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Atheists argue that " thoughts and prayers" r useless, meaningless and empty statements.
Triphid comments on Nov 2, 2018:
Firstly, WHY should an Atheist need to defend his/her stance in the first place? Secondly, NEVER once in all history has there been proven empirically that thought and prayer has actually resulted in anything actually happening as a result of such 'activities/actions. Thirdly, and in my opinion, the 'offering up' of prayers, especially, is merely a way of saying " Well, since I am uninclined to do anything either physical or meaningful I shall do something that WILL make me feel, none-the-less, better about myself anyway."
Cheese, I needed this today!
Triphid comments on Nov 2, 2018:
An Italian migrates to Australia, he arrives on the boat and disembarks in Sydney where he tells the Immigration Officer that he is going to get a job where he can wear a nice uniform and a hat. Days later he is walking down the street on his way to work in his white coat and white hat when he meets a Salvation Army Officer. He looks at the uniform and asks, " I like your uniform, who do you work-a for?" The Salvo replies, " I work for Our lord Jesus." To which the Italian smiles and proclaims loudly, " She's-a great, I work-a for his-a brother, Kraft-a Cheesus."
Definitely going to hell for this one
Triphid comments on Nov 2, 2018:
Q. Why do Irishmen ALWAYS put 2 condoms on? A. To be sure, to be sure.
I just joined! How successful is this place?
Triphid comments on Nov 2, 2018:
G'day and welcome, as to 'successful' that depends on both your idea of success and what you expect/want from it, doesn't it?
Definitely going to hell for this one
Triphid comments on Nov 2, 2018:
Q. What do you call an Irish woman with 1 leg shorter than the other? A. Eileen, of course.
Definitely going to hell for this one
Triphid comments on Nov 2, 2018:
Q. What do you always find on the bottom of Irish Swimming pools? A. A No Smoking notice.
Definitely going to hell for this one
Triphid comments on Nov 2, 2018:
Q. What do you always find at the top of a ladder in Ireland? A. A Stop sign.
The rest of the world is wanting us to put up a wall, to keep us in!
Triphid comments on Nov 2, 2018:
Why not simply build a cage to keep the TRUMPS of this world separated from the rest of humanity instead?
A snapshot of what the wider world thinks about President Trump... []
Triphid comments on Nov 2, 2018:
Well all I can say is that Americans got what they paid ( voted) for, BUT, most unfortunately, the rest of the world has bear it as well.
TALES FROM THE CREATOR We should be grateful that the creator of the universe took the time to ...
Triphid comments on Nov 2, 2018:
Now, now, now, it isn't fair to pick on the author/s of the Goat-herders Guide to the Galaxy like that......LOL. After all, he/she/it did do everything in just 6 days....LOL.
Who wants to hear 60s/70s music from australia
Triphid comments on Nov 2, 2018:
Aussie 60s and 70s music, I grew up with it and still enjoy a great deal of it, not so much ACDC, etc, but most of the others though.
Atheists Are Sometimes More Religious Than Christians - The Atlantic
Triphid comments on Nov 2, 2018:
Who are they kidding, " Atheists are sometimes more religious than Christians," REAL Atheists have little or no interest in the Rituals, Rites and Superstitious ways of any religion, they seek to expose them, discuss them and , Yes, ridicule them from time to time simply because they are RIDICULOUS.
How Do You Say It? Keep adding to the list...
Triphid comments on Nov 2, 2018:
Here's 2 you Americans get wrong almost continuously; ALUMINIUM, not ' Aluminum' and NUCLEAR, not Nucular.
What is the most underrated movie in your opinion?
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2018:
Now, IF you were asking about 'over-rated' movies that'd be different since my list would begin with " Titanic" - the version with Leonardo de Crappio starring, followed a very close equal being ALL Biblical based movies and or religion based ' Life Stories/Documentaries.' But, imo, the most under-rated movie of all time would have to " St. Helens."
How to invite someone to join
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2018:
Let me know how to invite others as well please, there a quite a few I'd invite. Maybe we should invite a few devout believers here and see how long they'd last as well.
Cue the endless, ubiquitous Christmas music.
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2018:
Oh yes, months of dreary, xmas carols are coming up, thankfully I only go the big Shopping Centers once per fortnight for groceries. The only 'xmas carols' you'll hear deliberately coming from my house are by Aussie Comedian, Kevin 'bloody' Wilson, i.e. " Santa Claus you C#@t, where the f#@ks me bike," and " I saw Mummy Sucking Santa Claus."
Three fathers we sitting in a bar bragging to each other about how successful each of their sons ...
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2018:
A Jew and a Scotsman were before the Magistrate charged with being Drunk and Disorderly. The arresting Constable was in the Witness box and the Magistrate asked, " Officer, what brought you to the conclusion that these fine Gentlemen were drunk?" The Constable replied, " Well your Honour, the Jewish gentleman was walking along the street throwing money from his own pocket all over the street and the Scotsman was following along with him, picking up the money and handing it back to the Jewish gentleman."
Jesus Announces Plans To Return Once The Dow Clears 27,000 []
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2018:
FFS, this Jesus character must be the greatest Hide and Seek Champion of all time by now.
I did believe in god but not any more I’m a true atheist and I believe in Satan
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2018:
Satan, Lucifer, the Devil, Hell, etc, are just as fictional as God, Heaven, Allah and all other Deities.
It is when you give of yourself you truly give. Kahlil Gibran.
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2018:
One of the Truest Philosophies of them all.
Mrs browns boys - the Mormons. 2017 - YouTube
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2018:
I love that show, he does a wonderful female impersonation job, takes the 'piss' out of anything, etc, etc, without missing a beat. It's my MUST watch every Tuesday evening.
When a close friend or family member is "asking for prayers" and you want to wish them well what ...
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2018:
I very kindly tell them that never ONCE has prayer/s EVER done anything of help/usefulness for anyone in need BUT it has made the person offering up the orison/s feel somewhat superior in that they have merely spent a few meagre seconds on their knees,however, IF there is anything I can do or give that my be of some help then I am ready, willing and able to do so.
A quiz Is this 1) The famous toadstool penis 2) a nuclear detonation 3) A trump comb over
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2018:
Or could it be Number 4, Trump discovering that the Mexicans have already built a wall to keep him out of Mexico?
Some years back, I was at the post office , waiting in line to mail a package.
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2018:
When I was at High School we had a teacher, an American btw, a rarity in the Aussie Education system at that time, who insisted upon calling the Roll using the last name first. He took the best part of 2 months to actually work out for himself WHY we all cracked up laughing when he got to the letter 'F' and called out the name, Forner, Kate.
Three nuns we're involved in a car accident all died and went to heaven.
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2018:
An Anglican Minister, a Catholic Priest and an Evangelist Minister are sitting together on the same when one of them broaches the subject of the Sunday Collection. The Anglican responds first and says, " Well,after services are over I pile it all onto the platter, draw a chalk circle about 2 metres in diameter on the floor, stand inside the circle, toss the platter, money and all up in the air, what ever lands inside the circle I keep, the rest goes to the Church." The Catholic then puts his side across, " Well I do much the same, circle and everything, BUT whatever lands outside the circle I keep, the rest goes to Rome." The Evangelist laughs out loud and responds, " Is it any wonder you guys only have cheap suits, cheap cars, crappy little houses while I have very best of everything?" "You've been doing it all wrong, I just heap up the platter, toss it up in the air, no circle crap for me, and say, here God take what ever you want and I'll spend the rest on personal luxuries."
What's Your Favorite Curse (Just For Fun)?
Triphid comments on Oct 31, 2018:
"May all elephants learn to fly and repeatedly shit on your head."
Who or what pisses you off the most?
Triphid comments on Oct 31, 2018:
Politicians ELECTED by the People to WORK on behalf of the People but all they do is cater to the wishes of their BIG money friends and seek to line their own pockets whilst the electors struggle every single day to make ends meet. Plus, hypocrisy, self-righteousness, God-botherers, Telemarketers, Junk Mail Delivers, Child Abusers, Drug Dealers, and a few others as well.
An appropriate twist on the term creationist.
Triphid comments on Oct 31, 2018:
That sticker is 100% true.
Hello fellow freethinkers!!
Triphid comments on Oct 31, 2018:
And a very BIG G'day to you from me.
Is there anyone here that values the teachings of the bible, but rejects it's supernatural elements?
Triphid comments on Oct 31, 2018:
The Moralities and Ethics of decent human kind were never derived from the bible nor any other religion based ideology. They came about, more than likely, as early humans went from being isolated family type clans into more co-operative Tribal Groups, religious beliefs merely hi-jacked these moral and ethical codes for their own ends and means since man has been a somewhat moral and ethical being since long, long before religions were ever invented.
The Titanic, part 001:
Triphid comments on Oct 31, 2018:
Ah, so that's why Kangaroos, Emus and Wombats, etc, never rated a mention in the bible then is it.
Childhood photo challenge: Post a favorite childhood photo.
Triphid comments on Oct 31, 2018:
Me having to dance at Infants School, aged 5yrs. Circa 1959.
When someone says" well it was ment to be" or it was gods will. What is your reply?
Triphid comments on Oct 31, 2018:
I usually just laugh then ask them why are they gullible enough to believe that garbage.
What's your favourite show or channel to watch on TV?
Triphid comments on Oct 31, 2018:
That Yank show, " Swamp People" gets me in stitches every time I watch it, I mean "big monster Alligators 9 to 12 feet long," you've got to be kidding, Aussie Saltwater Crocs would swallow those little babies whole for a quick snack and spit out the bones. The old Salties down here grow up to 15 - 20 feet long on average, fear nothing and no-one, enjoy the odd tourist for a meal, have been seen attacking and dining on a fully grown White Pointer or Bull shark. Just because they're called 'Saltwater Crocs' does NOT mean they only live in the seas, they just as easily live in fresh river water, swampy fresh-water lakes, ponds, billabongs or practically anywhere they choose. Shit, they even live alongside the Aussie Freshwater Crocs as well and even the 'Freshies' are big enough to make the 'gators look like bloody geckoes.
Italy to grant Zahi Hawass Social Commitment award By: Egypt Today staff Sat, Oct.
Triphid comments on Oct 30, 2018:
It's about bloody time, I've actually had the great pleasure to Zahi Hawass in person when my Daughter and I were flown over there to return a little stone tablet with the name of Imhotep and King Djoser carved in hieroglyphs on it that my Great, Great Grandfather had bought at a stall in a bazaar in Cairo after the Battle of the Nile. Got to know him on a person to person basis, great see he still wears the Akubra hat we gave him as a gift too, wonderful bloke, good sense of humour and very dedicated to the history of the Ancient Egyptians.
Oh those Christ like Christians. 15th. century hand crushing machine.
Triphid comments on Oct 30, 2018:
Hey, what about all those other kind, loving tests the early Xtians devised, the Inquisition ' Special' for Witches for example; " Take one suspected witch, suspend her upside down, stripped naked of course, spread wide apart her legs and proceed to pour boiling lead into her vagina. IF she screams then she is most definitely a Witch." FFS, what woman wouldn't scream if given the Inquisition ' douche?'
What's Your Favorite Curse (Just For Fun)?
Triphid comments on Oct 30, 2018:
I love using a good old Aussie curse that goes like this; " May all your chickens turn into Emus and kick your Dunny ( toilet) down."
Trump Finally Tells The Truth To a Reporter
Triphid comments on Oct 29, 2018:
" Trump tells the truth, " FFS, imo Trump wouldn't know the truth if it got up and bit him on his big, fat ARSE.
Why Theists Can't Convert Atheists - Genetically Modified Skeptic []
Triphid comments on Oct 29, 2018:
Once you've walked the path of Reason and Logic and found it enlightening, enjoyable and fulfilling you never want to walk again in shadows, self-doubt, self-recrimination and superstitions.
Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength?
Triphid comments on Oct 29, 2018:
Crying is a sign of emotions, especially sorrow, grief, etc, the arcane British attitude of the " Stiff Upper Lip" is absolute rubbish in my opinion, we should, man, woman or child, show our emotions when ever it suits us for we are just Emotional beings after all, are we not?
Is This Taboo?
Triphid comments on Oct 29, 2018:
I think the old " marry a Virgin" ideology goes way back is mainly based on the idea that by marrying and bedding a virgin meant that the male can be assured that ANY off-spring produced are his off-spring and his alone, i.e. the archaic Macho thing. My Evangelist next door neighbour, almost 55 years old and still single btw, has been seeking a ' Virgin wife' for the last 5 years that I know of, his excuse is that the Bible tells him that a man should ONLY ever marry a Virgin, so when I asked him once, Yes, a very unwise thing to do, actually ask a Believer ANY question, " What would be so bad about perhaps falling in love and marrying a Divorced Woman, don't they deserve to be loved as well?" His reply, " Since they've already been married and had sex with a man the bible tells me that I can never be certain that it is MY seed that created our child and not that of her ex-husband." FFS, that's as much as stupid an argument as some Pedigreed Dog Breeder use when a bitch of theirs has had a litter of cross-breed puppies, i.e. "You can NEVER be certain of the Lineage of any further litters of pups the bitch has, the sperm that caused those cross-breed pups is still inside of her." Shit, anyone with half a brain and modicum of knowledge knows that sperm only survives within the female body for a maximum of 3-5 days after being deposited then it is no longer viable and absorbed into the female body as nutrients. The old joke of; "Why is a Man who marries a Virgin like the Captain of the Starship Enterprise," comes to mind here; and the answer being, " Because he is boldly going where NO man has been before," always makes me laugh because I'd much rather make love to a woman who has had previous sexual experience than a pure novice any time, i.e. Only a complete and utter FOOL would try to ride an unbroken horse across country.
Trump n Dump
Triphid comments on Oct 29, 2018:
Maybe this might be a perfect gift for Americans to send to their ' beloved' President Trump?
They are at it again.
Triphid comments on Oct 28, 2018:
NO fracking in Australia what-so-ever SHOULD be the Law.
Made this one myself!
Triphid comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Honour and America are, in my opinion, a big oxymoron given the number of wars and conflicts America has been in since the 1700s. There is NO honor in warfare, just death, blood, misery and destruction.
Even if all humans turned into peaceful, rational humanists like Steven Pinker or Hans Rosling, our ...
Triphid comments on Oct 27, 2018:
Sciences and Technologies MAY help give us methods to repair the vast amounts of environmental harm/damages we, the Human Species, have wrought upon this planet BUT, ultimately it WILL be up to ALL humans to mend their polluting/wasteful ways as ONE Species together to remedy the harm and damages we have caused both to ourselves and our environment in my honest opinion.
What is the true purpose of religion?
Triphid comments on Oct 26, 2018:
I sincerely think that, IF one were to search back into the deepest recesses of the 'evolution' of religions one would find that it all stemmed from a tribal member/s realising that instead of putting him/her/themselves in the way of constant and ever present danger/s whilst assisting his/her fellows to hunt for game as food, they formulated an idea of possessing the ability/s to converse with the ' Spirit World' thus being ' able' to ' receive' messages from the 'other side' as to where and which game animals, etc, would be and the easiest to kill, etc. Thus assuring them of the devotion and reverence of their fellow tribe members, the tastiest piece of the catch as by way of being an OFFERING to both the spirits and them for their intervention, a status among their fellows that assured that they would live a safe and well fed, contented life, etc, etc., and this idea has continued on through the millenia to be what see around us to this day, i.e. nothing more than the earliest form of a SCAM perpetrated by some, or a few, indolent, unscrupulous, self-serving prehistoric Hunter-Gather/s who saw the opportunity and grabbed it with both hands.
Very snazzy!
Triphid comments on Oct 26, 2018:
Oh boy, I'd have some great fun wearing that around town, especially on Sundays.
On the suggestion of @Triphid []
Triphid comments on Oct 25, 2018:
IF, you are a true Aussie Atheist or Agnostic and you are less than impressed at how our country is being run then PLEASE join and have your vote registered at each Election.
On the suggestion of @Triphid []
Triphid comments on Oct 25, 2018:
You can be assured that as soon as I can get the money together for membership I WILL be joining.
God’s Intelligent Design?
Triphid comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Another example of ' poor design by God' is the appendix in humans. Where once it was vital in aiding digestion solely of vegetable fibres in a herbivorous diet, humans are now, for the most part, omnivorous thus the appendix has become obsolete and often gets badly infected/inflamed causing either removal or resulting in a most painful and slow death when left untreated. Why did this " Intelligent Designer' decide that mammals should have their birth canals placed in such close proximity to their biological waste ' outlets' which are prime source of innumerably dangerous and often fatal infective agents? Why did this 'Intelligent Designer' deem it right to have some creations capable of regenerating lost limbs/extremities and others not to have such a capability? Why did this ' Intelligent Designer' make it that humans, its greatest creation btw, are only capable of having 1 pregnancy in a period of 12 months, with an average of 1 off-spring per pregnancy when other mammals in particular, e.g. cats, dogs, rats, mice, etc, can have multiple pregnancies with multiple off-spring in each pregnancy?
Fred Nile MLC New South Wales upper house parliamentarian in his usual God bothering manner wishes ...
Triphid comments on Oct 25, 2018:
What, that demented, antiquated OLD Fart, Nile is still sucking up good oxygen that some better, decent, more intelligent human being could be breathing? When is that dozy old Twat going to get down off of his ' cross' and let some poor, cold, deserving pensioner have a bit of much needed firewood to keep them warm in winter? I've also signed and e-mailed the letter to the Representatives.
Two guys are walking through a game park & they come across a lion that has not eaten for days.
Triphid comments on Oct 25, 2018:
3 Nuns are hauled up before the Mother Superior and are confessing to having sexual relations with a man the night before. The first admits to having anal sex because she was in the midst of her period, the second admits to vaginal sex and the third admits to only performing fellatio. The Mother Superior then announces that all 3 shall say 100 Hail Mary's and 100 Our Father's before washing their 'offending' body parts in the font of Holy Water. At that moment the third Nun shouts out very loudly, " I'm washing first because I bloody well REFUSE to rinse my mouth out after those two have dunked their bits in the water."
Atheists - Less Vices
Triphid comments on Oct 24, 2018:
I can think of ONE particular ADDICTION that Atheists do NOT have, i.e. the ADDICTION of having to attend Church every Sunday without fail...LOL. Personally, I have only one real vice, smoking cigarettes which I've been doing, mostly on and off since I was 18 years of age, however, IF seeking knowledge is a Vice/ Addiction then I'm guilty as charged there as well.
These 4 would make an interesting Rushmore!
Triphid comments on Oct 24, 2018:
I could recommend 4 far better people from the TRUE American History to be immortalized on Rushmore, Sitting Bull, Cochise, Crazy Horse and Geronimo, they stood, fought and DIED for the TRUE and Original Americans.
Two guys are walking through a game park & they come across a lion that has not eaten for days.
Triphid comments on Oct 24, 2018:
A Catholic Priest telephones his Bishop and asks, " My Lord Bishop, Can a prostitute be saved?" " Of course," replies the Bishop, " Did not our Lord, Jesus, save Mary the prostitute himself, why do you ask my son?" " Well, " my Lord Bishop, " I wanted to know simply because by the time I arrived at the Diocese Gathering last month they were ALL taken and I missed out, so I am hoping that you could save one for me this time."
More than anyone needs to know about Halloween. []
Triphid comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Halloween is just another ancient tradition hi-jacked by Xtianity and big businesses. Early Xtianity hi-jacked Halloween as a method to draw in the non-xtians and not leave them feeling alienated from their traditions, just happened with Easter, Xmas, etc, etc, then businesses caught onto the ideas that money could be made from promoting and selling things specific to those ancient celebrations and, voila, we have kids roaming around in costumes on October 31st, Easter Eggs at Easter time and, of course, gifts galore being exchanged at Xmas.
Has your Atheism affected your patriotism?
Triphid comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Personally, I like and enjoy being an Aussie, I'm a free person here BUT I detest the way that Religions, Big Multinational Corporations, etc, etc, have hi-jacked the governments for so many decades to the detriment of both the country and the average people. Atheism/Theism should have NO relevance on a persons patriotism what-so-ever in my opinion.
I've been seriously considering initiating a referendum and am interested on how you would vote.
Triphid comments on Oct 24, 2018:
The U.S. has been doing a very similar thing to what the U.S.S.R. did after WWII, it has been setting a kind of block of countries, which in my opinion they very loosely refer to as being 'Allies', that will take the brunt of any out-break of large scale hostilities against America thus meaning that 'allied' countries like Australia WILL be the first to be hit. Pine Gap will be the main target since it is way more than a simple Listening Post/Intelligence gathering point for the U.S. I voted No, and I stand by it, Australia has grown up a hell of a lot since WWII/Korea and Vietnam and we need to grow far away from the influence/s of Americanism as possible.
What is a childhood movie that still haunts you until this day as an adult?
Triphid comments on Oct 23, 2018:
No movie, childhood or whatever, 'haunts' me to this day. I suppose it's because I'm fairly rationally minded and see movies for what they are, just entertainment. Having said that, I must add that the documentaries I have watched re- the Extinction Level Events that this planet has experienced in the past billions of years do make me stop and think, especially since live on a relatively tiny lump of rock hurtling around a massive Thermonuclear Fusion Generator with 8 other planets and between Mars and Jupiter there is a massive belt of Asteroids where any sudden 'side-swipe' between 2 or more of them can send an object ranging from the size of a small car to the size of Mount Everest directly towards us on a collision course, just how very tenuous our existence truly is. We are more concerned with fight and waring over our own very petty differences than we are about the very possible chance that one day that 'side-swipe' will occur and there is little or nothing we have done that can prevent the ultimate impact and extinction of most forms of life on this planet.
For atheists - what makes you believe no deity exists?
Triphid comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Simply, since NO-ONE has ever, can ever show undeniable Proof Positive that ANY Supreme Deity/God has ever existed or exists except in the minds of those who choose to believe/think that it SHOULD ergo, " If it walks like a Duck, Quacks like a Duck then it must be, logically a Duck," so it goes for God/Gods and religion in my opinion. Plus, after studying Theology and Comparative Modern Religions and gaining my ThD ( Doctorate in the same as an Atheist with an open mind) realising that all religions are merely conjectures and philosophies ( Theosophies is the term I prefer to apply to them) are utterly incapable of withstanding any examination/s using simple reasoning and logic and that they also follow the ages old formula of " When inventing/creating a Deity/Deities one must first remember to create such as being Invisible, Intangible, Unimpeachable, contain all of the traits of human kind, both good and bad, be controlling and demanding, dictatorial and assumedly kind, caring and benevolent as well as being miserly, tight-fisted and completely ambivalent and ambiguous."
Where should I go?
Triphid comments on Oct 23, 2018:
I'd sort of guess that the ' Mormon' zealotry ' virus' would have ' infected' most of the states in America to some extent wouldn't it? Besides that you have the well-known ' Bible Belt' States like Kentuckey, etc, down south. Jeez Louise, the choices there would somewhat limited wouldn't they then? It makes me wonder just how gullible some people in America must be to actually BELIEVE in a religious Ideology invented by a known Con-man and Philander, Joseph Smith, who 'claimed' to have found 2 golden plates in a forest, etched with a language that only HE could read and translate ( with the aid of an Angel named Moroni, note the first 5 letters of the name please) and those self-same plates disappeared ever so mysteriously whenever someone requested to see them for themselves. Then he invents the idea that Mormons are given the permission and Right by God to be as polygamous as their hearts desire, form an army to engage in a war with the country they live in simply to 'defend' this mysteriously, god given right of polygamy, pass a Church Edict that EVERY Mormon over the age of 18 years, male and female, MUST go on a 2 year 'Mission' funded by themselves and their family ONLY to a foriegn country not within America btw. And that's just a few of the Mormon rules and 'oddities.'
What's more inspirational than a Trump rally?
Triphid comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Sitting and watching the grass ( lawn btw) grow would be far more inspirational that Trump any day.
I'll pray for you!
Triphid comments on Oct 23, 2018:
When some Theist says that to me I simply reply, "Go right ahead, only the walls, floor and ceiling will feel the vibrations of your voice, other than that you're only wasting your breath and that's not skin off my nose anyway."
“Is man merely a mistake of Gods? Or is God merely a mistake of man? — Friedrich Nietzsche
Triphid comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Evolution created mankind, mankind is his ignorance then created God/Gods.
I don't watch much TV, but the media's fawning over this royal visit is making me ill.
Triphid comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Yeah, first we get bombarded with their bloody wedding then the Pommie Parasites trundle along over here for a freebie holiday at the expense of Aussie Tax-payers no less, then we are inundated with how she's doing all this whilst only a 'few' weeks in foal, sorry Pregnant ( but after all the women in the royal families aren't much more brood mares anyway), plus articles everywhere about what she wears, etc, etc, ad nauseum. Shit, they must think we really do give a bloody stuff about the lifestyles of the Pommie Royals, hurry up and become a Republic Australia, please.
Atheist = Depressed?
Triphid comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Atheism = Depression, what a frigging load of utter, unadulterated frog shit. Er, out of curiosity HOW many MASS Suicides, like Jonestown, etc, have been recorded where ONLY Atheists/Agnostics have killed themselves and how many have involved Theists/believers?
Scientists Are Urging You To Never Make Your Bed Again - Higher Perspective
Triphid comments on Oct 22, 2018:
My own asthma was pretty bloody bad until I read about the self-same article some 7 years ago, now I only make my bed completely when I change the bedding and my asthma has reduced in severity to quite a noticeable lower level and I even include vacuuming the mattress and bed base once per month, letting sunlight in through the window and onto my unmade bed as well. I'd definitely advocate for not making your bed every morning given the results I've experienced plus adding a dusting of ordinary talcum powder over your carpets after vacuuming as well since that seems to be quite good at controlling the dust mites present in every home no matter strict and thorough you are at cleaning it.
Hi agnosticdotcommers.
Triphid comments on Oct 21, 2018:
Bon Jour Gui ( that's about the extent of my french btw), my day has just gotten started here in Australia, spring is turning into summer with a nice 31 degrees Celsius predicted, dry as a dead Nun's nasty as is usual for the outback region where I live, ergo just another Aussie day here.
The World's Newest Major Religion: No Religion As secularism grows, atheists and agnostics are ...
Triphid comments on Oct 21, 2018:
How can something that is, by definition, NON religious in nature and thought be classified as a Religion in the first place? To be an ATHEIST simply means, by definition, to a person WITHOUT a God or Gods, i.e. denying the existence of ANY and ALL Supreme, Omnipotent Entities/Deities what-so-ever. the word Atheist comes from the combination of 2 Ancient Greek terms being; "A- without, not having, and, Theos - God/Gods, etc. ergo A-Theist simply means denying, refusing to acknowledge, refusing to worship ANY God/Gods what-so-ever and since almost ALL Religions MUST have some kind of central point/being, etc, upon which the adorations/worships are focused then Atheists, being NON religious, have none of those focal points thus Non-Religion is NO religion in any shape form or definition.
How do you handle negativity regarding your agnostic ideas?
Triphid comments on Oct 21, 2018:
Firstly I ask them WHY they are so negative about my stance on religion/s being so illogical, unfounded in reason and reality then I set about asking them to simply show me undeniable, empirically tried, tested and proven evidence that their beliefs are truths. Usually, by that time, they have a look of total bewilderment on their faces, reach for the bible and begin to cite " But this IS the word of God, written in his own hand, how can you doubt that?" My next step then is to begin to dissect their comment and their book piece by piece, ending with what may seem a rather trite question, "If it was written by Gods own hand, then WHERE is his signature claiming authorship?"
Are You A Freethinker Or A Follower?
Triphid comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Think for yourself, question everything, research everything, never accept what you are told as being 100% correct until you've checked it out for yourself, then make up your own mind.
Perhaps our illustrious leadership wish to consider Australian interests before sprouting what their...
Triphid comments on Oct 20, 2018:
With ScumMo and the LNP now having lost the Blue Ribbon Seat of Wentworth( Turdball's) old Electoral Seat to an Independent, ScumMo and his mob are now on a minority footing, Hoobloodyrah. Odds on there be heaps of praying by ScumMo in the Hillsong Church this Sunday. Pray on ScumMo, pray as long and hard as you like, only the roof and walls will be listening, sorry to tell you this BUT there is NO God, you're on your own, up shit creek in a barbed wire canoe, no life jacket and a cake fork as a paddle, so sad, too bad, I'm GLAD.
Look what was in my mailbox today!
Triphid comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Nice, BUT I want one that says ATHEIST instead. IF I had one I'd make certain to wear it as I walked past any Church on any Sunday.
Where should I go?
Triphid comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Despite what Statistician like to say Australia is still a VERY Secular Society, yes we also are sometimes subjected to Mormons ( Morons) and the like BUT we get to tell them to " Piss the Fuck off" quite freely as we see fit.
Blasphemy laws Massachusetts, Michigan, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Wyoming, and Pennsylvania ...
Triphid comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Blasphemy - A law passed by man to stop a God from getting his/hers/its feeling hurt, yep that makes about as much sense as ring your own phone number to see if you are able to answer it.
Survey: Half of parents think flu shot causes the flu - Orlando Sentinel
Triphid comments on Oct 19, 2018:
The Influenza vaccine CAN cause very MINOR Flu like symptoms BUT they are virtually NOTHING in comparison to what the Flu really does to the person IF they have NOT been vaccinated.
With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil ...
Triphid comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Oh, and let us not forget, " Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," for fucks sake, does that mean that it is quite 'moral' for everyone to go about doing whatever they so desire simply because the bible says it's okay?
With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil ...
Triphid comments on Oct 19, 2018:
There will always be both 'good' and 'bad' people in human kind for as long mankind's backside points towards the ground. Religions only HI-JACKED the ethics and morals of human kind to suit their own devious ends and needs. For example, 1) Thou shalt NOT kill, Xtians have been killing others for the best part of 2,000 years, shit they've even gone as far as killing each other too, 2) Love thy neighbour as thou love thyself, well that one has worked out so well, hasn't it, I could go on but you get my drift, religiously based morallity is only something that the religious 'preach' to others and follow ONLY when IT suits them.
Regarding God's Ten Commandments The Ten Commandments, unlike most laws generated by most legal ...
Triphid comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Oh, and btw the 'Sabbath' is Hebrew for Saturday and NOT Sunday.
Regarding God's Ten Commandments The Ten Commandments, unlike most laws generated by most legal ...
Triphid comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Firstly, IF one has a good and in-depth knowledge of the " Goat-Herders Guide to the Galaxy" (aka the bible) one would realise that there are far more than a mere 10 Commandments to begin with. Only the 'big' 10 got any real 'publicity' simply because some dip-shit named Moses claimed to have been handed them on some obscure mountain in a movie made from a book written by a long dead Governor of the New Mexico Territory back in the late 1800s- early 1900s. Little known Commandments include; Thou shalt NOT eat of the flesh of any animal of cloven hoofs, Thou shalt NOT eat of the flesh of the swine, Thou shalt NOT eat of the flesh of any creature of the seas or waters OTHER than fishes, Thou shalt NOT lay with thy woman ( wife) for anything unless procreating, Thou shalt NOT allow a woman to speak unless ordered to do so, Thy children and women shall remain silent and obedient to you at ALL times, that's just a few from memory, there are approx. another 27+ scattered throughout the " Goat-Herders Guide to the Galaxy." All equally as ridiculous and dictatorial as the others, ergo, in my opinion, either this god thing is/was nothing more than a Tyrannical, Egotistical Dictator and Misogynist OR the Authors were wannabe Dictators and utter Misogynists.
What would you consider "The meaning of life" to be?
Triphid comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Does 'life' have to have a meaning? Can't it just be something to enjoy as best we can and then when our turn comes to die then to just die with honest, open dignity and know that what we were made up from will eventually be re-cycled back into the environment as it always has been?
Did the Bible make you an Atheist?
Triphid comments on Oct 17, 2018:
The 'Great Book of the Goat-herders Guide to the Galaxy' a.k.a the bible, went a little way to reinforcing my Atheism as did my studying Theology and Comparative modern Religions, BUT, I was an Atheist well before I came to know what an Atheist was. I questioned everything that they triedt o teach me in Sunday School and School Scripture Classes, go expelled for doing so therefore that was the commencement of my journey into reality and Atheism.
Outside Time and Space?
Triphid comments on Oct 17, 2018:
Well we all know that SPACE exists outside of the bounds of our planet, don't we. But does 'TIME' truly exist beyond the needs of human kinds desire to classify things? If this god thing exists/existed beyond time and space then HOW did it, along with time and space, know it existed in the first place?
What are you really good at that you wouldn't put on your C. V?
Triphid comments on Oct 17, 2018:
I'm sorry BUT you'd have to ask my estranged, last girlfriend that. I can honestly say, however and without boasting in any way, that her only complaint was having unsteady legs quite regularly after we made love each time.
A complaint I have since adopting an agnostic position is that too much of the atheist/agnostic ...
Triphid comments on Oct 17, 2018:
Psychologically speaking here, there is NOTHING more divisive in human kind than religion or religious beliefs, not only do they discriminate against each other but also against, most vehemently, those who do not follow their beliefs. The things I have found in being an Atheist for well over 60 years are my own personal freedoms of mind, thought and life-style, my ability to reason clearly, the lack of religious negativity, divisiveness, discriminations, etc, as exhibited by the Theists and, last but by no means least, I get to stay in bed on Sunday mornings rather than rush around early getting ready to go off and reaffirm my 'oath' servitude and slavery to some Invisible, Imaginary Slave-Master.
Triphid comments on Oct 17, 2018:
I may sound crass and uncaring BUT she deserves whatever she gets because she married that arse-wipe Trump.
I would love to know which side of the pond you're on. I'm in the U.S.A.....YOU ? ?
Triphid comments on Oct 17, 2018:
Australia, land of the truly free, wide open spaces, sunshine and friendly people.
How many atheists here are musicians/artists
Triphid comments on Oct 17, 2018:
I'm an Atheist, I paint, sculpt, write poetry and the odd bit of prose from time to time when the Muses call, so to speak.
What Can Science Say About God's Scientific Literacy?
Triphid comments on Oct 17, 2018:
What sense would it make for a Divine, Omnipotent, Omniscient Creator of Everything and Anything to simply select a group of 13, yes there were supposed to ORIGINALLY 13 Tribes of the Hebrews, NOT 12, mostly illiterate, belligerent, war-mongering, multiple Deity worshiping, Goat-herding, Tent dwelling, Feckless, Scruffy Nomads living in an era where there was NO mass Communication what-so-ever to deliver up his/her ' divine' words to them in a language (Aramaic) common only to them when there were numerous other greater and more socially evolved civilisations /cultures in and around the region?
“You are not the same person you were 10 years ago.
Triphid comments on Oct 17, 2018:
Medically speaking, no-one is exactly the same person they were even a week ago since the body regenerates some of its cells etc, every so many hours/days though the external appearance remains familiar it changes regularly internally. The effects and ravages of aging, traumas both Physical and Mental, etc, take their toll as well. But as to suddenly changing ones ideals, etc, on the 'spur of the moment' so to speak, then ONLY the person who is TRUE to him/her self and his/her ideals is the one who rarely ever changes.
Perhaps our illustrious leadership wish to consider Australian interests before sprouting what their...
Triphid comments on Oct 16, 2018:
Since the country of ISRAEL has only TRULY existed since 1948, originally and historically PALESTINE, (Judaea and Galilee in Ancient Roman times) and the Exalted Scum Mo so much wants to one of those war-mongering Jews, btw I'm not Anti-Semitic either, just stating FACTS) then I suggest we passed around the hat and raise the fare form him emigrate there on a PERMANENT Basis.
Did Jesus actually exist? yes for yes no for no
Triphid comments on Oct 14, 2018:
Not as in depicted by the N.T. however there are innumerable mentions of equally innumerable personages bearing the TRUE Hebrew name of Yeyoshua ben(ibn, bin) Yusef recorded through the Hebrew History.
Fellow Whovians I just have seen the new tardis and I am impressed (it takes a lot to impress me).
Triphid comments on Oct 14, 2018:
I've been a ' Whovian' since childhood and have seen the numerous variations of the TARDIS and the Doctor BUT by far the worst Doctor of them was Peter Capaldi.
To you "Spiritualists" out there: How were the "rules" of your afterlife set up?
Triphid comments on Oct 14, 2018:
I have been with uncountable people, patients while being a Nurse and then my own Daughter, when they have died and NEVER once have I seen or heard a Soul/Spirit depart the body, ergo, WHEN someone can show me EMPIRICALLY proven evidence that Souls/Spirits true exist then, perhaps, I might start to believe in them.
American Christians Are Special?
Triphid comments on Oct 14, 2018:
Xtians, like innumerable others from differing religions are 'brainwashed' into believing that they are special and as such deserve special treatment all because their holy book/s tells them so. Here in Australia we now have Xtians, the P.M. in particular ( a Hillsong Member btw) screaming ever so loudly that they NEED Religious Freedoms and Protection. I ask, WHAT the FUCK are they on about, Religions have had more FREEDOMS and PROTECTIONS for the last 2,000+ years than anyone/thing I can ever hope to think of. What do they want, is it the sole RIGHT to knock on the door of ANYONE and gain admittance without refusal, do they want the Sole Right and Power to Coerce every single human being into following their inane, arcane and archaic beliefs? What PROTECTION/S are they after they haven't already had for 2,000+ years?
What is "Compartmentalization" with regard to religion?
Triphid comments on Oct 14, 2018:
To my mind, the religious are the greatest compartmentalizers of all time, they see scientific facts as pure fiction and religious fiction as facts. Their best ever example of compartmentalization is to 'combine' the words Biblical/Religious with such pursuits as Scientist/Archaeologist, etc., in doing so they make a joke of the TRUE Scientist/Archaeologist who has studied and worked tirelessly in those fields with as unbiased mind as possible whereas the so-called Biblical/Religious one has merely 'scrabbled' around with the sole intent of find proof of their inane belief/s where there is none but, none-the-less, CLAIMING 100% falsely that they have found it and it is irrefutable.
So this hurricane brings this question to mind.
Triphid comments on Oct 13, 2018:
Well, as far as I can recall Prayer has NEVER once stopped a Natural/Man-made Disaster from occurring nor has it truly brought any comfort, ease, much needed supplies to the victims. But, sheer, unbridled human generosity, kindness and concern has gone great distances to provide such reliefs to the victims. For example, What were the first things to arrive after the massive earthquake and mudslides that struck Nepal a few years ago? Answer cases of Bibles, no tents for sheltering the homeless, no blankets to help keep them warm, no foodstuffs or fresh water, just bibles, tons of them. Yes the pages would help the victims make small fires but you can't EAT bibles, nor can you find shelter under them from rain and cold. Where Atheists and Agnostics give from their 'hearts' to those in dire need and expect nothing in return, the Faithfools give bibles and expect a Free Pass into Heaven. So, if you can't give food, water, money, etc, search through your closets and find things such as clothing, blankets, etc, that you either no longer need/wear nor want, donate them in person or simply pay the freight to send them direct yourself, I did that when the Tsunami went across the Indian Ocean and I received quite a number of most unexpected letters thanking me from those who either received or were given my meagre donations.
It's just occurred to me that at some point on Friday this site will reach 50,000 members.
Triphid comments on Oct 12, 2018:
Excellent, it shows that there are people out there who are not afraid to think and speak outside of the box.
Why are humans so slow to learn?
Triphid comments on Oct 11, 2018:
Plato, a man born ahead of his time I think.
Hi everybody!
Triphid comments on Oct 11, 2018:
G'day there fellow hermit type person. I'm a wee bit of a recluse myself, but not by personal choice but by the lingering results of Chronic Depression etc.


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