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MAGA Politician George Santos Admits ‘Embellishing’ His Resume After two New York Times ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Dec 28, 2022:
He's not the only one up there like this. I don't care which party, boot his ass out. I'd say the same of ALL Democratic politicians caught lying on any ONE significant point. Our government is being destabilized by liars and people making excuses for them. This has become a matter of national ...
anglophone replies on Dec 29, 2022:
@MizJ Thanks for the insight into dem Dems. They seem to make fewer headlines in the Land of the Convict.
MAGA Politician George Santos Admits ‘Embellishing’ His Resume After two New York Times ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Dec 28, 2022:
He's not the only one up there like this. I don't care which party, boot his ass out. I'd say the same of ALL Democratic politicians caught lying on any ONE significant point. Our government is being destabilized by liars and people making excuses for them. This has become a matter of national ...
anglophone replies on Dec 29, 2022:
@MizJ Agreed. I see Rethuglicans and corporations as being symbiotic in their combined objectives of widening the wealth gap, the health gap and the education gap. I do not see cleaning up the campaign financing or the lobbying as happening unless and until the Rethuglicans are thrown out of Congress and thereby prevented from subverting the Constitution for their own venal ends.
I would not normally do this but I am so sickened by a comment made in answer to one of my comments ...
anglophone comments on Dec 28, 2022:
I have no time for @TheMiddleWay. He appears to have blocked me on both my main account and my silent account. He has less mental capacity than an inebriated paramecium (and he imagines that he is very clever - he suffers from a debilitating level of the Dunning-Kruger effect).
anglophone replies on Dec 28, 2022:
@skado Thanks for the heads up.
I would not normally do this but I am so sickened by a comment made in answer to one of my comments ...
Redheadedgammy comments on Sep 20, 2022:
Unbelievable comment by that member! 😡
anglophone replies on Dec 28, 2022:
My experience of @TheMiddleWay is that he is both emotionally a disaster area and cognitively a disaster area. I am sorry to hear that you have been raped, and it says a lot about him, all of it bad, that he would rape you to drive home his non-existent point.
I would not normally do this but I am so sickened by a comment made in answer to one of my comments ...
Emme comments on Dec 26, 2022:
There is something seriously wrong with that man. Theres not enough soap to wash that out of my eyes & scrub my brain.. Line his mom up for the rape fest 1st.something does need to be done about that/him. I'm so sorry that happened to you. 😔 ...and let me just take note of who's all for trying ...
anglophone replies on Dec 28, 2022:
You might wish to read my assessment of him two comments up.
Naturalists’ commitment to science isn’t a matter of faith, it’s based on experience – the ...
Robecology comments on Dec 28, 2022:
There's different degrees of "faith" in science. To some extent - you simply have to "believe" that the experiment proved the point. When you read research, you learn that experiments were done to prove a point. The Steps are clear...and obviously repeatable. Better presentations have ...
anglophone replies on Dec 28, 2022:
@Robecology Science never proves anything. Proof exists in mathematics, and even those proofs can be wrong. See for example Cauchy's Famous Wrong Proof, and Wiles' initial error in his proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. (On a frivolous note, proof also exists in liquor and numismatics, but I digress.) Newton's Laws of Motion were well supported by evidence, and perhaps considered by those who do not know any better, that such evidence "proved" his Laws. That was until Michelson and Morley came along and upset his apple cart. Einstein's ideas were initially considered as absurd, but they have turned out to be a better description of the natural world than Newton's description. The foregoing utilises the idea of "the weight of evidence". The weight of evidence idea also applies to the existence of phlogiston, to smoking and lung cancer, and to the behaviour of gasses and the associated anthropogenic global warming. Does this start to answer your question?
Naturalists’ commitment to science isn’t a matter of faith, it’s based on experience – the ...
Robecology comments on Dec 28, 2022:
There's different degrees of "faith" in science. To some extent - you simply have to "believe" that the experiment proved the point. When you read research, you learn that experiments were done to prove a point. The Steps are clear...and obviously repeatable. Better presentations have ...
anglophone replies on Dec 28, 2022:
My world view is evidence based, not proof based. I cannot engage with your reasoning.
I find this graphic powerful
Ryo1 comments on Dec 28, 2022:
A bit like Lucy, who was the oldest, most complete hominin skeleton ever discovered. She was evidence that bipedalism evolved before large modern-human sized brains evolved; and her discovery supported the scientific view that human evolution was a gradual process. Those religious ideologies were ...
anglophone replies on Dec 28, 2022:
@Ryo1 Nah, I cannot be bothered.
I shall proceed carefully...
anglophone comments on Dec 28, 2022:
There is no way that I could support the weight of a woman's body on my penis like that!
anglophone replies on Dec 28, 2022:
@Betty Hmm. What passes for my mind has just gone into overdrive.
I shall proceed carefully...
anglophone comments on Dec 28, 2022:
There is no way that I could support the weight of a woman's body on my penis like that!
anglophone replies on Dec 28, 2022:
@Betty I see that you like to keep a grip on things. :)
I shall proceed carefully...
anglophone comments on Dec 28, 2022:
There is no way that I could support the weight of a woman's body on my penis like that!
anglophone replies on Dec 28, 2022:
@Betty NO! (And unhand me, woman! ;) )
Republican George Santos admits lying on his CV: [bbc.
zeuser comments on Dec 27, 2022:
They are going to go after him for wire fraud on the theory that he misrepresented himself on a website to solicit donations. Sounds like a good case. The dems want him expelled from the house, but it would take a 2/3 vote of the full house, and the reps are not only tolerant of blatant liars, but ...
anglophone replies on Dec 28, 2022:
@glennlab Shades of Richard Milhous Nixon!
I find this graphic powerful
Ryo1 comments on Dec 28, 2022:
A bit like Lucy, who was the oldest, most complete hominin skeleton ever discovered. She was evidence that bipedalism evolved before large modern-human sized brains evolved; and her discovery supported the scientific view that human evolution was a gradual process. Those religious ideologies were ...
anglophone replies on Dec 28, 2022:
@Ryo1 Their pre-frontal cortices remain as undeveloped as Lucy of Olduvai from 3 million years ago.
Generally, most of the men in the world today are suffering from problems like erectile dysfunction ...
barjoe comments on Dec 28, 2022:
Cenforce25? Is that the same as Mycoxaflopin?
anglophone replies on Dec 28, 2022:
Somebody I know has sent a vitriolic email about the wanker to the manufacturer.
Generally, most of the men in the world today are suffering from problems like erectile dysfunction ...
anglophone comments on Dec 28, 2022:
You can take your useless flaccid penis and shove it where the sun doesn't shine, sunshine! And speak for yourself, you arrogant prick!
anglophone replies on Dec 28, 2022:
@Ryo1 Yes, by malicious intent! ;)
Generally, most of the men in the world today are suffering from problems like erectile dysfunction ...
Ryo1 comments on Dec 28, 2022:
How's your sales going?
anglophone replies on Dec 28, 2022:
Like a severe case of brewer's droop!
MAGA Politician George Santos Admits ‘Embellishing’ His Resume After two New York Times ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Dec 28, 2022:
He's not the only one up there like this. I don't care which party, boot his ass out. I'd say the same of ALL Democratic politicians caught lying on any ONE significant point. Our government is being destabilized by liars and people making excuses for them. This has become a matter of national ...
anglophone replies on Dec 28, 2022:
The Rethuglicans are hell-bent on packing Congress with self-seeking arrogant lying a$$holes. Government of the people, by the a$$holes, for the a$$holes!
Republican George Santos admits lying on his CV: [bbc.
silverotter11 comments on Dec 27, 2022:
Many in the gop were aware of his fake credentials and went along without saying one word. The dems are not being vocal enough about this, you know if the tables were turned and it was a dem pulling this lying shit it's front page news nationwide, above the fold and tucker would come unglued.
anglophone replies on Dec 27, 2022:
Welcome to the double standards and double think of the Rethuglican party.
Persecution fetish 5. I went to Trump U
MerlinZap comments on Dec 26, 2022:
She thinks somehow all that ugly on the inside is hidden.
anglophone replies on Dec 26, 2022:
@Betty YES!
Persecution fetish 5. I went to Trump U
MerlinZap comments on Dec 26, 2022:
She thinks somehow all that ugly on the inside is hidden.
anglophone replies on Dec 26, 2022:
She thinks? Well, good heavens above! ;)
KS lawmaker behind 'In God We Trust' bill found guilty of COVID relief fraud
Oldman51 comments on Dec 26, 2022:
The biggest crooks I know are good bible thumper.
anglophone replies on Dec 26, 2022:
To the word crook I would add the words liar, deceiver, bastard, a$$hole, wretch and Rethuglican.
Pope Francis says world suffering a 'famine of peace' []
anglophone comments on Dec 26, 2022:
Thank you Francis for spelling out the bleeding fucking obvious! Haven't you got anything better to do with your time than sponge off the millions of poor people that inhabit this planet of ours and mouth meaningless platitudes at everybody?
anglophone replies on Dec 26, 2022:
P.S. Pope Francis has done nothing to address the stench of corruption, deception and lies that bedevils the Roman Catholic Church. Unless and until he does something to eliminate that stench he is no position to lecture anybody else about the evils that exist in this world.
Power stations attacked in Tacoma
anglophone comments on Dec 26, 2022:
Attackers put bullets into power equipment? Put bullets into the attackers.
anglophone replies on Dec 26, 2022:
@PondartIncbendog I cannot understand the mentality of such people.
KS lawmaker behind 'In God We Trust' bill found guilty of COVID relief fraud
anglophone comments on Dec 25, 2022:
Words to describe Michael Capps: liar, bigot, a$$hole, vermin, bastard, shitstain, evil, bully, prejudiced, egomaniac, thief, fraudster, zealot, Rethuglican.
anglophone replies on Dec 25, 2022:
@HippieChick58 Vengeful against that vile piece of shit!
What it should be is the first item which would lead to Atheism but what it is in fact is the second...
Normanbites comments on Dec 25, 2022:
That would be great. There would be no reason to pester the disinterested with it then, would there?
anglophone replies on Dec 25, 2022:
Zealots, like the poor, will be forever with us.
May all your wishes come true. Wait, not you tubby.🤭
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 24, 2022:
I am hoping he gets a new home, one with crappy beds and lots of close friends... very close.
anglophone replies on Dec 25, 2022:
Penetratingly close, perhaps?
If you created the higher power "government " which is imaginary and followed its orders OR You ...
AtheistInNC comments on Dec 24, 2022:
If you laid golden eggs would telephone poles have doors?
anglophone replies on Dec 24, 2022:
The microcephalic that is @Sailer has seen fit to block me, LOL!
Jan 6 committee concludes Trump fomented insurrection: []
Betty comments on Dec 22, 2022:
Trump will just continue to deny his crimes and use any means at his disposal to intimidate and pressure anyone who can contradict or cause him to be charged/convicted.
anglophone replies on Dec 24, 2022:
@joeandbarb @Betty "Well, bugger me!" ;)
Mathematics Assignment Help UK by Professional | Archlite
waitingforgodo comments on Dec 24, 2022:
If they "can't help themselves with math assignments" then it would be best if they changed courses.
anglophone replies on Dec 24, 2022:
I have no time for either spammers or cheats.
I've got the super tub of popcorn, a case of beer and a compfy blanket to snuggle in.
OldGoat43 comments on Dec 23, 2022:
How many fellow citizens will join me in protest if they don't prosecute the orange asshole ?
anglophone replies on Dec 23, 2022:
I think things have reached the point where the DOJ knows that its credibility will be destroyed if it fails to prosecute Trumpty Dumpty.
Sean Hannity admits in deposition he didn’t believe Trump voter fraud claims | The Hill
Petter comments on Dec 23, 2022:
Hammer the liars.
anglophone replies on Dec 23, 2022:
Don't just hammer them. Make them bankrupt and destroy them thereby.
European countries utilize roundabouts much more often than we do.
johan17 comments on Dec 22, 2022:
Roundabouts are great in many situations but fall down dismally in times of very high traffic volumes, such as peak hour work traffic. If you have bumper to bumper cars all feeding into one large roundabout it can cause a massive tail back as traffic moves into the roundabout at slow, but in ...
anglophone replies on Dec 23, 2022:
I think I may have seen such traffic light controlled roundabouts.
Kind of a holiday mash up; Enjoy.
joeandbarb comments on Dec 23, 2022:
Ted Cruise will find a way to leave and once again he will blame it on his daughters. Then he will wonder why they are suicidal and have started cutting themselves.
anglophone replies on Dec 23, 2022:
P.S. Are you trying to tell me that he cares about his daughters?
Kind of a holiday mash up; Enjoy.
joeandbarb comments on Dec 23, 2022:
Ted Cruise will find a way to leave and once again he will blame it on his daughters. Then he will wonder why they are suicidal and have started cutting themselves.
anglophone replies on Dec 23, 2022:
I have no time for psychopaths.
MAGA-Lardo: The show ain't over 'til the fat man sings!
TheDoubter comments on Dec 23, 2022:
i want to hear that falsetto
anglophone replies on Dec 23, 2022:
Likewise here! (Or should that be "Likewise hear!"? ;) )
Jan 6 committee concludes Trump fomented insurrection: []
Betty comments on Dec 22, 2022:
Trump will just continue to deny his crimes and use any means at his disposal to intimidate and pressure anyone who can contradict or cause him to be charged/convicted.
anglophone replies on Dec 22, 2022:
I can see it reaching SCOTUS if he lives that long.
Judge orders "The Church at (protested in front of) Planned Parenthood" to pay $110,000 in damages
ChrisAine comments on Dec 22, 2022:
Oh how good it feels to be the one standing on higher moral ground until that stand is fined for intruding on other's freedoms.. 😁 The fine should've been doubled..
anglophone replies on Dec 22, 2022:
If such people imagine that they stand on higher moral ground, then I would point out that the Taliban also imagine that they stand on higher moral ground.
Get the Pine-Sol ready.
Appleriver comments on Dec 20, 2022:
I vote the ketchup should rebel and toss trump against the wall.
anglophone replies on Dec 22, 2022:
Should he be treated in much the same way as the Duke of Clarence but in a butt of tomato ketchup? (with my apologies to the Bard of Stratford-upon-Avon)
Pastor Greg Locke Says Family Threatened by 'Witchcraft-Practicing Psycho'
Betty comments on Dec 22, 2022:
2.2 million stupid people follow this psycho.
anglophone replies on Dec 22, 2022:
And there is no known vaccine for stupidity. :(
Trumpty Dumpty portrays himself as a successful businessman. He was losing money: []
LucyLoohoo comments on Dec 21, 2022:
Interesting....if he overstated his losses with the same braggadocio as his ''successes''....
anglophone replies on Dec 21, 2022:
It would not surprise me in the slightest if he has done so.
Trumpty Dumpty portrays himself as a successful businessman. He was losing money: []
TheDoubter comments on Dec 21, 2022:
independent info is different
anglophone replies on Dec 21, 2022:
Wishing everyone in the site a Happy Winter Solstice.
barjoe comments on Dec 21, 2022:
To those who's toilets flush backwards enjoy the longest day of the year.
anglophone replies on Dec 21, 2022:
@barjoe I know, I was only teasing you. ;) On a more serious note, I understand that water and plugholes is more complicated than just the Coriolis effect.
It looks as if an incoming Rethuglican, George Santos, has been a naughty boy: [bbc.
NHjulie comments on Dec 21, 2022:
How did this not get revealed before the election?
anglophone replies on Dec 21, 2022:
George Santos probably paid hush money to many people.
Wishing everyone in the site a Happy Winter Solstice.
barjoe comments on Dec 21, 2022:
To those who's toilets flush backwards enjoy the longest day of the year.
anglophone replies on Dec 21, 2022:
The idea of a toilet flushing backwards. Hmm. Sewage coming out at high speed and spreading itself all across my chin and face. Hmm. (And yes, I have a perverse sense of humour.)
Get the Pine-Sol ready.
OldGoat43 comments on Dec 20, 2022:
At least he's not still in the White House. He pays for the clean up now.
anglophone replies on Dec 21, 2022:
@OldGoat43 Uh-huh.
This dumbass doesn't know his impeachment was not a criminal proceeding?
Redheadedgammy comments on Dec 21, 2022:
The National Prayer Breakfast remarks tell you everything you need to know about both of those men. How low we fell as a Nation when trump was elected.
anglophone replies on Dec 21, 2022:
And yet there are those that would keep digging the hole even deeper.
It looks as if an incoming Rethuglican, George Santos, has been a naughty boy: [bbc.
Redheadedgammy comments on Dec 21, 2022:
No shame whatsoever at the lies he has told. WTF??????
anglophone replies on Dec 21, 2022:
That's what comes of being a shameless git.
It looks as if an incoming Rethuglican, George Santos, has been a naughty boy: [bbc.
Appleriver comments on Dec 20, 2022:
And yet he is still retaining his seat. He should be kicked out. I swear, over the past several years ethics, telling the truth and being qualified to hold office mean absolutely nothing anymore. If Charles Manson was alive he could run for President and serve from prison.
anglophone replies on Dec 20, 2022:
Did he say he could commit murder and still serve as POTUS?
Get the Pine-Sol ready.
OldGoat43 comments on Dec 20, 2022:
At least he's not still in the White House. He pays for the clean up now.
anglophone replies on Dec 20, 2022:
Um, I don't think so. He has a long history of refusing to pay invoices. (But I like the way you think. :) )
It looks as if an incoming Rethuglican, George Santos, has been a naughty boy: [bbc.
AnneWimsey comments on Dec 20, 2022:
SHOCKED!!!!! I am Sooooo Shocked!!!!!! You?
anglophone replies on Dec 20, 2022:
I am not in the slightest bit surprised. I refuse employment to all such lying shits.
This dumbass doesn't know his impeachment was not a criminal proceeding?
LucyLoohoo comments on Dec 20, 2022:
Why in HELL we need such a pandering, sanctimonious affair is beyond me. I was referring to the prayer breakfast....
anglophone replies on Dec 20, 2022:
He duped millions of voters. He panders to their fears, not to their hopes and aspirations.
This dumbass doesn't know his impeachment was not a criminal proceeding?
DharmaBum50 comments on Dec 20, 2022:
I wish the National Prayer Breakfast were abolished entirely, but the contrast between tЯump and his predecessor is summed up nicely in those remarks. How far we fell on January 20, 2017!
anglophone replies on Dec 20, 2022:
And Swampy McSwampy is doing all he can to dig that hole even deeper. :(
This dumbass doesn't know his impeachment was not a criminal proceeding?
glennlab comments on Dec 20, 2022:
I don't think even the law school drop outs that he hires would make that double jeopardy argument, no matter how much he promised to pay them.
anglophone replies on Dec 20, 2022:
@Betty And I chose my emoji response to your words with care! ;)
This dumbass doesn't know his impeachment was not a criminal proceeding?
glennlab comments on Dec 20, 2022:
I don't think even the law school drop outs that he hires would make that double jeopardy argument, no matter how much he promised to pay them.
anglophone replies on Dec 20, 2022:
@glennlab I like your analysis.
This dumbass doesn't know his impeachment was not a criminal proceeding?
glennlab comments on Dec 20, 2022:
I don't think even the law school drop outs that he hires would make that double jeopardy argument, no matter how much he promised to pay them.
anglophone replies on Dec 20, 2022:
@glennlab Do you reckon the "Stable Genius" would be able to keep his trap shut, or might he start shouting "Kangaroo Court!" at everybody?
This dumbass doesn't know his impeachment was not a criminal proceeding?
glennlab comments on Dec 20, 2022:
I don't think even the law school drop outs that he hires would make that double jeopardy argument, no matter how much he promised to pay them.
anglophone replies on Dec 20, 2022:
I hope the DOJ decides to proceed against him. If it does, I look forward to seeing him screaming and squirming in the witness box.
"Find me those extra votes!" he screamed.
LucyLoohoo comments on Dec 19, 2022:
Is there a group here for pustule supporters? (Too lazy to look.)
anglophone replies on Dec 19, 2022:
@LucyLoohoo Try . I cannot see it from my regular account, getting the message "Group Conservative Atheists is not available".
"Find me those extra votes!" he screamed.
LucyLoohoo comments on Dec 19, 2022:
Is there a group here for pustule supporters? (Too lazy to look.)
anglophone replies on Dec 19, 2022:
Unsure, but you might want to look at the Conservative Atheists group (from which I have been banned).
"He said something along the lines of, 'Nobody will care about my legacy if I lose, so that won't ...
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2022:
Who's the biggest loser
anglophone replies on Dec 19, 2022:
Yes, that's about the size of it.
In the Atheist/Agnostic community, I'm thinking there are two main schools of thought on Jesus.
Betty comments on Dec 18, 2022:
Whether he existed or not doesn't matter to me. Some of the stories have moral value and some are just way out there.
anglophone replies on Dec 18, 2022:
Awe, you mean to tell me that you disapprove of incest? How frightfully naughty of you. See Genesis 19:35-36. Hint: it's Lot and his two daughters. ;) (Yes, I had to look it up.)
This is what happens when disadvantaged youth gets neglected by government: []
racocn8 comments on Dec 17, 2022:
Please note the article says most of the youths are indigenous.
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
The Indigenous people in this country get a consistently raw deal from those in power. Australians are still waking up to the entrenched racism in our government.
This is what happens when disadvantaged youth gets neglected by government: []
Betty comments on Dec 17, 2022:
That is so sad. :(
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
@Betty And the importance of adequate funding seems to be lost on the decision makers. Cut $100,000 from the support service, and see $1,000,000 direct additional consequent cost elsewhere.
This is what happens when disadvantaged youth gets neglected by government: []
Betty comments on Dec 17, 2022:
That is so sad. :(
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
What really gives me the shits is that the politicians appear to not give a damn.
Whats the difference between a man made God and a man made government?
Betty comments on Dec 16, 2022:
Really! You have to be kidding.
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
@Betty 10 to 1 on @Sailer leaving in less than seven days from now. (Okay @Sailer, that is my challenge to you: can you tolerate being subject such intense scrutiny for that long?)
Whats the difference between a man made God and a man made government?
Betty comments on Dec 16, 2022:
Really! You have to be kidding.
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
@Betty I think you are right. I have seen his type before, and almost all of them have quit in a rage. /@Sailer
Whats the difference between a man made God and a man made government?
Betty comments on Dec 16, 2022:
Really! You have to be kidding.
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
@Betty I will do my best, and I could name a few other members who will doubtless assist. (Are you listening, @Sailer?)
Whats the difference between a man made God and a man made government?
Betty comments on Dec 16, 2022:
Really! You have to be kidding.
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
@Betty I almost (but not quite) feel sorry for @Sailer. He has no idea what he is up against, and I can already see him quitting this site while screaming in outrage, this in exactly the same way as all who are like him have already come and gone from here.
Whats the difference between a man made God and a man made government?
Fernapple comments on Dec 17, 2022:
When nobody claims that government is infallible, and you can change it if you don't think it is good enough, then those are two big differences, and it is usually called democracy. While claiming that the government is infallible is called totalitarian, and then there are no big differences.
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
@rainmanjr I adore @Sailer's stupendous foolishness. /@Betty @Fernapple
Whats the difference between a man made God and a man made government?
David1955 comments on Dec 16, 2022:
Congratulations. You win the prize for the silliest question asked by a newbie on this site. Minus 5000 points to you.
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
@Sailer You are here to save me from my delusions? Oh, you poor arrogant dirty little asswipe. I should fee sorry for you, but I don't. /@Betty.
Whats the difference between a man made God and a man made government?
anglophone comments on Dec 16, 2022:
The first is imaginary and the second is not.
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
@Sailer Your absurdity amuses me, as do your debilitating defects of personality and catastrophic failures of cognition.
Whats the difference between a man made God and a man made government?
Betty comments on Dec 16, 2022:
Really! You have to be kidding.
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
@Betty I suggest a truckload of popcorn.
More Brokey-Man Cards
glennlab comments on Dec 17, 2022:
I used to think the only taste he had was in his mouth, but then I saw what he eats.
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
Nothing like a good temper tantrum and throwing your food at the wall! ;) When did he last have his diaper changed?
His skin is so thin that I'm surprised e doesn't bleed to death.
bookofmorons comments on Dec 17, 2022:
Can't wait for the whole thing to collapse. I'm about one more racist tweet away from sayin Adios Twitter
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
I have already been unceremoniously booted out of Twitter.
This has so many levels of oops, I did it again.
joeandbarb comments on Dec 17, 2022:
I'm always ready for some fresh red snapper!
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
A.k.a vagina dentata?
If you created the higher power "government " which is imaginary and followed its orders OR You ...
ASTRALMAX comments on Dec 17, 2022:
I guess that you take great comfort in your belief that everything is a matter of belief.
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
I think @Sailer would benefit greatly if he was to seek the services of a professional psychologist as a matter of urgency.
If you created the higher power "government " which is imaginary and followed its orders OR You ...
David1955 comments on Dec 17, 2022:
No better than your first feeble laughable effort. Let me guess: soon you'll be flinging words around like 'socialism' and 'Marxism' and 'Communism' and other words you read on the back of a cornflakes packet. There's a group on this site for so-called Conservatives. Plenty of room there for...
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
Aw, please no. @Sailer promises to be a great source of amusement, this where he is the butt of his own jokes! ;)
If you created the higher power "government " which is imaginary and followed its orders OR You ...
Fernapple comments on Dec 17, 2022:
God is a word without fixed meaning, it can mean anything you want it to. Therefore there would be no difference between a higher power government and a god, they are the same thing. Just as if you overvalue and over respect them, you can make the equivalent of a god, and therefore a true god, out ...
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
As I have said to @LovinLarge, I have no time for @Sailer's mental masturbation.
If you created the higher power "government " which is imaginary and followed its orders OR You ...
LovinLarge comments on Dec 17, 2022:
I take it English is not your first language.
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
I have no time for @Sailer's mental masturbation.
Whats the difference between a man made God and a man made government?
Fernapple comments on Dec 17, 2022:
When nobody claims that government is infallible, and you can change it if you don't think it is good enough, then those are two big differences, and it is usually called democracy. While claiming that the government is infallible is called totalitarian, and then there are no big differences.
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
Hey everybody, let's welcome @Sailer the Magnificent Joke to this site! (Please excuse me while I roll on the floor laughing my fucking ass off.) /@Betty @LovinLarge
Whats the difference between a man made God and a man made government?
David1955 comments on Dec 16, 2022:
Congratulations. You win the prize for the silliest question asked by a newbie on this site. Minus 5000 points to you.
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
@Sailer And you are a loser.
Whats the difference between a man made God and a man made government?
Betty comments on Dec 16, 2022:
Really! You have to be kidding.
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
@Betty As I have said to @LovinLarge, I am going to enjoy running @Sailer ragged with his own absurdity. It might not take long to make him so full of his own sh!t that that he quits this site.
Whats the difference between a man made God and a man made government?
LovinLarge comments on Dec 16, 2022:
Are you suggesting that a nation of 340 million people can adequately organize themselves without some form of framework? If so, please feel free to make your way directly to the Delusional Conservative Atheists group. Also, it's the 21st century and high time to adopt gender inclusive language....
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
@LovinLarge I am going to enjoy running @Sailer ragged for his absurdity.
Whats the difference between a man made God and a man made government?
anglophone comments on Dec 16, 2022:
The first is imaginary and the second is not.
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
@Sailer I offer you Congress, and the Parliaments of England, Scotland, Wales, New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia by way of proof. Show Me proof of the existence of the Internet! (See, two people can play at the game of Silly Buggers.)
Whats the difference between a man made God and a man made government?
barjoe comments on Dec 16, 2022:
Government is real. God is a fairy tale for fools.
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
"God is a fairy tale for fools." YES!
Got a hold of the extra special rare Trump NFT trading cards
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 16, 2022:
Is there a YMCA version?
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
Is there a GMCA (Geriatric Men's Christian Association) version?
An Iowa construction worker and QAnon follower has been sentenced to five years in prison for his ...
zeuser comments on Dec 16, 2022:
Well, he did it, caught red-handed, dead-to-rights.
anglophone replies on Dec 17, 2022:
I cannot comprehend the mindset of any conspiracy theorist. Despite having no rational basis, I get the feeling that all the conspiracy theorists of the world are conspiring to remove all sane and thinking people from the world.
Whats the difference between a man made God and a man made government?
Word comments on Dec 16, 2022:
Ruler is just another word for God in view of biblical text style God. God semantics: Biblical "god" is a title nomenclature for something in position of hierarchy like king, president, ruler, valedictorian. The top position(s) in a hierarchy is the God position(s) for those things to be ...
anglophone replies on Dec 16, 2022:
@Betty @Beowulfsfriend I regard BDair as infamous for his insanity.
Faithless feeling: Does a lack of religion really 'knock color out of life'?
MacStriker comments on Dec 16, 2022:
"love" how they dedicate a good portion of the article to the 'angry-atheist' As Ricky Gervais said, with added parentheses "angry": > "There are good and bad (angry) atheists. There are good and bad (angry) believers. A cunt is a cunt and no god so far has ever been able to change that."
anglophone replies on Dec 16, 2022:
@rainmanjr I see the USA as becoming increasingly angry as right-wing people feel more and more threatened by those who are capable of cognitive flexibility.
Got a hold of the extra special rare Trump NFT trading cards
anglophone comments on Dec 16, 2022:
P.S. "Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's SUPERTURD!"
anglophone replies on Dec 16, 2022:
@Betty Now, my darling, how could you be so rotten as to say that of me? ;)
This seems to be all the talk today
DenoPenno comments on Dec 16, 2022:
I like the Donald Dump one. Donald should be dumped.
anglophone replies on Dec 16, 2022:
Can I Dump on Donald, please?
I'm torn between laughing or vomiting.
anglophone comments on Dec 16, 2022:
To answer your question, and at a guess, perhaps the 20 million morons who still regard him as a hero.
anglophone replies on Dec 16, 2022:
@Redheadedgammy Looking at the proportion of the population that voted for Swampy McSwampy, and then reducing that figure by more than 50%, coupled with the support for him that still appears to exist, points me in the direction of 20 million.
Glad I got my account up at Twitter is going down the toilet []
zeuser comments on Dec 16, 2022:
Hey Elon, banjo-faced apartheid nazi says what?
anglophone replies on Dec 16, 2022:
Musky Baby says "Fuck the lot of you!".
Glad I got my account up at Twitter is going down the toilet []
mcgeo52 comments on Dec 15, 2022:
Musk claimed he was taking over Twitter in the name of free speech. Right?
anglophone replies on Dec 16, 2022:
It would be grievously wrong to accuse Elon Muck of using his grey cell.
One of the magic roundabouts in the UK. A nightmarish image for Americans. 😆
Garban comments on Dec 15, 2022:
Americans would go 50 miles out of their way to avoid that.
anglophone replies on Dec 16, 2022:
Then they are prize wimps!
David DePape, a face of evil: []
chalupacabre comments on Dec 15, 2022:
He's a bright bulb, ain't he? Enters a plea of not guilty, while elaborating what he wanted to do, to whom he wanted to do it, and what he was able to do. Should we bother with stopwatches once deliberation begins?
anglophone replies on Dec 15, 2022:
I love the way you have juxtaposed those facts. :)
MAGA Pastor Urges Direct Voting for US Senators be Abolished Because Democrats Win Right Wing ...
anglophone comments on Dec 15, 2022:
There is no cure for stupidity. There is no cure for a$$holes.
anglophone replies on Dec 15, 2022:
P.S. Those who have an issue with *vox populi* are best described as arrogant scoundrels.
David DePape, a face of evil: []
LucyLoohoo comments on Dec 15, 2022:
Not to veer off the subject too of Nancy Pelosi's daughters is a documentary maker and has done one on her mother. If you get a chance...see it. Nancy's husband often shows up. He seems to be a quiet, sweet man. It really brought home this VICIOUS attack!
anglophone replies on Dec 15, 2022:
Thank you for sharing that.
Perfect send off for this year.
PondartIncbendog comments on Dec 15, 2022:
Flake in a cake?
anglophone replies on Dec 15, 2022:
A bimbo bun?
David DePape, a face of evil: []
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 14, 2022:
You will be comforted to know after his 15 minutes of fame and has done some time, he will be out in the community on parole.
anglophone replies on Dec 15, 2022:
Thanks for the comfort, cold though it is.
David DePape, a face of evil: []
Sticks48 comments on Dec 14, 2022:
At least there will be one less of the really, really, really, really stupid on the street.
anglophone replies on Dec 14, 2022:
Really stupid people I can tolerate. Dangerously stupid people I cannot, and he is very clearly dangerously stupid.
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