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WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 26, 2019:
I've seriously ticked off some people off for mentioning turgid nipples and perky breasts on lusty, busty lesbians. I have been warned: we'll have no descriptive adjectives here. There's fire breathing lesbians out there.
Be careful what you ask for.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 26, 2019:
Women tend to better shots than men, especially with tanks. They also are typically calmer during combat than men. However in the infantry they're wash outs because few women can lift as heavy a pack as men can.
Nice bike...
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 26, 2019:
Depends on which country he's driving it in. Iran: yes. France: no.
Didn't really happen, just missing my old cat.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 26, 2019:
One of the reasons Petunia doesn't want me to have another cat.
It's a little crowded
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 26, 2019:
The one on the left is for old friends.
Share your story??
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 26, 2019:
The statue of limitations have not expired. Details and specifics will not be available.
Smart ass imaginary friend....
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 26, 2019:
Death is final. Returning from the dead is a circus trick.
“It’s not fear that gets in the way of showing up—it’s armor.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 26, 2019:
Life motto: live dangerously.
What's your complaint?
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 26, 2019:
Percy, my gender fixed Tom cat says "Rat's ass? That's the tastiest part!"
Feel the Bern
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 26, 2019:
"Music you can burn churches down to." Yep. Total fiction but worth endorsing.
Single and am I ready.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 26, 2019:
# Last guy on the net that looks this nonsense up. # flamingle The act of trying to flirt/mingle but you are so awkward that you become a flamingo.
Meeting across the Rio Grande Gorgeous @lookinhard IRL!!
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 25, 2019:
Was that picture taken at Big Bend National Park in Texas? I want to take a canoe there.
@phxbillcee for your haters lol
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 25, 2019:
We'un's meanies to dem dar pussy people we is.
Didn't we know it would be... cats?
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 25, 2019:
The other military has been training for it.
With all the news about The New England Patriots owner, Robert Kraft being arrested for soliciting ...
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 25, 2019:
In places countries where it is legal, it's restricted to one area of town. The workers are licensed, which includes regular inspections for diseases, age restrictions, ect. Employers have to provide safe and sanitary working conditions as well the job benefits not found at Walmart. Legal or not, nobody wants their off spring to follow sex work as their career ambition.
Absolutely the truth!
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 25, 2019:
# Just for teenagers?
@Admin, @SiteSupport Senate members.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 25, 2019:
May the flies of a thousand camels fly up your nose for suggesting it. Blocking people means you don't hear all sides of an argument. Once a discussion degrades into an insult slam fest, the bozoes in charge delete the thread. When I see someone reply who needs a salami stuffed up their ass and introduced to Montgomery Burns' hounds, I skip their replies. Sometimes Petunia over hears me muttering "Oh. That idiot." A times it's difficult not to break into singing the Lord High Executor's aria "I've got a little list of people who never will be missed."
Amazing! My little urn will look silly in it, but what the heck! Free rides and a party!
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 25, 2019:
Looks like a hearse that went for overkill. Considering how Petunia over packs for our camping trips, I'd like to have it.
Happy Monday everyone:
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 25, 2019:
Not so.
58 ex-national security officials to denounce Trump’s emergency declaration By QUINT FORGEY and...
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 25, 2019:
As if Trump never had to "contend with a rebuke." Doesn't mean squat.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 25, 2019:
>. . . is probably one of the drivers for old men who desire to “sleep” with very young women . . . The other driver is old wrinkled women with sagging breasts don't look good naked. Another driver is old women are set in their ways and resist change.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 25, 2019:
The cited source says ". . . a typical incumbent has a 70 percent chance of winning reelection." Trump is an atypical incumbent. Faulty premise and that's the key premise. He continues to lose support from the Republican supporters, all of whom are **supposed** to support the head of their party. When the rats start to jump ship, take it as a cue.
Leave it to the romantic French!
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 25, 2019:
Let me 'spain something to 'ya Lucy. **They're animals!**
Looking forward to this
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 25, 2019:
After extensive experience with a wide array with lusty women, the rule is sex is one thing; sleep is personal.
Take it easy
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 25, 2019:
Second guy is low on lubricants.
Nope jeebus slipped up on that one.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 25, 2019:
Bee: buzz Me: absolutely incredible you fucking ray of sunshine, good for you!
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 24, 2019:
At least 99% of the honeybees doesn't fuck. That's reserved for the queen and a few drones. The rest are sterile females who within a couple of months work themselves to death. That is why they're so pissed at you getting in their way. I'm a bee keeper who is telling you who the **real** female Nazis are.
Good Morning! May your day be filled with Love and Peace! Watched Russian Doll in a marathon ...
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 24, 2019:
Ran away to Chattooga Bell Farm for a view of the Blue Ridge Mountains at their bistro. Had lunch. Their distillery was closed. Petunia bought a jar of jam and a bottle of honey. I bought postcards. It's a romantic place, formerly owned by Grouch Marx. Think I'm kidding? Check my source.
Robert Reich thinks we have already fired Trump.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 24, 2019:
I often ponder Michael Moore's claim we have elected our **last** president. There's nothing stopping Trump from declaring marshal law and becoming our first dictator.
Unauthorized thinking.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 24, 2019:
Thought crime is one of the biblical concepts that makes me raise my eyebrows. The claim that if you've thought about it, you're guilty of having done it is like SOOOO bogus.
Although this word is so ordinary it has so many meanings and uses in our language it has the honor ...
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 24, 2019:
When I was a teenager I found a copy of the unabridged OED and made the mistake of looking up the word "is."
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 24, 2019:
The last ruckus?
at least 10 characters There. Are you happy?
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 24, 2019:
One can dance to that "mixed tape."
Interesting answer...
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 24, 2019:
A person could dance to that "mixed tape."
peace ya'll.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 24, 2019:
Give war a chance.
He's the better person! Lol
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Church of Satan is shockingly scandal free.
After having been sick and not at work since Wednesday, I’m starting to feel better.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 23, 2019:
After three weeks of nearly drowning in lung lungers and making my nose raw from blowing my honker, I ought to take your advice.
Petunia wants to go camping somewhere near Appalachacola.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Oh, hecky durn. I just checked out all six of the campgrounds in Appalachacola National Forest and **ALL SIX** are "temporarily closed" due to hurricane damage. They're near Mexico Beach, Florida, a town largely leveled from last year's hurricane.
Microsoft worker protest military contract []
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Someone **will** build these devices anyway.
Another Member, @MissKathleen, has just reached that vaunted Level 9! Congrats are in order!
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Will there be party favors?
Good Morning to You! Happy Saturday! Is it going to snow or not?
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 23, 2019:
I live in Dixie where snow is something we laugh at when the Great White North gets it.
Excuses, excuses, excuses.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 23, 2019:
She's cremating the hamster and putting it in a jar on a shelf, next to Uncle Louie.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 23, 2019:
One of America's favorite Scotsman (now nationalized as an American) Greg Ferguson says half the time he has no clue what the Scots are saying. One of his funnest segments on his late night show is a pair of Scotsmen trying to get a voice activated elevator to work. By the end of the segment, they're cursing, jumping up and down and screaming and still not getting anywhere. I'll remember the phrase "barren cow" to piss off the next very annoying woman I happen to met. When women start to cuss me out, I try not to tell them "Let me put in a way you'll understand: mooooo."
Hey everyone. I'm new to the group, from Vancouver. Just introducing myself. Have a great weekend.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 23, 2019:
I have other plans for my weekend, thanks.
WWJD....if he were real.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Petunia won't let me put a bumper stick on our car that says "What would Jesus do? Whip his banker."
Hey Ugly, heres to looking at you
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 23, 2019:
My profile picture isn't of myself. If it was lonesome women would flock to my home, offering to sexually ravish me endlessly in rotation. Petunia runs them off with a broom. She hates that.
Petunia wants to go camping somewhere near Appalachacola.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 23, 2019:
I ran across this while web surfing "Some recreation areas on the Apalachicola National Forest remain closed because of impacts from Hurricane Michael. Please check the Recreation Conditions Report to see if your favorite area is open." Problem: the national forest service didn't mention which areas they are. Research continues.
.....Soylent Green is people!
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 22, 2019:
Daddy, aren't you the serious one? Bureaucrats just wantta have fun.
You don't say.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 22, 2019:
Ben Franklin pointed out the eagle frequently eats the same food as a vulture. That's one reason he was against it as a national symbol. Considering our war like nature towards countries on their last legs, not all that good of an objection.
What kind of super hero ARE you?
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 22, 2019:
The screen name gives it all away.
You say goodbye and I say hello.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 22, 2019:
I used to be a landlord who provided utilities. Once I cut off the utilities on the dead beats, it took them a week to move.
Moving walkway, O'Hare Airport Chicago, October 2018
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 22, 2019:
When I caught a plane at Atlanta International, they had a **train** to move passengers to the gates. The gates are that far apart from the main lobby.
Intellectual honesty time. Why is the first considered racist, but not the second?
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 22, 2019:
I fail to understand why three Asians in suits could be considered racist.
Good Morning everyone! I think it is going to be a good day.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 22, 2019:
I've yet to see anyone on line says "Hooray! We're going to Taco Bell." Petunia insists we're going out for lunch today (not Taco Bell) in flood conditions. In the last three days we've had six inches of rain. If she's got a coupon, that's where we'll be eating.
"Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world - even JC's mother was at it with someone ...
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 22, 2019:
Um, no. The oldest profession is farming. That why guys feed gals in hopes of wild sex.
Unfortunately, mine isn't so easily fooled.... lol
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 22, 2019:
If it takes 12 miles, you'd have a raw dick.
Protection priorities
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 22, 2019:
It was after the first manned moon landing that someone said "We ought to put wheels on our luggage." It was in the 18th century that a black shoe maker said "You know, I ought to make left and right shoes." 10,000 years of history and he was the **first** to figure it out.
Petunia wants to go camping somewhere near Appalachacola.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 22, 2019:
By the way, it's about an hour's drive from Tallahassee. I have an old friend that lives there. Her husband (RIP) always said that when he camped there he was tempted to sell his clothes and not to come back.
I hope this doesn't annoy people (especially in this thread, because I like it and the posters so ...
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 22, 2019:
My uncle who was kind and generous, went to the grave with people arguing that anyone that nice **couldn't** be an atheist. They concluded he **must** have been bullshitting everyone for his entire life.
Trump’s New Defense: Congress Can’t Investigate Because There Are Too Many Crimes Why can't I...
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 22, 2019:
Theory is if he has to deal with a dozens of lawsuits and therefore can't do his duties as the President. Sounds good to me. He might miss his TV shows and cancel golfing trips.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 22, 2019:
I tend to think of that word to mean a pathetic person deserving pity. Been wrong before.
I'll bet he feels terrible (about being caught)!
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 22, 2019:
He was holding out for more pay and is now more likely to be written out of the script.
More bear attack survival tips
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 22, 2019:
Us asthma suffers are first to be malled by a bear.
Yes please
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 22, 2019:
You don't know pot holes until you've seen a car drive into one and **vanish**.
A pleasure to do the pee?
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
It's more fun to visit this men's room:
Good morning all.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
My boring existence is split between housework and posting on line. I'm a kept man. When she has her fill of **that** I have do the cooking and housework. I'm at that age when scrubbing the floor wears me out. When I get tired, I post on line. A guy has to have a hobby. Petunia and her father, Roy, had an extra large, super supreme pizza Wednesday. She brought home the uneaten pizza. I nuked the left overs and fed it to her this morning along with two mugs of coffee. I consider left over pizza as typical bachelor food. I don't think she knows she's married. On the other hand, I had fried potatoes and a cheese and mushroom frittata with an eight ounce mug of espresso. Petunia doesn't like either frittatas or espresso. When she gets home from work this evening, we're having seven mare soup. That's a type of seafood soup with several different types of seafood in it. She'll be complaining about the crab shell fragments. A person can't pick out crab meat without getting some shell fragments. I'll be serving her home baked brownies and ice cream for desert. It's likely she'll want to wash it down with Gatoraid.
Hard to tell
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
It's difficult for me to forget third world countries pot holes eat cars. Ergo the theory those who drive in a straight line on a straight highway in Nigeria are drunk. After Mexico, I fell in love with the phrase "paved road."
Putin to U.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
# h1 'T'aint going to be no nuclear war. Too much real estate involved." -- Frank Zappa.
This needs to be taught in school.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Let's accept non sequitur as a good way to baffle the masses.
'Morning. Anyone awake up for friendly chat? (4:00AM CST.)
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
I am in the eastern standard time zone where it's currently Thursday 7 a.m., cold and raining.
What’s with that? At least it isn’t Karen...
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Need better grump?
Religion at its best ?
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Where is the pirates and the rum?
She's gonna blow!
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
I always make it point to replace the regular radiator cap with one that has a pressure release lever. After the lever is pulled and the pressure is safely released, unscrewing the radiator cap is next. That's because I used to have a car that would over heat every 50 miles. Therefore I filled up jugs of water I kept in the trunk. One time in a tiny Alabama town, I pulled into a church yard where the local children were milling around waiting for their parents to show up and take them home from vacation bible school. I pulled out my recycled jugs of liquor and refilled the radiator. Their jaws dropped open. They may still be talking about me.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
In the states, that's snarfu: Situation normal, all fucked up.
Just back from an hour long Body Pump workout at the gym and this seems appropriate today
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
My temple is a boucy castle.
Relevant statistics.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
In the Great White North, they drink almost twice the national average. In New Hampshire, 44 gallons per year. The national AVERAGE is 28 gallons. In Dixie, we're below average. Here we top the charts on ice tea consumption. How cold are 'ya fellah?
Any guesses on who has been forging Nobel Peace Prize nominations for Trump? []
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Those who make the nominations are supposed to remain secret for 50 years. Therefore the prime minister of Japan will neither confirm or deny he nominated Trump. I figure it was a move to pander to an egoist.
Truth. Addicts need alternatives.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Jesus! I need to get stoned.
Grammar, Bitches!
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Pointless repeated use of the word "fucking."
If even a quarter of this is true, this could be the legal noose around Trump and his acolytes ...
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
When the final appeal to these charges are in, Trump will have died of old age.
I’ve experienced this: “But you’re ethical, so how can you not believe in God?”
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
I had an unusually kind and generous uncle who went to the grave with the locals arguing he could not possibly be an atheist.
I resemble this remark
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
My cat will hide should you visit.
[] Peope who cry during movies are the strongest people of all?
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
As one ages, one becomes more prone to cry at movies. Judging from the responses, there's a lot of crying geezers in this crowd.
Is dating again after marriage like dating your mom or dad?
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 20, 2019:
"I want a gal, just like the gal who married dear old dad." -- lyrics by Oedipus Rex. If this was Facebook, nobody would get that joke.
Getting a haircut tomorrow any suggestions?
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Get the same haircut as that of Adam Conover (Adam Ruins Everything). Get a bottle of hair spray while you are at it. Did you know he has a podcast?
The Proctologist fainted.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Just intermission this morning
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Either way her hairdo is badly done.
Creation "science".
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 20, 2019:
I was created on the 8th day. The Lord said "Lo! Strike that one from the record."
NICKY-TAM(S) - Noun.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Shorts and helmed pants are unknown in Scotland?
How important is honesty to you?
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Do I **want** to be told I'm fat? Is it appro to tell people they're fat? Sure, I want to hear from a date that she's **only** going out with me because she doesn't want to cook, doesn't want to pay for the movie and is loath to indulge in any affection behavior because I'm an ugly muggly so she's masturbated before I showed up. No finger licking allowed. There are limits to honesty. Petunia (insignificant other) loves it when I refer to her butt as tiny. Lies, lies, lies. Sounds better than telling the truth and the lie doesn't hurt her feelings. If everyone was honest, we couldn't stand each other.
Common sense
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Fools only learn from the dear school of experience.
No context. Just this.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Something different for dinner.
Going Dank & Dark for a "spell"! CW! CW! for the next bunch!
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Considering how wordy tattoos are, a disappointingly brief visit for her.
Oh my gosh!!!! This!!! []
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 20, 2019:
I still want a taco truck on all the street corners.
If there were either one anyway. ??
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Worse, it supports Trump.
She's all grown up!
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 20, 2019:
I'm as pure as the driven slush -- May West (RIP)
Canadian winter
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Meanwhile, here in Seneca, SC, we're having an outbreak of daffodils and azaleas. Petunia has been out buying a swim suit. She's a little ahead of the curve.
More snow tomorrow...tell me why I didn't go to Fla with my daughter
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 19, 2019:
A fear of sweating to death? Here in my part of the planet I'm going to have to get the mower fixed. The daffodils are in bloom. It rarely snows here. is the question...WHO do you all want to see on the 2020 Democratic Ticket?...President/VP
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 19, 2019:
So far, there are over 500 people who have declared themselves in the running but only a handful of them are considered serious enough to start raising money.
Made my " morning ". ??? []
WonderWartHog99 comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Randy Rainbow is magnificent and **such** a Mary.


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Him and his ilk are my summer companions.
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