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"How on earth can religious people believe in so much arbitrary, clearly invented balderdash?
MLinoge comments on Jan 24, 2019:
"There goes a person who simply cannot stand being so goddamned lonely anymore." Too bad they ran to a community substitute instead of finding a real community. White supremacists use the same scam. "Are you lonely? We'll be your friend; you just have to hate our enemies and you'll never be alone...
WilliamCharles replies on Jan 25, 2019:
There's certainly some horror stories here. ----- : "The following list represents just a small portion of the religions (past and present) that have been identified as encouraging practices that are destructive psychologically, emotionally, and physically. These are the memoirs and stories about people who feel they were forced to escape oppressive religious sects."
"How on earth can religious people believe in so much arbitrary, clearly invented balderdash?
Matias comments on Jan 22, 2019:
So what is the fuss about? Given that loneliness is bad (even bad for your health, as many studies confirm), and given that being a respected member of a group, be it religious or not, what should be wrong in becoming a religious person in order to have some nice company, if this is the main ...
WilliamCharles replies on Jan 22, 2019:
I think of Vonnegut as anything but grumpy (maybe grumpy where it mattered). "Vonnegut found another “echo of the Sermon on the Mount” in the work of Mark Twain. In a talk he gave on the hundredth anniversary of the completion of Mark Twain’s “fanciful house in Hartford, Connecticut,” Vonnegut declared himself “a skeptic of the divinity of Christ…confirmed of my skepticism by Mark Twain in my formative years.” He then cited these words of the author as “a profoundly Christian statement, an echo of the Beatitudes:” When I find a well-drawn character in fiction or biography, I generally take a warm personal interest in him, for the reason that I have known him before—met him on the river…. “The river, of course, is life,” Vonnegut said. “Mark Twain is saying what Christ said in so many ways: that he could not help loving anyone in the midst of life.”" From:
Beowulfsfriend comments on Jan 14, 2019:
That would be a you tube phenom: a group of nuns doing cartwheels. Sidenote - just what is a group of nuns called? A ruler?
WilliamCharles replies on Jan 14, 2019: A waddle? A rookery?
On the other hand... ?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Jan 13, 2019:
True, very true, until you go shopping.
WilliamCharles replies on Jan 14, 2019:
Sliding my hand in their far back pocket was always worked for me. Like a hip hug adjacent.
Why indeed?
callmedubious comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Some of us are here b/c of good luck. Many b/c of bad luck.
WilliamCharles replies on Jan 11, 2019:
Why indeed?
John_Tyrrell comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Because if I wasn't, I wouldn't be.
WilliamCharles replies on Jan 11, 2019:
"I didn't know then what a sperm was, and so wouldn't understand his answer for several years. "My boy," he said, "you are descended from a long line of determined, resourceful, microscopic tadpoles-- champions every one.” ~ Kurt Vonnegut
It's very out of the ordinary for me, but I really need to be held today.
WilliamCharles comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Hugs for whatever the reason for the need.
WilliamCharles replies on Jan 11, 2019:
Often easier said than done.
GreatNani comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Whether you are afraid or not those things will happen.
WilliamCharles replies on Jan 7, 2019:
We still need an inclusive word for both (all? - not there yet, not by a longshot)... menwo?
powder comments on Jan 3, 2019:
Cunts is none discriminatory. They can be old/ young, male/ female, gay/ straight, black/ white etc "Hey! How are you cunts going?" " What are you cunts doing?" etc
WilliamCharles replies on Jan 5, 2019:
This is such a happy tune.
So, there's chatter (again) about members using profanity, and how it's "unnecessary".
WilliamCharles comments on Jan 4, 2019:
How he describes being felled by sounds coming from someone's mouth.
WilliamCharles replies on Jan 4, 2019:
Not that there isn't a time and place where it would generally be avoided by choice, and appropriately so, but much of the time it's just pearl clutching.
We still need an inclusive word for both (all? - not there yet, not by a longshot)... menwo?
powder comments on Jan 3, 2019:
Cunts is none discriminatory. They can be old/ young, male/ female, gay/ straight, black/ white etc "Hey! How are you cunts going?" " What are you cunts doing?" etc
WilliamCharles replies on Jan 3, 2019:
I'm still of the mind that any word you have to explain is/can be gender neutral is probably not the best choice. Bitch gets used a lot in that context, but falls short for the same reason. I'm hoping I don't have to give up twatwaffle, but it has the same problem.
We still need an inclusive word for both (all? - not there yet, not by a longshot)... menwo?
OCJoe comments on Jan 3, 2019:
If you are referring to men and women (?) is "people" disqualified?
WilliamCharles replies on Jan 3, 2019:
That works. I'm thinking of all the terminology that's evolved so as not to be exclusive. Fireman --> firefighter, mailman --> mail carrier, etc. I still find congressperson a bit clunky.
We still need an inclusive word for both (all? - not there yet, not by a longshot)... menwo?
powder comments on Jan 3, 2019:
Cunts is none discriminatory. They can be old/ young, male/ female, gay/ straight, black/ white etc "Hey! How are you cunts going?" " What are you cunts doing?" etc
WilliamCharles replies on Jan 3, 2019:
Don't Panic.
ronin73 comments on Jan 1, 2019:
I'm guessing that any visitors will only give us one star on the intergalactic version of AAA.
WilliamCharles replies on Jan 1, 2019:
@jerry99 - except to ourselves, that is.
Will happen, happening, happened.
WilliamCharles comments on Jan 1, 2019:
WilliamCharles replies on Jan 1, 2019:
I plan to live forever. So far, so good. ?
Don't Panic.
ronin73 comments on Jan 1, 2019:
I'm guessing that any visitors will only give us one star on the intergalactic version of AAA.
WilliamCharles replies on Jan 1, 2019:
And look at what we've done with that one star.
Exploitation and Expropriation, or Why Capitalism Must be Attacked with Equal Force on Every Front
WilliamFleming comments on Dec 25, 2018:
There’s no such thing as capitalism. There is only production and trading. Capital is just the resources needed for production. All types of economic systems need and utilize capital. In a free market economy people join forces as needed to accomplish tasks too large for individuals. The size ...
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 30, 2018:
@sfvpool - you recommended Locke, state you're not a libertarian, and say he has views on private property and the commons somewhat in line with yours. This is what turned up on a quick search. The concept that caught me eye, and the reason I provided the movie quote, is that there's a presumption that land left as is almost defaults to those choosing to exploit it (develop it, work it, whatever). I also noticed in the link provided is that the assent of those previously making use of the commons was not required. It seems only when so-called title is transferred to an individual that the right to the real estate becomes established. As I don't know what your views are specifically, my comments might seem scattershot, but I'm at least trying to keep on topic. Rather than play some of 20 questions on your views, I'll just continue to provide links and commentary I feel buttresses my own points, and those in the link originally provided for the thread. I think it is pretty apparent that the author's point are established by the state of the world. Robber barons have no concerns other than their own enrichment (measured in money and power), so that the harm they do is an externality they can pretty much ignore, at least until that time it spills over into their own reality. The fostering of a toxic environment, endless war and suffering (usually in the service of various economic interests despite the altruistic claims), global economic chaos (which provides the conditions for those with means to capitalize upon), etc., has afforded a select few with enormous gains, but those years of plunder may be coming to a head. Again, those with means often have a contingency plan, but it is to be seen if they can actually escape the collapse they helped bring about. Feel free to share your own views, or not. Our history is one of plunder, based on the time honored notion of might makes right. I think author Joseph Heller summed it up perfectly in a quote from a cable show called the Great Books series. He said, "Catch-22 means that people have the right to do to you anything which you cannot prevent them from doing to you." I choose to join with others hoping to prevent the decidedly Machiavellian from running roughshod over everyone and everything else. Don't know where you're headed, and really don't care, until that time you become either an antagonist or an ally.
Exploitation and Expropriation, or Why Capitalism Must be Attacked with Equal Force on Every Front
WilliamFleming comments on Dec 25, 2018:
There’s no such thing as capitalism. There is only production and trading. Capital is just the resources needed for production. All types of economic systems need and utilize capital. In a free market economy people join forces as needed to accomplish tasks too large for individuals. The size ...
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 30, 2018:
@sfvpool - There's a line in the movie "The New World" where they're discussing their annoyance with the indigenous tribe resenting their encroachment. A crewmember shouts, "God wants those who will exploit the land to have it!" The more things change... "A more extensive discussion of Locke is justified because of his enormous influence on the theory of private property defended by many modern libertarians. Indeed, despite some problems in Locke’s account, he may be dubbed the father of the modern libertarian view of private property."
And if I do not make it... don't touch my stuff!
Seeker3CO comments on Dec 30, 2018:
Just replying for the points... I don't know what you are talking about
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 30, 2018:
It's a gag referencing what I want on my tombstone (though actually I intend to be cremated). It's pretending I would care about my "stuff" after I'm gone.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Well, Gary did fuck up if he voted Hillary. The site does seem infested with Trumpanzees.
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 29, 2018:
@48thRonin - My pal Bernie the Attorney pointed out the difficulty in trying to deal with pollution issues via class action lawsuits. I think both major parties ignore the draw of being anti-war has on the electorate. Purposely so as far as I'm concerned. Our militarism is a type of socialism without the actual public good largely.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Well, Gary did fuck up if he voted Hillary. The site does seem infested with Trumpanzees.
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 29, 2018:
@48thRonin - I didn't see Gary Johnson's Aleppo comment being a problem. I'd rather have someone needing to research something than already having a position not supported by the facts. But I also generally view libertarianism as a gimme for Rethuglicans as socially liberal, and economically "conservative" means they can keep getting away with avoiding corporate oversight.
Breaking bread with those we care about is the best and most universal holiday tradition there is.
genessa comments on Dec 27, 2018:
yes... for our own holidays. christmas has never been one of mine. i love to share a meal with those i love on the holidays i celebrate. not a single one of them is, or has ever been, a christian holiday. g
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 28, 2018:
@genessa - Thank you. She did a good job of editing as it was originally a little more rambling as a comment on her blog. She was in the thick of the Bible Belt (Texas). Some of the personal stories she gathered are beyond belief. Just stupid petty shit from people pretending the have the moral high ground. I had a husband of a cousin kick me out of their house not wanting me "contaminating" his kids (I was talking with the little boy about his interest in dinosaurs - no proselytizing at all). Was pretty bizarre.
Breaking bread with those we care about is the best and most universal holiday tradition there is.
genessa comments on Dec 27, 2018:
yes... for our own holidays. christmas has never been one of mine. i love to share a meal with those i love on the holidays i celebrate. not a single one of them is, or has ever been, a christian holiday. g
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 28, 2018:
@genessa - I understand. My friend wrote a book with first person accounts of how Christians treat those not part of the hive. I was even quoted in it. ----- : : "I see a pattern where the randomness of human actions can be directed through probability for an overall cumulative and positive effect. All throughout our society there is a butterfly effect that we are most always oblivious to…I guess my message is to go boldly forth and increase the peace and love and know you are not alone. You may not always be aware of the others choosing to follow this same path as you, but they’re out there, and they’re making a difference.” ~ LanceThruster [from Debbie Mitchell's book "Growing Up Godless" - Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.]
Breaking bread with those we care about is the best and most universal holiday tradition there is.
genessa comments on Dec 27, 2018:
yes... for our own holidays. christmas has never been one of mine. i love to share a meal with those i love on the holidays i celebrate. not a single one of them is, or has ever been, a christian holiday. g
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 28, 2018:
@genessa - I take no part in anyone's forced or obligatory religious observations, but do not mind the sense of community any gathering can have, and my godlessness comes up at times, but usually not in an accusatory way. I like showing the colors as a non-religionist. Shows we don't eat babies in front of them (I go outside... like a smoker).
Exploitation and Expropriation, or Why Capitalism Must be Attacked with Equal Force on Every Front
WilliamFleming comments on Dec 25, 2018:
There’s no such thing as capitalism. There is only production and trading. Capital is just the resources needed for production. All types of economic systems need and utilize capital. In a free market economy people join forces as needed to accomplish tasks too large for individuals. The size ...
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 27, 2018:
@sfvpool There's critiques of libertarianism deal with some of the inherent contradictions. Contrasting the doctrines against use of force by the state, though allowing for such when your property/well-being is endangered, particularly when "private property" itself arose from the power of the state taken control of what was once viewed as "the commons." This was done by the imposition of a great deal of force, by enforcers buying into/bought by the system with a few pieces of silver, status bestowed, or at least a means of avoiding the bottom of the heap. Many these days operate in the manner of kapo.
Breaking bread with those we care about is the best and most universal holiday tradition there is.
genessa comments on Dec 27, 2018:
yes... for our own holidays. christmas has never been one of mine. i love to share a meal with those i love on the holidays i celebrate. not a single one of them is, or has ever been, a christian holiday. g
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 27, 2018:
I basically go along to get along. Love getting treats for Diwali.
Christmas Eve 50 years ago the famous earthrise picture from Apollo 8 was taken.
CallMeDave comments on Dec 26, 2018:
Isn't a huge cylinder filled with petroleum? Micro technology is more impressive, in a way.
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 26, 2018:
NASA's Mighty Saturn V Moon Rocket Explained (Infographic)
Breaking bread with those we care about is the best and most universal holiday tradition there is.
powder comments on Dec 25, 2018:
Thai's are good, they don't eat, they graze. A session can last hours. They have a saying, "eat alone, not delicious" ie taste's better when shared.
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 25, 2018:
So many delightful past rituals (even simple everyday ones) are cast aside for the sake of supposed convenience and efficiency.
Christmas Eve 50 years ago the famous earthrise picture from Apollo 8 was taken.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 25, 2018:
Now we're getting somewhere!
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 25, 2018:
Christmas Eve 50 years ago the famous earthrise picture from Apollo 8 was taken.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 25, 2018:
Now we're getting somewhere!
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 25, 2018:
Exploitation and Expropriation, or Why Capitalism Must be Attacked with Equal Force on Every Front
Markss76118 comments on Dec 25, 2018:
One of the reasons I don't trust AGW alarmism is that in my opinion it is often politics masquerading as science (ex.: IPCC Summaries for Policymakers). I think the posting above should be lost in the Politics category. Being "important" doesn't make it science. @WilliamFlemming I like a lot of what...
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 25, 2018:
How about the loss of habitat and species, rampant pollution including radioactive contamination of the vast Pacific Ocean, massive red tides caused by agricultural runoff, e-coli produce from fecal contamination by industrial livestock practices, and the like? Focusing on just AGW seems a bit shortsighted as far as the big picture goes.
I just got off my 3 day Facebook block for a one word comment () defined by vocabulary.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Lerlo - since the law is your field, I'll offer this. from: "Speaking of the Palestinians, it’s useful to remind ourselves that, under international law, in the...
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 24, 2018:
Seems @lerlo cut and ran. I am glad I chose to address his smears directly. The most common attribute of a bully it seems is to stand down when the intended victim is capable of effectively fighting back. In this context, I find it both ironic and false that on his profile it mentions his strong passion for social justice. Goodbye, lerlo. We hardly knew ye. The following came up on my FB history today. ----- : : "Those of us who defend the rights of Palestinians know we get attacked and screamed at on a regular basis (not to mention the loss of friends and ostricization of family). Their arguments essentially boil down to, "If the Palestinians would just submit, then we wouldn't be forced to slaughter them so routinely!" I find this sort of 'logic' both ignorant and frightening. I was not always very optimistic, but over time, I have become so. Palestine will be free. Thank you to all of Palestine, and all their supporters, who remind me on a daily basis what true tenacity is. Do I care about other injustices in the world? Certainly. But the hypocrisy concerning Palestine makes it harder to argue those other instances."
I just got off my 3 day Facebook block for a one word comment () defined by vocabulary.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 23, 2018:
I felt this belonged in the main discussion proper though it is essentially a reply to an assertion lerlo made. I will deal with lerlo's scurrilous and defamatory characterization of me later (one made exclusively on the information I provided in my post). This man's profile says he's a lawyer ...
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 23, 2018:
@lerlo I'm going to park your initial statement here so I can respond line by line. I'm guessing the Code of Conduct says something about playing nice. Will check later. I generally don't mind rude, but character assassination is another thing. Seems you're going to have to put up or shut up, my friend. Shall we begin? My responses will be in brackets. Your comments in *italics.* I may save part way through and use edit to complete. ---- *Gee, anti-semitic?* [Umm... no thanks? Say what you mean. No need to be coy. Could you please elaborate? Are you saying that taking issue with the acts of Zionists in the name Zionism is anti-Semitic/anti-Semitism by default?] *Figure this is a great site to bash religious people in general?* [Non sequitur. Was it for relating using a derogatory Yiddish term as cause for my ban? Mention of Schumer?] *Can't find any anti-Israel sites?* [Does this presume only pro-Israel mentions/discussion is to be allowed here?] *Couldn't come up with any other famous Jews to bash?* [Who'd you have in mind? I mentioned 3 people. The word fits Trump (who elsewhere you imply I support), Schumer in my recollection, with a bit of editorializing based on *his* statements, and Zuckerberg because it's his platform] *Jealous?* [It would be nice to have money and/or power, don't you think?] *Stupid?* [Really? That the best you got? Doesn't seem you're coming off too well in this exchange, if you don't mind my saying so] *Need attention?* [I don't have a problem defending my views publicly. How about you? Your opener was certainly an attention-getter. Maybe even a cry for attention. I wonder if it will get any upvotes... or any votes for that matter. Maybe l'll throw you a bone] *Or just proud of being blocked?* [I was expressing frustration, particularly in as yet being able to determine the cause. Community Standards can be pretty nebulous, particularly applied selectively. You don't feel it's worth discussing?] *Your response to someone sending rockets at your house would be what?* [In your query, did I take the house from the someone shooting rockets at it... you know, from the person that previously lived there, murdered his family and friends to do so, and locked him and his people up, not allowing any entry or exit without my approval, and regularly directed my fully equipped and brutal enforcers using high-tech munitions on sophisticated, expensive, and unimaginably lethal weapons platforms from the land, sea, and sky, even on peaceful protesters, children, clearly marked press, visibly identified medical personnel, with snipers shooting to kill and maim, funded courtesy of my Uncle Sugar, while preventing most every possible legal redress in my own courts, as well as world courts, and ensuring ...
I just got off my 3 day Facebook block for a one word comment () defined by vocabulary.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Lerlo - since the law is your field, I'll offer this. from: "Speaking of the Palestinians, it’s useful to remind ourselves that, under international law, in the...
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 22, 2018:
Israeli forces turn a blind eye to this sort of thing constantly. How ironic that they'd choose to treat a people as "untermenschen."
I just got off my 3 day Facebook block for a one word comment () defined by vocabulary.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Lerlo - since the law is your field, I'll offer this. from: "Speaking of the Palestinians, it’s useful to remind ourselves that, under international law, in the...
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 22, 2018:
This is the reality some choose to defend. "Why should these Palestinians, who have lived in Jerusalem for hundreds of years, be evicted from their homes so that Jews from Brooklyn can live in them?” ~ Dr. Norman Finkelstein
I just got off my 3 day Facebook block for a one word comment () defined by vocabulary.
lerlo comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Gee, anti-semitic? Figure this is a great site to bash religious people in general? Can't find any anti-Israel sites? Couldn't come up with any other famous Jews to bash? Jealous? Stupid? Need attention? Or just proud of being blocked? Your response to someone sending rockets at your house ...
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 22, 2018:
Re: Israel's "democracy." "The worst case scenario we fear is of the world averting its eyes from our suffering and allowing Israel one day to drive us out of our homes under an imposed news blackout when the next war breaks out with a neighboring country, say, Syria or Lebanon. If the world could sit still and not be moved to protect our brothers and sisters in Gaza from the white phosphorous and DIME bombardments and from the endless air, sea and land assault against them, why would it lift a finger to protect us from summary expulsion from our homes? And such contingency plans for our expulsion are known to exist."
I just got off my 3 day Facebook block for a one word comment () defined by vocabulary.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 22, 2018:
A point I think might be being missed here by some is what I wrote elsewhere regarding the whole debate over the MSM, so-called "fake news," and social media platforms. "It's why we (as a nation) can say we're outraged over supposed Russian meddling while being puppetmasters on a scale the public...
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 22, 2018:
As a counterpoint, I offer this. Notice the handwringing and pearl clutching over the mere mention of Jill Stein's name and the tally of numbers for retweets and shares. RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA!!! ----- The comments by the Hillbots is like "The Terror" following the French Revolution. They seriously talk about stringing Stein up, hinting at Bernie being next. WTF?!? I need to remind myself when following a link to DKos, "Never get out of the boat. Never get out of the boat. Never get out of the boat."
"There are no people anywhere who don’t have some mental illness.
Matias comments on Dec 22, 2018:
Most people *are* mentally well most of the time. That is not a myth. If most people were mentally ill most of the time, our species would have gone extinct long ago. But humans have survived epidemics and wars, they have populated the whole planet, from the desert to the arctic and all these...
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 22, 2018:
I don't know that the two are mutually exclusive as many personality disorders involve high level functioning such as narcissists and sociopaths. Also, much of our Machiavellian tendency towards our own needs often superseding all others (individually or our group affiliations) essentially goes right down to our genes. As comic Colin Quinn once observed, "We didn't evolve from the tribe that starved to death waiting for their turn at the dinner table." Like the meme goes, "The Human Body is Made up of 90% water. We’re basically cucumbers with anxiety.”
I just got off my 3 day Facebook block for a one word comment () defined by vocabulary.
lerlo comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Gee, anti-semitic? Figure this is a great site to bash religious people in general? Can't find any anti-Israel sites? Couldn't come up with any other famous Jews to bash? Jealous? Stupid? Need attention? Or just proud of being blocked? Your response to someone sending rockets at your house ...
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 22, 2018:
And from someone choosing not to mince words. But in your mind this dear man is just a delusional self-hater.
I just got off my 3 day Facebook block for a one word comment () defined by vocabulary.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Lerlo - since the law is your field, I'll offer this. from: "Speaking of the Palestinians, it’s useful to remind ourselves that, under international law, in the...
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 22, 2018:
From an atheist, humanist, freethought hero.
I just got off my 3 day Facebook block for a one word comment () defined by vocabulary.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Lerlo - since the law is your field, I'll offer this. from: "Speaking of the Palestinians, it’s useful to remind ourselves that, under international law, in the...
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 22, 2018:
@lerlo re: Russian meddling. Here's some truth for you. Our government and military has created sock puppet software to do what we're accusing Russia of. Dore has done media critiques that put the MSM to shame. It's not that they're unable to understand, but rather they are paid not to. Hence the blanket handwring over Syria. To be sure Trump's a douchebag (that term too strong for you?), but in this case the Mango Manchild did the right thing. We were there illegally and our agenda had nothing to do with the well-being of Syrians.
I just got off my 3 day Facebook block for a one word comment () defined by vocabulary.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Lerlo - since the law is your field, I'll offer this. from: "Speaking of the Palestinians, it’s useful to remind ourselves that, under international law, in the...
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 22, 2018:
@lerlo You know who has seen Israeli brutality first hand? The IDF soldiers of "Breaking the Silence."
I just got off my 3 day Facebook block for a one word comment () defined by vocabulary.
lerlo comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Gee, anti-semitic? Figure this is a great site to bash religious people in general? Can't find any anti-Israel sites? Couldn't come up with any other famous Jews to bash? Jealous? Stupid? Need attention? Or just proud of being blocked? Your response to someone sending rockets at your house ...
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 22, 2018:
@lerlo You make even less sense than before. The things I learned from Jews was because early on in the online discussions anything from an Arab/Palestinian/Muslim source was summarily dismissed as unreliably biased. I don't weigh an argument by its presenter necessarily, but by its merits. I consider Alan Dershowitz a plagerizing hack, and Norman Finkelstein a scholar and a man of principle. It has been helpful and informative finding Palestinian sources to speak for themselves. It would be easier to ignore Israel and the headaches that come with supporting justice for Palestinians, but the issue also has a perverting effect on my own government. My circle of friends is from taking them for who they are as individuals and not the other delineations that often separate us as human beings. I was the staff atheist advisor for my university's atheist student group, and it was enlightening to see I might have more in common with a rationalist from halfway around the world than I might with a religionist from my own country. I would think that an appreciation for humanist values might connect us, but I see little consistency on your part, and even less civility. I will say, I've seen some fascinating physics and cosmology lectures online from ASU, but I do not see any of that academic integrity from you. You fling a lot of feces in the hopes some of it will stick. Bernie the Attorney is one of the most brilliant people I know. He earned his credibility in the predictive nature of his observations. He could see around the bend in making determinations of how any number of world affairs would play out depending on how firmly a given party was aligned with Chosanistan. This was especially prescient with regards to media coverage. I made friends online with an officer who survived Israel's attack on the USS Liberty. He wrote a book about it. He too was smeared as an anti-Semite for daring to relate his first hand account of their war crimes committed that day. It bothers me the cover-up with that incident. And it is rational to ask "Cui bono?" I hope, for your clients' sake, that you're a better lawyer than you've demonstrated by your inability to make a compelling case here. Regardless of any career success you might have, I think your moral compass is in dire need of recalibration.
I just got off my 3 day Facebook block for a one word comment () defined by vocabulary.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Lerlo - since the law is your field, I'll offer this. from: "Speaking of the Palestinians, it’s useful to remind ourselves that, under international law, in the...
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 22, 2018:
@lerlo Right off the bat, get bent with your false anti-Semitism accusations. Thankfully, that tactic is losing its effectiveness in the manner of the boy who cried wolf. I did not duck your rocket question in the least. International law allows for people under illegal occupation to resist, even with the use of violence and deadly force. I am fortunate that I do not have to make that awful choice being subjected to such daily oppression. As an American whose taxes bankroll Israeli brutality, is it too much to ask for them to learn to murder on their own dime? Your "drive them into the ocean" is a long argued bit of projection, so I at least have a clearer indication of the level you'll stoop to. To call referring to those knowledgeable of the situation "quoting propaganda" is also more sophistry on your part. Your lack of feelings for the innocent victims caught in a war zone says much about your sense of morality (or lack thereof). You further demonstrate your lack of comprehension by saying I was bragging, when in fact it was a complaint accompanied by a modicum of fear. You do realize that our very own government is trying sanction those who might dare to support #BDS, don't you? Are you comfortable with this Constitutionally? Are you ignorant of the Mighty Wurlitzer or Operation Megaphone, the techniques of gaslighting, or some of the most egregious purveyors of fake news pointing the finger at others with that accusation? You open with a question regarding a war crime, because that's what territory acquired by war is defined as. This was a reaction by a world court in the aftermath of the horrors and injustices of WWII. The partitioning plans by Western powers of a country not theirs to divvy up in the first place preceded WWII (Balfour). I'm sure you'll reject the following observation as just some bigoted chucklehead, but I think he made a lot of sense. A rather brilliant insight actually. ----- In 1950 Einstein published the following statement on the question of Zionism. This speech was originally given to the National Labor Committee for Palestine, in New York, on April 17, 1938 but republished by Einstein after Israel’s creation. "I should much rather see reasonable agreement with the Arabs on the basis of living together in peace than the creation of a Jewish state. Apart from the practical considerations, my awareness of the essential nature of Judaism resists the idea of a Jewish state with borders, an army, and a measure of temporal power no matter how modest. I am afraid of the inner damage Judaism will sustain – especially from the development of a narrow nationalism within our own ranks, against which we have already had to fight without a Jewish state." ----- I pretty much think we're done, lerlo. You've offered ...
I just got off my 3 day Facebook block for a one word comment () defined by vocabulary.
maturin1919 comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Lol, three days? Child's play.
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 22, 2018:
At some point I am going to log my lengthy history dealing with gatekeeping on other websites over at my Facebook post, and will probably copy that over to this thread as I find the topic even more relevant these days. I think it's rather illustrative to my point and I am quite familiar with the pushback it engenders. It's one of the reasons I have so much respect for those risking their own careers and general well-being to speak out publicly. There's an incredible amount of resistance at practically every level to those who challenge the prevailing narrative. I find that my YouTube feed regularly sends me sponsored ads by PragerU, whose misrepresentations and distortions are also accompanied by an insufferable smugness in their presentations.
I just got off my 3 day Facebook block for a one word comment () defined by vocabulary.
maturin1919 comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Lol, three days? Child's play.
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 22, 2018:
Yeah, not exactly battle scars, but to my mind an indication of the coming push to make gatekeeping more mainstream and acceptable (for our own good, of course). Jimmy Dore has done some good pieces about the danger of not caring if someone is thrown under the bus because you disagree with them, noting that the net then gets cast much wider. The whole, "First they came for ..." poem by the German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller.
I just got off my 3 day Facebook block for a one word comment () defined by vocabulary.
altschmerz comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Now you got me googling Yiddish swear words. Was it any one of these?
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 22, 2018:
@Closeted I carpooled with a woman from Guadalajara and one from Cuba. They told me my playful usage of the Spanish "idiota!" in talking about politicians that angered me carried far darker and more insulting connotations than the English "idiot." Both Yiddish terms reference the male member, and certainly have their English counterparts as far as insults go, but P^^^ is considered a vulgarity whereas S^^^^^^ is thought of along the lines of "jerk." (I only used the truncated representations of the terms because I'm still a little stung and do not wish to offend here. It's a brave new world and the whole Russian election meddling issue is a ploy to further restrict content imho). I bought a Yiddish pocket dictionary many years ago because language fascinates me, and I was struck by how many of the words/phrases are putdowns.
I just got off my 3 day Facebook block for a one word comment () defined by vocabulary.
lerlo comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Gee, anti-semitic? Figure this is a great site to bash religious people in general? Can't find any anti-Israel sites? Couldn't come up with any other famous Jews to bash? Jealous? Stupid? Need attention? Or just proud of being blocked? Your response to someone sending rockets at your house ...
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 21, 2018:
You have more formal education and are certainly more accomplished than I am, but I still feel I can make a stronger defense for my own position. I felt this is a good forum to discuss the various aspects involved in my post. I have a former coworker and friend who is IDF reserve who just spent a month in Israel (she is a contract programmer and works with their intel apparatus). She is originally from Moscow and a wonderfully warm and caring person (maybe if I knew her IDF function in detail I might think otherwise?). She knows I have a differing viewpoint on Palestine, but it is not an impediment to our friendship. When she asked about the basis for my own views, I offered to loan her my copy of "My Israel Question" by Antony Loewenstein. Jonathan Cook was also suggested as was Dr. Norman Finkelstein, whom I've met attending his lectures at my university and have had several warm email correspondences with. ------ This is from a blog piece discussing the WUJS Hasbara Handbook (I have my own copy). You shot right out of the starting gate with "Name Calling." ------ Handbook: 7 Basic Propaganda Devices Preface: As part of our ongoing effort to expose propaganda techniques, we are posting the propaganda section of the Hasbara Handbook: Promoting Israel on Campus, originally leaked by Wikispooks. It is more than a decade old, as it refers to PLO leader Yasser Arafat, who passed away in 2004. Propaganda is used by those who want to communicate in ways that engage the emotions, and downplay rationality, in an attempt to promote a certain message. To effectively present Israel to the public, and to counter anti-Israel messages, it is necessary to understand propaganda devices. This article applies a list of seven propaganda devices to the Israeli situation, and by doing so allows an understanding of some of the ways in which public opinion is fought for in the International arena. Name Calling Through the careful choice of words, the name calling technique links a person or an idea to a negative symbol. Creating negative connotations by name calling is done to try and get the audience to reject a person or idea on the basis of negative associations, without allowing a real examination of that person or idea. The most obvious example is name calling – “they are a neo-Nazi group” tends to sound pretty negative to most people. More subtly, name calling works by selecting words with subtle negative meanings for some listeners. For example, describing demonstrators as “youths” creates a different impression from calling them “children”. Those opposed to Israel use name calling all the time. Consider the meaning of the word ‘settlement’. When applied to Gilo, a suburb of Jerusalem over the disputed 1967 borders, the word ...
I just got off my 3 day Facebook block for a one word comment () defined by vocabulary.
altschmerz comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Now you got me googling Yiddish swear words. Was it any one of these?
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 21, 2018:
Yes. My infraction was the four letter P word (p^^z) though as a verb it's wholly inoffensive. The definition usually mentions that the seven letter S word (schm^^k) is considered less offensive for whatever reason.
I just got off my 3 day Facebook block for a one word comment () defined by vocabulary.
lerlo comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Gee, anti-semitic? Figure this is a great site to bash religious people in general? Can't find any anti-Israel sites? Couldn't come up with any other famous Jews to bash? Jealous? Stupid? Need attention? Or just proud of being blocked? Your response to someone sending rockets at your house ...
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 21, 2018:
I sense you are a little shook by the presentation of some uncomfortable facts it seems. From my Mondoweiss profile - "I grew up with the conventional wisdom believing that the Israelis were the "white hats" and that the Palestinians/Arabs/Muslims were the "black hats." After 9/11, I wanted to know more about the conflict in the ME. I came to the realization that the narrative was totally one-sided. I largely credit many outstanding Jewish voices (my close friend Bernie the Attorney for one) for opening my eyes. I see on a daily basis the efforts by Zionists and their stooges to dismiss truth-tellers in the most reprehensible manner, up to and including threats of violence. Truth needs no army of thugs to establish it; only lies need enforcers." ~ LanceThruster And regarding your implication that resistance via rockets is justification for collective punishment - "MURDER as COVER for THEFT and OPPRESSION is NOT *self-defense* It's a war crime." ~ LanceThruster ----- As to your tired canard about anti-Semitism, I offer these Jewish voices. “We came and turned the native Arabs into tragic refugees. And still we dare to slander and malign them, to besmirch their name. Instead of being deeply ashamed of what we did and trying to undo some of the evil we committed … we justify our terrible acts and even attempt to glorify them.” — Nathan Chofshi; Russian Jewish writer who migrated to Palestine in 1908. He witnessed the expulsion of the Palestinian Arabs and wrote critically about it as late as 1959. AND "The trick of declaring war against the armed resistance and then attacking the resisters’ unarmed kin as well as the sur­rounding population with the most gruesome products of Death-Science; this trick is not new. American Pioneers were pioneers in this too; they made it standard practice to declare war on indigenous warriors and then to murder and burn villages with only women and children in them. This is already modern war, what we know as war against civilian populations; it has also been called, more candidly, mass murder or genocide. Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised that the perpetrators of a Pogrom portray themselves as the victims, in the present case as victims of the Holocaust. Herman Melville noticed over a century ago, in his analysis of the metaphysics of Indian-hating, that those who made a full-time profession of hunting and murdering indigenous people of this continent always made themselves appear, even in their own eyes, as the victims of manhunts. The use the Nazis made of the International Jewish Conspiracy is better known: during all the years of atrocities defying belief, the Nazis considered themselves the victimized. It’s as if the experience of being a victim gave exemption from human ...
Some sort of cosmic convergence as I found it on a Friday! ?
Seeker3CO comments on Dec 21, 2018:
The Amazing Randi pulls stuff like that, as well. Glad to see one my heroes did it.
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 21, 2018:
One of my favorite Randi demonstrations was with a class of college students no less (I think it was on PBS). He had passed out astrological profiles to each of them he said was based on their birthdates and corresponding zodiac sign. After giving them a few minutes to review, he asked for a show of hands as to how many felt it reflected their personality characteristics fairly accurately. IIRC it was close to %100. He then told them to pass their profile to their neighbor. In a few seconds everyone started to chuckle. He then revealed every student got the exact same profile. For the record, us Scorpios don't put much stock in astrology. ?
Never saw any of these before. Claymation is always fun. []
Stephanie99 comments on Dec 18, 2018:
How is that claymation?
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 18, 2018:
Further in (around the 10 minute mark) has segments done in claymation.
Emily Dickinson’s Electric Love Letters to Susan Gilbert – Brain Pickings
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 18, 2018:
I can't ever see the words "electric love" without this coming to mind. Poor Topsy.
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 18, 2018:
A humorous (though serious) aside mentioning Edison electrocuting animals.
A venture into the Magic Kingdom on your way through Fantasyland.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 17, 2018:
"We are all wired into a survival trip now. No more of the speed that fueled that 60's. That was the fatal flaw in Tim Leary's trip. He crashed around America selling "consciousness expansion" without ever giving a thought to the grim meat-hook realities that were lying in wait for all the people ...
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 17, 2018:
I've always found this one of the most profound observations on godlessness. "[T]he desperate assumption that somebody... or at least some force - is tending the light at the end of the tunnel."
A venture into the Magic Kingdom on your way through Fantasyland.
242Foxtrot comments on Dec 17, 2018:
We were just outside of Barstow when the drugs started kicking in.....
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 17, 2018:
"He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man." ~ Samuel Johnson
A venture into the Magic Kingdom on your way through Fantasyland.
bleurowz comments on Dec 16, 2018:
I love that Eeyore is driving.
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 16, 2018:
Looking pretty damn laid back I might add. Won't be so calm when defcom Woozles hits on down the road. ?
What is your favorite dance song?
davknight comments on Dec 4, 2018:
Les Flambes de'Enfait. "The Flames of Hell", by Joseph Falcon and his Silver String Band. Pure 'Pagan Cajun' dance-band music at its finest!
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 14, 2018:
This sounds somewhat similar [again, same WARNING regarding animal butchering scenes in clip].
Canada Passes Law That Bans The Captivity Of Whales And Dolphins By Mayukh Saha ...
John_Tyrrell comments on Dec 9, 2018:
Just to be clear on something the article seems to gloss over. This is not yet law. This law was introduced in Canada's Senate (which is relatively unusual) and passed there. To become law, it still has to be passed by the House of Commons - where it is due to be considered in May. The bill has ...
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 9, 2018:
Shows me I need to read past the headline myself. Well done.
Canada Passes Law That Bans The Captivity Of Whales And Dolphins By Mayukh Saha ...
godef comments on Dec 9, 2018:
What did Mayukh Saha do to get singled out like that?
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 9, 2018:
But as pointed out upthread, the headline is inaccurate. It's not finalized.
Canada Passes Law That Bans The Captivity Of Whales And Dolphins By Mayukh Saha ...
SkotlandSkye comments on Dec 9, 2018:
It's not about "giving rights" to's about restoring the rights they have that humans STOLE from them. The world is finally waking up......
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 9, 2018:
I'm not a vegetarian for a number of reasons, but am certainly concerned about animal welfare. In addition to the many extinctions and habitat destruction of the modern era due to human action, there's also the ways that industrial food production multiplies cruelties. I found this Christopher Hitchens piece (a book review) thought provoking. ----- "Political Animals A new book asks all the right questions about animal rights, even if it doesn't canvass all the possible answers."
Canada Passes Law That Bans The Captivity Of Whales And Dolphins By Mayukh Saha ...
Redheadedgammy comments on Dec 9, 2018:
It is all so depressing. I'm glad I'm as old as I am and won't live all that much longer to see the hell humans are making of the earth. It is most painful to me that my beautiful grand children will have to try and survive this world of poison and hell that people like trump and his enablers are ...
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 9, 2018:
The youth give hope, but they're up against a pretty rigid and ingrained system itself.
Canada Passes Law That Bans The Captivity Of Whales And Dolphins By Mayukh Saha ...
John_Tyrrell comments on Dec 9, 2018:
Just to be clear on something the article seems to gloss over. This is not yet law. This law was introduced in Canada's Senate (which is relatively unusual) and passed there. To become law, it still has to be passed by the House of Commons - where it is due to be considered in May. The bill has ...
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 9, 2018:
Thanks for that clarification. That in itself is an important reminder. It brings to mind that quote regarding actions taken not because they are sure to succeed, but because they're the right thing to do.
Canada Passes Law That Bans The Captivity Of Whales And Dolphins By Mayukh Saha ...
godef comments on Dec 9, 2018:
What did Mayukh Saha do to get singled out like that?
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 9, 2018:
Good question. When I cut and paste the preview, her name was in the headline copied so I left it. (Did I just assume gender? lol)
Canada Passes Law That Bans The Captivity Of Whales And Dolphins By Mayukh Saha ...
dahermit comments on Dec 9, 2018:
The unfortunate thing is that according to biologists, Orcas, especially those born in captivity, cannot ever be returned to the wild...and captivity is a living hell for most of them (Re: "Black Fish", (Tillium/"Shamoo"))
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 9, 2018:
Sadly accurate. Was just watching a Douglas Adams lecture on his book "Last Chance to See." He tells of the blind river dolphins in China most likely experiencing a hellish existence as the noise of diesel engines on the water has destroyed their ability to navigate.
Is Bill Maher the best (living) atheist comedian that does Intelligent humor?
John_Tyrrell comments on Nov 9, 2018:
Ummm no. I have higher respect for those who respect rationality and science. "However, Maher's science record is mixed, mostly spotted by his spreading outlandish anti-GMO and anti-vaccine claims. although he is a fervent critic of global warming deniers. Maher was described as "an object ...
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 9, 2018:
His hostility to 9/11 Truth is pretty off-putting to me (among other things). Ironically, he sounded like Trump when he wanted 9/11 protesters in his audience roughed up. He also regularly makes some pretty asinine excuses for Israeli brutality and apartheid.
Comedian Tom Walker (AKA Jonathan Pie) can be a real jerk, but he often hits the politically ...
webbew1 comments on Dec 9, 2018:
Love Jonathan Pie. He doesn't mince words and he'll go after people on both the left and the right with all guns blazing when it's richly deserved. I like that.
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 9, 2018:
His take on the Trump victory over Clinton was epic.
Some just can't help misusing superpowers.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 6, 2018:
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 6, 2018:
Some just can't help misusing superpowers.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 6, 2018:
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 6, 2018:
Some just can't help misusing superpowers.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 6, 2018:
WilliamCharles replies on Dec 6, 2018:
Favorite instrumentals?
WilliamCharles comments on Apr 7, 2018:
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 30, 2018:
Just found this.
A rather lengthy but informative article.
t1nick comments on Nov 27, 2018:
I'll stick with Anthropocene.. That's what I teach my students
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 28, 2018:
In a review of Wilson's book, it quotes him as saying the Eremocine will likely be the epoch following the Anthropocine.
Assange's threat to the Corporatocracy's MSM PR machinery is something they can't allow.
genessa comments on Nov 25, 2018:
assange is not challenging corporate america. assange works for russia, which loves corporate america, especially american oil. just because no one wants him to print his stolen and altered secrets that doesn't make him a journalist. he doesn't report the truth. he reports what russia tells him ...
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 27, 2018:
@genessa - again, short of details, I'm not sure what establishes that you saw originals.
Assange's threat to the Corporatocracy's MSM PR machinery is something they can't allow.
genessa comments on Nov 25, 2018:
assange is not challenging corporate america. assange works for russia, which loves corporate america, especially american oil. just because no one wants him to print his stolen and altered secrets that doesn't make him a journalist. he doesn't report the truth. he reports what russia tells him ...
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 26, 2018:
@genessa - I'm sorry for being so dismissive. My point is that in the give and take of trying to establish the facts of any given issue, there has to be a mutually agreed upon manner to determine what is factual. What you offered, is essentially hearsay. You remember seeing it, the source and the information you considered reliable and worth passing along to support your position, but with no other corroboration. Usually there's an article, or an opinion piece detailing the salient points, or a quote, or something... referencing the type of assertion you are making. I found a couple at least in line with my understanding of what arguments are out there for or against. If you look at some of your responses, they're rather dismissive themselves. There's a difference between writing "it's bullshit" and writing "it's bullshit because..." and offering a counterpoint. If that counterpoint is challenged, it's worth supplying a citation. I welcome corrections as needed regardless as I always want to fine-tune my own arguments in order that they are considered credible and up to date when I'm trying to persuade others. There's much in these type of discussions that is subjective, particularly when attempting to piece together a narrative from limited information, but we should at least be able to agree somewhat on what has already been revealed. I find it especially troubling personally when I hear/read mainstream media sources present something as fact that I know has not been established. They have a much greater budget and resources in their respective organizations to get the facts right, and when they don't you have to ask yourself, "Qui bono?" A simple rock solid example of this is Amazon's Jeff Bezos. He also owns the Washington Post and has a $600m contract with the CIA (though claimed not to be anything nefarious). He sent a memo to the WP staff indicating no negative stories were to be run about Amazon or its employees. I consider omitting or shading the truth not much better than lying, and not at all the mission of a widely circulated news organization.
Assange's threat to the Corporatocracy's MSM PR machinery is something they can't allow.
genessa comments on Nov 25, 2018:
assange is not challenging corporate america. assange works for russia, which loves corporate america, especially american oil. just because no one wants him to print his stolen and altered secrets that doesn't make him a journalist. he doesn't report the truth. he reports what russia tells him ...
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 26, 2018:
@genessa - well, far be it from me to challenge such convincing assertions then. (is a snark tag needed?)
Assange's threat to the Corporatocracy's MSM PR machinery is something they can't allow.
genessa comments on Nov 25, 2018:
assange is not challenging corporate america. assange works for russia, which loves corporate america, especially american oil. just because no one wants him to print his stolen and altered secrets that doesn't make him a journalist. he doesn't report the truth. he reports what russia tells him ...
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 26, 2018:
@genessa - in the case of my zerohedge link, they posted it from here.
Assange's threat to the Corporatocracy's MSM PR machinery is something they can't allow.
genessa comments on Nov 25, 2018:
assange is not challenging corporate america. assange works for russia, which loves corporate america, especially american oil. just because no one wants him to print his stolen and altered secrets that doesn't make him a journalist. he doesn't report the truth. he reports what russia tells him ...
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 26, 2018:
@genessa - zerohedge is just a convenient place to retrieve information that often gets neglected by the MSM. Any site/individual should be continually evaluated for credibility and veracity. As far as those supporting Assange, I consider John Pilger and Chris Hedges as a couple of the most trustworthy journalists alive. Their arguments for seeing the war waged against Assange for what it is, a push to prevent, demonize, and marginalize transparency, and dissuade any who might dare to do so as well... is well reasoned and supported by the facts. Just a reminder that far too many credible alternative news, information, and opinion sites on Facebook and Twitter were scrubbed in their campaigns against so-called "fake news." It proved what many were saying when they defended Alex Jones. It wasn't defending Jones for his credibility, but that a top down sanctioning of that which us deemed reliable is problematic in itself. Notice that the mainstream news outlets, virtually all of corporate media, were the ones that echoed the Bush administration's drive for war. Yet, they're not only not blacklisted as unreliable, they themselves have published lists of the ones they consider fake news. Again, reliable sites were lumped in with the others. If you don't see a problem with this, I don't know what to tell you.
Assange's threat to the Corporatocracy's MSM PR machinery is something they can't allow.
genessa comments on Nov 25, 2018:
assange is not challenging corporate america. assange works for russia, which loves corporate america, especially american oil. just because no one wants him to print his stolen and altered secrets that doesn't make him a journalist. he doesn't report the truth. he reports what russia tells him ...
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 26, 2018:
@genessa Snopes is not the be all, end all as far as verification goes, but they're often fairly good in deconstructing claims.
Assange's threat to the Corporatocracy's MSM PR machinery is something they can't allow.
genessa comments on Nov 25, 2018:
assange is not challenging corporate america. assange works for russia, which loves corporate america, especially american oil. just because no one wants him to print his stolen and altered secrets that doesn't make him a journalist. he doesn't report the truth. he reports what russia tells him ...
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 26, 2018:
@genessa Found this.
Assange's threat to the Corporatocracy's MSM PR machinery is something they can't allow.
genessa comments on Nov 25, 2018:
assange is not challenging corporate america. assange works for russia, which loves corporate america, especially american oil. just because no one wants him to print his stolen and altered secrets that doesn't make him a journalist. he doesn't report the truth. he reports what russia tells him ...
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 26, 2018:
The DNC made that claim about the emails being doctored, yet offered no copies of originals to establish that, nor did they even bother to specify what exactly was altered. They also claim their servers were hacked by Russians, but chose not to turn them over to the FBI for forensic examination.
Assange's threat to the Corporatocracy's MSM PR machinery is something they can't allow.
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 26, 2018:
A couple of pieces that are worth the read.
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 26, 2018:
And the Taibbi piece referenced.
"Our Donald who stinks to heaven Shallow be thy name Thy kingdom scum Thy will be dumb What on ...
YeuxSansLaine comments on Nov 25, 2018:
You could call this "The Turd's Prayer".
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 25, 2018:
That did occur to me actually. Great minds think alike. ?
Assange's threat to the Corporatocracy's MSM PR machinery is something they can't allow.
David1955 comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Ok, this is what I don't understand. I was an admirer of Assange. I like whistleblowers exposing the sins of governments, the military, corporations and other structures of power. But someone explain to me how Assange helping the Republicans, Trump puppets, and undermining H Clinton and so on, was ...
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 25, 2018:
HRC got sabotaged by her acts and that of Team DNC. That they came to light is not the problem. Also there is indication it was a leak and not a hack. Not Russia. The Russia spin was concocted by Mook and Podesta immediately following the loss.
Assange's threat to the Corporatocracy's MSM PR machinery is something they can't allow.
Jolanta comments on Nov 24, 2018:
I think that now it is just revenge trying to get Assange. There is always going to be an Assange, thank god or thank someone els.
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 25, 2018:
Planting fear into others, and trying to normalize such gross infringements of journalistic freedom is part of plugging the dike. In a world of alternatives to the MSM, the drive to marginalize and dismiss the alternative press, particularly by lumping them in with those sites bordering on demented and/or enemies of the state essentially, permits them to designate "approved" sources for news and information. Some truths are too destructive to the official official narrative.
"It was thirty years ago today, the duopoly shooed democracy away..." []
brentan comments on Nov 24, 2018:
I thought the post was going to be a parody of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band.
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 24, 2018:
I only played off the opening verse. Came to mind when I saw this was roughly the 30th anniversary of that event.
"Our Donald who stinks to heaven Shallow be thy name Thy kingdom scum Thy will be dumb What on ...
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Alternate version was going to be... "Oh Donald you stink to heaven..." ... but I went with closer to the Lord's Prayer. The Madness of King Orange, the Mango Manchild.
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 24, 2018:
@Twisted185 Cheetolini is also a favorite.
"Our Donald who stinks to heaven Shallow be thy name Thy kingdom scum Thy will be dumb What on ...
potteryguy2018 comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Put it on tshirts and retire a millionaire!!
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 23, 2018:
TM LanceThruster ?
"Our Donald who stinks to heaven Shallow be thy name Thy kingdom scum Thy will be dumb What on ...
YeuxSansLaine comments on Nov 23, 2018:
I hope you don't mind if I steal this.....:)
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 23, 2018:
Please do.
Do you think the human females select their mate more than men do?
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 21, 2018:
I think we're similar to birds. The male is generally on the lookout for a potential partner, and hopes that a display of the human equivalent conglomeration of plumage gets them the go ahead signal. They can be persistent in their pursuit, but short of some masterfully executed wooing, the female ...
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 22, 2018:
@Sunsetmermaid - not sure I've deconstructed that response successfully. Glad "confused" was one of the options in the OP. I'll take that
"No investigative journalism in my lifetime can equal the importance of what WikiLeaks has done in ...
KKGator comments on Nov 16, 2018:
I have many very mixed feelings about Julian Assange.
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 19, 2018:
I'm of the mind that it is what has been revealed is the key issue. Also, the right to publish facts however uncomfortable and irrespective of source is an essential press freedom, not to be lightly abandoned.
Bizarre Particles Keep Flying Out of Antarctica's Ice, and They Might Shatter Modern Physics - ...
WilliamCharles comments on Oct 7, 2018:
Sounds monkeys might be flying out of someone's butt.
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 18, 2018:
@jorj - I'll try from a different device. My tablet has been acting kinda wonky lately.
Bizarre Particles Keep Flying Out of Antarctica's Ice, and They Might Shatter Modern Physics - ...
WilliamCharles comments on Oct 7, 2018:
Sounds monkeys might be flying out of someone's butt.
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 18, 2018:
@jorj - seems the option goes away after a certain time. No ability to edit this one.
"No investigative journalism in my lifetime can equal the importance of what WikiLeaks has done in ...
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 16, 2018:
I have my own issues with Snopes, but they insist the claims of proof of Wikileaks altering published documents are false.
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 16, 2018:
@SpikeTalon I think their dismissals of all things in regards to 9/11 is particularly damning. They have similar stance as far as taking a corporate line on things like chemical toxins (Round Up) and GMOs.
"No investigative journalism in my lifetime can equal the importance of what WikiLeaks has done in ...
creative51 comments on Nov 16, 2018:
Behind the scene drama has been there since pre-history, this is nothing new. In modern times, journalism has both aided this and exposed this. There have been MANY exposing journalists prior to wikileaks, they did not invent exposing the behind the scenes game. While wikileaks should get kudos for ...
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 16, 2018:
@creative51 The DNC emails revealed that Trump was Team Hillary's hand picked Pied Piper. Cheetolini is in office specifically because she chose to play chicken with the fate of the nation in her pursuit of power.
Bizarre Particles Keep Flying Out of Antarctica's Ice, and They Might Shatter Modern Physics - ...
WilliamCharles comments on Oct 7, 2018:
Sounds monkeys might be flying out of someone's butt.
WilliamCharles replies on Nov 6, 2018:
Jeez... I guess it's too late to edit it. Should have been "Sounds *like* monkeys might be flying out of someone's butt.
It seems that there aren’t many here dating in my area, most profiles are here for community.
PolyWolf comments on Oct 9, 2018:
There are some people available for dating in my area, but they're out of my league. And then there are my cats. Do they count?
WilliamCharles replies on Oct 26, 2018:
@Donotbelieve I consider it a sign of respect the engage people openly and honestly.
It seems that there aren’t many here dating in my area, most profiles are here for community.
PolyWolf comments on Oct 9, 2018:
There are some people available for dating in my area, but they're out of my league. And then there are my cats. Do they count?
WilliamCharles replies on Oct 10, 2018:
@Donotbelieve I don't. I think the notion of "out of my league" means that you would not expect someone to put up with your own shortcomings/attributes as far as a romantic relationship goes. Those attributes can be often be largely superficial in scope, but they also deal with personal comfort zones. It can be looks, demonstrated earning potential, organizational skills, etc. Just as many employers are all about constantly applied metrics, compatibility and maintaining a relationship follow similar standards. So yes, I often do see someone as out of my league, though I am confident enough to pursue friendships with anyone. There's always the possibility of something further developing if one at least can read the signals. Or it could be that I'm still not getting your point.
It seems that there aren’t many here dating in my area, most profiles are here for community.
PolyWolf comments on Oct 9, 2018:
There are some people available for dating in my area, but they're out of my league. And then there are my cats. Do they count?
WilliamCharles replies on Oct 9, 2018:
@Donotbelieve While it may seem to be negative self-talk and potentially self-defeating to make premature assessments about possible compatibility, it's certainly a consideration that comes into play. I figured that before I started seriously putting out feelers for someone that I might be attracted to in here, that I'd summarize on my profile page as best I can what I carry the most anxiety about... essentially "what's wrong with me?" (which is often just beneath the surface of questions like "why aren't you married?"). I actually think that level of self-knowledge is a good thing and opens the door to a relationship based on reality rather than an initial impression (which can often be either overinflated, or too superficial). It probably sounds rather cryptic, but that's why I feel laying it out there would be worthwhile.
Bizarre Particles Keep Flying Out of Antarctica's Ice, and They Might Shatter Modern Physics - ...
beerkrump comments on Oct 1, 2018:
Hrm. "God particle", Higgs boson, was a missing piece and solved a puzzle. This looks like a conundrum and breaks particle physics. Lucifer boson? Satanirino?
WilliamCharles replies on Oct 7, 2018:
Santorumonium (from the root Santorum - I consider Rick concentrated evil)?
Failure is not an option.
WilliamCharles comments on Oct 6, 2018: When you get tired, rest, don't quit.
WilliamCharles replies on Oct 6, 2018:
The body that's said to be the "world's most deliberative," actually borders on being functionally vegetative, in that they cannot see the depths of their hypocrisy and corruption that is plain as day. Break out the tumbrels!
Failure is not an option.
WilliamCharles comments on Oct 6, 2018: When you get tired, rest, don't quit.
WilliamCharles replies on Oct 6, 2018:
Though I wholeheartedly stand by my oft made declaration that they should all DIAF, because short of arson, that leaves it up to providence, and if there were a god, She/He/It/They would know the true nature of their corrupt black hearts (though it's not like anyone would need any sort of omnipotence to see it. They're out and proud about their complete lack of integrity or scruples).


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