we're talking adults... it makes people cringe. it makes ME cringe. but on a moral level,...
Triphid replies on Oct 2, 2018:
@genessa Hominids/Humans eventually evolved from a very early mammalian species that was around during the final decades or so of the Age of the Dinosaurs, that in turn slowly evolved into numerous other forms, one of which was the earliest primate type species and over more ages of time it too evolved and various "off-shoot" species evolved from there, one being the earliest hominids such Australopithecus and onwards until man ( Homo Sapiens) arrived upon the scene. Ergo, " before the Evolution of Mankind" is NOT incorrect. Prehistoric is simply a broad terminology used to describe events etc, that occurred BEFORE written Historical Records were kept. Yes, evolution is a continual process but it has a starting point for every living thing and for some it also has a finishing point whether by natural terrestrial, extra-terrestrial or, in the case of human actions and interventions, slow extinction events such as humans are bringing upon the life of animals etc, ( including our own future generations) on this planet. Why then, since Incestuous mating, according to your comment only seems to have occurred in humans, out the thousands and thousands of fossils of earlier animal species, etc, have there not been the malformations/deformities found that are directly attributable to incestuous behavior amongst them?
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
Hellno comments on Aug 31, 2018:
God populated the world through incest, ok with him. Makes me feel nauseated, inner moral code says no to incest.
Triphid replies on Oct 1, 2018:
@genessa "God a funny character all round, " I'd say this Imaginary, Invisible Sky Daddy was more of a cross between a Narcissist, Psychopath, Socio-path, Ego-maniacal Egotistical Misogynist with attributes that the likes of Nero, Caligula, Hitler and the Nazis and even Pol-Pot lacked and would be jealous of. Is it any wonder that Atheists are the most caring and humane of the human race with such a role model as this Judeo- Xtian-Islamic Supreme Being.
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
genessa comments on Sep 17, 2018:
i don't see it as a moral issue. it was presented (eons ago) as a moral issue because god was obviously punishing people who slept with close relations (genetically punishing them, right?) but safe sex, and we're talking adults... it makes people cringe. it makes ME cringe. but on a moral level,...
Triphid replies on Oct 1, 2018:
@genessa Exactly, it goes back to the earliest times even before the evolution of mankind.
Does anyone truly "believe"?
Kayseh comments on Sep 30, 2018:
I always thought it was interesting all the religious people (irregardless of their religion) believe they will go to heaven. What are the chances another Muslim is born in Saudi Arabia and he/she thinks they were born into the right religion, or another Christian was born in Texas and believes ...
Triphid replies on Sep 30, 2018:
Exactly and since No-one has ever returned from either Heaven or Hell to show us the way to either then the chances of either actually existing are extremely low in my opinion.
Are we still a primitive species?
Triphid comments on Sep 28, 2018:
Yes we are still a primitive species and we shall remain so until we evolve and learn to; a) put aside all of our petty differences, understand that we ARE ALL members of just ONE species b) evolve beyond the need for superstitious beliefs. such as religions, etc, and that, c) the Universe existed ...
Triphid replies on Sep 30, 2018:
@Sharlee Thank you.
Is it child abuse or child neglect to take a child under 18 to a religious establishment and live ...
Alimacbean comments on Sep 27, 2018:
Just because you're a member of a church, doesnt mean you're a good person.
Triphid replies on Sep 30, 2018:
@wellthen ER, what desires are those? You do realise that very large, very deep mass of salty water, i.e. the PACIFIC Ocean lies between Australia and America don't you? Oh, sorry, perhaps your education only extend to reading the Dr. Seuss books and the bible.
Is it child abuse or child neglect to take a child under 18 to a religious establishment and live ...
Alimacbean comments on Sep 27, 2018:
Just because you're a member of a church, doesnt mean you're a good person.
Triphid replies on Sep 30, 2018:
@wellthen Speaking of civilized, please remind me when Australia last had a MASS Shooting at a School, Church or any other Public Place? But Hey, we are so uncivilized that we have a Universal Health Care System called Medicare that is available to Citizen and Free of Charge, a Social Security System that covers the Unemployed, the Sick and Injured and, Goodness me, even Pensioners, that's ever so moronic and uncivilized isn't it?
Is it child abuse or child neglect to take a child under 18 to a religious establishment and live ...
Alimacbean comments on Sep 27, 2018:
Just because you're a member of a church, doesnt mean you're a good person.
Triphid replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@Alimacbean Here in Australia we'd refer to @wellthen as being a "Dag" meaning a dried clump of sheep manure cling to the wool around the behind (arse) of the sheep, i.e. completely useless, unwanted, irrelevant and only interesting to flies and other pests.
Road to theocracy
josh_is_exciting comments on Sep 26, 2018:
Well, personally, I remind Christians that Jesus rebuffed efforts to make him an earthly king, that he said to "go and make [willing] disciples" not "go and form a political majority to enforce spiritual rules on non-believers, making them outwardly adherent to mandates, giving them them appearance ...
Triphid replies on Sep 28, 2018:
Can ANYONE provide actual Empirical Proof/Evidence whatsoever that; a) this Jesus character ACTUALLY existed in the first place, and, b) IF they can provide such empirical proof/evidence, can it be also proven conclusively that he spoke hose actual words accredited to him?
Is it child abuse or child neglect to take a child under 18 to a religious establishment and live ...
Alimacbean comments on Sep 27, 2018:
Just because you're a member of a church, doesnt mean you're a good person.
Triphid replies on Sep 28, 2018:
@wellthen JUST because someone is religious it does NOT necessarily mean that they are an absolutely wonderful, loving, caring, community-minded, law-abiding person. Religion, just like many things, can and is often used as a mere disguise to cover up the real intents lurking below the thin veneer. As a builder friend of mine once told me, " A little bit of Gap Filler or paint can hide a myriad of faults" and the same can easily apply to the Cassock and the Dog collar as well. Really, Wellthen sir, do you spend your time solely upon deriding and denigrating others as you appear to have above? If that be so, then surely your life must be an extremely boring and empty one to say the least.
Is it child abuse or child neglect to take a child under 18 to a religious establishment and live ...
weeman comments on Sep 26, 2018:
hmmm so on a post about potential child abuse you decide what it needs is that??? really why does child abuse and low level erotic pics some how marry up in your mind because if so thats worrying on a whole different level to just being an idiot
Triphid replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@wellthen Didn't anyone ever tell that there is NO prize for Second Place in Sarcasm?
Life sentence for rape? Opinion? No jokes please.
josh_is_exciting comments on Sep 27, 2018:
I prefer life to death due to the flaws of our legal system, as demonstrated more than a few times in convicting people wrongly, thus allowing opportunity to correct mistakes and allowing the innocent a chance at the life they deserve again. Rape is of course is as awful as it gets, it causes ...
Triphid replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@Bendog A probability there I'd say, anything is possible. After all, they find an anomalous rock formation on a mountain in Turkey and voila it becomes the resting place of some mythical, biblical Ark does it not?
Is it child abuse or child neglect to take a child under 18 to a religious establishment and live ...
mattersauce comments on Sep 26, 2018:
Poor form poll with "maybe" & "yes" as the only options. No, it's not child abuse. If theism is correct then those people are working to save the child's immortal soul and even this site has many people who confess to "not being sure" that there's no god.
Triphid replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@mattersauce No, I said it would be a very good Starting Point for your researches especially as it is the work of a Doctor of Theology ( hence the ThD after his name) and an Atheist. You could also try reading the works of P.J. Slattery, PhD who works with victims/survivors of Institutional Child Abuse and Rape, etc, he has several books published on this subject alone.
Life sentence for rape? Opinion? No jokes please.
Triphid comments on Sep 27, 2018:
A definite Yes here, BUT with the proviso THAT such a rape has been proven conclusively and BEYOND any shadow of a doubt. There have been innumerable cases of screaming 'Rape' when later proven to be false accusations and an innocent has been imprisoned falsely. With all of the advances in ...
Triphid replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@Emerald Drugs such as you mentioned are somewhat undetectable after a period of 12 to 24 hours however forensic experts do search for far more evidence than just those few things in case you are unaware.
Life sentence for rape? Opinion? No jokes please.
Triphid comments on Sep 27, 2018:
A definite Yes here, BUT with the proviso THAT such a rape has been proven conclusively and BEYOND any shadow of a doubt. There have been innumerable cases of screaming 'Rape' when later proven to be false accusations and an innocent has been imprisoned falsely. With all of the advances in ...
Triphid replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@Emerald Yes, but condoms ONLY stop the sperm from being released and detected later, sexual intercourse also causes the shedding of skin cells, pubic hairs and other bodily materials from the Rapist or were you unaware of those proven medical and forensic facts?
Life sentence for rape? Opinion? No jokes please.
CeliaVL comments on Sep 27, 2018:
I am not in favour of life sentences for anyone except violent psychopaths who have no prospect of changing. Prison should be about reformation and education and only violent people should be incarcerated at all. In the UK and the USA we have far too many people in prison and it achieves nothing ...
Triphid replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@CeliaVL Sadly though, many of these ' rehabilitated' offenders often return to their ' old ways' at some time or another though there are those that do ' mend their ways' permanently. As a survivor of rape from almost 55 years ago, I have little sympathy for rapists and the ' special' treatment they receive by the Justice Systems when they are incarcerated, i.e. Special Segregation from the General Prison Population, etc. Prison life for most offenders is NOT one of hardships, they have television, movies, education and exercise facilities, free medical services, good nutritious meals, visitors and certain rights, most of these are things that their victims have had taken, brutally away from them and some will never get to enjoy since they may have been MURDERED and those left behind are their friends and relatives, etc, who must try to live with that emptiness these CRIMINALS have forced upon them whilst those very same CRIMINALS are incarcerated and kept safe, secure and healthy at the expense of everyone else. Imprisonment SHOULD NOT be something where a CRIMINAL gets better treatment than the ordinary, average citizen receives. The Criminal SHOULD get the basics of needs, yes, try to rehabilitate them where possible, BUT make them understand as well that what they have is TOTALLY unacceptable to decent society and THEY must endure the hardships and tribulations due to them.
Does a ring really matter?
Triphid comments on Sep 25, 2018:
The ideology of a ' Wedding/Engagement' ring is originally derived from the Ancient Hebrew system of identifying a slave and to whom that slave ( usually female slaves btw) belonged. Xtianity, then Islam, etc, took on that system with the sole intent of making it their own method of marking a ...
Triphid replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@Hercules3000 Xtianity over the first 200+ years adopted and ' adapted' innumerable traditions, ideologies, etc, etc, thus turning them to suit the needs of the belief system, wedding rings are just a small example of these ' adaptions.' Easter is another PRIME example as is Christmas, etc, etc. ALL of these have their origins in far older and more ancient cultures than Xtianity. The Xtianity movement is based upon the bible which deems woman as being the PROPERTY of men, lesser value than men ergo the Hebrew tradition of Slave Rings was adapted to symbolize the subservience/ enslavement of a woman to her husband. As for the brutality of the ancient times, yes they were somewhat savage and brutal, HOWEVER, there is little comparison when one truly thinks about what human kind has done in the last 100+ years, for example, did the Romans ever drop 2 bombs on 2 separate cities wiping out literally thousands of civilian men, women and children in a blinding flash and condemning the survivors to years of the effects of Radiation Poisoning as did the Americans on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Did the Greeks ever drop tons of Agent Orange on the citizens of Persia as did the Americans on the country of Vietnam? Did the Romans cause 65+ million to die in any of their wars/battles like World War II did ? Should I mention the deaths and slaughters as well degradations Americans wrought upon the Native American Peoples, the thousands of Cherokee men, women, children and babies who perished from hunger, illness and cold during the forced march from the Ancestral Homelands to Oklahoma simply because the American Settlers wanted their lands for farming, grazing, timber and natural resources? Who, exactly, bears the title of the most savage and brutal now, the Ancient Peoples or the modern ones?
Life sentence for rape? Opinion? No jokes please.
josh_is_exciting comments on Sep 27, 2018:
I prefer life to death due to the flaws of our legal system, as demonstrated more than a few times in convicting people wrongly, thus allowing opportunity to correct mistakes and allowing the innocent a chance at the life they deserve again. Rape is of course is as awful as it gets, it causes ...
Triphid replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@Bendog I agree with there, the bible ( btw the word bible comes from the ancient Greek, BIBLOS, and simply means a book, scroll or document, NOT a collection of numerous and vague writings) is little more than a ' comic book' but like many comic books it can give one a good laugh none-the-less. I have also found that it works quite well as a method of killing creepy-crawlies like spiders, especially when dropped upon from about 2 feet above them, plus it gives them the choice of being ' converted' LOL.
Life sentence for rape? Opinion? No jokes please.
Triphid comments on Sep 27, 2018:
A definite Yes here, BUT with the proviso THAT such a rape has been proven conclusively and BEYOND any shadow of a doubt. There have been innumerable cases of screaming 'Rape' when later proven to be false accusations and an innocent has been imprisoned falsely. With all of the advances in ...
Triphid replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@Bendog Yes, BUT scientific evidence, DNA, etc, etc, are NOT emotion based, is that not so?
Is it child abuse or child neglect to take a child under 18 to a religious establishment and live ...
mattersauce comments on Sep 26, 2018:
Poor form poll with "maybe" & "yes" as the only options. No, it's not child abuse. If theism is correct then those people are working to save the child's immortal soul and even this site has many people who confess to "not being sure" that there's no god.
Triphid replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@mattersauce I did NOT say that you were biased towards religion. I do believe I have given you a good start point for you to research, i.e. studying Theology and Comparative Modern Religions for example. After all, the best knowledge is gained from PERSONAL efforts and not from directions of others, or so I have found, since I was always taught from a very young age, seek and you will find, follow the directions of others and you will find only the biased ideas of those directing you. But, having mentioned that, you could try ' The History of Religions and their Origins' by Andrew Carstaires, ThD for starters.
Asking for the thoughts/opinions of others here.
Marionville comments on Sep 26, 2018:
No, most of them completely believe everything, incredible though it seems to us, If you have been immersed in this doctrine since childhood you acceot it as absolute truth. These people are zealots and believe they are doing god’s work...that they are saving the rest of us from Satan and his ...
Triphid replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@Marionville Precisely my friend and that is how religions first got started way way back in the earliest times of human history if one truly sits and thinks about it. E.g. the tribe/clan has a poor week where hunting has been a fairly dismal failure, one tribe member sees an opportunity to ' exploit' the others for his/her own personal gain, probably by utilizing the knowledge gained from observing very closely the habits, etc, of the ' game' animals, he/she then tells the others that he/she can hear and speak to the animal spirits and the ancestors of the tribe members BUT the other must sacrifice the best and choicest parts of the meats to those spirits via him or her, and, BINGO, religion is BORN, one person gains a free ride while the rest do all the work, etc.
Life sentence for rape? Opinion? No jokes please.
CeliaVL comments on Sep 27, 2018:
I am not in favour of life sentences for anyone except violent psychopaths who have no prospect of changing. Prison should be about reformation and education and only violent people should be incarcerated at all. In the UK and the USA we have far too many people in prison and it achieves nothing ...
Triphid replies on Sep 27, 2018:
Sadly, CeliaVL, loke with Xtians, etc, "you can lead an offender to reason but you CANNOT make them think." Some offenders are so ' stuck' in their ways and mental processes that no manner of persuasion/ re-education can effect a change and hence they will always remain a danger to society.
Life sentence for rape? Opinion? No jokes please.
josh_is_exciting comments on Sep 27, 2018:
I prefer life to death due to the flaws of our legal system, as demonstrated more than a few times in convicting people wrongly, thus allowing opportunity to correct mistakes and allowing the innocent a chance at the life they deserve again. Rape is of course is as awful as it gets, it causes ...
Triphid replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@Bendog IF you actual read the bible you will find that within its myriad of convoluted verses the bible actually condones rape and places the blame for such a vile act squarely upon the shoulders of the victim, NOT the Rapist. Such is the largesse of the Xtian Religion and its God.
Does a ring really matter?
Triphid comments on Sep 25, 2018:
The ideology of a ' Wedding/Engagement' ring is originally derived from the Ancient Hebrew system of identifying a slave and to whom that slave ( usually female slaves btw) belonged. Xtianity, then Islam, etc, took on that system with the sole intent of making it their own method of marking a ...
Triphid replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@Hercules3000 Please check the History of the Hebrews and their penchant for ' Bonded Servants, i.e. slaves' and you will see that ' Slave Rings' were a major part of their system for identifying the ownership of Female Slaves just as was the Roman system of both forcing males slaves to be branded with the owners name and having them wear an identification plaque around their neck. Female Roman slaves were like-wise branded, usually on the left breast and the left shoulder at their back. The Hebrews/Jews forced their female slaves to wear a ' slave ring' usually made of either brass for the more ' valued' house slaves or iron for the less important female slaves, these slave rings were always worn on, what we now call, the ' ring finger' of the left hand and were placed there once a female slave-child first showed signs of reaching ' womanhood.'
Is it child abuse or child neglect to take a child under 18 to a religious establishment and live ...
mattersauce comments on Sep 26, 2018:
Poor form poll with "maybe" & "yes" as the only options. No, it's not child abuse. If theism is correct then those people are working to save the child's immortal soul and even this site has many people who confess to "not being sure" that there's no god.
Triphid replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@mattersauce Try ACTUALLY watching and listening to REAL News Bulletins, try researching for yourself as I have done, try living through my experiences with the Churches that I endured during my childhood, and, last but by no means LEAST, try studying for a Doctorate Degree in Theology and Comparative Modern Religions ( it will only take you between 4 and 5 years) BUT try and do so with an OPEN mind, NOT one clouded by the indoctrinations/ideologies of whatever belief system you were taught from an early time in your life. I studied Theology, etc, for 2 main reasons; A) to glean what truth/s, if any, there were in theology and Religions, and, B) as an Atheist seeking to gain more understanding and knowledge of the matter/s than, perhaps, those who disseminate it actually have. I won't tell that it an easy road to travel, because it is NOT, BUT it is a very rewarding one, NOT financially but in the Knowledge gained sense.
Asking for the thoughts/opinions of others here.
Marionville comments on Sep 26, 2018:
No, most of them completely believe everything, incredible though it seems to us, If you have been immersed in this doctrine since childhood you acceot it as absolute truth. These people are zealots and believe they are doing god’s work...that they are saving the rest of us from Satan and his ...
Triphid replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@Marionville Precisely, and I often ponder upon just how many of these ' Evangelist' Churches and their so-called Founders have see the potential sources for Personal Gain/s, etc, in doing a bit of ' bandwagon' jumping, tuning up their 'special' style of stage acting and pretence, etc, so that they can draw in the gullible, the frightened and the insecure and fleece them as have those like the Billy Graham Dynasty, etc. For instance, When I was aged 16, I became quite interested in joining the High Drama Group and found that Amateur Acting was a bit of a forte for me, I received quite a bit of acclaim for my talent of being able to "fit myself into any role I was selected for on stage,' this became a kind of thing I would asked to do impromptu in the school grounds to entertain fellow students as well. Hence, one teacher ' dared' me to ' put on a show' on a street corner, dressed as an itinerant ' Preacher' and see how many people I could ' convince' that I was 'speaking' the words of God. I accepted, worked up my own script, role and persona for a few weeks, got a ' costume' and the Teacher then took me and a group of others to a town some 300 Kilometres away for the weekend where I'd would not be recognized and I did my ' Preacher act.' It totally surprised me, and everyone else btw, just how many people gathered around once I got started and how many were offering various amounts of money for me to set up a Church so that they could hear me preach to them every Sunday. That was Easter Weekend, 1969 and had we not had scruples we could have walked away quite a few hundreds of dollars richer. I was an Atheist then as I still am today and ever since I have viewed the ' Evangelist' types, and ALL Churches btw, as being little more than a very well organized Confidence Trickster Scheme, to say the very least, preying upon the vulnerability of others, raking in the money gained from false promises, etc, etc,.
Asking for the thoughts/opinions of others here.
p-nullifidian comments on Sep 26, 2018:
Having been raised in a conservative protestant faith, experienced baptism by immersion, and a rebirth of a kind, I can offer the following: 1. I didn't "run to religion" as an escape--it was all I had known. 2. The "reality of life" exists within the cocoon--those who are born again and accept ...
Triphid replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@p-nullifidian No worries mate, let's just call it as it should be ,i.e. a wee small hiccup, nothing more, nothing less.
Is it child abuse or child neglect to take a child under 18 to a religious establishment and live ...
weeman comments on Sep 26, 2018:
hmmm so on a post about potential child abuse you decide what it needs is that??? really why does child abuse and low level erotic pics some how marry up in your mind because if so thats worrying on a whole different level to just being an idiot
Triphid replies on Sep 26, 2018:
@zesty Methinks that ' weeman' is suffering most severely from Cranio-Rectal Retention Syndrome of the first order. But, hey, that is my own opinion and diagnosis.
Is it child abuse or child neglect to take a child under 18 to a religious establishment and live ...
joeymf86 comments on Sep 26, 2018:
Damn! I missed seeing the picture. No, I don't believe it's child abuse in the sense that if parents leaves their child under the care and supervision of the clergy, then they must trust and see that clergy member as part of their family. It's kind of like leaving your child with a family friend....
Triphid replies on Sep 26, 2018:
@zesty Almost EVERY family has its ' garbage' and most families know who that garbage is and act accordingly, BUT, how can anyone tell which priest/minister, etc, is such trash and who is not? So, why take such chances in the first place, especially with such a young and impressionable life and mind?
Is it child abuse or child neglect to take a child under 18 to a religious establishment and live ...
mattersauce comments on Sep 26, 2018:
Poor form poll with "maybe" & "yes" as the only options. No, it's not child abuse. If theism is correct then those people are working to save the child's immortal soul and even this site has many people who confess to "not being sure" that there's no god.
Triphid replies on Sep 26, 2018:
Sir, IF, and that is a VERY Immense IF btw, given the numbers of cases of Institutional Abuse cases being investigated involving religious Institutions these days, I'd say saving the ' immortal' soul of a child is the one thing many religions are most definitely NOT concerned with in any way, shape or form. Thousands upon thousands of cases of Child Abuse by Religious Ministers/Priests are being investigated throughout the world these days and they do NOT include the abuses committed by religions in the past 2,000 years, e.g. the Catholic Church, up until the mid- 19th. Century was still 'creating' the " Castrati," from pre-pubescent boys with exceptionally good singing voices for their innumerable Church Choirs, such Castrati usually were sourced from Orphanages or unwanted children that the Church persuaded/coerced the Authorities to sell to them very cheaply. Yes, as the word " Castrati" implies, these young boys were Castrated so as their voices would not change as the went through puberty, and on a further note, one well documented btw, the Castrati were also used as ' entertainment' for priests, Bishops, Cardinals, etc, as well. The ' celibacy' of Catholic Priests, etc, is one word bandied around by the Church but is yet another example of the hypocrisy that deeply underlies the entire establishment since until the early to mid-20th. Century ALL Convents were required to have ' Lime-Pits' on their grounds, such lime-pits were solely for the ' disposal' of babies conceived by Nuns as results of the relationships ( for want of less vulgar word) regularly had with Priests and visiting Church Dignitaries/Officials. This is a FACT that my Grandfather, once employed as a Gardener/Groundskeeper at a Convent, passed on in his journals. He lasted 4 years in that job before he was so sickened by these appalling goings on that he opted to leave and join the crew of a merchant ship.
Does a ring really matter?
Triphid comments on Sep 25, 2018:
The ideology of a ' Wedding/Engagement' ring is originally derived from the Ancient Hebrew system of identifying a slave and to whom that slave ( usually female slaves btw) belonged. Xtianity, then Islam, etc, took on that system with the sole intent of making it their own method of marking a ...
Triphid replies on Sep 26, 2018:
@gebulldog, @Hercules3000 Well that then is their own personal choice then is it not, BUT can it not be that such devotion to one's partner can be shown clearly in other ways just as easily WITHOUT wearing a simple band of gold/metal, after all it can be quite simple and easy to ' slip off the ring' and secrete it away as I found out that my Ex-wife was doing very regularly before we divorced. How did I know this, you may ask? Well when a man has had a vasectomy, as I did after the birth of our daughter in 1984, and his wife states clearly, several times in succession btw, that she is very concerned because her periods are late again, is not just a wee bit ' puzzling' to say the least?
Does a ring really matter?
Triphid comments on Sep 25, 2018:
The ideology of a ' Wedding/Engagement' ring is originally derived from the Ancient Hebrew system of identifying a slave and to whom that slave ( usually female slaves btw) belonged. Xtianity, then Islam, etc, took on that system with the sole intent of making it their own method of marking a ...
Triphid replies on Sep 26, 2018:
@gebulldog My pleasure.
Asking for the thoughts/opinions of others here.
Marionville comments on Sep 26, 2018:
No, most of them completely believe everything, incredible though it seems to us, If you have been immersed in this doctrine since childhood you acceot it as absolute truth. These people are zealots and believe they are doing god’s work...that they are saving the rest of us from Satan and his ...
Triphid replies on Sep 26, 2018:
@Marionville Yes, Xtians have been persecuting Non-Believers since the early years of the inception of Xtianity just as the Jews persecuted the Gentiles and those Jews who followed the ' teachings' of those ' so-called' Disciples. And now the Radical Fundamentalist Muslims are, in my opinion, doing a belated ' copycat' version of the Xtians, a kind of Tit for Tat in my opinion considering the outright and wholesale SLAUGHTER inflicted upon them during the Crusades by the Xtians. As to the ' running to Xtianity' think about the ones in prisons who suddenly find/turn to Jesus/God, are they not simply ' running' to one thing in hope/s of escaping something else or hoping that their sudden 'conversion' may give them a chance of the ' Get out of Gaol ' card?
Asking for the thoughts/opinions of others here.
p-nullifidian comments on Sep 26, 2018:
Having been raised in a conservative protestant faith, experienced baptism by immersion, and a rebirth of a kind, I can offer the following: 1. I didn't "run to religion" as an escape--it was all I had known. 2. The "reality of life" exists within the cocoon--those who are born again and accept ...
Triphid replies on Sep 26, 2018:
When I posited " Newish Fashion type Fad" in relation to Evangelism ( which, btw, is somewhat relatively ' new' in the context of the last 2,000+ years since Xtianity, etc, has been around) that what was part of the studies of Theology and Comparative MODERN Religions comprised of considering that it only reared its head, so to speak, some 250+ years ago. Prior to the formation of the C. of E. under Henry VIII of England and the ideas of Martin Luther ( the Founder of Lutheranism) in Germany there was only the Holy Roman Empire ( Catholic Church) ruling the majority of Europe and the R.C.C. was striving and determined to eradicate ALL 'perceived ' opposition to their domination. Perhaps I wasn't quite clear and concise enough too, for that I apologize, however I meant it to read as referring to those who were NOT religious previously BEFORE suddenly changing tack, so to speak, i.e. my Born-Again Evangelist neighbor who admits to numerous societal ' no-nos' prior to his 'conversion.'
Does a ring really matter?
Hellas comments on Sep 25, 2018:
If you don't want to wear the ring, he could just piss on your leg.
Triphid replies on Sep 25, 2018:
A ring DOES NOT seal nor signify FIDELITY, only actions and Decency can do that.
Does a ring really matter?
ShuMei2018 comments on Sep 25, 2018:
I do not need a wedding to wear a ring that a man gives me to wear as a symbol of together-ness. I don't need a marriage.
Triphid replies on Sep 25, 2018:
In Ancient Egyptian times ( pre the advent of Xtianity and Islam btw) 2 people were considered to be ' married' once they had slept together under the same roof, in the same dwelling for 3 or more nights and that union was considered as being binding and permanent. Ancient Egypt was quite liberal in that women shared equality to men, they could own property, have a business/businesses and have separate wealth to their husband legally and morally. No rings/vows were needed to be exchanged and such a ' married' was legal and accepted by all, the State included. I think the so-called sermon on the Mount should have included " Blessed be the Jewelers for they shall grow rich upon the love for a man and woman by selling them something they do not need."
How do you deal with Door-knockers?
jniece comments on Sep 15, 2018:
Never done this myself but I have a friend who answers the door nearly naked!
Triphid replies on Sep 25, 2018:
LOL, I answered the door once directly from the shower with just the towel wrapped around me. Two JW women were standing there hold the screen door open and I pushed the main wooden door back behind me while trying wrest the screen door from them, the breeze rose up and the main door began to swing towards my back so, not actually thinking but out sheer reaction, I released the hand grasping the towel so I could stop the door, the towel fell to the floor and they left my front yard with extreme haste.
How do you deal with Door-knockers?
RiverRick comments on Sep 22, 2018:
When I lived in a neighborhood where people would go door-to-door, I posted a NO SOLICITING sign. Of course they would ignore this. My first question to them was to ask if they could read. When they said yes... I told them they must have missed my NO SOLICITING sign. They automatically jump to the ...
Triphid replies on Sep 25, 2018:
To rid myself of Door to Door Jesus Jockeys selling superstitions, etc, I painted a sign that is fixed in plain sight that simply states, " If you are here to sell me anything, talk about Religion, etc, etc, then it WILL cost $50 per minute or part thereof paid in CASH only and payable in ADVANCE. it has been up for over 5 years now and I've had peace and quite from the Bible-Bashers ever since.
Do you think there should be a high school course to teach common sense laws to teenagers?
Mb_Man comments on Sep 23, 2018:
Boomers and Gen Xers love to talk down to the kittens. They have no common sense. They, they, they . . . they can't do ANYTHING RIGHT! I'm sure it has nothing WHATSOEVER to do with their upbringing. Being raised with those values on display daily in Congress, the senate and the oval office . . ...
Triphid replies on Sep 25, 2018:
@Mb_Man My Dear Sir, IF what I posted appeared/seemed to be " talking down to you" then I'm sorry to say that, in my opinion and years of life experiences, you may suffering from, what we I Australia call, " a load of the wrong kind of wood around your shoulders. Btw, that IS NOT " talking down" to you either it is just me making a quick assessment as a Psychologist. Nowhere did I mention " respecting Authority" however I did comment that " Respect must be Earned, it is NOT a given Right. But some Authorities need to respected, i.e. the Laws of the Country for example, otherwise there would be utter social Anarchy a situation in which everyone loses. In my opinion, America being a Prime example as it seems hell-bent upon going down that path and in doing so dragging the rest of world along with it.
Is the human embryo sacred or something special ?
Mooolah comments on Sep 21, 2018:
It is very special. Especially when stir fried & served with a nice bordeaux.
Triphid replies on Sep 24, 2018:
@pnfullifidian No mate, that's for dining on Xtian Babies ONLY I'm afraid....LOL.
Do you think there should be a high school course to teach common sense laws to teenagers?
Mb_Man comments on Sep 23, 2018:
Boomers and Gen Xers love to talk down to the kittens. They have no common sense. They, they, they . . . they can't do ANYTHING RIGHT! I'm sure it has nothing WHATSOEVER to do with their upbringing. Being raised with those values on display daily in Congress, the senate and the oval office . . ...
Triphid replies on Sep 24, 2018:
Hey, I think you've gotten the WRONG end of the stick there my friend. I, for one, never " talk down" to anyone younger than myself, my father taught me that doing such thing only belittles them and makes you appear as an utter arse-hole. I treated my late and much lamented daughter as an equal, a friend, etc, and we were, in her own words, " Best Friends, Good Mates, more like Brother and Sister and I was her father and mother as well as her bi bother" since she was also an only child as well. I'm sorry for you that you may have had such experiences from " Elders" in your life but to gain respect first you need to learn to give and show respect since respect is NOT a given right, it is something that NEEDS to Earned in the first place.
Do you think there should be a high school course to teach common sense laws to teenagers?
Triphid comments on Sep 23, 2018:
A very commendable idea there, However the first thing that would need to be instigated is to teach such things to the Teachers first, things such as Respect, Honour, Decency, Community Spirit and Awareness, etc, etc, the simple things that I was taught back in my days at school ( late 50s through ...
Triphid replies on Sep 24, 2018:
@Marine Thank you. Not bad for the observations of 60+ year old fart, hey?
What is the point of the ALP?
Triphid comments on Sep 23, 2018:
In my personal opinion, BOTH major parties are a complete and utter WASTE of time, space, oxygen and nutrients. The ALP (aka Absolutely Lost Party) are so far adrift from reality under Bill " Shortonballs" Shorten that they are way beyond the Land of the Fairies, they lost the "plot" totally ever ...
Triphid replies on Sep 24, 2018:
@David1955 I like you ideas on WHAT the policies should as to the people and the Nation. Any Party that vowed to instigate such would get my support 100%, but I'd like to see the Taxation system and income increases re-worked in such a way that the greater the income/wealth the HIGHER the Taxes you pay and the less of an increase you receive, i.e. a person earning below $100,000 p.a. would receive more of an increase than one earning $100,00 p.a. since as it is now an increase of 1.5% is nothing more than a drop of urine in a bucket to the Low Income Earners but to a High Income Earner it is a bloody big chunk of the pie, a huge imbalance in my opinion. Also, I feel most sincerely that; A) All elected politicians should be legal made to declare any and ALL external incomes/ interests, etc, PRIOR to being elected and should be made to survive ONLY on their Incomes/Salaries whilst in Government, they MUST also pay Income Taxes, etc, on the Parliamentary Salaries, receive ONLY the same amount and level of Pension ( subjected to the same rules, etc, as everyone else, i.e. Assets Tested, etc,) NO lurks and Perks, etc, as they receive now both during their time in Parliament and upon retirement, and, B) Politicians salaries SHOULD be on a Productivity Sliding Scale, i.e. the more they achieve for the benefit of the Nation and the WHOLE Population they receive a modest increase and vice versa.
Last night I was out with The Phoenix Atheists Meetup group at a local restaurant.
Triphid comments on Sep 23, 2018:
Er, forgive me if I'm wrong BUT even Chimps, Great Apes and the humble Australian Kangaroos, etc, ALL have Thumb and Fingerprints just as do innumerable other animals, BUT, there are very few actual bible verses, in fact none to the best of my knowledge, that actually STATE that the Imaginary " Sky ...
Triphid replies on Sep 24, 2018:
@GeorgeRocheleau 100% correct on that one, but clones, which the mythological 'Eve' would have to have been, are exactly copies of the source from which the genetic material originated, right down to the DNA, and, if humans are ever cloned, the fingerprints. Identical twins are derived from 1 single embryo that splits for some unknown reason during the regular stage of mitosis into two separate and identical embryos, whereas Paternal Twins accrual begin as 2 separate embryos from 2 separate ova fertilized individually and, unlike Identical Twins, each will have their own separate placenta.
Any of youse Victorians?
Triphid comments on Sep 23, 2018:
AFL, Rugby, Cricket, Tennis, etc, etc, are so bloody tediously dull and boring that they make the idea of watching paint dry even more exciting. AFLW is somewhat more interesting to watch since those girls/ladies REALLY get into it, make a good and decent game of it all as do the Women in the ...
Triphid replies on Sep 23, 2018:
@powder Sorry Cobber BUT you won't get any bites from up this way since the river is as dry as a Dead Nuns Nasty these days hence it is a waste of time dangling a line....LOL. Men's Football, AFL/SANFL or whatever still sucks even at the best of times....
Last night I was out with The Phoenix Atheists Meetup group at a local restaurant.
TheMiddleWay comments on Sep 23, 2018:
It seems to me that we are no better than theists if our response to their non-sense is mockery and derision much as their response to what they see as non-sense is mockery and derision. Obviously, we aren't privvy to the whole interaction by this account, but what would have been wrong with ...
Triphid replies on Sep 23, 2018:
IF a thing is as worthy of derision as they, the Jesus Jockeys, deem our ideas then surely " turn about is fair play" since after all is said and done, " It is far better to give than to receive" is it not?
Just little note I thought should be posted here for ALL Aussie Atheists/Agnostics in this Group.
powder comments on Sep 21, 2018:
We already basically are, heritage wise. So no real change. Wouldn't worry, he won't be around long. Religious freedom worries me. Should be freedom of belief eg I should be free to ignore religious directives. The big hurdle, including children in the right to believe free from instruction.
Triphid replies on Sep 21, 2018:
Yes sadly we are historically since the Catholic Church ruled England and Europe with an Iron Fist for Centuries and the bastard off-shoots of it simply adopted and refined that self-same thing over time.Try estimating or counting the innocent lives, cultures and Ethnicities lost/destroyed by Christianity alone throughout the centuries, the tortures and executions during the decades of the Inquisitions, the " Holy Wars", etc, etc., the advancements that were suppressed by the FILTH that is religious belief and forget not the thousands upon thousands of women who forced to bear children almost continuously simply because the Catholic Church said that they MUST. For humankind to evolve and develop as it should the rampant canker of religion needs to excised completely in my opinion.
Oh bloody hell.
FrayedBear comments on Jul 16, 2018:
What are you whinging on. Victorian culture -
Triphid replies on Sep 21, 2018:
@FrayedBear No probs there mate. Hey, it would most likely have gone straight over the head of the " Cabbage Farmers" a.k.a Victorians anyway, after all, as the saying up here goes; Q. What has an I.Q. of 20 and digs holes? Ans. A Wombat, Q. What has a collective I.Q. of 20 and also digs holes? Ans. The population of Victoria....LOL.
So we have a new Prime Minister.
Triphid comments on Sep 20, 2018:
Australia used be a 'Lucky Country' now we are sorely tested by having the likes of Scumo ( Scomo), Whiney Pynie, Scabbott, Julie Bitchslop, Wandering Dick Joyce and the entire LNP bought and paid for by the likes of Gina, the Immeasurable Bulk, Reinhart and the big end of town little rich-boy ...
Triphid replies on Sep 21, 2018:
@FrayedBear Oh yes, the " snowflake element," and if brains were gunpowder none of them would have enough to blow a hair off of the end of their nose. It used to be that Labor was all for the Working Class, the Elderly, Families and the Unemployed, now they are so bloody lost that they couldn't find their own arseholes to scratch it. The LNP now seems to be on the " Resurrect the Ideologies of their beloved Demigod, Pig-Iron Bob Menzies" with a very ' liberal' splash of rampant Catholicism and Evangelism mixed well into a large draught of the heady wine of " sucking up to the Wealthy" and of course the " let's fill our own pockets at the expense of the plebs and prols" ideology that has sustained that mob of 2 faced, lying, conniving, back-stabbing, scum-sucking bottom-feeders since the inception of the party. I'm a firm believer that what Australia needs is 2 main things; A) get rid of the archaic 2 Party System completely, become a Republic and have a President ELECTED by the People and the President need NOT be elected from the Party in Government, and, B) a complete NEW and fully comprehensive Constitution. There are other items I could add but those 2 will do for now.


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