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Evangelical fundamentalists who openly defied social distancing guidelines are dying of COVID-19 | ...
Triphid comments on May 4, 2020:
Kind of sad to hear, BUT I wish that my Evangelidiot neighbour had the Internet and a computer, I'd send him that report since has so loudly proclaimed that Jesus/God has sent this virus to " cleanse the world of the disbelievers, Atheists and all other Scum so that the true believers can inherit it."
I just came across a dating profile that reads: “A 6’3” warrior for Christ.
Triphid comments on May 4, 2020:
Aw, bugger I've missed out AGAIN. I'm about 6'1" used to have a body like Jean-Claude Van Damme but can't t remember who I loaned it to for the life of me....LOL.
Cut my own hair at home.
Triphid comments on May 4, 2020:
Very nicely done.
Opinion: She Predicted the Coronavirus. What Does She Foresee Next?
Triphid comments on May 3, 2020:
Isn't it odd/strange how these Prophets/Prophetesses seem to be able to 'predict' events AFTER they have happened already. To my mind it is kind of like predicting the winner of a Horse a few weeks AFTER the race has been run. i.e.about as credible as saying " there will a power outage in the middle of a power outage." Surely she had already seen/predicted that she would be needing to be hugged at some time or other. FSS, what does she take people for, complete mindless fools or what, to me she is nothing short of those Evangelidiots who are constantly predicting the End of the World and when it does not happen coming up with every excuse and apology they can think of.
Lockdown stupidity?
Triphid comments on May 3, 2020:
Isolation can be very difficult and even traumatic for anyone. Since I've been battling Agoraphobia for nigh on 15 years now and slowly but surely winning the battle, I'd say that this 'Lock-down/Isolation business' is not so much a problem since I'm kind of used to being alone most of the time anyway. Over the years I've gone from being almost a 100% hermit and ONLY going outside the house AFTER dark to enjoying gardening, chores around the yards, fortnightly Grocery Shopping Trips, and the frequent visits from good and close friends, but since the Isolation bit, it is the visits to and from my close friends that I miss the most. I have no idea as to what those stuck in Apartments/Flats do with themselves during these hard times, though I did spend almost 10 months in Ronald McDonald House, Adelaide with my daughter while she underwent Chemotherapy but that was in a Community Style Living situation where 99% of the people there were very friendly and most welcoming so that is no real comparison I suppose. I assume/suppose that City People are so used to the crowding, hustle and bustle, etc, of City Life that even a small amount of Isolation takes its eventually but us Country People out here just see as a kind of 'normal day at the Office' so to speak.
This is why some Christian's are looked upon with such disdain.
Triphid comments on May 2, 2020:
Ah yes, I can see where I think you are coming from. We once had a fellow worker on the Railways like that, we 'dubbed' ( nicknamed) 'Pigeon,' short for "Stool Pigeon" due to his propensity for 'running' to the Boss at the drop of a hat to report on anything he found that did comply with his religious beliefs. I copped it a few times, the most memorable being when I had finished ahead of time doing my 'extra' duties as Stores Keeper and Timekeeper and was sitting at my desk, having a coffee and reading a copy of a book written by none other than Christopher Hitchens. He almost burnt rubber getting to the Boss's office to dob me in for reading " Blasphemous, Heretical material at work." Absolutely EVERYONE on the job copped a dob in from 'Pigeon' at least once per week so we decided to decorate his locker and lunch box with centre folds cut from magazines like Playboy, etc,etc. And refused, point blank, to 'bow our heads and pray with him' at meal times, ever after that Pigeon always sat in his car at meal breaks ( after he had "scoured out the filth" from his lunch box and locker door that is) and finally after months and months on end, requested a transfer to another Rail Depot, where we later learned he did the same thing yet again before actually tendering his resignation. To my mind there will always be, sadly, those Faithfools who seek to impose their beliefs on everyone around them and they will NEVER take No for an answer.
Is this all there is?
Triphid comments on May 2, 2020:
Sir, you are ALIVE, living, breathing, etc, etc, so what more could you wish for? I'd say, if were at all possible, there'd be many a dead person who would only too glad to be alive again. If you are referring to this site/group then you WILL get out of it what YOU put into and much, much besides, all it takes is a little more from yourself.
Yep, our glorious leaders have it all totally under control Bahahahaha [abc.
Triphid comments on May 2, 2020:
LOL, "Totally under control" my Aunt Fanny's arse they have (and I've never had an Aunt Fanny either btw). I seem to remember when little Johnny Cane-toad Howard was pushing the idea of having EVERY Australian carrying a sub-dermal chip, similar to that which Vets put into dogs and cats, " for the better identification of the bodies of deceased persons" was his claim. ScumMo and Co. want everyone to have this app. " because it will 'assist' in fighting the Pandemic" and ASSURES us that "once the Pandemic has been beaten and is no longer a threat ALL data compiled WILL be destroyed," yeah, right, Hahaha. Little Johnny Cane-toad's idea resurrected under a different guise is my opinion. Most people KNOW for a fact that NOTHING that goes through the Internet is EVER completely lost or destroyed, you can wipe your computer as much as you like but somewhere the data remains and can be recovered at any time or place. 4 MILLION have downloaded the app. that is STILL NOT ready and functional, so WHY the f**k has it been released I ask? "WE have flattened the curve spruiks ScumMo," flattened it with what I ask, was it with a mere 'stroke' of a pen? "We have tested over 6,000 Australians," spruiks ScumMo, but what about the rest of the 25 Million + Australians I ask who have never been tested because they don't live in the BIG , important Residential areas of this country, are we just EXPENDABLE? Maybe, just maybe, IF everyone out here in the back-blocks dies out then that will mean more and more lands, etc, for your overseas mates to purchase Mr. Morriscum? What iron-clad guarantees, other than you tired, well worn rhetorics that is, can you give us that you and Amazon WILL destroy all the data gained from this app once it is no longer needed, Mr. Morriscum?
I found this recording of Eleanor Rigby by Alice Cooper that I never heard before.
Triphid comments on May 2, 2020:
Blimey, Alice Cooper sounds 100% better at singing it than McCartney ever did.
Religion can heal and harm. We've seen both during the pandemic - CNN
Triphid comments on May 1, 2020:
As a Psychologist I would say that religion relies heavily on a hormone, or what ever it is called medically, called Dopamine to be released from the brain thus giving a short term sense of Euphoria to the believer. Raised levels of Dopamine are always found in people after sex for example, eating their favourite foods, and many many other circumstances as well. Dopamine can be and often IS a very addictive hormone/drug btw, and the person who gets the most dopamine regularly will seek out even greater circumstances, etc, that will cause even more of it to be released just as, in my educated opinion, does any other Drug Addict. Ergo, the Believer does what we'd call 'good' for both the dopamine 'rush' and the reward it brings PLUS the extra dopamine rush that they receive from any publicity they get as well AND the vague 'promise' of a 'Free' pass through the mythical 'Pearly Gates.'
Religion can heal and harm. We've seen both during the pandemic - CNN
Triphid comments on May 1, 2020:
That may be so, but they always seek out the maximum positive publicity for their efforts as possible whereas Non-religious Organisations simply go quietly about getting the job done with the least publicity as possible.
OK, I'm really getting agitated here.
Triphid comments on May 1, 2020:
It seems to me, living out here in the 'forgotten' back-blocks of Australia, that this Covid-19 'testing' is ONLY extended to the regions where the majority of the voting public reside. No G.P's have received Testing Kits containing more than 100 kits for the whole time we have been in Self-Isolation/Social Distancing, etc, etc, our hospital, so I have been informed by a very reliable source, has only been issued 300 Testing Kits with an attached proviso that kits must be reserved mainly for Hospital Staff, local Dignitaries/Society Leaders and the local Indigenous Community. Thankfully thus far we have ONLY had 4 suspected cases, 3 turned out to be a common cold, 1 was confirmed and has since recovered fully but I ask WHY is the Government saying that voluntary Testing is NOW available to everyone when, 1) we have a population of 19,000 people out here in Broken Hill PLUS the families and workers, etc, from other smaller towns, Grazing Properties, etc, in this region and ONLY a supply of approx. 400 Testing Kits, 2) IF the Government is so intent upon getting EVERYONE tested then WHY not mobilize teams armed with testing kits and send them from door to door, house to house, 3) WHY does seem that their attention is ONLY directed towards the heavily populated, majority of voters and not including those of living, etc, in the 'bread and meats baskets' of this country as well, are we just Expendable in their narrowed eyes?
Archaeologists have a lot of dates wrong for North American indigenous history – but new ...
Triphid comments on Apr 30, 2020:
There appears to plenty of Archaeological evidence to show that Columbus was definitely NOT the first European to reach the Americas, the Vikings were more than likely there centuries before him and the Chinese weren't such slouches at Open Seas sailing either. Even the idea that North American Natives were only present around 12,000 years ago is, in estimation and opinion, most likely out by at least a possible 5 + thousand or more years and they may well have been there at least 15,000 to 20,000 years longer than estimated.
Why Religion Is Not Going Away and Science Will Not Destroy It
Triphid comments on Apr 30, 2020:
But Secularism and Non-belief are still growing steadily, though mostly in the more ENLIGHTENED countries and societies as the most and more recent figures and statistics show clearly. It is NOT due to Science and the Sciences as much as it IS due to the facts that people, for the most part, are awakening to and acting upon the doubts that they have long had and held about the efficacy/efficacies of religions and religious ideologies. Though there are many who choose to follow the path of the 'Middle of the Road' on a 'just in case basis' ( my take and opinion on this of course) there are even more who arising to find that the 'Middle of the Road' path is as barren as it looks and the grass is truly greener, so to speak, on either side of the road.
JUST GOT BLOCKED ON FACEBOOK AGAIN!!!!!! This time for answering a question.
Triphid comments on Apr 30, 2020:
Oh, your in Zuckerberg Gulag 17 again are you, been there a few times myself, my last 'sentence' was for a year but haven't been back to Zuckerbook since even though they 'offered' me parole 3 times during my incarceration.
Re my other Flu post This does not instill confidence []
Triphid comments on Apr 30, 2020:
What a totally chicken shit piece of promoting Flu Shots, Geez Louise was the QLD really going to believe she had her Flu shot when anyone can see that the needle wasn't even uncapped? Get real and show some guts next time around.
While in the woods, scouting out a location for tomorrow's ( Walpurgis Nacht ) celebration, a ...
Triphid comments on Apr 29, 2020:
If the light wasn't so big I'd say itv was an Aussie Min-min light. Now they are very very eerie to say the least, they just suddenly appear, hover about 1-2 feet above the ground are whiter than white and IF you approach them they move steadily away from you, stand still and they will come closer but never actually close enough to see them 100% clearly enough to discern what they are. 99% of Australian Aboriginals are scared shitless of them and having seen them for myself I don't blame them in the least.
Update from previous post.
Triphid comments on Apr 29, 2020:
Some 'people' when, imho, placed in a Management position tend to don the 'Dictator hat' and think they are a Caesar re-incarnated. Had one such example when I was training to be a nurse, a Hospital Matron who by her attitudes, etc, exuded the idea that she was a Demi-god of sorts and couldn't handle that a trainee male nurse was a 100% Straight male unlike her favourite 'Gay' male nurse, and that nurse chose to own and ride a motorbike to work. We clashed many a time, as did numerous other nurses as well with her, to the point that almost the entire hospital staff end up giving her the nickname of "Aunty Jack." For my own sanity I left that hospital and went interstate to complete my training, got 5 Certificates in Nursing,including my Midwifery Certificate, and then returned much to her shock and surprise. IT is time, high time, in my opinion, that these 'demi-gods' were weeded out of the systems.
Need help reconciling my sons suicide and my ex wife's beliefs.
Triphid comments on Apr 29, 2020:
Sadly suicide leaves little more than sorrow and suffering behind for family and friends. I truly feel for you and your remaining children and family but unfortunately the religious amongst us appear to lack, in my opinion, the basic idea of " thinking before you speak" as we do. Though your child/son has died and is no longer physically with you, he will remain with you in the memories you have, keep and share of him and as my Native American relatives say, " So long as there is one who will speak my name, then I will live on."
How would you feel if someone gave you unsolicited advice about your appearance?
Triphid comments on Apr 29, 2020:
Hey, I'd tell anyone who spoke to me like that to "shove his or her opinions as far as humanly possible up the passage in the body where the Sun never reaches." In my opinion,people who do those things are little more spiteful, nasty, self-righteous pieces of something that you steeped in and has gotten stuck to sole of your shoe and they ARE so far up themselves that a Search and Rescue team would find it impossible to locate them.
The highlight of my day: Clocking out of work, and then spending the next 45 minutes listening to...
Triphid comments on Apr 29, 2020:
I'd have say that my highlight this week was actually finding that the Toilet paper aisle of the Supermarket WAS chock full of packs of Toilet paper for a change. Hey, don't laugh Hastur LOL), for over 2 months now the Toilet paper aisles at Supermarkets around here have barer than a Nudist's bum. They even gone as far as limiting it to ONE pack per customer, not that it has worked all that well when you see customers go in, buy a pack, go out, put in their car then return and buy more and go through a different check out. At least one shop Manager had a sense of humour and put up a notice that read, " We are sold out of Toilet paper, Sorry for any INCONTINENCE caused."
Mummies discovered in burial shaft in Egypt Francesca Street, CNN • Updated 28th April 2020 ...
Triphid comments on Apr 29, 2020:
As Zahi Hawass, whom my daughter and I met in person in 1997 when we were invited over to return a small statue of Imhotep that had been passed down through the family since the Battle of the Nile, said " We have only unearthed less than one third of the history of this land, the rest is still hidden under the sands, waiting for us to find it."
The Virus Crisis in Australia and Welfare.
Triphid comments on Apr 29, 2020:
A truly livable 'Universal Income' would be a very good move for all and sundry lmo. Especially considering that before the Covid-19 Pandemic the Unemployment Payment, aka, Jobseeker where there were jobs so few and far between, was miles below anything that a recipient could manage to survive upon. Even the Sole Parent Payment was so low that, as a once Sole parent, it was a struggle to make ends meet especially with 1 child only and her attending High School as well. But, imho, neither the tight-fisted LNP nor the ALP, who, in my opinion, seem to be firmly wedged in the pockets of the 'Big End of Town' will be loathe to change anything that suits the average Australian.
Trumps CDC chief said corona virus is because people stopped believing in God
Triphid comments on Apr 28, 2020:
And let us not forget that Humpty Dumpty Trumpty has recently advised that shooting up with Disinfectant/Bleach can help you avoid getting Covid-19. Yet his arse-licking 'expert' said absolutely zilch about Trumpty's suggestion did she?
Is the concept of a personal God needed in some individuals?
Triphid comments on Apr 28, 2020:
As a semi-retired Psychologist I'd say that there are those who 'believe' they need a personal God figure simply because they lack what it takes to be strong enough to stand up as human beings, accept responsibility, etc, for their own acts, etc, are unable or unwilling as the case may be, to call upon their inner self and inherent morals, etc, to be the human beings we all evolved to be. So, YES, they do THINK that they desperately need this ' psychological crutch ' that they refer as God.
I get so fed up with the bullshit.
Triphid comments on Apr 28, 2020:
M8, it IS the Christian way that seems to surface endlessly in those that are either not sure of whether they are full on Atheists/Agnostics or just Xrstian Trolls. Bring a bit of fun into your days and see just how much you can twist and turn them around at every possible opportunity, I do it as often as I can and end up getting up and have a really good belly laugh at how screwed up I've made them after I've finished.
Scamvangelist Kenneth Copeland: My Kids Prayed for a Boat, and God Gave Us Two! | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 28, 2020:
Shit, and my Evangeloon neighbour has been on his knees in his front yard 3 times a day praying for rain and still we get only sunny days, maybe I should tell him to try a different number to get through to God/Jesus....LOL.
Christian Nationalists Call For Secession, Formation Of White Ethnostate | Michael Stone
Triphid comments on Apr 28, 2020:
Yeah by all means let them have their 'Ethnostate' and I suggest that it be situated right on the islands of Bikini Atoll I hear that the climate, environment, etc, there is quite conducive to the 'rapture' scenario they all are so eagerly seeking. Hey, I'll even go as far as tossing a few dollars into the hat to help them on their way.
Ignoring COVID Order, Massachusetts Church Takes “A Stand for the Lord” | Terry Firma | Friendly...
Triphid comments on Apr 28, 2020:
Well going by my quick scan through the article then America is not out of Covid-19 woods yet by any means since 1 lone infected person or carrier can pass on/infect at least 3 others, those 3 can infect 3 more and so on the infection rate grows exponentially. So, given that infection scenario, 50 attendees can now means they have infected 150+ more victims, then they triple the infected again and so on and so forth ALL because some self-serving, self-righteous, money-grubbing, Pulpit-pounding, fuck-wit of a Preacher decides to flout the rules of Social Distancing and Self-Isolation solely for his OWN fiscal benefits. Of course his Great, Invisible and totally Imaginary Sky Daddy would agree with him, after all has ANYONE ever heard a ceiling, their hands or a floor actually talk to them. Bloody Scum like him richly deserve to be tarred, feathered and run out of town chased by a pack of rabid dogs in my opinion.
Skeletal damage hints some hunter-gatherer women fought in battles.
Triphid comments on Apr 27, 2020:
Of the cat-fights I've seen involving women and the resultant injuries from them in my years as a nurse I'd say to anyone that I'd rather face a herd of stampeding wild animals any day than face a battle involving female warriors. I mean men in battle situations can be brutal but women, once they get wound up fully, even a F5 Tornado would be running for cover imo.
Are you playing a musical instrument while stuck at home?
Triphid comments on Apr 27, 2020:
No, not really but sometimes, after a good and spicy home-cooked meal I tend to think my bum is trying to emulate the wind section of an orchestra at times....LOL. And as an adjunct, after I've cooked and eaten dinner tonight I reckon the "Orificial Orchestra" will be playing many a symphonic harmony during the wee small hours of the night...LOL.
Hello friends.
Triphid comments on Apr 27, 2020:
Hey, don't rush your recovery, take it easy, take it slow and steady please.
I'm confused.
Triphid comments on Apr 26, 2020:
BTW, people the Amazon Company, U.S.A. will be handling ALL the info, etc, that this 'wonder app.' collects. So how much is being paid from the Public Purse to Amazon for their services I wonder?
Hi Everyone! I just opened up Trivia to everyone at any level.
Triphid comments on Apr 26, 2020:
That will leave me out, my Skype abilities, etc, have gone dinosaur on me.
Fly population explodes []
Triphid comments on Apr 26, 2020:
Of course the population has exploded it has been the Rainy Season up that way and flies breed after it rains. Down my way it was a hot, dry summer and there were few flies until we got a few decent showers of rain, then voila along came flies like tax collectors and my very effective home-made fly traps were working over-time. If sheep and cattle grazers would only learn to import and let Dung Beetles loose on their properties with in a year or 2 the fly problems would be halved or even less. Dung Beetles roll up the dung left behind by livestock, bury it and lay their eggs in it, thus there is little or no Dung laying around for the flies to breed in and eat as well.
OBITUARY 22 APRIL 2020 Jennifer Clack (1947–2020) Palaeontologist who described how ...
Triphid comments on Apr 26, 2020:
Vale Jennifer Clarke, rest well, you brought enlightenment to us all.
Australian journalist gives insight into the systemic faults in Australian Corporate Law, the ...
Triphid comments on Apr 26, 2020:
And how long did it take for a 'Journalist' to come to the same conclusion/s everyone else has already known about for years and years.
I'm confused.
Triphid comments on Apr 26, 2020:
Legislation, a means by which governments can tell you that what THEY want from is voluntary BUT it is LEGALLY required anyway. Well, ScumMo & Co. IF you want me to upload this app. to my phone ( which I don't have btw) then first you will need to pass a LAW that provides me with said phone in the first place because I will NOT be spending MY money to either buy a phone that I don't want or need OR to buy a phone that will only add to the profits of a Mobile Phone Service. I have been in credit to Telstra with my Land-line now for over 12 months thanks to just having a home land-line and I can get plenty of peace and quiet because I can go outside, out of ear-shot and not be pestered by some gadget ringing and beeping every minute or so.
Would you like to understand reality?
Triphid comments on Apr 25, 2020:
According to you matter does not exist,then, if that be so why can't I simply pass through the walls of my house instead of having to open doors? After all, I am very conscious of the actual existence of such objects as wall/doors, etc, etc, and the bruises, etc, that one can expect when bumping in to them accidentally or otherwise. Ergo, IF matter does not exist then neither should pain, injuries, bruises, food stuffs, soil, water, etc, etc.
Gnostic Atheist, Agnostic Atheist, Agnostic Theist, or Gnostic Theist?
Triphid comments on Apr 25, 2020:
100% Atheist, that's where I stand and always will stand.
Mat Staver: Church Lockdowns Are “Targeting” Christians Like Nazis Targeted Jews | Beth ...
Triphid comments on Apr 25, 2020:
WTF, yet more screeching of persecution of Christians FFS. Doesn't that idiot realise everyone is under Self Isolation/Quarantine/Social Distancing Conditions these days and it's not just him and his bleeding-heart, snowflake Christians?
Tomorrow is not promised, don't wait too long or you may never get the opportunity to tell that ...
Triphid comments on Apr 25, 2020:
LOL, rather than seem rude and dismissive, etc, why not invite them to play the 'Fuck Off' game and tell them it is their turn to go first.
ANZAC Day Eric Bogle The Band Played Waltzing Matilda. []
Triphid comments on Apr 24, 2020:
Yep, like that one as well as "I was only 19" for the Aussies who fought in Vietnam as well. Lost a few good school mates over there myself.
Just some thoughts about ANZAC Day.
Triphid comments on Apr 24, 2020:
I agree with my friend, I had 2 Uncles who fought in WWII, one at Tobruk and the other against the Japanese both at Kokoda and through the islands around New Guinea. While Uncle Art would rarely talk about his experiences, Uncle Dave would often relate his times at Tobruk to me. The way our Political Leaders (????) are selling Australia out from under the feet of everyone turns my stomach and grates on my nerves since both my Uncles put their lives on the line for this country and future generations this is, imo, how our money-grubbing, slime-bag politicians honour the memories of men like my Uncles.
New discovery of Bronze Age British burial rituals []
Triphid comments on Apr 24, 2020:
Wow, that was some find.
"Science is better than religion.
Triphid comments on Apr 23, 2020:
skado, without the sciences we'd still be living in mud and twigs huts or even still in caves, scared shit-less of every single noise in the night, you wouldn't be on this site posting since there would be NO electricity, Internet, computers, Iphones/Ipads, etc, etc, no lighting in our houses, no Supermarkets selling foods, etc, no refrigeration, no cooling in the hot weather, the death rate of children and infants would be at least 30- 40% HIGHER world-wide, you'd be very lucky to live past the age of between 40 and 50 years, women would be dying in child-birth at very high rates, diseases, simple diseases, would be running rampant through populations, fleas, lice and other pests would be inhabiting every living person and breeding exponentially, in other words we would be FUCKED before we even got started most of the time.
Chocolate Peppermint Cookies- delicious!
Triphid comments on Apr 23, 2020:
Okay, you win, I'm going to knock up some of my beer flavoured damper ( Aussie Bushman's bread) mix, get a nice lot of hot coals ready and bake it. While its baking, I'll get the billy on, make a nice cup of hot bush style coffee and then sit back with my hot damper lathered with butter and Golden syrup and munch away for a while.
Chocolate Peppermint Cookies- delicious!
Triphid comments on Apr 23, 2020:
Yummmm, stop it you're making me hungry and my mouth is watering.
Doing my first shift testing people for covid tomorrow wish me luck .
Triphid comments on Apr 23, 2020:
Well done and billions of kudos to you.
Not Paleontology or Archaeology, but Geology USGS releases first-ever comprehensive geologic map ...
Triphid comments on Apr 22, 2020:
If I remember correctly the rocks on and in the moon are mostly from the time when the collision between 2 proto-planets, Earth and Thera, plus the remains of the literally millions of meteorites that have struck it since then only they would be far better preserved than if they were here on earth, i.e. no weathering, erosion, etc.
Here's the answer folks ! []
Triphid comments on Apr 22, 2020:
Hey, we've all got to die some time, so why not die doing something you are enjoying....LOL
Thanks to the 13 participants who attended Trivia Night.
Triphid comments on Apr 22, 2020:
Sorry Sas, meant to join in but slept in late yet again, I think you start it at around 9.00am Australian Central Standard Time so I'll try to remember to set my alarm next Monday morning.
What do you/people think about China's role in this epidemic?
Triphid comments on Apr 22, 2020:
I'm as far from a 'Conspiracy Theorist' as one can possibly get but there a few questions/ coincidences that remain unanswered as to the seemingly sudden eruption of this Wuhan/HubeiCovid-19 occurring at the exact same times as the Chinese New Year Celebrations and in a somewhat remoter province rather than erupting in such a highly concentrated populated city as Beijing or Shanghai for instance.
Raising your children without religious influence
Triphid comments on Apr 22, 2020:
Raised my daughter, Lorrae, without any religious influences and although it may sounds as boasting to some, she turned out to be a truly wonderful, caring, honest, polite and well respected person around our home town, so much so that even years after her sad passing from Lymphoma I still get people coming up to me and telling me what a great person she really was and how she was a credit to me.
Recently my facebook newsfeed has been flooded with Church ads.
Triphid comments on Apr 22, 2020:
That, my friend, is just ONE of the reasons why I have given Zuckerbook the ' Royal Order of the GGF ' i.e. the Go Get F**ked.
Who wants to Zoom meet?
Triphid comments on Apr 21, 2020:
Shit, the last 'zoom' meet I had was in 1973 when a drunk driver 'zoomed' out in front of me across the traffic, smashed up my motorbike, fractured my femur and put me in traction for 3 months while it healed, I think I'll say no to 'zoom' meetings thank you....LOL.
Why Bats Are One of Evolution’s Greatest Puzzles Paleontologists seek the ancestors that could ...
Triphid comments on Apr 21, 2020:
Well, I tend to see it that 'nature' tries to fill any and niches in the ecosystem so that no niche species goes through without one form or another of predator and thus, overruns the whole system. After all, did not the Pterasaurs ( flying Dinosaurs) evolve from small to medium sized land and arboreal dwelling dinosaurs, first gaining the advantages of merely 'gliding' from limb to limb, tree to tree to catch insects ( much much bigger than we have around today btw) who ruled the skies day and night some 65+ Million years ago? Are not our modern birds merely an evolutionary result of these and those feathered types of dinosaurs that are found in the fossil records almost everywhere in the world? Even today we have lizards with large, sail like skin extensions running from the fore limbs to the hind limbs that they can extend and retract at will so they can glide from tree to tree, we have Sugar Gliders, a species of mammal, that also have the same acoutrements as these 'gliding lizards so why not have it that a species from the genus of Mammalia can evolve and learn to fly and take over the job of predating on the insect populations as bats do.
Okay, I will be a trifle controversial here .
Triphid comments on Apr 21, 2020:
Well, my take on this topic is as follows, the brain of any child from birth until around Puberty/Adulthood can be likened to 'play-dough' in that it is still extremely soft, malleable, suggestible and very very receptive, almost like a blank computer disc or USB Thumb Drive. Hence the information/influences, etc, etc, that it perceives and stores often determine whether or not the adult brain will accept and act upon new stimuli, information and knowledge or simply reject them out of hand. Basically, the 'viruses' that are religions rely, depend and thrive upon this early malleablity of the young brain of the child as well as depending upon the vectors (carriers), i.e. parents/carers and other infected adults, to transmit these viruses to and in to the forming brain of any child or children. Once the virus of a religion takes over the host it immediately sets about suppressing the innate, natural 'bull-shit' immunity system and begins using awe, fear, superstitions, etc, etc, as an antidote of sorts to doubt, questioning and any desire for further knowledge that is NOT advantageous to the religion virus. Hence, the host becomes afraid, fearful, etc, etc, of anything and everything that goes even an iota against the will of the religion virus and we have a pre-programmed robot-like Religious Fundamentalist emerge and seek out another of its ilk to breed with and transmit the virus on to. I'm feeling quite certain that someone, somewhere will try to either ' jump down down my neck, ' or attempt to bite off my head for saying this but bring it on baby, I'm ready for you.
Moral Compass
Triphid comments on Apr 21, 2020:
Well, IF we all were to listen to and abide by those inherent Ethics and Morals that have been a part of Human kind since time immemorial then, A) imho there would be little or no crime, B) Peace would be the going thing throughout the world, C) there would be unity and equality amongst all the Peoples of all the Nations, D) Poverty would not have ever existed, and whole lot more besides. I tend to include a lot of the Hippocratic Oath as part of my 'moral compass,' one part in particular, i.e. " Do or Cause no harm to others, relieve where possible the suffering of others, show kindness and gentleness towards all," Though I will admit quite openly that the last part is somewhat hard to at times when one comes up against what I choose to call the ' rampant dip-shits ' of this world.
Inspirational or prophetic?
Triphid comments on Apr 20, 2020:
Sadly, badly pruned back and died as a rest judging from the very flat cuts at the ends of the branches, etc. About a whole winters supply of firewood for my house as well rather than leaving for the termites though.
This goes out to Marionville, who is home now recovering from a heart attack.
Triphid comments on Apr 20, 2020:
Here's hoping you are up and about and 100% okay very soon Marionville. Stay safe, stay well and stay happy as best you can.
What are atheists for?
Triphid comments on Apr 19, 2020:
Geez Louise, what a load of batshit that article was. "Atheists are a phenomenon," bloody hell Skado, Atheists/Atheism was around LONG before the first humans ever dreamed up the first seeds of religions. You don't think that Believers in Religions, etc, merely jumped down out the trees with our earliest ancestors do you?
What are atheists for?
Triphid comments on Apr 19, 2020:
Aw, come on Skado don't tell us you've been snorting the Kool-Aid powder. Everyone knows that when I was God I created Atheists for the sole purpose of being able to have good, lengthy, in-depth debates and discussions with people who wouldn't merely answer me with the usual " Yes Sir, No Sir, three bags full Sir, garbage....LOL.
Making home self quarantine sound more heroic.
Triphid comments on Apr 19, 2020:
LOL, I think I'm more worried about avoiding contracting ' MoronA virus from my Evngeloon neighbour than I am about getting Covid -19 atm......LOL.
Now this is comedy; rude, confronting, offensive to some but above all.
Triphid comments on Apr 19, 2020:
" and the hairs on her dickie dido hung down to her knees......." LOL.
What are we missing?
Triphid comments on Apr 19, 2020:
I tend to think that the question should be What aspects of Atheism and being an Atheist SHOULD religions beneficially adopt and integrate into to their belief systems rather than as you and Alain de Botton have suggested. Atheists, for the most part, in my wide experience are kind, decent civil, generous to a fault people, people who will go out of their way to help others simply because they know it IS the right, decent and human thing to do and they know full well that they aren't doing so in the hope of a promised reward after they have died, usually the only and best reward of sorts they get is a kind and appreciative smile accompanied by a heart-felt Thank you.
Thoughts on globalization.
Triphid comments on Apr 18, 2020:
I often see the ideology of Globalization as being a ploy to increase the reach, etc, of the rich and powerful and the erosion of the individuality of the peoples and their nations, i.e. a type or version of George Orwell's 1984 one might suggest. Yes, ensure that every man, woman and child is educated to the very best of their ability/abilities and do it for FREE but also ensure that their treasured individuality is fostered and kept alive and well. For as it was once stated, " It is the individual that creates the society, not the society that creates the individual."
I was over on the r/debateanatheist subreddit and formulated a lengthy and thoughtful response to a ...
Triphid comments on Apr 18, 2020:
Nice dissertation but way too long and it becomes quite tedious. But, usually as I have often found, debating with some of the 'Faithfools' can be likened to re-arranging the Deck chairs on the Titanic.
Big Memory Morning: This song popped into my mind when I woke up My friend Brigitte and I ...
Triphid comments on Apr 18, 2020:
Happened to Jenny and I one evening after a very long and arduous day at work when we decided to go the Drive-in after work one night. Lucky we had taken her car and not my Honda 750, at least we had somewhere comfortable to sleep since the movie was so bloody boring and we were so tired and exhausted. No idea how long the Drive-in owner had been banging on the car window trying to wake us up, but darned glad we were sharing a flat at the time though.
The calif D.
Triphid comments on Apr 17, 2020:
LOL, and the last thing any crow shouts as it hits the motorcycle is " Faaark ".....LOL.
It seems like with so many different beliefs and religions in the world it would be impractical if ...
Triphid comments on Apr 17, 2020:
As is ever so very much the usual practice when asked for evidence regarding the factuality of any and all religions the answer is always, " It is written in a book, it is the words of God/Gods, what more evidence could you need." Ergo, as in legal cases,, ANY claim that has zero, tangible, tried, tested and proven evidence is nothing more than an Assumptive assertion.
If 2020 was a car.
Triphid comments on Apr 17, 2020:
You reckon that's bad, you should see some of the shit-heaps they allow on the roads around South Australia. I've seen some down there that even the scrap dealers would reject out of hand.
Triphid comments on Apr 17, 2020:
" Having sex with your ex," not a snowball's chance in hell, I'd much rather stay horny than go within a million miles of either of them thank you.
I would love to see how they make this app compulsory, and what would they do with me?
Triphid comments on Apr 17, 2020:
Well, Mr. ScumMo, you can shove your 'tracking App' right up tightly where the sun never shines because I refuse to have a mobile phone, I can't stand those bloody anti-social, invasive bits of technology that ring even when you are having a quiet and well needed shit in peace.
Follow up interview with the first person to receive a vaccination against COVID-19.
Triphid comments on Apr 17, 2020:
It makes me wonder how exactly she has had a vaccination for Covid-19 one MONTH ago when they are still either developing one or only in the Lab Testing stages atm. And Yes, there are very few and very rare side-effects from any vaccinations, I have a regular Flu vaccination every year and the ONLY effect I've ever had from them is a slight soreness around the injection site.
Do you know anything about Deism?
Triphid comments on Apr 16, 2020:
Deism simply means the belief in a Supreme Divine Entity/Entities that exist/s everywhere and anywhere but can never been proved conclusively to have ever existed, in other words something in which you my put faith into to believe if you are gullible enough to do so.
Saw this on Facebook.
Triphid comments on Apr 16, 2020:
Simple answer to your question in one, single word, NONE.
My phone has been ringing all day long i have not answered it even once.
Triphid comments on Apr 15, 2020:
Kind of funny, in a strange way, how the merest scent of extra money becoming available bring out the scammers faster than flies when there a fresh turd on offering. Had 3 of them ring me yesterday, the first offering a mythical cure for the virus for just 5 monthly payments of $54.00 per month, the second offering 'Specials' that can NEVER be repeated again in my life-time with prices ranging from a 'mere' $10.00 per month over 5 years to a 'modest' $30.00 per month over the same time period and the third was speaking in an accent that sounded distinctly of an African native type offering to help me set up my home as a B&B facility for a regular Commission of 15% of all future incomes derived. All I can say is that is a great advantage to be able to speak in quite a number of different languages and accents, it seems to really confuse the shit out them.
There is a word I hate beyond all others and that is Apostasy It is a word expectorated like ...
Triphid comments on Apr 15, 2020:
Personally I stand even taller when some poor, deluded, God-bothering believer calls me an Apostate because I take it as a compliment given that I, for one, have had the inner strength, will-power and determination to throw off the shackles of religion and enter into the REAL world and they are deriding me mainly, imo. because I have done what they either fear to do or just haven't got the guts to do.
Triphid comments on Apr 15, 2020:
Nice one there Cuomo, but try remember that it was supposed the Imaginary God that said to Noah after the Flood, " Here, see this bow of many colours I have placed in the sky, it is my promise to never again send such destruction and horrors to visit upon this world and my creations." Somehow Xrstians seem to conveniently forget about the Flood Promise, don't they?
I thought this article about finger length and promiscuity would be an interesting topic for this ...
Triphid comments on Apr 15, 2020:
Total unadulterated bunkum, it's the same as going to a Fortune Teller, reading the daily Horoscope, etc, etc, only the gullible truly believe any of that rubbish.
In memory of a man who shaped my childhood and gave me my irreverent, black and twisted sense of ...
Triphid comments on Apr 15, 2020:
Pretty good, my daughter, Lorrae, would have almost peed herself laughing if she saw her personal theme song performed like that....LOL.
Self isolating? here's a few for you.
Triphid comments on Apr 15, 2020:
Not bad, not bad at all, liked the 3rd one best though.
Roy Orbison - In Dreams []
Triphid comments on Apr 14, 2020:
" The Big O, " a voice as smooth as as silk and as soft as velvet, or as my fiancee, Jenny used to say " Every time I hear him sing the crotch of my knickers suddenly get very, very damp."
i am a test post
Triphid comments on Apr 14, 2020:
I've tested many a post during my times erecting fences...LOL.
It is national Cunnilingus day how come that is not broadcast all day?
Triphid comments on Apr 14, 2020:
Probably because Announcers are taught NEVER to talk while their mouths are full....LOL.
Government tracking eh?
Triphid comments on Apr 14, 2020:
Hmmm, it appears that 'Big Brother' ScumMo and Co. maybe fans of the dull, boring, tedious bullshit television programme bearing the same name imho. Yet another reason to add tomy personal list of WHY I do not want nor need a Mobile Phone.
A bad time to be alive': Study links ocean deoxygenation to ancient die-off 12 hours ago by ...
Triphid comments on Apr 14, 2020:
It is only logical that when the water becomes de-oxygenated everything that draws oxygen from the waters will suffocate and die, the same will occur when pollution levels in the atmosphere reach such a point as well.
The same should be done to the net owners - 8 platypi killed in yabbi net in Melbourne's Werribee ...
Triphid comments on Apr 14, 2020:
We don't have platypi up here but I still prefer to use the older type of open topped drop nets when fishing for yabbies. Of course you don't catch as many as you would using the Opera house type but at least no air breathing creatures can drown in them.
Something to stick up Trumps ass ! []
Triphid comments on Apr 14, 2020:
Yep, that plus a half a stick of dynamite with a 50 second fuse would be great imho, it might wake the numb-nuts up for a few seconds.
My last Resurrection Sunday! The clock just chimed and my last "Resurrection Sunday" behind the ...
Triphid comments on Apr 13, 2020:
Congratulations for crossing from the dimness and shadows of religion into the light and brilliance that is Reality.
Covid Easter so remember to maintain 6 ft of separation and wear a mask. :)
Triphid comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Oh really love the imagery of the second one, well done.
Just some sily, random Easter stuff, hope it brightens your day. :)
Triphid comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Love it, great stuff.
I don't trust people enough to sit in the break room. I'll eat lunch in the car.
Triphid comments on Apr 12, 2020:
When I was working on the N.S.W. Railways from 1980 until I was made redundant in 1991 I always chose to sit outside, enjoy the peace and quiet, etc, and eat my lunch or have my coffee, not because I was a loner or better than the rest but because a) the often mindless drivel that others would so regularly spew forth just wasn't for me, and, b) because being able to relax, enjoy the fresh air, etc, aids with digestion I suppose. In times like these sticking to your 'guns' is the best way one can at least try to ensure your own personal health remains good.
I've been in Christian circles my entire life, and the last two years I've slowly started doubting, ...
Triphid comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Hey, one point to try and remember is that we, the non-believers, are absolutely NO different to anyone else, we live, we laugh, we strive, etc, just as do the believers but we also have learned to think and reason things out using logic, etc, and totally without the need to refer to any religious books or writings. Ergo, we are just as human as you are, our non-belief is NOT a contagious disease and at least 90% of us are very peace-loving people and people who WILL go out of their way to assist/help absolutely anyone in need knowing full well that we expect no reward in some mythical After-life or even this one as well.
Many of you know music better than I.
Triphid comments on Apr 11, 2020:
How about " We are the Champions" by Queen ? And an Aussie one that I quite enjoy as well, " I am, You are, We are Australians," plus another old Aussie favourite of mine " Once a Jolly Swagman."
If a church holds services and a person get covid an dies can the family sue for wrongful death or ...
Triphid comments on Apr 11, 2020:
It should be possible since the Church or what ever encouraged the person to attend by possibly offering up false promises/hopes of immunity since they are in a house under the Protection of God. Therefore, the Preacher/Minister, etc, etc, is morally and ethically responsible for falsely promising immunity and God is 100% responsible for not delivering on that promise. So, imho, SUE the shit out of both of them.
The talk is Germany is running out of sausages and cheese.
Triphid comments on Apr 11, 2020:
Wow, that is really going to result in a nation of sauerkrauts....LOL.
Have we here in Agnostic got ANY right to tell other people what they SHOULD do in any situation?
Triphid comments on Apr 11, 2020:
Everyone, Atheist, Agnostic, God-botherer, etc, etc, SHOULD adhere to what may best for ALL until this pandemic is completely over/conquered and gone. After all, it IS the right and decent thing to do, is it not?
If dinosaurs thought like us...
Triphid comments on Apr 11, 2020:
Fret for the Economy, Fear for the Economy, Worry about the Economy but what good is any economy when there are very few left, when the time arrives that the water is far too polluted and toxic to drink, the atmosphere is so polluted that you cannot breathe it with massive filters, etc, and the soil so wasted, destroyed and sterile that nothing at all can grow in it.


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