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"I'm going to be rich, God and Jesus love me and they have made rich," is what I was greeted with ...
OldMetalHead comments on May 5, 2021:
Did you leave it at that or quote the camel through the eye of a needle verse? :-D
Triphid replies on May 5, 2021:
Dawggone it I forgot about telling the idiot that one.
Complex, agriculture-based societies need High Gods for social cohesion.
Triphid comments on May 4, 2021:
I think you may FIND, IF you chose to actually look that is, that Actual Complex, Agricultural Social Cohesion arrived on the scene long, long before such things as Organized/Regulated Gods/Deities and Belief System were ever created. Hunter/Gatherers, for example had to move as the herds migrated ...
Triphid replies on May 5, 2021:
@skado First ask yourself WHY those so-called 'studies' are NOT saying it, then do some research, etc, for yourself. I'll be kind to you, though it goes against my better judgement atm, When the Frenchman was decoding the Rosetta Stone, he was ORDERED by the Catholic Church, the Vatican AND the Reigning Pope of that time " NOT mention ANYTHING that he found within it that could be detrimental to or give an impression that the Ancient Egyptians were NOT just ignorant Pagans and Heathens but far more intelligent and advanced since Human Enlightenment ONLY came into being AFTER the Christ was born, lived, died and was resurrected and SHOULD he disobey the Church he and his entire family would be imprisoned and Excommunicated."
Jim Bakker to Court: Selling a Fake COVID Cure is Part of My “Religious Freedom” | Hemant Mehta...
BDair comments on May 4, 2021:
To be fair, Pfizer is selling a fake COVID cure, and made $3.5 billion in the first quarter of 2021.
Triphid replies on May 5, 2021:
@BDair Medical Definition, A Vaccine/Vaccination is GIVEN to stimulate the Human Immuno-response System to produce Anti-bodies specific to the Infective Agent it IS designed for BUT does not AUTOMATICALLY produce actual Immunity PARTICULARLY when it comes to Viruses that can quickly adapt and evolve such as Ebola, S.A.R.S, Covid -19 , etc, etc, since the Human Auto-immune System cannot adapt or evolve as they do. Vaccinations for diseases caused by Bacterial Infections are, however, more able to produce either a Long-Term ( 5 -20+ years) or in some case, a Life-time Immunity AFTER a set COURSE of follow-up vaccinations has been done, i.e. Infant/Child Immunisations against Measles, Whopping Cough, etc. Vaccines such those now being given for Influenza and Covid-19 for example, ONLY Mitigate/Lessen that chances of getting the disease and mitigate/lessen the severity of the symptoms.
Complex, agriculture-based societies need High Gods for social cohesion.
Triphid comments on May 4, 2021:
I think you may FIND, IF you chose to actually look that is, that Actual Complex, Agricultural Social Cohesion arrived on the scene long, long before such things as Organized/Regulated Gods/Deities and Belief System were ever created. Hunter/Gatherers, for example had to move as the herds migrated ...
Triphid replies on May 4, 2021:
@skado The modern Human Archaeologist, for the major part, like to equate our beliefs, IF they have any that is, with the 'practises' of the Earlier Humans with our own imo. Since, imo, it makes things a whole easier than merely saying "I do NOT know." Did Cro-magnon Man, Neandethals, Australopithiceans, etc, etc, have RELIGIOUS Beliefs, do our closest Primate kin have Religious Beliefs?
Complex, agriculture-based societies need High Gods for social cohesion.
oldFloyd comments on May 4, 2021:
How high does this god have to be? and on what?
Triphid replies on May 4, 2021:
Most high, if going on how plants seem to grow as high as possible to 'escape' from the stench of the fertilizers that are used to surround them....LOL.
Bible science, hard to choose the looniest theory but this has to be mentioned.
KKGator comments on May 4, 2021:
Oh, FFS!! 🙄
Triphid replies on May 4, 2021:
@Sgt_Spanky Sub-Zero I.Q. imo.
Jim Bakker to Court: Selling a Fake COVID Cure is Part of My “Religious Freedom” | Hemant Mehta...
BDair comments on May 4, 2021:
To be fair, Pfizer is selling a fake COVID cure, and made $3.5 billion in the first quarter of 2021.
Triphid replies on May 4, 2021:
@BitFlipper Or, imo, learn the art/talent/skill of engaging the Brain BFORE putting the MOUTH into gear. Would you not agree given @BDairs most ridiculously, unfounded and , imo, idiotic comment?
Jim Bakker to Court: Selling a Fake COVID Cure is Part of My “Religious Freedom” | Hemant Mehta...
BDair comments on May 4, 2021:
To be fair, Pfizer is selling a fake COVID cure, and made $3.5 billion in the first quarter of 2021.
Triphid replies on May 4, 2021:
@BDair FYI and enlightenment, Vaccinations do NOT either "Prevent" nor "Stop the Spread of Infections, etc, etc." Vaccines/Vaccinations STIMULATE the natural and in-born body mechanisms to create Anti-bodies specific to that version/variety of Infective Agent and also help the Body Immune System to 'REMEMBER' how to make more Anti-bodies when and IF they are needed in the future. Now, speaking here on a person to person basis ONLY and OFFERING up my own personal opinion, IF you obtain/obtained your Medical Knowledge SOMEHOW then imo, you MAY wish to try reading something OTHER than the backs of Cereal Boxes.
Just an FYI.
Holysocks comments on May 4, 2021:
Thank you! One thing that annoys m.... Hang on a second, a lovely young lady just sent me a photo of her wearing a tight shirt.
Triphid replies on May 4, 2021:
Want to swap? Last week I got a photo of a tall red-head, side profile, with what I assumed were at least size EE Knockers and when I took a closer look IT had a definite 5 O-clock shadow and was either carrying a Colt .357 long-barrelled Colt revolver in the front of it slacks OR it was the outline of something very MASCULINE. Needless to say I gave that one the P.O.Q. (Piss OFF Quick) plus the Royal Order of the G.G.S. (Got get Stuffed as well.
Hmm, imo, something smells a wee bit fishy with a new member here.
Coffeo comments on May 3, 2021:
We should restrict membership to people who actually exist.
Triphid replies on May 3, 2021:
As you'll see it was my error/mistake since I mis-typed the screen name in the first place. I have since corrected my mistake, apologised and offered them to @michealgrins07 from Texas as well as the usual warm welcome to group also.
Hate-Preacher: Trans People Are “Influenced Right Out of the Pits of Hell” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on May 3, 2021:
And somehow that ass made Lt.Col.
Triphid replies on May 3, 2021:
The oxymoron of Military Intelligence at its very best imo.
Christian love...
ToakReon comments on May 3, 2021:
Delightful lot, aren't they?
Triphid replies on May 3, 2021:
About as lovable as a snake in a sleeping bag.
The old Bush Telegraph is busy today.
waitingforgodo comments on May 3, 2021:
Guy Pearce in the lead role of BH Consequential. Magda as wife number one.
Triphid replies on May 3, 2021:
I doubt Guy Pearce would even consider sinking that low.
Well, here I sit forlorn and designing the books/registers for the Firewood Enterprise ( don't tell ...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on May 2, 2021:
Ok, mouth zipped. Sounds like a very busy time.
Triphid replies on May 2, 2021:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Yeah, WHY not, after all I'm their 'Elected' Volunteered Co-Ordinator am I not?
The old Bush Telegraph is busy today.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on May 2, 2021:
Hahahahahaha......that's so funny!!!!!
Triphid replies on May 2, 2021:
Thinking seriously about sending him a " Sucked in Sucker" Greeting card when and IF I find out what prison he'll be residing in for a few years or more.
Well, here I sit forlorn and designing the books/registers for the Firewood Enterprise ( don't tell ...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on May 2, 2021:
Ok, mouth zipped. Sounds like a very busy time.
Triphid replies on May 2, 2021:
There are about 8 of them working there atm, 7 are splitting and stacking the firewood with 1 lucky Bugger getting to sit comfortably and operate the saw. It's about a 4 minute walk from my house to the R.M.A. Depot, so I may just take a wander down after Crib-time ( Lunch).
Christian love...
Tejas comments on May 2, 2021:
I've seen some people on here come close to saying things like this. Not surprising
Triphid replies on May 2, 2021:
@Tejas However, and in my opinion, we ONLY return like for like, well the decent majority of us that is, using WORDS and NOT actions
Christian love...
Tejas comments on May 2, 2021:
I've seen some people on here come close to saying things like this. Not surprising
Triphid replies on May 2, 2021:
Haven't you ever heard the Latin saying of "Quid Pro Quo" ? Meaning giving something FOR something, ergo, we ARE ONLY returning the favour( ???) for the favour they have done for those went before us. Also, as their Goat-herders Guide to the Galaxy tells them most succinctly, "DO unto others AS YOU would have THEM do unto you."
Surgery in the womb: 'I've done the best for her' Helena gave birth to her daughter Mila - short ...
Triphid comments on May 2, 2021:
Here in Australia we have had a Universal Health Care system for decades, it too may not be perfect BUT it works and No-one is refused treatment.
Triphid replies on May 2, 2021:
@Ryo1 May I give you an instance WHY Universal Health Care is so IMPORTANT. On January the 28th. 2000, my 15 year old Daughter, of whom I was the Legal Sole Custodial Parent, was diagnosed with Mature B Cell Lymphoma, Stage 2 level as well. My income was the Government Sole Parent Pension and the Family Benefits adding up to approx. $ 548.00 per fortnight. Her Chemotherapy treatments MEANT we HAD to remain in Adelaide, Sth. Australia for the entire 10 Chemo cycles ( 3 weeks per cycle on average). Each dose of Chemo given by Intravenous Infusion cost between $ 8 and 10,000 a time, that did NOT include the Hospital bed, plus the fold-out bed for me to sleep on while she was in hospital, etc, etc. After each treatment, usually 6-7 days later there were injections of G.C.S.F. to aid in rebuilding her depleted Red Blood Cell and Platelets counts, 1injection every day for 4 consecutive days, each costing $1, 200. Then we had the accommodation cost, $60 per days for 7 days per week. Most thankfully ALL of this was paid for, NOT by having Health Insurance, BUT by the Nation Health Care System known as Medicare. Something I had paid into at a rate of 1.5% per fortnight from my wages when I was working.
Surgery in the womb: 'I've done the best for her' Helena gave birth to her daughter Mila - short ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on May 2, 2021:
I would be jealous, however, I live in the United States which has the best health care in the "fucking world." The "fucking world" includes North Korea and Brazil and India etc.
Triphid replies on May 2, 2021:
Ah yes, the best Health in the World, just so long as you can afford the Health Insurance Premiums that is, other-wise it IS a case "Fuck You Charlie, find a corner, crawl in to it and die."
Tejas comments on May 2, 2021:
It just takes some willpower and discipline. If your goal is to quit, cutting down is just standing in the way. Throw your smokes away and quit, its that easy.
Triphid replies on May 2, 2021:
You reckon?
Josh Duggar Was Arrested by Federal Agents Today | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos
Triphid comments on Apr 30, 2021:
In my opinion, FUCK jailing Scum like him, instead take him out, tie him to a Barbed-wire fence, coat him in honey and leave him to the ants and carrion eaters.
Triphid replies on May 1, 2021:
@CuddyCruiser Especially IF that pain is being delivered by our Australian Bull Ants, they REALLY know how to bite and making it counts as well. I once had the opportunity to watch as a nest of them attacked a 6' long King Brown snake. Bull Ants are about an inch and half long with big heads relative to their body size, armed with very sharp pointed pincers (jaws) and they instinctively head straight for the eyes and the mouth first when attacking prey. They attack in their thousands, not hundreds but THOUSANDS.
Josh Duggar Was Arrested by Federal Agents Today | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos
CuddyCruiser comments on Apr 30, 2021:
Sick asshole. Throw him in a crocodile swamp.
Triphid replies on May 1, 2021:
Nah, that wouldn't work with our Australian Crocodiles since they have a much more evolved and discerning taste. Far better imo, to throw him in a pool filled with starving Bull Sharks and Moray Eels, they will eat anything.
Paganism versus Xtianity, Where exactly is the difference?
praytothemilkjug comments on May 1, 2021:
Was this from High Times or Playboy? It is most excellent!
Triphid replies on May 1, 2021:
Neither, actually found it on a Christian Meme site.
The Atheists Old Farts Free Firewood Enterprise had its second meeting yesterday evening and those ...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 30, 2021:
Sounds good. And ''old farts'' is universal.....we use it here all the time.
Triphid replies on Apr 30, 2021:
@Lilac-JadeCanada LOL, then you will graduate a bit sooner than I will.
The Atheists Old Farts Free Firewood Enterprise had its second meeting yesterday evening and those ...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 30, 2021:
Sounds good. And ''old farts'' is universal.....we use it here all the time.
Triphid replies on Apr 30, 2021:
When you get to 80+ you graduate to becoming a G.O.F. so my daughter once informed me, G.O.F. meaning, laughingly, a Geriatric Old Fart....LOL.
Death Cult Preacher: Bible Believers Can Drink Poison… Like the COVID Vaccine | Hemant Mehta | ...
CuddyCruiser comments on Apr 30, 2021:
Boy oh boy see what happens when a platypus breeds with a blowfish?
Triphid replies on Apr 30, 2021:
Impossible since a platypus is a Monotreme and a Blowfish is a FISH. A Platypus is a kind of nice looking animal BUT the male has a type of venomous spike on its hind legs that it uses for defence.
A TX Church Taught (Actual) Sex Education and Some Parents Can’t Handle It | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 29, 2021:
As I found with bringing up my Daughter, Lorrae, single-handedly, the more you tell/explain to them about Sex and Human Reproduction the less they seem to become experimentally interested. I was brought up in the era/age when being INFORMED about 'The Birds and the Bees" was something of a deep, ...
Triphid replies on Apr 30, 2021:
@snytiger6 Me, I learned all about it from my best friend's older sister when I was about 12 and half years old, she was 17 btw.. Man, never knew that you could get so much pleasure from poking your best and closest life-long friend into something that looked it had been hit with a chainsaw,,,, LOL.
The most dangerous place on Earth | The Economist
Druvius comments on Apr 29, 2021:
Another horrifying fossil from the misbegotten Cold War. Sadly until we live in a world where the great powers recognize self-determination, situations like this will be cause for disagreement and war. I think the parties involved should sit down and negotiate a settlement, that certainly has to be ...
Triphid replies on Apr 29, 2021:
@AnneWimsey And me as well.
Angry Christian Mom: Netflix Must Be Canceled Over Cartoon Mocking Jesus | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Apr 29, 2021:
Now, now people let us give poor little Monica "Holy Hole" Cole are fair go, NOT, shall we. She may well be right since mythological Jeebus Chrust' would NEVER get involved in a Menage et trios with 2 women since he much 'preferred' the 'company' of 12 blokes did he not?
Triphid replies on Apr 29, 2021:
@OldMetalHead OR was it, " Hey man, I'm in".....LOL.
Angry Christian Mom: Netflix Must Be Canceled Over Cartoon Mocking Jesus | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Sgt_Spanky comments on Apr 29, 2021:
I would argue that there aren't nearly enough cartoons mocking Jesus.
Triphid replies on Apr 29, 2021:
Surely amongst the Membership we MUST have at least 1 person who can created numerous Monica Cole spoof cartoons?
The most dangerous place on Earth | The Economist
Triphid comments on Apr 29, 2021:
So, is what we are seeing here yet another REASON why the U.S. is feeling that ITS interests (????) are being a 'threatened,' presumably, just as was 'believed' with the Iraq W.M.D. Conflicts when in actual FACT it was all over the OIL Fields? BEFORE you decide to 'jump down my throat,' I detest ...
Triphid replies on Apr 29, 2021:
@Buttercup Yes, but sadly, FIRST the U.S. desperately NEEDS to clean up its own backyard first and foremost.
The most dangerous place on Earth | The Economist
Druvius comments on Apr 29, 2021:
Another horrifying fossil from the misbegotten Cold War. Sadly until we live in a world where the great powers recognize self-determination, situations like this will be cause for disagreement and war. I think the parties involved should sit down and negotiate a settlement, that certainly has to be ...
Triphid replies on Apr 29, 2021:
Perhaps, imo, the very FIRST step SHOULD BE the U.S. ceasing to see itself as the Messiah of Universe, i.e. the Cavalry coming to the Rescue of those who do NOT really want rescuing.
Angry Christian Mom: Netflix Must Be Canceled Over Cartoon Mocking Jesus | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
KKGator comments on Apr 29, 2021:
Every time Monica Cole gets her panties in a bunch, I have a better day. 😁
Triphid replies on Apr 29, 2021:
LOL, I just had this mental image of her poor, tormented and badly entwined pubes all tangled up in her Christian Knickers 24/7.
Angry Christian Mom: Netflix Must Be Canceled Over Cartoon Mocking Jesus | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
xenoview comments on Apr 29, 2021:
She can always use hulu for her entertainment.
Triphid replies on Apr 29, 2021:
She couldn't do that since it contains a word that use 2 syllables and not just the 1.
"an agnostic is an atheist without balls" agree or disagree?
PBuck0145 comments on Apr 29, 2021:
Not so. There are may agnostic theists.
Triphid replies on Apr 29, 2021:
@Tejas Yes, Theism IS belief, whereas, technically speaking, Agnosticism is, in most/some cases, neither a belief of nor a knowledge/understanding of, etc, etc. Whereas, on the other hand, imo, Atheism, for the most part, is both a knowledge and an understanding that, by the usage of Logical thought and reasoning, etc, etc, NO God/s/Goddesses/Supreme Deities either have or ever have Existed EXCEPT in the minds of Human Beings. Ergo, to put it plainly and simply imo, an Agnostic MAY simply be a person who 'is merely hedging their bets' so to speak. I.e. and in other more simpler terms Undecided upon which way to actually jump.
"an agnostic is an atheist without balls" agree or disagree?
PBuck0145 comments on Apr 29, 2021:
Not so. There are may agnostic theists.
Triphid replies on Apr 29, 2021:
" Agnostic Theist," a bit of an oxymoron imo. Since AGNOSTIC means, by dictionary definition, a person who " has NO actual KNOWLEDGE/ is UNSURE of whether a God/Gods, etc, EXISTS, and, Theist, also by dictionary definition , means that a person who believes/trusts/understands in the concept that a God/Gods, etc, ACTUALLY do exist. Ergo and logically, etc, being both an Agnostic and a Theist in the same person is a conflict of ideas, thoughts, etc, would you not agree?
Confidence!! Always with the confidence!!😂😂
mischl comments on Apr 28, 2021:
Maybe she's really hoping for a "wardrobe failure."
Triphid replies on Apr 28, 2021:
Perhaps those 'Chest Puppies are thinking, "Just one Sneeze and we WILL be FREE at last." LOL
Well, the R.
anglophone comments on Apr 28, 2021:
Ooh, your local god mobsters, a.k.a. St. Vincent De-Paul, will get terribly upset at that.
Triphid replies on Apr 28, 2021:
In good old Aussie parlance to them I say this "D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F."
Today’s teatime treat has me putting on my dancing shoes and bopping around the kitchen as I ...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 28, 2021:
Oh yeah! Gotta move to this one for sure. I coloured my hair a couple of weeks ago & am really pleased with the new brand I'm using,.
Triphid replies on Apr 28, 2021:
@Marionville Hope you don't mind me asking BUT did he/she object in any way.....LOL.
Private school in Miami won't hire teachers who are vaccinated
Druvius comments on Apr 27, 2021:
Too bad there is no vaccine for stupid.
Triphid replies on Apr 28, 2021:
There is BUT unfortunately it is ILLEGAL, i.e. a 7.69 mm bullet fired from a 1941 model Mauser Rifle.
So much for 'Bureaucratic Confidentiality'. Got to the 'meeting' (?
PadraicM comments on Apr 28, 2021:
You gotta be careful when yo muscle in on the church's turf, they get touch about that shit. If you show that people do not owe others (real, incorporated, or imaginary) for acts of kindness, then where will religions be?
Triphid replies on Apr 28, 2021:
My motto is, Bugger the Lot of them, hit them with your best shot then watch them as they turn and run.
Let's play a thought game.
Triphid comments on Apr 27, 2021:
In that case then, I'd request this Supreme Deity to create a rock so large that he could NOT make it move using his own strength and will.
Triphid replies on Apr 28, 2021:
@Sgt_Spanky Why should I seek to benefit in the first place?
Scott Morrison tells Christian conference he was called to do God’s work as prime minister | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 27, 2021:
For the sake of Australia, Atheists. Agnostics and the ordinary, every day people of Australia I sincerely hope that we ALL remember the episode where Uncle (???) ScumMo abandoned ship and headed off to Hawaii for a HOLIDAY while the country was going up in the Flames of Raging Bush-fires PLUS his ...
Triphid replies on Apr 28, 2021:
@David1955 SOME, but NOT all of us.
My next attempt for my gardens, a Sturt's Desert Rose.
RussRAB comments on Apr 27, 2021:
The flower looks kind of like a Hibiscus, although the leaves certainly don't. Beautiful flower.
Triphid replies on Apr 28, 2021:
Yes, definitely a very nice flower and it has very sweet perfume as well. I grew one by sheer accident back in the 80's in the gardens of a house I once had before my divorce. I say it was an 'accident' because it literally sprouted up from a load of sheep manure I had collected from a friend's Sheep Property. LOL, it either grew to get away from the smell of the Sheep manure or it liked the supply of nutrients because within the space of 2 years it had grown to full height and was covered in flowers.
So much for 'Bureaucratic Confidentiality'. Got to the 'meeting' (?
racocn8 comments on Apr 27, 2021:
Do all you can to be sure your story is told.
Triphid replies on Apr 28, 2021:
All ready in hand, so to speak. We, the 10 of us so far, held an informal Meeting last evening and it was decided that we invited the local media to come along and do a report on our first trip to cut, collect and deliver the first loads. Which, if the Authorisation arrives this week, will mean as early next week as Monday. The R.M.A. have also given us the use of a secure, well fenced in area and lockable storage area within their Compound where we can stock-pile the firewood as well. We now have 4 Chainsaws, 2 portable, hand-operated Hydraulic Log-Splitters and a volunteer 'cook' to make Tea, Coffee and snacks for everyone who is involved every time we go harvesting firewood.
So much for 'Bureaucratic Confidentiality'. Got to the 'meeting' (?
xenoview comments on Apr 27, 2021:
Smells like a huge pile of human shit.
Triphid replies on Apr 28, 2021:
Well they can wallow all they like in their pile of steaming shit because yesterday afternoon (Wednesday) I went with the local Assistant Manager of the R.M.A. as he marked out the trees that needed to be removed on just ONE Highway leading to and from town. A round-trip of 50 kilometres out and the same back and I counted 78 trees either dead and ready to fall or dying and unstable, I estimated that there'd be approx. 50-60 tonnes of firewood obtainable from just those trees and today we are inspecting another highway as well this afternoon. He has allocated a small team that, once we are ready to go, will go ahead of us and remove the over-hanging branches, stack them up in piles ready for us to cut them to size BEFORE we start dropping the trunks. It was very saddening though to see just how much greenery we have lost around here from the prolonged drought we've been having in the last 5+ years. Luckily I have about 200+ seedlings, native trees btw, on hand and ready to replace those trees we will be harvesting.
Decided to plant these yesterday afternoon, a native Australian plant known as Sturt's Desert Peas.
GeorgeRocheleau comments on Apr 26, 2021:
My yard might be perfect for them.
Triphid replies on Apr 27, 2021:
@GeorgeRocheleau Most seeds from Aussie Native plants and trees are coated with a thin layer of a wax like substance that protects them for months or even years when they are in the soil until good and decent rains come along. Some native seeds also need to be put through a process known as 'smoking, ' i.e. placed in a chamber/container and allowing the smoke from smouldering leaves and wood from other native trees to swirl around them before they will be ready to germinate. That could be due our trees have evolved in a land where bush-fires are prevalent and the seeds need to be 'prepared' by the smoke. I've been experimenting with a number of 'seed smoking' methods for the last 5 + years but none have been quite as successful as I'd like them to be so far.
Decided to plant these yesterday afternoon, a native Australian plant known as Sturt's Desert Peas.
GeorgeRocheleau comments on Apr 26, 2021:
My yard might be perfect for them.
Triphid replies on Apr 27, 2021:
@GeorgeRocheleau Remember to let them soak in WARM, NOT boiling, water for at least 6-24 hours and any seeds that float are infertile so throw them away and when planting the swollen seeds put them in the ground and cover them with a very thin layer of dirt. IF weather conditions are extremely dry for prolonged periods, ONLY give them a VERY light sprinkling with water, do NOT soak them because they will get root rot very quickly and die.
Decided to plant these yesterday afternoon, a native Australian plant known as Sturt's Desert Peas.
Heidi68 comments on Apr 26, 2021:
They are gorgeous! Good luck and please keep us updated
Triphid replies on Apr 27, 2021:
Will do.
Decided to plant these yesterday afternoon, a native Australian plant known as Sturt's Desert Peas.
GeorgeRocheleau comments on Apr 26, 2021:
My yard might be perfect for them.
Triphid replies on Apr 26, 2021:
@GeorgeRocheleau No 'Dave Murrays' packets of Sturt Pea seeds are available through Plant Nurseries and seed producers, I think companies like Yates and Farmer Brown package and sell them BUT you need to follow the instructions very carefully though. I know of a friend from Sth. Africa who I sent seeds to about 40+ years ago has them growing every summer.
Decided to plant these yesterday afternoon, a native Australian plant known as Sturt's Desert Peas.
GeorgeRocheleau comments on Apr 26, 2021:
My yard might be perfect for them.
Triphid replies on Apr 26, 2021:
@GeorgeRocheleau Then, If I knew how I could send you some seeds BUT they are truly the hardest plants to grow in a garden though.
Decided to plant these yesterday afternoon, a native Australian plant known as Sturt's Desert Peas.
GeorgeRocheleau comments on Apr 26, 2021:
My yard might be perfect for them.
Triphid replies on Apr 26, 2021:
Is it as dry as a Dead Nun's twat and as fertile as a desert?
Preacher: If You Have Sex Before Marriage, You’ll Cheat During Marriage | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
CuddyCruiser comments on Apr 26, 2021:
He was probably dropped on his head when he fell out of his mamas hole.
Triphid replies on Apr 26, 2021:
More likely squirted up against a fence and hatched out by the sun, imo.
3 days and counting down.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 26, 2021:
There are prescription tablets that block the physical urge.
Triphid replies on Apr 26, 2021:
Yeah, and that's what the G.P. will prescribe for me tomorrow, one known as Champix. I hope it is a good as the one they gave me back in the early 90's when I was having a problem with alcohol, those worked really well, within 5 days I couldn't stand the smell of anything with alcohol in it.
Went on the Every Second Night per week Sangers (Sandwiches) and Soup Run with our local ...
bobwjr comments on Apr 25, 2021:
Excellent work
Triphid replies on Apr 26, 2021:
Thank you, I'll pass it on the others as well.
3 days and counting down.
wordywalt comments on Apr 25, 2021:
Stay with it. It will be worth it in more ways than you can imagine After smoking for more than 40 years, I quit smoking in 1996. I marked by quitting by 8s: first, 6 hours then 6 days, then 6 weeks, then 6 months. I used the Nicorette gum to break the habits associated with smoking. Then ...
Triphid replies on Apr 25, 2021:
Thanks and will do as well.
Went on the Every Second Night per week Sangers (Sandwiches) and Soup Run with our local ...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 25, 2021:
Sounds great....should put the wood to good use rather than have it sitting doing nothing.
Triphid replies on Apr 25, 2021:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Knock me down with a Feather, just heard from an Insurance Mob that they are OFFERING FREE Public Liability Insurance to us for the next 2 years should we get this project up and running. I pick up the documentary EVIDENCE tomorrow morning BEFOE I face off with the local City Council, that should put the knockers on their insistence that we have Public Liability Insurance cover BEFORE we can even get started.
Went on the Every Second Night per week Sangers (Sandwiches) and Soup Run with our local ...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 25, 2021:
Sounds great....should put the wood to good use rather than have it sitting doing nothing.
Triphid replies on Apr 25, 2021:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Always welcome especially after unloading and stacking firewood. I cop that treatment every time I drop off a load of firewood to the elderly lady just up the street from my house. She will NOT take NO for an answer....LOL.
Went on the Every Second Night per week Sangers (Sandwiches) and Soup Run with our local ...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 25, 2021:
Sounds great....should put the wood to good use rather than have it sitting doing nothing.
Triphid replies on Apr 25, 2021:
@Lilac-JadeCanada I just realized that should we get this up and running, our delivery 'boys' may well be in need of a whole lot of 'extra' exercises since many elderly Ladies around here dearly love returning favours with cakes and tea/coffee after deliveries.
Hypothetically where would a masochist go when they die
kiramea comments on Apr 25, 2021:
As I said in you other post about this; Why do everyone believe that a masochist loves all pain? I am a masochist when it comes to sex, but I absolutely HATE the dentist, having kidney dialysis, hearing Trumps voice, etc. So, in answer to your question... the same place as everyone else that ...
Triphid replies on Apr 25, 2021:
Precisely, where everyone else goes UNLESS they are Cremated that is, INTO a wooden box, a hole in the ground to decompose, rot and decay, nothing more, nothing less. When you are DEAD you ARE DEAD.
Went on the Every Second Night per week Sangers (Sandwiches) and Soup Run with our local ...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 25, 2021:
Sounds great....should put the wood to good use rather than have it sitting doing nothing.
Triphid replies on Apr 25, 2021:
@Lilac-JadeCanada It is, and the Red-tape of Bureaucracy has always been the BIG stumbling block BUT we have recently gotten rid of Councils General Manager, a wee bit of a Tyrant imo, and my hopes are up a bit now at last. Sorry for the slight delay BUT just got a call from a local a local Gardening and Landscaping Firm, they have a 1.5 tonne tipping truck, registered and not being used on a regular basis that they are OFFERING to us FREE of Charge SHOULD we get this project up and running. Seems the 'Bush-Telegraph' around here has suddenly gone into over-drive.
3 days and counting down.
Cyklone comments on Apr 25, 2021:
Go into it with the idea that you're learning to be a nonsmoker and every time you say No, you've won a point. The idea of willpower is bullshit and sets you up for failure. Before you actually stop, you might try smoking and only smoking, no tea, coffee, booze or distractions. If you do that for...
Triphid replies on Apr 25, 2021:
I can go for around 3 -5 hours without having a ciggie when I'm outside in the gardens, etc, or so long as I'm doing something with my hands like painting ( art-works that is) but my Morning Coffee fix is my kick-start to the day.
Went on the Every Second Night per week Sangers (Sandwiches) and Soup Run with our local ...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 25, 2021:
Sounds great....should put the wood to good use rather than have it sitting doing nothing.
Triphid replies on Apr 25, 2021:
Did a trip to the local Rubbish Tip Saturday Afternoon with my mate Alan to empty a load he had in his trailer, had look at the the truly MASSIVE pile of totally wasted firewood out there, I estimated there is about 130-140 TONNES of it stacked up just either rotting away or being attacked by White ants, bloody wasteful to say the very least imo.
Went on the Every Second Night per week Sangers (Sandwiches) and Soup Run with our local ...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 25, 2021:
Sounds great....should put the wood to good use rather than have it sitting doing nothing.
Triphid replies on Apr 25, 2021:
Oh, trust me it WILL be put to very good use by those who WILL be needing this winter, especially the Old Aged Pensioners around town and the 'doing things tough ones as well, IF I can manage to hack through the Bureaucratic Red-tape THIS time. I'll still be going 'bush' to collect firewood for my own usage though, this idea IS ONLY to try to help others in need.
3 days and counting down.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 25, 2021:
I quit over 27 years ago, & damn glad I did.
Triphid replies on Apr 25, 2021:
I quit way back in 1998 but then in 2000 Lorrae was diagnosed with Lymphoma and, as you can guess, everything kind went down the tubes BIG time and I, regrettably, took it up again.
CA Megachurch Admits Pastor “Solicited Nude Photos” from Teenager | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Apr 24, 2021:
Now, WHY am I not surprised at all?
Triphid replies on Apr 25, 2021:
@snytiger6 Yeah, that seems their usual method, doesn't it?
Jeffress: Falwell Watched His Wife Sleep With the Pool Boy Because of Satan | Hemant Mehta | ...
jlynn37 comments on Apr 24, 2021:
Jebus was also watching.
Triphid replies on Apr 25, 2021:
@CuddyCruiser Nah, that's Santa Claus. Jeebus Chrust only came the once according to Christfools and hasn't cum again since....LOL
News Up-date re - Semi-Trailer Rollover 15 kilometres east of here.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 24, 2021:
It may be toxic to some too.
Triphid replies on Apr 24, 2021:
Yes, most unfortunately.
GUILTY AF! Derek Chauvin guilty in death of George Floyd [cnn.]
Triphid comments on Apr 20, 2021:
ALL lives matter, whatever the skin colour may be, imo.
Triphid replies on Apr 24, 2021:
@redbai AND, DID I NOT state in MY comment QUITE clearly and most succinctly " That ALL LIVES MATTER?" Or is it merely a case of you having selective and prejudicial reading in which you see ONLY what you WISH to see and NOT the intent of the Writer.? As a personal adaption to a very old saying here, " There are NONE so Blind as those who see ONLY what the WISH to see decided ONLY upon the prejudicial thinking, there are ONE so DEAF as those who wish to HEAR what suits their very OWN prejudicial ideologies." My I humbly suggest that WHEN you shake off your ideologies of Personal Persecutions coming from those whom you so readily mis-read/mis-understand then you may well become a more enlightened and freer person from your own prejudicial, ways.
Just looking out of my front window and noticed that the traffic going past my house was a bit ...
Lorajay comments on Apr 24, 2021:
I had a friend that came upon a 18 wheeler wreck and there was cases of toilet paper everywhere. He had a pickup and some tie downs so he shared his bounty with almost everyone he knew. Unfortunately that was before covid and the toilet paper shortages of 2020.
Triphid replies on Apr 24, 2021:
Had something similar happen when I was on the Railways. A Container came loose from a flat-bed rail wagon and went over the side spilling out its contents, we, the Clean-up Crew though our ships had come in UNTIL we arrived to discover that the entire load was cartons upon cartons of Feminine Sanitary Items. At least for those us who were either married or had girlfriends/daughters, etc, the women never ran short for well over 2 years at least.
Franklin Graham: 30 People Died in a Tornado, But God Saved This Pound Cake | Hemant Mehta | ...
CuddyCruiser comments on Apr 24, 2021:
This Fuckwad Graham’s got the brain of a Blobfish.
Triphid replies on Apr 24, 2021:
Aren't you giving credit where is most definitely NOT DUE perhaps?
“God” Told a Couple to Get Married at a Stranger’s Mansion Without Permission | Hemant Mehta |...
KKGator comments on Apr 23, 2021:
The intended bride and groom should have been cited for trespassing. Maybe not arrested, but definitely ticketed and fined. I wouldn't have been nice about their delusions either. Probably would have said something along the lines of not giving a shit about what their imaginary friend had to ...
Triphid replies on Apr 24, 2021:
Me, well I'd be turning the Sprinkler Systems on FULL blast as well as applying the nearest Fire-hose and telling that it was Blessing of their Marriage sent by Neptune.
“God” Told a Couple to Get Married at a Stranger’s Mansion Without Permission | Hemant Mehta |...
Sgt_Spanky comments on Apr 23, 2021:
I really need to look up some synonyms for the word "stupid" so I'm not constantly repeating myself when discussing xians and all the stup... wait, just a minute... okay, got it, ...and all the insensate things they do. Turns out there's a *lot* of synonyms for stupid.
Triphid replies on Apr 24, 2021:
Could not some quite befitting descriptive words be "Faithfools, Christfools, Evangelicals, Sheeples and the like?
Jeffress: Falwell Watched His Wife Sleep With the Pool Boy Because of Satan | Hemant Mehta | ...
jlynn37 comments on Apr 24, 2021:
Jebus was also watching.
Triphid replies on Apr 24, 2021:
LOL, Jeebus Chrust can ONLY watch these days since he is as impotent as his Daddy.
GUILTY AF! Derek Chauvin guilty in death of George Floyd [cnn.]
Triphid comments on Apr 20, 2021:
ALL lives matter, whatever the skin colour may be, imo.
Triphid replies on Apr 24, 2021:
@redbai Have done so and imo, it does NOT state that my comment was in any way, shape nor form Racist. So, PLEASE feel most free to hop down from your Soap-box and give, perhaps, some other more deserving person a fair go for a change.
Jeffress: Falwell Watched His Wife Sleep With the Pool Boy Because of Satan | Hemant Mehta | ...
wordywalt comments on Apr 24, 2021:
Why o evangelicals blame Satan for their own inherent character flaws?????
Triphid replies on Apr 24, 2021:
Even money bets that it was NOT the non-existent Satan, the REAL reason was his constantly limp and flaccid dick.
GUILTY AF! Derek Chauvin guilty in death of George Floyd [cnn.]
Triphid comments on Apr 20, 2021:
ALL lives matter, whatever the skin colour may be, imo.
Triphid replies on Apr 24, 2021:
@redbai Please explain why my usage of " All lives matter, whatever the skin colour may be" is a racist comment?
If god were real, the god of the bible's death toll would be 3 to 20 million people and quite a few ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 21, 2021:
Small qualification. The plagues of Egypt, god sent a satan, (there may be more than one ) to do the job for him. So they both did it.
Triphid replies on Apr 24, 2021:
@Fernapple The Universal Rule/Law of Maat applied to one and all in Ancient Egypt it was not an Ethical Guideline as such but considered as being similar to what we call 'Common Decency and Morality even though, due to climate, etc, Ancient Egyptians, both male and females NORMALLY wore little more than loin cloths (as underwear) and a type of 'kilt.' Both Genders usually went about bare-chested both in public and in private. A couple would be considered as being 'married' once they had spent 3 consecutive nights and days living together in the same house, that did NOT include siblings, cousins, etc, etc, btw. Maat also forbade Slavery completely in Egypt since it was Immoral and repugnant, Prisoners of War would be taken back to Egypt, cared for and housed then given the choice of either return to their own homeland or remaining in Egypt as free people and Egyptians AFTER they had recovered and had 'tasted' the Egyptian way of life. I may be just what they call an 'Amateur Historian' when it comes to Ancient Egypt and the periods and eras, cultures of other lands, etc, but by NO means am I an 'apologist' and my studies and understandings of Egypt and it hieroglyphs ( hieratic and demotic) are quite respected.
If god were real, the god of the bible's death toll would be 3 to 20 million people and quite a few ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 21, 2021:
Small qualification. The plagues of Egypt, god sent a satan, (there may be more than one ) to do the job for him. So they both did it.
Triphid replies on Apr 24, 2021:
@Fernapple Unfortunately, your hypothesis or whom-so-ever it may have been who first formulated it was, it does not take into account that Ancient Egyptian life, Family Life included, was governed by the Law of Maat, aka the Rule of Universal Harmony, where, in accordance with it, ALL members of any family were to be treated equally and be given equal, shares of the available bounties, i.e. foodstuffs, etc, etc, that the family had at ALL times.
GUILTY AF! Derek Chauvin guilty in death of George Floyd [cnn.]
Triphid comments on Apr 20, 2021:
ALL lives matter, whatever the skin colour may be, imo.
Triphid replies on Apr 24, 2021:
@redbai Speak unto me Oh, Great and Wise Epitome of Racism and Ethnic Vilification for I ever so yearn to hear the most insightful words of the Great Coconut of Coconuts, the Bounty of all Bounties expound his wisdom.
It CAN'T be happening, No-one can be THAT dumb and stupid and STILL be alive.
Larimar comments on Apr 23, 2021:
get it while the gettings good! Sounds like a guy my dad worked with one. They sent him looking for things like a sky hook, a left handed crescent wrench and striped paint....he never caught on either.
Triphid replies on Apr 23, 2021:
Know that kind ever so well.
GUILTY AF! Derek Chauvin guilty in death of George Floyd [cnn.]
Triphid comments on Apr 20, 2021:
ALL lives matter, whatever the skin colour may be, imo.
Triphid replies on Apr 23, 2021:
@redbai May I most humbly suggest that you 'Kiss my Arse first then get yourself a LIFE after that."
It CAN'T be happening, No-one can be THAT dumb and stupid and STILL be alive.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 23, 2021:
Could maybe get a good deal on them too.
Triphid replies on Apr 23, 2021:
@GeorgeRocheleau Already got one of those, it is an 'ambidextrous set' ...LOL.
It CAN'T be happening, No-one can be THAT dumb and stupid and STILL be alive.
GeorgeRocheleau comments on Apr 23, 2021:
The stupid is so strong in this one.
Triphid replies on Apr 23, 2021:
You're not kidding either.
It CAN'T be happening, No-one can be THAT dumb and stupid and STILL be alive.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 23, 2021:
Could maybe get a good deal on them too.
Triphid replies on Apr 23, 2021:
Especially his cordless 'left-handed' drill, the 'left-handed' Circular Saw, the 'left-handed' Electric Wood Planer, at least.
GUILTY AF! Derek Chauvin guilty in death of George Floyd [cnn.]
Triphid comments on Apr 20, 2021:
ALL lives matter, whatever the skin colour may be, imo.
Triphid replies on Apr 23, 2021:
@redbai Okay, okay, okay, and correct me if I'm wrong here. But I seem to be getting the impression that you may just have this driving urge/desire to play the Race Vilification card and I've ben selected by you to be the Prime Target. But BEFORE you continue, MAY I say quite clearly and succinctly that I have suffered exactly that vilification ever since I can remember and ALL due to my INHERITED Multi-Ethnicities since I was about 5 years old and first attended school. So, HAVE at IT, give it your VERY best shot because I have BEEN there, suffered it and still do from time to time.
If god were real, the god of the bible's death toll would be 3 to 20 million people and quite a few ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 21, 2021:
Small qualification. The plagues of Egypt, god sent a satan, (there may be more than one ) to do the job for him. So they both did it.
Triphid replies on Apr 23, 2021:
@Fernapple Yes but had that been the case then would not the children of every household, Hebrews included, suffered the same fate?
Thought I'd seen some of the best dummies in my life until now.
anglophone comments on Apr 22, 2021:
He is living proof that miracles still happen. It is a miracle that he has not killed himself yet.
Triphid replies on Apr 23, 2021:
No, imo, NOT a miracle, just our mis-fortune that he hasn't.
A Christian Fundamentalist Asked These (Awful) Questions on a First Date | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 22, 2021:
I have a close lady-friend who is a strong Christian, but I don't try to change her views on religion. She is very high strung, scatterbrained, and very disordered with manic-depression. She has a long checklist of requirements, even though her clock is near expiry. She is a very sad, tragic ...
Triphid replies on Apr 23, 2021:
@Jolanta A FULL Frontal lobe Transplant perhaps?
A female humpback whale had become entangled in a spider web of crab traps and lines.
Triphid comments on Apr 23, 2021:
A little personal anecdote here that may interest many. In April, 2000 while my daughter was going through Chemotherapy ( I was with her 24/7 btw), I had the opportunity to fulfill one of life-long wishes, the being to go out and watch the whales as they migrated around South Australian waters. I ...
Triphid replies on Apr 23, 2021:
@bobwjr Awesome does NOT quite cover it imo. IT WAS truly amazing and the fact that no-one could stop talking about for the rest of the day. The kids talked about it excitedly to their parents, the nurse was absolutely astounded and told the entire hospital as soon as she returned to work. when we returned home in September of that year, Lorrae showed the video of it all to her school and then donated it to the school AFTER getting the school to copy it and send it to each of the kids, the nurse, the hospital and the boat Captain as well. She requested, about 1 week before she died after the cancer relapsed that our copy be cremated with her, which I agreed to do since I knew even then the memory would remain with me for all my living days.
A Creationist’s $536,041,100 Lawsuit is Getting Laughed Out of the Courtroom | Hemant Mehta | ...
KKGator comments on Apr 22, 2021:
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Pardon me while I laugh myself to death. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Triphid replies on Apr 23, 2021:
Mind IF I join you as well?
Thought I'd seen some of the best dummies in my life until now.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 22, 2021:
I don't know how you can keep doing these things without splitting your sides.
Triphid replies on Apr 22, 2021:
Luckily I ;had just come back in from bathroom after taking a pee, otherwise I probably may have peed my pants laughing.
Thought I'd seen some of the best dummies in my life until now.
Larimar comments on Apr 22, 2021:
And they'll laugh for hours after he leaves.....
Triphid replies on Apr 22, 2021:
They've just rang me and told me that, " He'll have to wait for at least 10 workings while they contact and request that a Right-handed be made to measure ( they ACTUALLY took the measurements, etc, of his hand btw) and shipped up to them for him to collect and pay for, the price will be $104.99 plus $14.50 for Shipping and handling." And the Manager then informed that I can expect to get a Discount of 10% on anything I purchase from them for the next 6 months as well.
GUILTY AF! Derek Chauvin guilty in death of George Floyd [cnn.]
Triphid comments on Apr 20, 2021:
ALL lives matter, whatever the skin colour may be, imo.
Triphid replies on Apr 22, 2021:
@redbai Have you EVER considered /thought of getting some Psychological Therapy for that "Lumber Mill' problem of yours?
Pissing and moaning about religion is fun.
Redheadedgammy comments on Apr 21, 2021:
Easy peezy, I could do that........LOL Just kidding, she is awesome!
Triphid replies on Apr 22, 2021:
@Redheadedgammy Yep, especially in the places we do NOT need it to happen...LOL.
Pissing and moaning about religion is fun.
Redheadedgammy comments on Apr 21, 2021:
Easy peezy, I could do that........LOL Just kidding, she is awesome!
Triphid replies on Apr 22, 2021:
@Redheadedgammy IF I were totry it, then it would probably look like a an Earthquake hitting a bowl full of jelly...LOL.
GUILTY AF! Derek Chauvin guilty in death of George Floyd [cnn.]
Triphid comments on Apr 20, 2021:
ALL lives matter, whatever the skin colour may be, imo.
Triphid replies on Apr 22, 2021:
@redbai FFS, Rave on Avon. I make absolutely NO DISTINCT when it comes to skin tone/colour since I treat everyone as being a member of the exact same species, i.e. the Species of Homo Sapiens, the HUMAN Race in other words. In my most honest and humble opinion here, you my good Sir are NOT carrying a few 'chips around upon your shoulders BUT an ENTIRE Lumber Mill and have decided to vent your Spleen upon the first person you can find, that person being me. FYI, Whether Black ( in actual FACT NOT BLACK but a very deep and dark shade of BROWN btw), Yellow, White or Brindle we ALL DIE if killed, we ALL bleed RED Blood, we ALL rot away as decay takes its toll, a person with a DARK skin tone turns a greyish colour 6-14 hours AFTER death, a person with pale, white, yellow or olive skin ALSO turns a greyish shade after death as well. WE are ALL formed from a sperm cell entering an ovum by either Sexual Intercourse or other NON physical contact means, i.e Artificial Insemination methods,. SO WHERE exactly is the Difference?
Pissing and moaning about religion is fun.
Redheadedgammy comments on Apr 21, 2021:
Easy peezy, I could do that........LOL Just kidding, she is awesome!
Triphid replies on Apr 22, 2021:
@Redheadedgammy Count me in on that as well please, watching you belly dancing that is.
A Christian Fundamentalist Asked These (Awful) Questions on a First Date | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
CuddyCruiser comments on Apr 22, 2021:
Perhaps this is why they can’t breed and their numbers are going down, their natural born stupidity.
Triphid replies on Apr 22, 2021:
Most unfortunately THEY do breed and often do so like rabbits after a good season of decent rains.


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