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Are you an example for people around you?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 25, 2018:
I try to be nice to every one I meet. I volunteer at a homeless shelter. I try to learn something new every day. I have some great friends, some are believers, some are not. but we all respect each other for the people that we are, not by what we believe in. I'm not sure if any one pays attention to me, so I don't know if I set an example or not. But it doesn't really mater, I am who I am, and I like the person I am.
Okay, last Florence post.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 25, 2018:
I know what that's like, I volunteer at a homeless shelter. Last year we had Irene come through here, and a couple counties had a mandatory evac. They took the people from the shelter to a local Highschool that was built for those kind of things. I went there with them so I could help with the food and donations. We were all in the same shoes, so every little bit helps.
Does a ring really matter?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 25, 2018:
To me a ring is pointless, and very expensive. We would still be together anyway, so no need for a ring. There are many things we could spend that kind of money on that we would enjoy more than a damn ring.
Just for fun..we all need just a little or allot. I need coffee or ice cream.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 25, 2018:
Ice cream. I'm not really into sweets, other than an occasional dark chocolate.
As a child, were you forced to hug/kiss relatives or friends when you didn't want to?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 25, 2018:
I'm mostly Italian, and it's just tradition to hug and a kiss on the cheek. Well, at least the hug part. It's not sexual in any respect, it's a show affection, love, and respect to each other. There are some traditions I still hold dear, and that is one of them. . I'm the same way with my good friends,men and women, a hug upon meeting, and leaving, minus the kissing part. But I do feel a bit strange doing it with people I don't really know yet.
Today is unofficially unhappy White Peeps Day.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 25, 2018:
It always amazes me that some of the most horrible atrocities, extreem bigotry,mass murder,forced integration sensless war, and many others, happened not too long ago. But it is equally amazing at just ho much as humans have grown and changed, learning from our mistakes. Well, I guess I should have said (most) humans. We still have a long way to go, and some times I can be cynical, Most of the time upon reflection I do see the positive changes. JMHO.
I've been thinking about what truly offends me, and I found this "Thought Catalog" list.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 24, 2018:
I honestly believe there is a difference between saying or hearing something that I think is funny to say, and the intent to say something offensive in an offensive way. I think done right one can joke about anything. And to be honest I have a dark sense of humor. It's tough these days because it seems no one can take a joke, and some are just waiting to jump on something so they can point their finger and call you a shamer, or racist, or what ever the fuck. But as to some one trying to just get under my skin, and name calling, or what ever childish thing they want to do, I don't even respond. That usually pisses them off.
Physical feature that is the best turn on?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 24, 2018:
Honestly, I don't have a specific turn on. there is always something that I am attracted to, but it's different from person to person.
Things that make you go, hmmmmm .
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 24, 2018:
Although I do have a profile pic, I really am here for the community. It's not just a dating site.
What was the best first date you've had?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 24, 2018:
It's kind of hard to say because I've had quite a few great ones and it's hard to pick just one. However I've had some real bad ones too.
The one thing we all have in common is that we don't buy into organized religion, however, is there ...
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 23, 2018:
My music that I write. My volunteer work at the homeless shelter. Saying "hi" to every one I pass by on my walks. Trying to learn something new every day. And of course, Drinking.
Lentil soup: lentils, potatoes, carrots, leek, celery, onion, capsicum (probably called bell peppers...
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 22, 2018:
That looks great, I love a good lentil soup.
Men who never learned to cook
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 22, 2018:
I used to be a Chef, so I'm the one who does most of the cooking. I don't do it for a job any more, but I love doing it for friends.
[] One of the most sexy songs I've heard in a long time
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 22, 2018:
Here is another very sexy one as well. Delerium is one of my favorite groups, they have a lot of stuff like this.
Sometimes everyone can use some comic relief. []
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 22, 2018:
That is such a classic movie. Being in many bands over the years, I get the humor even more. Great post.
The finished product .. Mexican style chicken soup
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 22, 2018:
Looks very good.I bet it tastes even better.
Every Halloween I traditionally have to watch "Army of Darkness" anyone else have something that it ...
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 22, 2018:
I love that whole trilogy.
[] One of the most sexy songs I've heard in a long time
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 22, 2018:
This is one of my favorite 'sexy' songs. wicked game by chris issac. It has a real nice sultry sound to it.
A tip for conversation on a date.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 22, 2018:
Yes, I do to any one. But i am curious as to why you said "Her" specifically.
Favorite songs?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 22, 2018:
Simply way too many to pick just five.
How many atheists here are musicians/artists
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 22, 2018:
I don't think belief, or non-belief has anything to do with it. Remember, some of the best art, and music in history were from believers.
Adagio for Strings.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 22, 2018:
This one is in my tops for favorites. as well. Beautifully played.
Where do you prefer to be beach or mountain?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 22, 2018:
I live on the beach.
Licking Cream by Sevendust []
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 21, 2018:
Loves me some Sevendust. Great song.
I forgot to write down the name of the artist that painted these to give credit, but these paintings...
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 21, 2018:
The only ones I couldn't find were Chekov, and Scotty. I'll keep looking because I'd like to have the whole set.
Let's Have Some Fun - Pick 2 Pills
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 21, 2018:
Where is the one for an endless supply of good wine? :)
Why do young guys think sarcasm is positive?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 20, 2018:
I don't think it's just young men, or women that do it. I love sarcasm, and satire, when it's done right.
I love this song! []
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 20, 2018:
I love Rammstein. I have a couple of box sets of live shows. They have the best pyro that I've ever seen. this is one of my favorites.
The Who isn't really metal or punk, but they have one hell of a range. []
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 20, 2018:
Loves me some old Who.
Has anyone else had a religious friend ask where your sense of morality comes from?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 20, 2018:
This I think is one of the best retorts to that question. I don't know who coined it though. If you can't tell the difference between right and wrong, you don't lack religion, you lack empathy.
Where are you from?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 20, 2018:
"where are you from" is in my opinion, a fairly common question here in Florida. Most people that live here came from somewhere else. It's not a stupid, nor insulting question. What I don't get, was your statement, " What is it with idiots in this country? Are they so insecure about losing their position?". Exactly what position do you mean?
Are there any female atheist activists?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 18, 2018:
I found this site with a list of the 'top' (what ever that means) Atheists in the world. You'll notice that many of them are women.
Table for one.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 18, 2018:
I never had a seat like that, but I go out to eat alone all the time. Yes I do like to go sometimes with friends, but sometimes I like to be by myself.
Chevelle - Vitamin R (Leading Us Along) []
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 18, 2018:
Never heard of these guys before, but I like. The have a little Tool sound to them which i really like
Kids say the darnest things.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Hard to relate. Diner time was a horror for me. That's when my abusive father would begin his torment. I lived in fear of saying the 'Darnedest thing; However, since me and my mother bonded, we have had a great time saying some funny shit to one another.
Why do, some, women expect to pay their debts with sex?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 17, 2018:
In the late 80s, and early 90s. I was in quite a few Hard rock/ meatal /Grunge bands. it was like a role reversal., I had on many ocasions had women spending a lot of money on me. Yes, some wanted sex, and that was a win/win situation. But sometimes it was creepy because they would start to leech onto me. I never quite understood why some women latch on to a guy just happens to be in a band.
Should one bring/send flowers on a first date?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 17, 2018:
I've never done that sort of thing on a first date. Meeting for coffee, or at a bar having a drink or two. Both of them are more social. It's important to me to get to know the person I'm with a bit before I'll have a second date. I live on the beach, so my second date or so would be to have a walk one the beach, and watch the sunset. Then maybe dinner.
Would you settle with a religious person or just stay single?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 17, 2018:
I have, and won't do it again.
Pertinent to my current situation, and a great song by one of my favorite bands. []
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Haven't heard this before, but i like.
When you are out and about and come across someone you find attractive.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 17, 2018:
I'm kind of awkward when it comes to that. With my disorder, it takes me quite a bit to open up to people untill I get to know and be comfortable around them.But even when I was younger, I was pretty clueless. I had no problem talking to people, and introducing myself to any one. My problem is that I never really mastered body language. so some one could be flirting with me for a while and I wouldn't know. I have to say though, i've had more people come up and introduce them selves to me rather than the other way around.
What's your most outlandish belief? (Mine is, I believe crop circles are not man-made.)
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 17, 2018:
From the late great Carl Sagan. "I don't want to believe, I want to know". That's how I feel as well.
What do you do when you're blue?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 15, 2018:
2 things. The music that I write. The volenteer work at the homeless shelter.
Follow-up question...What do you think is appropriate dress for a date?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 15, 2018:
Honestly, I don't give it much thought, so I wear my regular duds. But on that. I also do dress rather well. But if i was on a date, I would not harshly judge one of their 'dress code'. IMHO
This is the saddest song I have ever heard, and I love it dearly.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 15, 2018:
Absoullutly beautiful. Great post. :)
Great idea.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 15, 2018:
I agree. although I have liked some 'main streem' music. I do love some music that most have not heard. And I agree, Eletists are no fun.
Pertinent to my current situation, and a great song by one of my favorite bands. []
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 15, 2018:
Cool, I really like this, thanks for posting. )
Sam Harris makes a great analogy. Wait for it at the end, it's priceless []
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 15, 2018:
Oh, and btw, I think Jordan Peterson is a major tool.
Have you ever hated/disliked your boyfriend/girlfriend’s mom/dad or both?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 15, 2018:
I've never had a problem like that. I usually get along with every one.
Do You Like Being Alone?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 15, 2018:
I said this in a similar post. I have learned more about myself, by being by myself. And although sometimes I like to be around friends, I am fine by myself. I like who I am.
Here's a good question. []
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 14, 2018:
I was raised by parents and aunts and uncles that turned me onto among many, the Beatles. I've been an avid fan ever since. A side from that, no I've never done it in the road. But. I am a member of the mile high club. That's gota mean something. :)
I'm so excited! I got a call from a lady who is currently singing lead in two bands.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 14, 2018:
As much as I love to write and play by myself, I do also love to play with others. I've had some that didn't work out too well. But when I've jammed with some that we really clicked with, was the best thing ever. I really hope it goes well for you.
What are the best hobbies? I am partial to fishing however I like many other avenues.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 14, 2018:
Among many other instruments< I mostly play guitar. Creating music is one of my favorite things to do. Another thing I like to do is my volunteer work at the homeless shelter here, I love to talk to people and help however I can to help make them uplift their spirits. Plus sometimes I've made quite a few friends doing that.
Any guys or gals looking ???
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 14, 2018:
That's pretty much my MO.
One glass of wine down, three to go. Has anyone ever been to Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 14, 2018:
As a kid growing up in PA. My Grandfather used to take me on many road trips to many places in the state. Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania was one of them. Bethlehem PA. is another great place. It has a great German community, they have a Bach festival every year, and quite a few others. Some great, and very old architecture as well. It's just north of Philly. Worth the trip if you can.
I'm drinking. What do we want to talk or argue about this evening?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 14, 2018:
I'm doing some drinking as well. I'm up for anything. Cheers. :)
SATIRE Iceland Raises Age Of Religious Consent To 21 | Andrew Hall
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 14, 2018:
I know it's probably a spoof. However, Iceland, Sweeden, Switzerland, Holland, are some ot the most non-believing countries. And as a side note, they also have some of the lowest crime rates.
A question for the womenfolk: I've a theory.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 14, 2018:
I don't think this applies to just woman, I know many men that do the same.
A year ago a paymate discovered that I have faur G spots. How many G spots you have?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 14, 2018:
Depending on the person I am with, my whole body can be one. Then again, the wrong person, and I have none.
Headtrip by Sevendust []
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 14, 2018:
Great song. Been a huge Sevendust fan for a long time.
I think of myself as agnostic mostly, but ever since joining this site, and reading many, many ...
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 14, 2018:
Although I do refer to anyone that asks, I am an Atheist. But in some ways I guess you could put it as that I am an Agnostic Atheist. Meaning I am an Atheist because I do not believe in any shape or form any gods or anything supernatural. I'll add the Agnostic, because I can't prove either way. I am also an Anti-theist, in the way that I despise religion with every fiber in me.
I think of myself as agnostic mostly, but ever since joining this site, and reading many, many ...
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 14, 2018:
Here is a great response to that by Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson. One of my favorite quotes of his.
Happy Friday, everyone!
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 14, 2018:
That's actually really funny. Good one. :)
I just had a mind blowing conversation with my fundamental christian mother.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 13, 2018:
I've noticed that sometimes planting seeds works wonders.
Where are you on the bridge?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 13, 2018:
I was never a theist. I wasn't brought up in a religious household, so There was never any bridge.
Hello all just out of a curious though how do you unwind after a hard day's graft (work).
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 13, 2018:
Sometimes a movie, Sometimes I'll play some World of Warcraft. But either way I'm having a couple glasses of wine with it.
I am curious What are the top three things or you can say "red flags" that would make your heart ...
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 13, 2018:
"I'm really a man". "Atheist?, Why do you hate god" And pretty much if they said any kind of racial slurs.
My final coffee post ... good morning!
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 13, 2018:
Theodor Griesel could not have said it any better. :) Having min e now too. And Good morning.
Addendum: I did not mean we were couch potatoes I was curious if anyone like organized sports.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 13, 2018:
Atheism and sports, Hmm, I have just the answer for that.... Pat Tillman. Google him if you need to.
So I got down to Tampa last weekend. I should have done this years ago....hello to all...
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 12, 2018:
I'm right next door here in Clearwater.
What kind of fish is for dinner?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 12, 2018:
I'm a seafood fanatic, I've never tried anything out of the water that I didn't like. Scallops are my favorite though.
(Edited: This is apparently satirical) Not a story about singles but about Iceland prohibiting ...
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 12, 2018:
Iceland, Holland, Switzerland, Sweden, and a few others, have been on the top of the charts of non-believers,for a very long time. Interestingly enough, they also have some of the lowest crime rates as well,...
Good morning
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 12, 2018:
Good morning to you as well. :) My coffee machine actually has an alarm that I can set to go off when it starts brewing.
Music or no music during sex?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 11, 2018:
Does the headboard banging against the wall count as 'music'.
If you had to recommend someone watch 5 TV series, what would you pick?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 11, 2018:
Dexter. Game of Thrones. Cosmos. Battlestar galactica, (the 2000's version). Through the Wormhole.
Listened to Simon and Garfunkel driving in to work this morning.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 11, 2018:
I think all of the music that I have heard brings back some memories. Some good, some not so much.
Good morning!
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 11, 2018:
Thank you, and Good morning to you as well. Coffee is brewing as I type this. I wish it would hurry up. :)
I always wonder, when a man puts "Average" for his height in his profile, what do men think is ...
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 10, 2018:
I honestly don't know what would be considered 'average'. I'm 6'1, and that seems about normal I guess. As far as a partner, it really doesn't matter their height.
Describe the perfect Lasagna
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 10, 2018:
My Grandmothers.
[] I don't have a 'type', however-
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 10, 2018:
Yeah, it's not working for me either.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 10, 2018:
I posted this on a little while back. I think it's a great one.
Avner Dorman: Frozen in Time I.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 9, 2018:
Talented, yes. My cup of tea, no. Still, I do love to hear something That I haven't heard before.
I'm a starting to wonder if I should just make peace with the notion of being single for the rest of...
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 9, 2018:
I've learned a lot about myself, from being by myself.
What are you grateful for?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 9, 2018:
My curiosity, My therapist, My will to live.
Chimera try to survive []
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 8, 2018:
Yhanks for posting this. I've been a metal fan since the old days of Black Sabbath, and I've kept up with many bands since. One thing I really like is being turned on to something new to me. This is great, I'll have to look up some more of them.
FFDP Jeckle and Hyde
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 8, 2018:
Thanks for posting this. I only have had a couple of tunes from these guys. I'll have to look up more.
How do you like, or do, your potatoes?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 8, 2018:
I've never had potatoes, any way cooked that I didn't like.
Can science and religion be reconciled?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 8, 2018:
There are some that do. For example. Dr. Kennith R Miller. He's a cellular biologist, and a professor at Brown, He is also a huge promoter of evolution. And Her is a devout Romen Catholic. And there is Frances Collins, who led the team on the genome project, also a promoter of evolution, and he as well, is a believer in god. Usually the norm for the elite scientists are Atheists, or at least Agnostic. but again, there are some exceptions.
I've been thinking a lot about mr.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 8, 2018:
the Mr. Bill show was fucking awesome. My favoritecharacter was slugo.
What is your favorite place you've ever lived?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 8, 2018:
Right where I am at, Clearwater Florida.
I don't know if this is a single group post but it's for the ladies.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 7, 2018:
Well, I'm not a woman, but I can say that I was never the bunn kind of person. I do have long hair, but I go all natural with it.
All women are beautiful.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 7, 2018:
And men are what?
Because it’s Halloween time and everyone loves Disneyland!
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 7, 2018:
I'm from Florida, so for us it's Disney world. but aside from that, I agree, Halloween is the best. :)
I am into the Hippocrates` maxim : Make food your medicine, and make medicine your food.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 7, 2018:
I used to be a chef, so I know how to eat a great regiment of intake of Proteins, carbs, vitamins, and colesteral, treans fats, and many others. So in a way I do understand that a good healthy diet can help one maintain a better healthiness. But to say that drugs are not medicine, or what ever nonsense you are babbling about is pointless. I am diagnosed with Schizoaffective disorder. What exactly would you say what food I should take for that?
I want to know how you meet new people.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 7, 2018:
I am also usually an introvert, never really going out unless with a friend. But I decided a while ago that I wanted to change that. So I did little things like going out to eat by myself, going to the pub to have a beer or two by my self, and a few other things. I'll be honest, it was terrifying at first, but after a while I started to get more comfortable with it. Now I have no problem with doing things alone. Don't get me wrong, i still like going out with friends much better, but it's nice to know that if I want, I can do it alone.
How did you succeed by not giving up? Tell us a story.
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 7, 2018:
I am diagnosed with Scizoaffective disorder. I fight major depression, voices, suicidal thoughts. halucinations. bi-polar every day. Never giving up is why i am still alive. I'd call that a success.
What is something you ate growing up that you never ate again once you became an adult?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 7, 2018:
I was never a picky eater. There wasn't much I didn't like.
You are your worst critic? Is that quote true or false?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 7, 2018:
Yes, I am. I'm a musician, and find a great deal of joy creating something. But then I'll listen to it again, and think, meh, it could be better. Even the songs that other people have said that it was good, I still feel like I could have done better.
What's your favor science popularist?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 7, 2018:
I have to go with either, Carl Sagan, or Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
Suicidal Tendencies - You Can't Bring Me Down []
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 7, 2018:
I remember back in the day hearing "I saw your mommy, and your mommies dead". I thought, this is the band for me.
Questions for Democrats: Which Candidate is your top choice to run for President in 2020?
TristanNuvo comments on Sep 7, 2018:
I'm still thinking that the best president would be Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson. But then I do realize that having a Scientific litterate just wouldn't jive with most people. They would rather hear, 'God and country" rather than critical thinking.


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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  • Joined Jun 8th, 2018
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