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BBQ Thumper
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 29, 2021:
I’ve ate hundreds of those, but I have never cooked one. The last time I ate domestic rabbit was one day before going to boot camp in Orlando in 1977, I had joined December 16th 1976 but had to wait for graduation from high school to go.
Humans are done Men i hate them all And i don't care about your opinions
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 29, 2021:
Then why post your opinion? When I really didn't care if any of you lived or died I didn't post, because of the not caring you see?
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 29, 2021:
Where's the fire? 2120 would remember the fires.
Defrost that tiny fridge.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 29, 2021:
I'm not judging, but I would have gone a different route...
He could put a condom on that for extra protection! :-D
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 29, 2021:
Pinocchio! I finally found you!
Anyone who can pull the sword from the stone has the pick of the village virgins.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 29, 2021:
I don’t like virgins, too naive. I’m at the age where I relate more to people over 40 and if you’re still a virgin then, well let’s just say you need more help than I could possibly provide.
So important.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 28, 2021:
I drink way more coffee now that I’ve survived my starter heart attack. The morning after they served me coffee in ICU. I was delighted to find out it’s not a cardiac risk, at least not in my case. Something to indulge in with gratitude.
Dr. Becky How fast does the Sun orbit the Milky Way?
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 28, 2021:
I love her presentations, and her bravery by showing the outtakes which are always awesome.
Fermilab Even Bananas 04: Can we see neutrinos? From Poltergeist to DUNE []
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 28, 2021:
I love science, refining information from data seems to be the hardest part.
There's a lot going on here, but in a good way.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 28, 2021:
I like the feline defense system, to prevent intimacy I assume. I should strap on a cougar. Oh! Grow up!
Sounds legit, and not just Anglo.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 28, 2021:
The first recorded case of people with my last name coming to America was the son and daughter of a noble man of the same name that sold his children into indentured servitude to pay back gambling debts. I was raised in the South where old money still has its privileges even if the family is living in humble circumstances. Yet no one helped us, and people that were in families that owned plantations and such are remembered. My family has no such stories, so we were probably white trash the entire time. It sounds like a place name, maybe it’s where we dumped the bodies...
I love history... It's A Joke!!!
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 28, 2021:
This could take a while to research, there have been so many cyborg TRex’s (ERex’s) that it may be difficult to find specifics.
Sounds right lmao
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 28, 2021:
OMG! What a bunch of pussies!
But if secularists hoped that declining religiosity would make for more rational politics, drained ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 28, 2021:
The only tolerable excuse for religion is the weak argument that religions introduced rudimentary humanitarian concepts that could evolve into fully developed atheistic humanitarianism. It’s the best they got.
Nothing in this world is harder than speaking the truth, nothing easier than flattery.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 28, 2021:
I seem a bit harsh but when the time comes to look at someone and tell them how much they improve my life there’s no doubting my honesty. Then again I own my errors, I put no self preservation into it either. I choose instead to learn from it, as a consequence I now make very few and very minor errors. Most of the time. I debug myself the way I debug machines.
Sometimes you just need to be clearer in your instructions
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 28, 2021:
Ass Pirates 🏴‍☠️ They are very strict.
Mine says ''one at a time please''.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 28, 2021:
Mine said “GET OFF!” And I haven’t gotten back on since.
The wonderful things, which emerge from that apparently simple process of natural selection, make ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 28, 2021:
I was just explaining that each species of bird has a species wide fetish which explains the ridiculous appearance of most male birds. Sexual selection is a major evolutionary factor in the future development of every species. Something to consider when your choices are dropout drug addicts or jocks or honor roll nerds etc... You could discover that the crush you had as a student that you never approached because they were so far out of your league had the reputation of being hard to get because they were waiting for you until they had to give up and settled for someone else. It happened to me at a reunion with us both married and with children that we finally talked and found out for the first time that neither of us knew that the other person was into us. We missed an evolutionary opportunity, sad.
Oh, & making fun of tRumpettes!
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 28, 2021:
I agree
Bzzz Bzzz...
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 28, 2021:
Seems familiar
Grunge Here's What It Was Really Like To Pioneer On The Oregon Trail []
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 28, 2021:
It was worse on an 8 bit Commodore 64.
Why do most people crave attention?
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 27, 2021:
I give up. Why?
You do your thing, and I'll do mine.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 27, 2021:
Telling others how to live seems to be the feature instead of a bug.
I can just hear the phone call complaining about a Star of David in their pizza. lol
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 27, 2021:
David was apparently a Satanist. We know according to lore Solomon called and controlled demons. A medieval Grimoire (Magic book) was titled “The Wisdom of Solomon” is the source of many of those magic circles used to summon specific Demons. I wonder how they felt about it when it failed to work. That part is not recorded.
Just beautiful!
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 27, 2021:
She looks like she was born talking and fighting, light Paul Atreides's little sister Alia. Precious, an old soul in a new body.
OK, I entered more text.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 27, 2021:
It's easy to get high enough to ride any emotional roller-coaster.
Looks to me like Jr.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 27, 2021:
If you eat the right foods a good fart can fade vinyl or leather, according to my collection of harnesses and chaps...
Fighting against Racism or For Political Correctness, etc,
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 27, 2021:
It benefits white supremacist just like everything else, it's what we mean when we say "systemic" in conjunction with the word racism..
Do you eat beef?
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 27, 2021:
I'm a meat person, I'm constructed mostly of meat.
Comparative Lit: 101...
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 27, 2021:
We're all going to die, regardless of our actions or intentions.
I bet it's true
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 27, 2021:
We do the same thing men do, but without a urinal.
A 'lump' of dark matter may be ripping apart Taurus' face []
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 27, 2021:
Does dark matter lump? We don't even know if dark matter is matter.
Hmm, so if you smoke weed today, the devil will eat your ass after you die?
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 27, 2021:
I smoke weed, I don't even know where the Devil, in whom I have no belief, grows lettuce.
Yep, like 'Rand' Paul & other supposed "Libertarians" (the 'I got mine, so suck it' Party)...
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 27, 2021:
Ayn Rand, her religion was Capitalism and her humanitarianism had no bearing on humans other than making their lives worse by influencing politicians too stupid to see how wrong she was, like that idiot meat puppet Reagan.
[] facial reconstruction on skull thought to be Akhenaten, AKA "Tut's" father
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 27, 2021:
He looks like a sim. Wait was he built
How Moscow Mitch and his obstructionist are now suddenly victims of the filibuster and voting ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 27, 2021:
I heard his speech, he could have just said, if Democrats keep doing what Democrats do then the Republicans are going to do what the Republicans always do, but now with... what? conviction? It's not like Republicans ever gave a fuck about how the Democrats responded so why would Democrats care what a member of the terrorist organization called the GOP has to say about their decisions.
Any thoughts?
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 27, 2021:
Neglected ignorant people are cheaper and easier to control. Empower yourself, get an education and the insanity of conservative solutions reveal themselves to be the worlds problems, and how their big problems are the worlds solutions. Besides, nothing pisses off conservatives like getting an education, it's why they lie about academia all the fucking time.
They are unrelenting.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 27, 2021:
Cat burglar.
No shit they loved it
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 27, 2021:
You're obviously older then me, there's nothing for me to remember it was before my time.
Horrific situation
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 27, 2021:
That's why black people scare the fuck out of white people, white people know they'll fuck you up if you're in their way, and they know not to do that to each other because fucking over someone is like scratching a bear in the ass with a toothpick, so they pick their fights. They also know how fucked up they've been to multiple ethnic groups of strong beautiful human beings and the only thing they don't understand is why those people haven't started a war on them for their endless ethnic crime spree. So they overreact and make it worse, like 18 year old draftees in Vietnam, emotionally unequipped to deal with the horrible truth of their own abysmal behavior. So They can dish it out, and spend all their time shaking in their shoes that someone might make them take it, or might hint that they might be ever so slightly "racist" as if acknowledging their racism is somehow worse then the crimes they commit to deny their racism. I don't identify with any specific race, in my mind there's only one race and the ethnic group I was born and raised with were all racist assholes.
Most of us believe that human life is fundamentally valuable; that it is better to be living than to...
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 27, 2021:
Oh gag me with a spoon, another stupid rant about how meaningless and random life is. Trust me, there was nothing random about your father becoming horny and putting vast effort into convincing your mother to spread her legs for him, just as her parents and all their parents all the way back to being random primates that can't be called human, so screw the random argument. Everything is nuanced and complex, we see conflict as a failure of communication, but also the need to dismiss stupidity and over simplification when used in an attempt to spin the truth of experience to be anything less than useful. There was purpose in your mother accepting your fathers sexual advances, sexual selection drives evolution, which explains the weird decorative biology of male birds, because female birds suffer from species wide fetishes, some like dancers, some colorful huge tail feathers some both. Much of human history is filled with skinny unhealthy undernourished people and that's why the "sexy" paintings from a couple of hundred years ago are all of fat ass naked women. So fat being sexy led to what from long ago would be a "sexy" society, but due to how common it is, we find it ugly and more so now we know it's unhealthy, so we perceive it as the ugly it is. As for what gives your life meaning, the results will vary with experience. For me it's bringing machines to life, so they serve humanity as responsibly as possible. I have a Frankenstein complex. I feel emotions as passionately as I did when I was in religion, just a lot less negativity until I read incredulous post attempting to grasp the fucking obvious. We don't question the "meaning" of breathing, we breath, and enlightened intellects will question "why", "how" and "when", only those with an agenda will question the "meaning." Meaning like time is an "emergent property", you might want to goggle that.
The final weapon
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 26, 2021:
Those are scalable.
You just never know...
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 26, 2021:
No need to break glass, I always have a towel nearby. What I don't have is the mechanical device that goes over my thumb to flag down a Vogon ship.
Christian Defends Name of Robert E.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 26, 2021:
True, Jesus never condemned slavery, at least not in the surviving mythology. So fuck Jesus, nature itself clearly shows how wrong it was. If you disagree, then please, volunteer to become a slave, you only get too once then you can't change your mind because you BELONG to someone else. Doesn't that suck? That's why fuck the church slavery is worse than murder.
The immigration problem at our southern border is a problem, but not one of the defining issues of ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 26, 2021:
It's a molehill, that the GOP insist is a mountain. People should relax a bit and stop being dicks to children that wouldn't be there were they not begging for their lives. They aren't "secret" agents of chaos ordered here to tear down our government, that would be the Republicans. Terrorist GOP MFers.
It's that time of year.... Priorities people....prorities....😉
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 26, 2021:
I guess it'll work if you don't mind exposing your ass to the elements and blood sucking insects. On the plus side you have ready access to your prison wallet.
£ town. (Canadians too?)
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 26, 2021:
Shopping isn't the first thing that comes to mind if someone tells me they're going to "pound town" Can you take a pounding?
Freedom of Speech?
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 26, 2021:
The GOP even wants to demonize ignoring their stupid shit, calling us cancel culture. These new fascist need canceling. All terrorist or terrorist sympathizers. I have disowned all family of that ilk, so don't try me, I loved them and I don't know you.
fact or fiction?
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 26, 2021:
But where are you when I need him to touch your boobs?
And I thought I had problems
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 26, 2021:
And that's the most frustrating thing about scriptures, from any religion, your belief makes it real. Like disco, which became a "not thing" when everyone got sick of it. Anthropomorphic reality isn't actual reality. Political rallies and church congregations exist on the bizarre nature of how our primitive species attempts to modify reality by mob force. We should know better by now.
PBS Eons Why Do Things Keep Evolving Into Crabs? []
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 25, 2021:
A disappointing life and a series of unfortunate events turned me crabby, so it happens.
The answer, as usual, is Bacon.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 25, 2021:
The general taboo is to not eat carnivores, probably because not all parts are safe. For example bear liver has enough vitamin A in it to kill you. Besides, herbivores are easier prey, and domesticated herbivores are chattel, literally. It's good that it's bothering our collective conscious, perhaps we're capable of a more humane humanity. I don't mind fake meat.
Who knew there was a lazy way to shuck pistachio nuts?
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 25, 2021:
At first glance I thought it was a Prince Albert piercing device. But those have to be beefier to bend the metal of the piercing it's piercing with. Fun when you use it to knock against a friends sliding glass door. Not fun when Mom is visiting. Thirty years later and she's still upset Paul!
Tempe Town Lake Reflection, Tempe, Arizona.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 25, 2021:
I like such places when I'm especially high. The lights make letters, and there's a secret message, but as if in a dream you just can't quite make it out.
What do you think? No bio, no details! []
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 25, 2021:
If it makes you feel better she posted a photo of a large woman with Jessica Rabbit boobs and high gloss red lipstick that could protect satellites permanently in the Van Allen radiation belt, if that's her she has enough problems as is.
Truly underrated comedian
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 25, 2021:
Mine told me that I couldn't get better if I didn't pay my bill.
What do you think? No bio, no details! []
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 25, 2021:
I'll just passive agressivly post my first thoughts on her happy post. It's the least I can do. I never do more than that.
I'm reminded of a friend who was an officer on a Canadian Naval Vessel off the Grand Banks when one ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 25, 2021:
I remember when it came out, I had so many credits that I only had one class in 11th grade and I'd go to this little diner and drink coffee and snack on french frys. They had a jute box and that was one of the songs we'd play all the time. 1976.
The Wat Sri Suphan Temple in Thailand.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 25, 2021:
Gorgeous, the perfect place to summon a demon.
A suggestion for Georgian (U.S.) lawmakers.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 25, 2021:
And you have to guess how many gum balls are in a big bowl.
Would you wear these?
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 25, 2021:
Hell to the No! I spent high school wearing birth control glasses. Never again.
OK, I'll say it...WTF?!?
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 25, 2021:
Well they at least kept safety in mind, using a ladder to climb down rather than a super hero landing.
Speak for yourself! I like my babies bar-b-qued & marinated in green vomit!
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 25, 2021:
I'll take this argument further if pressed. I deem the Abrahamic God to be a preposterous impossibility. The "perfect" word of God is a collection of short stories that contradict each other and makes mythical claims that violates the internal consistency of the Abrahamic God in a way that proves beyond a doubt that several concepts of God from a wide variety of ancient religions were blended. Direct influence from Egyptian and Babylonian mythology are clear, just as the New Testament has multiple references to Zoroastrianism (The family religion of Freddy Mercury's family) especially the story of the "wise men" from the East. The word used was "Magi" the title from Zoroastrianism for their priest class. The Bible is anthropological literature that demonstrates the evolution of human religion and cross cultural influences more than anything else. It demonstrates in several places how rewriting history has been used to validate culturally impoverished ethnic groups like the mythical ancient Jews. There's Zero anthropological evidence of any kind that Israel ever even existed as much more than a tribe, and that was driven by conflict to move from time to time, never actually owning a "land" which is why the Bible stories emphasizes the whole "Promised Land" narrative. It's like the Napoleon Complex but for an entire ethnic culture. The Israel of Roman times probably existed for at most 500 years, and that's being generous. The political map changing frequently throughout, just as Louisiana at one time went all the way up to the Canadian southern boarder, so maps in the middle east changed every few decades.
Like nature intended! Lol
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 25, 2021:
"Sorry I have to go to work so I can't take you to Florida, just hitchhike like everyone else." A quote from my Dad when I was invited to a party in Panama City Beach when I was 14 and still living in Alabama. By then I was an accepted smoker, smoking at will at home and even smoking at school just so long as I wasn't in a building. Times change. A friend drove me, I never hitchhiked, it seemed to risky by simple deductive reasoning.
Relaxing hobby
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 24, 2021:
I'm very non musical, but I was raised on something akin to a farm, more like a rabbit ranch/goat farm, it was a horror. Yes, we had a huge garden and many flower beds as well. I'm an exceptional intellect so you can imagine how bored I was when weeding. That's when I started humming, and sometimes singing. It makes you feel better about your impending repetitive motion syndrome symptoms. I imagine it's how music started, as a way to give a little life to monotonous repetitive task.
7, maybe 8...
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 24, 2021:
My boss would be lucky to get an email from me.
Yep, it's bacon...
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 24, 2021:
I think that puppy is lifting a T-65 X-wing starfighter from the swamp, with his mind...
Can you identify this actress from the sixtys? You're not gonna get this one!!
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 24, 2021:
Ruth Buzzi, I was a big fan.
"It must be stressed that there is nothing insulting about looking at people as animals.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 24, 2021:
Humans, the only apes that think they're not apes. They suffer from delusions of divinity and superstition. I mean it's bad enough to be an arrogant ape but couple that with high quality ignorance and delusion and you have no options other than Jihads and insurrections. You are all apes, why is that hard to understand?
I just got banned from FB because this info that I posted, below, is allegedly false/fake.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 24, 2021:
This is why awesome people like me avoid Face Book like Chernobyl. They are at Zero difference from Fox News for fake information. I cancel them both. Permanently
Gosh, I do love spring!
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 23, 2021:
Nice plant genitalia.
3 Images... FYI: I Googled Weaponized Penguins for this group.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 23, 2021:
Can you handle 3.18181818 penguins? If each person in Ireland can handle 3.18181818 penguins then the island is safe. 3.181818 X 6.6 million Irish = 21 million penguins.
He's gonna use the Bible as evidence, but no word if he plans to call any of the key players as ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 23, 2021:
Does this mean I can pursue a lawsuit against England for the wrongful death of Joan of Arc? Her story arc is interesting.
A lousy speller.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 23, 2021:
Where is this dessert island?
America's first feminist! []
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 23, 2021:
I'll have Nun of it.
No peace for the wicked eh! :-D
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 23, 2021:
Tell me about it.
Our right to life outweighs your unnatural psychological attachment to firearms. []
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 23, 2021:
I have never had a use for one, and I was trained in the military. I suppose if I ever need a gun I can simply take one from someone that has one. Lets hope this never becomes an issue that's that pressing.
Hang the donut contest in Seattle.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 22, 2021:
I can't see his donut from this angle.
Charges reduced for priest and two dominatrices caught in altar threesome [foxnews.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 22, 2021:
I don't care, they're welcome to go fuck themselves.
I guess the joke's on her...
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 22, 2021:
Got to respect someone that tries to make points or express opinions by tattooing shit on their face, or perhaps not.
Hate when I do that
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 22, 2021:
I remember my Twentyfirth birthday.
Also none of the above.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 22, 2021:
Spoiler alert! Once you get to seeing “God” in everything you’re one step away from finding God indifferent or hostile according to your perspective and his persistent voyeur activity will make prayer become pointless, after all he was there too. So you get on with life and decades later realize you lived just fine even though your religion was only used when referenced on questionnaires. Just as it would if there were no God.
And also loves QANON!!
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 22, 2021:
I still remember my parents taking me from school one morning in 1967, there was war in Israel, Jesus will be here any minute now. The stupid has always been here. We need a new enlightenment. A war on ignorance and non consensual butt fuckery from con men and “True” believers.
‎Friday, ‎March ‎19, ‎2021 U R not merely a human animal being a - Person - U R an ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 20, 2021:
Imagination is a wonderful thing in a hard life. As an abused kid I coped with trauma by literally creating imaginary worlds where I could have one extraordinary modification. Like somehow shrinking down to the size of a G.I. Joe. The adventure was to try to discover every permutation of how best to leverage the situation to my advantage. Food for example would be cheap. A can of Pringles would last until they were stale. The point is I was happy there, and the savage beatings in the name of Jesus weren’t so important. So, I remained as happy as I wanted to be. Fuck the world. I can imagine far more than I can achieve, just like when you disassociate yourself from yourself in Buddhism. Eventually I learned to face my past, all of it. I see it objectively now. There are as many paths to enlightenment as there are people. Enlightenment is organic and personal like sex but with a trillion parts of your experiences all agreeing to be consensual with one another. You’re becoming objectively aware of how to be happy, even if homeless, even if abandoned, even sick. It is a tidal wave of suffering right now, and many are waking up. The man that cuts firewood and carries water for a living has to do something after becoming enlightened, he’ll cut firewood and carry water. You’re just in control, even when you’re out of control.
Please say hello to @Rosie-May who has joined the group. Feel free to post your ideas here.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 19, 2021:
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 17, 2021:
Yea, if at first you don't secede then suck a bit harder seems to be the motto for the GOP and others of the "Lost Cause" crowd. They actually wax romantic about antebellum times, or as I prefer to call it, "The Second Dark Age."
This just looks so fun, cool, (and dangerous), I might have to go do it one of these days.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 17, 2021:
Reminds me of hang gliding from Crestline in San Bernardino in the early 1990's.
☘️ Happy St Patrick’s Day.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 17, 2021:
Wow, this marks the 43rd anniversary of Saint Patrics day 1978, the significance of that one was that it was my last and greatest acid trip of my life. I never had a good trip after and gave up on trying to have another by 1980. I remember the moment it started to hit me, I was in down town San Diego in a small shop and the incredible hulk TV show came on, and as Bill Bixby was turning green on his way to turning into Lou Ferrigno the universe seemed to experience a glitch in the matrix. I thought the guy that sold me the blotter was lying to me, claiming it was a 16 way hit when the most I had ever found was 4... I ate the whole thing. Before the evening was over I had forgotten how to talk.
One & my J & J vax just now..
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 16, 2021:
I'll have to give Johnson an Johnson a try, up until now it just seemed like to many Johnson's.
I'm afraid to try this.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 16, 2021:
Imitation crab meat or seafood sticks are a type of seafood made of starch and finely pulverized white fish that has been shaped and cured to resemble the leg meat of snow crab or Japanese spider crab. It is a product that uses fish meat to imitate shellfish meat. Google is your friend.
Wasted time lol
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 16, 2021:
Boys and their sword fighting.
Nice watch........
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 16, 2021:
Hey!, That's Captain America's ass, America's ass!
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 16, 2021:
You don't need to fear the monsters when you're one of them already. Sorry, BLM wins the moral question hands down.
once again the religion of peace shows its true colours []
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 16, 2021:
Yea, Christianity tends to do that.
If you’re out at a restaurant trying to have a nice meal, you shouldn’t have to look over at the...
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 16, 2021:
WTF is wrong with your dim little brain?
How would the existence of a god confer meaning on our lives?
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 15, 2021:
I know in the Bible it says God won’t put more of a burden on you than you can bear. Obviously if the MF is there he’s under the delusion I’m Supergirl.
Write your answers below...
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 15, 2021:
To Kill a Mockingbird
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 15, 2021:
The edge of Tomorrow. and Groundhog day. Or maybe it just seemed like I did.
Take that idiots
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 14, 2021:
This is what letting people live in delusion leads to. This fat fuck looks in the mirror and sees "Master Race", I guess a little faith goes a long way.
Doubt it will work On religious types
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 14, 2021:
This is why I changed my language, if I feel the need to hazard a guess I say, "I have a hypothesis" never invoking a "Theory" unless it's an actual theory and when someone says they have a "Theory" I always say "You mean a hypothesis because you're at best making an informed guess, so it hardly qualifies as a Theory." Atheism in action, I can see an expression of confused wonder in the eyes of my fellow engineers that are in various cults. They're educated enough to know I'm right and it completely salts the earth for arguments like "Evolution is just a theory." Arguments that would happen at work until I started setting up a foundation for how we communicated before they started sharing the "Gospel" but not by attacking them, just educating them about my exclusive way of using language and why they should follow suite.


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Me in my Vampire Costume for Halloween 2020 before the big election.
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