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Talk about commitment
Willow_Wisp comments on Nov 8, 2021:
We all know what that's like!
The greatest omission in life is to risk nothing.
Willow_Wisp comments on Nov 8, 2021:
Anonymous is stupid for projecting themselves on people content to live a harmless life. The rewards of living the human life in any form aren't obvious to those not living that life. I reserve my insults and critiques for those that insist on being aggressive toward people they refuse to understand.
Some guys
Willow_Wisp comments on Nov 7, 2021:
I recognize this Target store.
Angakok noun a shaman in Inuit society.
Willow_Wisp comments on Nov 7, 2021:
All religious leaders in all cultures tend to be kok's of some kind.
Gasp! Seriously?
Willow_Wisp comments on Nov 7, 2021:
Just FUCK Christianity!
Will 5G networks result in major aircraft problems ?
Willow_Wisp comments on Nov 7, 2021:
I remember when bar codes were the mark of the beast, when vaccines were poison, and when eggs were very very bad for you. I tend to take hysteria in stride now, even if there's some actual issues, they're typically resolved long before they become serious problems. You know like Y2K. If I were an expert in 5G I'd weigh in with a technical opinion but I'm not really qualified and frankly neither are most of the other people on agnostics. Remember when you couldn't use old flip phones on airplanes? Then 9/11 showed everyone that those old flip phones worked just fine. At my company we make everyone working on a circuit board wear a grounding strap, but we work with high voltage circuitry, it's just a precaution but also a professional requirement in our corporate culture, that doesn't mean science agrees it's necessary. I'll keep an open mind, someday your entire life may depend on 5G, or there could be a CME like the Carrington Event Sep 1, 1859 – Sep 2, 1859 which burned up our telegraph system ending the telegraph sex industry for all time. Should it happen now none of our phones or GPS systems would work, it would take decades to rebuild and we'd be laughing and asking each other if we remember when we thought 5G would screw up all those grounded aircraft.
Willow_Wisp comments on Nov 7, 2021:
You have been harrumphed by the people that say harrumph.
I bet he WISHES he said some of these.
Willow_Wisp comments on Nov 7, 2021:
Confucius is the bases of modern comedy, and there are historians that claim the guy never existed. The top person misquoted on the Internet is Buddha, and placing a close second is Einstein. Jesus would be number three but everyone has a Bible so they don't try to put words into his mouth they just say that none of those words mean what those words mean so they can claim he was talking about something that somehow confirms their misconceptions. Like saying it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven. That's detrimental to rich white guys, particularly televangelist, so now there's a gate to the city he was talking about which is called "The eye of the Needle" which has zero chance of being called that at any time before the 9th century, almost a thousand years after this mythical Jesus supposedly said those words. Christians tend to believe in the prosperity gospel rather than being poor, I dare say many Christians are Christian specifically so they can enhance their income. I know in Alabama as a High School kid most of the part time jobs were given to the most Christian sounding High School kids, not because they were more qualified, just that they sounded qualified in the way their employers required. I can't imagine raising a child in Utah for pretty much the same reason.
Yup, why we closed the world for fun.
Willow_Wisp comments on Nov 7, 2021:
That's a two year old "No shit Sherlock!" kinda thing to point out.
Man imprisoned 45 years for wife's killing is acquitted (America's 2nd longest serving innocent ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Nov 6, 2021:
This is the best reason for ridding ourselves of the death penalty, all it takes is a little empathy and the humility to admit you can be wrong even if fully convinced. Unfortunately the law and order Conservatives have NO empathy or humility, so I don't make this argument, it's like talking about your barbecue recipes with a vegan, they'll have little interest, so I argue price because it's also cheaper to keep a person in jail for life than to execute them. Conservatives are all about the money most of the time, but they're hard to convince because they're also there for the cruelty, they really love the cruelty.
What an incredible pic of an astronaut about 100 metres away from the ISS.
Willow_Wisp comments on Nov 6, 2021:
What a lonely photo, one malfunction away from terror.
Dame Judi Dench in 1958
Willow_Wisp comments on Nov 6, 2021:
Wow she really is an old dame.
Yes, please!
Willow_Wisp comments on Nov 6, 2021:
That's why I'll never "Join" a political party. It's like saying this small set of issues are all I give a "F" about, and I feel like I'm betraying everyone that shares my view about other issues. There can't be a purity test, or people that "can see the future" by any number of preposterous claims are likely to turn the party into a cult. The latest example is Fundamentalist Christians and the Republican party but it has happened many times before, once by a party that actually called themselves the "know nothings" so competence is certainly not a critical requirement for leadership which means they have no leadership skills beyond instigating riots and creating an angry mob of what would have otherwise been a group of rational people. The Democratic Party monopoly should be broken up into all the constituent parts under lose affiliation, still as Democrats just to isolate the Republicans as much as possible, this is happening naturally now when we talk about Progressives and Moderate Democrats. I think those sub headings should be further empowered. Unfortunately it's an involved process that creates lots of delay in legislation, but all good legislation should be probed for flaws like an autopsy, the down side is the superficiality of the people that tend to get elected to office. Like the Republican Gov of Texas that's going to stop rape, so women can't use rape as an excuse to get an abortion. Talk about delusional. But beyond that hubris the road to hell is paved with good intentions, like the three strikes law that overstuffed our Californian prisons. It was sold as a way to rid ourselves of criminals that commit three violent crimes. I kept asking what crimes are violent, how is that entered into their record? I mean I could understand it if a judge or a panel examined the crime and checked a box by "Violent Crime" but the verbiage in the bill clearly stated three felonies. Like missing a parole meeting is a felony, having even marijuana residue when on probation also a felony. Once you have a felony on your record and still have to check in for parole you have literally hundreds of new ways to commit felonies, many of which you probably aren't aware of. I argued and tried to explain the problem to people but it passed with a huge majority of the popular vote. Now it's known for it's flaws and cleaning up will not be complete in many of the lives directly ruined by that stupid law. I just wish more law makers had the humility to listen to qualified experts instead of arrogantly dismissing all rational solutions by simply criminalizing the problems they aren't qualified to have an opinion on.
Jon Stewart DISMANTLES Treasury Sec Janet Yellen: 'It's NOT Free Market' | The Kyle Kulinski Show...
Willow_Wisp comments on Nov 5, 2021:
Of all the TV Comedians Jon has the best presentation and stays on topic. No one can be a hero in every category of social discourse, one is good when effective. Jon did so much for 9/11 respondents when no one else could make headway. Jon is a fine example of how to get NECESSARY STUFF done, just like everyone else one project at a time, while keeping up with all the situations that could be the next project.
Hi there! I'm new to the group- didn't know it existed until just now! I must admit I'm not an ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Nov 4, 2021:
We were all born too late, unless we realize that we've faced certain disaster in the past on the global level. Like when the hole in the ozone was going to get so big we were going to go blind due to UV radiation like the South American Cow Boys, and their cattle. Then we listened to what the science was telling us and we switched refrigeration juice and now the hole in the ozone has all but healed. Don't be discouraged because science is skeptical that we might be too late already, they were concerned that the hole in the ozone had gone too far as well. If you're going to be discouraged, be discouraged that people aren't listening to the scientist. I was born in 1959, I've seen too much in my life to be easily manipulated into being panicky.
Why Is Conservative Comedy So… Not Very Good? - SOME MORE NEWS []
Willow_Wisp comments on Nov 2, 2021:
It's for the same reason old men think the three stooges are funny. It gets worse as you go back through history. At the "Joust" of the Middle Ages they would sometimes tie a cat to a stick then stick him in a bonfire and the crowd would laugh. It was like going to the comedy club for them. Some of us have developed enough empathy now to not find humor in cruelty, but certainly not all of us. If we are to survive that empathy has to become synonymous with being human or we will kill ourselves through war or by ignorance and doing something like poisoning ourselves, like we almost did with Teflon and refrigerants that eat ozone. We must also transcend being "physical" oriented creatures, not in a religious way, like all those ships and freight trains are about us getting physical materials from where they are found to where we are. It's why bosses have little tolerance for people not coming into the office. The pandemic proved we can work from home, saving time, resources, and stress. For me this was no problem, I'm ready for G666 **@@** networking brain to brain, or spend all my time on computers. Life is about knowledge and information, not possession and proximity. Now convince someone that possesses a shit ton of stuff and has proximity to paying for the rule changes necessary to have even more proximity to their possessions. This phase should last 350 to 500 years, I hope we survive, we haven't even figured out CO2 yet at a socially responsible level. **@@**(Play on G5, but it also fucks with Christians, a hobby of mine)
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about justice delayed in Alabama.... []
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 27, 2021:
And people are shocked when I claim that I immigrated to the United States from Alabama. Florida and Texas are neck in neck for second place. I had a startup at Tom's Foods in Perry Florida in 1989 on a weekend so we wouldn't interrupt production, I got checked into their finest Howard Johnson's and got a call from the plant, startup was canceled due to Clan Rallies at the plant that weekend. Texas seems to ticket so many Californians that California doesn't put complaints from Texas on your driving record. Their weird driving rules make no sense, like speed limits that change depending on whether the sun is up or not, but not based on the actual position of the sun, sundown is an arbitrary time they picked, so I got a speeding ticket for going 20 mph over the speed limit even though the sun was up. Not to mention all the cars passing me with my "California" license plate just before being pulled over. I never paid that ticket and never will, I did ask about it at the DMV and we all had a good laugh at stupid fucking Texas's expense.
Edibles will take you from just enough to relieve your pain/trauma/whatever to Hold My Beer This is ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 27, 2021:
I remember eating a brownie, then like 45 minutes later, this shit is weak, so I eat two more brownies, then like five minutes after washing down the third brownie the first brownie kicks in with a vengeance and I realize I have a pretty serious couple of hours coming up so I cancel all my plans found a place to get comfortable and held on as best I could until I passed out. Respect the edibles, because they don't respect you.
November 5th?
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 27, 2021:
January 6th is Americas Guy Fawkes day. I'm sure in the future people will wear orange pig mask on Jan 6th in the US to celebrate the idiots failure. Similar to what happens in the UK on Nov 5th.
The rotten apple spawn of Trump Sr.
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 27, 2021:
One must wonder if the "armorer" that gave Alec the firearm and yelled "Cold gun" might not have a murderous sympathy for Trump and the NRA, both of which hate Alec. The investigation will be interesting, because I don't buy into her silly, "OMG, did I do that?" routine. I mean accidents happen, but this? If anything vile happened it's on her head, or someone that used their access to her to do this. As for Jr, he's a small turd that fell off a much larger POS and no one should ever pay any attention to anything he says since we already know it's all lies and false accusation, what the Bible called "False Witness" for all those Conservative Christians ready for Jihad on every front possible even when it's tragic and sad. It's all hypocrisy mixed with lies and stupidity.
Both middle fingers 🖕🏼🖕🏼
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 27, 2021:
When I die my body is going to Science Fiction, if I'm lucky I'll end up as a monster that can't be killed.
The good old days
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 25, 2021:
I loved Walter Cronkite, he had a series of 30 minute shows called "The Year 2000" back in the 60's and I lived for it. By now there were supposed to be cities on both the Moon and Mars, powered by fusion power. Cancer would have been cured and everyone would be so productive that we would have a three day work week and the world would just be crawling with robots doing all the hard or uninteresting work. That is if we didn't blow ourselves out of space with nuclear weapons first, oh and you could never own a real computer, it just wasn't financially possible, the cooling cost alone would bankrupt any individual. There would be a municipal computer and all the citizens would log on from their terminals. It always made me wonder how they thought they would get the robots to do any complex task.
I think of myself as a freethinker.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 27, 2021:
Do you have taboos? Are you open to doing things differently? Does religious sensibilities prevent many of your potential actions? Can you walk into a Wallmart wearing clothes that would go on the Internet as a meme at your expense? Would you eat penguin eggs, or try a piece of whale meat? Free thinking is the willingness to ignore every single thing that isn't dangerous or unhealthy but could hold you back in your actions. I never understood why I had to wear my "Sunday best" on Sundays, why not Daisy Dukes and flip flops? Like listen to everything, use what seems good, ignore protocol and social norms. Stay informed about how everything REALLY works instead of how Mom and Dad did shit. If you're at least 50% like this you're a free thinker. Few could give as few fucks as I do, but if you're upset because of the hair style or color of your friends Mohawk, you should reevaluate your attitude.
Lest you forget just how deep Fascism runs in the's a reminder []
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 26, 2021:
Fascism is the American default setting, from Andrew Jackson to Henry Ford right on up through Nixon, Reagan, both Bushes and Trump. I am particularly interested due to being raised in Alabama under Governor George C. Wallace an old style Dixiecrat fascist, just so you know Democrat politicians aren't immune to fascist urges either. Keep an eye on everyone.
I wonder too.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 24, 2021:
We on the left in America only appear to be on the left due to perspective, especially if your perspective is fascist as so many American perspectives are. Reagan would now be considered a liberal too, by Republicans anyway.
Appeals court reverses ruling restricting puberty blockers for teens in England: []
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 17, 2021:
That's great news for the trans-children of the UK. There's far too much gate keeping on the part of people that have no business having an opinion on the subject, just like cis men and even trans-women on the subject of abortion here in the US. If you'd NEVER transition then you have nothing to say whatsoever about the subject of transitioning. Just as if you're NEVER going to get pregnant absolutely no one cares that you're anti-abortion, get over yourself and your over inflated sense of importance. I despise Football so I don't watch, I don't go around trying to fuck over everyone that plays since they're fucking themselves over already, football causes brain damage. As if we couldn't tell by having a conversation with any football player.
Vaccine controversy has been going on a long time
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 16, 2021:
Rick and Morty were right, everything is worse if it's "On a cob!"
Please welcome @Sravan to the group. Looking forward to your contributions.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 16, 2021:
This is why republicans must be stopped!
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 12, 2021:
The crowd that claims that everything happens for a reason because everything happens because "God intended it to happen" need to experience a rape and home invasion robbery. Then we can go back afterward and ask them what God got out of it.
Bring on the wealth tax
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 11, 2021:
There should be a comedy script about this situation for future cinematic exploitation. You know, like Biodôme, and the Jamaica national bobsleigh team.
Now that I think about it......
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 10, 2021:
“The Galloping Gourmet” Graham Kerr. I doubt even he was the first, but he was before Jack Tripper.
WE all have a few regrets but if we are lucky, they are too few to mention. []
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 10, 2021:
I don't mention my regrets because they were traumatic, and at my expense, some humiliating even. I may be a lot of things, but I'm no masochist, I also know the road to hell is paved with good intentions and I have caused misery and suffering by being helpful and concerned with the well being of the people I've loved despite my good intentions behind my choices. Sometimes you just have to buck up and carry that cross because you can't know the outcome until all the consequences have come home to roost. That's what it is to be an advanced primate from Earth.
For that one who hates socialism but can't define what it is....
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 10, 2021:
That's why the right takes every single opportunity to demonize the left that they can find, and then they also make up lies because it's impossible to really make the left look bad in the light of actual evidence. The sad part is that throughout my life everyone around me is so convinced Conservatives are "correct" when they have nothing to compare it to since we haven't had an example of an FDR type liberal in charge my entire life. One administration fixed the Great Depression, we need that again and we need it now!
You know it’s true...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 9, 2021:
I lived and worked in Alabama when seatbelt laws became active. Yes, profoundly stupid shit was said.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 9, 2021:
Brilliant! I will use this.
Recognizing Ivermectin as an effective treatment would have prevented the "emergency use approval" ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 9, 2021:
It’s good for scabies, useless for virtual infections.
Being "unique" may not be a good thing.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 8, 2021:
For some of us it's all we have going, it doesn't make us better, it's just an anchor, a go to. I'm unique in my astonishing usefulness, that's why people (well companies) hire me to set up their high tech shit. I strut in, a proud transwoman, and intently get to work, most of my software development tools were written by me. I have fixed single handedly what it took entire teams to break, especially in plant startups where there's a couple of hundred jobs on the line. I may make people nervous, but they love it when my happy ass shows up after they get to know me. Look at you with your metal ax with it's wooden ax head. So proud of making a point for conformity and mediocrity, it's really like looking at a puppy that keeps hurting itself for no knowable reason. This message was for the meme maker, not the poster, I love the poster.
Some classics... 😂
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 8, 2021:
American's are confused by the term "Continental Breakfast" Continental certainly sounds huge. We got the term from the British, who eat a huge breakfast followed by progressively smaller meals until they go to sleep on an empty stomach. Everyone else in Europe starts with a small meal for breakfast with progressively larger meals. So a "Continental Breakfast" is a tiny snack of no nutritional value involving bread and sugar and throughly inadequate.
What is the next number in this series? -1, 3, 1, -1, 3, ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 8, 2021:
-1, 3, 1, -1, 3, the next numbers -1, 3, 1, -1, 3, 1, -1, 3, 1, -1, 3, 1, -1, 3, 1, -1, 3, 1, -1, 3, 1, -1, 3, 1, -1, 3, 1, -1, 3, 1, -1, 3, and so forth and so on.... Three follows -1, and 1 follows 3 otherwise there's no progression in my solution which is a valid assumption considering the information given. Prove me wrong.
Women are the majority, if only they’d vote like it.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 7, 2021:
MAGA Karen’s throw a wrench in that train of thought. Some of the most brutal Anti-Women rhetoric comes from conservative women. They’re so brain washed they keep themselves and every other woman they can down. It makes no sense like all conservative insanity, like a Jewish Fascist named Steve Miller, and pro Trump rap artist. It would be entertaining if it were a fictional story, but a tragic failure of humanity in reality.
Too many stupid people??
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 7, 2021:
There are many causes, stupid is one, voter suppression is another, simi-slave labor (wage slaves) sometimes can’t get free to vote, then there’s the sick and unexpected dead. Easy fixes are available but those are opposed for political advantage by one side or the other but certainly favored by conservatives. Like who would it kill to make voting day a National holiday? In the minds of all fans of democracy voter ID rules (read voter suppression) is unthinkable but fans of Capitalism can’t get enough of it. As usual all our National illnesses are solvable were there not a strong political will to keep the country sick.
Funny look at uniform
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 7, 2021:
The first photo I've ever seen of an actual living breathing space cadet.
Texas woke the beast.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 7, 2021:
I can relate, what do you call someone that is highly sympathetic to witches and witchcraft loves the aesthetic but doesn't believe any of it's real? Willow of course.
It's frightening how many people are still advocating using Ivermectin.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2021:
Don't mix rat poison into your trail mix. How many times must they be told? I spent my life opposing their inhumanity. I don't wish them ill if they can come around but until then there is a bright spot. They seem to prefer rat poison in their trail mix.
My cat desperately wants to make my dog his best buddy but most of the time my dog just gets up and ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2021:
It's a sign of the end times. LOL
She knitted her own protection.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2021:
That would work over a paper mask. I love how the bus seat looks like a pink cats ear, and the shape of the glasses outline cat eye like shapes but they should be pink as well. She could cosplay.
An incredible painting of an eviction during the Irish Great Hunger 1845-52 by Rodney Charman.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2021:
It was so bad Native Americans from the five "Civilized" tribes as described by Whites built ships and sent supplies to help relieve some of the suffering in Ireland. I'm proud that I carry some genes from the Choctaw people one of the Nations that contributed heavily to the relief effort. They received no help, guidance or support from the US Government who found out long after it was done.
Perfect costume
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2021:
Sarah Good maybe, but she may have been hung, can't remember, it was a long time ago.
Is this what goes on in America nowadays?
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2021:
It's white supremacist or Christian nationalist propaganda. No one is selling Communism because there's no market for it. However wanting more social responsibility from government isn't Communism. We're talking infrastructure, they call it Socialism and the really out of touch call it Communism despite being corrected over and over by everyone. Communism = everything conservatives dislike including Democrats, BLM, and Antifa, Antifa being their new Illuminati a made up villain to blame conspiracy theories on.
Hahaha!!!!! (This was SO my life until a racoon bit me a month ago.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2021:
You should be careful of the company you keep. I have a murder of crows I care for. They don't have big claws or sharp teeth, even when they're bitching at me I'm not afraid of them.
Keep with @HippieChick58 's word that starts with 'ob', this is one of my favorites.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2021:
Look carefully!
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2021:
I love it!
SciShow - The Genetic Code Sucks. Let’s Do Better []
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2021:
I would love to see civilization after genetic engineering matures. Humans reprogrammed to breath through their nose, because the tubes for breathing and eating are separated like whales who never choke to death on a morsel of food. By reactivating the right gene, we have it but it's broken, we can make our own vitamin C like dogs and cats. Only primates evolved a defective vitamin C system because their diet was high in vitamin C. If it hadn't been only the individuals with the initial defective gene would have died and not passed it on. Further proof of evolution. So lets get our vitamin C gene back. Make some changes to the mitochondrial DNA as well, tune our energy usage to optimum. Start research into creating better Sarcomere's so we can live profoundly longer and self repair our genome more effectively. Develop mass cell genetic treatments more reliable than delivery viruses. True transhumanism should be achievable. You could look like anything you wanted to look like, live in any environment. I bet many would do the Egyptian god thing with the animal heads. I also imagine a bunch of people that would remind us of Tolkien's Elves.
Since my childhood when I was 5,listening from every mosque 24/7 " O Allah Almighty destroy these ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2021:
The Sunni and Shia don't even like the Sufi and the Sufi are as Islamic as they are. However should I ever be required for some reason to go to an Islamic country I hope it's to Morocco since they're mostly Sufi and the Sufi are actually peaceful.
The real point of anti abortion laws
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2021:
I've always said that the issues conservatives are most interested in are all imaginary and their solutions to those imaginary problems are our national problems. It was true when concessions were made to the south for them to own slaves at the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The corporate cotton lobby got what it wanted. Corporate interest have been buying influence and getting slapped back into their place for hundreds of years now. They back religion because nothing gets people to bend the knee like religion, in return the religions have a huge say in policy. The rich get all the tax cuts, but we get to ban abortion because we can ignore all the realities of abortion and keep it at the "You're a slut that's killing your baby." The universe and human biology are problematic, when I escorted Cindy through the protest line for her to have her abortion because the baby had attached to her fallopian tube and she would die without the procedure made both of us "murderers." I knew half the people in the protest because many of them attended my church and they already had their doubts about me. The personal horror when life or death medical complications terminate a pregnancy are devastating to a couple trying to start a family. So here you are depressed, disappointed, stressed, an emotional wreck and now you have to cross this line of malignant hate on top of everything else. Most abortions aren't birth control abortions, most are medically expedient. So now when you're at your weakest emotionally and in expedient need of your procedure you're held up by a bunch of hill billy wannabes trying to bully you as if it were their business to begin with. Funny how Republicans when asked if they're vaccinated immediately claim HIPAA violation, where's the HIPAA violation consideration when publicly attacking a sick pregnant woman?
Why Do We Celebrate Labor Day? It's More Than Just a Day Off.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2021:
Americans aren't taught about the contributions of unions. Reagan was so cavalier he just fired a shit ton of air traffic controllers as if they were immediately replaceable like migrant workers. Flying was far more dangerous after that until a new work force could be trained the remaining ATC crews were worked to exhaustion. It's a miracle it didn't get a few hundred people killed. The right demonizes the unions, science, family planning, low income housing, women, minorities, and democracy. It's time for workers to fight back, they paid for the rich asshole space race, it's blood sweat and tears money from thousands of underpaid workers. Lots of that money goes toward the effort to keep the labor market under paid by propping up the political party intent on keeping us powerless.
Trump Rants at Ungrateful Catholics and Jews Over Lack of Support According to a report from the ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2021:
Conservatives assume the Jews forgot all that historic drama because Conservatives did. Jews are as diverse as any other group of people, they even have their own fascist like Stephen Miller, but Stephen isn't a fascist because he's Jewish, he's a fascist because he's an asshole.
“The more we study, the more we discover our ignorance “…………….Percy Bysshe Shelley.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2021:
Yes, we must know a lot because the world is full of ignorance.
[] "He doesn't know anything about anything and I'd say that to his face. Nothing."
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2021:
He thinks his ignorance puts him on par with Fauci, Fouci!, a man that studied viruses and pandemics for decades. The man that coordinated containment and control of the Ebola outbreak, that oversaw significant research and development of Aids treatments. If not an Albert Einstein in his field then he's at least a Steven Hawking of virology. This guy is eat shit and bark at the moon crazy and so is anyone else if they thinks he has a point.
Pablo Picasso Portrait de Maya (his second of four children ) 1943 “I had just turned 8 and ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2021:
I love Picasso's pre-cubist works. Do you want to know why? Picasso was the butt end of a lot of my Dads stupid red neck jokes. My Dad was too ignorant to know about Jackson Pollock and the jokes went right over his head never inspiring enough curiosity to even learn the artist name. The humor of the likes of Grandpa Jones and the rest of the HeeHaw cast was about all he could manage. Picasso in their minds was a hoax, not an artist at all, just an example of artistic types idolizing "experts" and "art critics" to pretend to be sophisticated. So in Collage I gathered a bunch of Picasso's pre-cubistic art. Dad thought they might be mine but he was impressed enough to ask who had done them. You should have seen the look on his face when I told him. He looked at me with sincerity in his eyes and said, "So he really did all those flounder faced people on purpose? That don't make no sense!"
Religion adapts to the needs and desires of its adherents.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2021:
You expect MAGA to accept long haired peace loving hippie Jesus? They'd crucify that MF, or lynch him if he's in the Bible belt. I was sucked in by "Woke" Jesus and it pissed off so many Christians they made me see there's no Jesus at all and never has been.
Brian Tyler Cohen - Chris Christie makes a fool of himself over new Texas law on national TV ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 5, 2021:
I love the analysis at the end. Sometimes he puts my points in order in ways I haven't attempted to verbalize. Something I try to do here on Agnostics. Sometimes I don't post though because I get lazy.
I finally got to meet bohoheathen, she left this site some time ago.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 5, 2021:
You look like sisters, I get the same energy from both sets of eyes.
I'll take John Wicks as Jesus over Obi Wan Kenobi any day.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 5, 2021:
I love Constantin, it's in a world that would exist if Catholics were right about everything. Sort of an entire pretend universe, like Star Wars and Lord of The Rings. Like the Wild Wild West was my Steampunk goto.
Things I'd love to buy vs reasons why I shouldn't...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 5, 2021:
All cats are vampish, but that's a 100% vampire cat.
Why is it that most atheists seem to define themselves by hating religion or religious people?
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 5, 2021:
Have you ever been beat for expressing doubt as a kid? Has your education been compromised by religious hatred of science? Have you ever been disowned for religious reasons? Have you had harmless activities interrupted by religious people telling you you're a Satanist? Have you ever been physically attacked for being an atheist while serving in the military by people you'll have to depend on in combat? Have you had laws passed that threaten your health and well being or the health and well being of friends or family? I've had all those experiences. Religion is antisocial, antidemocratic, and malignantly pro death. I suspect you're a troll. If you love people you'll hate religion just as anyone that loves religion hates everyone opposed to their religion. Almost every friend and associate I have that's an atheist today started out as a committed Christian. Don't confuse opposition to religious oppression as hate, but unkind words are in order if this communicable mental illness is to ever stop.
Sybil Ludington was a heroine of the American Revolutionary War. She was only 16!
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 4, 2021:
Sidesaddle, really?
Judgement day
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 4, 2021:
My cat was god, he was always judging.
Farron Balanced - Republicans Fear Trump Will Sabotage The Party In 2024 Race []
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 4, 2021:
Weird, they really don't know he sabotaged the Republican party when he came down his golden escalator, the irony is suffocating, I can't breath.
Thanks, Jack!
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 4, 2021:
***No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.*** Buddhism is bull shit, but I like this quote which gives value to personal experience.
Truth is more messed up than satire
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 4, 2021:
You know how there were decades of westerns? Then there were decades of 50's nostalgia pieces. There will be decades of comedies about the 10's that will include a lot of the 20's. It already started with "W"
I just used this word today and wanted to make sure I was right: moot /mo͞ot/ Learn to ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 4, 2021:
I typically use it as a descriptor of a situation that's objectively irrelevant to a useful conclusion, sometimes in relation to schedules but then almost always as a negative. After the hurricane my New Orleans vacation plans are moot. That may not be the correct way to use it, it's just the way I do.
Yeah there are stupid democrats , the republicans just outnumber them
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 4, 2021:
Yes, I've met the anti vax Democrat, rare thankfully. It's technophobia, the same people talk about energy levels, vibrations and other cosmic bull shit as if they're a doctor of spiritual actuality. At least they're harmless, unlike the ones that attend the church of the NRA and treason.
My sentiments exactly! Women don’t get pregnant without male participation.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 4, 2021:
In 1991 I rented a house with a married couple. I was sympathetic to fundamentalist Christianity still even if I had my doubts about it. I was already disgusted with TV evangelist but I'd attend a Calvary Chapel or equivalent church when I could and I was decidedly pro-life. One day Cindy who had been excited about being pregnant and starting their family got the news that her pregnancy was a fallopian tube pregnancy, a type of ectopic pregnancy that if not aborted would almost certainly kill both Cindy and her baby. I recognized the medical necessity of the procedure after learning about the problem and consented to driving her to the clinic that weekend. We didn't expect a protest outside the clinic. We were called murderers and received numerous threats and abuses. Remarkably I recognized faces from the church services I had attended. I never attended church again. I also began to examine everything I thought I believed, a practice that I continue to this day, if I have no reason to believe something then that's sufficient reason too not believe it. Remarkably it opened my mind to an almost infinite number of delightful possibilities that escape the closed minded. So my experience was a net positive.
Inspiring thoughts for a Saturday
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 4, 2021:
When I'm at a convenience store and there's a cashier I've just met, if they say "Thank you, have a great day!" or something along that gist I typically respond with "Have a day, good or bad is up to you, I wouldn't presume."
They’ll be going in the opposite direction and none too soon!
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 4, 2021:
I picture it like Harry Potters fat ass aunt drifting up like a lost mylar balloon. It would rock to have a BB gun or pellet rifle on that fictional day. I picture one happy raptured person saying "I can't believe it, the day has finally come!" then falling like a sack of lyposuction fat dropped from a Lockheed C-5 Galaxy cargo plane due to their lack of faith.
Patriarchy always tryna keep women barefoot and pregnant..
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 3, 2021:
Someone said something about covid in response, I went to their profile saw that they also said Biden treats people like slaves, so I blocked them forever. I don't suffer fascist.
Remington Wants School Records Of Kids Killed In Sandy Hook Shooting : NPR
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 3, 2021:
Trump taught them that you bring yourself up by verbally shitting on everyone else. The assumption seems to be that there's a difference between shooting up an entire church full of people versus killing the exact same number of people in a gay night club. Is Remington trying to say that any child killed deserves it more than any other child? Seriously this is bully behavior and the courts should crush their nuts for it just before cutting them off.
The Texas Republican Abortion law is not only unconstitutional it’s inhumane, cruel and sexist.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 3, 2021:
It's also Nazi, primarily due to the law deputizing everyone on Earth to enforce it. Like Germans turning in their neighbors for being at least in some part Jewish. Same thing, it's right out of 1984, which is what the idiots claim Democrats are all about, they make these claims because they're malicious authoritarians that LOVE BIG GOVERNMENT. They speak anti "big government" all the time when it comes to environmental regulations because God won't let humans hurt his Earth or some other stupid argument so corporations can keep stealing money from the public, but they're all for government being all up in our sex lives, which is objectively MUCH BIGGER GOVERNMENT.
Thank goodness I’ve slept with (mostly) socialists!!
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 3, 2021:
I wonder if the obvious conservative knows that they just made a pro socialism advertisement. Incel conservatives tend to shoot themselves in the groin like this.
By the way, the Longest War in American History, was the 300 Years of War on this Continents Native ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 3, 2021:
It's still going on. Tribal land isn't under federal or state authority, yet despite the protest of the rightful land owners oil companies still scare the Earth to lay oil pipes with muscle from federal and state law enforcement in violation of treaties that federal and state officials both imposed and signed. God help the native that dares violate a treaty, but entitled oil barons do it daily.
What 40 looks like to kids.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 3, 2021:
They're not entirely wrong, at this rate our civilization is in danger of collapse and by the time these children are 40 most of the population will be dead from global disasters due to global warming. There will be a collapse of satellites we can't repair and the Earth will be surrounded by hypersonic bullets from the trash already in orbit. A small group will get relief from the heat underground in old mines that aren't flooded but they'll face the prospect of starvation. With no pharmaceutical industry the medical issues we just take a pill for will be debilitating and life expectancy will drop to rates worse than the life expectancy back in the stone age. Scientist have been warning us of this future since the 1960's.
A powerful message for Texas
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 3, 2021:
God fucking damn it! Please identify when your links take us to fucking Facebook, some of us are violently opposed to that platform and the disease it represents! Clearly I need to monitor the link address at the bottom of the screen, but I haven't even had my first cup of coffee this morning.
Unfortunately this is them
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 3, 2021:
All true, and they're morally superior to everyone that disagrees with them. They call themselves conservatives, which is vile on it's own, but they're lying about being conservatives too. Otherwise why are they turning on fiscal conservatives? They're clearly Christian Taliban. This isn't a political struggle, it's a religious crusade, a jihad, since the words are synonymous with minor differences of no consequence to any objective observer.
I am single and I want to mingle
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 2, 2021:
Wow! Porn star Melody Marks is looking for someone to date on everyone. Will you make a video of your "date"? Some of the people that like to date porn stars prefer to be called "Daddy" and prefer you to wear pig tails, you know, like an under age victim.
Cop Kills Cop; Nearby Lady Gets Charged With Manslaughter –
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 2, 2021:
Why aren't they prosecuting criminals for police that haven't filed their tax returns, oh!, that's right, the criminals have nothing to do with it. This is why mental health professionals should have been involved, which is what conservatives call "defunding the police." It would protect the mentally ill from police brutality and keep the police clear so they don't hurt each other by doing things like shooting or running over each other.
U.S. Capitol Police prepare for a rally in support of Capitol riot - Axios
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 2, 2021:
And here we go..
What are your thoughts on a Perpetual Motion Machine (P.M.M) functioning?
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 2, 2021:
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 2, 2021:
So you're telling us to avoid everyone that hasn't ever experienced love because they're incapable of not hurting you? I'm sorry this sounds like it'll make the problem worse. Who hurt you?
This nauseates me. []
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 2, 2021:
Why does that nauseate you? I have relatives with more guns then that in their storage units and garages all over the country, they're just waiting for an excuse. The Taliban is the same in every country, conservative and armed to the teeth because they're cowards.
Accomplished Women Who Did Hard Work And Got No Credit
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 2, 2021:
Love of subject sustained them through a culture of misogyny, too bad more men aren’t similarly motivated. We can tell they aren’t or they would have insisted on giving credit where credit is due. Our meritocracy works with little or no merit as it turns out. We see it in every endeavor of humanity. It’s so helpful to be a white man, try changing teams men, become a white woman and you’ll get even less credit than the cis women. It helps if you start out knowing that life isn’t fair, even if you dedicate your life to making it fair.
The Enemy is Within: []
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 1, 2021:
<-- Virgin So not in me!
Copied from someone who copied it from a very conservative friend.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 1, 2021:
The entire letter is a crock of shit, a fire nozzle of disinformation and petty right wing grievances. Trust me right wingers specialize in resentment, misplaced or not. They're mad that people don't believe in religion, they're mad that women have been empowered which is why Texas just banned abortion in their effort to bring themselves back into the era of Oliver Cromwell and the round heads. (google it) They loved Trump because Trump is angry, entitled, and racist. Cruelty was always Trumps most attractive feature for these people.
FBI hate crime reports spike to 12-year high in 2020 []
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 31, 2021:
Like 12 years ago Obama was president, which got the bigots going then too.
Cougar that was kept as illegal pet removed from NYC home
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 31, 2021:
Oh a cougar! I was thinking about another kind of cougar.
Some things are just wrong.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 30, 2021:
Why did the chicken cross the road? Because you didn't fucking cook it!
Coordinate system as using (x,y), (-x,y), (x,-y) and (-x,-y).
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 30, 2021:
I have no belief in good or evil from an objective position. Sure I use “evil” as a synonym for opinions I violently disagree with because of the emotional impact of such words. I certainly can see no reason to associate anything in math including a coordinate system with good or evil. In boolean logic -1 evaluates as “true” and ALL other integers evaluate as “false” so is truth only found in an evil negative number? It’s all relative, we see a warm kitten, a mouse may see a viscous monster. This is anthromorphising abstract concepts and that’s worse than anthromorphising animals and vehicles. It’s just weird.
Can I have the one with the Finish sniper instead?
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 29, 2021:
I accepted that I am a robot a long time ago.
I've heard my nurse friends mention these stories! Lol
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 29, 2021:
I don't know, we had a pole where they asked who had experienced anal. Someone ask if it counted if it wasn't consensual.
The Goddess Eating Gods Son
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 29, 2021:
He looks like "The Green Man" to me.


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