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In six months, abuse allegations against over 2,600 priests and church workers have been revealed - ...
Triphid comments on Feb 21, 2019:
2,600 Catholic Priests and Church workers with alleged abuse claims in 6 months, merely the tip of the iceberg, it's the hidden part of the foul iceberg that needs to revealed, charged, tried, convicted and publicly shamed BEFORE being imprisoned because 1 case of Institutionalised Abuse IS one case too many. For way too long they've been allowed to hide behind the Pope's skirts and their Canonic Laws whilst they screw up their noses at the Human Rights of everyone else on this planet, tear down the protections that these filthy foul disgusting Crows of Christ hide so well behind, expose them for the entire planet to see then imprison the lot of them with the very worst sex offenders in every prison for the term of their natural lives.
Triphid comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Hearty Congratulations to you from me.
Food for thought...
Triphid comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Married that kind of excrement on 2 separate occasions, different people each time though, got treated like shit by both, the first was a cruel, sadistic, self-centered BITCH and I still carry the physical and emotional scars, the second was, now I think about it, was looking for a way out of where she was living and an easy source of financial gains, which she got by cleaning me out of everything bit of money in my bank account.
They are finally here! Enjoy!
Triphid comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Nothing, not even antidepressants, can beat the love, friendship and entertainment that a dog gives you freely and openly.
Wishing for Spring?
Triphid comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Waiting for Autumn this way, less heat means more getting outside to the gardens, etc, roll on the cooler weather.
That last item on the list got me wondering...
Triphid comments on Feb 20, 2019:
'Dancing Privates' hey, sounds just wee bit on the 'kinky' side, maybe they might like to add something like "Come (cum) one, Come (cum) all" to attract more Dancing Nudists....LOL.
You can't change how....?
Triphid comments on Feb 20, 2019:
When someone says something nasty, etc, to me about me I usually find that tilting my head slightly to one side, looking straight at them, smiling sweetly and saying simply, " That's nice," while extending the 'i' sound out a bit longer than necessary and then just walk away. It well and truly confuses the blazes out them. If someone or a couple of people insist upon staring at me for a great length of time, i.e. beyond what is considered 'normal,' I usually quietly suggest that they might try taking a photo which helps the memory last even longer, then also just smile sweetly and walk away.
Climate change seen from the eyes of a wise 16 year old. []
Triphid comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Truly an amazing young person, I agree wholeheartedly with everything she said. The human species is akin to a virus in that we infest and infect everything we come into contact with, we 'claim' that we know what is needed for all things around us BUT in truth we simply commit rapine and pillage on a global scale every so politely call it PROGRESS. This planet IS our ONLY home and the ONLY home our children and Grandchildren will have, there is NO Planet B, either we change NOW or simply, like almost every other species on this tiny little rock spinning around the sun, WE WILL go EXTINCT.
There's no HATE quite like Xtian LOVE!
Triphid comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Oh yes, Christian love, so limited in scope, lacking of any kind of understanding or compromise, etc, and about as useful as a pair of breasts on a canary.
Not all scars show❤
Triphid comments on Feb 19, 2019:
True, sadly but ever so true.
Ok, not very spooky, but check out the front gate. Did I you see the spider towards the lower left?
Triphid comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Great looking gate, I want one but with a bloody nasty Red-backed spider, fake of course but realistic looking, sitting right on the latch.
If you had to flee with only 5 items, real or imagined, what would those items be?
Triphid comments on Feb 19, 2019:
My wallet, my Peach-faced parrot, photos of my daughter, my spectacles of course and a few items of clothing.
Quit playing hard to get. Unless you really don't want to be got. []
Triphid comments on Feb 19, 2019:
I'm not 'playing hard to get' it's just I'm miles away from any really decent population of good decent women.
I do not drink however I do enjoy non alcoholic beer.
Triphid comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Wine, Jeez Louise, grape juice squeezed from the fruit by squashing them with dirty feet and filtered through bags of stinky socks....LOL.
Elton John - Blue Eyes []
Triphid comments on Feb 19, 2019:
This song always will remind me of my Cherished daughter, Lorrae, deep blue eyes, long blonde, the colour of corn silk, hair and a smile that could melt Arctic Ice at a hundred miles distance from her.
AI analysis of human genome finds evidence of interbreeding with previously unknown Homo species.
Triphid comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Maybe that's how the saying by sailors came into being, i.e. " Any port in a storm."
I'm surprised we still have gold, thought Costello sold it all.
Triphid comments on Feb 19, 2019:
What so many Political Parties don't seem to realise these days is; IF you sell off National Public Assets today, Yes you have a ready coffer of money to spend TODAY but tomorrow both the money and the Assets are gone with the wind. And LNP are experts at the old " robbing Peter ( the People) to pay Paul ( themselves and their BIG End of town mates).
What a evil POS.
Triphid comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Give them both a knife and let them fight it out to see whose Sky Daddy is the best.
Daily Blasphemy: “Jesus fuckin Christ.
Triphid comments on Feb 18, 2019:
Blasphemy, a Law created by man to stop an Imaginary Being from getting its Imaginary Feelings hurt. I 'blaspheme' in which ever way suits me and the situation best at the time, I use terms like Cheesus Crust, Moses on a Moped, Jesus Frigging Christ and numerous others far too vulgar to be printed here.
The ideal woman’s body? []
Triphid comments on Feb 18, 2019:
Just be happy with the body you were born to live in, it IS the only one you'll ever have, you do NOT need to be a slave to the Fashions and Cosmetics Industries, Be Yourself, Be Proud to be Yourself.
Awww, dare you not to smile.
Triphid comments on Feb 18, 2019:
"Smiles are like boomerangs, some return while others continue on traveling from face to face." - William Anthony, 2019
Hmmmm... maybe I overreacted...
Triphid comments on Feb 18, 2019:
Well perhaps the 'taser' may have brightened the 'spark' a little, after all we all need a 'recharge' from time to time....LOL.
It'll give you the warm fuzzies.
Triphid comments on Feb 18, 2019:
" If you're only being kind in expectation of some kind of reward/praise then not only are you wasting your time BUT theirs as well." - William Anthony, 2019.
So right now I'm waiting to hear when the 250 kg WW II bomb found in Nuernberg, Germany, will be ...
Triphid comments on Feb 18, 2019:
There must still be tons of unexploded ordnances still laying around places of conflict throughout the world, an old 250kg bomb would make a horrible mess if detonate by accident anywhere but in a city it could be even worse.
RESPECT YOURSELF enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you or makes you...
Triphid comments on Feb 18, 2019:
Be yourself because you ARE an individual, one of a kind, respect who you are, enjoy your achievements, learn from your failures and losses, be kind to others even those who seek to deride or denigrate you, smile as often as you can and whenever you wish.
No numbers allowed... I'm vinyl records and bad-curly-perms years old.
Triphid comments on Feb 18, 2019:
No TV, just radio, no Beatles very early Rock and Roll, wooden pens with nibs, pencils and paper, teachers still allowed to give you the cane if you misbehaved, flushing toilets were a luxury and very few homes had Air Coolers/Air Conditioners.
Why are most people religious, not agnostic?
Triphid comments on Feb 17, 2019:
In my honest opinion, religions are similar to an infection in that they are passed from religious parent/s to the child whilst the mind of the child is still lacking the 'immunity' that is resultant from mental development.
I want my children to think for themselves and whatever conclusions they come to will have no ...
Triphid comments on Feb 17, 2019:
I always did my best to teach my daughter to think for herself, never to take things at face value, always ask questions, do your own research, be logical and reason things out and NEVER try to fit into the Stereo-types.
I'm going to file this under art.
Triphid comments on Feb 17, 2019:
Nice looking timber, I've often wondered about making 'rustic style' furniture from wood I get from fallen Aussie Gum trees with their beautiful reddish wood and grain patterns or even using Aussie She-oak ( a variety of Acacia) or Mulga with its deep, dried blood colours and truly amazing grain patterns. Thebiggest problem with Mulga is that it is so hard a wood that simply harvesting it it can blunten a saw chain before you've even gotten a decent load, I've seen the sharpest of axes simply bounce off of a Mulga trunk and not even leave a scratch.
America is Great when America is Secular
Triphid comments on Feb 17, 2019:
No European settled ( invaded ) country has ever been secular since it was invaded and America is NO different. Americans BELIEVE that their country is great simply because that's what they been told for generations BUT where is the really greatness in any country that set about starting itself off with committing the Genocide of its own indigenous peoples?
My irony meter just went so far off scale I may never find it again.
Triphid comments on Feb 17, 2019:
Ah,the irony of hypocritical of this world.
[] Wow...what are the creationist/young earthers going to make of this?
Triphid comments on Feb 16, 2019:
Probably something similar to what a Flat-Earther once told that Australia, where I was born, raised and have lived for the past 65 years, doesn't exist, it IS just propaganda put out by the British Mapmakers.
A Mom Allegedly Poured Water On Her Sleeping Baby's Face For Keeping Her Up At Night And Posted It ...
Triphid comments on Feb 16, 2019:
Fucking cruel, heartless, sadistic BITCh, should be gaoled for Child Abuse after being given the exact same treatment over a period of at least every day for 6 months.
Hello all, I haven't been on this site for a while now.
Triphid comments on Feb 16, 2019:
G'day, nice to see that you've returned to the Asylum.
At what age should children be exposed to religious instruction?
Triphid comments on Feb 16, 2019:
When they are able to absorb and tell the difference between fact and religious fiction BUT definitely NOT in ANY Public Schools what-so-ever.
I wasn't sure if this should be in religion or political;.
Triphid comments on Feb 16, 2019:
I'd offer even money that if one were able to ask all the children and adults slaughtered in School Shootings, etc, in America over the past couple of years the answer would probably something like, " Take a look at the bullet holes in us, your thoughts and prayers did NOTHING to stop those bullets."
Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?
Triphid comments on Feb 16, 2019:
Why not, then we can have a bit of fun with them and just maybe ( that's a very BIG JUST MAYBE btw, de-religify a few as well.
Text messaging for seniors.
Triphid comments on Feb 16, 2019:
We aren't all that bad as yet, well at least not me so far...LOL.
The next time the local church has a bake sale I know what I will be sending them as a charitable ...
Triphid comments on Feb 16, 2019:
We had a church around here doing a cake sale supposedly to raise fund for renovations to the church, so I thought I'd bake them a very special cake and decorate it with nice little crosses with Jeebus hanging from them sporting a massive erection and a big set of breasts as well. I donated it, sight unseen, in the name of my Evangelist neighbor just as wee bit of pay-back for his incessant trying to convert me. A friend who attended the sale later told me that there was a REAL bidding war over my little cake and it eventually was thrown into the rubbish by the Priest when he finally saw it and was totally shocked. Bloody Priest, no appreciation for decent cake making I reckon.
How much does your ego get in the way of you meeting others? Asking for a friend
Triphid comments on Feb 16, 2019:
I do my utmost to treat people as I find them and hope that will at least return the favor.
“A person who reads lives a thousand lives. A person who never reads lives only once.”
Triphid comments on Feb 16, 2019:
I reckon I could fill 2 houses with all the books I've in my lifetime, that's 2 very large and spacious 3 bedroom houses btw.
I think there are at least three things that can change a person for the worst if they aren't ...
Triphid comments on Feb 16, 2019:
rejection from both friends and family
I named my dog 6 miles so I can tell people that I walk 6 miles every single day.
Triphid comments on Feb 15, 2019:
I had a dog once that my Dad used to call 'Carpenter' because he left little 'odd jobs' laying around everywhere.
Triphid comments on Feb 15, 2019:
So far there's been 6263 gun-related incidents in America.
Triphid comments on Feb 15, 2019:
That's 6263 too many in my opinion.
A artist thankfully removing her stuff from here was telling me that Michelle Obama was a man and ...
Triphid comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Just as women can have very small breasts and still be a woman so, medically speaking, can a woman have a reasonably prominent 'Adam's Apple' and still be 100% female.
Are you for vaccination or anti vaccination?
Triphid comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Is this a DUMB question? IF you truly love your children and care about their health and that of those they come into contact with THEN vaccination is a most DEFINITE YES.
Lulu To Sir With Love 1967 []
Triphid comments on Feb 15, 2019:
I can remember watch the movie where this was the Theme song with Sidney Porter as the teacher in it.
Roy Orbison - "Blue Bayou" from Black and White Night []
Triphid comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Great song, fabulous voice, always enjoy listening to the Big "O."
Sometimes you want to know what's on the menu before you place your order, even prix fixe gives you ...
Triphid comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Now that IS a dessert I'd really like try.
"If there is a gateway to hell, a portal from the underworld used by demons and witches to wreak ...
Triphid comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Hey maybe if they go deeper down they might find the River Styx and Hooded Old Charon standing at the rudder of his boat as well....LOL.
Triphid comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Similarly for me except mine is a standard sized double bed and I spread across it like butter on hot toast at will.
What's you favorite song sung by a woman or an all girls band?
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2019:
For me, one would have to be, Wild Thing by Joan Jett.
Happy VD everyone!!!I'm on the road, so that's the best I can do.
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2019:
Err, excuse me but I can't see anything in having VD ( Venereal Diseases) to be joyous about, though I've never ever had one, I have, as a nurse, cared for those infected and they weren't happy about it all.....LOL.
It is so windy at my house the dog has to move between dimensions to go forward lol.
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2019:
From Spring to early/mid Summer here it gets so windy that the birds simply walk everywhere, catch buses or taxis or hitch-hike and when dust-storms roll in they all fly backwards to keep the dust out their eyes....LOL. Oh, and in the A.C.T. ( Canberra) the birds there ALWAYS fly upside down over the House of Federal Parliament because there's nothing worth shitting there.
I share with you the head of a Christian.
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2019:
Most probably stolen from some unmarked grave of a very poor person just like ALL the other so-called 'Holy Relics' purveyed around by the by the 'Holy Mother Church of Rampant Paedophilia.'
Not looking for sympathy or pity, but sharing about the sd fact that this is my 3rd Valentine's Day ...
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2019:
Just 3 years running solo, Mate, I've been running 100% solo for well over 7 years now.
I just love imperfect people. Perfect people can be so boring!
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2019:
Although there are some very, very strange and often harmful weirdos that should be avoided at ALL costs, e.g. Catholic Priests, Evangelists, Mormon Missionaries and innumerable politicians to name but a few.
Sometimes it doesn't matter what you do...
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2019:
But you never hear of them 'blubbering' because of their weight do you.....LOL.
She was a child, it seemed romantic and heroic.
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2019:
Can anyone honestly state categorically that even 1 repatriated Terrorist or Supporter has been COMPLETELY de-radicalised?
So what do you think should happen to this girl?
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2019:
She made her bed, now leave her to lay in it.
Something to think about ?
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2019:
Nope, not me, I just see it as being yet another example of people who don't give a shit about the world they live in.
Happy beaten and beheaded saint day. ?
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2019:
Shit, just how MANY saints has the Church of Rampant Paedophilia created over the centuries?
Everything that a free agent may need to say on a day like today (except for the crying part – ...
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2019:
I never worry about that stupid Xstian Valentines Day bulldust. Just show the world whenever and where ever you can that you can give love/friendship freely and any time you want.
I brought my first recruit to the asylum. Please welcome my good friend []
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2019:
Welcome to the Looney Bin of Atheists, Agnostics, Pagans, Heathens and Outcasts from religions everywhere, Reason, Logic and Science, etc, rule here so enjoy yourself and we hope to read numerous postings, etc, from you as you settle in.
I think I want to eat a big plater of onion rings for dinner nothing else just onion rings.
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2019:
Oh yeah, there will be a noisy time under your blankets tonight then....LOL
Will some one please invent a button to send 10,000 decibels of back feed noise to the scammers ...
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2019:
Have you tried an old fashioned Police Whistle, the note from those will really give the scammer on the phone a full on headache, I used one once but can't remember where I put away for safe keeping BUT it truly comes through the other end extremely loud and harsh on the ears.
Her psychiatrist told her to make new friends, so she did.
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2019:
Imagine the looks and thoughts going through the minds of her neighbors when she hangs them on the line to dry after washing them.
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2019:
Have been serving time in Zuckerberg Stalag for nearly 10 months now, been offered a 'parole' twice and refused it both times, very unlikely I'll ever go back again but can access without going via the Zuckerberg Inanity Generator (Facebook) so I'll be Facebook Free from now on.
Maybe a li'l too deity-focused? Also, none of these shirts actually exist. Is that OK?
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2019:
I like the last one, very apt.
I just hit Level 9.5 (600K points)! Kind of a milestone. 400K to go for Level 10! Wish me luck!
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2019:
May Lady Fortuna be at your side on your journey.
News Qld: Goanna attack leaves men injured
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2019:
All they really need to do is simply get a very long stick and keep pushing it away in the direction THEY want it to go. I've got a fully grown Sand Goanna that wandered into my front yard years ago during a very dry spell, she has a damaged hind foot and was visibly starving and thirsty so I fed her. She, Anna the Goanna, has lived here ever since eating snails, mice and other vermin, roams about at her leisure and she will sit beside my Nephew Henry ( 5 years of age) on the lawn and be patted by him for hours. Goannas do NOT deliberately ATTACK people, their instinct when feeling cornered or threatened is to climb the highest looking thing in their vicinity using the very long and sharp claws on their 'feet' to grip as they climb, that rank idiot needs, in my honest and well educated bushman's opinion, to learn more about the Aussie bush and the animals living in it. Goannas are the nemesis of snakes, they prey upon them and where you see a goanna you most likely won't see a snake for miles around.
Fun book titles.
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2019:
How about, "Kidney Diseases" by I.P. Lots "Unplanned Pregnancies" by N. O. Frangers " Stirring the Pot" by S. Poon " Piles" by S.A.W. Bumm " Trees are Green" by A.R. Borist " Nuts and Bolts" by S.Panner " Nasal Exudations" by S.Nott " Home Gardens" by W.Eeder "Tiling" by A.R. Oofer
Fun book titles.
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2019:
The Englanders on here will get this old one, "Up the Khyber" by G.Ayman.
HELP! A woman in her 50s is convinced humans can get pregnant by cats/dogs! What should I do?
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2019:
Sadly my friend, you are NOT alone in that idiotic situation. I have had similar occasions in my life when I've, unfortunately, heard the same or similar, for example, I once heard my Ex-wife, mother ( IF she can be called that very loosely) of my daughter tell her that " Touching any reptile will cause you to grow scales and skin like a reptile," " Picking up a frog can get a girl pregnant with tadpoles," and the worst of all, " Wiping herself after peeing will make her unable to have children." The absolute inane STUPIDITY of some 'people' never fails to astound me and shock me to my core. The best I can suggest is to get the child/children alone and sit down with them and explain quiet and openly, in words they can comprehend and understand, that what they've been told by such 'adults' IS 100% incorrect.
Gay slang
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2019:
In the less enlightened and earlier times here in Australia there were sayings such as, 'Pillow-biting/Pillow-biters,' 'Back door Burglars,' Doughnut punchers,' etc, used to both describe Gays and covertly advertise being Gay.
Here in the UK, you really can get this in any supermarket.
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2019:
IF dick has spots then Jane should get checked by the Doctor asap.....LOL.
It has been pointed out to me that we have been posting a lot of 80s music.
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2019:
Here is what the Southern Baptists are doing about their rampant RAPE scandal.
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2019:
I will ALWAYS hold to the idea that ANY person remaining as a Member/Supporter of ANY Religious Organisation where a Preacher/Minister, etc, has been found Guilty of Abuse of a Child/Children or Adults SHOULD be classed, by Law, as an Accessory to the Crime, either before, during or after the Fact, and charged and tried in court for the same.
Fun book titles.
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2019:
" Running Bare" by A.S. Treaker. " Hebrew Circumcision" by Rabbi Schnip " Crossing the Sahara by Camel" by Major Bumsaw " Breath Odours" by Hal I Tosus
From 1986.
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2019:
My favourite song of his is " don't Pay the Ferryman," though I don't mind his other music.
Helle's toilet: 12th-century three-person loo seat goes on display Archaeologists know the names ...
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2019:
Seen a few old 2 holer long drop Outback dunnies (toilets) in my time around the Aussie Bush, they've always been a big hole for adult bums and a smaller one for the ankle-biters. Aussies in the Outback are renowned for their often very unconventional sense of humour and I've seen bush dunnies with name plates saying things like, "Parliament House," " 4U2P," " Buckingham Palace," " Blowfly City," " the Library," " the Whitehouse," "Shit 'n Stink" and even one with " Moon River" on the name plate but in the bush men (and some women as well) find a bush to pee behind UNLESS they have the need to do both, then it's a definite sit down on the job. But the 'particular' aroma of the Long Drop Dunny is something that once experienced is something never forgotten....LOL.
One of my friend sent this to me this morning.
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2019:
Well, If Sky Daddy is EVERYWHERE then I hope he enjoyed it about an hour ago when I shat on his face while he was looking up at my arse from inside the toilet bowl. Oh, and stand by there Sky Daddy the next one is due about 20 minutes after I get out of bed tomorrow morning.
Just what stage of insanity did man place himself above woman?
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2019:
Humankind always 'worshipped' the female because it has always been the woman that cares for the young, keeps hearth and home together and is the keystone of the family BUT along came the Hebrews, early Catholic Church, etc, etc and,voila, females were instantly degraded and down graded simply because they didn't into the Church's God Image.
Have a fun time. Good old routine. Religion as seen by Robin Williams. []
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2019:
Bloody Brilliant, so sad Robin Williams has passed away though, the world has lost a great Comedian.
Unlike John Lennon and Yoko Ono, Cynthia and Julian Lennon are a class act. []
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2019:
Julian Lennon, great musician, love his songs, he had a great mother, Yoko Ono, sorry to sound rude and crude BUT she's definitely what we in Outback Australia would call a "3 bagger," i.e. 2 over her face and one over yours just in case her 2 blew/fell off.
Let's go the park and see who we can catch.
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2019:
I used to have a very big Russian Wolfhound that I'd take for good walks in the bush outside of town where he could be off the leash and run free, every time he spotted a Shaggingwagon, aka Panel Van or Stationwagon parked nicely under a shady tree he'd run up and stick his head through the nearest open window and bark. I reckon he caused more coitus interuptus and stopped more 'accidental' pregnancies than either the pill or broken condoms could ever manage. And jeez did I get to see plenty of naked bums, boobs, etc, as the occupants headed for the front seats.
What Goes On Inside The Mind Of A Narcissist. Article at link: []
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2019:
And boy have I met more than my fair share of them.
There's a guy in my gym who has been staring at me from the past couple of months.
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2019:
Now that's one well and truly weirdo either halfway through the making or almost ready to graduate. I'd be getting him served with number 5 by now if I was you.
With friends like God, why do you need enemies?
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2019:
May the fleas of ten thousand rabid dogs infest her armpits, may she forever suffer with incurable vagina Thrush, may her pubes become infested with recurrent bout of pubic lice and may pubic hairs grow inwards and become infected as they grow. And those are just the NICE things I wish upon the likes of that Evil Bitch.
Do you find most people too selfish - or much more rarely too giving?
Triphid comments on Feb 12, 2019:
Sadly Yes, I've found the world contains far more selfish/narcissistic people than it truly needs or wants. I do my best to share any excess that I have with others, show kindness to those in dire need and even when it comes to collecting firewood from fallen, dead trees on a friend's property I replace each dead tree with a young sapling or 2 each time.
What made you an atheist/agnostic?
Triphid comments on Feb 12, 2019:
I'd say that my Dad teaching me to think and reason things out, question what I was told, research what I was told and the weigh up the results BEFORE making up my own mind pointed me in the right direction , that being towards Atheism and away from the Blind Faith world of religions.
Fun to drive at least?
Triphid comments on Feb 12, 2019:
I've heard of carrying an extra spare tyre but that's going over the edge in my opinion....LOL.
Triphid comments on Feb 12, 2019:
ooops, kind of long on promises but short on de-tails.
I don't know whether to be insulted or breath a sigh of relief that I'm not a "bad apple" who has ...
Triphid comments on Feb 12, 2019:
I think I've been given the Great Honour, in my opinion IT is an honour, to be blocked by quite a number.
Not sure if I should educate Christians.... Just joking....
Triphid comments on Feb 12, 2019:
" Just as one can lead a horse to water but can't MAKE it drink, so one can lead a Christian to reason but one can't make them think." - William Anthony, 2017
LOL... Having been raise Mormon... I know this (Meme) to be true!
Triphid comments on Feb 12, 2019:
Joseph Smith was also a Thief, Con-man, a Philanderer and a bloody HUGE Liar as well. I bet they didn't tell you that either.
Twice, within the last 5 days I have been drawn into (at barbershop and work with no hope of egress)...
Triphid comments on Feb 12, 2019:
Thankfully I haven't been to a Barbers Shop for 19 years now. I shaved my head in 2000 in support of my daughter losing her beautiful, long blonde hair during Chemotherapy and have kept it shaven ever since in Honour of her memory and to honour all the others who have endured/will have to endure/have passed from cancers,etc. But, it's not only in Barber Shops where one get accosted by the 'faithfools,' I've copped it on the buses, at bus stops, in the streets, in Supermarkets and even in Coffee Shops whilst trying to just enjoy a quiet cup of coffee, I can sympathize and empathize full well with the sentiment expresssed in the O.P. and would add that, in my opinion, NONE of those sects of the 'faithfools' could ever manage to come an agreement on even the colour of shit, let alone who is right about their Invisible, Imaginary Sky Daddy Friend.
Where are baby dinosaurs?
Triphid comments on Feb 12, 2019:
He made absolutely PERFECT sense. Scientists seem never to consider that the young of dinosaurs might not have only borne a slight resemblance to the mature versions just as any young of a species does. Yes, most young animals resemble, outwardly, their parent/s but the bone structure has yet to grow to completion and that is where the difference/s come in to it. So many 'experts' swore that dinosaurs were cold-blooded like their modern reptile 'cousins' but even that has been over-turned these days as well since, for example, we now know that 1) birds are warm-blooded, and, b) birds are evolved from the remaining Ornithopod type dinosaurs who survived the K-T mass extinction event.
A deal's a deal:
Triphid comments on Feb 12, 2019:
Looks very much like I'll be going nowhere when I die, Satan has a Restraining Order out against me and Sky Daddy can't stand ANY competition so his place is also a No Go for me as well.


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Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Open to meeting women
  • Level9 (295,259pts)
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  • Joined Nov 16th, 2017
  • Last Visit Over a year ago
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