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Some of he silent Ks are sinister.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 10, 2021:
In the case of “Republican” those are special silent k’s.
The Christian Right Is Very Angry That Pornhub is Offering Free Premium Content | Hemant Mehta | ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 10, 2021:
Why would anyone give any weight to the opinions of hypocrites? I find such people plastic and artificial, just under the fake smile and dignified posture I always find raging lunatics that side with passive aggressive racism, that’s allied with misogynistic rhetoric, and will jump to the defense of every anti-humanist argument they hear whether they understand it or not.
Gun Nut Republican Lauren Boebert Tells Christians to Forget the Natural Realm Conspiracy ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 10, 2021:
She is as necessary in congress as a turd in the punch bowl.
Imagine that Karen
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 9, 2021:
This happens more with software developers than anyone else. Do you know BACnet? No!, you have this weekend to get up to speed before we start on Monday, you'll be leading the development effort.
Decisions, decisions?
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 9, 2021:
There's hope in health care, not in war toys.
Row, row, row your boat....
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 9, 2021:
They look like they're experiencing active bliss.
Aw, slap him anyway!
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 9, 2021:
John's baptizing Jesus. Dunks him in once, says a brief prayer. Pulls Jesus out, "Do you believe?" Jesus, "Yes, I believe!" John dunks him under again, says a longer prayer. Pulls Jesus out, "Do you believe?" Jesus, "Yes, I believe!" John dunks him under a third time, says his longest prayer. Pulls Jesus out, "Do you believe?" Jesus, "Yes, I believe you're trying to drown my ass!"
You have to spread that disbelief around.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 9, 2021:
Stealing this!
Meet Turdley (Sneaker).
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 9, 2021:
Cats are amazing. Farms suck. In Jr high we only had about two hundred rabbits. Each had their own cage, I built the cages. I also fed them watered them and shoveled their poop into a wheelbarrow and made piles. So one day we have a flea outbreak. An open 25 pound bag of malathion was out flea dip and we dipped every animal. That was some 200 rabbits, four dogs, four cats, fifty or so chickens, twelve ducks, six pheasants, and a growing herd of goats but I think we had about eight at the time. All the animals took it well except a pekingese and two siamese cats, they didn’t make it. We used three bags of malathion.
Both the anti-maskers and the antivaxers are going to keep all of us prisoners for a lot longer.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 9, 2021:
White men in particular seem to be showing uncharacteristic gallantry by holding doors I refuse to enter because it would put me less than two feet from them not wearing a mask. Of course they’re offended that I don’t and worse I’m openly impatient when I tell them to get the fuck out of my way. Then they want do the “I just wanted to be nice” bit just like the creeps that would get offended that you wouldn’t shake their hand back in the day. As far as I’m concerned you need no excuse much less a reason to not risk contamination. Asians figured that out back on the 80’s wearing mask, something we all should do in cold and flu season. Honestly sick of “polite society” not just telling me to shake hands, but how firm it has to be. Stupid! No wonder Queen Elizabeth the 1th painted her ass white and pretended to be a statue.
Even though this involves church and god, still thought t was funny.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 8, 2021:
So she’s profoundly stupid then.
This is me! I'm weird!
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 8, 2021:
I love a lot of hot water. The only way to feel clean.
So Republicans are threatening other Republicans that if you don't send them money they'll tell ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 8, 2021:
Trump can't even chill enough to be an effective criminal, why would anyone give a damn what he was told? I mean he might want to be a scary dictator but all he managed was incompetent dick.
At last some justice in a state not known for it
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 7, 2021:
They backed down. Can you imagine the uproar had they tried her? The magnitude of the transgression isn’t diminished in the least.
I have an EpiPen.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 7, 2021:
Like the little silver box my grandmother gave me. Years later we found pills inside. We tossed them, they had to be expired.
Violence Against Women & Why It’s Up to Men to Stop It | The Daily Social Distancing Show ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 7, 2021:
Everyone just has to do what they can. No one gets to be Gandhi again, the closest was Martin Luther King Jr. and there won’t be another of him either. I mean we have more voices, more media, we can each take inspiration and keep the dream alive for our own mental well being and the encouragement of others. We also have courage to speak up, but even more the courage to listen. We can have the world we want or we can die trying.
Did you know this?
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 5, 2021:
My drama blubber's cause is personal.
So lame. Post it anyway.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 5, 2021:
Of all my filler classes my Psychology 201 teacher was the worst. No sense of humor, monotone, then repeats every single thing, which is to say he said the same thing in a different way. We called him the Grim Sleeper, and you could hear heads hitting desk in under a minute. We figured him out though, everything in the test was out of the book, none of the lectures were in the book. Once we knew that we all stopped going, about mid semester. He didn't take roll either. He just wanted us to all go away.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 5, 2021:
That's why I have issues with most war movies, a bunch of middle aged men pretending to be youths. War is an epic tragedy for young men, not people like Clint Eastwood as the Marine Sargent. In fact you only get to be a given rank for so long before being asked to leave for not progressing. It's probably one of Hollywood's biggest lies about life.
Perfect compromise, not?
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 5, 2021:
He must not live in Alabama, they leave all their wounded signs up there.
Whatever will he do?
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 5, 2021:
I was ready to boycott coke, but they did the right thing and spoke up against the fascism in Georgia.
So pleased easter is past.......
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 5, 2021:
They are overly concerned about using your gut instead of your head, a dead giveaway that they're know nothings.
¿Dead or Alive?
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 4, 2021:
I have a brown thumb, so no good advise. I came to answer the question. Is it dead or alive? Yes, it is.
Regarding Ethics and Morality in Judaism: Does anyone have strong thoughts on this?
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 4, 2021:
I don't understand questions of this sort being targeted at Jews when there's thousands of other ethnic groups that believe in a cultural God and think they're better than everyone else. The cultural issues are the same, the deceit of religion is the same, the people are so similar that their big differences are practically the same. Yet I see "Islam", and "Judaism" getting the brunt of the morality musings of people disproportionately interested or horrified by the religion in question. Religion is wrong, no moral conclusions are therefore available from that discredited source. Morality requires more than faith and religion, in fact morality does better without them.
Sounds Logical
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 4, 2021:
In the name of the Father and the Son, and into the hole he goes... Or so I heard them say...
On the North Yorkshire Moors there is a bit of geography called the Hole of Horcum.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 4, 2021:
It looks like the Barrow-downs.
Thought of someone on this one, apologies in advance
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 4, 2021:
A great moment in interspecies relationships?
Does anyone else feel conflicted about dating? No? Just me?
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 4, 2021:
I get more socializing then I want at the drive trough at Dell Taco.
Fay Wray as King King's girlfriend, 1933.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 4, 2021:
I was never a King King fan.
Heathens rejoice...
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 4, 2021:
This culture makes it hard to fuck.
Eddie Munster grew up and became Reverend Rockabilly
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 4, 2021:
I thought it was Butt Head made real by sacrificing underage girls.
Eff it, just enjoy yourself.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 4, 2021:
I proved I could loose weight, then December 21st I had a heart attack. I've gained back 50 pounds of the 80 I lost since then. Life's short and I love good food, don't worry I'll stop soon, one way or another.
Now you know why. Radio Talk show host Howard Sterm used to call it "Garage Door Opener."
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 4, 2021:
No red dot is required, it's biological and evolved because it's useful, like dolphin sonar. We all have it, and it doesn't turn off, especially if we want it to.
True story! Lol
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 4, 2021:
I was beheaded twice in the Philippines in the 1970's. I didn't walk it off, no time, I just took a deep breath and downed a fifth of White Castle Whiskey, good to go.
Could humans ever be venomous?
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 4, 2021:
I agree... CRISPR
So the orange man wants people to boycott Coke.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 4, 2021:
No Donald will still be guzzling diet coke, even if telling everyone else to boycott.
A first date at Ancient Lakes.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 4, 2021:
It looks like a wonderful place to be ate alive by mosquitoes. Thanks for the photos so I don't have to go. :)
Stone the Crows, just took a look outside an though I saw either the "Flying Nun' or a Muslim Woman ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 4, 2021:
Yes the black plastic bag illusion works well to calm the muggles.
Jealousy, thy name is Fido...
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 4, 2021:
Don't tell me dogs aren't judgmental. I have the scars on the back of my heals from trying to outrun them on my bicycle, a German 10 speed. Dogs are dicks.
I've got all 'bout you???
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 4, 2021:
The Tux Sphinx.
Just so you know, stepping on a gummy bear with bare feet that has been solidifying for a year is ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
What a waste of THC.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
There's certainly more suffering in the world than a handful of imaginary deities can handle. It's why we turned to science and that's been working great every time it's tried.
Easter bunny surprise.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
All my imaginary rabbits look like the one in Johnny Darko.
Easter Eggs Spring Bunny Chocolate FakeChristians HistoricHypocrisy Covid
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
The Good News is that I'm not under their weird God Spell anymore.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
He looks like a love child of Jack Nicholson and Beetlejuice. Yet another conservative politician that should live in Gotham fighting the Batman.
Never give a sword to a man who can't dance. --Confucius
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
Why would I give anyone a sword? I don't keep one in inventory anyway.
First of many
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
Georgia conservatives are striking back at progressive advancement with fascism. You don't get to do that in the center of the American political universe.
It does if you use it right!
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
Religion is full of false promises.
Really not sure what to make of this...
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
Doubly bad news for owners of dogs with bulimia..
The "Golden Years"...
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
My predecessor worked until he was 96. I'm only 61. But I have no intention of sticking around that long, but 70 would be nice.
“People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
Jim was a drama queen. The assumption is that success will make your sacrifice of sanity pay off. Everyone suffers, not all wake up, some put on red hats and deny reality. We are a brutal species learning to act civilized in an attempt to survive. The problem may be more than our primitive ape brains can handle.
"It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.” ― Philip K. Dick, VALIS
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
I've been nuts for a decade, it was the logical thing to do.
This would get Freud interested...
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
Goes to show what can happen when you leave the bedroom door open.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
I thought angels was extra $$.
they didn't even bother to double check before approving.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
It's getting bad for domain names. Like which should I pick? .com, .org, etc.. or make up new ones? Finding a useful name is a bear. I see it going to
Thanks for the lift....
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
Aww tiny tiny little perfectly proportioned tiny cat. Cute
A lesson learned the hard way.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
I think I peed a little...
With the Covid-19 virus continuing to circulate — new U.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
This from the champion fan of ID levels like in the Science fiction movie Gattaca when people want to vote. If it's something they want it's "Security" if it keeps minorities insecure. If it's something they don't want it's "Socialist" like Fire departments, Social Security, Public Schools, and freeways. People really shouldn't vote for people that keep screaming that government is the problem, then why do they want a government job? So they can sabotage it from within. The biggest terrorist organization in the World is the Conservative side of the Republican party, they are in terms of the Marvel Universe "Hydra"
Yeah, get lost Obi-Wan...
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
“There are two types of people in this world, the Givers and the Takers.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
I haven't been a good enough friend to receive a ring of any type worth many thousands of dollars, but I keep trying.
Archie Comics as accurate as the Simpsons?
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
They figured that in 24 years the biggest change in the world would be us dressing as if we were cast members of the Jetsons. The Time Variant Fashion Police must get involved. All the technology looks like it predates 1997 by a good ten years or more. The computer has no mouse like an old PC running DOS. The monitor is an actual old tech CRT. Even the clock is analog. The camera is larger than my iPhone.
“The earth is dead.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
I bet everyone misses him.
Priceless! Weird shit coming from Uranus!! []
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
Uranus is a dangerous place, it has rings around it and no sunshine. It's no wonder it isn't shitting right.
Team Sport Affiliation
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
I love watching gymnastics. It's like a free circus, and a chance to feel terrible about how out of shape I am. They're god like and show us how we could be. I don't track it by team, but by athlete, why would anyone care which country they're from?
Sorry. I'll leave now.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 3, 2021:
Wow Trans before it was cool. Kinda
Alabama to keep ban on school yoga as conservatives say they fear rise in Hinduism | The Independent
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 2, 2021:
If they were smart enough to fear A.I. they wouldn't trust ATM's because they would fear ATM's would lead the future robot revolution. After all they obviously have the money to finance the robotic coup. Alabamians are under the delusion they can see the future, and was embarrassing after the last election, but they're doubling down, like a kitten pissed off at a cactus and slapping it over and over.
I think i would have to say Elvis but Freddie is a close second.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 2, 2021:
Where's Grace Slick?
Right tool for the job
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 2, 2021:
They say his circumcision was made with a router, the foreskin is still out there, working miracles, and more impatient for him to get his ass back than Conservative activist in the Senate.
If we can make gods be what we want them to me, I choose..... []
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 2, 2021:
Just because creepy coincidences happen it’s not a sign, it’s normal statistical probability. There will always be suspicious coincidences.
I do been thinking about this Hebrew Lord Jesus that many of my friends talk about as the most ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 2, 2021:
Sorry, it’s no longer my fan fiction.
The GOP (Rightly) Fears America’s Churchless Majority
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 2, 2021:
They say religion is the last refuge of a scoundrel but from all appearances it’s go to for the GOP.
Well! What would you do? :-D
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 2, 2021:
Nothing like wearing a one piece sporting a mustache that isn’t on your face. It happens a lot in Eastern European countries.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 2, 2021:
How long did it take to deliver to you? Oh and which carrier?
I always thought this too, even as a kid. WTF would be so good about it?
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 2, 2021:
I call it the original April’s fools day.
These weird lumps of 'inflatons' could be the very first structures in the universe ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 2, 2021:
Space-time makes space-time by the same principle that produces Hawking radiation. Think of space-time as an array structure, every plank level event has to be recorded on a bit of space-time, to make the object the space has to be allocated to define it. It's why the initial expansion happened. It's why voids grow like bubbles from billions of cubic light year empty space where virtual pairs of mater anti-mater quarks pop into existence and annihilate instantly. When they pop into existence space-time is created, when they annihilate the new space-time stays, after all the event happened once, in the past, and now it's part of the fabric of reality. The space-time to quanta connection can only exist at creation, so a new event always adds more.
When we were kids, there where no phones or tablets we read cereal 🥣 boxes at breakfast
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 2, 2021:
I remember a promotional stunt where if you got enough coupons you would win a Batman Utility belt. I became a genuine pest in a family that only ate corn flakes if it ate cereal at all demanding the cartoonish kids cereal. They bought one box to shut me up, and it was covered in Batman utility belt information. They never bought another box of it. A few weeks after the deadline for the coupons I met a kid that got the belt. It was an utter piece of crap.
Sorry to get a bit serious but a few folks really need to see this.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 2, 2021:
I say that to everyone. AOC isn't a hero in my eyes out of some kind of worship, she makes sense and that makes her dangerous but she is strong and courageous enough to keep speaking. Should news break she's doing any form of exploitation I'll turn on her like I turned on Bush. I am a vet, I have a certain idea about freedom and courage that sides with anyone opposing oppression. I didn't even know there were others like me as a teen. Anti-War protesters during Vietnam had my admiration, but such people didn't live in my neck of the woods. Well there was one, a Vietnam vet that lost an arm in the war. Our High School administrators assumed he was flag waving patriot and invited him to speak at an event. He spoke of courage to NOT go, the courage to disobey, he called himself a coward for going against his true feelings. They cut his mike and escorted him from the stage. I would have loved to become his friend, but I have no idea of what his name was.
I'll bet this is how he sees himself...
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 2, 2021:
Darth Trump, his scenes were cut in "Spaceballs"
Zero tolerance on racism.
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 1, 2021:
Dark matter could be made of black holes from the beginning of time An analysis of ripples in ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 1, 2021:
I doubt the hypothesis about primordial black holes. It's not like universal expansion is based on inertia, like from an explosion, it's space time expansion which is a completely different concept. The big bang isn't something that happened once Once Upon a Time, it's still happening, and still speeding up geometrically. The initial super massive black holes collapsed into themselves directly from dense clouds of molecular gas. Clean transition from dark cloud into quasar until all the gas in the immediate vicinity of the super massive black hole was cleared. The stars that shape the new galaxy formed in the residual gas in the cosmic nursery where the super massive black hole initially formed. Huge short lived bright stars made of almost pure hydrogen.
Dominatrix - The Dominatrix Sleeps Tonight - YouTube
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 1, 2021:
Ok, that was weird, coming from me that's saying something.
Penn Jillette sees the light []
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 1, 2021:
OMG! I was like WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!? But in the end redemption :) I love Penn Jillette.
Then & only then...(& would still be an atheist!)
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 31, 2021:
Sounds like you have an exit strategy. I'll be long dead before your conditions are met so I never gave it a second thought.
I'd change (some) to (many)...
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 31, 2021:
I saw that movie, "The Passion of the Christ", worst comedy ever.
Remember that 🙂
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 31, 2021:
That would be me, I feel much better for existing, what a privilege.
Happy Wednesday all
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 31, 2021:
Wow, I wish I had her physique, and she had a feather in her ass, we'd both be tickled.
Charles Schulz knew what he was talking about.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 31, 2021:
Education is never given it's taken. Sure public schools present educational opportunities but teachers can't learn for you, it's up to you to open your mind enough to let the information in. I went to school in rural Alabama, yes they tried to blow smoke up my ass, not because they were dishonest so much as they were just wrong. I remember being sent to the office for correcting our science book. It said the primary colors were Red, Blue and Green, but they're Red, Blue and Yellow. I liked a good 20% of my teachers, but none of them ever liked me, mostly for doing shit like correcting stupid mistakes in our text books. To be clear I have no need or desire to overthrow the government. I just want to heal it from Conservatism that holds on to stupid ideas like a scared child clinging on to a worn out Teddy bear.
Full Frontal Rewind: Celebrating Transgender Day of Visibility []
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 31, 2021:
Honestly I can't imagine what it is to be black and trans, being trans is hard if you're white and the difficulty level goes up exponentially with your melanin count. It's really a lot worse then you might think, gay people have said more transphobic things to me than actual transphobe cis people, so sometimes even our allies have some odd ideas about us. It's ok, we'll patiently explain to anyone that will listen. What choice do we have?
Perhaps Ben Shapiro Shouldn't Be Taken Seriously By Anyone About Anything - SOME MORE NEWS ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 31, 2021:
Ben is the person stupid people think of when they imagine what a smart person is like. He serves no other purpose.
Don't all rush at once
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 31, 2021:
There must be a better way to abbreviate annual.
Don't they! 🙄Lol
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 30, 2021:
It’s a store fashion dummy so it’s not pregnant, just a tummy full of semen.
The long arm of the wingnut law.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 30, 2021:
I plan to travel to Georgia in 2022 to hand out food and water to voters standing in line if this law is still on the books. I'll be breaking the law, not the people receiving the food and water. F the GOP!
40 years ago today, Ronald Reagan was shot outside a Washington hotel
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 30, 2021:
To bad it didn't turn out better.
What did i just read??
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 30, 2021:
almost had a heart attack
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 30, 2021:
You have wood!
Over thinking, kills your happines! 🖤
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 30, 2021:
I don't know, it seems Einstein was pretty happy after figuring out special relativity, and positively orgasmic after figuring out general relativity. When people say that thinking is hard and no good will come of it, I just assume they're dumb asses and pay them no further mind.
Most Dangerous
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 30, 2021:
I thought "Trespassers will be prostituted!" was a bit much.
Happy Tuesday all
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 30, 2021:
She looks like a cross between Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith.
Dr. Becky How did the Universe begin? | Great Debates in Physics (Cosmology) []
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 29, 2021:
Hoyle was a bit weird, however in a sense Hawking radiation is based on the idea that particles precipitate in mater anti-mater pairs and annihilate each other returning to wherever they came from unless next to an event horizon that sucks in one particle leaving the other to manifest as Hawking radiation. My question is where does this precipitation mostly occur? Does gravity effect precipitation? If so does it inhibit precipitation or assist it. My gut hypothesis is that the same inflationary process we believe theoretically for other reasons (we call it inflation) just represents how the universe defines dimensions as components of energy are introduced. The general impression I have is that gravity is an inhibitor so with the vast majority of quark ant-quark pairs happens in the cosmic voids where space is expanding faster. After the quark/anti-quark pair annihilate they will leave a little extra space time. Like a variable sized array in a computer gone wrong ultimately consuming all available memory, but in the case of the universe a reality that’s warping away over the horizon of the visible universe faster than the speed of light.
Now this is the kind of church I would go to!
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 29, 2021:
Wherever I am, that church is also. Doing the sacrament as I type.


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Me in my Vampire Costume for Halloween 2020 before the big election.
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All Things Asia
82 members
Marijuana changing the world
79 members
Linux Users
75 members
69 members
Religious Humor.
69 members
Code Monkeys
56 members
39 members
38 members
Illogical atheists guide for ending Christianity
38 members
Breaking the Habit
28 members
Sunset, Sea, Coffee and Me
28 members
Asexual Area
23 members
23 members
Love of Physics
23 members
Conspiracies & High Strangeness
19 members
Everything Beauty
15 members
Anything Goes Political
13 members