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@Madisonian, before anything we debate upon becomes further entangled in the one now running, I'd ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 11, 2022:
I thought he bugged out two days ago?
Triphid replies on Jan 11, 2022:
@anglophone I hope he hasn't I was just beginning to enjoy the pleasures derived from tear him a new one or three.
@Madisonian, before anything we debate upon becomes further entangled in the one now running, I'd ...
Robecology comments on Jan 11, 2022:
Lots of obvious rant...but let's get down to the facts.
Triphid replies on Jan 11, 2022:
Going by your Profile and Bio, you state that you were a Teacher from '67 to 2012, given that it takes approx. between 3 and 5 years at Uni to train a School Teacher that plus the 4 years since you joined Agnostic. com, your age would probably be in the range of between 70 to 75-79 years of age. Thus at rough estimate your year of birth would circa 1943 -1947.
@Madisonian, before anything we debate upon becomes further entangled in the one now running, I'd ...
Robecology comments on Jan 11, 2022:
Lots of obvious rant...but let's get down to the facts.
Triphid replies on Jan 11, 2022:
Meaning WHAT precisely? Did I NOT lay out ALL the Facts clearly enough for you?
Hi, I am new to the forum.
LenHazell53 comments on Jan 7, 2022:
@Madisonian You might want to read this before "daring to be a Daniel" A church leader had his buttocks mauled by a lion after running towards a pride in a bid to prove the 'Lord's power '. Alec Ndiwane, a Zion Christian Church prophet, was attacked on a safari while trying to show that God ...
Triphid replies on Jan 11, 2022:
@LenHazell53 What can one say to that kind of a philosophy?
Hi, I am new to the forum.
LenHazell53 comments on Jan 7, 2022:
@Madisonian You might want to read this before "daring to be a Daniel" A church leader had his buttocks mauled by a lion after running towards a pride in a bid to prove the 'Lord's power '. Alec Ndiwane, a Zion Christian Church prophet, was attacked on a safari while trying to show that God ...
Triphid replies on Jan 11, 2022:
I guess SUPER DOOPER, Omnipotent, Omnibenevolent Sky Daddy was bored at those times and decided to re-stage the old days of the totally imaginary Roman Persecutions of the Christians. Geez Louise, it MUST get truly tedious up there in the Ethers watching these puny Earthlings enjoying life hour after hour, day after day and having NO entertainment except throngs simpering sycophants sing your praise non-stop over and over again and again.
Hi, I am new to the forum.
phxbillcee comments on Jan 7, 2022:
So, go ahead & share if you think your reasons are 'rational'. Why the preamble but no meat? I sincerely doubt you'll come up with anything we haven't heard & discounted many times before, but, hey, we realize we don't have all the answers & you might just be that one to surprise us. Odds are ...
Triphid replies on Jan 11, 2022:
@Madisonian And could it no be also said that this Madisonian Creed is just another absurd derivation of the Christian Ideology and Hypothesis?
Hi, I am new to the forum.
racocn8 comments on Jan 7, 2022:
Please... You can't tell anyone here anything they haven't already heard. Try it and find out. You're beliefs are cruel and have been disproved. Go learn the truth for a change.
Triphid replies on Jan 11, 2022:
@Madisonian Ancient Writer of Religious Texts were expert builders of Straw Castles within which entire communities of 'Straw Men resided and were the Role Model for the Modern Inventors of the religions such as Christianity, Islam and their numerous bastard off-spring cults and sects.
Hi, I am new to the forum.
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2022:
What are your reasons for belief?
Triphid replies on Jan 11, 2022:
@Madisonian Display for us all this "empirical evidence that was AVAILABLE to the these reporters some 200 years ago" please. FYI I have studied the Mormon Religion from both the aspects of an outsider and an Insider as well and I can tell you that 'supposed' Golden tablets as per proclaimed to be given un to him by the Angel Moroni were ONLY Ever seen by the Charlatan Joseph Smith himself and NO-ONE else. When asked by ANYONE to show them these Golden Tablets, Smith would reply, "I cannot for the Angel Moroni guards them and ONLY permits me to view them at his will."
Please welcome three new members to the group …@Triphid, @wildflowerpower and @GingeB.
freedom41 comments on Jan 8, 2022:
All of you, welcome to the group. I hope you find it enlightening.
Triphid replies on Jan 11, 2022:
I hope so as well, and that I can possibly contribute as well to the discussions/debates.
Christian Mom: Hilton Ad Promotes “Perversion” By Showing Gay Men with a Child
xenoview comments on Jan 10, 2022:
I wonder it she has a problem with priest raping little boys?
Triphid replies on Jan 11, 2022:
@snytiger6 And MUCH, MUCH more besides according to more than a few of my Counselling Patients who once attended the local Catholic Schools.
Christian Mom: Hilton Ad Promotes “Perversion” By Showing Gay Men with a Child
Rockitflash comments on Jan 11, 2022:
Here is the ad. I didn’t notice anything overtly gay about it. Funny, I worked in hotels and my first thought that the guy with the luggage was a bellhop, and I wondered “where’s his uniform”
Triphid replies on Jan 11, 2022:
Yes I agree with you here, I see no OBVIOUS signs that either of the men were 'gay' though I do see what I would call one guy opening a door for someone who's arms are occupied by a sleeping child. As to, IF that is what Moaning Monica is referring, the guy carry the luggage with one bag draped over his shoulder then perhaps Moaner Monica would like to see videos of me walking around my home town with my back-pack slung over one shoulder and then accuse me to my face of being Gay. I'm darned sure I could sue the arse off of her for Slander and Defamation of Character.
anglophone comments on Jan 10, 2022:
40C predicted here for tomorrow.
Triphid replies on Jan 10, 2022:
Same for today and tomorrow.
Hi, I am new to the forum.
LiterateHiker comments on Jan 7, 2022:
@Madisonian This is the wrong website for you. As a lifelong atheist, I'm tired of being hassled by Christians. Not interested in debating religion. Christians who don't know me often demand that I explain: 1. Why I am an atheist. 2. How the universe began (as if being an atheist ...
Triphid replies on Jan 10, 2022:
@Madisonian Imo, and speaking for myself here, irrationality is the bug-bear of many a rationally minded person but NONE, to the best of my understanding actually find irrationality "OFFENSIVE" as you, imo, so falsely claim. We do find it to be vexatious, annoying, irritating, etc, etc, especially when some-one or other decides that he/she MUST do " God's Work" and convert us from being what humans TRULY are, i.e. RATIONAL Beings, into the Irrational, God-fearing, ever willing, slaves and vassals of a Tyrannical, Savage, Barbaric, Misogynistic, Genocidal, Narcissistic, Homophobic, Emotionally and Psychologically Insecure, Impotent Despotic Ruler whom NO-ONE can nor has EVER seen, heard from, nor can even PROVE its existence.
Hi, I am new to the forum.
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2022:
What are your reasons for belief?
Triphid replies on Jan 10, 2022:
@anglophone My apologies. You are correct, I will remedy the situation post-haste of course.
Christian Mom: Hilton Ad Promotes “Perversion” By Showing Gay Men with a Child
KKGator comments on Jan 10, 2022:
Monica is trash. Period.
Triphid replies on Jan 10, 2022:
Yes, and such a pity she keeps missing the Trash Truck every week isn't it?
Christian Mom: Hilton Ad Promotes “Perversion” By Showing Gay Men with a Child
xenoview comments on Jan 10, 2022:
I wonder it she has a problem with priest raping little boys?
Triphid replies on Jan 10, 2022:
@anglophone Oh some have been known to prefer young boys as well btw.
Christian Mom: Hilton Ad Promotes “Perversion” By Showing Gay Men with a Child
anglophone comments on Jan 10, 2022:
Poor little Monica Cole. I wonder how her parents managed to damage her so much when she was a child.
Triphid replies on Jan 10, 2022:
Imo, they conceived her by sexual intercourse and her mother gave birth to her possibly whilst dropping a ScumMo (TURD) in a Public Toilet.
Hi dear agnostic friends.
Betty comments on Jan 9, 2022:
Welcome Aisha. You will find many different personalities and opinions as well as some facts here. Look around and explore this site with an open mind and you will soon find the friends you seek with the knowledge that may be helpful. Take care and have fun. :)
Triphid replies on Jan 10, 2022:
@aisha1998 Want facts and information, all you need to do is ask.
What do you think could these be meteorites?
Druvius comments on Jan 10, 2022:
Doesn't look like it to me. There are a number of home tests, one can try, magnets should be attracted to them for example. The only way to tell for sure is pay to have a sample analyzed, $15 was what I paid some years back. Good luck!
Triphid replies on Jan 10, 2022:
Magnet test will only work if the meteorite has a high ferrous content, many meteorites that impact the planet are also non-ferrous in nature being mainly of rocky materials, though ferrous type meteorites are also amongst them as well. It has deduced that an average of approx, 5-600 tons of exo-terrestrial matter impacts the surface of this planet every day, some no bigger that a grain of sand and others, well quite a lot bigger.....
Since Narcissus and his followers seem to be theme of the week I thought I would have five cents ...
Beachslim7 comments on Jan 9, 2022:
Where do you come up with this crap? Seriously? Narcissists are people who have no emotions such as fear, or empathy. They don't care about people's goals or life in general. They live to manipulate and get a reaction out of people. They are emotional vampires not content unless they get you...
Triphid replies on Jan 10, 2022:
@Beachslim7 One hundred and 3 years of age, pull my other leg PLEASE, it plays "God Save the Queen."
Hi, I am new to the forum.
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2022:
What are your reasons for belief?
Triphid replies on Jan 10, 2022:
@Madisonian,Did it EVER occur to you that ALL of your reference Authors derived their 'qualifications' from Religious Based Institutions of Education, i.e. they ARE well known for their extremely BIASED teachings and teaching methods btw. Ergo, as your Refence Source may well be biased therefore so are the opinions and conclusions you have drawn as well, imo.
Hi, I am new to the forum.
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2022:
What are your reasons for belief?
Triphid replies on Jan 10, 2022:
@anglophone Ah but there is Thunder ergo Thor exist, there is lightning ergo Zeus exists and there is sunlight ergo Helios exists....LOL. Just utilizing Christian Circular Reasoning here btw.
What do you think could these be meteorites?
Triphid comments on Jan 10, 2022:
First, did you remove them from anything remotely resembling an indentation in the soil or ground? Secondly, WHERE and how did you come across them in the first place? Have you split any of them apart to examine the in side of it or them? They APPEAR to be a part of an original attempt at ...
Triphid replies on Jan 10, 2022:
@azzow2 Try moving 44 Gallons drum of Diesel Sump Oil around, carrying 4.5 pound Cast-iron Brake shoes up and down shunting tracks to change the brake shoes on freight wagons 8 hours per day 5 days per week with approx. 12 pounds weight of tools hanging from a belt around your waist in daylight, or darkness, rain, wind, freezing cold or Summer temperatures of 30 -45 degrees Celsius,? Oh and WALKING on RAILWAY ballast, rock pieces measuring approx. 9 cms, x 9cms x 9cms. TRY READING properly, QUOTE, " 2 sacks of Corn feed coming at a total of 100 pounds, means literally and logically , each sack weighs in at 50 pounds each," Has it EVER crossed your mind to try using a Sack Trolley?
Hi, I am new to the forum.
puff comments on Jan 7, 2022:
Which version of the bible are you talking about? believe what you will, no problem there. But if you plan to push that belief on kids, make sure you tell them it's belief and not knowledge. Make sure you tell them there are almost also 5000 other odd gods people "believe" in. Push it on kids, ...
Triphid replies on Jan 10, 2022:
@Madisonian " One believes, the other does not," i.e. 1'win' versus 1 loss, ergo each cancels the other out, hence a NOT a Tied situation but a Failure imo, since, as you so claim to " be an expert in YOUR Faith? then convincing them BOTH should have been a no -effort and no-brainer exercise to say the very least. Either that, OR, the Non-believing daughter is much, much more wiser than her parent and saw through the mists of myths and superstitions and decided to walk in the light of Logic and Reality instead, for that I congratulate her most heartily.
Hi, I am new to the forum.
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2022:
What are your reasons for belief?
Triphid replies on Jan 10, 2022:
@Madisonian "Credibility of your Faith," a belief system that is COMPLETELY bereft of any credibility, evidences, has NEVER once in 2,000 years show even an IOTA of Tangible, Undeniable, Irrefutable, Tried, Tested and Peer Reviewed PROOF Positive in support of ANY or ALL of its innumerable CLAIMS. You, Sir, claim YOURSELF to a be "an Expert on your Faith," This I reject completely since you appear to have NO actual Academic Accreditations of note to show in support such claims. And thus far all you have done is cite mere quotations penned by others and many of those you seem NOT to have given accreditation where such is due as well.
What do you think could these be meteorites?
Triphid comments on Jan 10, 2022:
First, did you remove them from anything remotely resembling an indentation in the soil or ground? Secondly, WHERE and how did you come across them in the first place? Have you split any of them apart to examine the in side of it or them? They APPEAR to be a part of an original attempt at ...
Triphid replies on Jan 10, 2022:
@azzow2 2 sacks of Corn feed coming in a 100 pounds total, try about 30-45 pounds per sack being the uppermost limit since I have both loaded and unloaded such things many times in my life. A Wool Bale out here, when Shearing is done weighs in at approx. 65 kilograms ( 2.2 pounds per kilogram btw so you do the Maths there for yourself) and stands, when fully packed and has the compressed down fleeces of an average of 25 to 30 ADULT Merino sheep in it, approx. 3' 6" inches in height and the same in width and depth, are loaded BY hand from the Shearing Shed to an awaiting Flat-bed, Semi-Trailer Truck, often a least in layers of 3 x 10 and 3 tiers in height. So, @ azzow2, that is a total of approx. 12,870 POUNDS of wool and wool bales and usually done with 2 people on the Shed loading platform and 2 on the Truck trailer and you say that you are a RETIRED Service Man who cannot lift those small stones? Oh, and of interest, HOW precisely do you intend to weight these stones when you 'claim' that you cannot lift them in the first place?
Wanna hear an oxy-moron? American Democracy.
Triphid comments on Jan 9, 2022:
Imo, add the word American to ANY other Noun and you have an Oxymoron.
Triphid replies on Jan 10, 2022:
@Cyklone American Intelligence, American History, American Peace and Contentment, how about those for beginners?
Since Narcissus and his followers seem to be theme of the week I thought I would have five cents ...
Beachslim7 comments on Jan 9, 2022:
Where do you come up with this crap? Seriously? Narcissists are people who have no emotions such as fear, or empathy. They don't care about people's goals or life in general. They live to manipulate and get a reaction out of people. They are emotional vampires not content unless they get you...
Triphid replies on Jan 10, 2022:
@Mooolah No thanks I'd rather stick to the Medical Journals and the teachings from my numerous Courses I attended during my YEARS of being a Qualified Nurse and still attend to maintain my First Aid Certifications. Btw, COMMON salt draws up water and fluids much faster than sugar does since salt, aka Sodium Chloride is an anhydrous compound to begin with.
Since Narcissus and his followers seem to be theme of the week I thought I would have five cents ...
Beachslim7 comments on Jan 9, 2022:
Where do you come up with this crap? Seriously? Narcissists are people who have no emotions such as fear, or empathy. They don't care about people's goals or life in general. They live to manipulate and get a reaction out of people. They are emotional vampires not content unless they get you...
Triphid replies on Jan 10, 2022:
@Mooolah Honey, YES, since it has a natural anti-bacterial enzyme within it, it was used to treat wounds, etc, as far back the beginning of the Old Kingdom in Ancient Egypt, Vinegar, also a YES, it has Acetic Acid as its main ingredient which is also anti-bacterial in nature, the main ingredient in the gels used in Agar dishes for growing bacteria for identification is REFINE SUGAR mixed with an extract from Sea-weeds and mosses. Since the carbohydrates in sugar are so easily broken down by bacteria, they thrive upon it and grow at an exponentially fast rate. Another First Aid hint to staunch bleeding from cuts that do NOT involve large veins or Arteries is to COAT the wound in either Cooking or Table salt then wrap the area firmly with a bandage or strips of material torn from a shirt or other item of clothing. I am no sure of from whence you gain your knowledge regarding First Aid Treatments but I do suggest, most earnestly, that you RESEARCH first, then apply what you have learned.
Since Narcissus and his followers seem to be theme of the week I thought I would have five cents ...
Beachslim7 comments on Jan 9, 2022:
Where do you come up with this crap? Seriously? Narcissists are people who have no emotions such as fear, or empathy. They don't care about people's goals or life in general. They live to manipulate and get a reaction out of people. They are emotional vampires not content unless they get you...
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
@Beachslim7 In, NOT on btw.
Since Narcissus and his followers seem to be theme of the week I thought I would have five cents ...
Beachslim7 comments on Jan 9, 2022:
Where do you come up with this crap? Seriously? Narcissists are people who have no emotions such as fear, or empathy. They don't care about people's goals or life in general. They live to manipulate and get a reaction out of people. They are emotional vampires not content unless they get you...
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
@Beachslim7 They can also have a VERY elevated and over exhibited sense of themselves and their own self-importance as well.
Since Narcissus and his followers seem to be theme of the week I thought I would have five cents ...
Beachslim7 comments on Jan 9, 2022:
Where do you come up with this crap? Seriously? Narcissists are people who have no emotions such as fear, or empathy. They don't care about people's goals or life in general. They live to manipulate and get a reaction out of people. They are emotional vampires not content unless they get you...
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
@Beachslim7 MEANING???
A Thousand Years Before Darwin, Islamic Scholars Were Writing About Natural Selection
Diaco comments on Jan 9, 2022:
kinda, but I have to mention this most of those scholars came from PERSIAN culture NOT Islam. Islam added nothing to science. Persian empire had a great background of knowledge in both science and philosophy, just as an example check the **Baghdad Battery** ( today Iraq was part of the Persian ...
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
100% correct, until the Muhammed INVENTED Islam the PERSIANS were at the forefront of the Sciences, etc, etc. Imo, what we are seeing today with Islam is almost a mirror image of what occurred in Europe when Christianity took hold via the Roman Catholic Church, i.e. the Dark Ages.
A Thousand Years Before Darwin, Islamic Scholars Were Writing About Natural Selection
xenoview comments on Jan 9, 2022:
Who did the islamic people copy from for natural selections?
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
No-one, not even Darwin, 'copied' from anyone or anything else, it was all done by observation, examination, researching and thought processes. One might say, EXACTLY how Atheist discover that they are Atheists.
Since Narcissus and his followers seem to be theme of the week I thought I would have five cents ...
Beachslim7 comments on Jan 9, 2022:
Where do you come up with this crap? Seriously? Narcissists are people who have no emotions such as fear, or empathy. They don't care about people's goals or life in general. They live to manipulate and get a reaction out of people. They are emotional vampires not content unless they get you...
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
@Mooolah You DO realise that SUGAR encourages and prompts the growth of infective agents such a bacteria, etc, etc, don't you.
Since Narcissus and his followers seem to be theme of the week I thought I would have five cents ...
Beachslim7 comments on Jan 9, 2022:
Where do you come up with this crap? Seriously? Narcissists are people who have no emotions such as fear, or empathy. They don't care about people's goals or life in general. They live to manipulate and get a reaction out of people. They are emotional vampires not content unless they get you...
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
Somewhat INCORRECT, Narcissists DO have feelings and emotions BUT only for themselves and no-one else, therein is their greatest dilemma and eventual downfall as well.
Pea-brained, Jesus Jockey, aka Evangeloon has just informed me that he has been released from ...
CuddyCruiser comments on Jan 8, 2022:
IMO most psychiatrists are psychopaths.
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
@CuddyCruiser "Abandoned Health Care," you STATE, speaking as a Psychiatrist I'd say that too may well another manifestation of your inner psychological problems, imo.
Pea-brained, Jesus Jockey, aka Evangeloon has just informed me that he has been released from ...
CuddyCruiser comments on Jan 8, 2022:
IMO most psychiatrists are psychopaths.
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
@CuddyCruiser No, they are merely itemisations and nothing else FYI, so cease with your paranoias and relax if at all possible. Despite what I am sensing from you here, I AM trying to help you. We are 'discussing your PREVIOUS ASSERTION that , quote, "Psychiatrists are sociopaths," unquote are we not, ergo I am TRYING to assertion WHERE it is that you are coming from with this, imo, extremely biased and possibly unfounded conclusion.
Hi, I am new to the forum.
Triphid comments on Jan 7, 2022:
@Madisonian, You come to Agnostic. com, you join Agnostic. com, you spread about your 'beliefs' like confetti at a Wedding and yet you do NOT wish to enter in to a debate or discussion regarding them? Why is that may one ask? Is it perhaps because, 1) your rationality regarding your beliefs is so...
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
@Madisonian Yes, I know of John Dickson and he knows of me as well. We have actually 'battled it out" in debates numerous times and, MOST definitely NOT blowing my own Horn/Trumpet, he has called a sudden halt to the debates and has REFUSED to give an satisfactory explanation as to why. As is so often found with 97% of ALL so-called Christian/Bible Scholars, they are working blind-folded by their religious zealotry, they REFUSE adamantly to see, hear or think ANYTHING other than that which, in their own extremely limited concepts, DOES NOT support their belief system. Hence you will find that the rest of the Scholastic Universe regards them and their 'findings' with a grain of sand or, at times even less than that. Consider these matters, etc, BEFORE you next post, research deeper into your religion and religious beliefs and do so with a TRULY OPEN mind as well.
Pea-brained, Jesus Jockey, aka Evangeloon has just informed me that he has been released from ...
CuddyCruiser comments on Jan 8, 2022:
IMO most psychiatrists are psychopaths.
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
@CuddyCruiser Speaking here solely as a Psychologist then I would hazard a quick diagnosis, something which under normal circumstances I would be LOATH to do btw, that you may well be suffering from a form of paranoia combined with an obsessive rejection of things real and in reality itself. Which also, in my educated opinion as a Psychologist may well explain your seeming obsession with things regarding Anal Sex as due punishment for wrong-doers. Have you, perhaps, been either, a) sexually abused, anally, in either childhood or early adult-hood, or, b) suffered REJECTION/s of your advances for an Anal sexual relationship/s?
Hi, I am new to the forum.
Triphid comments on Jan 7, 2022:
@Madisonian, You come to Agnostic. com, you join Agnostic. com, you spread about your 'beliefs' like confetti at a Wedding and yet you do NOT wish to enter in to a debate or discussion regarding them? Why is that may one ask? Is it perhaps because, 1) your rationality regarding your beliefs is so...
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
@Madisonian Now on to the next, For a FACT there are NO historically proven correct writings pertaining to a Yeshua (Jesus) from ANY small village/hamlet in either the regions of Judaea or Galilee. The ONLY mention of a hamlet named something similar to Nazareth was in Galilee and it consisted of a few humble structures, possibly homes or short term dwellings that serviced the Hebrew Cemetery commonly known as "The Nazarema" where the Care-takers kept a check on the decaying corpses so as they could remove the bones from the crypt-like structures and them place them in to family ossuary's as per Hebrew Burial Traditions and Customs of the times. The better off could afford an Ossuary made from stone and carved by a Stone cutter, the poorer and less well off, would be satisfied with an Ossuary made of wood, hence a Resident Carpenter would be required in the Hamlet. To become/considered as a "Rabbi" one MUST first have been TUTORED by a Rabbi or a Member of the Sanhedrim, the High Council of the Hebrew Temple in Jerusalem, ergo, a mere child would NOT have been taken seriously by anyone other than, perhaps a like minded doting mother thinking that her illegitimate child was a 'gift' of God" as had so many other women down through the centuries B.C.E. You see, @Madison, my knowledge, etc, not ONLY encompasses Theology and Religions but Ancient Languages and Histories, both Modern and Ancient, as well. Combine ALL of those and it is very simple and easy to unravel the convolutions, contradictions, errata, etc, etc, that is the bible and show for what it TRULY is.
Hi, I am new to the forum.
Triphid comments on Jan 7, 2022:
@Madisonian, You come to Agnostic. com, you join Agnostic. com, you spread about your 'beliefs' like confetti at a Wedding and yet you do NOT wish to enter in to a debate or discussion regarding them? Why is that may one ask? Is it perhaps because, 1) your rationality regarding your beliefs is so...
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
@Madisonian 1) Aramaic/Hebrew Lineages discount the Maternal Blood-lines completely since the then governing ideology was that the female (woman) was "merely as a furrow in a ploughed field where a husband hath sown his seed for it to take root and develop into a child." - Hezikaiah, Chapter 11, verse 23, line 15 from the Writings and Lores as lain down by Hezikaiah, King of the Lands of the Hebrews. 2) " And God, Jehovah, sent forth an Angel to inform the virgin whom God had chosen that she would receive HIS seed and so bear His child and Son whom she shall name as Yeshua ( Jesus and that her betrothed, Yusef (Joseph) shall take upon this child, son of Jehovah, as his own and neither shall he curse the Virgin, blame the Virgin nor expose her to the Elders and Rabbis for punishment by Stoning but he shall love and cherish her for she is blessed by Jehovah himself." - Gospel of Simon, Eldest son of Yusef. this Gospel was deemed as being too favouriting towards women when read out for discussion and debate at the Second Council of Nicaea when the ORIGINAL Draft of the "Holy Bible," it was then deemed to REMOVE the Gospels of Simon and Mary as well as ANY other Gospels mentioning the " blessedness of the Virgin by Jehovah." It may help you to REMEMBER here and later, THAT the ENTIRE Bible upon which Christianity is based WAS composed, written edited, re-written, presented, discussed, dissected and then re-assembled by ALL in Attendance at the #, THREE, Councils of Nicaea, IT was NOT written by nor under the guidance/behest of God ( Yahweh, Jehovah, etc, etc) but by up to 40 Scribes each being under the supervision of 1 of the self-proclaimed and self-appointed Bishops elected from the 180 in attendance and each group of Scribes was doing so in their OWN land separated from the rest by hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of miles with NO communications as we have today, hence the the over 1,890+ Contradictions, Errata, etc, etc, that this so-called Holy Book of the Words of God contains. And, before you jump the gun, YES, I have had the opportunity to READ thoroughly a copy of the ORIGINAL bible IN the Aramaic Language that it was written some 1,300 = years ago.
Pea-brained, Jesus Jockey, aka Evangeloon has just informed me that he has been released from ...
CuddyCruiser comments on Jan 8, 2022:
IMO most psychiatrists are psychopaths.
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
@CuddyCruiser BULLCRAP. I am a Qualified Psychologist and have been for over 20+ years I NEVER prescribe drugs UNLESS I have researched them thoroughly first and have assessed my patient as well. What, precisely do YOU base your opinion/s on here?
Pea-brained, Jesus Jockey, aka Evangeloon has just informed me that he has been released from ...
Jolanta comments on Jan 9, 2022:
I would love you to go with him to his appointment, after all you need to keep us informed. I mean this is better than any movie.
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
You trying to put a hex on me or something....LOL.
Pea-brain arrived home about 40 minutes ago, knocked upon MY door to inform me of the entire events ...
Barnie2years comments on Jan 9, 2022:
He obviously has some very strong feelings for you! 😂 Your disdain and coolness just turn him on more. 🧊😂 Any sign of sympathy or understanding just gives him hope! Kind heartedness is just in your nature, and he has no concept of how that works, because the devout don’t do anything ...
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
Shit, thanks for screwing up my Monday and the rest of my life with that 'pearl' of wisdom. But I still stick by my ideas that he seek only a sympathetic ear, which he will NEVER get from me btw, as well as someone to be at his beck and call, which he can also go whistle for.
Pope Francis says violence against women insults God as he delivers New Year's message ...
Paracosm comments on Jan 2, 2022:
That feels hypocritical but at least he's bringing awareness to the issue.
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
Imo and in all reality Pope Wankey Frankie is merely gilding the lily and polishing the turd that the Catholic Church been shown to be of late.
Pea-brain arrived home about 40 minutes ago, knocked upon MY door to inform me of the entire events ...
waitingforgodo comments on Jan 9, 2022:
We need someone with intimate knowledge of word for the day to apply an anodyne salve.
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
Quite possibly those would affected as well imo.
Hi dear agnostic friends.
Rockitflash comments on Jan 9, 2022:
Welcome Aisha. I think you will find all sorts of viewpoints here. A good start is to understand the origin of the word "agnostic" Gnos is a greek word meaning knowledge. When you place an a before the word it means without. So the word agnostic means a person is without knowledge. Here we, at least...
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
Try NOT to confuse Gnos with Gnosis, Gnostic and Agnostic please.
Pea-brain arrived home about 40 minutes ago, knocked upon MY door to inform me of the entire events ...
anglophone comments on Jan 9, 2022:
He is the author of his own misfortune. I wonder why I have exactly **zero** sympathy for him.
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
@racocn8 Well as nurses we are taught and trained to be sympathetic, caring, kind and good hearted, so it seems that the training has become so in-grained that there are times when it does become quite difficult to separate the nurse from the person.
Pea-brain arrived home about 40 minutes ago, knocked upon MY door to inform me of the entire events ...
xenoview comments on Jan 9, 2022:
Some people have to live and learn the hard way.
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
He lives but imo, never LEARNS.
Slain officer's sister sues Facebook for wrongful death
racocn8 comments on Jan 8, 2022:
What we really need is a class action suit against Facebook on behalf of Covid victim relatives for enought to put Zuck out of business.
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
Count me in.
Pea-brained, Jesus Jockey, aka Evangeloon has just informed me that he has been released from ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 8, 2022:
Good luck to that head-shrinker!!!!
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
The 'Trick-cyclist' is going to need more than just good luck with this complete nut-job imo.
Hi, I am new to the forum.
Triphid comments on Jan 7, 2022:
@Madisonian, You come to Agnostic. com, you join Agnostic. com, you spread about your 'beliefs' like confetti at a Wedding and yet you do NOT wish to enter in to a debate or discussion regarding them? Why is that may one ask? Is it perhaps because, 1) your rationality regarding your beliefs is so...
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
@Madisonian PhD's are in Philosophy and Psychology btw. Yes I am, according to the Australian Government, of Retirement Age and I receive an Aged Persons Pension, but prior to now and for the last 20 + years I have been a Child and Youth Crisis Counsellor, a single parent before that, a Carriage and Wagon Examiner on the Railways before that, a Trained and Qualified Nurse from the age 0f 18 years. My 'higher' education, so to speak, ONLY commenced in earnest whilst I was a Sole Parent caring for my daughter, Lorrae. I learned from a very young age that a mind that thirsts for knowledge knows no satiation and that is what drives me to learn what ever I can and how ever I can. And so, on to the debate, shall we commence with the Lineage of Jesus as per the bible? As an educated person I full REFUTE that claimed lineage on the MAIN reason being of which, since Jesus, Yeshua in Aramaic btw, was supposedly the "ONLY BEGGOTEN SON OF GOD" but claims are made that his Paternal Lineage goes directly back to David, Abraham, etc, is therefore TOTALLY INCOORECT since, a) Hebrew/Aramaic Lineages are taken as from the Paternal side of the family ONLY, Joseph, Yusef in Aramaic btw, WAS NOT the GENETIC parent of Jesus ergo his genetic lines would NEVER have been passed down to this mythological Jesus, would you not agree?
Pea-brained, Jesus Jockey, aka Evangeloon has just informed me that he has been released from ...
CuddyCruiser comments on Jan 8, 2022:
IMO most psychiatrists are psychopaths.
Triphid replies on Jan 9, 2022:
Want to reconsider that statement/ comment please.
Pea-brained, Jesus Jockey, aka Evangeloon has just informed me that he has been released from ...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Jan 8, 2022:
Likely too set in stone to change.
Triphid replies on Jan 8, 2022:
My guess as well.
Pea-brained, Jesus Jockey, aka Evangeloon has just informed me that he has been released from ...
anglophone comments on Jan 8, 2022:
The Evangeloon, the gift of absurdity that keeps on giving!
Triphid replies on Jan 8, 2022:
How we all around here wish the gifts would cease.
Hi, I am new to the forum.
Triphid comments on Jan 7, 2022:
@Madisonian, You come to Agnostic. com, you join Agnostic. com, you spread about your 'beliefs' like confetti at a Wedding and yet you do NOT wish to enter in to a debate or discussion regarding them? Why is that may one ask? Is it perhaps because, 1) your rationality regarding your beliefs is so...
Triphid replies on Jan 8, 2022:
@Madisonian IMO, you have been 'Force Fed' too many overdoses of the Anti-Atheist Propaganda that the Faithfools swallow by the gallons. Let me explain a FEW TRUTHS to you here and NOW the TRUTHS that your Faithfool Buddies work so long and hard to taint with THEIR lies btw, 1) Atheists are NOT OUT to attack and vilify Christians, etc, because we hate them, we DENY the Tenets and Dogmas that they seek to embed into everyone else as if it Is THEIR SOLE and God given duty in life to do so, ergo, we do NOT hate you we hate and detest the tents, etc, that you and your ilk TRY to impose upon us, 2) You will FIND, and that is a well known and undeniable FACT, that at least 98% of ALL ATHEISTS ( myself included here btw) have read the bible from cover to cover, word by word in its ENTIRITY at least TWICE in their life-time, ergo we DO know what we are talking about AND do know the CONTEXT of it as well, 3) After my ACTUAL name I can, should I so desire, add the Following Letters, ThD, PhD, PhD, BSc and quite a number of others as well. Fyi, the notation of ThD, stands for Doctorate In Theology and Comparative Modern Religions work and toiled for through an Accredited University over 7 (SEVEN) long years. So, debate away but be well prepared.
Cue the dancing girls made level 10
JackPedigo comments on Jan 8, 2022:
So what's the next challenge?
Triphid replies on Jan 8, 2022:
Perhaps, "Today zee Site, tomorrow der Universe,"....LOL.
It didn't take long at all.
yvilletom comments on Jan 8, 2022:
I would have suggested surgical removal.
Triphid replies on Jan 8, 2022:
With or without Anaesthesia?
And yet I have another WITH a Bio to welcome here today.
Budgie comments on Jan 7, 2022:
I saw his post where he hopes we will ask what he believes but he does not want to get into any kind of debate. (probably because he will sadly lose) only one post so far and I did not respond to it as I don't care why he believes what he believes. I doubt he will be much more than a lurker ...
Triphid replies on Jan 8, 2022:
Well, I've asked him but I'm at the conclusion that he WILL NOT respond.
About to go off for a two day working holiday (locking my self away to get my work for this year ...
FrayedBear comments on Jan 7, 2022:
And how many American marines have been allowed in & out over the last 12 months?
Triphid replies on Jan 7, 2022:
Trying to cover your Victorian arse are you? You Cabbage Patch Farmers have disregarded the safety and health of EVERYONE else across the country in since the Pandemic began and STILL you seek to lay the blame on everyone else BUT yourselves. Nice attempt FrayedBear but it will not hold water.
It didn't take long at all.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Jan 7, 2022:
Emergency is the only answer!
Triphid replies on Jan 7, 2022:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Sad because IF such a medical procedure was possible then I would have a use for the brain of the dead mouse I caught last evening....LOL. Though it would mean scooping out all the religious shit from an area in his skull big enough to house the new brain of course.
It didn't take long at all.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Jan 7, 2022:
Emergency is the only answer!
Triphid replies on Jan 7, 2022:
Yes but our hospital does NOT have Cerebral-Cranial Surgeon on staff that is qualified to perform a brain transplant operation. LOL.
It didn't take long at all.
Secretguy comments on Jan 7, 2022:
Triphid replies on Jan 7, 2022:
Shit, sounds like the cure is far worse than the disease imo.
It didn't take long at all.
anglophone comments on Jan 7, 2022:
I admire your ability to keep a straight face.
Triphid replies on Jan 7, 2022:
It was hard, very, very hard and you can trust me on that.
And yet I have another WITH a Bio to welcome here today.
LiterateHiker comments on Jan 7, 2022:
He demanded I explain why I think religion is irrational. I'm tired of being hassled by Christians. His reply to my comment: *"I have only asked you one question. that question does not really go to anything you believe or don't believe. It merely asks you to explain why I am irrational. Why is...
Triphid replies on Jan 7, 2022:
So, I assume you are well aware of him and his proselytizing then? Any hints/clues as to how to treat him when he starts on the aussie sceptics members? Me, well I'm most likely to simply tear him a new one if you get my drift and MAKE it a big one to boot.
Pope Francis criticizes people who have dogs, cats instead of children
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 7, 2022:
Says the man who has never had either, & never will
Triphid replies on Jan 7, 2022:
@ASTRALMAX Expert on 'dipping his wick" and then leaving the end result for someone else to raise imo. I have just finished reading a very in-depth report regarding the Children sired by Catholic Priests in the various Dioceses both in Australia, New Zealand, England, etc, etc, and Ireland in particular. The conclusion made is that in those countries that are predominantly Catholic, the mean average of of children fathered by Catholic Priests and raise in Catholic households is approx. 1 in 10-12 depending upon the distances from the nearest Church/Cathedral and Manse. Whereas in city parishes and Dioceses, the mean average takes an 'alarming' leap to 1 in 5-6 or even less. These result were all derived from VOLUNTARY DNA testing of both the child/children and their 'Registered Parents.' All DNA tests concentrated on the Mitochondrial DNA first, which we all know ONLY comes from the birth mother, then the Paternal DNA afterwards as a matching/non-matching comparison. When asked to partake in the surveys, 99% of Catholic Priests in the Dioceses refused to partake stating that "Doing so would be a Breach of the Rules of the Church, etc."
Pope Francis criticizes people who have dogs, cats instead of children
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 7, 2022:
Says the man who has never had either, & never will
Triphid replies on Jan 7, 2022:
But, how many children did HE sire as a Priest and which parishes were they sired? Everyone knows the sordid reputations of the Catholic Priests don't they.
We have a bit of snow....
puff comments on Jan 7, 2022:
Be nice, f'n hot in Queensland Australia
Triphid replies on Jan 7, 2022:
Hot everywhere in most of Aussie mate, Banana country (QLD) is mostly humid heat along the coasts, drier heat inland. Then the further inland you go the hotter it gets, I have an old friend who is doing surveys in the Tanami Desert atm,, according to him and their instruments yesterday was a nice day, the mercury ONLY reached 49.3 Celsius and that was at 3.38 pm, then it dropped down to a 'comfortable (??)' 32.7 Celsius overnight.
Are you making claim?
David1955 comments on Nov 19, 2021:
So, i'm wondering what negligence applies here? The government for encouraging people to get vaccinated ? See, if the government had forced and threatened people to take a vaccine that the medical authorities warned against taking, for example an unproven or known dangerous vaccine, then I could ...
Triphid replies on Jan 6, 2022:
FYI, THERE are often re-actions and side effects to ANYTHING introduced in to the Human body from time to time because, speaking in the sense of medicines and medical sciences, we are still little more than children stumbling around TRYING to find out about everything and how it works in regards to our own bodies. Ergo, some WILL get reactions, adverse or mild and some will not, some will 'claim' such things but those can be often put down to a number of root causes, one example being Hypochondria or Munchhausen's Syndrome where they NEED to think and BELIEVE that they are Ill or having an adverse reaction to justify to themselves that there MUST be something wrong with them health-wise because that is exactly how Hypochondria/Munchhausen's works on their mind. A bit like, imo, how the Internet has given rise to the "Attention Whores" we get inundated with these days on this form of truly Public Media.
AstraZenecca blood clots
David1955 comments on Dec 2, 2021:
Had my second AZ last week. 'Ain't ' dead yet. Hoping for the best. I was told that the booster in 6 months would be Pfizer. Probably that's a good idea. Best not tempt fate. It's the pity about these rare clots with AZ, though; it's actually a very good vaccine, it is said.
Triphid replies on Jan 6, 2022:
@David1955 Yes and the "Attention Whores", will jump with both feet upon any and EVERY opportunity to feast themselves upon whatever morsel/s of attention they can get a hold of , not NAMING anyone in particular here but, imo, we have an resident "Attention Whore" as a member.
AstraZenecca blood clots
David1955 comments on Dec 2, 2021:
Had my second AZ last week. 'Ain't ' dead yet. Hoping for the best. I was told that the booster in 6 months would be Pfizer. Probably that's a good idea. Best not tempt fate. It's the pity about these rare clots with AZ, though; it's actually a very good vaccine, it is said.
Triphid replies on Jan 6, 2022:
Me also, had both shots being AstraZeneca last year still alive and kicking DESPITE a certain member here, who will remain unnamed, and his STATEMENT that he had both AZ shot in September, which I might add is not possible as the regulations state that with AZ vaccinations there MUST be at least 5 weeks between each vaccination, guess what Oh most un-knowledgable One, you are up against a FULLY Trained Nurse here, not one your, imo, imaginary acquaintances.
Here we go again!
tipi comments on Dec 29, 2021:
Pseudosystem, pseudonumbers, pseudomeasures...
Triphid replies on Jan 6, 2022:
Would one be correct in assuming that you perhaps see this WORLD_WIDE PANDEMIC as a HOAX?
Pope Francis criticizes people who have dogs, cats instead of children
RussRAB comments on Jan 6, 2022:
A rather strong opinion from a man whose life is dedicated to celebacy which disallows him to become a father.
Triphid replies on Jan 6, 2022:
Definitely a BIG case of the Pot calling the Kettle black here imo,
Pope Francis criticizes people who have dogs, cats instead of children
Barnie2years comments on Jan 6, 2022:
Better than sitting around like he does playing with religious talismans all day. Why doesn’t he go out and have babies?
Triphid replies on Jan 6, 2022:
Hmm, would any SANE woman in her right frame of mind want the drooling old FART and Protector Of Paedophile Employees fathering her child/children?
Dentist or scammer?
Mooolah comments on Jan 5, 2022:
There is a lizard hiding inside of this guy.
Triphid replies on Jan 5, 2022:
"Lizard" you reckon, more like the creature in " Mimic" Mr. Funny shoes.
Dentist or scammer?
Triphid comments on Jan 5, 2022:
I'm a bloke, as most members already know, and that second photo gives ME the creepies up and down my spine as well as setting my inner alarm bells gangling like crazy. Plus, if you take a closer look the pattern and shape made by facial hair in photo one differs quite a bit from photo 2, the skin ...
Triphid replies on Jan 5, 2022:
@LiterateHiker Thanks, never used 'photo-shop' myself either but was in recognition of facial features, etc, many, many moons ago when I worked in a certain Government Department.
A rising star in the GOP who railed against vaccine mandates dies of COVID-19 GOOD RIDDANCE!!!...
Triphid comments on Jan 5, 2022:
Sounds very much like a GREAT reason for me to have an extra tipple of the good old "brown lemonade" tonight in celebration of Covid doing its job and ridding the gene pool of yet another blight.
Triphid replies on Jan 5, 2022:
@anglophone You COULD try sending the printing costs bill to ScumMo and tell they are awards for ONLY the most ardent believers in Jesus....LOL. I reckon he'd bend over backwards to cover the costs then.
Dentist or scammer?
OldMetalHead comments on Jan 5, 2022:
That second picture is downright scary looking!
Triphid replies on Jan 5, 2022:
Scary, you ain't kidding it'd even scare Hannibal Lecter.
anglophone comments on Jan 2, 2022:
Please just don't tell Evangeloon about it or he will gatecrash into your home for the night.
Triphid replies on Jan 2, 2022:
He already tried but I refused him entry on Covid Grounds.
Pope Francis says violence against women insults God as he delivers New Year's message ...
CuddyCruiser comments on Jan 1, 2022:
I take anything this joker says with nothing more than a grain of salt.
Triphid replies on Jan 2, 2022:
Even less imo.
Pope Francis says violence against women insults God as he delivers New Year's message ...
ASTRALMAX comments on Jan 1, 2022:
I wonder what prompted him to make such a statement, a drop in the numbers of the female worshippers? An institution that branded women as witches and then horrifically tortured them to death. Although I do not know the exact number of women who were branded as witches, it probably is in the order...
Triphid replies on Jan 2, 2022:
@David1955 If there's can angle Religions will find it and if there isn't an angle then they invent one.
Pope Francis says violence against women insults God as he delivers New Year's message ...
Paracosm comments on Jan 2, 2022:
That feels hypocritical but at least he's bringing awareness to the issue.
Triphid replies on Jan 2, 2022:
Trust not the Puppet for the Masters are the ones pulling his strings.
Thanks Evangeloon's Mum, you managed to spend even more on your hopeless , lodge an Appeal to have...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Dec 31, 2021:
She sounds like a bloody enabler! I don't envy you.
Triphid replies on Jan 1, 2022:
@Lilac-JadeCanada EDUCATING him would serve a very good purpose imo.
Thanks Evangeloon's Mum, you managed to spend even more on your hopeless , lodge an Appeal to have...
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2021:
Maybe you should invest in some gasoline?
Triphid replies on Jan 1, 2022:
Why, I am no Arsonist/Fire-bug? Besides, I've got about 4.5 litres of it stored away for my lawn-mower and my chainsaws.
Thanks Evangeloon's Mum, you managed to spend even more on your hopeless , lodge an Appeal to have...
DenoPenno comments on Dec 31, 2021:
So, you were watching this on the Telly and the kid does this? What a moron. I would be wondering if he was on drugs or something.
Triphid replies on Jan 1, 2022:
Well,I was watching the tv broadcast of the NYE Celebrations in Sydney, some 1,000 kilometres east of here, there were also NYE celebrations happening around the town where I live which included the Annual Fireworks displays, 1 display at 9.00pm for the little children who need to be in bed early and then the midnight display of course which in the last 10 years has been preceded by the "Boomers" ( a device designed and built by a local Engineer and Engineering Firm that fires off at regularly times intervals of 30 minutes from 9.00pm until Midnight). Evangelidiot has been here now for 10 years and the fireworks display has been an Annual event now for at least the last 30+ years, the "Boomers" were introduced to the Annual Display for the NYE Celebrations of the year 2,000. Though I will admit, they are quite loud and even thunderous considering that they are 'fired' from a very prominent and very high point in almost the centre of the town so their noise spreads around very quickly and loudly as well.
Thanks Evangeloon's Mum, you managed to spend even more on your hopeless , lodge an Appeal to have...
RussRAB comments on Jan 1, 2022:
Matthew 6:15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. Blame your mum's behavior on her "Evangeloon" Bible teachings. Interpretation of passages like the above can lead believing individuals to sacrificing endlessly in the name of forgiveness when...
Triphid replies on Jan 1, 2022:
Firstly, she is NOT my Mum, we are NOT related at all, she is Evangelidiots mother. Evangelidiot was EXPELLED from from the area of Australia were the rest of his family live to my neighb ourhood some 1,000 kilometres away because, according to his mother, "He is a very disruptive, trouble-making person who disturbs the peace and quiet of the rest of our family." I suppose, given that she is LOADED with money as she INSISTED upon informing me, she found it easier to bundle him off to points distant by purchasing him a house, which also got him off the streets where he chose to live btw, and thus dump her problem into the laps of innocent and unaware others.
Thanks Evangeloon's Mum, you managed to spend even more on your hopeless , lodge an Appeal to have...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Dec 31, 2021:
She sounds like a bloody enabler! I don't envy you.
Triphid replies on Dec 31, 2021:
Imo, more money than sense, I'd have left there for the full time EVEN with a fellow prisoner named " Trunk" making 'overtures towards him.
Thanks Evangeloon's Mum, you managed to spend even more on your hopeless , lodge an Appeal to have...
Barnie2years comments on Dec 31, 2021:
You are a lucky guy! Everything in your neighborhood back to “normal” for the New Year! 😂
Triphid replies on Dec 31, 2021:
Normal ???? We much preferred it to 'abnormal' thank you.
Christian Mom Found Guilty of Starving Baby to Death; She Faces Life in Prison | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Oct 19, 2021:
Their God killed millions - they only killed one between the two of them.
Triphid replies on Dec 30, 2021:
Which ever way you choose to look at it, they STILL knowing took a life, an innocent and helpless one at that, ergo NO punishment, imo, is too much for them to endure.
Front line physicians remark on the differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients
Sticks48 comments on Dec 29, 2021:
I am living proof of this. I was sick, and l haven't been sick in years, Sunday I had fever, chills, clammy feeling, body aches, and off and on again headaches. It was gone the next morning. I tested positive that day. I have had all three shots and will get another when available. The vaccines ...
Triphid replies on Dec 30, 2021:
@anglophone You may like to know that I have been keeping a tally of the Covid Related Deaths since the vaccines became available in Western Countries, According to News Reports and the magazine for Nurses, Covid related Deaths of the Unvaccinated people are now at 1,091 in the last 3 months world-wide, Covid related Deaths of the Vaccinated are now dropping steeply and stand at approx. 547 in the last 3 months, Recovery times for Vaccinated in the last 3 months have almost halved, after effects of the infection are lessening, lengths of periods in ICU/ need for respiratory assistances are also dropping, BUT, In the Unvaccinated they are rising quite significantly and some patients are exhibiting signs of slight brain function damages as well.
And another one just for the fun of it.
ChurchLess comments on Dec 29, 2021:
She could come to my house.
Triphid replies on Dec 30, 2021:
No, no, I found her first....LOL.
Needed to go up to the Pharmacy near my house about 1 hour ago, noticed I had run out of analgesics ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 29, 2021:
Most likely for sex - and yet certain contraceptives affect and reduce some women's menstrual cycles; I would even bet that a quick look on line would show other possible medical uses. All that said - she is having sex is the most likely solution. Early in my teaching career, I worked at a catholic...
Triphid replies on Dec 29, 2021:
Up until I was 11 years old and we moved house, we lived in a house directly behind the St. Mary's Catholic School in Broken Hill, N.S.W. The goings on there between Nuns and the Priests would make even the most ardent Porn Stars blush imo.
Needed to go up to the Pharmacy near my house about 1 hour ago, noticed I had run out of analgesics ...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Dec 29, 2021:
As a person who had killer cramps with my periods, the pill made a huge difference when I went on them just before my wedding.
Triphid replies on Dec 29, 2021:
Forgot about that, bloody old age must be affecting the brain cells from time to time.
Well, I had a very nice Roast Dinner last evening, a session of great conversations and some ...
DenoPenno comments on Dec 28, 2021:
Glad you had a good time.
Triphid replies on Dec 29, 2021:
It was extremely nice and the evening was absolutely fun, those 2 kids sure know how make you feel welcome and can entertain you for hours on end.
Conservative Pastor: Homosexuality is a “Demonic Spirit” Coming After Our Kids | Hemant Mehta | ...
freedom41 comments on Sep 23, 2021:
Most religious leaders were asleep during science class.
Triphid replies on Dec 29, 2021:
Or had sick or exemption notes.
Conservative Pastor: Homosexuality is a “Demonic Spirit” Coming After Our Kids | Hemant Mehta | ...
anglophone comments on Sep 23, 2021:
Kent Christmas is stark raving mad.
Triphid replies on Dec 29, 2021:
You're not joking either, we had a bloke out here who legally changed his name John Curtis so he could sound more Christian-like when he started up his church knowns as Cornerstone Community. HJe once stated that the initials J.C. made people think that he was sent by Christ.
Well, I had a very nice Roast Dinner last evening, a session of great conversations and some ...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Dec 28, 2021:
Nice to have dinner in good company.
Triphid replies on Dec 28, 2021:
Yes and a very welcome change as well.
Just arrived back at home after taking my little gifts around Jase, Cassie and their Mum Louise to ...
OldMetalHead comments on Dec 27, 2021:
We should all strive to be as kind and charitable as you. May Bob get what's coming to him and die an lonely old man.
Triphid replies on Dec 27, 2021:
I shall most DEFINITELY second that motion, can we have a show of hands for those who are in favour of the motion please.
Beatus et Laetus Sol Invictus Die.
Fernapple comments on Dec 25, 2021:
Yes but he goes away a night, just when you need him most, co's its dark then.
Triphid replies on Dec 27, 2021:
Well you can't have your cake and eat it too you know.


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