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May 30, 1431 Joan of Arc is burned at the stake for heresy Known as "The Maid of Orléans," Joan...
Willow_Wisp comments on May 30, 2021:
I don't like this story, the far right has too many ideas already for how to handle cross dressers.
May 30, 1936: The Equal Rights Amendment took a major step toward becoming the 22nd Amendment to the...
Willow_Wisp comments on May 30, 2021:
In 2017, Nevada became the first state in 45 years to pass the ERA, followed by Illinois in 2018 and Virginia in 2020! Now that the necessary 38 states have ratified, Congress must eliminate the original deadline.
I guess I’m partially a nihilist 😬
Willow_Wisp comments on May 30, 2021:
I'm certainly a nihilist but apparently not philosophically. Everything has a real existence it's just ultimately meaningless.
Only a matter of time...
Willow_Wisp comments on May 30, 2021:
The goal of religion is to keep people miserable. []
Willow_Wisp comments on May 30, 2021:
Mother Teresa was a sadistic bitch from hell. I hope she rots in the hell she believed in. When she got ill she went to very expensive doctors, when her wards were terminally ill she chained them to their beds and offered them folk medicine at best.
That always made me crazy.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 30, 2021:
I would let them in set out snacks and coffee and have a Bible study with them sooner or later they would mention what a good Christian I was and I'd laugh and tell them Christians don't know the Bible like this, I'm an atheist. They would make excuses to get the F out after that. I was never visited by the same set of JW or Mormons twice.
Today was not a good day at all.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 30, 2021:
The first part reminded me of my two attempts at skying the first was when I was 11 using wood siding with an old pair of sneakers nailed on down a pine straw hill I used a tree to stop accidentally with my face. The second time I was 43 and almost broke my knee when I landed and again when I slipped getting up and landed on the same knee. I will never attempt to ski again. The second part reminded me of Tom Hanks in "Big"
Woman Gives Toys to a Wild Magpie []
Willow_Wisp comments on May 30, 2021:
That's a woman after my own heart, but for me it's crows. They seem to have adopted me, and more are showing up. I can drive away for a long weekend and they'll be there waiting for me when I return. I was told that if crows befriend you like that they could start attacking people near you because they see you as a member of their murder. So what do you do if your murder attempts to murder someone, is that attempted murder?
The Riderless Horse: one of the oldest and most moving military traditions in a full honor funeral ...
Willow_Wisp comments on May 30, 2021:
I remember that from "Taps" with young Tom Cruise when they had the funeral for the schools director played by George C. Scott typecast as a George S. Patton figure died. Then the cadets started killing people and the military took them out. Not a great movie.
If I start a religion, I think this will be my creed "Memento, quae non lactaverunt" (Closest...
Willow_Wisp comments on May 30, 2021:
Remember, that did not give suck? Weird ass motto. I prefer: "Sic Gorgiamus Allos Subjectatos Nunc" or "We Gladly Feast on Those Who Would Subdue Us." _Adams family
The Mountain Meadows Massacre was a series of attacks which resulted in the mass murder of 120 ...
Willow_Wisp comments on May 30, 2021:
Mormons, 19th century Scientologist, started by a Con man as most religions are. Joseph Smith was the Donald Trump of his time, but politicians then weren't as stupid as modern Republican leaders so he became a religious leader and was shot by a lynch mob who were after him for crimes.
Is gender assigned at birth or is it learned through nurturing and environment?
Willow_Wisp comments on May 29, 2021:
I was born in 1959 and my family was poor white trash, military, violent and religious. There were as many Trans people then as now, but we were coerced into silence and conformity, because our lives depended on it. I was ALWAYS aware at one level or another that I wanted to grow up female, after all they had so many more fashion choices. I told my grandmother when I was four years old and she told Dad and I suffered humiliations endlessly until my father died in 2001 by which time I was married and had two daughters. I had spent my youth trying to fit in as a male hilariously overcompensating, even riding a Harley and wearing leather for about five years after my tour of military service. I exercised way too much and none of it was aerobic because aerobics don't make your muscles swell like a male kangaroo in rut season. In the Navy I actually dated couples several times and ultimately received an honorable discharge for "homosexual" activity, but I never identified as homosexual or bi for that matter. I flushed my DD-214 and made an almost lethal attempt at suicide in 1983. I married a Bulgarian woman in 1993 who was about as emotional as a Vulcan from Star Trek and had two daughters. My wife divorced me in 2007 and I went off trying to find myself but it would not be until 2016 that I embraced the truth and remembered all those nights as a young teenager where I prayed that God would help me, just let me wake up as a female. I hadn't wanted to face it but I had always been Trans, just repressed or oppressed into being dishonest with myself. Three years went by before I told family and work, so yes I am out. The response broke my heart because everyone at least acted like they accepted me, it wasn't the huge disgrace that I had been programmed to believe, the universal abandonment would not happen after all. Sadly my transition plans have been interrupted by the pandemic and I had a heart attack last year revealing my heart disease. So it's probable that I'll never complete my transition. As for your question, I was born this way. It's not about sex it's about gender. I lost interest in sex a long time ago. Sex is complicated and based in trust and I spent an entire lifetime not trusting anyone for obvious reasons. How much do you know about a person when the only thing you know is their gender? "Male", "Female", "Trans" tell you nothing at all about the person beyond absurd assumptions. I know Trans people that are conservative Christians while I'm a progressive atheist. In short we are our nature, let people be who they are, don't expect special treatment for being who you are but by all means be yourself. I'm grateful for every opportunity I get to bring my body and my psychology into harmony, if you're like me I encourage you to do...
Canada mourns as remains of 215 children found at indigenous school.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 29, 2021:
We had similar schools in the United States their purpose was to annihilate every remnant of native culture, starting with native language. Children that had never worn shoes were forced to wear them at all times except for sleeping and bathing. Harsh punishments were in order for every word of non English spoken, and even worse for singing traditional songs. Every daily activity was preceded by Christian prays and evening Bible studies were mandatory. Punishment ranged from not being allowed to eat to brutal beatings and there was no doubt many deaths. To put a little perspective on it as bad as the trail of tears certainly were at least a remnant of native language and culture was preserved on reservations despite everything but for the most part erased from all areas outside the reservations. Just as crimes like Tulsa in 1921 were erased from white memories we know now that Tulsa is just the tip of an iceberg of minority exploitive horror that white America hasn’t owned up to. It’s a certainty that the same is true in all European centric societies that invaded native lands or enslaved natives from anywhere in the world, including Canada.
The light turned yellow, just in front of him.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 28, 2021:
Such an obvious joke, everyone knows how Christians drive. That's why they have those "Jesus" bumper stickers, it's a script for what you're suppose to yell when they cut you off in traffic.
Quite possible
Willow_Wisp comments on May 28, 2021:
Rick Santorum and Ted Cruz go together like sperm and seminal fluid. Santorum definition: "the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex"
Is "riot" the right adjective for January 6th? []
Willow_Wisp comments on May 28, 2021:
In the future this will be used as a threat. In the military there’s an analogous thing called a blanket party. Where they throw a blanket over a sleeping “trouble maker” to hold them down while everyone not holding down the blanket takes turns assaulting the person under the blanket. So “We’re going to throw you a blanket party” is a real threat, just like “We’re going to throw you a Republican Party” should be.
The debate [] []
Willow_Wisp comments on May 28, 2021:
I can’t believe I watched all of both videos. I watched the theist video first thinking for the first ten minutes that he was being sarcastic because his arguments were so entirely cringe worthy and expected him to go off the rails way more later due to how delusional his initial comments were. Having no reason to believe something is a damned good reason not to believe it.
Life lessons, just in case you need them
Willow_Wisp comments on May 27, 2021:
At the risk of sounding self serving I agreed whole heartedly. 💜 🏳️‍⚧️
Reagan is the devil that gave us Trump, Never forget, Never forgive.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 27, 2021:
I don’t think Reagan’s cultural damage can be underestimated. He is the artificial reef that kicked started the massive political culture that has been choking out humanitarian values and entrenching racism since 1980. It was just presented deceptively more competently than the Orange clown show, but Trump turned that conservative culture ferrel. It has become a terrorist cult like an American ISIS that came entrenched in every aspect of our society. They still have one dismantling the post office for fuck sake. I really miss the days when we could ignore the preposterous antics of stupid politicians because congress represented a humanistic population but the population isn’t humanistic any more so I feel I have to keep up to somehow help heal the National wound. I need a vacation.
I know i was sad last year when i found out my dad died, but what ever fuckem.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 27, 2021:
Kids suffer from Stockholm syndrome making them very defensive of their abusers and seemingly well behaved kids. That loyalty exists into adulthood and when alone and stoned they’ll curse God for not defending them from YOU DAD!! Then the next morning you pretend you never did or said or thought any of it because no one loves me like you Dad. Then decades later he dies leaving you with only a few of the shallowest issues resolved. At first it’s somehow a relief, then comes waves of anger and horror at the magnitude of your ordeal. How much of Christianity do I hate because of his hypocrisy and how much because of the absurdity of Christianity? I see my tormentor in every white Supremacist racist overly religious right wing anti intellectual spiritually arrogant child abusing Rush Limbaugh loving animal abusing red neck I’m cursed to be aware of because the entire community colluded in silence or enthusiastic encouragement. Fuck them all and especially YOU DAD! So I guess what I’m trying to say is you aren’t alone but I thought I was too Tim.
some people really hate waiting
Willow_Wisp comments on May 27, 2021:
It’s not illegal for porcelain women to finger porcelain chickens, but I worry there’s people that might find it inspiring. Sexual abuse of animals is a real thing.
Southern Baptist: Exvangelicals Ignore Christianity’s “Intellectual Tradition” | Hemant Mehta ...
Willow_Wisp comments on May 27, 2021:
They're just worried that the jig is up, they see the end is near, but not the end they keep predicting.
Not a great marketing idea
Willow_Wisp comments on May 27, 2021:
Mardi Gras mostly smells like New Orleans, a smell thats bad enough to taste and wish you were a cat so you could lick your own ass to get the taste out of your mouth.
Gotta love this peddled bullshit. Non-religious people need a pamphlet too.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 27, 2021:
Grouchy? This from the people permapissed about gay marriage, BLM, antifa, South American refuges, womens reproductive health, liberals, gun control, evolution, biology, the big bang, just science in general, Dr. Seuss, the Muppets, Teletubies, D&D, Rock & Roll, Juneteenth, all other religions... lets face it Christians hate every fucking thing. Christians fit under a broader umbrella of Conservatives. Conservatives are people that wake up in the middle of the night freaked out that someone somewhere might be having a good time.
New dark matter map reveals cosmic mystery []
Willow_Wisp comments on May 27, 2021:
I'm sure the immanent James Webb Space Telescope will help a great deal with clearing up the mystery, but we always start small with big problems, "Mystery Inc." and the Scooby gang were of no help on this one.
Unbelieveably stupid
Willow_Wisp comments on May 27, 2021:
And people wonder why I fled the independent Confederate country of Alabama and immigrated to the United States decades ago.
This is atrocious
Willow_Wisp comments on May 27, 2021:
Ultra KKKaren of the thunder cÙnt variety.
I am 0 maintenance.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 27, 2021:
I score 15 due to budgeting, if I could afford it I'd score 119 and add several more items to this list.
What the fuck are they so happy about? Most of these don't even have dressing.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 27, 2021:
Advertising makes salads look positively orgasmic, I doubt I've ate one with a smile on my face even when it was really really good.
How About them Apples!!?? []
Willow_Wisp comments on May 27, 2021:
It's so sad, the people that want to make America great again didn't see the opportunity to do so by leading the struggle against climate change. Incompetence equals failure.
How is it that what was done by Hitler to the Jews in Germany is considered worst that what happened...
Willow_Wisp comments on May 27, 2021:
Who claimed it was worse? It's like being given the option of being executed by hanging, garrote, guillotine, crucifixion, impalement, dismemberment, stoning, or burning at the steak. Somehow Christians for example believe crucifixion is the worst and I've heard many of them claim that Jesus suffered more than any other person in the history of suffering. Could we just agree that they all suck and it's best that human children stop being so rude to one another?
AOC praises Biden.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 27, 2021:
He is doing better than I expected, but with room for improvement but even that may just be a time thing. I would have preferred he had been a lot more aggressive against Israeli aggression but lets see where he goes with this.
If you can, go look at that beautiful moon!!! ❤❤❤❤
Willow_Wisp comments on May 26, 2021:
Super blood moon. I slept through last nights lunar eclipse. Such things bother me since I’m a Moon child.
Someone posted this on Facebook from the local atheist group.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 26, 2021:
I stayed at an AA rehab, AA is a cult as sure as Christianity. I went through the motions for three years and eight months, I had personal reasons for staying that I’ll not explain because it takes from the main point. There are better programs that have far better results than AA with no religious or spiritual overtones, programs the AA cult members despise.
'More and more people don't want a traditional burial' [bbc.]
Willow_Wisp comments on May 26, 2021:
I don’t care at all about what happens to my body after I’m dead. Just give it enough time to reach room temperature in case I decide not to go yet.
Cancel Culture: Just another BS phrase Cancel culture is pathetic syntax created by thin skinned...
Willow_Wisp comments on May 26, 2021:
No shit, it's the main reason I don't watch Bill Maher anymore, his rants against "Cancel Culture" gives me the impression he's secretly an asshole. If that makes me "Woke" then I've been "Woke" all my damned life, which is probably the main reason I've been broke all my damned life because it's not in me to keep silent in the face of injustice. This morning someone called me a SJK, Social Justice Karen, which pissed me off no end, that's one I don't want Conservatives to be inspired by.
Catholic Woman: Should I Call Out an Atheist for Not Calling Nuns “Sisters”?
Willow_Wisp comments on May 26, 2021:
I'm a none, so I don't care.
Christian Writer: The Pandemic Was God’s Way of Stopping Gay Pride Parades | Beth Stoneburner | ...
Willow_Wisp comments on May 26, 2021:
Considering the number of church goers that died of Covid I’m shocked they didn’t come to the conclusion that God’s pissed and out to kill Christians.
It does make sense
Willow_Wisp comments on May 26, 2021:
Larger pockets to hold more pay. More pay. Less “pink” tax on products targeting women. More pay. I wear a vest just for additional pocket space. More pay.
Ones an ace, the other a disgrace.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 26, 2021:
I see Trump is practicing his Putin technique on that water bottle.
Gabi Messias
Willow_Wisp comments on May 26, 2021:
OMG, she could kill me using nothing but her abbs.
I'm about to get kicked out.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 26, 2021:
I had to message this to my daughters.
Fluorite, Quartz and Pyrite
Willow_Wisp comments on May 26, 2021:
I like shiny things.
A study in the Journal of Bisexuality (yes, I was surprised it existed too!) found that women ...
Willow_Wisp comments on May 26, 2021:
I'm nonbinary in the sense that I'm not sexually attracted to anyone and haven't been for a couple of decades. I am a trans woman because I identify with women and always have. When I was young there was a sexual element to my gender identity and for a few years in my early twenties I dated couples, but with everyone else I concealed my gender identity easily passing as a heterosexual cis man. In 1983 I was kicked out of the Navy with an honorable discharge for "Homosexual" activity. Now I'm in my early 60's and would prefer a good meal to a sexual encounter of any kind. Honestly it's too confusing for me to respond to your poll. Don't take that as an invitation to send me a poll pic.
“Never be a spectator of unfairness or stupidity.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 26, 2021:
If you ignore injustice you commit injustice.
Trump tells court he has ‘absolute immunity’ over January 6 [independent.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 26, 2021:
So Trump: I’m allowed to do the crime in question if I wanted to but I didn’t do it. You’ll have to talk to the people responsible but I can’t tell you who they are because I’m too busy doing important things to be involved. This is all just a witch hunt by Democrats. Everything is rigged. I’m the greatest president in history with the possible exception of Andrew Jackson. The socialist are behind it all because they want to destroy me, and not just me us, because they want to hurt the Bible, hurt God. It’s a plot by Antifa and BLM because they’re Communist. And so it goes eternally making his toxic presence a National trauma because he’s not satisfied with just the GOP suffering from Stockholm syndrome like his wife does he’s convinced he can do the same with all of us. He doesn’t respect us and he underestimates us.
I find it interesting how both religious and right-wing or conservative dogmatic "true believers" ...
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
They pretend to be of different tribes but they’re both from the same tribe of dumb ass luddites driven by the same white supremacist cultural values found in the anti intellectual southern rebels that called themselves the Confederacy which in turn inspired European fascism in the mid twentieth century whether actually religious or not. They worship authority and will forever agree with any tyrant they believe to be strong enough to keep down those they deem sub human. They are dangerous, ruthless, and profoundly anti intellectual because they can’t deal with the truth that they are not better than any minority or queer that they’re more than happy to victimize. I’m capable of diatribes that I could pontificate on and on for hours about how these anti humanist have harmed society with countless examples over the last four years alone and thousands of examples going back over the last 121 years like Tulsa and the Tuskegee experiments and I still wouldn’t be started good. It’s a miracle we even have the civilization we do have, and these bastards want to take credit for it when WE built it DESPITE those fucking animals.
Know your fish.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
You skipped Monet.
Will the Orange Shit Hole Be Hitting the Fan? []
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
I can't believe ex president Shitler has any fans.
What we as vets get from the holiday
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
I prefer to hang out with breathing vets, I don't even know where any of the bodies are buried, not even my own fathers. Interestingly enough he was a world class homophobe, and he chose to be buried in a plot about a three and a half hour drive from where he lived. At the funeral we realized his plot was surrounded by a family completely unrelated to us, their surname was "Ghay" so I whispered to my brother "Imagine that he'll spend eternity surrounded by Ghays." and mid funeral ceremony we both exploded with laughter. All this happened in 2001, so I couldn't identify where that cemetery was now if you held a loaded gun to my head. However he did serve 23 years in the Army.
I like to bring these quotes up every time I hear that the US is a christian nation
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
Imagine just how screwed the country would be had they been Christians. As it stands Christians are doing every dishonest thing they can think of to make their delusional opinions about national politics become reality available to them, and they're still demonstrably wrong.
MINNEAPOLIS — Three children 10 and under have been killed by gunfire in Minneapolis since ...
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
People afraid to call the police are afraid for a reason. What do you do when the "good guys" and the "bad guys" are all trying to kill you?
Could have been a boulder or even better... burned alive.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
The passion of the Christ, the worst comedy ever.
I think that good aim would be an important factor.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
Hell^no! To many things in life stink already.
Tuesday morning cuteness
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
What a happy wag baby.
An excellent point
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
Trans women should be able to at least agree with the post, right?
Bill, Rudy, Michelle and I need to look out
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
Ok, I see how we do this....
Are you ready to be raptured by aliens, or possibly abducted by Jesus?
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
Don't get me wrong, I'm in a "Stop the world, I want to get off" mood.
Welcome to the hood!
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
That's what Trump calls forest management, he's cleaning the floors, the forest floors.... the way the forest nation of Endor in Europe does.
This is very scary thought
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
All the Republican presidents since Nixon are collectively shit stains in world history generally. Maybe Eisenhower was better, I can't be certain, but at least he installed the freeway system.. so pro infrastructure at the very least.
Christian Hate-Preacher: The “Elites” Who Got Vaccinated Just Got “Sugar Water” | Hemant ...
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
The man makes a living by lying so what would you expect? There's one in our office convinced that there's studies that prove mask spread disease and no studies that prove mask help prevent disease. I must have looked at him wrong after he said that because he started embellishing and I just said I don't have time for this and walked off. The next day he started in again until I asked him why medical people wear PPE in surgery. People believe their information sources, not realizing how contaminated those sources are.
Bet you can't say it 5 times quickly out loud correctly
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
Good thing they own Photoshop or we wouldn't have this meme.
Do you believe in an afterlife?
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
Perhaps a technological after life, from the same people that keep making our military's UFO sightings possible. I mean how would I know, those objects are pulling 700+ "g" when they maneuver. Certainly not an after life due to some kind of magic or ESP or something. I'll give the technological after life a small percentage chance. It's far more likely that when I die I'll be as dead as the 300+ dead chickens that each contributed a little muscle tissue for my last chicken nugget. I hate getting my hopes up because it unbalances me, on days when life sucks I wish I was dead, on days where everything goes right I wish I could live forever. Which should I hope for? Beats the hell out of me.
Nostalgia is not all it's cracked up to be
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
Ugg, whoreable.
If someone has already posted this, sorry for the repeated info.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
I met a calvary chapel Navy veteran Christian at the park the other day. His wife had recently died of stage four cancer of some kind and he's on an oxygen bottle. He was told his heart and lungs were in such bad condition that he only had two years left, that was seven years ago. He had seen me parked there so often the last couple of years that he came over to talk with me, and watch me smoke with fascination since he had had to give up smoking seven years ago. He even confessed that me smoking was why he had came over when I offered to put it out, and insisted that I continue. Harry has a brother in law that's a musician with Motley Crue their guitarist Mick Mars. I think Harry was lonely, we spoke for about two and a half hours. He was very intent on explaining Christianity to me, and shocked as he steadily came to realize I knew at least as much about the Bible as he did, and certainly more about Christianity and it's history than he. I was up front about not believing now. You know what I didn't do? I didn't at any point challenge him about anything in his faith other than telling him I didn't believe. Why would I do that to an old man with one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel? At some point I told him about my spiritual quest after my divorce and he was honestly stunned that I an atheist put in over 10,000 hours of voluntary public service. Honestly it's a weird experience being called a "Good Samaritan" but to Harry's credit he quickly pointed out that Samaritans didn't believe as the Jews did, and he was convinced that if Jesus was telling the story today it would be the story of the "Good Atheist" because it's how we help one another that counts, not our opinions. I wish more Christians were like Harry.
[] Love him. Didnt know he started stand up at 19.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
I love how he says, "I probably shouldn't tell y'all about this", then he tells it anyway.
I am so worried about a family of crows that live at my office.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
Damn it, the photo came in sideways, but that's junior.
Please welcome @Willow_Wisp to the group. Looking forward to your musical contributions here.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
Here's one of my more recent favorites.
Hiraeth A spiritual longing for a homewhich maybe never was (welsh)
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
For me it would be a pine forest with no undergrowth with scattered groves of giant oaks. Like the woods on my fathers property where I'd go to listen to Jethro Tull and read the works of Tolkien as a kid. All that old growth forest is gone now replaced with scrub and brier patches. It's not all bad though, the briers produce blackberries, but it's not the silent elven kingdom my imagination created from the original virgin forest. How I miss that natural arboreal cathedral.
Donald Trump Says His Website Drew 36.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
70 year old toddler Adolf Pumpkinhead Adolf Twitler Agent of Deranged Change Agent Orange A Man for all Treasons America's Burst Appendix Amnesty DonAngry Cheeto Angry Creamsicle Antichrist Antichrist Deceiver of Fans Apricot Idi Amin Ass Menagery Assaulter in Chief Baby Gherkin Fingers Baby Whisper Skin Babyhands McCheetodick Bad Looser Bad Tang Bag of Toxic Sludge Bald-faced Crier Barbecued Brutus Been-a-Dick Donald Bela Lugrosi Benedict Donald Biden's Bitch Bigly Loser Bigoted Billionaire Bilious Billionaire Birthir Maniac Blabbermouth Don Blitzkrieg Bozo Bloated Orange Has-been Blonde Pumpkin BLOTUS (Biggest Liar of the United States) Bloviating Fleshbag Bloviator in Chief Blowhard Bog Sa Cheann (Irish for soft in the head) Bogus POTUS Boiled Ham in a Wig Boinker Oinker Bully-in-Chief Bunker Boy Boss Tweet Bouffant Buffoon Boychurian Candidate Bratman Bribe of Chuck Brokahantis Burnt Sienna Bumbaclot Bush Baby and Bush Baby Fingers Buttplug face Cadet Bonespurs Calamari Lips Candy Corn Kremlin Cantaloupe Caillou Cantaloupe Caligula Captain Bluster Captain Chaos Captain Ouchie Foot Captain Tantastic Carnival Barker Carrot Caligula Catastrophic Fuckhead Census Whitener Chaos Creating Criminal Creep Charm Vacuum Chauvinist-in-Chief Cheddar Head Cheeto Bandito Cheeto Benito Cheeto Cheezzzzyyy Poofff Cheeto Christ, Stupid Czar, Mad Tangerine Colored Commissar Cheeto Faced Fuck Muppet Cheeto Faced, Ferret Wearing, Shit-Gibbon Cheeto Jesus Cheeto Satan Cheeto Shitler Cheeto Voldemort Cheeto Von Gropenstuff Cheeto Von Tweeto Cheeto-Dusted Bloviator Cheetoe Jesus Cheeto-faced fuck Muppet Cheeto-In-Chief Cheetolini Cheeze Wiz Chester Molester Chicken Littlehands Chicken Poop Head Chief Trouble Chimp-PAN-Zee Cinnamon Hitler Circus-Peanut-In-Chief Clan Chowder Clown Prince of Politics Clown-Stick von Narcissist Clueless Numpty Clueless Orange Julius Cockwomble 45 Cockwombly Dotard Combover Caligula Combover Con Artist Commander in Cheat Commander in Cheese Commander in Tweet Commander-in-Grief Community Theater Strongman Complete Failure Comrad Cheetolini Comrade Cheetolino Comrade Combover Con-Dike Gold Rush Conspiracy Commander-in-Chief Conspiracy Theory King Coral Babyhands Corrupt Mother F'er Corruption Master Coup-mander-in-chief CovefeFool Cowardly Lyin Creep Throat Crime Champ Criminal-in-Chief Crown Prince of Politwits Crybaby Prima Donald Cyber-Bully-in-Chief Daddy Nobucks Daddy Warbucks Daddy's Reject Daffy Don Danger Yam Dangerous Donald Darth Cheeto Darth Hater Darth Tax Evador Deadbead Donald Decomposing Jack-o-lantern Deeply Disturbed Fuzzy Orange Goofball Dehydrated Orange Peel Delusional Fucktarded ...
Night owls in California and other points out west are in for a treat on May 26 as the moon enters ...
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
Please don't ask them to reschedule because it would be a red tape nightmare.
Texas Legislature Passes Bill Allowing Texans to Carry Handguns Without Permits The ...
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
The state of confusion and failure. It was always a virtual hell scape but it has been upgraded to actual hell scape.
Happy Towel Day.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
I ALWAYS have a towel in my gym bag. I'm always ready to be raptured by aliens, or abducted by Jesus.
If western countries had not forced the creation of a modern Israel, would there currently be a ME ...
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
No there wouldn't be, at least not like this.
Donald Trump Says His Website Drew 36.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
Web crawlers make your counter tick and people Googling "What is that weird ass Cheeto Jesus up to now? After all like a little child we MUST keep an eye on the little fat ass bully or he'll burn down the world." probably drove 90% of his 36.7 million views.
"Follow the science" now means "Don't buck the cartel." []
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
I don’t agree, disease control science hasn’t changed since we came to understand microbes and viruses. They helped us beat polio, smallpox, typhoid, the Black Plague, Ebola, etc… Now that we have the internet we have a new pandemic of Dunning–Kruger effect and with so much shit tossed out as initiated by Trump in person are the main reason people that resent sound disease science still misbehave by claiming that now nobody has any answers. News flash, they’re the same old answers we’ve had for over a hundred years. Any arguments to the contrary are completely partisan and ignorant. The fact you both sought out and presented this article proves you hunger for a different answer one that bucks established science. If I were you I’d do some soul searching for why I wanted to steer people toward rebelling against science in the first place. Science has no agenda other than to understand this universe, if there’s corruption it’s for profit in corporations not in science. We’ve been corrupted by the conservative notion that profit is good regardless of the cost in quality of life for our fellows and confuse the strict guidelines of science as nothing more than political authority, which is easier then understanding science. So it’s laziness and rebellion and ego. Sometimes I feel like one of the chimpanzee scientists from the planet of the apes surrounded by gorillas being led by an orangutan.
If I have to explain this then we probably can't be friends
Willow_Wisp comments on May 25, 2021:
I don’t get it. I don’t really want an explanation either. I don’t have the hubris to pretend to know what I don’t.
20.. oh ya, I'm a risk taker
Willow_Wisp comments on May 24, 2021:
15 So yea I’m a boomer, a really cool boomer but a boomer nonetheless.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 24, 2021:
I love the graphic and hate projection.
Seems to me that First Step Should be.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 24, 2021:
The NRA started as a good thing, and in the 1930's they actually endorsed and wrote the legislation to ban Thompson sub machine guns which were enabling American Mobsters like Machine Gun Kelly. From *New York’s attorney general sued the National Rifle Association in August 2020, seeking to put the powerful gun advocacy organization out of business over claims that top executives illegally diverted tens of millions of dollars for lavish personal trips, no-show contracts for associates and other questionable expenditures.* *Attorney General Letitia James’ lawsuit, filed in Manhattan state court, highlighted misspending and self-dealing claims that have roiled the NRA and its longtime leader, Wayne LaPierre, in recent years — from hair and makeup for his wife to a $17 million post-employment contract for himself.* *“It’s clear that the NRA has been failing to carry out its stated mission for many, many years and instead has operated as a breeding ground for greed, abuse and brazen illegality,” she said at a news conference. “Enough was enough. We needed to step in and dissolve this corporation.”* *Simultaneously, Washington D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine — like James, a Democrat — sued the NRA Foundation, a charitable arm of the organization that provides programs for marksmanship and firearm safety, accusing it of diverting funds to the NRA to help pay for lavish spending by top executives.* So hopefully we'll all get our wish soon. The way we grant permission to drive should be similar to the way we can own a firearm. Classes, training, testing, registration and taxing are all part of it, now throw in some background checks and we're good to go.
The Biggest Fear of All Governments on Planet Earth is Realizing that a Civilization from Another ...
Willow_Wisp comments on May 24, 2021:
Damn people are stupid, there has never been a Communist Government anywhere. Sure Stalin pretended his government was Communist and Democratic but it was neither in fact it was brutally conservative as that's the base disposition of the Russian people (people in general actually) making the U.S.S.R a rival form of fascism to Hitlers fascism. China is almost the same but uniquely Asian. The Communism conservatives fear most is the fascism they want to spread. It should be obvious by their attempt to dominate the minds and will of the population. Conformity and authority is all it's about, thus far we have known nothing but fascism with some relatively liberal areas on the globe where the population has more (but still limited) freedom to behave more or less as they wish, which conservatives would take from you in a heartbeat given the chance. Sorry it's all fascist. As for aliens, why would anyone think our political theories are even applicable. It's like talking about the insufferable arrogance of turtles without specifying Mitch McConnell. As for Capitalism that's just fascism that allows Corporations to participate in the authority part of society. Yet sad little men fear the feminine, and art, and music because they don't understand them, and when this happens they use the word Communism unless they're honest enough to openly blame feminist, or artist, or musicians revealing their vile fascist nature and lack of basic understanding of the human condition.
Water Memory []
Willow_Wisp comments on May 24, 2021:
Yea, sure.
It is common knowledge that no god interfered with Hitler, as he caused the murder of six million ...
Willow_Wisp comments on May 24, 2021:
God is the guy that roots for everyones favorite sports team, and I mean everyones favorite sport team.
78,000 Year Old Grave: []
Willow_Wisp comments on May 24, 2021:
*"The unearthing of a tiny child suggests Africa’s Stone Age humans sometimes practiced funerary rites and had symbolic thoughts about death"* No shit Sherlock, they were humans of our species, we haven't improved in mental capacity. We're just more educated. We have to evolve into another species to see a general change in intelligence. The hubris of modern humans on this topic is unacceptable.
Food ideas for the first post Covid BBQ and cookout
Willow_Wisp comments on May 24, 2021:
Then there's deep fat fried butter balls.
Does anyone ever randomly feel like they're suffocating?
Willow_Wisp comments on May 24, 2021:
It happens to me every time I smoke too much weed and follow it up with smoking a lot of vapes, cigarettes, or cigars. I know it's stupid but smoking nicotine feels so good after smoking weed, so I already know I'll do it again.
Aren't we all mongrels (mixed race) anyway?
Willow_Wisp comments on May 24, 2021:
Much like domestic pets a racial mix is healthier and more attractive. I'm from the South which has the one drop rule, that if you have even one ancestor that isn't white no matter how far back you're like contaminated or something. This sort of thing is why I got the fuck out of the South. Unfortunately my family thought our Native American ancestry on my paternal grandmothers side was a thing to be ashamed of and it took decades to find it out. We're part Choctaw, but for about five years when asked my Dad would say we were members of the Hacksaw tribe, until I blew up and yelled at him for disrespecting his ancestors. Cultural Southerners tend to hamstring themselves with their own stupidity. There are enlightened people in the South, but toxic white Southern culture is just an excuse to stop evolving. Sadly I've met culturally Southern people from all over the country. Particularly in the North East, the Archie Bunker types. White people don't have the genetic diversity to attempt speciation as they have the last few hundred years.
By nature men are nearly alike; by practice, they get to be wide apart. --Confucius
Willow_Wisp comments on May 24, 2021:
I find Confucius confusing. You can say almost anything and blame it on him.
His real intention
Willow_Wisp comments on May 24, 2021:
I love George Orwell, he was an INFP too, just like me.
I had a Cardiologist appointment last week, but they called to cancel it the day prior.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 24, 2021:
My Cardiologist said I can make an appointment when I pay my bill, which broke my heart.
OK...How about perks for those reaching level 10?
Willow_Wisp comments on May 24, 2021:
There's points?! I'll be damned!
Willow_Wisp comments on May 24, 2021:
I prefer the term cum guzzler, especially with GOP types. Tell me that term doesn't apply to people like Ted Cruz, Lindsy Graham and Jeff Sessions.
According to the unrealized gain computation , had I sold my NVDA stock Friday , I would have made ...
Willow_Wisp comments on May 24, 2021:
I lost about 3 thousand buying IO Mega back in the 90's. That was a recommended "Hot Stock" guaranteed to make me $$. So I don't gamble like that anymore.
Tell us how you really feel.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 24, 2021:
Democrats began acknowledging Trump’s electoral-vote victory in 2016 within hours after it became clear. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who won the popular vote, called Trump on election night to congratulate him and offered to work with him. She also urged her supporters to accept the results and "look to the future." "Donald Trump is going to be our president," Clinton said during her concession speech the morning of Nov. 9. "We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead. Our constitutional democracy enshrines the peaceful transfer of power. And we don’t just respect that, we cherish it." The Democratic National Committee’s interim chair, Donna Brazile, referred to Trump as the president-elect in a Nov. 9 statement and congratulated him on his win. Yet the Republicans called ALL non Republicans Snowflakes. Now in it's 2021 and almost seven months since the election and Republicans are still whining and crying about it. Project much Republican Snowflakes?
For those interested in special effects in movies, here is short video of how they were done in some...
Willow_Wisp comments on May 24, 2021:
That figures, I've seen TV shows about this, but they made it sound like Buster actually climbed a building. Damn I'm sick of being lied to.
That's the question of the year
Willow_Wisp comments on May 24, 2021:
You do know that most Republicans think our dislike of Trump is "partisan" but they don't realize we'd feel like this toward Trump even (or especially) if he was a Democrat. Remember Anthony Weiner? Being a Democrat didn't help him one iota. Wrong is wrong, and we set ourselves against all corrupt politicians. It's why we're having so much trouble with Corporate Dems. Republicans are idiots this way. Anthony Weiner could have switched parties and the GOP would have had his back because all that matters to these knuckleheads is party affiliation.
It's a bad joke.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 24, 2021:
You're right! It's a bad joke...
"Atheism is booming, Praise Jesus! " ---Bill Maher
Willow_Wisp comments on May 24, 2021:
Bill Maher is ok I guess, but he's not as cool as he seems, all the millennial jokes and bitching about "cancel culture" is bringing out his old ass boomer attitude more and more. However he still has his moments, with decreasing frequency.
Listen to the expert!!!
Willow_Wisp comments on May 24, 2021:
Velocilector a cross between a Velociraptor and Hannibal Lecter.
Southern Baptists are forcing out followers who don’t pledge allegiance to Trump / LGBTQ Nation
Willow_Wisp comments on May 24, 2021:
American Christianity cult members don't understand anything not in scripture so: 2 Thessalonians 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 2 Thessalonians 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. MAGA, we don't call it the BIG LIE for nothing.


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Me in my Vampire Costume for Halloween 2020 before the big election.
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