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Anyone in Australia ?
girlwithsmiles comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Not since July 😉 if you browse members: top right of page, I believe you can search for those near you. Happy hunting.
Triphid replies on Nov 5, 2019:
@girlwithsmiles Either way saying " not since July" still means any Aussie members dropped out prior to July which we haven't. And as for 'Landed Gentry,' well I sincerely doubt anyone in their right mind would really want be one of stuck-up, arrogant parasites, would they? As to Captain Cook, he was Pom after all is said and done and the Poms are still proud of him to some extent aren't they?
Here's something interesting.
Triphid comments on Nov 5, 2019:
Er, sorry there but Egyptian beliefs existed long before either the Roman or the Greek belief systems. Egyptian belief system have been dated back to at least 3,000 years B.C.E.
Triphid replies on Nov 5, 2019:
@VineetHonkan B.C. ( now often know amongst Historical circles as B.C.E. aka Before Common Era) came first meaning that it encompasses before the myth of Jesus' birth was spread about as a great event in religion for ALL mankind, BUT they even managed to get the date wrong there since they totally forgot that the Roman Emperor Augustus was in actual fact Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian for 5 years BEFORE becoming OFFICIALLY Emperor of Rome and as such the Christian Calendar, with we are all cursed, is actually out by 5 years, i.e. we are actually in the calendar year of 2024 and not 2019.
Only now do we understand the true cruelty of Trump’s family separation - The Washington Post
Charlene comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Just a continuous flow of this administration's inhumanity..I want them All brought up on Crimes Against Humanity..
Triphid replies on Nov 5, 2019:
@Rodatheist Your vaunted 'Founding Fathers' wrote that Constitution way back in the 17 hundreds did it, and time and tides have changed a helluva lot since then have they not? But, it seems to me, that absolutely NO-ONE has bothered in the slightest to try to keep this pseudo-democratic Constitution up to date with both the times and ways of the world.
Sweet Jesus 😂🤣
mischl comments on Nov 4, 2019:
As an agnostic Zen monk who shoots at nothing but paper targets (at long distances), I'm partial to the .300 Win Mag shooting a Nosler Accubond 180 grain at little pieces of paper about 5 football fields away. If I had only an AR and an AK to choose from, I'd take the AR because of my fascination ...
Triphid replies on Nov 5, 2019:
@AnneWimsey We don't eat Feral pig meat here in Australia, 1) it is full of parasites, etc, 2) it IS tougher than old boot leather, and, 3) a nice piece of store bought pork or a nice, fresh killed 'roo steak is far, far better anyway. out here Feral Pigs ranl high the Introduced Pest Scale along with Feral Cats, Feral Dogs, Goats, Foxes and Underground Mutton, aka rabbits, though some do eat goat and rabbit when they can get it I much prefered, when I was an active Feral Pest Hunter, to use the shoot, kill and leave it for the scavengers idea. Though many Sheep Graziers out here where I live used to pay a 'bounty' on the ears of feral cats, foxes, pigs, feral dogs and even rabbits, the Government also used to pay a 'bounty' as well and their ruling was that every ear MUST be the left ear only to get the bounty honestly, so I always handed mine in to the authorised Office rather than take money out of the pockets of the Graziers. Oh and btw, it was a headshot but there wasn't very much left of the head anyway.
Only now do we understand the true cruelty of Trump’s family separation - The Washington Post
Rodatheist comments on Nov 2, 2019:
It is a stain on Mr. Trump. The problem is that it is very hard to stain excrement.
Triphid replies on Nov 5, 2019:
@Rodatheist Well I am at loss that someone of, possibly, your age and life experiences can be so down-right negative in my opinion.
Here's something interesting.
Triphid comments on Nov 5, 2019:
Er, sorry there but Egyptian beliefs existed long before either the Roman or the Greek belief systems. Egyptian belief system have been dated back to at least 3,000 years B.C.E.
Triphid replies on Nov 5, 2019:
@VineetHonkan Well, since ONE of my very numerous interests and studies IS both Ancient History AND Theologies(Religions in the times B.C.E. plus having a ThD ( Doctorate in Theology and Comparative Modern Religions) which encompasses ALL systems of belief arising POST the assumed year of 0 C.E. chronological ordering is IMPORTANT. Almost just as important as NOT putting someone's D.O.D. BEFORE their D.O.B. is, if you can understand that.
Here's something interesting.
LenHazell53 comments on Nov 3, 2019:
Monotheism tends to emerge firstly as a unifying force, polytheist societies tend to be pretty tolerant of one another the Romans for instance believed that the Greek gods were the same gods as their own but with local names, the Egyptians would use several names for the same god depending on what ...
Triphid replies on Nov 5, 2019:
@Haemish1 In a small way it did but it was still somewhat polytheist in nature except their ONE major deity was the Ahura-Mazda, the Eternal Burning Flame, the rest were just co-incidental much like the Roman Lares or Household Gods and Goddesses were, and, I suppose akin to the Christians with their ever growing list of demi-gods ( Saints).
Here's something interesting.
Archeus_Lore comments on Nov 3, 2019:
It was manipulated by the leaders, purposely . . . . how can you enforce tribalism on a vast scale with people believing in many gods? In fact, I have said that if we want to dispense with dictatorships of every type, we must destroy monotheism . . . . You can find some videos on youtube about how ...
Triphid replies on Nov 5, 2019:
Prior to and long after the Council of Nicaea in 325 C.E. the 'christians' were still known as AND calling themselves the Messianics. It only became known as Christianity AFTER the 3 Flavians were named as the " Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit" in a biography of the Flavian Dynasty written by the Freed Slave known as Flavius Josephus, a traitor to his own people btw.
Here's something interesting.
Stoic247 comments on Nov 4, 2019:
As someone mentioned earlier, Jewish people were the first to firmly establish the concept of a belief in one God. Also, the first to link morality with God and made his laws unchangeable. However, many other religions flirted with this concept as well before them. The most notable was the Egyptian ...
Triphid replies on Nov 5, 2019:
In some points you are correct BUT it was Akhenaton who was the first to attempt to convert ALL of Ancient Egypt to Monotheism long before the Hebrews 'borrowed' the idea from him.
Anyone in Australia ?
Haemish1 comments on Nov 3, 2019:
I wish !
Triphid replies on Nov 5, 2019:
Oh don't wish Mate, we are here but you usually only hear from WHEN we feel as though we want to say something and BE HEARD, otherwise we just tend to ignore the dumbies all over the world.
Anyone in Australia ?
girlwithsmiles comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Not since July 😉 if you browse members: top right of page, I believe you can search for those near you. Happy hunting.
Triphid replies on Nov 5, 2019:
"Not since July" you say, there were people here long before your Captain ( actually ONLY Lieutenant) Cook happened to stumble in the joint. You kind of went right the wrong wattle with that one lady.
Anyone in Australia ?
aintmisbehaven comments on Nov 4, 2019:
see below....
Triphid replies on Nov 5, 2019:
AND, the WHOLE country IS way bigger than Texas but NOT bigger than the heads of most Texans....LOL.
Anyone in Australia ?
273kelvin comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Australia does not exist
Triphid replies on Nov 5, 2019:
Shit on a twisted stick there me old Pommie mate, you lot sound know we exist, you lot dumped our ANCESTORS here didn't ya, or have youse conveniently managed to forget that one as well? LOL.
Anyone in Australia ?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Only one person - you. Time to Mad Max up and head for the desert. 😁
Triphid replies on Nov 5, 2019:
Snit a brick there Cobber, you can't have seen my membership before then, are ya as blind as bat or thick as 2 short, fat Tasmanians....LOL.
Anyone in Australia ?
LiterateHiker comments on Nov 4, 2019:
@AlanWorkman Australia is known as "the land down-under." Is that why your photo is upside-down?
Triphid replies on Nov 5, 2019:
@Paul4747 Root me boot and stone them bloody crows, Cobber, that's a true blue Aussie classic there Sunshine, a bloody dyed in the wool classic that one. ( Aussie slang translations available upon request) LOL.
Criticizing the doctrine of Islam does not mean the person doing so is a xenophobe,Islamophobe, or ...
Allamanda comments on Nov 4, 2019:
did you first do a search on similar posts? I ask because you are new and it's getting tiresome...
Triphid replies on Nov 5, 2019:
@tbarrack90 Hey, I'm NOT computer minded in the least BUT even I know what a SEARCH button/Engine is for and how to use it.
Criticizing the doctrine of Islam does not mean the person doing so is a xenophobe,Islamophobe, or ...
Atheist3 comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Same ole story, jus' a different face. Any criticism of any religion is considered malicious.
Triphid replies on Nov 5, 2019:
"Same old turds, just a different dunny" is what we, Aussies always say.
Criticizing the doctrine of Islam does not mean the person doing so is a xenophobe,Islamophobe, or ...
Atheist3 comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Same ole story, jus' a different face. Any criticism of any religion is considered malicious.
Triphid replies on Nov 5, 2019:
Malicious and, oh my goodness, BLASPHEMOUS as well. Ergo I love and enjoy CRITICISING any and ALL religions and especially those who seek to disparage, belittle, etc, those of us who have chosen/decided to follow Reason, Logic and Sciences rather than trusting in blind Faith. So, don't both playing the Racist, Xenophobic, Anti-Semitic, etc, card with me BECAUSE it won't wash. And, btw, my friend, my last sentence was NOT aimed at you nor ANY other member of this Site/Group, I was just expressing myself for ALL to see.
Sweet Jesus 😂🤣
mischl comments on Nov 4, 2019:
As an agnostic Zen monk who shoots at nothing but paper targets (at long distances), I'm partial to the .300 Win Mag shooting a Nosler Accubond 180 grain at little pieces of paper about 5 football fields away. If I had only an AR and an AK to choose from, I'd take the AR because of my fascination ...
Triphid replies on Nov 5, 2019:
Me personally, IF I wanted a rifle for long range shooting I'd take the Webley .360 over any other rifle any day. Tried one owned by a very skilled Feral Pig Hunter about 6 months ago, 192 grain projectile with factory loaded Nobel # 3 smokeless powder over a measured out 1,281 yards, deflection due to distance was less than 0.025mms. One single shot using a scope and that big ugly Razorback Boar was deader than Julius Caesar with an entry hole the size of 3/16th bolt and an exit hole the size of the top of a coffee mug. Mind you, the ONLY drawback with the Webley .360 is that you can ONLY fire a max. of 6 shot in an 15 minute period or the barrel gets a bit to hot to hold onto, BUT it IS still a great and very accurate rifle none-the-less.
Only now do we understand the true cruelty of Trump’s family separation - The Washington Post
Rodatheist comments on Nov 2, 2019:
It is a stain on Mr. Trump. The problem is that it is very hard to stain excrement.
Triphid replies on Nov 4, 2019:
@Rodatheist I have always believed that combining words such "can" and "do" with the word " nothing" are very little more than a cop-out, usually meaning, in my opinion, something like " I'm alright Jack, so why bother rocking the boat," or something similar. I was merely 16 years of age and was amongst some 30- 40 + teenaged students CRAMMED into classes at school in classrooms meant only to hold a maximum of 20 students each, in a town with a population exceeding 36,000 people and a State Government repeatedly stating " We see NO need for Broken Hill to have a second, Public Secondary School " and a School Principal that ' sucked up to the arses of the Government' agreeing with them as well. With the assistance of 3 Teachers, .my father's typewriter and the 'sensitive' information provided by those 3 Teachers, I began a campaign, both through our local press and press from around the whole country to EXPOSE the terrible conditions we were FORCED to endure and study under. After hearing fellow students and Teachers saying day after day, week after week, " Why bother WE can DO NOTHING," eventually it turned into " WE CAN do NOTHING but PROTEST and have our protests heard and force them to be acted upon." We held snap Student Strikes, Sit-ins, Street Marches usually consisting of well over 600+ students at a time, the police would come along and, even though WE thought that they were there to arrest us, they ACTUALLY HALTED the traffic for us, and even picked up the lead Matchers as they tired and gave them a ride back to the rear of the march as well as providing everyone with cool, fresh water to drink. YES, WE won the battle and the War, YES, the Government yielded and now we have 2 Public Secondary Schools finally. And the moral of the story, There is NO such thing as 'can do nothing,' ' CAN DO' is ALL that truly applies WHEN people put THEIR minds to it AND are determined to MAKE it HAPPEN.
Whatever our reservations as skeptics, whatever our doubts about the admixture of Native American ...
moosepucky comments on Nov 3, 2019:
For most of mankind's existence on earth, life was rough at best, painful at worst, generally miserable at most times. Someone steps forward and offers a beautiful and bountiful place after death where everything and everyone is happy. Where you can talk to your dead ancestors in complete peace ...
Triphid replies on Nov 4, 2019:
@moosepucky And IF the voices of the multitudes unite into ONE loud and mighty voice THEN they can truly move 'mountains,' and that is EXACTLY what WE need to do, is it not?
Whatever our reservations as skeptics, whatever our doubts about the admixture of Native American ...
moosepucky comments on Nov 3, 2019:
For most of mankind's existence on earth, life was rough at best, painful at worst, generally miserable at most times. Someone steps forward and offers a beautiful and bountiful place after death where everything and everyone is happy. Where you can talk to your dead ancestors in complete peace ...
Triphid replies on Nov 4, 2019:
But, is NOT one small part merely a part of the WHOLE? No-one can merely build a fence around their little piece of ground and state " There, mine IS protected and safe from whatever happens to the rest of this planet, can they? We, EVERY Human Being on this tiny little, insignificant chuck of rock hurtling around the Sun MUST work together FOR WE ARE ALL in the same boat and THERE IS NO rescue ship coming.
Only now do we understand the true cruelty of Trump’s family separation - The Washington Post
Charlene comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Just a continuous flow of this administration's inhumanity..I want them All brought up on Crimes Against Humanity..
Triphid replies on Nov 4, 2019:
@Rodatheist Then, if that be the case, one could NOT be deemed to be wrong by saying, A) the American Constitution, like so many other Westernised Countries, has PLACED their Political Leaders AND Politicians ABOVE the Laws of Land that govern everyone else, B) the system, therefore, is so decadent and corrupted that even maggots would be loath to feed upon it, and, C) IT IS HIGH time for the entire system to torn down and changed in favour of a TRULY DEMOCRATIC system then.
Welcome to Common Cause Focus Group! Please read this first! This group is NOT for debating exact ...
Bobbyzen comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Here’s to discussing and ACTING on solutions to climate catastrophe, poverty, homelessness, mass incarceration, abuse of immigrants on our soil, and more. In solidarity, Bob Edited a typo 🙂
Triphid replies on Nov 4, 2019:
Not just on American soil, BUT everywhere on this planet I hope.
I just read that there have been approximately 108 billion people in history.
twill comments on Nov 3, 2019:
HEY!!!! It's getting crowded down here! Throw me a rope !!
Triphid replies on Nov 3, 2019:
Yeah, and it must be getting even worse with ALL those Catholic Paedophile Priests wandering around down these days as well.
I just read that there have been approximately 108 billion people in history.
Atheist3 comments on Nov 3, 2019:
I hope they serve beer in hell! lol
Triphid replies on Nov 3, 2019:
And a decent well aged Scotch as well as some really honest Vodka also. LOL.
Are there songs that have distinct religious messages or even religious overtones that you like ...
Tinocca comments on Nov 3, 2019:
And representing the atheists: Steve Martin
Triphid replies on Nov 3, 2019:
@Tinocca Maybe we also add to the list songs like; "Always look on the Bright side," from the Life of Brian, and, "Saltwater" and "Imaginary Lines" by Julian Lennon as well just to name a few.
In my opinion, evolution is the greatest stumbling block for a theistic worldview, especially when ...
brentan comments on Nov 3, 2019:
This might raise a smile: ‘… the philosopher Leibniz famously maintains that, since the world was created by God, and since the mind of God is the most benevolent and capable mind imaginable, the world must be the best world imaginable. Under such a system, humans perceive evil only because ...
Triphid replies on Nov 3, 2019:
@RussRAB Yes, and the irony is that though we, the aerobic life-forms, need oxygen to live and thrive it IS also that the very same radicals of this oxygen that are slowly but surely, destroying us.
Are there songs that have distinct religious messages or even religious overtones that you like ...
Tinocca comments on Nov 3, 2019:
And representing the atheists: Steve Martin
Triphid replies on Nov 3, 2019:
Ah, but I think we had at least ONE, John Lennon's great hit song, " Imagine."
In my opinion, evolution is the greatest stumbling block for a theistic worldview, especially when ...
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Nov 3, 2019:
Evolution is not a stumbling block to all theists. My sister is Southern Baptist and she says that there is "no way" that evolution did not take place.
Triphid replies on Nov 3, 2019:
Then, in my wide ranging fields of experiences with the Faithfools, SHE is to congratulated, BUT she is a rarity though imo.
Only now do we understand the true cruelty of Trump’s family separation - The Washington Post
Charlene comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Just a continuous flow of this administration's inhumanity..I want them All brought up on Crimes Against Humanity..
Triphid replies on Nov 3, 2019:
@Charlene Why MUST another country bring forth the Charges? Is NOT America a 'supposed' DEMOCRACY and as such, the PEOPLE can bring these charges to bear themselves and DEMAND that these charges be heard in the International Courts of Justice? Where IS the Intestinal Fortitude of America? OR, IS America ONLY interested in 'fiddling' with everyone else's countries and lives, etc, and far too chicken livered to admit that it has been wrong and to do something POSITIVE about it?
Whatever our reservations as skeptics, whatever our doubts about the admixture of Native American ...
Allamanda comments on Nov 3, 2019:
This post has been great! It shows that a good percentage of us are willing to put aside the debates and look ahead. My take is that we mostly all understand 'acting in good faith' vs. whataboutism, descent into dogma etc. So to move it forward, what would be a good title for a group where these ...
Triphid replies on Nov 3, 2019:
@Davesnothere I tend to think that not only is this pot hot, it is fast reaching boiling point and just aa am old saying goes, "put a frog in a pot of cold water and slowly bring it to the boil, the frog WILL remain there until it is cooked, BUT drop a frog into an already boiling pot of water and it WILL try its best to get out as fast as it can." So, wake up FAST my fellow frogs, this nice comfy 'pond' of warm water we think we are in is fast becoming " Consomme de Crapaud."
Whatever our reservations as skeptics, whatever our doubts about the admixture of Native American ...
PaigeM comments on Nov 3, 2019:
I haven’t known many, if any, atheists who were opposed to working toward rational common goals with most believers. Is this an issue?
Triphid replies on Nov 3, 2019:
@PaigeM There IS ONLY one reason and that is, to put it quite simply and succinctly, THIS planet IS our ONLY home, IF we continue to wantonly DESTROY OUR home as we are doing NOT ONLY will we destroy ourselves but everything else into the bargain as well.
Only now do we understand the true cruelty of Trump’s family separation - The Washington Post
Rodatheist comments on Nov 2, 2019:
It is a stain on Mr. Trump. The problem is that it is very hard to stain excrement.
Triphid replies on Nov 3, 2019:
The stain of excrement ( shit to be very blunt here) not only encloses the Humpty tRumpty Muppet Administration BUT, in my opinion, EVERY person in America who voted him and them in, supports them AND those who sat back and PERMITTED this atrocity to happen and continue.
Only now do we understand the true cruelty of Trump’s family separation - The Washington Post
Charlene comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Just a continuous flow of this administration's inhumanity..I want them All brought up on Crimes Against Humanity..
Triphid replies on Nov 3, 2019:
@Rodatheist Why is that, it was a very simple thing to bring the Top Nazis to the Nuremberg Trails wasn't it? What's so different about hauling Humpty tRumpty &Co. over the same coals? Just because he is Potus 45 does NOT mean that he is AUTOMATICALLY above and beyond the Law, in ALL reality HE is just another person elected into a position from which he SERVES the People is he not?
I always love how ultra religious people will quote Leviticus and claim that the bible is gods word.
Jolanta comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Well you need to point that out to them. All seafood is now off the menu for them.
Triphid replies on Nov 2, 2019:
And, according to the N.T. also OFF the Menu is anything with a cloven hoof, crawls upon the ground, etc. I once reminded my Evangelist neighbor of that restriction and his comment was, " Oh but that IS in the Old Testament and it no longer applies since we now a NEW Testament with Jesus." The look on his face was priceless when I told that what I had said came straight from the New Testament and NOT from the O.T. He was even more shocked when I opened the Goat-herders Guide to Galaxy to the exact page, chapter and verse and showed it to him.
Only now do we understand the true cruelty of Trump’s family separation - The Washington Post
LiterateHiker comments on Nov 2, 2019:
# Vote Republicans out of office!
Triphid replies on Nov 2, 2019:
Enclose Humpty Trumpty in a 12x 8 prison cell for life in Spandau Prison for the TERM of HIS and Their Natural Lives along with his ENTIRE Administration and ALL who either supported him and it, profited from it or from the seizing of these children. Show the whole WORLD and the Universe that WE WILL no longer remain silent nor stand for such BLATANT abuses of Human Rights ever again.
Only now do we understand the true cruelty of Trump’s family separation - The Washington Post
Allamanda comments on Nov 2, 2019:
This is part of the reason why it's still going on - - like other fascist regimes, this administration is complicit in child trafficking for profit in many ways - adoption is one.
Triphid replies on Nov 2, 2019:
@Rodatheist, @Allamanda EXACTLY.
Only now do we understand the true cruelty of Trump’s family separation - The Washington Post
Allamanda comments on Nov 2, 2019:
This is part of the reason why it's still going on - - like other fascist regimes, this administration is complicit in child trafficking for profit in many ways - adoption is one.
Triphid replies on Nov 2, 2019:
@Rodatheist Who do you THINK makes a profit from housing these children STOLEN from their families?
Only now do we understand the true cruelty of Trump’s family separation - The Washington Post
Allamanda comments on Nov 2, 2019:
This is part of the reason why it's still going on - - like other fascist regimes, this administration is complicit in child trafficking for profit in many ways - adoption is one.
Triphid replies on Nov 2, 2019:
Shades and STINK of the Nazis back in WWI where they'd ABDUCT children with Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes ( the supposed Aryan type and look) from the conquered families and then hand them over to Nazi Party members to be brought up as Children of the Third Reich and 'good little future Nazis.'
Matching accessories, what more can you ask for.
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2019:
I see many people wandering around those plastic 'Croc' sandal things and often think to myself "I'll lay odds that those things make their feet sweat and those 'Crocs' end up smelling as bad as an old Fishing Trawler in a heat-wave. I'll stick to wearing my 'Japanese Safety Boots,' aka Aussie ...
Triphid replies on Nov 2, 2019:
@AncientNight We Aussies have always called them either " Thongs or Japanese Safety Boots." The 'Safety Boot' name is just a bit of Aussie Humor btw and not a derisive comment about the Japanese. I wear my 'Japanese Safety Boots' almost everywhere in summer down here, I have one pair for wearing when I walk to the shop or Supermarket, etc, one pair for around inside the house and another pair for around the gardens BUT I always try to ensure NOT to buy the El-Cheapo varieties because there's nothing worse than getting a ' blow-out' in one of your thongs and having to hobble around with one bare foot until you get home or find something to fix it.
Keystone Pipeline spill over 380,000 gallons of crude oil in North Dakota
WilliamFleming comments on Nov 1, 2019:
That spill is in an older section of the pipeline, not the section recently contested. It’s just a half acre. Maybe they’ll get it cleaned up soon.
Triphid replies on Nov 2, 2019:
@WilliamFleming Hey, don't go getting your knickers all twisted up, they'll only strangle your pubes, and we wouldn't that to happen, would we now?
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
JimG comments on Oct 30, 2019:
Welcome to the dark side.
Triphid replies on Nov 2, 2019:
@JimG I also, have had to 'deal' many a Preacher, etc, BUT, most thankfully, NEVER in a Church since I refuse to attend one anyway. I have been abused, verbally, by many a Preacher and the like both at my own front door and in the streets for simply telling them that "I am NOT interested in anything they are trying to peddle to me because I am an Atheist." So count yourself very lucky with that one my friend BECAUSE, and trust me on this, THERE ARE much worse ones out there.
Keystone Pipeline spill over 380,000 gallons of crude oil in North Dakota
WilliamFleming comments on Nov 1, 2019:
That spill is in an older section of the pipeline, not the section recently contested. It’s just a half acre. Maybe they’ll get it cleaned up soon.
Triphid replies on Nov 2, 2019:
@WilliamFleming Oh what a joke AND a vey dumb, even STUPID thing to say, "cleanup will REMOVE ALL of the oil and the remnants will weather and in a few decades will be no trace of it left....." There ARE still environmental problems still happening from the Exxon Valdez spillage as well as AND including the results of ALL the fuel oils, etc, that were lost during WWII when ships were sunk, warships, tankers, freighters, etc, and those happened some 70+ years ago. So either you are being obtuse intentionally OR.....?
from whence the Indo-Europeans? []
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2019:
It makes logical sense that early humans would have followed migration routes that either, traced the paths of permanently flowing rivers or remained close/within walking distances of the sea shores since both would be great sources of foods and eventually most rivers flow into the sea somewhere. ...
Triphid replies on Nov 1, 2019:
@Allamanda It was Frenchman, Jean-Francois Champillion who first decoded the Rosetta Stone back in the 19th. Century.
from whence the Indo-Europeans? []
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2019:
It makes logical sense that early humans would have followed migration routes that either, traced the paths of permanently flowing rivers or remained close/within walking distances of the sea shores since both would be great sources of foods and eventually most rivers flow into the sea somewhere. ...
Triphid replies on Nov 1, 2019:
@Allamanda Thank you.
Keystone Pipeline spill over 380,000 gallons of crude oil in North Dakota
WilliamFleming comments on Nov 1, 2019:
That spill is in an older section of the pipeline, not the section recently contested. It’s just a half acre. Maybe they’ll get it cleaned up soon.
Triphid replies on Nov 1, 2019:
@WilliamFleming No, I blame those who discovered it in the first place and then made fortunes from it and REFUSE to admit that there ARE alternatives BECAUSE it WOULD rob them of make their fortunes and influences even bigger.
Keystone Pipeline spill over 380,000 gallons of crude oil in North Dakota
WilliamFleming comments on Nov 1, 2019:
That spill is in an older section of the pipeline, not the section recently contested. It’s just a half acre. Maybe they’ll get it cleaned up soon.
Triphid replies on Nov 1, 2019:
@WilliamFleming Crude oil IS the product of the breaking down of carbon based life forms ( plants and trees, etc, ) from the Carboniferous Era early in the history of this planet, it is a natural occurrence, WE just discovered that it could be used/burnt to power OUR society and needs. Just as we humans rip the guts out of virtually everything around us to satiate OUR needs and the desires to gain profits, i.e. MONEY. Geez Louise, wake up to yourself PLEASE, you are starting to sound as bad as my Evangelist neighbor AND he is way BEYOND bad enough.
from whence the Indo-Europeans? []
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2019:
It makes logical sense that early humans would have followed migration routes that either, traced the paths of permanently flowing rivers or remained close/within walking distances of the sea shores since both would be great sources of foods and eventually most rivers flow into the sea somewhere. ...
Triphid replies on Nov 1, 2019:
@Allamanda DNA, etc, ONLY tell us about ours and their Genetic Origins AND occasionally the foods, minerals, etc, that were available and consumed. They CANNOT tell ANYTHING about their religions/religious beliefs, we can ONLY postulate/guess at what they were given what we know from the times we live in UNLESS there are decodable writings, etc, found to verify those guesses and then, as was the case when the Rosetta stone was finally deciphered, in comes the 'ínfluences' of modern religious beliefs that try to dictate, as the Catholic Church did with the Rosetta Stone, what should be and what should be in accordance with THEIR ideologies at the time. When the Frenchman ( can't recall his name atm) decode the Rosetta Stone he WAS ordered by the Church on pain of Excommunication I might add, THAT he "SHOULD NOT reveal ANYTHING that may bring doubt or contradict the validity of the Bible in any way and MUST depict the Ancient Egyptians as being Pagans, Heathens. Cruel, Brutal, Primitive Godless Savages." Thankfully, the íron grip of religions has abated somewhat these days BUT it still is exerted from time to time subliminally none-the -less in Archaeological circles, etc.
Most people on here are atheists and that's cool and all but who on here is truly agnostic.
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Hey, not being derisive, etc, here, BUT try waking up and smelling the roses for a change. There never has been, never will be a Great Big Sky Daddy, it IS all just stories collected from the imaginations of those who couldn't quite manage to fathom out how everything was around them. In human ...
Triphid replies on Nov 1, 2019:
@Hicks66 Yeah, but 'personal deities' are not far removed from those socially acceptable deities anyway are they? Imho, mankind creates deities/a deity, etc, firstly for him/herself then slowly the idea catches on with another and then another and so it grows and VOILA, a NEW Social Belief System emerges. For example, the ancient Romans had innumerable 'Lares' ( personal household deities) as well as the Society accepted and worshipped Pantheon, all of which grew from the same or similar root stock back in earlier times. The Romans merely 'adopted/adapted' their pantheon from both their personal deities plus those of the Etruscan and the Greeks, etc, as they conquered them, history shows that clearly does it not? And YES, an unscrupulous person can, and often does, twist his/her own 'personal belief/deity' into something enticing to others and creates a new 'SECT' for their own means and ends, sadly, that is the nature of some of beasts we choose to call Mankind.
from whence the Indo-Europeans? []
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2019:
It makes logical sense that early humans would have followed migration routes that either, traced the paths of permanently flowing rivers or remained close/within walking distances of the sea shores since both would be great sources of foods and eventually most rivers flow into the sea somewhere. ...
Triphid replies on Nov 1, 2019:
@Allamanda Yes BUT DNA and Carbon Dating really can't tell us about languages can they and languages spoken by early humans is also a part of the Archaeological Understanding is it not?
from whence the Indo-Europeans? []
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2019:
It makes logical sense that early humans would have followed migration routes that either, traced the paths of permanently flowing rivers or remained close/within walking distances of the sea shores since both would be great sources of foods and eventually most rivers flow into the sea somewhere. ...
Triphid replies on Nov 1, 2019:
@Allamanda More likely to be a HUGE maybe than a 'should be' imho though since we HAVE no wat of travelling back into time and witnessing such things for ourselves, ergo, we merely postulate, often inaccurately, using the flawed evidence based upon how we are in this day and age, etc. For example, An Archaeologist digs up a skeleton buried in a certain and postulates that "This person was buried in accordance to the religious beliefs at the time," BUT could NOT the person have buried in such a manner purely because that is how it was envisaged that they were as an unborn baby. etc, and NOT because of some 'religious belief system?' It has been shown, also, that trading occurred quite regularly between somewhat, so-called 'ísolated' groups/communities, etc, therefore there must have been some kind of common communication used to make this trading arrangement viable, must there not? E.g. Australian Aboriginal Clans/Tribes were separated by hundreds of miles for over 20+ thousands of years YET they each had a separate language and STILL managed to trade and communicate with each other.
Most people on here are atheists and that's cool and all but who on here is truly agnostic.
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Hey, not being derisive, etc, here, BUT try waking up and smelling the roses for a change. There never has been, never will be a Great Big Sky Daddy, it IS all just stories collected from the imaginations of those who couldn't quite manage to fathom out how everything was around them. In human ...
Triphid replies on Nov 1, 2019:
@Hicks66 It was just a very quick estimate of the Deities and NOT the worshippers btw. Hindus alone have about 300,000 different deities included in their pantheon, Xrstians, though they REFUSE to admit to it have 3 main deities, i.e. the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit/Ghost plus a myriad of Demi-gods ( Saints) in their pantheon as well. So a 100% accurate accounting would be a near impossibility imo.
Keystone Pipeline spill over 380,000 gallons of crude oil in North Dakota
RoyMillar comments on Nov 1, 2019:
anything man builds will fail at one time or another but until we susatainable energy system that is better than wind or sun ,oil will alwauys beneeded,,Transporting by rail for the quanity requried would be even worse for the eviroment ,we are between a rock and hard place at a moment
Triphid replies on Nov 1, 2019:
Wind, Solar, etc, DO work and work well. In my opinion, America, just like every other Westernized Country is both obsessed with and controlled by the BIG Oil Cartels and their money.
Keystone Pipeline spill over 380,000 gallons of crude oil in North Dakota
CS60 comments on Nov 1, 2019:
They were/are correct. And I wonder why there has been little coverage?
Triphid replies on Nov 1, 2019:
I think it is called the "mushroom syndrome," i.e. "Keep the public in DARK and feed them bullshit."
Keystone Pipeline spill over 380,000 gallons of crude oil in North Dakota
WilliamFleming comments on Nov 1, 2019:
That spill is in an older section of the pipeline, not the section recently contested. It’s just a half acre. Maybe they’ll get it cleaned up soon.
Triphid replies on Nov 1, 2019:
"Cleaned up" you say, BUT what damage to the environment has it done that won't be so easily "cleaned up?" No matter which you call it, One Oil Spill is still ONE Oil Spill too many in my opinion and the earth, etc, never truly recovers from it.
rather a 'wow' article! The Staffordshire hoard! []
Triphid comments on Nov 1, 2019:
One of our local Metal Detecting 'Crazies' thought he'd struck the Mother Load a few years back when he got permission to 'wave his magic wand' over the site of our long disused and abandoned Drive-In Movie Theatre. For ALL his hours of wandering and digging his 'reward' was a bucketful of Bra ...
Triphid replies on Nov 1, 2019:
@Allamanda Oh, I know and read a lot about the Human History with metals, etc, even was taught to be a Blacksmith once as a teenager, a talent/skill that came in very handy on the railways for making specific kinds of chisels and pry bars for certain jobs as they were needed, plus growing up in a Mining town you learn a lot about minerals, etc, as well. But since this town has only been around for about 200 years there isn't much of the gold/silver buried 'booty' stuff at around here.
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
JimG comments on Oct 30, 2019:
Welcome to the dark side.
Triphid replies on Nov 1, 2019:
@JimG Shit, ALL you got was 'reprobate,' I copped a whole lot more than that when I was about 8 years old and was expelled from EVERY Sunday School my 'mother' forced me to go to and ALL because I DARED to ask questions. I was called everything from Heretic to Heathen, Pagan to Devil's Spawn and more besides, those Presby Ministers over your way must be a wee bit on the soft side.....LOL.
Lions Club International.
Jolanta comments on Oct 31, 2019:
If it does not work out for you, you can always start your own club.
Triphid replies on Nov 1, 2019:
@tinkercreek Hey, I was saying that it didn't , make any sense to me that he ceased being a follower of religion and be a truly free individual only to want to return to being a follower again. In all my experiences in life, and they are quite numerous btw, of being a Volunteer in many different groups, etc, I've never been a 'follower' but I have put myself whole-heartedly into the work of helping others, in my honest opinion, one does not need to be a 'follower' to be a contributor.
Christian TV host: Vegetarian hamburgers are a ‘Luciferian’ plot to change human DNA – ...
NoPlanetB comments on Oct 31, 2019:
bwahahaha... well, they won't get meeeee! I don't eat a lot of meat but when I want a burger, I want a beef burger, lettuce, onion, pickles, tomato, mustard & ketchup. And no freaking cheese! :D
Triphid replies on Oct 31, 2019:
@NoPlanetB Don't grill the beet, we use it pickled raw in vinegar. There are Aussie companies who do it though I'm certain if it is available over your way AND it does taste great on burgers and as a side thing in salads as well.
Religious Conservatives Lash Out at Kellogg’s Over “Anti-Christian” Cereal | Hemant Mehta | ...
icolan comments on Oct 27, 2019:
It is really quite ironic when you take into account the beliefs of the founder of Kellogg.
Triphid replies on Oct 31, 2019:
@Bierbasstard Better keep them away from our Aussie favorite then , Cheese Twisties, who knows WHAT can happen then.....LOL.
Religious Conservatives Lash Out at Kellogg’s Over “Anti-Christian” Cereal | Hemant Mehta | ...
Julie808 comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Well if buying the cereal mix supports a donation to an anti-bullying campaign, and makes a statement to kids that all kinds of flavors make a party in your mouth, similarly to all kinds of people make a party in real life, I think that's peachy keen. Doesn't hurt anyone to use this angle to ...
Triphid replies on Oct 31, 2019:
@oldFloyd A real 'baby-shit' yellow perhaps?
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
JimG comments on Oct 30, 2019:
Welcome to the dark side.
Triphid replies on Oct 31, 2019:
Hey, shouldn't that be "The Light Side," since, in my opinion, the Faithfools seem more than happy to live in the darkness and shadows created by religions?
Lions Club International.
Jolanta comments on Oct 31, 2019:
If it does not work out for you, you can always start your own club.
Triphid replies on Oct 31, 2019:
@twill "You "wanna be a follower," is what you opened your response with is it not? Now what I cannot understand here is this, You want to follow BUT you say you became an Atheist, so why did you turn your back on being a follower of religion WHEN now you want to resume being precisely that, a Follower, again? It makes no sense to me.
Christian TV host: Vegetarian hamburgers are a ‘Luciferian’ plot to change human DNA – ...
Marionville comments on Oct 31, 2019:
He needs lobotomising....then he could do no more harm by his uninformed ravings.
Triphid replies on Oct 31, 2019:
Hey, that would take hours and hours of lengthy MICRO-surgery wouldn't it? As a friend once said, " Look deep into the eyes of any Evangelist and WHAT do you see, the inside of the back of their skull of course."
Christian TV host: Vegetarian hamburgers are a ‘Luciferian’ plot to change human DNA – ...
NoPlanetB comments on Oct 31, 2019:
bwahahaha... well, they won't get meeeee! I don't eat a lot of meat but when I want a burger, I want a beef burger, lettuce, onion, pickles, tomato, mustard & ketchup. And no freaking cheese! :D
Triphid replies on Oct 31, 2019:
What, NO Beetroot on your burger, you don't know what you've been missing? Sliced beetroot on a hamburger is a time honored Aussie tradition and trust me IT makes any burger taste way better than you can imagine.
Okay Fellow Aussie Sceptics, now that we seem to have cracked the ton members wise, let's say G'day ...
DarthWoody89 comments on Oct 31, 2019:
Thanks mate :)
Triphid replies on Oct 31, 2019:
No problem mate.
Holy Shit, just got informed, by guess who, that my dog, dead and buried for almost 3 years has been...
Cutiebeauty comments on Oct 31, 2019:
Your neighbor has a problem with you and will blame everything he possibly can on you.. Get an order of protection so next time you can have him arrested...
Triphid replies on Oct 31, 2019:
It's not just me that he has a 'problem' with, it's all the neighbors around him since we ARE not interested in hearing, endlessly, about his belief system, how god and Jesus cured him of drug dependency ( though he still smokes weed whenever he can get it), his bisexuality and how they are guiding through his life. 4 other neighbors already have Restraining Orders out on him as do the members of the Evangelist Church he used attend, so I've been informed, and one more case of him trespassing on my property and, as the Police told me a while back, and he WILL be arrested and charged.
What is the purpose of this site?
darthfaja comments on Oct 30, 2019:
Triphid replies on Oct 31, 2019:
You beauty, I hate cats so keep up with masturbation there folks....LOL.
What is the purpose of this site?
Mb_Man comments on Oct 30, 2019:
I hope it isn't just for dating because I use it more for the discussions than anything else.
Triphid replies on Oct 31, 2019:
Me too.
The TLDR of my life on the religon spectrum.
glennlab comments on Oct 31, 2019:
Welcome to the asylum, we have cookies.
Triphid replies on Oct 31, 2019:
And nuts as well, the EDIBLE kind though....LOL.
Holy Shit, just got informed, by guess who, that my dog, dead and buried for almost 3 years has been...
JimG comments on Oct 30, 2019:
You shouldn't have told him that the dog arose from his grave. They believe shit like that.
Triphid replies on Oct 31, 2019:
Hey, IF he ends up believing it then I can start charging Pilgrims Fees for the visitors it'll bring around....LOL.
Holy Shit, just got informed, by guess who, that my dog, dead and buried for almost 3 years has been...
hankster comments on Oct 30, 2019:
dog's name Lazarus?
Triphid replies on Oct 30, 2019:
Nope, Charlie...LOL. But HAD he been resurrected I would have changed it to either Jesus 2.0 or Lazarus...LOL.
Holy Shit, just got informed, by guess who, that my dog, dead and buried for almost 3 years has been...
bingst comments on Oct 30, 2019:
You could have turned it into a zombie story. :P
Triphid replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@RavenCT No, it's not dementia or anything even remotely like that. As a nurse, years ago, I been around people suffering dementia so I know what to look for, etc, etc. AND this one is in no way a dementia patient. He returned home here about 2 months ago ( he used to over to the coast for months on end PRESUMABLY to work and then return for a few weeks at a time) but we, the neighbors have since learned that he was placed in a Psychiatric Hospital some time ago for various reasons including an obsession with sharp objects, knives, etc, as well as ' mental breakdown' of sorts. He was prescribed Anti-Psychotic medications to take once whilst in hospital AND after his release, whether he is taking them or not we have no idea but we all are keeping our doors closed and locked these days and even locking our screen doors as well at ALL times.
Holy Shit, just got informed, by guess who, that my dog, dead and buried for almost 3 years has been...
RavenCT comments on Oct 30, 2019:
If you see any of their offspring in the driveway you might want to alert them. (If they have offspring). It's also possible they misjudged where the sound was coming from? I'd have just died.
Triphid replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@RavenCT Odd is how I'd describe a pair of socks that don't match up, this one is WAY, WAY beyond ODD. IF we had squirrels in Australia then no-one would be getting any sleep ever, because they'd be fighting non-stop over a nut like him.
Holy Shit, just got informed, by guess who, that my dog, dead and buried for almost 3 years has been...
RavenCT comments on Oct 30, 2019:
If you see any of their offspring in the driveway you might want to alert them. (If they have offspring). It's also possible they misjudged where the sound was coming from? I'd have just died.
Triphid replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@RavenCT No, thankfully he hasn't bred as far as anyone knows. BUT, he is still seeking a wife, that according to his beliefs MUST be a CERTIFIED virgin as well since his interpretation of the buybull states that a MAN must marry a virgin ONLY.
Holy Shit, just got informed, by guess who, that my dog, dead and buried for almost 3 years has been...
bingst comments on Oct 30, 2019:
You could have turned it into a zombie story. :P
Triphid replies on Oct 30, 2019:
Hey, like the idea, perhaps I could call it " The Return of the Zombie Dog, lock up your bones, he IS hungry," ….LOL.
Holy Shit, just got informed, by guess who, that my dog, dead and buried for almost 3 years has been...
bobwjr comments on Oct 30, 2019:
Yup very short in brains department
Triphid replies on Oct 30, 2019:
Way too many 'roos in the top paddock I'd say....LOL.
Holy Shit, just got informed, by guess who, that my dog, dead and buried for almost 3 years has been...
bingst comments on Oct 30, 2019:
You could have turned it into a zombie story. :P
Triphid replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@RavenCT Shit, I did something similar in my front yard last Halloween, a few barrow loads of fine white sand and a hand-carved set of feet and left a trail of well defined footprints in the sand. The whole thing was quite visible and stretched out for over 3.5 metres, next morning he was outside my fence proclaiming loudly that Jesus had returned during the night and walked across my garden. Btw, the rest of the residents in our neighborhood call him " Mr. KGB" because he regularly does his 'patrols' of the neighborhood morning and evening without fail.
Holy Shit, just got informed, by guess who, that my dog, dead and buried for almost 3 years has been...
bingst comments on Oct 30, 2019:
You could have turned it into a zombie story. :P
Triphid replies on Oct 30, 2019:
Hey, IF Charlie the dog had been resurrected, which he most definitely has NOT, I'd have changed his name to Jesus 2.0....LOL.
Holy Shit, just got informed, by guess who, that my dog, dead and buried for almost 3 years has been...
St-Sinner comments on Oct 30, 2019:
Don't you have any sympathy for the neighbor who is fucking going crazy?
Triphid replies on Oct 30, 2019:
Nope, because he did it ALL to himself when he was a drug addict earlier in his life and has since proclaimed that God and Jesus have healed him completely.
Holy Shit, just got informed, by guess who, that my dog, dead and buried for almost 3 years has been...
RavenCT comments on Oct 30, 2019:
If you see any of their offspring in the driveway you might want to alert them. (If they have offspring). It's also possible they misjudged where the sound was coming from? I'd have just died.
Triphid replies on Oct 30, 2019:
Nope, Charlie, the dog, never produced any off-spring so that is out of the question there and I haven't had nor owned a dog since the self-same neighbor decided, one Sunday, to take my other dog, Harry, for a walk to church with him WITHOUT my permission and returned WITHOUT Harry, ever since that Sunday, neither hide nor hair of Harry has ever been seen again.
Child's cruise ship death raises question: When should caregivers be charged?
KKGator comments on Oct 30, 2019:
Just wanted to share an anecdote that goes to people sometimes losing their grip on a child. When my nephew (now 17 and built like an NFL linebacker) was 2 months old, I was sitting on the couch in his parents' house, holding him. He whipped his head around and caught me square in the jaw. I...
Triphid replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@KKGator Precisely, when my daughter was a wee little one just starting to crawl, I went around the whole house taping up everything and anything that remotely could have been a hazard to her, the bloody house ended up looking like a deranged Paramedic had been let loose with rolls of Gaffer tape, etc, But still, one evening she managed to find, during her third episode of trying to walk, the ONLY drawer handle that I had missed, hit it and gashed open her forehead less than an inch above her left eye requiring 3 tiny sutures to close it. 10 days later I was back at the hospital with her after she had found a pumpkin seed that had managed to miss being put into the bowl with the rest and fell to the floor while I was preparing to make dinner, inserted it into her nostril and was giggling away as it moved up and down as she breathed. 2 hours of waiting in the Emergency room then she sneezed and the seed took flight across the room and again she giggled to see it happen. Kids and 'mishaps' go hand in hand, in my opinion, we parents and care-givers can only be on our best alert when kids are around BUT we ARE NOT Superhumans.
Is hope realistic?
Storm1752 comments on Oct 29, 2019:
The very question is hopeful. But irrelevant. Hope is NECESSARY. Without it we can forget about the "pursuit of happiness!" Hope is the future. Without the future we are morose and despondent. Is hope realistic? Beside the point. Hope is real. So ignore all the grouches who say it isn't. ...
Triphid replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@OwlInASack I wasn't, most fortunately, brought up in the R.C. world of guilt and shame BUT was brought up by a Dad who was a very social conscious Atheist. From him I learned that to do what ever you possible can for others IS the greatest achievement in life you can strive for though you may never receive acclaim for your efforts from those around you your true reward is knowing that you actually did something to help others and thereby helped yourself as well. And that IS one the reasons why I still work as a Child/Youth in Crisis Counsellor to this day and STILL do it on a Pro Bono/Gratis basis and am on 'call' basically 24/7 only allowing myself 2 mornings per fortnight 'off' to do the essential things such as grocery shopping, etc.
Is hope realistic?
Storm1752 comments on Oct 29, 2019:
The very question is hopeful. But irrelevant. Hope is NECESSARY. Without it we can forget about the "pursuit of happiness!" Hope is the future. Without the future we are morose and despondent. Is hope realistic? Beside the point. Hope is real. So ignore all the grouches who say it isn't. ...
Triphid replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@OwlInASack Well then you have done great things in your life and for that I congratulate you.
Winter hiking survival. Your ideas?
MsHoliday comments on Oct 29, 2019:
I always used a satellite personal tracker when I am in the wilds anywhere. I used SPOT, it had an emergency button, send help, and a message button with a pre determined message to let someone know you are o.k., and your last location. There is a monthly subscription charge. Well worth it. ...
Triphid replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@MsHoliday Well I do as I've always done and that's fix myself up. Many times will out in outback I've gashed open a keg and every time I've sutured it up myself with a needle and the bit of nylon fishing line I always carry in my Swag.
Winter hiking survival. Your ideas?
MsHoliday comments on Oct 29, 2019:
I always used a satellite personal tracker when I am in the wilds anywhere. I used SPOT, it had an emergency button, send help, and a message button with a pre determined message to let someone know you are o.k., and your last location. There is a monthly subscription charge. Well worth it. ...
Triphid replies on Oct 29, 2019:
Geez, has no-one ever taught survival in the bush?My Dad started teaching me how to survive in Aussie Outback when I was about 5 years old, things like knowing where and how to find drinkable water, what native plants are edible and what are not, how to make yourself a very warm bed for the night by digging a swallow, body shaped hole, lining it with hot coals from the fire and the covering it with sand before laying out your Swag on top, etc, etc. Not being nasty or dismissive BUT I reckon you guys and girls wouldn't last more than a week out here.
Is hope realistic?
ShadowAmicus comments on Oct 29, 2019:
There is no justification for hopeful optimism, or for pessimism .... plan for your objectives and how you will achieve them ... the plan may have to evolve, but the overall objective remains ... unless you decide to change it.
Triphid replies on Oct 29, 2019:
@ShadowAmicus Well, to be 199% honest, I've never suffered a failure by not planning an artwork out in the first place.
Is hope realistic?
Storm1752 comments on Oct 29, 2019:
The very question is hopeful. But irrelevant. Hope is NECESSARY. Without it we can forget about the "pursuit of happiness!" Hope is the future. Without the future we are morose and despondent. Is hope realistic? Beside the point. Hope is real. So ignore all the grouches who say it isn't. ...
Triphid replies on Oct 29, 2019:
@OwlInASack Yes, those are 'issues' and no debate about that from me, they are sad, unfortunate to say the least, BUT, were we not merely discussing 'personal problems' though?
The agnostic crowd is much more intelligent than the rest!! Sorry, but it is the truth.
Norman347 comments on Oct 29, 2019:
Define Agnostic because it's been my experience that many confuse Atheism and Agnostisizm. Or they think they are the same thing and they most certainly are not.
Triphid replies on Oct 29, 2019:
@KKGator Methinks, and based upon my medical opinion here, someone, who shall remain unnamed, may be afflicted with C.R.I.S. (Cranio-Rectal Insertion Syndrome), a problem most frequently found in Politicians, Followers of Religions and the like. C.R.I. S. can be remedied by 3 means, 1) A lengthy surgical procedure to separate the 'foreign object' from the canal in which has been incorrectly inserted, and Spinal fusion to, hopefully, reduce the chances of reoccurrence in the future, 2) massive oral dosages of Laxatives and intramuscular Muscle relaxants, BUT this method IS ALWAYS very, very messy after result as you can guess, and 3) the complete surgical excision of the offending part which either results in the death of the patient OR the patient becoming an even more fervent member of their chosen religion.
Is hope realistic?
Storm1752 comments on Oct 29, 2019:
The very question is hopeful. But irrelevant. Hope is NECESSARY. Without it we can forget about the "pursuit of happiness!" Hope is the future. Without the future we are morose and despondent. Is hope realistic? Beside the point. Hope is real. So ignore all the grouches who say it isn't. ...
Triphid replies on Oct 29, 2019:
@OwlInASack " An issue IS only an Issue should and If one wishes to make it so." -William Anthony, 2019.
The agnostic crowd is much more intelligent than the rest!! Sorry, but it is the truth.
Norman347 comments on Oct 29, 2019:
Define Agnostic because it's been my experience that many confuse Atheism and Agnostisizm. Or they think they are the same thing and they most certainly are not.
Triphid replies on Oct 29, 2019:
@Norman347 Absolute BULLSHIT to the max.
Is hope realistic?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 29, 2019:
There is no religious hope just as there isn't a secular hope, hope results from cherishing and or desiring for something to happen. Now stop worrying about existing, angst happens to those who obsess, bitch and dread about things they can't control. Snap out of it!
Triphid replies on Oct 29, 2019:
@OwlInASack I usually that sort of thing by adding the numbers from 1 upwards ( 1+1 =2, 2+2=4, etc, etc and so on) until I fall asleep again, somehow I never seem to any higher than adding to about 20 or 30 though.
Is hope realistic?
Storm1752 comments on Oct 29, 2019:
The very question is hopeful. But irrelevant. Hope is NECESSARY. Without it we can forget about the "pursuit of happiness!" Hope is the future. Without the future we are morose and despondent. Is hope realistic? Beside the point. Hope is real. So ignore all the grouches who say it isn't. ...
Triphid replies on Oct 29, 2019:
@OwlInASack I think that you may need to stop thinking and living with the " What Ifs" and start thinking of the "What cans" instead. We, Aussies, have a saying, " Don't worry Mate, It'll be alright in the long run."
Is hope realistic?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 29, 2019:
There is no religious hope just as there isn't a secular hope, hope results from cherishing and or desiring for something to happen. Now stop worrying about existing, angst happens to those who obsess, bitch and dread about things they can't control. Snap out of it!
Triphid replies on Oct 29, 2019:
@OwlInASack I think we all do that from time to time, don't we, I know it happens to me now and again. But I've kind of taught myself that worrying over things never does anything much more than robbing one of sleep and peace of mind so better to wait until daylight and look at it from a better aspect.
Is hope realistic?
Storm1752 comments on Oct 29, 2019:
The very question is hopeful. But irrelevant. Hope is NECESSARY. Without it we can forget about the "pursuit of happiness!" Hope is the future. Without the future we are morose and despondent. Is hope realistic? Beside the point. Hope is real. So ignore all the grouches who say it isn't. ...
Triphid replies on Oct 29, 2019:
@OwlInASack And, "IF we ALL knew what tomorrow had in store for us, we'd never get out of bed in the morning," BUT still we do and mostly in 'hope' that tomorrow WILL be a better day than yesterday was, is that not correct in some way?
Is hope realistic?
RiverRick comments on Oct 29, 2019:
As my Dad used to say... Hope in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up quicker! And... As I have reminded employees at times when I have asked when something will be done and they say, "I hope to have it done soon!" Hope is not a strategy!
Triphid replies on Oct 29, 2019:
Lol, that would work UNLESS you are very badly constipated.
Is hope realistic?
ShadowAmicus comments on Oct 29, 2019:
There is no justification for hopeful optimism, or for pessimism .... plan for your objectives and how you will achieve them ... the plan may have to evolve, but the overall objective remains ... unless you decide to change it.
Triphid replies on Oct 29, 2019:
When I'm doing an artwork I never have a formal, set plan for how it will turn out, instead, like most things in my life these days, I simply let IT evolve and add a wee dash of hope that it will be acceptable to both myself and those who view it. Fret and worry, in my opinion, only serve to give one headaches and an upset stomach, best to avoid them at all costs.
Is hope realistic?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 29, 2019:
There is no religious hope just as there isn't a secular hope, hope results from cherishing and or desiring for something to happen. Now stop worrying about existing, angst happens to those who obsess, bitch and dread about things they can't control. Snap out of it!
Triphid replies on Oct 29, 2019:
@OwlInASack A very old adage my friend goes something like this, " Worry over the things YOU can change and strive with ALL your might to make them change, Worry NOT about the things beyond your abilities and strengths, etc, for they WILL only cause you more grief than you need."
Is hope realistic?
Storm1752 comments on Oct 29, 2019:
The very question is hopeful. But irrelevant. Hope is NECESSARY. Without it we can forget about the "pursuit of happiness!" Hope is the future. Without the future we are morose and despondent. Is hope realistic? Beside the point. Hope is real. So ignore all the grouches who say it isn't. ...
Triphid replies on Oct 29, 2019:
@OwlInASack Who is to say exactly what IS realistic and what it is not? I'm kind of playing the 'Devil's Advocate Role' here btw. Is not 'realstic' merely based upon the perception/s of the individual and could it not said that Hope be based upon those self-same perceptions?


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Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Open to meeting women
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  • Joined Nov 16th, 2017
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