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What gives your life meaning? Why keep going? (just curious)
Triphid comments on Jul 27, 2019:
Waking up each morning and hearing the birds singing, the thought of a nice hot cup of fresh coffee, walking around my gardens and seeing the plants and how they've grown plus being able to see the blue sky and smell the fresh air, what more could one truly want or need.
This is what happens if you cut a jalapeno and forget to wash you hands before you go to the ...
Triphid comments on Jul 27, 2019:
Kind of like a guy I worked with on the Railways, a wee bit on the dumb side to say the least, BUT he complained for a week that his wife had put a total ban sexual intercourse for a month simply because he used Vick's Vaporub as a lubricant instead of the usual Vaseline one night. Shit, I'd be upset if I was her, I still get a laugh about my ex-missus when she used, without looking at the labels, Dencorub instead of Haemorrhoid cream once, boy did she do the Texas Quick-step really well that time.
New Netflix series will expose secretive Christian group controlling Washington ...
Triphid comments on Jul 26, 2019:
That IS very old news, religions, Christianity in particular, have been 'pulling the strings of politics and politicians since the time of the Roman Emperor, Constantine.
A few suggestions for the guys on dating sites: First, post a picture of YOU and not some actor.
Triphid comments on Jul 26, 2019:
With me it IS a case of what you see is what you get, including my profile photo.
My relatives, when they find out I'm an atheist:. "Do you worship the devil?
Triphid comments on Jul 26, 2019:
Jeez mate, you're lucky to have the Old 'Dark Angel' worshiping you, he's got a dozen Restraining Orders out against me because, I reckon, he's afraid of the competition....LOL.
Mad at god or don't believe?
Triphid comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Why would anyone in the right mind be 'mad' at something that has NEVER existed in the first place? Can any SANE person get angry at finding completely invisible, non-existent Unicorn shit on their front lawn or path? I seriously think that you, Sir, are 'barking up the wrong tree' with your comment since, imho, and speaking only for myself as any of us can only truly do, I rejected the 'God Hypothesis' in early childhood, around 8 years of age, simply because it wasn't logical enough, had nothing but a single book to support it, no tangible evidence to be shown, tested, tried and either proven nor refuted by empirical measures amd. last but by NO means least, it required and DEMANDED its followers to have unshakable, undying, unquestioning Faith in it. My take on the whole " the bible is the Truth" ideology is that IF that be so then EVERY book, be it fiction or Non-fiction but especially fiction, must be considered and deemed exactly the same without exception. For one CANNOT have one without the other, can one?
I've been doing it all wrong!
Triphid comments on Jul 25, 2019:
With my shaven head, one of my favorite things to do in Supermarkets is to walk by someone perusing the Shampoos and quietly say to them, " I'd avoid that one if I were you, look what it did to my hair," the reactions I get are truly priceless to say the least.
How to convince the phone company to start charging these telemarketers like 50$ a minute when they ...
Triphid comments on Jul 24, 2019:
Like it, since I just had a call from one them claim to represent my Telecom Supplier, I simply asked him, someone with a S.E. Asian/Indian/Pakistani accent, what my Account Number and Account Balance was, he got it 100% WRONG and when told so he hung up asap. Yes, charge these vermin $50 per call call and track the vermin down, put them out of business once and for all.
God fearing
Triphid comments on Jul 24, 2019:
The Faithfools preach endlessly about this Omnipotent, Omni-benevolent, etc, God of theirs and yet THEY must fear him/her/it in the same breath they utter. Yet when asked WHY they fear their God they reply that it is out Awe, Respect and Love that they fear this God. IF, you love something/someone and respect them/it then you need not fear it/them, am I wrong here? One should ONLY fear something/someone that you know full well is/could be harmful to you, i.e a venomous spider or snake, NOT an Omni-Benevolent Supreme Being. So do these deluded Faithfools merely fear their God, a) because they fear/dread that this being will suddenly have another 'bad hair day,' as it did in the O.T., and wantonly punish them and everyone else, or, b) because they are simply afraid that this being will suddenly grow bored with/of them and withdraw his non-existent love from them?
Triphid comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Mankind has been merrily hacking down forests for centuries or more everywhere without a thought to the damage they've been causing to the environment/Ecosystems, plant more trees than you use, green up the planet and we can reduce, to some extent, the damage we are doing plus it may just help increase the purity of the air we NEED to survive and stop the deserts of the world from their seemingly endless creeping marches.
'BLAME' Is it ever useful?
Triphid comments on Jul 23, 2019:
I tend to think that we 'blame' each other at many times simply to shift responsibility from ourselves much like the Faithfools do with matters that go wrong and they shift the blame on to the shoulders of anyone except God and themselves. Who do you blame when, for example, you hit your thumb/finger with the hammer whilst putting a nail into something, most people will immediately blame the hammer and not themselves, after all, as the old saying goes, " It IS a bad/poor Workman who blames his tools."
No matter whichever paths you choose.
Triphid comments on Jul 22, 2019:
In my opinion, you are being quite presumptuous with your comment since, as an Atheist and speaking for myself, which we all can only really do, I seek out knowledge and wisdom that is unfettered by the restraints and restrictions placed adversely upon it religious Ideologies and Restrictions,the very same restraints and restrictions that religions have placed upon the expansion of knowledge, etc, for at least the last 2,000+ years. Deists, Theists,Pantheists, imho, ONLY 'seek' knowledge/wisdom in accordance WITH that which is PRESCRIBED by their governing Religious Ideologies and will, mostly, always baulk at 'crossing the defining line' when they reach it, whereas the Atheist will boldly step across that same line without hesitation.
Last call finds us all
Triphid comments on Jul 22, 2019:
I, for one, will remain an Atheist until they cremate me since I'm 100% certain that there IS no After-Life, No God, No Heaven or Hell.
Remembering dreams only occurs if you wake immediately after or during a dream.
Triphid comments on Jul 21, 2019:
Dreams are simply the results from REM sleep as the subconscious mind tries to sort through and 'categorise' the events/information. etc, accumulated by the conscious mind the day/times when the conscious minds was active. Numerous other animal species, such as dogs and cats for example, dream whilst they sleep but only humans spend precious time seeking meanings from dreams where there are no real meanings to be found.
I have wondered this for many years.
Triphid comments on Jul 21, 2019:
We, older Aussies who aren't religious in any way often , in so-called 'polite' religious company, will use phrases like " Cheesus Crust," " Dog's Balls," and similar things rather than resort to the religious connotations involving God/Jesus when surprised, etc, but I'll often come up with something like " Well nail me to a 'tree' and leave me swinging" just to get a reaction from the Faithfools.
It’s interesting to me that saying anything remotely positive about religion brings accusations of...
Triphid comments on Jul 21, 2019:
One should ALWAYS try to remember that even in the days of the likes of Einstein the pressures of religions upon the individuals were still very great and immense, thus those like Einstein would have had to 'side' in some way, shape and form with the religious doctrines at the time or be ostracized. For example, when the Frenchman ( cannot quite remember how his name was spelled at the moment) announced that he had found the key to unlock the Rosetta Stone and translate Egyptian Hieroglyphs, he was threatened by the Catholic Church with Ex-communication for his ENTIRE family IF he should reveal ANYTHING that contradicted the Teachings/Doctrines of the Church. Thankfully, at present at least, those adverse pressures of religions have lessened quite a bit these days.
Science, God, and the cosmos: Science both erodes (via logic) and promotes (via awe) belief in God -...
Triphid comments on Jul 21, 2019:
Since there NEVER has been offered up ANY Empirical Evidence for the existence of God/Deities other than in myths or a single book ( the bible, etc) that can be tried and tested and thus proven to factual and truth, then it is more logical and reasonable to say that God/s/Deities are little more than figments of the imaginations of man. However there has been literally OVER-WHELMING Empirical Evidence, tried and Tested repeatedly offered up that sheds almost mountains of doubts that such 'Supreme Entities' ever existed, therefore Logic, Reason, etc, can never go hand in hand with the Blind Faith of Religions.
Religion has been credited with creating trust in our prehistoric human societies, eventually ...
Triphid comments on Jul 21, 2019:
Religions have never 'created' trust, they have simply DEMANDED it from ALL.
I agree that making fun or otherwise criticizing someone's religion is in bad taste and can be ...
Triphid comments on Jul 21, 2019:
I honestly think that ALL religions should be open to criticism BUT not the people per se. Criticize the belief when and where ever possible, but only the belief simply because the believers, imho, are, in most cases, the poor duped fools ( snowflakes) and know not what they are doing. As to who, imo, are the biggest of religious snowflakes, I'd have to say that the Morons ( Mormons) would probably rank even or just a touch above the Evangelicals and their ilk BUT the Fundie Muslins would easily rank at Number !.
A 'game-changing' prehistoric city was just unearthed []
Triphid comments on Jul 21, 2019:
Now, HOW can that be since the Bible Scholars ( what a joke they are) all tell us that the earth is only about 6,000 years old...LOL.
God is great only when you're dumb...
Triphid comments on Jul 20, 2019:
God/Gods/Goddesses are a great Default for those who do not/can not/wish not to accept/take responsibility for their own lives or actions.
Why do people resent having a christian witness to them?
Triphid comments on Jul 20, 2019:
I think, most sincerely, that the Professional Pedlars of Religion ( Priests, etc,) instill into and continuously re-enforce the ideology that " Everyone MUST be exactly the same as their followers", i.e. the members of the congregation/tribe and such an ideology becomes so deeply embedded that it IS the only thing that is always upon their minds. Hence it is akin to the 'Judas Goat' used often by Sheep Farmers to get every sheep to follow along meekly to either be shorn or slaughtered.
Are you superstitious?
Triphid comments on Jul 20, 2019:
Ah superstitions, got to love them. I'm not superstitious in any way but I do find it quietly amusing to see the antics of those who are. For example, people who will deliberately reverse direction and walk as far as possible away from a black cat either crossing their path or just standing/sitting/laying on the ground ahead of them, or, another example is that of a person, whom I used to know quite well as a friend, who simply refused, adamantly, to leave his house or do anything at all outside the house on Friday the Thirteenth " just in case bad luck/misfortune should befall him."
What do you think the world be like with out religion?
Triphid comments on Jul 19, 2019:
I tend to think that without the adverse influences of religions and their quite openly and apparent tendencies to foster divisiveness, etc, etc, humankind would be far more co-operative, peaceful and far greater advanced than it is now.
my old obsession, petroglyphs! There are several here I've not seen - []
Triphid comments on Jul 19, 2019:
You should see some of the Petroglyphs made around Australia by the native Australians plus their wonderful ochre paintings on rock walls as well. An hour or so north of where I live is Mootwingie National Park and a site where there has wall paintings in it, great to see.
ray stevens the streak []
Triphid comments on Jul 18, 2019:
LOL, love that song, used to sing it every time my daughter, when was she little of course, would come running from the shower, stark naked with her little hands covering her backside and saying, " Don't look at my bottom."
The world is fucked up beyond salvation.
Triphid comments on Jul 17, 2019:
Yeah, I always do my utmost to be kind to the staff in shops, other people as I find them around the town, open doors for the women, those loaded down with parcels/young babies, etc, Jeez, I even speak to the female staff and call them 'gorgeous, beautiful, etc, give them a big and very sincere smile as well. I catch the same Taxi Company every fortnight to bring my groceries and self home from a shopping centre on the other side of town, the fare is a set $10.10 but I always make certain I give the driver $13.00 and say to him/her " We're square with that." A few days ago, I was walking home from the Corner Shop near my place, it was freezing cold and drizzling with rain when a cab from my usual Taxi Company pulled up, the driver open the door and said, " Get in mate, it's too bloody cold and rainy to walk." I replied, " I'm bloody near enough to broke mate, so I can't afford the fare unless you'll let me pay you next pension day?" His response kind of surprised when he said." Bugger the fare mate, you treat us like people, shit you even give us a decent tip every time when no-one else ever does, shit can't we give you something back in return for a change?' I very gratefully accepted his most kind offer and got home a bit warmer and quicker than usual.
Steppenwolf - Born to be wild []
Triphid comments on Jul 17, 2019:
Loved it on the Easyrider soundtrack, had it on a cassette tape player attached to the handlebars of my Honda 750cc 4 Cylinder motorbike as I rode around the whole eastern half of Australia in July, 1973. It blared out through 2 smallish, loud-hailers that I attached to the front forks.
Tell us about your first time ...
Triphid comments on Jul 16, 2019:
When I first started, aged about 8 years old, to question what the Priest/Minister was saying and got myself EXPELLED for doing so. One of the BEST things that ever happened to me I'd reckon.
Ever found love and got into a relationship with someone they met on agnostic?
Triphid comments on Jul 16, 2019:
No, not so far BUT have found at least one very very good friend though, and IT IS definitely NOT the mythical Jeebus either.
Things I wish existed
Triphid comments on Jul 16, 2019:
Publish stuff like that and you'd have Faithfools screaming like stuck pigs everywhere, I like the idea, count me in for contributing articles if anyone ever decides to do it.
How to cool things down in hot weather
Triphid comments on Jul 13, 2019:
Now,pardon the Aussie humor here, that IS truly 'cooling the hole ( whole) of the body....LOL.
Overcoming depression
Triphid comments on Jul 12, 2019:
After battling it for over 18 years ( diagnosed) and more than probably most of my life since my youth, I'd say that 'overcoming' it is not the right word/phrase in my opinion. Merely learning to control it, learning to live with and not letting it dictate to you how to live is the best remedy as how I've found. Though depressive type thoughts, etc, are almost constantly 'haunting' my mind, I've found that things like enjoying gardening, sitting and reading in the warmth of the sun, looking for and finding things enjoyable in every day activities, friendships and even the smallest of things mitigates and reduces the effects.
Atheist Medical Practioners- Are there very many?
Triphid comments on Jul 12, 2019:
In my years of being a Nurse I was fortunate enough to meet and get to know a great deal of Non-Believing Nurses and Doctors, etc. Once even worked with and beside a well Respected and Highly Acclaimed Obstetric/Gynaecological Specialist Surgeon whilst he was desperately trying to repair the utter, undescribable CARNAGE that was wrought upon an 11 year old young girl who was repeated raped and beaten by her own father, a Minister in the Presbyterian Church. He said, repeatedly, over and over again during the 7 and a half hours of the operation, " There CANNOT be a God of any type because NO God would stand idly by and watch and allow this to happen to anyone, let alone such a young, innocent child a this."
Australia's outspoken journalist Shane Dowling shares a Guardian Australia report on fbuk with the ...
Triphid comments on Jul 12, 2019:
Well we ALL know that PRAYER does absolutely NOTHING truly tangible or effective except waste mental effort, waste oxygen and time, fill the Church Coffers by Tithes and the Collection Plate and give those praying a false sense of 'doing something good.' Just looking at unabashed Opulence depicted in and by the article/photo, etc, it turns my stomach to see that so much money has been wasted where it could and SHOULD have been out to better usages such as relieving Poverty, Suffering, Child Exploitation, Homelessness, Hunger and a myriad of other ills affecting our Human Race and the world at large.
6 Easy Exercises That Anyone Can Do (LOL).
Triphid comments on Jul 11, 2019:
Haven't staggered home or anywhere drunk in years but last time I did I woke up in my closet under a heap of clothes and coat-hangers....LOL.
Here’s a huffpost article on a study about religion and war: [google.
Triphid comments on Jul 10, 2019:
There has always been a religious element to be found somewhere in warfare between humans, e,g. " Gott mitt Uns" was stamped into the belt buckles of EVERY Nazi Soldier, Prayers were offered up for Victory by the Chaplains, Churches, etc, on the Allied Side as well. Go back as far as the Battle for control of the Roman Empire and Constantine had EVERY shield painted with the Christian ( Messianic at that time as the name of Christianity was only given post the Council of Nicaea, 325 C.E.) Symbol and he had a huge banner also made bearing the exact same symbol BECAUSE the Messianic Leader TOLD him that it would bring him victory. The Conquistador Invasions, led by Catholic priests SELECTED by the Catholic Rulers of Spain with the EXPRESSED purpose, besides the looting of native gold/ treasures and lands, to " BRING the Heathens to God and Jesus." The 'Holy Wars' against the Muslims in Jerusalem and Palestine ( since NO land called Israel actually existed UNTIL POST W.W.II btw), instigated by the Popes and the Kings, etc, of Europe. Need one continue on and list those that have wrought havoc in the last hundred plus years as well?
Why do so many people today want to be unique and special?
Triphid comments on Jul 10, 2019:
Humans, for the most part, are intrinsically individuals, i.e. as we grow through childhood we develop, well most of us that is, our own individual personalities, traits, etc. Even identical twins often have their own individualities/traits, that IS nothing new even though the supposed 'Deep Thinkers' would have us believe different. And I like think that the meme attached speaks volumes and says it quite precisely. Though I will admit that there are those out there who, imho, do take it a bit too far.
STANDING BEHIND YOUR EMPLOYEE My day job as some of you may know is printer repair tech.
Triphid comments on Jul 10, 2019:
If he, the Preacher, was so absolutely certain about his God and Jesus, etc, then why didn't he just pray to them to fix his printer/s in the first place?
Atheism Is Inconsistent with the Scientific Method, Prizewinning Physicist Says - Scientific ...
Triphid comments on Jul 10, 2019:
Technically speaking here, it IS not the Atheists that are wrong since we only REFUTE the unfounded CLAIMS of the Religious since any claim made WITHOUT proven evidence is considered, logically,to be little more than a FALSE Claim at best, therefore it IS the onus of the Claimant, the Religious, to furnish the Proof and Proven Evidence that supports their claim in the first place.
Venomous lizard in my driveway this morning Gila monster.
Triphid comments on Jul 10, 2019:
Happily we don't get venomous lizards here in Outback Aus. Just venomous snakes like King Browns, Black Snakes, Tiger Snakes, Death Adders, etc, Oh and the Red Backed Spiders of course.
Can we get an “Amen” for those with more sexual sensitivity? 😂
Triphid comments on Jul 10, 2019:
Which is better, A Ram in the Bush or a hand in the bird?....LOL They need to hope that their female congregation membership never gets above the 300 mark, because even the best Ram can only service about 300 ewes per night.
A woman was trying to shoot someone in a road rage incident, police say, but shot her husband ...
Triphid comments on Jul 9, 2019:
American Gun nuts = Prime Examples of Candidates for Darwin Awards in my honest opinion.
Is Sport a Religion? | Psychology Today Australia
Triphid comments on Jul 9, 2019:
The way some treat Athletes/Sportspersons as IF they were Gods,etc, I'd say defintely YES.
This also made me laugh today. Jesus lunchables.
Triphid comments on Jul 9, 2019:
A 'Sin and Snack' pack for the busy Faithfool.....LOL.
Cherokee Nation, by Paul Revere & the Raiders. About 1971 I think. []
Triphid comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Being part Cherokee, I liked this version but not quite as good as the original version " Indian Reservation."
AC/DC - TNT []
Triphid comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Nice one, I also like their song "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" as well.
Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water 1972 (High Quality) []
Triphid comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Great tune, great guitar intro, got it on cd and at 3/4 volume on my home built surround sound system it truly rocks the house.
Space Archeologist Sarah Parcak Unearths Ancient Mysteries ...
Triphid comments on Jul 7, 2019:
I've watched documentaries of her work with Archaeologists in Egypt and she has performed absolute wonders that have shaken the world of Archaeologists there.
It started... I changed my first diaper yesterday! Woohoo! 😲😵 and yuck!
Triphid comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Lucky you, BUT they only get worse as Bub gets older and starts on solid foods as well.
Igloo cooler joke
Triphid comments on Jul 6, 2019:
So, where do Igs go to the toilet? In Igloos of course, where else....LOL.
Nominations for the Darwin awards! Post 'em if ya got 'em! 😁
Triphid comments on Jul 6, 2019:
I firmly believe at least one nominee should be Ken Ham.
How do you teach your teenagers ethics and values?
Triphid comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Try to teach and show them by example and not by words alone because words are often lost in meaning with the younger ones, examples seem to stick in their minds.
Igloo cooler joke
Triphid comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Here in Australia we call them Eskies, so that would be an Eskieloo for Eskimos....LOL.
For those with a sense of ridiculous.
Triphid comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Shiver me timbers, Swashbuckler Dirty Locks Bailey here me hearties....LOL
Christianity is a fraud religion since it is based on two events that never happened; a virgin birth...
Triphid comments on Jun 27, 2019:
ALL religions are fraudulent. Truth be told they are nothing more than mere Theosophies, i.e. Philosophies that some Theos ( God/Gods/Deities MAY exist).
This Group has the most general members, which is why I chose to ask this question here.
Triphid comments on Jun 27, 2019:
As an 'outsider,' an Aussie living in Australia, I'd say that, a) Trump seems hell-bent on getting the U.S. and anyone allied with it into a full out war with Iran, and, b) imho, Trump wouldn't know truth if got up and bit him on his fat shiny arse.
My prayers have been answered 🙄🙄 []
Triphid comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Now, in my opinion, someone desperately needs to invent an even bigger roll of Bum Paper especially for the Xstian Fundies, Politicians like Trump and all the other shit dribblers in the world.
Aggg just overheard at this family reunion “I’ve studied the Bible and now that I understand ...
Triphid comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Wonderful, another Faithfool who is more than willing to die instead of having a blood transfusion plus won't donate his/her organs to save the life of another person, a TRULY kind and generous Xstian, NOT.
Steppenwolf - Magic Carpet Ride []
Triphid comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Coincidence or what, I went to sleep last night with their song "Born to Wild"playing in my head and, this morning I get up, turn on the computer, go straight to and here is more Steppenwolf.
Name Something Christians say when they know they are losing an argument with an atheist.
Triphid comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Geez Louise, have you got at least 2 life times for me to list their inane responses? 1. The Bible is the word of God, EVERYTHING it states is 100% true, 2. You are a Heathen/Pagan, you will be going to Hell for not believing in God/Jesus, 3. Their best of ALL, "You are taking it all out of context, 4. "Let Jesus into your heart and then you will know the truth." 5. Quoting biblical verse after biblical verse just like they had a computerized program running in their head, 6. "Have you ever read the Bible? I could go on and on for page after page but I don't want to bore anyone so I'll leave it at just those 6 if no-one minds.
Triphid comments on Jun 24, 2019:
As my e-mail address, Antitheistocrates, implies I am an Anti-Theist and a Philosopher and I support what the Quebec Government has done 100%.
Netflix says it won't 'make any more' episodes of Amazon Prime's 'Good Omens' after Christian ...
Triphid comments on Jun 23, 2019:
LOl, that's like what the Italians did to the series " Rome" because it " put their history in a bad light." I've never seen 'Good Omens' but IF the Faithfools don't like it then chances are I might enjoy it. Just as my Evangelist neighbor takes umbrage at my playing the soundtrack of Jesus Christ Superstar because he says that it is Blasphemous, so I play even more often and even louder, bugger the Faithfool Snowflakes in my opinion, if it upsets them then so be it, do it even more.
We can all live without God, but what is one thing you can't live without?
Triphid comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Firstly, Air to breathe, water to drink, food to eat and power my bodily functions, warmth in winter, cool in summer, at least 1 hot shower per day ( including a shave, etc,), the good friends I have, my supply of Crosswords ( television is so bloody tediously boring these days), Oh and my medications for Arthritis and Depression.
Should churches be maid to pay taxes
Triphid comments on Jun 23, 2019:
They should NEVER have been granted Tax Free status in the first place imho.
10 Songs for Melania []
Triphid comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Shouldn't Melania's theme song be " The Stripper" LOL.
SORRY SUZANNE - THE HOLLIES It was February 1969, a Mersey Beat group from Manchester! ...
Triphid comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Cool, one of the Greatest Groups ever.
New group just up - Ecology for our Future Articles and debate of interest for the preservation of ...
Triphid comments on Jun 23, 2019:
IF we don't start NOW to repair the damage WE have done to the Ecosystem and Environment then soon, very soon, we WILL have driven every living thing, including our own species, into extinction. As an old Native American saying goes, " When the rivers are dry, the fish are dead, the trees no longer grow, the plants are all gone and you can no longer breath the air how will you live?"
I’ve been claiming to be Agnostic for over a year and a half now, but I’m leaning more towards ...
Triphid comments on Jun 22, 2019:
Don't merely 'lean' towards the Truth, instead run like the wind and embrace it then, like all Atheists, you WILL be much happier, freer, wiser and far more contented.
Christian Hate-Preacher: Gay People Are Selfish Pedophiles Who Must Be Killed | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Jun 22, 2019:
Sounds to me like he's afraid that he's going to miss out on an extra supply of innocent children to molest.
Have you ever had anything that could be termed miraculous happen to you?
Triphid comments on Jun 22, 2019:
First define 'miraculous' without resorting to biblical kind of meaning, then look back at those things you claim to be miraculous and dissect them using reasoning, logic, etc.
Two Questions??
Triphid comments on Jun 22, 2019:
1, buried my dog in his favorite spot in the garden, 2. I intend to be cremated and have my ashes spread where I spread my daughter's ashes.
Whilst having a slightly drunken conversation with my daughter, the subject of pedophile priests ...
Triphid comments on Jun 21, 2019:
Sadly, paedophiles have probably existed long before any organised religions were invented and they will, just as regrettably, still exist even when religions go the way of the dinosaurs. In my opinion, organised religions have been just a means to an end for shit-sucking, bottom-feeding, scumbag paedophiles looking for easy targets and the Catholic Church has, until of late, sanctioned them and helped them to proliferate.
I just hit Level 7. Do I get anything for that?
Triphid comments on Jun 21, 2019:
Hey, why worry about points/rewards, instead enjoy yourself, enjoy expressing your thoughts and opinions, etc, after all that's what this site is all about. AND, imho, it's 1 Billion times better than Zuckerbook.
Me? I am doing fine!
Triphid comments on Jun 20, 2019:
When my first marriage went the way of the Dinosaurs, thankfully, I deliberately bought a t-shirt that bore the words " My Missus has left with my best friend, Gee how I miss him, he's a truly wonderful dog." Boy did she get really agro over that shirt, I was sad that it finally wore out though, I got some great mileage from it.
Alvin Stardust. - My Coo Ca Choo. []
Triphid comments on Jun 20, 2019:
When I was in a band back at High School, in the ' Caveman days as my daughter used to say jokingly, one of our band members used to do almost perfect imitations of Alvin Stardust and I often follow up with doing my Neil Diamond Impersonations, the voice and all.
‘My mum didn’t vaccinate me – this is what happened next’ "It started when I accidentally...
Triphid comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Tetanus, something that could have been prevented by a simple injection, you are so fortunate to have survived it, as a nurse I saw a number of cases of Tetanus in children that parents could have prevented them from getting by immunisations, some, very sadly, did NOT survive it.
Does anyone else think the depth and breadth of discourse about religious detriment on this site has...
Triphid comments on Jun 19, 2019:
The more we Atheists/Agnostics discuss, etc, about religions then perhaps the more those who passively read what we discuss will begin to question what they have been believing for all of their lives and may eventually decide to accept and embrace the Truth, Reality, Reasoning and Logic, etc, that we have found.
What options are there like scouts
Triphid comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Sadly it seems that religions infest most things like Scouts, etc, these days though when I was younger and joined the Scouts here in Australia religion wasn't so obvious within it. Later I joined the local State Emergency Service Group and was amazed to find that religion was, at that time, a definite NO Go zone because we were ALL there simply for the purposes of rendering assistance to those in need during disasters, accidents, etc, no matter their affiliations, etc, to religions or whatever. Perhaps you might try setting up a similar system/group with other parents, etc, in your area as an adjunct to the Emergency Services available and as a kind of Junior branch of them, it IS a much more fulfilling thing, both personally and group-wise, than Scouting ever was imho.
How and when did you lose your religion?
Triphid comments on Jun 18, 2019:
My ( religious when it suited her) mother tried to force me to become religious by forcing me to attend Sunday Schools from which I was expelled and banned completely by the age of about 8 years old because I simply asked questions. I was forced to attend so many different Sunday Schools,i.e. Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, etc, right on down the line to even the radical, fundie ones around at that time, but got expelled from them all, including the then COMPULSORY Scripture Lessons at Primary School. I was the first student to 'placed' on the ' Not Wanted List' for Scripture Classes by the time I was 8 years old and remained the only one on that list for many weeks until the ranks began to grow slowly but surely. I suppose that, IF I wished, I could say that I was the Founding Member of the Broken Hill Burke Ward Public School's Junior Atheist League, that was the real moment when my Atheism became public knowledge.
Should we all become teetotalers because there are alcoholics?
Triphid comments on Jun 18, 2019:
Imho, a persons choices are their OWN personal choices, be they religion, alcohol, drugs, sexual orientations, etc, and so long as those choice do NOT adversely affect/infringe upon others or the Community at large then so be it, they HAVE made their choice, they MUST live with it and any consequences resultant from those choices. But, should they try to impose/force, etc, their choices, etc, upon those around them then it IS a NO WAY Jose situation in my opinion. Personally, I 'hit the bottle' big time back in the early 90's, drinking as much as 2 Litres of Black Label Scotch per week at times and regularly UNTIL my G.P. noticed that my health was suffering. I then went on a treatment of medication that actually forces the body to become violently ill from a mere sip of any alcohol, that treatment went on for 6-7 months and was 100% successful, now, many years later, I have a " take it or leave it " attitude to alcohol and can enjoy the very rare and occassional drink of beer or spirits when and IF I feel as though I might like just the one.
After over a decade of mostly ignoring, shutting down, or being more than a little combative in the ...
Triphid comments on Jun 18, 2019:
Nice try, good effort as well, BUT, in my experiences with my 'mother,' who was a somewhat religious person ( when it suited her) I learned quite early that " you can lead a believer to reason BUT you can't actually make them think." My Dad, on the other hand, was a 100% full on Atheist and encouraged us children to think for ourselves and never to take things like religion at face value. Out of the 5 children in my family, 2 are Atheists, my self included, and 3 turned to religion only to eventually realize, later in life, that their father was right after all.
The yanks won't believe this one.
Triphid comments on Jun 18, 2019:
I've personally seen some bloody BIG Huntsman spiders out in the bush over the years and I'd believe that there are those big enough to catch, kill and munch out on a pygmy possum simply because I've seen one actually dragging its 'take away' lunch of a fledgling Willy Wagtail. I guessed ( only because I wasn't planning to take a much closer look) that the leg span of the spider was almost the size of an old 45rpm record and the body of the spider was about the length of an average cigarette packet.
Don McLean. Vincent. []
Triphid comments on Jun 17, 2019:
The agonies and torments of an Artist as he/she tries to transfer what he/she sees onto a surface via paint and brush or mere words are things that only the artist truly experiences and knows.
Fuck. We are in trouble. Chaplins in public schools. Fuck. []
Triphid comments on Jun 17, 2019:
Morriscum IS a member of the Hillsong Church, so of course he'd pushing to have OUR kids indoctrinated into the world of ridiculous Religious Fantasy rather than use the 247 Million Dollars to actually educate them on the Truths, Realities, etc, of life and this REAL world. A couple of million for Mental Health is nothing more than a dribble of piss in a bucket compared to what IS really needed when the stresses and strains of modern living are taking their toll on just about everyone. Wake up and smell the roses for once, Happy Clappy, Jesus Chappy Morriscum, your mythological Saviour is NOT going to wave his magic hand and make everything right and perfect, come out of your deluded dream world for a change and see Reality.
Triphid comments on Jun 14, 2019:
I have personally known of and had dealings with people who are 'broken' and have turned to religion only to become even further damaged and 'broken' as the end result. Speaking here as semi-retired Psychologist, Religions are a kind of drug of addiction and sadly there are no rehabilitation treatments/facilities readily available for it.
Though Atheism is not a religion, which one of them are more generous? :)
Triphid comments on Jun 14, 2019:
Since Atheism is NOT in any way, shape nor form a RELIGION then it does not fit into any of the parameters BUT most Atheists are very generous, kind and caring people simply because we know that it IS the correct and morally decent thing to be.
The Most Popular Slang the Year You Were Born
Triphid comments on Jun 14, 2019:
Another Aussie slang term is calling a person a 'DAG,' in Australia, 'dags' can either be the bundles of dried sheep shit that collect around and under a sheep's tail region OR a person who is dressed very outrageously, acts and behaves as a complete and utter fool or is just someone to avoid getting into a conversation with at all costs. Also, we have slang terms for cooks/chefs out here, a) a cook can be called a 'bait-layer' because the food they prepare would poison almost anything, b) a 'pot-rattler' - they make a lot of noise in the kitchen but the food is just about average, and, c) a 'fitter and turner' because they can fit even the worst foodstuffs, etc, into a pot and turnit into something well worth eating.
Truth. Sometimes.
Triphid comments on Jun 13, 2019:
I too can also be quite 'busy' merely sitting quietly and organising my thoughts, etc, it does NOT mean that I am being lazy as some may think, I am simply prioritizing.
How any woman can continue to embrace Christianity is beyond me.
Triphid comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Oh how dearly I'd love and enjoy wiping that smug grin off of his face by slapping him around his arrogant mug repeatedly with a wet and rotten fish.
How any woman can continue to embrace Christianity is beyond me.
Triphid comments on Jun 13, 2019:
The 3 main Abrahamic Religions and all of their 'off-shoots' ARE so patently obviously Misogynistic that even a blind person could NOT fail to see it. They ARE ALL male dominance orientated and that is why, imho, human society is as screwed up is it today.
California Wants To Shut Down A Christian School Accused Of Punishing Students For Being Gay ...
Triphid comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Shut the bastard of a place down immediately, bring the operators, etc, up on charges the same as those being leveled at Paedophile Priests, etc, and then turn the whole set up into a retreat/accommodation for Gays, etc.
Yes, menaretrash, but the good kind.
Triphid comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Technically speaking here, the word 'slut' is derived from the older word ' sloven' meaning a woman/person who is of 'untidy' habits in that they do NOT a great deal of interest in personal hygiene/attire, i.e. are slovenly/sluttish or personally slothful in both appearance and personal cleanliness. But, then again, modern terminologies NEVER seem to match up with the true ORIGINALS do they? We seem to convert words and meanings to suit our immediate needs often mindless of what we are referring to.
Triphid comments on Jun 12, 2019:
I think the simple answer here would be that they aren't quite sure about that just as they aren't quite sure if there is a god or not.
The Most Popular Slang the Year You Were Born
Triphid comments on Jun 12, 2019:
Drongo was very popular around the time I was born here in Australia, to call anyone a 'Drongo' simply meant that they were either a complete and utter idiot or, a loud-mouthed S.F.B. ( Shit for Brains) in modern parlance. As I grew up terminologies to describe to others, tourists in particular, who asked questions like " Where do you come from or live," were used in a sarcastic manner,terms such as, " Out back Of Bourke," " The other side of the Black Stump," " Just a few miles west of Nowhere," became quite popular. A person well known for having very loose morals was often called either " A Malvern Star" after a popular make of bicycle ( i.e. everyone has ridden him or her) or simply " Doorknob.'
The time and resources wasted on these clubs for an imaginary friend. []
Triphid comments on Jun 11, 2019:
So, this Supreme, Powerful, Magical Sky Daddy whom absolutely no-one has even seen but can create everything and anything with a mere word NEEDS trillions of dollars AND its mere mortal creations to do his work and to pay him, Oh the irony.
Sorry for not being a funny meme. It is a good thought.
Triphid comments on Jun 10, 2019:
A woman's BODY is her property and hers alone therefore ONLY she can decided what should/ should not happen to it and within it.
Getting the most out of
Triphid comments on Jun 10, 2019:
Take the plunge and jump in feet first, after all we are, mostly, ALL friends here.
Asking if there is no god, what is the purpose of life is like...
Triphid comments on Jun 9, 2019:
"Without the God/Gods, etc, of Religion NO_ONE would be slaves to religions or Gods since, psychologically speaking, RELIGIONS enslave their followers. Those who are FREE of Religion are Truly the ONLY Free People of this world and we live life as it should be lived." - William Anthony, 2017
How do you debunk it when someone claims religion, no matter it's true or false' serves as an ...
Triphid comments on Jun 9, 2019:
Religious beliefs can and are a placebo to those who have great difficulty in dealing with and living in a Universe of Reality, Reasoning, Logic and Acceptance of Responsibility for Ones own Actions, etc. However, this 'placebo' is NOT as benign as you would believe, it IS addictive, VERY addictive and has innumerable unwanted 'side-effects' such as creating a dumbing down effect on the user, a continuously growing need/desire for stronger and greater doses, it often alienates the user from those around them who are not so 'addicted,' etc, etc, to name just a few.


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