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Christian Realtor Arrested in Murder Plot Said She’d Just Ask God to Forgive Her | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 11, 2021:
Perhaps the Commandment, THOU SHALT NOT KILL slipped, momentarily from her Christian mind? Oh, hang on a minute, that's written in the OLD Testament so, since IT is in the Old Testament and as Christians ALWAYS like to remind EVERYONE, THEY HAVE a NEW Covenant with Jeebus Chrust so the Old Testament NO longer applies to them. Cherry-picking their way through the Biblical Laws they so hold dear to them is still alive and doing fine I see.
Pat Robertson: A Baby May Be Demon-Possessed as Part of a “Generational Curse” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 11, 2021:
Oh, is this Religious Zombie still alive and kicking? Someone, anyone PLEASE euthanise this dribbling Horror asap for the sake of ALL Human kind.
Texas Republican Files Bill to Punish Abortion with the Death Penalty | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Mar 11, 2021:
Only could happen in a place like Texarse, in my opinion, could such a Travesty of Humanity and Justice occur. If that be the case then my heartiest recommendation to the Women of Texarse is to Immediately place and Sanction an Embargo ALL Acts of Sexual Intercourse, Cooking, Cleaning, Changing Baby Diapers, etc, etc, and do so with extremest of prejudices as well PERMANENTLY or UNTIL this Bill is rejected and REFUSED to be presented EVER again. Keep YOUR Rosaries OUT OF her Ovaries, Keep YOUR Biblical Tome out of HER Womb and Keep YOUR Religion OUT OF her Nether Region as well.
Three of the most ornery prisoners you may ever run across, they might lick you to death.
Triphid comments on Mar 11, 2021:
Aw, poor dogs sentenced to Life behind bars....LOL. Kind of reminds me of the sign I put on my gate many. many years ago when I had my Russian Wolfhound, Brutus, son of Boris. When standing on his hind legs, Brutus was 6' 4 and a half inches tall, as peaceful, kind and loving as a pet mouse BUT had a 'talent' for licking the tops of peoples heads and their faces. So I hung this sign on my gate, " Beware of Brutus, he will NOT bite BUT he can and WILL give you one hellova Licking." Taking Brutus for a walk was a task in itself since EVERY child he saw he had to meet, be patted and cuddled no matter what side of the road they were on. I tested his strength once by building a sled and the harness, teaching him how to pull the sled. Brutus, without much effort at all, managed to pull the sled along with 80 kilos of wet sand in sand-bags piled on it for a distance 253 metres. Sadly when he was just 8 years old, some cruel, mongrel-gutted Bastard tossed a bait over the fence and Brutus ate it and died in agony while I was at work.
Which one of these sayings makes you crack up?
Triphid comments on Mar 11, 2021:
numbers 1,4,8,9, 16,19, 20 and especially 21. Over here in Australia, we old-timers have a few of our own as well like, "If wasn't for bad luck we'd have no luck at all," "With my luck, it'd be raining money and I'd get slapped with the National Debt instead," or " I'm feeling as flat a fresh dog turd on a busy street."
Christ has risen 😊
Triphid comments on Mar 11, 2021:
Ah so that is WHY they hung him out on a cross for the day, everyone knows that to make dough rise it needs to left in the warmth to get it started. Which begs the question here, Was J.C. ' Levi-ned ' or Un-Levi-ned bread ?....LOL.
Christian Owners of Missouri Boarding School Charged With Physical, Sexual Abuse | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 11, 2021:
Shopped to the Cops by their OWN daughter, well done her I say, award her the Congressional Medal Of Honour at the very least please.
Preacher: If Non-Christians Spread Coronavirus at My Events, I’ll Get Blamed | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 11, 2021:
"With this one the stupidity is strong I see." -Atheist Yoda, 2021
Church Treasurer Arrested for Stealing $150,000 and Spending It on Porn Website | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 11, 2021:
Now " That's the way, aha, aha I like it," a Holier than thou Joe the Church Treasurer getting caught with his fingers in the Till. When HE hits the prison he'll be getting plenty of ' practical' lessons from his fellow in-mates on Fiddling things but it won't the Church Ledgers.....LOL
Missouri AG Sues Televangelist Jim Bakker for Selling Fake Coronavirus Cure | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 11, 2021:
A Snake-oil Salesman AND a Fake Salvation Salesman all rolled into the one body, who would have thought that.......LOL.
Forgot the sugar. Saved the muffins mid-bake with a turkey baster.
Triphid comments on Mar 10, 2021:
Stop it PLEASE you're making my mouth water. They look very very tasty btw.
Christian Boss-from-Hell Dave Ramsey Thinks Mask Mandates Are Discriminatory | Beth Stoneburner | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 10, 2021:
"Masks are discriminatory," perhaps he should take a GOOD and LONG look at his Fellow Christians to see EXACTLY where TRUE Discrimination is and comes from.
It is international bagpipe day []
Triphid comments on Mar 10, 2021:
Still like hearing the 'Pipes.' even though some say they sound like cats being tortured....LOL.
It is international bagpipe day []
Triphid comments on Mar 10, 2021:
Kind of begs for one to ask the question, " What is worn under a Scotsman;s Kilt?" The answer being, of course, " Nothing it IS ALL in perfect working Order." LOL.
WHO: 1 in 3 women experience physical or sexual violence.
Triphid comments on Mar 10, 2021:
Yes, I agree that Domestic Violence and all forms of Abuse against women IS a MASSIVE World-wide problem. However, there IS also a BIG problem that very RARELY rates even the SLIGHTEST of mentions, that is the problem where MEN are also subjected to Domestic Violence and Abuse FROM women. We hear about the Violence and Abuse that women receive regularly because, 1) it is reported and acted upon by Police and Authorities, in most cases, and thus becomes a news worthy story, 2) in our society, women are ENCOURAGED to speak out when victimized. However and sadly and most unfortunately also in our society there IS the arcane ideology that says to a man who is a victim of Violence/Abuse, etc, "Suck it up", "take it like a man", "handle it yourself", and even, "stop whining like a girl and be a man" when ever a male ATTEMPTS to report such things as have made HIM the victim. Men, sadly, when faced with being the Victims of Domestic Violence/Abuse rarely EVER report it, instead they simply either crawl away and hide it OR eventually end up committing suicide as the very last resort. When such a case occurs it IS usually put down as being merely another MALE suicide and rates little or NO media time, effort or being classed as News Worthy Material UNLESS he, regrettably, sadly and unfortunately makes HIS death a Murder-Suicide, then and ONLY does it receive any media attention. IMO, WE should ALL try to remember that " EVERY Sword cuts BOTH ways" and this is MOST DEFINITELY not just a single sided problem.
This Atheist Explored Christian TikTok (and It’s Horrifying) | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 9, 2021:
Okay, curiosity got to this cat. Had a squiz at the Chrustian Tik Tok, it IS horrifying to say the very least, a whole lot of toking but absolutely NO tiking over of brain cells with that mob. kind of makes me wonder IF they can ACTUALLY breathe on their own or they need someone to tell them and how to do it as well.
I don’t think of myself as a prude and I can swear like a sailor if circumstances bring it out of ...
Triphid comments on Mar 9, 2021:
Confucius say, " Profanity often good for health, it relieve Stress, Anger, Pain and Frustration when used correctly." LOL.
Won't happen on the other side in Texas
Triphid comments on Mar 9, 2021:
Has she had her Rabies and Canine Parvo shots by any chance....LOL.
The Great Scandal: Christianity's Role in the Rise of the Nazis
Triphid comments on Mar 9, 2021:
A lot of people either DO NOT know or simply don't want to know that during the Nazi WWII era a PACT was made between Hitler and Nazi High Command AND the Vatican for 2 MAIN Reasons. One being that the Nazis Guaranteed NOT to bomb the Vatican, NOT to persecute Catholics, and the other, WAS to create what became know as the Odessa Ratline, an escape route funded by the Nazis and operated by the Vatican for the SOLE and SINGULAR purpose of getting Nazi Hierarchy and War Criminals out of Germany should the Nazi War Machine fail. It has been ESTIMATED that from that Pact, the Vatican made between 6 and 7 MILLION ( value at that time btw)in Gold, Jewels and precious pieces of Art, of which at least 90% was Stolen from the families and Victims of the Holocaust, etc, etc. The economy of SUPPOSEDLY Neutral SPAIN also profited well from the Nazis during WWII by accepting and reselling Nazi Gold to the estimated tune of between 8 and 10 Million Dollars in value during the WWII era. And the SWISS Banks were not so shy and demure either.
I don’t think of myself as a prude and I can swear like a sailor if circumstances bring it out of ...
Triphid comments on Mar 9, 2021:
Me, I can swear and cuss like a Shearing Shed full of Shearers and a ship load of Drunken Sailors.
The Great Scandal: Christianity's Role in the Rise of the Nazis
Triphid comments on Mar 9, 2021:
Well that deals a massive blow to those who insist that Hitler was an Atheist and ALL the Nazis were as well doesn't it. Well done for posting that but you can bet you'll cop flak from a few at least.
Triphid comments on Mar 8, 2021:
Trust = Assurance, reliability, etc, etc. Whereas, FAITH = "take your chances," NO Assurance/s, No Reliability/Reliabilities and a whole lot of maybes, assumptions and presumptions thrown in for good measure. Trust can be earned, shown and proven, Faith cannot, it IS merely an assumption, ergo I'll take Trust over Faith any day of the week thank you.
Dallas Megachurch Pastor Robert Jeffress says those who get to heaven will have jobs but without ...
Triphid comments on Mar 8, 2021:
Well, IF that be the case then just in case there is a Heaven, which I sincerely and 100% DOUBT there is btw, then I'll take a page from the Ancient Egyptians book and have a few hundred Ushabti made and they can do the work while lay back and enjoy eternity.
Pope: 'We cannot be silent when terrorism abuses religion' []
Triphid comments on Mar 8, 2021:
Strange that, Terrorism abusing Religion MUST be stopped. But what about the Terrorism imposed on Altar boys by the Priests of Religion WHY hasn't that been stopped well before it happened? Why is the Vatican and the Church always so silent about that form of Horrific Terrorism?
Orthodox Christians in Cyprus Are Protesting a “Satanic” Eurovision Entry | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 7, 2021:
BNSMHO (Bloody Near Shaking My Head Off) in disbelief.
Orthodox Christians in Cyprus Are Protesting a “Satanic” Eurovision Entry | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Out of simple curiosity here, Do these Chrustians ACTUALLY employ someone to sit down and dream up things for them to complain about?
Right-Wing Pastor: God Sent Us Coronavirus Because of Homosexuality | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Hang on a minute here, wasn't HIV/AIDS touted as being the ' Divine (LOL) Punishment from Sky Daddy for there being Gays, Lesbians and the like? Before that they touted that Measles, Rubella, the Spanish Flu, Polio, S.T.D's, Miscarriages, Infertility, Cot Deaths, Mental and Physical Defects, being Left-handed, etc, etc, and etc, were also Punishments from Sky Daddy as well and let us NOT forget Floods, Earthquakes, Locusts, Flies/Maggots, Lice, Fleas, Fires that consumed towns and cities, Droughts, etc, etc, also. What next does this Great, Powerful, All -caring and Loving Sky Daddy have in store us mere humans....LOL
Son of “Shaking Head Prophetess” Admits Mom Only Does That in Front of Crowds | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Can't say that she has missed her 'calling' and should've been an Actor since, SOME but not ALL Actors have Ethics, Morals and TALENT. However, imo, she would've made the PERFECT Court Jester or some weird type of a Clown in a Circus. Oh, what the truly demented and deluded of the Faithfools will do for a little bit of notoriety.
The Catholic Church Opposes a CO Bill to Let Child Sex Abuse Victims Get Justice | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Of course the 'Cross-kissers, aka Catholics, are running scared, this legislation will result in every single bit of their dirty laundry being exposed, the exact same dirty laundry they've hiding away for well over a thousand years. Sadly, and speaking for myself here, there IS NO 'closure' when it comes to Abuse, either Sexual, Physical, Emotional or Mental, it NEVER truly goes away BUT restitution does help to alleviate it in some small way/s. However, there is a small amount of ironic Pleasure to be derived/gained from one seeing their Abuser/s brought to book. KEEP the WINDOW/S OPEN Permanently and Irreversibly, tell the whining Cross-kissers to BUGGER OFF and learn to face the music since THEY picked the tune then THEY MUST PAY the Piper.
Study: Atheism Isn’t Bad for Your Health | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos
Triphid comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Sorry Mr. Speed, btw, haste, aka Speed, makes waste and often kills as well, BUT IF you did your research properly then you may well have found that, for the most part at least, Atheists/Agnostics, etc, tend to live longer, live more contentedly, are happier, more productive, less troubled, have a lower suicide rate, commit less crimes, care for their children and families more and better, are more kinder and caring towards others, even strangers btw, are also community and socially minded people who do NOT need to be told by some self-appointed 'Shepherd' every week or so of exactly what Morality, Ethics and Human Decency ARE according to his/her interpretations of some dusty book of Myths and Bunkum.
Today, we celebrate the birthday of Maurice Ravel, the French composer.
Triphid comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Great piece of Classical Music. My personal ' recommendation ' to ANYONE who dares to try it IS trying having a 'nooky' and keeping in time with music, especially the drum beat. You may NOT get it right the first time around BUT with practice, plenty of it btw, both you and your partner/s WILL enjoy the end result immensely. I know I did in my much younger days.
FBI Claims Proud Boy Interacted With Trump White House in Days Leading Up to Capitol Breach
Triphid comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Now WHO would have guessed ? LOL.
Survey: Atheists Are More Likely to Get Vaccinated Than Any Religious Group | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Well of course we Atheist are going to get vaccinated, the simple reason, imo, is that WE value our lives, the lives of others and KNOW that there is NO Afterlife in the offering, you just get ONE chance at living, then you die, end of story, so WHY worry about being up in the Sky with a mythical, Imaginary, Invisible Sky Daddy in the first place AFTER you've ' dropped off the perch ' anyway. And, imo, Tough Titties to the other 10% of Atheists who don't get vaccinated.
This "christian" woman tried to hire someone to kill her mother-in-law, saying that she could always...
Triphid comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Well, imo, WHEN she hits the Cell Block in prison, at least she'll be a welcome "Cheer Mom" for the other prisoners....LOL.
Cindy Jacobs: I Declare the Coronavirus “Illegal” in God’s Name | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Mar 6, 2021:
Like "I exorcise thee oh nasty evil virus, in the name of God and Jesus Christ thou shalt be gone," is REALLY going to work....LOL. Better off pissing in to a on-coming Hurricane, at least then you CAN be SURE of getting your own 'back.'....LOL.
New Rule: National Chill the Fk Out Month | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - YouTube
Triphid comments on Mar 6, 2021:
Shit yeah, I agree with him 110%. WE all KNOW that cancers, etc, etc, etc, are OUT there, we do NOT need reminding of them 24/7, 365 days a year. Instead why not simply live your life as if there is NO tomorrow, enjoy every second of it because you never know when you will be 100% Correct, DEAD but Correct none-the-less? Imagine, if you will, what strides we would/could have made IF all the money spent of these Awareness Campaigns had been spent, instead, upon the very things they are campaigning about?
Conspiracist: I Pretend to Be a Nurse, Then Make People Argue With Me Over Masks | Beth Stoneburner...
Triphid comments on Mar 6, 2021:
A Total, Utter and Complete Arse-Hole of a Bitch imo, I hope and wish for her that SHE gets C-19, suffers for months in sheer agony, NEVER seeks Medical Attention/Treatment, the disease destroys what little of her brain she has and leaves her as little more than a dribbling, gibbering fool even worse than she is now imo.
Riders in the Sky by British Rock group The Shadows. []
Triphid comments on Mar 6, 2021:
Had to listen to that one twice. Back in 1969-1971 when I was with our local band, " The Saltbush Bandits" try as hard as we could we could NEVER manage to play tunes by the Shadows even remotely as well as they could.
Riders in the Sky by British Rock group The Shadows. []
Triphid comments on Mar 6, 2021:
The Shadows, the Best of the Very Best, could, and often do, spend hours listening to them and their music. Hank Marvin really knew how to get into the 'swing' of it, a great Entertainer and Musician.
Good Morning! Happy Saturday!! Sad day for me.
Triphid comments on Mar 6, 2021:
Hang in there Friend, Sister, etc, the hardest things always seem to be most painful things to do but at least this one was an agreed consensus. Just try to remember the Good times, dismiss the Bad Times and that We are always here for you.
Democratic Rep.
Triphid comments on Mar 6, 2021:
Wonderful, a Public Name and Shame job, Well done, Kudos to her.
Ingredients for life found in 3.
Triphid comments on Mar 6, 2021:
That would only be logical since it is well known that Australia has some of the Oldest Rock Stratas on the ENTIRE planet.
Jehovah’s Witnesses Will Finally Join Australia’s Program for Sex Abuse Victims | Hemant Mehta |...
Triphid comments on Mar 6, 2021:
Mention removal of Tax Exemption Statuses and the Churches back-flip faster and better than a Champion Diver in the Olympics. It IS NOT about PROTECTING the Children, it IS ALL about protecting their bottom line on their Finances. ANY and ALL forms of Abuse to either Adults or Children within the J.W's IS ALWAYS handled ( ???) by the Council of Elders of each separate Church and then dismissed completely out of hand immediately. PLUS, IF any Plaintiff/Complainant disagrees/ debates or refuses to accept the Ruling of the Council of Elders they are Threatened with Expulsion/Excommunication, Shunning by Members and Family/families for the rest of their lives. That IS how the J.W's work so do NOT expect there to be many Abuse Claims to come from or be resolved where the J.W's are concerned.
Christian Film “20 Minutes” Falsely Suggests Atheists Find God When Facing Death | Hemant ...
Triphid comments on Mar 6, 2021:
Sounds to me like a re-take on the saying that there NO Atheists in fox-holes. I guess who ever coined that phrase was NEVER involved in a War or a battle because most Western Military Services have a Standing Order that ALL Members are required to attend Religious Services. I had 1 Great-Uncle who served at Gallipoli and on the Western Front in WWI and 2 Uncles who served in WWII, I did 1 Tour in Vietnam as an Evac Chopper Pilot and at least 85% of the soldiers either my Great Uncle, my 2 Uncles and I ever met were Atheists.
Cindy Jacobs: I Declare the Coronavirus “Illegal” in God’s Name | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Mar 6, 2021:
One of the great pleasures growing up was when we or one of the neighbors got a load of sand, dirt, ...
Triphid comments on Mar 5, 2021:
You mean you actually got to be playing in the dirt, etc,? I always got the 'job' of digging holes so my Dad could plant trees, usually Fruit trees, and boy did I love that job but once I started digging I just couldn't seem to stop. Almost EVERY hole ended up being about 3 feet in diameter and 4-5 feet in depth. I think the ONLY thing stopped me digging deeper was when I hit the bedrock.
Judge Tosses Lawsuit Saying Divorce Violates Christian Woman’s Religious Freedom | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 5, 2021:
My heartiest Congratulations to Henry, now he is LEGALLY Free of the Leech. Though, somehow and sadly, I doubt that he has heard the last of her.
[msn.] Is this your crazy aunt?
Triphid comments on Mar 5, 2021:
Oh where, oh where are the Squirrels when you REALLY need them?
Letters From An American 03/04/2021
Triphid comments on Mar 5, 2021:
In my opinion, in times like this Governments SHOULD ask themselves this ONE simple question, " WHAT is more important, the Economy and the Budget OR the People that WE are elected to serve and Protect?"The answer should be just as simple imo. I.e, What good is an Economy and a Budget in the black with virtually no-one left to service it? A Nation of DEAD people pays NO taxes, spends NO money, needs NO Economy NOR Services such as Hospitals, Supermarkets, Transport, etc, etc. The Economy will RECOVER, slowly most likely, but it takes approx. FORTY weeks from conception to Birth, another 16 -20 YEARS before that child is old enough to find, get and have a job of Employment, start paying taxes, have a family, own a home/rent a home, DEAD people DO NOT procreate, they just lay there and decay. In other words, NO PEOPLE means NO money being circulated by Spending = No taxes being paid, NO Production, No Employment, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that makes a country/Nation what is happens. The U.S. has LOST approx. 1% of its population thus far in the C-19 PLAGUE and still the Repulsivians (Republicans) harp on about the Economy. WHAT, in the name of ALL Reason, Logic and Humanity is WRONG with these Repulsivians?
Klingenschmitt: I Lost My Navy Chaplain Gig 15 Years Ago Due to “Cancel Culture” | Hemant Mehta ...
Triphid comments on Mar 5, 2021:
Aw, poor little Herr Von Clinginschidt, how my heart bleeds for him and his misfortune NOT.
Roy Orbison An Evening in Black and White, 1987- Pretty Woman.
Triphid comments on Mar 5, 2021:
One of his very best. If I remember correctly he wrote that one in honour of his wife.
This is a song from the 60s by Paul Revere & the Raiders: Cherokee People - aka Cherokee Nation / ...
Triphid comments on Mar 5, 2021:
My sincere condolences for your Loss. Though I am not living with my Cherokee relatives, Friends and People let me tell this, we have a saying that goes like this, " As long as there is One who will speak/remember my name, then I shall never be forgotten." Let this be so for your Ex-wife, the Mother of Your Son.
[msn.] Is this your crazy aunt?
Triphid comments on Mar 5, 2021:
Not mine and even if she was I'd be disowning her anyway.
Christian Nationalist (and Former WV Official) Arrested for Role in Capitol Riot | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 4, 2021:
Don't go easy on him either, hit him with the ENTIRE book and every penalty/s the Law allows.
Northern Ireland’s Humanists: daring to declare ‘no religion’
Triphid comments on Mar 4, 2021:
Very, very good news to hear imo, it should, with luck, send more than a few worthwhile tremors through the foundations of the Religions in Ireland and elsewhere as well I hope.
That's what happens when you like Death Metal...
Triphid comments on Mar 4, 2021:
I always thought that it was called "Deaf Metal" since it had the propensities to make one end up being as Deaf as a Post eventually.
This is a concern of something that has been overlooked.
Triphid comments on Mar 4, 2021:
@azzow2 FYI EVERYONE of us carries both viruses and other micro-organisms upon and within us 24/7 365 days per years, some helpful, some not so helpful and some bloody dangerous, we Humans ARE, beyond the merest SHADOW of a doubt, the greatest vectors for Disease that EVERY evolved. Please try to get some help for,imo, your very obvious paranoia.
On March 2, 2021, as lawmakers in the United States continued to debate a proposal to raise the ...
Triphid comments on Mar 4, 2021:
$15 per hour is a blatant insult to the Workers imo, I was earning that much per hour back in 1984 as Car and Wagon Repairer on the NSW Railways plus getting an extra time and a half ( $15 + $7.50 ) per hour for working Saturdays for a 4 hours extra shift to clear the Urgent repairs as well. That also entitled me to 5 weeks holiday EVERY year as well.
I wonder what they'll do on March 4th when they realize Trump won't get put back in power.
Triphid comments on Mar 3, 2021:
Imo, tRUMPmania will not abate until tRump is brought down completely and utterly. ANY death of tRump would ONLY serve, imo, to make him a Martyr to idiots that support and follow him blindly, far, far better to expose him, his insanity, dirty dealings, etc, etc, PUBLICLY once and for all time with the extremest of prejudices possible and NO Holds Barred as well. And while they are at it, hunt down and Prosecute every known or as yet unknown tRumpaneze Agitator/Leader, charge and convict them of Inciting Treason. As a Psychologist, imo, 'Wannabe's such as tRump, etc, NEED Notoriety, etc, to thrive and Survive, ignominity, disgrace, dishonour, etc, are their Nemeses, deprive them of ALL that they need to thrive and then watch as they slowly shrivel up and fade away in to nothingness.
Texas Republican Files Bill to Inject Bible Readings in Public Schools | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Mar 3, 2021:
Ah, Texarse, my rating of Texarse has just dropped from a ZERO to an ABSOLUTE ZERO.
Triphid comments on Mar 3, 2021:
Sorry to tell you this BUT, In the Catholic Church the WORD of the Reigning Pope, the College of Cardinals, etc, etc, right down the line to the Parish Priest is LAW and the Church can DO NO wrong as it IS Canonic Law that it IS ALWAYS RIGHT. And by logical Reasoning you CANNOT have Leaders without Followers who support their every Edict, Action, etc,etc, and, by that same Logical Reasoning you CANNOT have Followers who will support their Leaders completely WITHOUT having the Leaders first. Since its inception almost 2,000 years ago, Catholicism has wrought its Havoc and Imposed its COMPLETE CONTROL on everyone it possibly can, 99% of the time by FOUL means and RARELY by Fair means. Practicing CATHOLICS MUST Support and Obey the Church or FACE Excommunication, they have NO choice, NONE at ALL. Ergo, Practicing Catholics ARE just as Guilty as their Leader/s.
FFRF attains free speech victory in Alabama - Freedom From Religion Foundation
Triphid comments on Mar 2, 2021:
I bet the Bible-belt Chrustians really LOVE that one, NOT? A bit like the reaction that an old friend of mine got from the local God-mobsters back in 1979 with his personal Number plates ( license Plates in America btw) when he got " FU2GOD" on his and drove his car around town. Btw, he STILL has the car and the plates on it but as it is registered now as Classic he ONLY drives it around at Easter and on Xmas. Stretch, his nickname btw, reckons it's impervious to rust because of all the Holy water that has been tossed at it over the decades....LOL.
Lab-grown black hole behaves just like Stephen Hawking said it would | Live Science
Triphid comments on Mar 2, 2021:
Going on what has be touted about 'Black Holes' then shouldn't even Lab produced one have started sucking everything around in to by now?
New Orleans archdiocese urges Catholics to avoid new Johnson & Johnson vaccine
Triphid comments on Mar 2, 2021:
Well, here's hoping EVERY Cross Kissing Priest harkens well, refuses to be vaccinated and drops DEAD very very slowly and painfully. Then we will see just how long it takes before the Protector Of Paedophile Employees, aka the POPE, does a sudden back-flip when he runs out his Cross Kissing, Kiddie Fiddling, Bottom Dwelling, Low-life Scum-bag Priests and Congregation Members as well.
Christian Adoption Agency Will Now Work with Gay Parents to Avoid Losing Funding | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 2, 2021:
Imo, A win for the kids needing good and decent homes and caring families but a LOSS for the Tax-payers since their money is going to a Religiously Founded Organisation.
Christian Adoption Agency Will Now Work with Gay Parents to Avoid Losing Funding | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 2, 2021:
More Chrustian Back-flips due to their lust for money I see. Odd just how far these Chrustian Bigots will go to SECURE their places on the Public Teats isn't it?
OK Lawmakers Want to Spend $85,500 to Put “In God We Trust” in Public Buildings | Hemant Mehta |...
Triphid comments on Mar 2, 2021:
What a complete waste of Tax-payers money. How many Indigent/Homeless people could be catered for IF the $85,000 was spent to alleviate their situations instead and make their often very miserable lives just that little bit brighter?
Christian “Prophetess”: I Met Whitney Houston During a Recent Trip to Heaven | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 2, 2021:
What ever she's been on I DO NOT want it thank you.
Christian Writer Claims Her PMS is One of the “Effects of Sin” | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Mar 2, 2021:
ROMFLMAO. Is this woman stupid, insane or WHAT? There IS a solution to her SINFUL PMS problems, it is called A Total Hysterectomy, NO more PMS, No more punishment for those supposed sins of the flesh, etc, etc, sadly though, brain transplantation is as yet an impossibility in cases like her.
A little fun []
Triphid comments on Mar 2, 2021:
I suppose one good thing about this C-19 Pandemic, besides it bumping off a few Preachers that is, it has given us heaps of humorous songs to remember it by.
I came across this and it brought back so many memories from my teenage years. []
Triphid comments on Mar 2, 2021:
Booker T and the M.G's. if I remember correctly.
I came across this and it brought back so many memories from my teenage years. []
Triphid comments on Mar 2, 2021:
Great tune, gets the old feet tapping while it gives you a lift and smile on your face as well.
I have now received two letters from the Veterans Administration informing me me that I qualify for ...
Triphid comments on Mar 1, 2021:
Please correct me if I'm wrong, BUT, you FOUGHT for your Country in someone else's country to 'protect' the people of YOUR Country BUT you are unsure as whether or not to HELP Fight the C-19 Threat in YOUR OWN Country by being vaccinated. How in the name of all things sane does work out?
Lesbian Couple Says Mormon Church is Still Trying to Discipline Them, Years After They Left | Hemant...
Triphid comments on Mar 1, 2021:
Ah yes, Mormonism, the Faith founded by a Philandering Confidence Trickster whose BIGGEST problem was keeping his dick in his pants and would NOT know the truth even if it got up and bit him. Imo, OF ALL the Leeches of Religion the Mormon Church takes first Place beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Judge Tosses Lawsuit Saying Divorce Violates Christian Woman’s Religious Freedom | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 1, 2021:
Give that Judge a Standing Ovation imo. And, make sure she gets absolutely NO Alimony as well.
Have been waiting for this
Triphid comments on Feb 28, 2021:
They ARE the ELECTED servants of ALL the People and NOT just the few. Ergo, they HAVE breached their contracts with ALL the People and as such DESERVE to suffer the Fullest Extents of Law as possible.
Most of my potatoes have already popped through the surface of my garden here in Florida , and I ...
Triphid comments on Feb 28, 2021:
To get the best crop of Murphy's ( Potatoes) try heaping soil around the base of the plants as they grow taller this helps them set more and more tubers.
Why the term Atheist Conservative is a true "Oxymoron"- from this educational review; "There is a...
Triphid comments on Feb 28, 2021:
I agree in some respects BUT perhaps you may have forgotten about the old tale. "Once there was a time when the body held a Conference to decided for once and for ALL who was the Ultimate Controller of the body. The Head was the first to claim that, " Since I control ALL thoughts, nerves, muscles, etc, then I should be the Ultimate One." Others, in an uproar, loudly disagreed strongly, the Legs claimed that with out them the body could not, the Arms claimed that without them the body could not be fed, etc, etc, and down along the line and still NO consensus could be reached. The Anus, angered that it had not been permitted to speak and get its point across at all, decided to 'shut up shop' completely. In a very short time the Head became dizzy, dis-functional and confused, the limbs began to wobble erratically, the other organs began to experience great pains and discomforts. Finally, they ALL decided that the Anus SHOULD be the Ultimate Controller of the Body. For then arose the old adage of, " It does NOT take brains to be a Boss, any Arse-hole can do the Job." LOL.
A Riddle for all members to solve (and the answer is NOT the first one you think of either btw), " ...
Triphid comments on Feb 28, 2021:
Okay, since no-one has even come close to the mark I'll give everyone a wee clue, i.e. the answer has to do with the concept of time and days.
This typifies my experience with religion.
Triphid comments on Feb 28, 2021:
WHAT,just snapping the cross over the knee? I'd much rather insert it into the place where the sunlight never reaches on the arse-hole wearing the suit, much, much more fun and enjoyment imo. Besides, snapping anything across your knee/thigh might well cause you to injure yourself and you do NOT want to do that, do you?....LOL.
A great little rocker.
Triphid comments on Feb 28, 2021:
She might be a bit of Short-Arse BUT boy she could rock the socks off anyone with her voice imo. " Short-arse' - Aussie vernacular meaning someone who is vertically challenged btw.
Do you eat the artichoke with mayonnaise or butter?
Triphid comments on Feb 28, 2021:
Artichokes, no way. But I do make my own mayonnaise. It tastes great and goes well with potatoes steamed in their jackets (skins) with a very liberal dash over them. Also, great on steak, chicken, ham and steamed fish as well.
A great little rocker.
Triphid comments on Feb 28, 2021:
Aaaaah, Suzi Q, what a gorgeous voice and such a REAL hottie, had the hots for her from the very first time I saw her performing.
I think my relationship with my religious neighbor may be coming to an end.
Triphid comments on Feb 27, 2021:
"Relationship with religious neighbour coming to an end" you say. May one say most humbly and sincerely that " You are being smiled upon by Lady Luck so fret you not for your are most fortunate."
A Riddle for all members to solve (and the answer is NOT the first one you think of either btw), " ...
Triphid comments on Feb 27, 2021:
Aw, come on now, SURELY someone can get it right.
Christian Moms Complain About Openly Gay Character in Disney Film “Onward” | Beth Stoneburner | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 27, 2021:
For those, like myself who do NOT know what Monica Cole, aka, 1 Million Chrustian Moms, looks like, then here she is. Imo, it is amazing how much the old carpenter/builders adage of " a touch of paint can so easy cover up even worst of things." Just a suggestion here, PLEASE have your Chunder Bucket close at hand when viewing....LOL
Do you think that Charles Darwin's wife influenced him by religion?
Triphid comments on Feb 27, 2021:
Actually Darwin's father was a Preacher according to his biography. It was EXPECTED that Darwin would follow in his father's footsteps, thankfully Darwin did NOT.
What religion began, nationalism has completed, with the nation as the secular substitute for God.
Triphid comments on Feb 27, 2021:
1) NO disease, C-19 or otherwise knows nor respects Nations or National Borders, etc, etc. 2) The Insanity of Ethnicity and Nationalism has been a Human Trait since well before C-19 raised its ugly head and as horrific and terrible as C-19 is, it is just another source of Gunpowder for those who wish to promote the disunity of Human kind for their own ends and means. 3) Most hopefully it will NOT. 4) Imo, you can bank on that occurring over and over again. 5) Until, imo, WE Humans learn to get along with each other as ONE Peoples then the Fear-Mongers will ALWAYS reign over us.
More from Trump tax returns
Triphid comments on Feb 27, 2021:
Oh, and WHEN they do NAIL tRump, PLEASE, please re-open Alcatraz JUST for him but leave it as Tourist Attraction as well. He would be the GREAT CENTRE-Piece Atrraction of ALL times imo.
Christian Moms Complain About Openly Gay Character in Disney Film “Onward” | Beth Stoneburner | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 27, 2021:
Oh, is poor widdle Monica Cole upset yet AGAIN. Naughty, naughty, naughty Disney Productions upsetting Monica, they should be EXTREMELY PROUD of themselves for doing so imo.
More from Trump tax returns
Triphid comments on Feb 27, 2021:
Hmm, sounds like the I.R.S. is really going for tRump in a BIG way. Could we, hopefully, be seeing a re-play of the way in which Al Capone was brought down here.
Honest Government Ad | News Corp Bargaining Code - YouTube
Triphid comments on Feb 26, 2021:
Ah yes, the Liberal-Nation Prostitutes ( sorry, Party, typo and sarcasm most certainly intended here), IF you're an Aussie and want to be screwed over then the LNP are ALWAYS happy to do you BUT just remember it WILL cost you TRIPLE at the very least, Once for going in, again for coming out and once more because THEY feel like making absolutely certain that your pockets and wallets are empty and your arse-hole hurts as well.
Triphid comments on Feb 25, 2021:
Millenia ago when human minds were much more 'primitive,' so to speak, they may have imagined that things that occur naturally, such as Thunder, Lightning, Earthquakes and the like MUST be the result of something Immensely Powerful, etc, etc, that controlled all things, hence they may well have developed the God/s/Goddesses to compensate for their lack of understanding things so natural. It may well be worth mention here that OF the Divine Entities dreamed up by Humans ONLY those from Ancient Egypt were NOT classed as God/Goddesses but as being Elemental Forces and represented ONLY as hybrid human-animal figures. The classification of these Ancient Egyptian Elementals came about when Champollion was de-cyphering the Rosetta Stone and the Vatican ORDER him, on pain of Excommunication, to definite the Elementals as Gods, etc, so as NOT to undo/destroy the Ideologies upon which the Christian God was based as being a Humanoid Being and a Supreme, Omnipotent, etc, etc, Divine Entity and the One and Only True God.
If only church was this much fun..
Triphid comments on Feb 25, 2021:
Now THAT would be a sight well worth seeing, Pope Arnie the First....LOL. Atheists and believers both have moral compasses, but with key differences.
Triphid comments on Feb 25, 2021:
Speaking for myself as only anyone truly can here, Atheist Morality comes from sources such as Empathy, Kindness, Understanding of Others, etc, etc, and the things that have passed down through generation after generation from the beginnings of Human Evolution. Atheists do NOT seek reward/s BECAUSE they MUST do so according to Arcane religious teachings, instead they do so BECAUSE they instinctively know it IS the RIGHT thing to do. Theists on the other hand, well I'll leave that up to you to decide as why they tend to think of Morality as they do.
Three years ago today I joined this community.
Triphid comments on Feb 25, 2021:
Isn't this world of Reality, Logic, Free Thinking, etc, etc, a TRULY great world to live in. Enjoy it, relish it and live life in it my friend.
Because this is George Harrison’s birthday .
Triphid comments on Feb 25, 2021:
May you always Live forever in our fondest of Memories George. Out of the "Fab Four," my favourites shall always be George and Ringo in Top Place, closely followed by John and, as for Paul, well you take him or leave him imo.
Happy birthday, George Harrison. Here comes the Sun []
Triphid comments on Feb 25, 2021:
Recently I had the opportunity to watch the DVD of the " Concert of Remembrance for George Harrison." It was wonderful and sad as well but truly well worth the watching.
Jeep’s Super Bowl Ad Urged Us to Find the Common Ground of Christian Nationalism | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 25, 2021:
In my honest opinion, pictured below IS the ONLY 'Common Ground" to be found where religion is concerned.
Manhattan district attorney has obtained Trumps tax returns
Triphid comments on Feb 25, 2021:
Hmm, I think those will be quite some 'interesting' reading imo.


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