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Assange's threat to the Corporatocracy's MSM PR machinery is something they can't allow.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 17, 2018:
Speaking of instances of specifically working against truth and transparency, this report is particularly galling. ----- “Freedom of the press in the world will cease to exist if a judge in one country is allowed to bar publication of information anywhere in the world.” – Martin Baron, Executive Editor, The Washington Post, Dec 13, 2018
George HW Bush, while not an overly favorite person of mine, he had his moments.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 17, 2018:
I rarely ever hear any tangible wisdom preached at a funeral (usually just "in a better place" with an occasional accusatory "the rest of you better get right with Jeebus") and my mind tends to glaze over at some of the pablum being offered. Yet, it also offers much insight into the ritual of dealing with loss and the finality of death. I remember attending a service for a coworker's daughter. Shortly before it came to its conclusion, the mother let out a plaintive wail that morphed into continuous sobs. The intensity of that pain still haunts me.
Escape From the Trump Cult | The New Republic
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 17, 2018:
My friend Bernie the Attorney, a former ambulance chasing trial lawyer (actually more of an Erin Brockovich), pointed out that when the facts you present clash too severely with their own worldview, they just tune out and raise the shields. It takes a special patience to walk them through things in order to come to a particular conclusion themselves, though often is just not possible.
A venture into the Magic Kingdom on your way through Fantasyland.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 17, 2018:
"We are all wired into a survival trip now. No more of the speed that fueled that 60's. That was the fatal flaw in Tim Leary's trip. He crashed around America selling "consciousness expansion" without ever giving a thought to the grim meat-hook realities that were lying in wait for all the people who took him seriously... All those pathetically eager acid freaks who thought they could buy Peace and Understanding for three bucks a hit. But their loss and failure is ours too. What Leary took down with him was the central illusion of a whole life-style that he helped create... a generation of permanent cripples, failed seekers, who never understood the essential old-mystic fallacy of the Acid Culture: the desperate assumption that somebody... or at least some force - is tending the light at the end of the tunnel." Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
This scares me about as much as anything: []
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 17, 2018:
Can't read because I'm on a 3 day FB ban for the single word comment "Putz" which if I recall correctly, dealt with some idiotic Chuck Schumer pronouncement (though FB thought police neither provide link nor any ability to challenge). Never forget that platforms such as Facebook and Google are cooperating with repressive goverments to restrict content. It may be satisfying to watch someone like Alex Jones lose his outlets, but it also allows them to cast the net much wider to demonize anyone not parroting the official narrative.
"No investigative journalism in my lifetime can equal the importance of what WikiLeaks has done in ...
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 17, 2018:
This is a pdf, but worth reading in its entirety regarding the build-up towards the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, the issue of weapons of mass destruction in general, and the reporting of The New York Times correspondent Judith Miller in particular. The question of journalistic integrity goes far beyond Assange. "Judith Miller, The New York Times, and the Propaganda Model"
A venture into the Magic Kingdom on your way through Fantasyland.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 17, 2018:
Shit's about to get real.
A venture into the Magic Kingdom on your way through Fantasyland.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 17, 2018:
Strange days indeed. Most peculiar, mama.
Assange's threat to the Corporatocracy's MSM PR machinery is something they can't allow.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 16, 2018:
It's troubling to see so little regard for potentially constraining the ability of journalists to report the facts. "For The People" my ass.
Assange's threat to the Corporatocracy's MSM PR machinery is something they can't allow.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 16, 2018:
"Assange started a leak outlet on the premise that corrupt and unaccountable power is a problem in our world, and that the problem can be fought with the light of truth. Corrupt and unaccountable power has responded by detaining, silencing and smearing him. The persecution of Assange has proved his thesis about the world absolutely correct."
What is your favorite dance song?
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 16, 2018:
What is your favorite dance song?
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 16, 2018:
What is your favorite dance song?
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 16, 2018:
What is your favorite dance song?
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 16, 2018:
What is your favorite dance song?
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 15, 2018:
I do hope you post the track list when finished if you don't mind sharing.
What is your favorite dance song?
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 15, 2018:
What’s a movie or song that you can never get tired of?
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 14, 2018:
What is your favorite dance song?
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 14, 2018:
What is your favorite dance song?
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 14, 2018:
What is your favorite dance song?
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 14, 2018:
[WARNING - pig roast prep towards the end may be disturbing for some]
Do Civilisations Survive?
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 13, 2018:
Dyer was focusing on the pollution and environmental damage as being the limiting threshold for technological civilizations, but I think there is another aspect to consider. We are genetically descended from what is essentially our most rapacious and Machiavellian ancestors. As comic Colin Quinn once put it, "We didn't descend from the group that starved to death waiting for their place at the dinner table." While there are remarkably wondrous and laudable examples of human progress, they're still largely within the framework of a dog-eat-dog rat race. In a materialistic universe, with the emergence of life itself always advancing as a variation of eat or be eaten, it serves to reason that life universally has been distilled through this crucible of measures and countermeasures that is life in the foodchain. At what point does a civilization gain a consciousness of the oneness of life and existence when their evolution was also exclusively a product of the winners and losers of species roulette? The point Dyer makes on societies choosing in time to change course seems to presume that the dynamic of the strong preying on the weak has been suitably altered or constrained. The top of the heap rarely if ever accepts their own power and opulence being diminished for any reason. Such a world in their minds is too alien to contemplate. Dyer did mention a 70% die off likely when the runaway conditions peaked. Maybe a variable element to be added to the Drake equation is that the 30% remaining are the distilled Machiavellians too self centered to give a shit about the rest of the cosmos, particularly as they sit as king of the hill on their wounded planet. Stats have already shown that that so much can be mechanized as far as manufacturing and the like, that it will be a much smaller workforce needed to service the powerful.
Music or no music during sex?
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 13, 2018:
One lover had the radio on at a volume like she was worried about government eavesdropping. Most of the rest of the encounter was equally dysfunctional, so when "White Wedding" came on, half way through I got up, got dressed, and left. I told "He's right. It's time to start again."
There has been some talk on here about unsolicited dick pictures.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 13, 2018:
Not in the face!
Irony at work. You make national news regarding your rescue only to be charged with a crime?
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 13, 2018:
Governor's g-kid involved no less.
Thought I would take a stroll down the Left Coast and see what I sees!! Jimmy
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 10, 2018:
Apparently California needs rakers. Your spot maybe not so much, though many municipalities will drag their beachfront sand on a regular basis as a persistent portion of humanity treats it like an ashtray. Happy trails. Enjoy your stroll.
Gotten into a scary thought.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 10, 2018:
It's possible that the you in parallel universes will make/has made every other possible choice. I'm confident you'll make the choice that the other yous wished they had. Bon fortuna!
Canada Passes Law That Bans The Captivity Of Whales And Dolphins By Mayukh Saha ...
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 9, 2018:
"Despite the global ban of commercial whaling, Japan uses the provision in the 1946 whaling convention which allows whales to be killed for scientific purposes. The ‘scientific whaling’ provision has also been used by Norway and Iceland as a way of getting around the rules. However little, if any useful information comes from ‘scientific whaling’ and it is quite simply commercial whaling conducted under the guise of science."‘scientific’-whaling
Canada Passes Law That Bans The Captivity Of Whales And Dolphins By Mayukh Saha ...
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 9, 2018:
Orca living space compared to acreage provided for parking.
On a naughty scale of 1 to 10....
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 6, 2018:
But Santa mostly likes to watch... *all* the time, for goodness sakes!
Some just can't help misusing superpowers.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 6, 2018:
It heartens me when I see people and politicians standing up for what is right.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 6, 2018:
Longer version, where he talks about the future of two babies born to different sides.
"Just to take the most obvious example, the natural workings of the market were about to put most of...
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 6, 2018:
"*Taxes do not fund government spending.* That’s a core insight of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) whose radical implications have not been understood very well by the left. Indeed, it’s not well understood at all, and most people who have heard or read it somewhere breeze right past it, and fall back to the taxes-for-spending paradigm that is the sticky common wisdom of the left and right."
There has been some talk on here about unsolicited dick pictures.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 6, 2018:
Well... it's not like they didn't ask. ?
I want my old MTV
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 5, 2018:
Their very first video shown.
There has been some talk on here about unsolicited dick pictures.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 3, 2018:
I think it is a form of sexual harassment. The naughty bits are generally not unveiled without a specific invitation. I'm guessing that as a come on, it's probably got a success rate less effective than a wolf whistle. I suppose some guys are hoping that showing what's under the hood will have the desired effect, but it's more likely for the shock value which means they're not all that concerned about the reaction. Why they might choose to do it with an online acquaintance they otherwise want to remain friends with is hard to fathom . Mostly it's uncouth. It is interesting to me as far gender differences go, that most? men would not have all that much of a problem if women surprised them with unsolicited nudes, allowing it didn't impact marital or relationship status, and you could politely opt out if it wasn't your thing. As an "old" myself, no idea what the accepted social protocol for sexting is with younger generations, though every once in awhile you hear about them making decisions just as poorly thought out as adults do.
Assange's threat to the Corporatocracy's MSM PR machinery is something they can't allow.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 3, 2018:
"The Guardian’s latest story provides a supposedly stronger foundation for an existing narrative: that Assange and Wikileaks knowingly published emails hacked by Russia from the Democratic party’s servers. In truth, there is no public evidence that the emails were hacked, or that Russia was involved."
“Crown of the Coast” Did you know California has an elbow?
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 2, 2018:
I remember learning how the opportunity to make Malibu a protected reserve was lost from this excellent Mike Davis piece.
In contrast to the hagiography currently taking place. []
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 1, 2018:
I remember how Hunter S. Thompson made it onto the Secret Service radar for editorializing about (the live) Bush.
In contrast to the hagiography currently taking place. []
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 1, 2018:
"Hell of a thing, killin' a man. You take away all he's got and all he's ever gonna have." ~ Will Munny
In contrast to the hagiography currently taking place. []
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 1, 2018:
The Ignored Legacy of George H.W. Bush: War Crimes, Racism, and Obstruction of Justice
In contrast to the hagiography currently taking place. []
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 1, 2018:
George H.W. Bush, the CIA and a Case of State-Sponsored Terrorism
“Crown of the Coast” Did you know California has an elbow?
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 1, 2018:
“Crown of the Coast” Did you know California has an elbow?
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 1, 2018:
Such a welcome contrast to those areas forever lost to development.
Assange's threat to the Corporatocracy's MSM PR machinery is something they can't allow.
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 30, 2018:
Time has come today.
Assange's threat to the Corporatocracy's MSM PR machinery is something they can't allow.
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 30, 2018:
Should always be the deciding factor.
Assange's threat to the Corporatocracy's MSM PR machinery is something they can't allow.
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 30, 2018:
Favorite instrumentals?
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 30, 2018:
Killer cover versions. Bonus points for live.
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 30, 2018:
A rather lengthy but informative article.
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 28, 2018:
A piece on the artwork accompanying the article.
Chris Hedges is a national treasure. []
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 26, 2018:
I also find Chris Hedges a wonderfully compelling speaker, both in tone and substance.
Assange's threat to the Corporatocracy's MSM PR machinery is something they can't allow.
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 26, 2018:
A couple of pieces that are worth the read.
Assange's threat to the Corporatocracy's MSM PR machinery is something they can't allow.
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 24, 2018:
On the Jimmy Dore Show Solid Chst Saturday, he and guests including Abby Martin deconstructed MSM reports using misrepresentations geared towards promoting the corporate narrative. They also critiqued the Democratic party's approach to coopting their new progressive members, while unveiling a "strategy" devoid of much beyond "not Trump" and platitudes ignoring urgent concerns of that portion of the nation essentially ignored. Not a wise path in the least.
Do you know how long it has taken me to go from level 7 to 7.1?
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 24, 2018:
The points between levels can accrue rather slowly, but I see it as a journey more than a destination. If it were that important to me, I suppose I could implement a strategy to maximize point accumulation... but that sounds too much like work. 😄
"It was thirty years ago today, the duopoly shooed democracy away..." []
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 24, 2018:
I particularly applaud their entirely accurate use of the term "fraud" in describing the intended consequences of the demands made to their organization.
So a few days ago the internet heard about that missionary that got killed that was trying to bring ...
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 24, 2018:
I think that with all the attention given to the Sentinel Islands over the self-appointed Xian missionary being killed, it would be a good time to publicize the court case going on right now over the expulsion of the people of the Chagos Islands.
"It was thirty years ago today, the duopoly shooed democracy away..." []
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Ushering in an era of an informed electorate choosing the course of our Republic by carefully weighing the policy platforms and qualifications of those seeking the highest office in the land irrespective of party affiliation (as long as it met the R & D gatekeeping stipulations at least). A veritable golden age has ensued, I'm sure... Wait, what?
So a few days ago the internet heard about that missionary that got killed that was trying to bring ...
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 24, 2018:
This pretty much sums it up for me.
"Our Donald who stinks to heaven Shallow be thy name Thy kingdom scum Thy will be dumb What on ...
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Penned this a while back.
"Our Donald who stinks to heaven Shallow be thy name Thy kingdom scum Thy will be dumb What on ...
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Alternate version was going to be... "Oh Donald you stink to heaven..." ... but I went with closer to the Lord's Prayer. The Madness of King Orange, the Mango Manchild.
After estrangement, Thanksgiving dinner with family
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Glad that the situation improved for you. Health and happiness to you all.
Do you think the human females select their mate more than men do?
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 21, 2018:
I think we're similar to birds. The male is generally on the lookout for a potential partner, and hopes that a display of the human equivalent conglomeration of plumage gets them the go ahead signal. They can be persistent in their pursuit, but short of some masterfully executed wooing, the female makes the final decision. Certainly females can send a preliminary indication of interest, and there would be nothing wrong if they choose to pursue, but I think generally it's the man that initiates things.
"No investigative journalism in my lifetime can equal the importance of what WikiLeaks has done in ...
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 21, 2018:
I had to look up his Chagos Islands reference. Talk about some skeevy behavior. Wikileaks revealed the element of basically "weaponizing" turning it into a "marine reserve" so as to prevent any islanders from returning. The link also mentioned the ICJ hearing was set to begin Sep 2018.
For those who will meet up with family (and friends) this holiday season, here's some advice from ...
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 21, 2018:
I don't think there's any reason to get belligerent about it and turn the gathering into a pissing contest, but I also feel that silence equals assent. Even in discussions of divisive topics online, I tell people that I consider it a sign of respect to speak openly and honestly about issues. The purpose is not to flip people per se, but to offer a rationale for holding the views you do. You never know who might be sitting on the fence and too timid themselves to weigh in for fear of dealing with the backlash.
Real talk
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 21, 2018:
PragerU vids argue the "Goldilocks Zone" in our solar system is proof positive of glob's existence.
PragerFU: Does Science Argue For or Against God? - misterdeity []
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 19, 2018:
Just saw one of those. Their pieces are almost always smug and lacking much merit. This one was classic in the odds of life was seen as virtually impossible without their magic man whose supposed existence apparently doesn't fall into a similar odds calculation
Tim Canova Interview: "No Doubt" Election Results RIGGED vs Debbie Wasserman Schultz - YouTube
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Recent election stolen in plain sight as well. Brenda Snipes should have been fired and maybe even prosecuted.
Dialog from the 1995 HBO production "Citizen X.
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 16, 2018:
I think the impact is so strong knowing it applies to whatever cause you have that's equally as heartbreaking or urgent. You know it needs to change, and your wait's agonized by not knowing if it *will* happen. Endless patience is required and the sense that an issue desperately needs your attention and its possibility of coming about is greater with you than without you.
"No investigative journalism in my lifetime can equal the importance of what WikiLeaks has done in ...
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 16, 2018:
And this. My guess is that the Russian collusion claims will amount to little (we should know soon). I have no doubt that Trump helped launder money for the Russian mafia (with the knowledge and help of his sons and Kushner), and that Putin is aware of same which certainly would provide some leverage. But a handful of nutty Facebook ads from a little web startup looking for business (memes like, "Vote Trump, or Satan wins") is not what derailed Hillary and her massive campaign warchest. The Hillbots I encounter roll their eyes dismissively anytime the argument/rationale of "both sides" is put forth, most often to justify or minimize some reprehensible behavior by the right. This is quite often valid. But what is important to me, far beyond any case of "gotcha!," is pointing out the reality of "both sides" lying to us. It is most predictably assessed in terms of the extent of the lies ("Trump lies all the time on things both critical and trivial, whereas lies from the left are not so egregious, and besides are an integral part of the political game"), in addition to the reaction to them based entirely on if they are by "your team" or not. To paraphrase Malcolm X, 'I am for truth, no matter who is telling it.' As rationalists especially, so should we all.
"No investigative journalism in my lifetime can equal the importance of what WikiLeaks has done in ...
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 16, 2018:
Re: Russiagate
"No investigative journalism in my lifetime can equal the importance of what WikiLeaks has done in ...
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 16, 2018:
I have my own issues with Snopes, but they insist the claims of proof of Wikileaks altering published documents are false.
"No investigative journalism in my lifetime can equal the importance of what WikiLeaks has done in ...
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 16, 2018:
Written by former intelligence analysts William Binney and Ray McGovern. "Leak: When someone physically takes data out of an organization — on a thumb drive, for example — and gives it to someone else, as Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning did. Leaking is the only way such data can be copied and removed with no electronic trace. Because NSA can trace exactly where and how any "hacked" emails from the Democratic National Committee or other servers were routed through the network, it is puzzling why NSA cannot produce hard evidence implicating the Russian government and WikiLeaks. Unless we are dealing with a leak from an insider, not a hack, as other reporting suggests. From a technical perspective alone, we are convinced that this is what happened."
"No investigative journalism in my lifetime can equal the importance of what WikiLeaks has done in ...
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 16, 2018:
"John Pilger: There is the accusation that WikiLeaks is in league with the Russians. Some people say, ‘Well, why doesn’t WikiLeaks investigate and publish emails on Russia?’ Julian Assange: We have published about 800,000 documents of various kinds that relate to Russia. Most of those are critical; and a great many books have come out of our publications about Russia, most of which are critical. Our [Russia] documents have gone on to be used in quite a number of court cases: refugee cases of people fleeing some kind of claimed political persecution in Russia, which they use our documents to back up." "Julian Assange: Here we have a case, the Swedish case, where I have never been charged with a crime, where I have already been cleared [by the Stockholm prosecutor] and found to be innocent, where the woman herself said that the police made it up, where the United Nations formally said the whole thing is illegal, where the State of Ecuador also investigated and found that I should be given asylum. Those are the facts, but what is the rhetoric? John Pilger: Yes, it’s different. Julian Assange: The rhetoric is pretending, constantly pretending that I have been charged with a crime, and never mentioning that I have been already previously cleared, never mentioning that the woman herself says that the police made it up. [The rhetoric] is trying to avoid [the truth that] the U.N. formally found that the whole thing is illegal, never even mentioning that Ecuador made a formal assessment through its formal processes and found that yes, I am subject to persecution by the United States."
"No investigative journalism in my lifetime can equal the importance of what WikiLeaks has done in ...
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 16, 2018:
"The US sent a “planeload of FBI agents” to Iceland in 2011 to frame WikiLeaks and its co-founder Julian Assange, according to a former Icelandic minister of interior, who refused them any cooperation and asked them to cease their activities. In June 2011, Obama administration implied to Iceland’s authorities they had knowledge of hackers wanting to destroy software systems in the country, and offered help, then-Interior Minister Ogmundur Jonasson, said in an interview with the Katoikos publication. However, Jonasson said he instantly became “suspicious” of the US good intentions, “well aware that a helping hand might easily become a manipulating hand.” Later in the summer 2011, the US “sent a planeload of FBI agents to Iceland seeking our cooperation in what I understood as an operation set up to frame Julian Assange and WikiLeaks,” Jonasson said."
"No investigative journalism in my lifetime can equal the importance of what WikiLeaks has done in ...
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 16, 2018:
I consider John Pilger and Chris Hedges both to be journalists of the highest integrity. They each point out the hypocrisy regarding the hand wringing over Jim Acosta, while the MSM is silent about Assange. The charge of being a Russian tool is unfounded, as are the claims the DNC emails are the result of a Russian hack and not a leak. Liberals loved Wikileaks revealing the crimes of Shrubya, but apparently to shine the same spotlight on Team Hillary is verboten. They claimed the emails were doctored, but without providing any originals to show where. They also insisted their servers were hacked by the Russians, but refused to turn them over to the FBI to conduct forensic analysis. The book "Shattered" revealed blaiming the Russians was the spin concocted within 24 hours of their loss by Robby Mook and John Podesta. The rape charges were trumped up by the US intelligence community and have since been dropped.
Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength?
WilliamCharles comments on Oct 28, 2018:
It's an indicator of feeling deeply, often from things that the rest of the world is numb to.
It seems that there aren’t many here dating in my area, most profiles are here for community.
WilliamCharles comments on Oct 9, 2018:
I think I have some dating possibilities in my general area but I haven't pursued that as I'm working on some issues that would not present me in the best light. Once I get a few of the more critical fires put out, I hope to start socializing a bit with some of the local groups and individuals relatively close by. I'm a transplant here so I'm living a bit like Matt Damon in "The Martian."
Ha! I just had a woman ring my doorbell and want to talk to me about god.
WilliamCharles comments on Oct 9, 2018:
Were you able to rotate your head completely around Linda Blair style?
Bizarre Particles Keep Flying Out of Antarctica's Ice, and They Might Shatter Modern Physics - ...
WilliamCharles comments on Oct 7, 2018:
Sounds monkeys might be flying out of someone's butt.
Failure is not an option.
WilliamCharles comments on Oct 6, 2018: When you get tired, rest, don't quit.
Funniest Comedian
WilliamCharles comments on Oct 2, 2018:
Now just list your favorite of female comics. Paula Poundstone and Maria Bamford come to mind. I also very much like Amy Madigan, noted by another. Someone else here mentioned Joan Rivers. I consider her one trick pony. Occasionally edgy, but more often than not just crude. I've also never forgiven her for her vile remark about Palestinians. A Zio-tool to the end.
Name songs, either ones with your own name, or ones you're particularly fond of (or even ones you ...
WilliamCharles comments on Sep 30, 2018:
Propaganda and not seeing the forest for the trees.
WilliamCharles comments on Sep 30, 2018:
Space Alone by Ilias Sounas (the original version) - YouTube
WilliamCharles comments on Sep 29, 2018:
Creepy Ass Kid's Art My girls churn this stuff out daily...the boys seem a little less whacky.
WilliamCharles comments on Sep 29, 2018:
Brought this to mind.
I went to a local fair. Got my picture taken. May or may not have stolen a chicken.
WilliamCharles comments on Sep 29, 2018:
Yeah... how come?
I went to a local fair. Got my picture taken. May or may not have stolen a chicken.
WilliamCharles comments on Sep 28, 2018:
Which did you grab first, the chicken or the eggs?
Funniest Comedian
WilliamCharles comments on Sep 28, 2018: Loved his manic energy.
Funniest Comedian
WilliamCharles comments on Sep 28, 2018:
Jim Jefferies has some of the funniest bits on god and religion.
I went to a local fair. Got my picture taken. May or may not have stolen a chicken.
WilliamCharles comments on Sep 27, 2018:
Sad to think, Norman Rockwell afterglow aside, these days that would probably get you shot.
I went to a local fair. Got my picture taken. May or may not have stolen a chicken.
WilliamCharles comments on Sep 27, 2018:
And maybe even a little poultry-cide. ?
I believe that I will be leaving ag.
WilliamCharles comments on Sep 27, 2018:
Sorry to see you go. Happy trails!
Funky smooth Friday []
WilliamCharles comments on Sep 24, 2018:
This has got every day of the week covered. ?
Songs about or mentioning other bands. []
WilliamCharles comments on Sep 24, 2018:
Favorite instrumentals?
WilliamCharles comments on Sep 23, 2018:
This is unique.
Favorite instrumentals?
WilliamCharles comments on Sep 23, 2018: Lots of good instrumentals here.
Favorite instrumentals?
WilliamCharles comments on Sep 23, 2018:
Killer cover versions. Bonus points for live.
WilliamCharles comments on Sep 23, 2018:
My favorite birthday song of all time.
Killer cover versions. Bonus points for live.
WilliamCharles comments on Sep 23, 2018:
I could use some words of wisdom, friends.
WilliamCharles comments on Sep 22, 2018:
Sad to say that it sounds pretty tribal. Not much advice beyond hang tough. Hope others here have some good suggestions.
Songs about or mentioning other bands. []
WilliamCharles comments on Sep 22, 2018:
Lovely live version of "Rollers Show."


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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