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I don't buy from them, but....
Triphid comments on Oct 2, 2019:
A friend of mine did something like that after local thieves kept stealing her mail, etc. She neatly wrapped up 4 very smelly, well filled nappies from her 12 month old baby in bubble wrap then into a nice neat carton that was addressed to her and left it by her front door, Yep, she even went as far as using packaging tape to seal the carton. 2 hours later and the carton was gone, nappies and all, she still wonders what expressions were on the faces of the thieves when they opened their 'prize."
According to Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy who is an expert in first impressions with ...
Triphid comments on Oct 1, 2019:
In my nearly 60+ years of life I have met and trusted, etc, innumerable people that have ultimately turned out to be what I terms as " Absolute Users and predatory Arse-holes." My Dad always instilled into me that " Helping someone was not only a good thing for them but also a good thing for yourself as well," but that was in the days when people DID take care of each other. Now I tend to think that human-kind has reverted to the old 'jungle ways' of predator versus prey in the last 30+ years or so unfortunately. So, these days, sadly, I have become a bit more selective about whom I trust and help.
That is not the only money that they can't account for.
Triphid comments on Oct 1, 2019:
Yeah well, we've been in drought out here since around 2003 and we have gotten is a completely useless 500 million dollar pipeline that WAS supposed to cost ONLY 300 million dollars AND can ONLY run at half the pressure and supply that the old pipeline from the Menindee Lakes Water Storage Scheme did for well over the last 50+ years. Plus towns and Sheep Grazing Properties along the length of the Darling River plus the old pipeline and elsewhere in Western New South Wales are either running out of water or have run out of water whilst those bloody Cotton/Rice Farmers up past Bourke are LITERALLY permitted to SUCK out almost EVERY single drop of water that flows from the headwaters of the Darling Tributaries. So, exactly WHERE, HOW and upon WHO has this 7bn DOLLARS of OUR money been spent? Yesterday, in less than 5 minutes I counted 5 Semi-trailers, loaded with huge bales of hay, entering Broken Hill destined for local Grazing Properties AND these Semi-trailer loads came from Western Australia, donated for FREE and carted here for FREE according to 3 of the drivers.
Am I the only one who wants to punch people in the face when they say, “I live in a spiritual ...
Triphid comments on Oct 1, 2019:
Only sometimes when they INSIST upon telling me, with monotonous and seemingly endless repetition, exactly how wonderful, etc, etc, this miraculous change in their life has been and keep urging me, relentlessly, to try it for myself. But, having said that, my self-restraint is so high I ALWAYS resist the urge anyway.
Would you do your job if you didn't get paid?
Triphid comments on Oct 1, 2019:
I've been doing what I consider as my job for over 15 years now completely free. When I first started in the late 90's as a Child and Youth in Crisis counselor I received payment of $30.00 per hour plus another $30.00 for every 'Street Kid' that attended the sessions held 3 times per week. My provisos with the Uniting Church were that 1) each attendee was to have free access to the showers BEFORE the sessions plus have a washing machine available for them to wash their clothes once they had changed into fresh clothing, 2) coffee, tea or cold drinks be made available and free to attendees plus freshly made, nourishing sandwiches be also available and free, and that, 3) my payments were to be in cash and handed to me mid-way through each 2 hours session in small bills. My reason for wanting payment in small bills was so that I could, covertly, hand each attendee the $30.00 that, to my way of thinking, truly belonged in their pocket and not mine. Over the 3+ years from 1996 to 1999 I racked up a 'success' rate of 59% with getting the kids off the streets and into a better standard of life and living, then my daughter became ill and was diagnosed with Mature B cell Lymphoma and we both ( I was her sole parent and Legal Guardian btw) flown to Adelaide. Sth. Australia for her to receive nearly 10 months of Chemotherapy. After she succumbed to the relapse in 2001, I went back into counseling again in mid 2005 and decided to do it all totally Free of Charge and on a 24/7 On Call basis as well. Many of the cases I've worked with have been heart-breaking to say the least BUT the majority of outcomes have been absolutely uplifting and working for free truly gives me a sense of actually making a difference as well as accomplishing something with and for those that can ill-afford the ridiculous fees that other counselors want to charge. And the best news of all is that one of my recent cases has decided to study to become a counselor herself and to follow in my footsteps too.
people who want to refuse care to patients due to personal or religious beliefs don't belong in the ...
Triphid comments on Sep 30, 2019:
And those who are so set in their ways that they actually cause distress to those they are caring for as well. E.g. Some chemotherapy drugs cause the mucosal membrane lining the throat and digestive tract to breakdown and fall away, leaving the underlying tissues, etc, completely uncovered, raw and painful to the patient when swallowing. My daughter went through a number of bouts of mucositis during chemo and during one very bad bout a Nurse who should have known better literally demanded that, instead of having ice cream and cold fluids for breakfast, she have a hot breakfast and toast. The result, one very upset patient, a parent who very irately told the nurse to leave his daughter alone or he'd teach her to fly by tossing her out of the 3rd. floor window, an Oncologist who agreed with the parent and ORDERED the nurse off of the Ward immediately and NEVER to return.
My son wants to know who would win a samurai or a ninja?
Triphid comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Well, dismissing the 'gun idea,' and given that ninjas are, for the most part, a Hollywood invention, and in reality are only paid assassins, the Samurai would have the upper hand since they, traditionally, were sworn to succeed or die.
Is thinking that consciousness is a product of a vibrating universe a backdoor belief in God?
Triphid comments on Sep 29, 2019:
" The weak of will and mind shall ALWAYS seek out a Higher Power/Deity than themselves in preference to accepting Reality and Responsibility for themselves and their own lives." - William Anthony, 2019.
Haiti has been racked by corruption forever .
Triphid comments on Sep 29, 2019:
As someone once told me a few ago, " Where ever AmeriKKKa goes, just like ancient Rome, it creates a desert and calls it Peace."
Wow, Shane Dowling is certainly making some strong accusations concerning court corruption in ...
Triphid comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Not surprised in the least, imho, the Liberal-National Party would even stack the deck of cards when playing Solitaire.
Dschinghis Khan - Moskau (Genghis Khan - Moscow) []
Triphid comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Remember it very well and sung in German as well, lucky I can speak german. Didn't the group Bony M bring out a version as well?
This came up on another post, but your opinions please ?
Triphid comments on Sep 28, 2019:
To my way of thinking, Theology IS merely a Theosophy, i.e. the Theologists merely 'philosophy' that their god/deity, etc, exists as per the somewhat inflexible parameters that their faith restricts them to. Whereas, a good and true ( for want of a better word) Philosopher can, and very often does, think out side of the box (parameters).
Lisa goes shopping...and doesn’t buy a dinosaur.
Triphid comments on Sep 28, 2019:
Aw, I've always wanted a Mosasaur to have in my garden pond with its head rising out the water.
And supposedly the son of this pedophile New Zealand born xtian pastor who raped the 7 year child ...
Triphid comments on Sep 28, 2019:
I think I read recently that "Happy-Clappy, Jesus Chappy Morriscum" asked tRump IF he could invite Houston to the official Reception Dinner and tRump refused. If that be so then, imho, it IS the only DECENT thing tRump has done so far.
I have too many favorites 🎃🐱💀
Triphid comments on Sep 27, 2019:
Easy to answer that question, NONE of them.
New idea for a yard display
Triphid comments on Sep 27, 2019:
I've always wanted to own one of those skeletons they have in Doctor's Surgeries so I can put in my front yard and having it sitting on a second-hand toilet bowl with a newspaper in its hands and staring at passers-by.
Politics should require a test to enter, something like a gladiator up against a wild animal and a ...
Triphid comments on Sep 27, 2019:
And when elected, instead of being treated like feted Demigods and receiving, immediately, unbelievable salaries, they should be placed on a Productivity scale of wages, i.e. they start on a ' basic' wage level first and as they become more and actually productive for the electorates and country so their salary rises, no productivity from them = salary stagnates, which simply means THEY MUST work for the people, ALL of the people, ALL of the time.
Remove the interest that would have accumulated and this award probably is the equivalent of only a ...
Triphid comments on Sep 27, 2019:
In truth, NO amount of money ever compensates the victim/s for they have to live their lives with the memories of their abuse, etc. But I AM hopefully that this case WILL open up the flood-gates and the Vatican will continuously sued by victims until its coffers are empty for good.
A Miscarrying Woman Nearly Died After a Catholic Hospital Sent Her Home Three Times - Rewire.News
Triphid comments on Sep 27, 2019:
Absolutely sickening and totally disgusting that religions are even permitted to operate hospitals and base the operations of said hospitals solely upon religious beliefs. Do the Doctors.etc. at these places merely DISCARD their Hippocratic Oath the very second that they gain employment at those dens of religiously driven torture and iniquity?
NC Republicans making their case that laws should be based on the Bible, in this case to ignore the...
Triphid comments on Sep 26, 2019:
FFS, the bigoted, arrogant, intolerance of people like those is simply Unbelievable in my honest opinion. Hasn't anyone bothered to INFORM them THAT MAN made god, the MAn created/imagined the Laws that they then CLAIMED, falsely btw, were the 'Words' of the god THEY created and NOT the other way round?
Worth reposting. I listen to my heart too much!!
Triphid comments on Sep 26, 2019:
Funny in that, technically speaking, the heart is nothing more than a bundle of nerves and muscle that just pumps blood around the body yet we attribute emotions, etc, to it.
What an absolute gutless turd PM skidmark is.
Triphid comments on Sep 26, 2019:
Just listened to it AND to me it sounded very like he was reciting something that tRump had had written out for him. ScumMo and his LNP cronies are 100% Coal Mining Companies Fans and that IS a fact.
Triphid comments on Sep 25, 2019:
Try telling THAT to those Cotton Growing Mongrel-Gutted Bastards who keep thieving the water out of the Darling River here in Western New South Wales and leaving everyone south of them running out of even drinking water.
I can't even count the number of times I've said "Oh my god!" when I actually meant "Holy Shit!"
Triphid comments on Sep 25, 2019:
Maybe you might like to try one or two of my favorites instead; ones like " Cheesus Crust," or " Shit a Brick," " Fuck a Duck," I also have quite a few with very blasphemous connotations as well.
Why why why do religious people think they can make a believer out of an atheist?
Triphid comments on Sep 24, 2019:
I tend to think that their whole ' convert the non-believer' thing originally arises from both the their parents and the Priest/Minister, or whatever he/she is called, indoctrinating into their early still forming brains the compulsions that a) EVERYONE, without exception, MUST be made to believe as they do, b) anyone who does NOT see things as they do MUST be wrong, therefore MUST be converted, C) they WILL have failed their god and jesus IF they don't convert the non-believers and that we, the Non-Believers, are a Sinful people who need saving.
Triphid comments on Sep 24, 2019:
There are 2 distinct changes of that ever happening to me and they are; S.F.A. ( Sweet F*** All) and Buckley's.
Who was the nicest Christian you have met?
Triphid comments on Sep 24, 2019:
Yes, I'll admit that I have a truly decent Christian ONCE in my life, that was the late and lamented Reverend Brian Nicholls,a Methodist Minister. He alone helped me through a very tough time in my teenage years, NOT by spouting endless bible rubbish, etc, BUT by merely sitting, listening and talking with me and not AT me.
Christian pastor: Greta Thunberg should read the bible and stop worrying about this ‘imaginary ...
Triphid comments on Sep 24, 2019:
First tRump ridicules Greta then his religious bum-buddy has a go at her, WTF is wrong with these dim-wits? Personally, I reckon Greta Thunberg is absolutely Brilliant.
For Real
Triphid comments on Sep 24, 2019:
Forget the 'Hail Satan' bit, I already do the rest of them.
Unlike Norwegians Australian Citizens are denied the rights to appropriate royalties and the ...
Triphid comments on Sep 23, 2019:
That IS because the said 'Royalties' are divided between the Federal Government and the English Crown.
Can you not foresee the onslaught of discrimination against Agnostics and Atheists that will occur ...
Triphid comments on Sep 23, 2019:
well, my email protest re- this 'new' proposed legislation has been sent though as it was sent as an Atheist I AM expecting absolutely NO reply/response. I humbly suggest/ask that other members, both here in Australia and around the world, consider doing the same or similar. And I thank them, in advance for their support.
Couldn't say it better myself
Triphid comments on Sep 23, 2019:
I tend to see and think that the word 'cannot' is little more than a combination of 'can'- meaning it IS possible, and 'not'- meaning it IS possible but requires that extra bit of effort.
Triphid comments on Sep 23, 2019:
Happy Birthday for yesterday H.G., always have enjoyed reading your books.
Christ Calls Off Plans For Return After Realizing It’s Been So Long It’ll Be Weird Now
Triphid comments on Sep 23, 2019:
"And with this news shall come forth much wailing, rending of clothing, tearing out of hair and gnashing of the teeth emanating from the Faithfoools."
Here's the thing: All IMAGINARY things are the same.
Triphid comments on Sep 22, 2019:
Yes, and it reminds of those man-invented, so-called Laws of Nature and the Universe as well, they ARE only INVENTED for the convenience of mankind and NOTHING to which they 'refer' can be proven absolutely as being REAL and TRUE facts.
Whilst Australian PM Morrison is being feted in America perhaps someone will pick up on this report ...
Triphid comments on Sep 22, 2019:
Bloody sad and disgusting what the Native Australians were subjected to by the European White Overlords.
I've seen examples of this in my own family.
Triphid comments on Sep 22, 2019:
You have brought an old saying to mind here, " In life you can get to pick your friends, though sometimes you DO make the wrong choices, BUT you NEVER get to pick your family." And, as I have found, Families can often be horses of a very DIFFERENT colour, so to speak.
Can you not foresee the onslaught of discrimination against Agnostics and Atheists that will occur ...
Triphid comments on Sep 22, 2019:
I'm not sure if I mentioned it on here or Zuckerbook BUT from a well-trusted and very well informed source within the Great Halls of Deceit, Back-Flipping, Back-Stabbing and general Mis-Government ( aka Federal Parliament, Canberra, BUT not very long AFTER Happy Clappy Jesus Chappy & Co. stabbed Turnbull in the back the first thing Jesus Chappy planned to do AFTER winning the next Federal Election was that HE would force a Bill through Parliament that would ENSURE that EVERY Australian would become a Christian, no IFS, not Buts allowed. Yet another of OUR inalienable Rights looks like going down the drain thanks all of those Liberal-National Party Supporters and the other idiotic voters who fell blindly for the cheap promises made by the Lib-Nat. Party.
Name something absurd about religion that you can't believe people actually believe it.
Triphid comments on Sep 21, 2019:
Jeez Louise, where do you want me to start?
Jesus-Loving Former Ohio Mayor: The 4-Year-Old Girl I Raped Was a “Willing Participant” ...
Triphid comments on Sep 21, 2019:
A 4 year old child "a Willing participant," yeah right and I can do the 4 minute mile running across the surface of the Pacific Ocean? Tie that mongrel-gutted bastards balls up in rusty barbed-wire, hang him by them from the nearest tree UNTIL it's time for him to face trial and let the victim and the parents whip him with a Cat of Nine Tails for 4 hours per day every day BUT don't let the bastard die, sentence him to LIFE without hope of Parole in the General Prison Population, NOT in a secure/isolation cell or anything like that.
If you don't like it, then do something about it.
Triphid comments on Sep 21, 2019:
Yes, and no matter how hard the struggle may seem to be NEVER ever give up.
What are you?
Triphid comments on Sep 21, 2019:
I think you WILL find that the word 'Pagan' is derived from the ancient Latin ( Roman) term which ACTUALLY referred to ANYONE not born and a resident of the city of Rome, i.e. someone from the 'rural' lands surrounding Rome/ the countryside of Italy as it is known these days. The Xrstians merely did, as they ALWAYS seemed to do, WARPED and twisted the word to suit their own means and ends.
Triphid comments on Sep 21, 2019:
Just reading that made me both laugh very loudly and also wonder IF their I.Q. is actually smaller than their shoe sizes.
Good Afternoon Everyone! Does anyone like being single?
Triphid comments on Sep 21, 2019:
What's not to like about being single? I don't have anyone telling me what, when and how I should do things, I DON"T have to watch 'Chick-Flicks,' I can listen to the music I enjoy as loud as I like it, I can spread out across the WHOLE bed EVERY night if I want, wear the daggiest of clothes around the house or go butt naked ( only in the summer though) inside the house if I want, NO bras and knickers hanging off the shower rail, cook and eat what I feel like and when I feel like cooking it, I AM my own boss, who could want more out of life?
Australia is a secular country isn't it?
Triphid comments on Sep 21, 2019:
I wonder just how many truckloads of tic-tacs ScumMo is going to meed to get that shitty taste out of his mouth after kissing tRumps arse.
My partner says that my labeling religious people "delusional" (which has mental health ...
Triphid comments on Sep 20, 2019:
I tend to think that 'deluded' is a better term for the rampant Faithfools than delusional is. I.e. they HAVE been deluded from an early age and know no different simply because, imho, they lack what it takes to view both sides of the topic. Deluding a person with, perhaps, a weak will, etc, is how religions have thrived and multiplied for centuries, IF the 'weak will' can be strengthened enough then the corrosive and destructive influences of the religion/s will steadily lessen and eventually be replaced by Reasoning and Logic, etc. However, having said that, in some cases such a task would be like trying to remove a mountain by using a teaspoon and a thimble.
Why I Am Not a Christian by Bertrand Russell - YouTube
Triphid comments on Sep 20, 2019:
An extremely interesting and most informative piece, listened to every single word and it all made 100% sense.
The Christian converts who are setting fire to sacred Aboriginal objects - ABC News (Australian ...
Triphid comments on Sep 20, 2019:
Yes sadly, and all because of some Tongan woman preaching and convincing some of the Aboriginal Communities that she is Prophet. Shades of the earlier Xrstian Missionaries and the destruction they caused and the recent religious hate-filled episode by Israel Folau, the Rugby Player.
Remember we all get older
Triphid comments on Sep 19, 2019:
3 certainties in Life are, Taxes, Aging and Death, though, very sadly, there are those who never get to experience Aging.
The religious always seem to think our lives are so "empty" without their imaginary friend.
Triphid comments on Sep 19, 2019:
I'd disagree 100% with the Faithfools about my life being 'empty' without their Invisible, Imaginary Sky Daddy. My life is good, I go out and look over my gardens, see the plants grow, I hear the birds singing, the trees covered in their finest greenery,I get to sleep in every Sunday instead of going to some church to hear tiresome rhetoric hour after hour, I can switch OFF the channels that spew forth religious twaddle and watch other channels instead, ones that either have good movies or documentaries, etc, and money I have is mine and do NOT have to pay the 10% Tax. aka, TITHE, to the church EVERY weekend, etc. Ergo, my life is as full as it can get.
The Christian Right Is Helping Drive Liberals Away From Religion | FiveThirtyEight
Triphid comments on Sep 19, 2019:
There is an old saying that goes like this, " Politics and Religion are bed-fellows of convenience," and as such, in my opinion, Politics and Religion SHOULD be kept separate at ALL times.
Well, I wouldn't worry about it.
Triphid comments on Sep 19, 2019:
In my opinion ( and allowing for the video clip posted below) the solution has been right in front of the American eyes for ages, i.e. ENACT and ENFORCE STRICT Gun Control and Gun Laws. Yes, the criminal elements will find a way around them as they always have done and always will do BUT is not 1 innocent death just 1 death too many?
I have been looking at Facebook and the new dating app.
Triphid comments on Sep 19, 2019:
I wonder if that could be because in Texas the cattle are nervous and the women are frustrated.....LOL.
Triphid comments on Sep 18, 2019:
I tend to AGREE 100%.
Onward Christian Solders Gary Gardner of Blackwell said he and his boyfriend, Sean Cormie were ...
Triphid comments on Sep 18, 2019:
Oh yes, there truly is nothing like the hypocrisy of the Deluded Faithfools, give them the merest fragment of an inch and they WILL take the entire square mile and much, much more. The Extremisms of most religions truly boggles the mind and yet laws allow them to commit such abuses, etc, simply because they do it in the name of their god/s.
Triphid comments on Sep 18, 2019:
Hey, don't beat yourself up about being an Atheist mate, instead Congratulate yourself for crossing from the 'Dark Side' over into the Light of Freedom of Thought, Knowledge, Reasoning and Logic where your eyes, ears and mind are truly opened up to really amazing things and experiences. Welcome aboard the Reality Train.
There could be worse things than Hell: 🤔
Triphid comments on Sep 17, 2019:
I'd reckon being married to tRump would beat any thing the Xrstian Hell would have to offer.
I’ll be at the New York City event, because if we don’t address climate change, finding our ...
Triphid comments on Sep 17, 2019:
And they say that Man-made Climate Change is a total MYTH while here I sit where it IS supposed to be spring and there IS frost on the ground and it IS still freezing cold when 30+ years it was nice, warm, comfortable Spring weather, no severe drought, no water shortages or water restrictions and NO towns, etc, in imminent danger of actually running out of water. Yes, we do get 'dry times out here in the Aussie Outback, but we'd had this drought now since 2001 and our annual rainfall since then has been a total of less than 1/8th of what we'd get in a single year. Pull the other leg Climate Change Deniers, I've lived in this region for well over 60 years and it has NEVER been as bad as it is now.
Go Figure.,.....
Triphid comments on Sep 17, 2019:
Hey, I reckon IF I tried using them for my 'mother's' side of the family they'd send me a list of highly recommended Paving Firms.
Little baby Jillian recently started making coo noises.
Triphid comments on Sep 17, 2019:
Aw, lucky you, I loved it when my daughter started making all those goo-goo, etc, noises and one noise that sounded like she was 'purring' like a kitten every time I cuddled her, boy do I miss those times.
Sweet - Fox On The Run []
Triphid comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Ah, COOL, now those were the days of really GREAT music.
Does anyone know MIke? I want to invite him to my next cookout.
Triphid comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Very much like something I made ages ago for a friends birthday, he's a retired Electrician and as we all known Electricians often use a tool known as a 'Wire-Stripper' so I'll leave it to your imagination what his gift looked like and it even had the pole and was anatomically correct as well.
It's not newsworthy until biased right wing news runs with the story?
Triphid comments on Sep 16, 2019:
IT is HIGH time that WE, the Australian People stood up DEMANDED that there be REAL openness in everything about the Governments of this country.
Say my name!
Triphid comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Not that is a really good one there, love it.
That might scare a few of em off..
Triphid comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Love it, bet it works as well as my ' hanging knife stabbed store mannequin did years ago, the screams from the kids as the walked up the front path were unmistakable...LOL. This year I might just use a few old leg bones from kangaroos, etc, and some old boots and shoes, bury the bones with the shoes sticking just above the ground in a front garden bed with sign that reads, "We eat Halloweeners here." LOL.
I’m proud of you.
Triphid comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Thank you, been there done that and now I feel it WAS all worth the effort.
Kids do trump impersonations
Triphid comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Oh well done, kudos to those involved, Trump is almost a bigger joke here in Australia as was ex-Prime Minister Tony Abbott, tRump deserves, richly imho, every ounce of shit that can thrown at him, he's a frigging idiot of the first class.
As of this writing I’m 283 points from level 8.
Triphid comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Don't be such wimpy woos-puss, wear the shirt proudly and let the Faithfools know there IS another Pagan in this world that they can no longer burn at the stake.
Signed up for Facebook dating, but I’m not expecting anything (especially with this honesty). 😉
Triphid comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Hey, don't knock yourself girl, I reckon, on a scale of 1-10 you're at least a 9.9+.
Some walk Gingerly but sadly nobody Mary Anns anymore.
Triphid comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Then, with my most sincere apologies to the real Gays out there btw, No-one has seen the ántics' of the VERY flamboyant 'wanna-be' types that we get here in Broken Hill every year ( they come from all over the country btw) when they hold the Broken Heel Festival. Now, they ARE truly Mary Anns.
What’s a Jew to do during the high holy days when they question the existence of a higher power?
Triphid comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Simple, just grab a nice freshly made Ham sandwich ( after all the Kosher rules are RELIGION based anyway) or two and have a relaxing time with a picnic or sitting by seashore.
AI will transform religion with robot priests like this one - Vox
Triphid comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Oh FFS, just what the world truly needs, NOT, robot priests with no empathy, etc, just spewing out tired old rhetoric and religious twaddle, Oh hang on a minute, Human Priests do that anyway don't they? Have said all of that, I supposed the good news would be that robot Priests wouldn't abuse Altar Boys, etc, BUT they might suddenly decide to get fresh with Electrical fittings, devices like I-phones, I-pads,etc, etc, NOW that would be shocking....LOL.
How would you respond to "You can't have true love without God"?
Triphid comments on Sep 15, 2019:
My response would be, "If you need a god to truly love then you, like god, have FAILED completely since your loving god has a record of slaughtering literally MILLIONS."
Laundry for beginners
Triphid comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Laundry, where colour prejudice still rules the roost....LOL
Decorating the bathroom for the Halloween party! 👿👿👿👿👿
Triphid comments on Sep 15, 2019:
You MAY like to try this idea as well. A few years ago I decided to do a 'bit' of homemade Halloween decorating in my front yard to give the kids a wee shock, I borrowed a Shop Mannequin, dressed it overalls, shoes and gloves on the hands the suspended from the archway over my front path with a noose around the neck, the handle of a large kitchen knife poking squarely from the middle of the chest, a trail of fake blood ( red water colour paint) running from the knife down the front of the clothes and a puddle of fake blood on the ground underneath. The screams from kids as they entered the front yard and came face to face with my 'surprise' made the whole evening worthwhile.
I have this idea for a new product.
Triphid comments on Sep 14, 2019:
It seems to me that YOU are the puppet and your cat is your Puppeteer, try educating your cat that IT only gets fed or given 'treats' when YOU decide and not it.
I been an Atheist for under 2 years and still learning about our way of looking at things.
Triphid comments on Sep 14, 2019:
My idea would be to just take it slowly and gently with them, whoever they are, let them ask the first questions, give a short and easily understandable reply/answer and just let it flow on from there, it has worked well for me over the many years I have been an Atheist. Plus, try to gently explain to them that as Atheists we do NOT a Universal Doctrine/Dogma/Tenet, we do think for ourselves and not follow rules 'written in stone' as do the Believers in this world.
A penthouse, limousines and private jets: Inside the globe-trotting life of Bishop Michael ...
Triphid comments on Sep 14, 2019:
I tend to think that at least 90+% of ALL Priests, etc, have the same ideology of " There's money to made in them there Believers."
Good Morning Everyone! Thats me, on my birthday yesterday, standing on the sidewalk in front of ...
Triphid comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Many happy returns for the anniversary of your birth yesterday, and many many more to come as well.
There may NOT be life on other planets
Triphid comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Just as it is posited that "Life as WE know it"may not exist elsewhere in this vast Universe IT is only, imho, Human arrogance to think that we are correct. Who is to state definitively and empirically that, for example, IF the Asteroid Impact that killed off the Dinosaurs around 65 Million Years ago did NOT happen, thus giving rise to the reign of mammals, that the Dinosaurs themselves would NOT have continued to evolve, become the intelligent, dominant Life-form on this planet? Is it NOT possible that the descendants of the Dinosaurs COULD have become a type of bi-pedal, upright walking Homo-Reptilian creature with arms, hands, opposable thumbs, intelligent, inventive, creative, society forming creatures and our early mammalian predecessors simply continued on running away and hiding in the underbrush instead of evolving into the many and varied forms we see today? Just because life here on Earth looks like we see it does NOT mean,simply, that it MUST be that way everywhere else in the Universe. Evolution is NOT a straight forward, straight line process by any means,it IS full of twists, turns, back=steps, side-steps, cross-overs, dead-ends, restarts, etc, etc, the environment/s that life evolves in and from are a great determining factor as to how that life eventually develops and evolves through time, etc. Yes, Genes, DNA and RNA play a very important part in ANY life-form BUT it is HOW those Amino Acids combine that actually sets the blue-print and activates the evolutionary processes, e.g. One can bake a cake today using every exact ingredient and precise measure of the same BUT tomorrow and under entirely different conditions,etc, those self same ingredients and the self same recipe MAY result in something entirely different. That, in my opinion, is the SHORT explanation of how evolution works, ergo, LIFE, entirely different and beyond our very limited PRESENT comprehension could very well exist elsewhere in the Universe and be as different as fire is to water but still be intelligent, etc, etc.
New report finds many non-believers still believe in the supernatural - Big Think
Triphid comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Pull,the other leg, Kaku, it plays the William Tell Overture. Most Non-believers see supernatural/superstitions, etc, as little more than hoo-ha at the very least. What, we are supposed to believe that demons, hob-goblins, gremlins, etc, walking UNDER ladders, broken mirrors, black cats and all that other ridiculous twaddle MIGHT just be true WITHOUT even one iota of evidence to support it? Get a LIFE Kaku.
Why does the beauty of the world, the order (and chaos) we discovered that underlies the universe, ...
Triphid comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Small minds are found to be those who seek out or make up the easiest answers, i.e. the Faithfools fit the bill exactly in that one.
In case you wonder about the potential for addiction to masturbation.
Triphid comments on Sep 13, 2019:
It IS only the Xrstian Religions, etc, that label self-gratification as being a sinful abomination in the eyes of their god and cheesus crust ( jesus christ). And that is most likely because, a) most devout Xrstians wouldn't know a completely harmless bit of self-enjoyment even it bit them on their pious arses,and, b) they'd be too afraid of it just in case Sky Daddy and Co. caught them doing it, got jealous and cancelled their ' Free Pass' at the Pearly Gates.
Nothing gets your heart pumping like having to deal with a rattlesnake.
Triphid comments on Sep 13, 2019:
I'd rather come face to face with a rattlesnake than an Australian King Brown or Black Snake any day. At least your 'rattlers' make a noise, ours are silent, deadly and bloody swift when they bite.
I'm troubled when I hear people say that we need to "respect" people's religious beliefs.
Triphid comments on Sep 12, 2019:
WHY should we respect the beliefs, etc, of those who persecuted us for centuries upon centuries? In my opinion, Respect is a thing that NEEDS to earned, it is NOT a given right.
Is everyone out gazing the the Waxing Gibbous?
Triphid comments on Sep 12, 2019:
Nope, it's day time here, hence we've only got the sun shining atm, but will take a look at it tonight though.
Triphid comments on Sep 12, 2019:
I can't for the life of me figure out WHY Churches need to be so ornate and opulent for a god that can create ANYTHING, supposedly, that it wants and yet allow/permit literally millions, if not BILLIONS, to live, starve and die in abject poverty.
California ministry forced homeless to work, stole their benefits, officials say
Triphid comments on Sep 12, 2019:
Well I thought for a while that the Organised Religions had sunken as far as they could, BUT this has proved to me that these 'so-called' "Men of God" still have NOT reached the very lowest depths of corruption, depravity and inhumanity yet. Give the bastards term of Life Sentences with the Hardest and Foulest of Labors imaginable, allow them NO Visitors, No Privileges what-so ever, seize ALL their personal Assets and properties,then liquidate those assets, etc, and give the monies back to those whom the persecuted.
We so often learn far too late than the heroes of history were actually horrible people, and the ...
Triphid comments on Sep 12, 2019:
History is ONLY written by the Winners and those who backed them, BUT never by the Losers. I often ponder over who/what will write the History Humankind after we are all dead and gone.
I'm not a woman, but I liked this, and thought I would share it: . . . .
Triphid comments on Sep 12, 2019:
I'm not a woman either BUT I have experienced similar with a few women in my time. I'm a pacifist by nature UNLESS you're a confrontational, in your face type Bible Basher then you WILL get the verbal 'Bum's Rush' from me. Yes, I like and enjoy the company of women and am 100% hetero, BUT the pushie ones are one of the biggest 'turn-offs' ever to me.
Open ended question for y'all.
Triphid comments on Sep 11, 2019:
Been going it 'solo' for so many years now, no-one trying to tell me how I should live, etc, given up hope of finding someone who will just take me as they find me, so I'd say that I'm more than merely 'coping' I'm mostly going great guns and being my own true self.
Effigy of Australian Water Minister David Littleproud thrown into the Murray River by 3000 ...
Triphid comments on Sep 11, 2019:
Why bother with just tossing an Effigy into the river, just toss the REAL thing in weighted down with a semi load of fresh, stinking horse shit just like the horse-shit he's been ramming down our THROATS since forever. Oh, and toss the entire governments, past and present in with him as well.
Earlier today , I saw a post , which basically said women are only in it for the money , and since...
Triphid comments on Sep 11, 2019:
Both should concentrate on bringing Trust, Honesty, Fidelity and Mutual Support to ANY relationship.
Welcome to the insanity and fuchwittery of Australian feminazism: 'No one’s holding a gun to ...
Triphid comments on Sep 11, 2019:
Oh FFS, what's next, the Feminazis seeking to ban women from sport like Cricket, Aussie Rules, Soccer, etc, because the uniforms are too revealing or the games are too masculine? I can't bear to watch the men playing Cricket, Aussie Rules, Soccer, etc, because the men are way too namby-panby, out-rated, over-paid Show Ponies, the women, on the other hand, actually play the game with all their gusto and are 100% entertaining doing. I always though 'Gender Equality' was an ideology that was meant to ALLOW women to freely choose and pursue WHAT EVER avenue/career they wished, NOT be shackled by the whims and desires of others like these Feminazis.
Good Morning my PEEPS
Triphid comments on Sep 10, 2019:
As my Dad would ever so often say, " ANY day you're still above ground IS a very good day." He was a local, hard-rock, Underground Miner in the local Silver.Lead and Zinc Mines for his entire working life, part of his job, besides digging through literally tons of rock to extract the ores, was as a part of the Rescue Teams sent in when there were huge rockfalls to 'extract' fellow miners caught under them, often they'd be crushed beyond recognition or have horrific injuries, sometimes it may take weeks of digging before they'd finally find their remains, so I reckon he was 100% right with his saying.
I turned 65 today, and this is how I feel this morning
Triphid comments on Sep 10, 2019:
I know pretty much how you feel, I'll be 66 in a few months time and every day my joints, etc, feel like I've been hit by a Semi-Trailer doing about 110 kms an hour loaded with tons of rocks. My joints creak and groan like an Outback Dunny ( Toilet) door in a windstorm and as my G.P. told me about 18 years ago, " Mate, IF you were a horse we'd have put you down by now....LOL" But HEY, I'm still alive. breathing and can enjoy things like sunny days, my gardens and the odd trip fishing ( well teaching worms to swim actually).
I can't stop laughing.
Triphid comments on Sep 10, 2019:
A truly bloody great cartoon, I almost pissed my pants laughing at it.
Can all 'why' questions be translated into 'how' questions?
Triphid comments on Sep 9, 2019:
As I was once told by my High School Teachers, " To find the How we must first find the Why, to find the Why we must find the How." To me it works the same with the old " Wisdom" and "Knowledge" thing, i.e. to gain Wisdom one must first gain knowledge then turn knowledge into Wisdom BUT first you need to have the Wisdom to want to seek Knowledge, no matter the consequences, BEFORE one can turn knowledge into Wisdom.
How would you reply to a theist who says, "You send yourself to hell"?
Triphid comments on Sep 9, 2019:
The last time a Faithfool pulled a similar thing on me I simply replied with " That's okay, I'll save you a seat close to the fires if you'd like." Haven't seen hide nor hair of that Faithfool since then and, to be 100% honest, I like the space they've left behind since their departure.
Anyone try Facebook dating yet?
Triphid comments on Sep 9, 2019:
Signed up for Zoosk on Zuckerbook many. many years back and got inundated with scammers from Ghana, Nigeria, etc, worked out for myself that most Dating Sites are about as useful as a One legged man in an arse kicking contest. Even though purports to be a 'Dating Site/Group' of sorts I joined it, NOT for and in the hopes of finding a date or a relationship, but for the enjoyment and conversations, etc, that I could have with like minded Atheists and Agnostics like myself and haven't been back on Zuckerbook ever since.


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